NORWEGIAN TV NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 TITLE NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: XOXOX HD | 16:9 | ? X ??’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES FORMATS 2015 ORIGINAL TITLE ORIGINAL TITLE XOXOXO DIRECTOR XXXX PRODUCED BY XXX CO-PRODUCER XXX BROADCASTER XXX SCREENPLAY XXX TYPE OF AUDIENCE XXX LOCAL RATINGS XXX SALES AGENT XXX SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS XXX XOXOXO CONTACT XOXOX TEL +47 XOXOX EMAIL XOXO@xoxox WEB xoxo norwegian games 2015 1 1 FRONT FRONTCOVER COVER The Third Eye / Det tredje øyet #NoFilter Producer: ProducedRubicon by TV 2TV Norway / Salto film & fjernsyn ANDERS BREDMOSE General Counsel Norwegian Producers’ Association Cell: +47 417 79 694 Email: ADRIENNE SEET Project Coordinator MIPTV Norwegian Producers’ Association Cell: +47 911 71 165 Email: MIA LINDRUP Senior Advisor, Promotion Promotions and International Relations Norwegian Film Institute Cell: +47 922 26 978 Email: Welcome to Focus on the Nordics! Thank you for joining us in Cannes as we welcome you to Focus on the Nordics at MIPTV 2015. It is a big pleasure to present to you the variety of Norwegian TV production. The Norwegian Producers’ Association are thrilled to be given the opportunity to focus the spot light north during the international TV and digital content market in Cannes. Sponsored by the Norwegian Film Institute we enter the Nordic pavilion in connection with the Palais des Festivals. Norwegian TV production is at its most innovative position ever with a huge variety of productions and expressions. The growth in quality and quantity brought to the TV screens in Norway as well as abroad makes us proud to present this catalogue and also to invite you to take a tour of what is happening in the North. We are certain that you will find the Norwegian productions and producers interesting. We hope that you will spend some time talking to us while we are in Cannes and that you bring some of the Norwegian productions back home with you from Cannes. Torbjørn Urfjell CEO Norwegian Producers’ Association 3 NORWAY’S UGLIEST ROOMS Page 10 Produced by Mastiff NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 CONTENTS Page TitleProduction Company [in alphabetical order] 6 The Games Ape og Bjørn 7 RedesignAspect Film 8 Energy Survival Fabelaktiv AS 9 Pistolshrimps on Flimmer Film 10 Norway’s Ugliest Rooms Mastiff Norway 11 Food Control Mastiff Norway 12 Dinner at My Place Monster Entertainment 13 Born OnMonster Entertainment 14 Who Cares? Monster Entertainment 15 King of Chess Nordisk Film TV 16 Young GirlsNRK 17 AnnoNRK & Strix 18 Main Street Mayhem NRK 19 When the Orchestra Came to Town NRK 20 It’s About Time Pandora 21 Dining with the Enemy TV2 22 Ice Warriors TV2 / Salto film og fjernsyn 23 #NoFilter TV2 / Salto film og fjernsyn BORN ON by Monster Entertainment WHEN THE ORCHESTRA CAME TO TOWN by NRK 5 NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 THE GAMES HD | 16:9 | 2 SEASONS | 26 X 7’ | NORWEGIAN & MORE | ENGLISH SUBTITLES INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE: AUTUMN 2014 ORIGINAL TITLE KAMPEN DIRECTORS Martin Lund, Liv Karin Dahlstrøm, Johanne Helgeland, Kristoffer Carlin, Charlotte Blom PRODUCED BY Ape&Bjørn AS BROADCASTERS NRK Super, DR og SVT SCREENPLAY Martin Lund, Thorkild Schrumpf, Jan Trygve Røynesland, Espen Aukan LANGUAGES AVAILABLE Norwegian, German, Polish, Spanish (in progress) TYPE OF AUDIENCE Boys 8-12 LOCAL RATINGS 50% SALES AGENT Sola Media GmbH SALES RIGHTS Worldwide excl. Canada and Scandinavia TERRITORIES SOLD Tyskland, Denmark, Sverige, Holland, Mexico, Estland, Thailand, Canada og Polen. SYNOPSIS In The Games we meet eleven-year-old Stian, whose everyday life is accompanied by the running commentary of two sports presenters. Stian faces new opponents in every episode and needs to use all his tactical skills to stay in the game, especially when it comes to avoiding eating fish, getting to school on time, staying up late to watch his