MEMORIAS DEL XII CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE MÉTODOS NUMÉRICOS EN INGENIERÍA Y CIENCIAS APLICADAS CIMENICS'2014 ISLA DE MARGARITA, VENEZUELA, 24 al26 de marzo de 2014 . INGENIERÍA Y CIENCIAS APLICADAS: MODELOS MATEMÁTICOS Y COMPUTACIONALES Editores E. DÁVILA, J. DEL RÍO, M. CERROLAZA Instituto Nacional de Bioingeniería Universidad Central de Venezuela R. CHACÓN Universidad de Los Andes SOCIEDAD VENEZOLANA DE MÉTODOS NUMÉRICOS EN INGENIERÍA Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Central de Venezuela . IW INGENIERÍA Y CIENCIAS APLICADAS: MODELOS MATEMÁTICOS Y COMPUTACIONALES Primera edición: marzo de 20 14 SVMNl © 2014 Los Editores (Q 2014 Diseño de la portada: Vannessa Duarte/Liseth Valencia Instituto Nacional de Bioingeniería Universidad Central de Venezuela Solicitud de ejemplares a: Sociedad Venezolana de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería Universidad Central de Venezuela Caracas, Venezuela S' +58 (0)212 285 .2827 1 285.9608 1286.8094/286.4534 Impresión : Miguel Ángel García & Hijos, Caracas, Venezuela La figura en la portada del libro es cortesía de M. Valera, J . Guevara y J. León, y corresponde a una batimetría del Lago de Valencia considerando la velocidad y dirección del viento alrededor del lago. Nada de este libro puede ser reproducido, almacenado en un sistema de información mecánico o electrónico, fotocopiado, grabado o transmitido sin la autorización escrita de la SVMNI o de los editores. ISBN: 978-980-7161-04-6 Ingeniería y ciencias aplicadas: modelos matemáticos y computacionales ORGANIZADORES K Dávila, M. Cerrolaza Instituto Nacional de Bioingeniería Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela +58 (0)212 285.2827 1285.9608 1 286.80941 286.4534 Email: [ever!íng.davila¡miguel. ce!Tolaza} @inabio .edu. ve R. Chacón Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela +58 (0)274 240.2644 12645 Email: rdehacon@), w w COMITÉ ORGANIZADOR LOCAL G. Uzcátegui (Presidenta) V. Duarte, J. Del Río, J. Vivas, L. Valencia, E. Salinas Universidad Central de Venezuela N. González Universidad de Los Andes COMITÉ CIENTÍFICO M . Aliabadi, Queen Aim)' Col!ege, UK G. Larrazábal, Texas Un iversity, USA P. Delage, Eco/e Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees . Francia J. Rincón, Universidad del Zu/ia, Venezuela E. AJarcón, Universidad Politécnica de l'viadrid, Espaí'ía R. Callarotti, Instituto Venezolano de In vestigaciones Científicas, Venezuela L. Nallim, Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina E . Fance!Io, Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil M .C. Rivara, Universidad de Chile, Chile A. Maure, Universidad Nacional del Cuyo, Argentina S. Buitrago, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela E. Rank, Technícal University ofMunich, Alemania V . Griffiths, Colorado School of.Mines, USA M. E. Elberg, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela M . Doblaré, Universidad de Zaragoza, Esparza J. Sulem, Eco/e Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees. Francia G . Buscaglia, Universidad de Sao Paulo, Brasil A. Larreteguy, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa, Argentina M. Martínez, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela A. Salvadori, Universidad de Brescia, Italia PATROCINADORES Universidad Central de Venezuela, UCV Consejo de Desarrollo Científico y Humanístico, CDCH-UCV FONACIT ÍNDICE pág. CONFERENCIAS INVITADAS (Cl) Advanced computer methods in electromagnetic problems with applications to grounding analysis Af Casteleiro, F. Navarrina, f . Colominas, J. París, X Nogueira Effective penneability of carbonate reservoirs using the random finite element mcthod D. V. Griffiths, J. Pa iboon, .J Huang. G. Fenton Development of subject-specific models with material properties and boundary conditions derived from medica! imaging MC. HaBa Tho. TT. Dao, S. Bensamoun Analysis of potentials in crystalnetworks by means of nonlinear optimization techniques 15 33 41 R. Meziat MEC.