April - Knights Of The Round Circle


April - Knights Of The Round Circle
The Direct Connection
Upcoming Events
KOTRC Field Maintenance Clinic • April 5th
9:00 am -1:00 pm, Whittier Narrows
In this issue...
President’s Message
VSC Tuscon
March Madness
Member Highlight
Secretary Notes/
Meeting Minutes
Recipe of the Month
The Safe Way
KOTRC Regular Club Meeting • April 8th
7:00 pm, Fullerton Airport AFI Building
Bill Nusz Speed & Herb Stockton Racing • April 12-13
Whittier Narrows
The Bob Palmer Memorial • April 26-27
Whittier Narrows
Fullerton Airport Open House • May 10th
The Knights of the Round Circle is a control line modeling club that supports all forms of control line model aviation. Our members’ interests cover all of the control line modeling disciplines from combat, to speed, to racing, to carrier, to
scale, and last but not least stunt.
Founded in 1987, the Knights of the Round Circle has a broad membership that includes members in California, Arizona, and
Nevada. The Knights support S.T.E.M Core Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Careers through the valuable skills
learned in control line model aviation. The Knights can be found showing their Control-Line Training Activity at the AMA
Expo Ontario, CA; Fullerton Airport Open House; Compton Airport EAA Chapter 96 Fly-In event, and RCX Expo. The Knights
members are proudly associated with control line advocacy groups including PAMPA Stunt, MACA Combat, SCAR Racing, NCS
Carrier and NASS Speed.
The club holds monthly meetings and sponsors two major flying events yearly – The Bob Palmer Memorial and The Sir
Dale Kirn’s Memorial Knights Joust, honoring individuals who have made outstanding contributions to control line modeling.
Our membership ranges from young to old with skill levels from just beginning, to sport flyers and National Champions. We
also are fortunate to have several AMA Hall Of Fame members in our membership.
Issue XIV, No. 4 • april, 2014
President’s Message...
As the earth settles and
the recent round of earthquakes have subsided around
here in Sunny So Cal it seems
a most appropriate time to
get my article written for this
months Direct Connection.
Just around the corner we have the Knight’s
Palmer Memorial Stunt Contest quickly approaching
on the weekend of April 26-27. Start getting your
planes and equipment ready and let’s look forward
to hosting a spectacular event to show our outof- town participants and other local clubs a great
Southern California contest. We plan on promoting this event as much as possible in the available
venues such as Model Aviation, Stunt Hangar, Stuka
Stunt, Facebook and our club’s website. With a proactive marketing approach of this nature we hope
to see a growth in participation. John Wright will
be this year’s CD so please feel free to contact with
any questions that you might have or to offer him
assistance with judging, pit bossing, pull testing,
weigh-in, score tabulating or anything beneficial to
running this superb contest. It’s never too early to
start filling these positions as it is quickly approaching. Your help and assistance with this club event
will be greatly appreciated by all. John Wright can be
reached at (562) 881-7386 or via email jowrightpe@
In preparation of the upcoming Palmer Memorial we will look forward to hosting a field repair clinic
to once again this April 5th do some maintenance of
our paved flying circles and grass fields. Lunch will
be provided for our participating work crew so who
is in? Meet us out at the field and bring your shovels, rakes and hoes to help prepare our field for the
Also stop by and show your support and heck
even participate in the Bill Nusz and Herb Stockton
Racing event to be held at Whittier Narrows April 1213. Contact Joe Brownlee at 714-895-1857 for details.
Good news on the ET-1 Flight Training activity
front as the Knights have been confirmed to
show once again at the Fullerton Airport
Open House Sat. May 10th and again at
the RCX Expo this June at the Orange County Fairgrounds where we will have significantly more area
to fly demos and provide the Knight’s free ET-1 Training experience. See the RCExpo ad for more details.
To join in on all of the fun training new control pilots
with our ET-1 trainers please coordinate with Larry
Renger and let him know that you are available to
lend your support.