favorite TV show or cheating in his math test. CONTACT Ruben Thorkildsen TEL +47 909 35511 EMAIL WEB 6 Stian’s everyday life is accompanied by the running commentary of two sports presenters NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 REDESIGN NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: APRIL 27, 2014 HD | 16:9 | 10 X 45’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE REDESIGN DIRECTOR Anja Bratlie Larsen PRODUCED BY Aspect Film AS BROADCASTER TV2 Norway SCREENPLAY Torstein Molle Haug, Gaute Johnsen, David Berner TYPE OF AUDIENCE Women 15-40 LOCAL RATINGS 4.2% (TV2 Bliss) SALES AGENT Nordic World SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS 2 teams of design experts have 4 days to create the interior for a room in desperate need of a facelift. But there is a catch: They have no budget. Recycling stations, dumpsters, the internet and friends provide free materials. Back in their fully equipped workshops they work like crazy to finish on time. Enjoy brilliant creativity, amazing resourcefulness, and fascinating work as these creative teams discuss, laugh and argue their way through the process. When time expires, the experts leave and the owner’s arrive to be amazed and choose the winning concept. Once installed in the room, the experts arrive for the big reveal and the winners celebrate their victory. 2 expert design teams create custom-made interiors. But with no budget, it’s the ultimate trash-to-treasure competition. CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Gaute Johnsen +47 41307700 7 NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 ENERGY SURVIVAL HD | 16:9 | 12 SEASONS | 6 X 28’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES NORWEGIAN PREMIERE SEASON 1: 2001 SEASON 12: DECEMBER 25, 2012 ORIGINAL TITLE ENERGIKAMPEN DIRECTORS Rune Sæterstøl, Terje Nilsen, Erik Fagereng, Andreas Dreyer PRODUCED BY Fabelaktiv AS BROADCASTERS NRK, SVT, DR, MTV3, KRO TYPE OF AUDIENCE Children / Family LOCAL RATINGS 30-40% share SALES AGENT Nordic World SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS Energy Survival is a competition-driven reality series, where five teams of three children each come together for a series of friendly contests. The action takes place outdoors amid spectacular scenery to emphasise the drama of the events unfolding and to enhance the contestants’ subjective experience. All the contests revolve around knowledge of energy and the environment. The message is that ‘our planet can’t take any more’, highlighting the environmental challenges facing the Earth. The competition starts with five teams. Each day one team drops out until there is only one team left... Mother Earth is in trouble – she needs our help! CONTACT Arild Halvorsen TEL +47 95109306 EMAIL arild.halvorsen@ 8 Emmy-winning Series with ACTION – ADVENTURE – COMPETITION NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 PISTOLSHRIMPS ON P3.NO NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: JANUARY 15, 2014 HD | 16:9 | 8 X 10’ | NORWEGIAN & ENGLISH | NORWEGIAN & ENGLISH SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE PISTOLSHRIMPS PÅ P3.NO DIRECTOR Stian Hafstad & Christer Larsen PRODUCED BY Flimmer Film AS BROADCASTER NRK SCREENPLAY Stian Hafstad & Christer Larsen TYPE OF AUDIENCE Young people LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT Flimmer Film AS SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS PistolShrimps on is a talkshow with more show than talk. The YouTube sensations PistolShrimps guides you through 3 funny skits, sent live from their dads’ garage in Bergen. PistolShrimps’ videos have over 127 million views on YouTube and the channel has over 375 000 subscribers. Their videos are making fun of pop culture phenomenons like Harry Potter, Lord of The Rings and Justin Bieber. The talkshow with more show and less talk! CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Lars Løge +47 41 51 41 80 9 NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 NORWAY’S UGLIEST