Á.NICA DE SÓLIDOS Y MATERIALES {MS.M) Diagnóstico de fallas en la estructnra del rotor de un generador eléctrico P. Roa, J. García Fatigue lite and dynamic behavior of submarine pipelines subjected io slug t1ow and vortex-induced vibrations B. Bossio, A. Blanco, E. Casanova Absorción de energía en el colapso axial de tubos concéntricos de metal expandido H. Borges. Graciano. G. Martínez Modeling and simulation in a component of an "air dril!" planter G. Bowges, Af l'vfedina Ellipsoidal impulse responses in fractured media P. Contreras, L. Rincón, J. Bwgos Análisis de grietas radiales en elementos cilíndricos usando el método de elementos de contorno 2D P. Teixeira, Jf González Modelamiento bidimensional elástico de materiales bifásicos a escala mesoscópica H. D 'Armas. G. Martínez. L Llanes Evaluación de la condición " columna fue11.e viga débil" en pórticos de concreto reforzado mediante anál isis estáticos no lineales A. Marinil/i Diseño y análisis de un tren de atenizaje triciclo para avión no tripulado utilizando elementos finitos O González, G. Afartinez, Graciano Force fabric and macroscopic friction in three-dimensional granular materials V. Urdaneta, J. Petit. X García, E. lYledina Finite dil:1'erence modeling of rupture propagation under velocity dependent and thermal weakening processes A. Nieves, O. Rojas, S Day e e MECÁNICA DE f"LUJDOS (MFj Testing of openfoam capabilities f(Jr laminar, turbulent and two-phase t1ow models C. Montilla. A . Blanco, L. Rojas 7 13 19 25 31 37 45 51 57 63 INGENIERÍA \' CIENCIAS APLiCADAS o MODELOS MATEMJÍ'rJCOS Y COMPUTACIONALES E. Dávila. J. De! Río. M. Cerrolaza, H. Chm:ún (Editores) ~d 20i4 SVI\1"NI Todos Jos derechos rese1vados ELLIPSOIDAL llVlPlJLSE RESPONSES IN FRACTlJRED ,\fEDIA Pedro Contreras pcontreras@ula. ve Departamento de Física y Centro de Física Fundamental. lJLA. Mérida-Venezuela. Luís Rincón lrincon( Departamento de Química, Facultad de Ciencias, ULA. Mérida-Venezuela . .José Burgos joseburgos@ula. ve Universidad Nacional Experimental Sur del Lago, Zulia y Departamento de Física, ULA Abstract. A1ultiple vertical fracture sets, combined with horizontal fine layering produce an equivalent medium of orthorhombic or monoclinic symmelly. This is particularZv importan! in F acture reservoir characterization. Fractured reservoirs are azimutha! anisotropic ¡,vith respect to elastic-'vvave propagation. In this work we introduce an el!ipsoidal approximation for monoc!inic media that is ab!e to characterized _!i-actured medía near the vertical axis of ,1ymmetry. The procedure is basicallv two-fold. First, we estímate phase velocities near the vertical axis using an expansion of the slowness. Secondly. the phase velocities are used to build the group velocities near the vertical axis. We particular/y establish that for monoclinic media el/ipsoidal jimctions in the phase domain correspond to ellipsoidal fimctions in the group domain. Finalry, in order to validate the approximation, the P. S1 ami S 2 e/lipsoidal impulse re.1ponses are comparedfor difj'erent polar angles with the exact responses obtained by solving numericallv the eigenvectors problem jf-om the Christojjél equation. Ewmples are shown Jór monoclinic media, and are validated showing results fi·om a previous work fór orthorhombic media. .Ihe whole procedure is validjór homogeneous media. Keywords: Monoclinic symme!Jy, Orthorhombic symmetry, Anisotropy, Elastic wave propagation, Christoffel equation. l. JNTRODlJCTION An orthorhombic model describes a layered medium fractured in two orthogonal directions with azimuthal anisotropic dependence of the group and phasevelocities. Wave propagation in orthorhombic media has been