here - St. Andrew`s Mission Hospital


here - St. Andrew`s Mission Hospital
“ They will be like a tree planted by the
water that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves
are always green. It has no worries in a year
of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
- Jeremiah 17:8
2 0 1 5
Sharing God’s Faithfulness, Love, Peace And Joy
C o n t e n t s
03 Introduction • SAMH Vision • SAAC, SACH,
SASC, SAL & SANH Mission
04 President’s Address
06 Review of Services
14 Board of Management
15 Management Committees
16 Administrative Staff
17 Corporate Governance
19 Conflict of Interest Policy
21 Reserves Policy
22 Acknowledgement of Donations
44 Acknowledgement of Gifts and Services
Financial Statements
The St. Andrew’s Medical Mission was founded in 1913 by Dr. Charlotte Ferguson-Davie. In 1934,
St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital was incorporated by an Act of Parliament under the St. Andrew’s
Mission Hospital Ordinance. Presently, St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital is a voluntary welfare
organisation and an approved Institution of Public Character.
St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital provides health and social care, training and educational services
through: St. Andrew’s Autism Centre, St. Andrew’s Community Hospital, St. Andrew’s Senior Care,
St. Andrew’s Lifestreams, St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital Clinics, and St. Andrew’s Nursing Home.
Our Vision
To be a light in a dark place, that ignorance would be replaced by knowledge and understanding;
physical distress by comfort and healing.
Our Mission
St. Andrew’s Autism Centre (SAAC)
Its vision is: enabling people with autism to lead dignified and meaningful lives. Its mission is:
enriching the lives of people with autism and their families through quality education, training
and care, distinguished by Christian love and compassion.
St. Andrew’s Community Hospital (SACH) and St. Andrew’s Senior
Care (SASC)
To provide medical services characterised by Christian love and compassion to all in need,
regardless of race, religion or socio-economic status.
St. Andrew’s Lifestreams (SAL)
Through God’s grace and truth, we facilitate healing, restoration and holistic health in people’s
lives so that people can realise wholeness through a multi-level network of caregivers in the
church and community.
St. Andrew’s Nursing Home (SANH)
To be a safe place that guides and lights up the life journey of each patient with love, healing
and hope.
Guests at St. Andrew’s Autism Centre’s 10th Anniversary
Celebrations were given a tour of the completed Hort Shed,
which will be used for vocational skills training. The Hort Shed
received its Certificate of Statutory Completion in December.
St. Andrew’s Community Hospital’s new Palliative Care Service
aims to improve patients’ quality of life in a palliative care setting.
Patients’ therapy programmes are individually tailored to meet
their needs.
to cater to the needs of the
2015 was a jubilee year of thanksgiving and celebration, for Singapore and the Christian faith. As we
marked Singapore’s 50 years of independence, we also celebrated God’s goodness and blessing on
St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital (SAMH), a service that has served the community for more than a
hundred years.
Psalm 127:1 reads “Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labour in vain. Unless the
LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.” Indeed, we give thanks to God for
enabling us to answer His call to seek the welfare of our city, building up our services and walking
alongside our beneficiaries on their journey of renewing hope and recovering lives.
With God’s blessings and guidance, SAMH has grown through the years, reaching out to the community
to provide timely and appropriate care for all in need, regardless of race, religion or creed. Today,
SAMH continues to build up its existing services - St. Andrew’s Autism Centre (SAAC), St. Andrew’s
Community Hospital (SACH), St. Andrew’s Senior Care (SASC), St. Andrew’s Lifestreams (SAL),
St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital Clinics, and St. Andrew’s Nursing Home (SANH).
Renewing Hope and Recovering Lives
We have come a long way in growing His Ministry of Care and Healing. With a heart for service, we
continue to step forth as the Lord leads us, seeking to meet the needs of the community and initiating
services to renew hope and recover the lives of individuals whom God has placed under our care.
Staying true to its calling to bring hope and healing, in response to community needs, SAMH started
SAAC 10 years ago in October 2005, when services for youths and adults diagnosed with moderate
to severe autism was most needful. In 2015, even as SAAC celebrated 10 years of enriching the lives of
persons with autism and their families, it began a new chapter in its support for children, youths and
adults with autism in their lifelong journey. SAAC has been appointed by the Ministry of Social and
Family Development (MSF) to co-develop and operate an Adult Disability Home (ADH) for persons
with autism. The ADH will be located in Sengkang. Caring holistically for our clients to live well and
with dignity, through a continuum of care, is key to serving the community. To this end, we believe that
the new residential home for adults with autism will be an essential piece of the puzzle.
SACH also answered the call to serve crucial needs in the community, further expanding its stable
of services to provide palliative care for terminally ill patients. A form of specialised care, it provides
patients with relief from the symptoms, pain and stress of their illnesses.
including new programmes
St. Andrew’s Nursing Home provides holistic nursing and
rehabilitative care to nearly 300 residents.
St. Andrew’s Senior Care – JOY Connect was developed to
meet the increasing healthcare needs of the elderly residents in
Kampong Glam and its vicinity. It opened its doors to receive its
first clients in February 2015.
The Integrated Building, a joint project between SACH and Changi General Hospital, officially opened
by President Tony Tan Keng Yam in July 2015, also enabled us to provide care and restoration for more
Aligned with our mission of serving the needs of the underprivileged, SAMH set up St. Andrew’s Senior
Care (SASC)’s first branch, JOY Connect at Kampong Glam, operated by SACH. JOY Connect started
providing day care, dementia day care, community rehabilitation, centre-based nursing, integrated
home care and Community Case Management Services for residents staying in Kampong Glam and its
vicinity in February 2015.
In Appreciation of Our Partners, Supporters, and Staff
We would like to thank all individuals, corporations, business associations, philanthropic groups
and foundations as well as parishes, for blessing us with your support, prayers, advice and financial
assistance. Your faith in our work has inspired us to strive on and forge ahead in our mission to do
God’s work.
We would also like to extend our sincere appreciation to the various government ministries and agencies
for their guidance, advice, grants and funds which has helped us continue to develop our services.
The Board and Management Committees would like to thank all staff of SAMH, SAAC, SACH, SASC,
and SANH for your hard work and dedication. We are grateful for your steadfast faithfulness in serving
the needs of the community.
We would also like to commend our volunteers for walking with us in our mission to heal, contributing
their time to help those who need love and care.
Most importantly, we thank God for His guidance, provision and enabling for all the projects which we
are and will be involved in. Following the Jubilee year, we pray that God will continue to bless our nation
richly and help us to care for one another compassionately. May we continue to be His instrument to
reach out to the many communities-in-need; to renew hope and recover lives for His glory.
May God continue to bless and strengthen you as you join with us to serve the community together.
+ Rennis Singapore
Bishop of Singapore
President, St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital
At the Parents Dialogue 2015, a parent of one of the St. Andrew’s
Autism School’s Senior Track students who had experienced an
attachment at BizLink shared how he was encouraged to discover
that his son was capable of more than he had imagined possible.
St. Andrew’s Community Hospital’s Integrated Home Care
Services became one of the service providers for the Agency for
Integrated Care’s HOlistic care for MEdically advanced patients
(HOME) Programme.
St. Andrew’s Nursing Home
functional and occupational
residents as part of its holistic
have a positive impact on
Psalm 100:5 reads, “For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all
generations.” Times will inevitably change, needs will evolve, but God will not fail us. He will remain
faithful. We give thanks to God for leading us to develop and expand St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital
(SAMH) and its services with love and faithfulness in 2015.
On behalf of the Board, I am pleased to provide an update on SAMH and its community services: St.
Andrew’s Autism Centre (SAAC), St. Andrew’s Community Hospital (SACH), St. Andrew’s Senior Care
(SASC), St. Andrew’s Lifestreams (SAL), and St. Andrew’s Nursing Home (SANH).
2015 was a special year for SAAC. The year Singapore celebrated its golden jubilee also marked the
centre’s 10 years of service in the autism community.
In 2015, SAAC was appointed by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) to co-develop
and operate an Adult Disability Home (ADH) for persons with autism. This is a key milestone in SAAC’s
journey to walk and work alongside families of persons with autism. The ADH will be a residential
facility with the capacity to house up to 200 residents, and will have a co-located Day Activity Centre
(DAC) with a capacity for 50 adult clients. It is expected to be operational in 2018.
SAAC’s student and client enrolment continued to grow steadily in 2015, increasing by 13.4 percent
from the previous year. Total enrolment reached 235 (170 students and 65 clients) and total staff
strength numbered 148 by the end of the year.
Significant events and milestones for SAAC in 2015 included:
• Hosting South Australian Disability Sector by Greg Carey of Flinders University, a closed-door seminar
and dialogue session for key decision-makers in Singapore’s disability sector. Attendees included
senior management of Voluntary Welfare Organisations (VWOs) such as AWWA, Movement for the
Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS), Rainbow Centre, Autism Resource Centre and Autism
Association Singapore, and key staff from National Council of Social Service (NCSS), Ministry of
Education-SPED and MSF.
• Organising Importance of Music to Persons with Autism and Turning Obstacles into Opportunities,
two autism seminars by Dr. Stephen Shore, President Emeritus of Asperger’s Association of New
England and Professor at Adelphi University.
increased the number of
rehabilitative programmes for
care model. These programmes
participating residents.
St. Andrew’s Lifestreams conducted an Intentional Interviewing
Skills For Counselling-Skills Lab Course in 2015. This professional
programme caters to those who are new or keen to sharpen their
Counselling skills.
St. Andrew’s Senior Care - JOY Connect is operated by SACH. It provides
day care, dementia day care, community rehabilitation, centrebased nursing and integrated home care (home medical, home
nursing and home therapy) services for residents at Kampong Glam.
• Collaborating with the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards
(IBCCES) to host the Autism Training and Certification programme in Singapore.
• Celebrating SAAC’s 10th anniversary in journeying with persons with autism and their families.
• Autism advocacy efforts were expanded through World Autism Awareness (Singapore) 2015
outreach campaign.
• Participating for the third time in The Purple Parade (a movement that supports the inclusion &
celebrates the abilities of persons with special needs), where DAC sales of DAC retail products
reached an all-time high, indicating great interest and support by the public.
• Participating in the annual Children’s Charities Association (CCA) Christmas Fair, where higher sales
were achieved for new SAAC products piloted and developed to promote the autism cause.
• Organising the first ever Staff Appreciation High-Tea, fully-sponsored by a generous supporter in
recognition of SAAC staff’s commitment and dedication.
Update on St. Andrew’s Autism School (SAAS)
With the only two DACs for persons with autism in Singapore operating at full capacity, SAAS expanded
exploration of other post-18 pathways for graduating students. A dialogue session was held for parents
of Senior Track students to highlight some of the options available through SG Enable, BizLink and
Mountbatten Vocational School (MVS). Senior Track students had opportunities for short attachments
at Bizlink and MVS, and a visit to the Equine Academy, which offers a six-month vocational training
and employment programme for persons with special needs. Parents of Senior Track students were
assured of options for their children after graduating from SAAS, including placement at the DAC at
Significant achievements and milestones for SAAS in 2015 included:
• Two Vice-Principals appointed, one focusing on curriculum and training, and the other focusing on
strategic administration and centre emergency management.
• Implementation of a school-wide initiative on student alternative and augmentative communications;
an accompanying toolkit on Reinforcer Assessment was developed.
• SAAS contributed a segment to the SG50 e-book project initiated and led by the Ministry of
Education (MOE).
Update on the Day Activity Centre (DAC)
By early 2015, the DAC was running at full capacity with 65 clients. As such, SAAC sought permission
from MOE to temporarily re-designate three classrooms from SAAS for the use of the DAC. The DAC
now has sufficient capacity to enrol SAAS students graduating at the end of 2015 and 2016, before
returning the classrooms to SAAS in 2018. By then, the new Adult Disability Home for persons with
autism, with its co-located DAC would be operational.
Significant events and milestones in 2015 included:
• Hosting six undergraduates from Flinders University for their 3-week graded practicum towards their
degree course.
• Organising Dr. Stephen Shore’s talk for parents and caregivers for DAC Family Day.
• Installation of CCTV in DAC block classrooms with the primary purpose of using the footage for staff
training and research.
• Completion of the Hort Shed, which has the capacity for horticulture classes for up to 56 students or
clients per day, or eight students or clients per 45-minute class slot.
• Piloting an Urban Farming Project at the rooftop garden at SAAC premises in collaboration with
Genesis Garden.
• Collaborating with Institute of Mental Health (IMH) to implement behavioural intervention strategies,
funded by MSF.
As we look back on 2015, we give thanks to God for his leading and provision as SACH expanded and
built on its inpatient rehabilitative, sub-acute, paediatric and dementia care services, as well as reached
out to the community through its community therapy and homecare services.
In 2015, SACH continued to play a major role in supporting its various partners through the provision of
therapy services (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists and therapy assistants).
These partners are St. Andrew’s Nursing Home, St. Hilda’s Community Services, Simei Care Centre,
PEACE-Connect Cluster Operator and PCF Sparkle Care @ Changi Simei.
Workload Statistics
SACH’s inpatient rehabilitation and sub-acute care services are currently being provided through 224
beds across 9 wards. The average bed occupancy for operational beds was 91% (a decrease of 1%
compared to 2014 due to the number of additional beds), and there were 1,916 admissions (an increase
of 16% compared to 2014). Day Rehabilitation Centre attendance numbered at 21,966 (an increase
of 24% compared to 2014), and Outpatient Clinic attendance numbered 6,854 (an increase of 23%
compared to 2014). There were also 6,081 Home Care visits (an increase of 20% compared to 2014), and
48,050 Community Therapy Services attendances (an increase of 38% compared to 2014).
Fig 1. Occupancy
2. Fig
2. Inpatient
No. of Admissions
No. of Admissions
Occupancy Rate
No. of Outpatient Clinic Attendances
No. of Outpatient Clinic Attendances
No. of Day Rehabilitation Centre Attendance
No. of Day Rehabilitation Centre Attendances
Fig 5. Home Care Service Visits
Fig 6. Community Therapy Attendances
No. of Community Therapy Attendances
No. of Home Care Service Visits
No. of Home Care Service Visits
New Service Developments
1. The Integrated Building
The Integrated Building (IB), a joint project by Changi General Hospital (CGH) and SACH, was officially
opened by President Tony Tan Keng Yam on 23 July 2015. In the IB, SACH operates two wards,
an enlarged Day Rehabilitation Centre and a Return-to-Home training flat (called the Centre for
Independent Living). It is Singapore’s first healthcare facility that focuses on optimising rehabilitation
and independent living for patients recovering from injury, illness, or surgery.
2. Palliative Care Ward
SACH started providing palliative care service for terminally ill patients in a new 24-bed ward in July
2015. These palliative care beds are the only inpatient palliative care facilities in the eastern part of
Singapore. With our ageing population, coupled with cancer and chronic illnesses as major burdens
of disease, the demand for palliative care is increasing. SACH hopes that this service will play a major
role in addressing these needs, providing end-of-life care and support to patients and their families.
3. Palliative Home Care Services
SACH is one of the service providers for the HOlistic care for MEdically advanced patients (HOME)
Programme. The HOME programme is a palliative home care service and is a component of nationwide service managed by the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC). The programme provides palliative
home care to those with end-stage chronic conditions such as heart, lung and renal disease.
Hospital Information Technology (IT)
As the first community hospital in Singapore to adopt the national patient management system for
community hospitals (called the Community Hospital Common System, or CHCS), SACH played a major
role in 2015 in helping the Ministry of Health Holdings to fine-tune the system before its implementation
in the rest of the community hospitals in Singapore.
In October, SACH worked to enable JOY Connect to be fully computerised in terms of its client
admission, registration and billing processes, through a web-based system, so as to improve efficiency
and productivity for the staff.
Training and Education
In May, a total of 104 SACH staff were honoured at the Eastern Health Alliance (EH Alliance) Caring Awards.
The EH Alliance Caring Awards is a platform for honouring inspiring staff of member organisations who
had dedicated their lives to serving patients.
In July, Ms. Diong Nguk Sing, SACH Senior Staff Nurse, received the MOH Nurses’ Merit Award in
recognition of her excellent performance and her contributions to the nursing profession for the past
eight years. In August, nine SACH staff received training grants under the Intermediate and Long-Term
Care (ILTC) Upgrading Programme and the Social and Health Manpower Development Programme-ILTC
Fellowship Scheme.