ROOMS HD | 16:9 | 2 SEASONS | 32 X 42’ | NORWEGIAN NORWEGIAN PREMIERE S1: JANUARY 2014 S2: MARCH 2015 ORIGINAL TITLE NORGES STYGGESTE ROM DIRECTORS Tone M L Nygaard, Lise Burkiewicz PRODUCED BY Mastiff Norge BROADCASTER TV3 TYPE OF AUDIENCE All LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT Mastiff Norge SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS One gay interior designer, one hunk as a carpenter and a little crazy host are travelling around Norway in their camper, looking for really ugly rooms. Each day they choose tree rooms in the final, and they are discussing (in the camper) which they want to give the trophy! Then they do all they have to, to renovate and fix the room in an inspiring and surprisingly style, also with lots of DIY tips. The climax is when the show the new renovated room for the contestant! Laughter, cries and lots of emotions! CONTACT Ragnhild Skaale TEL +47 97547197 EMAIL WEB 10 Norway’s Ugliest Rooms – stripped version – each day a new room will be chosen and renovated in a new inspiring style NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 FOOD CONTROL NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: JANUARY 22, 2015 HD | 16:9 | 24 X 30’ | NORWEGIAN ORIGINAL TITLE MATKONTROLLEN DIRECTOR Erik Molland PRODUCED BY Mastiff Norway BROADCASTER TV2 Norway TYPE OF AUDIENCE TBA LOCAL RATINGS 20.9% SALES AGENT Mastiff AS SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS We investigate, reveal and confront. We will show you how the industry, the food stores and restaurants’ tricks makes food more expensive and of worse quality. We will also give you helpful tips on how we can make smart purchases, and how we can take better care of - and get more out of - our food. We reveal how you are being tricked, and demands answers from those who are responsible CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Ragnhild Skaale +47 97547197 11 NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 DINNER AT MY PLACE HD | 16:9 | 8 X 45’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: JANUARY 26, 2015 ORIGINAL TITLE EN KVELD HOS KLOPPEN DIRECTOR Kelly Christiansen Lillesund, Finn-Erik Rognan, Marius Stensson PRODUCED BY Monster Entertainment BROADCASTER TV2 Norway TYPE OF AUDIENCE P12-55 LOCAL RATINGS 22,2 % SALES AGENT Nordic World SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS Famous host Solveig Kloppen invites three celebrities that all fascinate her to a dinner party at her private home. She is the perfect host, except that she is not very skilled in the kitchen. The solution to this is that her guests bring the food, and each prepare one part of a three-course meal. At the end of the night they all sit down for dinner, a relaxed setting for the host to shoot out any question – both serious and fun. The purpose is for the host and the viewers to get a bit closer to each of the guests. CONTACT Eva Marie Uddu TEL +47 97 11 48 42 EMAIL 12 A fun and relaxed evening with famous friends! NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 BORN ON NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: AUTUMN 2015 HD | 16:9 | 2 SEASONS | 6 X 59’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE DATOEN DIRECTORS Sandra Hafsahl, Ole Jakob Andersen, Ingrid Wevang, Anne Skaardal, Maiken Marstrander PRODUCED BY Monster Entertainment BROADCASTER NRK1 SCREENPLAY Ingrid Boon Ulfsby, Ole Jakob Andersen, Ingrid Wevang, Anne Skaardal, Maiken Marstrander TYPE OF AUDIENCE ALL LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT DRG SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS In “Born on” we tell the life stories of three individuals all born on the same day, from birth to present. One of them is an accomplished and famous person, the other three are ordinary people with their own extraordinary stories to tell. By sharing a birthday they all had the same starting point in life. However, their lives have evolved in different directions. Through interviews, personal archive footage and