extensively studied (see [1,2] among otbers) Numerical methods MSM·-261NGEN1ER[A Y CIENCIAS 1\PLl C'ADAS: MODELOS MATEM_t\TICOS Y COMPUTACIO NALES such as finite diffcrences and ray-tracing using weak anisotropic [3] and elliptical approximation [4] have contributed to the modeling of wave-front in orthorhombic media. Racently Tsvankin [3] stressed out the importance ofhavi ng different approximations to the group wave velocities in order to perform velocity analysis in fracture slructures. A monoclinic model describes two sets ofveJiicalnon-corrugated fractures with a horizontal symmetry plane. Mon oclinic media bave azimuthal anisotropic depcndence of the group and phase velocities. There is abundant geological (in situ) [3,7] ev idence of multi ple fracture sets, which CotToborate the importance of monoclinic models in seismic reservoir characterization; however, velocity analysis, and parameter estimation for monoclinic media is a highly challenging task [5] dueto the large number of e las tic constants involved. This paper introduces a mathematical treatment based of the solution of the Christoffel equation in ten11S of the slowness vector expansion around a vertical axis of symmetry. [t is important to choose a coordina te frame where the mathematical description of wave propagation has the simples! fom1 [5]. For instance the equation for the eigenvectors in terms ofthe slowness and the conespondent eigenva lues are F := [Gu.- 6¡¡]U1 =O, U is the polarization vector of a plane wave,ó';¡ is the Kronecker's delta, and Gi s the symmetric Christoffel matrix, p represents an horizonta l slowness vector, and q represents tbe vertical slowness vector. For a horizontal re±1ector the condition is p1 = p 2 = O; tberefore, the zero offset horizontal events in orthorhombic and mon oclinic media are obtained by substituting the correspondents values of q, and the derivatives q 1 ' = !.'l = - !'.!.; where i = 1,2, i!pi F3 and 1'3 is the derivative of . . ¡¡zq . . e . b h F respect to q. Tl1e secon d ord er d envat1ves q i¡· = -8 a contam !Iltorrnatwn a out t e ' Pi PJ byperbolic move-out. The derivatives of fourth order q ;¡·kl , = --~ ap;ap 1arkap, contain infonnation about the non-hyperbolic move-out [3]. Finally, the slowness can be written as (1) From symmetry considerations the deriva ti ves of first q,¡ lo, and third order q,ijk 1o, are equal to zero for both types of symmetry. The derivatives of fourth order are taken to be zero since nonhyperbolic move out is neglected. Eq. ( l) yields suitable expressions for the vertical slowness q in the orthorhombic and the monoclinic cases for the three propagation modes; namelyP, 5 1 and 5 2 . In voigt's notation the elastic tensor for the monoclinic structure has the form [1 ,2,5] eMN-- C21 C12 Czz c23 c31 Cn C33 e 0 o o o c16 Cz6 c13 o o c36 o o o o e" Cz6 o o c36 ) C44 C4s o C1s Css o O o c66 INGENIERÍA Y C:TENCJAS APLICADAS: MODELOS MATE MÁ T!COS Y COMPUTACIONALES MSM -27 Orthorhombic symmetry is dcscnbed by nine elastic constants (with e 16 = e 26 = e 36 = C~ 5 = 0). lt has two vertical planes of symmetry [XZ], and (YZ]_ There is not general solution for the Christoffel equation fór orthorhombic symmetry; however, .in both symmetry planes are possible analytical solutions_ For other angles, a mmierical solurion is given for each mode by the roots of the characteristical polynomial [2,4] . Monoclinic symmetry is described by thirteen elastic constants, 'but if e45 becomes zero, ihen ihe matrix becomes diagonal for vertical propagation and the horizontal axes coincide with the polarization directions ofthe vertical traveling shear wave [1,5]. Therefore, monoc!inic symmetry is described by twelve elastic constants_ There is not general solution for the Christoffcl equation for monoclinic symmetry; the solution always requires a numerical treatment for each propagation mode. Thc eigenvalue method through the characteristical polynomial gives the phase velocities and the eigenvector method for U yields the group velocities [2,5,6]. 