MAY 2013 - Jackson Claim Jumpers
MAY 2013 - Jackson Claim Jumpers
JACKSON CLAIM JUMPERS P.O.Box 754, Jackson, Ca. 95642 Meets every Monday 6:30 to 9:30 P.M. Amador Senior Center, 229 New York Ranch Road, Jackson, Ca. CALLER/CUER – JIM & SHARON RAMMEL NEWSLETTER MAY 2013 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Wow, May already!!! Where is the time going.....guess it's that old saying about time flying when you're having fun. Party night will be May 6th and snacks will be provided by those whose names fall into the second half of the alphabet this month. We are so happy that Jim and Sharon are returning. They have been sorely missed and we're fortunate that Jim is feeling better, it's just not the same without the Dynamic Duet. OFFICERS PRESIDENT GUY & FRANCES GARNER VICE PRESIDENT CINDY CORCHERO SECRETARY TERRI WORKS A special thanks are due to Danny and Cindy Corchero and Paul and Barbara Miller. Their continued contribution of time and hospitality is greatly appreciated and is helping to make the Claim Jumpers a stronger and much closer club. May's Hoedown of the Month will be our New Dancer Hoedown on Sunday, May 19th. Let's see if we can beat the record we set at Calaveras!!! The picture taken at their New Dancer Hoedown shows THIRTY-NINE Jackson members in attendance. The hoedown is being chaired by Cindy, Lucy and Terri so you know we're going to have a good time. Be sure to mark your calendars for the dance demo scheduled for June 29th in Amador City. They have asked us to spend about half of our time doing demonstrations and half showing the public how to dance. Jim has been in contact with the promoters and will probably have more info for us as the date draws closer. See you on the dance floor, Guy and Fran TREASURER GEORGE & MARY LAMBERT PARLIAMENTARIAN JOHN & TRISH HERSHEY Newsletter Editors: Suzette Heinrich & Greg Pitcher Where's the Dance MAY 2013 3rd & 4th The Main Street Strollers will host their 4th Annual Club Camp-out “In the Pines”. Location Gold Country Campground Resorts, 13026 Tabeaud Rd. Pine Grove. Pot Luck Dinner & Square Dance Saturday night. More information call Denise Springer at 530-626-0837 or Peggy Cory at 530-642-2217 4th Mavericks in Roseville, 50th Anniversary – Veterans Memorial Hall, 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA Description Pre-rounds 7:00 to 8:00 P.M. N/D & Plus Squares 8:00 to 10:30 P.M. One N/D tip than one Plus tip with one round between tips. Caller: Jet Roberts Cuer: Charlie & Joni Eskin See our flier at: 5th Mariposa Bootjack Stompers 64th Anniversary Dance. Mirdza Ward cuing rounds at 2:00. Ed Kramer calling at 2:30. Plus level. Admission $7.50 If you want to stay longer, hotels are in the area plus camping is available right across the street at the fairgrounds, or you can dry camp near the hall for free. More info, call Kathy 209-742-6230 or Phyllis at 209-066-7579. 5th The Swingering 21er's 24th Anniversary Dance. Plus Level. Caller Lawrence Johnstone, Curer, Barbara Lynn Smith. From 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Fremont Elks Lodge 2121, 38991 Farwell Dr., Fremont Ca. 94536. Donation $15.00 – $5.00 Youth under 18. 7th Beginners Round Dancing No experience required! Instructors Marie Hathaway & Gordon Sill Tues. 11 am-12:30 pm Followed by Phases 3-4 at 1:00 pm. Wed. Eve' 6:00-7:30 pm Followed by Phases 3-4 at 8 pm. Fair Oaks Community Clubhouse, 7997 California Ave. Fair Oaks. 10th 66th SILVER STATE FESTIVAL May 10th 11th 12th 2013 Reno, Nevada. Nelson Eileen & Bob Silvia at the Grand Sierra in Reno, NV. There are still reservation available at the Grand Sierra. Just be sure you mention you are with the square dancers and give them the code 'Dance13'. 18th Skirts and Flirts, May Pole Dance with Jim & Sharon Rammel, Oakdale Grange Hall, Corner of “F” St & Lambuth Ave. Oakdale. ! 