poetic re-enactments, we present personal stories from their lives, and link their fates to big and small events in our shared history. One day - three life stories. What are the moments, the events, the life choices, that makes us who we are? CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Eva Marie Uddu +47 97 11 48 42 13 NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 WHO CARES? HD | 16:9 | 2 SEASONS | 8 X 23’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: OCTOBER 23, 2014 ORIGINAL TITLE HVEM BRYR SEG DIRECTOR Vanja Strømstad, Einar Wist Øyen, Anne Marte Adolfsen PRODUCED BY Monster Entertainment BROADCASTER TV2 Norway SCREENPLAY Kristin Vestreim TYPE OF AUDIENCE All LOCAL RATINGS 23.3% for 12+, 27.7% for P20-49 SALES AGENT Nordic World SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS In Who cares we construct setups that all are based on situations that have happened in real life. We film these situations with hidden cameras, to uncover how passers-by react. Afterwards, our host speaks to the people involved to find out why they acted they way the did. The purpose is to find out what it takes for someone to actually care about the situation, and make it stop. A hidden camera/social experiment. CONTACT Eva Marie Uddu TEL +47 97 11 48 42 EMAIL 14 If you see a stranger in an upsetting, difficult or even hurtful situation, how will you react? Will you care? NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 KING OF CHESS INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE: APRIL 13, 2015 HD | 16:9 | 1 X 180’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE KONGEN AV SJAKK DIRECTOR Stig Olav Kasin, Vegard Svingen PRODUCED BY Nordisk Film TV AS BROADCASTERS NRK TYPE OF AUDIENCE Broad family LOCAL RATINGS 22% share SALES AGENT Banijay International SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS We know he has beaten the best in the world but the question is: what happens when he is challenged by an entire nation? King of Chess is a large, studio based TV-show that’s fun for the whole family. Viewers can challenge the world’s number 1 chess player from home. The majority’s move will be chosen but everyone can compare their own scores to other cities, ages, professions, etc in the innovative play-along app at any time. While trying to beat the nation the Champion will also play against 7 groups in the studio. He is facing his own family members, teams of politicians, athletes, junior chess champions, all at the same time! It’s entertaining, inclusive and engaging for the viewer, whether they are chess enthusiasts or not! It takes a nation to beat the unbeatable CONTACT Jimmy Humphrey TEL +44 7740334094 EMAIL WEB 15 NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 YOUNG GIRLS HD | 16:9 | 5 SEASONS | 6 X 28’ | 150’ PER SEASON | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES NORWEGIAN PREMIERE S5: MARCH 2015 ORIGINAL TITLE JENTER DIRECTORS Julie Andem, Ida Sagmo Tvedte, Stian Presthus, Tine Grønneberg PRODUCED BY NRK Super BROADCASTERS, VOD SCREENPLAY Julie Andem, Ida Sagmo Tvedte and Stian Presthus TYPE OF AUDIENCE Children 10+ SALES AGENT Beta Film SALES RIGHTS Worldwide excl. the Nordics SYNOPSIS The series Young Girls is all about surviving puberty. The series follows a close-knit group of friends on their journey from children to teenagers. Maya and Ylva are sisters. Emilie and Tora are Maya’s best friends, while Vanessa is definitely not a friend at first. Day by day, the story evolves around the girls everyday life as they fall in and out of love in the city of Oslo, Norway. FORMAT Daily online drama formed as a blog, each season with a personal narrator – posted real time at and live action drama sequences published weekly on VOD during season. Each season is aprox 14 weeks long. Each season is 150 minutes (all live action drama scenes put together) also aired after the end of each season – linear tv and VOD. CONTACT Bente Sagplads TEL +47 90036189 EMAIL WEB 16 Daily online drama formed as a blog