Appraisal Services and Fees


Appraisal Services and Fees
 Kathy Kansier
Teacher – Quilt Show Judge – AQS Certified Appraiser
Services for Quilt Guilds, Shops, Shows & Museums 310 Parsley Road, Ozark, Missouri 65721 Telephone: (417) 725‐6502 E‐mail: Web Site:
Background and Qualifications •
Born & raised in Wisconsin •
University of Wisconsin (B.A. degree received in 1974) •
Married for 30 years •
Missionary to Mexico (1986 to 1993) •
Quilt maker since 1974, quilts exhibited at regional, national and international shows since 1995 •
Member of numerous quilt‐related organizations •
2000 – 2002 Program Chair for her local guild in Springfield, Missouri •
Teacher at the Quilt Sampler Quilt Shop in Springfield, Missouri since 1995 •
Co‐founder & leader of a local appliqué group since 2004 – As the Needle Turns •
Quilt making teacher for guilds, shops & shows since 1995 •
Regular columnist for The Appliqué Society Newsletter (Quilts Up Close) •
Pattern designer & author of quilt‐related books and patterns •
Quilt show judge since 1999 •
AQS Certified Appraiser of Quilted Textiles since 2001 •
Travels nationally & internationally to provide teaching, judging & appraisal services •
Member of Bernina of America’s Artisan Program since 2005 •
Nominee for the Professional Quilter 2002 Teacher of the Year Award •
Recipient of the 2008 Jewel Pierce Patterson Scholarship for Quilt Teachers •
Making a Grand Entrance: curator of 26 quilts exhibited at the 2009 International Quilt Festival in Houston •
Other interests: basket making, counted cross stitch & rug hooking •
Areas of expertise: edge treatments for quilts, hand & machine appliqué, crazy quilts, Victorian purses, underwater fish scenes, realistic entryways, hand embroidery & silk ribbons, beading, color & design, textile, quilt & Amish history. Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted (John 6:12) Teaching Services and Fees
One‐hour Lecture: $400 per lecture Shipping and insurance charges are extra for trunk shows Six‐hour Workshop: $650 for 2010; $700 for 2011 Three‐hour Workshop: $375 for 2010; $400/day for 2011 Multi‐day Workshop Fee: $650/day for 2010; $700/day for 2011 Kits for workshops are additional to the workshop fee and vary in price, depending upon the workshop. Judging Services and Fees
Kathy has experience judging at local, regional and national shows. Since 1999, she has judged nearly 8,000 quilts in 47 quilt shows. She uses the elimination system for judging quilt shows and provides a judging form and volunteer instructions with her contract. Kathy can judge a maximum of 130 quilts per day. In fairness to Kathy and the entrants, she will not judge more than 8 hours per day. Kathy gives 5‐7 comments per quilt. Her complete judging resume is available upon request for shows considering this service. Shows often combine her judging, teaching and appraisal services. Fee: $500/day Appraisal Services and Fees
Kathy became an AQS Certified Appraiser of Quilted Textiles in 2001. She is experienced in appraising antique, vintage and new quilts as well as wearable art. Typed appraisals include a description of the quilt, its condition, history, appraised value and photo of the quilt. Verbal consultations are for quilt dating and suggestions for care and repair. Appraisal days are sponsored by guilds, shops, shows or museums. Quilts may be brought in or hanging in a show. Each appraisal appointment takes 30 minutes. Suggested advertising and an appointment schedule is included with a contract. Fee: Written Appraisals ‐ $45/quilt; Verbal Consultations ‐ $20/quilt Contract Requirements
Services are secured with a signed contract (provided by Kathy). A $100 non‐refundable deposit is due with the contract. The final payment for all work is due at the completion of Kathy’s services. Kathy’s minimum amount of combined work for an out‐of‐town trip is $1,000. All round‐trip travel expenses including food during travel, airfare, suitcase fees and shipping expenses for trunk shows, insurance, airport parking and/or round‐trip mileage from Kathy’s home (reimbursed at the IRS allowable rate at the time of the trip) are paid by the sponsoring guild or show. Kathy’s non‐refundable airfare fee is reimbursed immediately after it is purchased by Kathy. Kathy prefers her lodging to be in a non‐smoking private room in a hotel with an inside entrance; elevator is required if room is not on the first floor. •
Travel expenses are to be equally divided between guilds on a multi‐city trip. One Hour Lecture Descriptions
