Untitled - NCS Technologies
Untitled - NCS Technologies
Ma r c h2 0 1 3 NCS Technologies, Inc. Information Technology (IT) Schedule Contract Number: GS-35F-4677G FEDERAL ACQUISTIION SERVICE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE PRICELIST GENERAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT Special Item No. 132-8 Purchase of Hardware 132-8 PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FSC CLASS 7010 – SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 1. End User Computer / Desktop 2. Professional Workstation 3. Server 4. Laptop / Portable / Notebook FSC CLASS 7-25 – INPUT/OUTPUT AND STORAGE DEVICES 1. Display 2. Network Equipment 3. Storage Devices including Magnetic Storage, Magnetic Tape and Optical Disk NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 7669 Limestone Drive Gainesville, VA 20155-4038 Tel: (703) 621-1700 Fax: (703) 621-1701 Website: www.ncst.com Contract Number: GS-35F-4677G – Option Year 3 Period Covered by Contract: May 15, 1997 through May 14, 2017 GENERAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL ACQUISTIION SERVICE Products and ordering information in this Authorized FAS IT Schedule Price List is also available on the GSA Advantage! System. Agencies can browse GSA Advantage! By accessing GSA’s Home Page via Internet at www.gsa.gov. TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION FOR ORDERING OFFICES ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... TC-1 SPECIAL NOTICE TO AGENCIES – SMALL BUSINESS PARTICIPATION 1. Geographical Scope of Contract .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. TC-1 2. Contractor’s Ordering Address and Payment Information ...................................................................................................................................................................................... TC-1 3. Liability for Injury or Damage ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ TC-1 4. Statistical Data for Government Ordering Office’s Completion of Standard Form 729 ........................................................................................................................................ TC-1 5. F.O.B. Point .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. TC-2 6. Delivery Schedule ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... TC-2 7. Discounts ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... TC-2 8. Trade Agreement Acts of 1979, As Amended .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... TC-2 9. Statement Concerning Availability of Export Packing ........................................................................................................................................................................................... TC-2 10. Small Requirements ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... TC-2 11. Maximum Order ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... TC-2 12. Ordering Procedures for Federal Acquisition Service Schedule Contracts ........................................................................................................................................................... TC-2 13. Federal Information Technology/Telecommunication Standards Requirements .................................................................................................................................................. TC-2 13.1 Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS) .............................................................................................................................................................. TC-2 13.2 Federal Telecommunication Standards (FED-STDS) ......................................................................................................................................................................................... TC-2 14. Contractor Tasks/Special Requirements (C-FAS-370) (Nove 2001) .................................................................................................................................................................... TC-3 15. Contract Administration for Ordering Offices ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... TC-3 16. GSA Advantage! .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... TC-3 17. Purchase of Open Market Items ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... TC-3 18. Contractor Commitments, Warranties, and Representations ................................................................................................................................................................................. TC-4 19. Overseas Activities ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. TC-4 20. Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... TC-4 21. Contractor Team Arrangements .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. TC-4 22. Installation, Deinstallation, Reinstallation ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. TC-4 23. Section 508 Compliance ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... TC-4 24. Prime Contractor Ordering From Federal Acquisition Service Schedules ............................................................................................................................................................ TC-4 25. Insurance—Work on Government Installation (Jan 1997) (FAR 522.228-5) ....................................................................................................................................................... TC-4 26. Software Interoperability ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ TC-5 27. Advance Payments .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. TC-5 TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO PURCHASE OF GENERAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT (SIN 132-8) .................................................................................................................................... TC-6 USA COMMITMENT TO PROMOTE SMALL BUSINESS PARTICIPATION PROCUREMENT PROGRAMS .................................................................................................................... TC-8 BEST VALUE BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT FEDERAL ACQUISITIION SCHEDULE ........................................................................................................................................... TC-9 BASIC GUIDELINES FOR USING “CONTRACTOR TEAM ARRANGEMENTS” ................................................................................................................................................................. TC-11 PRODUCT OFFERINGS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-1 NCS Workstations, Servers and Notebooks ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ PO-1 OEM Components Available Only for Integration Into NCS Systems ..................................................................................................................................................................... PO-26 4Q Technology ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-26 3COM Corporation .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-26 3D Labs .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-26 ActionTec Electronics ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-26 ActivCard Inc. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-26 Adaptec ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ PO-26 Allied Telesyn .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-26 Altec Lansing ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-26 American Power Conversion (APC). ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-27 ASUS Graphics .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-28 ATI Technologies, Inc. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-29 Avocent ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ PO-29 Belkin ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ PO-29 BSI ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-29 BlackBox Technologies, Inc.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-29 Cherry ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ PO-29 Compex , Inc. USA .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-30 CP Technologies, Inc. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-30 Creative Labs ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-30 Cremax Corporation ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-30 CRU Inc. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ PO-30 Cyber Acoustics ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-30 Diamond Multimedia ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-30 D-Link Systems ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ PO-30 GEMPLUS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ PO-30 Hauppauge Computer Works ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ PO-30 Hitachi America, Inc. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-30 IBM ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-31 Intel Networking .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-32 IO Gear Coroporation ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-33 Iomega Corporation ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-33 NCS Technologies, Inc. i New Catalog TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Kingston Technology ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-33 LeadTek Research ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-33 LG Electronics, Inc. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-33 Lite-On. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-33 Maxtor Corporation ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-33 Microsoft Corporation ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-34 Microsolutions ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-34 Panasonic ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-34 PNY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-34 Quickshot ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-35 Red Hat ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-35 Seagate ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-35 SIIG .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-36 SimpleTech ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-36 SL Waber ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-36 SCM Microsystems ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-36 SMC ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-36 Sony Corporation ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-36 Symantec Corporation ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-36 Sewell Corporation .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-36 Targus Corporation .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-36 TEAC Corporation ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-36 Toshiba ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-36 Xircom................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ PO-37 US Robotics ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-37 Explanation of Warranty Codes for Integrated Items ................................................................................................................................................................................................ PO-37 Products from Other Manufacturers Offered for Resale ........................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-38 Fujitsu ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-38 Hyundai ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ PO-38 IMC Networks ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-39 Lenovo ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-39 Lexmark ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-39 Plug In Storage ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-40 Samsung Electronics ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ PO-40 TAA .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PO-42 Targus ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... PO-43 NCS Technologies, Inc. ii New Catalog INFORMATION FOR ORDERING OFFICES SPECIAL NOTICE TO AGENCIES SMALL BUSINESS PARTICIPATION SBA strongly supports the participation of small business concerns in the Federal Acquisition Service Schedule Program. To enhance Small Business Participation SBA policy allows agencies to include in their procurement base and goals, the dollar value of orders expected to be placed against the Federal Acquisition Service Schedules, and to report accomplishments against these goals. For orders exceeding the micropurchase threshold, FAR 8.404 requires agencies to consider the catalogs/pricelists of at least three schedule contractors or consider reasonably available information by using the GSA Advantage!™ on-line shopping service (www.FAS.gsa.gov). The catalogs/pricelists, GSA Advantage!™ and the Federal Acquisition Service Home Page (www.FAS.gsa.gov) contain information on a broad array of products and services offered by small business concerns. This information should be used as a tool to assist ordering activities in meeting or exceeding established small business goals. It should also be used as a tool to assist in including small, small disadvantaged, and women-owned small businesses among those considered when selecting pricelists for a best value determination. For orders exceeding the micropurchase threshold, customers are to give preference to small business concerns when two or more items at the same delivered price will satisfy their requirement. 1. GEOGRAPHIC SCOPE OF CONTRACT: (a) Domestic delivery is delivery within the 48 contiguous states, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Washington, DC, and U.S. Territories. Domestic delivery also includes a port or consolidation point, within the aforementioned areas, for orders received from overseas activities. Overseas delivery is delivery to points outside of the 48 contiguous states, Washington, DC, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Territories. Offerors are requested to check one of the following boxes: [X] [ ] [ ] The Geographic Scope of Contract will be domestic and overseas delivery. The Geographic Scope of Contract will be overseas delivery only. The Geographic Scope of Contract will be domestic delivery only. 2. CONTRACTOR’S ORDERING ADDRESS AND PAYMENT INFORMATION (a) For computer-to-computer EDI orders, orders by facsimile transmission, and mailed orders, please contact the office below: GSA Program Office NCS Technologies, Inc. 7669 Limestone Drive Gainesville, Virginia 20155-4038 Telephone: (703) 621-1700 Facsimile: (703) 621-1701 (b) For payments, please forward them to the following address: Accounts Receivable NCS Technologies, Inc. 7669 Limestone Drive Gainesville, Virginia 20155-4038 (c) NCS is required to accept the Government purchase card for payments equal to or less than the micropurchase threshold for oral or written delivery orders. Government purchase cards will be acceptable for payment above the micropurchase threshold. In addition, bank account information for wire transfer payments will be shown on the invoice. (d) To obtain technical and ordering assistance, please contact the phone number below: Telephone: (703) 621-1700 (888) RING-NCS Facsimile: (703) 621-1701 3. LIABILITY FOR INJURY OR DAMAGE NCS shall not be liable for any injury to Government personnel or damage to Government property arising from the use of equipment maintained by NCS, unless such injury or damage is due to the fault or negligence of NCS. 4. STATISTICAL DATA FOR GOVERNMENT ORDERING OFFICE COMPLETION OF STANDARD FORM 729 Block 9: G. Order/Modification Under Federal Schedule Block 16: Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS): 96-100-3720 Block 30: Type of Contractor - A A. Small Disadvantaged Business B. Other Small Business C. Large Business G. Other Nonprofit Organization L. Foreign Contractor Block 31: Woman-Owned Small Business - NO Block 36: Contractor's Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) - 54-1822366 NCS Technologies, Inc. TC-1 New Catalog 4a. CAGE Code: 1BEK6 4b. Contractor has registered with the Central Contractor Registration Database. 5. F.O.B. DESTINATION 6. DELIVERY SCHEDULE (a) TIME OF DELIVERY. NCS shall deliver to destination within the number of calendar days after receipt of order (ARO), as set forth below. SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER 132-8 DELIVERY TIME (Days ARO) 30 Days (b) URGENT REQUIREMENTS. When the Federal Acquisition Service Schedule contract delivery period does not meet the bona fide urgent delivery requirements of an ordering agency, agencies are encouraged, if time permits, to contact NCS for the purpose of obtaining accelerated delivery. NCS shall reply to the inquiry within 3 workdays after receipt. (Telephonic replies shall be confirmed by NCS in writing.) If NCS offers an accelerated delivery time acceptable to the ordering agency, any order(s) placed pursuant to the agreed upon accelerated delivery time frame shall be delivered within this shorter delivery time and in accordance with all other terms and conditions of the contract. 7. DISCOUNTS: Prices shown are NET prices; Basic discounts have been deducted. a. b. c. d. f. 8. Prompt Payment: 1% - 10 days from receipt of invoice or date of acceptance, whichever is later. Quantity: NCS may offer additional quantity discount on a case-by-case basis. Ordering activities are encouraged to inquire about this discount when placing orders. Dollar Volume: NCS may offer additional dollar volume discount on a case-by-case basis. Ordering agencies are encouraged to inquire about this discount when placing orders. Government Educational Institutions: NCS offers the same discounts to these institutions as it does to all other Government customers. Other: NCS does not offer any other discounts, except those shown in Paragraphs a through e above. TRADE AGREEMENT ACT OF 1979, AS AMENDED All items are U.S. made end products, designated country end products, Caribbean Basin country end products, Canadian end products, or Mexican end products as defined in the Trade Agreements Act of 1979, as amended. 9. STATEMENT CONCERNING AVAILABILITY OF EXPORT PACKING In addition to its standard commercial packing practice, NCS is capable of providing extra packing protection for equipment and software that are intended for export. This service is available to ordering agencies at an additional cost. Charges for this type of service will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. In the absence of any specific instructions from ordering agencies, NCS will pack all ordered equipment and software in the manner that is consistent with its standard commercial practice. 10. SMALL REQUIREMENTS The minimum dollar value of orders to be issued is $100.00. 11. MAXIMUM ORDER All dollar amounts cited below are exclusive of any discount for prompt payment. a. Special Item 132-8 - Purchase of Hardware The maximum dollar value per order for all purchased equipment will be $500,000. 12. ORDERING PROCEEDURES FOR FEDERAL ACQUISITION SERVICE SCHEDULE CONTRACTS. Ordering activities shall use the ordering procedures of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.405 when placing an order or establishing a BPA for supplies or services. These procedures apply to all schedules. a. FAR 8.405-1 Ordering procedures for supplies, and services not requiring a statement of work. b. FAR 8.405-2 Ordering procedures for services requiring a statement of work. 13. FEDERAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY/TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDS REQUIREMENTS Ordering activities acquiring products from this Schedule must comply with the provisions of the Federal Standards Program, as appropriate (reference: NIST Federal Standards Index). Inquiries to determine whether or not specific products listed herein comply with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) or Federal Telecommunication Standards (FED-STDS), which are cited by ordering activities, shall be responded to promptly by the Contractor. 13.1 FEDERAL INFORMATION PROCESSING STANDARDS PUBLICATIONS (FIPS PUBS) Information Technology products under this Schedule that do not conform to Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) should not be acquired unless a waiver has been granted in accordance with the applicable "FIPS Publication." Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS) are issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), pursuant to National Security Act. Information concerning their availability and applicability should be obtained from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161. FIPS PUBS include voluntary standards when these are adopted for Federal use. Individual orders for FIPS PUBS should be referred to the NTIS Sales Office, and orders for subscription service should be referred to the NTIS Subscription Officer, both at the above address, or telephone number (703) 487-4650. 13.2 FEDERAL TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDS (FED-STDS) Telecommunication products under this Schedule that do not conform to Federal Telecommunication Standards (FED-STDS) should not be acquired unless a waiver has been granted in accordance with the applicable "FED-STD." Federal Telecommunication Standards are issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), pursuant to National Security Act. Ordering information and information concerning the availability of FED-STDS should be obtained from the GSA, Federal Acquisition Service, Specification Section, 470 East L’Enfant Plaza, Suite 8100, SW, Washington, DC 20407, telephone number (202)619-8925. Please include a self-addressed mailing label when requesting information by mail. NCS Technologies, Inc. TC-2 New Catalog Information concerning their applicability can be obtained by writing or calling the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, telephone number (301)975-2833. 14. CONTRACTOR TASKS/ SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (C-FAS-370) (NOV 2001) (a) Security Clearances: NCS may be required to obtain/possess varying levels of security clearances in the performance of orders issued under this contract. All costs associated with obtaining/possessing such security clearances should be factored into the price offered under the Multiple Award Schedule. (b) Travel: NCS may be required to travel in performance of orders issued under this contract. Allowable travel and per diem charges are governed by Pub .L. 99-234 and FAR Part 31, and are reimbursable by the ordering agency or can be priced as a fixed price item on orders placed under the Multiple Award Schedule. The Industrial Funding Fee does NOT apply to travel and per diem charges. NOTE: Refer to FAR Part 31.205-46 Travel Costs, for allowable costs that pertain to official company business travel in regards to this contract. (c) Certifications, Licenses and Accreditations: As a commercial practice, NCS may be required to obtain/possess any variety of certifications, licenses and accreditations for specific FSC/service code classifications offered. All costs associated with obtaining/ possessing such certifications, licenses and accreditations should be factored into the price offered under the Multiple Award Schedule program. (d) Insurance: As a commercial practice, NCS may be required to obtain/possess insurance coverage for specific FSC/service code classifications offered. All costs associated with obtaining/possessing such insurance should be factored into the price offered under the Multiple Award Schedule program. (e) Personnel: NCS may be required to provide key personnel, resumes or skill category descriptions in the performance of orders issued under this contract. Ordering activities may require agency approval of additions or replacements to key personnel. (f) Organizational Conflicts of Interest: Where there may be an organizational conflict of interest as determined by the ordering agency, NCS’s participation in such order may be restricted in accordance with FAR Part 9.5. (g) Documentation/Standards: NCS may be requested to provide products or services in accordance with rules, regulations, OMB orders, standards and documentation as specified by the agency’s order. (h) Data/Deliverable Requirements: Any required data/deliverables at the ordering level will be as specified or negotiated in the agency’s order. (i) Government-Furnished Property: As specified by the agency’s order, the Government may provide property, equipment, materials or resources as necessary. (j) Availability of Funds: Many Government agencies’ operating funds are appropriated for a specific fiscal year. Funds may not be presently available for any orders placed under the contract or any option year. The Government’s obligation on orders placed under this contract is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for ordering purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for any payment may arise until funds are available to the ordering Contracting Officer. 15. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION FOR ORDERING OFFICES Any ordering activity, with respect to any one or more delivery orders placed by it under this contract, may exercise the same rights of termination as might the GSA Contracting Officer under provisions of FAR 52.212-4, paragraphs (l) Termination for the ordering activity’s convenience, and (m) Termination for Cause (See C.1.) 16. GSA ADVANTAGE! GSA Advantage! is an on-line, interactive electronic information and ordering system that provides on-line access to vendors' schedule prices with ordering information. GSA Advantage! will allow the user to perform various searches across all contracts including, but no limited to: (1) (2) (3) Manufacturer; Manufacturer's Part Number; and Product categories. Agencies can browse GSA Advantage! by accessing the Internet World Wide Web utilizing a browser (ex.: NetScape). The Internet address is http://www.FAS.gsa.gov. 17. PURCHASE OF OPEN MARKET ITEMS NOTE: Open Market Items are also known as incidental items, noncontract items, non-Schedule items, and items not on a Federal Acquisition Service Schedule contract. ODCs (Other Direct Costs) are not part of this contract and should be treated as open market purchases. Ordering Activities procuring open market items must follow FAR 8.402(f). For administrative convenience, an ordering activity contracting officer may add items not on the Federal Acquisition Service Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) -- referred to as open market items -- to a Federal Acquisition Service Schedule blanket purchase agreement (BPA) or an individual task or delivery order, only if(1) (Part 19)); All applicable acquisition regulations pertaining to the purchase of the items not on the Federal Acquisition Service Schedule have been followed (e.g., publicizing 5), competition requirements (Part 6), acquisition of commercial items (Part 12), contracting methods (Parts 13, 14, and 15), and small business programs (Part (2) The ordering activity contracting officer has determined the price for the items not on the Federal Acquisition Service Schedule is fair and reasonable; (3) The items are clearly labeled on the order as items not on the Federal Acquisition Service Schedule; and (4) All clauses applicable to items not on the Federal Acquisition Service Schedule are included in the order. NCS Technologies, Inc. TC-3 New Catalog 18. a. CONTRACTOR COMMITMENTS, WARRANTIES, AND REPRESENTATIONS For the purpose of this contract, commitments, warranties, and representations include, in addition to those agreed to for the entire schedule contract: (1) (2) (3) b. 19. Time of delivery/installation quotations for individual orders; Technical representations and/or warranties of products concerning performance, total system performance and/or configuration, physical, design and/or functional characteristics and capabilities of a product/equipment/service/software package submitted in response to requirements which result in orders under this schedule contract. Any representations and/or warranties concerning the products made in any literature, description, drawings, and/or specifications furnished by the Contractor. The above is not intended to encompass items not currently covered by the GSA Schedule contract. OVERSEAS ACTIVITIES The terms and conditions of this contract shall apply to all orders for installation, maintenance and repair of equipment in areas listed in the pricelist outside the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia, except as indicated below: All foreign countries Upon request of the NCS, the Government may provide the Contractor with logistics support, as available, in accordance with all applicable Government’s regulations. Such Government support will be provided on a reimbursable basis, and will only be provided to the Contractor’s technical personnel whose services are exclusively required for the fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this contract. 20. BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENTS (BPAs) The use of BPAs under any schedule contract to fill repetitive needs for supplies or services is allowable. BPAs may be established with one or more schedule contractors. The number of BPAs to be established is within the discretion of the ordering activity establishing the BPA and should be based on a strategy that is expected to maximize the effectiveness of the BPA(s). Ordering activities shall follow FAR 8.405-3 when creating and implementing BPA(s). 21. CONTRACTOR TEAM ARRANGEMENTS Contractors participating in contractor team arrangements must abide by all terms and conditions of their respective contracts. This includes compliance with Clauses 552.238-74, Industrial Funding Fee and Sales Reporting, i.e., each contractor (team member) must report sales and remit the IFF for all products and services provided under its individual contract. 22. INSTALLATION, DEINSTALLATION, REINSTALLATION The Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a-276a-7) provides that contracts in excess of $2,000 to which the United States or the District of Columbia is a party for construction, alteration, or repair (including painting and decorating) of public buildings or public works with the United States, shall contain a clause that no laborer or mechanic employed directly upon the site of the work shall received less than the prevailing wage rates as determined by the Secretary of Labor. The requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act do not apply if the construction work is incidental to the furnishing of supplies, equipment, or services. For example, the requirements do not apply to simple installation or alteration of a public building or public work that is incidental to furnishing supplies or equipment under a supply contract. However, if the construction, alteration or repair is segregable and exceeds $2,000, then the requirement of the Davis-Bacon Act applies. The ordering activity issuing the task order against this contract will be responsible for proper administration and enforcement of the Federal labor standards covered by the Davis-Bacon Act. The proper Davis-Bacon wage determination will be issued by the ordering activity at the time a request for quotations is made for applicable construction classified installation, deinstallation, and reinstallation services under SIN 132-8. 23. SECTION 508 COMPLIANCE. If applicable, Section 508 compliance information on the supplies and services in this contract are available in Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) at the following: www.ncst.com The EIT standard can be found at: www.Section508.gov/. 24. PRIME CONTRACTOR ORDERING FROM FEDERAL ACQUISITION SERVICE SCHEDULES Prime Contractors (on cost reimbursement contracts) placing orders under Federal Acquisition Service Schedules, on behalf of an ordering activity, shall follow the terms of the applicable schedule and authorization and include with each order – (a) A copy of the authorization from the ordering activity with whom the contractor has the prime contract (unless a copy was previously furnished to the Federal (b) Acquisition Service Schedule contractor); and (b) The following statement: This order is placed under written authorization from _______ dated _______. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this order and those of your Federal Acquisition Service Schedule contract, the latter will govern. 25. INSURANCE—WORK ON GOVERNMENT INSTALLATION (JAN 1997) (FAR 52.228-5) (a) NCS shall, at its own expense, provide and maintain during the entire performance of this contract, at least the kinds and minimum amounts of insurance required in the Schedule or elsewhere in the contract. (b) Before commencing work under this contract, NCS shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing that the required insurance has been obtained. The policies evidencing required insurance shall contain an endorsement to the effect that any cancellation or any material change adversely affecting the Government's interest shall not be effective— (1) (2) NCS Technologies, Inc. For such period as the laws of the State in which this contract is to be performed prescribe; or Until 30 days after the insurer or NCS gives written notice to the Contracting Officer, whichever period is longer. TC-4 New Catalog (c) NCS shall insert the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (c), in subcontracts under this contract that require work on a Government installation and shall require subcontractors to provide and maintain the insurance required in the Schedule or elsewhere in the contract. The Contractor shall maintain a copy of all subcontractors' proofs of required insurance, and shall make copies available to the Contracting Officer upon request. 26. SOFTWARE INTEROPERABILITY Offerors are encouraged to identify within their software items any component interfaces that support open standard interoperability. An item’s interface may be identified as interoperable on the basis of participation in a Government agency-sponsored program or in an independent organization program. Interfaces may be identified by reference to an interface registered in the component registry located at http://www.core.gov. 27. ADVANCE PAYMENTS A payment under this contract to provide a service or deliver an article for the United States Government may not be more than the value of the service already provided or the article already delivered. Advance or pre-payment is not authorized or allowed under this contract. (31 U.S.C. 3324) NCS Technologies, Inc. TC-5 New Catalog TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO PURCHASE OF GENERAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT (SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER 132-8) 1. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP All equipment furnished hereunder must satisfactorily perform the function for which it is intended. 2. ORDER Written orders, EDI orders (GSA Advantage! and FACNET), credit card orders, and orders placed under blanket purchase agreements (BPA) agreements shall be the basis for purchase in accordance with the provisions of this contract. If time of delivery extends beyond the expiration date of the contract, the Contractor will be obligated to meet the delivery and installation date specified in the original order. For credit card orders and BPAs, telephone orders are permissible. 3. TRANSPORTATION OF EQUIPMENT FOB DESTINATION. Prices cover equipment delivery to destination, for any location within the geographic scope of this contract. 4. INSTALLATION AND TECHNICAL SERVICES a. INSTALLATION. When the equipment provided under this contract is not normally self-installable, the Contractor's technical personnel shall be available to the ordering activity, at the ordering activity's location, to install the equipment and to train ordering activity personnel in the use and maintenance of the equipment. The charges, if any, for such services are listed below, or in the price schedule: None b. INSTALLATION, DEINSTALLATION, REINSTALLATION. The Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a-276a-7) provides that contracts in excess of $2,000 to which the United States or the District of Columbia is a party for construction, alteration, or repair (including painting and decorating) of public buildings or public works with the United States, shall contain a clause that no laborer or mechanic employed directly upon the site of the work shall received less than the prevailing wage rates as determined by the Secretary of Labor. The requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act do not apply if the construction work is incidental to the furnishing of supplies, equipment, or services. For example, the requirements do not apply to simple installation or alteration of a public building or public work that is incidental to furnishing supplies or equipment under a supply contract. However, if the construction, alteration or repair is segregable and exceeds $2,000, then the requirement of the Davis-Bacon Act applies. The ordering activity issuing the task order against this contract will be responsible for proper administration and enforcement of the Federal labor standards covered by the Davis-Bacon Act. The proper Davis-Bacon wage determination will be issued by the ordering activity at the time a request for quotations is made for applicable construction classified installation, deinstallation, and reinstallation services under SIN 132-8. c. OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS. The Contractor shall furnish the ordering activity with one (1) copy of all operating and maintenance manuals which are normally provided with the equipment being purchased. 5. INSPECTION/ACCEPTANCE The Contractor shall only tender for acceptance those items that conform to the requirements of this contract. The ordering activity reserves the right to inspect or test any equipment that has been tendered for acceptance. The ordering activity may require repair or replacement of nonconforming equipment at no increase in contract price. The ordering activity must exercise its post acceptance rights (1) within a reasonable time after the defect was discovered or should have been discovered; and (2) before any substantial change occurs in the condition of the item, unless the change is due to the defect in the item. 6. WARRANTY a. Unless specified otherwise in this contract, the Contractor’s standard commercial warranty as stated in the contract’s commercial pricelist will apply to this contract. [NOTE: Please refer to the pricelist for the description of the warranty for each item.] b. The Contractor warrants and implies that the items delivered hereunder are merchantable and fit for use for the particular purpose described in this contract. c. damages Limitation of Liability. Except as otherwise provided by an express or implied warranty, the Contractor will not be liable to the Government for consequential resulting from any defect or deficiencies in accepted items. d. If inspection and repair of defective equipment under this warranty will be performed at the Contractor's plant, the address is as follows: NCS Technologies, Inc. 7669 Limestone Drive Gainesville, Virginia 20155-4038 7. PURCHASE PRICE FOR ORDERED EQUIPMENT The purchase price that the Government will be charged will be the Government purchase price in effect at the time of order placement, or the Government purchase price in effect on the installation date (or delivery date when installation is not applicable), whichever is less. 8. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations (Federal, State, City or otherwise) covering work of this character, and shall include all costs, if any, of such compliance in the prices quoted in this offer. NCS Technologies, Inc. TC-6 New Catalog 9. TRADE-IN OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT When an agency determines that Information Technology equipment will be replaced, the agency shall follow the contracting policies and procedures in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), the policies and procedures regarding disposition of information technology excess personal property in the Federal Property Management Regulations (FPMR) (41 CFR 101-43.6), and the policies and procedures on exchange/sale contained in the FPMR (41 CFR part 101-46). NCS Technologies, Inc. TC-7 New Catalog USA COMMITMENT TO PROMOTE SMALL BUSINESS PARTICIPATION PROCUREMENT PROGRAMS PREAMBLE NCS Technologies, Inc. provides commercial products and services to the Federal Government. We are committed to promoting participation of small, small disadvantaged and womenowned small businesses in our contracts. We pledge to provide opportunities to the small business community through reselling opportunities, mentor-protege programs, joint ventures, teaming arrangements, and subcontracting. COMMITMENT To actively seek and partner with small businesses. To identify, qualify, mentor and develop small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses by purchasing from these businesses whenever practical. To develop and promote company policy initiatives that demonstrate our support for awarding contracts and subcontracts to small business concerns. To undertake significant efforts to determine the potential of small, small disadvantaged, and women-owned small businesses to supply products and services to our company. To insure procurement opportunities are designed to permit the maximum possible participation of small, small disadvantaged, and women-owned small businesses. To attend business opportunity workshops, minority business enterprise seminars, trade fairs, procurement conferences, etc., to identify and increase small business with whom to partner. To publicize in our marketing publications our interest in meeting small businesses that may be interested in subcontracting opportunities. We signify our commitment to work in partnership with small, small disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses to promote and increase their participation in Federal Government contracts. To accelerate potential opportunities, please contact: Mark E. Christopher NCS Technologies, Inc. NCS Technologies, Inc. 7669 Limestone Drive Gainesville, Virginia 20155-4038 TC-8 Tel: (703) 743-8502 Fax: (703) 621-1701 E-mail: mchristopher@ncst.com New Catalog BEST VALUE BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT FEDERAL ACQUISITION SERVICE SCHEDULE (Insert Customer Name) In the spirit of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (Ordering Activity) and (Contractor) enter into a cooperative agreement to further reduce the administrative costs of acquiring commercial items from the General Service Administration (GSA) Federal Acquisition Service Schedule Contract(s) GS-35F-4677G. Federal Acquisition Service Schedule contract BPA’s eliminate contracting and open market costs such as: search for sources; the development of technical documents, solicitations and the evaluation of bids and offers. Teaming Arrangements are permitted with Federal Acquisition Service Schedule contractors in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 9.6. This BPA will further decrease costs, reduce paperwork and save time by eliminating the need for repetitive, individual purchases from the schedule contract. The end result is to create a purchasing mechanism for the Government that works better and costs less. Signature: ________________________________________________________ ORDERING ACTIVITY DATE NCS Technologies, Inc. _______________________________________________________ CONTRACTOR DATE TC-9 New Catalog BPA NUMBER______________________________ (CUSTOMER NAME) BLANKET PURCHASE AGREEMENT Pursuant to GSA Federal Acquisition Service contract number(s) GS-35F-4677G, Blanket Purchase Agreements, the Contractor agrees to the following terms of a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) EXECLUSIVELY WITH (Ordering Agency): (1) The following contract items can be ordered under this BPA. All orders placed against this BPA are subject to the terms and conditions of the contract, except as noted below: MODEL NUMBER/PART NUMBE ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ (2) * SPECIAL BPA DISCOUNT/PRICE _________________ _________________ Delivery: DESTINATION DELIVERY SCHEDULE/DATES (3) The Government estimates, but does not guarantee, that the volume of purchases through this agreement will be (4) This BPA does not obligate any funds. (5) This BPA expires on (6) The following office(s) is hereby authorized to place orders under this BPA: . or at the end of the contract period, whichever is earlier. OFFICE POINT OF CONTACT (7) Orders will be placed against this BPA via Electronic Data Interchange, EDI, FAX, or paper. (8) Unless otherwise agreed to, all deliveries under this BPA must be accompanied by delivery tickets or sales slips that must contain the following information as a minimum: . (a) Name of contractor; (b) Contract number; (c) BPA number; (d) Model number or National Stock Number (NSN); (e) Purchase order number; (f) Date of purchase; (g) Quantity, unit price, and extension of each item (unit prices and extensions need not be shown when incompatible with the use of automated systems; provided, that the invoice is itemized to show the information); and (h) Date of shipment. (9) The requirements of a proper invoice are as specified in the Federal Acquisition Service Schedule contract. Invoices will be submitted to the address specified within the purchase order transmission issued against this BPA. (10) The terms and conditions included in this BPA apply to all purchases made pursuant to it. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this BPA and the Contractor’s invoice, the provisions of this BPA will take precedence. NCS Technologies, Inc. TC-10 New Catalog BASIC GUIDELINES FOR USING “CONTRACTOR TEAM ARRANGEMENTS” Federal Acquisition Service Schedule Contractors may use “Contractor Team Arrangements” (see FAR 9.6) to provide solutions when responding to a ordering activity requirements. These Team Arrangements can be included under a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA). BPAs are permitted under all Federal Acquisition Service Schedule contracts. Orders under a Team Arrangement are subject to terms and conditions or the Federal Acquisition Service Schedule Contract. Participation in a Team Arrangement is limited to Federal Acquisition Service Schedule Contractors. Customers should refer to FAR 9.6 for specific details on Team Arrangements. Here is a general outline on how it works: • The customer identifies their requirements. • Federal Acquisition Service Schedule Contractors may individually meet the customers needs, or - • Federal Acquisition Service Schedule Contractors may individually submit a Schedules “Team Solution” to meet the customer’s requirement. • Customers make a best value selection. NCS Technologies, Inc. TC-11 New Catalog NCS WORKSTATIONS, SERVERS, AND NOTEBOOKS NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price GEMINI SERIES INTEL CPU PENTIUM / CORE / CELERON CPUs AND DDR SDRAM NCS NCS4473 80-CT1-391-0-3 GEMINI MODEL CT1-A391 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® Q67 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Four 240-pin DIMM Sockets Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 16GB DDR3 SDRAM Two Conventional PCI Slots One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 358.43 One PCI-Express 2.0 x4 Slot Integrated Intel Graphics Support Six Serial ATA Interfaces Supporting 3GB/s Transfer Rate Six USB 2.0, One PS/2, One DVI, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard 300 Watt - 500 Watt Power Supply Thermally Advantaged MicroATX Tower Chassis with CAG with One 5.25" External, One 3.5" External, and One 3.5" Internal Bays Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4474 80-CT2-391-0-3 GEMINI MODEL CT2-A391 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® Q67 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Four 240-pin DIMM Sockets Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 16GB DDR3 SDRAM Two Conventional PCI Slots One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 358.43 One PCI-Express 2.0 x4 Slot Integrated Intel Graphics Support Six Serial ATA Interfaces Supporting 3GB/s Transfer Rate Six USB 2.0, One PS/2, One DVI, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard 300 Watt - 500 Watt Power Supply Thermally Advantaged Micro ATX Tower Chassis with CAG with One 3.5" External, One Slim 5.25", and One Slim 3.5" Bays Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4475 80-CK3-391-0-3 GEMINI MODEL CK3-A391 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® Q67 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Four 240-pin DIMM Sockets Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 16GB DDR3 SDRAM Two Conventional PCI Slots One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 364.69 One PCI-Express 2.0 x4 Slot Integrated Intel Graphics Support Six Serial ATA Interfaces Supporting 3GB/s Transfer Rate Six USB 2.0, One PS/2, One DVI, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard 300 Watt - 500 Watt Power Supply Thermally Advantaged MicroTower Chassis with CAG with Two 5.25" External, One 3.5" External, and Two 3.5" Internal Bays Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4526 80-CM4-391-0-3 GEMINI MODEL CM4-A391 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® Q67 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Four 240-pin DIMM Sockets Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 16GB DDR3 SDRAM Two Conventional PCI Slots One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 396.00 One PCI-Express 2.0 x4 Slot Integrated Intel Graphics Support Six Serial ATA Interfaces Supporting 3GB/s Transfer Rate Six USB 2.0, One PS/2, One DVI, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard 300 Watt - 500 Watt Power Supply Thermally Advantaged MidTower Chassis with CAG with Four 5.25" External, One 3.5" External, and 2 3.5" Internal Bays NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers PO-1 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4527 80-CT1-399-0-3 GEMINI MODEL CT1-I399 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® Q67 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Four 240-pin DIMM Sockets Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 32GB DDR3 SDRAM One Conventional PCI Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 1065.88 One PCI-Express x4 Slot One PCI-Express x1 Slot Integrated Intel Graphics Support Two Serial ATA rev. 3.0 Interfaces Supporting 6GB/s Transfer Rate Four Serial ATA rev. 2.0 Interfaces Supporting 3GB/s Transfer Rate Two USB 3.0, Six USB 2.0, One PS/2, One DVI, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard 300 Watt - 500 Watt Power Supply Thermally Advantaged MicroATX Tower Chassis with CAG with One 5.25" External, One 3.5" External, and One 3.5" Internal Bays Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4528 80-CT2-399-0-3 GEMINI MODEL CT2-I399 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® Q67 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Four 240-pin DIMM Sockets Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 32GB DDR3 SDRAM One Conventional PCI Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 1065.88 One PCI-Express x4 Slot One PCI-Express x1 Slot Integrated Intel Graphics Support Two Serial ATA rev. 3.0 Interfaces Supporting 6GB/s Transfer Rate Four Serial ATA rev. 2.0 Interfaces Supporting 3GB/s Transfer Rate Two USB 3.0, Six USB 2.0, One PS/2, One DVI, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard 300 Watt - 500 Watt Power Supply Thermally Advantaged Micro ATX Tower Chassis with CAG with One 3.5" External, One Slim 5.25", and One Slim 3.5" Bays Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4462 80-CT1-402-0-3 GEMINI MODEL CT1-A402 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® H61 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Two 240-pin DIMM Sockets Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 8GB DDR3 SDRAM One Conventional PCI Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 358.43 Two PCI-Express 2.0 x1 Slots Integrated Intel Graphics Support Six Serial ATA Interfaces Supporting 3GB/s Transfer Rate Eight USB 2.0, One PS/2, One DVI, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard Logitech Digital USB Stereo Speakers 300 Watt - 500 Watt Power Supply Thermally Advantaged MicroATX Tower Chassis with CAG with One 5.25" External, One 3.5" External, and One 3.5" Internal Bays Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4476 80-CT2-402-0-3 GEMINI MODEL CT2-A402 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® H61 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Two 240-pin DIMM Sockets Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 8GB DDR3 SDRAM One Conventional PCI Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 364.69 Two PCI-Express 2.0 x1 Slots Integrated Intel Graphics Support Six Serial ATA Interfaces Supporting 3GB/s Transfer Rate Eight USB 2.0, One PS/2, One DVI, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers PO-2 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard Logitech Digital USB Stereo Speakers 300 Watt - 500 Watt Power Supply Thermally Advantaged Micro ATX Tower Chassis with CAG with One 3.5" External, One Slim 5.25", and One Slim 3.5" Bays Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4477 80-CK3-402-0-3 GEMINI MODEL CK3-A402 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® H61 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Two 240-pin DIMM Sockets Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 8GB DDR3 SDRAM One Conventional PCI Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 370.95 Two PCI-Express 2.0 x1 Slots Integrated Intel Graphics Support Six Serial ATA Interfaces Supporting 3GB/s Transfer Rate Eight USB 2.0, One PS/2, One DVI, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard Logitech Digital USB Stereo Speakers 300 Watt - 500 Watt Power Supply Thermally Advantaged MicroTower Chassis with CAG with Two 5.25" External, One 3.5" External, and Two 3.5" Internal Bays Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4449 80-CT1-405-0-3 GEMINI MODEL CT1-A405 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® H61 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Two 240-pin DIMM Sockets Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 8GB DDR3 SDRAM One Conventional PCI Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 355.93 One PCI-Express 2.0 x1 Slot Integrated Intel Graphics Support Six Serial ATA Interfaces Supporting 3GB/s Transfer Rate One Parallel ATA IDE Interface Eight USB 2.0, One PS/2, One DVI, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Logo Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface 300 Watt - 500 Watt Power Supply Thermally Advantaged MicroATX Tower Chassis with CAG with One 5.25" External, One 3.5" External, and One 3.5" Internal Bays Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4450 80-CT2-405-0-3 GEMINI MODEL CT2-A405 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® H61 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Two 240-pin DIMM Sockets Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 8GB DDR3 SDRAM One Conventional PCI Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 487.40 One PCI-Express 2.0 x1 Slot Integrated Intel Graphics Support Six Serial ATA Interfaces Supporting 3GB/s Transfer Rate One Parallel ATA IDE Interface Eight USB 2.0, One PS/2, One DVI, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Logo Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface 300 Watt - 500 Watt Power Supply Thermally Advantaged Micro ATX Tower Chassis with CAG with One 3.5" External, One Slim 5.25", and One Slim 3.5" Bays Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4447 80-CK3-405-0-3 GEMINI MODEL CK3-A405 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® H61 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Two 240-pin DIMM Sockets Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 8GB DDR3 SDRAM One Conventional PCI Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 518.70 One PCI-Express 2.0 x1 Slot Integrated Intel Graphics Support Six Serial ATA Interfaces Supporting 3GB/s Transfer Rate One Parallel ATA IDE Interface Eight USB 2.0, One PS/2, One DVI, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio subsystem NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers PO-3 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Logo Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface 300 Watt - 500 Watt Power Supply Thermally Advantaged MicroTower Chassis with CAG with Two 5.25" External, One 3.5" External, and Two 3.5" Internal Bays Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4448 80-CM4-405-0-3 GEMINI MODEL CM4-A405 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® H61 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Two 240-pin DIMM Sockets Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 8GB DDR3 SDRAM One Conventional PCI Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 533.73 One PCI-Express 2.0 x1 Slot Integrated Intel Graphics Support Six Serial ATA Interfaces Supporting 3GB/s Transfer Rate One Parallel ATA IDE Interface Eight USB 2.0, One PS/2, One DVI, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Logo Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface 300 Watt - 500 Watt Power Supply Thermally Advantaged MidTower Chassis with CAG with Four 5.25" External, Two 3.5" External, and Four 3.5" Internal Bays Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. FOUR4 SERIES INTEL CPU PENTIUM / CORE / CELERON CPUs AND DDR SDRAM NCS NCS4529 80-MT-391-0-3 FOUR4 BUSINESS CLASS MINI TOWER MODEL MT-A391 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® Q67 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Four 240-pin DIMM Sockets Supporting Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 16GB DDR3 SDRAM Two Conventional PCI Slots One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 374.39 One PCI-Express 2.0 x4 Slot Integrated Intel Graphics Support Integrated Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Ten USB 2.0, Two PS/2, One DVI, One DisplayPort, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated 8-channel High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard 300 Watt - 360 Watt Power Supply MicroATX Tower Chassis with Two 5.25" External, One 3.5" External, and One 3.5" Internal Bays Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4530 80-MT-402-0-3 FOUR4 VALUE CLASS MINI TOWER MODEL MT-A402 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® H61 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Two 240-pin DIMM Sockets Supporting Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 8GB DDR3 SDRAM Two Conventional PCI Slots One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 360.61 One PCI-Express 2.0 x4 Slot Integrated Intel Graphics Support Ten USB 2.0, Two PS/2, One DVI, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated 8-channel High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard 300 Watt - 360 Watt Power Supply MicroATX Tower Chassis with Two 5.25" External, One 3.5" External, and One 3.5" Internal Bays Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4531 80-DT-391-0-3 FOUR4 BUSINESS CLASS DESKTOP MODEL DT-A391 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® Q67 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Four 240-pin DIMM Sockets Supporting Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 16GB DDR3 SDRAM Two Conventional PCI Slots One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 375.64 One PCI-Express 2.0 x4 Slot Integrated Intel Graphics Support Integrated Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Ten USB 2.0, Two PS/2, One DVI, One DisplayPort, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated 8-channel High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers PO-4 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard 300 Watt - 310 Watt Power Supply Desktop Chassis Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4532 80-DT-402-0-3 FOUR4 VALUE CLASS DESKTOP MODEL MT-A402 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® H61 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Two 240-pin DIMM Sockets Supporting Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 8GB DDR3 SDRAM Two Conventional PCI Slots One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 358.11 One PCI-Express 2.0 x4 Slot Integrated Intel Graphics Support Ten USB 2.0, Two PS/2, One DVI, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated 8-channel High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard 300 Watt - 310 Watt Power Supply Desktop Chassis Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4533 80-SFF-391-0-3 FOUR4 BUSINESS CLASS SMALL FORM FACTOR DESKTOP MODEL SFF-A391 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® Q67 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Four 240-pin DIMM Sockets Supporting Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 16GB DDR3 SDRAM Two Conventional PCI Slots One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 389.41 One PCI-Express 2.0 x4 Slot Integrated Intel Graphics Support Integrated Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Ten USB 2.0, Two PS/2, One DVI, One DisplayPort, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated 8-channel High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard 300 Watt - 310 Watt Power Supply Small Form Factor Desktop Chassis with One Slim Optical Bay and Two Internal 3.5" Bays Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4534 80-SFF-402-0-3 FOUR4 VALUE CLASS SMALL FORM FACTOR MODEL SFF-A402 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® H61 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Two 240-pin DIMM Sockets Supporting Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 8GB DDR3 SDRAM Two Conventional PCI Slots One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 368.12 One PCI-Express 2.0 x4 Slot Integrated Intel Graphics Support Ten USB 2.0, Two PS/2, One DVI, and One D-Sub Ports Integrated 8-channel High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard 300 Watt - 310 Watt Power Supply Small Form Factor Desktop Chassis with One Slim Optical Bay and Two Internal 3.5" Bays Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. FOUR4 SERIES AMD CPU A SERIES CPUs AND DDR SDRAM NCS NCS104019 80-DT-426-0-3 FOUR4 VALUE CLASS DESKTOP MODEL DT-A426 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: AMD A85X Chipset AMD Socket FM2 Supporting AMD A4, A6, A8, A10 CPUs Four DIMM Sockets Supporting Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting Up to 64GB DDR3 SDRAM One Conventional PCI Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 380.65 One PCI-Express 2.0 x4 Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x1 Slot Integrated AMD Radeon HD7000 Graphics Support Two USB 3.0, Eight USB 2.0, One RS-232, and One DVI Integrated 8-channel High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard NCS Windows keyboard 360 Watt Power Supply Desktop Chassis Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers PO-5 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS1044017 80-MT-426-0-3 FOUR4 VALUE CLASS MINI TOWER MODEL MT-A426 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: AMD A85X Chipset AMD Socket FM2 Supporting AMD A4, A6, A8, A10 CPUs Four DIMM Sockets Supporting Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting Up to 64GB DDR3 SDRAM One Conventional PCI Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 380.65 One PCI-Express 2.0 x4 Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x1 Slot Integrated AMD Radeon HD7000 Graphics Support Two USB 3.0, Eight USB 2.0, One RS-232, and One DVI Integrated 8-channel High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard NCS Windows keyboard 360 Watt Power Supply MiniTower Chassis Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS104021 80-SFF-426-0-3 FOUR4 VALUE CLASS SMALL FORM FACTOR MODEL SFF-A426 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: AMD A85X Chipset AMD Socket FM2 Supporting AMD A4, A6, A8, A10 CPUs Four DIMM Sockets Supporting Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting Up to 64GB DDR3 SDRAM One Conventional PCI Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 380.65 One PCI-Express 2.0 x4 Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x1 Slot Integrated AMD Radeon HD7000 Graphics Support Two USB 3.0, Eight USB 2.0, One RS-232, and One DVI Integrated 8-channel High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard NCS Windows keyboard 360 Watt Power Supply Small Form Factor Chassis Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. STRATUS SERIES AMD CPU A SERIES CPUs AND DDR SDRAM NCS NCS104020 80-DT-426-0-3 STRATUS VALUE CLASS DESKTOP MODEL DT-A426 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: AMD A85X Chipset AMD Socket FM2 Supporting AMD A4, A6, A8, A10 CPUs Four DIMM Sockets Supporting Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting Up to 64GB DDR3 SDRAM One Conventional PCI Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 380.65 One PCI-Express 2.0 x4 Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x1 Slot Integrated AMD Radeon HD7000 Graphics Support Two USB 3.0, Eight USB 2.0, One RS-232, and One DVI Integrated 8-channel High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard NCS Windows keyboard 360 Watt Power Supply Desktop Chassis Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS104018 80-MT-426-0-3 STRATUS VALUE CLASS MINI TOWER MODEL MT-A426 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: AMD A85X Chipset AMD Socket FM2 Supporting AMD A4, A6, A8, A10 CPUs Four DIMM Sockets Supporting Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting Up to 64GB DDR3 SDRAM One Conventional PCI Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 380.65 One PCI-Express 2.0 x4 Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x1 Slot Integrated AMD Radeon HD7000 Graphics Support Two USB 3.0, Eight USB 2.0, One RS-232, and One DVI Integrated 8-channel High Definition Audio subsystem Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard NCS Windows keyboard 360 Watt Power Supply MiniTower Chassis Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS104022 80-SFF-426-0-3 STRATUS VALUE CLASS SMALL FORM FACTOR MODEL SFF-A426 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: AMD A85X Chipset AMD Socket FM2 Supporting AMD A4, A6, A8, A10 CPUs Four DIMM Sockets Supporting Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting Up to 64GB DDR3 SDRAM One Conventional PCI Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 380.65 One PCI-Express 2.0 x4 Slot One PCI-Express 2.0 x1 Slot Integrated AMD Radeon HD7000 Graphics Support Two USB 3.0, Eight USB 2.0, One RS-232, and One DVI Integrated 8-channel High Definition Audio subsystem NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers PO-6 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard NCS Windows keyboard 360 Watt Power Supply Small Form Factor Chassis Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. FIVE5 SERIES INTEL CPU PENTIUM / CORE / CELERON CPUs AND DDR SDRAM NCS NCS4535 80-MG-410-0-3 FIVE5 ALL-IN-ONE DESKTOP MODEL M-G410 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® H61 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs Two 240-pin DIMM Sockets Supporting Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 8GB DDR3 SDRAM 21.5" LCD Display 737.50 One PCI Express Mini Slot One 3.5" Hard Disk Drive Bay and One Slim Optical Drive Bay Integrated Intel Graphics Support Integrated Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Two USB 3.0, Three USB 2.0, and One HDMI Ports Integrated High Definition Audio Subsystem with Two Integrated Speakers Integrated 4-in-1 Memory Card Reader Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard 150 Watt Power Supply Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4536 80-SG-410-0-3 FIVE5 ALL-IN-ONE DESKTOP MODEL S-G410 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® H61 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Two 240-pin DIMM Sockets Supporting Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 8GB DDR3 SDRAM 18.5" LCD Display 830.48 One PCI Express Mini and One PCI Express Mini (USB Only) Slots One 3.5" Hard Disk Drive Bay and One Slim Optical Drive Bay Integrated Intel Graphics Support Integrated Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Two USB 3.0, Three USB 2.0, and One HDMI Ports Integrated High Definition Audio Subsystem with Two Integrated Speakers Integrated 4-in-1 Memory Card Reader Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard 150 Watt Power Supply Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4537 80-LG-410-0-3 FIVE5 ALL-IN-ONE DESKTOP MODEL L-G410 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® H61 or Z68 Express Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture LGA1155 Socket ready for Pentium® CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i3 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i5 CPUs or LGA1155 Socket ready for Core® i7 CPUs Two 240-pin DIMM Sockets Supporting Dual-channel Memory Operation Supporting 8GB DDR3 SDRAM 24" LCD Display 922.82 One PCI Express Mini and One PCI Express Mini (USB Only) Slots One 3.5" Hard Disk Drive Bay and One Slim Optical Drive Bay Integrated Intel Graphics Support Integrated Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Two USB 3.0, Three USB 2.0, and One HDMI Ports Integrated High Definition Audio Subsystem with Two Integrated Speakers Integrated 4-in-1 Memory Card Reader Integrated Gigabit LAN subsystem NCS Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface Standard Keyboard w/ NCS logo Windows keyboard 180 Watt Power Supply Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, keyboard, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. GEMINI SERIES, FOUR4 SERIES, FIVE5 SERIES OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4452 NCS4453 NCS4454 NCS4455 NCS4456 NCS4457 NCS4458 NCS4459 NCS4460 NCS4461 NCS4538 NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers 03-INT-905-0-0 03-INT-906-0-0 03-INT-907-0-0 03-INT-908-0-0 03-INT-909-0-0 03-INT-910-0-0 03-INT-911-0-0 03-INT-912-0-0 03-INT-913-0-0 03-INT-914-0-0 03-INT-917-0-0 CPU, MEMORY, OS, & OPTION SELECTIONS INTEL BASED SYSTEMS CPU SELECTION … with Core™ i3 2105 3.10 GHz CPU (3 MB L3 Cache and LGA1155) … with Core™ i3 2120 3.30 GHz CPU (3 MB L3 Cache and LGA1155) … with Core™ i3 2125 3.30 GHz CPU (3 MB L3 Cache and LGA1155) … with Core™ i3 2130 3.40 GHz CPU (3 MB L3 Cache and LGA1155) … Core™ i5 2300 2.80 GHz CPU (6 MB L3 Cache and LGA1155) … Core™ i5 2310 2.90 GHz CPU (6 MB L3 Cache and LGA1155) … Core™ i5 2320 3.00 GHz CPU (6 MB L3 Cache and LGA1155) … Core™ i5 2400 3.10 GHz CPU (6 MB L3 Cache and LGA1155) … Core™ i5 2500 3.30 GHz CPU (6 MB L3 Cache and LGA1155) … Core™ i5 2500K 3.30 GHz CPU (6 MB L3 Cache and LGA1155) … with Core™ i7 2600S 2.80 GHz CPU (8 MB L3 cache and LGA1155) PO-7 168.11 170.61 178.13 190.65 218.19 230.72 243.24 255.76 268.28 280.80 415.51 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS NCS NCS4463 NCS4464 03-INT-915-0-0 03-INT-916-0-0 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4042 NCS4043 NCS4044 NCS4045 NCS4046 NCS4047 NCS4048 NCS4049 04-GEN-107-0-0 04-GEN-107-1-0 04-GEN-107-2-0 04-GEN-107-3-0 04-GEN-107-4-0 04-GEN-107-5-0 04-GEN-107-6-0 04-GEN-107-7-0 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS3904 NCS3905 NCS3906 NCS3907 NCS3908 NCS3909 04-GEN-105-0-0 04-GEN-105-1-0 04-GEN-105-2-0 04-GEN-105-3-0 04-GEN-105-4-0 04-GEN-105-5-0 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS3971 NCS3972 NCS3973 NCS3974 NCS4622 NCS4623 60-MSC-110-1-3 60-MSC-111-1-3 60-MSC-112-1-3 60-MSC-113-1-3 60-MSC-114-1-3 60-MSC-115-1-3 … with Core™ i7 2600 3.40 GHz CPU (8 MB L3 cache and LGA1155) … with Core™ i7 2600K 3.40 GHz CPU (8 MB L3 cache and LGA1155) MEMORY SELECTION DDR3 1333MHz SDRAM … with 1 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM … with 2 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM … with 3 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM … with 4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM … with 6 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM … with 8 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM … with 12 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM … with 16 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM ECC DDR3-1333 SDRAM … with 2GB DDR3-1333 non-ECC SDRAM … with 4GB DDR3-1333 non-ECC SDRAM … with 6GB DDR3-1333 non-ECC SDRAM … with 8GB DDR3-1333 non-ECC SDRAM … with 12GB DDR3-1333 non-ECC SDRAM … with 16GB DDR3-1333 non-ECC SDRAM SOFTWARE SELECTION … with Windows 7 Premium Home Edition … with Windows 7 Professional Edition … with Windows 7 Enterprise Edition … with Windows 7 Ultimate Edition … with Windows 8 Standard Edition … with Windows 8 Professional Edition NCS NCS2781 03-INT-319-1-0 CPU, MEMORY, OS, & OPTION SELECTIONS INTEL SERVER SYSTEMS CPU SELECTION … with One Xeon™ Dual-Core 5030 FC-LGA6 2.66 GHz CPU (2 x 2 MB L2 cache and 667 MHz FSB) 261.69 NCS NCS2782 03-INT-319-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ Dual-Core 5030 FC-LGA6 2.66 GHz CPUs (2 x 2 MB L2 cache and 667 MHz FSB) 523.39 NCS NCS2783 03-INT-320-1-0 … with One Xeon™ Dual-Core 5050 FC-LGA6 3.0 GHz CPU (2 x 2 MB L2 cache and 667 MHz FSB) NCS NCS2784 03-INT-320-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ Dual-Core 5050 FC-LGA6 3.0 GHz CPUs (2 x 2 MB L2 cache and 667 MHz FSB) 641.09 NCS NCS2785 03-INT-321-1-0 … with One Xeon™ Dual-Core 5060 FC-LGA6 3.20 GHz CPU (2 x 2 MB L2 cache and 1066 MHz FSB) 497.09 NCS NCS2786 03-INT-321-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ Dual-Core 5060 FC-LGA6 3.20 GHz CPUs (2 x 2 MB L2 cache and 1066 MHz FSB) 994.19 NCS NCS2787 03-INT-322-1-0 … with One Xeon™ Dual-Core 5080 FC-LGA6 3.73 GHz CPU (2 x 2 MB L2 cache and 1066 MHz FSB) 1183.26 NCS NCS2788 03-INT-322-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ Dual-Core 5080 FC-LGA6 3.73 GHz CPUs (2 x 2 MB L2 cache and 1066 MHz FSB) 2366.52 NCS NCS3155 03-INT-326-1-0 … with One Xeon™ Quad-Core E5310 FC-LGA6 1.6 GHz CPU 8 MB L2 cache and 1066 MHz FSB 447.01 NCS NCS3156 03-INT-326-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ Quad-Core E5310 FC-LGA6 1.6 GHz CPUs 8 MB L2 cache and 1066 MHz FSB 894.02 NCS NCS3157 03-INT-327-1-0 … with One Xeon™ Quad-Core E5320 FC-LGA6 1.86 GHz CPU 8 MB L2 cache and 1066 MHz FSB 616.05 NCS NCS3158 03-INT-327-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ Quad-Core E5320 FC-LGA6 1.86 GHz CPUs 8 MB L2 cache and 1066 MHz FSB 1232.09 NCS NCS3159 03-INT-328-1-0 … with One Xeon™ Quad-Core E5335 FC-LGA6 2.0 GHz CPU 8 MB L2 cache and 1066 MHz FSB 901.53 NCS NCS3160 03-INT-328-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ Quad-Core E5335 FC-LGA6 2.0 GHz CPUs 8 MB L2 cache and 1066 MHz FSB 1803.06 NCS NCS3161 03-INT-329-1-0 … with One Xeon™ Quad-Core E5345 FC-LGA6 2.33 GHz CPU 8 MB L2 cache and 1066 MHz FSB 1098.11 NCS NCS3162 03-INT-329-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ Quad-Core E5345 FC-LGA6 2.33 GHz CPUs 8 MB L2 cache and 1066 MHz FSB 2196.23 NCS NCS3163 03-INT-330-1-0 … with One Xeon™ Quad-Core X5355 FC-LGA6 2.66 GHz CPU 8 MB L2 cache and 1066 MHz FSB 1488.78 NCS NCS3164 03-INT-330-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ Quad-Core X5355 FC-LGA6 2.66 GHz CPUs 8 MB L2 cache and 1066 MHz FSB 2977.55 NCS NCS NCS104023 03-AMD-603-0-0 CPU, MEMORY, OS, & OPTION SELECTIONS CTO SYSTEMS CPU SELECTION … with AMD A8-5500 3.2GHz CPU (FM2) 125.21 NCS104024 03-AMD-604-0-0 … with AMD A8-5600 3.6 Ghz CPU (FM2) 137.73 NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price 384.48 415.51 93.91 45.22 82.55 90.66 261.09 450.77 569.72 801.36 69.19 139.31 209.10 277.97 1586.44 2114.84 177.80 221.63 315.54 409.44 132.73 166.53 320.54 NCS NCS104025 03-AMD-605-0-0 … with AMD A10-5700 3.4 Ghz CPU (FM2) 162.78 NCS NCS104026 03-AMD-606-0-0 … with AMD A10-5800 3.8 Ghz CPU (FM2) 187.82 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS104027 NCS104028 NCS104029 NCS104030 NCS104031 NCS104032 04-CTO-101-0-0 04-CTO-102-0-0 04-CTO-103-0-0 04-CTO-104-0-0 04-CTO-105-0-0 04-CTO-106-0-0 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS104033 NCS104034 NCS104035 NCS104036 NCS104037 NCS104038 04-CTO-107-0-0 04-CTO-108-0-0 04-CTO-109-0-0 04-CTO-110-0-0 04-CTO-111-0-0 04-CTO-112-0-0 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS104039 NCS104040 NCS104041 NCS104042 NCS104043 NCS104044 04-CTO-113-0-0 04-CTO-1114-0-0 04-CTO-115-0-0 04-CTO-116-0-0 04-CTO-117-0-0 04-CTO-118-0-0 MEMORY SELECTION DDR3 1333MHz SDRAM … with 2 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM … with 4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM … with 8 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM … with 16 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM … with 32 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM … with 64 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM MEMORY SELECTION DDR3 1600MHz SDRAM … with 2 GB DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM … with 4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM … with 8 GB DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM … with 16 GB DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM … with 32 GB DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM … with 64 GB DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM MEMORY SELECTION DDR3 1866MHz SDRAM … with 2 GB DDR3 1866 MHz SDRAM … with 4 GB DDR3 1866 MHz SDRAM … with 8 GB DDR3 1866 MHz SDRAM … with 16 GB DDR3 1866 MHz SDRAM … with 32 GB DDR3 1866 MHz SDRAM … with 64 GB DDR3 1866 MHz SDRAM NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS3911 NCS3912 NCS3913 NCS4478 NCS4479 NCS4472 NCS4480 NCS3917 NCS3918 NCS4591 NCS4592 NCS4593 NCS4594 NCS4595 NCS4596 NCS4597 NCS4598 NCS4599 NCS4600 NCS4601 NCS4602 NCS3919 NCS3920 NCS4238 11-NCS-102-0-0 11-NCS-102-0-0 11-NCS-104-0-0 11-NCS-186-0-0 11-NCS-187-0-0 11-NCS-111-0-3 11-NCS-112-0-3 11-NCS-108-0-0 11-NCS-109-0-0 11-NCS-114-0-0 11-NCS-115-0-0 11-NCS-116-0-0 11-NCS-117-0-0 11-NCS-118-0-0 11-NCS-119-0-0 11-NCS-120-0-0 11-NCS-121-0-0 11-NCS-122-0-0 11-NCS-123-0-0 11-NCS-124-0-0 11-NCS-125-0-0 13-NCS-201-1-0 13-NCS-202-1-0 12-NCS-101-0-0 MISCELLANEOUS OPTIONS … with 250GB SATA 3.0Gb/s 7200RPM hard disk drive … with 500GB SATA 3.0Gb/s 7200RPM hard disk drive … with 1TB SATA 3.0Gb/s 7200RPM hard disk drive … with 250GB SATA II Hard Disk Drive … with 500GB SATA II Hard Disk Drive … with Removable HDD Housing ard Carriers for Two Drives … with One 3.5" to Two 2.5" Hard Drive Bay Extender … with 147GB SAS 15K RPM hard disk drive … with 300GB SAS 15K RPM hard disk drive … with 1GB USB Flash DOM … with 2GB USB Flash DOM … with 4GB USB Flash DOM … with 4GB Serial ATA Flash DOM … with 8GB Serial ATA Flash DOM … with 16GB Serial ATA Flash DOM … with 20GB mSATA Solid State Drive (SSD) … with 32GB mSATA Solid State Drive (SSD) … with 40GB mSATA Solid State Drive (SSD) … with 64GB mSATA Solid State Drive (SSD) … with 80GB mSATA Solid State Drive (SSD) … with 160GB mSATA Solid State Drive (SSD) … with DVD-ROM drive … with DVDRW drive … with External Blu-ray USB Drive NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers 37.56 75.13 150.26 300.51 601.02 1202.04 37.56 75.13 150.26 300.51 601.02 1202.04 45.08 90.15 180.31 360.61 721.22 1442.45 PO-8 74.20 111.30 180.86 55.65 83.48 87.65 87.65 261.56 602.88 37.10 60.29 88.11 64.93 101.10 138.20 139.13 115.94 139.13 231.88 268.98 510.13 45.45 38.03 205.35 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4481 NCS3921 NCS3922 NCS3923 NCS4465 NCS4483 NCS4539 NCS4540 NCS4466 NCS4239 NCS4240 NCS3926 NCS3928 NCS3929 NCS2596 NCS4241 NCS4542 NCS104045 NCS104046 NCS104047 NCS104048 NCS104049 NCS104050 NCS104051 NCS104052 NCS104053 NCS104054 NCS104055 NCS104056 NCS104057 NCS104058 NCS104059 NCS104060 NCS104061 NCS104062 NCS104063 NCS104064 NCS104065 NCS104066 NCS104067 NCS104068 NCS104069 NCS104070 NCS104071 NCS104072 NCS104073 NCS104074 NCS104075 NCS104076 NCS104077 NCS104078 NCS104079 24-NCS-167-0-3 24-NCS-101-0-3 24-NCS-102-0-3 24-NCS-103-0-3 21-NCS-304-0-3 21-NCS-306-0-3 21-NCS-307-0-3 11-NCS-113-0-0 25-NCS-305-0-3 21-RAD-123-0-0 21-RTL-102-0-0 21-NCS-303-0-3 89-NCS-202-0-0 89-NCS-203-0-0 07-CHB-101-0-0 07-KEN-201-0-0 21-NCS-308-0-0 88-CTO-101-0-0 88-CTO-102-0-0 88-CTO-103-0-0 88-CTO-104-0-0 88-CTO-105-0-0 88-CTO-106-0-0 88-CTO-107-0-0 88-CTO-108-0-0 88-CTO-109-0-0 88-CTO-110-0-0 88-CTO-111-0-0 88-CTO-112-0-0 88-CTO-113-0-0 88-CTO-114-0-0 88-CTO-115-0-0 88-CTO-116-0-0 88-CTO-117-0-0 88-CTO-118-0-0 88-CTO-119-0-0 88-CTO-120-0-0 88-CTO-122-0-0 88-CTO-123-0-0 88-CTO-124-0-0 88-CTO-125-0-0 88-CTO-126-0-0 88-CTO-127-0-0 88-CTO-128-0-0 88-CTO-129-0-0 88-CTO-130-0-0 88-CTO-131-0-0 88-CTO-132-0-0 88-CTO-133-0-0 88-CTO-134-0-0 88-CTO-135-0-0 88-CTO-136-0-0 GSA Price … with Optical Scroll Mouse, USB … with NCS Basic Keyboard, USB … with NCS Basic Keyboard, PS/2 … with Smart Card Reader Keyboard, USB … with ATI RADEON HD6450 512MB Video Card … with ATI RADEON HD6350 1GB Video Card … with nVidia GeForce GT520 1GB Video Card … with 5.25" Internal Bay Speakers CA-1001WB … with Win Magic Secure Doc Full Disk Encryption Software Load … with One VGA Splitter Cable … with One DVI Splitter Cable … with 56K V.92 Modem … with 500W 80 PLUS Power Supply Upgrade … with 4-Port SAS RAID Controller … with one additional 80 mm chassis-mounted cooling fan … with Kensignton Style Security Cable … with DisplayPort to DVI-D adapter … with CTO Removeable Hard Drive Frame and Carrier, 