Annex A - Scope of Work


Annex A - Scope of Work
Pitch Upgrade: Turf Reinforcement,
Perimeter Artificial Carpet and 12 Months
Maintenance – Sammy Ofer Stadium
Client Name:
Haifa Sport and Recreation City Ltd
Prepared By:
Dr Richard Gibbs
19 May 2016
STRI is completely independent and has no alliances to commercial products, services or contractors. This ensures that our
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If you have any queries with regard to this report please call +44 (0)1274 565131 or email
Sammy Ofer Stadium
PART A – GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................ 5
A1.0 PRELIMINARY ......................................................................................................................... 5
A2.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 5
A3.0 SCOPE OF WORKS ................................................................................................................ 5
A4.0 TIMING OF WORKS ................................................................................................................ 7
A5.0 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS .............................................................................................. 7
A6.0 SUB-CONTRACTORS ............................................................................................................ 8
A7.0 DRAWINGS............................................................................................................................... 8
A8.0 SITE CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................. 8
A9.0 HAND WORK ............................................................................................................................ 8
A10.0 PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................... 8
A11.0 SITE ESTABLISHMENT ......................................................................................................... 9
A12.0 CONTRACTOR’S SITE ORGANISATION ........................................................................... 9
A13.0 SURVEYING EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................. 10
A14.0 MATERIALS TESTING.......................................................................................................... 10
A15.0 SETTING OUT ........................................................................................................................ 10
A16.0 PROJECT SIGN BOARD ...................................................................................................... 11
A17.0 PROGRESS PHOTOGRAPHS ............................................................................................ 11
A18.0 QUALITY OF MATERIALS AND SUPPLY ......................................................................... 11
A19.0 WORKS INSPECTION AND HOLD POINTS .................................................................... 13
A20.0 EXISTING SERVICES........................................................................................................... 13
A21.0 PROTECTION AND UPKEEP OF SITE AND ADJACENT AREAS ............................... 14
A22.0 CONTROL OF DUST ............................................................................................................ 14
A23.0 CONTROL OF NOISE AND VIBRATION ........................................................................... 15
A24.0 SITE TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT, SAFETY AND CONTROL .......................................... 15
A25.0 FIRE PRECAUTIONS............................................................................................................ 15
A26.0 SAFETY OFFICERS .............................................................................................................. 16
A27.0 EXCAVATED SPOIL DISPOSAL ........................................................................................ 16
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A28.0 CONTRACTOR’S AS-BUILT DRAWINGS ......................................................................... 16
A29.0 PUBLICITY .............................................................................................................................. 17
A30.0 TIDYING AND CLEARING THE SITE ................................................................................ 17
A31.0 OTHER CONTRACTORS ON SITE.................................................................................... 17
PERIMETER AND 12-MONTH MAINTENANCE PERIOD.......................................................... 18
B1.0 DESCRIPTION OF WORKS ................................................................................................ 18
B2.0 CONTRACTOR SUBMISSIONS.......................................................................................... 19
B3.0 GENERAL PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS .............................................................. 19
B4.0 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING .......................................................................... 23
B5.0 ARTIFICIAL TURF PERIMETER ......................................................................................... 24
B6.0 TURFGRASS ESTABLISHMENT (BY OTHERS) ............................................................. 28
B7.0 PITCH TURF REINFORCEMENT SYSTEM ..................................................................... 29
B8.0 TURFGRASS MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................ 30
B10.0 ADDITIONAL ITEMS ............................................................................................................. 42
APPENDIX 1 – EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEM LAYOUT ........................................................................ 44
APPENDIX 2 – AS-BUILT EXISTING DRAINAGE SYSTEM LAYOUT ........................................................... 45
APPENDIX 3 – AS-BUILT EXISTING FINISHED LEVELS............................................................................. 46
Limitation: These general and technical specifications have been produced for exclusive use by Sammy Ofer
Stadium and the appointed pitch contractor for the upgrade of the stadium pitch at the Sammy Ofer Stadium in
Haifa, Israel. STRI accept no liability or responsibility whatsoever in respect of any use of these specifications
beyond the scope of their application by any third party.The documents are the property of STRI and may not
be copied nor reproduced without prior written approval of STRI, except for the purposes of implementing the
upgrading of this pitch.
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Turf Reinforcement, Perimeter & 12 Months Maintenance
© STRI Ltd
Sammy Ofer Stadium
Pitch Upgrade
Sammy Ofer Stadium, Haifa, Israel
Project Title
Stadium Pitch Upgrade
Project Reference
Document Title
Pitch Upgrade: Turf Reinforcement, Perimeter Artificial Carpet and 12 Months
Document Reference
I:\H\Haifa Sport and Recreation City Ltd\SS105858 - Sammy Ofer Stadium
Pitch Upgrade\06. Contract Documents\Specifications
Prepared by:
Dr Richard Gibbs
Checked by:
6 May 2016
Ian McClements
Approved by:
17 May 2016
Andy Cole
18 May 2016
Description of Principal Revisions
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The Contractor shall ensure that all works comply with the most up to date construction
legislation in force in Israel at the time of the works and all materials selected and supplied for
this project shall be suitable for use in the local climate. These pitch reconstruction
specifications shall be read in conjunction with the General Conditions of Contract. The Works
shall be executed in accordance with the Drawings and other such information as may be
issued or approved by the Client’s Representative.
The Contractor is required to install a hybrid turf reinforcement system and artificial turf
perimeter surrounds in the reconstructed stadium pitch at the Sammy Ofer Stadium, Haifa,
Israel, followed by 12 months maintenance. The pitch shall have been reconstructed (by
others), which, in accordance with the requirements and specification outlined in this document,
shall provide playing facilities of the highest international standard,
In order to ensure that this standard is met, the Contractor is required to engage, where
necessary, the services of approved specialist Sub-Contractors with the appropriate expertise
and a proven track record in the development of similar facilities within the Middle East.
Success of pitch installation and its subsequent performance will depend on a number of
factors, including (but not necessarily limited to):
1. Strict adherence to tolerance levels and specified depths
2. Strict adherence to quality control in terms of material selection and procurement, delivery,
installation and stockpiling
3. Uniform mixing of the constituent parts of the amended components of the sand rootzone
(by others)
4. Extreme care during the installation of the irrigation system in order to prevent damage
both during and after installation (by others)
5. Seamless merging of the natural turf playing surface with the artificial turf surrounds
6. Timing of seedbed preparation and turf establishment by sprigging (by others)
7. Successful installation of a stitched turf reinforcing system
8. Subsequent maintenance of the playing surface
The completed pitch shall be handed over to the Client as a fully working product with all
necessary systems, procedures, certifications and approvals in place to the satisfaction of the
Client’s Representative. The Client’s Representative reserves the right not to accept the pitch
at handover should any aspects of this specification not be met.
Should the Contractor wish to visit the site then this should be done by arranging an
appointment through the Client’s Representative. The contact details are as follows:
Mr Ilan Fucs
CEO, The Stadium Compound
Haifa Sport & Recreation City Ltd
PO Box 15094
Haifa 3190500, Israel
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Mobile: 972-50-5559278
General Scope of Works
The overall scope of work consists of the reconstruction of the pitch to comply with UEFA (level
4) and FIFA standards. During grass establishment a hybrid stitched turf reinforcement system
shall be installed, along with the installation of a perimeter artificial turf carpet and shockpad.
The work to be undertaken within this package shall include the design (where appropriate),
co-ordination, procurement, supply, fabrication, manufacturing, delivery to site, assembly,
installation, supervision, inspection and testing of the completed systems and works. All
clearances and certifications prescribed by relevant Israeli legislation, including all regulations
and permits relating to importing of materials and equipment, shall be the Contractor’s
The works shall include all associated preparation, temporary facilities, and clearance of the
site on completion as well as on-going turf maintenance for a 12-month period to achieve the
required pitch performance standard.
The works shall require the following general items in support of the works:
1. Provision of method statements, including the Contractor’s standard Service Level
Agreement itemising, but not necessarily limited to, response and repair times in relation
to breakdowns or errors.
2. Provision of a quality control plan encompassing all aspects of the hybrid turf reinforcement
installation and artificial turf carpet.
3. Provision of samples for approval.
4. Provision of product performance data where appropriate, including records of test results,
inspection reports, material certificates etc.
5. Provision of operating and maintenance manuals.
6. Protection of the works.
7. Site clearance and cleaning.
8. Compliance with Health and Safety requirements.
9. Adherence to quality assurance requirements.
Particular Scope of Works
The Contractor shall be responsible for all aspects of the supply, installation and management
of the turf reinforcement system and perimeter artificial turf surrounds for the following phases
of pitch development:
1. Pre-installation (submittals, approval and procurement)
2. Installation of hybrid turf reinforcement system and perimeter artificial turf surrounds.
3. Maintenance of the natural and artificial turf (12-month period).
The term ‘pitch’ shall be a single deliverable product comprising of all layers underneath the
natural and artificial turf playing surfaces and their surrounding ancillary services.
The scope of works for the pitch, summarised below, shall be undertaken in accordance with
the specifications set out in this document and the associated drawings.
1. The protection of existing infrastructure within and around the pitch not earmarked for
removal or upgrading.
2. Removal of goal posts and protection of existing sockets.
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3. Supplying and installing a hybrid stitched turf reinforcement system.
4. Supplying and installing a shockpad and 3G artificial turf over a basecourse installed by
5. Marrying in the artificial turf boundary with the natural turf edge of the pitch.
6. Carrying out a final site clean-up.
7. Carrying out turf maintenance for 12 months after handover, including the supply of all
trained staff, manuals, documents, records, certificates, and training of the Client
Representative’s personnel following handover to the Client at the end of the Contract.
Note that the supply of machinery, equipment and consumables for natural and artificial
turf maintenance shall be provisional as the Client’s Representative is looking to supply
these items.
In terms of the 12 months maintenance after grow-in handover, the Contractor shall be
responsible for implementing a comprehensive and sustainable turf maintenance and
operations programme for the 12-month maintenance period, which includes maintenance of
the artificial turf surrounds, and operation of the artificial lighting rigs, fans and irrigation system.
This programme shall take into account the planned type, frequency and intensity of use for the
stadium , as well as the unique micro-environment within the stadium bowl.
Timing of works shall be as follows:
Tender issue:
To be confirmed by Client
Tender awarding:
To be confirmed by Client
Installation of turf reinforcement:
From 1 August 2016 (grow-in complete by this time)
Commencement of use:
The pitch shall be available for play from 18
August 2016
The Contractor shall submit to the Client’s Representative their proposed programme of work
for the execution of the works under the general headings and deadlines shown in these
documents. This programme must be approved by the Client’s Representative prior to
beginning the works.
