JACKSON CLAIM JUMPERS P.O.Box 754, Jackson, Ca. 95642 Meets every Monday 6:30 to 9:00 P.M. Amador Senior Center, 229 New York Ranch Road, Jackson, Ca. CALLER/CURER - JIM & SHARON RAMMEL NEWSLETTER AUGUST 2014 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Hello to All! OFFICERS PRESIDENT ED & BEV de VRIES VICE PRESIDENT SMOKEY & BARBARA BENNETT And JACK & ORA RUNTE SECRETARY MARGARET KOLACZYK TREASURER We hope you are all staying cool this summer! We are on the road and the heat seems to be following us! Cle Elum was a wonderful experience and we recommend it to all next summer. The program has all levels of dance instruction throughout the summer, so any and all can find a good time at some point during the summer months. We have heard that Lucy did a wonderful job with the Amador County Fair square dance demonstration. In late August there is another opportunity to do a demonstration dance in Elk Grove. We plan on being there with New Dancer flyers and hope some of you will join us on the dance floor. As September is just around the corner, we hope you are all thinking of potential New Dancer candidates! There should be New Dancer flyers out at club for you to pick up and give to friends and acquaintances and spread around at places you frequent. We are hoping for a LARGE class of mixed ages this year. Another date to remember is the 21st of September—our Luau dance. In the meantime, keep dancing and smiling. See you all in a few weeks. YELLOW ROCK! Ed & Bev GEORGE & MARY LAMBERT PARLIAENTARIAN GUY & FRAN GARNER Newsletter Editors: Suzette Heinrich suzette@volcano.net http://www.wheresthedance.com/ 2nd Overalls 35th Anniversary Plus Square Dance 7:00pm – 10:30pm. Veterans Memorial Hall, 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA (map) Pre-rounds: 7-8:00 p.m. Plus Squares: 8-10:30 p.m. Caller: Joe Kula Cuer:Dan Drumheller See our flier at http://www.asdsc.org/pdfs/2014/080214_Ov_Anniversary.pdf 3rd –10th Alaska Cruise. Square and Rounds with Scot & Erin Byars and Don Bachelder & Sally-Ann Smith. Info 1-888-763-3143/413-863-3143. 9th Mvericks Plus Square Dance - Root Beer Float Ball 6:30pm – 10:00pm Veterans Memorial Hall, 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA Pre-rounds: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Plus Squares: 7:30-10:00 p.m. Caller: Jet Roberts Cuer: Dan & Allison Drumheller See our flier at http://www.mavericks-squaredance-club.org/pdfs/2014/080914_Mav.pdf 21st Intro to Square Dance Party with the Main Street Strollers 6:45pm – 9:00pm IOOF Hall *(upstairs) 467 Main Street. Placerville, CA. Mainstreet Strollers invite you! Learn to square dance. Check us out before class begins. Just for fun. Casual Dress. Square Dancing is a fun activity involving good mental & physical exercise. Free of charge ages 13 and older. Please no experience necessary. Meet new people. Make new friends. Call: Suzanne Egger (530) 644-1709 John & Trish Hershey (530) 313-8439 22nd Whirl-A-Ways Advanced Square Dance 7:00pm – 10:30pmVeterans Memorial Hall, Royer Park 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA Pre-Rounds: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Squares: 8:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Level: Alternating Class & A2 Double rounds between tips Caller: Darryl Lipscomb Cuer: John Flora Info: Dave Briggs (916) 722-3933 or email pullmandave@juno.com See our flier at http://www.whirlawaysadvancedsquares.com/pdfs/2014/082214_WAW.pdf Mark Your Calendar in October: Harvest Hoedown, Yuba City, CA – October 24, 25 & 26, 2014 http://www.asdsc.org/Harvest_Hoedown.htm 1st - 3rd Great Las Vegas Getaway V. Plus Dancing with Mike Sikorsky, Jet Roberts and Debbie & Tim Vogt More info: 280-204-0110 6th Gold Dust Gala at the The Sonora Opera House with Scot & Erin Byars and The Ghost Riders. A-2 (10am-12noon) Hex (1:30-4pm), Pre Rounds (7 pm) Plu dancing with the Ghost Riders & Rounds 7:3010pm. More info contact Steve Riley, Manteca, Ca. 9th Marie Hathaway starts Beginning Waltz class 11:00 am-12:30. Classes are held at the Fair Oaks Community Clubhouse, 7997 California Ave. Fair Oaks. More info call 916-989-4464 10th Marie Hathaway starts Beginning Waltz class 6:00-7:30 pm. Classes are held at the Fair Oaks Community Clubhouse, 7997 California Ave. Fair Oaks. More info call 916-989-4464 5th – 7th , 2014 Prime 8's Advanced and Challenge Weekend Square Dance Crowne Plaza Hotel, 5321 