2.5-inch Form Factor, 2 Drives, SAS/SATA 6G … with CTO Removeable Hard Drive Frame and Carrier, 3.5-inch Form Factor, 1 Drive, SAS/SATA 3G … with CTO Removeable Hard Drive Frame and Carrier, 3.5-inch Form Factor, 1 Drive, SAS/SATA 6G … with CTO Conversion Bracket for 5.25-inch Half-Height Bay to Slim 5.25-inch and 3.5-inch Bays … with CTO Spare 3.5-inch 250GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive (Not Installed) … with CTO Spare 3.5-inch 500GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive (Not Installed) … with CTO Spare 3.5-inch 1 TB 7200 RPM Hard Drive (Not Installed) … with CTO Spare 3.5-inch 250GB 7200 RPM Mounted in Removeable HDD Carrier (Not Installed) … with CTO Spare 3.5-inch 500GB 7200RPM Hard Drive Mounted in Removeable HDD Carrier (Not Installed) … with CTO Spare 3.5-inch 1 TB 7200 RPM Hard Drive Mounted in Removeable HDD Carrier (Not Installed) … with CTO Spare 2.5-inch 250GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive (Not Installed) … with CTO Spare 2.5-inch 320GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive (Not Installed) … with CTO Spare 2.5-inch 500GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive (Not Installed) … with CTO Spare 2.5-inch 1 TB 7200 RPM Hard Drive (Not Installed) … with CTO Spare 2.5-inch 250GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive Mounted in Removeable HDD Carrier (Not Installed) … with CTO Spare 2.5-inch 320GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive Mounted in Removeable HDD Carrier (Not Installed) … with CTO Spare 2.5-inch 500GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive Mounted in Removeable HDD Carrier (Not Installed) … with CTO Spare 2.5-inch 1 TB 7200 RPM Hard Drive Mounted in Removeable HDD Carrier (Not Installed) … with CTO Fiber 100Base-FX Network Adapter 10/100MBPS PCI-Express x1 with SC Connector … with CTO Fiber 100Base-FX Network Adapter 10/100MBPS PCI-Express x1 with ST Connector … with CTO Fiber 100Base-FX Network Adapter 10/100MBPS PCI-Express x1 with MTRJ Connector … with CTO 3-Port Firewire 1394A PCI Expansion Card … with CTO Omni-Key 3121 External USB PKI/CAC/Smart Card Reader … with CTO Omni-ID PROX NG System RFID Tag … with CTO Omni-ID IQ 800P Pallet RFID Tag … with CTO NCS Basic PS/2 Mouse … with CTO NCS Basic USB Mouse … with CTO Laser USB Mouse … with CTO NCS Basic PS/2 Keyboard … with CTO NCS Basic USB Keyboard … with CTO NCS USB Keyboard with Integrated Smart Card Reader … with CTO NCS OEM Microsoft Windows 7 Professional License … with CTO NCS OEM Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium License … with CTO NCS OEM Microsoft Windows 8 Professional License … with CTO NCS OEM Microsoft Windows 8 Standard License 9.28 18.55 18.55 51.01 51.01 78.84 46.38 18.55 139.13 18.55 20.03 27.83 46.38 194.78 20.03 26.29 11.27 111.44 81.39 108.93 42.57 75.13 82.64 106.43 125.21 132.73 156.52 82.64 82.64 93.91 137.73 132.73 132.73 143.99 187.82 156.52 156.52 169.04 43.82 28.80 3.76 1.25 5.01 5.01 20.03 8.76 8.76 22.54 221.63 177.80 166.53 132.73 NEXSERV SERIES INTEL CPU XEON CPUs AND DDR SDRAM NCS NCS4366 NCS101596 NEXSERV MODEL ARM-6141 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: AMD SR5670SP5100 Chipset Two AMD Opteron 6176 12-Core CPUs Active Heatsink/Fan assembly for installed CPUs Sixteen 240-pin DIMM Sockets supporting up to 256GB DDR3 SDRAM 32GB SDRAM (Installed) Four 3.5" SATA Hot Swap Drive Bays Supporting RAID 0, 1, & 10 Three 146GB 15,000 RPM SAS Hard Disk Drive (Installed) One Slim DVD-RW Optical Drive 10452.93 One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot One PCI-Express x8 (UIO Slot) One PCI-Express 2.0 x1 (add-in card connector) Seven USB 2.0 ports 700 Watt Fixed Non-Redundant Power Supply (80+ Gold Certified) 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4367 NCS101610 NEXSERV MODEL XPJ-3144 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® X58 Chipset LGA1366 Socket ready for Intel® Core™ and Xeon® Series CPUs One Intel® Xeon X5660 CPU (Installed) Six DIMM Sockets Supporting up to 24 GB DDR3 SDRAM 4 GB DDR3 SDRAM (Installed) Four 3.5" SATA Hot-swap Drive Bays One 500 GB Removeable Hard Disk Drive (Installed) Two 5.25" Peripheral Drive Bays One 3.5" Drive Bay 4869.38 Two PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slots One PCI-Express x4 Slot (x8 Mechanical) Two 64-bit 133/100MHz PCI-X Slots One PCI Slots nVidia GeForce GTX470 Video Graphics Accelerator One PCI 32/33 5V Slot Server Engine LLC Pilot II with 64MB DDR2 memory allocated to graphics Intel Embedded Server RAID Technology; 0/1/10 NCS USB Mouse NCS USB Keyboard or USB Smart Card Keyboard 465 Watt Fixed Non-Redundant Power Supply 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4363 NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers 87-XPJ-262-0-3 NEXSERV MODEL XPJ-5262 WORKSTATION BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® 5520 Chipset PO-9 8324.31 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price Intel® 82801GB I/O Controller Hub (ICH10R) Intel® Nehalem™ Microarchitecture Two LGA1366 Sockets ready for Xeon Series CPUs Active Heatsink/Fan assembly for installed CPUs Twelve DDR3 DIMM Sockets Six-channel Memory Operation Supporting 800MHz, 1066MHz, 1333MHz DDR3 ECC, non-ECC, Registered, Unbuffered SDRAM One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 slot Two PCI-Express x8 Slots Matrox G200eW Integrated Graphics Six Serial ATA Interfaces Supporting 3GB/s Transfer Rate Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface 600 Watt Fixed Non-Redundant Power Supply Thermally Advantaged 5.2 U Pedestal Chassis Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4484 NCS101707 NEXSERV MODEL XPQ-3100 WORKSTATION BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® C202 Chipset Intel® 82801GB I/O Controller Hub (ICH10R) Intel® Nehalem™ Microarchitecture Two LGA1366 Sockets ready for Xeon Series CPUs Active Heatsink/Fan assembly for installed CPUs Four DDR3 DIMM Sockets Six-channel Memory Operation Supporting 800MHz, 1066MHz, 1333MHz DDR3 ECC, non-ECC, Registered, Unbuffered SDRAM Two PCI-Express 2.0 x8 slots One PCI-Express x4 Slot 2360.26 Integrated Graphics Dual Intel® 82579LM and 82574L Gigabit Ethernet Controllers Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical with USB/PS/2 interface 600 Watt Fixed Non-Redundant Power Supply Thermally Advantaged 5.2 U Pedestal Chassis Limited Warranty including one year on-site service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse) with 2 additional years parts only on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4368 NCS101373 NEXSERV MODEL XRJ-5241 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® 5520 Chipset LGA1366 Socket ready for Intel® Core™ and Xeon® Series CPUs Two Intel® Xeon E5405 CPUs (Installed) Eighteen DIMM Sockets Supporting up to 192 GB DDR3 SDRAM 4 GB DDR3 SDRAM (Installed) Four 3.5" SATA Hot-swap Drive Bays Four 250 GB Removeable Hard Disk Drives (Installed) One Slim 5.25" DVD Drive Two PCI-Express x8 Slots 3690.43 Matrox G200eW Integrated Graphics 700 Watt Fixed Redundant Power Supply 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4369 NCS101371 NEXSERV MODEL XRJ-5241 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® 5520 Chipset LGA1366 Socket ready for Intel® Core™ and Xeon® Series CPUs Two Intel® Xeon X5650 CPUs (Installed) Eighteen DIMM Sockets Supporting up to 192 GB DDR3 SDRAM 24 GB DDR3 ECC Registered SDRAM (Installed) Four 3.5" SATA Hot-swap Drive Bays Four 2TB 7200 RPM Removeable Hard Disk Drives (Installed) One Slim 5.25" Blu-Ray Drive Two PCI-Express x8 Slots 11779.20 Matrox G200eW Integrated Graphics Microsoft Windows Server 20008 R2 Standard Edition 700 Watt Fixed Redundant Power Supply 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4370 NCS101409 NEXSERV MODEL XRJ-5262 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® 5520 Chipset LGA1366 Socket ready for Intel® Core™ and Xeon® Series CPUs Two Intel® Xeon X5680 CPUs (Installed) Twelve DIMM Sockets Supporting up to 192 GB DDR3 SDRAM 16 GB DDR3 SDRAM (Installed) Six 3.5" SATA Hot-swap Drive Bays Three 1TB 7200 RPM Hard Disk Drives (Installed) One Slim 5.25" and One 3.5" Peripheral Drive Bays One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot 8324.13 Two PCI-Express 2.0 x8 Slots Matrox G200eW Integrated Graphics or Quadro FX380 Video Graphics Accelerator NCS USB Mouse NCS USB Keyboard 750 Watt Fixed Redundant Power Supply 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4371 NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers NCS101577 NEXSERV MODEL XRJ-5262-HA BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® 5520 Chipset LGA1366 Socket ready for Intel® Core™ and Xeon® Series CPUs One Intel® Xeon E5620 CPU (Installed) Twelve DIMM Sockets Supporting up to 192 GB DDR3 SDRAM 12 GB DDR3 SDRAM (Installed) Six 3.5" SATA Hot-swap Drive Bays Six 500GB Hard Disk Drives (Installed) One Slim 5.25" and One 3.5" Peripheral Drive Bays PO-10 23183.19 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price Matrox G200eW Integrated Graphics Microsoft Windows Server 20008 R2 Standard Edition w/ Stratus Avance High Availability Package 750 Watt Fixed Redundant Power Supply 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4372 NCS101578 NEXSERV MODEL XRJ-5281 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® 5520 Chipset LGA1366 Socket ready for Intel® Core™ and Xeon® Series CPUs Two Intel® Xeon X5620 CPUs (Installed) Twelve DIMM Sockets Supporting up to 192 GB DDR3 SDRAM 12 GB DDR3 SDRAM (Installed) Eight 3.5" SATA Hot-swap Drive Bays Eight 300GB SAS Hard Disk Drives (Installed) Two PCI-Express 2.0 x8 Slots 6909.41 Matrox G200eW Integrated Graphics 700 Watt Fixed Redundant Power Supply 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4373 NCS101365 NEXSERV MODEL XRJ-5282 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® 5520 Chipset LGA1366 Socket ready for Intel® Core™ and Xeon® Series CPUs Two Intel® Xeon E5650 CPUs (Installed) Eighteen DIMM Sockets Supporting up to 192 GB DDR3 SDRAM 24 GB DDR3 SDRAM (Installed) Eight 3.5" SATA Hot-swap Drive Bays Six 300GB SAS 10,000 RPM Hard Disk Drives (Installed) One Slim 5.25" DVD-RW Drive (Installed) Two 3.5" Peripheral Drive Bays Matrox G200eW Integrated Graphics Two PCI-Express 2.0 x8 Slots 10666.11 920 Watt Fixed Redundant Power Supply 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4551 F103365 NEXSERV MODEL XRV-5282 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® C606 Chipset Intel® Core™ and Xeon® Series CPUs Two Intel® Xeon E5-2640 CPUs (Installed) Twenty-four DIMM Sockets Supporting up to 768 GB DDR3 SDRAM 64 GB DDR3 SDRAM (Installed) Eight 3.5" SATA Hot-swap Drive Bays Eight 3TB SAS Hard Disk Drives (Installed) One Slim 5.25" DVD-RW Drive (Installed) Matrox G200eW Integrated Graphics Six PCI Slots Four Low-profile PCI-Express 3.0 x16 Slots 12052.96 One Low-profile PCI-Express 3.0 x8 One Low-profile PCI-Express 3.0 x4 740 Watt Fixed Redundant Power Supply 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4374 NCS101304 NEXSERV MODEL XRJ-5284 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® 5520 Chipset LGA1366 Socket ready for Intel® Core™ and Xeon® Series CPUs One Intel® Xeon E5503 CPU (Installed) Eighteen DIMM Sockets Supporting up to 192 GB DDR3 SDRAM 6 GB DDR3 SDRAM (Installed) Eight 3.5" SATA Hot-swap Drive Bays One 250GB Hard Disk Drive (Installed) Three 5.25" Peripheral Drive Bays One 5.25" DVD-RW Drive (Installed) Matrox G200eW Integrated Graphics or nVidia Quadro NVS 420 512MB Video Graphics Accelerator 1400 Watt Power Supply 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. 2944.72 NCS NCS4552 F103380 NEXSERV MODEL XPV-5284 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® C602 Chipset Intel® Core™ and Xeon® Series CPUs Two Intel® Xeon E5-2640 CPUs (Installed) Sixteen DIMM Sockets Supporting up to 512 GB DDR3 SDRAM 16 GB DDR3 SDRAM (Installed) Eight 3.5" SATA Hot-swap Drive Bays Eight 1 TB Hard Disk Drives (Installed) Six PCI Slots Three PCI-Express 3.0 x16 Slots Three PCI-Express 3.0 x8 Slots 920 Watt Power Supply 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. 8025.43 NCS NCS4375 NCS101579 NEXSTOR MODEL XRJ-52L2 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: 2U Rackmount Chassis Socket ready for One or Two Xeon Series CPUs Twelve Bays Supporting Up to Twelve 3.5" Solid State (SSD), Serial Attached SCSI (SAS), or Serial ATA Hard Disk Drives Active Heatsink/Fan assembly for installed CPUs Two 1200 Watt Hot-swap Power Supplies Microsoft Windows Storage Server 8695.87 NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers PO-11 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4376 NCS101580 NEXSTOR MODEL XRJ-52X2 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: 2U Rackmount Chassis Socket ready for One or Two Xeon Series CPUs Twenty-four Bays Supporting Up to Twenty-four 3.5" Solid State (SSD), Serial Attached SCSI (SAS), or Serial ATA Hard Disk Drives 9646.32 Active Heatsink/Fan assembly for installed CPUs Two 1200 Watt Hot-swap Power Supplies Microsoft Windows Storage Server 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4377 NCS101581 NEXSTOR MODEL XRJ-52Y4 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: 4U Rackmount Chassis Socket ready for One or Two Xeon Series CPUs Thirty-six Bays Supporting Up to Thirty-six 3.5" Solid State (SSD), Serial Attached SCSI (SAS), or Serial ATA Hard Disk Drives 11406.49 Active Heatsink/Fan assembly for installed CPUs Two 1400 Watt Hot-swap Power Supplies Microsoft Windows Storage Server 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4378 NCS101582 NEXSTOR MODEL XRJ-52Z4 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: 4U Rackmount Chassis Socket ready for One or Two Xeon Series CPUs Seventy-two Bays Supporting Up to Seventy-two 2.5" Solid State (SSD), Serial Attached SCSI (SAS), or Serial ATA Hard Disk Drives 12666.91 Active Heatsink/Fan assembly for installed CPUs Two 1400 Watt Hot-swap Power Supplies Microsoft Windows Storage Server 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4553 1004998 NEXSTOR MODEL JRS-E0L2 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: 2U Rackmount Chassis Twelve Bays Supporting Up to twelve solid State (SSD), Serial Attached SCSI (SAS), or Serial ATA Hard Disk Drives 1665.33 Active Heatsink/Fan assembly for installed CPUs Two 1200 Watt Hot-swap Power Supplies Microsoft Windows Storage Server 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4554 1022160 NEXSTOR MODEL JRS-E0X2 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: 2U Rackmount Chassis Twenty-four Bays Supporting Up to twenty-four solid State (SSD), Serial Attached SCSI (SAS), or Serial ATA Hard Disk Drives Active Heatsink/Fan assembly for installed CPUs Two 1200 Watt Hot-swap Power Supplies Microsoft Windows Storage Server 1815.58 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4485 NCS10178 NEXSERV MODEL XRQ-3141 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: 1U Rackmount Chassis LGA 1155 Socket ready for Xeon Series CPUs Four DIMM Sockets Supporting 32GB DDR3 SDRAM Four 3.5" SAS/SATA Hard Drive Bays 2431.63 One Slim Optical Bay One Slim Floppy Drive Bay One PCI-Express 2.0 x8 Slot Active Heatsink/Fan assembly for installed CPUs 400 Watt 1+1 Redundant Power Supply with PFC Nine USB 2.0, Three RJ-45, and One VGA Ports 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4392 87-XRL-74P-0-3 NEXSERV MODEL XRL-74P4 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® 7500 Chipset FCLGAB Socket ready for Intel® Xeon® Series CPUs Two Intel® Xeon E7520 CPUs (Installed) Thirty-two DIMM Sockets Supporting up to 512 GB DDR3 SDRAM 24 GB DDR3 SDRAM (Installed) Storage Bays Six 5.25" 'Drive Bays Five 3.5" Drive Bays Peripheral Bays One 3.5" Floppy Drive Bay Two 5.25" Drive Bays Expansion Slots Two PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slots, OR One PCI-Express 2.0 x16 Slot and Two PCI-Express 2.0 x8 Slots, OR 19472.86 Four PCI-Express 2.0 x8 Slots Integrated Graphics 1400 Watt Power Supply 3-year Limited Warranty including On-site Next Business Day service (excluding monitor (if any), keyboard and mouse). Monitor, keyboard and mouse covered for three years on mail-in, mail-back basis Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers PO-12 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price NEXSERV & NEXSTOR SERIES OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES NCS NCS3931 03-INT-0L0-0-0 CPU, MEMORY, OS, & OPTION SELECTIONS INTEL SERVER SYSTEMS CPU SELECTION …with One Intel Xeon E5504 2.00GHz 4MB Cache Quad-Core processor 306.08 NCS NCS3932 03-INT-0L1-0-0 …with Two Intel Xeon E5504 2.00GHz 4MB Cache Quad-Core processors 612.15 03-INT-0L2-0-0 …with One Intel Xeon E5520 2.26GHz 8MB Cache Quad-Core processor 508.27 NCS NCS3934 03-INT-0L3-0-0 …with Two Intel Xeon E5520 2.26GHz 8MB Cache Quad-Core processors 1015.61 NCS NCS3935 03-INT-0L4-0-0 …with One Intel Xeon E5530 2.40GHz 8MB Cache Quad-Core processor 720.67 NCS NCS3933 NCS NCS3936 03-INT-0L5-0-0 …with Two Intel Xeon E5530 2.40GHz 8MB Cache Quad-Core processors 1441.34 NCS NCS3937 03-INT-0L6-0-0 …with One Intel Xeon E5560 2.80GHz 8MB Cache Quad-Core processor 1588.81 03-INT-0L7-0-0 …with Two Intel Xeon E5560 2.80GHz 8MB Cache Quad-Core processors NCS NCS3939 03-INT-0L8-0-0 …with One Intel Xeon W5590 3.33GHz 8MB Cache Quad-Core processor 2166.64 NCS NCS3940 03-INT-0L9-0-0 NCS NCS4016 03-INT-333-1-0 …with Two Intel Xeon W5590 3.33GHz 8MB Cache Quad-Core processors … with One Xeon™ W5580 LGA1366 3.20 GHz CPU 8 MB L2 cache and 6.40 GT/sec QPI/FSB 4332.35 2517.46 NCS NCS4017 03-INT-333-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ W5580 LGA1366 3.20 GHz CPUs 8 MB L2 cache and 6.40 GT/sec QPI/FSB 5034.92 NCS NCS3938 … with One Xeon™ E5-2603 1.80 GHz CPU (4 Core/ 4 Threads) LGA2011 10 MB L3 cache and 6.40 GT/sec QPI/FSB 298.54 NCS NCS4556 03-INT-340-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ E5-2603 1.80 GHz CPU (4 Core/ 4 Threads) LGA2011 10 MB L3 cache and 6.40 GT/sec QPI/FSB 556.71 NCS NCS4557 03-INT-341-1-0 … with One Xeon™ E5-2620 2.0 GHz CPU (6 Core/ 12 Threads) LGA2011 15 MB L3 cache and 7.20 GT/sec QPI/FSB 544.29 NCS NCS4558 03-INT-341-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ E5-2620 2.0 GHz CPU (6 Core/ 12 Threads) LGA2011 15 MB L3 cache and 7.20 GT/sec QPI/FSB 1048.22 NCS NCS4555 03-INT-340-1-0 3177.62 NCS NCS4559 03-INT-342-1-0 … with One Xeon™ E5-2640 2.5 GHz CPU (6 Core/ 12 Threads) LGA2011 15 MB L3 cache and 7.20 GT/sec QPI/FSB 1125.17 NCS NCS4560 03-INT-342-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ E5-2640 2.5 GHz CPU (6 Core/ 12 Threads) LGA2011 15 MB L3 cache and 7.20 GT/sec QPI/FSB 2209.97 NCS NCS4561 03-INT-343-1-0 … with One Xeon™ E5-2650L 1.80 GHz CPU (8 Core/ 16 Threads) LGA2011 20 MB L3 cache and 8.00 GT/sec QPI/FSB 1394.51 NCS NCS4562 03-INT-343-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ E5-2650L 1.80 GHz CPU (8 Core/ 16 Threads) LGA2011 20 MB L3 cache and 8.00 GT/sec QPI/FSB 2748.65 NCS NCS4410 03-INT-338-1-0 … with One Xeon™ E7-4830 (8 Core/ 16 Threads) FCLGA 2.13 GHz CPU 24 MB L3 cache and 6.40 GT/sec QPI/FSB 2440.83 NCS NCS4411 03-INT-338-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ E7-4830 (8 Core/ 16 Threads) FCLGA 2.13 GHz CPUs 24 MB L3 cache and 6.40 GT/sec QPI/FSB 4841.29 NCS NCS4412 03-INT-338-3-0 … with Three Xeon™ E7-4830 (8 Core/ 16 Threads) FCLGA 2.13 GHz CPUs 24 MB L3 cache and 6.40 GT/sec QPI/FSB 7241.75 NCS NCS4413 03-INT-338-4-0 … with Four Xeon™ E7-4830 (8 Core/ 16 Threads) FCLGA 2.13 GHz CPUs 24 MB L3 cache and 6.40 GT/sec QPI/FSB 9642.22 NCS NCS4563 03-INT-344-1-0 … with One Xeon™ E7-4850 2.00 GHz CPU (10 Core/ 20 Threads) FCLGA 24 MB L3 cache and 6.40 GT/sec QPI/FSB 3489.64 NCS NCS4564 03-INT-344-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ E7-4850 2.00 GHz CPU (10 Core/ 20 Threads) FCLGA 24 MB L3 cache and 6.40 GT/sec QPI/FSB 6938.90 NCS NCS4565 03-INT-345-1-0 … with One Xeon™ E7-4860 2.26 GHz CPU (10 Core/ 20 Threads) FCLGA 24 MB L3 cache and 6.40 GT/sec QPI/FSB 4703.52 NCS NCS4566 03-INT-345-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ E7-4860 2.26 GHz CPU (10 Core/ 20 Threads) FCLGA 24 MB L3 cache and 6.40 GT/sec QPI/FSB NCS NCS4414 03-INT-339-1-0 … with One Xeon™ E7-4870 (10 Core/ 20 Threads) FCLGA 2.40 GHz CPU 30 MB L3 cache and 6.40 GT/sec QPI/FSB 5150.35 NCS NCS4415 03-INT-339-2-0 … with Two Xeon™ E7-4870 (10 Core/ 20 Threads) FCLGA 2.40 GHz CPUs 30 MB L3 cache and 6.40 GT/sec QPI/FSB 10260.33 9366.67 NCS NCS4416 03-INT-339-3-0 … with Three Xeon™ E7-4870 (10 Core/ 20 Threads) FCLGA 2.40 GHz CPUs 30 MB L3 cache and 6.40 GT/sec QPI/FSB 15370.31 NCS NCS4417 03-INT-339-4-0 … with Four Xeon™ E7-4870 (10 Core/ 20 Threads) FCLGA 2.40 GHz CPUs 30 MB L3 cache and 6.40 GT/sec QPI/FSB 20480.29 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS3941 NCS4380 NCS3942 NCS4567 NCS3943 NCS4568 NCS3944 NCS4569 NCS3945 NCS3946 04-GEN-0L0-0-0 NCS101556 04-GEN-0L1-0-0 04-GEN-0L6-0-0 04-GEN-0L2-0-0 04-GEN-0L7-0-0 04-GEN-0L3-0-0 04-GEN-0L8-0-0 04-GEN-0L4-0-0 04-GEN-0L5-0-0 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS3947 NCS3948 NCS3949 NCS4570 NCS3950 NCS3951 NCS4381 NCS4393 NCS4571 NCS4382 NCS4383 NCS4572 NCS4573 NCS4574 11-NCS-105-0-0 11-NCS-106-0-0 11-NCS-107-0-0 11-NEX-104-0-0 11-NCS-108-0-0 11-NCS-109-0-0 NCS101559 11-NCS-111.-0-0 11-NEX-112-0-0 NCS101562 NCS101563 11-NEX-101-0-0 11-NEX-102-0-0 11-NEX-103-0-0 NCS NCS NCS NCS3952 NCS3953 NCS4384 13-NCS-201-1-0 13-NCS-202-1-0 NCS101561 NCS NCS NCS NCS3954 NCS3955 NCS3956 24-NCS-101-0-3 24-NCS-102-0-3 24-NCS-103-0-3 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS3959 NCS4575 NCS3960 NCS4385 NCS4386 NCS4576 NCS4577 NCS4578 NCS4579 NCS4580 NCS4581 NCS4582 24-NCS-101-0-3 24-NCS-103-0-3 24-NCS-201-0-3 NCS101558 NCS101560 24-NEX-104-0-3 24-NEX-105-0-3 24-NEX-106-0-3 24-NEX-107-0-3 24-NEX-108-0-3 24-NEX-108-0-3 24-NEX-109-0-3 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS3967 NCS3968 NCS3969 NCS3970 NCS4624 NCS4625 NCS4058 NCS4583 NCS4584 60-MSC-110-1-3 60-MSC-111-1-3 60-MSC-112-1-3 60-MSC-113-1-3 60-MSC-114-1-3 60-MSC-115-1-3 60-LNX-300-1-3 60-VMW-100-1-3 60-VMW-101-1-3 MEMORY SELECTION ECC DDR3-1333 SDRAM … with 2GB DDR3-1333 ECC SDRAM … with 4GB DDR3-1333 ECC SDRAM … with 6GB DDR3-1333 ECC SDRAM … with 8GB DDR3-1333 ECC SDRAM … with 12GB DDR3-1333 ECC SDRAM … with 16GB DDR3-1333 ECC SDRAM … with 24GB DDR3-1333 ECC SDRAM … with 32GB DDR3-1333 ECC SDRAM … with 48GB DDR3-1333 ECC SDRAM … with 96GB DDR3-1333 ECC SDRAM HARD DRIVE SELECTION … with 250GB SATA 3.0Gb/s 7200RPM Extended-Duty hard disk drive … with 500GB SATA 3.0Gb/s 7200RPM Extended-Duty hard disk drive … with 1TB SATA 3.0Gb/s 7200RPM Extended-Duty hard disk drive … with 4TB SATA 7200RPM hard disk drive … with 147GB SAS 15K RPM hard disk drive … with 300GB SAS 15K RPM hard disk drive … with 300GB SAS 10K RPM hard disk drive … with 600GB SAS 10K RPM hard disk drive … with 900GB SAS 10K RPM hard disk drive … with 2TB SAS hard disk drive … with 1TB SAS hard disk drive … with 60 GB Solid State Hard Disk Drive (SSD) … with 120 GB Solid State Hard Disk Drive (SSD) … with 480 GB Solid State Hard Disk Drive (SSD) OPTICAL DRIVE SELECTION … with DVD-ROM drive … with DVDRW drive … with Slim BD-ROM/BDMV/DVDR/CDRW SATA Optical Drive KEYBOARD SELECTION … with NCS Basic Keyboard, USB … with NCS Basic Keyboard, PS/2 … with Smart Card Reader Keyboard, USB OTHER OPTIONS … with Intel Remote Management Module … with Intel Quad Port Ethernet Server Adapter … with 4-Port SAS/RAID Controller Card … with RAID Controller Battery Back-up Module … with Dual Port Intel Fiber Network Card … with 9280-24i4e Storage Controller … with 9280-8e Storage Controller … with 9260-4i Storage Controller … with 9260-8i Storage Controller … with QLE2462-E-SP Host Bus Adapter/Controller … with QLE2562-CK Host Bus Adapter/Controller … with PCI-E Riser Assembly SOFTWARE SELECTION … with Windows 7 Premium Home Edition … with Windows 7 Professional Edition … with Windows 7 Enterprise Edition … with Windows 7 Ultimate Edition … with Windows 8 Standard Edition … with Windows 8 Professional Edition … with Linux … with Vmware vSphere 96 GB vRAM … with Vmware vSphere 5 federal support 3-yr 83.48 148.40 250.43 115.01 500.85 332.74 1001.70 1907.17 2337.30 13356.00 78.84 115.94 185.50 185.50 261.56 602.88 357.09 417.38 987.87 324.63 180.86 178.33 297.39 1280.75 45.45 38.03 180.86 18.55 18.55 51.01 97.39 473.91 141.91 357.09 1103.73 1884.47 1095.69 558.14 763.49 1918.70 2128.00 40.58 177.80 221.63 315.54 409.44 132.73 166.53 190.32 6950.55 4783.12 ONE 1™ SERIES INTEL CPU CORE / CELERON MOBILE CPU NCS NCS4077 NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers 80-PEG-121-0-3 ONE 1™ MODEL BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: PO-13 1056.24 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price Intel® HM55 Chipset Socket ready for Intel® Core™ i3, i5 and i7 Performance Mobile CPUs Supports 3 MB, 4MB, 6MB or 8 MB on-die L2 cache Supports 2/4 or 4/8 Cores/Threads Two DIMM Sockets Supporting DDR3 SDRAM Expandable to 8 GB Maximum Fixed Hard Disk Drive Tray Housing One 9.5 mm Height Drive (not included) Integrated Intel® Graphics Integrated nVidia GeForce 310M Graphics Controller (Optional) 15.6" LED LCD Display with max. Resolution of 1366x768 15.6" LED LCD High Definition Display with max. Resolution of 1920x1200 (Optional) Integrated Optical Drive 8X DVD-RW Drive (Optional) Blu-Ray Optical Drive (Optional) Integrated High Definition Audio Subsystem 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet Network Interface Integrated Wireless Network Interface Integrated Intel® Advanced-N 6200 Wireless (Optional) Integrated Intel® Uitimate-N 6300 Wireless (Optional) Integrated Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR Module (Optional) Integrated 1.3MP CMOS Camera (Optional) Two Configuratble PC Expansion Slots Supporting Either PCMCIA Type II or ExpressCard™ 54 Integrated 5-in-1 Memory Card Reader Integrated Security Features Integrated Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 1.2 (Optional) Integrated Smart Card (CAC) Reader (Optional) Windows 88 Key Keyboard with 101/102 Key Emulation Trackpad with Two Buttons One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery One AC/DC Adapter and Power Cord Weight: 5.5 - 6.25 lbs. (Depending Configuration) User's Reference Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. For the second year, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4543 80-PEG-122-0-3 ONE 1™-XT MODEL BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® QM77 Mobile Express Chipset 17.3" LED LCD Display with max. Resolution of 1920x1080 Socket ready for Intel® Core™ i3, i5 and i7 Performance Mobile CPUs Four DIMM Sockets Supporting DDR3 SDRAM Expandable to 32 GB Maximum Fixed Hard Disk Drive Tray Housing One 9.5 mm Height Drive (not included) Integrated Intel® Graphics 1083.97 Integrated nVidia GeForce GTX 675M Graphics Controller (Optional) Integrated nVidia GeForce GTX 670M Graphics Controller (Optional) Integrated nVidia GeForce FX 3000M Graphics Controller (Optional) Integrated Optical Drive Integrated High Definition Audio Subsystem 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet Network Interface Integrated Wireless Network Interface Integrated Intel® Ultimate-N 6300 Wireless (Optional) Integrated Intel® Advanced-N 6235 Wireless (Optional) Integrated Intel® Wireless-N 2230 Wireless (Optional) Integrated Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR Module (Optional) Integrated 1.3MP CMOS Camera (Optional) Windows 88 Key Keyboard with 101/102 Key Emulation Trackpad with Two Buttons One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery One AC/DC Adapter and Power Cord Weight: 8.6 lbs. User's Reference Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. For the second year, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. ONE 1™ SERIES OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4078 NCS4079 NCS4080 NCS4081 NCS4082 NCS4083 NCS4084 NCS4085 NCS4086 NCS4087 NCS4088 NCS4089 NCS4090 NCS4091 NCS4092 NCS4425 NCS4544 03-INT-761-0-0 03-INT-762-0-0 03-INT-763-0-0 03-INT-749-0-0 03-INT-750-0-0 03-INT-751-0-0 03-INT-752-0-0 03-INT-753-0-0 03-INT-754-0-0 03-INT-755-0-0 03-INT-756-0-0 03-INT-757-0-0 03-INT-758-0-0 03-INT-759-0-0 03-INT-760-0-0 03-INT-903-0-0 03-INT-904-0-0 CPU, MEMORY, OS, & OPTION SELECTIONS CPU SELECTION … with Intel® Core™ i3 330M 2.13 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i3 350M 2.26 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i3 370M 2.40 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i5 520M 2.40 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i5 540M 2.53 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i5 560M 2.66 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i5 580M 2.66 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 620M 2.66 GHz CPU 4 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 640M 2.80 GHz CPU 4 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 720QM 1.60 GHz CPU 6 MB KB L2 Cache and 4/8 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 740QM 1.73 GHz CPU 6 MB KB L2 Cache and 4/8 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 820QM 1.73 GHz CPU 8 MB KB L2 Cache and 4/8 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 840QM 1.86 GHz CPU 8 MB KB L2 Cache and 4/8 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 920XM 2.00 GHz CPU 8 MB KB L2 Cache and 4/8 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 940XM 2.13 GHz CPU 8 MB KB L2 Cache and 4/8 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Quad Core™ i7 2620M 2.7 GHz CPU 4 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Quad Core™ i7 2720M 2.2 GHz CPU 8 MB KB L2 Cache and 4/8 (Core/Threads) NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4093 NCS4094 NCS4095 NCS4096 04-GEN-510-1-0 04-GEN-510-2-0 04-GEN-510-3-0 04-GEN-510-4-0 MEMORY SELECTION DDR3 1066MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 1 GB DDR3 1066 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 2 GB DDR3 1066 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 4 GB DDR3 1066 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 8 GB DDR3 1066 MHz SDRAM SODIMM 62.61 125.21 187.82 375.64 NCS NCS NCS4097 NCS4098 04-GEN-511-1-0 04-GEN-511-2-0 DDR3 1333MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 1 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 2 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM SODIMM 93.91 156.52 NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers PO-14 187.82 219.12 250.43 325.55 374.39 386.91 330.56 343.08 307.57 504.61 517.13 727.48 740.01 1344.78 1469.99 400.68 490.83 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description NCS NCS NCS NCS4099 NCS4100 NCS4545 04-GEN-511-3-0 04-GEN-511-4-0 04-GEN-511-5-0 … with 4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 8 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 16 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM SODIMM NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4101 NCS4102 NCS4103 NCS4104 NCS4626 NCS4627 60-MSC-110-1-3 60-MSC-111-1-3 60-MSC-112-1-3 60-MSC-113-1-3 60-MSC-114-1-3 60-MSC-115-1-3 … with Windows 7 Premium Home Edition … with Windows 7 Professional Edition … with Windows 7 Enterprise Edition … with Windows 7 Ultimate Edition … with Windows 8 Standard Edition … with Windows 8 Professional Edition NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4105 77-PEG-201-0-0 OPTIONS For One 1™ … with DVD+RW Drive 93.91 NCS4106 NCS4107 NCS4108 NCS4109 77-PEG-202-0-0 77-PEG-203-0-0 77-PEG-204-0-0 77-PEG-205-0-0 … with Blu-Ray Drive … with Docking Station … with 65W AC Adapter … with 90W AC Adapter 187.82 219.12 75.13 87.65 NCS NCS4110 NCS4111 NCS4112 NCS4113 NCS4114 77-PEG-206-0-0 77-PEG-207-0-0 77-PEG-208-0-0 77-PEG-209-0-0 77-PEG-210-0-0 … with 1.3MP Camera … with Smart Card Reader … with Trusted Platform Module (TPM) … with Fingerprint Scanner … with 6-Cell Li-Ion Battery 156.52 187.82 125.21 131.47 125.21 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4115 77-PEG-211-0-0 … with 9-Cell Li-Ion Battery 137.73 NCS4116 NCS4117 NCS4118 NCS4119 NCS4120 NCS4121 NCS4122 NCS4123 NCS4124 NCS4125 NCS4126 NCS4127 NCS4128 NCS4129 NCS4130 NCS4131 NCS4132 NCS4546 NCS4547 NCS4548 NCS4242 NCS4243 77-PEG-212-0-0 77-PEG-213-0-0 77-PEG-214-0-0 77-PEG-215-0-0 77-PEG-216-0-0 77-PEG-217-0-0 77-PEG-218-0-0 77-PEG-219-0-0 77-PEG-220-0-0 77-PEG-221-0-0 77-PEG-222-0-0 77-PEG-223-0-0 77-PEG-224-0-0 77-PEG-225-0-0 77-PEG-226-0-0 77-PEG-227-0-0 77-PEG-228-0-0 77-PEG-229-0-0 77-PEG-230-0-0 77-PEG-231-0-0 77-MIT-421-0-0 77-MIT-422-0-0 … with HD LED LCD Display in lieu of Standard Display … with GPS Module … with Gobi 2000 Module … with Vehicle Adapter … with Intel® Centrino® Advanced N Wireless Module … with Intel® Centrino® Ultimate N Wireless Module … with 80 GB Solid State Drive (SSD) … with 160 GB Solid State Drive (SSD) … with 160 GB 5400RPM HDD … with 250GB 5400RPM HDD … with 320 GB 5400RPM HDD … with 500 GB 5400RPM HDD … with 250 GB 7200RPM HDD … with 320 GB 7200RPM HDD … with 500 GB 7200RPM HDD … with GeForce 1300 512MB Video Card … with GeForce 1300 1GB Video Card … with GeForce GTX 675M Video Card … with GeForce GTX 670M Video Card … with GeForce FX 3000M Video Card ...with Carry Case ...with Backpack 313.03 93.91 156.52 125.21 112.69 125.21 344.33 626.06 93.91 112.69 125.21 169.04 137.73 162.78 187.82 212.86 256.69 300.51 281.73 262.95 62.61 62.61 GSA Price 219.12 438.24 166.53 SOFTWARE SELECTION NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS 177.80 221.63 315.54 409.44 132.73 166.53 ASUS FROM NCS SERIES INTEL CPU PENTIUM / CORE / CELERON MOBILE CPU NCS NCS4541 80-ASU-23E-0-3 ASUS FROM NCS MODEL B23E BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® QM67 Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture Socket ready for Core® i3, i5, or i7 Series CPUs 3MB, 4MB, 6MB or 8MB Intel® Smart Cache Two Sockets Ready for Memory Expandable to 8 GB of DDR3 SDRAM Fixed hard disk drive tray housing one 9.5 mm height drive (not included) Integrated Intel® HD Graphics 3000 1200.93 12.5" Active Matrix WXGA TFT LCD display with max. resolution of 1366x768 DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive Interchangeable w/ DVD-RW drive module Integrated High Definition Audio with built-in stereo speakers Integrated Bluetooth (Optional) Integrated Intel® Centrino® Wireless Network Interface Integrated 2.0 MP CMOS Camera Integrated 5-in1 Media Card Reader One ExpressCard |34 Slot Integrated Biometric Fingerprint Reader (Optional) Integrated SmartCard Reader (Optional) Integrated Trusted Platform Module (TPM 1.2) Spill-proof keyboard Trackpad with Two Buttons One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery One AC/DC adapter, one vinyl carrying case, and one power cord Dimensions: 305 X 206 X 30 mm Weight: 1.5 Kgs./ 3.3 lbs. User's Reference Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. For the second year, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4628 80-ASU-43A-0-3 ASUS FROM NCS MODEL B43A BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® HM77 Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture Socket ready for Core® i3, i5, or i7 Series CPUs 3MB, 4MB, 6MB or 8MB Intel® Smart Cache Two Sockets Ready for Memory Expandable to 8 GB of DDR3 SDRAM Fixed Hard Disk Drive Tray Housing one 9.5 mm height drive (not included) Integrated Intel® HD Graphics 723.45 14" Active Matrix LCD display with max. resolution of 1366x768 DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive Interchangeable w/ DVD-RW drive module Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio with built-in stereo speakers Integrated Optional Bluetooth Integrated Intel® Centrino® Wireless Network Interface Integrated CMOS Camera Integrated 5-in1 Media Card Reader One ExpressCard |34 Slot Integrated Biometric Fingerprint Reader NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers PO-15 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price Integrated Trusted Platform Module (TPM 1.2) Windows 88 key keyboard Trackpad with Two Buttons One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery One AC/DC adapter, one vinyl carrying case, and one power cord Dimensions: 350 X 245 X 35 mm Weight: 2.48 Kgs./ 5.48 lbs. User's Reference Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. For the second and third year, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4419 80-ASU-43E-0-3 ASUS FROM NCS MODEL B43E BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® HM65 Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture Socket ready for Core® i3, i5, or i7 Series CPUs 3MB, 4MB, 6MB or 8MB Intel® Smart Cache Two Sockets Ready for Memory Expandable to 8 GB of DDR3 SDRAM Fixed hard disk drive tray housing one 9.5 mm height drive (not included) Integrated Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator HD2000 740.98 14" Active Matrix WXGA TFT LCD display with max. resolution of 1280x800 DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive Interchangeable w/ DVD-RW drive module Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio with built-in stereo speakers Integrated Optional Bluetooth Integrated Intel® Centrino® Wireless Network Interface (Intel® PRO Wireless 3945 or 4965)(Optional) Integrated 2.0 MP CMOS Camera Integrated 5-in1 Media Card Reader One ExpressCard |34 Slot Integrated Biometric Fingerprint Reader Integrated Trusted Platform Module (TPM 1.2) Windows 88 key keyboard Trackpad with Two Buttons One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery One AC/DC adapter, one vinyl carrying case, and one power cord Dimensions: 266 X 157 X 20 mm Weight: 2.48 Kgs./ 5.48 lbs. User's Reference Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. For the second year, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4420 80-ASU-43S-0-3 ASUS FROM NCS MODEL B43S BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® QM67 Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture Socket ready for Core® i3, i5, or i7 Series CPUs 3MB, 4MB, 6MB or 8MB Intel® Smart Cache Two Sockets Ready for Memory Expandable to 8 GB of DDR3 SDRAM Fixed hard disk drive tray housing one 9.5 mm height drive (not included) Integrated ATI® 6470 Graphics Accelerator with 512MB DDR3 Memory 833.73 14" Active Matrix WXGA TFT LCD display with max. resolution of 1366x768 DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive Interchangeable w/ DVD-RW drive module Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio with built-in stereo speakers Integrated Optional Bluetooth Integrated Intel® Centrino® Wireless Network Interface (Intel® PRO Wireless 3945 or 4965)(Optional) Integrated 2.0 MP CMOS Camera Integrated 5-in1 Media Card Reader One ExpressCard |34 Slot Integrated Biometric Fingerprint Reader Integrated Trusted Platform Module (TPM 1.2) Windows 88 key keyboard Trackpad with Two Buttons One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery One AC/DC adapter, one vinyl carrying case, and one power cord Dimensions: 266 X 157 X 20 mm Weight: 2.48 Kgs./ 5.48 lbs. User's Reference Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. For the second year, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4629 80-ASU-53A-0-3 ASUS FROM NCS MODEL B53A BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® HM77 Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture Socket ready for Core® i3, i5, or i7 Series CPUs 3MB, 4MB, 6MB or 8MB Intel® Smart Cache Two Sockets Ready for Memory Expandable to 8 GB of DDR3 SDRAM Fixed Hard Disk Drive Tray Housing one 9.5 mm height drive (not included) Integrated Intel® HD Graphics 723.45 15.6" Active Matrix LCD display with max. resolution of 1366x768 DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive Interchangeable w/ DVD-RW drive module Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio with built-in stereo speakers Integrated Optional Bluetooth Integrated Intel® Centrino® Wireless Network Interface Integrated CMOS Camera Integrated 5-in1 Media Card Reader One ExpressCard |34 Slot Integrated Biometric Fingerprint Reader Integrated Trusted Platform Module (TPM 1.2) Windows 88 key keyboard Trackpad with Two Buttons One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery One AC/DC adapter, one vinyl carrying case, and one power cord Dimensions: 383 X 264 X 35 mm NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers PO-16 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price Weight: 2.6 Kgs./ 5.83 lbs. User's Reference Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. For the second and third year, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4422 80-ASU-53S-0-3 ASUS FROM NCS MODEL B53S BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® QM67 Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture Socket ready for Core® i3, i5, or i7 Series CPUs 3MB, 4MB, 6MB or 8MB Intel® Smart Cache Two Sockets Ready for Memory Expandable to 8 GB of DDR3 SDRAM Fixed hard disk drive tray housing one 9.5 mm height drive (not