Rev. Kelvin Sauls - Holman United Methodist Church
Rev. Kelvin Sauls - Holman United Methodist Church
H OLMAN U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH Church of the Bells 3320 West Adams Boulevard Los Angeles California 90018 Phone: (323) 731-7285 Fax: (323) 731-2609 Email: Visit us on – Facebook: HolmanChurch Twitter: @HolmanUMC REV. KELVIN SAULS, Senior Pastor MINISTER VICTOR CYRUS-FRANKLIN, Assistant Pastor REV. MARGUERITE PHILLIPS, Minister of Congregational Care Ministries REV. JAMES M. LAWSON, JR., Pastor Emeritus th 7 SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST JULY 27, 2014 The 11:00 a.m. Worship Celebration is broadcast LIVE on KJLH Radio Free 102.3 FM and worldwide on TODAY’S RADIO BROADCAST MINISTRY IS SPONSORED BY THE HOLMAN CAMPING MINISTRY In celebration of the 2014 Summer Bible Camp. We are thankful for the continued show of love, support and growth of our ministry by the Holman family and community. We have over 80 campers and counselors attending this year’s camp. Pray for us while we are away at camp this week. Our theme is “Get Jesus: Finding your true self in Him.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16: 15-16 VISION A place where bells are rung to GATHER people for dynamic worship, ANOINT them for joyful service, TEACH them powerful Christian spiritual principles, and ENGAGE them through expanding ministries, causing them to grow exponentially as they embrace the mandate of Christ in Matthew 28:18-20. MISSION To make disciples for Jesus Christ by bringing to the people of Los Angeles, and particularly the historic West Adams community, hope-filled, Christ-inspired responses to urban needs. 69 Years of Mission and Ministry 1 WORSHIP CELEBRATION THE PRELUDE Robert Johnson, Jr. *** THE CENTERING MOMENT Beloved, I don’t feel that I have already arrived; I do not consider that I have captured and made it my own; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on towards the mark of the high calling which God in Christ Jesus is calling us onward, outward, and upward. THE GREETING *** “Every Praise” *THE PROCESSIONAL HYMN Every praise is to our God. Every word of worship with one accord Every praise, every praise, is to our God. Choir and Congregation Sing hallelujah to our God Glory hallelujah is due our God Every praise, every praise, is to our God. God my Savior, God my Healer, God my Deliverer Yes He is, yes He is; yes He is, yes He is Every praise, every praise, is to Our God *THE LITANY FOR HOLMAN’S 69TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR HOMECOMING Leader: On this Homecoming Sunday, we celebrate 69 years of transformational ministry. We give thanks for a small group of spirit-filled lay people who had a vision from God for building a Methodist church to minister to the needs of a rapidly growing African-American population on the west side of Los Angeles. People: Be with us, oh God, as we celebrate this day and the years of Christian fellowship we have shared as a congregation. Leader: We come home to remember with gratitude our rich history and the ongoing struggle for freedom. May the memories that brought us home provide audacity and intentionality to activate and acknowledge new memories. We celebrate the presence of the Holy Spirit in all our coming and going, praying and singing, doing and growing, for the transformation of lives and communities. To God be the glory!! People: Come Lord Jesus, renew our faithfulness and increase our boldness. May we be worthy recipients of your ongoing blessings and ready servants in the tasks of congregational vitality and disciple-making, justice and equality. All: In our coming home to this special place where bells are rung, may we become a spirit-filled and visionary people committed to building a congregation to minister to the needs of a rapidly changing community, city, county and region. We reaffirm our charge to gather for dynamic worship, grow through inspired learning and go into joyful and fruitful service, living the gospel of Jesus Christ! HALLELUJAH!! THE CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE (8:00 am) Choir and Congregation “Just Want to Praise You” I just want to praise you Blessings and glory and honor forever, and ever, and ever they all belong to you for all you've done for me thank you Jesus for blessing me THE MINISTRY OF MUSIC *** Jubilant Voices “When The Saints Go To Worship” Yolanda Mitchell-West, soloist Donald Lawrence THE CELEBRATION OF READ LEAD / HOLMAN FREEDOM SCHOOL ________________________ * Congregation please stand *** Worshipers may enter (11:00 am) Cassandra Chase / Joy Masha Co-Founders, Read Lead 2 THE MINISTRY OF MUSIC “Something Inside So Strong” (11:00 am) Freedom School Scholars & Servant Leaders Labi Siffre *THE SCRIPTURE ROMANS 8:31-39 *THE CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Liturgist: The Word of God for the people of God. People: Thanks be to God! THE MINISTRY OF MUSIC *** “More Than A Conqueror” Jubilant Voices Hezekiah Walker Vicki Allen, soloist THE SERMON Rev. Kelvin Sauls “LOVE. PERIOD.” THE INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP, MEMBERSHIP AND COMPANIONSHIP (ALTAR CALL) Persons desiring to become disciples of Jesus Christ and/or members of Holman UMC are asked to come forward and complete a Discipleship / Membership Registration, Intercessory Prayer Card found in the pew rack. Please place the card in the offering plate and/or bring it with you to the Altar while the choir / congregation is singing. THE PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS Offertory (8:00 am) Jubilant Voices “When the Battle is Over” Melida Smith Byrd & Pat Brown, soloists Walter Hawkins “Say Yes” Michelle Williams (11:00 am) Freedom School Scholars & Servant Leaders *Doxology UMH #95 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF GUESTS & VISITORS THE BLESSING AND SENDING FORTH OF HOLMAN CAMPERS THE INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN MINISTRY (ANNOUNCEMENTS) *THE HYMN OF SENDING FORTH AND RECESSIONAL *THE BENEDICTION As we depart worship, wherever you Go, toll YOUR Bell!! THE POSTLUDE Robert Johnson, Jr. PARTICIPATING IN OUR SERVICES TODAY: Our Clergy: Rev. Kelvin Sauls, Minister Victor CyrusFranklin, Rev. Marguerite Phillips; Liturgists: (8:00 am) Donovan Kimsey-Wade, (11:00 am) Tyler BarkleyCoye; Jubilant Voices directed by Melida Smith Byrd; Robert Johnson, Jr., organist; Ricardo L.J. Mowatt, drummer; Ushers chaired by Gilbert Jones; Acolytes coordinated by Pearlene Allison and Muriel Parker; Greeters chaired by Donna Richardson; Hospitality Ministry coordinated by Sharon Jackson; New Members Ministry chaired by Sharon Hodgson; Transportation Ministry coordinated by Cynthia Gibson; Media Ministry: David Sears, Keith McGruder, Mark Conway, and Kayla Bennett. 3 HEART TO HEART SOMETHING INSIDE SO STRONG Labi Siffre The higher you build your barriers The taller I become The farther you take my rights away The faster I will run You can deny me You can decide to turn your face away No matter, cos there’s (Chorus) Something inside so strong I know that I can make it Though you’re doing me wrong, so wrong; You thought that my pride was gone Oh no, there's something inside so strong, Something inside so strong The more you refuse to hear my voice The louder I will sing You hide behind walls of Jericho Your lies will come tumbling Deny my place in time You squander wealth that’s mine My light will shine so brightly It will blind you because there’s Something inside so strong . . . Brothers and sisters When they insist we’re just not good enough Well we know better Just look ‘em in the eyes and say We're gonna do it anyway We're gonna do it anyway There's Something inside so strong . . . There are two ways of spreading the light: To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Edith Wharton FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR Happy 94th Birthday to our Mom, Aunt, Great Aunt and Great, Great Aunt PEARL H. PERRY (July 28) But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:17 In Celebration of Our 10th Wedding Anniversary (July 31, 2014) ORLANDO AND MELITTA JOHNSON Throughout the years, we've been blessed with 3 beautiful children, amazing and supportive parents, wonderful siblings, great friends and a lovely church home. We praise God for everything!! In Celebration of the Birthday of DEBRA LACROIX (July 26) How blessed we are! We thank you, our Holman family for your prayers and generosity. God is keeping us moving forward! Glory be to God! Your mom, JEAN SMITH Happy Birthday HILDRETH (HAL) WALKER, JR. (July 28) To my loving husband, a true man of God! A loving husband, father, grandfather & great grandfather. A giant role model who, during the Apollo 11 Moon Landing, conducted The Laser Ranging Operations from Lick Observatory in July, 1969 as the laser technology pioneer. We celebrate the 45th Anniversary of your contribution to the world! God loves you and so do we! YOUR WIFE, BETTYE AND FAMILY 4 TODAY IS HOMECOMING SUNDAY!! This special time is dedicated to members, extended family and friends as we reconnect in fun and friendship; to remember who we are as a people of God; to re-establish our relationships with those who have been on the Holman journey; to share our memories with our young people. Today, again, as we join in our church “family reunion,” we celebrate the abundant blessings that God has showered on us individually and collectively, and we press toward the mark and recommit ourselves to Christian service. Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love; the fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above. Ephesians 3:20-21 WORDS OF APPRECIATION Dear Holman Family, My deepest appreciation and thanks to each of you for your love, support, gifts and prayers for my ministry and service to our members and to the community. I thank God for the opportunity to serve with you in our faith community of Holman United Methodist Church. Grace and Peace, REV. MARGUERITE L. PHILLIPS Holman Family, I am humbled by the generous outpouring of love, appreciation and gifts to me and my family. Utmost thanks for the hard work and thoughtfulness of SPPRC, the Hospitality Team and Rev. Sauls for planning and coordinating such a time for Assistant Pastors. As I shared during my remarks last Sunday, I count it an honor to serve beside you all as we journey and grow in God together. I am blessed to grow with you the past year and look forward to what God has in store for us in the year ahead! Peace and grace, PASTOR VICTOR LET US PRAY FOR THE BEREAVED MR. HAROLD PENN, (90 yrs. old) uncle of Holman member Sandra Jefferson, passed away on July 21, 2014 in Los Angeles, CA. He is survived by his wife Jane Penn. A memorial service will be planned at a later date. FULTON RAYMOND, Holman member and cousin of members Joyce Williams and Elaine D. Moore, passed away on July 21st. Funeral arrangements are pending at this time. DOROTHY HUDSON, a former member of Holman, passed away on July 19th. Her homegoing service will be held at Crenshaw United Methodist Church on July 29, 2014 at 11:00 am. Holman member VYNCENNE C. WOODS, passed away on July 23, 2014. Funeral arrangements are pending at this time. NEW PRAYER REQUESTS Dinah Elmore, Family of Fulton Raymond, Joyce Williams & Family, Elaine D. Moore & Family, Helen Smith, Maritza Brown, Sandra Jefferson and Family, Family of Vyncenne C. Woods, Family of Dorothy Hudson. CIRCLE OF CARE MINISTRIES WEEKLY HEALTH TIP: World Hepatitis Day–July 28th. According to the CDC, Hepatitis "means inflammation of the liver and also refers to a group of viral infections that affect the liver. The most common types are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. Viral hepatitis is the leading cause of liver cancer and the most common reason for liver transplantation. An estimated 4.4 million Americans are living with chronic hepatitis; most do NOT know they are infected. To Learn more go to: SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER – Our next planning meeting will be held on Thursday, AUGUST 14th, 10 am to 11:30 am in the Bowick Music Room. Please contact Joni in the church office if you are interested in attending this meeting. For those who participated in our previous meetings, please mark your calendars and plan to join us. DIABETES SUPPORT PLANNING GROUP meets next on Thursday, AUGUST 14th, 10:30 am – 12:30 in Room 204, Lawson Multipurpose Bldg. For questions or further information please Stacy Banks at 5 THIS WEEK AT HOLMAN JULY 27 TO AUGUST 2, 2014 HOMECOMING SUNDAY We give thanks for the sponsorship and support of our fellowship hour refreshments on this HOMECOMING SUNDAY by United Methodist Men, Cynthia Hensley, Freedom School, Faye Jackson, Marian Flowers and Annie Stafford! FELLOWSHIP HOUR, 9:30 am, Patio CHILDREN’ & YOUTH CHURCH SCHOOL Adults Church School, 9:45 am: ADULT BIBLE STUDY, Love Educ. Bldg., Room 5 BOOK TALK – JLMP Bldg., Rm. 204 currently reading The Good Life (Truths That Last in Times of Need by Peter J. Gomes M EN IN THE W ORD – JLMP Bldg., Woodson Parlor COFFEE CREW – Lawson MP Bldg., Room 202 currently reading Love. Period. by Rev. Rudy Rasmus Cherub Choir Rehearsal, 10 am, Johnson Chapel FELLOWSHIP HOUR, 12:30 pm, L.L. White Hall MONDAY INTERCESSORY PRAYER MINISTRY – 7 am (Mon. Wed. Fri.) Join us on the PHONE PRAYER LINE from any location for a time of prayer & encouragement. Call 