Joseph J - St. Michael Church


Joseph J - St. Michael Church
Joseph J. Fitzmartin Council 1446
May 2015
Assembly 967
Council Meetings 1st & 3rd Tuesday 7:30 PM
Assembly Meets 1st Tuesday 8:00 PM
The Natural Choice is Life
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
Monthly Breakfast THIRD SUNDAY
MEN’S ADORATION Fourth Monday 7 PM.
May 5 1909 Club & Assembly 967 Elections
May 10 Mother’s Day & Start of Baby Bottle campaign
May 15 thru 17 Convention in Cranberry Twsp.
June 2 Council 1446 Elections
June 7 Fourth Degree Exemplification in Pittsburgh
June 21 Father’s Day & Baby Bottle Collection
July 13 We Cook at the Good Shepard Center
August 15, 2015 State Golf tournament at New Freedom
August 20, 2016 State Golf tournament in Greenville
Council 1446 Contacts:
SK Fr. Foradori
Charles Surano
SK Skip Peden
SK Pete Longiotti
SK David McIntosh
Assembly 967 Contacts:
Faithful Navigator
SK Sam Genovesi
Faithful Comptroller
SK Frank Yokubeak
Faithful Purser
SK Joe Presto
1909 Club Contacts:
Duke Rutter
Hall and Grounds Rentals & Scheduling:
Chaplain & Faithful Friar:
Grand Knight:
Financial Secretary:
Insurance Agent:
May Birthdays: Stephen Harakal, Michael Leskovac,
Andrew Macko, Gilbert McGarvey, Rich
Marshall, Keith Landfried, John Ruffing,
John Bresnan, Ronald Fontain, Gerald
Lawrence, John Bielobocky, Nicholas
Cianci, Nathan Demerest, Daniel McMillen,
Michael Obrien, Zachary Zuschlag, Carmen Scibetta, Wesley
Bates, Charles Surano, Ronald Resele, Paul Loreno, John
Cianci, Joseph Mcelhinny, James Scelsi, Thomas Steiner,
Robert Faber, John Manganello, Charles Toth, Daniel Lapikas,
Charles Seiver, Gerald Stumpff II, Larry Callihan.
BEST BREAKFAST IN TOWN!! May17th , 8:00 AM – 11
AM. Buffet: eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage,
home fries, biscuits, gravy, toast, coffee, milk
& orange juice. Adults: $8; Children 6-12: $5.
Under 6 free. If you have tried the rest it is
time to try the best. It is also a great place to
meet and experience fellowship with other
Annual Baby Bottle Campaign: On Mother’s Day, May 10,
Sir Knights from the Assembly
and the Council will pass out baby
bottles at all of the Masses both St
Michael and St. Margaret. This is
our annual fundraiser for all of the
Pro-Life activities supported by
our Council and Assembly. These
activities include: the annual bus
trip by the parish youth to
Washington DC for the Pro-Life
march in January on the anniversary of the Rowe vs Wade
decision; The Missionaries of Purity program; The Willow
Women’s Center in Transfer; William’s House in Greenville
and the Ultrasound initiative of the Supreme Council.
The bottles will be collected at the Churches on Father’s
Day, June, 21.
Startling Statistics from the ‘Centers for Disease Control
& Prevention: 18,000 women have been killed by
men in domestic violence disputes since 2003. 1
in 4 women, & 1 in 7 men, will be victims of
severe violence by an intimate partner in their
Parish Picnic: Save the Date: August 9, 2015
Please plan to attend our own
Parish Picnic that will be held
behind the church and in the
lawn of the north parking lot. A
committee has been formed to
ensure that it will be a time to
remember. However, this picnic
is going to be slightly different than most events in the past.
