Peninsula Counseling Center The Friends Program Knights of
Peninsula Counseling Center The Friends Program Knights of
Two Girls Could be that you’ll wonder this month where Two Girls have gone. The popular and signature page six column has taken a hiatus this month as Local Luxuries Publisher, Jacqueline Bergrin, recovers from knee surgery she underwent on February 8th. Family and friends are taking part in getting her back up and “running” and restored to her usually active self. Returning to print in March, Two Girls plan on highlighting a very unusual – and dare we say, a slight bit risqué? – activity in which Bergrin and Associate Publisher, Debra Bedell, will partake. It will be a Two Girls you just might not want to miss… Knights of Columbus, Oceanside Fire Recovery Fundraiser for Long Beach Knights of Columbus On December 22nd, 2012, 22-yearold Oceanside resident, Brielle Hills, had adeptly orchestrated a hugely successful holiday party for Oceanside and Long Beach children who had been affected by Hurricane Sandy. On April 14th, along with the help and support of the Knights of Columbus brothers, Hills has coordinated what should be another fabulous event for a worthy cause – a Fire Recovery Fundraiser to rebuild the Long Beach Knights of Columbus #2626, which burned down on December 10th. Held between 7 and 11pm at the Father Joseph O’Connell Knights of Columbus, Council No. 3481, at 2985 Kenneth Place in Oceanside, there will be a $20.00 entry fee per person. 100 Proof Band will perform as selections of food donated by local restaurants are served. All of the proceeds from the entry fee, alcoholic beverages and raffle tickets sold at this adults-only event, will go directly to the restoration efforts. For more information, please contact Brielle Hills at 516.410.0559. Peninsula Counseling Center The Friends Program One of many enriching services coordinated by the Peninsula Whether you want to know what’s happening in Counseling Cenour community, or have us help spread the word ter (PCC) of 50 W. Hawthorne Ave., Valley Stream, about an event you’re planning, let us help! The Friends Program has been a successful one for 30+ years. Children of the Hewlett-Woodmere and Check out our Around Town page each month to learn about Lynbrook-East Rockaway school districts who are events, workshops, charitable functions, seminars and other information of interest. To submit your Community Event for listing, mostly directed by teachers and parents to be enplease email the information at least four weeks in advance to: gaged in the program are each paired with a able high school student who provides them with companionship that adults and professionals can- not always effectively establish. From coping with divorce in the home to attention-seeking issues and general assistance with development of socialization skills, there are a myriad of circumstances that through shared activities with their high school friend, help the child build trust and confidence in others – and in him or herself. Ongoing supervision of the relationship is maintained with meetings between the volunteer and the program coordinator as well as continuing contact with the child’s respective family. For more information, contact the Friends Program Coordinator, Audrey Goodman, at 516.569-6900, ext. 1330 or