19th HOEDOWN OF THE MONTH Jackson Claim Jumpers are hosting Newer Dancers Hoedown with the “Dynamic Duo” Jim & Sharon Rammel, Jackson Ca. (January Class Level – Mainstream) Pre-rounds (phase 2-4) – line dancing 2:00 - 2:30 Double rounds between tips. Squares 2:30 – 5:00 For more information: 209-677-7105 24th–26th San Ramon – 60 years of Golden State Round Up. Featuring: Bill Harrison, Tom Miller, Charlie Robertson, Matt Worley, Kristine & Bruce Nelson. 27th Geylord & Sharon Larsen will host this year's Memorial Day party, see flyer. JUNE 2013 1st 7:30pm – 10:30pm Apple Jacks & Jills Ice Cream Social Square Dance. Hangtown Grange, 2020 Smith Flat Road, Placerville, CA. Caller - Cuer: Charles Bridges Red light - Green light Square Dancing, Round Dancing and Line Dancing See our flier at 1st TNT'S DYNAMITE ANNIVERSARY ADVANCED SQUARE DANCE WEEKEND. Sat. June 1, 7:00pmSun. June 2, 10:30 pm. Royer Park Dr., Roseville. Caller Bronc Wise (from Denver) Cuer: Charles Eskin Saturday, June 1 2013. Prerounds 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Advanced Dancing 8:00pm to 10:30 pm. 2 rounds between tips. For more information: /2013/060113_TNT-AD.pdf 8th Mavericks Plus Square Dance - Flag Day Ball. Veterans Memorial Hall, 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA. Pre-rounds: 7-8:00 p.m. Plus Squares: 8-10:30 p.m. Caller: Ben Goldberg Cuer: Marie Hathaway. See our flier at 15th Hawaiian Luau Dance - Grange Hall Corner of “F” St & Lambuth Ave, Oakdale. Dance to Jim and Sharon Rammel. Prerounds 7-7:30. Level II – IV. Squares 7:30 – 10:30. Mainstream & Plus. Sponsored by Single Dlirts 'N Flirts. 15th Mavericks Phase II-IV Round Dance Party. 7pm – 10pm Veterans Memorial Hall, 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA. Cuers: Betty & Tom Wicksted, Marie Hathaway & Gordon Sill See flier at 23rd Red Light Green Light – Veterans Hall, Pine St. Valley Springs. Squares 7 -10 pm. Caller Danny Corchero. Basic, Mainstream, Plus. They will be serving Hot Dogs, Hamburgers and all the trimmings. 28th Whirl-A-Ways Round Dance Party 7:00pm – 10:30pm. Veterans Memorial Hall, Royer Park 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA. Party Dancing Phase Cuer: Charlie & Joni Eskin Info: (916) 771-5487 29th ASDSC 5th Saturday Square Dance. Sat. 7:00pm – 10:30pm. Royer Hall, 110 Park Drive, Roseville, CA. Plus Square Dance Caller & Cuer TBA GETTING TO KNOW Andy Rodriguez & Terri Works Monument Valley is one of Andy & Terri's favorite places in the world. Andy Rodriguez and Terri Works met in Berkeley California in 1968 and got married in Tilden Regional Park in Berkeley in 1970. Nearly 43 years later they are happy to report they are still married. They raised their three kids in Berkeley until 1990 when they decided it was time for a drastic change. Andy was a letter carrier and there was an opening for a letter carrier at the Jackson post office; Terri had gone to high school in Jackson in the Sixties and her parents still lived there - so they made the move. One year later they joined the Jackson Claim Jumpers (for the first time). Originally the Presidential couple came early every Monday night and set up the hall on their own. That changed immediately when Andy and Terri became Presidents! You have them to thank for the monthly rotation. After 30 years with the Post Office Andy retired and immediately went to work part-time for the Amador County Office of Education as a special education instructional aide. He loves the job, he currently works at Jackson Elementary School. Terri retired from the Stockton Public library and is now on the board of Friends of the Amador County Library, where she co-chairs the big semiannual book sales. They are active in their separate