Fr. Foradori would like to see absolutely no fundraising or
events that would be at a cost to the parishioners. This will be
a "Family, Fun, and Free" event! Knights of Columbus
chicken will be served as well as hamburgers and hot dogs
along with various side dishes. The church will be providing
all paper products. There will be games for all ages and great
fun to be had by all. Please come and join us in fellowship
and enjoy an afternoon with your fellow parishioners, friends,
and family. If you would like to help in any way or have any
questions, feel free to call Ellie McIntosh at 724-988-9079.
Can't wait to see you there!!
13 as we are scheduled to cook at the
“Good Shepard Center”, again this year.
This project involves preparing meals for
the hungry of the community. Meals will
be served at the center and also many
meals will be delivered to shut-ins in the
surrounding area. WE WILL NEED
Please call Joe Presto at
724.699.4664 to volunteer for this project. Again this will
only require a bit of your time and will be greatly appreciated
by a multitude of needy people in our area.
Assembly News: At the last meeting a motion passed to
donate $2 per member to the Military Chaplain Scholarship
Fund again this year. The Knights of Columbus has
established a new scholarship program to help fund the
education of seminarians preparing to become Catholic
chaplains in the U.S. Armed Forces.
The program will distribute $1 million in scholarship money
to the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, over a
period of five years at a rate of $200,000 per year. These
funds, in turn, will help produce a new generation of muchneeded Catholic chaplains to minister to U.S. military
personnel and their families. More information about this
worthy cause and ways to donate on-line can be found at:
The Supreme website has a wealth of information on issues
that concern us as Catholics, as well as On-Line courses
designed to increase your understanding of the Catholic Faith
Links to information can be found under the heading “Know
Your Faith”, on the website.
For the second year in a
row, the Knights of
Columbus has been
recognized by the
Ethisphere Institute, the
global leader in defining
and advancing the
standards of ethical business practices, as a 2015 World’s
Most Ethical Company®.
The World’s Most Ethical Companies designation recognizes
those organizations that have had a material impact on the way
business is conducted by fostering a culture of ethics and
transparency at every level of the company. Read more about
this on the Supreme website: .
John Paul II: April 2 marked the 10 year anniversary of
LTC Is an Important piece of the Puzzle. There are many
financial consultants and retirement authorities who
emphasize the need for a long-term care (LTC) product for
estate preservation and family protection. While many
commercial life insurance companies have gotten out of the
long-term care business, the Knights of Columbus considers
LTC a very important piece of the family protection puzzle.
The Order has been actively offering our members this
product for nearly 15 years without a premium increase on
current policyholders. Members who wisely purchased an
LTC plan from the Knights in 2000 are still paying the same
premiums today. Even better, our LTC coverage is backed by
the full strength of the Order, which remains rooted in our
strong Catholic values. Talk about stability when it counts.
If we have not spoken about your need for LTC coverage in
your family portfolio, please take some time out of your
schedule to meet with me.
Remember, long-term care policies are underwritten based on
your health, and you most likely will never be any healthier
than you are today.
Dave McIntosh, FIC
Office: 724-373-8417
Cell: 517-214-7040
PA State Convention:
Would you like to be more involved
in the Knights of Columbus? Have you ever wondered what happens
at a convention? Would you like to see how a meeting is supposed to
run? Well you are in a unique position to observe or participate in
these activities at little or no cost to you for the next couple of years.
The only credentials you need to attend the meetings at the
convention, is your current THIRD Degree membership card, with
the council seal imprinted on it. This card allows you admission to
the meetings of the State Council. Although you can only observe
the proceedings, it can be an educational opportunity in the inner
workings of the Order. Voting rights on motions brought to the floor,
are reserved to the two delegates elected by our council.
The Western Region will host the 117th State Convention
May 15 thru 17, 2015, at the Pittsburgh Marriott North Hotel, 100
Cranberry Drive, Cranberry Township, PA, 16066. If you would like
more information check the State website at .
CALENDAR PROJECT: Runs for a whole year from
June 1 to May 31. $25 donation for the calendar, $30
minimum daily prizes with several special prizes through the
year. Winners are based on the evening drawing of the PA
daily number. Last year a total of 825 calendars were sold
with a profit of $5300, keeping with our goal for the project.