The Contractor shall keep to, or ahead of, the agreed timetable. The Client shall schedule on a
weekly basis, or at periods otherwise agreed by the Client and the Contractor, a programme
review meeting to be held on site or at another convenient location. This review will deal with
all matters which have already resulted in, or are likely to cause, deviations from the
Where in the opinion of the Client the Contractor's progress has deviated from the programme
to the extent that it no longer reflects the true situation, the Contractor shall prepare, within the
next review period, an amended programme incorporating the latest information. This amended
programme will be commented on by the Client’s Representative as if it were the programme
referred to above. When agreed, this programme shall become the current programme.
Acceptance by the Client’s Representative of any programme does not relieve the Contractor
of any of their obligations and liabilities under the contract.
It is assumed that the Contractor will have inspected the site for themselves and will have taken
into consideration all aspects such as services (eg. water mains, electrical cables etc.), site
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accessibility, ground stability for machine operation and workability, which could influence their
tendered price.
The Contractor may appoint specialist Sub-Contractors and/or Sub-Consultants to assist with
the execution of their responsibilities. Such Sub-Contractors or Sub-Consultants may include:
1. The design and supply of the pitch turf reinforcement system.
2. The design and supply of the artificial turf pitch perimeter.
3. The supply of specialist pitch maintenance materials including, fertilisers, pesticides,
herbicides, fungicides, growth regulators, turf conditioners, line marking paint, turf
colourants, and other specialist turf products (provisional, to be confimed with Client’s
4. The provision of inspection and testing services.
5. The provision of training services.
6. Any other approved task or services beyond the expertise and resource of the Contractor.
Note: The supply of pitch maintenance and renovation machinery will be made available
by the Client’s Representative.
The appointment of Sub-Contractors and Sub-Consultants shall be to the Client
Representative’s approval. The Contractor shall retain overall responsibility for pitch
performance during the 12-month maintenance period.
The following drawings form part of this Specification:
Existing pitch layout and levels SS105858-001
Proposed finished levels and pitch cross section SS105858-002
Proposed irrigation layout SS105858-003
Irrigation assemblies SS105858-004
The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the need to satisfy themselves as to the conditions on
site and is advised to visit and inspect the site prior to submitting the tender.
The Contractor is responsible for obtaining additional information they consider necessary
covering such matters as the nature of the profile and ground conditions, physical features of
the site, location and condition of pitch and surrounding infrastructure etc.
The Contractor shall allow in their pricing for hand working on parts and in conditions where the
use of machinery will not produce results to the Client’s satisfaction even though specific
reference is not made to such in the body of the Specification (e.g. installation of stitching
around irrigation heads).
No variation from the sequence and nature of the works detailed in the specification will be
permitted except with the prior written consent of the Client’s Representative.
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The Contractor shall negotiate with the Client’s Representatvie for staff welfare facilities on site,
including First Aid and fire-fighting equipment and drinking water facilities for the duration of the
Contract. The Contractor shall also arrange a site for location of plant and material stockpiles
necessary for the construction and maintenance of the Works and shall pay any rents and fees
levied in connection therewith. The location of the facilities and sites for plant and materials
shall be agreed with the Client’s Representative in advance of mobilization.
Within one week after the Completion of the whole of the Works, the whole area occupied by
the Contractor's facilities, plant and materials shall be cleared and all rubbish and refuse
The Contractor's proposed access routes to and within the site shall be provided and
maintained as agreed with the Client’s Representative. The Client’s Representative may at any
time withdraw approval for the use of any route and may order alternative routes as considered
The Contractor shall employ all necessary security for their plant and equipment on site as they
consider necessary.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the security of their site of works and the safety of their
own staff and other construction workers or client representatives visiting or working on the site
and shall be liable for any claims arising from loss or damage suffered. The Contractor shall be
responsible for employing their own security staff for this purpose.
All temporary site facilities belonging to the Contractor shall be maintained in an efficient
condition during the period of the Contract and shall be available for inspection as required.
The Contractor must comply immediately with any official instruction given for cleaning,
disinfestation and maintenance of any building to a hygienic and sanitary condition.
The Contractor shall confine their plant and materials and the operations of their staff to the
limits as directed by the Client’s Representative. The Contractor shall erect temporary fences
as required by the Client’s Representative. The site boundary lines shall be to the approval of
the Client’s Representative.
The Contractor shall, unless otherwise instructed by the Client’s Representative, provide and
maintain water, electricity and power required for the works including that required by any Subcontractors. The Contractor shall pay all charges and bear all costs for any necessary
temporary installation including pipework, pumps, water tankers, storage tanks, generating
equipment, etc. if required and remove on completion and make good all work disturbed.
The Contractor shall set out the works as described in the specifications.
The Contractor shall provide the Client’s Representative with all necessary assistance in
checking the setting out of the works and interpreting any information used by the Contractor
for this purpose.
The Contractor shall also provide the Client’s Representative with similar assistance in carrying
out additional surveying works should these be found necessary for the proper execution of the
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The Contractor shall be responsible for all follow up and co-ordination with all services
authorities (electricity, water, drainage, lighting, telephone, landscape, etc.) as required.
The Contractor shall provide subject to the approval of the Client’s Representative, sufficient
qualified staff for supervision of the works and site administration.
The Contractor shall provide all skilled and unskilled labour and all necessary construction
plant, equipment, consumables and tools necessary for the proper execution of the works.
The Contractor shall supply and maintain in full working order during the progress of the works
any required surveying or GPS equipment, and the supply of expendable surveying material as
required in connection with the works. All equipment shall be provided for exclusive use on the
works until the end of the construction period and shall remain the property of the Contractor.
Unless otherwise specified, testing of materials and completed work shall be carried out at the
Contractor's expense.
All transportation of materials on site and to the laboratory shall be borne by the Contractor.
The testing of the works by the approved laboratory in no way absolves the Contractor from
their responsibilities to carry out their own quality control processes for their work and the
materials used.
All manufactured materials (e.g. shockpad, artificial turf, infill) and specified for the works shall
be required to be analysed for suitability and approved prior to the commencement of work.
The Contractor shall meet all testing costs. If tests show that the materials or work are not up
to the required standard, the Contractor shall remove the faulty materials and complete the
work to the required standard.
The following information and testing results will be required to be supplied to the Client’s
Representative for approval as part of their submission (see also Section B2.0):
1. Manufacturer’s and source data for all proposed materials (e.g. shockpad, artificial turf,
infill, yarn for stitched turf reinforcement system).
2. Results of relevant materials and performance testing of samples of shockpad, artificial turf,
infill and yarn proposed for the works.
Any samples provided by the Contractor shall be typical of materials to be delivered to the site
and shall provide a true representation of their characteristics.
The Contractor shall make due allowance for the time required for any testing within their
planning and programme.
The Client’s Representative shall hand over to the Contractor the work site according to the
Drawings. The work site means all land and other locations which the Client’s Representative
passes to the Contractor to construct and maintain the works mentioned in the Contract.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all the setting out of the location of the works and shall
employ adequate qualified staff for this purpose.
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Before the commencement of the works the Contractor shall set out the works to the satisfaction
of the Client’s Representative. The Contractor shall check the accuracy of their position and
shall immediately notify the Client’s Representative of any discrepancies.
The Contractor shall, as soon as practicable, supply the Client’s Representative with records
in approved form relating to all reference pegs and bench marks and shall keep such records
up to date by formal notice to the Client’s Representative.
All survey reference pegs shall be carefully preserved except where installation requires their
removal, and before such removal the approval of the Client’s Representative shall be obtained.
Before commencing work, the Contractor shall survey the ground surface and shall prepare
plans and cross-sections accordingly. These shall, when finally agreed, be signed by the
Client’s Representative and Contractor as truly representing the configuration of the areas in
question before commencement of the work.
All setting out shall be approved in writing by the Client’s Representative before work may
Any change of the ground elevation resulting from compaction or other works provided for in
the Contract Documents shall be deemed included in such works and paid for within the tender
prices listed in the Bill of Quantities. The Contractor shall consequently in no way be entitled
to any additional payment or claim whatsoever.
The Contractor shall be allowed to provide and erect a Project Signboard in a location to be
approved by the Client’s Representative.
They shall be sign written by a skilled sign writer to show the details described in the Contract
plus any other relevant details to the approval of the Client’s Representative.
Within one week of Completion of the works the Project Sign Board shall be dismantled and
removed by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall take regular high quality, digital photographs of the installation works
undertaken. These photographs shall cover the full extent of the works.
The Contractor shall provide the Client’s Representative with one set of progress photographs
on a weekly basis during the installation period taken with accurate dates and clear labelling.
The copyright of all photographs shall be vested in the Client. The photographs shall not be
used for any other purpose whatsoever without the Client’s approval.
Unless otherwise stated or approved by the Client’s Representative, all materials used in the
works shall be new and of the best quality as specified in the Contract.
Materials delivered to the site for the purpose of the works, shall be accompanied by an
appropriate test and/or quality assurance certificate, stamp or report.
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The Client’s acceptance of the materials does not relieve the Contractor of their total
responsibility to carry on with additional investigations in order to obtain and supply, during the
progress of the works, uniform material conforming to the specifications.
The Contractor shall be responsible for payment of royalties, if any, arising due to the obtaining
of materials for use in the works. No separate payment will be made by the Client as a royalty
for materials for use in the works.
Wherever in the specifications, tests on materials, tests on completed work and construction
control tests are called for or implied, they shall be carried out according to, and the materials
shall comply with, the requirements of the Specifications (latest edition) with the priority of latest
edition of standard shall be as follows:
Israeli standards.
International standard such as ISO and EN.
National Standard such as BSI and DIN.
Others as stated in this Specification such as ASTM, USGA, UEFA, STRI etc.
Where specific material or equipment is referred to in the Contract, it is intended only to indicate
the acceptable standard. The Contractor may offer alternative materials or equipment of an
equal standard. The Contractor must submit a statement listing proposed alternatives together
with such information and samples as the Client’s Representative may require to satisfy himself
that the alternatives offered are of equal quality to the items specified. The cost of submitting
such samples will be borne by the Contractor.
Should the Client’s Representative discover in the works any materials other than those
approved, they may order their removal from the site and replacement with approved materials
at no cost to the Client and in compliance with standard specifications.
All specified proprietary materials incorporated in the works shall be installed strictly in
accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions.
Any Bills of Quantities supplied shall not be used as a basis for ordering materials and the
Contractor is entirely responsible for assessing the quantities of materials to be ordered.
All materials or manufactured items shall be carefully loaded, transported, unloaded and stored
in an approved manner, protected from damage and exposure to weather, extreme heat or
dampness during transit and after delivery to the Site. Damaged material or manufactured items
damaged during and after fixing in position shall be removed, repaired or replaced by and at
the Contractor's expense.
