Dear Red Angus Friends
Dear Red Angus Friends
Dear Red Angus Friends, This sale represents the best of the best from Perks Ranch. We are proud to offer to you, outstanding bred heifers and bred cows that carry potential show winning calves and potential Herd Sires. We also are proud to offer some of the best heifer calves that we have ever raised. This year we are also pleased to offer a Herd Bull prospect that has the physical attributes and the genetic punch to enhance beef cattle performance in any herd! Since purchasing our foundation Red Angus females from VonForell in 1997, Perks Ranch has been committed to raising efficient beef cattle by selecting herd sires and retaining females that produce better performing cattle. This herd has demonstrated, and documented results of better feed conversion, carcass traits, mothering and forage ability with the best of all breeds. As we selected this year’s sale lots, we have become excited to share these genetics and young cattle with you, since we sincerely believe that they do offer something special and of value to any serious cattle person. We are encouraged by the results we see in our pastures, and want this offering to continue the pace of change for you. We are also pleased to have the Karweik’s involved with us and think their offering will add additional interest and opportunity to our Red Angus friends. So please join us November 1st to enjoy time with fellow cattlemen, and make a selection for herd improvement and operation efficiency! Best Regards, The Karweiks Mike, Kim, Vincent, Celia, Ellie Hopkins, Michigan 269.793.3089 • Cell: 616.293.6019 Fleshing Ability ● Adaptability ● Udder Quality ● Smooth Striding ● Elite ● Longevity Craig Crutcher, manager 12526 N. Weldon Rd. Rockford, IL 61102 815.335-2824 • Cell: 815.289-2855 Calving Ease ● Performance ● Fertility ● Efficiency ● Functionality The Walnut Springs Farms family welcomes you to our 1st Annual Production sale with Perks Ranch. We are honored to be a part of this event with Doug, Craig and the rest of the Perks Ranch family. We invite you to study and scrutinize each lot being offered on November 1. Each lot in this sale represents cow families and genetics we believe in and continue to promote within our own herds. We believe a sound breeding program, stringent selection criteria and a critical culling program are paramount to identifying the genetic make-up that truly defines a ‘Great Cow Family’. The cattle offered are the ‘Cream of the Crop’. They are truly unique in their combination of all of the traits that make a cow family memorable, including sound structure with a great foot. You probably noticed the numerous traits surrounding our introductory letter. These were all found in the September 2008 ARA magazine describing the Red Angus breed. These also represent the foundation and philosophy of our programs. Raising Red Angus, in fact, raising cattle is a lifestyle choice which requires passion and commitment. Vincent, Celia and Ellie are 4th generation cattle breeders, involved not only in our operation, but also in 4-H, FFA and collegiate livestock judging. Today we are grateful to have been able to pursue our passion of raising ’elite’ cattle with unique and outcross genetics that we believe will add value to any program. The Red Angus breed is emerging as a force to be reckoned with. Red angus bulls are selling at all time highs. Elite Reg Angus females are making their way into other breed programs as foundation cows. The Red Angus breed has met its stride and the cattle offered here are ready to make a mark on your program. The WSF program is solely a family operation that continues to relish the friendships forged throughout the years. We are eternally thankful for all of the assistance our families, friends, and neighbors from all over the US and Canada have provided. We are exceptionally proud and thankful to Vincent, Celia and Ellie, our children and our partners. Please call us, Doug, Craig, Bryan or Kyle with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the sale on November 1. Sincerely, The Karweiks Great Disposition ● Honesty ● Integrity ● Trait Balanced ● Reliable ● Reputation • Proven Doug and Mary Perks Craig and Brenda Crutcher Wade Perks Conformation ● Maternal Traits ● Distinct ● Outcross ● Maternal Heritage Selling 56 Lots of Proven Red Angus Genetics… 3 Future Herd Bulls • 13 Foundation Bred Cows 2 Proven Donor Cows • 20 Bred Yearling Heifers 11 Breed Leading Heifer Calves • 5 Packages of Embryos Perks Chateau 309R Shares Auction Staff: Auctioneer: Kyle Gilchrist Ringmen: Dustin Carter, Livestock Plus 712-898-9972 Dave Geffert, Special Assignment 608-393-6991 Mike Sorenson, Livestock Plus 641-745-7949 Auction Block Commentary: Bryan Mackenzie: 403.627-8266 Catalog by: Jane Adolph 815-244-5456 Photos by: Grant Rolston Photography and Craig Crutcher Sale Day Phones: Kyle Gilchrist: 631-919-1077 Craig Crutcher: 815-289-2855 Kim Karweik: 616-293-4834 Mike Karweik: 616-293-6019 Amy Gilchrist: 631-919-4670 Sale management by: Amy & Kyle Gilchrist 14075 120th Street Douds, IA 52551-8015 office: 641/936-4670 cell: 641/919-1077 A production of Star G Ranch, Inc. Accommodations: A block of rooms have been reserved at the following locations: Marriott Courtyard, 815-397-6222 E. State St., Rockford Super 8, 815-229-5522 E. State St., Rockford Trucking: Due to the uncertainties of livestock carriers, we will try to deliver any cattle within the U.S. for the buyers that need trucking. Cattle will be delivered to a central location. If you need trucking, the cost will be pre-paid at the time you settle for your cattle. We will guarantee the cost for delivery according to the zone you live in. Zone 1, less than 100 miles -$75 Zone 2, 100 to 200 miles - $100 Zone 3, 200 to 300 miles - $150 Zone 4, 300 to 500 miles - $200 Zone 5, 500 to 750 miles - $300 Zone 6, 750 to 1000 miles - $400. Insurance: American Livestock Insurance through Harding & Harding can be arranged through Amy Gilchrist. Schedule of Events: Friday, Oct. 31, 2008 Pre-Sale Cattle Viewing and Steak Fry at Perks Ranch Saturday, Nov. 1, 2008 Complimentary lunch served Sale starts at 1 p.m. Watch and bid online… To view and bid at our auction, visit Click register to create user name and password. Complete banking information. Click apply for bidding and select our auction. High speed internet access required to bid online. For questions or assistance contact: Tami McIntosh at 308-870-3661 or Assisted by: Bryan & Sherry Mackenzie Box 122 Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0 Ph: (403) 627-5676 Cell: (403) 627-8266 E-mail: View catalog online at: 1 From Bryan…. Welcome to the ‘1st Annual Perks Ranch and Walnut Springs Farms Production Sale’ from Mackenzie Management. We are very enthused to be a part of this inaugural event for these two operations. Although having a sale is nothing new for the folks at Perks Ranch, this is certainly ground breaking territory for the Karweik family. Whenever a new event takes place, the planning, the preparation and nervous anticipation can be overwhelming! I am very much amazed at how the whole concecpt is starting to take place. As you browse thru this catalogue and take in the pedigrees, the service information to many new and exciting bulls and finally the pictures, remember, this is a brand new sale and not the 10th annual or the 20th as it may seem. A remarkable set of cattle have been assembled for you to enjoy as either a live spectator at the sale or on the internet or thru the phone lines. There will be something for all involved whether it be a mouthwatering show heifer prospect, a future donor cow or an incredible herd bull prospect. Nothing has been held back and no expense spared in these two Red Angus breeders quest for excellence! I am looking forward to working again on the block doing commentary alongside my good friend Kyle Gilchrist. The sale on November 1 in Rockford, Illinois will be a lot of fun; you’ll have an opportunity at a superb set of sale cattle and we can all share some hospitality with Perks and Walnut Springs. Give me, the sale hosts or Kyle and Amy a call if we can help in any way. Looking forward to seeing you at the sale. Regards, Bryan MacKenzie, MacKenzie Sales Management Introducing… Red Brylor Olivia 2T Our newest foundation female! CAN#: 1391519 RED BRYLOR OLIVAI 2T Calved: 01/11/2007 RED COMPASS MULBERRY 449M RED RAMBO ET 91K RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P RED BRYLOR MISS ROC 20H RED DUS FAYETTE 8G RED SILVEIRAS REDFORD RED MC DOUGALL FAYETTE 59A RED BRYLOR BODASIUS 79K RED T-S OLVIA 706P RED T-S OLIVIA 256L 2 RED TKP BODACIOUS 693 RED BRYLOR CHROK 40X RED BRYLOR NEW TREND 22D RED BRYLOR OLIVIA 3G Tattoo: LMP 2T 1A 100.0% CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 1.0 3.4 49 87 25 50 10 2.0 11 REA Fat ‘The 180 Degree Female’ — Olivia’s pedigree reads like a who’s who. With Mulberry, New Trend and Bodacious in her background, these are the genetics that will turn programs around. At the World Angus Forum Futurity in Canada, she was named the Grand Champion Angus heifer calf in 2007. She won the second leg of the Futurity in