included) Integrated ATI® 6470 Graphics Accelerator with 512MB DDR3 Memory 1197.31 15.6" Active Matrix WXGA TFT LCD display with max. resolution of 1366x768 DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive Interchangeable w/ DVD-RW drive module Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio with built-in stereo speakers Integrated Optional Bluetooth Integrated Intel® Centrino® Wireless Network Interface (Intel® PRO Wireless 3945 or 4965)(Optional) Integrated 2.0 MP CMOS Camera Integrated 5-in1 Media Card Reader One ExpressCard |34 Slot Integrated Biometric Fingerprint Reader Integrated Trusted Platform Module (TPM 1.2) Windows 88 key keyboard Trackpad with Two Buttons One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery One AC/DC adapter, one vinyl carrying case, and one power cord Dimensions: 383 X 264 X 30mm ~ 35 mm Weight: 2.6 Kgs./ 5.83 lbs. User's Reference Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. For the second year, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4630 80-ASU-53V-0-3 ASUS FROM NCS MODEL B53V BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® HM77 Chipset Intel® Core™ Microarchitecture Socket ready for Core® i3, i5, or i7 Series CPUs 3MB, 4MB, 6MB or 8MB Intel® Smart Cache Two Sockets Ready for Memory Expandable to 8 GB of DDR3 SDRAM Fixed Hard Disk Drive Tray Housing one 9.5 mm height drive (not included) Integrated nVidia® NVS 5200M Graphics 904.31 15.6" Active Matrix LCD display with max. resolution of 1920x1080 DVD+/- RW DL drive module Integrated Intel® High Definition Audio with built-in stereo speakers Integrated Optional Bluetooth Integrated Intel® Centrino® Wireless Network Interface Integrated CMOS Camera Integrated 5-in1 Media Card Reader One ExpressCard |34 Slot Integrated Biometric Fingerprint Reader Integrated Trusted Platform Module (TPM 1.2) Windows 88 key keyboard Trackpad with Two Buttons One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery One AC/DC adapter, one vinyl carrying case, and one power cord Dimensions: 384 X 263 X 35 mm Weight: 2.69 Kgs./ 5.93 lbs. User's Reference Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. For the second and third year, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system requires additional components including but not limited to optical drive, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to CPU, memory, and operating system selections. ASUS FROM NCS SERIES OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4423 NCS4631 NCS4632 NCS4424 NCS4603 NCS4633 NCS4634 NCS4635 NCS4636 NCS4425 NCS4604 NCS4637 NCS4638 NCS4639 NCS4640 NCS4641 NCS4642 NCS4643 NCS4644 03-INT-901-0-0 03-INT-923-0-0 03-INT-924-0-0 03-INT-902-0-0 03-INT-921-0-0 03-INT-925-0-0 03-INT-926-0-0 03-INT-927-0-0 03-INT-928-0-0 03-INT-903-0-0 03-INT-922-0-0 03-INT-929-0-0 03-INT-930-0-0 03-INT-931-0-0 03-INT-932-0-0 03-INT-933-0-0 03-INT-934-0-0 03-INT-935-0-0 03-INT-936-0-0 CPU, MEMORY, OS, & OPTION SELECTIONS CPU SELECTION … with Intel® Core™ i3 2310M 2.1 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i3 3110M 2.5 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L3 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i3 3120M 2.5 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L3 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i5 2520M 2.5 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i5 2540M 2.6 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i5 3120M 2.5 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L3 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i5 3320M 2.6 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L3 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i5 3360M 2.8 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L3 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 3520M 2.9 GHz CPU 4 MB KB L3 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 2620M 2.7 GHz CPU 4 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 2630QM 2.0 GHz CPU 6 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 3610QM 2.3 GHz CPU 6 MB KB L3 Cache and 4/8 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 3612QM 2.1 GHz CPU 6 MB KB L3 Cache and 4/8 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 3620QM 2.2 GHz CPU 6 MB KB L3 Cache and 4/8 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 3630QM 2.4 GHz CPU 6 MB KB L3 Cache and 4/8 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 3720QM 2.6 GHz CPU 6 MB KB L3 Cache and 4/8 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 3740QM 2.7 GHz CPU 6 MB KB L3 Cache and 4/8 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 3820QM 2.7 GHz CPU 8 MB KB L3 Cache and 4/8 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 3840QM 2.8 GHz CPU 8 MB KB L3 Cache and 4/8 (Core/Threads) 187.82 174.05 174.05 275.47 311.78 291.75 291.75 334.32 444.50 400.68 442.00 490.83 490.83 490.83 490.83 490.83 490.83 723.73 723.73 NCS NCS NCS4426 NCS4427 04-GEN-510-3-0 04-GEN-510-4-0 DDR3 1066MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 4 GB DDR3 1066 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 8 GB DDR3 1066 MHz SDRAM SODIMM 187.82 375.64 04-GEN-511-2-0 DDR3 1333MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 2 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM SODIMM 45.22 NCS NCS4301 NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers PO-17 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description NCS NCS NCS4428 NCS4429 04-GEN-511-3-0 04-GEN-511-4-0 … with 4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 8 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM SODIMM 92.05 438.24 DDR3 1600MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 6 GB DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 8 GB DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 12 GB DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 16 GB DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM SODIMM 41.32 62.61 83.89 125.21 166.86 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4645 NCS4646 NCS4647 NCS4648 NCS4649 04-GEN-512-0-0 04-GEN-512-1-0 04-GEN-512-2-0 04-GEN-512-3-0 04-GEN-512-4-0 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4430 NCS4431 NCS4432 NCS4433 NCS4650 NCS4651 60-MSC-110-1-3 60-MSC-111-1-3 60-MSC-112-1-3 60-MSC-113-1-3 60-MSC-114-1-3 60-MSC-115-1-3 NCS NCS NCS4434 NCS4435 NCS4436 77-ASU-101-0-0 77-ASU-102-0-0 77-ASU-103-0-0 GSA Price SOFTWARE SELECTION NCS … with Windows 7 Premium Home Edition … with Windows 7 Professional Edition … with Windows 7 Enterprise Edition … with Windows 7 Ultimate Edition … with Windows 8 Standard Edition … with Windows 8 Professional Edition OPTIONS … with 8-cell Lithium-Ion Battery (For B53E and B53S Only)(In Lieu of Standard Battery) … with 8-cell Lithium-Ion Battery (For B53E and B53S Only)(In Addition to Standard Battery) … with 6-cell Lithium-Ion Battery (In Addition to Standard Battery) 177.80 221.63 315.54 409.44 132.73 166.53 63.53 193.38 173.91 NCS NCS4437 77-ASU-104-0-0 … with Additional 90W AC Adapter and Power Cord NCS NCS4438 77-ASU-105-0-0 … with Docking Station 184.11 … with USB 2.0 Docking Station 111.30 NCS NCS4605 77-ASU-116-0-0 70.95 NCS NCS4439 77-ASU-106-0-0 … with Intel Wireless Connectivity 47.30 NCS NCS4440 77-ASU-107-0-0 … with 250GB 5400RPM Hard Disk Drive 69.56 NCS NCS4606 77-ASU-113-0-0 … with 320GB 5400RPM Hard Disk Drive 91.82 NCS NCS4441 77-ASU-108-0-0 … with 250GB 7200RPM Hard Disk Drive 97.39 NCS NCS4607 77-ASU-114-0-0 … with 320GB 7200RPM Hard Disk Drive 119.65 NCS NCS4442 77-ASU-109-0-0 … with 500GB 7200RPM Hard Disk Drive 173.91 NCS NCS4442 77-ASU-115-0-0 … with 500GB 7200RPM Hard Disk Drive/Hybrid SSD 201.73 NCS NCS4443 77-ASU-110-0-0 … with 80GB Solid State (SSD) Hard Disk Drive 368.68 NCS NCS4444 77-ASU-111-0-0 … with 160GB Solid State (SSD) Hard Disk Drive 646.93 NCS NCS4445 77-ASU-112-0-0 … with 256GB Solid State (SSD) Hard Disk Drive 959.96 NCS NCS4608 77-ASU-117-0-0 … with Premium Rolling Carry Case 128.46 NCS NCS4609 77-ASU-118-0-0 … with Ultimate Rolling Carry Case 139.13 NCS NCS4652 77-ASU-119-0-0 … with 120GB Self-Encrypting Solid State Drive 243.47 NCS NCS4653 77-ASU-120-0-0 … with 128GB Self-Encrypting Solid State Drive 250.43 NCS NCS4654 77-ASU-121-0-0 … with 240GB Self-Encrypting Solid State Drive 347.81 NCS NCS4655 77-ASU-122-0-0 … with 256GB Self-Encrypting Solid State Drive 347.81 NCS NCS4656 77-ASU-123-0-0 … with 512GB Self-Encrypting Solid State Drive 695.63 NCS NCS4657 77-ASU-124-0-0 … with TAA Monitor Stand 55.65 NCS NCS4658 77-ASU-125-0-0 … with TAA Carry Case 36.17 DT380N SERIES TABLET INTEL CPU ATOM / CELERON / PENTIUM MOBILE CPU NCS NCS4486 NCS101455 DT380N MODEL BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Intel® Atom™ Z530 Processor 1 GB or 2 GB SDRAM 8.9" WSVGA TFT LCD 1024 x 600 Sun-light readable LCD Screen (Optional) Integrated Intel® Graphics 2309.01 Internal Storage Capcities: 2GB Internal Flash Drive Storage (Optional) 8 GB Internal Flash Drive Storage (Optional) 16 GB Internal Flash Drive Storage (Optional) 32 GB Solid State Drive (SSD) Storage (Optional) 64 GB Solid State Drive (SSD) Storage (Optional) Integrated High Definition Audio Subsystem Integrated Wireless Network Interface Integrated Intel® Wireless Integrated Gobi 2000 WWAN(Optional) Integrated Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR Module (Optional) Integrated 2.0MP CMOS Front Facing Camera (Optional) Integrated 2.0MP CMOS Rear Camera (Optional) Integrated Security Features Integrated Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Integrated Smart Card (CAC) Reader One Internal Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery One External Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery (Optional) One AC/DC Adapter and Power Cord Weight: 2.43 lbs. User's Reference Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. For the second year, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system requires additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, storage, video adapter, and in addition to memory, and operating system selections. DT380N SERIES TABLET OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4487 NCS4488 NCS4489 NCS4490 NCS4491 NCS4492 NCS4493 NCS4494 NCS4495 NCS4496 NCS4497 NCS4498 NCS4499 NCS4500 NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers iX-110 iX-140 iX-160 iX-170 iT-140 iT-160 iT-170 iX-210 iX-240 iX-260 iX-270 iT-240 iT-260 iT-270 CPU, MEMORY, OS, & OPTION SELECTIONS SDRAM & STORAGE … with 1 GB SDRAM, 2 GB Flash Storage, and Windows XP Embedded … with 1 GB SDRAM, 8 GB Flash Storage and Windows XP Embedded … with 1 GB SDRAM, 32GB Solid State Drive (SSD) Storage, and Windows XP Embedded … with 1 GB SDRAM, 64GB Solid State Drive (SSD) Storage, and Windows XP Embedded … with 1 GB SDRAM, 8 GB Flash Storage, and Microsoft XP Pro … with 1 GB SDRAM, 32GB Solid State Drive (SSD) Storage, and Microsoft XP Pro … with 1 GB SDRAM, 64GB Solid State Drive (SSD) Storage, and Microsoft XP Pro … with 2 GB SDRAM, 2GB Flash Storage, and Microsoft XP Embedded … with 2 GB SDRAM, 8 GB Flash Storage, and Microsoft XP Embedded … with 2 GB SDRAM, 32 GB Solid State Drive (SSD) Storage, and Windows XP Embedded … with 2 GB SDRAM, 64 GB Solid State Drive (SSD) Storage, and Windows XP Embedded … with 2 GB SDRAM, 8 GB Flash Storage, and Microsoft XP Pro … with 2 GB SDRAM, 32GB Solid State Drive (SSD) Storage, and Microsoft XP Pro … with 2 GB SDRAM, 64GB Solid State Drive (SSD) Storage, and Microsoft XP Pro PO-18 185.31 241.66 391.92 596.01 187.82 336.82 497.09 328.06 371.88 533.41 783.83 479.56 641.09 890.26 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price SOFTWARE SELECTION NCS NCS NCS4659 NCS4660 60-MSC-114-1-3 60-MSC-115-1-3 NCS NCS NCS4501 NCS4502 NCS4503 UST-EOD-390 UST-SRE-390 UCCD-004F NCS NCS4504 UMSR-004 … with Magnetic Strip Reader 137.73 NCS NCS4505 US2D-004 … with 2D Area Imager Scanner 467.46 NCS NCS NCS4506 URFID-004 NCS NCS4507 USCR-004 NCS NCS4508 ACC-001-22 … with Windows 8 Standard Edition … with Windows 8 Professional Edition OPTIONS … with WEBDT Outdoor Screen … with Sunlight Readable Screen … with 2MP Front Camera 132.73 166.53 295.87 542.59 137.73 … with RFID 137.73 … with Smart Card Reader 137.73 … with 6-bay External Charger 542.59 NCS NCS4509 ACC-006-14 … with External Battery Pack 173.91 NCS NCS NCS NCS4510 ACC-008-59 … with Desktop Craddle 122.43 NCS4511 NCS4512 NCS4513 AC-008-62 ACC-006-18i ACC-011-10 … with Wall/Vehicle Mount Craddle … with Internal Battery Pack … with Screen Protectors 287.53 215.64 94.61 NCS NCS NCS4514 ACC-007-27 … with Stylus 48.69 NCS NCS4515 ACC-001-04 … with Auto Power Adapter 86.26 NCS NCS4516 ACC-010-15 … with Handstrap NCS NCS4517 ACC-010-07 … with Shoulderstrap NCS NCS4518 ACC-010-013 … with Carry Case 50.09 50.09 119.65 NCS NCS4519 ACC-001-09 … with AC Power Adapter 76.52 NCS NCS4520 ACC-003-06 … with Mini-USB Keyboard 76.52 ACC-008-14 … with Keyboard w/ Tray for Vehicle Mount NCS NCS4522 ACC-001-20 … with External Battery Charger w/ AC Adapter 172.52 NCS NCS4523 USCR-004-OM … with Omnikey Smart Card Reader 137.73 NCS NCS4524 UCCD-0048 … with 2MP Back Camera 137.73 NCS NCS4525 UGPS-004 … with GPS Module 137.73 NCS NCS4521 182.25 DURABOOK SERIES INTEL CPU PENTIUM / CORE / CELERON MOBILE CPU NCS NCS4296 80-DUR-100-0-3 DURABOOK MODEL U12C BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Mobile Intel® HM55 Express Chipset Intel Core® i5-540UM 1.2GHz Processor 2 GB DDR3 SDRAM (Expandable to 8GB) Convertible Display Screen 12.1" WXGA (1280x800) TFT LED Touch Screen 12.1" WXGA (1280x800) TFT Dual Touch Mode LED Screen (Optional) Display Controller Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator HD Storage 320 GB Hard Disk Drive Communications Connectivity Suite Integrated 10/100 Ethernet LAN Controller Integrated Intel® PRO Wireless Centrino™ Advanced-N 6200 (a/b/g/n) (Optional) Integrated Bluetooth Module v2.1 + EDR Class 2 (Optional) 86-key Spill Resistant Keyboard ExpressCard™ 34 Expansion Slot SD Memory Card Reader Security Options Trusted Platform Module (TPM) v1.2 Fingerprint Reader Smart Card Reader Integrated 2.0MP Camera (Optional) One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery One AC/DC (65W) Adapter and One Power Cord User's Reference Dimensions: 328 mm x 277 mm x 40 mm) Weight: 2.5 Kg Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. 1645.29 For the second and third years, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system may require additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4387 NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers 80-DUR-101-0-3 DURABOOK MODEL D14RM BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Mobile Intel® GM45 Express Chipset Intel Core® 2 Duo P8700 2.53GHz Processor Two DIMM Sockets Supporting SDRAM 4 GB SDRAM Display Screen 14.1" WXGA (1280x800) TFT LED Touch Screen Display Screen 14.1" WXGA (1280x800) TFT Sun Light Readable LED Screen (Optional) 14.1" WXGA (1280x800) TFT Passive Touchscreen LED Screen (Optional) 14.1" WXGA (1280x800) TFT Sunlight Readable and Touchscreen LED Screen (Optional) 14.1" WXGA+ (1440x900) TFT LED Screen (Optional) 14.1" WXGA+ (1440x900) TFT Sunlight Readable LED Screen (Optional) 14.1" WXGA+ (1440x900) TFT Touchscreen LED Screen (Optional) 14.1" WXGA+ (1440x900) TFT Sunlight Readable and Touchscreen LED Screen (Optional) Display Controller Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator HD 2.5" 9.5mm Hard Disk Storage Bay 320 GB Hard Disk Drive Communications Connectivity Suite Integrated 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet LAN Controller Integrated Intel® PRO Wireless Centrino™ Advanced-N 6200 (a/b/g/n) (Optional) Integrated Bluetooth Module v2.1 + EDR Class 2 (Optional) Integrated 56K V.92 Modem 86-key Spill Resistant Keyboard One PCMCIA Type II Slot 4-in-1 Memory Card Reader Security Options Trusted Platform Module (TPM) v1.2 Fingerprint Reader Smart Card Reader PO-19 1809.00 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price Integrated 1.3MP Camera (Optional) One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery One AC/DC (65W) Adapter and One Power Cord User's Reference Dimensions: 352 mm x 256 mm x 41 mm) Weight: 2.5 Kg ~ 2.7 Kg Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. For the second and third years, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system may require additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4388 80-DUR-102-0-3 DURABOOK MODEL S15C BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Mobile Intel® HM55 Express Chipset Two DIMM Sockets Supporting up to 8GB DDR3 SDRAM 2 GB DDR3 SDRAM (Installed) Display Screen 15.6" WXGA (1366x768) TFT LED Touch Screen 15.6" UXGA (1920x1080) TFT LED Screen (Optional) Display Controller Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator HD 2.5" 9.5mm Hard Disk Storage Bay 320 GB Hard Disk Drive Communications Connectivity Suite Integrated 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet LAN Controller Integrated Intel® PRO Wireless Centrino™ Advanced-N 6200 (a/b/g/n) (Optional) Integrated Bluetooth Module v2.1 + EDR Class 2 (Optional) Integrated 56K V.92 Modem 86-key Spill Resistant Keyboard ExpressCard™ 34 Expansion Slot 5-in-1 Memory Card Reader Security Options Trusted Platform Module (TPM) v1.2 Computrace Ready Smart Card Reader Integrated 1.3MP Camera (Optional) One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery One AC/DC (65W) Adapter and One Power Cord User's Reference Dimensions: 371 mm x 277 mm x 40 mm) Weight: 2.99 Kg ~ 3.2 Kg Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. 1368.25 For the second and third years, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system may require additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to memory, and operating system selections. DURABOOK SERIES OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4389 NCS4297 NCS4247 NCS4085 03-INT-897-0-0 03-INT-761-0-0 03-INT-751-0-0 03-INT-753-0-0 CPU, MEMORY, OS, & OPTION SELECTIONS CPU SELECTION … with Intel® Core™ i3 380M 2.53 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i5 560UM 1.33 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i5 560M 2.66 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i7 620M 2.66 GHz CPU 4 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) 209.10 293.00 386.91 343.08 NCS NCS NCS NCS4298 NCS4299 NCS4300 04-GEN-510-2-0 04-GEN-510-3-0 04-GEN-510-4-0 DDR3 1066MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 2 GB DDR3 1066 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 4 GB DDR3 1066 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 8 GB DDR3 1066 MHz SDRAM SODIMM 125.21 187.82 375.64 NCS NCS NCS NCS4301a NCS4302 NCS4303 04-GEN-511-2-0 04-GEN-511-3-0 04-GEN-511-4-0 DDR3 1333MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 2 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 8 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM SODIMM 45.22 219.12 438.24 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4304 NCS4305 NCS4306 NCS4307 NCS4661 NCS4662 60-MSC-110-1-3 60-MSC-111-1-3 60-MSC-112-1-3 60-MSC-113-1-3 60-MSC-114-1-3 60-MSC-115-1-3 NCS NCS NCS4390 NCS4308 NCS4309 11-DUR-115-0-0 11-DUR-100-0-0 11-DUR-101-0-0 SOFTWARE SELECTION NCS NCS NCS4310 11-DUR-102-0-0 … with Windows 7 Premium Home Edition … with Windows 7 Professional Edition … with Windows 7 Enterprise Edition … with Windows 7 Ultimate Edition … with Windows 8 Standard Edition … with Windows 8 Professional Edition OPTIONS … with Blu-ray Opitical Drive … with Hard Disk Upgrade to 500 GB … with Hard Disk Upgrade to 750 GB 177.80 221.63 315.54 409.44 132.73 166.53 134.49 139.13 159.99 … with Hard Disk Upgrade to 64 GB Solid State Drive 166.95 NCS NCS4311 11-DUR-103-0-0 … with Hard Disk Upgrade to 128 GB Solid State Drive 313.03 NCS NCS4312 11-DUR-104-0-0 … with Hard Disk Upgrade to 256 GB Solid State Drive 799.97 NCS NCS4313 11-DUR-105-0-0 … with Hard Disk Upgrade to 512 GB Solid State Drive 1426.03 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4314 11-DUR-106-0-0 … with Additional AC Adapter NCS4315 NCS4391 NCS4316 NCS4317 11-DUR-107-0-0 11-DUR-116-0-0 11-DUR-108-0-0 11-DUR-109-0-0 … with Additional Li-Ion Battery … with Additional Li-Ion Battery (9-Cell) … with USB Docking Station … with External USB FDD NCS 61.22 139.13 176.23 146.08 41.74 NCS NCS4318 11-DUR-110-0-0 … with Port Replicator 137.73 NCS NCS4319 11-DUR-111-0-0 … with Upgrade 12.1" WXGA TFT Dual Touch Mode LED Screen 243.47 NCS NCS4320 11-DUR-112-0-0 … with Integrated Intel® PRO Wireless Centrino™ Advanced-N 6200 40.35 NCS NCS NCS4321 11-DUR-113-0-0 … with Bluetooth Module 94.61 NCS4322 11-DUR-114-0-0 … with Integrated 2.0MP Camera 48.69 MAGNUS SERIES INTEL CPU PENTIUM / CORE / MOBILE CPU NCS NCS4588 NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers 80-GTC-110-0-3 GETAC FROM NCS V100 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Mobile Intel® QM77 Express Chipset Intel Core® i5-3320M 2.6GHz Processor 4GB DDR3 SDRAM (Expandable to 16GB) Intel® Graphics PO-20 3594.06 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price Wireless Connectivity Suite Integrated Bluetooth Module v2.0 + EDR Class 1 Integrated Intel® PRO Wireless Centrino™ modules with mini-PCI interface Integrated AC '97 Audio CODEC w/ Built-in Speaker Integrated 56K Baud V.92 Internal Modem with RJ-11 port Integrated 10/100/1000 Ethernet LAN Controller 320 GB SATA Hard Disk Drive Waterproof backlit Membrane Keyboard PCMCIA Type II and ExpressCard 34/54 Expansion Slots Secure Digital Memory Card Reader Trusted Platform Module (TPM) v1.2 One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery One AC/DC Adapter and One Power Cord MIL-STD-810G Standard IP65 Compliant UL1604 Class 1 Div. 2 (Optional) Dimensions: 11.4" x 8.74" x 1.93" (285 x 222 x 49 mm) Weight: 5.2 lbs (2.36 Kg) Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or For the second and third years, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system may require additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS3838 80-MIT-300-0-3 MAGNUS MODEL RNM300 / GETAC FROM NCS B300 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Mobile Intel® Express Chipset Intel Core® i7-620LM 2.0GHz 4 MB Cache Processor 2 GB DDR3 SDRAM (Expandable to 8GB) Integrated Intel® Graphics with Shared Memory Wireless Connectivity Suite Integrated Bluetooth Module v2.0 + EDR Class 2 Integrated Intel® PRO Wireless Centrino™ modules with mini-PCI interface Integrated AC '97 Audio CODEC w/ Built-in Speaker 4339.77 Integrated 56K Baud V.92 Internal Modem with RJ-11 port Integrated 10/100 Ethernet LAN controller 250 GB or 320 GB Hard Disk Drive 13.3" XGA (1024x768) TFT Sunlight Readable LCD Screen Waterproof backlit Membrane Keyboard PCMCIA Type II, Type III, or ExpressCard Expansion Slots 2-in-1 Memory Card Reader Fingerprint Reader Trusted Platform Module (TPM) v1.2 One rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery One AC/DC Adapter and One Power Cord MIL-STD-810G IP65 UL1604 Class 1 Div. 2 (Optional) User's Reference Dimensions: 11.9" x 10.35" x 2.36" (303.5 x 263 x 60 mm) Weight: 7.7 lbs (3.5 Kg) Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. For the second and third years, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system may require additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS3354 80-MIT-790-0-3 MAGNUS MODEL RNM790 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Mobile Intel® 945 GM Express Chipset Intel® 82945GM Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH-M) Intel® 82801 CAM I/O Controller Hub Mobile (ICH7-M) Socket ready for Intel Core® Duo Low Voltage CPUs 512 MB DDR2 SDRAM Onboard Two SODIMM sockets for up to 2 GB of DDR2 SDRAM Intel® GMA 950 Graphics Wireless Connectivity Suite Integrated Bluetooth Module (Optional) GPS Communication (Optional) 6554.18 3 G Wireless Modem (Optional) Integrated Intel® PRO Wireless Centrino™ modules with mini-PCI interface (Optional) Integrated AC '97 Audio CODEC w/ Built-in Speaker Integrated 56K Baud V.92 Internal Modem with RJ-11 port Integrated 10/100 Ethernet LAN controller 80GB to 160 GB Hard Disk Drive in One 9.5 mm Height Drive Housing Low Temperature -20 Degree Operation (Optional) 12.1" or 14.1" LCD Screens (Optional) Sunlight Readable LCD (Optional) Touch Screen (12.1" Model Only) Optional) Touch Screen and Sunlight Readable LCD (Optional) One rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery One AC/DC adapter, one carrying case, and one power cord Dimensions: 328 x 272 x 46 mm (14.1" Screen) Dimensions: 338 x 286 x 46 mm (15" Screen) Weight: 4.15 Kg to 4.4 Kg. (Depending on Options) Magnesium Alloy Case MIL-STD-810F Standards User's Reference Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. For the second year, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system may require additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS3892 NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers 80-ECS-660-0-3 MAGNUS SERIES CUSTOM PERIPHERAL TRANSIT PLATFORM FEATURING: Heavey Duty Rotomolded Case Modular Thermoplastic Design in Length, Width, and Depth Dimensions Modular Dimension and Unique Stacking Features Interlocking Capability When Stacked Telescopic Handle, Wheels, and Recessed Pull Latches Molded-in Closures with Gaskets One Breather Valve with Pressure Release PO-21 6917.99 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price Dense Protective Shock Foam Compartmentalized and Slotted for Easy Peripheral Removal Okidata C830 Series Printer Separate CMYK Toner Slots Containing Black, Magenta, Yellow, Cyan Cartridges Secure Rings for Optional Padlock Locking Colors: Olive Green, Nuetral Tan , or Black NCS NCS4244 80-MIT-400-0-3 MAGNUS MODEL RNM400 / GETAC FROM NCS S400 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Mobile Intel® Express Chipset Intel Core® i3-350M 2.26GHz Processor 2 GB DDR3 SDRAM (Expandable to 8GB) Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator HD nVidia GeForce G310M with 512MB (Optional) Wireless Connectivity Suite Integrated Intel® PRO Wireless Centrino™ Advanced-N 6200 (a/b/g/n) (Optional) Integrated Bluetooth Module v2.1 + EDR Class 2 (Optional) Integrated GPS with Internal Antenna (Optional) Integrated 3G Gobi™ 2000 (Optional) Integrated AC '97 Audio CODEC w/ Built-in Speaker 2768.45 Integrated 10/100 Ethernet LAN Controller 320 GB Hard Disk Drive 14" WXGA (1366x768) TFT Sunlight Readable (500nits Brightness) LCD Screen 14" WXGA (1366x768) TFT Sunlight Readable (700nits Brightness) Multitouch LCD Screen (Optional) Waterproof backlit Membrane Keyboard PCMCIA Type II and ExpressCard 34/54 Expansion Slots 4-in-1 Memory Card Reader DVD-RW Optical Drive 56K V.92 Modem Fingerprint Reader Smart Card Reader Trusted Platform Module (TPM) v1.2 One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery (7800mAh) Integrated 1.3MP Camera (Optional) One Rechargeable Low Temperature Lithium-Ion battery (7800mAh) (Optional) One Rechargeable Light Weight Lithium-Ion battery (5200mAh) (Optional) One AC/DC (65W) Adapter and One Power Cord Additional AC/DC (65W or 90W) Adapter and One Power Cord (Optional) MIL-STD-810G Standard User's Reference Dimensions: 13.7" x 10.15" x 1.93" (48 x 258 x 49.2 mm) Weight: 6.4 lbs (2.9 Kg) Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. For the second and third years, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system may require additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4549 80-MIT-401-0-3 GETAC FROM NCS S400 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Mobile Intel® QM77 Express Chipset 14" WXGA (1366x768) TFT Sunlight Readable (500nits Brightness) LCD Screen 14" WXGA (1366x768) TFT Sunlight Readable (700nits Brightness) Multitouch LCD Screen (Optional) nVidia GeForce G310M with 512MB (Optional) Wireless Connectivity Suite Integrated Intel® PRO Wireless Centrino™ Advanced-N 6200 (a/b/g/n) (Optional) Integrated Bluetooth Module v2.1 + EDR Class 2 (Optional) Integrated GPS with Internal Antenna (Optional) Integrated 3G Gobi™ 2000 (Optional) Integrated AC '97 Audio CODEC w/ Built-in Speaker 1892.46 Integrated 10/100 Ethernet LAN Controller 320 GB Hard Disk Drive Waterproof backlit Membrane Keyboard PCMCIA Type II and ExpressCard 34/54 Expansion Slots DVD-RW Optical Drive Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator HD Trusted Platform Module (TPM) v1.2 One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery (7800mAh) Integrated 1.3MP Camera (Optional) One Rechargeable Low Temperature Lithium-Ion battery (7800mAh) (Optional) One Rechargeable Light Weight Lithium-Ion battery (5200mAh) (Optional) One AC/DC (65W) Adapter and One Power Cord Additional AC/DC (65W or 90W) Adapter and One Power Cord (Optional) MIL-STD-810G Standard User's Reference Dimensions: 13.7" x 10.15" x 1.93" (48 x 258 x 49.2 mm) Weight: 6.4 lbs (2.9 Kg) Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. For the second and third years, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system may require additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4323 NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers 80-MIT-500-0-3 MAGNUS MODEL RNMX500 / GETAC FROM NCS X500 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Mobile Intel® QM57 Express Chipset Intel Core® i5-520M 2.4GHz Processor 2 GB DDR3 SDRAM (Expandable to 8GB) Display Screen 15.6" WXGA (1366x768) TFT Sunlight Readable (1200nits Brightness) LCD 15.6" WXGA (1920x1080) TFT Sunlight Readable (600nits Brightness) LCD (Optional) Display Controller Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator HD nVidia GeForce 330M with 512MB (Optional) Storage 320 GB Hard Disk Drive 80 GB Solid State Drive (Optional) 160 GB Solid State Drive (Optional) Communications Connectivity Suite Integrated 10/100 Ethernet LAN Controller Integrated 56K ITU V.92 Modem Integrated Intel® PRO Wireless Centrino™ Advanced-N 6200 (a/b/g/n) (Optional) Integrated Bluetooth Module v2.1 + EDR Class 2 (Optional) PO-22 4271.00 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price Integrated GPS with Internal Antenna (Optional) Integrated 3G Gobi™ 2000 (Optional) Waterproof backlit Membrane Keyboard PCMCIA Type II and ExpressCard 34/54 Expansion Slots 4-in-1 Memory Card Reader DVD-RW Optical Drive Security Options Trusted Platform Module (TPM) v1.2 Fingerprint Reader Smart Card Reader One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery Integrated 1.3MP Camera One AC/DC (65W) Adapter and One Power Cord Additional AC/DC (65W or 90W) Adapter and One Power Cord (Optional) Rugged Standards MIL-STD-810G IP65 User's Reference Dimensions: 410 mm x 290 mm x 65 mm) Weight: 5.4 Kg Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. For the second and third years, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system may require additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to memory, and operating system selections. NCS NCS4324 80-MIT-200-0-3 MAGNUS MODEL RNM200 / GETAC FROM NCS V200 BASIC PLATFORM FEATURING: Mobile Intel® QM57 Express Chipset Intel Core® i7-620M 2.0GHz Processor 2 GB DDR3 SDRAM (Expandable to 8GB) Convertible Display Screen 12.1" WXGA (1280x800) TFT Sunlight Readable (1200nits Brightness) LED Screen 12.1" WXGA (1280x800) TFT Sunlight Readable (1200nits Brightness) Digitizer LED Screen (Optional) 12.1" WXGA (1280x800) TFT Sunlight Readable (1200nits Brightness) Dual Touch Mode LED Screen (Optional) Display Controller Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator HD Storage 320 GB Hard Disk Drive 80 GB Solid State Drive (Optional) 160 GB Solid State Drive (Optional) Communications Connectivity Suite Integrated 10/100 Ethernet LAN Controller Integrated 56K ITU V.92 Modem Integrated Intel® PRO Wireless Centrino™ Advanced-N 6200 (a/b/g/n) (Optional) Integrated Bluetooth Module v2.1 + EDR Class 2 (Optional) Integrated GPS with Internal Antenna (Optional) Integrated 3G Gobi™ 2000 (Optional) Keyboard 88-key Waterproof Membrane Keyboard 88-key Waterproof Backlit Membrane Keyboard (Optional) 88-key Waterproof Backlit Rubber Keyboard (Optional) Expansion Slots PCMCIA Type II x 1 and Smart Card Reader PCMCIA Type II x 1 and ExpressCard™ 54 (Optional) SD Memory Card Reader Security Options Trusted Platform Module (TPM) v1.2 Fingerprint Reader (Optional) One Rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery Integrated 2.0MP Camera (Optional) One AC/DC (60W or 90W) Adapter and One Power Cord Additional AC/DC (60W Adapter and One Power Cord (Optional) Rugged Standards MIL-STD-810G Standard IP65 MIL-STD 461F (Optional) User's Reference Dimensions: 314 mm x 222 mm x 49 mm) Weight: 2.7 Kg Limited Warranty including advance overnight replacement of system unit or removable component (hard drive, floppy drive, ac adapter or other separate items) for the first year with return shipping of defective item paid by NCS. 4145.79 For the second and third years, repairs will be accomplished on mail-in (at customer's expense), mail-back (at NCS' expense) basis excluding batteries. Battery warranty limited to one year. Base system may require additional components including but not limited to CD-ROM, hard disk drive, video adapter, and in addition to memory, and operating system selections. MAGNUS / GETAC FROM NCS SERIES OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4245 NCS4246 NCS4247 NCS4424 03-INT-749-0-0 03-INT-750-0-0 03-INT-751-0-0 03-INT-902-0-0 CPU SELECTION … with Intel® Core™ i5 520M 2.40 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i5 540M 2.53 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i5 560M 2.66 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) … with Intel® Core™ i5 2520M 2.5 GHz CPU 3 MB KB L2 Cache and 2/4 (Core/Threads) 325.55 374.39 386.91 275.47 MEMORY, OS, & OPTIONAL SELECTIONS MEMORY SELECTION DDR3 1333MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 2 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM SODIMM … with 8 GB DDR3 1333 MHz SDRAM SODIMM 156.52 219.12 438.24 NCS NCS NCS NCS4251 NCS4252 NCS4253 04-GEN-511-2-0 04-GEN-511-3-0 04-GEN-511-4-0 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4254 NCS4255 NCS4256 NCS4257 NCS4663 NCS4664 60-MSC-110-1-3 60-MSC-111-1-3 60-MSC-112-1-3 60-MSC-113-1-3 60-MSC-114-1-3 60-MSC-115-1-3 NCS NCS4134 77-MIT-369-0-0 SOFTWARE SELECTION … with Windows 7 Premium Home Edition … with Windows 7 Professional Edition … with Windows 7 Enterprise Edition … with Windows 7 Ultimate Edition … with Windows 8 Standard Edition … with Windows 8 Professional Edition OPTIONS For Magnus Rugged RNM102 … with Docking Station 177.80 221.63 315.54 409.44 132.73 166.53 185.50 For Magnus Rugged RNM230 NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers PO-23 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price NCS3445 76-MIT-247-0-0 … with Vehicle Dock without AC Adapter 709.54 NCS3446 NCS3447 76-MIT-248-0-0 76-MIT-249-0-0 … with Vehicle Mount without AC Adapter … with Car Charger/Adapter with Bracket for Vehicle Mount/Docking 410.42 285.21 NCS3852 NCS3853 NCS3854 77-MIT-329-0-0 77-MIT-330-0-0 76-MIT-331-0-0 For Magnus Rugged RNM300 / GETAC FROM NCS B300 … with LCD Upgrade to Resistive Touchscreen Capability … with LCD Upgrade to Ultrabright 1200 Nits LED Backlight Display … with LCD Upgrade to MIL-STD 3009 Night Vision Display 255.06 255.06 551.86 NCS NCS3855 76-MIT-332-0-0 … with Keyboard Upgrade to Rubber Backlight Keyboard NCS NCS3856 76-MIT-333-0-0 … with Upgrade to MIL-STD 461E EMI Compliance with Compliant AC Power Supply NCS NCS3857 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS3858 76-MIT-335-0-0 … with Additional PCMCIA Type II Slot in Lieu of ExpressCard 34/54mm Slot NCS3859 NCS3860 NCS3861 NCS4135 NCS4137 77-MIT-336-0-0 77-MIT-337-0-0 77-MIT-338-0-0 77-MIT-344-0-0 77-MIT-346-0-0 76-MIT-334-0-0 … with Additional Primary Battery Pack (7650mAh) … with 2nd Battery Pack for Media Bay (7650mAh) … with Integrated GPS Module … with 100mw Radio Booster Module … with Screw Head Sealant Treatment (Heat Cured Self-leveling Sealant) … with Integrated Smart Card Reader in Lieu of PCMCIA Slot 88.11 551.86 125.21 46.38 180.86 208.69 134.49 231.88 208.69 NCS NCS4276 77-MIT-419-0-0 For Magnus Rugged RNM400 / GETAC FROM NCS S400 ...with 80GB Solid State Drive (SSD) 278.25 NCS NCS4277 77-MIT-420-0-0 ...with 160GB Solid State Drive (SSD) 521.72 NCS NCS4550 77-MIT-423-0-0 … with 256GB Solid State Drive (SSD) 765.19 83.48 27.83 285.21 347.81 173.91 153.04 104.34 347.81 118.26 243.47 153.04 639.98 278.25 521.72 173.91 187.82 48.69 62.61 285.21 347.81 313.03 173.91 41.74 347.81 118.26 243.47 153.04 639.98 243.47 521.72 153.04 187.82 62.61 90.43 201.73 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4325 NCS4326 NCS4327 NCS4328 NCS4329 NCS4330 NCS4331 NCS4332 NCS4333 NCS4334 NCS4335 NCS4336 NCS4337 NCS4338 NCS4339 NCS4340 77-MIT-501-0-0 77-MIT-502-0-0 77-MIT-503-0-0 77-MIT-504-0-0 77-MIT-505-0-0 77-MIT-506-0-0 77-MIT-507-0-0 77-MIT-508-0-0 77-MIT-509-0-0 77-MIT-510-0-0 77-MIT-511-0-0 77-MIT-512-0-0 77-MIT-513-0-0 77-MIT-514-0-0 77-MIT-515-0-0 77-MIT-516-0-0 For Magnus Rugged RNM500 / GETAC FROM NCS X500 ...with Bluetooth 2.1 ...with Intel Centrino Advanced N Wireless Module ...with Gobi 2000 Module ...with GPS Module ...with GeForce 330M 512MB Video Card ...with Additional Battery ...with Backlit Keyboard ...with Docking Station ...with 65W AC Adapter ...with 90W AC Adapter ...with Car Adapter ...with Vehicle Docking ...with 80GB Solid State Drive ...with 160GB Solid State Drive ...with 15.6" 1920x1080 Screen ...with WiFi + 3G + GPS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS4341 NCS4342 NCS4343 NCS4344 NCS4345 NCS4346 NCS4347 NCS4348 NCS4349 NCS4350 NCS4351 NCS4352 NCS4353 NCS4354 NCS4355 NCS4356 NCS4357 NCS4358 NCS4359 77-MIT-252-0-0 77-MIT-253-0-0 77-MIT-254-0-0 77-MIT-255-0-0 77-MIT-256-0-0 77-MIT-257-0-0 77-MIT-258-0-0 77-MIT-259-0-0 77-MIT-260-0-0 77-MIT-261-0-0 77-MIT-262-0-0 77-MIT-263-0-0 77-MIT-264-0-0 77-MIT-265-0-0 77-MIT-266-0-0 77-MIT-267-0-0 77-MIT-268-0-0 77-MIT-269-0-0 76-MIT-270-0-0 For Magnus Rugged RNM200 / GETAC FROM NCS V200 … with Bluetooth 2.1 … with Intel Centrino Advanced N Wireless Module … with Gobi 2000 Module … with GPS Module … with 12.1" Dual Touch Screen … with 12.1" Digitizer Screen … with PCMCIA + ExpressCard™ … with Docking Station … with 60W AC Adapter … with 90W AC Adapter … with Car Adapter … with Vehicle Docking … with 80GB Solid State Drive … with 160GB Solid State Drive … with Additional Battery … with WiFi + 3G + GPS … with Fingerprint Reader … with 2.0MP Camera … with -20C Low Temperature Operation NCS NCS NCS4360 76-MIT-271-0-0 … with Backlit Membrane Keyboard 104.34 NCS NCS4361 76-MIT-272-0-0 … with Backlit Rubber Keyboard 139.13 278.25 NCS NCS4362 76-MIT-273-0-0 … with MIL-STD-461F NCS NCS NCS NCS3450 11-MIT-328-0-0 For Magnus Rugged RNM790 … with Hard Disk Upgrade to Shock Mounted 120 GB from Standard Shock Mounted 80GB NCS NCS3451 NCS3452 NCS3453 77-MIT-329-0-0 77-MIT-330-0-0 76-MIT-331-0-0 … with Rubber Backlight Keyboard … with Glove Hand Sensitive Touch Pad … with LCD Upgrade to 14.1" XGA Screen from Standard 12.1" XGA Screen NCS NCS3454 76-MIT-332-0-0 … with LCD Upgrade to 12.1" XGA Touch Screen from Standard 12.1" XGA Screen 424.33 NCS NCS3455 76-MIT-333-0-0 … with LCD Upgrade to 12.1" XGA Sunlight Readable Screen from Standard 12.1" XGA Screen 424.33 NCS NCS3456 76-MIT-334-0-0 … with LCD Upgrade to 14.1" XGA Sunlight Readable Screen from Standard 12.1" XGA Screen 507.81 NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS NCS 90.43 333.90 90.43 528.68 NCS3457 23-MIT-335-0-0 … with IEEE 802.11 a + b + g Wireless LAN Module 173.91 NCS3458 NCS3459 NCS3460 NCS3461 NCS3462 NCS3463 NCS3464 NCS3465 NCS3466 NCS3467 NCS3468 NCS3469 NCS3470 NCS3471 NCS3472 NCS3473 NCS3474 NCS3475 NCS3476 NCS3477 NCS3478 77-MIT-336-0-0 77-MIT-337-0-0 77-MIT-338-0-0 77-MIT-339-0-0 77-MIT-340-0-0 77-MIT-341-0-0 77-MIT-342-0-0 11-MIT-343-0-0 77-MIT-344-0-0 77-MIT-345-0-0 77-MIT-346-0-0 77-MIT-347-0-0 77-MIT-348-0-0 77-MIT-349-0-0 77-MIT-350-0-0 77-MIT-351-0-0 77-MIT-352-0-0 77-MIT-353-0-0 77-MIT-354-0-0 77-MIT-355-0-0 76-MIT-356-0-0 … with Bluetooth Module … with Port Replicator Office Use … with Finger Print Reader … with A/P One Button Recovery … with Bay 1 Upgrade with Li-Ion Battery Pack … with Bay 1 Upgrade with Removeable DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive … with Bay 1 Upgrade with Removeable DVD+/-RW Drive … with Bay 1 Upgrade with Removeable 80GB Hard Disk Drive … with Bay 2 Upgrade with Secondary PCMCIA Slots (Two Type II or One Type III) … with Bay 2 Upgrade with Sealed RS232 Module (Two Ports) … with Bay 2 Upgrade with Sealed RS422 Module (Two Ports) … with Bay 2 Upgrade with GPS Module … with Bay 2 Upgrade with Secondary Li-Ion Battery Pack … with Bay 2 Upgrade with Fixed Floppy Drive … with Bay 2 Upgrade with Smart Card Reader … with Expansion Unit with 3/4 PCI Card Slots … with Expansion Unit with 3/4 PCI Express Card Slots … with Ultra Shock Mount … with Ultra Shock Mount for Expansion Unit … with External Battery Charger with AC Adapter (Main, Bay 1, & Bay 2 Battery Packs) … with