The Contractor shall erect and maintain any temporary and weather proof covers for proper
storage and protection of their own and Sub-contractors’ materials. Cement, artificial turf and
perishable material (eg. seed, fertilizer) shall have floors raised 150 mm off the ground (i.e. on
pallets). The Contractor shall clear away on completion and make good all areas disturbed.
Prior to ordering or delivering any material or manufactured items to the site, the name and
address of the supplier(s) and, where required by the Client’s Representative, adequate
samples, sample schedules and manufacturer's certificates of all the materials and goods to be
used in the works, shall be submitted to the Client’s Representative for approval and in the case
of rejection further samples shall be submitted until such are approved. The cost of submitting
all such samples shall be borne by the Contractor. All proprietary products/materials shall have
approved National Certificates of conformance similar to the BSI Quality Kite Mark.
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The Contractor shall comply fully with requests by the Client’s Representative for inspection of
works. If the Contractor deliberately covers work before inspection, then the Client’s
Representative has the right to assume the works may be faulty and the Client’s Representative
may direct their reconstruction at the Contractor's expense.
Hold points shall be specified at key times during the course of the works (eg. completion of
installation of shockpad layer). The Contractor shall not continue with the next stage of the
works until each appropriate hold point has been signed off by the Client’s Representative and
the Contractor to the Client’s Representative satisfaction. Reasonable notice must be given by
the Contractor to allow the Client’s Representative to carry out such tests and inquiries as may
be appropriate before giving approval.
The positions of any services shown on the Drawings have been based on the records of
various utilities and on local investigations and must be regarded as approximate. The
Contractor must verify this information and satisfy themselves as to the exact nature and
position of all such services. The Client’s Representative does not guarantee the accuracy of
the information given on the drawings and no warranty is given or implied.
The Contractor shall take into account the current laws regarding the safety of service lines,
together with any amendment or additions thereto. The Contractor shall include in their tender
for anything in these laws considered to have a monetary value.
The cost of locating or verifying the location of existing services, liaison with the various service
authorities and/or the stadium management, and complying with the above shall be borne by
the Contractor unless provided for elsewhere in the Contract.
Before opening the ground for any purpose, the Contractor must notify all concerned parties
and other site contractors by issue of formal ‘Notice of intent’ and must obtain information by
Formal Notice regarding the location of all services. The complete responsibility for obtaining
this information rests with the Contractor.
The Contractor shall prepare records and sketches showing position, levels and types of each
existing service including manholes, joint boxes, inspection chambers etc.
The Contractor shall take any and all measures reasonably required for the support and full
protection of all mains, pipes, cables and other apparatus during the progress of the works, and
shall construct and provide to the satisfaction of the authority or the stadium management
concerned, all works necessary for the prevention of damage or interruption of services.
If, in the execution of the works, by reason of any subsidence caused by, or any act of neglect
or default of the Contractor, any damage to any apparatus or any interruption of, or delay to the
provision of any service is caused, the Contractor shall report it to the Client’s Representative
immediately and bear and pay the cost reasonably incurred by the authority or stadium
management concerned in making good such damage and shall make full compensation to the
authority or stadium management for any loss, sustained by reason of such interruption or
The Contractor shall at all times during the progress of the works, afford facilities to properly
accredited agents of any Public or Utility Authority for access to all or any of their apparatus
situated in or under the site, as may be necessary for inspecting, reporting, maintaining,
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removing, renewing or altering such apparatus in connection with the construction of the works
or any other purpose whatsoever.
Where any utility or service works are to be constructed under a separate contract by the
Client’s Representative within the site and concurrent with the execution of the works, the
Contractor shall cooperate with the other Contractor and shall coordinate their construction
operations to avoid interference with the other Contractor's operations.
The Contractor shall prepare and furnish all necessary shop drawings of the works required to
complete any adjustment of service apparatus to finished grade or specified level.
The Contractor shall prepare shop drawings for utility protection work and obtain the approval
of the appropriate authority before commencing with re-construction.
Any public or private service for water, electricity, drainage, etc. affected by the works shall not
be interrupted without the written permission of the Client’s Representative. Such permission
will be withheld until suitable approved permanent or temporary alternative services have been
provided by the Contractor or by the owner of the utility or his agents.
The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to protect buildings, fences, roads, paths,
culverts, landscaped areas and other apparatus if found and they shall not demolish or remove
any of these works except according to specific instructions by the Client’s Representative.
The responsibility lies with the Contractor for the repair and return to the previous condition of
items to which the Contractor's works have caused damage.
It is the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that continuous access is maintained to all
properties adjacent to the works throughout the Contract period to the Client Representative’s
In pursuance of their obligations under the Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall
whenever required or directed by the Client’s Representative cover up and protect the works
from weather and from damage by their own or other workmen performing subsequent
operations. They shall provide all necessary dust sheets, hoardings, temporary barriers and
guard rails, etc. and clear away same at completion. The Contractor shall take all reasonable
and proper steps for the protection of all places on or about the works which may be dangerous
to their workmen or any other persons or to traffic. The Contractor shall provide and maintain
warning signs, warning lamps and barricades as necessary in all such places.
The Contractor shall conduct their operations so that as far as possible any dust or materials
settle within the site and is not carried beyond the immediate working area.
The Contractor shall adjust the location of any maintenance or filling operations having regard
to the wind direction and speed, and shall suspend such operations altogether in the event that
any such adjustment fails to prevent dust or materials from being carried beyond the immediate
working area.
Any stockpiles of material subject to wind whipping shall be damped down or covered to ensure
satisfactory dust control.
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Existing roads, accesses to, whether part of the works or not, which are being used by the
Contractor's construction traffic shall be kept clean and clear of all dirt, mud and material
dropped from vehicles or from tires and any damage caused shall be repaired at the
Contractor’s expense. The Contractor shall provide, maintain and use as directed by the
Client’s Representative, suitable equipment for this purpose throughout the course of the works.
The Contractor shall employ the best practical means to minimise noise and vibration produced
by his operations and shall have regard to the recommendations in BS 5228.
Without prejudice to the generality of the Contractor’s obligations under the preceding
paragraph, the Contractor shall comply in particular with the following requirements:
1. All vehicles and mechanical plant used for the purpose of the works shall be fitted with
effective exhaust silencers and shall be maintained in good and efficient working order.
2. All compressors shall be ‘sound reduced’ models fitted with properly lined and sealed
acoustic covers which shall be kept closed whenever the machines are in use, and all
pneumatic percussive tools shall be fitted with mufflers or silencers of the type
recommended by the manufacturers.
3. Machines in intermittent use shall be shut down in the intervening period between work, or
throttled down to a minimum.
4. All pumps shall be fitted with effective exhaust silencers and shall be maintained in good
and efficient working order. All de-watering pumps shall be ‘sound reduced’ models fitted
with properly lined and sealed acoustic covers.
The Contractor shall pay special regard to minimise noise at the site boundaries.
measures include:
1. The location of the site offices, stockpiles and mobile noise screens.
2. Limits on the amount of plant at work.
3. Silencing of plant as described above.
The Contractor shall take suitable steps in his method of working to prevent damage to adjacent
structures due to vibrations caused by executing the works.
The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain such traffic signs, lamps, barriers, traffic
control signals, lighting units, markings and other such measures as may be necessary for the
construction and maintenance of the works.
Adequate precautions shall be taken against fire throughout all the Contract's and SubContractor's operations. Quantities of flammable materials on site shall be kept to an absolute
minimum, and shall be properly handled and stored. Gasoline and other flammable liquids as
well as pressurised gas tanks shall be stored in and dispensed from safety containers; however,
storage of such containers shall not be within the site office building. Except as otherwise
provided herein, the Contractor shall not permit fires to be built or open type heating devices to
be used in any part of the work.
Construction practices, including any cutting and welding, and protection of adjacent materials
during construction shall be in accordance with good standard practices for such work. The
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Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of approved portable fire extinguishers distributed
about the pitch construction site.
The Contractor shall inform the Client’s Representative in writing within two weeks of the start
of works the names of responsible persons working on the site who will be undertaking the
duties of Safety Officers and Safety Supervisors on site. A Safety Officer shall be in attendance
on site during working hours throughout the Contract period.
The Contractor shall carry out all operations associated with the specified works in accordance
with all current Israeli legislation regarding health and safety for construction and maintenance
The Contractor shall ensure that their rates are adequate to meet the cost of making all
necessary arrangements for the Health and Safety and welfare of all persons affected by the
installation and maintenance work.
The main access point shall be permanently attended by the Contractor to supervise the
movement of delivery lorries into and out of the pitch area. When not in use or outside working
hours the access points shall be securely closed. Appropriate signage warning of construction
hazards shall be established.
As a minimum all staff will be issued with the following Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
protective footwear (steel toe caps and insoles to BS 1870)
safety helmets
reflective jackets or waistcoats
rubber gloves
The Contractor shall provide qualified First Aiders as appropriate and shall ensure that at any
time during working hours at least one qualified First Aider is in full time attendance. The
Contractor will be deemed to have included in his rates for providing a First Aider.
Any excavated material from the pitch location not required for the completion of the works shall
be disposed of off-site at the Contractor’s expense, by prior agreement with the Client’s
Representative. The Contractor shall liaise with the Client’s Representative as to whether a
temporary storage location for excavated material is available on site or whether material needs
to be disposed of off-site as it is excavated.
Note that any nearby grated drain channel or catchpits must be adequately protected from
blockage by excavated material. Stockpiles of clean construction materials to be used in the
works are to be kept separate and must not be contaminated with excavated spoil.
The Contractor shall be responsible for recording the positions of all services installed on site
and all work undertaken as part of this Contract, at the conclusion of the works.
As-built drawings shall accurately show the layout of the work including, but not necessarily
limited to, the following:
1. Extent and product description of turf reinforcement
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2. Cross-sectional profile of turf reinforcement
3. Extent and product description of artificial turf perimeter surrounds
4. Cross-sectional profile of artificial turf perimeter surrounds
All topographical survey work shall be related to the European Datum (ED50).
The Contractor shall supply two (2 no.) hard copies and one soft copy of as-built drawings for
the Client’s Representative in A1 size folded to A4 size.
The Contractor shall also record the exact location of any services apparatus excavated during
the works and shall submit drawings to the Client’s Representative showing such information
for incorporation by the Client’s Representative into their Record Drawings.
The cost related to the production of the drawings, either during construction or at the time of
delivery of the final account shall be borne directly by the Contractor, and no separate payment
shall be in any way considered.
The Contractor or any agents or servants in their employ shall not give any information
concerning works for publication in the press or on radio, television or cinema screen or
elsewhere without the written approval of the Client’s Representative.