1. Making a Grand Entrance Kathy was the recipient of the 2008 Jewel Pearce Patterson Scholarship for Quilt Teachers. This prestigious award is sponsored by Quilts, Inc. and Quilt Market. As a result of this award, Kathy developed this new lecture and a workshop on designing and making quilts with entryways. During this lecture, Kathy will tell about her scholarship, curating the exhibit and the 26 quilts that made a grand entrance into the quilt world. 2. Is There a Winning Quilt in Your Dreams? As an experienced quilt show judge, Kathy has developed her “Top Ten Tips for Entering Quilt Shows.” Learn about choosing and entering quilt show, preparing and shipping your quilts and what happens to your quilts on the judging floor. Kathy will discuss the criteria used for judging a variety of techniques and the importance of color, fabric and design choices for award‐winning quilts. 3. Quilts with Great Edges (trunk show) Kathy has a trunk show of 25 quilts with great edges. They include antique and new quilts. The history of edge treatments as well as helpful hints for making successful edges on your quilts is included in this lecture. Kathy’s all‐
day workshop on the same subject is a good choice to accompany this lecture. 4. Making Do … Surviving the Great Depression (trunk show) The 1930s were one of the most difficult periods in our country’s history. Learn what events caused the Great Depression and what life was like during that time. Kathy will share photos, aprons, doilies, fabrics and quilts from the time when everyone learned how to “make do.” 5. Simply Amish … Their History, Lifestyle & Quilts (trunk show) In 1980, Kathy became friends with members of the Amish community in Western Wisconsin. She became fascinated with their history, lifestyle and quilts. During this lecture, Kathy will share Amish‐made items from her collection, stories and her favorite Amish recipes. You will learn about Amish religious beliefs, the history of their quilt making, dress codes, buggies, Amish schools and farms during this intriguing lecture. 6. Color & Design for Quilt Makers Kathy has been watching the crowds at quilt shows as much as she has been looking at the quilts. She has learned what colors and designs made the “show stoppers.” Kathy will discuss what makes a successful design and how to choose the best colors and fabrics for your quilts. Because quiltmakers often come to quilt making with a craft or sewing background rather than an art background, they often find it difficult to design and make original quilts. This is a great lecture to provide the audience with basic design and color principles and to help everyone think outside the box. 7. Tell Me About My Grandma’s Quilt As an AQS Certified Appraiser, Kathy has studied the history of quilts and how to care for and repair them. Bring your antique or new quilts and Kathy will discuss their age, style and pattern. This is an exciting lecture because it gives the audience an opportunity to learn more about their Grandma’s quilt. Kathy will discuss finishing antique blocks and quilt tops, repair techniques, shipping, storing and displaying quilts. Kathy will also discuss appraisals and how appraisers determine the value of a quilt. She will not provide value assessments for the individual quilts brought for the lecture. Kathy’s booklet, Protecting Tomorrow’s Treasures Today, will be available for purchase. Six Hour
H r Work
rkshopp Desccriptioons
Quiilts with Gre
eat Edgges (K
Kathy’s mo
ost popularr workshop) CLASS DESCRIPTION: Students will learn a variety off techniques tto complete tthe edges of ttheir quilts. They will makee C
take‐home saamples includ
ding a double‐fold bindin
ng with mitered corners and connectted tails, rickkrack bindingg, r
reversible bin
nding, a fused
d binding, praairie points, scallops, pipin
ng and facings. Students w
will learn about the historyy o
of bindings, h
how to make self‐bound eedges, Amish bindings, wh
hen to use sin
ngle‐fold, dou
uble‐fold, biass and straight nish a binding with hand sstitches. b
binding and fi
Bring one 15” x 15” quilt block or qu
SUPPLY LIST: uilt sandwich.. The layers sshould be bassted or quilteed and have aa t
thin batting (e
e.g. Hobbs 80
0/20 or Warm
m & Natural). The batting aand backing should be 1” larger than th
he quilt top on
n a four sides.. Bring a coordinating bin
all nding fabric fo
or this squarre (cut beforee class – 2 sttrips, each 2 ½” x 42”, cut s
selvage to selvage or on the t bias), cottton thread to match the binding fabric, and basic sewing supp
plies includingg s
scissors, pins,
a mechanicaal pencil and aa needle for h
hand sewing.