Olds in September this year directly out of the pasture, dressed in her working cloths. Genetics, phenotype and performance in one package. Look for exciting offerings from this fabulous female in the future. Red Fine Line Yankee 13T • Lot 1 1 CAN#: 1364847 RED FINE LINE YANKEE 13T Calved: 09/02/2007 Tattoo: NVG 13T 1A 100.0% RED COMPASS MULBERRY 449M RED RAMBO ET 91K RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P RED BRYLOR MISS ROC 20H RED DUS FAYETTE 8G RED SILVEIRAS REDFORD RED MC DOUGALL FAYETTE 59A RED SSS EQUAL 508N RED FINE LINE YANKEE 14R RED T-S YANKEE 303M Bred Heifer Red Fine Line Yankee 14R • Dam of Lot 1 RED SVR COMMANDER 47L RED SSS LARKABA 730F RED PIE DEEP CANYON 908 RED T-S MISS YANKEE 119K CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 4.0 1.6 34 64 18 35 9 3.0 9 REA Fat Selling ½ Interest with possession to remain at WSF. The Karweik family of Hopkins, MI has pulled out all the proverbial stops for their inaugural sale!! When they phoned me to help with the sale and to assist Kyle Gilchrist, they said ‘go nuts’ and take what you need to make it an unbelievable sale offering. Well I do believe that we truly have a heifer in the coveted number 1 pole position today that is maybe…just maybe the most stunning heifer that will be available this fall. She’s a gorgeous daughter of the ‘most talked about bull in the world’, Mulberry 26P. He’s positively been on fire lately with progeny winning shows, topping sales ($7500 heifer calf at the Kickoff Classic and $6400 & $5000 heifer calves at Fehrmans and $19,650 ½ interest bull calf at Schicks). A son was named National Reserve Grand Champion bull as a calf at Fort Worth 2008 and a daughter Champion female at Houston 2008. Her dam was one of the high selling cow calf pairs at the Fine Line dispersal. This was Bryan McKenzies pick of the Mulberry daughters. Yankee will be exhibited at Louisville and Denver. Come partner with Walnut Springs and be involved with a winning Mulberry. AI’d to Red Brylor SDL Squall 230S April 16. Pasture exposed to RED BrylorALC Strong 116S May 15 – June 20. 3 Selling Choice of 4 Mulberry Heifers Lots 2A - 2D Red Fine Line Mulberry 19T • Lot 2A Selling a full ½ interest in one of the following 4 females. Possession to remain at WSF. If the buyer wishes to double down we will retain 10 viable embryos over the course of the chosen female’s lifetime. 2A CAN #:1364851 Red Brylor ALC Karma 20T • Lot 2B RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 19T Calved: 10/02/2007 RED COMPASS MULBERRY 449M RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P RED DUS FAYETTE 8G RED BLUE SPR ROBIN HOOD 104E RED FL FIREFLY 75M RED FINE LINE FIREFLY 26E Bred Heifer Tattoo: NVG 19T RED RAMBO ET 91K RED BRYLOR MISS ROC 20H RED SILVEIRAS REDFORD RED MC DOUGALL FAYETTE 59A 1A 100.0% REA Calved: 01/29/2007 RED BRYLOR NEW TREND 22D RED BRYLOR KARMA 12K RED SHODEREE RAMBA 2F Fat Leading off this fabulous set of 4 Mulberry daughters is 19T. She was the lead off cow/calf pair in the historic Canadian dispersal of VanGaalen’s Fine Line herd last fall. Her dam is now a donor for WSF. She was a $10,000 cow at the sale. AI’d to Karweik 1P, he is a Rob Roy son which sold 1/3 interest for $28,000. AI’d to Red Brylor/WSP Karweik 1P on April 16. Pasture exposed to Red Brylor ALC Strong 116S May 15 - June 20. 4 CAN#: 1395763 RED BRYLOR ALC KARMA 20T RED COMPASS MULBERRY 449M RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P RED DUS FAYETTE 8G RED LMAN ROBIN HOOD 1174B RED SINCLAIR SAMARIA 1U RED THAT’LL DO CONTENDER 16C RED MOOSE CREEK FIREFLY 43X CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 3.0 1.7 44 75 16 38 9 5.0 8 2B Tattoo: LMP 20T RED RAMBO ET 91K RED BRYLOR MISS ROC 20H RED SILVEIRAS REDFORD RED MC DOUGALL FAYETTE 59A Bred Heifer 1A 100.0% SSS BLACK TREND 13B RED MEADOW CK MISS SEAMAN 31A RED LANDMARK 3008 RED SHODEREE RAMBO 201D CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 5.0 0.6 43 76 22 43 10 4.0 10 REA Fat We stepped out and purchased some awesome Mulberry heifers last fall and 20T came from Brylor’s Tradition with A Vision event. Her Dam, 12K, was the $17,000 high selling cow and is a tremendous daughter of New Trend 22D. Karma’s maternal brother sold for $16,750 this spring. He was also the Reserve Grand Champion bull at the Iowa State Fair. AI’d to the $35,000 Pasqualle x New Trend bred bull that was named the Canadian Gold Show Grand Champion Bull in July 2008. AI’d to Red Brylor SDL Squall 230S on April 2. Selling Choice of 4 Mulberry Heifers Lots 2A - 2D Red Brylor ALC Absorka 21T • Lot 2C These Mulberry 26P daughters are outcross females with a powerful genetic package that will push forward any breeding program. Red Brylor Bonita 205T • Lot 2D 2C RED BRYLOR ALC ABSORKA 21TBred Heifer 2D CAN #:1395767 Calved: 01/30/2007 RED COMPASS MULBERRY 449M RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P RED DUS FAYETTE 8G RED BADLANDS BONUS 702 RED VIKSE PROOF 204P RED THORNHILL ABSOROKA 4L Tattoo: LMP 21T RED RAMBO ET 91K RED BRYLOR MISS ROC 20H RED SILVEIRAS REDFORD RED MC DOUGALL FAYETTE 59A 1A 100.0% RED VGW BONUS 429 RED RACHEL R405 RED MC DOUGALL DEFENDER 60D RED RDY ABSOROKA 2F CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 1.0 3.5 50 85 18 43 8 1.0 10 REA CAN #: 1410186 RED BRYLOR BONITA 205T Calved: 01/09/2007 RED COMPASS MULBERRY 449M RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P RED DUS FAYETTE 8G RED RD DIVIDEND 7F RED BRYLOR BONITA 66K RED BRYLOR CHROK 40X Fat AI’d to a tremendous calving ease sire, Squall. Not only is she a direct daughter of Mulberry 26P, her dam is by a bull named ‘Fargo’ (Bonus 702). At Fehrman’s recent dispersal sale ‘2 big ole Fargo daughters’ sold very well at $6400 & $6000. 21T could be the sleeper. AI’d to Red Brylor SDL Squall 230S on April 30. Pasture exposed to Red Brylor ALC Strong 116S May 15 - June 20. Tattoo: LMP 205T RED RAMBO ET 91K RED BRYLOR MISS ROC 20H RED SILVEIRAS REDFORD RED MC DOUGALL FAYETTE 59A Bred Heifer 1A 100.0% RED GLACIER DIVIDE 310 RED DCC COPPER LASS 31 RED BRYLOR DYNASTAR 19S BLACK BRYLOR EILEEN 62S CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 3.0 1.6 40 76 18 38 9 4.0 9 0.00 REA Fat 0.00 Lots of pedigree behind this cutie! Her dam went to Brylor’s donor program after she was acclaimed for raising the Master Plan 17M bull. Boninta 66K sold for $31,000 for 1/2 interest. Master Plan holds the record in Canada at $92,000 and she produced another son at $15,000 named Talisker. See 66K’s full ET sister in the embryo section – 63J. AI’d to Red Brylor/WSP Karweik 1P on April 30. Pasture exposed to Red Brylor ALC Strong 116S May 15 - June 20. 5 WSF Ms Anna U3 • Lot 3 3 Reg. #: 1227703 WSF MS ANNA U3 Calved: 02/02/2008 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 PERKS CHATEAU 309R PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 Open Heifer Tattoo: U3 WSF 1A 100.0% LMAN KING ROB 8621 GLACIER REBALA 4L RAMBO R621 PJMC MS GOLDEN BOY 305 BW BR WW RED BRYLOR NEW TREND 22D SSS BLACK TREND 13B WSF MS MARIA 209 S3 MEADOW CK MS SEAMAN 31A WR HCFA MS STONY 209 HOLDEN HI HO 574 BJR MS STONY 4X-516 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 2.5 42 78 18 39 9 12 16 -0.02 REA 0.18 73 lbs. 100 758 lbs. 100 WSF Ms Maria 209 S3 • Dam of Lot 3 Fat 0.01 One of the classiest, most upheaded, sweet made heifer calves to come along. From the famous Stony family, she’s bred to be noticed. Her dam is an excellent New Trend 1st calf heifer with that perfect udder and athletic build. She will be on display with her calf at the sale. Her grand dam, Stony 209 is also in the sale as lot 4. 6 Perks Chateau 309R • Sire of Lot 3 HCFA Ms Stonuy 209 • Lot 4 (Co-Owned with Sand Point Cattle Company) Selling our 1/4 Interest 4 Reg. #: 824976 HCFA MS STONY 209 Calved: 02/02/2002 BJR HI HO 916 HOLDEN HI HO 574 BECKTON EOLA Z025 CB BJR MONU 4X-303 BJR MS STONY 4X-516 BJR MS STONY 1193-3124 Tattoo: 209 HCFA BJR HIGH HO 5112-23L BJR TILLY 677-777 BECKTON COBALT 9611 BECKTON EOLA 9399 KR RED SSS MONU4X 237C RCRA SAMANTHA BJR MAKE MY DAY 981 BJR MS STONY 729-905 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 0 1.1 43 80 12 33 8 9 2 16 -0.03 Donor Cow 1A 100.0% BW 96 lbs. BR WW 710 lbs. WR WSF Ms Maria 209 S3 REA Fat 0.14 -0.01 Top 5% of breed for WW, Top 2% for STAY, Top 14% for REA, Top 7% for Fat Here is a matron with a story book show career. She won Denver as a calf and then the NILE and Fort Worth as a bred heifer. She passes on those royal traits that lead to purple ribbons in the show ring. The picturesd say it all. AI’d to RED Fine Line Mulberry 26P 5/15/08 and pasture exposed to RED Brylor A L C Strong 116S 5/20 to 6/20. Red Brylor A L C Strong 116S Service Sire to Lot 4 7 WSF Graham Lady U22 • Lot 5 5 Reg. #: 1235736 WSF GRAHAM LADY U22 Calved: 02/24/2008 RED TED HI HO 35K RED FL ASTER 22M RED 5L ASTER 71K Open Heifer Tattoo: U22 WSF RED SVR COMMANDER 47L RED SOUTH VIEW NO EQUAL 28H RED SSS EQUAL 508N RED SOUTH VIEW MISS MAXI 45H RED SSS LARKABA 730F SSS BOOMER 803B HOLDEN HI HO 753 RED TED BEAU 14G RED SSS KA-BOOM 818G RED SASKAIRIE ASTER 16B CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 4.4 36 56 18 36 8 12 RED FL Aster 22M • Dam of Lot 5 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR REA 91 lbs. 112 601 lbs. 103 Fat WOW, That is the word that is most commonly heard around here when visitors have stopped this summer. She has true power cow potential. Owned with Scott Graham in Canada. The natural 2008 heifer calf from one of the most commented on cows at the Fine Line dispersal. 