In closing I would like to thank each and every
valued member for their participation in making our
club a continued success and urge you all to Keep on
Mike Alurac
2013-14 President
For daily updates, contest results
and pictures posted by Knights
members-at-large , check-out our
club’s Facebook page at:
If you visit before April 8th, 2014, and
post a picture, video or a posting of anything control line, model aviation related,
you may pick out of the “Treasure Chest
O’ Prizes.” We have many postings with a
hundred plus views so we are seeing an
increase in activity and whether you are a
FaceBook fan or just don’t get it, this is a
great venue for a club like ours to exploit
and get our word out to the model aviation community. So, check us out and visit
us on FaceBook!
Vintage Stunt Championships
XXVI 2014
They all got to practice Classic while Stan and I labored in
OTS. That evening, they had the airplane beauty contest at
the Riverpark, but only Steve Harris and Stan had aircraft
displayed. The rest of us flew ARF’s and purchased planes.
by John Wright
Wednesday was also an early day and we again plied
our trade for the judges. I was able to move up one place
in my circle and ended up 4th overall with a 610.5 total.
Stan maintained his score in the high 200’s but didn’t place.
Wednesday after the competition was over CD Jim
Hoffman held a novelty event and I brought my Ringmaster, the Early Boidman flying man. He has these hands that
stick out from the wingtip and I chose to remove them for
flight as they cause violent stalls and lots of drag. Jim Lee
flew some of his past entries. I think he makes a new VSC
plane every year, so he has lots to chose from!
Thursday. With five Knights flying, we all had to get out
there early to either fly or help. I had a ragged flight on my
ARF Nobler/LA 46 due to lack of practice in Classic. Steve
(Chisler/ST 46) and Stan (Skylark) both flew well and place
in the 560 range. Only the top dawgs were ahead of them.
Good show Knights. Joel (ARF Nobler) made a complete
flight but scored low. Gary Akers (Oriental/LA 46) put up a
score but I didn’t take note. I took the afternoon to finally
do some practice. Kathy stayed at our awning and plied
“The Wright Stuff” for the benefit of ourselves and the club.
She enjoyed the weather and visiting with other wives and
other flyers and vendors.
Friday was an early day as usual.7:30 pilots meeting, 8
first flight. I got off a little slow, rich but was having a good
flight until I ran out of gas in the four leaf clover. I was able
to land upright (shiny side up to you Eric) but lost lots of
points. I knew (hoped) that this would be the score that
would be dropped. Only two of the three scores flown are
counted to determine your place. Steve had his best score
yet, 580 and Stan did well also. Friday evening, we made
the pilgrimage to the Trostles. Barbara had cooked a yummy brisket and we all pot lucked the rest. Keith’s shop is
amazing and his 1/2A scale planes are fabulous.
Saturday was guess what, an early day. Even though
I was a late draw, there were so many passes by now I was
done before 10. If I could only have flown a 538 each day, I
would have made my personal goal of 3 good flights with
no fau pax’s. But I was glad to get at least this one good
flight. Steve and Stan must have flown well because they
both ended up in the top 10. Stan was about 8th and Steve
6th. Way to go Knights. The awards banquet Saturday
night had some somber moments due to the passing of
Allen Brickhaus, Woody Midgely, Tom Lay and several others. I was tapped to award several “Spirit of“ awards and I
also selected Pete Peterson as this years GMA award with
a beautiful Nobler. Pete did not compete but was a judge
and he did fly the plane so I felt he deserved the award.
Sunday I finally got to sleep in. Kathy and I hit the road
about 9:30 and after posting a Palmer flyer at the Tucson
field, we dropped in and the March Madness F2D combat
meet in Phoenix. Mike will report on that.
Dutch Auction: We sold four small engines and two
40’s at VSC thanks to Kathy sitting at the table.
By this time the ranks of Knights were swelling. Joel,
Steve Harris Gary Akers and Eric had rolled into town.
Happy Landings,
(Background: drum roll, western music)
They come outta the west, the Knights, to fly the VSC,
myself and Stan in Old Time Stunt, Joel, Steve Harris, and
Gary Akers as well as Stan and me in Classic. Stan also flew
Ringmaster. We
had no Knights
entries in Super
70 stunt. Eric
came and set up
his RSM booth
but did not fly.