KIT: A $35 kit will be purch
hased by each
h student for the class. It iincludes an in
nstructional b
booklet and p
pre‐cut fabrics f
for the edge t
treatment sam
mples. C
H: 6 hours Simply Crazy (crazy piecing, hand stitches & embellishments) CLASS DESCRIPTION: This is a fun and easy way to make a crazy quilt. In the morning the students will piece their 9 block quilt top. The afternoon will be spent learning and making hand embroidery stitches. Kathy will discuss how to add beads, silk ribbon and embellishments to the project. The finished size of this wall hanging is 30” x 30”. It can be made in any colors and coordinated fabrics. Christmas, juvenile, florals or reproduction themes all work well for this project. It helps to choose the border fabric first. Sashing may be added between the blocks. SUPPLY LIST: Sewing machine, rotary cutter with a new blade, 6” x 24” ruler, 18” x 24” cutting mat, 12 ½” or larger square ruler, 9 coordinating squares of fabric – each 12 ½” x 12 ½” in a variety of colors and color values, 1/3 yard for sashing and inner border, 5/8 yard for outer border, neutral sewing thread, embroidery floss or pearl cotton in a variety of coordinating colors, embroidery needles, 7” embroidery hoop, embroidery scissor. PATTERN FEE: The students will be purchasing a $10 pattern from Kathy on the day of class. The pattern includes detailed directions for making the wall hanging as well as directions and illustrations for basic crazy quilt stitches. CLASS LENGTH: 6 hours Springg Gath
(haand appliqu
ué) CLASS DESCRIPTION: Kathy has designeed a folk art aappliqué quiltt and written a book called Ozark Varieeties. Learn to
o circles, even
make perfect n stems, smooth curves, sharp points aand expert appliqué stitch
hes while maaking block #6
6 f
from the boo
ok. The finished size of th
he block is 16
6” x 16”. It may becomee a pillow, waall hanging or o the start o
of K
Kathy’s nine‐b
block appliqu
ué quilt. This iis a great classs for those n
new to appliq
qué and for th
hose who want to sharpen
n t
their appliqué
é skill level. Sttudents will leearn both freezer paper an
nd needle‐turrn appliqué teechniques. S
SUPPLY LIST: Small embroidery scissor w
with a sharp point, paper scissor, 1 ¼” silk pins with glass heads
K The students will be purchasing a $45 kit from
KIT: m Kathy on th
he day of class. The kit will w include the book Ozark V
Varieties whic
ch has hand aand machine appliqué insttructions, 9 b
block patternss and the scalloped appliq
qué border, alll f
fabrics to maake the Sprin
ng Gathering block, appliq
qué thread, needles, n
freeezer paper, Roxanne’s R
u‐Baste‐It and
d P
Perfect Circle Makers. Fabrrics and colorrs will vary with each workkshop. CLASS LENGTH: 6 hours C
A Circcle of LLove (machine appliqué) CLASS DESCRIPTION: Kathy has designeed a folk art aappliqué quiltt and written a book called Ozark Varieeties. Learn to
o circles, even
make perfect n stems, smooth curves, sharp points aand expert m
machine appliqué stitches while makingg b
block #3 from
m the book. Th
he finished size of the blocck is 16” x 16”. It may beccome a pillow
w, wall hangin
ng or the starrt o Kathy’s nin
of ne‐block appliqué quilt. This T
is a greaat class for those new to
o appliqué an
nd for those who want to
o appliqué skilll level. Studeents will learn
sharpen their n both turned
d‐under and raw‐edge macchine appliqu
ué techniquess. K
Kathy will tea
ch how to use a variety off machine stittches to finish
h the edges off the appliquéé. S
SUPPLY LIST: A sewing maachine in goo
od working order o
(it shou
uld be able to
o do a blankeet stitch, zigzzag stitch and
d b
blind hem sttitch), the operator’s maanual for thee sewing maachine, 4 em
mpty bobbinss for the machine, smalll cissor with a sharp point, paper scisso
embroidery s
or, silk pins w
with a glass head, mechan
nical pencil w
with an eraserr, pper a
and a seam ri
K The students will be purchasing a $45 kit from
KIT: m Kathy on th
he day of class. The kit will w include the book Ozark V
Varieties whic
ch has hand aand machine appliqué insttructions, 9 b
block patternss and the scalloped appliq
qué border, alll f
fabrics to maake the Spriing Gathering block, app
pliqué thread
d, bobbin th
hread, needlees, freezer paper, p
fusiblee interfacing, Ro
oxanne’s Glu‐‐Baste‐It and Perfect Circlee Makers. Fab
brics and colo
ors will vary fo
or each worksshop. C