In October, SACH received two Silver and four Merit awards for its quality improvement projects at
the ILTC Quality Festival. Organised by AIC, the annual event aims to inspire, develop and promote
the culture of patient safety and quality improvement in the Community Care sector by showcasing
innovative initiatives by ILTC institutions.
SACH started operating St. Andrew’s Senior Care - JOY Connect at Kampong Glam in February 2015,
serving many clients in the neighbourhood, and especially those from low-income families with poor
social support. St. Andrew’s Senior Care – JOY Connect is our first Senior Care Centre (SCC) providing
dementia day care, maintenance day care, day rehabilitation, centre-based nursing, integrated home care
and community case management services to residents in the Kallang and Rochor precincts. The centre
was formally opened by Dr. Amy Khor, Senior Minister of State for Health, on 25 April 2015.
By the end of the year, JOY Connect had a total of 165 clients under its care. This SCC was developed with
the aim of complementing the services of the PEACE-Connect Cluster Operator located nearby, to meet
both the social and the medical care needs of the residents.
By December, in addition to providing care services to clients, JOY Connect also provided school
attachments and volunteer opportunities for four education institutions: St. Margaret’s Primary School,
Cedar Girls’ Secondary School, Nanyang Polytechnic, and the Singapore Institute of Management. It also
has a regular team of 10 volunteers, all of whom are residents of Kampong Glam.
While SAL continued to run its training programmes and provide counselling services, much of 2015 was
also spent on reflecting on the current status of SAL and the way forward.
A review of the mission and programmes of SAL was undertaken, against the question of how SAL fit
in with the larger mission of the Anglican Diocese. After several brainstorming sessions amongst the
members of the Management Committee and staff, as well as discussions with the senior clergy of the
Diocese, the general consensus that emerged was that SAL should continue and that SAL could play a
meaningful role as part of the overall mission in training and counselling. SAL will send out its restructured
programmes in training and counseling services to all churches in January 2016.
In 2015, SAL conducted 15 professional programmes, ranging from Advanced Skills Practices for those
who are practitioners in the Social Service /Counselling Sector, to Intentional Interviewing Skills for
Counselling and Skills Lab, catering to those who are new or keen to sharpen their Counselling skills.
SAL also conducted Prepare and Enrich courses, a premarital Counselling programme for couples and
the T-JTA personality assessment course and workshop for organisations. There was also a training
workshop for the You Can Do It! Education Program Achieve with an overseas organisation. Some of
the programmes were eligible for subsidy by MSF/National Council of Social Service (NCSS) under its
(VWOs)-Charities Capability Fund.
At SAL, we provide a safe and secure haven for people, who in their life journey, may be struggling with
various issues that hinders them from living life to the fullest. Our team of trained and professional
counsellors are dedicated to walking with them, both young and old, through these challenging times.
Our therapeutics services include generic Counselling, Art Therapy, Play Therapy and Theraplay.
In 2015, we provided professional and pastoral counselling to 31 individuals and couples who had
emotional stress, parenting and marital issues. They were mainly referred by the churches, friends and
service users. In all, we conducted 128 counselling sessions.
Marriage Preparation Programme (MPP)
The workshop’s primary objective is to help couples better understand and relate with each other, and
in turn be able to meet each other’s need. A total of 7 couples had benefitted from this workshop.
Each workshop lasted 8 hours, covering issues like personality styles, effective communication skills,
conflict resolution, financial management, family planning and sexual needs.
SAL conducted its training and counseling services with a staff strength of two full-time administrative
staff, two training/counseling staff, and two associate facilitators. The revamp and repositioning of SAL
is a work-in-progress. While working out the programme for 2016, we are also working on building our
pool of part-time and volunteer counsellors and trainers.
2015 had been a busy year for SANH. This year, we registered close to 100% bed occupancy rate. We
currently have a team of 120 care staff and 30 support staff onsite to provide holistic nursing and
rehabilitative care to 300 residents and have worked hard to achieve the following:
Patient care
• Implemented the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) Enhanced Nursing Home Standards to improve the
quality of care for our residents.
• Collaborated with private medical groups to increase the frequency of onsite medical review services
for our patients with chronic illnesses.
• Collaborated with NTUC Mobile Dental clinic to provide onsite dental care for our residents.
• Collaborated with the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) consultants and peer support specialists for
monthly case conference of residents for better psychiatric rehabilitative outcomes through behaviour
modification interventions and family support.
• Recruited a psychologist to implement therapy programmes for selected residents with higher
functioning and cognitive capabilities.
• Increased the number of functional and occupational rehabilitative programmes. Over 120 residents
participated in weekly Occupational Therapy (OT) activities. As a result of these programmes, there
has been a 50% reduction (from 72 to 34) who are wheelchair and bed-bound. More patients are now
able to use walking aids and shower with assistance.
• Started the Gym-Tonic rehabilitation project ( an exercise-based rehabilitation project funded by Lien
Foundation) for patients with suitable medical conditions.
• Implemented real-time vital signs monitoring that is directly linked to patient systems for residents’
vital signs information.
Staff training
• Completed 3 domains of training – Infection Control, Continence Management and Falls prevention
with Tan Tock Seng Hospital for 100 SANH staff.
• Completed training in skin assessments and better skin care management with National Skin Centre
• Appointed by Institute of Technical Education (ITE) as Approved Training Centre and completed ITEapproved training in home care and dementia care for 29 staff.
• Completed close to 3500 hours of staff training for about 100 care staff.
Community Rehabilitation and Recovery
We also supported the employment and attachment of at least 20 recovering persons with mental
conditions in areas such as cleaning, administrative, receptionist and laundry services. These persons
are clients from Community Rehabilitation and Support Service (CRSS) and/or residents of Hougang
Care Centre and welfare homes like Pelangi Village.
Generous fundraising partners and supporters have blessed the work of SAMH and its respective services
through the years. They have enabled us to expand and build on the services and initiatives we provide
to the community. A joint SACS-SAMH Flag Day was held on 10 June. The SACS-SAMH Charity Dinner,
officiated by President Tony Tan Keng Yam, was held on 2 October to raise funds for both organisations.
The Children’s Charities Association (CCA), of which SAMH is a member, organises a host of fundraising
activities annually, with the combined takings shared among its members. The Chinese Women’s
Association, Singapore’s oldest ladies voluntary organisation, celebrated their centenary this year by
raising funds for SAMH.
St. Andrew’s Autism Centre (SAAC)
Generous donations from individuals and organisations, and private fund raisers enabled our students
and clients to continue accessing our programmes and services that they need for their development. In
particular, we are grateful for the continued generous support of the Lee Foundation and private fundraisers, such as Raffles Country Club.
St. Andrew’s Community Hospital (SACH)
SACH’s continued provision of subsidised services to patients is made possible through the support
of regular donors from individual supporters and parishes, supplemented by assistance from generous
partners like ACI Singapore – The Financial Markets Association, Far East Organization, NR Mistri Trust
Fund, and Chan Family Foundation. We are also very grateful to the organisers and supporters of the
Charity Bike ‘n’ Blade 2015, who raised funds for SACH through the event.
St. Andrew’s Nursing Home (SANH)
SANH continues to be blessed with generous donations from our sponsors, Lew Foundation and Lien
Foundation, which has enabled SANH to continue faithfully serving its residents, their families and the
SAMH IN 2016
We are grateful for the Lord’s guidance and provision for the past 102 years. We celebrate God’s
faithfulness with thanksgiving, and we continue to serve with love and compassion, and to bridge the
care gap for the vulnerable and under-served in our community.
As we enter our 103rd year of service, we continue to expand and augment our stable of services,
seeking the welfare of our city, reaching out to the heart of the community where the needs are greatest,
serving those in need with the love and compassion that has been our ethos for the past century. In
His name, we continue to strive to be a light in the darkness, for His glory and for the relief of suffering.
Dr. Arthur Chern
Group Chief Executive Officer
St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital
(All SAMH Board Members were reappointed on 24th April 2015)
Professional Representatives:
The late Dr. Charlotte E. Ferguson-Davie
Dr. Alfred Loh
O.B.E., M.D.
M.B.B.S (S’pore), F.C.G.P. (S’pore), F.R.C.G.P. (UK)
(Appointed since 2005)
The Right Reverend Rennis Ponniah
B.Soc.Sc (Hons.), M.Div.
(Appointed since October 2012)
Mr. Andrew Goh Kia Teck
(Appointed since 2008)
Honourary Treasurer:
Mr. Tan Kian Woo
B.Acc (Hons.), FCA (S’pore)
(Appointed since 2012)
Nominated Members:
Reverend Eric Chiam
Prof. Tay Boon Keng
M.B.B.S. (S’pore), F.R.C.S. (Orth), F.A.C.S.
(Appointed since 2002)
Elected Members:
Mr. Tan Soo Kiang
LL.B. (Hons.)
(Appointed since 2004)
Mr. Chan Wing Hong
B.Sc. (Econ)
(Appointed since 2009)
Mr. Hamish Christie
Chartered Accountant (S’pore), FCA (England and Wales)
(Appointed since 1986)
(Treasurer from April 2003 to April 2007, April 2008 to April 2012)
Mr. Patrick Yeo Bor Gee
(Appointed since 2015)
B.A. (Hons.)
(Appointed since 2004)
Reverend Canon Dr. Louis Tay
Dr. Ong Yong Wan
B.D.S. (S’pore), Dip.Th. (DTC), B.D.Hons. (Ldn)
(Appointed since 2001)
Reverend Gilbert Wong
B.A.Theol. (Hons.), PGDip.Theol.
(Appointed since 2015)
Venerable Wong Tak Meng
(Appointed since 2004)
St. Andrew’s Cathedral Parochial Church Council
Mr. Robin Tan
B.Sc. (USA), M.B.A. (USA)
(Appointed since 2011)
Mr. Low Chung Guan
M.B.A. (Waseda & NTU), PGDip. (Org Learning), B.Sc.Eng.
(Appointed since 2012)
Presbyterian Church
Elder Lee Chong Kai
B.A. (Otago) and B.A. Hons. (Victoria)
(Appointed since 2011)
Methodist Church
Dr. Gong Ing San
M.B.B.S., F.R.C.S., F.A.M.S.
(Appointed since 2002)
M.B.B.S. (S’pore), F.A.M.S., F.R.C.P. (Edin)
(Appointed since 2000)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Joseph Thambiah
M.B.B.S. (S’pore), M.Med (Surgery), F.R.C.S. (Edin), F.A.M.S. (Orth)
(Appointed since 2005)
Ms. Vivien Chen
B.Sc. (Econ), M.Sc. (Management)
(Appointed since 2006)
(Treasurer from April 2007 to April 2008)
Miss Arasi Santhana
LCCI Secretarial Dip. Cert.: HR, Finance & Office Mgmt
(Appointed since 2008)
Mr. Lee Chew Chiat
B.Eng. (Hons.)
(Appointed since 2015)
Dr. John Lim Chien Wei
M.B.B.S. (S’pore), M.Sc. (PH), F.A.M.S., M.P.M. (Harvard)
(Appointed from 2002 to 2012)
(Re-appointed in 2015)
Dr. Arthur Chern
M.B.B.S. (S’pore), B.Th. (Hons.) (Greenwich), M.P.H. (Yale), M.P.A.
(Harvard), F.A.M.S.
(Non-Board Member)
(Appointed since 2012)
Mr. Tan Soo Kiang
LL.B. (Hons.)
Mr. Tan Kian Woo
B.Acc (Hons.), FCA (S’pore)
Mr. Chan Wing Hong
B.Sc. (Econ)
Ms. Anita Fam
LL.B. (Hons.), LL.M.
Rear-Admiral (Ret) Kwek Siew Jin
BBM, PPA(E), PPA(P), PBM, B.Eng. (EE)
Mr. Lee Chew Chiat
B.Eng. (Hons.)
Mr. Patrick Yeo Bor Gee
Dr. Alfred Loh
M.B.B.S. (S’pore), F.C.G.P. (S’pore), F.R.C.G.P. (UK)
Dr. Low Kee Hwa
M.B.B.S (S’pore), M.C.G.P., G.D.M.H.
Mr. Ngiam Shih Chun
B.Sc. (Mech. Eng.), M.Sc. (Fin. Eng.), M.Sc. (Management
Dr. Ong Yong Wan
M.B.B.S. (S’pore), F.A.M.S., F.R.C.P. (Edin)
Dr. Sin Gwen Li
M.B.B.S. (S’pore), M.Med. (Psych)
Dr. Tan Kian Hian
M.B.B.S. (S’pore), F.A.N.Z.C.A., F.F.P.M.A.N.Z.C.A.
Mr. Tan Kian Woo
B.Acc (Hons.), FCA (S’pore)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Joseph Thambiah
B.A. (Hons.)
M.B.B.S. (S’pore), M.Med (Surgery), F.R.C.S. (Edin),
F.A.M.S. (Orth)
Reverend Barry Leong
Mr. T. K. Udairam
Mr. Lawrence Pang
LL.B. (Hons.), M.B.A.
B.Soc.Sc (Hons.)
Mr. Tan Soo Kiang
Mr. Benjamin William
LL.B. (Hons.)
A.I.Mar.E (Marine Engineering), UK
Mr. Tan Kian Woo
B.Acc (Hons.), FCA (S’pore)
Mr. Peter Cheong
Mr. Hamish Christie
Chartered Accountant (S’pore), FCA (England and Wales)
Dr. Lee Ee Lian
P.P.A., M.B.A., B. Eng (Mechanical)
Dr. Esther Tan
Mr. Dennis Ang
Mr. Chan Wing Hong
M.B.B.S. (S’pore), M.Med. (Psych)
B.Sc. (Econ)
B.A. (Hons.) (Hong Kong), M.S.W. (Canada), D.Ed.,
Counselling Psychology (Canada)
Ms. Diana Chin
Mr. Robin Tan
M.A. (Instructional Design & Techonology), B.A. (Hons.)
Mrs. Chong Suet Fong
B.Sc. (USA), M.B.A. (USA)
B.A. (English with Business) (S’pore), M.A. (Educational
Management) (S’pore)
Ms. Anita Fam
Elder Lee Chong Kai
LL.B. (Hons.), LL.M.
Mr. Lee Chew Chiat
B.Eng. (Hons.)
Mr. Lawrence Pang
LL.B. (Hons.), M.B.A.
B.A. (Otago) and B.A. Hons. (Victoria)
Mr. Low Chung Guan
M.B.A. (Waseda & NTU), PGDip. (Org Learning), B.Sc.Eng.
Ms. Mary Law Moi Chan
B.Sc. (Nursing Mgmt)
Assoc. Prof. Daniel Kwek Seow Khee
M.B.B.S. (S’pore), F.R.C.S. (Orth), F.A.C.S.
Assoc. Prof. Chua Hong Choon
Prof. Tay Boon Keng
M.Med. (Psychiatry)
M.Med. (Psychiatry), M.Sc. (Health Care Mgmt)
Reverend Foo Chee Meng
Reverend Ng Koon Sheng
B.Min., M.H.S. (Gerontology), M.Counselling
B.Th. (Cambridge University HSC)
Dr. Christopher Lien
Mr. Chan Wah Tiong
M.B.B.S. (S’pore), M.R.C.P. (UK), F.A.M.S.
B.Acc., GDip.M.S.W. (NUS)
Deputy Director, Community Programmes
Group Chief Executive Officer
B.ASc. (Physiotherapy), M.ASc. (Ex & Sport Sc.)
Dr. Arthur Chern
M.B.B.S. (S’pore), B.Th. (Hons.) (Greenwich), M.P.H. (Yale), M.P.A.
(Harvard), F.A.M.S.
Chief Operating Officer
Dr. Loh Yik Hin
M.B.B.S. (S’pore), M.Med. (Public Health), F.A.M.S.
Ms. Mina Lim
Senior Manager, Inpatient Therapy Services
Ms. Joyce Chua
Senior Manager, Day Rehabilitation Centre
Ms. Charity Chu
B.Sc. (Physiotherapy)
Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Dennis Ang
P.P.A., M.B.A., B.Eng. (Mechanical)
Supervisor, St. Andrew’s Autism School
Mr. Tan Soo Kiang
LL.B. (Hons.)
Principal, St. Andrew’s Autism School
Head, Community Rehabilitation Services
Ms. Namrata P Sadarangani
B.Sc. (Occupational Therapy), M.H.Sc. (Gerontology)
Manager, Pharmacy Services
Ms. Lim Sing Choon
B.Sc. (Pharmacy)
Manager, Procurement
Ms. Ong Seok Peng
M.A. (Instructional Design & Technology), B.A. (Hons.)