22M was a $25,000 cow to WSF & Graham’s. U22’s sire sold for $7500 that day to Hamco in Manitoba. 6 Reg. #: 1235709 RED SSS Equal 508N • Sire of Lot 5 WSF MS ALLISON U113 Calved: 02/17/2008 Tattoo: U113 WSF BJR HIGH CAPACITY 008 BJR HI HO 918 RED BRYLR RSTD HIGH CAPACITY JRA JAMES 904 BRYLOR BJR CHEROK 36J LEACHMAN EBV 3531 RED BRYLOR CHROK 40X RED BRYLOR NEW TREND 22 RED HAMCO CROCUS 113S RED HAMCO CROCUS 34M SSS BLACK TREND 13B MEADOW CH MS SEAMAN 31A FRITZ HI HO 849 RED FULLERTON’S CROCUS 1F CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb -0.2 31 58 21 37 11 13 8 Red Hamco Crocus 113S • Dam of Lot 6 Open Heifer 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR REA 72 lbs. 100 684 lbs. 100 Fat A very unique blend of High Capacity 800M/New Trend 22D and just good ole fashioned cow sense. Mike gave $4500 for the dam as the high selling bred heifer in the 2007 Manitoba Magic All AI’d sale last fall and U113 is what she was carrying. High Capacity was a $21,000 bull at Brylor’s ’04 bull sale. He’s a paternal brother to High Capacity 224 and Sequoia. Red Brylor/WSP Cherok U63 • Lot 7 7 CAN #: 1460761 RED BRYLOR/WSP CHEROK U63 Calved: 02/21/2008 RED BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 RED LCC NEW CHAPTER A705L RED MISS LL ROB LOW 929 RED RD DIVIDEND 7F RED BRYLOR BJR CHEROK 63J RED BRYLOR CHEROK 40X Tattoo: WAL 63U Bull 1A 100.0% RED BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 RED MRM 1431 8611 9109 RED LEACHMAN ROB LOW 1115G RED GLACIER OSCE 665 Red Brylor BJR Cherok 63J • Dam of Lot 7 RED GLACIER DIVIDE 310 RED DCC COPPER LASS 31 RED BRYLOR DYNASTAR 19S BLACK BRYLOR EILEEN 62S CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 5.0 1.3 36 67 31 49 15 -1.0 11 0.10 REA Fat 0.19 -0.01 Selling ½ Interest and possession. When shopping for a herd bull, look no further than November 1st at the WSF/Perks sale. Look at the pure raw power and absolute herd bull profile to him. He has pedigree, performance and his EPD’s are the envy of the entire pen. He’s a stud and his dam was just named Reserve Senior Champion female at the Iowa State Fair this summer. 63J is now an awesome donor cow at WSF. When searching for your next bull on November 1 you’ll also get to see how Cherok’s dam looks in person. She is possibly the stoutest, thickest made Red Angus cow you will ever see. Just ask Kyle Gilchrist. Red LCC New Chapter A705L • Sire of Lot 7 9 Champion Jr. Bull Calf Iowa State Fair WSF Bentley U2212 • Lot 8 8 Reg. #: 1227427 WSF BENTLEY U2212 Calved: 03/05/2008 Tattoo: U2212WSF BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 BADLANDS LOADED 25R MRM 1431 8611 9109 BADLANDS CEDAR 624 BJR JR 107 BIEBER ELEANOR 3338 PIE PRIME TIME 884 PIE FAYE 2212 PIE MS FAYE DUKE 509 RED GEIS PRIME RIB 411 PIE PAYDAY 232 BJR THE DUKE 502-5176 PIE FAYE 116 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 1.7 49 77 16 40 4 10 12 0.07 10 PIE Faye 2212 • Lot 9 Bull 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR 81 lbs. 93 726 lbs. 107 REA Fat 0.13 -0.01 Selling ½ interest and possession of U2212. Already a Champion in his own right. He comes from a long line of winners. He is the Iowa State Fair Junior Bull Calf Champion and Michigan State Fair Grand Champion Red Angus bull and Reserve Supreme Champion Bull. His dam, selling next, with a full sister to Bentley at side, was named the Grand Champion Female in Des Moines in 2007. The sire, Loaded 25R absolutely blew the doors off in Fehrman’s dispersal in September with his sire group. He too was named Reserve Junior Champion bull in Denver 2007. This bull calf might just be the next one we have all waited for. Remember, buy a herd bull when you see one, not when you need one! 9 Reg. #: 861248 PIE FAYE 2212 Calved: 03/14/2002 Tattoo: 2212 PIE Donor Cow 1A 100.0% RED GEIS PRIME RIB 411 PREMIER PATRIOT 16 PIE PRIME TIME 884 RED GEIS DURUBA 5’92 GEIS 5B PIE PAYDAY 232 RCRA WHEEL’O FORTUNE BW RED POLLY100-104 BJR THE DUKE 502-5176 PIE MS FAYE DUKE 509 PIE FAY 116 BJR YODLER 3229 BJR FREY JA 2258-288 MUE DYNAMO BP 116 JCM FANGETTE 323 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 2 3.1 33 52 10 26 5 9 4 11 0.09 75 lbs. BR 98 WW 648 lbs. WR 107 REA Fat 0.00 -0.01 Selling ½ Interest – Open ready to flush Here she is, selling in real life at the first annual WSF/Perks female sale. She is truly a great cow at Walnut Springs and knows how to produce the good ones. ½ interest of her 2007 daughter sold in Denver for $3300 and her son sells as Lot 8 today. This cow was named the 2007 Iowa State Fair Grand Champion female. She is well on her way to making huge waves as a donor cow and you can be a part of it. Sold Open, Ready to flush. WSF Brylor Zabrina TH9 ª Lot 10 Red Brylor Bodasius 79K 10 Reg. #: 1166166 TKP BODACIOUS 693 RED BRYLOR BODASIUS 79K RED BRYLOR CHROK 40X WSF BRYLOR ZABRINA TH9 Calved: 1/09/2007 GLACIER LOGAN 210 TKP LASA MADONNA RED BRYLOR DYNASTAR 19S BLACK BRYLOR EILEEN 62S RED WILD ROSE LIGHTNING 183J RED LAVERNDENE ROBIN HOOD 74 RED RAVEN RIVER REBELLO 28M RED WILD ROSE REBELLO 137J RED WILD ROSE R HOOD 48F RED TASSEL REBELLO 180Z CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 1 2.1 34 64 25 42 6 9 5 11 0.08 11 CAN #: 1395052 Tattoo: TH9 WSF BW 82 lbs. BR WW 577 lbs. WR REA Fat 0.12 -0.01 RED TOP RUNG MULBERRY 4T Calved: 01/28/2007 RED COMPASS MULBERRY 449M RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P RED DUS FAYETTE 8G RED MCRAE’S DAKOTA 2D RED FLICKA OF TAG-A-LONG 64H RED FLICKA TAG-A-LONG 41Z Tattoo: LST 4T RED RAMBO ET 91K RED BRYLOR MISS ROC 20H RED SILVEIRAS REDFORD RED MC DOUGALL FAYETTE 59A Red Raven River Rebello 28M Top 2% of breed for Milk, Top 7% for TM 1A 100.0% Bred Heifer Selling ½ Interest with management remaining at WSF. A tremendous heifer of 2 great parents from the Brylor and Walnut Springs programs. Bodasius 79K is an ET son of MacKenzie’s signature cow 40X. He sired the dam of the current reigning show heifer Olivia 2T that’s won every show she’s been at in Canada, and now we own her. Bodasius is sired by the 3 time Denver Champion Bull Bodacious. The Dam, 28M, purchased by WSF in 2004 and managed by Brylor, produced a $27,500 bull at Brylor’s named CYT Lead Pine 14P who had huge performance, 205 adj. wt 846 and 365 adj. wt of 1584. A full brother to H9 sold in Denver last year at the Mile High Sale at $4000. She’s AI’d to the 2004 National Reserve Grand Champion Bull at Louisville, 309R. AI 5/1/08 Perks Chateau 309R, Pasture Exposed RED Brylor A L C Strong 116S Bred Heifer 1A 100.0% RED FCC RAMBO 502 RED VALUE LASS OF WAYLIN 30W RED BIEBER LINCOLN 3025 RED FLICKER OF TAG-A-LONG 13U CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 1.0 1.6 35 60 16 33 8 2.0 9 REA Fat An opportunity to get a daughter of the hottest Red Angus bull going right now, Mulberry, not only in Canada…or the US…but the world over. He is in big demand! This heifer is pretty and sweet made and is AI’d to Squall. The pasture bull is a Hobo son out of Master Plan 17M’s dam. AI 4/8/08 Squall, Pasture exposed 5/5/08 to 6/16/08 RED Brylor Tahoe 207T. Red Brylor SDL Squall 230S • Service Sire to Lot 11 11 12 Reg. #: 1236583 WSF MS ANDREA T105 Calved: 02/25/2007 LCHMN ON TARGET 1016E LMAN ROBIN HOOD 1174B LCHMN SHARPSHOOTER 1369 LCHMN BLOXY C1176 LEACHMAN DINA C1001 LMAN NONE BETTER 9604 LMAN DINA 9259 OAK RIDGE STOCKMAN LEACHMAN OLIVIA 8529 SIX MILE OLIVIA 719N Red Brylor Olivia 2T Olivia 2T and Andra T105 (Lot 12) trace back to the Leachman Olivia cow family of the early ‘80s. OAK RIDGE SIEGFRIED OAK RIDGE LADY 191E GET-A-LONG LICORICE SIX MILE OLIVIA 432L Fat 0.00 WSFE BRYLOR MS ANNA T411 Calved: 05/11/2007 Tattoo: T411 WSFE BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 BADLANDS LOADED 25R MRM 1431 8611 9109 BADLANDS CEDAR 624 BJR JR 107 BIEBER ELEANOR 3338 RED BRYLOR NEW TREND 22 SSS BLACK TREND 13B RRA 411 MEADOW CK MS SEAMAN 31A RED BONNY 7468 VGW BONUS 429 RED MADAME5071-616 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 2 2.7 45 76 22 45 5 11 -3 14 0.02 Bred Heifer 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR REA 0.17 79 lbs. 100 494 lbs. 100 Fat 0.00 TP411 traces back to the ‘Elite’ cow at Brylor’s, Bonny 7468G. She’s a powerhouse cow that has raised a $24,000 son (Lead Pine 83L), a $22,500 son (Business 61P) and a $17,250 son (This Time 224T). We look for this heifer to follow in Bonny’s footsteps especially with the added power her sire Badlands Loaded 25R has. AI 6/30/08 Karweik 1P, Pasture exposed 7/11/08 to 8/20/08 RED Brylor Tahoe 270T. 14 Reg. #: 1176590 WSF MS TISHINA S9066 Calved 09/04/2006 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 PERKS CHATEAU 309R PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 LOOSLI DIVIDE 325 PIE BONNIE 9066 BJR BONNE BEL 9S-380 12 BW 82 lbs. BR WW 568 lbs. WR Partnership heifer with Brylor Ranch # Outcross genetics Something old, something different. Andrea, an ET heifer that traces back to Leachman’s glory days with his Olivia family. It’s the same family as the Olivia 2T heifer that Brylor is showing now that won back to back futurity titles as a heifer calf and now as a bred heifer leading up to the World Angus forum in July of 2009. 