Worship Bulletin - Holman United Methodist Church
HOLMAN Church of the Bells UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 3320 West Adams Boulevard Los Angeles California 90018 Phone: (323) 731-7285 Fax: (323) 731-2609 Email: Holman@holmanumc.com www.holmanumc.com Visit us on – Facebook: HolmanChurch Twitter: @HolmanUMC REV. KELVIN SAULS, Senior Pastor REV. ALLISON MARK, Associate Pastor MIN. MARGUERITE PHILLIPS, Minister of Congregational Care Ministries REV. OLIVER BUIE, Minister of Community Engagement REV. JAMES M. LAWSON, JR., Pastor Emeritus 15th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST – AUGUST 28, 2016 Let mutual Love continue. Hebrews 13:1 The 11:00 a.m. Worship Celebration is broadcast LIVE on KJLH Radio Free 102.3 FM and worldwide on www.kjlhradio.com TODAY’S RADIO BROADCAST MINISTRY IS IN THANKSGIVING FOR OUR HOLMAN MUSIC & ARTS MINISTRY We give thanks for the commitment of time and gifts of the leaders and members of our choirs, dance ministry, and our musicians who give honor and praise to God as they lead us in worship and serve as partners in ministry. “Corporate worship is a regular gracious reminder that it's not about you. You've been born into a life that is a celebration of another.” Paul David Tripp 1945-2016 FROM FAITHFULNESS to FRUITFULNESS: Making a Commitment to Improvement through Alignment and Involvement "Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching" (Hebrews 10:23-25). 1 WORSHIP CELEBRATION PRELUDE *** Robert Johnson, Jr. “Faithful Is Our God” Hezekiah Walker CENTERING MOMENT Pray for us, for our conscience is clear and we want to live honorably in everything we do. Hebrews 13:18 (NLT) GREETING *** *CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Holy God, we praise you as the one who is the same yesterday, today and forever. People: Your yearning to shower blessings on your people has not changed. Leader: As you delivered the people of old from slavery in Egypt, People: So you deliver us from whatever enslaves us through the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ. Leader: He endured death so that he could nourish us with the sweetest gift of all—his life. People: Accept our praise and adoration, we pray, ALL: For we offer them in Jesus’ name and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen *CELEBRATION OF PRAISE & WORSHIP Praise Team & Congregation “Let It Rise” William Murphy Let the glory of the Lord rise among us Let the glory of the Lord rise among us Let the praises of our King rise among us Let it rise; Oh, let it rise Let the songs of the Lord rise among us Let the songs of the Lord rise among us Let the joy of our King rise among us Let it rise; Oh, let it rise “Holiness / Take My Life” Micah Stampley Holiness, holiness, is what I long for Holiness is what I need Holiness, holiness is what you want from me Faithfulness, faithfulness is what I long for Faithfulness is what I need Faithfulness, Faithfulness is what you want from me Righteousness, righteousness is what I long for Righteousness is what I need Righteousness, righteousness is what you want from me [Chorus:] Take my mind and mold it; take my heart transform it Take my will conform it; to yours, to yours, oh Lord *OPENING PRAYER CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE & PASSING OF THE PEACE (8:00 AM) “I Command My Soul” Choir and Congregation Bishop Neil C. Ellis I command my soul to bless the Lord; I command my voice to sing His praise; I command my hands to give Him praise; I command my feet to leap for joy; Soul, bless the Lord! Voice, sing His praise! Hands, give Him praise! Feet, leap for joy! MINISTRY OF MUSIC *** Joyful Noise Summer Choir “Majesty” Byron Cage * Congregation please rise as you are able. *** Worshipers may enter. 2 *SCRIPTURE HEBREWS 13:1-8, 15-16 *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Liturgist: The Word of God for the people of God. People: Thanks be to God! MINISTRY OF MUSIC *** Joyful Noise Summer Choir “Amazing” Sandra Gray, soloist SERMON Rev. Allison Mark “OHHH! SNAP! ARE YOU LIVING FAITHFULLY?! INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP, MEMBERSHIP AND COMPANIONSHIP (ALTAR CALL) Persons desiring to become disciples of Jesus Christ and/or members of Holman UMC are asked to come forward and complete a Discipleship / Membership Registration, Intercessory Prayer Card found in the pew rack. Please place the card in the offering plate and/or bring it with you to the Altar while the choir / congregation is singing. Music for Meditation Joyful Noise Summer Choir “Hark the Voice of Jesus Calling” Myron Jackson, soloist PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS Offertory Joyful Noise Summer Choir “Worship the King” Byron Cage *Doxology ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF GUESTS & VISITORS CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE & PASSING OF THE PEACE (11:00 AM) Choir and Congregation INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN MINISTRY (ANNOUNCEMENTS) *HYMN OF SENDING FORTH AND RECESSIONAL *BENEDICTION As we depart worship, wherever you Go, toll YOUR Bell!! POSTLUDE Robert Johnson, Jr. "I Call You Faithful" medley Donnie McClurkin PARTICIPATING IN OUR SERVICES TODAY: Rev. Kelvin Sauls, Rev. Allison Mark, Dr. Marguerite Phillips, Rev. Oliver Buie; Liturgists: (8:00 am) Meredith Barrett-Wilkins, (11:00 am) Lawren Miller Askew; Joyful Noise Summer Choir directed by Melida Smith Byrd; Robert Johnson, Jr., assistant director and organist; Ricardo L.J. Mowatt, drummer; Ushers chaired by Gilbert Jones; Acolytes coordinated by Pearline Allison and Muriel Parker; Greeters chaired by Donna Richardson; Hospitality Ministry coordinated by Sharon Jackson; New Members Ministry chaired by Sharon Hodgson; Transportation Ministry coordinated by Keith McGruder; Media Ministry: David Sears, Keith McGruder and Mark Conway. 3 HEART TO HEART “Do you not know that God entrusted you with that money (all above what buys necessities for your families) to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to help the stranger, the widow, the fatherless; and, indeed, as far as it will go, to relieve the wants of all mankind? How can you, how dare you, defraud the Lord, by applying it to any other purpose?” ― John Wesley LET US PRAY FOR THE BEREAVED MELANIE THOMAS, wife of Bradley Thomas and daughter-in-law of Mary Thomas, passed away on August 25th. Funeral arrangements are pending at this time. NEW PRAYER REQUESTS Elaine D. Moore, Bradley Thomas and Family, Mary Thomas and Family, Quentin Clopton FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR Happy Birthday to our Beloved Son, Brother and Uncle ELGIN OLU STAFFORD If tears could build a stairway we would walk right to Heaven and bring you home! Your spirit lives forever in our hearts. FROM YOUR LOVING FAMILY AT HOME & ABROAD In Celebration of our YOUNG PEOPLE as they journey through a new school year, and our TEACHERS AND PARENTS as they recommit to making a difference in the lives of our young people. “Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations.” Bob Beauprez “Hospitality is the practice of God's welcome by reaching across difference to participate in God's actions bringing justice and healing to our world in crisis.” ― Letty M. Russell 4 THIS WEEK AT HOLMAN AUGUST 28 TO SEPTEMBER 3, 2016 FELLOWSHIP HOUR, 9:30 am, L.L. White Hall Adults Church School, 9:45 am: ADULT BIBLE STUDY, Love Educ. Bldg., Room 5 BOOK TALK – JLMP Bldg., Rm. 204 currently reading: "Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?" by Martin Luther King, Jr. Cherub Choir Rehearsal, 10 am, Johnson Chapel FELLOWSHIP HOUR, 12:30 pm, L.L. White Hall In HIS Steps Dance Ministry Rehearsal, 1:30 pm, Sanctuary MONDAY INTERCESSORY PRAYER MINISTRY – 7 am (Mon. Wed. Fri.) Join us on the PHONE PRAYER LINE from any location for a time of prayer & encouragement. Call (605) 475-3270; Code 528519#, then 1 Storehouse is open (for the needy), 1 pm – 3 pm (Mon. Wed. & Fri.), Love Educ. Bldg. Focus Point Study Group, 6:30 pm, Crockett Library Currently doing Bible study series based on the film “WAR ROOM” Security Task Force Committee, 7 pm, Woodson Parlor TUESDAY Banners & Paraments Ministry, 10 am, Room 203 LINE DANCING (Health & Wellness Ministry) 5 pm, L.L. White Hall (fee applies: $5) PEC Meeting, 6:30 pm, Room 204 WE GATHER NEXT ON ??? !!! WEDNESDAY Prayer Shawl Ministry, 12 pm, Crockett Library Sports Ministry (Table Tennis), 5 pm, L.L. White Hall Another Chance Recovery Ministry, 7 pm, Room 203 Disciple II Bible Study, 6:30 pm, Crockett Library Disciple I Bible Study, 7 pm, Room 204 Jubilant Voices Rehearsal, 7:30 pm, Johnson Chapel THURSDAY Banners & Paraments Ministry, 10 am, Room 203 BIBLE STUDY, 12 pm, Crockett Library In HIS Steps Dance Ministry Rehearsal, 6 pm, Sanctuary Holman Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 pm, Bowick Music Room FRIDAY FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER, Share & Communion Service, 7 am, Johnson Chapel SATURDAY SATURDAY MORNING PRAISE & WORSHIP, 7 am, Johnson Chapel. All are welcome! Join us and experience your blessing! N.O.W. MINISTRIES MEETING, 9 am, Crockett Library SEE SOMETHING –— SAY SOMETHING SECURITY TIP Trust your instincts. If a situation or encounter with a stranger becomes uncomfortable or feels wrong, remain calm, immediately leave the person and report your concerns to the Security Guard or anyone in authority. (Elton—Security Guard; Gilbert—Usher Board; or Pastoral Group). 