B.Sc. (Pharmacy), M.Sc. (Clin. Pharm)
Head, St. Andrew’s Adult Autism Services
Ms. Wong Kwai Yuong
Ms. Diana Chin
Mr. Raymond Marcel Semaun
B.A. (summa cum laude) (UCLA), Grad Cert. A.B.A. (CSULA)
Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Loh Yik Hin
M.B.B.S. (S’pore), M.Med. (Public Health), F.A.M.S.
Director, Medical Services
Dr. Edward Menon
B.B.M., M.B.B.S. (S’pore), M.R.C.P. (Lond), F.A.M.S. (Rehab.Med),
D.R.M. (Lond), F.R.C.P. (Lond), Sp.Rehab.Med (GMC. UK)
Director, Nursing Services
Head, Medical Social Work
B.A., M.Sc. (Health Care Mgt)
Head, Finance
Ms. Diana Lin
B.A. (Acc.)
Head, Information Technology
Ms. Teo Sok Yeong
B.Sc. (Comp. & Info Sc.)
Ms. Jenny Ong
S.R.N., B.H.Sc. (Nursing)
B.Th. (TCA College), M.A. (Pastoral
Counselling) (Singapore Bible College) Certified
Practitioner in Therapeutic Play Skills (CAE)
Director, Administration and Human Resources
Mr. Ian Poulier
Ms. Alison Sim
Mrs. Yuen-Chiew Yew Mee
S.R.N., S.C.M., I.C.C., D.T.D.M., M.E.D.
B.A. (James Cook University)
PgDip. (Counselling Skills) (University of South
Director, Allied Health and Operations
Ms. Tan Lay Kheng
B.Sc (Pharmacy), M.HSc (Gerontology), Dip.TM
Medical Director, Home Health Care
Dr. Patricia Lee
M.B.B.S (S’pore), M.Med ( Family Medicine), F.C.F.P.S. (S’pore), MCFP
( S’pore ), F.A.M.S., G.D.G.M.
Executive Director
Ms. Winnie Chan
B.Acc (Hons.), M.Business (RMIT), M.H.Sc. (Gerontology)
(UNISIM), Chartered Accountant (S’pore)
Draft Governance Checklist to be Submitted to Charity Portal
(Evaluation Period 01/01/2015 to 31/12/2015)
S/N Code Description
Code ID Compliance
Are there Board members holding staff appointments?
There is a maximum limit of four consecutive years for the Treasurer
position (or equivalent, e.g. Finance Committee Chairman).
The Board conducts regular self-evaluation to assess its performance
and effectiveness.
There are Board Committess (or designated Board members) with
documented terms of reference.
The Board meets regularly with a quorum of at least one-third or
at least three members, whichever is greater (or as required by the
governing instrument).
There are documented procedures for Board members and staff to
declare actual or potential conflicts of interest to the Board.
Board members do not vote or participate in decision-making on
matters where they have a conflict of interest.
The Board reviews and approves the vision and mission of the charity.
They are documented and communicated to its members and the
The Board approves and reviews a strategic plan for the charity to
ensure that the activities are in line with its objectives.
The Board approves documented human resource policies for staff.
There are systems for regular supervision, appraisal and professional
development of staff.
There is a system to address grievances and resolve conflicts.
The Board ensures internal control systems for financial matters are in
place with documented procedures.
The Board ensures reviews on the charity's controls, processes, key
programmes and events.
The Board approves an annual budget for the charity's plans and
regularly monitors its expenditure.
The charity discloses its reserves policy in the annual report.
Does the charity invest its reserves?
S/N Code Description
Code ID Compliance
The charity invests its reserves in accordance with an investment
policy approved by the Board. It obtains advice from qualified
professional advisors, if deemed necessary by the Board.
Donations collected are properly recorded and promptly deposited by
the charity.
The charity makes available to its stakeholders an annual report that
includes information on its programmes, activities, audited financial
statements, Board members and executive management.
Are Board members remunerated for their Board services?
Does the charity employ paid staff?
No staff is involved in setting his or her own remuneration.
The charity discloses in its annual report the annual remuneration of
its three highest paid staff who each receives remuneration exceeding
$100,000, in bands of $100,000. If none of its top three highest paid
staff receives more than $100,000 in annual remuneration each, the
charity discloses this fact.
The charity accurately portrays its image to its members, donors and
the public.
The conflict of interest policy and declaration form will be read by the board member upon hiring,
appointment or election to the board as an acknowledgement of having understood the policy and
that he/she will fully disclose to the Board when a conflict of interest situation arises. Such conflict
of interests situations include but are not limited to the following:
2.0 Conflict of Interest Situations
2.1 Contract with vendors
Where board/committee members, staff or volunteers have personal interest in business
transactions or contracts that St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital (SAMH) may enter into, there should
be a policy requiring a declaration of such interest as soon as possible followed by abstention from
discussion and decision-making on the matter (including voting on the transaction or contract). All
such discussion and evaluation by the board or relevant approving authority in arriving at the final
decision on the transaction/contract should always be well documented.
2.2 Vested interest in other organisations that have dealings/relationship with SAMH
Where board/committee members, staff or volunteers who have vested interest in other
organisations that have dealings/relationship with SAMH, and when matters involving the interests
of both SAMH and the other organisation are discussed, there should be a policy requiring a
declaration of such interest and if necessary, followed by abstention from discussion and decisionmaking on such matters.
2.3 Joint Ventures
The board’s approval should be sought before the SAMH enters into any joint venture with external
parties. Where board/committee members, staff or volunteers have interest in such ventures, there
should be a policy requiring a declaration of such interest and if necessary, followed by abstention
from discussion and decision-making on the matter.
2.4 Recruitment of staff with close relationship
Recruitment of staff with close relationship (i.e. those who are more than just mere acquaintances)
with current board/committee members, staff or volunteers should go through the established
human resource procedures for recruitment. The board member, staff or volunteer should make a
declaration of such relationships and should refrain from influencing decision on the recruitment.
Board members and volunteers should serve without remuneration for their voluntary service to
SAMH so as to maintain the integrity of serving for public trust and community good instead of
personal gain. However, SAMH may reimburse board members or volunteers for out-of-pocket
expenses directly related to the service.
2.6 Paid staff on board
Paid staff, including the executive head and senior staff employed by the SAMH, should not serve
as a member of the board as it can pose issues of conflict of interest and role conflicts, and may
raise doubts on the integrity of board decisions. The executive head and senior staff can attend
board meetings, ex-officio, to provide information and facilitate necessary discussion but should
not take part in the decision-making of the board.
2.7 Major donors / representatives from major donor companies being on the SAMH’s board.
Potentially conflicting situations may arise where a major donor sits on SAMH’s board, such as the
• Conflict of loyalty: Board member may not have the overall best interests of the charity due to
their vested interests / priorities. This may influence decisions relating to allocation of resources/
setting the organisation’s directions. (There may be particular programme areas board member
is vested in and is biased towards.)
• Use of information to influence donor decisions: Information accessible to board members may
be used to influence donors decision on allocations or the corporation they represent. This may
result in staff not highlighting certain issues for fear that the donation may be affected. Issues
of transparency and disclosure can arise.
• Pressure to release additional information to donor: Board member may expect additional
information from staff on how donations were used and the details of users
• Personal benefit / gain / recognition: The board member may expect greater recognition for
financial support given, than is usually done. Staff may feel beholden to this board member in
case the donor relationship is threatened.
• A board member’s organisation receives grant funding from the organisation he/she is serving.
• Prohibition on gifts, entertainment and other favours from any persons or entities which do or
seek business with the organisation.
3.0 Disclosure Policy and Procedure
3.1 Transactions with parties with whom a conflicting interest exists may be undertaken only if all of
the following are observed:
a The conflicting interest is fully disclosed;
b The person with the conflict of interest is excluded from the discussion and approval of such
c A competitive bid or comparable valuation exists; and
d The [board or a duly constituted committee thereof] has determined that the transaction is in
the best interest of the organisation.
3.2 Disclosure involving board members should be made to the board chair (or if he/she is the one
with the conflict, to the board vice-chair) who shall bring these matters to the [board or duly
constituted committees].
3.3 The [board or a duly constituted committee thereof] shall determine whether a conflict exists and
in the case of an existing conflict, whether the contemplated transaction may be authorised as just,
fair and reasonable to SAMH. The decision of the [board or a duly constituted committee thereof]
on these matters will rest in their sole discretion, and their concern must be the welfare of SAMH
and the advancement of its purpose.
3.4 All decisions made by the [board or a duly constituted committee thereof] on such matters shall
be minuted and filed.
3.5 This policy document must be read and understood by all board members upon the start of office.
3.6 Any disclosure of interest made by board members where they may be involved in a potentially
conflicting situation(s), must be recorded, filed and updated appropriately by all specified parties.
The policy defines the level of reserves held by the Hospital.
To ensure that the reserves level matches the Hospital’s needs at all time and not holding reserves
that are too high or too low for its needs. Having a reserves policy helps to inform the way of
manages its cash, liquid assets and debt, that is, its treasury management approach, so as to
provide the stakeholders with assurances that the Hospital is well managed and that it has, where
appropriate, a strategy for building up reserves.