George Aldrich
at last year’s VSC
(pictured right).
Kathy and I drove down to Tucson Sunday and we settled in to our room at the Riverpark Inn. Monday I headed
out to Christopher Columbus Park for test flying. This was
the first contest for my new BIG JOB/ST 60. I had been
flying it since December but had had all kinds of mishaps
while trying to dial it in. Fortunately, the tail falling off
was not one of the mishaps this time. Mainly, I had to get
a needle setting and an engine run time. Tucson is about
2500 ft MSL and you get about a minute extra run time
on a 6 oz tank. I did some quick math and pulled almost
1 oz out for the correct run of 6.5 minutes. I’m am still
getting familiar with this plane but I got it dialed after a
few flights.
Tuesday was the start of competition in OTS and
Ringmaster. The Ringmaster event is new this year and
plaques were awarded down to 5th place in both OTS
and Ringmaster each event, instead of 10 places in OTS.
The pilots meeting was at 7:30 so an early rise was necessary. The weather was excellent and the first flight got
off shortly after 8. By this time Stan had arrived with both
his Adams Special for OTS and a Ringmaster. But he didn’t
have much time for practice. I drew 9th flight both days,
so some of the local flyers were able to warm up the judges. After the first round, I was 4th in my circle with a 308.
Stan was a little lower down in OTS just under 280. He
then flew Ringmaster but I didn’t note the score.
Meeting Notes 3-11-14
Guest: Joe Scuro, a former member.
Joe Scuro at age 7 from 1950 MAN. Looks like he’s been active for quite a while!
Show and Tell:
Mike Alurac – 4 kits for the ET-1 from RSM Distribution. They are to be sold at the March Madness
combat meet in Arizona. Next, a 2V sealed Gel-Cell
battery for use in the Glow-Bee starters that are popular for combat and racing. They will kick off a cold
plug RIGHT NOW! He showed the Team USA T-Shirt
design for the March Madness Combat contest, it is
definitely coated with many colors. He also showed
a dual handle from cousin Bob Teeple consisting of
an EZ Just and a Sullivan Insta-just handle married
together that can be used for training, combined
with a modified 75 mph combat model. He added
a larger elevator with less throw (tall control horn)
for smoother control. It was a used airframe, and
has an ASP 25 engine. Blew $25 to get the model.
Shocking! It has bladder feed and a spring shutoff.
Finally a bag of 4 ounce plastic bottles suitable for mixing paint, storing parts, etc.
Larry Renger - Showed the motor, timer and
battery system to be used on the ET-2 trainer system that he is developing for the club. The parts for
the entire model MAY allow us to sell it for $50. That
number is still TBD!
Andy Borgogna – Turnigy motor, 2200 kV, 400
Watts. It turns a 7x5 prop at 15,500 rpm. Incredible
performance from a really small unit. He is currently
running one in a .09 size (gasp) R/C model, and the
performance is amazing.
John Wright – He showed a Pete Kuna modified
Ringmaster in “ Flying Man” décor. This was a cover
article in American Modeler WAY back when. It flew
really poorly until he made the hands removable.
Power is a McCoy .35 modified to take a tongue muffler. He then added a deodorant can to the tongue
with screws and JB Weld as a sealer. Very light system, and pretty effective. Next, he had the George Aldrich award won at last year’s VSC, which he needs to
return to Tucson. He won it with an ARF! Finally, a Tshirt his wife gave him emblazoned with “still plays Very nice! He is currently building a pre-Midwest
Randy Doll – Viking model powered by a ST-46.
Scott Dinger Muffler, tissue covering with all AeroGloss
paint. The model is Old Time legal. Very nice finish!
Warren Walker – He showed a bottle of his own
vintage wine. First year of “Man Cave Cellars Cuvee”.
He is learning. The first year is drinkable, but he
knows how to make it better in the future. He and
other Man Cave regulars are going together to do
100 gallons this year. I’ll drink to that!