424-203-8000; Code 528519#. Storehouse is open (for the needy), 1 pm – 3 pm (Mon. Wed. & Fri.), Love Educ. Bldg. FREEDOM SCHOOL, 8 am – 3 pm (Mon. – Fri.), Holman Campus Focus Point Study Group, 6 pm, Johnson Chapel ZUMBA FITNESS CLASS (Health & Wellness Ministry), 7:30 pm, L.L. White Hall (fee applies: $8) THURSDAY Banners & Paraments Ministry, 10 am, Room 203 BIBLE STUDY, 12 pm, Crockett Library Recovery Ministry Meeting, 6:30 pm, Room 202 Holman Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 pm, Bowick Music Room WE ARE ON HIATUS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST AND WILL GATHER NEXT ON SEPT. 11th FRIDAY FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER, Share & Communion Service, 7 am, Johnson Chapel JFK Workshops, 2 pm, Crockett Library Bell Choir Rehearsal, 6 pm, Love Educ. Bldg. Room 1 FREEDOM SCHOOL CLOSING CELEBRATION, 6:30 pm, L.L. White Hall SATURDAY SATURDAY MORNING PRAISE & WORSHIP, 7 am, Johnson Chapel. All are welcome! Join us and experience your blessing! BOOT CAMP, (Health & Wellness Ministry) 8 am, Patio. (fee applies: $10) Communion Stewards, 8 am, Sanctuary TUESDAY Banners & Paraments Ministry, 10 am, Room 203 H.O.P.E. Ministry Lunch at OASIS Clinic – offsite LINE DANCING (Health & Wellness Ministry) 5 pm, L.L. White Hall (fee applies: $5) WEDNESDAY Sports Ministry (Table Tennis), 5 pm, L.L. White Hall Health & Wellness Ministry Collaborative Meeting, 5 pm, Crockett Library LAY LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE MEETING, 7 pm, Crockett Library Jubilant Voices Rehearsal, 7:30 pm, Johnson Chapel 6 MINISTRY AND MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS VOLUNTEERS FOR HOSPITALITY HOUR – The Hospitality Ministry is in need of additional volunteers and sponsors for our Fellowship Hour. If each Holman ministry would commit to one Sunday per year, to sponsor and host one of the fellowship hours, that would indeed be a blessing. If you are interested in supporting the Hospitality Ministry, please contact Sharon Jackson at 213.598.2298 or ANTHOLOGY OF CREATIVE WORKS – The Holman Literary Ministry is planning to publish an Anthology of Creative Works by Holman members and friends in honor of Holman’s 70th Anniversary in February 2015. It will include creative works from Holman’s children, youth, adults and seniors. Creative works will include reflections, memoirs, essays, poetry, and Our campers leave today short stories. The deadline for creative material from youth and for five (5) days adults is September 12, 2014. Please contact Leon Davis for of communing with God further information. and nature! OUR HOLMAN “TONG NKUM” COFFEE, We have 67 youth & __ counselors tolling bells from West Africa to West Adams, is heading out on this adventure. available for purchase. Our cooperative We bless them as they embark economics through the purchase of Tong Nkum on this journey and pray Coffee contributes to our mission to increase the household income and quality of life with the for a wonderful time of learning, Cameroon Coffee Farmers. We have Dark fun and fellowship that Roast or Medium Roast at $15.00 per bag. We thank you for will transform their lives. supporting us in our effort to be “Missional and Entrepreneurial (Joshua 1:8).” Please see Joni Arlain or contact her in the church office at 323.731.7285. HEALTH & WELLNESS COLLABORATIVE MEETING – All leaders of Health and Wellness Ministry activities! Please join us this coming Wednesday, JULY 30, 2014 from 5 PM to 7 PM in the Crockett Library for a Health and Wellness Collaborative meeting. This will be an opportunity to catch-up, coordinate and look ahead, as we seek to become a center of wellness and wholeness. If you are interested in our Health & Wellness Ministry, you are invited to join us. Contact Jeena and Phillip Quansah, our ministry coordinators @ or PRAYER, MOVIES & LUNCH – The Friday Morning Prayer Group will enjoy an outing this coming Friday, AUGUST 1st. You may join us at 7 am in the Johnson Chapel for our time of Prayer, Sharing & Holy Communion, and then we will make our way to the Baldwin Hills Plaza for the 9:30 am showing of Get On Up, the movie about the life of James Brown. Our morning will conclude with lunch at Post & Beam Restaurant. If you are interested in participating with us, please contact Rosa Hill at 323.295.4585. We need your RSVP by Wednesday, July 30th. 55+ SANTA BARBARA SUNSET TRIP – Our trip date of August 13th is right around the corner. All participants are requested to be at the church parking lot NO LATER than 8:15 A.M. so that you don't miss the bus. The return time is approx. 