5 MINISTRY AND MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS WEEKLY HEALTH TIP: Use of a salt shaker is not the main cause of too much sodium in your diet. Over 75% of dietary sodium comes from eating packaged and restaurant foods. Check the labels and ask for nutritional facts! You don't want to consume your daily recommended sodium in one meal or snack. HOLMAN UMC IS REOPENING ITS BOOKSTORE AND WE’RE HOSTING A PRE-LAUNCH SALE OF OUR CURRENT INVENTORY! The grand reopening is tentatively scheduled for January 2017. In the meantime, we invite you to come out and support the bookstore as we host a pre-launch sale of inventory available right now. The sale of the current inventory items will serve as seed funds used to restock the bookstore. Look for items such as greeting cards (on sale for $1.00) and gifts, as well as books of course! We’ll be in L.L. White Fellowship Hall after the 8:00 am and 11:00 am services. Come check us out! FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER SERVICE – We meet on Friday mornings at 7 am in the Johnson Chapel for a time of Intercessory Prayer for our Holman Church family, reflection on our scripture for upcoming Sunday, and Holy Communion. SATURDAY MORNING PRAISE & WORSHIP – Join us every Saturday at 7 am in the Johnson Chapel for a time of meditation and praise, using music to center you and experience that one-on-one connection with the Holy Spirit. IN HIS STEPS LITURGICAL DANCE MINISTRY – Are you interested in joining this ministry, or just learning more about praise dancing? Well, we have scheduled a time for you!! Join our dance ministry director, Stephen Semien, today (August 21), from 1:30 pm to 3 pm in the Sanctuary. Prospective and current members are welcome – or you can come just to learn more about movement of the body in dance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Stephen Semien at Semienart@sbcglobal.net. DISCIPLE BIBLE STUDY PROGRAM 2016 – 2017 It’s time to sign up for Disciple Bible Study classes for the program year 2016-2017. We will have tables on the patio to register for classes after both services TODAY. We will continue to have classes offered on levels from Disciple I through Disciple IV. Classes will begin during September. Mark your calendars. If you have any questions, please contact your teacher from last year or call the church office and leave a message for Beverly Davis or Anslyene Lloyd. We are looking forward to another exciting year of Disciples at Holman!! Beverly Davis and Anslyene Lloyd When you cut God out of the equation, you cut the power out. Rev. Carolyn Habersham CHILDREN’S CHURCH SCHOOL is on break for the month of August. Parents, we encourage you to have your children join you in the Sanctuary and share the worship experience! SEE YOU ON SEPTEMBER 4th!!!! Blessings, DEBORAH A. MITCHELL Children’s Ministry Coordinator children@holmanumc.com CHERUB CHOIR REHEARSAL @ 10 am in JOHNSON CHAPEL! YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS Are you between the ages of 13 & 18? Looking for a space with other young people? Want to talk about what is going on in your world? Join us for Youth Church on 1st-3rd Sundays @ 8 AM in Room 8 of the Love Educ. Bldg. Voices of Harmony All youth are invited to join us 2nd – 3rd Sundays @ 10 am for rehearsals! We sing on 4th Sundays! Join us in giving God your praise in song!!! Choir on break for August! See you on 9/11! Zaneta Smith and or Joe Luckett Youth Ministry Directors youth@holmanumc.com, Instagram @therealhyp 6 ADMINISTRATIVE MEETING DATES CONGREGATIONAL CARE CIRCLE OF CARE MINISTRIES N.O.W. MINISTRIES Saturday, September 3, 2016 9:00 am, Crockett Library Review of 2015 Budget & Preparation for 2016 Budget Alignment of Ministries Ministry Fundraising Policies & Planning Saturday, November 12, 2016 9:00 am, Room TBD There is always a place to serve. For questions or interest in Holman Congregational Care Ministries, please contact Min. Marguerite Phillips in the Church office at 323.731.7285 or 323.250.9580. CHURCH COUNCIL Saturday, October 1, 2016 9:00 am, Crockett Library Tuesday, December 13, 2016 7:00 pm, Room TBD STAFF PASTOR PARISH RELATIONS COMMITTEE (SPPRC) 2nd Tuesdays, 7 pm BOARD OF TRUSTEES 3rd Tuesdays, 7 pm FINANCE COMMITTEE 4th Tuesdays, 7 pm HOLMAN FACILITY UPDATE In an effort to streamline our scheduling and coordinate effective our maintenance, we are implementing the following. L.L. White