H: 6 hours Fruitopia (wool appliqué) CLASS DESCRIPTION: Kathy has designed a folk art appliqué pattern specifically for this class. It has a pedestal fruit plate, loaded with fruit. The students will learn to work with wool for appliqué. A variety of hand stitches will be taught for finishing the edges of the wool motifs. Some of the wool for this project is from Ireland and other wool pieces have been hand‐dyed by Kathy. SUPPLY LIST: A small embroidery scissor with a sharp point, paper scissor and 1 ¼” silk pins with a glass head KIT: The students will be purchasing a $35 kit from Kathy on the day of class. The kit will include the pattern and directions, freezer paper, Heat ‘n Bond, all of the wool needed for the project, chenille needles and coordinating pearl cotton. CLASS LENGTH: 6 hours Visiting Baltimore (dimensional appliqué) CLASS DESCRIPTION: Kathy has designed a Baltimore Album style appliqué wall hanging for this project. Students will learn to make perfect circles, weave a basket, ruche flowers and the basket handle, make dimensional and folded flowers and work with ultra‐suede, silk ribbon, pearl cotton, beads and florist leaves. Instructions for making the dimensional triangle inner border and the scalloped outer border is provided. The finished size of the wall hanging is 30” x 30”. This is a great class for those new to appliqué and for those who want to take their appliqué skills to a new level. SUPPLY LIST: A small embroidery scissor with a sharp point, paper scissor, 1 ¼” silk pins with a glass head, mechanical pencil with an eraser, basic sewing supplies, 50 or 60 wt. thread to match appliqué fabrics FABRIC SUPPLIES FOR CLASS: ‐ Background of central design (22” x 22” – finished size = 20” x 20”), basket lattice, trim & handle (one fat quarter), basket background (7” x 7”), flowers & leaves (assorted fabrics – 10” x 10” squares) FABRIC SUPPLIES FOR AFTER CLASS: Inner border (1/8 yard), inner border dimensional triangles (32 – 4” squares … 8 per side), Outer border (1/2 yard), uter border scallops (1/3 yard), outer border hearts (1/8 yard), backing & sleeve (1 ¼ yard), batting (36” x 36” – thin cotton, blend or wool), binding (1/3 yard for straight cut or 2/3 yard for bias cut) KIT: The students will be purchasing a $15 kit from Kathy on the day of class. It includes the pattern and detailed instructions, silk ribbons, pearl cotton, ultra suede, beads, beading thread and needles for appliqué, beading and hand embroidery. CLASS LENGTH: 6 hours or this workshop can be expanded into a two‐day retreat Making a Grand Entrance CLASS DESCRIPTION: Kathy was the recipient of the 2009 Jewel Pearce Patterson Award for Quilting Teachers (sponsored by the Houston Quilt Festival & Market.) As a result of that scholarship, Kathy developed this workshop and has taught it at major quilt shows. She also curated an exhibit of quilts made by her students and herself with the theme of entrances. In the workshop, the students learn to design and make an entryway, based on an existing photo or drawing. Fabric and color choices, textures, perspective, light sources, scale and quilting possibilities are all discussed in class. The students spend the morning developing their designs on large sheets of paper with the use of tracer lights. In the afternoon, they learn to choose and fuse fabrics into place. The project is completed at home with machine appliqué and quilting. SUPPLY LIST: A photo of the entryway you want to make, a small embroidery scissor with a sharp point, paper scissor, regular sewing scissor, rotary cutter, 6” x 24” acrylic ruler, 18” x 24” cutting mat, mechanical pencil with an eraser, a black sharpie marker, large sheet of paper for the design (at least 3’ x 5’), a variety of fabrics to be used for all parts of the design, 6 yards of fusible such as Wonder Under or Steam a Seam II. NOTE: Students can make their design from an existing or imaginary entryway. Students have used photos taken on vacation, a front door on a house, archways, caves and a variety of other entryways to create their wall hangings. Kathy will bring her collection of entryway photos that students may use for their entryway if they do not have one. She will also bring tracer lights for the students to use to develop their design. KIT/PATTERN FEE: none CLASS LENGTH: 6 hours or this workshop can be expanded to a two to five day retreat Let’s Go Fishing CLASS DESCRIPTION: Learn to design an underwater fish scene that will make a perfect gift for anyone who enjoys fishing. This wall hanging will be 24” x 30”. You will learn crazy quilt stitches and techniques for using beads, silk ribbons and fabric overlays. Go fishing is your sewing room to find a water background, batik fabrics for fish and rocks, netting and sheer fabrics for overlays and beads, shells and trims to embellish this project. You will spend the day designing and fusing the rocks, plants and fish. The quilt will be finished at home with machine quilting. Don’t