No advertisements shall be erected within the site by the Contractor or any Sub-Contractor
without written approval of the Client’s Representative. Should any advertisement be erected
within the site without such prior approval the Client’s Representative may instruct the
Contractor to remove it forthwith. Should such an instruction fail to be carried out within 24
hours, the Client’s Representative may remove the advertisement and charge the cost to the
All advertisement within the site shall be removed within one month of the date of completion
of the works, unless the Client’s Representative agrees in writing for any advertisement to
remain for a further period.
The Contractor shall maintain the site in a clean and orderly condition free from accumulation
of waste materials and rubbish during the entire construction and maintenance period to the
satisfaction of the Client’s Representative.
On completion the entire site is to be cleared of all construction materials and temporary
facilities, etc. to the satisfaction of the Client’s Representative.
The Contractor must extend full cooperation by way of liaison and coordination with other
Contractors who may be operating within the site of the works engaged in essential work for
the Client’s Representative.
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The existing pitch is a sand-over-gravel suspended water table construction, with a block
irrigation system operating 54 x Rainbird 8005 sprinklers using eight stations with up to seven
sprinklers operating per station (Appendix 1). Specific features are:
a flat playing surface
approx. 300 mm of sand rootzone overlying a 100 mm deep layer of 2-5 mm gravel
a lateral pipe drainage system running across the width of the pitch at a spacing of
approx. 4 m, connecting to a series of manhole chambers on either side of the pitch.
Material underneath the gravel layer is at least 1 m of fill containing boulders. As-built drawings
of the drainage system and finished levels are shown in Appendices 2 and 3.
The existing sward cover shall have been removed to approx. 40 mm depth and a new irrigation
system installed and commissioned by others. The exposed upper rootzone layer shall have
been amended with organic matter (approved compost or peat) and zeolite to assist moisture
retention, nutrient retention and biological activity and the grass cover re-established by others.
An eight week grow-in period has been allowed (by others). Rootzone sand will also have been
excavated around the perimeter of the pitch to replace that taken off during removal of the
existing sward cover, and a new concrete kerb installed by others together with basecourse
material for the foundation of the artificial turf perimeter.
Note that the finished surface of the pitch shall mirror the shape of the sub-base layer and all
layers of the profile shall comprise a constant depth of material.
This Contractor shall install a boundary of artificial turf and shockpad between the concrete
kerb and the perimeter block paving over the basecourse that will have been installed by others
according to the drawings.
Following installation of the stitched turf reinforcement system under this contract, the
Contractor shall then undertake operations to maintain the turf and keep it at the specified
standard for a period of 12-months.
The pitch must be available for play and have achieved a full reinforced grass cover for the start
of the 2016/17 football season and the first match to be hosted by the stadium on 18 August
The Contractor shall be required to supply maintenance labour as part of this Contract for
managing the maintenance of the natural turf pitch and artificial turf surrounds. The Client will
be responsible for supplying equipment and consumables for the 12-month maintenance
period. However, this does not absolve the Contractor of his duty of care to ensure that the
maintenance equipment and consumables are appropriate and suitable for the requirements
of the Contract. In this respect, the Contractor shall inspect and assess the condition of the
machinery and equipment currently available for pitch maintenance and shall make
recommendations and cost proposals to the Client regarding the purchase of additional
maintenance equipment and machinery (see Section B11.0).
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The Contractor shall provide a submission of the proposed systems and materials in sufficient
detail to enable evaluation of the proposal covering the following major elements (see also
Section A14.0):
1. Suppliers and materials for the perimeter artificial turf system (carpet, infill and shockpad),
including representative technical/performance specifications and test results.
2. Suppliers and materials for the stitched hybrid turf reinforcement system including
representative technical/performance specifications and test results.
3. Suppliers and materials for artificial lighting rigs and turf fans (technical and product details,
controllers, configuration etc.), including representative technical/performance
specifications and test results.
4. Preferred suppliers of consumables and materials for the turf maintenance programme
including technical data sheets/test certificates for each product.
Representative reference samples of approved materials shall be retained on site by the
Contractor for comparison throughout the works.
Programme of Works
The Contractor shall provide a programme of work identifying the major elements of work and
critical operations which in particular could affect the date of first use of the pitch.
Risk Assessment
The Contractor shall identify any elements of pitch upgrading and maintenance, including
supply and specification of materials, methods of construction and maintenance or timing of
the operations which could jeopardize their programme or performance of the finished surface.
The Contractor shall submit details of warranties relating to the workmanship, systems and
equipment within each element of the pitch construction package as set out in Section B3.2
(Construction Life).
Operating and Maintenance Manuals
On completion of the works, the Contractor shall provide two sets of Operating and
Maintenance Manuals for all installed components (e.g. artificial turf, lighting rigs, turf fans) to
enable the pitch management personnel to carry out all normal procedures associated with the
maintenance of the pitch area.
Performance Criteria
The criteria set out in this section are applicable to the relevant pitch upgradeing and
maintenance packages in this Contract including all materials, components, sub-assemblies,
and pitch interfaces with adjacent building and plant elements.
The criteria set out here are intended to describe the Client Representative’s requirements for
the performance of the pitch playing surface. The Contractor is required to submit proposals
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which will meet the specified criteria. Any omission or uncertainty in the performance standards
required should be resolved by the Contractor prior to submission of their proposals.
Construction Life
Each element of the pitch construction here shall be built for a life expectancy of at least the
periods set out below.
Within that period, any proprietary material, component, assembly and finish shall perform at
or exceed the performance levels specified elsewhere in this document, without maintenance
in excess of routine maintenance and periodic renovation of the turf playing surface within the
specified design parameters. The Contractor shall identify the life expectancy and
guarantees/warranties on all proprietary materials, components, assemblies and finishes to be
incorporated into the contract works. In addition, the Contractor shall identify the maintenancefree life of all materials, components, assemblies and finishes.
Proprietary materials, components, assemblies and finishes which, under normal service
conditions, cannot meet the minimum specified constructed life shall be identified and brought
to the attention of the Client’s Representative as a separate schedule in his tender submission.
Details shall be provided by the Contractor of the method of replacement.
To ensure that the proprietary materials, components, assemblies and finishes shall serve
satisfactorily throughout the expected life of the pitch without loss of performance or
appearance, comprehensive operating and maintenance manuals shall be provided.
1. Perimeter artificial turf: min. 7 years subject to normal, anticipated level of use and
maintenance/renovation during which time there shall be no significant loss or change of
colour and no disproportionate decrease in pile height in any single year
2. Mobile lighting rigs and turf fans: min. 5 years subject to normal, anticipated level of use
and maintenance
3. Stitched hybrid turf reinforcement system: min. 7 years subject to normal, anticipated level
of use and maintenance
Guarantees and Warranties shall be supplied for all proprietary materials, components,
assemblies and finishes as evidence of compliance with the above requirement.
Performance of the Playing Surface
The stitched hybrid turf reinforcement system and artificial turf perimeter shall be installed in
accordance with the requirements and specifications set out in this document.
The playing surface shall comply with the standards expected for Association Football at
national and international level. In this respect, the pitch shall meet the following performance
criteria at completion of turf reinforcement system and artificial turf perimeter installation and
periodically during the maintenance period, unless otherwise indicated:
B3.3.1 General (natural turf pitch)
1. The turf has a mature root system and cannot be easily lifted off the surface or displaced
in any way.
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2. The surface remains free of all depressions and scalping with no undulations, holes or
depressions greater than 10 mm as measured at any single location using a 3 m straight
3. The surface is firm under foot with no wheel marks or foot prints when trafficked.
4. There is no more than 15 mm of thatch/mat accumulation.
5. There are no signs of dry patch.
B3.3.2 Dimensions
The pitch shall be marked out to the following dimensions for Association Football:
Full size pitch: 105 m x 68 m
Note: the total size of the natural turf area for the stadium pitch shall be 7210 m with overall
max. dimensions of 105.4 m x 68.4 m. These dimensions allow for a 200 mm extension of
natural turf beyond the side lines and goal lines.
The total size of the artificial turf surrounds area for the pitch shall be approx. 1550 m2.
B3.3.3 Tolerances and Evenness
The full size pitch shall be provided with a playing surface that continues to conform to the
following tolerances for the finished surface (natural turf and artificial turf perimeter) over the
12-month maintenance period:
Design level:
-0 mm, +10 mm
maximum deviation of 10 mm under a 3 m straight edge laid in any
direction over the playing surface (artificial turf perimeter and natural
turf playing surface)
Note: compliance with the design levels of the completed artificial turf surrounds shall be proven
by the Contractor at their expense by carrying out an as-laid independent contour survey upon
completion of installation.
B3.3.4 Infiltration Rate
The infiltration rate shall be no less than 75 mm/hour prior to first use of pitch and shall be no
less than 20 mm/hr at any time during the first 12 months of use when measured in situ with a
double ring infiltrometer, as described in Section B3.3.10.
B3.3.5 Surface Hardness
The hardness of the surface shall remain within the range 65-120 gravities during the first 12
months of use when measured with a Clegg Hammer as described in Section B3.3.10.
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B3.3.6 Soil Moisture
Volumetric soil moisture content in the 0-65 mm depth of the profile shall be maintained in the
range of 15-30%, when measured as described in Section B3.3.10.
B3.3.7 Grass Cover
Subject to agreed circumstances with the Client’s Representative (damage by concerts, high
use events, major renovation etc.), maintenance of the the grass sward shall be expected to
provide a minimum average live ground cover of 90% of the specified grass species with a
sward height commensurate with the grass type (warm season/cool season) and the type of
sport. In broad terms, the grass height will be approximately 20 mm for warm season grass and
30 mm for cool season grass. No one area of the pitch shall be expected to have a grass cover
less than 80% in an area any greater than 5 m2, and with no bare patch greater than 75 mm in
diameter present, when measured as described in Section B3.3.10. The turf sward shall have
broadleaf and grass weed contamination of no greater than 5% of the total ground cover and
shall be free of pests and diseases.
B3.3.8 Surface Traction
Traction values for the new surface, when measured as described in Section B3.3.10, shall be
maintained no less than 20
B3.3.9 Root Depth
Maximum root depth shall exceed 100 mm when measured as described in Section B3.3.10,
with main rooting depth expected to be in the region of 50 mm.
B3.3.10 Measurement Procedures
Measurements shall be made in five standard positions on the pitch: each goalmouth (adjacent
to the 6 yard line), on the wing at each end (as an extension of the 18 yard line, 5 m from the
edge of the pitch) and in the centre circle, in accordance with STRI Standard Operating
Procedures, as follows:
1. Infiltration rate shall be measured with a double ring infiltrometer using rings of
approximately 150 and 300 mm in diameter, standardised to a water temperature of 20 oC.