The Code of Governance for Charities and IPCs (Guideline 6.4.1) states that “While all charities
should maintain some level of reserves to ensure long-term financial sustainability, the charity
should disclose its reserves policy in the annual report.”
The term “reserves” has a variety of technical and ordinary meanings, depending on the context in
which it is used. In RAP 6, the term “Reserves” is used to describe that part of a charity’s income
funds that is freely available for its operating purposes not subject to commitments, planned
expenditure and spending limits. Reserves do not include endowment funds, restricted funds and
designated funds.
The Hospital intends to maintain the reserves at a level sufficient for its operating needs. The Board
of Management reviews the level of reserves regularly for the Hospital’s continuing obligations.
All Saints’ Church
Ang Boon Thong Abel
Community Foundation of
James Huang
Huen Su Ling Joyce
DHL Express (Singapore) Pte Ltd SAMH
Asia Pacific Breweries (S) Pte Ltd
Anthony Huray
Diocese of Singapore
Boo Geok Seng Lawrence
Richard Huray
Equinix Singapore Pte Ltd
Chan Wai Kheong Charlie
Hwang Siok Gek Jacqueline
Eu Yee Ming Richard
Chan Kwok Chuan Jason
Intime Accounting Pte Ltd
EW Ginseng & Herbs Pte Ltd
Kenny & Doris Chan
Ip Yun Ha
Ezion Holdings Limited
Chan Kin Keong
Isaac Manasseh Meyer Trust Fund
Far East Organization
Chan Lai Gwen
Koh Chan Guan
Foo Chit Yang Justina
Victor Chan
Koh Hsiao Ching
Goh Bee Kheng
Chen Tou Sin David
Koh Khay Wee Benjamin
Goh Chin Kwee
Chey Fook Heng
Koh Kok Liang John
Goh Chiu Hong
Children’s Charities Association
Koh Swee Chian Lorraine
of Singapore
Goh Lek Oon
Estate of Mdm Koh Tek Heng
Chong Yan Foo Stephen
Grace, Shua and Jacob Ballas
(English) Charitable Trust
Koh Wo Bin
Chong Wai Hoong
Demierre Pascal Guy Chung-Wei
Evelyn Khoo
Chow Hon Kit
Hasse Pte Ltd
Lai Huen Poh
Chua Tiang Choon Keith
Ho Wei Cheong
Lam Kun Kin
Ruth Chung
The Hour Glass Limited
Lau Tsz Pan
Church of the Ascension
Huang Chang Yi George
City Developments Ltd
Lee Foundation
Lee Hoon Hwee
Low Soi Soi
Lee Li Lian
Navroji Rustamji Mistri Deceased The Shaw Foundation
- Singapore Trust Fund
Siaw Tung Yeng
Ng Wai Hu Andrew
Andrew Soh
Ng Chih Ming Daren
Goh Siew Guat Brenda
Ng Yuen Sheng Evelyn
Soh Boon Hock
Ng Kim Chuan
St. Andrew’s Cathedral
Ng Wei Shing Steven
St. Andrew’s Cathedral
Ng Tee Im
Lee Mun Wai
Lee Pei Yun Deborah
Lee Siang Meng Alex
Lee Teng Suan
Lew Foundation
Psalm Lew
Lien Foundation
Lim Ban Hoe
Hong Lian & Christine Lim
Seah Seow Leng
Estate of Noel Evelyn Norris
St. Andrew’s City Church
NTUC Enterprise Co-operative
St. Andrew’s Community Chapel
Lim Ming Hui Andrew
NTUC Health Co-operative
Lim Lay Nguik Emily
Ong Guan Cheng Dan
Lim Chien Wei John
Ong Sin Tiong
Lim Yong Sing Raymond
Pang Seng Hock
Lim Tit Meng
Adrian Peh
Lin Wei Daniel
Peh Chong Eng
Loo Say Leong Jason
Phang Boon Leong Andrew
Low Ngiap Jong Jeann
Phan-Kah Foh Teo Rosaline
Low Kee Hwa
Phoon Han Meng
Estate of Low Keng Hoo
Ruth Sasha Sambasivan
Low Peng Kiat Marco
Seah Ee Fei Lisa
St. Matthew’s Church
St. Hilda’s Secondary School
SymAsia Singapore Fund - Chan
Family Foundation
Tan Boon Khai
Tan Chee Keong
Tan Chin Tuan Foundation
Elizabeth Jane Tan
Tan Eng Aun
Tan Hui Keo Anne
Tan Hwa Min Terence
Tan Isoo
Tan Kim Lwi Agnes
Yap Choon Chong
Tan Li Wen
Yeo Heem Lain Julia
Tan Seng Koon William
Yeo Khirn Hin Andrew
Tan Seong Par
Yip Chun Hong Kevin
Tan Thian Soo Sydney
Yong Wei Ling Ivy
Tan Wee Yan / Heng Mui Foon
Zung Bei Fan Ronald
Freida Tay
Tang Guek Eng Alice
Tay Choon Mong Leslie
Tay Hong Yun Filbert
Thia Sia Eng
Toh Thiam Kiat
Tong Siew Hua
Martin Matthew Vernon
Wee Chow Hou
Wong Chee Wai Daryl Joshua
Wong Lai Siong
Margaret Wong nee Khoo Poh
Wong Mei Ling
Wong Nyuk Yen Sylvia
Wong Weng Yew
Ace $avers Pte Ltd
Ang Kim Hock
Ang See Lay
Ang Wee Boon
Parveen Aggarwal
Ant Team Social Media Marketing
Pte Ltd
AR43 Architects Pte Ltd
Ascendas Land (Singapore) Pte
Ashvinkumar s/o Kanpilal
ATS Agro Industries Pte Ltd
Gayathri Basker
Ryan S Caldo
Eileen Cha
Chan Kwee Suan
Chan Lai Moi
Chan Lai Yien
Chan Mei Wai
Chan Wai Fook Alan
Chan Yong Hua Stephen
Chanchana Bhiboolnakrin
Chang Kung-Ling Rosana
Chen Kah Tet
Cheong Lai Fun Helen
Cheong Siew Yin Celine
Basil Chew
Chew Kuan Choon Clifford
Chin Siong Yoon Diana
Susan Chin
Chin Woon Kong
Chong Ee Mei Vivien
Chong Kwek Whee
Choo Jiahui
Choo Khay Beng
Chong Lo Lan Pearlyn
Christensen Irrigation (Singapore)
Pte Ltd
Chua Mei Wan
Chua Teck Neo Kathleen
Chui Ling Ho
Diocese of Singapore
Harry Elias
Gan Kim Oh
Gan Tai Pit David
Gee Siew Chin Phyllis
Geylang Methodist School
Goai Yee Joo
GoBuild Enterprise Pte Ltd
Jayshri Bakulkumar Goda
Goh Choon Siah Gary
Goh Lee Wah
Goh Wee Meng Vincent
The Good Seed Pte Ltd
Gail Reynold Goodenough
Goss International Singapore Pte
Heng Tong King
Hoh Su Lin
Hong Ly Ling
Hwang Juat Meng
Interplex Holding Ltd
JKW Bus Services
JMA Singapore Pte Ltd
V K Kannapathy
Khoo Kay Wee
Khoo May Geok Evelyn
Khoo Shuk Fern
Khoo Su Feu
Khor Mark Wan
Koh Chan Guan
Judy Koh
Koh Swee Tian
Piyapan Kruemai
Kua Young Ghee
Suresh Kumar
Kwee May Shien Constance
Kwek Boon Kwang
Kwek Yian Li Clarice
Langdon & Seah Singapore Pte
Lau Lin Lin
Law Ching Ha Olive
Janet Jay Lee
Lee Kia Tiow
Lee Kok Wee
Lee Lay Ting
Lee Le Thin
Lee Oi Choo
Lee Sok Boon Diana
Lee Soo Jin
Lee Tat Kwong Gary
Lee Tiong Seng Norman
Lee Tong Boon
Lee Xiao Qing
Lee Yen Soon
Leow Hong Boon Augustine Leslie
Agnes Leung
Li Fong Cheng
Li Kai Hui Benny
Liew Kim Siong Joyce
Lim Ban Hoe
Charlie Lim
Lim Chan Hoe
Lim Chin Tiong
Lim Gwek Ngor Esther
Hailey Lim
Lim Hua Whye
Lim Kian Hoe
Lim Wei
Lim Yan Ping Andelina
Ling Yew Jin Kelvin
Lions Community Service
Foundation (Singapore)
Loh Wah Kay
Loh Wei Khuan
Low Hoo Guan Jeffrey
Low Poh Ling
Mohit Maheshwari
Anish Mathew
Meng Shuang Shuang
Mi Toung Leung Chee Hang
Rosalin Montrisuksirikul
Mustard Seeds @ Hougang Pte Ltd
Valma Rosalind Nathan
Netrust Pte Ltd
Ng Chee Yian
Ng Chwee Soon
Ng Gek Hong
Neo Liyan
Neo Wei Kwang
Ng Hock Soon Joseph
Jacky Ng
Ng Wei Khyuan
Ong Ho Lee
Ong Pei Ling
Ong Pei Mun
Ong Say Leong
Susan Ong
Ooi Jun Ming Ronald
Pacific Management And
Investment Pte Ltd
Palm & Oak Properties Pte Ltd
Pang Hee Shui Lawrence
Jessie Pang
Pang Li Yee
Papa Palheta Pte Ltd
Peh Oon Bee Lilian
Peh Zhen Tang
Phua Lay Peng Denise
Poh Shu Ning
Pua Poh Heng
Govind Ramanathan
Kalpana Retty
Martin Anthony Riddett
Vanisree Sajjan
Navinchandra Salian
Srinivasan Santhanam
Sapphire Tiger
Seah Ban Wei Darren
Seah Kee Teck
Seetoh HF
Marie Shieh
Sim Bing Guang
Sim Wuan Kyi Angeline
SMT Navcom Pte Ltd
Soh Siew Huay
Song Wee Ngee
Soo Guo Yeow Andy
Soon Qiao Yu Venetia
Source Manufacturing Pte Ltd
South East Community
Development Council
St. George’s Church
St. George’s Church - Flower Team
St. John’s - St. Margaret’s
Su Shao Qin
Taylor Swift
Tan Chee Guet
Tan Guan Hiang Cynthia
Tan Ho Kiong
Tan Huan Meng
Irene Tan
Tan Kheng Lian
Tan Kian Gay
Tan Kuan Kuan
Tan Li Li
Tan Mui Sang
Tan Peck Ling Irene
Tan Ser Hong Veronica
Tan Siow Mei Charis
Tan Teck Lee
Tan Wei Sen Andy
Tang Mui Hia
Tay Heng Guat Teresa
Tay Hock Hai Stephen
Tay Lee Yong
Sheena Teng
Teo Kwee Ping
Neville Teo
Thong Wai Fong
Toh Ming Yao
Toh Shi Min
Tok Suat Hong
Tsoi Mun Heng
K Manjeet Singh Waleh
Wang Yong Jian
Wee Yeo Tiong
Klarinda Gunadi Widjanardo
Merwin Raymond Wilfred
Windworkz: The Big Band
Wong Kai Fu Adrian
Wong Kia Lip
Wong Kok Choy (Huang Guo Cai)
Wong Mee Ling
Wong Yew Ren Gerard
Wu Cheng Yuan
Yang Hui Fang
Yang Tuck Loong Edward
Yang Ye
Yap Eng Sui Petrine
Yee Chee Wei David
Yeo Lay Foong Denise
Yeo Wee Lyn Christine
Yeong Jia Wei Giles
Jacqueline Yin
Dorothy Yu
Yeo Jing Xian
Yeo Ting Wee
Jalil Abdul
Parveen Aggarwal
AIG Asia Pacific Insurance Pte Ltd
Sylvia Aloysius
A’moz Concept Pte Ltd
John Andrew da Roza
Carolynn Ang
Chok Hin Ang
Cindy Ang
Dennis Ang
Garry Ang
Ang Hui Wern
Ang Kok Peng
Lawrence Ang
Ang Lian Hua
Ang Sai Guat
Ang Wee Yong
William Ang
Winston Ang
Anu Annapurna
Reiko Aoki
Ramesh Appoo
Apro-Asian Protection Pte Ltd
Adrian Apthorp
Nagarkatti Arjun
Anwar Aryanti
Ashvinkumar s/o Kanpilal
Asta Training International Pte Ltd
Atasha Binti Asmat
Au Kok Kiang
Keen Mark Efcot Chavez Austria
Aw Keck Bin
Azaliah Binti Ismail
Aznan Ghazali
Mark Bäck
Balamurugan s/o Karpaiya
Meera Bangi
Bank of Singapore Ltd
Bansow Kaur
Barcol-Air Engineering Pte Ltd
Bellamy Trading
Ortega Mark Benjamin
Oliver Jens Bettin
BGC Partners (Singapore) Ltd
Born Pte Ltd
Bart Joseph Broadman
George Brown
BSI (1990) Pte Ltd
Sam Bubblehead
Edmalyn Bunyi
Timothy Burgess
Cai Hui Jun
Ryan S Caldo
Cardiothoracic Consultants Novena
Pte Ltd
Chai Keng Chin Jenny
Chai Kim Kee
Chai Kim Yean
Roopa Chainani
Lynn Cham
Andy Chan
Chan An-yi
Chan Chee Kong
Chan Choe Seng
Chan Choi Foong
Chan Hiang Tiak
Chan Huah Kai
Chan Hwee Long Evelyn
Judy Chan
Chan Kee Cheng
Chan Kwok Chuan Jason
Chan Lai Moi
Chan Lai Yien
Chan Meng Kiat Derrick
Chan Wei Jing Clara
Chan Yuen Ping
Jenny Chang
Thomas Chang
Vaswani Satishkumar Chaturbhuj
Chee Fong Yee
Chemi Engineering Products Pte Ltd
Chen Bin Wah
Chen Seong Lee
Chen Wern Sin
Chen Zhen
Cheng Choong Choon
Cheng Hui Lan
Cheng Lee Cherh
Cheng Nam Tuan
Cheng Seng Electric Co Pte Ltd
Cheo Kiat Yian
Cheo Puay Ling
Cheok Chin Hock
Cheong Beng Guat
Cheong Kam Wah
Cheong Kit Wai
Cheong Kwong Chen
Cheong Mun Onn Denis
Cheong Seng Hock
Cheong Suet Fong
Cheong Siew Yin Celine
Danny Cheung
Chew Gouk Ming
Chew Keat Leng
Chew Kian Soon
Chew Kim Ling
Chew Lysan
Aun Teik Chia Gary
Chia Hung Yong Adrian
Chia Kim Geok
Chia Kim Huat
Lena Chia
Chia Phuay Hiang
Chia Poh Guan Jason
Chia Wai Chung
Chia Wai Kong
Chia Yeow Seng
Chia Yong Leng
Chia Young Hian
Chia Yuan Ling
Chiam Lee Meng
Chiau Koh Leong
Chim Chin Kiat
Chin Ching
Chin Pei Ling Jesslyn
Chin Sak Hin
Chin Sheau Ling
Susan Chin
Chin Yoke Poh
Roenviroj Chinda
Chng Mei Hui Christabel
Alex Chong
Chong Boon Fong
Chong Chee Meng
Chong Hock Jin Colin
Chong Kwek Whee
Chong Ling Sharon
Chong Pik Wan
Chong Sze Earn Andrew
Alvin Choo
Elaine Choo
Florence Choo
Choo Heok Kevin
Choo Jia Hui
Choo Teck Seng
Choo Yue Hua
Chooi Kit Meng Serene
Catherine Chow
Chow Kok Fong
Chow Kok Kiong
Chow Lai Sim Shirley
Chow Tak N
Chow Weng Cheong
Chow Yuit Meng
Choy Heng Han
Stephen Choy
Choy Yoon Tho
Christensen Irrigation Singapore Pte
Chua Ah Juek
Alvin Chua
Chua Cher Choon
Chua Boon Leh Daniel
Eileen Chua
Chua Eng Hian
Chua Eng Him
Chua Guat Hoe Julie
Chua Jun Han Clayton
Chua Lay Suat
Chua Ley Hua
Chua Mei Wan
Chua Rui Hsin
Chua Seow Ann
Chua Teck Chuan
Chua Teck Keong
Chua Tong Nung Edwin
Chua Wei Qi
Chua Yong Yeow
Chui Kean Weng Kenneth
Chun Chew Hiang
Chung Lai Leng Ruth
Chung Sook Yee
Chung Wei Yin
Chye Foo Yew
CMA Mental Arithmetic Centre
(Tiong Bahru) Pte Ltd
Cogent Land Capital Pte Ltd
Cohn & Wolfe XPR Pte Ltd
Connecting Life Pte Ltd
Barry Cooper
Mark Louis Daily
Daun Consulting Singapore Pte Ltd