Car Charger/Adapter 166.95 299.12 118.26 69.56 250.43 215.64 285.21 354.77 396.51 354.77 354.77 306.08 271.29 285.21 125.21 939.09 939.09 799.97 939.09 354.77 243.47 NCS NCS3479 76-MIT-357-0-0 … with External USB Floppy Modele 111.30 NCS NCS3480 76-MIT-358-0-0 … with -20C Low Temperature Operation and HDD Heater 563.46 NCS NCS3481 76-MIT-359-0-0 … with Additional Main Li-Ion Battery Pack 333.90 NCS NCS3482 76-MIT-360-0-0 … with Vehicle Dock without AC Adapter 709.54 NCS NCS NCS3483 76-MIT-361-0-0 … with MIL-STD-461E Compliance 563.46 NCS3484 NCS3485 76-MIT-362-0-0 76-MIT-363-0-0 … with Vehicle Mount without AC Adapter … with Car Charger/Adapter with Bracket for Vehicle Mount/Docking 410.42 285.21 NCS3486 76-MIT-364-0-0 … with Standard Carry Bag NCS NCS 69.56 For Magnus Series Custom Transit Platform NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers PO-24 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS Model No. Part Description NCS3893 80-ECS-101-0-0 … with Aluminum Shell in lieu of Rotomolded Thermoplastic 2318.75 NCS NCS3894 NCS3895 NCS3896 80-ECS-102-0-0 80-ECS-102-1-0 80-ECS-103-0-0 … with 304 Grade Stainless Steel Exterior Hardware … with 304 Grade Stainless Steel Exterior Hardware with Black Oxide Finish … with Elastomeric Handle Grips based on MIL-STD-1472 927.50 1020.25 1391.25 NCS NCS NCS NCS3487 NCS3488 NCS3489 76-MIT-960-0-0 76-MIT-961-0-0 76-MIT-962-0-0 For Magnus Series … with External 2 Bay Charger … with External 6 Bay Charger … with External 10 Bay Charger NCS NCS NCS GSA Price 180.86 500.85 834.75 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS REPLACEMENT BATTERIES MISC. NCS NCS4051 80-NCS-113-0-3 NCS B3 Series Multi-bay Battery Charging Station 10-bay 10-bay High Capacity Charging Station 1386.61 NCS NCS4052 80-NCS-114-0-3 NCS B3 Series Multi-bay Battery Charging Station 2-bay 2-bay High Capacity Charging Station 231.50 NCS NCS4053 80-NCS-115-0-3 NCS 202 Series Multi-bay Battery Charging Station 10-bay 10-bay High Capacity Charging Station 1386.61 NCS NCS4054 80-NCS-116-0-3 NCS 202 Series Multi-bay Battery Charging Station 2-bay 2-bay High Capacity Charging Station 231.50 NCS NCS4610 89-NCS-101-0-0 CUSTOM ASSET TAG - Asset tagging per system. Available at time of system purchase only. 9.28 NCS NCS4611 89-NCS-102-0-0 IUID - Item Unique Identification label per system. Available at time of system purchase only. 9.28 NCS NCS4612 89-NCS-103-0-0 IMAGE - Custom image installation per system. Available at time of system purchase only. NCS NCS4613 89-NCS-104-0-0 STORAGE - Warehouse or storage fee for one month per system. Available at time of system purchase only. NCS NCS4614 89-NCS-105-0-0 INSIDE DELIVERY - Inside delivery per system. Available at time of system purchase only. NCS NCS4615 89-NCS-106-0-0 LASER ENGRAVING - Laser engraving design fee per unique design request. Available at time of system purchase only. NCS NCS4616 89-NCS-107-0-0 LASER ETCHING - Laser etching design fee per unique design request. Available at time of system purchase only. NCS NCS4617 89-NCS-108-0-0 RECYCLING - Recycling of IT hardware fee per system. Available at time of system purchase only. NCS NCS4618 89-NCS-109-0-0 NCS NCS4619 89-NCS-110-0-0 ENHANCED PACKAGING - Specialty crating and shipping service per system on shipping pallet. Available at time of system purchase only. IMAGE RECOVERY DVD - One image recovery DVD for a system. Available at time of system purchase only. SYSTEMS OPTIONS & UPGRADES 23.19 9.28 23.19 231.88 18.55 5.57 463.75 9.28 WARRANTY OPTIONS (UPGRADES FROM STANDARD WARRANTIES) FOR DESKTOPS &WORKSTATIONS NCS NCS1476 89-NCS-001-0-0 NCS NCS1477 89-NCS-002-0-0 NCS NCS2082 89-NCS-003-0-0 NCS NCS2083 89-NCS-004-0-0 NCS NCS3788 89-NCS-025-0-0 NCS NCS3789 89-NCS-026-0-0 NCS NCS4065 89-NCS-043-1-0 NCS NCS4620 89-NCS-111-0-0 NCS GOLD - Extends the on-site service period from one to two years. Parts coverage for the third year remains on a mail-in, mail-back basis. Available at time of system purchase only. NCS PLATINUM - Extends the on-site service period from one to three years. Available at time of system purchase only. NCS PLATINUM PLUS ONE- Extends the on-site service period from third year to an additional year, for a total of four years. Must be selected in conjunction with NCS PLATINUM. Available at time of system purchase only. NCS PLATINUM PLUS TWO- Extends the on-site service period from third year to two additional years, for a total of five years. Must be selected in conjunction with NCS PLATINUM. Available at time of system purchase only. NCS ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE - Accidental Damage Protection In Conjunction to System's Standard or Optional Warranties. Available at Time of System Purchase Only. NCS NO FAULT - Accidental Damage with No Fault Protection In Conjunction to System's Standard or Optional Warranties. Available at Time of System Purchase Only. NCS HDD RETENTION - User Retains Hard Drive In Conjunction to System's Standard or Optional Warranties. Available at Time of System Purchase Only. NCS HDD RETENTION A LA CARTE - A la carte warranty option to keep your system hard drive. Fee is for one hard disk drive retention. This item may be purchased singly or in multiple increments to correlate to the number of hard drives present in 23.19 46.38 55.65 111.30 162.31 324.63 324.63 6.49 User's system. Available at time of system purchase only. NCS NCS4066 89-NCS-044-1-0 NCS NCS4621 89-NCS-112-0-0 NCS MEMORY RETENTION - User Retains Memory In Conjunction to System's Standard or Optional Warranties. Available at Time of System Purchase Only. NCS MEMORY RETENTION A LA CARTE - A la carte warranty option to keep a single memory module service. Fee is for one memory module retention. This item may be purchased singly or in multiple increments to correlate to the number memory 278.25 4.64 modules present in User's system. Available at time of system purchase only. NCS NCS4468 89-NCS-049-1-0 NCS NCS4469 89-NCS-050-1-0 NCS NCS4470 89-NCS-051-1-0 NCS NCS4471 89-NCS-052-1-0 NCS NCS1478 89-NCS-020-0-0 NCS NCS1479 89-NCS-021-0-0 NCS CONUS 24 INSTALLATION & DATA MIGRATION - In Conjunction to System's Standard or Optional Warranties. Available at per unit at Time of System Purchase Only for Quantities of Twenty-four systems or less. Continental United States. NCS OCONUS 24 INSTALLATION & DATA MIGRATION - In Conjunction to System's Standard or Optional Warranties. Available per unit at Time of System Purchase Only for Quantities of Twenty-four systems or less. Outside Continental United States. NCS CONUS 25 INSTALLATION & DATA MIGRATION - In Conjunction to System's Standard or Optional Warranties. Available per unit at Time of System Purchase Only for Quantities of Twenty-five systems or more. Continental United States. NCS OCONUS 25 INSTALLATION & DATA MIGRATION - In Conjunction to System's Standard or Optional Warranties. Available per unit at Time of System Purchase Only for Quantities of Twenty-five systems or more. Outside Continental United States. FOR SERVERS NCS GOLD LTS - Extends the on-site service period from one to two years. Parts coverage for the third year remains on a mail-in, mailback basis. Available at time of system purchase only. NCS PLATINUM LTS - Extends the on-site service period from one to three years. Available at time of system purchase only. NCS NCS2084 89-NCS-022-0-0 NCS NCS3790 89-NCS-027-0-0 NCS NCS3791 89-NCS-028-0-0 NCS NCS4067 89-NCS-045-1-0 NCS NCS4068 89-NCS-046-1-0 NCS NCS4585 89-NCS-047-1-0 NCS NCS4586 89-NCS-048-1-0 NCS NCS4587 89-NCS-049-1-0 NCS NCS1480 89-NCS-003-0-0 NCS EXPRESS - Extends the advance overnight replacement period from one to two years. Available at time of system purchase only. NCS NCS1481 89-NCS-004-0-0 NCS NCS2085 89-NCS-006-0-0 NCS NCS4446 89-NCS-006-0-0 NCS EXPRESS GOLD - Extends the advance overnight replacement period from one to three years . Available at time of system purchase only. NCS EXPRESS PLATINUM - Extends the advance overnight replacement period from one to four years . Available at time of system purchase only. NCS EXPRESS BLACK - Extends the advance overnight replacement period from one to five years . Available at time of system purchase only. NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers NCS PLATINUM LTS PLUS ONE- Extends the on-site service period from third year to an additional year, for a total of four years. Must be selected in conjunction with NCS PLATINUM LTS. Available at time of system purchase only. NCS ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE - Accidental Damage Protection In Conjunction to System's Standard or Optional Warranties. Available at Time of System Purchase Only. NCS NO FAULT - Accidental Damage with No Fault Protection In Conjunction to System's Standard or Optional Warranties. Available at Time of System Purchase Only. NCS HDD RETENTION - User Retains Hard Drive In Conjunction to System's Standard or Optional Warranties. Available at Time of System Purchase Only. NCS MEMORY RETENTION - User Retains Memory In Conjunction to System's Standard or Optional Warranties. Available at Time of System Purchase Only. 3 YEAR NEXT BUSINESS DAY - Extends standard warranty to three (3) years of onsite next business day warranty. Onsite repair including parts and labor, 8-hour helpdesk response with service technician deployed to end-user location the next business day after the service ticket has been opened. External peripheral devices such as keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc., shall be covered under Advanced Replacement Warranty. Available at Time of System Purchase Only. 4 YEAR NEXT BUSINESS DAY - Extends standard warranty to four (4) years of onsite next business day warranty. Onsite repair including parts and labor, 8-hour helpdesk response with service technician deployed to end-user location the next business day after the service ticket has been opened. External peripheral devices such as keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc., shall be covered under Advanced Replacement Warranty. Available at Time of System Purchase Only. 5 YEAR NEXT BUSINESS DAY - Extends standard warranty to five (5) years of onsite next business day warranty. Onsite repair including parts and labor, 8-hour helpdesk response with service technician deployed to end-user location the next business day after the service ticket has been opened. External peripheral devices such as keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc., shall be covered under Advanced Replacement Warranty. Available at Time of System Purchase Only. FOR NOTEBOOK, RUGGED NOTEBOOKS, TABLET, & HANDHELD MOBILE PO-25 338.54 602.88 301.44 570.41 278.25 556.50 278.25 162.31 324.63 371.00 417.38 779.10 1688.05 2110.06 92.75 125.21 162.31 180.86 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. NCS NOTEBOOKS, WORKSTATIONS, AND SERVERS Name of Manufactu rer ITEM No. NCS NCS1482 89-NCS-005-0-0 NCS NCS2086 89-NCS-007-0-0 NCS NCS2470 89-NCS-007-1-0 NCS NCS2471 89-NCS-007-2-0 NCS NCS3792 89-NCS-029-0-0 NCS NCS3793 89-NCS-030-0-0 NCS NCS4069 89-NCS-047-1-0 NCS NCS4070 89-NCS-048-1-0 NCS Model No. Part Description GSA Price NCS EXPRESS STD - Extends the mail-in/mail-back period of the standard warranty from one to two years for a total of one year of express replacement plus two years of mail-in/mail-back warranty. NCS EXPRESS STD DELUXE - Extends the mail-in/mail-back period of the standard warranty from one to three years, for a total of one year of express replacement plus three years of mail-in/mail-back warranty. NCS EXPRESS STD DELUXE - Extends the mail-in/mail-back period of the standard warranty from one to four years, for a total of one year of express replacement plus four years of mail-in/mail-back warranty. NCS EXPRESS STD DELUXE - Extends the mail-in/mail-back period of the standard warranty from one to five years, for a total of one year of express replacement plus five years of mail-in/mail-back warranty. NCS ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE - Accidental Damage Protection In Conjunction to System's Standard or Optional Warranties. Available at Time of System Purchase Only. NCS NO FAULT - Accidental Damage with No Fault Protection In Conjunction to System's Standard or Optional Warranties. Available at Time of System Purchase Only. NCS HDD RETENTION - User Retains Hard Drive In Conjunction to System's Standard or Optional Warranties. Available at Time of System Purchase Only. NCS MEMORY RETENTION - User Retains Memory In Conjunction to System's Standard or Optional Warranties. Available at Time of System Purchase Only. 37.10 74.20 148.40 222.60 162.31 324.63 255.06 231.88 Note **** Warranty Coverage The above warranty options must be purchased at the same time as the system purchase only. These selections are not in addition to the standard limited warranty but when purchased, create one warranty period that travels with the attending system. For Example, should a user select the NCS Platinum warranty, the system that this warranty covers is no longer the standard one year onsite with the second and third years depot service. The system now carries on-site service for three (3) years. NCS Notebooks, Workstations, and Servers PO-26 New Catalog OEM COMPONENTS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR INTEGRATION INTO NCS SYSTEMS NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. OEM COMPONENTS AVAILABLE ONLY FOR INTEGRATION INTO NCS SYSTEMS Name of Manufacturer NCS Part No. Part Description 4Q Technology 4Q Technology NCSI1827 NCSI1847 Item No. 22-4QT-101-0-0 22-4QT-201-0-0 Model MIC-004 Desktop Microphone, PC Voice LINK Technology with 3.5 mm plugs and 3.5mm stereo plug Model CPU-001 Chassis Mount Speakers, 10W PMPO, volume control, headphone jack Mfr. Part No. 3COM NCSI0030 23-3CM-207-1-3 3COM NCSI1037 3COM 3COM GSA Price Mrf. Warranty 4Q TECHNOLOGY MIC-004 CPU-001 4 10 13 13 Fast Etherlink XL PCI 10/100Base-TX Card in single pack. Interface: one RJ-45 3C905C-TX 40 10 23-3CM-214-0-3 Etherlink 10/100 PCI NIC for complete PC management in single pack. Interface: one RJ-45 Autosensing. 3C905CX-TX-M 40 10 NCSI1172 23-3CM-217-0-3 Etherlink 100 Mbps PCI Fiber Network Interface Card in single pack. 3C905B-FX 222 10 NCSI1173 23-3CM-218-0-3 OfficeConnect Fast Etherlink Network Interface Card in single pack. 3CSOHO100-TX 54 10 3CR990-TX-95 90 10 3CR990-TX-97 83 10 3C980C-TXM 72 10 10 3COM IPG 3COM NCSI1177 23-3CM-220-0-3 3COM NCSI1180 23-3CM-221-0-3 3COM NCSI1183 23-3CM-222-0-3 Etherlink 10/100 PCI Network Interface Card with 3XP Processor DES 56-bit Encryption in single pack. Interface: one RJ-45 Full-Duplex auto-negotiation Etherlink 10/100 PCI Network Interface Card with 3XP Processor 3DES 168-bit Encryption in single pack. Interface: one RJ-45 Full-Duplex auto-negotiation 3COM 3C980C-TXM Fast Etherlink Server Card 10/100MBPS in single pack. 3COM NCSI1517 23-3CM-227-0-3 Etherlink 10 Mbps PCI Fiber Network Interface Card in single pack. 3C900B-FL(ST) 157 3COM NCSI1550 23-3CM-214-1-3 Etherlink 10/100 PCI NIC for complete PC management in single pack. Interface: one RJ-45 Autosensing. 3C905CX-TX-M 37 10 3COM NCSI1627 23-3CM-303-0-3 259 10 3COM NCSI1628 23-3CM-304-0-3 3COM NCSI1629 23-3CM-305-0-3 3COM 3C990B-T 10BaseT 100BaseTX 1000BaseT PCI Gigabit Server Network Interface Card in single pack. 3CR990-FX-97 Interface: one RJ-45 connector autonegotiation (copper NIC only) 3COM 710024 10BaseT 100BaseTX 1000Base-SX PCI Gigabit Server Network Interface Card with 1 MB memory in 710024 single pack. Interface: one RJ-45 connector 3COM 3C982-TXM 10/100 Dual PortFast Etherlink Server Card in single pack. 3C982-TXM 3D Labs NCSI1577 21-3DL-101-0-3 3D Labs NCSI1578 21-3DL-102-0-3 3D Labs Wildcat II 5110 AGP Pro50 High-end 3D Graphics Accelerator with 128 MB Memory and 29-pin DVI-I Output, 01-000047-xxx 15-pin D-sub Analog Video Output, and 3-pin MiniDIN Stereo Sync Output. 3D Labs Oxygen GVX420 AGP Pro and 4X Compatible High-end Workstation 3D Graphics Accelerator with 128 MB 01-000027-001 SGRAM Memory and Dual 29-pin DVI-D Output, Dual DB-15 Analog Video Output, and 3-pin MiniDIN Stereo Sync Output ActionTec ActionTec NCSI1045 NCSI0924 27-ACT-242-0-3 27-ACT-245-0-3 FastNet 10Base2/10BaseT Ethernet PCMCIA Network Card. Interface: one RJ-45 & one BNC on single cable. FastNet Pro 10BaseT/100BaseTX Etherner PCMCIA Network Card ActionTec NCSI1046 27-ACT-245-1-3 FastNet Pro 10Base2/10BaseT/100BaseTX Etherner PCMCIA Network Card ActionTec NCSI0926 27-ACT-139-0-3 Datalink 56 K Baud V.90 PCMCIA Modem Card ActionTec NCSI0929 20-ACT-161-0-3 ActionTec NCSI1342 27-ACT-008-0-3 500 10 163 10 3D LABS, INC. 1,870 13 1,207 13 NE10000-70 NE2000-02 64 74 13 13 NE20000-70 33 13 MDV9012-02 97 13 56 K PCI Pro 56 K Baud V.90 PCI Internal Fax Windows Modem PCI56019-02 39 10 PC750 PCMCIA Card Reader PC750 71 10 NE10000-70 27 65 30 13 13 13 183 276 10 10 ACTIONTEC ELECTRONICS ACTIVCARD INC. ActivCard ActivCard ActivCard NCSI1773 NCSI1829 NCSI1839 27-ATV-101-0-3 27-ATV-102-0-3 23-ATV-201-0-3 Activcard Gold, License for CAC Readers Activcard v2.2 for CAC Readers w/ LIC, media, and SCM 331 CAC reader Activcard Gold, Media for CAC Readers Adaptec Adaptec NCSI0044 NCSI0046 18-ADP-104-0-3 18-ADP-106-0-3 Adaptec NCSI0047 18-ADP-107-0-3 Adaptec NCSI1196 18-ADP-118-0-3 Adaptec NCSI1197 18-ADP-119-0-3 Adaptec NCSI1198 18-ADP-120-0-3 Adaptec NCSI1199 18-ADP-121-0-3 Adaptec NCSI1200 18-ADP-122-0-3 Adaptec NCSI1201 18-ADP-123-0-3 Adaptec NCSI1202 18-ADP-124-0-3 AHA-2940 PCI Fast SCSI2 Card in single pack. Device connectors: one 50-pin (I) and one 50-pin (E), no cables. AHA-2940 SINGLE AHA-2940UW PCI Ultra Wide Fast SCSI2 Card in Full Kit with EZ-SCSI software, ASW-7800 device drivers, one 50- AHA-2940UW KIT pin and one 68-pin UltraSCSI internal cables and documentation. Device connectors: one 50-pin (I), one 68-pin (I) and one 68-pin (E) AHA-2940 PCI Ultra Wide Fast SCSI2 Card in single pack. Device connectors: one 50-pin (I), one 68-pin (I) and one AHA-2940UW SINGLE 68-pin (E). Partial documentation only, no cables. 19160 SCSI Card Kit. Interface: One 68-pin LVD SCSI (I), One 50-pin for Ultra SCSI (I), and One 50-pin for Ultra 1822100 SCSI devices (E). 19160 SCSI Card Kit in pack of 10 units. Interface: One 68-pin LVD SCSI (I), One 50-pin for Ultra SCSI (I), and One 1822200 50-pin for Ultra SCSI devices (E). 29160n SCSI Card Kit. Interface: One 68-pin for LVD SCSI (I), One 50-pin for Ultra SCSI (I), and One 68-pin for LVD 1835000 SCSI devices (E). 29160n SCSI Card Kit in pack of 10 units. Interface: One 68-pin for LVD SCSI (I), One 50-pin for Ultra SCSI (I), and 1835200 One 68-pin for LVD SCSI devices (E). 29160 SCSI Card Kit. Interface: One 68-pin for LVD SCSI (I), One 68-pin for Ultra Wide SCSI (I), One 50-pin for Ultra 1821900 SCSI (I), and One 68-pin for LVD SCSI devices (E) 29160 SCSI Card Kit. Interface: One 68-pin for LVD SCSI (I), One 68-pin for Ultra Wide SCSI (I), One 50-pin for Ultra 1852300 SCSI (I), and One 68-pin for LVD SCSI devices (E) in pack of 10 units 39160 Kit SCSI Ultra 160/ LVD PCI 2 Channel/Cable/Dual VHDCI (Very High-Density Connector Interface). Interface: 1822300 Two 68-pin for LVD SCSI (I), One 50-pin for Ultra SCSI (I), and Two VHDCI 68-pin for LVD SCSI devices (E). Adaptec NCSI1204 18-ADP-127-0-3 AAA-131U2 Ultra2 SCSI RAID Card Kit in single pack. Interface: Four 40-pin (I). 387 10 Adaptec NCSI1205 18-ADP-128-0-3 652 10 170 10 585 10 2122700 124 10 GACG220C01U NX000001-69 ADAPTEC CORPORATION AAA-131U2 KIT 238 10 231 10 1,450 10 243 10 1,715 10 243 10 1,894 10 309 10 Adaptec NCSI1370 18-ADP-118-1-3 Adaptec NCSI1937 18-ADP-130-0-3 AAA-133U2 Three Channel SCSI RAID Card in single pack. Interface: One 68-pin for LVD SCSI, One 50-pin for Ultra 1851500 SCSI (I), and One 68-pin LVD SCSI (E) 19160 SCSI Card Only. Interface: One 68-pin LVD SCSI (I), One 50-pin for Ultra SCSI (I), and One 50-pin for Ultra 1822100 SCSI devices (E). 2230SLP SCSI Card Kit. Interface: One 68-pin LVD SCSI (I), and One 68-pin VHDCI (E). 2120200 Adaptec NCSI1938 18-ADP-131-0-3 ABM-400 Li-Ion Battery Backup Kit. Allied Telesyn NCSI1371 23-ALT-701-0-3 Allied Telesyn 2700FTX-SC Fiber Fast Ethernet Fiber Only Networks Interface Card 100Mbps SC Connector AT2700FX-SC 125 10 Allied Telesyn NCSI1372 23-ALT-700-0-3 Allied Telesyn 2700FTX-ST Fiber Fast Ethernet Fiber Only Networks Interface Card 100Mbps ST Connector AT2700FX-ST 125 10 Allied Telesyn NCSI1630 23-ALT-702-0-3 Allied Telesyn AT-2915T Single Port Copper Gigabit Ethernet Adapter for 32-bit PCI Bus in single pack. AT2915-T 65 10 Allied Telesyn NCSI1631 23-ALT-703-0-3 Allied Telesyn AT-2930T Single Port Copper Gigabit Ethernet Adapter for 32-bit or 64-bit PCI Bus in single pack. AT2930-T 151 10 Allied Telesyn NCSI1632 23-ALT-704-0-3 Allied Telesyn AT-2930SX Single Port Copper Gigabit Ethernet Adapter for 64-bit PCI Bus in single pack. AT2930-SX 341 10 Allied Telesyn NCSI1834 23-ALT-705-0-3 AT2746FX/ST/ST-001 232 10 Allied Telesyn NCSI1835 23-ALT-706-0-3 AT2746FX/SC/SC-001 259 10 Allied Telesyn NCSI1836 23-ALT-707-0-3 AT2746FX/ST/SC-001 240 10 Allied Telesyn NCSI1837 23-ALT-708-0-3 AT2451FTX/ST 194 10 Allied Telesyn NCSI1838 23-ALT-709-0-3 AT2451FTX/SC 194 10 Allied Telesyn NCSI1840 23-ALT-710-0-3 Allied Telesyn 2746FX/ST/ST-001 10BaseFL and 100BaseFX Fast Ethernet Fiber Only Networks Interface Card w/ one ST 100Base-FX and one ST 10Base-FL Connector Allied Telesyn 2746FX/SC/SC-001 10BaseFL and 100BaseFX Fast Ethernet Fiber Only Networks Interface Card w/ one SC 100Base-FX and one SC 10Base-FL Connector Allied Telesyn 2746FX/ST/SC-001 10BaseFL and 100BaseFX Fast Ethernet Fiber Only Networks Interface Card w/ one SC 100Base-FX and one ST 10Base-FL Connector Allied Telesyn 2451FTX/ST 10BaseFL Fiber and 10/100BaseTX Fast Ethernet Networks Interface Card w/ one ST 10Base-FL and one RJ-45 10/100100Base-TX connectors Allied Telesyn 2451FTX/SC 10BaseFL Fiber and 10/100BaseTX Fast Ethernet Networks Interface Card w/ one SC 10Base-FL and one RJ-45 10/100100Base-TX connectors Allied Telesyn 2701FTX-SC Fiber Fast Ethernet Fiber Only Networks Interface Card 100Mbps SC Connector AT2701FTX-SC 105 10 Allied Telesyn NCSI1841 23-ALT-711-0-3 Allied Telesyn 2700FTX-ST Fiber Fast Ethernet Fiber Only Networks Interface Card 100Mbps ST Connector AT2701FTX-ST 105 10 Allied Telesyn NCSI1842 23-ALT-711-0-3 Allied Telesyn 2701FTX-MT Fiber Fast Ethernet Fiber Only Networks Interface Card 100Mbps MT-RJ & RJ45 AT2701FTX-MT 116 10 Allied Telesyn NCSI1843 23-ALT-712-0-3 Allied Telesyn 2701FX-SC Fiber Fast Ethernet Fiber Only Networks Interface Card 100Mbps SC Connector AT2701FX-SC 101 10 Allied Telesyn NCSI1844 23-ALT-713-0-3 Allied Telesyn 2701FX-ST Fiber Fast Ethernet Fiber Only Networks Interface Card 100Mbps ST Connector AT2701FX-ST 101 10 Allied Telesyn NCSI1845 23-ALT-714-0-3 Allied Telesyn 2701FX-VF Fiber Fast Ethernet Fiber Only Networks Interface Card 100Mbps VF Connector AT2701FX-VF 115 10 Allied Telesyn NCSI1846 23-ALT-715-0-3 Allied Telesyn 2701FX-MT Fiber Fast Ethernet Fiber Only Networks Interface Card 100Mbps MT-RJ Connector AT2701FX-MT 117 10 Altec Lansing NCSI1145 22-ALT-201-0-1 27 11 Altec Lansing NCSI1146 22-ALT-203-0-1 Altec Lansing NCSI1147 22-ALT-204-0-1 ACS22 Tower Speaker System 5W PMPO Amplified Power, 3" Full Range Speaker Driver, Power & Volume Controls, ACS22 Amplified Headphone Jack, and AC Adapter. ACS95W ACS95W Tower Speaker System 5W PMPO Amplified Power, 3" Full Range Speaker Driver, Power & Volume Controls, Amplified Headphone Jack, and AC Adapter. ACS33 3-Piece Speaker System, 10W PMPO Amplified Satellite Power, 15W PMPO Amplified Subwoofer Power, 3" ACS33 Full Range Speaker Driver, 4" Long Throw, Power & Volume Controls, Amplified Headphone Jack, and AC Adapter. ALLIED TELESYN ALTEC LANSING Peripherals and Software PO-26 29 11 44 11 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. OEM COMPONENTS AVAILABLE ONLY FOR INTEGRATION INTO NCS SYSTEMS Name of Manufacturer NCS Part No. Part Description Altec Lansing NCSI1148 Item No. 22-ALT-206-0-1 Altec Lansing NCSI1151 22-ALT-209-0-1 ACS45.2 PowerCube 3-Piece Speaker System, 6W PMPO Amplified Satellite Power, 20W PMPO Amplified ACS45.2 Subwoofer Power, 3" Full Range Speaker Driver, 6.5" Long Throw, Power & Volume Controls, Amplified Headphone Jack and AC Adapter ATP3 3-Piece Speaker System, 12W PMPO Amplified Satellite Power, 18W PMPO Amplified Subwoofer Power, ATP3 Two 2.88mm Full Range Speaker Driver, 3" Long Throw, Power & Volume Controls, Amplified Headphone Jack, and AC Adapter Mfr. Part No. GSA Price Mrf. Warranty APC NCSI0059 28-APC-201-0-3 SMART-UPS 700NET UPS with 700 VA or 450 W capacity, 4 outlets, and PowerChute software. APC NCSI0062 28-APC-204-0-3 SMART-UPS 2200NET UPS with 2200 VA or 1600 W capacity, 8 outlets, and PowerChute software. APC NCSI0063 28-APC-205-0-3 SMART-UPS 3000NET UPS with 3000 VA or 2250 W capacity, 8 outlets, and PowerChute software. SU3000NET APC NCSI0064 28-APC-206-0-3 SMART-UPS 700XLNET UPS with 700 VA or 450 W capacity, 4 outlets, and PowerChute software. SU700XLNET APC NCSI0065 28-APC-207-0-3 SMART-UPS 1000XlNET UPS with 1000 VA or 670 W capacity, 6 outlets, and PowerChute software. SU1000XLNET 525 13 APC NCSI0066 28-APC-208-0-3 SU2200XLNET 1,043 13 APC NCSI0709 28-APC-257-0-3 SU2200XLTNET 13 APC NCSI0070 28-APC-212-0-3 SMART-UPS 2200XLTNET UPS with 2200 VA or 1600 W capacity, 5 outlets, and PowerChute software. SMART-UPS 3000RMNET Rack Mounted UPS with 3000 VA or 2250 W capacity, 8 outlets, and PowerChute software. 1,440 APC NCSI0710 28-APC-258-0-3 SMART-UPS 3000NET UPS with 3000 VA or 2250 W capacity, 5 outlets, and PowerChute software. MATRIX-UPS 3000XR UPS Enhanced Solution Kit with 3000 VA or 2250 W capacity, 8 outlets, and choice (one of six) of software. MATRIX-UPS 5000XR Enhanced Solution Kit with 5000 VA or 3750 W capacity, 9 outlets and choice (one of six) of software. SU3000NET 65 11 91 11 SU700NET 314 13 SU2200NET 928 13 1,443 13 AMERICAN POWER CONVERSION (APC) APC NCSI0071 28-APC-213-0-3 APC NCSI0072 28-APC-214-0-3 SMART-UPS 2200XLNET UPS with 2200 VA or 1600 W capacity, 8 outlets, and PowerChute software. 479 13 1,571 13 1,416 13 2,949 13 3,762 13 SU3000RMNET MX3000XR MX5000XR APC NCSI0073 28-APC-215-0-0 SmartCell Battery for MATRIX-UPS MX3000XR and MX5000XR. SMARTCELL 407 13 APC NCSI0074 28-APC-216-0-0 SmartCell XR Battery for MATRIX-UPS MX3000XR and MX5000XR. SMARTCELLXR 983 13 APC NCSI0075 28-APC-217-0-0 Battery Pack for SMART UPS 700XL and 1000XL. SU24XLBP 214 13 APC NCSI0076 28-APC-218-0-0 APC NCSI1376 28-APC-221-0-3 Battery Pack for SMART UPS 2200XL. SU48XLBP APC Back-UPS CS 500 BK500 with 500 VA or 330 W capacity, 2 NEMA 5-15R and 1 NEMA 5-15R (Surge) outlets, 1 BK500 Hour 23 Mins Runtime, and PowerChute software. APC Back-UPS Pro 280 BP280S with 280 VA or 180 W capacity, 2 NEMA 5-15R and 1 NEMA 5-15R (Surge) outlets, BP280S 1 Hour 20 Mins Runtime, and PowerChute software APC Back-UPS Pro 420 BP420S with 420 VA or 260 W capacity, 3 NEMA 5-15R and 3 NEMA 5-15R (Surge) outlets, BP420S single line (two wire RJ11) fax/modem, 1 Hour 0 Mins Runtime, and PowerChute software APC Back-UPS Pro 650 BP650S with 650 VA or 410 W capacity, 3 NEMA 5-15R and 3 NEMA 5-15R (Surge) outlets, BP650S single line (two wire RJ11) fax/modem, 2 Hour 22 Mins Runtime, and PowerChute software BP1000 APC Back-UPS Pro 1000 BP1000 with 1000 VA or 670 W capacity, 6 NEMA 5-15R outlets, single line (two wire RJ11) fax/modem, 3 Hour 31 Mins Runtime, and PowerChute software BP1400 APC Back-UPS Pro 1400 BP1400 with 1400 VA or 950 W capacity, 6 NEMA 5-15R outlets, single line (two wire RJ11) fax/modem, 5 Hour 44 Mins Runtime, and PowerChute software Smart UPS 420 NET with 420 VA or 260 W capacity, 4 NEMA 5-15R outlets, single line (two wire RJ11) fax/modem, 1 SU420NET Hour 25 Mins Runtime, and PowerChute software Smart UPS 620 NET with 620 VA or 390 W capacity, 4 NEMA 5-15R outlets, single line (two wire RJ11) fax/modem, 2 SU620NET Hour 23 Mins Runtime, and PowerChute software PowerStack 250 PS250 Rack Mount 1U with 250 VA or 165 W capacity, 4 NEMA 5-15R outlets, 1 Hour 24 Mins PS250 Runtime and software PS450 PowerStack 450 PS450 Rack Mount 1U with 450 VA or 280 W capacity, 4 NEMA 5-15R outlets, 1 Hour 20 Mins Runtime, and software Smart-UPS 700 Rack Mount 2U with 700 VA or 450 W capacity, 6 NEMA 5-15R outlets, 2 Hour 50 Mins Runtime, and SU700RM2U software Smart-UPS 1000 Rack Mount 2U with 1000 VA or 670 W capacity, 6 NEMA 5-15R outlets, 4 Hour 14 Mins Runtime, SU1000RM2U APC NCSI1377 28-APC-223-0-3 APC NCSI1378 28-APC-224-0-3 APC NCSI1379 28-APC-225-0-3 APC NCSI1380 28-APC-226-0-3 APC NCSI1381 28-APC-227-0-3 APC NCSI1384 28-APC-232-0-3 APC NCSI1385 28-APC-233-0-3 APC NCSI1386 28-APC-234-0-3 APC NCSI1387 28-APC-235-0-3 APC NCSI1388 28-APC-236-0-3 APC NCSI1389 28-APC-237-0-3 APC NCSI1390 28-APC-238-0-3 APC NCSI1391 28-APC-239-0-3 APC NCSI1392 28-APC-240-0-3 APC NCSI1393 28-APC-241-0-3 APC NCSI1394 28-APC-242-0-3 APC NCSI1395 28-APC-243-0-3 APC NCSI1396 28-APC-244-0-3 APC NCSI1397 28-APC-245-0-3 APC NCSI1398 28-APC-246-0-3 APC NCSI1399 28-APC-247-0-3 APC NCSI1400 28-APC-248-0-3 APC NCSI1401 28-APC-249-0-3 APC NCSI1402 28-APC-250-0-3 APC NCSI1403 28-APC-251-0-3 and software Smart-UPS 1400 Rack Mount 2U with 1400 VA or 950 W capacity, 6 NEMA 5-15R outlets, 6 Hour 34 Mins Runtime, SU1400RM2U and software Smart-UPS 1400 Rack Mount 5U Extendable Run with 1400 VA or 950 W capacity, 8 NEMA 5-15R outlets, 12 Hour SU1400RMXLNET 39 Mins Runtime, and software Smart-UPS 2200 Rack Mount 3U with 2200 VA or 1600 W capacity, 8 NEMA 5-15R outlets, 8 Hour 23 Mins Runtime, SU2200RM3U and software Smart-UPS 2200 Rack Mount 5U Extendable Run with 2200 VA or 1600 W capacity, 8 NEMA 5-15R outlets, 10 Hour SU2200RMXLNET 13 Mins Runtime, and software Smart-UPS 3000 Rack Mount 3U with 3000 VA or 2250 W capacity, 8 NEMA 5-15R outlets, 8 Hour 23 Mins Runtime, SU3000RM3U and software Smart-UPS 2200 Rack Mount 5U XL T Extendable Run with 2200 VA or 1600 W capacity, 2 NEMA 5-15R, 1 NEMA SU2200RMXLTNET L6-20R, and 2 NEMA L6-30R outlets, 9 Hour 36 Mins Runtime, and software Smart-UPS 3000 Rack Mount 3U with 3000 VA or 2250 W capacity, 2 NEMA 5-15R, 2 NEMA L6-20R and 1 NEMA L6-SU3000RMT3U 30R outlets, 7 Hour 52 Mins Runtime, and software Smart-UPS 5000 Rack Mount 5U with 5000 VA or 3750 W capacity, 2 NEMA 5-15R, 2 NEMA L6-20R, and 1 NEMA SU5000RMT5U L6-30R outlets, 12 Hour 16 Mins Runtime, and software Smart-UPS 5000 Rack Mount 7U Transformer with 5000 VA or 3750 W capacity, 14 NEMA 5-15R, 2 NEMA L6-20R, SU5000RMT5UXFMR and 1 NEMA L6-30R outlets, 12 Hour 25 Mins Runtime, and software Matrix-UPS 3000 Hot Swappable Modular with 3000 VA or 2250 W capacity, 6 NEMA 5-15R, 2 NEMA L6-30R, and 1 MX3000 NEMA L14-30R outlets, 0 Hour 13 Mins Runtime and no software Matrix-UPS 5000 Hot Swappable Modular with 5000 VA or 3750 W capacity, 6 NEMA 5-15R, 2 NEMA L6-30R, and 1 MX5000 253 13 105 13 105 13 166 13 210 13 337 13 408 13 192 13 243 13 192 13 242 13 376 13 487 13 619 13 905 13 1,040 13 1,308 13 1,203 13 1,298 13 1,677 13 2,146 13 2,470 13 2,360 13 3,599 13 1,887 13 NEMA L14-30R outlets, 0 Hour 43 Mins Runtime, and no software APC Symmetra Power Array Rack Mount 8U 2K VA exp to 6 K VA N+1 with 2000 VA or 1400 W capacity, 2 NEMA L6-SYH2K6RMT 20R and 1 NEMA L6-30R outlets, 0 Hour 13 Mins Runtime, and software APC Symmetra Power Array Rack Mount 8U 4 K VA exp to 6 K VA N+1 with 4000 VA or 2800 W capacity, 2 NEMA L6-SYH4K6RMT 2,300 13 4,532 13 20R and 1 NEMA L6-30R outlets, 0 Hour 39 Mins Runtime, and software APC NCSI1404 28-APC-252-0-3 APC NCSI1405 28-APC-253-0-3 APC NCSI1406 28-APC-254-0-3 APC NCSI1407 28-APC-255-0-3 APC NCSI1408 28-APC-261-0-3 APC NCSI1409 28-APC-262-0-3 APC NCSI1410 28-APC-263-0-3 APC NCSI1411 28-APC-264-0-3 APC NCSI1412 28-APC-265-0-3 APC NCSI1413 28-APC-266-0-3 APC NCSI1414 28-APC-267-0-3 APC NCSI1415 28-APC-268-0-3 Peripherals and Software APC Symmetra Power Array Rack Mount 8U 6 K VA exp to 6 K VA N+1 with 6000 VA or 4200 W capacity, 2 NEMA L6-SYH6K6RMT 20R and 1 NEMA L6-30R outlets, 1 Hour 5 Mins Runtime, and software APC Symmetra Power Array Rack Mount 10U 2 K VA scalable to 6 K VA with 208/120V Transformer with 2000 VA or SYH2K6RMT-P1 1400 W capacity, 12 NEMA 5-15R and 2 NEMA L6-20R outlets, 0 Hour 12 Mins Runtime, and software APC Symmetra Power Array Rack Mount 10U 4 K VA scalable to 6 K VA N+1 with 208/120V Transformer with 4000 SYH4K6RMT-P1 VA or 2800 W capacity, 12 NEMA 5-15R and 2 NEMA L6-20R outlets, 0 Hour 38 Mins Runtime, and software APC Symmetra Power Array Rack Mount 10U 6 K VA scalable to 6 K VA N+1 with 208/120V Transformer with 6000 SYH6K6RMT-P1 VA or 4200 W capacity, 12 NEMA 5-15R and 2 NEMA L6-20R outlets, 1 Hour 3 Mins Runtime, and software APC Symmetra Power Array 4 K VA scalable to 8 K VA N+1 with 4000 VA or 2800 W capacity, 1 Hard Wire 3-wire SY4KEX (HN + G) outlet, 0 Hour 14 Mins Runtime, and software APC Symmetra Power Array 4 K VA scalable to 8 K VA N+1 with Power Distribution Unit (PDU) with 4000 VA or 2800 SY4KEX-PD W capacity, 2 NEMA 5-15R, 1 NEMA L6-30R, 1 NEMA L14-30R, and 1 Hard Wire 3-wire (HN + G) outlets, 0 Hour 14 Mins Runtime, and software APC Symmetra Power Array 8 K VA scalable to 8 K VA N+1 with 8000 VA or 5600 W capacity, 1 Hard Wire 3-wire SY8K (HN + G) outlet, 0 Hour 43 Mins Runtime, and software APC Symmetra Power Array 8 K VA scalable to 8 K VA N+1 with Power Distribution Unit (PDU) with 8000 VA or 5600 SY8K-PD W capacity, 2 NEMA 5-15R, 1 NEMA L6-30R, 1 NEMA L14-30R, and 1 Hard Wire 3-wire (HN + G) outlets, 0 Hour 43 Mins Runtime, and software APC Symmetra Power Array 8 K VA scalable to 16 K VA N+1 with 8000 VA or 5600 W capacity, 1 Hard Wire 3-wire SY8KEX (HN + G) outlet, 0 Hour 42 Mins Runtime, and software APC Symmetra Power Array 8 K VA scalable to 16 K VA N+1 with Power Distribution Unit (PDU) with 8000 VA o SY8KEX-PD 5600 W capacity, 4 NEMA 5-15R, 3 NEMA L6-30R, 3 NEMA L14-30R, and 1 Hard Wire 3-wire (HN + G) outlets, 0 Hour 42 Mins Runtime, and software APC Symmetra Power Array 12 K VA scalable to 16 K VA N+1 with 12000 VA or 8400 W capacity, 1 Hard Wire 3 SY12KEX wire (HN + G) outlet, 1 Hour 9 Mins Runtime, and software APC Symmetra Power Array 12 K VA scalable to 16 K VA N+1 with Power Distribution Unit (PDU) with 12000 VA o SY12KEX-PD 8400 W capacity, 4 NEMA 5-15R, 3 NEMA L6-30R, 3 NEMA L14-30R, and 1 Hard Wire 3-wire (HN + G) outlets, 1 Hour 9 Mins Runtime, and software APC Symmetra Power Array 16 K VA scalable to 16 K VA N+1 with 16000 VA or 11200 W capacity, 1 Hard Wire 3- SY16K wire (HN + G) outlet, 1 Hour 33 Mins Runtime, and software PO-27 2,281 13 3,600 13 4,890 13 5,397 13 5,855 13 7,132 13 7,631 13 8,068 13 8,612 13 9,835 13 9,974 13 11,404 13 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. OEM COMPONENTS AVAILABLE ONLY FOR INTEGRATION INTO NCS SYSTEMS Name of Manufacturer APC APC Item No. NCSI1416 Part Description Mfr. Part No. APC Symmetra Power Array 16 K VA scalable to 16 K VA N+1 with Power Distribution Unit (PDU) with 16000 VA o 11200 W capacity, 4 NEMA 5-15R, 3 NEMA L6-30R, 3 NEMA L14-30R, and 1 Hard Wire 3-wire (HN + G) outlets, 1 Hour 33 Mins Runtime, and software SY16K-PD 12,072 17 13 28-APC-270-0-3 APC Network SurgeArrest 3 with 3 NEMA 5-15R outlets APC NCSI1418 28-APC-271-0-3 APC Network SurgeArrest 3T with 3 NEMA 5-15R outlets Net3T 30 13 NCSI1419 28-APC-272-0-3 APC Network SurgeArrest 7 with 7 NEMA 5-15R outlets Net7 24 13 APC NCSI1420 28-APC-273-0-3 APC Network SurgeArrest 7T with 7 NEMA 5-15R outlets Net7T 33 13 NCSI1421 Net3 GSA Price Mrf. Warranty APC APC NCSI1417 NCS Part No. 28-APC-269-0-3 13 28-APC-274-0-3 APC Network SurgeArrest 8 with 8 NEMA 5-15R outlets Net8 29 13 APC NCSI1422 28-APC-275-0-3 APC Network SurgeArrest 8N with 8 NEMA 5-15R outlets Net8N 37 13 APC NCSI1423 28-APC-277-0-3 APC Personal SurgeArrest 3 with 3 NEMA 5-15 R outlets Per3 12 13 APC NCSI1424 28-APC-278-0-3 APC Personal SurgeArrest 3 with 3 NEMA 5-15 R outlets Per3T 17 13 APC NCSI1425 28-APC-278-1-3 APC Wallmount Personal SurgeArrest 3 with 3 NEMA 5-15 R outlets Per3C 17 13 APC NCSI1426 28-APC-279-0-3 APC Personal SurgeArrest 7 with 7 NEMA 5-15 R outlets Per7 11 13 APC NCSI1427 28-APC-280-0-3 APC Personal SurgeArrest 7T with 7 NEMA 5-15 R outlets Per7T 17 13 APC NCSI1428 28-APC-281-0-3 APC Professional SurgeArrest 7 with 7 NEMA 5-15 R outlets Pro7 20 13 Pro7T 22 13 APC NCSI1430 28-APC-283-0-3 APC Professional SurgeArrest 8 with 8 NEMA 5-15 R outlets Pro8 21 13 APC APC NCSI1431 28-APC-284-0-3 APC Professional SurgeArrest 8T2 with 8 NEMA 5-15 R outlets Pro8T2 29 13 APC NCSI1429 APC Professional SurgeArrest 7T with 7 NEMA 5-15 R outlets 28-APC-285-0-3 APC Professional SurgeArrest 8T2C with 8 NEMA 5-15 R outlets Pro8T2C 32 13 APC NCSI1433 28-APC-286-0-3 APC Professional SurgeArrest 8TV with 8 NEMA 5-15 R outlets Pro8TV 40 13 APC NCSI1434 28-APC-287-0-3 APC Laptop Surge Protector with C6 connector built-in PNOTEPRO3 21 13 APC NCSI1435 28-APC-288-0-3 APC Notebook Surge Protector with Telephone Protection PNOTE1 9 13 APC NCSI1436 28-APC-289-0-3 APC SurgeArrest Rack Mount with 9 NEMA 5-15R outlets Net9RM 76 13 101 13 APC NCSI1432 28-APC-282-0-3 28-APC-290-0-3 APC Line-R 600 VA Automatic Voltage Regulator with 6 NEMA 5-15R outlets LR600 APC NCSI1438 28-APC-291-0-3 60 13 NCSI1439 28-APC-292-0-3 Multiple Outlet Rack Mounted Strip with 9 NEMA 5-15 outlets Network SurgeArrest Rack Mount with 9 NEMA 5-15 outlets MO9RM APC NCSI1437 NET9RM 77 13 APC NCSI1990 28-APC-29-0-3 APC Smart UPS 3000VA Rackmoutable UPS SMT3000RM2U 1,113 13 101 10 Asus NCSI1620 21-ASU-108-0-3 Asus NCSI1621 21-ASU-109-0-3 Asus NCSI1622 21-ASU-110-0-3 Asus NCSI1642 21-ASU-111-0-3 Asus NCSI1643 21-ASU-112-0-3 Asus NCSI1644 21-ASU-112-1-3 Asus NCSI1645 21-ASU-113-0-3 Asus NCSI1733 21-ASU-117-0-3 Asus NCSI1734 21-ASU-118-0-3 Asus NCSI1736 21-ASU-120-0-3 Asus NCSI1737 21-ASU-121-0-3 Asus NCSI1738 21-ASU-122-0-3 Asus NCSI1739 21-ASU-123-0-3 Asus NCSI1774 21-ASU-125-0-3 Asus NCSI1775 21-ASU-126-0-3 Asus NCSI1776 21-ASU-127-0-3 Asus NCSI1777 21-ASU-128-0-3 Asus NCSI1778 21-ASU-129-0-3 Asus NCSI1779 21-ASU-130-0-3 Asus NCSI1798 21-ASU-131-0-3 Asus NCSI1799 21-ASU-132-0-3 Asus NCSI1800 21-ASU-133-0-3 Asus NCSI1801 21-ASU-134-0-3 Asus NCSI1872 21-ASU-157-0-3 Asus NCSI1802 21-ASU-135-0-3 Asus NCSI1803 21-ASU-136-0-3 Asus NCSI1804 21-ASU-137-0-3 Asus NCSI1805 21-ASU-138-0-3 Asus NCSI1848 21-ASU-140-0-3 Asus NCSI1849 21-ASU-141-0-3 Asus NCSI1850 21-ASU-142-0-3 Asus NCSI1851 21-ASU-143-0-3 Asus NCSI1852 21-ASU-144-0-3 Asus NCSI1853 21-ASU-145-0-3 Asus NCSI1854 21-ASU-146-0-3 Asus NCSI1855 21-ASU-147-0-3 Asus NCSI1856 21-ASU-148-0-3 Asus NCSI1857 21-ASU-149-0-3 Asus NCSI1858 21-ASU-150-0-3 Asus NCSI1859 21-ASU-151-0-3 Asus NCSI1860 21-ASU-152-0-3 Peripherals and Software ASUS ASUS V8170DDR GeForce4MX 440 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the nVidia GeForce4 MX V8170DDR/TV/64M DDR graphics processing unit with 64 MB of Double Data Rate (DDR) memory ASUS V8440 GeForce4 Ti 4400 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the nVidia GeForce4 Ti 4400 V8440/TD/128M graphics processing unit with 128 MB of Double Data Rate (DDR) memory ASUS V8460 Ultra GeForce4 Ti 4600 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the nVidia GeForce4 Ti V8460Ultra/TD/128M 4600 graphics processing unit with 128 MB of Double Data Rate (DDR) memory ASUS V8170Magic GeForce4MX 420 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 64 MB of Double Data Rate V8170Magic (DDR) memory ASUS V8420 GeForce4 Ti 4200 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the nVidia GeForce4 Ti 4200 V8420 graphics processing unit with 128 MB of Double Data Rate (DDR) memory ASUS V8420 Deluxe GeForce4 Ti 4200 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the nVidia GeForce4 V8420Deluxe Ti 4200 graphics processing unit with 128 MB of Double Data Rate (DDR) memory, video-in, DVI, and 3D glasses. ASUS V8460 Ultra Deluxe GeForce4 Ti 4600 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the nVidia V8460UltraDeluxe GeForce4 Ti 4600 graphics processing unit with 128 MB of Double Data Rate (DDR) memory and 3D glasses ASUS V9180 GeForce4 MX Ti 4200 8X AGP 128-bit video accelerator based on the nVidia GeForce4 MX440 V9180Magic graphics processing unit with 64 MB of DDR SDRAM memory ASUS V9280 GeForce4 440MX 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the nVidia GeForce4 Ti 4200 V9280TD/128MB graphics processing unit with 128 MB of DDR SDRAM memory, DVI-out, and TV-out ASUS V9520Video Suite GeForce FX5200 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 MB of DDR SDRAM V9520VideoSuite memory ASUS V9520TD GeForce FX5200 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 MB of DDR SDRAM V9520TD memory ASUS V9520Magic/128 GeForce FX5200 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 MB of DDR SDRAM V9520Magic128 memory ASUS V9520Magic/64 GeForce FX5200 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 64 MB of DDR SDRAM V9520Magic64 memory ASUS V9280TD/128 GeForce TI4800 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 64 MB of DDR SDRAM V9280TD memory ASUS V9480TVD/128 GeForce TI4800 