Date Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95841Levels A2 - C4 Callers confirmed are Anne Uebelacker, Saundra Bryant, Vic Ceder, Bronc Wise and Jet Roberts. There will be no rounds.See the flier at http://www.asdsc.org/pdfs/2014/090514_p8.pdf 13th Mavericks Plus Square Dance - Harvest Moon 6:30pm – 10:00pm Veterans Memorial Hall, 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA Pre-rounds: 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Plus Squares: 7:30 10:00 p.m. Caller: Sylvia Roberts Cuer: Charlie & Joni Eskin See our flier at http://www.mavericks-squaredance-club.org/pdfs/2014/091314_Mav.pdf http://www.mavericks15th 22nd & 29th Jackson Claim Jumpers start. Beginning Square Dance Classes. 6:30 – 9pm First 3 classes are Free. 21st Intro to Square Dance Party with the Main Street Strollers 7:30pm 22nd Main Street Strollers Anniversary Plus Square Dance. Sat, 7:30pm – 11:00 I.O.O.F. Hall, 467 Main Street, Upstairs, Placerville, CA Caller: Ed Kremers Cuer: Betty Wicksted Plus Level Advanced Star Tip Rounds Between Tips Rounds 7:30 – 8:00PM Squares 8:00 – 11:00PM 26th Whirl-A-Ways 44th Anniversary Advanced Square Dance 7:00pm – 10:30pm Memorial Hall, Royer Park, 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA. Alternating A1/A2 Caller Scott Pearce Cuer Charlie & Joni Eskin See the flier at http://www.whirlawaysadvancedsquares.com/pdfs/2014/092614_WAW.pdf Harvest Hoedown, Yuba City, CA – October 24, 25 & 26, 2014 http://www.asdsc.org/Harvest_Hoedown.htm Ed, Sharon & Dakota at Niagara Falls Getting to know ED & SHARON CONLEY Sharon started Square Dancing with the Sunnyvale Singles in 1991. In 1993, during an Electric Slide line dance lesson at “The Saddle Rack” in San Jose. After that, we met every Wednesday at the Saddle Rack for dance lessons. We especially liked the couples dances, including the Cowboy Cha-Cha, the Desperado Wrap, the Shaddish and the Country Waltz. Ed started Square Dancing with the Sunnyvale Singles in the first available class in September of 1993. It might be said, “We danced our way into each other’s heart’s”. We married in 1995 at the Yosemite Chapel. After that, our attention turned from dancing to family. The next eight years were spent “blending” a family of 7. Ed had 3 girls and I had 2 girls. The girls ranged in age from 4 to 14. We had bunnies, cats, dogs, rats, hamsters, mice and even a number of fish. There was LOTS to do. Have you ever seen, Yours, Mine and Ours??? It was not always easy, but it was always interesting. Fitting everyone in the house, trying to make sure everyone was included and looked after, took lots of time and more than a little blood, sweat and tears.cont. Somehow everyone survived!! All and all, we had great times, lots of cookie making and lots of love and laughter! By 2003 there was only our youngest daughter remaining at home. 2 daughters had made it through college and one was getting married. We decided it was a good time to move to the mountains. The Dorrington house had been the vacation home for about 8 years and it would now become the full time residence. Shawna (the youngest) went to Bret Harte High School in Angels Camp and after that on to Columbia College outside of Sonora. Ed and I spent this time working on the house, converting it from a “Vacation Cabin” into a home. By the time Shawna finish College in Columbia, the house was pretty close to finished Cont. About this time, our eldest daughter (Stacey) and her husband Karl moved to Kentucky. Shawna met and fell in love and moved to Daytona Florida to pursue her dream of being a Police Officer. The other 3 daughters were also working on their lives. Amanda in Santa Rosa, Sharlene in Campbell & Sheena in Santa Clara, California. So, we decided to start a new phase in our lives. We bought an RV that allowed us visit all the children and grandchildren and set out to explore America. Our first “Long Journey” took us from Dorrington east to Maine and south to the Florida Keys and back west to home again. Travel began in September of 2009. Fall Colors and as many National Parks as possible was the theme of that trip. There was a need to see places that had not been previously seen, but getting back to the “roots” of Chicago and Battle Creek was also part of the itinerary. Of course, getting to Kentucky and Florida was a MUST. That first trip was 40,000 miles long and extended from Sep 2009 to May of 2010. That trip was