2. Surface hardness shall be measured using a 2.25 kg Clegg hammer dropped from 0.45 m,
using eight readings per test area.
3. Surface evenness shall be measured using a 3 m straight edge and a wedge to determine
the maximum deviation. In each area the straight edge shall be put down in four positions
aiming to identify the maximum deviation in each area.
4. Volumetric water content shall be measured with Delta-T Theta probe inserted to 60 mm
depth, using the mean of four readings for each test position.
5. Grass cover and botanical composition shall be measured with a frame quadrat, using five
readings for each test position.
6. Disease and pest assessment shall be made using visual assessment only in each test
7. Surface traction shall be measured as the rotational force to cause slippage with a TurfTec International traction apparatus with three 16 mm football studs, using the mean of four
readings for each test position.
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8. Maximum and main rooting depth shall be recorded on samples taken using a split golf
hole type cutter, with a single measurement made in each test area.
9. Mowing height shall be measured on random locations using a Turf-Tec prism gauge after
completion of mowing of the pitch in preparation for testing.
B3.3.11 Perimeter Artificial Turf
The Contractor shall allow for the installed perimeter artificial turf to be tested to meet the
specified requirements. Note that the Contractor shall also provide FIFA-accredited laboratory
test reports to the Client’s Representative as part of their submission (see Sections A14.0 and
B2.0). The following field performance testing shall be carried out by the Client’s
Representative, at handover of the perimeter artificial turf and periodically during the
maintenance period, unless otherwise indicated:
Requirement (FIFA Quality
Test Method
Shock absorption
DelTec Field Tester
60% - 70%
Vertical deformation
DelTec Field Tester
4 mm – 10 mm
Energy restitution
DelTec Field Tester
20% - 45%
Surface regularity of
playing surface
3 m straight edge and graduated
Basecourse in-situ density*
BS 1377-4: 1990. Methods of test for
soils for civil engineering purposes –
compaction-related tests
Basecourse drainage
> 500 mm/h
<10 mm
Not less than 95%
Test method EN12616
* by others, upon completion of installation
Test measurements shall be made at 10 representative locations along the perimeter artificial
turf boundary of the pitch including at least two locations within the touchline areas most used
by the assistant referee. At each location vertical, deformation, energy restitution and shock
absorption shall be measured eight times within each location, taking the average of the second
and third drop for each of the eight measurements. Surface evenness shall be measured using
a 3 m straight edge and a wedge to determine the maximum deviation. In each area the straight
edge shall be put down in four positions aiming to identify the maximum deviation in each area.
All pitch construction and maintenance materials shall be delivered, stored and handled such
that their properties and fitness for purpose for use in these works shall be maintained (see
also Section A18.0).
All turf maintenance materials (fertilisers, chemicals, seed etc.) shall be delivered to the site in
original unopened containers, each fully labelled showing the manufacturer’s guaranteed
analysis, name and trade name. Bulk deliveries are acceptable provided they are accompanied
by a certificate indicating the above information. Fertilisers, seed and chemicals shall be kept
in dry storage away from contaminants in areas approved by the Client’s Representative.
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The following guideline document for the construction and maintenance of the artificial turf
perimeter shall be used as the reference standard for this project:
FIFA Quality Programme for Football Turf – Handbook of Requirements, October 2015
Pitch Kerb Edging (installed by others)
A precast concrete kerb at the natural turf boundary shall be hydraulically pressed complying
with the requirements of BS EN 1339:2003 or ISO equivalent. It shall be bedded in accordance
with BS 7533-4:1998 or ISO equivalent, on a graded ST1 concrete foundation. The dimensions
of the edgings shall be 50 mm x 150 mm nominal or other approved size. Particular care must
be taken to ensure that the top of the concrete kerb is set at the correct level so that it is
sufficiently below finished ground level once shockpad and infill materials have been installed
and there is a seamless transition between the artificial turf perimeter and the field of play and
adjacent natural turf surrounds.
The installation of the pitch kerb edging shall require careful excavation around the pitch and
the possible temporary retention of the pitch edge as the precast concrete kerb is installed. The
Pitch Contractor must ensure that the integrity of the natural turf profile remains intact and that
any contaminated materials are replaced with uncontaminated materials.
The pitch kerb adging must be located so that the edge of the artificial turf, when installed, is
200 mm from the sidelines and goallines.
Geotextile Separator Layer (installed by others)
Geotextile shall be used used to separate the existing gravel drainage layer from the
basecourse layer underneath the perimeter artificial turf area and shall conform to the property
values stated below:
Geotextile properties
Test method
Required values
Mass per unit area
ASTM D1910/DIN 53854
115 g/m2 (minimum)
Nominal thickness
ASTM D1777/DIN 53855
0.45 mm (minimum)
CBR puncture resistance/mean
peak strength
BS6906: part 4 1989
1000 N (minimum)
Tensile strength and strain
ASTM D4595/BS6906
4.6 KN/m at 5% elongation (minimum)
Apparent Opening Size (O90)
BS6906 PART 2
130-200 microns
The geotextile shall be laid longitudinally over the gravel drainage layer, with rolls overlapped
by 300 mm.
The geotextile shall be laid out on site taking care to prevent damage or disturbance by wind
or dust. If necessary, the geotextile shall be held in place temporarily prior to placement of the
basecurse aggregate layer. The geotextile shall have a minimum overlap of 300 mm along all
seam. No geotextile shall be exposed to daylight for a period exceeding the manufacturer's
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The method of installation shall ensure that the geotextile is in continuous contact with the
surface on which it is to be placed. It shall not be stretched or bridged over hollows or humps.
Construction plant shall not be operated directly on the installed geotextile.
The Pitch Contractor shall repair any holes or tears in the geotextile. A patch of the same
material shall be placed with a minimum 300 mm overlap in all directions. Should any tear
exceed 20% of the roll width that section of the roll shall be cut out and replaced.
The Pitch Contractor shall submit a method statement for the approval of the Client’s
Representative prior to installing geotextile. This shall detail procedures for the installation and
covering of the material including methods for holding it in place.
Dynamic Basecourse Layer (installed by others)
The Pitch Contractor shall be responsible for the supply and installation of a dynamic
basecourse aggregate layer for the perimeter artificial turf surface and shall allow for the
development of method statements for installing the basecourse layer as well as the testing of
all materials to satisfy the requirements of the installation including, but not exclusively, particle
size analysis of materials used, its infiltration rate, stablitity and planarity.
Excavation of existing rootzone in the area of the artificial turf pitch perimeter shall be to the
depth of the gravel layer beneath the existing sand rootzone such that clean gravel material is
exposed. Extreme care shall be taken to avoid any disruption or puncturing of the irrigation or
drainage system or other service infrastructure during excavation of rootzone and installation
of basecourse and artificial turf. Any damage to such infrastructure shall be made good at the
Pitch Contractor’s expense.
The basecourse layer shall comprise a two layer system to provide the supporting structure for
the artificial carpet and shockpad. The materials should be derived from hard, sound and
durable rock resistant to breakdown by abrasion or chemical action.
The lower basecourse layer shall be a minimum 210 mm thick and the upper basecourse layer
a minimum of 50 mm thick.
The basecourse material shall be provided to meet the following particle size requirements:
Particle size (mm)
Lower aggregate (nominal
max. size 26.5 mm)
Upper aggregate (nominal
max. size 6.3 mm)
% passing
% passing
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Particle size (mm)
Lower aggregate (nominal
max. size 26.5 mm)
Upper aggregate (nominal
max. size 6.3 mm)
% passing
% passing
Aggregates selected shall be durable and not exceed 12% loss of materials as determined by
a sulfate soundness test (ASTM C88).
The basecourse material shall be compacted using a smooth wheeled roller or a vibratory roller
used without vibration switched on. Care must be exercised to maintain the grade of the pitch
and to ensure that the roller does not force the basecourse material into the underlying gravel
or adjacent rootzone material, perforate the geotextile membrane or crush the stone.
The porosity of the compacted material when taken in combination with the artificial turf
surface, shockpad and geotextile filter membrane shall be capable of meeting the requirements
set out the FIFA Quality Concept for Football Turf.
Materials not conforming to the specification will be removed from the site at the Pitch
Contractor’s expense.
Basecourse material shall be transported, laid and compacted without segregation or drying
out. Compaction shall be completed as soon as possible after laying and should be carried out
in accordance with Table 6/4 SHW Method of Compaction for Earthworks Series 600 or local
The Pitch Contractor shall take special care to ensure that adequate compaction is carried out
around the edges of the area and shall allow for the use of pedestrian mechanical tampers
where necessary.
Tolerances for placement and compaction are given in Section B3.3.11.
Inspection Chambers (this contract)
Existing inspection (silt) chambers shall be required to be modified so that they are accessible
from the perimeter artificial turf surrounds (see Appendix 2).
The tops of the chambers shall be extended to within 50 mm of the surface and fitted with Grade
B cast iron covers and frames to BS 5911:1982 or local equivalent standard. The frames shall
be bedded and haunched round in cement mortar with the cover set 50 mm below finished pitch
Allowance shall be made for the fabrication and installation of removable protective boards to
cover the chamber lids on completion and once the artificial turfgrass cover has been installed.
The boards shall comprise 22 mm thick marine plywood cut to the size of the covers to which
a short (20 mm) dense pile artificial turf of the same colour as the surrounding 3G artificial turf
and 10 mm thick approved shockpad is attached with appropriate adhesive.
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Shockpad (this contract)
A system incorporating a FIFA-approved pre-fabricated shock pad shall be used. Shockpad
installation shall be pre-cast, unless otherwise approved by Client’s Representative. The
recommended nominal thickness shall be 20 mm. The shockpad shall be installed according to
the manufacturer’s instructions, using rolls of maximum length to minimise the requirement for
jointing. Note that the edge of the shockpad must finish above the concrete kerb of the pitch as
opposed to finishing flush with the edge of the concrete kerb.
The Contractor will allow for the development of method statements for laying the shockpad. If
alternative products are used, the Contractor will allow for the supply of technical data sheets
and method statements to be approved before commencement.
Laying of the shockpad onto the dynamic base shall avoid the creation of any creases or
wrinkles. The Contractor shall specify the method by which they intend to join sections of
shockpad (e.g. taping or glue). Any jointing method used shall be continuous. Junctions, edges
and day joints must be free of lips or edges.
The Contractor shall ensure that the shockpad layer, once installed, is not damaged and that
the surface is maintained in a clean condition prior to installing the artificial turf carpet.
Carpet and Infill (this contract)
The Contractor shall supply and install an approved 3G, sand and rubber granule filled, artificial
turf surface over the area shown in the Drawings.The approved long pile 3G artificial turf shall
have a proven track record of use under Middle East conditions and be laid on a suitable
dynamic base. The artificial turf perimeter shall be safe and sustain safe use by players, security
staff, ball handlers and operatives who may from time to time traverse this zone. The artificial
turf system shall meet the FIFA Quality Pro standard.