Phillip Davis
DB & B Pte Ltd
DBS Bank Ltd
Jordan Dea-Mattson
Dentsu Singapore Pte Ltd
Geeta Devi
DHL Express (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Shivandas Dilipkumar
Shanker Diraviam
Diyana Yusoff
DKNY Technologies
Ronita Dutta
Dyno Engineering Pte Ltd
EBS Dealing Resources International
Duncan Williams Edwards
Ee Oon Sun Albert
Ee Chye Chuan
Ee Hong Neo Irene
Er Kim Hoon Serene
Esteem Management Services Pte
Eu Oy Chun
Stanley Eu
Paul James Ezekiel
Fang Yea Yee
Ashlyn Feng
Benjamin Fong
Fong Chee Tat
Fong Chiew Min
Fong Pay Hor
Foo Ai Keng
Foo Jon Hui Amanda
Foo Su-Lyn Janice
Foo Kee Fong
Foo Kok Jong
Foo Lai Yong
Foo Peow Meng Roy
Foo See Liang
Foo Soon Kwee
Foo Chuan Gin
Foo Ting Ting
Foo Yong Suan
Debra Ann Francisco
Paul Freeborn
FT Services (S) Pte Ltd
Fuji Xerox Singapore Pte Ltd
Gan Shiaw Ming Clarice
Paul Gan
Gan Kim Kek Penelope
Gao Xiang
Gee Siew Chin Phyllis
GFI Group Pte Ltd
Gian Poh Eng Karen
Petrus Gimbad
Goh Aik Chuan
Goh Chek Chye Alan
Goh Eng Khong Clement
Evelyn Goh
Gary Goh
Goh Guan Cheng
Goh Guan Seng
Goh Lai Hock
Goh Mee See
Goh Peck Cheng
Goh Peck Sian
Goh Pi Lee Beverly
Goh Puay Yong
Rosemary Goh
Goh Say Jim
Goh See Heong
Goh Soo Leng
Goh Siow Heng
Susan Goh
Goh Su-Yee Hazel
Goh Wee Ping
Monika Silvia Gonta
Goppal S/O Sinnayah
Grandluxe Pte Ltd
Green World Construction Pte Ltd
Santie Gunasekara
Gwee Chee Kiang
Timothy Harries
Harvest Reality Services
Hay Sook Ann
Hee Ah Toh
Hee Voon Chuan
Heng Chiang Yong
Heng Cho Hiong
High-Tech Lubricants Pte Ltd
Hla Htay
Angeline Ho
Ho Aun Kuo
Ho Chin Chan
Ho Chor Yau
Ho Choy Hung
Jennifer Ho
Jie Ying Ho Jinny
Ho Kah Choy
Ho Khoon Eng Kathleen
Ho Choon Hong Kevin
Ho Kiat Yin
Ho Kwok Kuen
Ho Po Lye
Ho Poh Wah
Ho Siew Foon
Ho Siew Ling
Ho Su Leng
Ho Tuck Meng
Ho Wen Tak
Ho Wong Teik
Ho Yoke Foong
Ho Yoong Fong
Ho Sek Hoong Rebecca
Hoe Heng Private Limited
Hoh Kwai Chun
Hong Soh Kuan
Steven Hong
Hong Yi Heng
Hong Leong Finance Limited
Hooi Yan Yan Joyce
Hoon Chee Wai
Richard Houghton
Jinpeng Hu
Huang Qiu Yan Angella
Xuefeng Huang
Hui Seng Fook
Daniel Hum
Hwee Kua Beng
I Logistics Pte Ltd
ICAP AP (Singapore) Pte Ltd
IG Asia Pte Ltd
Interlocal Exim Pte Ltd
IPC Information Systems
(Singapore) Pte Ltd
Hamidah binte Mohamad Amin
Han How Choong
Han Yong Siew
JA Engineering And Trading Pte Ltd
Joe Brown Jahari
Jamaliah Bte Lasim
Gopal M Jayadeepavana
Jebsen & Jessen Technology (S) Pte
Jhamatmal Ramchandani Jiwatram
Timbang Joel
Jomando Adventure & Recreations
Lily Julia
Kadhiresan Bala
Gery Alexius Kam
Kam Wai Kong
Kan Shung Kei Kenneth
Kang Ming Li
Kang Yu Hsien Derek
VK Kannapathy
Kao Yong Wee
Kat Toh
Kaw Jik Kean Ian
Kay Lay Meng
Keen Marl Efcot Chavez Austria
Dave Kelly
Ker Lee Trading
Rohit Kerhalkar
Nick Khaw
Khaw Swee Kwang
Kho Hock Chye Cyril
Khoo Chun Kiong Damian
Khor Li Yan
Kim Gan Enterprise Pte Ltd
Kng Swee Leong
Adrian Koh Tze-Ming
Koh Chee Yong
Koh Ching Hong
Koh Cher Meun Samuel
Koh Chor Bee
Koh Chor Hwang
Koh Chwee Lee
Henry Koh
Koh Hock Ning
Koh Joo Chuan
Koh Joon Wah
Pauline Koh
Koh Siew Pheng Joan
Koh Teck Chye
Koh Thian Soo Brendon
Koh Tong San
Vera Koh
Victor Koh
Kok Poh Chun
Kong Foon Kwai
Kong Pei Ling
Kong Wai Kong
Piyapan Kruemai
Ku Wei Chee
Ku Yuen Wah
Kua Beng Hwee
Kua Kok Soo
Kua Young Ghee
Kuek Yak Lee
The Late Kum Cheong Leong
Kwa Leck Tiew
Kwai Chan See
Kwee May Lian Sandra
Kwee May Shien Constance
Kwek Boon Kwang
Kwok Soo Ha
Kwong Kin Mun
Kyaw Kyaw Moe
Lai Chin Kui Kenneth Mark
Magdalene Lai
Lai Ming Choo
Lai Nai Weng
Lai Onn Thai
Lai Shin Shiong
Lai Weng Cheong
Lai Woh Chiong
Lai Yew Mei
Janet Lam
Lam Ling Ling Sarah
Lam King Keow
Lam Kuen Sang
Lam Oi Wee
Lam Vui
Lam You Kang
Lau Ah Ting
Angeline Lau
David Lau Cheng Huat
Lau Hong Choon
Lau Meng Tuan
Lau Te Neng
Lau Yeow Sin
Leck Hvi Koon
Lee Bee Yan
Lee Chee Seng
Lee Chee Soon
Lee Cheow Kheng
Lee Chin Hwee
Lee Chong Lai
Daisy Lee
Daniel Lee
Lee Ee Hong
Esther Lee
Lee Fook Sun
Lee Gan Teck Carol
Lee How Cheng Gerard
Jaclyn Lee
Jason Lee
Lee Jing Qing
Lee Ju Kyung
Lee Keng Siang
Lee Khue Chye Lionel
Lee Kian Beng Kevin
Lee Kok Wee
Lee Kum Chuin Solomon
Lee Lay Ping
Lee Lay Yong
Lee Lin Heng
Mary Lee
Lee Lock Hey
Lee Moi Keow
Lee Oen Oen
Lee Oi Har
Lee Pei Chang Melvin
Lee Pheck Sum
Lee Ping Tiang
Lee Seow Min Alex
Lee Shieh Ling Juliet
Lee Shou Yian
Lee Sok Eng Serene
Lee Sow Fong
Lee Sze Min
Lee Tong Nge
Vincent Lee
Lee Wan Khim
Lee Wei’ An Danny
Lee Wei Kheong Edward
Lee Wei Yung
Wendy Lee
Lee Xiao Qing
Lee Yee Han Audrey
Lee Yit
Lee Zheng Quan Bryan
Leng Meng Kae
Leong Chao Li
Leong Chun Chong
Derek Leong
Leong Hong Sheng
Leong Kai Xin
Leong Lai Yeng
Leong Liem Cheong
Leong Lye Leng
Leong Mei Chun
Leong Pak M
Leong Shung Mun
Leong Soon Khing
Leong Yean Wai
Leong Yee Yew Frank
Leong Yue Meng
Leow Ju-Len
Leow Li Quin
Leung Calibuso Dominic
Leung Chun Fai
Charlene Lew
Kevin Lew
Li Fong Cheng
Hans Li
Li Kai Hui Benny
Li Sui May
Lian Geok Sim
Liang Feng Min
Liang Shih Chieh
Fones Li-Anne
Lie Chen Ling
Selik Liem
Ian Lien
Vincent Lien
Liew Hock Meng
Jacky Liew
Liew Tet Fah
Liew Yit Kam
Liew Yoon Sam
Lim Ah Doo
Lim Ah Tiong
Lim Ah Yang
Lim Ai Lian Caroline
Lim Ai Lin
Lim Ban Hoe
Lim Bee Yan Agnes
Bernard Lim
Lim Boon Eng
Lim Chee Hwa
Lim Cheng Aun Ronald
Lim Cheng Mui
Lim Choon Yau
Eileen Sherrie Lim
Elena Lim
Lim Eng Keow
Lim Fung
Lim Gek Eng
Lim Gek Mui
Lim Guat Ha
Lim Hock Meng
Lim Hock Tian
Lim Hui Peng
Lim Hup Seng Bernard
Lim Hwee Kiat
Lim Joo Lay
Lim Kai Wei
Lim Kee Hian
Lim Keng Siong
Kevin Lim
Lim Kiam Wan
Lim Kim Hwa
Lim Kok Kiong
Lim Koon Siew
Lim Lai Nyuk
Lim Lay Choo
Lisa Lim
Marcus Lim
Michelle Lim
Lim Ming Lee
Lim Pei Ling
Lim Peng Siang
Lim King Hui Phillip
Lim Kiok Keong Philip
Lim Quee Eng
Rina Lim
Lim Seok Bee
Lim Seow San Sidney
Lim Seow Tong Robert
Lim Siew Im
Lim Siew King
Lim Sim Hwee
Lim Sim Leng
Lim Soon Yen Andre
Lim Su Kang
Lim Su Yin
Lim Suat Yen Judy
Lim Swee Seng Paul
Lim Swee Yim
Lim Sze Looi
Lim Sze Wei
Lim Tchoyoson
Lim Teck Koon
Lim Teck Wee
Lim Tiew Kheng
Lim Tong Hwee Irene
Lim Tow Toon Eric
Lim Tze Yuen
Vincent Lim
Lim Wee Ling Pamela
Wendy Lim
Lim Weng Kee David
Lim Yian Lee
Lim Yiok Leng Edmund
Lim Yue-Li
Ling Keng Joo
Ling Leong Hui David
Ling San
Lionex Equipment Pte Ltd
Jo Liu
Liu Yi Xin
Lo Geok Lim Sam
Lo Szi Wei
Lo Yiang Gek
Loe Bun Chuan
Ramachandra Loganathan
Loh Chen Yo
Desmond Loh
Loh Kee Peng
Loh Kwi Kong
Loh Min Yu
Loh Shurn Lin
Loh Sin Fatt
Uantchern Loh
Vincent Loh
Loh Wei Khuan
Loh Yik Hin
Loh Yoon Chao Peter
Kimy Loka
Long Tian Ching
Loo Ee Vei
Loo Kwai Thian
Low Boh Tee
Low Sze Chuan
Catherine Low
Joanna Low
Low Li Sze
Low May Leng
Low Miang How Sandy
Sok Low
Low Suan Pui
Low Theng Wee
Low Winston
Low Xin Di
Loy Teck Wee
Lum Kok Seong
Lye Hong Yao
Lye Ngiat Chin
Devaraja M
M1 Limited
Mah Cheng Kai Xander
Mah Yoke Sim
Mak Wai Peng
Markit Asia Pte Ltd
Mashroom Pte Ltd
Khalijah Masud
Anna Mathai
Pawel Matyaszek
Niall McDowell
Mark Anthony Michlin
Miko Technologies Pte Ltd
Stephen John Miles
Milton Exhibits (S) Pte Ltd
Mohammed Yasin Bin Nahan
Mok Kok Seng
Moo Ying Rui
My Cozy Room LLP
Na Bee Hong
Nanda Shweta Sahni
Valerie Nathan
Stefan Neff
Neo Ai Kiau
Isabelle Neo
Julian Neo
Neo Wei Sheng
Neo Kim Huat
Newquest (Trading) Pte Ltd
Ng Ah Kiat
Angel Ng
Ng Chee Yian
Ng Chwee Soon
Ng Foo Ping
Ng Guat Ping
Ng Hai Hwee
Ng Heng Pan
Ng Hoo Ming
Ng Hua Bak Ivan
Ng Ka Shan
Ng Kah Gui
Ng Kee Tong
Ng Khim Sim
Ng Kim Ngiuk
Ng Hoi Gee Kit
Ng Lay Geok
Ng Lay Kuan
Ng Leong Keng
Ng Lian Kee
Ng Nai Heong
Paul Ng Min Soon
Philip Ng
Ng Soon Kheng
Stephaine Ng
Stephen Ng
Ng Wai Hu Andrew
Ng Yi Ying
Ng Yu Jen
Ngee Ann Development Pte Ltd
Ngo Soo Ching
Nittan Capital Singapore Pte Ltd
Nakayasu Nobuko
Oh Siew Choo
One Centum Pte Ltd
Ong Chye Hin
Fabian Ong
Ong Guan Liong
Ong Hock Ling Kelvin
Ong Hui Leong
Jocelyn Ong
Ong Ken Loon
Ong Kim Chai
Ong Kong Hong
Ong Lee Keang Maureen
Ong Poo They
Ong Seck Kim
Ong Seng Yeow
Ong Tien Kian Alex
Ong Toon Howe Daryl
Ong Tun Yew Donald
Valentine Ong
Ong Wei
Ong Yong Chang
Ong Yuen Lin
Ong Zhen Guo
Onn Sir Hwee
Ooi Guan Huat
Ooi Saw Hong
Orchard Credit Pte Ltd
Mohamed Jailani Junaid Osansah
Dawn Ou-Gwee
Oversea-Chinese Banking
Corporation Ltd
Ow Yeong Kiat Hon
Paik Beng Hong Joanna
Pan Keung
Pang Cheng Yee
Jessie Pang
Pang Kean Wai Mark
Pang Khang Chau
Pang Meng Yam
Pang Poh Choo Patricia Zoey
Victor Pang
Surya Rachmad Pangestu
Pea Bee Lan
Peck Guat Hoon Serene
Peh Guang Ming
Peh Zhen Tang
Pek Kian Leong
Pey Kin Leong
Phoey Ah Bee
Phoon Han Meng
Alfred Phua
Phua Ching Shyen
Kelvin Phua
Phung Mei Foong Audrey
Pico Art International Pte Ltd
Jacqueline Png
Pong Kai Chee Gregory
Pong Kwan Tung Pascal Alexandre
Poon Hwee Chuan
Chiaranussati Preeyanuj
Pua Poh Heng
Pua Thian Siang
Puah Shi Ni
Chay Luang
Keng Koon
Lee Kim Grace
Sui Keng
Rajagopal s/o Govindarajoo
Supriya Rao Patwardhan
Razleena Binte Mohd Din
Klaus Redomske
Refine Construction Pte Ltd
Martin Anthony Riddett
Rozanah Bte Basrun
Colin Maximillian Rozario
Chakraborty Rulan
Sam Tat Keong Alvin
Shanti Devi Sathasivam
Kazutomi Sato
Say Mei Jing Melissa
Julianne Schlickenrieder
Seah Hock Soon
Seah Lam Soon
Seah Li-Chen Lynette
Seah Mei-Lien Joanna
Shirley Seah
Seah Wee Teik
Pauline Seck
See Ah Chiam
See Hak Loo
See Hoo Kien Poh
See Kwai Chan
Annapurna Seeram
Seet Choon Keat
Seet Hiang Kun Josephine
Seetho Ving Yi Sharon
Selvakumar S/O Murugayair
Seng Wei Ren Daniel
Sentosa Golf Club
Seow Siew Huang
Seow Yen Choon Kelvin
Ser Bok Hong
Shaddai Treasures Pte Ltd
Shang Xiu Xia
Rahul Shegokar
Shekaran s/o K Krishnan
Shin Yun Young Ricky
Shum Wai Ling
Sia Kwee Yee
Sia Siak Yong
Siew Ming Saurajen Adrian
Sign Vision
Sim Choon Siang
Desmond Sim
Sim Mui Ping
Sim Ng Kim Vincent
Sim Kok Wah Samuel
Sim Wuan Kyi
Sing Hwee Hwa Hazel
Singapore Casket Co (Pte) Ltd
Annabel Siow Ker Sin
Richard & Teresa Smith
Sng Chong How
Sng Meng Wah
Andrew Soh
Soh Lea Hui Cherayl
Soh Chuen Kong
Soh Gim Teik
Soh Hong Ho
Soh Kim Chye Dave
Soh Lye Huat John
Soh Peng Choo
Soh Teck Hoo
S-One Engineering Pte Ltd
Soo Soo Eng
Soon Lee nee Yeo Su
Soon Wai Poh
Soon Yoeng Shon
Soon Yuan Hong
Source Manufacturing Pte Ltd
South East Community
Development Council
Spears Pte Ltd
Bernd Starke
Tony Su
D Subramaniam
Enoch-Joseph Giftson Enoch
Sum Kok Hao
Sung Sio Ma
Sun-Pacific Equipments Pte Ltd
Superoil Trading Pte Ltd
Nicholas Syn
Szeto Fook Meng
Tai Sook Moi
Reiko Takahashi
Tan Ai Kwee Kathy
Tan Bee Ping
Tan Beng Hong Katherine
Tan Boon Ping
Tan Boon Wah
Calvin Tan
Tan Chee Khiang
Tan Chian Siong
Tan Chiat Beng
Tan Chin Huat
Tan Chin Hwa
Tan Chor Eng
Tan Chor Hui
Tan Chun Hai
Tan Chwee Lian
Danny Tan
Tan E-Laine
Tan Ee Li Angels
Tan Eng Hock
Tan Eng Lam
Tan Eng Soon Aaron Luke
Tan Fay-Ann
Freddie Tan Meng Hor
Galvin Tan
Tan Geik Sim
Tan Gim Hai Adrian
Tan Gwan Him
Tan Hee Joek
Tan Hi-Kong
Tan Hui Ning Priscilla
Tan Hui Tsing
Tan Hung Seng
Tan Hwee Pheng Rachel
Jasmine Tan
Jasmine Abigail Tan
Tan Jit Ann
Tan Jit Khoon
Johnny Tan
Tan Joke San Simon
Judy Tan
Tan Kay Heng