9:00 P.M. Please contact Pearl Crowell (323) 751-1458 or Phyllis Stephenson (310) 673-3710 NO LATER THAN 8/1/14 to indicate your menu selection. 7 AFTER THE SERMON FAITH FORMATION IN ACTION LIVING OUR SOCIAL GOSPEL February 26, 2014 1. Civilian Oversight will give the public a dedicated forum to hold its elected Sheriff and the department accountable. 2. An Oversight Commission would serve as a strong citizen voice on County policing and jailing. 3. A civilian Oversight will improve the public’s confidence in the Sheriff’s Department, which is at an alltime low. Litigation costs are sky rocketing. In fiscal year 2012-2013 expenses totaled $43 million. 4. On July 22nd Sheriff and Inspector General will present their response, the public will testify and the Board of Supervisors will vote. It will take 3 “yes” votes to make this happen! Sign up to speak and let your voice be heard!! A free bus will be departing from Holman at 8:30 am to provide transportation to the meeting. Grace and peace to you in the name of Christ Jesus. In 2012 you and I began a conversation about homosexuality. This morning as I prayed I felt convicted to write to you and continue that conversation. With a heavy heart I have been tracking what is happening in Uganda. This nation state has legalized discrimination against homosexuals; a severe discrimination that gives wings to hatred and violence against these who are also children of God. What is happening in Uganda will spread throughout the continent of Africa and beyond if it is left unchallenged. I have heard some of you say that homosexuality is a U.S. issue and not an African issue. I disagree, for as I have traveled to some of the places in Africa where you lead our United Methodist work, I have met your homosexual children and your homosexual brothers and sisters and mine. They have shared with me how they live in constant fear because of their sexual orientation. These are not strangers. They are members of our United Methodist family, devoted to Christ Jesus with the same heart and passion that you and I share. Church membership, however, should not be a requirement for our concern and care. Men and women and young people and their families are suffering and being forced into repressive webs of deadly coercion against each other because of sexual identity. We must not stand by without denouncing this evil and injustice. You and I disagree about homosexuality but I beseech you to consider that discrimination and violence against persons because of their sexual orientation cannot be justified under our Christian faith. Jesus consistently went to the margins of society to minister to and redeem those whom society considered unclean and unworthy of God’s grace. As servants of Christ Jesus we can do no less. I beg you to act in behalf of those whom Jesus also considers his beloved. I do not ask you to stand in support of homosexuality. I ask you to raise your voices against hatred and violence. At my end I pledge to do all I can to challenge U.S. forces that contribute to the fomenting of this hatred and violence in Africa. I write to you not as one who has any authority over you, for I do not. I pray that you will receive these words as those of a sister in the faith who strives with you to be a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Please know that you are in my prayers as you lead God’s people. Minerva G. Carcaño Bishop of the California-Pacific Annual conference 8 LOS ANGELES BRAIN TUMOR 5K WALK Sun., AUGUST 24th – 9 am to 12 noon at Exposition Park AUGUST 23, 2014 8:30 AM – 5 PM Hollypark UMC 13000 S. Van Ness Ave. Gardena, CA 90249 Fee: $35.00 Registration Deadline August 13th To register and for more information contact Larry Dozier, Mike Shade or Donna Shade 310.516.6457 / 310.365.1331 Our “Holman Walking & Running Ministry” will team up with our own Linda Fuller and team “Holman Hearts” to participate in this important event. The goal/focus is to raise awareness and much-needed resources to fund critical brain tumor-specific programs to improve the lives of all those affected by brain tumors. The Los Angeles Brain Tumor Walk offers individuals and teams a chance to honor and remember loved ones, connect with others interested in the brain tumor cause, and help to educate the local community on the diverse needs of the brain tumor community. Today, nearly 700,000 Americans are living with a brain tumor. And, many more will be diagnosed each year. Brain tumors are deadly, and can strike men, women, and children at any time. Unite with us in the fight against brain tumors! You may register to participate or donate to team “Holman Hearts” at, click on “register to walk.” There will be a fundraiser at the Macaroni Grill on July 27 both in El Segundo and Simi Valley. You will need to present special flyer at the restaurant to have a portion of your meal donated to the Brain Tumor Walk. Please stop by the table after worship, or contact Linda Fuller for additional information info: 310.823.4060. 