The Contractor shall supply a sample of the proposed product and a technical data sheet for
the artificial turf surface they propose to install, including, but not necessarily limited to, the
following items: type of yarn material, dtex value, pile weight, pile height, stitch rate, no. of
stitches per m 2, no. of tufts per m2, type of primary backing material, type of secondary backing
material, total product weight, length of guarantee and method of jointing the seams and any
other information that may helpful in evaluating the suitability of the artificial turf (e.g. FIFA
approved laboratory test report).
The infill materials shall be a proprietary mixture of uniformly graded fire retardant rubber
granulates or a combination of sand/rubber particles blended to form a stable matrix to the
artificial turf carpet. There shall be no rubber dust or excessive shred in the bulk materials
supplied. The Client’s Representative reserves the right to reject suspect rubber. The infill
materials shall be inert, i.e. they must not leach out contaminants which would find their way
into local water courses, drains or affect users playing on the surface.
The Contractor shall supply a technical data sheet for the supply of sand and rubber infill they
propose to use for approval prior to installation. The type of sand and rubber infill shall meet
the requirements of the artificial turf supplier’s specifications in terms of material source (SBR
or EPDM), particle size grading, angularity/hardness and depth of rubber infill.
The artificial turf carpet shall be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and shall
be supplied in rolls of sufficient lengths to minimise transverse jointing across the surface. Each
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section of artificial turf laid shall be free of any creases or bubbles. Joints shall be completed
according to the manufacturer’s specifications and instructions.
At the boundary between the natural and artificial turf systems, the artificial turf shall be folded
over the shockpad overlying the edge of the concrete kerb and shall be recessed into the profile
by approx. 150 mm. The turf shall be laid flush with the block paving on the other side. On
completion the artificial turf edge shall provide a stable playing surface which shall not display
any lateral movement or curling under normal playing conditions. The finished artificial turf level
shall marry in imperceptibly with the adjoining natural turf surface and block paving perimeter,
with no discernible change in elevation.
The edges of the surface must be permanently fixed where appropriate to the underlying
surface by continuous gluing or similar approved method so that the edges of the turf do not lift
up and become damaged or prone to health and safety concerns.
Sand and rubber granule in-fill shall be uniformly distributed into the artificial turf carpet in
separate operations using a mixing ratio and methodology as recommended by the
manufacturer (e.g. by using a continuous-belt drop spreader or other approved machinery) and
then finally worked in and groomed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Upon completion of installation of the infill, the artificial turf surface shall exhibit its required
performance characteristics as specified in Section B3.3.11.
Coordination with Pitch Contractor
The Contractor must liaise with the Pitch Contractor regarding the precise depth of
shockpad and infill material so that the height of the concrete kerb can be set. Note that
Pitch Contractor shall have installed temporary wooden edging to retain the height of
rootzone around the concrete kerb. This edging shall be removed by the Contractor (not
Pitch Contractor) prior to installation of the artificial turf carpet.
The surface shall be established from sprigs of Bermudagrass Tifway 419 or other approved
Sprigs consisting of rhizomes, crowns and only a few green leaves are most desirable. The
time interval between harvest, delivery and spreading shall be kept to an absolute minimum.
Sprigs shall comprise healthy living stems, stolons, or rhizomes and attached roots of locally
adapted grass without adhering soil, including two to three nodes and from 100 to 150 mm long.
Sprigs shall be obtained from heavy, dense certified sod as classified in the TPI GSS.
Sprigs shall be procured from a supplier and shall have been grown under climatic conditions
similar to those in the locality of the project. Harvesting and planting operations shall be
coordinated to prevent exposure of sprigs to the sun for more than 30 minutes before covering
and moistening. Sprigs containing weeds or other detrimental material or that are heat
damaged will be rejected.
Sprigs shall be transported to site in refrigerated lorries in original, unopened containers bearing
the manufacturer'schemical analysis, name, trade name, trademark, and indication of
conformance to state and federal laws.
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Sprigs shall be protected from drying out and from contamination during delivery, on-site
storage, and handling. Protection from exposure to wind and direct sunlight shall be exercised
until planted and sprigs shall not be stored for longer than 24 hours or on concrete or bitumous
Prior to spreading of sprigs, the starter fertiliser specified in Section B8.3.2 shall be uniformly
spread over the surface and the fertiliser lightly washed into the surface using the irrigation
Sprigs shall then be broadcast uniformly by hand, with mechanical equipment, or other
approved method. Sprigs shall be planted at a minimum of 600 bushels1 per acre (approx. 5
litres/m2). The Contractor may elect to use a greater quantity of sprigs if they wish at their cost
in order to meet the handover objectives of this project.
Sprigs shall be planted to achieve a minimum number of 60 viable sprigs per square meter.
The distance between individual sprigs shal be a maximum 150 mm. Sprigs shall be forced into
the soil to a minimum 25 mm depth by disk-rolling, pressing with steel matting, or other
approved method.
The entire area shall be firmed with a roller not exceeding 130 kilograms per meter roller width.
A minimum 25 percent of the installed sprigs shall extend above the ground surface upon
completion of the sprigging operation.
A grow-in period of 8 weeks shall then be carried out (by others).
Installation of the turf reinforcement system must be completed by 17 August 2016.
Installation under the day-to-day supervision of the Contractor shall be undertaken by:
Desso Sports Systems Ltd
Robert Ramlotstraat 89, B-9200 Dendermonde, Belgium
Tavistock Works, Glasson Ind. Estate, Maryport, Cumbria, CA15 8NT UK
The yarn shall be injected in to the rootzone at 20 mm centres and approx. 180 mm deep.
Adequate care must be taken to avoid damage to the irrigation infrastructure. Any damage
caused to irrigation infrastructure shall be rectified at the Contractor’s expense.
The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining surface levels during this period including
any reinstatement and overseeding works required as a result of the stitched hybrid installation.
The grassed area will be reinforced with the stitched hybrid system corresponding with the
following dimensions: 105.4 m x 68.4 m.
Industry bushel (i.e. sprigs harvested from one square yard of sod).
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Note that the Contractor shall allow for hand stitching in areas where machine installation would
be impractical (e.g. around sprinkler heads).
Between the last fixture on 18 May 2016 and the start of the new season on 18 August, the
upper profile of the existing pitch is to be renovated, the irrigation system replaced and an
artificial turf perimeter installed as well as a hybrid stitched reinforcement system.
During this period the surface is to be grown in and established using Bermudagrass sprigs
before transitioning to cool season grasses (perennial ryegrass) for the main playing season.
Irrigation shall be applied to ensure satisfactory maintenance of the grass surface. Run-off,
puddling, and wilting shall be prevented. As the new grass surface becomes established the
frequency of irrigation shall be adjusted, according to the weather conditions, to encourage the
development of a dense vigorous rooting system.
A hand held soil moisture probe shall be used to monitor conditions within the top 65 mm of the
profile. Soil moisture content shall be maintained no lower than 15% and no more than 30%.
Major repair and routine servicing of the irrigation system shall be carried out by a specialist
irrigation company if the Contractor does not have the necessary in-house skills for this work.
The Contractor shall be responsible under this Contract for the day-to-day maintenance of the
irrigation system. However, the Contractor shall also build into their tender regular inspection,
servicing and testing of all irrigation components by a specialist irrigation company if the
Contractor does not have the necessary in-house skills for this work.
The Contractor shall ensure that at least one person working on this Contract has a sound
knowledge of the type of irrigation system operated at this Stadium and is skilled in the basic
servicing of minor components. This shall include the servicing of sprinklers, valves and
changing of sprinkler heads and nozzles.
The Contractor shall ensure that irrigation system is operating correctly at all times. In order to
achieve this, the Contractor shall run the automatic pop-up system every month on a test cycle
for at least two minutes duration and visually check the following items:
all sprinklers pop up
all sprinklers rotate and rotate at the same speed as each other
all sprinklers retract correctly
nozzles are not blocked
sprinklers are not leaking
no leaks (wet patches on the pitch)
sprinklers are set at the correct levels (flush with surface level)
sprinklers are aligned correctly (vertically)
sprinkler nozzles are of the correct size
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In addition the Contractor shall during the course of its duties monitor the overall performance
of the system including the function of the quick coupler valves. Any defects or problems
including sprinkler replacement, major leak repairs, controller system malfunction or potential
damage to turf through the operation of the irrigation systems shall be reported to the Client on
the day on which they are identified.
Fertiliser Application and Nutrient Management
The Contractor shall maintain the nutritional health of the turf using a combination of the routine
maintenance fertilisers specified below. The application of fertiliser in general shall be timed so
that it brings the pitch to a peak condition for any major competition or event which may be
notified to the Contractor.
Fertiliser shall be applied evenly using a rotary spreader and watered well into the turf on
completion. Applications of fertiliser potentially can be expected to be made approximately
fortnightly on average during the 12-month maintenance period depending on the type of
fertiliser used.
All fertilisers shall be uniform in composition, free flowing where relevant and suitable for
application with approved equipment. Fertilisers shall be delivered to the site in their original
packaging with legible intact labels showing guaranteed nutrient analysis.
The fertiliser programme must be devised by the Contractor to ensure a ‘little and often’
approach to nutrient management and shall be dependent upon environmental conditions and
the rate of turfgrass growth. For the first 12 months following initial pitch sprigging, the
Contractor can anticipate that fertiliser inputs will be significantly higher than for a pitch with an
established mature turfgrass sward, as follows:
Approximate annual
requirement (kg/ha/yr)
Approximate annual requirement
First year of establishment
Second and subsequent years of
Nitrogen (N)
Fertiliser must be washed in using the irrigation system immediately after application.
Furthermore, fertiliser should not be applied in the middle of the day when conditions are hot
and sunny, but preferable early morning or late afternoon (ideally under overcast conditions).
Mowing should be postponed by two days after fertilising so that there is minimal pick up of
fertiliser granules.
Most of the above fertiliser for the first year of establishment needs to be applied between June
and November inclusive. In this respect it is recommended that 450 kg/N/ha is budgeted for
over this six month period.
The following types of fertiliser approved for use include, but are not necessarily limited to:
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B8.3.1 Base fertiliser (N-P2O5-K2O) – cultivated throughout the 100 mm deep upper sand rootzone
layer (by others)
12-12-17 + 2 MgO (or approved equivalent), applied at a rate of 250 kg/ha.
Triple Super Phosphate 0-46-0 (or approved equivalent), applied at a rate of 250 kg/ha.
Regen-R-8 6-7-4.2 (or approved equivalent), applied at a rate of 300 kg/ha.