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 MB of DDR SDRAM V9280TVD/128MB memory ASUS V9560TD/128 GeForce FX5600 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 MB of DDR SDRAM V9560TD memory ASUS V9560VideoSuite GeForce FX5600 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 MB of DDR SDRAM V9560VideoSuite memory ASUS V9900TD GeForce FX5800 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 MB of DDR SDRAM V9900TD memory ASUS V9950TD GeForce FX5900 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 MB of DDR SDRAM V9950TD memory ASUS V7100 Pro GeForce2MX 400 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the nVidia GeForce2 MX V7100Pro/64 graphics processing unit with 64 MB of SDRAM memory ASUS 9800XT ATI Radeon 9800 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the ATI graphics processing 9800XT/VTD/256 unit with 256 MB of SDRAM memory ASUS 9800PRO ATI Radeon 9800 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the ATI graphics 9800PRO/VTD/256 processing unit with 256 MB of SDRAM memory ASUS 9600XT ATI Radeon 9600 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the ATI graphics processing 9600XT/VTD/128 unit with 128 MB of SDRAM memory ASUS 9600Ge ATI Radeon 9600 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the ATI graphics processing 9600GE/TD/128 unit with 128 MB of SDRAM memory ASUS 9200SE ATI Radeon 9200 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the ATI graphics processing 9200SE/T/64 unit with 64 MB of SDRAM memory ASUS 9200SE ATI Radeon 9200 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the ATI graphics processing 9200SE/T/128 unit with 128 MB of SDRAM memory ASUS 9200SE/TD ATI Radeon 9200 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the ATI graphics 9200SE/TD/128 processing unit with 128 MB of SDRAM memory ASUS V7000 Pro GeForce2MX 400 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the nVidia GeForce2 MX V7100Pro/64 graphics processing unit with 64 MB of SDRAM memory ASUS ATI Radeon RX800XT Extreme AX800XT0PE HDTV PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with Extreme 256 MB of DDR3 SDRAM memory AX800XT/HDTV/256 ASUS ATI Radeon RX800XT Extreme AX800XT0PE PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 256 MB o Extreme DDR3 SDRAM memory AX800XT/2DT/256 ASUS ATI Radeon RX700XT Extreme AX700PRO/TVD/256 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with Extreme 256 MB of DDR3 SDRAM memory AX700PRO/TVD/256 ASUS ATI Radeon RX600XT Extreme AX600PRO/TD/128 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 Extreme MB of DDR SDRAM memory plus P5GD1 motherboard bundle AX600XT/TD/128/+P5G ASUS ATI Radeon RX600XT Extreme AX600XT/HDTV/128 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with ExtemeAX600XT/HTVD/1 128 MB of DDR SDRAM memory 28 ASUS ATI Radeon RX600XT Extreme AX600XT/TD/128 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 ExtemeAX600XT/TD/128 MB of DDR SDRAM memory ASUS ATI Radeon RX600 PRO Extreme AX600PRO/TD/128 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with ExtemeAX600PRO/TD/1 128 MB of DDR SDRAM memory 28 ASUS ATI Radeon RX300 Extreme AX300/TD/128 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 MB of ExtemeAX300/TD/128 DDR SDRAM memory ASUS ATI Radeon RX300SE Extreme AX300SE/TD/128 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 ExtemeAX300SE/TD/128 MB of DDR SDRAM memory ASUS ATI Radeon RX300SE Extreme AX300SE/T/128 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 MBExtemeAX300SE/T/128 of DDR SDRAM memory ASUS nVidia GeForce GF 6600 GT EN6600/GT/TD/128 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 EN6600GT/TD/128 MB of DDR SDRAM memory ASUS nVidia GeForce GF 6600 EN6600/TD/256 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 256 MB of EN6600/TD/256 DDR SDRAM memory ASUS nVidia GeForce GF 6600 EN6600/TD/128 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 MB of EN6600/TD/128 DDR SDRAM memory PO-28 268 10 360 10 79 10 193 10 258 10 365 10 78 10 133 10 145 10 95 10 83 10 77 10 129 10 165 10 171 10 183 10 264 10 378 10 41 10 489 10 401 10 193 10 91 10 51 10 52 10 63 10 35 10 600 10 550 10 235 10 229 10 210 10 200 10 145 10 89 10 76 10 74 10 209 10 154 10 139 10 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. OEM COMPONENTS AVAILABLE ONLY FOR INTEGRATION INTO NCS SYSTEMS Name of Manufacturer NCS Part No. Part Description Mfr. Part No. Asus NCSI1861 Item No. 21-ASU-153-0-3 EN5900/TVD/128 220 10 Asus NCSI1862 21-ASU-154-0-3 EN5750/TVD/256 155 10 Asus NCSI1863 21-ASU-155-0-3 EN5750/TD/128 132 10 Asus NCSI1848 21-ASU-156-0-3 Asus NCSI1878 21-ASU-157-0-3 Asus NCSI1879 21-ASU-158-0-3 Asus NCSI1880 21-ASU-159-0-3 Asus Asus NCSI1882 NCSI1887 21-ASU-160-0-3 21-ASU-152-0-3 Asus NCSI1919 21-ASU-161-0-3 Asus NCSI1920 21-ASU-162-0-3 ASUS nVidia GeForce PCX 5900 EN5900/TVD/128 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 MB of DDR SDRAM memory ASUS nVidia GeForce PCX 5750 EN5750/TD/256 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 256 MB of DDR SDRAM memory ASUS nVidia GeForce PCX 5750 EN5750/TD/128 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 MB of DDR SDRAM memory ASUS 9600SE ATI Radeon 9600 8X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the ATI graphics processing unit with 128 MB of SDRAM memory ASUS GF7800GTX nVidia 7800 SLI PCI Express video accelerator based on the nVidia 7800 graphics processing unit with 256 MB of DDR3 SDRAM memory ASUS GF7800GT nVidia 7800 SLI PCI Express video accelerator based on the nVidia 7800 graphics processing unit with 256 MB of DDR3 SDRAM memory ASUS GF6800 Ultra nVidia 6800 PCI Express video accelerator based on the nVidia 6800 graphics processing unit with 256 MB of DDR3 SDRAM memory Asus ADD2 Adapter for Dual Monitor Output ASUS nVidia GeForce GF 6600 EN6600LE/TD/128 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 MB of DDR SDRAM memory ASUS nVidia GeForce GF 6500 EN6500LE/TD/128 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 128 MB of DDR SDRAM memory ASUS nVidia GeForce GF 6600 EN6600LE/TD/256 PCI-Express 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator with 256 MB of DDR SDRAM memory 9600SE/T/128 EN7800GTX GSA Price Mrf. Warranty 81 10 604 10 EN7800GT 462 10 EN6800 Ultra 590 10 ADD2 EN6600LE/TD/128 19 101 10 10 EN6500/TD/128 EN6600LE/TD/256 610839021598 ASUS Radeon EAX550GE/ED/256M PCIExpress Video Accelerator with 256 MB Memory ASUS EN7300GT nVidia 7300 PCI Express video accelerator based on the nVidia 7300 graphics processing unit with EN7300GT 256 MB of DDR SDRAM memory ASUS DRW-1608P3S DVD+/-RW Drive DRW-1608P3S 95 10 119 10 66 10 102 10 Asus NCSI1924 21-ASU-163-0-3 Asus NCSI1935 21-ASU-164-0-3 Asus NCSI1936 21-ASU-165-0-3 Asus NCSI1947 21-ASU-166-0-3 Asus NCSI1948 21-ASU-167-0-3 Asus NCSI1991 21-ASU-168-0-3 ATI ATI ATI ATI NCSI0956 NCSI0958 NCSI0961 NCSI1047 21-ATI-112-0-3 21-ATI-314-0-3 21-ATI-317-0-3 21-ATI-322-0-3 3D Charger Rage IIC 1X AGP 64-bit Video Adapter with 8 Mbytes of SDRAM Xpert 98 Rage Pro Turbo 2X AGP 64-bit Video Adapter with 8 Mbytes of SDRAM Xpert 128 Rage 128GL 2X AGP 128-bit Video Adapter with 16 Mbytes of SGRAM TV Wonder NTSC TV Tuner with Video Capture 100-418043 100-420003 100-416020 100-703060 ATI NCSI1049 21-ATI-316-1-3 Xpert 2000 Pro AGP Rage 2X AGP 128-bit Video Adapter with 32 Mbytes of SDRAM 100-416199 79 10 ATI NCSI1050 21-ATI-315-1-3 Xpert 128 AGP Rage 2X AGP 128-bit Video Adapter with 16 Mbytes of SGRAM 100-416024 94 10 ATI NCSI1051 21-ATI-210-0-3 159 10 NCSI1052 21-ATI-211-0-3 100-708042 223 10 ATI ATI NCSI1219 NCSI1223 21-ATI-322-1-3 21-ATI-327-0-3 100-703102 100-416237 39 97 10 10 ATI NCSI1225 21-ATI-328-0-3 100-416230 3,856 10 ATI NCSI1226 21-ATI-329-0-3 100-416219 91 10 ATI NCSI1492 21-ATI-330-0-3 100-708089 162 10 ATI NCSI1525 21-ATI-331-0-3 100-430011 180 10 ATI NCSI1530 21-ATI-335-0-3 100-709038 188 10 ATI NCSI1531 21-ATI-335-1-3 100-709004 229 10 ATI NCSI1594 21-ATI-336-0-3 ATI NCSI1595 21-ATI-337-0-3 ATI NCSI1596 21-ATI-338-0-3 ATI NCSI1597 21-ATI-339-0-3 ATI NCSI1623 21-ATI-340-0-3 ATI NCSI1725 21-ATI-341-0-3 ATI NCSI1726 21-ATI-342-0-3 ATI NCSI1727 21-ATI-343-0-3 ATI NCSI1728 21-ATI-344-0-3 All-in-Wonder 128 Rage 128GL 2X AGP 128-bit Video Adapter with 16 MBytes of SGRAM , TV Output, and Integrated TV Tuner All-in-Wonder 128 Rage 128GL 2X AGP 128-bit Video Adapter with 32 MBytes of SGRAM , TV Output, and Integrated TV Tuner TV Wonder VE NTSC 125 Channel TV Tuner Rage Fury Pro Video In Video Out (VIVO) ATI RAGE 128 PRO GL engine 2X/4X AGP 128-bit Video Adapter with 32MB of SGRAM and Hardware DVD video playback Rage Fury Pro DVI ATI RAGE 128 PRO GL engine 2X/4X AGP 128-bit Video Adapter with 32MB of SGRAM and Hardware DVD video playback in pack on 30 units Rage Fury Pro DVI ATI RAGE 128 PRO GL engine 2X/4X AGP 128-bit Video Adapter with 32MB of SGRAM and Hardware DVD video playback All-in-Wonder 128 PRO Rage 128GL 2X/4X AGP 128-bit Video Adapter with 32 MBytes of SGRAM , TV Output, and Integrated TV Tuner ATI Radeon DDR VIVO 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the Radeon graphics processing unit with 64 MB of Double Data Rate (DDR) memory plus support for Digital Visual Interface (DVI) and Video-In/Video-Out (VIVO) ATI All-In-Wonder® Radeon™ DDR 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the Radeon graphics processing unit with 32 MB of Double Data Rate (DDR) memory plus support for Hardware DVD video playback and Digital Audio Output (S/PDIF). SDR. ATI All-In-Wonder® Radeon™ DDR 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the Radeon graphics processing unit with 32 MB of Double Data Rate (DDR) memory plus support for Hardware DVD video playback and Digital Audio Output (S/PDIF). NTSC. ATI Radeon™ 7000 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the Radeon graphics processing unit with 32 MB of Single Data Rate (SDR) memory and TV-out ATI Radeon™ 7500 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the Radeon graphics processing unit with 64 MB of Double Data Rate (DDR) memory plus support for Digital Visual Interface (DVI) and Video-In/Video-Out (VIVO) ATI Radeon™ 8500 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the Radeon graphics processing unit with 64 MB of Double Data Rate (DDR) memory plus support for Digital Visual Interface (DVI) and Video-In/Video-Out (VIVO) ATI All-In-Wonder Radeon™ 8500DV 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the Radeon graphics processing unit with 64 MB of Double Data Rate (DDR) memory plus support for Digital Visual Interface (DVI), VideoIn/Video-Out (VIVO), Stereo TV-Tuner, ATI Immersion™ II DVD Hardware Playback, and Two external IEEE 1394/iLink™/FireWire® ports. ATI Radeon™ 7000 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the Radeon graphics processing unit with 64 MB of Single Data Rate (SDR) memory and TV-out ATI Radeon™ 9000 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the Radeon graphics processing unit with 64 MB of Single Data Rate (SDR) memory and TV-out ATI Radeon™ 9000 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the Radeon graphics processing unit with 128 MB of Single Data Rate (SDR) memory and TV-out ATI Radeon™ 9000 PRO 4X AGP 128-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the Radeon graphics processing unit with 64 MB of Single Data Rate (SDR) memory and TV-out ATI Radeon™ 9700 8X/4X AGP 256-bit 3D and 2D video accelerator based on the Radeon graphics processing unit with 128 MB of Single Data Rate (SDR) memory and TV-out 100-708002 ATI ATI NCSI1978 21-ATI-345-0-3 ATI Radeon HD4350 PCIE 512MB DDR 2PORT DVI 64-bit PCI Express x16 900270 48 10 ATI NCSI1989 21-ATI-346-0-3 ATI Radeon HD5450 PCIE 1 GB DDR 2PORT DVI 64-bit PCI Express x16 DC7652 87 10 Avocent Avocent NCSI1921 NCSI1922 21-AVO-105-0-3 21-AVO-106-0-3 Avocent Cybex 4 Port Secure SwitchView KVM Switch Avocent Cybex 6' Color-coded Single KVM Mouse/keyboard/VGA Cable for Switchview KVM sw 279 24 13 13 Belkin NCSI1826 76-BLK-101-0-3 Belkin USB 2.0 Docking Station 1SER/1PAR/2USB/1ETHR/1VGA F5U216 81 10 Belkin NCSI1946 76-BLK-102-0-3 Belkin USB 2.0 Hi Speed Drive Bay Hub F5U261q 34 10 Belkin NCSI1963 76-BLK-103-0-3 Belkin USB 2.0 Hi Speed Drive Bay Hub External F5U234 28 10 Belkin NCSI1964 76-BLK-104-0-3 Belkin F5U623 3 Port Firewire Expansion Card F5U623 64 10 Belkin NCSI1973 76-BLK-105-0-3 Belkin USB 2.0 Device Cable 6 IN F3U133-06 11 10 RMK-107 1,150 10 ASUS EN7900GS nVidia 7900 PCI Express video accelerator based on the nVidia 7900 graphics processing unit with EN7900GS 256 MB of DDR SDRAM memory ASUS EN7300GS nVidia 7300 PCI Express video accelerator based on the nVidia 7300 graphics processing unit with EN7300GS Turbo Cache 256 MB memory ASSUS VE198T 19" Monitor 5ms 250cd/m 1440x900 10000:1 30 kHz -80kHz 55Hz -75 Hz 16:10 483mm, 445 mm VE198T 182mm 366mm 3.2kg 47 10 258 10 75 10 117 10 40 44 75 67 13 13 10 10 ATI TECHNOLOGIES, INC./ALTHON MICRO 100943 67 10 100528 132 10 100527 232 10 100710002 353 10 100942 44 10 100543 96 10 100541 138 10 100542 120 10 100550 324 10 AVOCENT 10040-SC CPS2-6A BELKIN BSI BSI NCSI1833 30-BSI-101-0-0 BSI RMK-107 1U R.M. 17" XGA TFT LCD panel, keyboard & Touch-pad, Built-in speakers, black color BLACKBOX NETWORK SERVICES Blackbox NCSI1373 26-BLB-004-0-0 SW458A Fiber Optic Switch SW458A 906 10 Blackbox NCSI1374 50-BLB-101-0-0 EFN072-001M-CC Composite Terminated F/O Cable ST-ST DUP RIS 1-M EFN072-001M-CC 19 10 Cherry NCSI1809 23-CHY-101-0-3 Cherry SmartCard keyboard G83-6754 101-keyboard with integrated smart card access reader G83-6754 40 10 Cherry NCSI1888 23-CHY-102-0-3 Cherry SmartCard keyboard G83-6744 101-keyboard with integrated smart card access reader G83-6744 55 10 Cherry NCSI1965 23-CHY-102-1-3 Cherry SmartCard keyboard G83-6646 101-keyboard with integrated smart card access reader NCS logo G83-6646 55 10 CHERRY Peripherals and Software PO-29 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. OEM COMPONENTS AVAILABLE ONLY FOR INTEGRATION INTO NCS SYSTEMS Name of Manufacturer NCS Part No. Part Description Compex NCSI1057 Item No. 23-CPX-238-0-3 ReadyLink Fast ENET Adapter for 10BaseT and 100BaseTX 10/100 PCI 100Mbps in single pack. Interface: one RJ- RL100ATX-PCI 45. Mfr. Part No. CP NCSI1828 23-CPT-101-0-0 CP USB to serial cable GSA Price Mrf. Warranty COMPEX, INC. USA 16 10 22 10 CP TECHNOLOGIES CP-US-03 CREATIVE LABS Creative Labs NCS0970 22-CRL-122-0-3 SoundBlaster! Live Value PCI Sound Card 5046701001 Creative Labs NCSI1440 22-CRL-124-0-3 SoundBlaster Live! Platinum PCI Sound Card 70SB006003000 Creative Labs NCSI1441 22-CRL-125-0-3 SoundBlaster PCI 512 Sound Card 5047901000 38 10 170 52 10 10 Creative Labs NCSI1442 22-CRL-127-0-3 SoundBlaster Live! v5.1 70SB006003001 81 10 Creative Labs NCSI1443 21-CRL-319-0-3 3D Blaster Riva TNT2 PCI 7000695503001 66 10 CREMAX USA CORPORATION Cremax NCSI1344 11-CMX-901-0-0 MB988-AK ICY Dock EIDE, Aluminum, Removable, Power On/Off Key Lock, Support ATA 66 with DMA 33 Bus MB988-AK 35 10 Cremax NCSI1533 11-CMX-901-1-0 MB988-AK100 48 10 Cremax NCSI1849 11-CMX-902-0-0 MB988-AK100 ICY Dock EIDE, Aluminum, Power On/Off Key Lock, with Ultra ATA 100 Performance and Optional 40x40x10mm Ball Bearing Cooling Fan MB123SK B Serial ATA, Aluminum, Removeable, Power On/Off Key Lock MB123-SK 19 10 CRU INC. CRU NCSI0856 11-CRU-919-0-0 DataPort V SCSI, aluminum frame, plastic cartridge, fan, key, SCSI ID, white 9170-141-02 65 10 CRU NCSI0857 11-CRU-916-0-0 DataPort V Wide SCSI, aluminum frame, plastic cartridge, fan, key, SCSI ID, white 9170-141-05 85 10 CRU NCSI0858 11-CRU-920-0-0 DataPort V Ultra SCSI, aluminum frame, plastic cartridge, fan, key, SCSI ID, white 9175-141-02 70 10 CRU NCSI0859 11-CRU-921-0-0 DataPort V Ultra Wide SCSI, aluminum frame, plastic cartridge, fan, key, SCSI ID, white 9175-141-05 95 CRU NCSI0860 11-CRU-922-0-0 DataPort V SCSI plastic cartridge, key, white 9071-101-02 40 10 CRU NCSI0861 11-CRU-923-0-0 DataPort V Wide SCSI plastic cartridge, key, white 9071-102-05 55 10 CRU NCSI0862 11-CRU-924-0-0 DataPort V Ultra SCSI plastic cartridge, key, white 9075-101-02 42 10 CRU NCSI0863 11-CRU-925-0-0 DataPort V Ultra Wide SCSI plastic cartridge, key, white 9075-102-05 55 10 CRU NCSI0864 11-CRU-926-0-0 DataPort VI SCSI, aluminum frame and cartridge, fan w/ failure alarm, key, SCSI ID, white 9270-141-02 188 10 CRU NCSI0865 11-CRU-927-0-0 DataPort VI Wide SCSI, aluminum frame and cartridge, fan w/ failure alarm, key, SCSI ID, white 9270-145-02 105 10 CRU NCSI0866 11-CRU-928-0-0 DataPort VI Ultra SCSI, aluminum frame and cartridge, fan w/ failure alarm, key, SCSI ID, white 9276-141-01 90 CRU NCSI0867 11-CRU-929-0-0 DataPort VI Ultra Wide SCSI, aluminum frame and cartridge, fan w/ failure alarm, key, SCSI ID, white 9276-145-01 110 10 CRU NCSI0868 11-CRU-930-0-0 9280-145-01 115 10 CRU CRU CRU CRU CRU CRU NCSI0869 NCSI0870 NCSI0871 NCSI0872 NCSI0873 NCSI0874 11-CRU-931-0-0 11-CRU-932-0-0 11-CRU-933-0-0 11-CRU-934-0-0 11-CRU-935-0-0 11-CRU-936-0-0 DataPort VI Wide SCSI, internal SCA connector, aluminum frame and cartridge, fan w/ failure alarm, key, SCSI ID, white DataPort VI SCSI, aluminum cartridge, key, white DataPort VI Wide SCSI, aluminum cartridge, key, white DataPort VI Wide SCSI, internal SCA connector, aluminum cartridge, key, white DataPort VI Ultra SCSI, aluminum cartridge, key, white DataPort VI Ultra Wide SCSI, aluminum cartridge, key, white DataPort VII Ultra SCSI, aluminum frame and cartridge, fan w/ failure alarm, key, SCSI ID, white 9082-101-01 9082-102-05 9082-801-01 9086-101-01 9086-102-01 9370-141-01 55 64 75 70 82 96 10 10 10 10 10 10 CRU NCSI0875 11-CRU-937-0-0 DataPort VII Ultra Wide SCSI, aluminum frame and cartridge, fan w/ failure alarm, key, SCSI ID, white 9370-641-01 115 CRU NCSI0876 11-CRU-938-0-0 DataPort VII Ultra SCSI, aluminum cartridge, white 9091-101-01 55 10 CRU NCSI0877 11-CRU-939-0-0 DataPort VII Ultra Wide SCSI, aluminum cartridge, white 9091-601-01 58 10 CRU NCSI1883 11-CRU-940-0-0 DataPort V+ SATA, aluminum cartridge, black 8010-5000-0500 89 10 10 10 10 CYBER ACOUSTICS Cyber Acoustics NCSI1493 22-CYB-213-0-1 Model CA-5 2 Piece Amplified Speaker System 120Watt PMPO, Power & Volume Controls. CA-5 4 11 Cyber Acoustics Cyber Acoustics NCSI1495 NCSI1496 22-CYB-201-0-1 22-CYB-203-0-1 CA-15 CA-20 8 18 11 11 Cyber Acoustics NCSI1497 22-CYB-216-0-1 CA-40 20 11 Cyber Acoustics NCSI1499 22-CYB-218-0-1 AC-100 5 11 Cyber Acoustics NCSI1500 22-CYB-408-0-1 AC-200 6 11 Cyber Acoustics NCSI1501 22-CYB-303-0-1 Model CA-15 2 Piece Amplified Speaker System 3 Watts RMS, Power & Volume Controls, and Headphone Jack. Model CA-20 2 Piece Amplified Speaker System 5 Watts RMS, Subwoofer Output, Bass & Treble Boost, Power & Volume Controls, Headphone Jack, and AC Adapter. Model CA-40 2 Piece Amplified Speaker System 12 Watts RMS, Subwoofer Output, VariableTreble Control, Power & Volume Controls, Headphone Jack, and AC Adapter. Model AC-100 Mono Speech Recognition Noise Canceling Headset PC Voice LINK Technology with 3.5 mm plugs for Headphone and Microphone Jack. Model AC-200 Stereo Speech Recognition Noise Canceling Headset PC Voice LINK Technology with 3.5 mm plugs for Headphone and Microphone Jack. Model ACM-1 Monitor/lapel Microphone, PC Voice LINK Technology with 3.5 mm plugs. ACM-1 2 Cyber Acoustics NCSI1502 22-CYB-304-0-1 Model ACM-51 Desktop Microphone, PC Voice LINK Technology with 3.5 mm plugs and 60 dBV Microbar. ACM-51 1 11 Cyber Acoustics NCSI1503 22-CYB-403-0-0 Model ACM-70 Stereo Headphone, 7' shielded cord and foam ear cushions. ACM-70 2 11 Cyber Acoustics NCSI1504 22-CYB-405-0-0 ACM-90 5 11 Cyber Acoustics NCSI1505 22-CYB-409-0-1 ACM-500 5 11 Cyber Acoustics NCSI1549 22-CYB-215-0-1 CA-2022 20 11 Cyber Acoustics NCSI1740 22-CYB-216-0-1 Model ACM-90 Stereo Headphone, 8' shielded cord, soft foam ear cushions, volumn contorl, 3.5mm stereo plug, and 6.3mm adapter plug. Model ACM-500 Pro Series Stereo Headphone, leather headband and soft foam ear cushions, volumn contorl, 3.5mm stereo plug, and 6.3mm adapter plug. Model CA-2022 2 Piece Low Distortion High Power Amplifier Speaker System, 10 Watts, 3" High Excursion Dynamic Driver, Headphone Jack, Power & Volume Controls. Model CA-4100 5 Speaker Surround Sound Speaker System, Headphone Jack, Power & Volume Controls. CA-4100 42 11 Cyber Acoustics NCSI1810 22-CYB-217-0-1 Model CA-2012 2 Piece Low Distortion High Power Amplifier Speaker System, 10 Watts, 3" High Excursion Dynamic CA-2012 Driver, Headphone Jack, Power & Volume Controls. 9 11 Diamond NCSI1506 20-DIA-159-0-3 SupraMax 56K V.90 PCI interface Modem 23 10 11 DIAMOND MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS 90500030 D-LINK SYSTEMS D-Link NCSI1059 27-DLK-205-1-3 DE-660CT PCMCIA 10MBS 10BaseT/Thin RJ45 Combo Full Duplex. Interface: one RJ-45 and one BNC DE-660CT 41 13 D-Link D-Link D-Link NCSI1060 NCSI1227 NCSI1228 23-DLK-629-1-3 23-DLK-630-0-3 27-DLK-207-0-3 DFE-530TX DFE-570TX DMF-560TX 19 154 151 10 10 10 D-Link NCSI1229 23-DLK-401-0-3 DMF-560TXD 143 10 D-Link NCSI1230 23-DLK-402-0-3 DFE-530TX PCI 10/100 10BaseT and 100BaseTX Ethernet card in single pack. Interface: one RJ-45. DFE-570TX 4 Port Server Adapter 32-bit PCI Bus. Interface: four RJ-45. DMF-560TX 10/100 Dual Speed Ethernet PCMCIA Type II PC Card with Integrated 56K Modem. Interface: one RJ11 and one RJ-45 DMF-560TXD Direct Port 10/100 Dual Speed Ethernet PCMCIA Type II PC Card with Integrated 56K Modem. Interface: one-RJ-11 and one RJ-45. DFW-500 3-Port IEEE 1394 Firewire Adapter 77 10 122 10 DFW-500 GEMPLUS Gemplus NCSI1825 20-GEM-102-0-3 Gemplus GemPC400 PCMCIA Smart Card Read/Writher GEMPC400 Hauppauge NCSI0981 22-HAU-904-0-3 WinTV PCI TV Tuner Model 404 with Mono Sound 404 69 10 Hauppauge NCSI0982 22-HAU-906-0-3 WinTV PCI TV Tuner Model 401 with DBX Stereo Sound 401 102 10 Hauppauge NCSI0983 22-HAU-907-0-3 WinTV Theater PCI TV Tuner Model 495 with Dolby ProLogic Surround Sound 495 117 10 DK23DA-20F DK23DA-30F DK23DA-40F 08K0461 115 150 155 77 10 10 10 10 08K0635 08K0636 185 80 10 10 HAUPPAUGE COMPUTER WORKS HITACHI AMERICA, INC. Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi NCSI1646 NCSI1647 NCSI1648 NCSI1806 11-HIT-046-0-0 11-HIT-047-0-0 11-HIT-048-0-0 11-HIT-080-0-0 Hitachi Hitachi NCSI1811 NCSI1812 11-HIT-049-0-0 11-HIT-050-0-0 Peripherals and Software DK23DA-20F 20 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm ATA-5 Hard Disk Drive with 12 ms average seek time and 2 MB data buffer DK23DA-30F 30 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm ATA-5 Hard Disk Drive with 12 ms average seek time and 2 MB data buffer DK23DA-40F 40 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm ATA-5 Hard Disk Drive with 12 ms average seek time and 2 MB data buffer DeskStar 180GXP 08K0461 (40GB) 40.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/100 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache TravelStar 80GN 80 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 4200 rpm ATA-5 Hard Disk Drive with 12 ms average seek time and 2 MB TravelStar 5K80 20 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 5400 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 12 ms average seek time and 8 MB data PO-30 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. OEM COMPONENTS AVAILABLE ONLY FOR INTEGRATION INTO NCS SYSTEMS Name of Manufacturer NCS Part No. Part Description Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi Hitachi NCSI1813 NCSI1814 NCSI1815 NCSI1816 NCSI1817 NCSI1818 NCSI1780 Item No. 11-HIT-051-0-0 11-HIT-052-0-0 11-HIT-053-0-0 11-HIT-054-0-0 11-HIT-055-0-0 11-HIT-056-0-0 11-HIT-072-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1741 11-HIT-069-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1742 11-HIT-070-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1743 11-HIT-071-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1925 11-HIT-119-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1926 11-HIT-120-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1927 11-HIT-121-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1928 11-HIT-122-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1781 11-HIT-073-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1782 11-HIT-074-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1807 11-HIT-080-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1783 11-HIT-075-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1784 11-HIT-076-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1785 11-HIT-077-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1786 11-HIT-078-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1929 11-HIT-123-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1819 11-HIT-080-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1787 11-HIT-079-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1820 11-HIT-081-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1930 11-HIT-124-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1850 11-HIT-082-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1851 11-HIT-083-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1852 11-HIT-084-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1853 11-HIT-085-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1854 11-HIT-086-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1855 11-HIT-087-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1856 11-HIT-088-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1857 11-HIT-089-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1889 11-HIT-090-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1890 11-HIT-091-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1891 11-HIT-092-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1892 11-HIT-093-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1893 11-HIT-094-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1894 11-HIT-095-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1895 11-HIT-096-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1896 11-HIT-097-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1897 11-HIT-098-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1898 11-HIT-099-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1899 11-HIT-100-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1900 11-HIT-101-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1901 11-HIT-102-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1902 11-HIT-103-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1903 11-HIT-104-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1904 11-HIT-105-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1905 11-HIT-106-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1906 11-HIT-107-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1907 11-HIT-108-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1908 11-HIT-109-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1909 11-HIT-110-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1910 11-HIT-111-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1911 11-HIT-112-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1912 11-HIT-113-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1913 11-HIT-114-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1914 11-HIT-115-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1915 11-HIT-116-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1916 11-HIT-117-0-0 Hitachi NCSI1917 11-HIT-118-0-0 TravelStar 5K80 30 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 5400 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 12 ms average seek time and 8 MB data 14R8825 TravelStar 5K80 40 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 5400 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 12 ms average seek time and 8 MB data 08K0637 TravelStar 5K80 60 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 5400 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 12 ms average seek time and 8 MB data 08K0638 TravelStar 5K80 80 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 5400 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 12 ms average seek time and 8 MB data 08K0639 TravelStar 7K60 40 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 7200 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 10 ms average seek time and 8 MB data 14R9200 TravelStar 7K60 60 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 7200 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 10 ms average seek time and 8 MB data 08K0939 DeskStar 180GXP IC35L060AVV207-0(60GB) 60 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/100 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms 07N9212 average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 180GXP IC35L080AVV207-0(80GB) 80 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/100 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms 07N9685 average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 180GXP IC35L120AVV207-0(120GB) 120 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/100 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms 07N9549 average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 180GXP IC35L180AVV207-1(120GB) 180 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/100 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms 07N9216 average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 7K80 HDS728040PLAT20 (40GB) 40 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Parallel ATA Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average HDS728040PLAT20 seek time and 2 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 7K80 HDS728080PLAT20 (80GB) 80 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Parallel ATA Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average HDS728080PLAT20 seek time and 2 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 7K80 HDS728040PLA320 (40GB) 40 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm SATA Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek HDS728040PLA320 time and 2 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 7K80 HDS728080PLA380 (80GB) 80 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm SATA Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek HDS728080PLA380 time and 2 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 7K250 HDS722540VLAT20 (40GB) 40 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/100 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms 08K0461 average seek time and 2 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 7K250 HDS722580VLAT20 (80GB) 80 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/100 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms 08K4062 average seek time and 2 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 7K250 HDS722580VLSA20 (80GB) 80 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Serial ATA Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average 08K1887 seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 7K250 HDS722512VLAT20 (120GB) 120 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/100 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms 08K4063 average seek time and 2 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 7K250 HDS722512VLSAT80 (120GB) 120 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Serial ATA Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms 08K1879 average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 7K250 HDS722516VLAT20 (160GB) 160 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/100 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms 08K0464 average seek time and 2 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 7K250 HDS722516VLAT80 (160GB) 160 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Serial ATA Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms 08K1880 average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DeskStar T7K250 HDT722516DLA380 (160GB) 160 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Serial ATA Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms HDT722516DLA380 average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 7K250 14R9203 (200GB) 200 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA100 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek D57805 time and 8 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 7K250 HDS722525VLAT80 (250GB) 250 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/100 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms 08K0466 average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 7K250 HDS722540VLAT80 (250GB) 250 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Serial ATA Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms 08K0513 average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DeskStar T7K250 HDT722525DLA380 (250GB) 250 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Serial ATA Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms HDT722525DLA380 average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 7K400 HDS724040KLSA80 (400GB) 400 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Serial ATA Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms S40J747 average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DeskStar 7K500 HDS725050KLA360 (500GB) 500 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Serial ATA 2 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms S50K425 average seek time and 16 Mbytes of cache UltraStar 15K73 HUS157336ELF200 (36.9GB) 36.9 GB 2.5" 15,037 rpm FC_AL Hard Disk Drive with 3.9 ms average 08K2404 seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache UltraStar 15K73 HUS157336ELF3600 (36.9GB) 36.9 GB 2.5" 15,037 rpm ULTRA320 SCSI 68-pin Hard Disk Drive 08K2414 with 3.9 ms average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache UltraStar 15K73 HUS157336ELF3800 (36.9GB) 36.9 GB 2.5" 15,037 rpm ULTRA320 SCSI 80-pin Hard Disk Drive 08K2424 with 3.9 ms average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache UltraStar 15K73 HUS157373ELF200 (73.9 GB) 73.9 GB 2.5" 15,037 rpm FC_AL Hard Disk Drive with 3.9 ms average 08K2406 seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache UltraStar 15K73 HUS157373ELF3600 (73.9GB) 73.9 GB 2.5" 15,037 rpm ULTRA320 SCSI 68-pin Hard Disk Drive 08K2416 with 3.9 ms average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache UltraStar 15K73 HUS157373ELF3800 (73.9GB) 73.9 GB 2.5" 15,037 rpm ULTRA320 SCSI 80-pin Hard Disk Drive 08K2426 with 3.9 ms average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache HTS541040G9AT00 TravelStar 5K100 40 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 5400 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 10 ms average seek time and 8 MB data buffer Parallel-ATA interface HTS541060G9AT00 TravelStar 5K100 60 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 5400 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 10 ms average seek time and 8 MB data buffer, Parallel-ATA interface HTS541080G9AT00 TravelStar 5K100 80 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 5400 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 10 ms average seek time and 8 MB data buffer, Parallel-ATA interface TravelStar 5K100 100 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 5400 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 10 ms average seek time and 8 MB HTS541010G9AT00 data buffer, Parallel-ATA interface HTS541040G9SA00 TravelStar 5K100 40 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 5400 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 10 ms average seek time and 8 MB data buffer, Serial-ATA interface HTS541060G9SA00 TravelStar 5K100 60 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 5400 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 10 ms average seek time and 8 MB data buffer, Serial-ATA interface HTS541080G9SA00 TravelStar 5K100 80 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 5400 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 10 ms average seek time and 8 MB data buffer, Serial-ATA interface TravelStar 5K100 100 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 5400 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 10 ms average seek time and 8 MB HTS541010G9SA00 data buffer, Serial-ATA interface TravelStar 7K100 60 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 7200 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 10 ms average seek time and 8 MB HTS721060G9AT00 data buffer, Parallel-ATA interface HTS721080G9AT00 TravelStar 7K100 80 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 7200 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 10 ms average seek time and 8 MB data buffer, Parallel-ATA interface TravelStar 7K100 100 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 7200 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 10 ms average seek time and 8 MB HTS721010G9AT00 data buffer, Parallel-ATA interface HTS721060G9SA00 TravelStar 7K100 60 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 7200 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 10 ms average seek time and 8 MB data buffer, Serial-ATA interface TravelStar 7K100 80 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 7200 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 10 ms average seek time and 8 MB HTS721080G9SA00 data buffer, Serial-ATA interface TravelStar 7K100 100 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 7200 rpm ATA-6 Hard Disk Drive with 10 ms average seek time and 8 MB HTS721010G9SA00 data buffer, Serial-ATA interface Ultrastar 15K147 36.7 Gbyte 3.5" 9.5mm 15,000 rpm Hard Disk Drive with 2 ms average seek time and 16 MB data HUS151436VL3600 buffer, 68-pin Ultra320 interface HUS151436VL3800 Ultrastar 15K147 36.7 Gbyte 3.5" 9.5mm 15,000 rpm Hard Disk Drive with 2 ms average seek time and 16 MB data buffer, 80-pin Ultra320 interface Ultrastar 15K147 36.7 Gbyte 3.5" 9.5mm 15,000 rpm Hard Disk Drive with 2 ms average seek time and 16 MB data HUS151436VLF200 buffer, 2GFC interface HUS151436VLF400 Ultrastar 15K147 36.7 Gbyte 3.5" 9.5mm 15,000 rpm Hard Disk Drive with 2 ms average seek time and 16 MB data buffer, 4GFC interface Ultrastar 15K147 36.7 Gbyte 3.5" 9.5mm 15,000 rpm Hard Disk Drive with 2 ms average seek time and 16 MB data HUS151436VLS300 buffer, SAS interface HUS151473VL3600 Ultrastar 15K147 73.4 Gbyte 3.5" 9.5mm 15,000 rpm Hard Disk Drive with 2 ms average seek time and 16 MB data buffer, 68-pin Ultra320 interface HUS151473VL3800 Ultrastar 15K147 73.4 Gbyte 3.5" 9.5mm 15,000 rpm Hard Disk Drive with 2 ms average seek time and 16 MB data buffer, 80-pin Ultra320 interface HUS151473VLF200 Ultrastar 15K147 73.4 Gbyte 3.5" 9.5mm 15,000 rpm Hard Disk Drive with 2 ms average seek time and 16 MB data buffer, 2GFC interface HUS151473VLF400 Ultrastar 15K147 73.4 Gbyte 3.5" 9.5mm 15,000 rpm Hard Disk Drive with 2 ms average seek time and 16 MB data buffer, 4GFC interface HUS151473VLS300 Ultrastar 15K147 73.4 Gbyte 3.5" 9.5mm 15,000 rpm Hard Disk Drive with 2 ms average seek time and 16 MB data buffer, SAS interface Ultrastar 15K147 147 Gbyte 3.5" 9.5mm 15,000 rpm Hard Disk Drive with 2 ms average seek time and 16 MB data HUS151414VL3600 buffer, 68-pin Ultra320 interface HUS151414VL3800 Ultrastar 15K147 147 Gbyte 3.5" 9.5mm 15,000 rpm Hard Disk Drive with 2 ms average seek time and 16 MB data buffer, 80-pin Ultra320 interface HUS151414VLF200 Ultrastar 15K147 147 Gbyte 3.5" 9.5mm 15,000 rpm Hard Disk Drive with 2 ms average seek time and 16 MB data buffer, 2GFC interface HUS151414VLF400 Ultrastar 15K147 147 Gbyte 3.5" 9.5mm 15,000 rpm Hard Disk Drive with 2 ms average seek time and 16 MB data buffer, 4GFC interface HUS151414VLS300 Ultrastar 15K147 147 Gbyte 3.5" 9.5mm 15,000 rpm Hard Disk Drive with 2 ms average seek time and 16 MB data buffer, SAS interface Mfr. Part No. GSA Price Mrf. Warranty 92 111 143 249 155 200 71 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 88 10 120 10 207 10 75 10 100 10 76 10 103 10 67 10 85 10 90 10 113 10 120 10 144 10 155 10 99 10 160 10 298 10 309 10 111 10 424 10 789 10 375 10 375 10 375 10 631 10 631 10 631 10 84 10 132 10 174 10 200 10 99 10 137 10 155 10 201 10 177 10 189 10 223 10 156 10 190 10 239 10 295 10 298 10 397 10 402 10 413 10 578 10 581 10 664 10 693 10 698 10 1,356 10 1,356 10 1,354 10 1,371 10 1,383 10 IBM CORPORATION Peripherals and Software PO-31 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. OEM COMPONENTS AVAILABLE ONLY FOR INTEGRATION INTO NCS SYSTEMS Name of Manufacturer NCS Part No. Part Description IBM NCSI1598 Item No. 11-IBM-063-0-0 IBM NCSI1599 11-IBM-064-0-0 IBM NCSI1600 11-IBM-065-0-0 IBM NCSI1601 11-IBM-066-0-0 IBM NCSI1602 11-IBM-067-0-0 IBM NCSI1603 11-IBM-068-0-0 IBM NCSI1604 11-IBM-069-0-0 IBM NCSI1605 11-IBM-070-0-0 IBM NCSI1563 11-IBM-057-0-0 IBM NCSI1564 11-IBM-058-0-0 IBM NCSI1565 11-IBM-059-0-0 IBM NCSI1566 11-IBM-060-0-0 IBM NCSI1567 11-IBM-061-0-0 IBM NCSI1568 11-IBM-062-0-0 IBM NCSI1606 11-IBM-071-0-0 IBM NCSI1607 11-IBM-072-0-0 IBM NCSI1608 11-IBM-073-0-0 IBM NCSI1609 11-IBM-074-0-0 IBM NCSI1655 11-IBM-077-0-0 IBM NCSI1656 11-IBM-077-1-0 IBM NCSI1657 11-IBM-077-2-0 IBM NCSI1658 11-IBM-078-0-0 IBM NCSI1659 11-IBM-078-1-0 IBM NCSI1660 11-IBM-078-2-0 IBM NCSI1661 11-IBM-079-0-0 IBM NCSI1662 11-IBM-079-1-0 IBM NCSI1663 11-IBM-079-2-0 IBM NCSI1664 11-IBM-079-3-0 IBM NCSI1665 11-IBM-080-0-0 IBM NCSI1666 11-IBM-080-1-0 IBM NCSI1667 11-IBM-080-2-0 IBM NCSI1668 11-IBM-080-3-0 IBM NCSI1939 11-IBM-083-0-0 IBM NCSI1940 11-IBM-083-1-0 IBM NCSI1941 11-IBM-084-0-0 IBM NCSI1942 11-IBM-084-1-0 IBM NCSI1943 11-IBM-085-0-0 IBM NCSI1944 11-IBM-085-1-0 IBM NCSI1979 11-IBM-087-0-0 TravelStar 40GN IC25N010ATCS04 10.0 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 4200 rpm ATA-5 Hard Disk Drive with 12 ms average 07N8324 seek time and 2 Mbytes of cache 07N8325 TravelStar 40GN IC25N020ATCS04 20.0 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 4200 rpm ATA-5 Hard Disk Drive with 12 ms average seek time and 2 Mbytes of cache 07N8326 TravelStar 40GN IC25N030ATCS04 30.0 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 4200 rpm ATA-5 Hard Disk Drive with 12 ms average seek time and 2 Mbytes of cache 07N8327 TravelStar 40GN IC25N040ATCS04 40.0 Gbyte 2.5" 9.5mm 4200 rpm ATA-5 Hard Disk Drive with 12 ms average seek time and 2 Mbytes of cache TravelStar 60GH IC25T060ATCS05 60.0 Gbyte 2.5" 12.5mm 5400 rpm ATA-5 Hard Disk Drive with 12 ms average 07Nxxxx seek time and 2 Mbytes of cache IBM DeskStar 120GXP IC35L040AVVA07-0(40GB) 40.