105T’s Sire, Sharpshooter, is a full brother to Bullseye. They were $42,000 and $67,000 bulls at Leachman’s in their respective years. AI 5/3/08 Squall, Pasture exposed 5/5/08 to 6/16/08 RED Brylor Tahoe 207T. 13 Perks Chateau 309R • Sire of Lot 14 1A 100.0% CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb REA 2.1 29 44 11 26 5 8 10 0.02 -0.25 Reg. #: 1182916 RED Bonny 7468 • Grand Dam of Lot 13 Bred Heifer Tattoo: T105 WSF Bred Heifer Tattoo: S9066 WSF LMAN KING ROB 8621 GLACIER REBALA 4L RAMBO R621 PJMC MS GOLDEN BOY 305 GLAICER DIVIDE 310 GLACIER FIREFLY 243 ALALTA ACRES THOR 9S BJR BONNEBELL830-902 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 4 1.5 33 56 16 32 6 10 6 10 0.00 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR REA 0.05 70 lbs. 103 657 lbs. 100 Fat 0.00 We held this heifer over to start up in the Spring Calving herd. The dam to this heifer and her maternal sister are also selling as lots 20 and 21. These Chateau 309R’s are very popular in the US and Canada. 309 sure makes them pretty and powerful. AI 3/19/08 Squall, Pasture exposed 5/2 – 6/18 to Triple SSS Onset 634T Badlands Loaded 25R • Sire of Lots 15-16 15 Reg. #: 1172034 WSF MS DAWN T936 Calved: 03/09/2007 Tattoo: T936 WSF BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 BADLANDS LOADED 25R MRM 1431 8611 9109 BADLANDS CEDAR 624 BJR JR 107 BIEBER ELEANOR 3338 SAMS PROSPECTOR 133Z PIE SAMMETTE 936 PIE MS JR 7029 TLA NORTHERN SAMURAI KBJ ROUND LASSIE 18T BJR JR 107 PIE SHANNON 561 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 5 1.8 44 71 21 43 2 11 -1 14 0.05 Bred Heifer 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR 78 lbs. 104 674 lbs. 100 REA Fat 0.01 -0.02 A Sam’s Prospector Maternal Grand Daughter. Sam’s Prospector influenced females make great cows with beautiful udders. The dam of this bred heifer is one of our cornerstone cows that has proven herself year after year and made it into our donor cow program. Being in the top 5% of the breed for weaning weight and total maternals, this heifer is a definite donor prosppect. AI 5/3/08 Squal, Pasture exposed 5/5/08 to 6/16/08 RED Brylor Tahoe 207T. 16 Reg. #: 1172041 WSF MS CRICKET T0356 Calved: 04/22/2007 BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 BADLANDS LOADED 25R MRM 1431 8611 9109 BADLANDS CEDAR 624 BJR JR 107 BIEBER ELEANOR 3338 TP FARGO 7064 PIE MISS FARGO 0356 BTH HANFORD MSS 368 Bred Heifer Tattoo: T0356 WSF GLACIER LOGAN 210 TKP LASA MADONNA RED HANDFORD T.C.B. BTH YO MISS 1113 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 4 0.6 37 59 17 35 3 10 1 13 0.05 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR REA 0.04 68 lbs. 90 549 lbs. 95 Fat 0.00 Cricket’s Dam, an original Fargo cow we purchased from Piepers, has been one of our best producers. Fargo’s are hard working, moderate framed cows with phenomenal udders and feet. This heifer has all of the Fargo traits, including great bone. Sired by Loaded 25R, she gets a double dose of bone and muscle. AI 7/9/08 Master Plan, Pasture exposed 7/11/08 to 8/20/08 RED Brylor Tahoe 207T. 13 17 Reg. #: 852188 PIE MS FARGO 2155 Calved: 03/04/2002 Tatoo: 2155 TPIE Lots 17 & 18. Cow 1A 100.0% RED GEIS PRIME RIB 411 PREMIER PATRIOT 16 PIE PRIME TIME 884 RED GEIS KURUBA 5’92 GEIS 5B PIE PAYDAY 232 RCRA WHEEL’O FORTUNE BW RED POLLY100-104 TKP FARGO 7064 GLACIER LOGAN 210 PIE MS FARGO 932 TKP LASA MADONNA TPIE LAKOTA LOGAN 725 GLACIER LOGAN 210 TPIE MS LAKOTA SAUL 594 70 lbs. BR 94 WW 591 lbs. WR 104 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb REA Fat 4 0.7 22 38 6 17 8 9 8 14 0.22 -0.16 -0.01 Here is a paternal granddaughter of the famous GEIS Prime Rib 411, the female maker. On the dam side she goes back to Fargo. She is wide topped, big boned, great footed and has been a favorite from the time she arrived from the Pieper herd as an open heifer. Her daughters are peas in a pod. They have the look, the bone, the udder and the performance the Fargo’s are known for. Only the good ones sell on November 1. AI 5/15/08 RED Brylor New Trend 22D, Pasture Exposed 5/19/08 to 7/6/08 RED Brylor Punch 33T 18 Reg. #: 1235710 WSF MS VICTORIA T2155 Calved: 12/12/2007 BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 BADLANDS LOADED 25R MRM 1431 8611 9109 BADLANDS CEDAR 624 BJR JR 107 BIEBER ELEANOR 3338 PIE PRIME TIME 884 PIE MS FARGO 2155 PIE MS FARGO 932 Open Heifer Tattoo: T2155 WSF RED GEIS PRIME RIB 411 PIE PAYDAY 232 TKP FARGO 7064 TPIE LAKOTA LOGAN 725 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 1.4 41 66 14 35 5 10 14 0.14 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR REA Fat 0.05 -0.01 If you are looking for a heifer with hair and the blood red color in a power house package, look no further. She is stout made, deep ribbed, long spined and sired by Badlands Loaded 25R, the high selling bull at the Badlands sale in 2006 who is fast making a name for himself in and out of the show ring. 19 Reg. #: 688007 PIE BONNIE 9066 Calved: 03/08/1999 GLACIER DIVIDE 310 LOOSLI DIVIDE 523 GLACIER FIREFLY 243 ALALTA ACRES THOR 9S BJR BONNE BEL 9S-380 BJR BONNEBELL 830-902 Cow Tattoo: 9066 PIE BUF CRK COPPERTP 1665 GLACIER LASS LEACHMAN MONU 2X 8096 RCRA FIREFLY 5057 RED PINEMEADOW FITZUM7P RED FRIDA FO SIENNA 25L RCN CANYON CHIEF BJR BONI BEL 356-1812 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb REA 7 -0.9 20 30 17 27 3 9 5 7 0.00 -0.19 14 PIE Bonnie 9066 • Lot 19 83 lbs. 100 567 lbs. 100 70 lbs. 94 527 lbs. 95 Fat 0.00 Only the solid performers with great feet and udders stay in our purebred program. Bonnie definitely made the cut. She has been one of our top performers since we purchased her from Piepers in 2003. She is easy fleshing and so are her daughters. Her mating to Punch, a Mulberry 26P son, creates an exciting genetic package. Pasture Exposed 5/19/08 to 7/6/08 RED Brylor Punch 33T. 20 Reg. #: 1236353 WSF MS BONNE BELL U9066 Calved: 02/26/2008 Tattoo:U9066 WSF BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 BADLANDS LOADED 25R MRM 1431 8611 9109 BJR JR 107 BADLANDS CEDAR 624 BIEBER ELEANOR 3338 LOOSLI DIVIDE 523 PIE BONNIE 9066 BJR BONNE BEL 9S-380 GLACIER DIVIDE 310 GLACIER FIREFLY 243 ALALTA ACRES THOR 9S BJR BONNEBELL830-902 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 0.7 38 58 20 39 2 10 11 0.03 Open Heifer 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR 79 lbs. 99 593 lbs. 95 REA Fat 0.04 -0.01 With the easy fleshing capacity and udder quality of her mother and the great bone and muscle from her sire, Badlands Loaded 25R, and her very balanced EPDs, this heifer will work in any program. 21 Reg. #: 905682 WSF RAZZY GIRL 174 Calved: 02/05/2003 Tattoo: N174 WSF RED ROYAL CANOOK 123D RED CR CHEIF 51A TPIE LAKOTA 9166 ROYAL MINOLA 33Y BJR LAKOTA 388-819 BJR CENTENNIAL 800 BJR LOKOTA 578-4171 GLACIER NYACK 688 PIE RAZZY 174 PIE RAZZY DU 440 BJR RAMBLER 5162 GLACIER RB-LS BJR THE DUKE 502-5176 RCRA DALLAS RASPBERY CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 4 2.4 27 51 12 26 2 9 4 10 0.00 Cow 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR 75 lbs. 103 587 lbs. 108 REA Fat 0.08 -0.01 Only cows from proven families sell November 1 and Razzy Girl is no exception. Not only did Razzy’s dam calve on the farm this spring, so did three other maternal sisters. When Bryan MacKenzie was here this summer, he said this one had to be in the sale along with her daughter. AI’d to 5/15/08 RED Fine Line Mulberry 26P, Pasture Exposed 5/19/08 to 7/06/08 to RED Brylor Punch 33T. 22 Reg. #: 1236358 WSF MS MINDI UN174 Calved: 03/12/2008 Tattoo:UN174 WSF WSF Ms Bonne Bell U9066 • Lot 20 WSF Razzy Girl 174 • Lot 21 Open Heifer 1A 100.0% S A V 5175 BANDO 4597 S A F 598 BANDO 5175 BANDLANDS BANDO 5175-35S CHAMPION HILL BLOSSOM 1611 BADLANDS CEDAR 3018 LCHMN BULLSEYE 1379G BW BADLANDS CEDAR 624 TPIE LAKOTA 9166 WSF RAZZY GIRL 174 PIE RAZZY 174 RED ROYAL CANOOK 123D BJR LAKOTA 388-819 GLACIER NYACK 688 PIE RAZZY DU 440 79 lbs. BR 99 WW 622 lbs. WR 99 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb REA Fat 1.7 34 62 17 34 12 0.04 -0.01 -0.01 Here is heifer sired by a red gene carrier black bull, Badlands Bando 5175-35S which goes back to the Cedar 624 cow. Outcross genetics in an attractive package, a win win. WSF Ms Mindi UN174 • Lot 22 15 Red Fine Line Storm 7N • Lot 23 23 CAN #: 1142212 RED FINE LINE STORM 7N Calved: 01/31/2003 Tattoo: NVG 7N GARDENS SENSATION 039 S1 SCHURRTOP FORTUNE 3261 RED BASIN SENSATION 702E GREEN GARDEN PROTET 739C STEVENSON ELEMRERE 538C IMPACT 2001 G G JRS ELEMRERE 977A WSF Ms Newberry U7 • Lot 24 RED BRYLOR NEW TREND 22DSSS BLACK TREND 13B RED FINE LINE STORM 27L RED MEADOW CK MISS SEAMAN 31A REF DINE LINE STORM 82H RED SILVEIRAS REDFORD RED FINE LINE STORM 49D CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 8.0 3.2 37 67 14 32 10 2.0 17 REA Cow 1A 100.0% WSF MS NEWBERRY U7 Calved: 02/01/2008 Fat RED BASIN SENSATION 