9 We give thanks for those who have served as VOLUNTEERS for Holman’s first presentation of the CDF Freedom School. ALNITA DUNN BARBARA HARTELL CAROLYN JENKINS CYNTHIA MATTHEWS GLORIA BAILEY GREG BAHAM IANTHE LESLIE JACKI JONES JACQUELINE NUNN JUANITA CANNON KATHRYN DAVIS On behalf of the Freedom School Scholars we “Thank You” for your Financial Sponsorship FREEDOM SCHOOL FINALE FRIDAY, AUG. 1ST 6:30 PM L.L. WHITE HALL JOIN US FOR CLOSING CELEBRATION LARRY TURNER LUISA CLARK-HARRIS MELANIE EDMUNDS ODESSA ANDERSON PEARL ALLISON SANDI HARDY SHARIAN NEAL TONI EDWARDS VALERIA NORWOOD WILLIAM HARDY ANONYMOUS DONOR REV. JAMES & MRS. DOROTHY LAWSON LEONARD & LINDA FULLER GEORGE & MARJORY FULLER-GRANT ANSLYENE LLOYD HOLMAN PERMANENT ENDOWMENT CALIFORNIA-PACIFIC CONFERENCE OF THE UMC (JUSTICE & COMPASSION EMT) CALIFORNIA-PACIFIC UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FOUNDATION THE WEST DISTRICT OF THE CALIFORNIA PACIFIC CONFERENCE OF THE UMC MAYOR ERIC GARCETTI "SUMMER OF LEARNING" PROGRAM COUNCIL PRESIDENT HERB WESSON SUPERVISOR MARK RIDLEY-THOMAS SENATOR HOLLY MITCHELL LIBERTY HILL FOUNDATION AIDS HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION TODAY A READER TOMORROW A LEADER 10 11 SCRIPTURE REFLECTION We live in a world where hatred, division and indifference have become quantifiable commodities. Hardship and 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. hopelessness, distress and discrimination, fragmentation and marginalization are actively and daily at SERMON NOTES work seeking to separate us from the love of God. However different we are labeled, we are all desperately in need of Love. Period!! SCRIPTURE Love without conditions. Love filled with possibilities. Love aligned with the great ROMANS 8:31-39 commandment - a commandment that activates and cultivates a commitment to love people—of different races, Rev. Kelvin Sauls backgrounds, economic status, physically or mentally challenged, or dependent. When we choose to “Love. Period,” people change...conditions ____________________________________________________________________________________________ change...communities change...the world changes! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you willing to be a love so strong that ____________________________________________________________________________________________ no one is separated from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Worship Celebration “LOVE. PERIOD.” ____________________________________________________________________________________________ L KING AHEAD ____________________________________________________________________________________________ HOLY COMMUNION SUNDAY ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Sunday, August 3, 2014 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Rev. Kelvin Sauls ____________________________________________________________________________________________ CAMP SUNDAY ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Sunday, August 10, 2014 Rev. Kelvin Sauls ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ NATIONAL WEEK OF NON-VIOLENCE Sunday, August 17, 2014 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Rev. Kelvin Sauls ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Lord God, Our hands are open to you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Our ears are listening to you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Our eyes are watching you. Our hearts are trying to beat with yours. _________________________________________________________________________ _______________ Live in us and love others ____________________________________________________________________________________________ through us today. Amen. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 12
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