Tan Kee Hock
Tan Kee Hua
Tan Keh Huang
Kelley Tan
Tan Kheng Kee
Tan Kiah Sin
Tan Kim Chia
Tan Kim San
Tan Kok Peng Leslie
Tan Kok Siong
Tan Koon Yeow
Tan Lan Guan
Tan Lan Xin
Tan Lay Hwee Doris
Tan Lay Yen
Tan Lee Chin Katy
Tan Leong Chew
Louis Tan
Tan Lu-Fen Daphne
Tan Lu-Lien Cheryl
Tan Mei Kim
Tan Mei Ling
Tan Mui Sang
Patsie Tan
Tan Peng Boon Michael
Tan Pei Lip
Tan Pey Shin
Tan Pick Long Richard
Tan Poh Li
Raymond Tan
Sarah Tan
Tan Seng Hui
Tan Shuo Hui Sophia
Tan Siew Gek Alice
Tan Siew Ling
Tan Siong Kern
Tan Soe Hui Karen
Tan Song Khoon
Tan Song Mong
Tan Soo Liap
Tan Tiat Hern David
Yvonne Tan
Tan Su Ling
Tan Suat Hoon
Tan Sue-Ann
Tan Swee Bee
Tan Sze Ying
Tan Tai Cheng
Tan Tee Wee
Tan Teng Poh
Terence Tan
Tony Tan
Victor Tan
Tan Wee Jin
Tan Wei Ling Jean
Winnie Tan
Tan Yam Suan
Tan Yeo Chye
Tan Yi Ling Melissa
Tan Yong Ming Paul
Tang Hip Peng
Tang Li Jen
Tang Wai Chun
Tang Wai Har
Tang Wai Loong Kenneth
Tang Wee Sung
Tang Weng Fatt
Tay Boon Hee
Tay Cheng Hong
Gladys Tay
Tay Han Meng
Tay Hsiang Kee Freida
Tay Lian Wee
Tay Mui Hong
Tay Poh Choo
Tay Seng Kong Louis
Tay Siew Leng
Tay Tse Sing
Winston Tay
Eileen Tee
Tee Kin Hong
Tee Sheue Lam
Teh Kian Keong
Teh Mong Chee
Ten Kui Fah
Teng Poh Ling
Teng Seng Chue
Teng Seng Chye
Teo Ah Moy
Teo Bee Hoon
Teo Beng Hua
Danny Teo
Eng Wee Teo
Florence Teo
Francis Teo
Teo Geck Jian
Teo Guat Lye
Teo Hock Lye
Teo Kent Seong
Teo Lee Leng
Teo Lek Hong
Teo Li Choo
Melvin Teo
Shirley Teo
Teo Siang Hiok
Teo Sui Fen
Teo Tze Hoe
Teo Wee Poh
Tet Fah Liew
Alex Tham
Tham Chen Munn
Jedidiah Tham
Wendy Tham
Tham Yoke Yee Noelle
The Cheng Hwa
The Lee Beng
Thomson Reuters Asia Pte Ltd
Thong Ming Yap
Kavita Thulasidas
Thung Hock Lai Brian
ThyssenKrupp Elevator (Singapore)
Pte Ltd
Tia Teng Peow
Tiang Soo Hua
Ting Kian Wei
Ting Tung Kong
Ting Yoke Ching
Tng Ah Teck
Toh Chin Hock
Elaine Toh
Toh Ngyuk Ling Joanna
Toh Shi Min
Toh Suat Hong
Tok Boon Choo
Tok Poei Chin
Tok Teck Choom
Daniel Tong
Tong Hong San
Tong Syon Nyong
Tong Yew Meng
Tor Ai Hua
Toyota Motor Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
Toyota Tsusho Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
Tradewin Logistics Pte Ltd
Tradition Singapore (Pte) Ltd
Trans Auto Logistics Pte Ltd
Trioptima Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
Tseng Yan Lin James
Tsoi Mun Heng
Tullett Prebon (S) Ltd
Dominic Tung
Tze Meng
United Overseas Bank Limited
Nicolas Ferrin Vass
Ramaswamy Vinod
Elaine Wai
Wan Kok Leong
Wan Leong @ AA Au
Wang Cheng Foon
Wang Enze
Wang Wei
Wang Zhi
Anthony John Warner
Geetha Warrier
Ko Watanabe
Watt Kwong Choy
We Her Lee
Wee Beng Neo
Wee Chian Lie
Wee Chieh Soh
Wee Choo Hua
Wee Heng Loh
Wee Jee Choo
Wee Lay Hua
May Wee
Shamine Wee
Steve Whorf
Wing Kay Kau
Kurnia Wira
Allan Wong
Amanda Wong
Angela Wong
Catherine Wong
Wong Chin Lee
Wong Choon Wah
Wong Choy Yoke
Cindy Wong
Geraint Wong
James Wong
Wong Ka Wei
Wong Kia Lip
Wong Kim Fong
Wong Kin Mun
Wong Kwok Wai
Wong Lai Siong
Mabel Wong
Mark Wong
Wong Mei Ying
Michael Wong
Wong Pao Chin
Wong Pek San
Royce Wong
Wong Shu Chung
Wong Suay Heng
Wong Teck Boon
Wong Tien Choy
Wong Ting Ling
Wong Tuck Meng
Wong Tuck Seng
Wong Wai Lin
Wong Wai Ming
William Wong
Wong Yeag Cherng
Wong Yong Kee
Wong Tock Lee
Woo Chee Kong
Woo Fook Choi
Woo Sie Chong
Woon Lee Tzu
Wu Huan Yu
Wu Teck Ming
XJ Elevator Pte Ltd
Marco Xu
Xuan Ruo
Yang Hui Fang
Yang Yang Ong
Yang Zhou
Yao Suat Lean
Yap Fong Tin
Yap Jiann Wey
Yap Jin Meng Bryan
Yap Lay Ming
Yap U Lyn Jessica
Yap Wee Shong
Yau Fook Tak
Gillian Yeap
Yee Charng Liang
Yee Mei Chun Eleanor
Yee Sock Maunn
Yee Wai Chun
Yeo Ah Yeng
Albert Yeo
Yeo Chee Cheng
Daphne Yeo Dai Wah
Yeo Enk Kok
Yeo Hock Seng
Yeo How Ngee
Yeo Jingxian
Yeo Joo Huat
Yeo Kim Kee Carol
Yeo Leh Hwa
Lionel Yeo
Mary Yeo
Patricia Yeo
Patrick Yeo
Phillip Yeo
Seng Hee Yeo
Yeo Seng Thean Andrew
Yeo Siew Liang
Yeo Siu Lyn
Stephen Yeo
Yeo Tiong Wee
Yeo Wei Kien
Yeo Yong Heng
Yeoh Chye Choo
Stacy Yeoh
Yeoh Thiam Lai
Yes Logistics
Charlotte Yew
Yew Chung Wong
Lawrence Yew
Yew Peck Leng
YHI Corporation (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Yim Chuen Weng
Yin Chin
Yip Chun Cheong
George Yip
Yip Yow Chuay
Govindasamy Yoganathan
Yong Char Kar
Jeffery Yong
Yong Lum Sung
Marianna Yong
Yong Mooi Choo
Yong Tsen Wen
Yong Vui Ken Gordon
Yong Wei Leong
Yu Hong Khiang
Yu Hsiau Chuan
Yu Tor Leong
Yuen Poh Kheng
Stefanie Yuen
Yuen Wai Ken
Yuen Yew Mee
Edison Yulius
Yung Yeat Kwong
Yao Zhai
Zhang Yaqin
Zheng Rong
Zhou Qing
John Zing
Ashvinkumar s/o Kanpilal
Lysan Chew
Susan Chin
Chong Kwek Whee
Chua Mei Wan
Gee Siew Chin
Gary Goh
Constance Kwee
Kwek Boon Kwang
Lee Kia Tiow
Lee Xiao Qing
Ruth Li
Loh Min Yu
Ng Chwee Soon
Ng Chee Yian
Ng Jing Han
Peh Zhen Tang
Phan Tsuey Fei Ivy
Sim Wuan Kyi
Fiona Jane Smith
Tan Mui Sang
Tan Poh Li
Toh Shi Min
Tsoi Mun Heng
Wong Kia Lip
Yeo Tiong Wee
A Lioe & Associates Pte Ltd
William Adjiewinoto
AFON Technologies Pte Ltd
Air & Air Services Pte Ltd
Ali Bin Shamadan
Aisha Alkaff
Amica Law LLC
Ang Cheng Hong Judy
Ang Eng Eng
Ang Lian Swee
Ang Soon Bee Andy
Ang Soon Huat
Ang Wee Boon
Ang Yi Wen Edwin
Ang Zhen Ming
Anglo So Trading
Billy Anh Minh
Mathew Anish
Angelica Ariaratnam
Anwar Aryanti
Ashvinkumar s/o Kanpilal
Asia Enterprises Pte Ltd
Au Chun Ming
Michael Jan Au
Au Shuk Haan
Azaliah Binti Ismail
Lawrence Basapa
Celeste Basapa
Bethany Emmanuel Church
Binjaitree Ltd
Maria Boey
Boey Wah Keong
Boh Shi Hui Jasmine
Boo Ai Kim
Meas Van Bopha
Builder 90 Pte Ltd
Cambridge Medical Group Pte Ltd
Cao Huizhong
Capital Airconditioning International
Pte Ltd
Cathay Photo Pte Ltd
Bernadette Cavanagh
Century Christian Fellowship
Chai Ching Sing
Chhotalal Champaklal
Chan Choong Wah
Chan Chung Tsing Gregory
Chan Hiang Tiak
Chan Huan Wei
Chan Kheng Tek
Chan Lai Gwen
Chan Leong Cheng
Chan Meng San Michael
Pauline Chan
Chan Pek Har Jessica
Chan Pok Lam
Chan Sau Han Vivian
Chan Sou Kin
Chan Shelt Tsong
Chan Shi-En Joanna
Chan Swee Geak
Chan Swee Kheng Kenny
Chan Sze Chin
Chan Vee Bun
Chan Wai Kheong Charlie
Chan Weng Cheong
Chan Weng Leong
Chan Yi Yuen
Chang Mun Loong
Chang Kung Ling Rosana
Chang Siew Khang
Chang Wei Chian Benjamin
Chapel of Christ The King
Chapel of Christ The Redeemer
Chapel of Christ The Redeemer
Chapel of the Resurrection
Sunil Chavan
Cheah Wee Ann Willie
Cheam Hing Gee
Chee Keng Soon
Chee Lye Sing
Chee Yew Chung
Chen Dingming Benedict
Jaime Chen
Chen Voon Hoe
Cheng Jin Fu Albert
Ansgar C Cheng
Cheng Lee Cherh
Cheng Wai Ping
Cheo Bong Hee
Cheong Ban Chuan
Cheong Chew Weng
Cheong Kam Wah
Cheong Keng Cheen
Cheong Kheng Beng Derek
Cheong Kum Ying Steven
Cheong Leong Seng
Cheong Siew Koon
Cheong Xi Wen
Cheong Yuen Chee
Doris Chew
Chew Eng Hua
Chew Gaik Hean
Chew Hock Yong
Chew Hwee Boon Josephine
Chew Mee Jou
Chew Tay Hoe
Chew Yee Mean
Christina Chia
Chia Joo Li
Chia Kok Cheong
Chia Lay Beng
Chia Leng Boo
Peter Chiam
Chin Fung Yew
Chin Hon Cho
Chin Hui Yen Teresa
Chin Kwee Fong
Chin Lai Yin
Chin Medical Clinic Pte Ltd
Susan Chin
Chin Yui Sin
Ching Hak Leong
Ching Hwee Chin
Ching Kee Keong
Ching Kwong Fai
Ching Tuan Cheng Megan
Chioh Chye Khye
Chionh Siok Bee
Chng Chin Bie
Chng Khin Kui
Chng Soi Kwee
Cho Yu Chung
Choe Fook Cheong Alan
Choi Shing Kwok Larry
Angela Chong
Chong Boon Fong
Chong Hooi Sim Irene
Chong Kiang Pin Alan
Chong Jin Pean
Chong Kwek Whee
Lily Chong
Chong Moon Moi
Chong Tad Weng
Chong Yoke Lin
Choo Beng Eng
Choo Boon Beng Edmund
Choo Choon Sheng Raymond
Florence Choo
Choo Hock King Colin
Choo Jiahui
Choo Siew Keng Mary
Choo Sum Wah
Choo Wee Leong Winston
Choo Yak Leng Nancy
Choo Yeow Kim
Chooi Boo Yin
Choong Siew Foong
Chow Kwok Weng
Chow Min Wei
Chow Pak Kin Patrick
Chow Weng Sing
Chow Yuk Hin
Chu Chuen Lan
Stephen Chu
Chu Yat Sun
Chu Yen @ Chu Kian Yuan
Chua Choon Lan
Chua Choong Meng
Cynthia Chua
Chua Hong Choon
Karen Chua
Chua Keng Boon
Chua Khee Yong Norman
Chua Kwee Chu
Margaret Chua
Chua Mei Wan
Chua Oi Lin
Chua Ping Tzeun
Chua Seow Jin Kelvin
Sharon Chua
Chua Siak Neng
Chua Siew Loong
Chua Siow Hong Cynthia
Chua Soo Guek
Chua Soo Yong
Chua Soon Kim
Chua Suat Hui
Chua Tiang Choon Keith
Chua Tong Chea
Chua Yih Leng
Chua Yong Yeow
Chuang Yok Hoa
Chue Fong Oi
Chuh Yue Xun
Chung Chian Huey
Chung Lai Mei
Chung Lai Leng Ruth
Chung Sook Yee
Church of the Epiphany
Church of the Good Shepherd
CSYA Pte Ltd
CYS Express Exchange Pte Ltd
Edward D’ Silva
Dafong Trading Pte Ltd
Lynn Desker
Simon Devaraj
Malkit Kaur Dhillon
Ding Ooi Kong
Topre Nitin Diwakarrao
Eastpoint Evergreen Fellowship
Eddy Ee
Irene Ee
Ee Soo Chin Sarah
Eu Pui Wai
EXIM & MFR Enterprise
Fa Yew Construction Pte Ltd
Fam Siu Ping Anita
Fan Kit Ping
Robert Thomson Fernandez
Flower Diamond Boutique Pte Ltd
Fok Jun Heng
Fong Seok Phoy Clarence
Fong Ei Lie
Foo See Juan
Foo Soon Onn
Timna Foo
Foo Wah Boon
Foong Lan Ying @ Fong Mooy
Gan Ang Toh
Gan Chee Kwan
Gan Teck Lee
Gan Yunn Hwen
Gee Siew Chin Phyllis
Geetha d/o Baskaran
Geh Min
Gennal Industries Pte Ltd
Gih Teck Chuan
Randy Go
Go Thian Seng
Goh Chee Ying Josiah
Goh Chye Huat
Diana Goh
Goh Fung Bobie
Gary Goh
Goh Hui Don Gordon
Goh Hui Sing
Goh Jin Kwee Cecilia
Goh Kim Huat Vincent
Goh See Heong
Goh Siew Huat Ronnie
Goh Siow Heng
Goh Soon Hong
Goh Tiong Sien Tony
Goh Toh Wee Thomas
Gail Reynold Goodenough
Heather Grant
Greendot Media Pte Ltd
Anthony John Grundy
Victor Gunawan
Gretchen Gustatson
Gwee Chee Kiang
Gwee Yeow Cheng Wendy
Han How Fong
Ingrid Hanson
Har Tang Pong
Barry Havery
Hee Siew Chin
Heng Ai Choo Pauline
Heng Boon Howe Clive
Heng Boon Kiat
Heng Jit Kwang
Heng Lark Eern Grace
Heng Li Koon
Heng Nuan Yeoh
Heng Siow Ing
Ho Aun Kuo
Ho Beau Siong
Ho Chee Leong
Ho Chui Hong Serene
Evelyn Ho
Ho Hang Sang
Ho Hong Ann David
Ho Hong Bee Christina
Ho Hong Eng
Ho Hong Guan Cicero
Ho Hong Hwar
Ho Jit Him
Ho Khar Tin Winnie
Ho Kin Seng Jeremy
Mabel Ho
Ho See Cheng
Ho Sek Hoong Carol Rebecca
Ho Ser Huat
Ho Shyh Shyan
Ho Soo Foo
Ho Teck Min
Ho Tian Yee
Ho Yew Chai Arthur
Ho Yoke Wah
Ho Yu Xuan
Holy Trinity Parish
Erik Hong
Hong Min Yeok
Hong Soon Hardware Pte Ltd
How Chong Jeng
Yvonne How
Huang Tet On James
Huang Kek Chee
Huang Ziwei Nicole
Hup Seng Pte Ltd
Jane Louise Huston
Hwang Yee Cheau
IDBOX (S) Pte Ltd
IDS Medical Systems (S) Pte Ltd
Irene Design – Tan Chiew Ngoh
Jean Ho Skin and Laser Clinic Pte
Jim Lin Design &Trading
Jin Sung
Jip Kok Wine
Jireh Consultation & Trading Pte Ltd
Joon Courtenay Pte Ltd
Jaffar Joxan
JTE Suppliers Pte Ltd
Iqbal Jumabhoy
Jurong Engineering Ltd
Sakina Yusuf Kagda
Kam Jin Chieh
Kan Luen Fong
Kan Mun Leong Eddie
Kan Wai Heng
Kan Weng Meng
Kang Hian Hwee
Kang Yew Sam
Liesbeth Nonkululeko Kani
Kamal Kant s/o Chhotalal
Tushar Kapde
Preily Picelia Karamoy
Sathiyacelan Karupiah
Nadarajah Kathiravelu
Bansow Kaur
Dhanjeet Kaur
Kay Lay Meng
Kee Luan Kiang
Leonica Kei
Kenneth S. Vaithilingam
Khim Wee Tze
Khong Lai Cheong
Khong Lye Yee Jean (Kong Liyi)
Khoo Ching Wei Wayne
Khoo May Geok Evelyn
Khoo Mee Lin
Khoo Shuk Fern
Khoo Swee Im
Khoo Swee Lian