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/100 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms 07N8082 average seek time and 2 Mbytes of cache IBM DeskStar 120GXP IC35L080AVVA07-0(80GB) 80.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/100 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms 07N8084 average seek time and 2 Mbytes of cache IBM DeskStar 120GXP IC35L080AVVA07-0(120GB) 120.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/100 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 07N8086 ms average seek time and 2 Mbytes of cache IBM UltraStar 36LZX 9.1 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm SCSI Ultra 160 68-pin Hard Disk Drive with 4.9 ms average seek time and 07N3220 4 MB of cache 07N3210 IBM UltraStar 36LZX 18.3 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm SCSI Ultra 160 68-pin Hard Disk Drive with 4.9 ms average seek time and 4 MB of cache 07N3200 IBM UltraStar 36LZX 36.7 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm SCSI Ultra 160 68-pin Hard Disk Drive with 4.9 ms average seek time and 4 MB of cache IBM UltraStar 36LZX 9.1 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm SCSI Ultra 160 80-pin Hard Disk Drive with 4.9 ms average seek time and 07N3250 4 MB of cache IBM UltraStar 36LZX 18.3 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm SCSI Ultra 160 80-pin Hard Disk Drive with 4.9 ms average seek time 07N3240 and 4 MB of cache 07N3230 IBM UltraStar 36LZX 36.7 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm SCSI Ultra 160 80-pin Hard Disk Drive with 4.9 ms average seek time and 4 MB of cache 07N6802 IBM UltraStar 36Z15 IC35L018UCPR15(18.4/80) 18.4 GB 2.5" 15,000 rpm SCSI Ultra 160 80-pin Hard Disk Drive with 4.2 ms average seek time and 4 MB of cache 07N6800 IBM UltraStar 36Z15 IC35L018UWPR15(18.4/68) 18.4 GB 2.5" 15,000 rpm SCSI Ultra 160 68-pin Hard Disk Drive with 4.2 ms average seek time and 4 MB of cache 07N6803 IBM UltraStar 36Z15 IC35L036UCPR15(36.7/80) 36.7 GB 2.5" 15,000 rpm SCSI Ultra 160 80-pin Hard Disk Drive with 4.2 ms average seek time and 4 MB of cache 07N4901 IBM UltraStar 36Z15 IC35L036UWPR15(36.7/68) 36.7 GB 2.5" 15,000 rpm SCSI Ultra 160 68-pin Hard Disk Drive with 4.2 ms average seek time and 4 MB of cache IBM UltraStar 73LZX 36.7 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra160 68-pin Wide SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.9 ms average seek IC35L036UWD210 time and 4 MB of cache IBM UltraStar 73LZX 36.7 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra160 80-pin SCA SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.9 ms average seek IC35L036UCD210 time and 4 MB of cache IBM UltraStar 73LZX 36.7 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm FC-AL-2 SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.9 ms average seek time and 4 IC35L036F2D210 MB of cache IBM UltraStar 73LZX 73.41 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra160 68-pin Wide SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.9 ms average seek IC35L073UWD210 time and 4 MB of cache IBM UltraStar 73LZX 73.41 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra160 80-pin SCA SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.9 ms average seek IC35L073UCD210 time and 4 MB of cache IBM UltraStar 73LZX 73.41 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm FC-AL-2 SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.9 ms average seek time and 4 IC35L073F2D210 MB of cache IBM UltraStar 146Z10 73 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra160 68-pin Wide SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.7 ms average seek 07N8760 time and 8 MB of cache IBM UltraStar 146Z10 73 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra320 68-pin Wide SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.7 ms average seek 08K0322 time and 8 MB of cache IBM UltraStar 146Z10 73 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra160 80-pin SCA SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.7 ms average seek 07N8800 time and 8 MB of cache IBM UltraStar 146Z10 73 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra320 80-pin SCA SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.7 ms average seek 08K0362 time and 8 MB of cache IBM UltraStar 146Z10 146 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra160 68-pin Wide SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.7 ms average seek 07N8760 time and 8 MB of cache IBM UltraStar 146Z10 146 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra320 68-pin Wide SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.7 ms average seek 08K0322 time and 8 MB of cache IBM UltraStar 146Z10 146 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra160 80-pin SCA SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.7 ms average seek 07N8800 time and 8 MB of cache IBM UltraStar 146Z10 146 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra320 80-pin SCA SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.7 ms average seek 08K0363 time and 8 MB of cache Ultrastar 10K300 73 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra320 68-pin Wide SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.7 ms average seek time HUS103073FL3600 and 8 MB of cache Ultrastar 10K300 73 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra320 80-pin SCA SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.7 ms average seek time HUS103073FL3800 and 8 MB of cache Ultrastar 10K300 147 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra320 68-pin Wide SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.7 ms average seek time HUS103014FL3600 and 8 MB of cache Ultrastar 10K300 147 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra320 80-pin SCA SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.7 ms average seek time HUS103014FL3800 and 8 MB of cache Ultrastar 10K300 300 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra320 68-pin Wide SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.7 ms average seek time HUS103030FL3600 and 8 MB of cache Ultrastar 10K300 300 GB 2.5" 10,000 rpm Ultra320 80-pin SCA SCSI Hard Disk Drive with 4.7 ms average seek time HUS103030FL3800 and 8 MB of cache SAS 600 Internal 450GB 15K RPM 3.5IN 6GBPS Hard Disk Drive 44W2239 Mfr. Part No. GSA Price Mrf. Warranty Intel NCSI0751 27-INT-240-0-3 Intel NCSI0753 27-INT-245-0-3 Intel NCSI0996 27-INT-247-0-3 Intel NCSI0115 23-INT-214-0-3 EtherExpress Pro 10/100 16-bit PCMCIA 10BaseT and 100BaseTX Ethernet card in single pack. Interface: One RJ45. EtherExpress Pro 10/100 CardBus PCMCIA 10BaseT and 100BaseTX Ethernet card in single pack. Interface: One RJ-45. EtherExpress Pro 10/100 CardBus II PCMCIA 10BaseT and 100BaseTX Ethernet card in single pack. Interface: One RJ-45. EtherExpress PRO/100 PCI 10BaseT and 100BaseT4 Ethernet Card Model "B" in single pack. Interface: RJ-45. Intel NCSI0883 27-INT-622-0-3 EtherExpress PRO/100+ PCI 10BaseT and 100BaseTX Ethernet Card in single pack. Interface: RJ-45. PILA8460 54 10 Intel NCSI0998 23-INT-243-0-3 EtherExpress Pro+ Manangement PCI 10BaseT and 100BaseTX Ethernet Card in single pack PILA8460B 40 10 Intel NCSI0887 27-INT-623-0-3 EtherExpress PRO/100+ Management PCI 10BaseT and 100BaseTX Ethernet Card in single pack. Interface: RJ-45. PILA8461 54 10 Intel NCSI0164 23-INT-157-0-6 EtherExpress PRO/10+ PCI 10BaseT Ethernet Card in single pack. Interface: RJ-45. PILA8520 72 10 Intel NCSI0168 23-INT-161-0-3 111 10 NCSI0169 23-INT-162-0-3 PCLA8215B 111 10 Intel NCSI0172 23-INT-165-0-3 EtherExpress PRO/10+ PCI 10base2, 10BaseT and 10Base5 Ethernet Card in single pack. Interface: BNC, RJ-45 and AUI. EtherExpress PRO/10 FDX ISA 10Base2 and 10BaseT Full Duplex Ethernet Card with Flash in single pack. Interface: BNC and RJ-45. EtherExpress PRO/100 ISA 10BaseT and 100BaseTX Ethernet Card in single pack. Interface: RJ-45. PILA8500 Intel PCLA8560 Intel NCSI0173 23-INT-166-0-3 EtherExpress PRO/100 Smart PCI 10BaseT and 100BaseTX Ethernet Card in single pack. Interface: RJ-45. PILA8485 609 10 Intel NCSI1509 27-INT-247-1-3 125 10 Intel NCSI1546 23-INT-167-0-3 Intel PRO/100 SR Cardbus II RealPort Mobile Adapter 32-bit 10BaseT and 100BaseTX Ethernet Card in single pack. MBLA3400 Interface: RJ-45. EtherExpress PRO/100 S PCI 10BaseT and 100BaseTX Ethernet Card in single pack. Interface: RJ-45. PILA8460C3 40 10 Intel NCSI1547 27-INT-249-0-3 Intel PRO/Wireless 2011 PC Card in single pack. Interface: RJ-45. WPC2011NA 131 10 Intel NCSI1548 27-INT-250-0-3 Intel PRO/Wireless 2011 Access Point in single pack. WEAP2011NA 630 10 Intel NCSI1669 27-INT-260-0-3 Intel® PRO/1000 T Gigabit Desktop 32-bit 33/66MHz PCI Management Adapter in single pack. Interface: RJ-45. PWLA8390T 81 10 Intel NCSI1670 27-INT-261-0-3 Intel® PRO/1000 MT Gigabit Desktop 32-bit 33/66MHz PCI Management Adapter in single pack. Interface: RJ-45. PWLA8390MT 41 10 Intel NCSI1671 27-INT-262-0-3 Intel® PRO/1000 XT Gigabit Server 32/64-bit 33/66MHz PCI-X Management Adapter in single pack. Interface: RJ-45. PWLA8490XT 124 10 Intel NCSI1672 27-INT-262-1-3 10 NCSI1673 27-INT-263-0-3 Intel® PRO/1000 XT Low Profile Gigabit Server 32/64-bit 33/66MHz PCI-X Management Adapter in single pack. PWLA8490XTL Interface: RJ-45. Intel® PRO/1000 MT Gigabit Server 32/64-bit 33/66MHz PCI-X Management Adapter in single pack. Interface: RJ-45.PWLA8490MT 120 Intel 130 10 Intel NCSI1674 27-INT-264-0-3 PWLA8492MT 176 10 Intel NCSI1675 27-INT-265-0-3 PWSA8700T 504 10 140 10 153 10 217 10 455 10 644 10 125 10 201 10 338 10 189 10 219 10 404 10 185 10 214 10 394 10 370 10 370 10 613 10 613 10 375 10 375 10 375 10 365 10 365 10 365 10 539 10 539 10 539 10 539 10 997 10 997 10 997 10 997 10 220 10 243 10 452 10 481 10 734 10 755 10 753 10 INTEL NETWORKING Peripherals and Software Intel® PRO/1000 MT Dual Port Gigabit Server 32/64-bit 33/66MHz PCI-X Management Adapter in single pack. Interface: RJ-45. Intel® PRO/1000 T IP Storage Gigabit Server 32/64-bit 33/66MHz PCI-X Management Adapter in single pack. Interface: RJ-45. PO-32 MBLA1600 120 10 MBLA3200 146 10 MBLA3300 134 10 PILA8475B 123 135 10 10 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. OEM COMPONENTS AVAILABLE ONLY FOR INTEGRATION INTO NCS SYSTEMS Name of Manufacturer NCS Part No. Part Description IO Gear NCSI1744 Item No. 27-IOG-102-0-3 IO Gear 6/1 Card Readerr in single pack. Mfr. Part No. GSA Price Mrf. Warranty GFH610 85 13 IO Gear NCSI1824 27-IOG-103-0-3 IO Gear 8/1 Card Readerr in single pack. GFR280 29 13 Iomega NCSI0185 27-IOM-403-0-3 Zip Card for PCMCIA2 SCSI2 Adapter in single pack. 10284 85 13 Iomega NCSI0931 19-IOM-601-0-0 Zip 100 Internal ATAPI 3.5" in single pack 10670 73 10 Iomega NCSI1031 16-IOM-220-0-3 Zip 250 Internal ATAPI 3.5" in single pack 11113 133 10 Iomega NCSI1002 16-IOM-222-0-3 Zip 250 External Parallel Port Drive with Cartridge, CD-ROM Disc, and Software 10918 166 13 Iomega NCSI1003 16-IOM-221-0-3 Zip 250 External SCSI Drive with Cartridge, CD-ROM Disc, and Software 10933 168 13 Iomega NCSI0191 19-IOM-601-1-0 Zip PC 100 Mbyte Pre-Formatted Disk in single pack. 10020 16 14 Iomega NCSI1004 19-IOM-620-0-0 Zip PC 250 Mbyte Pre-Formatted Disk in single pack. 11027 18 14 Iomega NCSI0197 19-IOM-604-0-0 Jaz 1 Gbyte 3.5" Disk in single pack. 10150 105 14 Iomega NCSI1354 16-IOM-223-0-3 Zip® 250 USB Drive with Zip Diskette, CD-ROM Disc, and Software 11172 158 13 Iomega NCSI1356 19-IOM-609-0-0 One 2GB Jaz® Disk in single pack 10599 102 Iomega NCSI1745 16-IOM-226-0-3 Zip 750 Internal ATAPI 3.5" in single pack 32328 125 10 Iomega NCSI1746 19-IOM-621-0-0 Zip PC 750 Mbyte Pre-Formatted Disk in Single Pack. 32458 10 14 Iomega NCSI1747 19-IOM-621-1-0 Zip PC 750 Mbyte Pre-Formatted Disk in Three Pack. 32460 29 14 Kingston NCSI1624 11-KNG-111-0-3 KINGSTON TECHNOLOGY Kingston DE75i-A100 IDE Low Profile Removable hard drive frame & carrier w/rugged steel construction, support for DE75i-A100 UltraATA/100 IDE low-profile hard disk drives, and a key-lock feature 135 10 LeadTek NCSI1571 21-LED-103-0-3 74 10 LeadTek NCSI1572 21-LED-104-0-3 98 10 LeadTek NCSI1574 21-LED-106-0-3 118 10 LeadTek NCSI1575 21-LED-107-0-3 145 10 LeadTek NCSI1579 21-LED-109-0-3 105 10 214 10 332 10 286 10 274 10 160 10 161 10 140 10 81 10 80 10 IO GEAR CORPORATION IOMEGA CORPORATION LEADTEK® RESEARCH, INC. LEADTEK® Winfast® GeForce2 MX™ 200 VGA 4X/2X AGP 128-bit 3D video accelerator based on the nVIDIA LR-2851 graphics processing unit with 6ns 32 MB high speed memory plus support for DirectX and OpenGL. LEADTEK® Winfast® GeForce2 MX™ DH Pro 4X/2X AGP 128-bit 3D video accelerator based on the nVIDIA graphicsLR-2834 processing unit with 5ns 32 MB high speed memory plus support for DirectX and OpenGL, TwinView for Dual VGA and TV (RCA & S-Video). LEADTEK® Winfast® GeForce2 Pro-32 4X/2X AGP 128-bit 3D video accelerator based on the nVIDIA graphics LR-2840 processing unit with 5ns 32 MB DDR SDRAM memory plus support for DirectX and OpenGL, TwinView for Dual VGA and TV (RCA & S-Video). LEADTEK® Winfast® GeForce2 Pro-64 4X/2X AGP 128-bit 3D video accelerator based on the nVIDIA graphics LR-284X processing unit with 5ns 64 MB DDR SDRAM memory plus support for DirectX and OpenGL, TwinView for Dual VGA and TV (RCA & S-Video). LEADTEK® Titanium® TH GeForce2 Ti 4X/2X AGP 128-bit 3D video accelerator based on the nVIDIA graphics LR-2847 processing unit with 3.8ns 64 MB DDR SDRAM memory plus support for VGA, DVI-I, DirectX and OpenGL, TwinView for Dual VGA and TV (RCA & S-Video). LEADTEK® Titanium® 200 TDH WinFast GeForce3 Ti 200 4X/2X AGP 128-bit 3D video accelerator based on the LR-2865 nVIDIA graphics processing unit with 3.8ns 64 MB DDR SDRAM memory plus support for VGA, DVI-I, DirectX and OpenGL, TwinView for Dual VGA and TV (RCA & S-Video). LEADTEK® Titanium® 500 TD WinFast GeForce3 Ti 500 4X/2X AGP 128-bit 3D video accelerator based on the LR-2864 nVIDIA graphics processing unit with 3.8ns 64 MB DDR SDRAM memory plus support for VGA, DVI-I, DirectX and OpenGL, TwinView for Dual VGA and TV (RCA & S-Video). LEADTEK® WinFast GeForce4 A250 Ultra TD 4600 My VIVO (Video-in, Video-out) Ti4600 GPU 4X/2X AGP 128-bit 32000655 3D video accelerator based on the nVIDIA graphics processing unit with 128 MB DDR SDRAM memory plus support for VGA, DVI-I, TV-out (RCA & S-Video). LEADTEK® WinFast GeForce4 A250 Ultra TD 4600 Ti4600 GPU 4X/2X AGP 128-bit 3D video accelerator based on 32010788 the nVIDIA graphics processing unit with 128 MB DDR SDRAM memory plus support for VGA, DVI-I, DirectX and OpenGL, and TV-out (RCA & S-Video). LEADTEK® WinFast GeForce4 A250 Ultra TD 4200 My VIVO (Video-in, Video-out) Ti4200 GPU 4X/2X AGP 128-bit 32110032 3D video accelerator based on the nVIDIA graphics processing unit with 128 MB DDR SDRAM memory plus support for VGA, DVI-I, DirectX and OpenGL, and TV-out (RCA & S-Video). LEADTEK® WinFast GeForce4 A250 Ultra TD 4200 Ti4200 GPU 4X/2X AGP 128-bit 3D video accelerator based on 32110044 the nVIDIA graphics processing unit with 128 MB DDR SDRAM memory plus support for VGA, DVI-I, DirectX and OpenGL, and TV-out (RCA & S-Video). LEADTEK® WinFast GeForce4 A250 Ultra TD 4200 Ti4200 GPU 4X/2X AGP 128-bit 3D video accelerator based on 32010848 the nVIDIA graphics processing unit with 64 MB DDR SDRAM memory plus support for VGA, DVI-I, DirectX and OpenGL, and TV-out (RCA & S-Video). LEADTEK® WinFast GeForce4 A170 DDR TH-MX400 MX440 GPU 4X/2X AGP 128-bit 3D video accelerator based 32010829 on the nVIDIA graphics processing unit with 64 MB DDR SDRAM memory plus support for VGA, and TV-out (RCA & SVideo). LEADTEK® WinFast GeForce4 A170 TH-MX420 MX420 GPU 4X/2X AGP 128-bit 3D video accelerator based on the 32000615 nVIDIA graphics processing unit with 64 MB DDR SDRAM memory plus support for VGA, and TV-out (RCA & SVideo). LeadTek NCSI1580 21-LED-110-0-3 LeadTek NCSI1581 21-LED-111-0-3 LeadTek NCSI1676 21-LED-113-0-3 LeadTek NCSI1677 21-LED-114-0-3 LeadTek NCSI1678 21-LED-115-0-3 LeadTek NCSI1679 21-LED-116-0-3 LeadTek NCSI1680 21-LED-117-0-3 LeadTek NCSI1681 21-LED-118-0-3 LeadTek NCSI1682 21-LED-119-0-3 LG LG NCSI1162 NCSI1360 12-GLS-117-1-3 13-GLS-119-0-3 LG NCSI1361 14-GLS-121-0-3 LG LG NCSI1510 NCSI1511 12-GLS-117-0-3 14-GLS-122-0-3 LG NCSI1513 13-GLS-122-0-3 Lite-On Lite-On Lite-On Lite-On Lite-On Lite-On Lite-On Lite-On Lite-On Lite-On Lite-On Lite-On NCSI1858 NCSI1864 NCSI1865 NCSI1866 NCSI1867 NCSI1881 NCSI1931 NCSI1884 NCSI1918 NCSI1945 NCSI1949 NCSI1966 23-LTO-110-1-3 23-LTO-111-1-3 23-LTO-112-0-3 23-LTO-113-0-3 23-LTO-114-0-3 23-LTO-115-0-3 23-LTO-118-0-3 23-LTO-116-0-3 23-LTO-117-1-3 23-LTO-120-1-3 23-LTO-121-1-3 23-LTO-122-1-3 SK3105 USB Keyboard with Integrated Smart Card Reader SOHD-16P9S 16X DVD-ROM Drive SOHC-5236 52X 32X 16X DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive SOHR-5239S 52X 32X 52X CD-RW Drive SOHW-1673 16X 8X 4X 16X 6X Dual Layer DVD+/-RW Drive SOHW-1693S 16X 8X 4X 16X 6X Dual Layer DVD+/-RW Drive SHW/M-160P6S 16X 8X 4X 16X 6X Dual Layer DVD+/-RW Drive LTN529SV 24X CD-ROM SOHD-167T 16X DVD-ROM Drive SOSW-833S Slim-line 16X DVD+/-RW Drive SHM165P6S 16X Super AllWrite + Lightscribe DVD+/-RW Drive SLH-20A1S Serial ATA DVD+/-RW Drive Maxtor NCSI1748 11-MXT-102-0-3 Maxtor NCSI1749 11-MXT-103-0-3 Maxtor NCSI1750 11-MXT-104-0-3 Maxtor NCSI1751 11-MXT-105-0-3 Maxtor NCSI1752 11-MXT-106-0-3 Maxtor NCSI1753 11-MXT-107-0-3 Maxtor NCSI1754 11-MXT-108-0-3 Maxtor NCSI1755 11-MXT-109-0-3 DiamondMax 9 60.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/133 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek time and 2 Mbytes of 6Y060L0 cache DiamondMax 9 80.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/133 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek time and 2 Mbytes of 6Y080L0 cache DiamondMax 9 120.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/133 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek time and 2 Mbytes 6Y120L0 of cache DiamondMax 9 160.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/133 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek time and 2 Mbytes 6Y160L0 of cache DiamondMax 9 60.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/133 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek time and 8 Mbytes of 6Y060P0 cache DiamondMax 9 80.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/133 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek time and 8 Mbytes of 6Y080P0 cache DiamondMax 9 120.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/133 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek time and 8 Mbytes 6Y120P0 of cache DiamondMax 9 160.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/133 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek time and 8 Mbytes 6Y160P0 of cache 13 LG ELECTRONICS, INC. CRD-8480C 48X ATAPI/EIDE Internal CD-ROM Drive with 75 ms average access time and 128 Kbytes of buffer CRD-8480C CED-8080B ATAPI/EIDE Internal CD Rewritable Drive with 32X CD-ROM, 8X CD-RW Write, 4X CD-R Write, 100 ms CED-8080B average access time, and 2 Mbyte buffer DRD-8080B ATAPI/EIDE Internal DVD-ROM with 40X CD-ROM, 8X DVD-ROM, 120 ms average seek time, and 512K DRD-8080B buffer CRD-8520B 52X ATAPI/EIDE Internal CD-ROM Drive with 80 ms average access time and 128 Kbytes of buffer CRD-8520B DRD-8120B DRD-8120B ATAPI/EIDE Internal DVD-ROM with 40X CD-ROM, 12X DVD-ROM, 120 ms average seek time, and 512K buffer CED-8120B ATAPI/EIDE Internal CD Rewritable Drive with 32X CD-ROM, 12X CD-RW Write, 8X CD-R Write, 100 ms CED-8120B average access time, and 2 Mbyte buffer 47 10 162 10 92 10 33 85 10 10 160 10 32 30 41 28 91 91 61 18 30 81 50 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 85 13 Lite-On Inc. SK3105 SOHD-16P9S SOHC-5236 SOHR-5239S SOHW-1673S SOHW-1693S SHW/M-160P6S LTN529SV SOHD-167T SOSW-833S SHM-165P6S LH-20A1S MAXTOR CORPORATION Peripherals and Software PO-33 90 13 120 13 163 13 90 13 101 13 145 13 209 13 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. OEM COMPONENTS AVAILABLE ONLY FOR INTEGRATION INTO NCS SYSTEMS Name of Manufacturer NCS Part No. Part Description Mfr. Part No. Maxtor NCSI1756 Item No. 11-MXT-110-0-3 6Y200P0 219 13 Maxtor NCSI1757 11-MXT-111-0-3 6Y060M0 120 13 Maxtor NCSI1758 11-MXT-112-0-3 6Y080M0 138 13 Maxtor NCSI1759 11-MXT-113-0-3 6Y120M0 200 13 Maxtor NCSI1760 11-MXT-114-0-3 6Y160M0 274 13 Maxtor NCSI1761 11-MXT-115-0-3 DiamondMax 9 200.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Ultra ATA/133 Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DiamondMax 9 60.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Serial ATA Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DiamondMax 9 80.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Serial ATA Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DiamondMax 9 120.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Serial ATA Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DiamondMax 9 160.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Serial ATA Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache DiamondMax 9 200.0 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Serial ATA Hard Disk Drive with 8.5 ms average seek time and 8 Mbytes of cache GSA Price Mrf. Warranty 6Y200M0 299 13 Microsoft NCSI0764 24-MSC-107-0-3 Intellimouse for Windows with USB and PS/2 interface in single pack. 673-00004 12 13 Microsoft NCSI1093 24-MSC-114-0-3 Intellimouse Explorer for Windows with PS2/USB interface in single pack. B75-00001 48 13 Microsoft NCSI1094 24-MSC-115-0-3 Microsoft NCSI0766 25-MSC-202-0-0 Intellimouse with Optical Technology for Windows 95/98 and NT Server/Workstation with PS2/USB interface in single D58-00026 pack. Natural Keyboard Elite with both AT and PS/2 interface in single pack. 2867051V100 Microsoft NCSI1097 25-MSC-204-0-0 Natural Keyboard Pro for Windows with PS2/USB interface in single pack. Microsoft NCSI1163 60-MSC-110-1-3 Windows 2000 Professional for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Media: CD-ROM. Documentation: Online Microsoft Microsoft NCSI1446 NCSI1447 62-MSC-208-0-3 62-MSC-209-0-3 Microsoft NCSI1448 62-MSC-210-0-3 Microsoft NCSI1449 62-MSC-211-0-3 Windows 2000 Server for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 5. Windows 2000 Server Version Upgrade for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 5. Competitive Upgrade Windows 2000 Server for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 5. Windows 2000 Server for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 10. MICROSOFT CORPORATION Microsoft NCSI1450 62-MSC-212-0-3 Microsoft NCSI1451 62-MSC-213-0-3 Microsoft NCSI1452 62-MSC-214-0-3 Microsoft NCSI1453 62-MSC-215-0-3 Microsoft NCSI1454 62-MSC-216-0-3 Microsoft NCSI1455 62-MSC-217-0-3 Microsoft NCSI1456 62-MSC-218-0-3 Microsoft NCSI1457 62-MSC-219-0-3 Microsoft NCSI1458 Microsoft NCSI1459 Microsoft NCSI1460 Microsoft Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Version Upgrade for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 10. Competitive Upgrade Windows 2000 Server for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 10. Windows 2000 Server for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 25. 41 13 27 13 B61-00002 53 13 B23-00079 265 12 C11-00016 C11-00027 806 400 12 12 C11-00030 400 12 C11-00018 421 12 C11-00028 421 12 C11-00031 421 12 C11-00019 421 12 C11-00029 595 12 C11-00032 595 12 C10-00010 3,122 12 C10-00015 1,575 12 C10-00016 2,833 12 62-MSC-220-0-3 Windows 2000 Server Version Upgrade for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 25. Competitive Upgrade Windows 2000 Server for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 25. Windows 2000 Advanced Server for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 25. Upgrade Windows 2000 Advanced Server for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 25. Competitive Upgrade Windows 2000 Advanced Server for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 25. Exchange Server 2000 in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 5. 312-01308 1,006 62-MSC-221-0-3 Upgrade Exchange Server 2000 in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 5. 312-01310 543 12 62-MSC-222-0-3 Competitive Upgrade Exchange Server 2000 in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 5. 312-01311 805 12 NCSI1461 62-MSC-223-0-3 Exchange 2000 Conference Server in single pack. Documentation: Online. No Client Access License. D97-00001 3,995 12 NCSI1462 62-MSC-224-0-3 Exchange 2000 Enterprise Server in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 25. 395-01621 5,561 12 Microsoft NCSI1463 62-MSC-225-0-3 Upgrade Exchange 2000 Enterprise Server in single pack. No Documentation. 532-00143 5,147 12 Microsoft NCSI1464 62-MSC-226-0-3 Exchange 2000 Enterprise Server in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 25. 395-01621 5,561 12 Microsoft NCSI1465 62-MSC-227-0-3 Upgrade Exchange 2000 Enterprise Server in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 25. 395-01623 2,859 12 Microsoft NCSI1466 62-MSC-228-0-3 395-01624 4,399 12 Microsoft NCSI1467 62-MSC-229-0-3 Competitive Upgrade Exchange 2000 Enterprise Server in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 25. Exchange 2000 Conferencing Server in single pack. Documentation: Online. No Client Access License. D97-00001 4,130 12 Microsoft NCSI1469 62-MSC-237-0-3 SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition 1 Processor for use with Windows NT Server in single pack. 228-01079 4,034 12 Microsoft NCSI1470 62-MSC-238-0-3 Upgrade SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition 1 Processor for use with Windows NT Server in single pack. 228-01080 2,085 12 System Management Server v2.0 for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Documenation: Online. Client Access License: 10. System Management Server v2.0 for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Documenation: Online. Client Access License: 25. Competitive and Version Upgrade System Management Server v2.0 for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 10. System Management Server v2.0 for 32-bit Windows with Client Access License in pack on 5 units. Microsoft NCSI1482 62-MSC-250-0-3 Microsoft NCSI1483 62-MSC-251-0-3 Microsoft NCSI1484 62-MSC-252-0-3 Microsoft NCSI1485 62-MSC-253-0-3 Microsoft NCSI1489 62-MSC-257-0-3 Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft NCSI1490 NCSI1491 NCSI1518 NCSI1519 NCSI1522 NCSI1523 NCSI1524 NCSI1534 62-MSC-258-0-3 62-MSC-259-0-3 62-MSC-260-0-3 62-MSC-261-0-3 62-MSC-264-0-3 25-MSC-206-0-0 25-MSC-207-0-0 66-MSC-136-0-3 12 271-00611 908 12 271-00612 1,396 12 271-00613 423 12 355-00365 189 12 E84-00001 1,113 12 660-00002 D93-00013 355-00583 381-01529 359-00533 C19-00001 C17-00001 076-01689 1,925 2,224 33 55 121 12 37 435 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 269-04508 475 12 R05-00001 R06-00001 D67-00001 M03-00001 D66-00029 E17-00111 P73-00654 P73-00003 46 14 30 39 15 35 882 1,111 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Microsoft NCSI1588 66-MSC-278-0-3 Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft NCSI1683 NCSI1684 NCSI1685 NCSI1686 NCSI1687 NCSI1762 NCSI1830 NCSI1831 25-MSC-280-0-0 25-MSC-281-0-0 25-MSC-282-0-0 25-MSC-283-0-0 25-MSC-284-0-0 25-MSC-285-0-0 62-MSC-287-0-3 62-MSC-288-0-3 Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Documentation: Online. No Client Access License. Host Integration Server 2000 CD 1 Processor License for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Application Center 2000 CD 1 Processor License for 32-bit Windows in single pack. SMS 2.0 Network Management & Utility Software Client Access License in single pack. Exchange 2000 Client Access License in single pack. SQL Server 2000 Client Access License in single pack. Internet Keyboard for Windows with PS2/USB interface in single pack. Internet Keyboard Pro for Windows 95/98/NT with PS2/USB interface in single pack. Project 2000 Standard for 32-bit Windows 98/ME/NT Workstation in single pack. Media: CD-ROM. Documentation: On-Line. Office XP Professional for 32-bit Windows 98/ME/NT/2000 Workstation in single pack. Media: CD-ROM. Documentation: On-Line. Microsoft Wireless Desktop Win32 with North American CD in single pack. Microsoft Wireless Wheel Mouse Win32 with North American CD in single pack. Microsoft Trackball Optical Win32 with North American CD in single pack. Microsoft Wireless Intellimouse Explorer Win32 with North American CD in single pack. Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical Win32 with North American CD in single pack. Office Keyboard for Windows 95/98/NT with PS2/USB interface in single pack. Windows 2003 Server for 32-bit Windows Standard Edition. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 5. Windows 2003 Server for 32-bit Windows Standard Edition. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 10. Microsoft NCSI1832 62-MSC-289-0-3 Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition in single pack. Documentation: Online. Client Access License: 25. P72-00001 3,327 12 Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft NCSI1859 NCSI1923 NCSI1932 NCSI1933 25-MSC-290-0-0 25-MSC-291-0-0 25-MSC-292-0-0 25-MSC-293-0-0 Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical Black Win32 with North American CD in single pack. Microsoft Comfort Curve Keyboard Win32 with North American CD in single pack. Microsoft Notebook Optical Mouse USB Win32 with North American CD in single pack. Microsoft Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse USB Win32 with North American CD in single pack. D66-00029 B2L-00002 N64-00001 BZ4-00001 18 21 11 20 12 12 12 12 Microsolutions NCSI1165 13-MCS-301-0-3 Backpack Bantam CD-R/RW 20x Read, 4x Write, 4x Rewrite Portable Drive with PCMCIA and Parallel Port Interface 190130 280 10 Panasonic NCSI1168 13-PAN-301-0-3 KXL-RW10A 20x Read, 4x Write, 4x Rewrite Portable CD-R/RW External Drive with Cardbus and SCSI-2 Interface 295 13 MICRO SOLUTIONS PANASONIC KXL-RW10A PNY PNY NCSI1821 21-PNY-100-0-3 Quadro4 NVS280 8X AGP graphics processing unit with 64 MB of memory VCQ4280NVS 160 10 PNY NCSI1934 21-PNY-101-0-3 Quadro FX3500 PCI-Express graphics processing unit with 256 MB of memory VCQFX35000 1,099 10 PNY NCSI1967 21-PNY-103-0-3 Quadro FX560 PCI-Express graphics processing unit with 128 MB of memory VCQFX560 PNY NCSI1968 21-PNY-104-0-3 Quadro FX5500 PCI-Express graphics processing unit with 1 GB of memory 229 10 VCQFX5500 2,410 10 PNY NCSI1980 21-PNY-105-0-3 Quadro FX4800 PCI-Express graphics processing unit with 1.5 GB of memory VCQFX4800 1,739 10 PNY NCSI1981 21-PNY-106-0-3 Quadro FX5800 PCI-Express graphics processing unit with 4 GB of memory VCQFX5800 3,328 10 Peripherals and Software PO-34 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. OEM COMPONENTS AVAILABLE ONLY FOR INTEGRATION INTO NCS SYSTEMS Name of Manufacturer Item No. NCS Part No. Part Description Mfr. Part No. GSA Price Mrf. Warranty QUICKSHOT Quickshot NCSI0442 22-QSH-201-0-1 Quickshot NCSI0443 22-QSH-202-0-1 22-QSH-301-0-1 Sound Force 505 28W PMPO Amplified Power, 3" Full Range Speaker Driver, Power & Volume Controls, Amplified Headphone Jack, and AC Adapter. Sound Force 540 48W PMPO Amplified Power, 3" Full Range Speaker Driver, Power & Volume Controls, Amplified Headphone Jack, and AC Adapter. Sound Force 550 60W PMPO Amplified Power, 3" Full Range Speaker Driver, Power & Volume Controls, Amplified Headphone Jack, and AC Adapter. Sound Force 660 120W PMPO Amplified Power, 4" Woofer & 1.5" Tweeter, Power, Volume, Bass and Treble Controls, Amplified Headphone Jack, Subwoofer Output for Integrated Master Control, and AC Adapter. Sound Force 700 Subwoofer and Satellite Speakers (2) System, 160W PMPO Amplified Power, 4" Bass Driver on Subwoofer, 3" Full-Range Drivers on Satellite Speakers, Power, Volume, Bass and Treble Controls on Subwoofer, and AC Adapter Sound Force 800 Subwoofer and Satellite Speakers (2) System, 240W PMPO Amplified Power, 6.5" Bass Driver on Subwoofer, 3" Full-Range Drivers on Satellite Speakers, Power, Volume, Bass and Treble Controls on Right Satellite Speaker and AC Adapter Multimedia Desktop Microphone with On/Off Switch. Quickshot NCSI0444 22-QSH-203-0-1 Quickshot NCSI0445 22-QSH-204-0-1 Quickshot NCSI0446 22-QSH-205-0-1 Quickshot NCSI0447 22-QSH-206-0-1 Quickshot NCSI0448 Quickshot NCSI0450 22-QSH-401-0-1 Digital Stereo Headphone. Red Hat Red Hat NCSI1688 60-RDH-113-0-3 Red Hat Linux v7.3 Professional for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Media: CD-ROM. Documentation: CD-ROM RHF0088US 144 12 NCSI1689 60-RDH-114-0-3 Red Hat Linux Advanced Server for 32-bit Windows in single pack. Media: CD-ROM. Documentation: CD-ROM RHF0090US 628 12 Seagate Seagate NCSI1011 NCSI1012 15-SGT-313-0-3 15-SGT-408-0-3 Scorpion 24 Gbyte DDS-3 SCSI-2 5.25" Half-Height Internal Tape Drive without Software Scorpion 24 Gbyte DDS-3 SCSI-2 5.25" External Tape Drive without Software STD224000N-SB STD624000N-SB 907 1,005 10 13 Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate NCSI1013 NCSI1014 15-SGT-312-0-3 15-SGT-411-0-3 TapeStor DAT 24 Gbyte DDS-3 SCSI-2 5.25" Half-Height Internal Tape Drive with Software TapeStor DAT 24 Gbyte DDS-3 SCSI-2 External Tape Drive with Software STD224000N-RFT STD624000N-RFT 1,196 1,402 13 NCSI1017 NCSI1018 NCSI1264 NCSI1265 NCSI1582 NCSI1583 NCSI1584 NCSI1585 NCSI1589 15-SGT-115-0-3 15-SGT-118-0-3 11-SGT-270-0-3 11-SGT-271-0-3 11-SGT-281-0-3 11-SGT-283-0-3 11-SGT-284-0-3 11-SGT-285-0-3 11-SGT-286-0-3 STT220000A-RFT STT220000N-RCVT ST318451LW ST318451LC ST320410A ST340810A ST360020A ST380020A ST320011A 411 512 741 775 82 87 124 170 79 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Seagate NCSI1590 11-SGT-287-0-3 Seagate NCSI1591 11-SGT-288-0-3 Seagate NCSI1592 11-SGT-289-0-3 Seagate NCSI1690 11-SGT-301-0-3 Seagate NCSI1691 11-SGT-302-0-3 Seagate NCSI1692 11-SGT-303-0-3 Seagate NCSI1693 11-SGT-304-0-3 Seagate NCSI1694 11-SGT-305-0-3 Seagate NCSI1695 11-SGT-306-0-3 Seagate NCSI1696 11-SGT-307-0-3 Seagate NCSI1697 11-SGT-308-0-3 Seagate NCSI1698 11-SGT-309-0-3 Seagate NCSI1699 11-SGT-310-0-3 Seagate NCSI1700 11-SGT-311-0-3 Seagate NCSI1701 11-SGT-312-0-3 Seagate NCSI1702 11-SGT-313-0-3 Seagate NCSI1703 11-SGT-314-0-3 Seagate NCSI1704 11-SGT-315-0-3 Seagate NCSI1705 11-SGT-316-0-3 Seagate NCSI1706 11-SGT-317-0-3 Seagate NCSI1707 11-SGT-318-0-3 Seagate NCSI1708 11-SGT-319-0-3 Seagate NCSI1709 11-SGT-320-0-3 Seagate NCSI1710 11-SGT-321-0-3 Seagate NCSI1711 11-SGT-322-0-3 Seagate NCSI1712 11-SGT-323-0-3 Seagate NCSI1713 11-SGT-324-0-3 Seagate NCSI1714 11-SGT-325-0-3 Seagate NCSI1715 11-SGT-325-1-3 Seagate NCSI1716 11-SGT-326-0-3 Seagate NCSI1717 11-SGT-326-1-3 Seagate NCSI1868 11-SGT-327-0-3 Seagate NCSI1869 11-SGT-328-0-3 Seagate NCSI1870 11-SGT-329-0-3 Seagate NCSI1871 11-SGT-330-0-3 Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate NCSI1950 NCSI1951 NCSI1952 NCSI1953 NCSI1954 NCSI1955 NCSI1956 NCSI1957 NCSI1958 NCSI1959 NCSI1960 11-SGT-331-0-3 11-SGT-332-0-3 11-SGT-333-0-3 11-SGT-335-0-3 11-SGT-336-0-3 11-SGT-337-0-3 11-SGT-338-0-3 11-SGT-340-0-3 11-SGT-341-0-3 11-SGT-342-0-3 11-SGT-348-0-3 TapeStor Travan 20 GByte Travan 20 ATAPI 5.25" Half-Height Internal Tape Drive with Software TapeStor Travan NS 20 GByte Travan NS 20 SCSI-2 5.25" Half-Height Internal Tape Drive with Software Cheetah X15 18.4GB Ultra 160 Wide SCSI SCA (LVD) 68 pin 15000 rpm 3.9ms with 4MB cache Cheetah X15 18.4GB Ultra 160 SCSI SCA (LVD) 80 pin 15000 rpm 3.9ms with 4MB cache Seagate U Series 20 GB Hard Disk Drive EIDE Ultra ATA/100 5400rpm 8.9ms Average Seek with 2 MB Cache Seagate U Series 40 GB Hard Disk Drive EIDE Ultra ATA/100 5400rpm 8.9ms Average Seek with 2 MB Cache Seagate U Series 60 GB Hard Disk Drive EIDE Ultra ATA/100 5400rpm 8.9ms Average Seek with 2 MB Cache Seagate U Series 80 GB Hard Disk Drive EIDE Ultra ATA/100 5400rpm 8.9ms Average Seek with 2 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda ATA IV Series 20 GB Hard Disk Drive EIDE Ultra ATA/100 7200 rpm 8.9ms Average Seek with 2 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda ATA IV Series 40 GB Hard Disk Drive EIDE Ultra ATA/100 7200 rpm 8.9ms Average Seek with 2 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda ATA IV Series 60 GB Hard Disk Drive EIDE Ultra ATA/100 7200 rpm 8.9ms Average Seek with 2 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda ATA IV Series 80 GB Hard Disk Drive EIDE Ultra ATA/100 7200 rpm 8.9ms Average Seek with 2 MB Cache Seagate Cheetah 36ES ST318406LC 18.4GB Ultra160 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 80-pin SCA Connector, 10K rpm, 5.2ms seek time, and 4MB cache Seagate Cheetah 36ES ST318406LW 18.4GB Ultra160 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 68-pin Wide SCSI Connector, 10K rpm, 5.2ms seek time, and 4MB cache Seagate Cheetah 36ES ST318446LC 18.4GB Ultra320 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 80-pin SCA Connector, 10K rpm, 5.2ms seek time, and 4MB cache Seagate Cheetah 36ES ST318446LW 18.4GB Ultra320 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 68-pin Wide SCSI Connector, 10K rpm, 5.2ms seek time, and 4MB cache Seagate Cheetah 36ES ST336706LC 36.9GB Ultra160 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 80-pin SCA Connector, 10K rpm, 5.2ms seek time, and 4MB cache Seagate Cheetah 36ES ST336706LW 36.9GB Ultra160 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 68-pin Wide SCSI Connector, 10K rpm, 5.2ms seek time, and 4MB cache Seagate Cheetah 36ES ST336746LC 36.9GB Ultra320 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 80-pin SCA Connector, 10K rpm, 5.2ms seek time, and 4MB cache Seagate Cheetah 36ES ST336746LW 36.9GB Ultra320 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 68-pin Wide SCSI Connector, 10K rpm, 5.2ms seek time, and 4MB cache Seagate Cheetah 10K.6 ST336607LC 36.7GB Ultra320 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 80-pin SCA Connector, 10K rpm, 4.7ms seek time, and 8MB cache Seagate Cheetah 10K.6 ST336607LW 36.7GB Ultra320 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 68-pin Wide SCSI Connector, 10K rpm, 4.7ms seek time, and 8MB cache Seagate Cheetah 10K.6 ST373307LC 73.4GB Ultra320 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 80-pin SCA Connector, 10K rpm, 4.7ms seek time, and 8MB cache Seagate Cheetah 10K.6 ST373307LW 73.4GB Ultra320 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 68-pin Wide SCSI Connector, 10K rpm, 4.7ms seek time, and 8MB cache Seagate Cheetah 10K.6 ST3146807LC 146.8GB Ultra320 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 80-pin SCA Connector, 10K rpm, 4.7ms seek time, and 8MB cache Seagate Cheetah 10K.6 ST3146807LW 146.8GB Ultra320 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 68-pin Wide SCSI Connector, 10K rpm, 4.7ms seek time, and 8MB cache Seagate Cheetah 15K.3 ST318453LC 18.4GB Ultra320 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 80-pin SCA Connector, 15K rpm, 3.6ms seek time, and 8MB cache Seagate Cheetah 36ES ST318446LW 18.4GB Ultra320 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 68-pin Wide SCSI Connector, 10K rpm, 3.6ms seek time, and 8MB cache Seagate Cheetah 15K.3 ST336753LC 36.7GB Ultra320 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 80-pin SCA Connector, 15K rpm, 3.6ms seek time, and 8MB cache Seagate Cheetah 15K.3 ST336753LW 36.7GB Ultra320 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 68-pin Wide SCSI Connector, 10K rpm, 3.6ms seek time, and 8MB cache Seagate Cheetah 15K.3 ST373453LC 73.4GB Ultra320 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 80-pin SCA Connector, 15K rpm, 3.6ms seek time, and 8MB cache Seagate Cheetah 15K.3 ST373453LW 73.4GB Ultra320 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 68-pin Wide SCSI Connector, 15K rpm, 3.6ms seek time, and 8MB cache Seagate Barracuda 180 ST1181677LCV 181.6GB Ultra160 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 80-pin SCA Connector, 7200 rpm, 7.4ms