Hall will close on Sundays at 3 pm unless there is a scheduled event. The Holman campus will close on Sundays at 4 pm, unless there is a scheduled event beyond that time. This includes the parking lot. All cars parked on the lot after 4 pm, without prior permission, will be locked in and access will not be available until Monday morning. Use of all rooms on campus MUST be reserved through the church office. Please contact Bettye Fontenot, our Operations Manager, by phone or email, holman@holmanumc.com for scheduling. All facility requests and coordination are to be arranged through the church office. Please contact Bettye Fontenot, our Operations Manager, on these matters. Thanks for your cooperation on these matters. 7 AFTER THE SERMON FAITH FORMATION IN ACTION Living Our Social Gospel Our featured presenters and community resource representatives have worked with youth, individuals, families and communities grieving from suicide and traumatic death in a vast range of contexts. They represent a diversity of religions, educational and professional backgrounds and have been providing caring presence to individuals, families and communities that identify with varying traditions. Exhibiti on Curator In addition, one will have the opportunity to become familiar with organizations that offer a variety of services and healing work. The symposium is Holman’s first activity in a series of future anticipated events to address these issues. We invite anyone who has experienced a loss to join us on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2016 for a half day of conversations about grief, from 8:30 am until 12:30 pm. 8 9 10 11 SCRIPTURE REFLECTION Worship Celebration Faithful living calls us to real living in this world. And both in the first century and today, there is almost nothing more SUNDAY, AUGUST 28, 2016 real than how we approach money, sex, 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. and people who aren’t “from here,” whether because they came from somewhere else, or because they had been prisoners. If we are to be faithful, or as Hebrews 13:1 says, we are to “let mutual love continue” “OHHH! SNAP! (NRSV); the real test will come in how we treat money, sex, and displaced people. ARE YOU LIVING FAITHFULLY?!” But these are not rules we hear once and can automatically live by. SCRIPTURE As we practice faithful living through a Wesleyan theology, we are reminded that HEBREWS 13:1-8, 15-16 our faith is a transformational process that evolves as our relationship with Christ Rev. Allison Mark changes. Practicing faithful living means trial and error, being open to different perspectives, hearing the Word and then taking action. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you paying attention to where ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Christ is working in your life? What are we, as individuals and community doing to ____________________________________________________________________________________________ make changes, adapt, and live faithfully in God's world? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ SERMON NOTES ____________________________________________________________________________________________ L KING AHEAD ____________________________________________________________________________________________ th 16 SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Sunday, September 4, 2016 HOLY COMMUNION SUNDAY ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Rev. Kelvin Sauls ____________________________________________________________________________________________ th 17 SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Sunday, September 11, 2016 HOLY COMMUNION SUNDAY ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Rev. Kelvin Sauls ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Lord God, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Our hands are open to you. Our ears are listening to you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Our eyes are watching you. Our hearts are trying ____________________________________________________________________________________________ to beat with yours. _________________________________________________________________________Live in _______________ us and love others Inspiring the world as passionate followers of Jesus Christ through us today. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ so all may experience God’s life-giving love. Amen. Cal-Pac UMC Annual Conference – Vision Statement 12 __________________________________________________________________________________________
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