JACKSON CLAIM JUMPERS P.O.Box 754, Jackson, Ca. 95642 Meets every Monday 6:30 to 9:00 P.M. Amador Senior Center, 229 New York Ranch Road, Jackson, Ca. CALLER/CURER - JIM & SHARON RAMMEL NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2014 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Happy Fall to all, and YEA for the first real rain! Our Luau Dance was a nice success. Scott and Erin were lots of fun to dance to. The attendance at our dance was also unusual, as we had dancers from North, South and West—just about every club was represented within a 100 mile radius! Twain Heart Twirlers were there in force and took one of our banners home with them. Off course this means that we will have to get a square together and go to one of their dances to get it back. FUN OFFICERS PRESIDENT ED & BEV de VRIES VICE PRESIDENT SMOKEY & BARBARA BENNETT And JACK & ORA RUNTE SECRETARY MARGARET KOLACZYK TREASURER GEORGE & MARY LAMBERT PARLIAENTARIAN GUY & FRAN GARNER We would like as many of our club members to plan on attending the October 11th Saturday evening dance of the Calaveras Twirlers. It is their anniversary dance and our own Jim and Sharon are calling and cuing. Check this newsletter and the flyers table for more details. For those who have the stamina, there is also a dance in Soulsbyville with the Twain Heart Twirlers on Sunday afternoon, the 12th of October. If we can get a square together, we can retrieve our banner! We need to support other clubs’ dances as they supported us this past month. There will be a board meeting before club on the 6th of this month. Our club board meetings are open to all members and start at 5:00 in one of the back rooms of the Senior Center. Either eat before coming, or bring something you can munch on if you wish. But remember, this is Party night, everyone bring treats! Another important event happening this month is the Yuba City Harvest Hoedown. We have a special spot for the RV’ers at the top of the hill by the main hall. As Wagonmasters we have a dinner planned at a Chinese Restaurant for those who wish to eat together on Friday night. There will also be a potluck dinner at our big RV space for all who wish to attend. Please bring a dish to share. You do NOT have to be RVing to participate! We will have plenty of extra plates and utensils. Come have fun with us starting on Thursday through Sunday, or just Saturday for the potluck and dancing. This is a very happy and fun event! Yellow Rock! Ed and Bev Newsletter Editors: Suzette Heinrich suzette@volcano.net 3rd COMMUNITY DANCE, NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! See flyer below. 4th Mavericks Square Dance Club of Roseville Fall 2012 Clothes Closet 12 pm – 3 pm Royer Park (Veterans Memorial Hall, 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA See the flier at http://www.mavericks-squaredanceclub. org/pdfs/2014/100414_Clothes.pdf More detailed info at: http://www.mavericks-squaredance-club.org/clothes_closet.html 4th Overalls All About Autumn Plus Level Square Dance 7:00pm – 10:30pm Veterans Memorial Hall, 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA Pre-rounds: 7-8:00 p.m. Plus Squares: 8-10:30 p.m. Caller: Scot Byars Cuer: Erin Byars See the flier at http://www.asdsc.org/pdfs/2014/100414_Ov.pdf 11th Calaveras Twirlers 28th Anniversary Dance - Mainstream & Plus The Dynamic Duo, Jim & Sharon Rammel will be Calling & Cueing. See flyer below. 11th Mavericks Plus Square Dance - Halloween Ball 6:30pm – 10:00pm Veterans Memorial Hall, 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA Pre-rounds: 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Plus Squares: 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. Caller: Tom Kaiser Cuer: Betty & Tom Wicksted. http://www.mavericks-squaredance-club.org/pdfs/2014/101114_Mav.pdf 11th Apple Jacks & Jills Anniversary Square Dance 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm Hangtown Grange, 2020 Smith Flat Road, Placerville, CA Caller - Cuer: Charles Bridges Red light - Green light Square Dancing, Round Dancing and Line Dancing See our flier at http://www.asdsc.org/pdfs/2014/101114_AJJ_Ann.pdf 12th Twain Harte Twirlers MS & Plus Dance 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm 1:00 pm Phase II,III Pre-Rounds 2:00 pm Soulsbyville Elementary School, 20300 Soulsbyville Rd. Soulsbyville Ca. Caller:Charles Bridges, Cuer: Carolyn Wunder Theme:45th Anniversary Dance Contact:Bob & Annette Brown (209) 532-6778 http://twainhartetwirlers.ccsda.org/ 18th Buttons N' Bows 53rd Anniversary Plus Square Dance 7pm – 11pm E. V. Cain School, 150 Palm Avenue, Auburn, CA Caller: Jet Roberts Cuer: TBA 7-8:00 Pre-rounds 8-10:30 Plus squares For More Information Call: (530) 889-1345 or buttonandbow@gmail.com 23rd Good Vibrations Square Dance Club Presents Harvest Hoedown Trails End Dinner & Square Dance 6pm – 10pm FRANKLIN HALL & PALMER HALL, Yuba-Sutter Fairgrounds, 442 Franklin ave, Yuba City, CA A1, Plus, Mainstream & Sept. beginners - SCOT & ERIN BYARS calling plus, A1 squares and cueing rounds; - BILL SILVER calling beginner and mainstream - $12.00 Donation @ the door price includes buffet dinner (starting at 6 p.m.) For more info call: (530) 755-4778 See the flier at: http://www.asdsc.org/pdfs/2014/102314_Trails_End.pdf 24th - 26th Harvest Hoedown, Yuba City, CA.Yuba Sutter Fairgrounds, Yuba City, CA, United States Featured Calling Staff: Wade Driver, Spring, Texas; Eric Henerlau, Corte Madera, California; Bobby Poyner, Joliet, Illinois; and Buddy Weaver, San Marcos, California Featured Cueing Staff: Rey and Sherri Garza, San Diego, CA 2014 Registration Application http://www.asdsc.org/pdfs/2014/2014_ %20HH_Reg_Form.pdf Handi-capable Registration Form http://www.asdsc.org/pdfs/2014/2014_HH_Handicapable_Reg.pdf Commemorative T-Shirt Order Form http://www.asdsc.org/pdfs/2014/T-Shirt_form.pdf 2014 Dance Schedule as of 03/10/14 http://www.asdsc.org/pdfs/2014/2014_HH_Dance_Schedule-031014.pdf http://wheresthedance.com/ http://www.you2candance.com/ 1st Overalls Square Dance Clubclose. New Dancer Mainstream & Plus Dance with Rounds 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm 7:00 pm Phase II, III Pre-Rounds all 8:00 pm MS, Plus. Royer Park Veterans Memorial Hall 110 Park Dr Roseville, CA. Theme:May Daze Caller: Bill Silver Cuer:Dan Drumheller. Dance Cost:$10.00 Contact: Harold & Carol Hayek - (916) 474-9771 or http://overallssquaredance.org/ 8th Mavericks New Dancer – Veteran's Day Square Dance Ball, 6:30pm – 10:00pm Veterans Memorial Hall, 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. New Dancer Squares: 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. Caller: Charles Bridges Cuer: Charles Bridges See the flier at: http://www.mavericks-squaredanceclub.org/pdfs/2014/110814_Mav.pdf 15th Whirl A Ways November Magic Plus and Advanced European Style Square Dance, 7pm – 10pm Veteran's Hall, Royer Park, 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA. Callers: Jet Roberts and Scott Pearce European Style Dancing Alternating Plus / A-I/Plus / A-2 No Rounds No Breaks 7:00 to 7:30 Tough A-2 7:30 to 10:00 Euro S tyle Dance Plus/ A-I/Plus/ A-2 Every other tip will be plus no singing calls on advanced tips Plenty of ance time for all levels!!! Door Prizes 5O/5O Drawing Refreshments 10:00 Special Tough Mainstream Tip (Double Dog Dare You) See the flier at http://www.jetroberts.com/pdfs/2014/111514_WAW.pdf 16th Wild West Hoedown with Jackson Calim Jumpers. Charles Bridges, Caller & Cuer Pre Rounds 1:00 – 2:00 pm Square Dance 2:00 – 5:00. See Flyer below! Getting to Know BARBARA MARRE Barbara was born and raised in Sutter Creek. After graduating from Amador High School, she moved to Sacramento to further her education to attend Private Business School. She started her career in Sacramento by entering the Insurance field, obtaining her Professional Insurance Degree. In 1974, opportunity lured her to San Jose where she remained until retirement. She was designated as “Insurance Woman Of The Year” for Santa Clara County and served on the Community Neighborhood Watch Program with the Police Department. Barbara also taught Insurance classes in San Jose Adult Education Program. She had a very interesting career in Insurance. In 1975 she started square dancing with Sunnyvale Singles and continued until she retired and moved back to her family home in Sutter Creek. She had friends dancing with the Jackson Claim Jumpers and they convinced her to join them. Sy Lesh and Lee Mac Farland (with their wives, who are now deceased) were all dancing with JCJ when she joined. Besides square dancing Barbara enjoys traveling. Having been to Mexico, Spain, Portugal and most of Canada along with 36 states including Alaska and Hawaii. Barbara also enjoys cooking and crafts along with catching the 49ers and Giants games. Every July 4th she and her sister have a family reunion and their scattered family look forward to coming home. Volunteers are needed for the following positions for the year 2105 President - who presides over the meetings and co-signs checks with the treasurer. Has board meetings which are generally 3 to 4 a year. Vice President - takes over when the President is absence. Performs hospitality at all dances, hoedowns and workshops. Secretary - records the minutes at all Board of directors and general meetings. Publishishs a membership list annually or as needed.. Treasurer - collects and banks all moneies, writes all check for expenses of the Jackson Claim Jumpers. Jackson Claim Jumpers appreciates all the work the that was done by President Ed and Bev De Vries, Vice President Smokey and Barbara Bennett, Vice President Jack and Ora Runte, Secretary Margaret Kolaczyk, Treasurer George and Mary Lambert. Please consider helping your club! Contact Barbara Bennett at 296-6870 OR Joe McGee 2861633 Click on the link below to see a video of JCJ's Luau: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10204668512303871&set=vb.1567663843&type=2&theater