Proceeds from this to benefit the Bishop Persico’s Youth
Project. Biannually a $10,000 check is presented to the bishop
in March. Calendars are available at the club & at the Bingo
counter on Wednesdays.
ELECTION TIME: Nominations for all officers of the
Council and Assembly & the 1909 Club
were opened at the April 7th meeting.
Nominations will remain open until the
election to be held at the May 5th regular
meeting, of Assembly 967 & the 1909 Club,
and at the regular meeting June 2 for
Council 1446.
Nominating committees are: 1909 club—
Don Webber, Tom Steiner, & Larry Callihan; Council 1446—
John Svirbly, Dave Kozminiski, & Marty Aubel; Assembly
967—Pete Longiotti & Frank Yokubeak.
Almost Funny Joke: An elderly woman decided to
prepare her will and told her preacher she had two final
requests. First, she wanted to be cremated, and second, she
wanted her ashes scattered over Wal-Mart. ' Wal-Mart? the
preacher exclaimed. Why Wal-Mart? Then I'll be sure my
daughters visit me twice a week.
Remember to visit with family and friends. All too often we
realize how fast the time has gone when it is too late.
the death of St.
John Paul II. Prior
to his death, the
blessed to have
collaborated with
St. John Paul II on
initiatives and projects ranging from evangelization and
communications to the defense of the family and religious
freedom. One of the most important goals of St. John Paul II
was to foster unity across the American continent. That
hopeful vision has become our own as Brother Knights. The
Supreme Council is therefore pleased to announce the release
of a new documentary film celebrating St. John Paul II and his
impact on the American continent.
John Paul II in America: Uniting a Continent
explores how the papacy of St. John Paul II left an indelible
mark on the American continent. Driven by his singular
conviction of a “United American Continent” under the
patronage of Our Lady of Guadalupe, John Paul II’s papal
travels from Argentina to Alaska that generated massive
crowds, shaped an entire generation and ultimately changed
the course of history.
Narrated by actor Andy Garcia, the film features rare
archival footage and insightful analysis from leading figures
including Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley of Boston, Supreme
Knight Carl A. Anderson, John Paul II biographer George
Weigel and former Vatican spokesman Joaquín Navarro-Valls.
Viewers will be both intrigued and moved by the
documentary’s unprecedented framework for understanding
one of the giant figures of our times.
This film airs on EWTN: Wednesday April 29 at 10
PM, Thursday April 30 at 10 AM, & Saturday May 2 at 4 PM.
For more information & on how you can purchase a DVD,
please visit
For the connected Knight
K of C Supreme Council:
K of C Pennasylvania State Council:
St. Michael’s Church:
Erie Diocese:
A Great place to buy everything K of C visit site also has a wish list option, for gift
hints to relatives.
To find a church and mass information while traveling use this
For the best three days of your life check out this website:
FYI: Are your car or truck headlights cloudy? There are a
number of info-mercials on TV on how to make them look
like new for $19.95. I recently saw a video posted on Canton
Radio 94.6 website about a much cheaper way of doing this,
using “REPEL” insect repellent and a sock. Soak the sock
with the repellent and rub filmed headlights until clear. It
really works and the lights look like new ones that cost
35th Annual K of C State Golf
Tournament will be held on
Saturday August 15th
year’s tourney will be sponsored
by St. John the Baptist Council
# 8891, and held at Hickory
Heights Golf Course in Spring
Grove, PA. (York County).
Proceeds from this tournament will directly benefit SPECIAL
It will be an 8:00 AM shotgun start. The $75 per golfer fee
includes: Green fees & cart, Breakfast prior to Tee off,
AWSOME steak dinner following play, Adult beverages
during and after, Hole in One prizes including $5000 on one
of the holes, plus many other prizes.
Help out Special Olympics and have a great time.
For information call Frank at 724.588.4688.