Tom Collier – showed the items for the raffle,
including the Russian kit, wine, 2 jars of plum jam
(made by HO), the diamond disks, a jar of Warren’s
pickles and finally a cordless Dremel clone.
Old Business:
The treasurer’s report was given and accepted.
President Mike requested OK for a $26.55 bill at
Stuft Pizza for Phil Hawkins who donated time and
materials to ground maintenance on the field. Also,
requested $40 for AMA required signs for the field. It
was motioned and passed to do the reimbursements.
Jed Kusik – A He showed some diamond cutting disks from Harbor Freight for use with a Dremel
tool. They cut carbon fiber cleanly! $5 for a pack. He
also showed a few items from Rockler tools. Sanding dowels in 1⁄4” diameter, 2 different grits per stick.
Some green sandpaper with a slight tack on the back
from Lowes. Also a gum rubber stick that is usually
used for cleaning disks and belt sanders, but works
just great on regular sand paper. Dang, so simple!
Howard Doering – He has assembled a practice
speed pylon in his back yard. It was left out in the
rain and froze up. He rebuilt it and now can get in
shape to actually fly the stuff he builds! It is also a
backup for the Whittier “Protective Enclosure”. He
has versions for 1 and 2 line flying.
Eric Rule – To help out a customer, he enlarged
and converted to profile, a “Red Hot Angel” model
that was designed in Russia. It is now 500 sq. in. Eric
donated a kit to the club raffle.
Joe Scuro – Cardinal Profile model powered by a
.46 LA engine. The décor was all machine cut vinyl.
We need to get out to the field for more work.
Tentative date is April 5th. A budget of $100 was
passed to cover lunch for the workers. Larry volunteered to kill weeds, as he still has lots of Round Up
and the power sprayer.
It was moved and passed to change the Joust
date by 1 week to match the AMA model day extravaganza. The new schedule is August 15th and 16th.
We need to check with the park authorities (done,
and OK). For this contest it was suggested that the
club donate $5 from our entry fees for the Wounded
Warrior project that is the AMA function. We are to
add a note to the flyer that it is what we are doing.
It was agreed that we will hold the Dec. 6th date
for the Holiday Party. That way the speed flyers can
join us at the DoubleTree!
New Business:
May 17th and 18th, the weekend after the Fullerton Airport Day, will be the RCX show. We have
a free booth as an exchange for CL flight training.
The show will be at the Orange County fairgrounds
this year. The event overlaps a Valley Circle
Burners contest, but it was voted to
2014 March Madness
Combat Challenge
April 21-23 • Phoenix, AZ
March Madness combat challenge is in the
books! 10th anniversary of this event was amazing
and that is an understatement! Many Knights travelled to Phoenix to participate in the MACA season
opener with teams from all over the states hailing
from places like Minnesota, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri,
Florida, Mexico and Eastern Europe from faraway
places like Moldova and Russia. Weather was in the
mid 80’s with little to no wind. There were 19 pilots
in Fast F2d on Friday’s double elimination event and
24 of the best combat pilots for main event FAI F2D
rules over weekend for the MACA combat season
F2D FAI Rules Bob Mears 3rd place,Andy Mears 2nd
place and Mike Combat Willcox 1st place. Lance
Matassa second from right, did great job running the
contest with his crew.
Mike Combat Willcox and the final Results of the
FAIF2D March Madness Combat Challenge
Knights at the March Madness F2D Combat Event L-R
Bill Maywald, Russ Willcox, Chris Collins, Chuck Rudner
and Mike Alurac. Not pictured Rich Von Lopez.
Knight Mike Alurac entered both days events for
his first taste of FAI F2D combat. His expectations
were set to have fun and with a cut and in some cases an untimely kill in every match expectations were
met. Albeit going out in three consecutive matches
competing with some of the best F2D combat pilots
flying today. While in Phoenix we enjoyed the company of the other travelling Knights returning back
from VSC in Tucson stopping by to enjoy some F2D
combat. We saw John and Kathy Wright stop
by for a visit and speed flyer Glen Dye
dropped by for a visit.