702E RED FINE LINE STORM 7N RED FIEN LINE STORM 27L Open Heifer Tattoo: U7 WSF RED COMPASS MULBERRY 449M RED RAMBO ET 91K RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P RED BRYLOR MISS ROC 20H RED DUS FAYETTE 8G RED SILVEIRAS REDFORD RED MC DOUGALL FAYETTE 59A This is a cow that Mike purchased at the historic Fine Line dispersal in Canada in 2007. Her dam had three top ranked commercial bulls in Canada’s ”Workin’ Genes” bull sale. With a WI of 121, 7N is a power cow with all the right parts. A great udder, great feet and performance plus. AI’d to 5/16/08 Karweik 1P, Pasture Exposed 5/19/08 to 7/6/08 to RED Brylor Punch 33T. 16 24 Reg. #: 1236224 GARDENS SENSATION 039 S1 STEVENSON ELEMERE 538C RED BRYLOR NEW TREND 22 RED FINE LINE STORM 82H 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb REA 1.0 40 74 15 35 9 12 0.01 -0.01 77 lbs. 95 596 lbs. 102 Fat 0.00 So with a pedigree like hers, she’s destined to be a top performer. To top it off, she comes in an attractive package. Females from proven cow families made it through a tough selection process to make it to this catalogue. Perks Chateau 309R 25 Reserve Grand Champion Bull, 2nd Leg of World Angus Forum in Canada. Reg. #: 893932 PERKS CHATEAU 309R Calved: 03/09/2003 LMAN KING ROB 8621 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 GLACIER REBALA Red Jewel Chateau 120T LEACHMAN ROBUST 7222 LEACHMAN ELEANOR LCHMN MDLD HVYWT2463 GLACIER REBALAS 4L RAMBO R621 VDAR RAMBO 323 PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 77 RED-A-PATTY’S PRD94Y PJMC MS GOLDEN BOY 305 LMB GOLDEN BOY 719 CYCLONE LADY CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 1 2.6 44 79 14 36 9 10 8 13 0.00 Selling 9 U.S. shares WSF Ms Chateau Spring 0258R Reserve Grand Champion Female, Iowa State Fair 2006. Purchased by Tucker Henderson, Illinois Power of Red Sale 2006 Semen Tattoo: 309R PERK 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR YW YR REA 0.28 89 lbs. 105 791 lbs. 108 1376 lbs 109 Fat 0.01 1 U.S. share equals 5% U.S. ownership with 25 straws of semen. Perks Chateau 309R, now deceased, produced quite the stir in his short life. 309R was named Reserve National Champion bull at the 2004 NAILE. Earlier that year he was the top selling bull in the Perks Ranch Performance Tested bull sale. 309R is sired by the famed sire of great females, Glacier Chateau 744. 309R is a maternal brother to Perks Advance 121R. The 309R progeny have been unbelievably good. His calves are consistent and can be found throughout the US and Canada wearing their working clothes. They get the job done in and out of the show ring. See lot 3, another example of the gorgeous females he makes. In Canada, bulls sired by 309R are very popular and have been known to top sales. And did you know that the Reserve Grand Champion bull at the 2nd leg of the World Angus Forum in Canada is a 309R son? Here is an opportunity to get some of the last remaining semen of a truly versatile bull. 17 Walnut Springs Farms Embryo Packages Lots 26-30 26 EMBRYO PACKAGE Dam CAN #: 1028016 Choice of Sires: A. RED BRYLOR/WSP KARWEIK (#1031368) B. RED BRYLOR NEW TREND 22 (CAN #:788836) C. RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P (#1237972) RED LCHMN NO EQUAL 1174D RED FL JOANNA 10K RED GET-A-LONG JOANNA 830 Dam’s EPDs: Red FL Joanna 10K • Dam of Lot 26 RED LMAN NONE BETTER 9604 RED LMAN PRAIRIE Q 9308 RED RCN SANDHILL CHF 482 RED SIX MILE JOAN 69J CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb REA Fat 13.0 -5.3 17 24 19 27 11 9.0 15 Selling One Package of 3 #1 Frozen Embryos, Buyers Choice A definite candidate for the very best in a listing of the ‘elite’ sired by Leachman No Equal 1174D. She is so full of volume and correctness, it’s no contest. Check out her minus birth weight number and big time milk. She was a $15,000 cow at the Fine Line dispersal where WSF put together one unreal set of donor cows. Brylor Ranch owns a tremendous daughter of 10K. Guarantee one pregnancy if implanted by a certified technician. Some embryos are exportable. FOB place of storage. 27 EMBRYO PACKAGE Dam CAN #: 1094818 Choice of Sires: A. RED BRYLOR SDL SQUALL 230S (CAN #:1367321) B. RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P (#1237972) RED BLUE SPR ROBIN HOOD 104E RED FL FIREFLY 75M RED FINE LINE FIREFLY 26E Dam’s EPDs: RED LMAN ROBIN HOOD 1174B RED SINCLAIR SAMARIA 1U RED THATT’LL DO CONTENDER 16C RED MOOSE CREEK FIREFLY 43X CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 1.0 2.5 42 64 16 37 9 5.0 8 Red FL Firefly 75M • Dam of Lot 27 18 REA Fat Selling One Package of 3 #1 Frozen Embryos, Buyers Choice Lead off cow in Fine Line’s dispersal at $10,000 and her ’07 Mulberry heifer calf brought the same math! She is a very good cow that is extra clean fronted, very good uddered and can raise a powerfully made calf. She’s the kind of cow that can be in the upper class in any program in the land. A member of one of the breed’s founding cow families, the ‘Fireflies’. Guarantee one pregnancy if implanted by a certified technician. Some embryos are exportable. FOB place of storage. 28 EMBRYO PACKAGE Sire CAN #: 1237972 RED COMPASS MULBERRY 449M RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P RED DUS FAYETTE 8G RED TED GLACIER FIRE 84H RED FINE LINE LASSIE 71L RED DIAMOND RIVER LASSIE 27J Projected Canadian EPDs: Dam CAN #: 1047265 RED RAMBO ET 91K RED BRYLOR MISS ROC 20H RED SILVEIRAS REDFORD RED MC DOUGALL FAYETTE 59A RED GLACIER EBV’S FIRE 228 RED TED PALOMA BUST RED GET-A-LONG GRUB STEAK 754 RED GEIS LASS 192’95 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 6.5 -0.6 40 66 18 38 9 5.5 9 REA Fat Selling One Package of 3 #1 Frozen Embryos This 2008 heifer calf is one of our future stars. She has the sweet front end with lots of body and the blood red color everyone desires. The proof is in the results. Guarantee one pregnancy if implanted by a certified technician. Some embryos are exportable. FOB place of storage. 29 EMBRYO PACKAGE Sire CAN #: 1237972 RED COMPASS MULBERRY 449M RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P RED DUS FAYETTE 8G RED RD DIVIDEND 7F RED BRYLOR BJR CHEROK 63J RED BRYLOR CHROK 40X Projected Canadian EPDs: Dam CAN #: 987507 Fat 0.00 An impressive and absolute power cow from the word go! She’s a tank! Her dam is Brylor’s signature cow (40X) and she’s produced well over $300,000 in her career. 63J has a phenomenal bull calf at side selling as lot 7. 63J has two other full sisters at Brylor. 66K, dam to Master Plan, Talisker, and Tahoe 270T; and 815J, the dam to the $16,000 Tuscan. Another full sister sold this fall as the popular lot 1 in Canada’s Red Round Up sale. Guarantee one pregnancy if implanted by a certified technician. Some embryos are exportable. FOB place of storage. EMBRYO PACKAGE RED COMPASS MULBERRY 449M RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P RED DUS FAYETTE 8G RED TED HI HO 35K RED FL ASTER 22M RED FL ASTER 71K Projected Canadian EPDs: Red Fine Line Lassie 71L • Dam of Lot 28. RED GLACIER DIVIDE 310 RED DCC COPPER LASS 31 RED BRYLOR DYNASTAR 19S BLACK BRYLOR EILEEN 62S Selling One Package of 3 #1 Frozen Embryos Sire CAN #: 1237972 Watch for her in our showstring next year. RED RAMBO ET 91K RED BRYLOR MISS ROC 20H RED SILVEIRAS REDFORD RED MC DOUGALL FAYETTE 59A CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb REA 4.0 1.0 39 72 20 39 9 4.0 9 0.01 -0.03 30 Full sibling to Lot 28 embryos. Red Brylor BJR Cherok 63J • Dam of Lot 29 Dam CAN #: 1134022 RED RAMBO ET 91K RED BRYLOR MISS ROC 20H RED SILVEIRAS REDFORD RED MC DOUGALL FAYETTE 59A RED HOLDEN HI HO 753 RED TED BEAU 14G RED SSS KA-BOOM 818G RED SASKAIRIE ASTER 16B CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 2.5 1.1 38 65 16 34 9 3.0 REA 10 Fat Selling One Package of 3 #1 Frozen Embryos From Fine Line’s record setting historical and breed altering dispersal last fall comes an opportunity to get some great frozen genetics from his 3rd high selling cow. 22M was bought in part with Scott Graham from Ontario for $25,000. Look at her ’08 superstar heifer calf and tell Mike, Kim and Scott that wasn’t a good buy! She sells as lot 5. Guarantee one pregnancy if implanted by a certified technician. Some embryos are exportable. FOB place of storage. Red FL Aster 22M • Dam of Lot 30 19 Perks Mona 810U • Lot 31 Lots 31-56 Selling Choice of Lots 31 & 32. PIE Get Western 4061 Sire of Lots 31-32 31 Reg. #: 1233151 PERKS MONA 810U Calved: 02/07/2008 PIE ATLANTIC 2204 PIE GET WESTERN 4061 PIE M.S. CADSAM 8192 MLK CRK CUB 722 HHA CUB MONA 5010 HHA PS MISTY 1098 20 Perks Poteet 811U • Lot 32 Tattoo: 810U PERK RED COLE MISTER "E" 9J PIE BOTEET 899 SAMS PROSPECTOR 133Z PIE MS CADILLAC GLACIER CUB 446 MLK CRK LAKOTA 152-HOBO JRA POWER STROKE HHA LEVI PEARL 853 Open Heifer 1A 100.0% BW BR 71 lbs. 90 32 Reg. #: 1233159 PERKS POTEET 811U Calved: 02/08/2008 PIE ATLANTIC 2204 PIE GET WESTERN 4061 PIE M.S. CADSAM 8192 Tattoo: 811U PERK RED COLE MISTER "E" 9J PIE BOTEET 899 SAMS PROSPECTOR 133Z PIE MS CADILLAC PIE ATLANTIC 2204 RED COLE MISTER "E" 9J PIE POTEET 5132 PIE BOTEET 899 LOG PUREWATER DUSTY6015 LRAS KEMO SABE 469 Open Heifer 1A 100.0% BW BR 83 lbs. 104 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb REA Fat CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb REA Fat 0.6 43 77 15 37 9 10 -0.11 0.12 -0.01 4.2 50 77 15 40 11 -0.08 0.21 -0.01 Here are two of our best heifers that we have ever raised. They are sired by Get Western, which is the high performance bull that Pieper’s raised. They are as attractive as you can design one or two. I did not want to sell either of these, but when it comes down to it you need to sell what you want to buy, and here they are. They are stout, deep, and sound. Your travels will stop here when you look at these 2. We are selling choice, so we are keeping the other one for the replacement pen. 33 Reg. #: Pending 34 Reg. #: Pending PERKS RUBY 839U Open Heifer Calved: 03/30/2008 Tattoo: 839U PERK 1A 100.0% Calved: 4/02/2008 Tattoo: 843U PERK 1A 100.0% PERKS RUBY 841U PIE CHICAWA 366 PIE GET R DONE 684 PIE RED RUBY 4094 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 PERKS MISS CHATEAU 323R 4L MS RAMBO R730 Projected EPDs: Open Heifer BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 PIE MISS “E” 1026 PIE DEEP CREEK 120 PIE EXPO BD 8208 839U • Lot 33 LMAN KING ROB 8621 GLACIER REBALA VDAR RAMBO 323 PJMC MS BAD JOHN 108 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 6 1.1 38 67 25 43 6 9 4 12 0.12 REA 0.32 Fat 0.01 Here is a set of embryo calves that are doing exactly what we thought they would do. These 2 heifers are some of the first Get ’R Done calves to be sold this fall. Get ‘R Done was the high selling bull at Piepers spring sale in 2007. These calves are out of a Chateau 744 daughter that has done a great job for us. 839U and 843Uare two heifers that are going to make great cows. If you want your next donor cow look right here. 35 Reg. #: 1233155 PERKS PRINCESS 808U Calved: 02/05/2008 Open Heifer Tattoo: 808U PERK BUF CRK VALENTINO N031 BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 WR MR. RED DAWG 5335 BUF CRK PRIMROSE 5679 TMAS MS FORTUNE 114 LMAN KING ROB 8621 STRAKA MS FORTUNE 4109 PERKS ADVANCE 121R RBJR ADVANCE A709 COLEY'S 121R PRINCESS 524R PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 MKM PRINCESS 3F GILCHRIST CHIEF W515 MKM PRINCESS 56D CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 5.3 52 89 12 38 14 -0.04 1A 100.0% BW BR REA 0.21 843U • Lot 34 92 lbs. 115 Fat 0.00 808U is a top show heifer prospect. She has everything that it takes to go into the ring and bring home the purple banner, and everything that it takes to raise the next one. Princess is an outcross pedigree for most herds being sired by Red Dawg and out of a 121R daughter. This is one heifer that should get some attention. 36 Reg. #: 1233122 PERKS PRINCESS 814U Calved: 02/15/2008 Tattoo: 814U PERK BUF CRK VALENTINO N031 BECKTON JULIAN GG B571 WR MR. RED DAWG 5335 BUF CRK PRIMROSE 5679 TMAS MS FORTUNE 114 LMAN KING ROB 8621 STRAKA MS FORTUNE 4109 LODI PRINCE 2632 PERKS PRINCESS 311R PERKS QUEEN ROB 9024 Open Heifer CALIFORNIA SUPREME 2087 JIL 2560 LMAN KING ROB 8621 PJMC MS BAD JOHN 122 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 2.4 44 80 18 40 16 -0.06 1A 100.0% BW BR REA 0.29 Perks Princess 808U • Lot 35 86 lbs. 104 Fat 0.01 Here is a heifer that has taken a piece from some of the best bulls in the breed and put them into one very complete package, both on paper and in person. Princess is sired by the growth leader Red Dawg and out of a cow that just can’t miss. 814U is one that needs to be on a trailer heading your way. Her dam is a Lodi Prince daughter that gets it done every year. Perks Princess 814U • Lot 36 21 37 Reg. #: 1233179 PERKS KITTY 834U Calved: 03/26/2008 REDS RBN HOOD REDWOOD TASSEL ROBIN HOOD 78E ANDRAS FLOWER 411 BIL RH 519 FMB MISS 100H 160L FMB ON TARGET 100H FMB 49D MUSHRUSH LANCER 0025 GCF 6 103 GCF KITTY PIE II Perks Kitty 834U • Lot 37 MUS PRAIRIE LANCER 8032 BKT LARKABEL GB37 PIE EXPO 3014 CAMPBELL CR KITTY CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 7.2 44 59 13 34 8 -0.03 38 Calved: 03/31/2008 MUSHRUSH LANCER 0025 GCF 6 101 GCF SUNNY'S LOLA REA 0.06 92 lbs. 128 Fat 0.00 Open Heifer Tattoo: 840U PERK MUS PRAIRIE LANCER 8032 BKT LARKABEL GB37 CAMPBELL CREEK SUN GCF LOLA PIE CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 1.3 31 56 13 28 9 -0.03 1A 100.0% BW BR REA 0.06 66 lbs. 95 Fat 0.00 840U is out of a first calve heifer that has done a great job for us. Her dam goes back to some of Becton, Leachman, and Pieper’s best. This is another opportunity to get in on some different genetics with a heifer that will make a great cow. Her mother has a great udder and only better things can happen with each new generation. 39 Reg. #: 1233132 PERKS MISS ADV 863U Calved: 05/14/2008 PERKS ADVANCE 011R PERKS MISS ADVANCE PJMC MS BAD JOHN 119 Open Heifer Tattoo: 863U PERK HOLDEN HI ROLLER 8106 HOLDEN HI HO 574 FORSTER HI ROLLER 0142 BIEBER MIMI 4151 FORSTER COPPRQUEEN 7179 PBC D0202 6M H0904 MISS FORSTER CPRTOP 591 RBJR ADVANCE A709 4L MS RAMBO R739 BADLANDS BIG JOHN PATTY`S SOLOMON 0117 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 0.7 22 48 14 25 5 8 11 -0.01 22 BW BR PERKS LOLA 840U REDS RBN HOOD REDWOOD TASSEL ROBIN HOOD 78E BIL RH 519 ANDRAS FLOWER 411 FMB MISS 100H 160L FMB ON TARGET 100H FMB 49D Perks Miss ADV 863U • Lot 39 1A 100.0% Kitty is out of a first calve heifer that we bought from Bob Greene. She is sired by an extremely maternal bull that can still keep a good look on his calves. 834U is very fault free and is one that could get lost in the shuffle. This is going to be a top replacement for her new owner. Reg. #: 1233184 Perks Lola 840U • Lot 38 Open Heifer Tattoo: 834U PERK 1A 100.0% BW BR REA 0.23 71 lbs. 87 Fat 0.00 Here is one of the last daughters of Hi Roller to be born. She is out of an Advance A709 granddaughter that has a nearly perfect udder. The Hi Roller offspring has done a great job for us, turning into some tremendous cows. 863U is very young compared to some of the other calves in the sale so don’t hold that against her. 40 PERKS MISS GRAND ROLL 869UOpen Heifer Reg. #: 1233135 Calved: 05/29/2008 Tattoo: 869U PERK HOLDEN HI ROLLER 8106 HOLDEN HI HO 574 FORSTER HI ROLLER 0142 BIEBER MIMI 4151 FORSTER COPPRQUEEN 7179 PBC D0202 6M H0904 MISS FORSTER CPRTOP 591 1A 100.0% BW LCHMN GRANDCANYON 1244G BR UBAR GRAND PRIX 102 PERKS MISS GRAND PRIX 405R FORSTER COPPRQUEEN 7168 RBJR ADVANCE A709 PERKS MISS ADV 020R PJMC MS BAD JOHN 108 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 2.2 30 56 20 35 10 9 13 -0.10 REA 0.29 79 lbs. 98 Fat 0.01 This is our youngest calve that we are offering. She is double bred to the great MISS FORSTER CPRTOP 591, this being said there should be no dought that she is going to turn into one of the best cows you will see. She also goes back to the performance sire Advance. With all of this you can’t go wrong when you load your trailer with her on it. Perks Miss Grand Roll 869U • Lot 40 Herd Bull Prospect… 41 Reg. #: 1191357 LMAN KING ROB 8621 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 GLACIER REBALA VDAR RAMBO 323 4L MR RAMBO R709 GMRA RACHILLE 4L CHATEAU 217T Calved: 04/09/2007 LEACHMAN ROBUST 7222 LEACHMAN ELEANOR LCHMN MDLD HVYWT2463 GLACIER REBALAS FCC RAMBO 502 BJR BLOCKNA2206-3149 CFLD DYNAMO 418 CWFLD RCHLLE 077-818 Tattoo: 217T HMV 4L Chateau 217T • Lot 41 1A 100.0% Bull CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb REA Fat 3 0.1 27 53 22 36 8 10 8 14 -0.02 0.09 0.01 BW 80 lbs. Here he is. The next bull to make his mark on the industry. 217T has quite the BR WW 783 lbs. reputation to uphold. He is a full brother to Super Vision. That alone should sell this guy, but wait a second. You begin to analyze 217T and he could be better than his WR brother. He is very thick, very sound, and comes out of a cow line that reads like a fairy tale. This is an individual that will sire calves that people have been waiting generations for. He is going to be accepted on paper, as we can already see, but he is going to add a bit more power to his calves. This bull is going to change the herds that he is used in. We are retaining ¼ semen revenue and ¼ interest on this bull. We feel this bull is destined for greatness. 