ALSO the start of what became a way of life for us. Each year during the month or so of downtime in Dorrington, a new itinerary was created. Each plan included places missed on previous trips. In addition, we continued to add places that were part of our ever increasing Bucket List. Between 2009 and 2012 we took 4 trips around the country. Each trip included time spent in California visiting the children on the West coast as well as at least one visit in Kentucky and one in Florida each year. We have travelled well over 100,000 miles, and have visited an unknown numbers of National Parks, State Parks, Monuments, Amusement parks and Museums. We have been to Selma Alabama for Martin Luther King’s Birthday, to the Cape to see the final Space Shuttle launch, to Niagara Falls walking in the torrents of water, to Washington DC for a personal tour of the House of Representatives (including riding the underground tram from the House to the offices of the members). We sat on the same bus as Rosa Parks and heard her speaking. We were at Mount Rushmore in the evening with the wonderful lightening. We have been to Carlsbad Caverns for a lantern tour. There are very few Presidential Libraries that we have yet to see. We have seen so many wonderful places and met so many wonderful people. In addition to all the touring, Ed and I incorporated two of our other passions into the trips. Ed loves to Geocache and I love Genealogy. We have added many places into our itineraries that allow us to both enjoy these interests. Conley's cont. Sharon work on finding places our ancestors lived and we explore the Historical Societies and Cemeteries to locate family. Ed has added wonderful places that allow him to Geocache. Both of these interests have enhanced our experience. Ed has more than 3,000 caches in 49 states and I have located relatives and information on families I never dreamed I would be able to find. Many times these studies included visits to long lost relatives. I work on finding places our ancestors lived and we explore the Historical Societies and Cemeteries to locate family. Ed has added wonderful places that allow him to Geocache. Both of these interests have enhanced our experience. Ed has more than 3,000 caches in 49 states and I have located relatives and information on families I never dreamed I would be able to find. Many times these studies included visits to long lost relatives. On our way back from 2012 trip, we stopped in Texas at an RV park that offered Square Dancing Lessons. It had been 18 long years and we were REALLY rusty but, we decided to make the effort. We added an extra week to our stay at that park and another week at a park nearby to re-learn as much as possible. We then travelled on to Tucson AZ. and found another park to continue our lessons. By the time we got home we were HOOKED. Still rusty, but hooked none the less. We have been dancing ever since!! We now belong to both the Jackson Claim Jumpers and the Twain Harte Twirlers in California and a couple of clubs in Tucson as well. We have traveled back to Arizona the last 2 years for a few months to be with the wonderful people in the clubs there and try to dance as much as possible in California as well. In 2015 we plan to get back on the road with some great friends we have made in our Square Dancing life. We have convinced Debbie and Bill Ulrey to travel with us to Canada and Alaska. We have a plan that includes nearly 5 months of great things to do and see and plan to fit in some Square Dancing on the way. I am sure it will be a great experience!! After that, who knows!! We want to tour the Eastern Providences of Canada and of course there is Europe to explore. God willin’ we will Square Dance some day in Russia!! What we do know for sure, is we will be together as long as possible, doing things that make us happy, spending time with family and friends and Loving Life. Good times at Guy & Fran's 4th of July BBQ. Even a little square dancing in the barn with Scot Byars. Below, Caller Jim Rammel did “Grapevine twist, dishrag & duck n dive” at a workshop. Sharon Rammel Cued from 7-8 p.m. In Oakdale Lots of Round Dancers! Square Dancing in Oakdale Caller Jim Rammel had 5 to 6 squares most of the evening at “Take me out to the Ball Game” dance July 19th in Oakdale. Everyone wore Crazy tee shirts. Randy from Calaveras Twirler's won first place.
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