Fast Friday Results winners pictured above: 1st Howard
Williams, TX, 2nd Leonardo Silva, Team Mexico and
3rd Arnulfo Delgado Team Mexico.
Rich Lopez also made a trek over to witness some
awesome F2D combat matches over the weekend in
his wife Joanne’s new 2013 Prius. He unfortunately
left Phoenix with a broken rear hatch window. We’ll
spare the name of the culprit to protect the innocent
but, but look how well the plane held-up! Rumor is
that the culprit might be going under the pen name
Lunchtime entertainment was provided by Andy
Minor and Igor flying freestyle F2D plans between
their legs and Igor flying two F2D planes at one time
making cuts upon one-another. Man this guy can
fly!!!! Lunch was provided on both days that was enjoyed by all with subs from CD Lance Matassa’s favorite local sub shop Goodcents on Saturday!
• Rich Von Lopez •
Knight’s member Rich Von Lopez pictured 4th from
the left in a white tee has been the AMA’s Model Aviation
Combat Editor for over 20 years and has just returned
from an International Combat contest recently held in
Barcelona Spain where he placed a prestigious 5th place
out of 17 pilots in the F2D World Cup Competition celebrated in Valdemorillo, Spain March 15-16th.
With Rich’s vast knowledge of control-line he is always there to help a newbie. And ask me how I might
know as I give him credit for teaching me single flip starts
and promoting and encouraging control-line flying, especially Combat!!! Give Rich a great big congratulation
for his Spanish contest performance and the good will
that he promotes in control line model aviation the next
time you see him at the field where he occasionally has
an old repaired F2D plane to provide to a beginner!
The Ultimate in Radio
Control & Hobby
The Safe Way...
What Should I Do
During An Earthquake?
When it comes to disaster, there are simple things you can
do to make yourself safer. With all of the recent earthquake activity in Southern California please consider tasking
steps to help yourself and others before an event occurs. And if you need a hand, let a Knights member know and
we’ll do all that we can to assist you in your earthquake preparedness preparation.
Start with the simple tips within each step so that you can build on your accomplishments. An example of this in
Step 1 is moving heavy, unsecured objects from top shelves onto lower ones. This will only take minutes to complete
and you are safer from that hazard!
During the next big earthquake, and immediately after, is when your level of preparedness will make a difference in how you and others survive and can respond to emergencies:
Before the next big earthquake we recommend these four steps that will make you, your family, or your workplace better prepared to survive and recover quickly:
Step 1: Secure your space by identifying hazards and securing moveable items.
Step 2: Plan to be safe by creating a disaster plan and deciding how you will communicate in an emergency.
Step 3: Organize disaster supplies in convenient locations.
Step 4: Minimize financial hardship by organizing important documents, strengthening your property, and considering insurance.
Step 5: Drop, Cover, and Hold On when the earth shakes.
Step 6: Improve safety after earthquakes by evacuating if necessary, helping the injured, and preventing further
injuries or damage.
Step 7: Reconnect and Restore daily life by reconnecting with others, repairing damage, and rebuilding community.
After the immediate threat of the earthquake has passed, your level of preparedness will determine your quality
of life in the weeks and months that follow.
The nearest Hospital
to Whittier Narrows Flying
sites is:
Greater El Monte
Community Hospital
1701 Santa Anita Ave.
South El Monte
Phone: (323) 686-2836
Be Prepared – Create Your Plan Now!
perry carb
1 Fox35 Stunt
4 bolt head
1 ARF NOBLER Built, flown, but never crashed
Send funds to club P.O. Box
April 2014
Fox 35 coned thrust washer for early Fox
QTY Contact
(562) 881-7386, or jowrightpe@hotmail.com
to buy or donate items in the dutch auction.
1 OS 25S RC
perry carb
1 Fox 29 Stunt
4 bolt head
1 Fox35
Merco 61 R/C
heavy cylinder
1 Super Tigre
1 Fox 29 Sport
1 ARF NOBLER Built, flown, but never crashed
1 Fox 40
Mk5 Light case
1 FOX 36X
1 needle brg
1 Super
Fox 35 coned thrust washer for early Fox
1 Contact
Super Tigre
0.51 or jowrightpe@hotmail.com
Saturn R/C
John Wright (562) 881-7386,
1 OS
to buy or donate items in the dutch auction.