Khoo Yeow Lam
Khor Chune Keat
Kamal Khullar
Kiang Juet Chun Yvonne
Kiang Wenting
Kim Fung Trading Co
KNT Relocations (S) Pte Ltd
Koh Bee Lian
Koh Chew Peng
Koh Chin Kiak
Koh Chor Bee
Koh Hong Gueh Frances
Koh Jin Luan
Koh Kok Hou
Koh Kui Hong Adelina
Koh Sang Hwee
Koh Seng Poh
Koh Seok Lee Shirley
Koh Siew Lian
Koh Swee Chuan Joni
Koh Teng Kiat
Kok Si Cheh
Kong Ah Kiow Tina
Koo Yak Peng
Koon Ah Tai
Kow Jit Ngan
Ku Yann Peng
Ku Yuen Wah
Kuan Soo Lai
Ashok Kumar
Suresh Kumar
Kung Whooi Phing
Kutbuddin Dohadwala
Kwan Yam Khwan Doris
Kwee May Lian Sandra
Kwee May Shien Constance
Kwek Boon Kwang
Kwek Beng Kee Ernest
Kwek Cheow Ting James
Kwok Yomt Fun
Lai Jin Hoe
Lai Mun Fook Steve
Lai Nai Weng
Lai Seck Kheong Jimmy
Lai Weng Choon
Lai Woon Chin
Lai Ying Cheung
Lam Kar Yan Karen
Lam Kong Peng
Lam Kuen Sang
Lam Seng Heng
Lang Siew Ping Florence
Lau Hong Choon
Jeannie Lau nee Lim Hai Cheng
Lau Pik Ging
Lau Sum Wing
Lau Yee Wan Yvonne
Lau Yeow Sin
Law Wing Chi Danny
Leck Seok Choo
Lee Ai Pheng
Bebe Lee
Lee Chee Keong
Lee Cheow Hon
Lee Chew Chiat
Lee Chin Looi
Lee Chong Kai
Lee Chong Lai
Lee Choon Bok
Lee Chu Ning Theresa
Lee Chun Wah
Lee En Foh Jessie
Lee Eng Jeng
Lee Gan Teck Carol
Lee Geok Suat
Lee Geok Tin Linda
Lee Hui Hua
Lee Jiok Kheaw Esther
Lee Jun Hur
Lee Junyi
Lee Kah Wah
Lee Kah Wei
Lee Kai Guan
Lee Khiaw Peng
Lee Kia Tiow
Lee Kian Hup
Lee Kim Chek Victor
Lee Kim Tah Foundation
Lee Kok Wee
Lilian Lee
Lee Lye Wah
Lee Meng Har
Micky Lee
Lee Mik Sen
Lee Miow Kheng Valerie
Lee Moonlake
Lee Mui Hong
Lee Nguet Kwang
Lee Oi Kum
Lee Po Yee Paul
Lee Puay Kuoon Jean
Raymond Joe Lee
Lee San Chouy
Lee Shih Ying
Lee Shock Hui
Lee Si Hui Jhana
Lee Siew Choon
Lee Siew Hoon
Lee Siew Hua
Lee Siew Keng
Lee Sok Boon Diana
Lee Soo Jin
Lee Su-Lin
Lee Tat Kwong Gary
Lee Thien Poh
Lee Tiong Hua
Lee Tiow Yong
Lee Wan Choy
Lee Wee Kok
Lee Wei Ting
Lee Whei Meng
Lee Woon Shiu
Lee Xiao Qing
Lee Yih Chyi
Lek Bak Khim
Leo Cheng Suan
Evelyn Leo
Leo June Kit
Leong Chee Chew
Leong Chee Lai
Leong Chee Weng Sammy
Leong Jern-Yi
Leong Kwai Heng
Leong Lai Fong
Leong Lai Han
Lewis Leong
Leong Shook Ken
Susan Leong
Leong Tuck Weng
Leong Yoke Sem
Leong Yu Mun Benedict
Brenda Leow
Leow Hock Chuan
Leow Kim Liat
Leow Lip Ban
Lew Boon Cou Psalm
Lew Hooi Hooi
Li Jialin Ruth
Li Poh Hooi
Liang Hai
Liauw Soon Chong
Lie Fie Chen
Liew Ah Kiong
Liew Joon Siew
Liew Yoke Fun Mavis
Lim Ah Nik
Lim Bee Leng
Lim Boon Eng
Lim Chee Hiong
Chelsia Lim
Lim Ching Suan Sharon
Lim Chong Jin
Lim Choon Seng
Lim Chun To Andrew
Deborah Lim
Lim Geok Hock Joshua
Lim Gim Eng
Lim Heok Sung
Lim Hong Guat
Lim Hong Lian
Lim Huey Yuee
Lim Hwee Kiat
Lim Hwee Leng
Lim Jit Ooh
Lim Kah Bin
Lim Kah Eng
Lim Kang Meng
Lim Kek Wah
Lim Keng Siong
Kennedy Lim
Lim Keow Geok
Lim Kim Song
Lim Kwan Roger
Lim Kwang Seng Edwin
Lim Kwee Siah
Lim Lai Ngo
Lim Lee Kiang Cerelia
Lim Li Meng Dominic
Lim-Loo Lie Ha
Lim Loon Heng
Lim Mei Yin
Lim Peng Ong Albert
Lim Rou’en Grace
Lim Saw Chin
Lim Say Hong
Lim Sok Hui
Lim Soo Peng
Lim Swee Koon
Lim Swee Thoe
Lim Swee Yang
Lim Teck Chai Danny
Lim Tong Li Christina
Lim Tze Lan Lynette
Lim Wah Teck
Lim Wee Tee
Lim Wei Keong
Lim Wei Kiat William
Lim Weng Kee David
Lim Wenjie Sarah
Lim Xiu Ling (Lin Xiuling)
Lim Yan Ping Andelina
Lim Yang Hua Deborah
Lim Ying Ling Judy
Lim Yong Kiang
Lim Yu Fang
Lim Yuen Tuck
Lin Ngok Wha
Ling Li Wei
Ling San
Ling Thin Hock
Lion Stationery Co Pte Ltd
Liu Aiqin
Livet Company Pte Ltd
Lo En Foh Jessie
Lo Kah Wei
Lo Wai Mun
Lo Yiang Gek
Loh Chew Thong
Loh Her Fang
Loh Hong Eng Julienne
Loh Hong Yan Abigail
Loh Ping Song
Loh Sin Fatt
John Basil Loh
Patsy Loh
Loh Siew Kee
Loh Soon Leng
Loh Wah Kay
Loh Wai Kiew Isabella
Loh Yee Ying
Loh Yoon Chao Peter
Loi Chit Fai Kelry
Loke Keng Fai Gloria
Loke Wei Ying
Long J J Joanne
Long Tian Ching
Loo Eng Huay
Loo Leong Peow
Angeline Low
Low Boon Hong
Low Buen Chek
Low Chung Guan
Low Ee Lin Patricia Angelia
Frances Low
Low Geok Lee
Low Jze Yee David
Low Kee Hwa
Low Lee Sing
Low Lye Ying
Richard Low
Low Say Loo
Low Sok Lee Mona
Lu En Le
Lum Siew Fong
Lye Ngiat Chin
Nelly Ma
Mah How Soon
Mah Yoke Sim
Shahul Mameed
Marigold Holdings Pte Ltd
Mastergrip Adhesives Pte Ltd
Meiko Building Materials Supplier (S)
Pte Ltd
Oscar Mico
Sarah Mo
Moh Bow Chek
Moh Thye Foon
Mohamad Gaddafi Bin Annuar
Mohammed Yasin Bin Nahan
Mohanan P. K. Chandra
Mok Kim Terng
Mok Kok Seng
Mok Wai Meng Daniel
Mok Wing Tak
Neilasri Mokhtar
Sue Morgan
Nan-Qing Trading Co (S) Pte Ltd
Nanwani Import-Export
Narcissus Spa
Ann A Nargeswari
Jean Nasr
Hazel Naubeni
Shereen Neo
Neoh Swee San Linda
Ng Ai Peng Cindy
Ng Ah Kiat
Ng Chi Chong Brian
Ng Chin Chong
Ng Choong Hiap Constantine
Ng Chee Seong
Ng Chee Yian
Ng Chee Yong
Ng Chwee Soon
Fiona Ng
Ng Gek Hong
Ng Geok Houi
Ng Jun Kang
Ng Kai Zhen Camellia
Ng Kee Huek Robert
Ng Kee Meng Winston
Ng Kee Tian
Ng Kee Tong
Ng Kheng Hock Roland
Ng Khim Han
Ng Kiang Meng
Ng Kim Gek
Ng Kok Cheng
Ng Koon Seng
Ng Kwee Lin
Ng Leng
Ng Ming Huah
Ng Mun Cheong James
Ng Peng Khian
Ng Peng Soon
Ng Poh Cheng William
Ng Poh Choo
Ng Say Chuan
Ng Seh Tiong
Ng Siew Gek
Ng Sing Siang Gary
Ng Sock Hai Christopher
Ng Swee Chong
Ng Thiam Chye
Tobias Ng
Ng Toh Siong
Ng Yeok Chong
Ng Yeow Siang
Ng Yit Foot
Ngiam Shih Chun
Ngiam Tong Yuen
Ngian Kian Fah
Ngoo Wei Aun Adrian
Kiyomi Nishi
NTUC Fairprice Foundation Pte Ltd
Oei Kuan Dih Alfonso
Oh Meng Huan
Oh Siew Khim Mabel
Oh Poh Huat
Ong Chin Guan Bernard
Ong Chee Wee
Ong Choon Hock
Ong Ho Lee
Ong Inn Hoon Judy
Ong Kah Hong
Ong Kian Giap Daniel
Ong Kok Wah
Ong Mong Siang
Ong See Kong
Ong Siew Luan
Ong Soon Liong
Ong Tsui Ying
Ong Yew Khoon
Ooi Yu Lin
Orchard Credit Pte Ltd
Ow Kok Wah
Ow Yong Tuck Leong
Paul Pak
Pan Kim Ling Grace
Pang Ngiap Chiew
Pang Oi Seng
Pang Siew Yin
Pang Tong Aun Thomas
Peck Guat Hoon Serene
Peh Ah Koon
Peh Chon Seang
Peh Nam Chuan Adrian
Peh Zhen Tang
Peng Miew Yin
Phang Loo Bin
Phang Yean Yin Nicole
Phay Soo Hoon
Phoey Ah Bee
Phui Teng Kim
J Y Pillay
Po Kim Chuan
Poh Beng Wee
Poh Ik Tng
Poh Kim Ti
Rennis Ponniah
Poon Kum Seng
Pow Ah Kern
Precicon D&C Pte Ltd
Precision Procurement Pte Ltd
Presbyterian Church in Singapore
Princeton Pharmacy (S) Pte Ltd
Puk Leung Kong Dennis
Pun Boon Li Pamela
Qi Xin
Quah Buck Song Alfred
Quek Bee Lian
Quek Kwang Chye William
May Quek
Quek Teng Hong
George Varkey Rahul
R. Rajasingh
Rajgopal Rajkumar
Gulabrai Ramesh
Raikar Ajit Ramesh
Realty & Investment Holdings Pte
Regiscons (Pte) Ltd
Richard Chew Surgery Pte Ltd
Martin Anthony Riddett
Gilbert Rodrigues
Jim Rogers
Paige Rogers
Rothschild Trust (Singapore) Ltd
Rozanah Bte Basrun
Yael Rurenspein
Namrata Pradip Sadarangani
Seah Boon Chun
Seah Chin Hong
Seah Han Cheow
Seah Hui Tong
Seah Li-Chen Lynette
Seah Yang How Finian
See Buay Lan
See Meng
See Teck Jen Michael Yuri
See Thor Wai Fung
See-Toh Heng Fatt
Seet Hsu Yonchyen
Seet Keong Hoe
Selvakumar s/o Murugayair
Sena Joseph John
Stella S Senduk
Seow Siew Huay
Shenton Investment Pte Ltd
Shum Wai Ling
Sia Liang Poo
Sia Woon Lim Mark
Siah Soon Meng Albert
Siaw Shun Mee
Siew Chee Leong
Sim Chay Lung Margaret
Sim Cheng Loo
Sim Hang Khiang
Sim Tian Teck
Singapore Maritime Officers’ Union
Singapore Press Holdings
Foundation Ltd
Harpal Singh s/o Kuldip Singh
Vijay Singh
Singolf Services Pte Ltd
Richard Raymond Smith
Andrew Soh
Soh Cheng Wee
Eudora Geraldine Soh
Soh Hin Lok
Jacqueline Soh
Soh Kee Pow Thomas
Soh Kim Chye Dave
Soh Lea Hui Cherayl
Lotus Soh nee Liew Ah Mooi
Soh Sai Keow
Soh Xinming
Song Keng Yong
Song Wee Ngee
Soo Yook Lin
Soon Je Wei Andrew
Soon Lee nee Yeo Su
Soon Min Yam
Soon Wee Lam
Soon Woan Lin
St. Andrew’s Community Chapel
St. James’ Church
St. John’s - St. Margaret’s
St. Peter’s Church
Susan Steinwehe-Shippey
Bailey Neil Steward
Steward Cross Pte Ltd
Suah Jack Tim
Sung Peir Yih
Suphap Rucksakul Chote
Swaran Kumar Kapur
Swee Ming Li Joanna
Tae Kwok Wah
Laena Tambyah
Tai Chee Keat
Tai Chih Urn Benjamin
Tan Ah Hiang
Alicia Carol Tan
Arnold Tan
Tan Boon Ling
Tan Buck Ann
Catherine Tan
Tan Chen Po Dana
Cheryl Tan
Tan Chiew Boi Alison Anne
Tan Chong Boon
Tan Choon Kwan
Tan Choon Tin Lilian
Tan Chwee Lian
Tan Chun Lee Jennifer
Tan Eng Lam
Esther Tan nee Yiu Kam Yu
Tan Fei Wen Stephen
Tan Gay Hua
Tan Geck Neo
Tan Gee Moi
Tan Gek Poey
Tan Geok Chua
Tan Guan Cheng
Tan Hock Siong
Tan Hong Beng
Tan Hui Tsing
Tan Hui Ying
Tan Hung Hong
Ivy Tan
Tan Jill Yak
Tan Joo Hong
Tan Juat Wah
Tan Kah Chuan
Tan Kah Keow
Tan Kah Thiam
Tan Kay Guan
Tan Kee Hua
Tan Keng Choon
Tan Khai Guan
Tan Khai Joo
Tan Kian Woo
Tan Kim Ping
Tan Koh How
Tan Kok Jwee
Tan Kok Yeang
Tan Kong King
Tan Kuan Kuan
Tan Kia Yong Genevieve
Tan Kheng Lee Arnold
Tan Lai Choon
Tan Leng Kwang Anthony
Tan Leong Choo
Tan Li Chuan Emily
Lisa Tan
Tan Lu-Fen Daphne
Tan Li Li
Tan Lian Chew
Tan Lian Hiang
Tan Lih Chee
Lilian Tan
Tan Loo Tin
Tan Lu-Lien Cheryl
Tan Mei Chiun
Merillee Tan
Michelle Tan
Tan Mui Sang
Tan Ngak Liang
Pauline Tan
Tan Peck Kim
Tan Pei-Sze Karen
Tan Peng Khian
Tan Peng Yong
Tan Poh Chye Freddie
Tan Poh Li
Tan Puay Wah
Tan Saey Chong Gabriel
Tan Seng Chuen
Tan Seng Toon
Tan Sik Chye
Tan Siok Hah
Tan Siow Fang Carol Alicia
Tan Siuw Hwa Michelle
Tan Song Chiang
Tan Soo Yong
Tan Soon Chye Ivine
Tan Soon Heng
Tan Swee Chong
Tan Su Lyn Claudine
Tan Tai Hong
Tan Tat Ming
Tan Tay Lek
Tan Teng Heng
Tan Thoo Teck Albert
Tan Tiang Lee
Tan Tiong Seng
Tan Tiong Heng Richard
Tan Tong Teck
Tan Wee Liang
Tan Weng Mooi
Tan Yang Luan
Tan Yankun Benjamin
Tan Yen Yen Beverley
Tan Yiap Gee
Tan Yip Wei Gilbert
Tan Yock Lian
Tan Yong Kwang
Daniel Tando
Tang Buay Choo
Lena Tang
Tang Min Chuo Rosalind
Tang Oi Wah
Tang Soo Yee Ellis
Tao Chong Meng
Tay Ban Guan Andrew
Tay Boh Keong Adeline
Tay Chee Wah
Feliciana Tay
Tay Hsiang Kee Freida
Tay Hung Ling
Tay Lee Kiang Karen
Tay Lian Eng
Tay Ming Keow
Tay Mui Theng Judy
Tay Seng Beng
Tay Seng Kong Louis
Tay Soek Eng
Tay Tse Sing
Winnie Tay
Tay Yew Lim Benny
Teh Kian Keong
Teng Kiam Leng
Sheena Teng
Teo Bee Lian
Teo Beng Keow
Teo Cheng Guan
Teo Chor Haow
David Teo
Teo Guat Hoon
Teo Gim Tiong
Teo Kee Meng
Teo Kian Hin
Teo Pei Pei Julie
Teo Poh Hwee
Teo Thian Guan Vincent
Teoh Boon Chow
Teoh Choon Sin Simon
Teoh Wan Yin
Teoh Yee Leong
Tham Fong Yuke
Tham Kwok Keong
Tham Sai Soo Susan
Tham Tuck Wah
The Rightway Corporation (P) Ltd
Then Jit Yew Alan Augustine
Sally Thio nee Ho Twa Moi
Thng Geok Huay
David Thong
Tien Sin Leong
Ting Kang Chung John
Ting Kian Wei
Ting Miaw Jiun
Ting Yoke Ching
Tng Hui Shin
Toh Lee Hong
Toh Sen Kim
Toh Shi Min
Toh Teck Eng
Toi Mui Keow
Tow Heng Tan
Tridex Pte Ltd
Tsao Sui Lan
Daniel Tsi
Tsien Jiuan Jiuan
Tsu Siu Wah
Tso Yin Yin Teresa
Tsoi Mun Heng
Tsu Siu Wah
Tung Fai Thiong
T K Udairam
Wan Fook Weng
Wan Choon Kheong Raymond
Wang Siew Kiat
Wang Siew Voon
Wang Tsu Wei
Wee Chow Hou
Juliet Wee
Wee Soon Li Lyn
Wee Woon Gek
Wen Xiu Heng
Weng Ri Jia
Wilmer & Sons Pte Ltd
Wilmer Enterprises Pte Ltd
Wilmer Holdings Pte Ltd
Wiluan Kris Taenar
Window to the Past Pte Ltd