23 Perks Bred Heifers 42 Reg. #: 1166780 PERKS RED PRINCESS 718T Calved: 03/13/2007 T3 CHIEF 2887 RBJR ADVANCE A709 ROY ADVANCE A209 Tattoo: 718T PERK BIEBER CHIEFTON 2803 BIEBER HANNAH 2887 JKG MILK MAN Y962 PAMELA 1326 LCHMN RED SPREAD 1271F LMAN KING ROB 8621 PERKS MISS RED PRINCESS 418R BJR MATTIE 002-1102 PRINCESS CELESTE BUF CRK BARNEY 3474 RED TFE 20E Perks Red Princess 718T • Lot 42 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 2 4.3 52 88 17 43 10 9 3 12 -0.04 43 Calved: 02/02/2007 COLLIER TOP FLIGHT 183 ANDRAS SAGE 4003 DI SAGE 275 Bred Heifer Tattoo: 705T PERK 1A 100.0% LEACHMAN ROBUST 7222 LEACHMAN ELEANOR BJR EXCEL-A-TOR BJR MATTIE 1706-496 BW BR WW LCHMAN.ABOVEHEAVEN1018F WR YW BUF CRK MELVA 3933 YR LCHMN EBV 1762H BUF CRK SAGE 4170 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 7 0.1 36 69 19 37 9 10 4 13 0.03 REA 0.16 77 lbs. 89 661 lbs. 104 974 lbs. 103 Fat 0.00 Sage is a front pasture cow. 705T is a Red Spread daughter that is going to be a donor for someone. She has as much volume and style as any cow that is going to be sold this year. She is out of a very good young cow that earns her keep. 705T was exposed to Kenworth from 5-9-2008 to 7-26-2008. Safe in calf. 44 Reg. #: 1166774 PERKS STARESS 710T Calved: 02/14/2007 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 PERKS CHATEAU 309R PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 PERKS ADVANCE 011R PERKS ADVANCE 325R 4L MS RAMBO R701 Bred Heifer Tattoo: 710T PERK LMAN KING ROB 8621 GLACIER REBALA 4L RAMBO R621 PJMC MS GOLDEN BOY 305 RBJR ADVANCE A709 4L MS RAMBO R739 VDAR RAMBO 323 HMV SUPER STARESS 505 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb -1 5.9 48 84 13 37 6 9 7 13 -0.07 24 89 lbs. 105 730 lbs. 115 1020 lbs. 111 REA Fat 0.23 -0.01 PERKS SAGE 705T LMAN KING ROB 8621 LCHMN RED SPREAD 1271F BJR MATTIE 002-1102 Perks Staress 710T • Lot 44 BW BR WW WR YW YR POWER. STYLE. Red Princess is an A709 that can run with the best of any breed, thankfully she is a Red Angus. She is as thick and deep as you would expect, seeing that she goes back to Red Spread. She was exposed to Powerade, our Grand Prix grandson, from 4-26-2008 to 7-26-2008. This cross is going to be deadly. This is a donor prospect. Safe in calf. Reg. #: 1166785 Perks Sage 705T • Lot 43 Bred Heifer 1A 100.0% 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR YW YR REA 0.19 99 lbs. 114 638 lbs. 101 933 lbs. 101 Fat 0.01 Staress is a high performance daughter of Perks Chateau 309R. She is deep bodied and easy fleshing. 710T has always been one of the favorites of all that have stopped by to look at the cattle. She was exposed to Kenworth from 5-9-2008 to 7-26-2008, which is a Cheyenne son that we raised. This combination should be a can’t miss. Safe in calf. 45 Reg. #: 1166798 PERKS PRINCESS 711T Calved: 02/17/2007 LCHMN GRANDCANYON 1244G UBAR GRAND PRIX 102 FORSTER COPPRQUEEN 7168 PERKS ADVANCE 121R COLEY'S 121R PRINCESS 524R MKM PRINCESS 3F Bred Heifer Tattoo: 711T PERK BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 KRN REBA'S ROBIN FCC RAMBO 502 MISS FORSTER CPRTOP 591 RBJR ADVANCE A709 PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 GILCHRIST CHIEF W515 MKM PRINCESS 56D CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 5 0.3 29 56 15 29 9 9 6 14 -0.05 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR YW YR REA 0.04 62 lbs. 90 532 lbs. 88 728 lbs. 85 Fat 0.00 Princess is an own daughter of Grand Prix, out of a high performance daughter of 121R, and made to order. 711T is a very complete made moderate framed heifer that has been AI to Hoss on 4-28-2008 and then exposed to Kenworth from 5-9-2008 to 7-26-2008. Safe in calf. 46 Reg. #: 1166787 PERKS GRACIE 737T Calved: 04/22/2007 Bred Heifer Tattoo: 737T PERK 1A 100.0% HOLDEN HI HO 574 HOLDEN HI ROLLER 8106 FORSTER HI ROLLER 0142 BIEBER MIMI 4151 BW FORSTER COPPRQUEEN 7179 PBC D0202 6M H0904 BR MISS FORSTER CPRTOP 591 COLLIER STEADFAST 81 ANDRAS GRACIE 4089 COLLIER GRACIE 96 BUF CRK DYNAMICS 3820 BECKTON MINERVA F277 JL ANDRAS RAINMAIN 412 WOF GRACIE 532 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 2 2.9 37 62 16 35 5 10 4 12 -0.11 95 lbs. 112 WW 666 lbs. WR 105 YW 948 lbs. YR 103 REA 0.03 Fat 0.00 Gracie is complete package female. She has a very smooth look to her that says she will make a top end cow. 737T is sired by Hi Roller and out of one of the most complete made cows that we have. She was exposed to Powerade from 426-2008 to 7-26-2008. Safe in calf. UBAR Grand Prix 102 • Sire of Lot 45 47 Reg. #: 1166789 PERKS PENNY 725T Calved: 04/01/2007 GLACIER CHATEAU 744 PERKS CHATEAU 309R PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 LCC CHEYENNE B221L PIE POLLY PENNY 471 PIE ELWAYS PENNY 677 Bred Heifer Tattoo: 725T PERK LMAN KING ROB 8621 GLACIER REBALA 4L RAMBO R621 PJMC MS GOLDEN BOY 305 BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 HXC 701G LMB ELWAY 938 PIE PENNY 222 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 1 4.3 44 72 18 40 6 9 6 12 0.07 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR YW YR REA 0.15 91 lbs. 108 637 lbs. 101 878 lbs. 95 Fat 0.01 Penny is a top replacement heifer. She is going to be as good of a cow as anything that is in the sale. 725T is smooth shouldered and extremely sound moving. She is out of one of our Pieper cows and sired by the great Cheyenne. Penny exposed to Kenworth from 5-9-2008 to 7-26-2008. Safe in calf. Perks Spring Bred Cows 48 Reg. #: 956290 PERKS MISS ADVANCE Calved: 07/03/2003 RBJR ADVANCE A709 PERKS ADVANCE 011R 4L MS RAMBO R739 BADLANDS BIG JOHN PJMC MS BAD JOHN 119 PATTY`S SOLOMON 0117 Cow Tattoo: 332R PERK T3 CHIEF 2887 ROY ADVANCE A209 VDAR RAMBO 323 PJMC MS BAD JOHN 119 MC CENTURION 823 ST JANICE 5120 ST. SOLOMON CHICO RED HAT CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 4 3.5 28 47 5 19 3 4 7 8 0.09 1A 100.0% BW BR REA 0.07 75 lbs. 100 Fat 0.00 Miss Advance is a very complete cow with a near perfect udder. 332R has produced a high selling bull for us and has a top replacement in our herd. When you begin to analyze her you realize that she is very hard to pick apart. Don’t let this one pass you by. She was exposed to Hoss from 6-6-2008 to 8-26-2008. Safe in calf. Perks Miss Advance • Lot 48 25 49 Reg. #: 893939 PERKS MISS MONU 316R Calved: 03/19/2003 RED SSS MONU4X 237C BJR MONU 4X-303 RCRA SAMANTHA Tattoo: 316R PERK Miss Monu is a very complete, moderate framed cow that does a great job for us. 316R has the look that it takes to raise your next show calf and she also has what it takes to build a herd of great cows around. She is very deep ribbed and sound as a cat. 316R is safe in calf to Powerade. She was exposed from 6-62008 to 8-26-2008. LMB ST ISABELLE 346 Calved: 03/02/2003 CD NUGGET 07G1 LMB NUGGET 030 RED TAMMY T426 DCC DIVIDE 55 LMB ST ISABELLE 042 LMB ST ISABELLE 376 Cow Tattoo: 346 LMB BITTERROOT GOLD 25XA C D CELESTE 01E RED HIGHLAND VELVET 10A RED PATSY P105 GLACIER DIVIDE 310 DCC COPPER LASS 30 LMB UMPIRE 1000-Z20 LMB ST ISABELLE 739 2 100.0% BW BR CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb REA -1 4.2 31 47 9 25 0 9 0 9 -0.08 -0.27 93 lbs. 113 Fat 0.00 Isabelle is a big, stout, powerful cow that was come from the legendary Lambrecht herd in Montana. 346 has produced calves that perform beyond all expectations. She was AI to Get ’R Done on 5-26-2008, then exposed to Hoss from 6-6-2008 to 8-26-2008. Safe in calf. 51 Reg. #: 1026902 COLEY'S 121R PRINCESS 524R Calved: 03/05/2005 RBJR ADVANCE A709 PERKS ADVANCE 121R PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 GILCHRIST CHIEF W515 MKM PRINCESS 3F MKM PRINCESS 56D JKG CHIEFTON L303 JKG PATTY S015 BJR YANK 6163-901 FN COPPERTOP 1924-5030 Cow 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR YW YR 91 lbs. 108 760 lbs. 105 1097 lbs. 103 REA Fat 0.06 -0.01 Princess is a high performance daughter of 121R that raises big, growthy calves. She has a nice udder and can get out and cover some ground. 524R is the type of cow that will raise a herd bull year after year. She was AI to Get ‘R Done on 5-12-2008, then exposed to Hoss from 6-6-2008 to 8-26-2008. Safe in calf. Reg. #: 1101591 PERKS BELLE 625S Calved: 03/20/2006 RBJR ADVANCE A709 PERKS ADVANCE 121R PERKS MISS RAMBO 8105 4L RAMBO R621 PERKS MISS RAMBO 8092 PJMC MS BAD JOHN 119 Perks Advance 121R • Sire of Lots 51 & 52 Tattoo: 524R 1CCC T3 CHIEF 2887 ROY ADVANCE A209 4L RAMBO R621 PJMC MS GOLDEN BOY 305 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 4 3.0 34 69 4 21 6 8 6 12 0.00 52 26 72 lbs. 90 WW 613 lbs. WR 89 YW 903 lbs. YR 90 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb REA Fat 2 2.2 36 64 10 28 12 10 3 13 -0.12 -0.14 -0.02 BJR Monu 4X-303 • Sire of Lot 49 Reg. #: 889432 1A 100.0% LMAN MONU 4X SSS BLOCKANNA 721A BW RED KBJ SAM'S PROSPECTOR BR RCRA MS CARROUSEL VDAR RAMBO 323 4L RAMBO R621 PERKS MISS RAMBO 8137 77 RED A-PATTY'S PRD94Y 77REDA-PATTY'S PRIDE101 CENTURION OF ARLEE72 77 RED A-PATTY'S PRD94Y 50 Cow Cow Tattoo: 625S PERK T3 CHIEF 2887 ROY ADVANCE A209 4L RAMBO R621 PJMC MS GOLDEN BOY 305 VDAR RAMBO 323 77 RED A-PATTY'S PRD94Y BADLANDS BIG JOHN PATTY`S SOLOMON 0117 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 4 3.7 33 59 5 21 9 6 7 9 -0.03 1A 100.0% BW 80 lbs. BR WW 468 lbs. WR YW 557 lbs. YR REA 0.31 Fat 0.00 Here is another 121R daughter that is going to make a tremendous cow. 625S is a young cow with a lot of history. Her dam and sister are donors for the Coley’s in Iowa. She is bred to be great. This is a young cow with a lot of potential. She was exposed to Express from 6-6-2008 to 8-26-2008. Safe in calf. 53 Reg. #: 1067676 CJS JODY Calved: 02/21/2005 RBJR ADVANCE A709 PERKS ADVANCE 122R 4L MS RAMBO 318 PGS GOLDEN TIME 1934 DOLLY JKG J BAR K HOLLY Cow Tattoo: 20 CJS T3 CHIEF 2887 ROY ADVANCE A209 VDAR RAMBO 323 PJMC PERFORMISS 318 ODP CHALLENGER 1196 PGS GOLDEN GIRL 730 JKG LANE FROST Y909 JKG KOOL KATY X802 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 3 2.2 32 53 9 25 4 9 4 9 0.02 1A 100.0% BW 70 lbs. BR WW 572 lbs. WR REA 0.04 Fat 0.00 Jody is young cow that has a great look to her. She is sired by an Advance son that we raised and out of a strong maternal cow family on the bottom side. She is very clean fronted, long bodied, and sound. 