OS 35S
0.35 STUFFStunt insert
1 Fox 29 Stunt
4 bolt head
Wright (562) 881-7386,
1 Contact
61 R/C
0.61 or jowrightpe@hotmail.com
heavy cylinder
1 Super Tigre
1 Fox 29 Sport
1 Fox 40
Mk5 Light case
1 FOX 36X
1 needle brg
1 Super Tigre
G21-40BB R/C
1 Super Tigre
Saturn R/C
1 OS LA 40
Stunt insert
1 OS 35S
Stunt insert
1 Super Tigre
poor comp
sand cast
KOTRC Monthly Dutch Auction
Contact John Wright (562) 881-7386, or jowrightpe@hotmail.com
wheels, tank incl but no engine
poor comp
Sand cast,no NVA
sand cast
wheels, tank incl but no engine
gap NVA
No insert or NVA
big ring gap
No insert or NVA
Each price will drop $5 per month to $20 until sold.
Don't wait too long!
Notify John Wright of your bid.
Recipe of the Month...
Roasted Green Chili Salsa
Submitted by JOHN GLUTH
A GOOD, easy and quick salsa.
Use canned S&W Mexican recipe stewed tomatoes,
El Pato Tomatoe Sauce, and about 8 Fire roasted
Each price will drop $5 per month
to $20 until
sold. 1 can each as pictured at left
in a blender or food processor to the consistency you preDon't wait too long!
fer, chunky or pureed.
Notify John Wright of your bid.
Of course canned Ortega Green chilis are less hot and a great substitute
for fire roasted jalapeño chiles. I usually prefer to have grilled, fresh
Jalapenos to use but canned works great!
Blue Skys, John
are held the second
Tuesday of each month
at the Fullerton Airport
AFI building located at
4119 W.
are held Fullerton,
the secondCA.
Tuesday ofstart
7 pm.
at the Fullerton
is welcome.
AFI building
don’t have
to be at
a member to attend. You just need
W. Commonwealth
in control line modeling.
Avenue, Fullerton, CA.
The easiest way to join the club is to attend a club meeting
Meetings start at 7 pm.
and sign up if you like it. Dues are $30 per year. Youth
Everyone is welcome.
memberships under 18 are FREE.
You don’t have to be a member to attend. You just need
an interest in control line modeling.
The easiest way to join the club is to attend a club meeting
and sign up if you like it. Dues are $30 per year. Youth
memberships under 18 are FREE.
KOTRC members enjoy two flying sites
in Los Angeles County.
WHITTIER NARROWS - The Whittier Narrows
recreation area is one of the two flying sites located in
members enjoy two flying sites
Angeles County
and is the location
for Angeles County.
in Los
the KOTRC sponsored
NARROWS - The Whittier Narrows
is one of the two flying sites located in
the year. Whittier
Narrows is part of the
is the location
Los Angeles
Parks and Recreation
and is
located in South El Monte, California.
Narrows is part of the
SEPULVEDA BASIN - The Sepulveda Basin is located
Los Angeles County
in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles County near
Parks and Recreation
where the 405 freeway
department and is
and the 101 freeway
located in South El Monte, California.
meet. The flying area
just west of the
405 - The Sepulveda Basin is located
the San
Valley of Los Angeles County near
is entered
the 405 Ave.
from Woodley
the 101
flying area
is just west of the 405
freeway and is entered
from Woodley Ave.
between Victory and
Burbank Boulevards.
Come Join Us!
Knights of the Round Circle
4119 W. Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton, CA 92833
KOTRC Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 6115
Anaheim, CA 92806
President – Mike Alurac
Vice President - Bob Werle
Co-Vice president - Paul Wescott
Secretary – Larry Renger
Treasurer– Mike Jones
Co-Treasurer – DAVE KICK
Newsletter Editor – Skywriter