Windworkz: The Big Band
Won Ching Hai
Wong Bee Onn
Wong Chee Kin
Wong Chee Meng
Wong Chiew Wing
Wong Chin Heng
Diana Wong
Elizabeth Wong-Seah
Wong Eng Sun
Wong Fatt Kee
Wong Fong Oi Justina
Wong Hong Yen
Jane Wong
Wong Khuan Ho
Wong Kia Lip
Wong Kwai Foon
Wong Lai Fun Joanna
Wong Lai Siong
Wong Lay Hong
Wong Luyen James
Wong Mai Hong Jane
Wong Pei Jun
Wong Peng Cheang
Wong Puek Huar
Rita Wong
Wong Shu Ngoh
Wong Sook Yee
Wong Soon Inn
Wong Tai Wai
Wong Tak Meng
Wong Teck Boon Lawrence
Wong Teck Lian Grace
Wong Tian Ching
Wong Toi Heng
Wong Wai Meng Carolyn
Wong Yoke Peng Karen
Wong Yong Kee
Wong Yoon Lei
Wong Yueh Ni
Woo Fook Choi
Woo Kuo Chang
Woo Mun Keong
Woon Hee Choy
Wu Bang Wen
Wu Cheng Yuan
Yeow Ying Ying
Yew Moo Joo
Yew Peck Leng
Benjamin Yim
Joan Yim
Yin Teck Meng Alvin
Yip Chun Cheong
Dorothy Yip
Yip Mie Meng
Yip Poh San
Yishun Christian Church (Anglican)
Yishun Christian Church (Anglican)
– Chinese
Aec Yogarrajah
Yong Siew Ying
Yueh Shuek Siah
Yuki & White @ Up-Services
Zenith Affair Pte Ltd
Zhang Xiaohong
Zin Mie Sharr
Zoho Corporation Pte Ltd
Xian Yang
Xiao Guo Zhu Jordan
Dharmendra Yadav
Yam Hong
Yang Wai Wai
Yang Zhou
Elaine Yap
Yap Eng Sui Petrine
Pearly Yap
Yean Wei Min Allan
Yee Hui Yi (Yu Huiyi)
Yee Kit Hong
Yee Sock Maunn
Yeep Wai Ban
Yeh Yong Cheng
Yeo Chiang Hock
Yeo Chye Whatt Kenneth
Yeo Eh Woh
Yeo Enk Kok
Yeo Hiang Sing
Yeo Joo Hock
Yeo Poey Ewe Soon
Yeo Tiong Wee
Violet Yeo nee Ho Soh Choon
Yeow Soon Wai
Carey Ang
Cindy Ang
Judy Ang
Ashvinkumar s/o Kanpilal
Azaliah Binti Ismail
Chan Wee Boon
Cheng Theng How
Cheong Poh Hua
Lysan Chew
Chia Hai Peow
Chia Yen Yen
Susan Chin
Cho Siew Fong
Chong Boon Fong
Chong Kwek Whee
Chong Yu Wen
Edmund Choo
Patrick Chow
Chow Yick Fong
Chua Eng Him
Chua Mei Wan
Alagaratnam Joseph Devanesan
Eng Chun Kiah
Foo Kok Jong
Foo May Li
Foong Lan Ying
Gan Boon Teck
Gee Siew Chin
Goh Chye Lee
Gary Goh
Grace Heng
Jinny Ho
Jayararman s/o Rajaratnam
Kay Lay Meng
Khoo Ee Boon
Koh Chor Bee
Koh Poh Wah
Kong Wai Kong
Khaw Swee Kwang
Kwan Wai Hung
Kwek Boon Kwang
Lam Kuen Sang
Albert Lee
Lee Kia Tiow
Lee Le Thin
Lee Wee Kok
Lee Wei Yung
Lee Xiao Qing
Leong Hong Sheng
Karen Leong
Leong Kwai Heng
Leong Wing Kong
Ler Seng Ann
Liew Yoon Sam
Lim Chee Wei
Lim Choon Yau
Lim Geok Leng
Lim Joo Min
Lim Kee Hian
Lim Keng Siong
Lim Leh Hua
Lim Teck Huat
Lim Wee San
Loh Choon Hoy
Low Eng Kwang
Low Geok Lee
Low Lye Chun Ellen
Lum Mei Leng
Eugene Quek
Mohit Maheshwari
Moh Bow Chek
Ng Chee Yian
Ng Choon Kiat
Ng Chwee Soon
Ng Kah Gui
Ng Lay Kieng
Ng Tong Hoi
Soumini Nair
Noorlida Binte Ibrahim
NTUC Fairprice Foundation Ltd
Charles Ong
Ong Siew Leng
Ong Soon Liong
Pacific Management And Investment
Pte Ltd
Pang Fong Chin
Peh Guang Ming
Phua Seok Eng
Pey Kin Leong
Praveen Jain
Pung Seah Jian
Satwinderjit Singh
Seah Jian Pung
See-Toh Heng Fatt
Selvakumar s/o Murugayair
Siew Wei Yao
Sim Hang Khiang
Hazel Sing
Christopher Song
Jarrett Soo
Soong Yung Juk
Tae Kwok Wah
Tan Chen Po Dana
Tan Chin Geok
The Late Tan Chuan Choon
Tan Huan Meng
Tan Joo Hong
Tan Kay Yiong
Tan Kok Yeang
Tan Mui Sang
Tan Teck Soon
Oscar Tan
Tan Poh Hua
Veronica Tan
Tay Mui Hong
Tay Soon Tien
Winnie Tay
Winston Tay
Tee Wee Sien
Florence Teo
Toh Shi Min
Toong Yit Fuh
Tsoi Mun Heng
Wong Kia Lip
Wong Tuck Meng
Wendy Wong
Woo Fook Choi
Yap Siok Yian
Denise Yeo
Yeo Joo Hock
Yeo Joo Noi
Yeo Soh Bee
Yeo Tiong Wee
Yim Chuen Weng
Yip Chun Cheong
May Young
In Memoriam (SAAC)
In Memory of Ong Seng Hui
Donor: Ong Seng Gee
In Memory of Lau Ee Soo Esther
Donor: The Foo Family
In Memoriam (SACH)
In Memory of Lim Joon Howe, Tehyi Hsieh & Isabel Low
Donor: Irene Lim
In Memory of Teck Loke Chia
Donor: Eng Hock Pang
In Memory of Tan Cheng Nyong
Donor: Choo Pow Yong
In Memoriam (SAMH)
In Memory of Chong Hock Poh Donor: Fiona Ng
Gary Ng
Thye Foon Moh
Yu Chung Cho
In Memory of Liew Sut Foong Donor: Liew Joon Siew
In Memory of Lee Hiok Kwee
Donor: Lim Hwee Leng
In Memory of Kan Yut Kuen
Donor: Khoo Yeow Lam
In Memory of Lucy Lim
Donor: Ng Koon Seng
In Memory of Chia Hui Teck Donor: Chia Joo Li
Acknowledgement of Gifts and Services Rendered (SAAC)
Aacrix Global Pte Ltd
Alphico Marketing Ptd Ltd
Azza Alsagoff
Seema Bahl
Stephanie Batot
Marine Parade Christian Centre
Meritus Hotels & Resorts
Sasha Michael
Chan Wing Hong
Chapel of Christ Our Hope
Chen Chia Hui
Cheong Weng Yat
Chew Ren Tzer Nik
Dawn Chia
The Children’s Charities
Diana Chin
Chong Suet Fong
Adam Ong
Ong Be Be
David Alexander Ong
Margaret Ong
Susan Ong
Ooi Jin Bee
OUE Limited
Our Group of Philanthropists
Anthony Ow
Elyon Cakes Pte Ltd
Papa Palheta
Lawrence Pang
The Passionate Dancing Elders
Pilot Pen (S) Pte Ltd
Po Thian Geok
Poonam Singh
Sakshi Dovedy
Natalie Duviault
Anita Fam
Linda Fam
Goh Chye Yin June
Goh Swee Hoe
Tricia Goh
Goodrict Global Pte Ltd
James Han
Mrs Huang
A Karpagavalli
Kwek Siew Jin
Lee Chew Chiat
Barry Leong
Leong Yi Ting
Lew Puay Ling
Lim Chee Ann Vincent
Lim Hui Xian
Lynda Ann Pte Ltd
Raffles Country Club
Aditi Rao
Prasanna Rajesh
Krishnamoorthy Ravishanker
Don Siah
Shiro-Wa Pte Ltd
SilkAir (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Springleaf Prata Pte Ltd
Christian Tan
Tan Kian Woo
Tan Kok Lee Julie
Lincoln Tan
Tan Shyuan Jinq
Tan Soo Kiang
Christine Tham
Susy Thung
Priscilla Ting
Visa Worldwide Pte Ltd
Christina Yap
Patrick Yeo
Yuk Mei Lee Dymock
Acknowledgement of Gifts and Services Rendered (SACH)
ACI Singapore – The Financial
Markets Association
Alzheimer’s Disease Association
Charmaine Ang
Anglican High School
Sumedha Gn
Clarisse Goh
Mary Gomez
Jonathan Gouw
Betty Boon
Krystal Jade Butler
Shilpa Haran
Heng Min Cur Nicole
Ho Li Peng
Ho Wei Chin
Hwa Chong Institution
Cappella Martialis Group
Catholic High School
Chan Chun Chiang
Chan Miew Leng
Chan Ying Ni Annie
Changkat Changi Secondary School
Chapel of Christ The Redeemer
Charity Bike ‘n’ Blade 2015
Sophia Chen
Andy Chew
Carolyn Chew
Chew Ling Huo
Chew Yun Xian Christine
Annie Chia
Priscilla Chin
Clara Chong
Choo Gian Jie
Chow Kok Eng nee Han
Choy Jin Wei
Agnes Chua
Maggie Chua
Chuah Jun Yong
Chung Cheng High School (Main)
Crescendo Club - Singapore
American School
Damai Secondary School
Eastern Health Alliance
Calvin Eng
Sibyl Eng
Rhodie Gunerree Estrella
Vicky Fong
Fook Seng Chee
Mariana Gan
Gateway Entertainment (Project
Jurong Christian Church
Kamaroonnisa Mohamed
Dory Khoo
Gabriel Koh
Mildred Koh
Roystonn P Kumarasan
Casey Kwan
Jovan Lai
Rachel Lam
Claudia Lee
Gregory Lee
Jenny Lee
Lynda Lee
Alice Leong
Dorothy Leong
Paul Lew
Allen Lim
Candy Lim
Esther Lim
Judy Lim
Lim Leay Ting
Sarah Lim Ting
Sidney Lim
Lim Yi Huan
Lin Yi Chun
Ling Keng Joo
Aaron Loh
Patricia Loh
Shirleen Loh
Low Jing Er
Keziah Low
Low May Leng
Michelle Low
Joaquin Gutierrez Estrella Matthew
Moulmein Church Of Christ
Na Huwe Tang Eddie
National University of Singapore
Blessing Naw
Cynthia Neo
Esther Neo
Samantha Annabelle Neubronner
Jancy Ng
Nurlily Hanee Binte Rasdeen
Caitlin Ong
Ong Hui Ying
Ong Jing Long
Ong Sian May
Joanne Pang
Participants of Charity Bike ‘n’ Blade
Peng Tao
Pero Chin Chwee Ellen
Marilyn Poh
Karen Pong
Pua Wan Lin
Raffles Institution
Right Management
Shi Zhe Qi
Sieow Je Shen
Singapore Chinese Orchestra
Singapore Polytechnic
Simei Neighbourhood Committee
Nicholas Seng
Beryl Siow
Elaine Soo
St. Andrew’s Community Chapel
St. Hilda’s Secondary School
St. Margaret’s Primary School
St. Margaret’s Secondary School
Tan Bee Lay
Tan Chun Chong
Dorothy Tan
Fedora Tan
Gloria Tan
Isabelle Tan
Jimi Tan
Tan Kai Boon
Tan Lee Chiang
May Tan
Mike Tan
Rosie Tan
Sandra Tan
Sarah Caellainn Tan
Tan Set Yung
Tan Siew Eng
Tan Wei Xin
Winn Tan
Angeline Tay
Tay Geok Seng
Tay Lee Shiuan
Temasek Secondary School
Teo Ching Hui
Henry Teo
Sher-lyn Tham
Kate Tsai Mann
Tsiao Chiung Foong @ Siew Kheng
United World College South East
Asia (East Campus)
Victoria Junior College
Volunteers of Charity Bike ‘n’ Blade
Audrey Wong
Cynthia Wong
Pearl Wong
Wong Wai Cum
Wong Yoke Ching
Linda Woon
Xie Jiaming Joshua
Kimberly Yeak
Albert Yeo
Jordan Albert Yohanan
Esther Yong
Zhang Jia Ning
Acknowledgement of Gifts and Services Rendered (SAMH)
Dylia Ang
Jennifer Ang
Ebona Cases Antonio
Michelle Pascua Aricheta
Aung Htet Yanant
Janet Chan
Chan Xin Yi
Chan Yi Wen
Chen Ke Xin
Nichole Cheo
Cheong Hong Hin
Chew Jing Hao
Edwin Chia
Glenda Chng
Choo Choon Geok
Chinese Women’s Association
Chua Yi Heng
Chua Yu Xing
Kway Yi Shen
Lai Lye Kuen
Lam Ching Rou
Elizabeth Lau
Lau Li Xian
Basil Lee
Eric Lee
Eunice Lee
Gayle Lee
Jacelyn Lee
Lee Jun Long
Lee Suet Lai
Lee Yee Jiat
Leong Kwai Theng
Darius Li
Phoebe Li
Liaw Tai Khim
Lin Jia Qian Alexia
Alex Lim
Lim Chong Wei
Dylan Lim
Eldora Lim
Kimmy Lim
Patricia Lim
Lim Seok Hoon
Lim Sherman
Lim Xiao Hui
Jeremiah Loh
Oliver John Ong
Fatimah Rasul
The Regent Singapore
Rubavathy Muthu d/o Sinnasamy
Valera Jennyly Sales
Aleeba Saju
Aberdeen Seet
Kenneth Sim
St. Andrew’s Secondary School
Alison Stephens
Sun Hui Rong
Andy Aviles Macaranas
Marriott Singapore Tang Plaza
Moh Suan
Deborah Olvina Tabuada
Daryl Tan
Iris Tan
Tan Juat Wah
Tan Kah Chuen
Kimberly Tan
Tan Pek Keow
Sarah Tan
Tan Siew Hwa
Valerie Tan
Vanessa Tan
Tan Yan Ying
Sam Tay
Chawisa Teansue
Ashley Anne Tee
Tessa Teo
Teo Xuan Wei
Thong Kai Wen
Jermaine Toh
Tng Meng Kiat
Wang Bo Hua
Lydia Wee
Workworkz: the Big Band
Wong Le Rae
Wong Po Chee
Wu Qian Wei
Mona Juweriyah
Nabilah bte Mohamed Zainudeen
Chloe Neo
Allan Ng
Don Ng
Eunice Ng
Priscilla Trina Ng
Tricia Ng
Ng Yi Hui
Noor Kesuma Bte Manap
Nur Warniyah Bte Ninabi
Panneer Krithigha
Muhammad Khairullah Bin
Diana Bernadette O’Connor
Ong Jia Yue
Jennifer Esteban Damain
Eng Bei Yu
ERC Holdings
Gan Kai Bin
Jen Goh
Goh Li Min
Goh Xin-Yi
Goodwood Park Hotel
Grand Hyatt Singapore
Grand Park City Hall Hotel
Olivia Cayetana Viola Helga
Jasmine Heng
Hilton Singapore
Dylan Ho
Gerald Ho
Jenny Ho
Sally Yee
Yeo Qian Ying
Acknowledgement of Gifts and Services Rendered (SANH)
ACE Seniors Pte Ltd
Annie Chan & Group
ArjoHuntleigh Singapore Pte Ltd
Dora Ng
Genhai Stationery Supplier
Geylang Methodist Primary School
Hwa Chong Institution
Lien Foundation
Rock Sanctuary
Rotary Club of Suntec City
Julia Scissor
Singapore Oxygen Air Liquide Pte
SuperSteam Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
Tat Hwa (1969) Pte Ltd
Weng Soon Printing Pte Ltd
Xin Min Secondary School
Yeap Medical Supplies Pte Ltd
(Established under the St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital Ordinance)
Year ended 31 December 2015
8 Simei Street 3
Singapore 529895
: 6586 1000
St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital Clinic
8 Simei Street 3
Singapore 529895
1 Elliot Road
Singapore 458686
St. Andrew’s Autism Centre
1 Elliot Road
Singapore 458686
St. Andrew’s Community Hospital
8 Simei Street 3
Singapore 529895
St. Andrew’s Lifestreams
1 Francis Thomas Drive
Singapore 359340
St. Andrew’s Nursing Home
60 Buangkok View
Singapore 534012
St. Andrew’s Senior Care
Block 5 Beach Road
Singapore 190005