B8.3.2 Starter fertiliser (N-P2O5-K2O) – surface applied and lightly cultivated into the top 25 mm
before sprigging (by others)
Andersons 19-26-5 (or approved equivalent), applied at a rate of 200 kg/ha.
B8.3.3 Routine maintenance fertilisers (N-P2O5-K2O) – surface applied during the grow-in and
maintenance period
A programme of routine maintenance fertiliser applications shall be determined by the
Contractor. As a guideline, the grow-in fertiliser programme shall be based on applications of
slow release and conventional release fertilisers providing a balance of NPK nutrients in the
ratio of 4N:1P2O5:3K20 or 9N:1P:6K). The fertiliser chosen must include trace elements (TE) or
else a proprietary trace element fertiliser must also be applied at recommended rates.
Fertilisers shall be sourced locally and shall be for specific use on turf surfaces. Suitable
suppliers include, but are not necessarily limited to, the Haifa Group.
A list of fertilisr products and their rate and timing of application shall be prepared by the
Contractor for approval by the Client’s Representative. Typical formulations include, but are not
necessarily limited to:
25-6-19 controlled release fertiliser
20-4-20 + 2MgO + 1Fe controlled release fertiliser
21-0-0 ammonium sulphate conventional release fertiliser
13-0-46 potassium nitrate conventional release fertiliser
Fully water soluble crystalline fertilisers may be applied as a foliar spray,
In practical terms, it is recommended that the pitch is never fertilised with a conventional release
product that supplies more than 40 kg/N/ha per application and with a concentration greater
than 21%N. Urea (46% N) may be used subject to approval by the Client’s Representative.
Soil nutrient testing to 75 mm depth shall be carried out six monthly for the first 12 months from
establishment by a recognised soil testing service provider. The Contractor shall modify their
programme of maintenance fertilising based on the results of the soil tests and from specialist
advice if so required by the Contractor (the latter at the Contractor’s expense).
Results each soil test shall be submitted to the Client’s Representative for consideration and
approval prior to fertilising programme adjustments being undertaken.
The cost of soil testing and the preparation of the fertilising programme shall be included in the
relevant Bill of Quantities.
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Fungicides, Herbicides and Insecticides
The Contractor shall supply a list of readily available pesticides to be used during the
maintenance period for approval by the Client’s Representative. The Contractor shall allow for
any herbicide, fungicide or pesticide treatments necessary to maintain the quality and health of
the turf during the maintenance period.
All such treatments shall be undertaken strictly in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations and relevant Health and Safety legislation.
Treatments to control weeds, diseases and pests should be applied using selected chemical
treatments that are registered for use on Bermudagrass and perennial ryegrass as appropriate.
For the 12-month maintenance period, the Contractor can anticipate in the region of monthly
fungicide applications, and annual or biannual pesticide and herbicide applications, based on a
programme of preventative and reactive fungicide applications from the supplied list of
approved products.
Bare Patches
Any areas that have failed to establish shall be re-established by transplanting mature plugs of
turf from other areas on the pitch into the bare areas, taking care not to displace turf
reinforcement fibres.
Sand Topdressing
For the 12-month maintenance period the Contractor shall allow for the application of up to 50
m3 of approved topdressing sand for renovation purposes, applied in multiple small applications
followed by brushing.
No more than one third of the upright grass foliage should be removed at one time and
allowance shall be made for cutting at least two times per week or more frequently if grass
growth demands. Care shall be required to avoid scalping the grass during early establishment.
The mower should have a well-sharpened blade to produce a clean cut without tearing or
damage to the leaf blade. All clippings shall be removed at all times.
Cutting units on all mowing machinery shall be sharp and properly set so that they cut the sward
cleanly and evenly. This may necessitate a cutting speed at the slower end of the
manufacturer’s recommendations, in order to achieve the desired presentation (eg. 5-6 km/h),
depending on the number of blades per reel. As a general guideline, it is expected that all reel
cutting units will be no less than 6-bladed reels. Rotary mowing shall be used as required to
‘clean up’ the pitch after games and matches.
The Contractor shall ensure that all movements of machinery, whether mowing, turning or in
transit, do not damage the pitch or its appearance (i.e. scalping, skidding, wheel ruts, lifting turf
etc.). The pitch shall be reinstated at the Contractor’s expense should such damage occur.
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The majority of turning of machinery shall be expected to take place on the artificial turf
boundary in order to minimise damage to the natural turf surface. The Contractor shall take
particular care to ensure that the artificial turf perimeter area and hard surfaces are left clear of
clippings at all times.
The Contractor shall ensure that the perimeter artificial turf boundary is not damaged by natural
turf mowing activities. In this respect, it may be necessary from time-to-time to cut the turf right
on the boundary between the two surfaces using a weed eater or pedestrian rotary mower as
Verti-cutting and Scarifying
The Contractor shall determine a programme for verti-cutting and scarifying the pitch surface
to remove decaying plant material, improving circulation around the crown of the turf plant and
ensuring that surface greasiness is adequately dealt with. More aggressive scarifying with the
Universe rotor of the Koro Field Topmaker shall be carried out as a renovation activity only
when the grass is actively growing and there is sufficient time for recovery (e.g. from spring to
As a guideline, verti-cutting should be carried out during periods of active growth every two to
four weeks, with scarifying being carried out at renovation (e.g. end of May).
The intensity and frequency of verti-cutting and scarifying will be very dependent on the amount
of thatch accumulation, schedule of events, turfgrass condition and specific recommendations
from the turf reinforcement installer.
No verti-cutting or scarifying shall be carried out under periods of turfgrass stress (e.g. peak
summer temperatures) or when the surface conditions are too damp. All material removed
through the verti-cutting and scarifying process shall be removed.
Allowance should be made for routine verti-cutting operations (e.g. monthly) and one annual
renovation scarifying operation during the maintenance period.
The pitch may require flat rolling from time-to-time beyond that which can be provided by regular
mowing. The Contractor shall allow for rolling the pitch in two directions using a tractor-mounted
2.4 m wide roller (or similar approved) when conditions dictate during the maintenance period.
B8.10 Aeration/Profile Decompaction
A programme of regular aeration shall be determined by the Contractor using approved
machinery. As a guideline, the aeration programme should be a reactive one, which means that
it should be used in response to certain surface conditions and events scheduling (e.g. aeration
should be carried out as soon as the majority of the surface has dried out after an event and
leading into the next event).
The Contractor shall allow for Verti-draining the pitch to 175 mm depth using 18 mm solid tines
to relieve compaction.
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The Contractor shall allow for shallow-aerating the pitch to 75 mm depth using a Toro Procore
840 or approved equivalent. Allowance should be made for routine aeration operations during
the maintenance period as conditions dictate.
All irrigation infrastructure (sprinkler heads, valve boxes etc) shall be marked out on the surface
prior to aeration, to avoid accidental damage.
B8.11 Maintenance Period (12 months)
In terms of the 12 months maintenance after grow-in handover, the Contractor shall be
responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive and sustainable turf
maintenance and operations programme for turf management, which includes operation of the
artificial lighting rigs, turf fans and irrigation system, to the satisfaction of the Client’s
Representative. This programme shall take into account the planned type, frequency and
intensity of use for the stadium, as well as the unique micro-environment within the stadium
pitch bowl.
There will be a requirement to transition between grass types (warm and cool season) during
this period when weather conditions and planned fixtures allow (see Section B6.12). The
Contractor shall be fully experienced in transitional techniques and make allowance for this in
his maintenance programme and associated costs.
B8.12 Pitch Oversowing
Seed used for oversowing the pitch during the ‘winter’ months shall be made up of the following
mixture by weight:
25% approved tetraploid perennial ryegrass cultivar
25% approved creeping perennial ryegrass cultivar
with the remaining 50% being made up of two approved cultivars of conventional diploid
perennial ryegrass.
Sowing rate shall be the least required to get adequate cool season grass cover and preferably
no more than 450 kg/ha.
Sowing shall be carried out using a specialist seeder at a time agreed with the Client’s
B8.13 Artificial Turf Maintenance
The artificial turf surface shall remain clear of debris, chemicals, stains, grass clippings, moss,
weeds and any other forms of foreign matter which could degrade the condition and
appearance of the surface.
All maintenance and repair activities for the artificial turf shall comply with recommendations
and approval of the artificial turf supplier.
The boundary of the artificial turf system shall at all times marry seamlessly with the natural turf
boundary. In this regard, ‘seamless’ means less than 2 mm under a 300 mm straight edge.
Traffic on the artificial turf perimeter (and on the natural turf surface) not associated with routine
turf maintenance activities being carried out under the direct control of the Contractor shall be
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managed using an agreed traffic management plan between the Contractor, the Client and the
artificial turf supplier.
Note that because the artificial turf perimeter abuts the natural turf playing surface, there will
be a significant potential for natural turf products (fertiliser, sand topdressing, grass clippings
etc.) to fall on the artificial turf surface. Hence the requirement to keep the artificial turf clean
will be far greater than on a dedicated artificial turf pitch.
The following activities can be anticipated as part of the routine maintenance programme:
weekly brushing and litter/debris removal
six-monthly inspection of perimeter drain sumps and cleaning out if required
match preparation brushing for presentation as required according to the schedule of
quarterly de-compaction and infill redistribution using specialist machinery approved by the
quarterly chemical treatment for moss, algae weeds with chemical and application as
approved by the manufacturer
quarterly chemical disinfecting with disinfectant and application as approved by the
bi-annual formal inspection of seams and general condition
All use of the artificial turf boundary for vehicular access around the field shall be approved in
advance by the Contractor and the Client. Note that vehicles or equipment shall not be left
standing on the artificial turf surface.
The Contractor shall be aware of the load bearing capacity of the artificial turf boundary, and
shall make an assessment, in conjunction with the supplier, as to when additional turf protection
is required for non-conventional vehicles and static loads wishing to access the pitch area (e.g.
stage structures etc).
B8.14 Goal Post Management and Line Marking
Goal posts and sockets shall be supplied by the Client. The Contractor shall install and remove
goal posts as appropriate in accordance with the code and standards requirements of the
relevant sport. Prior to installation the Contractor shall inspect sockets and anchors to ensure
that they are in good and safe operating condition. Any damaged components shall be reported
to the Client’s Representative. Care shall be taken by the Contractor during the process of
installation of the posts to avoid damage to the posts or components. Any damage caused by
the Contractor to the posts/components during this process shall be repaired at the Contractor’s
cost. The Contractor shall store any ground socket caps removed during the installation of goal
posts and replace these when removing goal posts as required.
The Contractor shall at the end of each relevant event remove the goal posts if required, and
place and secure them in storage locations as directed by the Client’s Representative. The
Contractor shall exercise care during the removal and storage of the posts in order to avoid
damage. Any damage caused by the Contractor shall be repaired at the Contractor’s cost.