churches and in the community - Andy even got elected twice to the City Council. Both are avid readers and Terri is a bird-watcher. They live in a very old house in the heart of Jackson where Terri tends a very large garden. They have six grandchildren ranging in ages from one year old to sixteen. Fortunately all six only live about an hour away in Stockton and Rio Linda. It is time for and you are invited to the: ANNUAL WOODEN LAWN PARTY Memorial Day - Monday - May 27th 1:00 P.M. til ?? Hosted by: Sharon & Geylord Larsen 1361 Hidden Valley, West Point (209) 293-4370 The CLUB will furnish the meat (Lockford Sausage) YOU bring snacks and a side dish to share, your favorite beverage, chairs to sit on, along with HUGS and SMILES for all. There will be square dancing, line dancing, music, karaoke, sing along, fun and games and best of all: great companionship. The Dynamic Duo (Jim & Sharon ) again will be doing the honors of calling for us and keeping the party moving! Musicians: if you play an instrument and want to bring it along to entertain, amaze or amuse the crowd, please contact Danny Corchero. Maybe get a Jam Session going?? PLEASE R.S.V.P. BY MAY 20th AND LET US KNOW HOW MANY ARE COMING SO WE CAN ORDER THE MEAT. THERE WILL BE A SIGN UP SHEET AT CLUB - - THANKS Directions to the Larsen house: From Hwy. 88 - East past Pine Grove to Red Corral Rd. (Hwy. 26). Right onto Red Corral Rd., go 10 miles to West Point. In West Point, the road will split with Hwy. 26 going right and Winton Rd. going left. Take the left turn onto Winton Rd. From Hwy. 49 in Moke Hill - East onto Hwy. 26, go 17 miles to West Point. In West Point, Hwy. 26 will turn left at the second stop sign and Winton Rd. will go to the right. Take the right turn onto Winton Rd. In about 9/10th of a mile, Hidden Valley will veer to the left off of Winton Rd. Our house is about 3/4 of a mile up Hidden Valley on the left. NOTE: our GPS insists that our house is a half mile further up Hidden Valley than it really is, so if you are trusting your GPS and run into a gravel road, you have gone too far. So turn around and we will be the first house at the bottom of the hill on the left. Jackson Claim Jumpers web site has just been launched. Be sure and check out the tremendous job Fran has done for us. Thank you Fran: While our own Jim Rammel is recovering from some health issues we were fortunate enough to have Bill Silver, left and Ed Kremers, right to be substitute calles in Jim's absence. How fortunate we were to have such wonderful caller's to fill in for us. Fun times. Thank you SO much Bill & Ed! Jim, we sure have missed YOU. We all wish you a speedy recovery and on to good health soon. Bill Silver Chuck & Coletta Quigley Ed Kremers Paul & Barbara Miller went to a dance in Oregon and met Chuck & Coleeta Quigley, she calls for the Coquille Oregon square dance club – Sets-In-Orders, she has called for 9 years, and calls herself a "beginning caller" and “LOVES IT” They are the oldest continuous square dance club in the world. This club celebrated their 65th birthday October 2011. They dance the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of every month. Be sure to visit them when in that area. While at the BeachComers dance in Port Orford, Oregon, Paul & Barbara also met John Chapman & Judy Smith. They are the couple from Valley Springs who moved to Brookings, Oregon and danced with Danny last year in the Miller's garage. Barbara said - “that is the neat place, we should all go” Pictured below is showing all who attended the Calaveras Twirlers New Dancer Hoedown April 13 th in Valley Springs. Good Times AND Good Food! SAVE THIS DATE! th June 29 Jackson Claim Jumpers will be dancing with “The Dynamic Duo” - Jim & Sharon Rammel
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