let this one get away … it’s going to be a fun class. SUPPLY LIST: 24” x 30” fabric for your background (water colors), 2 yards of a light‐weight fusible (preferably Wonder Under®.), 2 yards of freezer paper, scraps of netting and sheer fabrics for overlays (at least 15” square and in a variety of colors), a good variety of colors and fabrics to be used for rocks, fish and plants (these may be prints, tone on tone or batik fabrics), a variety of beads and other appropriate embellishments (shells, pieces of sponge, trims, buttons, rickrack, decorative threads and yarns), pearl cotton – variety of colors (size 5 or 8), silk ribbons – 4 mm or 7 mm wide, one bottle of Roxanne’s Glu‐Baste‐It® (Kathy will have this available for sale in class), paper glue stick, paper, fabric and embroidery scissors, rotary cutter and 18” x 24” mat, pencil, silk pins, sewing needles including #24 tapestry needles for sewing pearl cotton and silk ribbon. A backing, batting and binding will be needed after class. KIT/PATTERN FEE: none CLASS LENGTH: 6 hours or this workshop can be expanded to a two to five day retreat Elegant Victorian Purses CLASS DESCRIPTION: Learn a variety of crazy quilt, embroidery and silk ribbon stitches, beading techniques and wired silk ribbon flowers while making this stunning class project. Students will individualize their purses with an assortment of ribbons, beads and trims. Kathy has assembled kits that include your needed material supplies. You only need to bring hand‐sewing tools to class, making your preparation for this class minimal. SUPPLY LIST: Hand sewing supplies including fabric scissors, small embroidery scissors, neutral thread, hand sewing needles, size #24 tapestry needle and silk pins. Please bring any special laces, trims, buttons or small mementos you wish to add to your project. KIT: Students will be purchasing a purse kit for $30 from Kathy on the day of the class. Kathy will have a variety of colors and fabrics to choose from for the individual kits. The kit will include the pattern, tapestry fabric and lining fabric, cording for the handle, individual beads, bead fringe, silk ribbons, trims, pearl cotton, embroidery floss, beading thread, silk thread, a beading tray and sewing needles. CLASS LENGTH: 6 hours or this workshop can be expanded to a two to three day retreat Threee Houur Woorkshoop Deescriptions
Meet M
Don’t be intim
midated by inttricate Hawaiiian appliqué blocks. Kathyy will show yyou how to design and
d make these
e using a raw‐‐edge appliqu
ué technique.. She will share her originaal patterns an
nd provide hints for ccreating Hawaaiian designs.. Students wiill learn to fold and cut fu
usible paper tto make theirr design. It will be fussed to the appliqué fabric and machine appliquéd
d to the backkground fabrric. Learn to maneuver inside and outside curvves and pointts to create eeven machinee appliqué stitches. Bordeers may be ad
dded after ect a wall hanging or pillow
w. class to maake this proje
SUPPLY LIST: You will need a machine in good working ord
der for this cllass. It will need n
to havee a blanket stitch or ziigzag stitch. Bring embroidery scissorss with a sharp
p point, papeer scissors, a mechanical p
pencil with an eraser ffor marking yyour pattern, silk pins and two empty b
bobbins for yo
our sewing machine. KIT: Studeents will be purchasing p
a $20 kit from
m Kathy on the t day of cllass. It will in
nclude an insstructional booklet wiith four patte
erns by Kathy,, freezer papeer, Wonder U
Under®, a batiik fabric for the design, a ssolid fabric for the baackground (w
white or blackk) polyester thread and a a light‐weight bobbin thread. Kathy will w have a variety of b
batik fabrics aand polyesterr thread colorrs for studentts to choose ffor their projeects. CLASS LEN
NGTH: 3 hours or this workshop can b
be expanded to a 6 hour w
workshop in w
which the stu
udents will develop fo
our Hawaiian blocks. The cost for the fabrics for additional blockss is $8 per blo
ock. The Basics of Hand Quilting CLASS DESCRIPTION: Kathy has enjoyed hand quilting for many years. Learn the secrets of making small, even and straight hand quilting stitches during this workshop. Kathy has put together class kits for this class and your hand quilting project can become a pillow or wall hanging. SUPPLY LIST: 14” quilting hoop (Kathy suggests the double lap hoop from or the 14”