20 has done a great job for us in a short time. She is safe in calf to Express. Exposed from 6-6-2008 to 8-26-2008. 54 Reg. #: 954400 SRN PRILARK 4090 Calved: 02/17/2004 LCHMN NO EQUAL 1174D SRN PRILARK M210 SRN PRILARK 12J Cow Tattoo: 4090 1JD LCHMN GRANDCANYON 1244G BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 SRN GRAND CANYON M056 KRN REBA'S ROBIN MS FORSTER COPPERTOP BUFCRK COPPERTOP1628 MIS FORSTER YO 569 LMAN NONE BETTER 9604 LMAN PRAIRIE Q 9308 LEACHMAN EBV 3531 LEACHMAN PRILARK6374 CJS Jody • Lot 53 1A 100.0% BW BR WW WR YW YR CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb REA 3 -0.5 30 52 20 35 8 11 1 14 0.10 -0.15 62 lbs. 87 607 lbs. 96 861 lbs. 94 Fat 0.00 4090 is as maternal as you can find one. She goes back to some of the most prolific cows in the breed, such as Reba’s Robin and Leachman Prilark. 4090 has a beautiful udder and great disposition. This is a cow that could be a donor for somebody. She was AI to Red Spread on 5-31-2008, then exposed to Express from 6-6-2008 to 8-26-2008. Safe in calf. 55 Reg. #: 1022102 PERKS MISS PRIX 515R Calved: 02/23/2005 Cow Tattoo: 515R PERK 1A 100.0% LCHMN GRANDCANYON 1244G BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 UBAR GRAND PRIX 102 KRN REBA'S ROBIN BW FORSTER COPPRQUEEN 7168 FCC RAMBO 502 BR MISS FORSTER CPRTOP 591 LODI PRINCE 2632 PERKS PRINCESS 306R PERKS MISS RAMBO 8908 72 lbs. 100 WW 640 lbs. CALIFORNIA SUPREME 2087 WR 100 YW 917 lbs. JIL 2560 YR 100 4L RAMBO R621 DW'S CELEST 985 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 1 1.5 29 56 14 29 9 11 -1 15 -0.09 REA 0.19 Fat 0.01 Here is a solid producing young cow that is bred to raise some top calves. 515R is only 3 years old, but has done a tremendous job for us here. She is deep ribbed and sound. This cow is only going to get better every day. She was exposed to Hoss from 6-6-2008 to 8-26-2008. Safe in calf. SRN Prilark 4090 • Lot 54 56 Reg. #: 1101580 PERKS PATTY 632S Calved: 04/04/2006 LCHMN NO EQUAL 1174D JDB EQUALS THUNDER 302N DIG MATTIE 622A Cow Tattoo: 632S PERK 1A 100.0% LMAN NONE BETTER 9604 LMAN PRAIRIE Q 9308 LARSON RED LIGHTNING DIG ANGIE BW BR WW UBAR GRAND PRIX 102 LCHMN GRANDCANYON 1244G WR PERKS MISS GRAND PRIX 405R FORSTER COPPRQUEEN 7168 YW YR PERKS MISS ADV 020R RBJR ADVANCE A709 PJMC MS BAD JOHN 108 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 6 -0.7 37 67 19 37 10 9 5 14 0.08 REA 0.06 65 lbs. 95 688 lbs. 103 862 lbs. 107 Fat 0.00 632S is one of the first Thunder daughters to sell that is in production. She is out of an own daughter of Grand Prix that put everything she has into this young 2-year old. If you want to raise some great females this is one to watch. She was exposed to Express from 6-6-2008 to 8-26-2008. Safe in calf. 27 Reference Sires RED Fine Line Mulberry 26P (CAN #:1237972) Sire: Red Compass Mulberry 449M Dam: Red Dus Fayette 8G Mulberry 26P has quickly made his way into the ‘Elite’ category of bulls. His genetics can be found all over the world. At Brylor’s ‘Tradition with a Vision’ sale in September, the Mulberry daughters averaged $7500. Mulberry ran with cows all summer in Canada and looks phenomenal. His sons have topped sales all over Canada. At Brylor’s bull sale this springs, 15 sons averaged $9200. Remember that Mulberry was raised by Nick and Lorraine VanGaalen at Fine Line Red Angus. You have an opportunity to invest in females from the Fine Line program throughout our sale offerings. CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb REA 5.0 0.7 45 83 16 38 8 5.0 8 0.01 -0.02 Fat 0.00 RED Brylor A L C Strong 116S (CAN #:1423427) Sire: Red BJR AH Branded Beef L107 Dam: Red Brylor Karma 12K Strong is a phenomenal Branded Beef son that walked our pastures this summer as a herd sire and clean up bull. We believe in using pasture bulls that can make a difference, and with a dam like Karma 12K, a phenomenal New Trend daughter, Strong’s calves will make a difference. CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 9.0 -0.9 32 64 23 38 11 9.0 12 28 REA Fat RED Brylor SDL Squall 230S (CAN #:1367321) Sire: RED Brylor SDL Pasquale 213P Dam: Red CYT Fanny 15P Meet one of the breed’s most up and coming, young low birth weight bulls with a lot of grow. Many of our cows and sale lots are bred to this phenomenal Pasquale 213P son. Very dark blood red with a lot of muscle and length of spine. Squall is calving ease bull that can compete and win. His 2008 show season is just getting started. In his first outing, he won the Alberta Angus “Gold Show”. Look for many more successes from Squall. CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 13.0 -3.5 22 43 19 30 8 9.0 13 REA Fat SSS Onset 684T (CAN #:1411801) Sire: Red SSS Storm 87M Dam: SSS Erica 804L Onset is a Black red gene carrier that we were lucky to purchase from Triple S Red Angus in Canada. This bull is deep bodied, big boned with a great dark foot. He is a complete outcross for all programs. We can’t’ wait to see his calves. He ran with over 60 cows this breeding season and he came out of pasture in September in great rig. He will be a huge part of our program. CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 9.0 -0.2 29 65 17 32 7 6.0 11 -0.06 REA 0.30 Fat 0.00 Reference Sires Perks Express 716T (Reg #:1166791) Sire: PIE Express 5148 Dam: PIE Faye 4216 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 2 1.9 39 69 18 38 6 10 1 13 -0.06 REA 0.03 Perks Kenworth 723T (Reg. #:1166769 ) Sire: LCC Cheyenne B221L Dam: Perks Princess 304R CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 7 -0.3 36 66 19 37 6 10 2 13 0.18 REA 0.06 Fat 0.00 Fat 0.01 Perks Powerade 717T (Reg. #: 1166799) Sire: 6R 1176P Dam: PIE Fayette 583 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 7 -0.8 31 67 16 31 7 9 3 12 -0.01 PIE Hoss 5241 (Reg. #: 1062984) Sire: LCB Hoss A44N Dam: PIE Ms Jr. Canyon 3062 CED BW WW YW Milk TM ME HPG CEM Stay Marb 7 -0.8 31 58 29 45 5 13 3 14 0.05 SALE TERMS & CONDITIONS TERMS: Terms of the sale are cash, check, or other terms agreed to in writing between seller, buyer, and sale manager payable immediately upon conclusion of the sale before animals will be moved. Sale Manager reserves the right to require a certified check as settlement before releasing any cattle. PURCHASER’S RISK: All animals are the owner’s risk prior to their sale and become property of the purchaser as soon as declared sold by the auctioneer. BIDDING: Any disputes or challenges regarding bids or tie bids will be settled by the auctioneer and his decision will be final. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY: A certificate of registry for each animal will be transferred to the buyer at the seller’s expense. ANNOUNCMENTS: Any errors or changes in information contained in the catalog will be announced from the block and such announcements shall take precedence over the information contained herein. HEALTH: All animals are eligible for interstate shipment. Interstate health papers prepared by an accredited veterinarian will be furnished on each animal sold. Arrangements for International Shipment should be made with the sale manager prior to the auction. All efforts for the exportaton of cattle can be arranged through the sale manager. BREEDING GUARANTEE: All animals are guaranteed by the seller as outlined in the Red Angus Association of America Code of Ethical Sale Practices. REA 0.21 Fat 0.00 REA Fat 0.04 -0.01 LIABILITIES: All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. The seller, auction facility, and sale manager assume no liability for any accidents that may occur. Neither does the seller, auction facility, or sale manager assume liability for the loss or injury to livestock due to theft, mysterious disappearance, sickness, improper handling or Act of God. It is to be clearly understood that the sale manager and its represenatives act only as a medium between the buyer and the seller. They are not responsible in any way for the failure on the part of the buyer and seller to live up to their obligations or for the truth of any warranties or respresentation, express or implied. Neither does the sale manager assume any financial obligations to collect or enforce collection of monies between parties. Any legal action, that may in exceptional cases be taken, must be between the buyer and the seller. This catalog has been prepared by the sale Manager from pedigrees and information supplied by sources deemed reliable, however, the sale manager will in no way guarantee the pedigree, percentages of the animals selling, or data included in this catalog. Any exceptions taken are between the buyer and the seller. CONTRACT: The above terms and conditions of sale shall constitute a contract between the buyer and seller of each animal and shall be equally binding upon both. Each sale or resale of an animal constitutes a separate transaction. PHONE BIDS: Telephone bids will be taken by the sale manager: Kyle Gilchrist cell number is: (641) 919-1077. A production of Star G Ranch, Inc. Sale Management by: Amy & Kyle Gilchrist 14075 120th St. Douds, IA 52551 FIRST CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID MONTEZUMA, IOWA 50171 PERMIT NO. 30 FIRST CLASS
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