2. ELLlPSOIDAL PHASE VELOCITIES (WAVE-FRONTS) NEAR THE VERTICAL AXIS Eq.(l) yields the ellipsoidal phase velocities (wave-f.ronts) near the vertical axis [4,5 ]; howcvcr, the con·espondent derivation is long, and we refer for a detailed description of. the method to look at appendix of Ref. [5]. A shear mode separation always occurs in fracture media, where two shear velocities cxists_ The substitution ofq,;¡ lo in Eq.(l) using a slowness vector p = (Pt- p 2 , q) , anda unitary phase vector ñ = (sin 8; 1 cos 8; 2 , sin 8; 1 sin 8; 2 , cos 8il) yields the square of the phase velocities W; = p (where p is the density). The calculation for the monoclinic media near the vertical axis gives the following expression V/ W i . 82il ("'i,nnw 82 + 2"'i,nmo - n e + ¡;ui.nmo •· ez) = wi 'z COS ezil + Sll1 VV11 COS Í2 VV12 $!11 rliz COS i2 V22 Sll1 i2 • (2) Eg .(2) represents an ellipsoid in the phase doma in for each elastic mode i = P, 51 and 52 . For waves traveling in the vertical direction: WP.z = ~' wsl.z = 1 , and wsz.z = - 1 -_ fi:,, .jc55 ¡e;:; For the longitudinal mode P, thc square of tbe horizontal NMO velocitics for the vertical symmetry planes [11] and [22] are (e33- e44)(el3 + 2Cuess + c33ess) + e'f6ce33- ess) P.nmo (·e·33 = Wru¡ L ¡.v:P,nmo _ ((l3- f22 l - - C'44 )(C'33 - C'55 ) ' ess)(ef3 + 2e23e44 + e33e44) + e}6(C.n- e44) (e:;3- e44)(e:;3- ess) Outside the symmetry planes the NMO velociiy is given by the [12] term Pnmo wr1z] = e36 [(2ess- e13)- e3'l(e13 + e23 +eH+ ess)J . . (C33 - C44)(e33 - ess) For the shear modc 51> the square ofthe NMO velocities are: ¡.v:Sl,nmo [11] - + C-s] 2 e-u + [Cl3 e .. _ e>.. , WS1,nmo [1z1 33 55 - - + e-s] e326 e16 + e,6 . [e13 - e + -----'-'-:--- 66 c. _ e _· e. . _ e , , ¡.v:S!,nmo rzz1 33 · 55 Finally, for the shear mode 52 the square ofthe NMO velocities are: 33 ·So MSM-28 INGEN IERÍA Y CIENCI ~ S \ PLICADAS: MODELOS MATEMÁTICOS Y COMPUTACIONALES 3. ELLIPSOIDAL GROUP VELOCITIES (lJ\lPULSE RESPONSES) NEAR THE VERTICAL AXES [n order to generate expressions in monoclinic media for group velocities within thc ellipsoidal approximation at small group polar angles 0 11 , and arbitrary azimuthal group angles 0 21 , we rely on a transfonnation using in Ref. [8] for VT! media, and in Ref. [4] for orthorhombic media. These transfonmltions are proposed and used here as ícJUows: w-u group,l'nonoclinic ' 0 11 are the polar, and 0 21 are the azimuthal group velocities angles. Tben, ellipsoidal group velocities near the vertical axis are ellipsoids in the group domain. The inverse of the square of the group velocity (impulse response) obtained from "Eq. (2)" for each propagation mode (i , P, 51 , 5 2 ) is .- u _ cos 0[1 Wgr·oup - \Jlfi,z _. 2 + sm 0;1 (cos 0f2 ¡.yi ,nmo fu] i 2 + 2 sin 0 12 cos 0;z w;i.nnw [Izj sin 0r2 ) + w;i.nmo ' (3) [22] i where W9·r-oup = p~,:oup· 4. NUMERICAL EXAJVIPLES The validation of our approximation is performed on the cracked Greenhom shale case of ortborhombic symmetry, but by aggregating a non-perpendicular fi·acture se t, according to the Muir-Schoenberg theory [7,9] , the elastic matrix then, becomes monoclinic. The values of the elastic constants are: cll = 336.6, c12 = 117.3, c13 = 103.3, c22 = 310.0, c23 = 92.3, c33 = 223 .9, C44 = 49 .1, C55 = 54.0, C66 = 94.6, C16 = 30.0, C26 = 30.0 and C36 = 10.0. As in Ref. [9] we ha ve chosen Ct¡ to be dimensionless, and the density p has been set to unity. The exact group velocity (impulse response) can be found numerically with the expression [2,6] where CiJkl are the elastic constants in the usual notation, a1 represents the eigenvectors that corresponden! to the unit polarization vcctors, f! 1 correspond to the normal direction of the wavefront, Eq.