lap hoop from, a small embroidery scissors, your favorite thimble (Kathy suggests a Roxanne’s Thimble from KIT: Students will purchase a $25 kit from Kathy on the day of the class. The kit includes an instructional booklet, pre‐marked design on ivory fabric, quilting thread, quilting needles, batting and backing for your project. CLASS LENGTH: 3 hours Embellishing Vintage Photos CLASS DESCRIPTION: Students will learn a variety of embroidery and silk ribbon stitches while decorating a vintage photo. Beads and decorative trims may be added to further enhance the photo. The photo will be attached to a background fabric and placed in a 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 frame. This class has lots of fun techniques to learn. Embellishing photos will become your new passion. You will be able to embellish wedding photos and photos of your family using Kathy’s techniques. She has a variety of framed samples to show in class. SUPPLY LIST: An embroidery scissor with a sharp point, Clover 1 ¼” silk pins with a glass head, a fancy 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 frame that sits on a table and a 10” x 12” cotton tone on tone fabric or silk fabric that you want for the borders of the picture. It can be any color. Bring a variety of fabrics so you can make your final choice once you choose your photo. The frame can be silver, gold or wood. Hobby stores have some great frames to choose from and they are often on sale. KIT: Kathy will bring a variety of vintage photos for students to choose from. She has transferred the photos onto silk fabric. Students choose one photo for their project. The kit also includes embroidery needles, a fusible stabilizer, batting, pearl cotton, silk ribbon, trims and beads for embellishing the photo. Kathy brings a variety of colors for students to choose from for embellishing your photo. Students may also bring a special trim, antique button, charm or 4mm ribbon that they want to include. The cost of the kit is $15. CLASS LENGTH: 3 hours Let’s Make a Victorian Broche CLASS DESCRIPTION: Students will learn to make a broche with a vintage photo transfer, beads, silk ribbon and lace. Kathy has assembled all that is needed for this broche in the kit. She also has other pins that she has made to show in class. This project makes a great gift. The beading technique takes the longest to do however, most students are able to complete this project in class. SUPPLY LIST: An embroidery scissor with a sharp point and a paper scissor that can cut cardboard KIT: Students will be purchasing a $12 kit from Kathy on the day of class. It includes the vintage photo transfer, seed and mini bugle beads, beading thread, a beading tray, fabric, lace, batting, silk ribbon, tiny pre‐
made roses, cardboard stock, glue and a pin. CLASS LENGTH: 3 hours Simply Crazy with Batiks CLASS DESCRIPTION: Students will begin this class by making a crazy quilt block using batik fabrics and fused raw edges. No sewing machines are needed for this project. This process is fast and easy and will produce flat edges for the addition of crazy quilt stitches. A variety of crazy quilt stitches will be taught and used along the seam lines. Kathy will also demonstrate how to add beads, embellishments, laces and silk ribbons. One crazy quilt block will be made during class. It can become a pillow, small wall hanging or three more blocks may be made later and put together with borders like the sample photo. SUPPLY LIST: 12” x 12” good quality muslin fabric for the foundation, a variety of batiks (bring 6‐8 different fabrics in a variety of colors, each at least 7” x 7”), beads, sequins, buttons, trims and other embellishments you may want to add, mechanical pencil, fine tip black felt pen, 12” ruler, 1 yard of Wonder Under®, ½ yard of freezer paper, silk pins, paper, fabric and embroidery scissors. KIT: Students will purchase a $12 kit from Kathy on the day of class. It will include a pattern and directions, a beading tray, beading thread, pearl cotton, needles and Kathy’s hand‐dyed silk ribbon. CLASS LENGTH: 3 hours Colonial Welcome CLASS DESCRIPTION: Kathy Kansier is a quilt maker and rug hooker. She has combined her love of hand appliqué and wool in this project. The block design is from her recently published book called Ozark Varieties. Students will learn how to work with wool and to make simple embroidery stitches to secure the raw edges of the appliqué motifs. The project is fast and easy and one sure to inspire you to continue working with wool. Borders may be added after class to make this block into a pillow or wall hanging. SUPPLY LIST: Mechanical pencil with an eraser, paper scissor, embroidery scissor KIT: The students will purchase a $35 kit from Kathy on the day of class. It will include the pattern and instructions, wool for the background and appliqué motifs, Heat ‘n Bond, pearl cotton and embroidery needles. The wool fabrics and colors will vary with each workshop. CLASS LENGTH: 3 hours