combining live action drama scenes with blog, photos and social media NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 ANNO NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: 2015 HD | 16:9 | 30 X 40’/ 60’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE ANNO DIRECTOR Vibeke Ringen, Petter Bønsnes PRODUCED BY Strix Norway BROADCASTER NRK TYPE OF AUDIENCE Broad family LOCAL RATINGS 780 000 / 46% share SALES AGENT DRG SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS This format picks a moment in time, an iconic year in the history of a city, where fourteen contestants from the present world will live, breath and compete to learn the ways of the past for ten weeks. They will be cooking, working and generally surviving in an environment which replicates every aspect of the time, from trading food to paving their own roads. The goal is to pass the tasks to break free from poverty and rise to wealth and fortune. At the end of the week there is an exhilarating duel and the loser will return to the real world. Let’s go back in time... CONTACT Hans Peter Hognestad TEL +47 90898010 EMAIL WEB anno--format 17 NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 MAIN STREET MAYHEM HD | 16:9 | 22 X 29’ | NORWEGIAN | NORWEGIAN & ENGLISH SUBTITLES INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE: OCTOBER 1, 2014 ORIGINAL TITLE KARL JOHAN DIRECTOR Jørgen Høst PRODUCED BY Norsk fjernsyn AS BROADCASTER NRK SCREENPLAY Erik Solbakken, Hasse Hope, Jørgen Høst, Christan Valeur TYPE OF AUDIENCE Young Adults LOCAL RATINGS TBA SALES AGENT DRG SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS «Main Street Mayhem» is a weekly, actuality-based, humorous talk show based on interactions and conversations with random passers-by on Karl Johans street. The program consists of two kinds of segments: Interviews where the hosts and the guests are sitting in a studio setting, and VT-segments that in different and innovative ways reflect the “5-on-the-street” approach. The program selects its contents from news and current affairs, as well as from issues that occupy the minds of most Norwegians and of people that walk along Karl Johan. CONTACT Ole Hedemann TEL +47 95944215 EMAIL WEB karl-johan 18 An improvised comedy street talk show from Oslo’s gala street NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 WHEN THE ORCHESTRA CAME TO TOWN INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE: APRIL 1, 2015 HD | 16:9 | 5 X 90’ | NORWEGIAN | SUBTITLES? ORIGINAL TITLE DA KORK KOM TIL BYGDA DIRECTORS Kristin Rosenlow Eeg, Cecilie Bugge, Svanhild Sveinsdotter Grov, Raymond M. Elveland PRODUCED BY NRK BROADCASTER NRK SCREENPLAY Cathrine Irgens, Kristin Rosenlow Eeg TYPE OF AUDIENCE All LOCAL RATINGS 730,000 SALES AGENT DRG SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS When the Orchestra came to town is an innovative musical entertainment series with reality grip where ordinary people’s dreams come true and the program shows that music changes lives! Each show is hosted by a a television celebrity that brings the the symphony orchestra (KORK) to five small places. There the host finds hidden musical talents and in one week, together with the village’s local forces he ore she creates a spectacular show – where the local talents are the stars performing with the big orchestra. The series shows real commitment, community spirit, unity, dreams and new talent which are lifted up and presented by a professional orchestra so that they surpass themselves! An entertainment show where ordinary people’s dreams come true on a big stage CONTACT Ole Hedemann TEL +47 95944215 EMAIL WEB da-kork-kom-til-bygda 19 NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 IT’S ABOUT TIME HD | 16:9 | 11 SEASONS | 12 X 46’ | NORWEGIAN NORWEGIAN PREMIERE S11: JANUARY 6, 2015 ORIGINAL TITLE TID FOR HJEM DIRECTOR Jan Inge M. Skogheim PRODUCED BY Pandora Film AS BROADCASTER TV2 Norway TYPE OF AUDIENCE P10-80 LOCAL RATINGS 33% in P20-49 group SALES AGENT Nordic World SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS Kjersti Bergesen, brings one designer and a team of craftsmen to redecorate a room in 4 days. Living rooms, kitchens and outdoor backyards get the best of the best when they get a makeover! CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB 20 Espen Huseby +47 916 15 500 House makeover in 4 days! NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 DINING WITH THE ENEMY NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: 2012 HD | 16:9 | 9 X 45’ | NORWEGIAN ORIGINAL TITLE TIL BORDS MED FIENDEN DIRECTOR Gry Winther PRODUCED BY Winther Production CO-PRODUCER TV2 Norway BROADCASTER TV2 Norway TYPE OF AUDIENCE P12 - 55 LOCAL RATINGS 17.2 % for 12+, 20.4% for 20-49 SALES AGENT Nordic World SALES RIGHTS Worldwide SYNOPSIS Dining with the enemy is a “feel-good” experience, a travel and food journey into places where hope of peace always linger, as the sun sets on the horizon. Food is a universal language that brings people together... But what if the people are sworn enemies? In Dining With the Enemy an experienced war correspondent takes an expert gourmet chef to a conflict-ridden part of the world. Their cooking put culture and diversity on hold for one night and as a viewer you get to experience amazing impressions, culinary delights and the beauty of places you thought of as only “warzones”. Watch the people in conflict and take part of the debates between enemies who mostly end out as friends by the end of the meal. A “feel-good”food show in conflict-ridden areas CONTACT TEL EMAIL WEB Espen Huseby +47 916 15 500 21 NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 ICE WARRIORS HD | 16:9 | 40 X 22.5’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: NOVEMBER 10, 2014 ORIGINAL TITLE ISKRIGERNE DIRECTORS Vegard Normann, Tommy M. Hansen PRODUCED BY TV2 Norway CO-PRODUCER Salto film og fjernsyn BROADCASTER TV2 Norway TYPE OF AUDIENCE 15+ LOCAL RATINGS 5.7% in P20-49 SALES AGENT Nordic World SALES RIGHT TBA SYNOPSIS The series follows Norway’s most winning ice-hockey club through a long grueling season both on and off the ice. Vålerenga is a 100-year-old club where tradition and pride are highly valued. The cameras have been given unlimited access to the professional players’, coaches’ and leadership’s professional and private lives. Through the entertaining and actionpacked ten months, we get to follow the colourful cast of characters through ups and downs, and life changing events. The series has been sold to TV 2 Denmark. CONTACT Rolf Wenell TEL +47 95789588 EMAIL WEB 22 Blood, sweat and hockey! An entertaining reality series about the real side of professional sports. NORWEGIAN TV FORMATS 2015 #NOFILTER NORWEGIAN PREMIERE: JANUARY 8, 2014 HD | 16:9 | 40 X 22.5’ | NORWEGIAN | ENGLISH SUBTITLES ORIGINAL TITLE BLOGGERNE DIRECTORS Vegard Normann, Anja M. Maakestad PRODUCED BY TV2 Norway CO-PRODUCER Salto film og fjernsyn MAIN BROADCASTER TV2 Norway TYPE OF AUDIENCE 15+ LOCAL RATINGS 25% share in W15-34 SALES AGENT Nordic World SALES RIGHT Worldwide SYNOPSIS #Nofilter follow four girls who daily share their lives online to thousands of people every day. We step inside their lives as they share their innermost thoughts, feelings and insecurities. We get to see how they each struggle with challenges like sex, romance and body issues. They all have their own way of dealing with their struggles, from a bad boyfriend to plastic surgery. For ten months the four girls have been followed by camera teams at both small and big events in their everyday lives. They have also been recording themselves, giving a raw unfiltered insight into their life. Nominated «Innovation of the Year» at the Norwegian Golden Screen Awards 2014. See the real and unfiltered lives of blogging stars. CONTACT Rolf Wenell TEL +47 95789588 EMAIL WEB 23 DIGITAL CATALOGUE NOW ONLINE: PUBLISHED BY Tel: +47 417 79 694 Email: Henrik Ibsensgate 90, Oslo Post: PB 2900 Solli, 0230 Oslo SPONSORED BY EDITOR Adrienne Seet DESIGN Adrienne Seet