Ground socket caps shall be placed in the sockets immediately after removal of the posts. Any
repair work required on the goals shall be reported to the Client’s Representative. The
Contractor shall replace any ground socket caps in the sockets within one working day following
removal of the posts.
The Contractor shall regularly monitor the condition of goal posts during the season and advise
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the Client’s Representative immediately of any unsafe or insecure goals, goal posts and
The Contractor shall set out and mark the pitch according to the Schedule of Events following
notification from the Client’s Representative.
Following initial line marking, the Contractor shall maintain the markings in a clearly visible,
accurate manner to sporting code requirements for the duration of that event.
Marking shall be undertaken using only proprietary marking material of a type approved by the
Client’s Representative. Herbicides or growth regulators shall not be used to assist the longevity
of line marking.
B8.15 Non-sporting Events
The Contractor shall be required to manage the surface to host and recover from non-sporting
events such as concerts, weddings, conferences and community events. Such management
shall include, but not necessarily be limited to:
liaison with the Client’s Representative to determine the specialised maintenance needed
to protect the playing surface and minimise the risk of surface damage (e.g. preventative
fungicide application, hiring of a turf protection system)
implementation of the specialised maintenance prior to and during the event
recovery and/or repair of damaged areas after the event
B8.16 Reporting
The Contractor shall provide a monthly report to the Client’s Representative that shall include,
but not necessarily be limited to, the following sections:
Maintenance activities carried out during the previous month, including dates and timings
of operations.
Products applied (type of product, rate of application and quantity applied).
Turfgrass condition.
Weather conditions.
Usage levels (type, date and number of events, including training sessions).
Fan and lighting rig operation (i.e. deployment times).
Time and length of irrigation system operation (see also Sectionn B8.2).
Any maintenance and machinery issues.
Proposed work for the forthcoming months.
Reports shall be expected to be provided to the Client’s Representative by the end of the fifth
business day in each month.
Artificial Lighting System
A full desktop hemiview analysis has been carried by STRI out on the existing stadium pitch.
The hemiview analysis predicts that the stadium pitch is subject to light levels that are best
suited to both warm and cool season turfgrasses, The general principles of the lighting strategy
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are to use the supplementary rigs to meet the photosynthetic requirements of the grasses
based on the following strategy:
Theoretical dual turf
management approach
Target PAR
Cool season whole pitch
Cool season whole pitch
Mainly cool season – start of
Transition month
Warm season
Warm season
Warm season
Warm season
Warm season
Transition month
Cool season whole pitch
Cool season whole pitch
Although not an exact science, it has been calculated that an optimum of six SGL MU360 1000
watt type lighting rigs (or approved equivalent) and associated accessories needed for
connection and use will be required to meet the target light levels set for the management of
the turfgrasses on the stadium pitch. Two SGL MU50 type smaller rigs (or approved equivalent)
are also recommended for managing localised turfgrass growth in very high wear areas such
as goalmouths.
Note that the Client does already own some lighting rigs. It will be the Contractor’s responsibility
to assess the condition of the existing lighting rigs and make a recommendation to the Client’s
Representative for the purchasing of additional rigs so that a full complement of lighting rigs is
acquired for the 12-month maintenance period. Additional rigs shall be procured by the Client.
The six MU360 type lighting rigs shall comprise of a mobile steel-framed structure with folding or
retractable steel-framed arms supporting 60 high pressure 1,000 W sodium lamps. The
frameworks shall be sufficiently robust to support all stresses and loads during deployment and
storage including typical wind and thermal loadings in Israel.
Each MU360 type rig shall illuminate a minimum area of 360 m 2 when deployed, with the
Contractor using the STRI Hemiview Report as the guiding document on their initial use. A
protective cover shall be supplied for each lighting rig when not in use.
All supply and installation works, equipment and materials shall comply with statutory and other
regulations, Codes of Practice and Standards (in particular BS7671), including Israeli wiring
regulations. Note too that it is imperative that the Contractor liaises with the electrical engineers
responsible for the building management system of the stadium to ensure that a suitable
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electrical supply is installed and that any additional sockets required are located at strategic
points within the stadium for where the lighting rigs will be used.
Bulbs and accessories shall have a warranty for a minimum of five years by the manufacturer.
The operation of the lighting rigs shall include instruction and specialised training of the Client
Representative’s personnel, and two in-service checks by qualified technical representatives
during the period of the maintenance contract.
Assisted Air Movement System
The enclosed nature of the stadium significantly restricts natural air movement which can
encourage disease activity and adversely impact upon turfgrass health. To help compensate
for these difficult growing conditions, it is envisaged that eight fans will be required to encourage
air movement across the surface. The purpose of the fans is to eliminate dependence on strong
winds making their way inside of the stadium and allow for the manipulation of wind conditions
inside the stadium to provide the plant with the optimum growing conditions.
The Client shall be responsible for the purchase of the eight fan units, with the Contractor being
responsible for developing and implementing an operational plan for the fan units to the
satisfaction of the Client’s Representative.
The fan units shall be portable and easily maneuvered in to the stadium and be able to operate
from a variable position. The fans shall deliver maximum surface aeration and cooling with
minimal power use and motor noise. The fans shall be energy efficient and of a durable steel
construction, complete with covers for protection when stored.
All supply and installation works, equipment and materials shall comply with statutory and other
regulations, Codes of Practice and Standards (in particular BS7671), including Israeli wiring
regulations. Note too that it is imperative that the Contractor liaises with the electrical engineers
responsible for the building management system of the stadium to ensure that a suitable
electrical supply is installed and sockets are located at strategic points within the stadium for
where the fans will be used.
Suppliers for the fan units include, but are not necessarily limited to:
Bernhard and Company Ltd
Bilton Road
CV22 7DT
+44 1788 811600
The make and model of fan units shall be one of either the following, or similar approved:
TurfBreeze TB50 Premium
TurfBreeze TB 50 Direct Driver
The localtion and operation of the fan units shall ensure that there are no gaps in the air
coverage of the turf. The portable, trailer mounted fans will provide the ability to place the fans
at any location around the pitch and also the ability to easily store them out of sight during any
type of event that is held at the stadium. The fans on the trailers shall be moved either with a
utility vehicle or golf cart.
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Sammy Ofer Stadium
Machinery and Equipment
The minimum machinery and equipment requirements to be supplied by the Client for
maintaining the natural turf pitch includes, but is not necessarily limited to (excluding workshop,
washing and maintenance facilities):
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Sammy Ofer Stadium
Maintenance/management activity
Resources required
2 x Pedestrian cylinder mowers (36 inch
width). Pedestrian cylinder mowers with
interchangeable cassettes in the form of heavy
brushes, scarifier head and cutting unit. The
mowers are used to mow the pitch and stripe
accordingly in a consistent manner
Grass cutting
2 x Pedestrian rotary/suction mowers. Clean
up mowers, clean up rotary mowers used to
remove divots and dead grass on the surface
after the game. Has roller on the back and is
an essential part of match preparation. These
are small mowers and to allow for rapid
cleanup after games and training
1 x Ride-on Triplex mower
2 x Pedestrian fertiliser spreaders
Tractors/trailer unit
1 x Compact tractor (50 hp) on turf tyres
capable of operating 3 point linkage rear end
1 x Trailer
1 x Self-propelled or tractor-mounted spraying
unit. Pedestrian or mounted sprayer with a
minimum 6 m boom for the uniform application
of liquid fertiliser, pesticides or biostimulants
2 x Backpack sprayers
1 x Tractor-mounted over-seeding unit.
Overseeding unit to ensure direct contact
between the soil and seed for effective
1 x Tractor-drawn drop spreading topdressing
unit. Spinning top dresser will facilitate the
uniform application of a light dressing of sand
to the surface.
1 x Front loading bucket for compact tractor
1 x Tractor-mounted dragmat
1 x Wheel-to-wheel marking unit. Capable of
120 mm lines
Line marking
2 x Spray line marking units, capable of 120
mm lines
2 x Pedestrian pulled dragmats/brushes
1 x Tractor-mounted sweeping unit
1 x Tractor-mounted 2.4 m wide flat roller
1 x Hand-held soil moisture meter
100 m manual irrigation hoses
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1 x Tractor-mounted Verti-drain. Tractor
mounted, capable of aerating to 200 mm with a
series of interchangeable tines. Must be fast
type. Takes pitch hardness down
approximately 15 gravities with 1 pass.
© STRI Ltd
Sammy Ofer Stadium
1 x Self-propelled shallow aerator. The shallow
aerator is used to "vent" the pitch but also to
make subtle changes to the hardness of the
pitch and reduce the risks of player slippage.
The machine must be rapid and does not carry
out the same function as the vertidrain. A
series of interchangeable tines are required
Solid tines (various sizes)
Hollow tines (various sizes)
2 x Scarifying/Verti-cutting units for pedestrian
cylinder mowers – see mowers above
Surface removal/scarifying
1 x Koro Field Topmaker with Universe rotor +
Hand tools
6 x Divoting forks
1 x Misc. hand tools (steel tape measures,
string lines, spades, shovels etc)
6 x SGL MU360 rigs (or equivalent)
2 x SGL MU50 rigs (or equivalent)
Power cables and supply
Artificial lighting rigs
Tractor/utility vehicle for moving (supplied
Storage covers
8 x Turfbreeze Fans (TB-50 Premium or TB-50
Direct Drive) or equivalent with covers
Football goals
Goal posts, sockets, nets and back stays
The minimum machinery and equipment requirements to be supplied by the Client for
maintaining the artificial turf surrounds include, but are not necessarily limited to those specified
below (excluding consumables):
Maintenance activity
Resources required
1 x Tractor-drawn VertiBrush (or equivalent)
1 x Tractor-drawn VertiClean (or equivalent)
x Tractor-drawn steel dragmat
The Contractor shall inspect and assess the condition of the existing machinery and equipment
currently available for pitch maintenance in relation to the lists above and shall make
recommendations and cost proposals to the Client’s Representative regarding the purchase of
additional maintenance equipment and machinery (see Section B11.0).
The Contractor shall provide unit rates for the following maintenance activities:
1. An hourly cost for providing maintenance consultancy to the Client’s Representative at the
end of the 12-month maintenance period, for a five year period.
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Sammy Ofer Stadium
2. A quotation for major annual renovation of the pitch for a five year period after the end of
the maintenance period. The renovation is to be appropriate for a stitched turf
reinforcement system and shall include ensuring the fibres remain exposed and vertical at
the surface, that excessive organic matter accumulation is controlled and that the surface
is re-established with a complete and uniform cover of warm season grass during the
summer period.
3. A unit rate for carrying out small repairs of the stitched reinforcement using a ‘small’
stitching machine.
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