(4) will be numerica!ly solved in arder to compare with Eq.(3) Figure (1) shows horizontal slices of the 3-D impulse responses for each wave propagatíon mode at different polar angles in the monoclinic case. Jt can be observecl that the exact group velocity (red color) and the ellipsoidal group velocities (blue color) are almost the same for polar angles with small vertical aperture. As the polar angle 0 11 increases their separation al so increases and the ellipsoidal approximation begins to deteriorate. The maximum approximation error is reached ata polar angle of 90° (not shown here). Figure (2) shows horizontal slices of the INGENIERÍA \ CIENCIAS APLICADAS: MODELOS MATEMA TICOS Y COMPUTACIONALES MSM-29 3-D impulse responses for each propagation mode at different polar angles Qllt in the orthorhombic case_ 15 10 S O S 10 lS ; :n;:~sJo :U ::~0~ 15 10 5 o 5 10 15 15 lQ 5 o -S 10 l.S 5 ü S 10 1 5 15 10 S Q 5 10 15 15 10 S O ~- 10 15 15 10 ;. · :~t:~3sJo :u:(~"~ 15 10 .S O S 10 15 (3) 15 10 S O 5 10 l S Figure 1: Azimuthal view of each wave-mode impulse response for different po lar angles 0liin the monoclinic case. Red color represents the exact solutions from Eq.(4), blue color represents the ellipsoidal approximation of .Eq.(3 ). lt can be observed that exact (red co lor) and ellipsoidal (blue color) group velocities are almost the same at the [XY] symmetry plane for Q)li = 5°, but at the polar angle 0 11 of 15° the elliptical approximation of the shear modes begin to deteriorate, as it was shown in Ref[4]; bence, the horizontal velocity is not well reproduce for large values of 0 11 . 5. CONCLUSIONS The impulse responses of al! diflerent modes of wave propagation in monoclinic med ia near the vertical axis are ellipsoids Figure ( l). This implies that the ideas depicted in [4, 8] are applicable to monoclin ic media as well. On the other hand, it is shown that the horizontal Nom1al M ove-Out velocities for horizontal reflectors are ellipscs for monoclinic media in agreement with the results of [5]. lt is found that the oti diagonal NMO velocities are con!rolled in monocl inic media for three elastic parame ters: the longitudinal mode w1~;]m"is controlled by C36 • the . con t ro 11 ed by [ , all( j tb e t ransversa . 1 ,,r:'2 mol:\ e vv¡ rATSZ ,nmo.IS t ransversa1 ,,<'1 mo d·e ruSl,nmo vv ¡ !S 16 112 121 controlled by C26 . By making these three elastic constants to be zero, tb e orthorhombic case of Ref[4] is reproduced as in Figure (2). Therefore, we particularly establish that for monoclinic media ellipsoidal functions in the phase domain correspond to ellipsoidal functions in the group domain. The ellipsoidal approximation is therefore a simple but a powerful device to reproduce elastic group velocities in fractured media accurately near the vertical axis. A.cknowledgements We thank Dr. V. Grechka for stimulating discussions. We also acknowledge discussions with Profesores D. Gutíerrez, R. Almeida and L. Seijas from the University of Los Andes. This research was supponed by the Grant CDCHTA-ULA C-1851 -13-05-B . MSM0-30 INGENIERÍA Y CIENCIAS APLICADAS: MODELOS MATEMATJCOS Y COMPUTACIONALES P-wave u, '" ~ lg~ !~ . o 5 1-w a •.te u 5 1 510 5 o 5 !Q~ !~ :(]A 5 1015 1510 5 ~ "'« e :i~s 1510 5 o 5 1015 5 1015 Sl - wa\1€1 P-wav"i! "' o 52-wav e iR~ !~ ~" 1510 5 O 5 lDlS 5 2 - W;;!'.IS iQr:~J lQr:~J ·!~ iJ I~ o~ '. "1! 1510 S O S 1 0 15 8 1.510 5 o 5 10 lS Figure 2: Azimuthal view of each wave-mode impulse response for different polar angles 0 1 ;in the orthorhombic case reproduced according to Ref[4]. Red color represents the exact solutions from Eq. (4), blue color represents the ellipsoidal approximation ofEq.(3). REFERENCBS fl ]. Musgrave, M. Ci}'Stal Acoustics, Holden-Day, 1970. [2]. Helbig, K . 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