seek time, and 16MB cache Seagate Barracuda 180 ST1181677LWV 181.6GB Ultra160 SCSI Low Voltage Differential 68-pin Wide SCSI Connector, 7200 rpm, 7.4ms seek time, and 16MB cache Seagate Barracuda ATA V Series ST340017A 40 GB Hard Disk Drive Ultra ATA/100 7200 rpm 9ms Average Seek with 2 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda ATA V Series ST360015A 60 GB Hard Disk Drive Ultra ATA/100 7200 rpm 9ms Average Seek with 2 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda ATA V Series ST380023A 80 GB Hard Disk Drive Ultra ATA/100 7200 rpm 9ms Average Seek with 2 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda ATA V Series ST380023AS 80 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA/150 7200 rpm 9ms Average Seek with 8 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda ATA V Series ST3120023A 120 GB Hard Disk Drive Ultra ATA/100 7200 rpm 9ms Average Seek with 2 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda ATA V Series ST3120023AS 120 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA/150 7200 rpm 9ms Average Seek with 8 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 Series ST380013AS 80 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA/150 7200 rpm 9ms Average Seek with 8 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 Series ST3120026AS 120 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA/150 7200 rpm 9ms Average Seek with 8 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 Series ST3160023AS 160 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA/150 7200 rpm 9ms Average Seek with 8 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 Series ST3200822AS 200 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA/150 7200 rpm 9ms Average Seek with 8 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 Series 80 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA 3GB/s 7200 rpm with 8 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 Series 120 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA 3GB/s 7200 rpm with 8 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 Series 160 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA 3GB/s 7200 rpm with 8 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 Series 250 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA 3GB/s 7200 rpm with 8 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 Series 300 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA 3GB/s 7200 rpm with 16 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 Series 400 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA 3GB/s 7200 rpm with 16 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 Series 400 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA 3GB/s 7200 rpm with 16 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 Series 200 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA 3GB/s 7200 rpm with 8 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 Series 250 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA 3GB/s 7200 rpm with 8 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 Series 250 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA 3GB/s 7200 rpm with 16 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 Series 400 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA 3GB/s 7200 rpm with 16 MB Cache W7838 15 11 W7888 22 11 W7891 29 11 W7892 46 11 W7886 61 11 W7883 73 11 W5838 4 11 WA815 4 11 RED HAT SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY, INC. Peripherals and Software PO-35 10 ST340016A 92 10 ST360021A 126 10 ST380021A 187 10 ST318406LC 741 10 ST318406LW 775 10 ST318446LC 741 10 ST318446LW 775 10 ST336706LC 741 10 ST336706LW 775 10 ST336746LC 741 10 ST336746LW 775 10 ST336607LC 741 10 ST336607LW 775 10 ST373307LC 607 10 ST373307LW 607 10 ST3146807LC 741 10 ST3146807LW 775 10 ST318446LC 741 10 ST318446LW 775 10 ST336753LC 741 10 ST336753LW 775 10 ST373453LC 741 10 ST373453LW 775 10 ST1181677LCV 741 10 ST1181677LWV 775 10 ST340017A 88 10 ST360015A 88 10 ST380023A 88 10 ST380023AS 88 10 ST3120023A 88 10 ST3120023AS 88 10 ST380013AS 71 10 ST3120026AS 86 10 ST3160023AS 91 10 ST3200822AS 114 10 ST3808110AS ST3120813AS ST3160812AS ST3250824AS ST3300622AS ST3400633AS ST3500641AS ST3200820AS ST3250820AS ST3250620AS ST3400620AS 49 66 90 81 138 242 322 78 81 87 173 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. OEM COMPONENTS AVAILABLE ONLY FOR INTEGRATION INTO NCS SYSTEMS Name of Manufacturer NCS Part No. Part Description Mfr. Part No. Seagate Seagate NCSI1961 NCSI1962 Item No. 11-SGT-350-0-3 11-SGT-352-0-3 Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 Series 500 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA 3GB/s 7200 rpm with 16 MB Cache Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 Series 750 GB Hard Disk Drive Serial ATA 3GB/s 7200 rpm with 16 MB Cache ST3500630AS ST3750640AS GSA Price Mrf. Warranty SIIG NCSI1763 23-SIG-102-0-3 3PORT FIREWIRE PCI CARD I/O CARD (VIA CHIP) SL Waber NCSI0461 28-SLW-101-0-1 Basic Surge 6-Outlet 2-Line Surge/Noise Surge Suppressor with 4-Foot Cord in single pack. PM6SP-2 SL Waber NCSI0462 28-SLW-102-0-1 Datagard 6-Outlet Surge Suppressor with 6-Foot Cord in single pack. DG6SN SL Waber NCSI0463 28-SLW-103-0-1 Datagard 6-Outlet 3-Line Surge 400 Volt Surge Suppressor with 6-Foot Cord in single pack. DG206 SL Waber NCSI0464 28-SLW-104-0-1 Datagard 6-Outlet and Telephone Protection Surge Suppressor with 6-Foot Cord in single pack. DG6SNT 17 13 SL Waber NCSI0465 28-SLW-105-0-1 Datagard 6 Transformer Spaced Outlet Surge Suppressor with 6-Foot Cord in single pack. SS6 28 13 SL Waber NCSI0466 28-SLW-106-0-1 Datagard 6-Outlet 750 Joules Surge Suppressor with 6-Foot Right Angle Cord and Audible Alarm in single pack. DG6PLUS 17 13 SL Waber NCSI0467 28-SLW-107-0-1 DG6TPLUS 20 13 SL Waber NCSI0468 28-SLW-108-0-1 SS6TPLUS 49 13 SL Waber NCSI0469 28-SLW-109-0-1 Datagard 6-Outlet 750 Joules and Phone Protection Surge Suppressor with 6-Foot Right Angle Cord and Audible Alarm in single pack. Datagard 6-Outlet 1500 Joules and Phone Protection Surge Suppressor with 6-Foot Right Angle Cord and Audible Alarm in single pack. Datagard 5000 Power Center with 5 Outlets, Fax/Phone/Modem Protection and 6-Foot Cord in single pack. DGPC 37 13 251 458 10 10 30 10 SIIG NN-300012 SL WABER 5 13 12 13 13 13 SCM MICROSYSTEMS SCM NCSI1764 21-SCM-101-0-3 SCM Microsystems Smart Card Reader External with USB interface SCR331 77 10 SCM NCSI1765 21-SCM-102-0-3 SCM Microsystems Smart Card Reader External with Serial interface SCR131 75 10 SCM NCSI1766 21-SCM-103-0-3 SCM Microsystems Smart Card Reader with PCMCIA interface SCR201 68 10 SCM NCSI1767 21-SCM-103-1-3 SCM Microsystems Smart Card Reader with PCMCIA interface SCR241 73 10 SCM NCSI1876 21-SCM-104-0-3 SCM Microsystems Smart Card Reader with PCMCIA interface SCR243 51 10 SCM NCSI1877 21-SCM-105-0-3 SCM Microsystems Keyboard w/ Integrated Smart Card Reader with USB interface SCR338 58 10 SMC NCSI1718 23-SMC-102-0-3 65 10 SMC NCSI1719 23-SMC-103-0-3 SMC TigerCard™ SMC9552TX Gigabit Ethernet PCI 10BaseT, 100BaseTX, and 1000BaseT 32-bit Network Interface SMC9552TX Card in single pack. Interface: one RJ-45. SMC9562TX SMC TigerCard™ SMC9562TX Gigabit Ethernet PCI 10BaseT, 100BaseTX, and 1000BaseT 32-bit and 64-bit Network Interface Card in single pack. Interface: one RJ-45. 65 10 Sony NCSI1540 12-SNY-101-0-3 CDU5211 52x CD-Rom Internal Drive with EIDE Interface. CDU5211 38 14 Sony NCSI1587 13-SNY-208-0-3 Sony DDU1621 16x DVD-Rom Internal Drive with EIDE Interface. DDU1621 53 14 Sony NCSI1720 13-SNY-217-0-3 CRX195E1-10/X 48x/40x/12x CD-RW Internal Drive Kit with EIDE Interface. CRX195E1-10/X 90 14 Sony NCSI1721 13-SNY-217-1-3 CRX195E1-10/X 48x/40x/12x CD-RW (WG Bezel) Internal Drive Kit with EIDE Interface. CRX195E1-WG Sony NCSI1612 13-SNY-214-0-3 CRX800E-10 Internal Slim CD-RW and DVD-ROM Combo 24x/8x/8x/8x Drive Kit with EIDE Interface. CRX800E-10 170 14 Sony NCSI1624 13-SNY-215-0-3 DRU110AC1 2.4X DVD+RW 32X12X10X CD-RW and DVD-ROM Combo Drive Kit with EIDE Interface. DRU110A/C1 421 14 Sony NCSI1722 13-SNY-216-0-3 Sony MPF82E/U1/181 1.44 MB External USB Floppy Drive. MPF82E/U1/181 51 14 Sony NCSI1730 13-SNY-217-0-3 DRU500A 2.4X DVD+RW 32X24X10X CD-RW and DVD-ROM Combo Drive Kit with EIDE Interface. DRU500A 335 14 Sony NCSI1768 13-SNY-218-0-3 CRX220E1-WG 52x/52x/24x CD-RW Internal Drive Kit with EIDE Interface. CRX220E1-WG 76 14 Sony NCSI1769 13-SNY-221-0-3 CRX225E1-WG 52x/52x/24x CD-RW Internal Drive Kit with EIDE Interface. CRX225E1-WG 81 14 Sony NCSI1770 13-SNY-219-0-3 DW-U10A 2.4X DVD+RW 40X32X12X10X CD-RW and DVD-ROM Combo Drive Kit with EIDE Interface. DW-U10A Sony NCSI1771 13-SNY-220-0-3 CRX300E1-WG 48x/48x/24x/16x DVD/CD-RW Internal Drive Kit with EIDE Interface. CRX300E1-WG Sony NCSI1788 13-SNY-223-0-3 DW-U14A 2.4X DVD+RW 40X32X12X10X CD-RW and DVD-ROM Combo Drive Kit with EIDE Interface. DW-U14A Sony NCSI1808 13-SNY-320-0-3 CRX320E1-WG 52x/52x/32x/16x DVD/CD-RW Internal Drive Kit with EIDE Interface. CRX320E1-WG Sony NCSI1822 13-SNY-224-0-3 DW-U18A 8X DVD+RW 40X32X12X10X CD-RW and DVD-ROM Combo Drive Kit with EIDE Interface. DW-U18A 99 14 Sony NCSI1823 13-SNY-225-0-3 CRX230E1-WG 52x/52x/24x CD-RW Internal Drive Kit with EIDE Interface. CRX230E1-WG 40 14 Sony NCSI1860 13-SNY-226-0-3 DW-D22A/BK 16x DVD+RW/-RW/+R/-R/CD-RW Internal Drive Kit with EIDE Interface. DW-D22A/BK 76 14 Sony NCSI1861 13-SNY-227-0-3 Sony DDU1621 16x DVD-Rom Internal Drive with EIDE Interface. DDU1613 53 14 Sony NCSI1862 12-SNY-228-0-3 CDU5212W 52x CD-Rom White Grey Internal Drive with EIDE Interface. CDU5212W 16 14 Sony NCSI1863 12-SNY-229-0-3 CDU5212B 52x CD-Rom Black Internal Drive with EIDE Interface. CDU5212B 16 14 Symantec NCSI1969 80-SYN-102-0-3 Norton Ghost v12.0 Retail 11866268 67 10 Symantec NCSI1970 80-SYN-103-0-3 Norton Anti Virus 2008 1 User Retail 12567404 38 10 Symantec NCSI1971 80-SYN-103-1-3 Norton Anti Virus 2008 3 User Retail 12778775 57 10 SW4334 71 10 CL95 120 10 CL90 130 10 10 SMC SONY CORPORATION 92 14 325 14 90 14 334 14 62 14 SYMANTEC SEWELL INC Sewell NCSI1972 23-SEW-211-0-3 SW-4334 PCMCIA Card Reader 3.5" Drive Targus NCSI1723 74-TAR-306-0-0 Targus NCSI1724 74-TAR-307-0-0 Targus NCSI1789 74-TAR-308-0-0 Targus Business Premier Leather Traveler Case for Notebook Computers with Full grain leather in black color and having ZIP/floppy disk pockets, mobile phone pocket, PDA pocket, 3 Multimedia CD pockets, 15" x 13" x 6" luggage section and two section expanding file section Targus Business Premier Leather Traveler Case for Notebook Computers with Full grain leather in black color and having ZIP/floppy disk pockets, mobile phone pocket, PDA pocket, 3 Multimedia CD pockets, 17" x 13" x 4" luggage section and two section expanding file section Targus Trademark Notepac Plus Full size in black color. CTM400 43 Targus NCSI1790 74-TAR-311-0-0 Targus Urban Carrying Case in black color. CUL300 43 10 Targus NCSI1791 74-TAR-313-0-0 Targus FolioPac 3 Notebook Case in black color. CFP3 43 10 Targus NCSI1792 74-TAR-315-0-0 Targus Leather Notebook Case in black color. CLN5 76 10 Targus NCSI1793 74-TAR-316-0-0 Targus Reverse-Access Notebook Case in black color. KOS300 44 10 Targus NCSI1794 74-TAR-317-0-0 Targus Deluxe Universal Case in black color. Targus NCSI1795 74-TAR-318-0-0 Targus Universal Computer Case in black color. CTM500 49 10 Targus NCSI1796 74-TAR-319-0-0 Targus Noteworthy Excursion Roller 16" Computer Case in black color. NWCER2 127 10 Targus NCSI1797 74-TAR-320-0-0 Targus Side Access Traditional Roller Computer Case in black color. OCN700 53 10 Targus NCSI1885 74-TAR-321-0-0 Targus ACP50US Universal Docking Station ACP50US 147 10 Targus NCSI1886 74-TAR-322-0-0 Targus PA230U Monitor Stand PA230U 49 10 Targus NCSI1982 74-TAR-323-0-0 Targus V7 BFL2-2G Standard Notebook Case BFL2-2G 12 10 TEAC NCSI0518 10-TEA-101-0-0 FD-235HF 3.5" 1.44 Mbyte High Density Floppy Diskette Drive. 18 10 TEAC NCSI1362 13-TEA-123-0-3 124 10 TEAC NCSI1363 13-TEA-123-1-3 TEAC NCSI1364 13-TEA-122-0-3 CDW54E Internal CD-RW EIDE Drive with 32X CD-ROM Read, 4X CD-R Write, 4X CD-RW Write with Software, and CDW54E Media CDW54E External USB CD-RW EIDE Drive with 6X CD-ROM Read, 4X CD-R Write, 4X CD-RW Write with Software, CDW54E/KIT/USB and Media CDR-58S Internal CD-R Fast SCSI Drive with 24X CD-ROM Read, 8X CD-R Write, Software, and Media CDR58S TEAC NCSI1365 12-TEA-114-0-3 CD-540 40X Internal IDE/ATAPI CD-ROM Drive with 85 ms average access time, up to 6,000 KBps data transfer rate, CD-540E and 128 Kbytes of cache. Toshiba NCSI1532 13-TSB-013-0-3 SD-M1502 DVD-ROM Drive 16X ATAPI Half-Height Internal Drive TARGUS CORPORATION CUD1 86 10 TEAC CORPORATION FD-235HF 188 10 200 10 41 10 71 10 TOSHIBA Peripherals and Software PO-36 SDM1502 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. OEM COMPONENTS AVAILABLE ONLY FOR INTEGRATION INTO NCS SYSTEMS Name of Manufacturer NCS Part No. Part Description Mfr. Part No. Toshiba Toshiba NCSI1626 NCSI1772 Item No. 13-TSB-123-0-3 13-TSB-125-0-3 SD-R1202 40X/12X/16X/10X CD-RW/DVD-ROM Internal ATAPI EIDE Drive SD-R1312 40X/32X/12X/10X CD-RW/DVD-ROM Internal ATAPI EIDE Drive SD-R1202 SD-R1312 GSA Price Mrf. Warranty Xircom Xircom NCSI1130 NCSI1131 27-XIR-338-0-3 27-XIR-338-0-6 Realport Combo 56k/14.4k Cellular Capable Modem + Ethernet 10/100 32-bit interface in single pack. Realport Combo 56k/14.4k Cellular Capable Modem + Ethernet 10/100 32-bit interface in pack of 5 units. RBEM56G-100BTX RBEM56G-100BTX-5PK Xircom NCSI1132 27-XIR-340-0-3 REM56G-100BTX Xircom NCSI1134 27-XIR-341-0-3 Realport Combo 56k/14.4k Cellular Capable V.90 Globalaccess Modem + Ethernet 10/100 16-bit interface in single pack. Realport Combo 56k/14.4k Cellular Capable Modem + Ethernet 10BaseT 16-bit interface in single pack. REM56G-10BT 209 Xircom NCSI1136 27-XIR-342-0-3 Realport 56k/14.4k Card Bus Globalaccess Modem 32-bit interface in single pack. RBM56G Xircom NCSI1137 27-XIR-343-0-3 Realport 56k/14.4k Globalaccess Modem 16-bit interface in single pack. 172 96 10 10 279 1,287 13 13 279 13 XIRCOM 13 195 13 195 281 13 13 Xircom NCSI8024 27-XIR-352-0-3 Xircom NCSI8025 27-XIR-353-0-3 Xircom NCSI1138 27-XIR-354-0-3 Xircom NCSI0828 27-XIR-354-1-3 Xircom NCSI0693 27-XIR-219-0-3 Xircom NCSI0695 27-XIR-221-0-3 Xircom NCSI1140 27-XIR-410-0-3 Xircom Xircom Xircom Xircom NCSI1289 NCSI1293 NCSI1297 NCSI1301 27-XIR-344-0-1 27-XIR-357-0-1 27-XIR-358-0-1 27-XIR-359-0-1 Xircom NCSI1305 27-XIR-360-0-1 Xircom NCSI1309 27-XIR-361-0-1 Xircom NCSI1313 27-XIR-362-0-1 Xircom Xircom NCSI1317 NCSI1318 27-XIR-363-0-1 27-XIR-228-0-1 RM56G Creditcard Ethernet+Modem 56 PCMCIA Cellular Capable Modem and 10BaseT/100BaseTX Ethernet Combo Card CEM56-100BTX with Separate Connectors for Network and Modem in single pack. Creditcard Ethernet+Modem 56 PCMCIA Cellular Capable Modem and 10BaseT/100BaseTX Ethernet Combo Card CEM56-100MD with MiniDock Connector in single pack. Creditcard Ethernet+Modem 56k/14.4k PCMCIA Cellular Capable Modem and 10Base2/10BaseT/100BaseTX CEM56-100BC Ethernet Combo Card with Separate Connectors for Network and Modem in single pack. Next Generation Creditcard Ethernet 10/100-Ready 10BaseT and 100Base-TX PCMCIA Card with RJ-45 Connector CE3B-100BTX in single pack. Creditcard Ethernet 10/100-Upgradeable 10BaseT and Upgradeable to 100Base-TX with RJ-45 Connector in single CE3-10BT pack. Creditcard Ethernet 10/100-Upgradeable 10Base2, 10BaseT and Upgradeable to 100Base-TX with RJ-45 Connector CE3-10BC in single pack. Token Ring Adapter PCMCIA Dual Speed 4/16 MBS with Type 1 STP DB9 and Type 3 UTP RJ45 Connectors in PS-CT2-16CTP single pack. RealPort 16-bit Modem 56K Type III PC Card Integrated RJ-11 Connector in single pack RM56V1 RealPort2™ CardBus 32-bit Ethernet 10/100 Type III PC Card Integrated RJ-45 Connector in single pack R2BE-100BTX RealPort2™ 32-bit Ethernet 10/100 Type III PC Card Integrated RJ-45 Connector in single pack R2E-100BTX RealPort2™ CardBus 32-bit Modem 56 Win-GlobalACCESS Type III PC Card Integrated RJ-11 & GSM/Cellular/ISDN R2BM56WGA Connectors in single pack RealPort2™ CardBus 32-bit Modem 56 WinGlobal Type III PC Card Integrated RJ-11 & Phone Pass Through R2BM56WG Connectors in single pack RealPort2™ CardBus 32-bit Modem 56 WinSwift Type III PC Card Integrated RJ-11 & Phone Pass Through R2BM56W Connectors in single pack RealPort2™ 16-bit Modem 56 GlobalACCESS Type III PC Card Integrated RJ-11 & GSM/Cellular/ISDN Connectors in R2M56GA single pack RealPort2™ ISDN Type III PC Card Integrated RJ-45 Connector R2I CardBus™ 32-bit Ethernet 10/100+Modem 56 Type II PC Card RJ-45 & RJ-11 Connectors in single pack CBEM56G-100BTX Xircom NCSI1322 27-XIR-229-0-1 CardBus™ 32-bit Ethernet 10/100 Type II CardBus PC Card RJ-45 Connector in single pack CBE2-100BTX 119 13 Xircom Xircom Xircom Xircom NCSI1326 NCSI1330 NCSI1334 NCSI1338 NCSI1366 27-XIR-135-0-1 27-XIR-136-0-1 27-XIR-137-0-1 27-XIR-139-0-1 27-XIR-140-0-1 CreditCard 16-bit Modem 56-GlobalACCESS™ Type II PC Card RJ-11 Connector in single pack CreditCard 16-bit Modem 56 Type II PCMCIA RJ-11 Connector in single pack CardBus 32-bit Modem 56 WinSwift™ Type II PC Card RJ-11 Connector in single pack CardBus 32-bit Modem 56 WinGlobal™ Type II PC Card RJ-11 Connector in single pack Realport Ethernet 10/100 16-bit PC Card in single pack CM-56G CM-56 CBM56W CBM56WG RE-10BT 154 111 99 94 101 13 13 13 13 13 US Robotics NCSI1731 20-USR-305-0-0 US Robotics Model 5699B 56K V.92 Internal Fax/Modem PCI for Windows USR5699B 37 10 US Robotics NCSI1732 20-USR-306-0-0 US Robotics Proformance Pro Model 5610B 56K V.92 Internal Fax/Modem PCI for Windows USR5610B 67 10 252 13 255 13 133 13 115 13 145 13 258 10 93 126 124 147 13 13 13 13 136 13 106 13 155 13 199 186 13 13 US ROBOTICS EXPLANATION OF WARRANTY CODES FOR INTEGRATED ITEMS Warranty Code 10 11 12 Software installed on the system unit that will be warranted for only 30 days. 13 Hardware items that are external to the system unit and will be covered for only one year regardless of the length of the system unit warranty. In addition, these items will not be maintained on-site but rather on a mail-in/mail-back basis These are "media" (e.g., blank tapes and floppy diskettes) that are warranted for only 30 days on a mail-in/mail-back basis. 14 Peripherals and Software Description Hardware items that will be installed in the system unit and will carry the warranty terms of the sytem unit purchased. See system unit warranty terms and options for further information. Hardware items that are external to the system unit and will be covered for the same length of time as the system unit is warranted. These items, however, will NOT be maintained on-site but rather on a mail-in/mail-back basis. PO-37 New Catalog COMPONENTS FROM OTHER MANUFACTURERS OFFERED FOR RESALE NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PRODUCTS FROM OTHER MANUFACTURERS OFFERED FOR RESALE Name of Manufacturer Item No. NCS Part No. Mfr. Part No. Part Description Mfr. Part No. GSA Price Mfr. Warranty FUJITSU FUJ R1773 80-FUJ-202-0-0 A511N3E91J811005 FUJ R1774 80-FUJ-201-0-0 A92353E424511103 FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ R1775 R1776 R1777 R1778 R1779 R1780 R1781 R1782 R1783 R1784 R1819 R1820 R1821 R1787 R1788 R1789 R1790 R1791 R1792 R1793 R1794 R1795 R1796 R1797 R1798 R1799 R1822 30-FUJ-101-0-0 30-FUJ-102-0-0 87-FUJ-100-0-3 87-FUJ-101-0-3 87-FUJ-102-0-3 28-FUJ-331-0-0 28-FUJ-332-0-0 28-FUJ-333-0-0 28-FUJ-334-0-0 28-FUJ-335-0-0 28-FUJ-336-0-0 28-FUJ-337-0-0 28-FUJ-338-0-0 88-FUJ-401-0-0 28-FUJ-402-0-0 28-FUJ-403-0-0 28-FUJ-404-0-0 28-FUJ-405-0-0 28-FUJ-406-0-0 28-FUJ-407-0-0 28-FUJ-408-0-0 28-FUJ-409-0-0 28-FUJ-410-0-0 28-FUJ-411-0-0 28-FUJ-412-0-0 28-FUJ-413-0-0 80-FUJ-203-0-0 FPCCAM13 FPCGOB11 FPC38-0133-01 FPC58-0853-01 FPC38-0279-01 FPCBP219AP FPCBC26AQ PFCPR65AP FPCHD320GP FP128SS048HD FPCHD3200FP FPCHD5000FP FPCHD5000GP S26361-K991-V415 S26361-F3613-E967 S26361-F3612-E967 S26361-F3377-E414 S26361-F2856-E248 S26361-F2581-E22 S26361-F3420-E530 S26361-F2581-E31 S26361-F3568-E100 S26361-F2930-E121 S26361-F2007-E909 S26361-F2009-E253 S26361-F2009-E351 FPCM44705 FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ R1823 R1824 R1825 R1826 R1827 R1828 R1829 R1830 30-FUJ-130-0-0 30-FUJ-131-0-0 30-FUJ-132-0-0 30-FUJ-133-0-0 30-FUJ-134-0-0 30-FUJ-136-0-0 30-FUJ-137-0-0 80-FUJ-204-0-0 FPCBP238AP FPCPR96AP FPCEM542AP FPCEM543AP FPCEM535AP FPCLCK03 FPCDLD76AP FPCM11782 FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ FUJ R1831 R1832 R1833 R1834 R1835 R1836 R1837 R1838 R1839 R1840 R1841 R1842 R1843 R1844 R1845 R1846 R1847 R1848 R1849 R1850 R1851 R1852 30-FUJ-106-0-0 30-FUJ-107-0-0 30-FUJ-108-0-0 30-FUJ-109-0-0 30-FUJ-110-0-0 30-FUJ-111-0-0 30-FUJ-112-0-0 30-FUJ-114-0-0 30-FUJ-115-0-0 30-FUJ-117-0-0 30-FUJ-118-0-0 30-FUJ-119-0-0 30-FUJ-120-0-0 30-FUJ-121-0-0 30-FUJ-122-0-0 30-FUJ-123-0-0 30-FUJ-126-0-0 30-FUJ-127-0-0 30-FUJ-138-0-0 30-FUJ-139-0-0 30-FUJ-140-0-0 30-FUJ-141-0-0 FPCBP196AP FPCBP200AP 4321PC FPCCC147 FPCPR94AP FPCKC50 FPCPN28AP FPCEM562AP FPCEM563AP FPCA62AR FPCAC56 FPCAD09AP FPCAD12AP FPCBC27AP FPCDLD80AP FPCDVD42 FPCDVR64 FPCHFK37AP FPCPU540 FPCPU560 FPCPU620 FPCPU640 Fujitsu Lifebook® s760, Mobile Intel® Express GM45 or QM57 Chipset, 13.3" LCD, supporting Intel® Core™ Processors, Two Dimm Slots Max 4GB DDR3, nVidia N11M-GE1 video controller, Hard Drive (Optional), Optical Drive (DVD Writer) (Optional), RealTek Codec AL269, 56K Modem, Wireless: AGN (Optional), Bluetooth (Optional), ABGN (Optional), Touchpad, VGA, USB, PCMCIA or ExpressCard Slot, Fujitsu Lifebook® e780, Mobile Intel® Express QM57 Chipset, 15.6" LCD, supporting Intel® Core™ Processors, Two Dimm Slots Max 8GB DDR3, nVidia GeForce GT 330M video controller, Hard Drive (Optional), Optical Drive (Blu-Ray RW, DVD-Rom, DVD/CD+/-RW Combo, or DVD Writer) (Optional), RealTek Codec AL269, 56K Modem, Wireless: AGN (Optional), Bluetooth (Optional), BGN (Optional), 1.3MP CMOS Camera GOBI Wireless Device Warranty Upgrade to 3 Year On-site Warranty Upgrade to 3 Year Off-site (return to depot) Warranty Upgrade to 3 Year Off-site with HDD retention 6-cell Liththium Ion Battery Digital Battery Charger with AC Adapter Port Replicator 320 GB 7200 RPM Hard Disk Drive 128 GB Solid State Drive 320 GB 5400 RPM Hard Disk Drive 500 GB 5400 RPM Hard Disk Drive 500 GB 7200 RPM Hard Disk Drive CELSIUS R670-2 A511N3E91J811005 1597 1 Year A92353E424511103 1566 1 Year FPCCAM13 FPCGOB11 FPC38-0133-01 FPC58-0853-01 FPC38-0279-01 FPCBP219AP FPCBC26AQ PFCPR65AP FPCHD320GP FP256SS01HD FPCHD3200FP FPCHD5000FP FPCHD5000GP S26361-K991-V415 Celsius Upgrade - 2nd Xeon X5667 Celsius Upgrade - Xeon X5667 3.06 GHz, 12 MB Turbo Boost, Celsius Upgrade - 2GB DDR3-1333 ECC Celsius Upgrade - NVIDIA Quadro FX 4800 1.5GB Celsius Upgrade - Cable for ODD Celsius Upgrade - DVD SuperMulti SATA Celsius Upgrade - Cable for SATA HDD Celsius Upgrade - HDD SATA II 1000GB 7.2k Celsius Upgrade - Country kit CELSIUS (CDN, J, US) Celsius Upgrade - Drivers&Utilities DVD (XP/VISTA/7) Celsius Upgrade - License EU/MM - Windows 7 Professional Celsius Upgrade - Win7 Pro32 MuLiA+OfficeReady Fujitsu Lifebook® s710, Mobile Intel® Express QM57 Chipset, 14.0" LCD, supporting Intel® Core™ Processors, Intel® Core™ i-5-520 CPU, Two Dimm Slots Max 8GB DDR3, 160GB HDD,video controller, Hard Drive (Optional), Optical Drive (DVD Writer) (Optional), RealTek Codec AL269, 56K Modem (Optional), Wireless: ABGN or BGN (Optional), Bluetooth (Optional), Fingerprint Reader (Optional), Lifebook Upgrade - Additional Main Lithium Ion Battery 6 Cell 10.8V Lifebook Upgrade - Port Replicator Lifebook Upgrade - 1 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 SDRAM Lifebook Upgrade - 2 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 SDRAM Lifebook Upgrade - 4 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 SDRAM Lifebook Upgrade - Keyed Notebook Lock Lifebook Upgrade - Modular Multi-Format Dual-Layer DVD Writer Fujitsu Lifebook® T730, Mobile Intel® Express QM57 Chipset, 12.1" WXGA LCD, supporting Intel® Core™ Processors, Intel® Core™ i-3-370M CPU,Two Dimm Slots Max 8GB DDR3, 160GB HDD, video controller, Hard Drive (Optional), Optical Drive (DVD Writer) (Optional), RealTek Codec AL269, 56K Modem (Optional), Wireless: ABGN or BGN (Optional), Bluetooth (Optional), Fingerprint Reader Lifebook Upgrade - Modular Bay Battery 6 Cell Lifebook Upgrade - Additional Main Lithium Ion Battery 6 Cell Lifebook Upgrade - Express Card Smart Card Adapter Lifebook Upgrade - Outdoor Convertible Bump Case for T730 Lifebook Upgrade - Port Replicator Lifebook Upgrade - Mini Keyboard with Touch Pad Lifebook Upgrade - Replacement Stylus Set Lifebook Upgrade - 2 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 SDRAM Lifebook Upgrade - 4 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 SDRAM Lifebook Upgrade - AC Adapter Lifebook Upgrade - AC Adapter (Medical Grade) Lifebook Upgrade - Main Battery Adapter Kit Lifebook Upgrade - Modular Bay Battery Adapter Kit Lifebook Upgrade - Battery Charging Station Lifebook Upgrade - Modular Multi-Format Dual-Layer DVD Writer Lifebook Upgrade - USB 2.0 DVD Slim External Drive Lifebook Upgrade - External USB DVD CD-RW Combo Drive Lifebook Upgrade - Modular Hard Drive Kit (HDD Not Included) Lifebook Upgrade - Intel® Core™ i5-540M Lifebook Upgrade - Intel® Core™ i5-560M Lifebook Upgrade - Intel® Core™ i7-620M Lifebook Upgrade - Intel® Core™ i7-640M S26361-F3613-E967 S26361-F3612-E967 S26361-F3377-E414 S26361-F2856-E248 S26361-F2581-E22 S26361-F3420-E530 S26361-F2581-E31 S26361-F3568-E100 S26361-F2930-E121 S26361-F2007-E909 S26361-F2009-E253 S26361-F2009-E351 FPCM44705 44 180 135 135 135 125 144 180 100 100 133 194 222 1019 2029 2024 91 1491 3 28 2 101 11 2 163 2 1136 1 Year 1 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year FPCBP238AP FPCPR96AP FPCEM542AP FPCEM543AP FPCEM535AP FPCLCK03 FPCDLD76AP FPCM11782 112 172 68 120 520 43 155 1322 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year FPCBP196AP FPCBP200AP 4321PC FPCCC147 FPCPR94AP FPCKC50 FPCPN28AP FPCEM562AP FPCEM563AP FPCA62AR FPCAC56 FPCAD09AP FPCAD12AP FPCBC27AP FPCDLD80AP FPCDVD42 FPCDVR64 FPCHFK37AP FPCPU540 FPCPU560 FPCPU620 FPCPU640 130 112 70 150 147 52 43 120 520 69 207 35 35 130 155 130 130 61 285 298 363 387 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year P90U-K 282 3 Year HYUNDAI HYD R1809 30-HYN-110-0-3 HYD R1811 30-HYN-112-0-3 P90WU-K HYD R1853 30-HYN-120-0-3 P220WU-K HYD R2025 30-HYN-135-0-3 P224WD HYD R2019 30-HYN-133-0-3 P226WNP-K HYD R2026 30-HYN-136-0-3 P226WU HYD R1817 30-HYN-118-0-3 W240D-K HYD R1882 30-HYN-131-0-3 W242DP-K Resale Items P90U-K 19" TFT, 1280x1024, 1000:1 Contrast, 300 cd/m2 Brightness, 5ms Response, 16.7 Million Colors, Analog/DIGITAL, Height Adjustable Portrait/Landscape Tilt Stand, 4 USB PORTS, VESA Mounting, Speakers, Headphone & Speaker Jacks 19" Wide Screen TFT, 1440x900, 1000:1 Contrast, 300 cd/m2 Brightness, 5ms Response, 16.7 Million Colors, Analog/DIGITAL, Height Adjustable Portrait/Landscape Tilt Stand, 4 USB PORTS, VESA 22" Wide TFT, 1680x1050, 1000:1 Contrast, 5ms Response Panel, 16.7 Million Colors, Analog/Digital, Speakers, VESA Mounting, Tilt & Swivel, Height Adjustable & Portrait/Landscape Stand, 4 USB PORTS, Headphone & Speaker Jacks 22" Wide TFT, 1680x1050 (Full HD), 20,000:1 DCR (1000:1) Contrast, 250 cd Brightenss, 5ms Response Panel, 16.7 Million Colors, Analog/Digital, Speakers, VESA, Tilt Stand, Headphone & Speaker 22" Wide TFT (21.5 Viewable), 1920x1080 (Full HD), 20,000:1 DCR (1000:1) Contrast, 250 cd Brightenss, 5ms Response Panel, 16.7 Million Colors, Analog/Digital, VESA, Height Adjustable & Pivot 22" Wide TFT (21.5 Viewable), 1920x1080 (Full HD), 20,000:1 DCR (1000:1) Contrast, 250 cd Brightenss, 5ms Response Panel, 16.7 Million Colors, Analog/Digital, Speakers, VESA, Tilt & Swivel, Height Adjustable Stand, 4 USB PORTS, Headphone & Speaker Jacks 24" Wide TFT, 1920x1200, 3000:1 Contrast, 400 cd/m2 Brightness, 2ms Response Panel, 16.7 Million Colors, Analog, Digital, HDMI & RCA Inputs, Speakers, Headphone & Speaker Jacks, VESA Mounting, Tilt & Swivel, Height Adjustable & Portrait/Landscape Stand 24" Wide TFT, 1920x1200, 10,000:1 (DCR) Contrast, 400 cd/m2 Brightness, 2ms Response Panel, 16.7 Million Colors, NO Audio, Analog/Digital, VESA Mounting, Tilt & Swivel, Height Adjustable Stand, Kensington Lock PO-38 P90WU-K 272 3 Year P220WU-K 267 3 Year P224WD 211 3 Year P226WNP-K 193 1 Year P226WU 197 3 Year W240D-K 481 3 Year W242DP-K 459 3 Year New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PRODUCTS FROM OTHER MANUFACTURERS OFFERED FOR RESALE Name of Manufacturer Item No. NCS Part No. Mfr. Part No. HYD R2020 30-HYN-134-0-3 P246WNP 24" Wide TFT LED, 1920x1080, 1,000:1 Contrast, 250 cd/m2 Brightness, 5ms Response Panel, 16.7 Million Colors, Analog/Digital, VESA Mounting, Tilt & Height Adjustable Pivot Stand, Kensington Lock P246WNP 293 1 Year HYD R1818 30-HYN-119-0-3 K270W-K K270W-K 500 3 Year HYD R2030 30-HYN-137-0-3 P94W-K 27" Wide TFT, 1920x1080, 50,000:1 (DCR) Contrast, 300 cd/m2 Brightness, 5ms Response Panel, 16.7 Million Colors, Analog, Digital, Speakers, Headphone and Speaker Jacks, VESA Mounting, Tilt & Swivel, Height Adjustable Stand Hyundai 19-Inch Wide TFT LED, 1440x900, 1,000:1 Contrast, 300 cd/m2 Brightness, 5ms Response Panel, 16.7 Million Colors, Analog/Digital, VESA Mounting, Tilt Stand P94W-K 167 3 Year Part Description Mfr. Part No. GSA Price Mfr. Warranty IMC NETWORKS IMC R1888 26-IMC-100-0-0 850-10960-ACDC 850-10960-ACDC 790.02 6 Year IMC R1889 26-IMC-101-0-0 850-39950 IMEDIACHASSIS/20 ACDC 20 Slot One AC & One DC Power Modules IMEDIACHASSIS 20 6 3 SNMP MGMT Module 850-39950 142.75 6 Year IMC R1890 26-IMC-102-0-0 850-14267 IMCV-LIM 10/100 SM1310 ST 40KM 10 850-14267 207.42 6 Year IMC R1891 26-IMC-103-0-0 855-10624 MINIM TP-TX/FX-SM1310 40 KM 855-10624 140.24 6 Year Lenovo Thinkpad T410, 14.1" LCD, Intel® Core™ i5-560M 2.66 GHz Processor, 6GB DDR3, 250GB 5400RPM HDD, Intel Integrated Graphics, DVD-RW, Smart Card Reader, Vpro with Intel Active Management, 4 USB, IEE 1394a, VGA, AC Adapter, Dimensions: 333.5 mm (w)x 239 mm (d)x 31.9 mm Lenovo Thinkpad T410, 14.1" LCD, Intel® Core™ i5-560M 2.66 GHz Processor, 6GB DDR3, 250GB 5400RPM HDD, nVidia 512MB Discrete Graphics, DVD-RW, Smart Card Reader, Vpro with Intel Active Management, 4 USB, IEE 1394a, VGA, AC Adapter, Dimensions: 333.5 mm (w)x 239 mm (d)x 31.9 mm Lenovo Thinkpad X201 Tablet, 12.1" LCD, Intel® Core™ i7-640LM 2.13 GHz Processor, 4GB DDR3, 250GB 5400RPM HDD, DVDRW, Intel Integrated Graphics, Battery, Smart Card Reader via ExpressCard Slot, TPM, Fingerprint Reader, Vpro with Intel Active Management, 3 USB, IEE 1394a, Lenovo Thinkpad 6 cell Battery Lenovo Thinkpad 90 W Adapter Lenovo Thinkpad Mini Dock Lenovo Thinkpad Mini Dock Plus Lennovo Thinkpad 4 cell Battery Lennovo Thinkpad 8 cell Battery Lennovo Thinkpad 65 W Adapter Lennovo Thinkpad Ultrabay Slim DVD Burner Lennovo Thinkpad X200 Ultrabase Lennovo Thinkpad Digitizer Pen Lenovo Kensignton Style Cable, Thinkpad Only Lenovo Kensignton Style Cable, Thinkpad & Monitor Wenger Backpack for Lenovo Wenger Slim Case for Lenovo Wenger Deluxe Slim Case for Lenovo Lenovo ThinkCentre M75e, AMD Athlon II x2 250 AM3 3.0GHz Processor, 4B DDR3 SDRAM, 320GB HDD, Integrated Graphics, DVD-RW, Integrated Gigabit Ethernet, SFF 240W PSU, 3-yr warranty (Custom) Lenovo ThinkCentre M77, AMD Athlon II X2 B26 3.20GHz Processor, 4B DDR3 SDRAM, 320GB HDD, Radeon HD4250 Graphics, DVD-RW, Integrated Gigabit Ethernet, SFF 240W PSU, 3-yr warranty (Custom) Lenovo ThinkCentre M77, AMD Athlon II X2 B26 3.2GHz Processor, 4B DDR3 SDRAM, 320GB HDD, Radeon HD4250 Graphics, DVD-RW, Integrated Gigabit Ethernet, SFF 240W PSU, 3-yr warranty (Custom) Lenovo ThinkCentre M58, Intel® Celeron® E3400 2.6GHz Processor, 4GB DDR3 SDRAM, 250GB HDD, Integrated Graphics, DVD-RW, Integrated Gigabit Ethernet, SFF 280W PSU, 3-yr warranty (Custom) 2537CTOA 1463 3 Year 2537CTOB 1595 3 Year 3113CTO 2152 3 Year 57Y4185 40Y7659 433710U 433810U 43R9256 43R9257 43R9257 43N3229 43R8781 41U3143 73P2582 45K1620 57Y4271 57Y4273 57Y4272 5054 133 49 181 211 114 156 33 149 192 46 35 50 48 25 33 596 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 3 Year 1996CTO 677 3 Year 1982CTO 675 3 Year 7360 851 3 Year Lenovo ThinkStation S20, Intel® Xeon® W3350 3.06GHz Processor, 6GB DDR3 SDRAM, 1 TB HDD, nVidia Quadro FX 4000 Graphics, DVD-RW, Integrated Gigabit Ethernet, 625W PSU, 3-yr arranty (Custom) Lenovo ThinkStation S20, Intel® Xeon® W3565 3.2GHz Processor, 6GB DDR3 SDRAM, 1 TB HDD, nVidia Quadro FX 400 Graphics, DVD-RW, Integrated Gigabit Ethernet, 625W PSU, 3-yr arranty (Custom) Lenovo ThinkStation D20, Intel® Xeon® X5650 2.67GHz Processor, 12GB DDR3 SDRAM, 1 TB HDD, Integrated Intel® GMA Graphics, DVD-RW, Integrated Gigabit Ethernet, 1060W PSU, 3-yr arranty (Custom) Lenovo ThinkStation D20, Intel® Xeon® X5650 2.67GHz Processor, 12GB DDR3 SDRAM, (2) 1 TB HDDs, nVidia Quadro FX 4000 2GB Graphics, DVD-RW, Integrated Gigabit Ethernet, 1060W PSU, 3-yr arranty (Custom) Lenovo Thinkpad T410s, 14.1" LCD, Intel® Core™ i5-560M 2.66 GHz Processor, 4GB DDR3, 250GB 5400RPM HDD, Intel Integrated Graphics, DVD-RW, Smart Card Reader, Vpro with Intel Active Management, 4 USB, IEE 1394a, VGA, AC Adapter (Custom) Lenovo Thinkpad T420, 14.0" LCD, Intel® Core™ i5-2520M 2.5 GHz Processor, 4GB DDR3, 320GB 5400RPM HDD, Intel Integrated Graphics, DVD-RW, Vpro with Intel Active Management, 3 USB, 4-in-1 card reader, VGA, AC Adapter (Custom) Lenovo Thinkpad T520, 15.6" LCD, Intel® Core™ i7-2640M 2.8 GHz Processor, 4GB DDR3, 320GB 5400RPM HDD, nVidia Graphics, DVD-RW, Vpro with Intel Active Management, 3 USB, ExpressCard 34, SD reader, VGA, AC Adapter (Custom) Lenovo Thinkpad W520, 15.6" LCD, Intel® Core™ i5-2540M 2.6 GHz Processor, 8GB DDR3, 320GB 7200RPM HDD, nVidia Graphics, DVD-RW, Vpro with Intel Active Management, TPM, 3 USB, Webcam, VGA, AC Adapter (Custom) Lenovo ThinkStation S30, Intel Xeon® E5-1620 3.60GHz 10M Cache Quad-Core Processor, 8GB DDR31333 RDIMM, (2) 1TB SATA 7200RPM HDDs, NVIDIA Quadro 600 1GB Graphics, DVD-RW, Gigabit Ethernet, USB CAC Keyboard, USB Mouse, TPM 1.2, 610W Power Supply, Windows 7 Professional License, 3-Year On-Site Warranty (Custom), EPEAT Gold Lenovo ThinkStation D30, Intel Xeon® E5-2667 2.90GHz 15M Cache Six-Core Processor, 16GB DDR31333 ECC UDIMM, (2) 1TB SATA 7200RPM HDDs, nVidia Quadro 4000 2GB Graphics, DVD-RW, Dual Gigabit Ethernet, USB CAC Keyboard, USB Mouse, TPM 1.2, 1120W Power Supply, Windows 7 Professional License, 3-Year On-Site Warranty (Custom), EPEAT Gold 4105 2240 3 Year 4157CTO 2322 3 Year 4155 4281 3 Year 4158CTO 5337 3 Year 2912 1949 3 Year 4180-H16 1448 3 Year 4242-CK4 1646 3 Year 4282-BD2 2154 3 Year 0606CTO 1649 3 Year 4223CTO 4806 3 Year LENOVO LEN R1855 80-LEN-110-0-0 2537CTOA LEN R1856 80-LEN-111-0-0 2537CTOB LEN R1857 80-LEN-112-0-0 3113CTO LEN LEN LEN LEN LEN LEN LEN LEN LEN LEN LEN LEN LEN LEN LEN LEN R1858 R1859 R1860 R1861 R1862 R1863 R1864 R1865 R1866 R1867 R1868 R1869 R1870 R1871 R1872 R1883 80-LEN-113-0-0 80-LEN-114-0-0 80-LEN-115-0-0 80-LEN-116-0-0 80-LEN-117-0-0 80-LEN-118-0-0 80-LEN-119-0-0 80-LEN-120-0-0 80-LEN-121-0-0 80-LEN-122-0-0 80-LEN-123-0-0 80-LEN-124-0-0 80-LEN-125-0-0 80-LEN-126-0-0 80-LEN-127-0-0 80-LEN-128-0-0 57Y4185 40Y7659 433710U 433810U 43R9256 43R9257 40Y7696 43N3229 43R8781 41U3143 73P2582 45K1620 57Y4271 57Y4273 57Y4272 5054 LEN R2021 80-LEN-133-0-0 1996CTO LEN R2022 80-LEN-134-0-0 1982CTO LEN R1884 80-LEN-129-0-0 7360 LEN R1885 80-LEN-130-0-0 4105 LEN R2023 80-LEN-138-0-0 4157CTO LEN R1886 80-LEN-131-0-0 4155 LEN R2024 80-LEN-136-0-0 4158CTO LEN R1887 80-LEN-132-0-0 2912 LEN R2027 80-LEN-135-0-0 4180-H16 LEN R2028 80-LEN-137-0-0 4242-CK4 LEN R2029 80-LEN-139-0-0 4282-BD2 LEN R2031 80-LEN-140-0-0 0606CTO LEN R2032 80-LEN-141-0-0 4223CTO LEXMARK LEX R2046 33-LEX-101-0-0 2353777 2 Year OnSite Repair - X792e LEX R2047 33-LEX-102-0-0 3053996 Large Pod for Lexmark PKI Common Access Card Reader 3053996 25 LEX R2048 33-LEX-103-0-0 47BT020 Lexmark X792de MFP Color Laser - (110v) Print, copy, scan and fax; 10.2-inch LCD touch panel; Duplex printing standard; Up to 50 ppm black or color; 1.2GHz Processor; 1GB RAM; 160GB hard drive; 1200 x 1200 dpi; 550-sheet input from one drawer and 100-sheet multipurpose feeder; 500-sheet output bin; Legal-size flatbed scanner with 75-sheet automatic document feeder; Single-pass duplex scanning; Time to first page as fast as 8 seconds for black or 9 seconds for color; USB and Gigabit Ethernet; Front USB direct print port; PostScript 3 and PCL 6 emulations, XPS and PPDS Migration Tool; 2,500 to 17,000 pages per month recommend monthly usage, 150,000 pages maximum monthly duty cycle; 1-year onsite warranty; Ships with 12,000-page black and color cartridges 47BT020 4300 Resale Items 2353777 PO-39 1363 2 Year 30 Days 1 Year New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PRODUCTS FROM OTHER MANUFACTURERS OFFERED FOR RESALE Name of Manufacturer Item No. NCS Part No. Mfr. Part No. LEX R2049 33-LEX-104-0-0 47BT021 Lexmark X792dte MFP Color Laser - (110v) Print, copy, scan and fax; 10.2-inch LCD touch panel; Duplex printing standard; Up to 50 ppm black or color; 1.2GHz Processor; 1GB RAM; 160GB hard drive; 1200 x 1200 dpi; 1,650-sheet input from three drawers and 100-sheet multipurpose feeder; 500-sheet output bin; Legal-size flatbed scanner with 75-sheet automatic document feeder; Single-pass duplex scanning; Caster base; Time to first page as fast as 8 seconds for black or 9 seconds for color; USB and Gigabit Ethernet; Front USB direct print port; PostScript 3 and PCL 6 emulations, XPS and PPDS Migration Tool; 2,500 to 17,000 pages per month recommend monthly usage, 150,000 pages maximum monthly duty cycle; 1-year onsite warranty; Ships with 12,000-page black and color cartridges. 47BT021 4901 1 Year LEX R2058 33-LEX-105-0-0 34TT017 34TT017 3036 1 Year LEX R2059 33-LEX-106-0-0 47BT026 47BT026 4819 1 Year LEX R2060 33-LEX-107-0-0 47BT027 47BT027 5515 1 Year LEX R2050 33-LEX-105-0-0 57X0020 Lexmark Multifunction Device X748de (110v) CAC Enabled Multifunction Device X748de - Print, copy, scan and fax; up to 35 ppm black or color printing; Legal-size, flatbed duplex scanner; Time to first print as fast as 9 seconds; 1.2GHz Processor; USB, Gigabit Ethernet, USB Direct port for printing or scanning; duplex printing and scanning standard; 550-sheet tray plus 100-sheet multipurpose feeder standard input, 250-sheet output, 50-sheet automatic document feeder; PostScript 3, PCL 6, XPS, PPDS, HTML, Direct image; 512MB memory standard; 160+GB hard disk standard; 1200 x 1200 dpi printing; 1-year Onsite Service warranty; Ships with 10,000-page color and 12,000-page black cartridges, Eco-Mode and Quiet Mode Lexmark X792de MFP Color Laser - (220v) Print, copy, scan and fax; 10.2-inch LCD touch panel; Duplex printing standard; Up to 50 ppm black or color; 1.2GHz processor; 1GB RAM; 160GB hard drive; 1200 x 1200 dpi; 550-sheet input from one drawer and 100-sheet multipurpose feeder; 500-sheet output bin; Legal-size flatbed scanner with 75-sheet automatic document feeder; Single-pass duplex scanning; Time to first page as fast as 8 seconds for black or 9 seconds for color; USB and Gigabit Ethernet; Front USB direct print port; PostScript 3 and PCL 6 emulations, XPS and PPDS Migration Tool; 2,500 to 17,000 pages per month recommend monthly usage, 150,000 pages maximum monthly duty cycle; 1-year onsite warranty; Ships with 12,000-page black and color cartridges Lexmark X792dte MFP Color Laser - (220v) Print, copy, scan and fax; 10.2-inch LCD touch panel; Duplex printing standard; Up to 50 ppm black or color; 1.2GHz Processor; 1GB RAM; 160GB hard drive; 1200 x 1200 dpi; 1,650-sheet input from three drawers and 100-sheet multipurpose feeder; 500-sheet output bin; Legal-size flatbed scanner with 75-sheet automatic document feeder; Single-pass duplex scanning; Caster base; Time to first page as fast as 8 seconds for black or 9 seconds for color; USB and Gigabit Ethernet; Front USB direct print port; PostScript 3 and PCL 6 emulations, XPS and PPDS Migration Tool; 2,500 to 17,000 pages per month recommend monthly usage, 150,000 pages maximum monthly duty cycle; 1-year onsite warranty; Ships with 12,000-page PKI Card Authentication Upgrade 57X0020 452 30 Days LEX R2051 33-LEX-106-0-0 C792X4CG Lexmark Extra High Yield Return Program Toner Cartridge (20K) Cyan C792,X792 C792X4CG 455 30 Days LEX R2052 33-LEX-107-0-0 C792X4KG Lexmark Extra High Yield Return Program Toner Cartridge (20K) Black C792,X792 C792X4KG 264 30 Days LEX R2053 33-LEX-108-0-0 C792X4MG Lexmark Extra High Yield Return Program Toner Cartridge (20K) Magenta C792,X792 C792X4MG 455 30 Days LEX R2054 33-LEX-109-0-0 C792X4YG Lexmark Extra High Yield Return Program Toner Cartridge (20K) Yellow C792,X792 C792X4YG 455 30 Days CA2023-5 6200 3 Year CA2027-7 6891 3 Year CA2052-8 8395 3 Year CA2052-10 8594 3 Year CA4052-16 14732 3 Year CA4052-20 14943 3 Year CA2052-6 5538 3 Year C6-PW 18 1 Year 1 Year Part Description Mfr. Part No. GSA Price Mfr. Warranty PLUG IN STORAGE SYSTEMS PLUGIN R2033 33-PGS-101-0-0 CA2023-5 PLUGIN R2034 33-PGS-102-0-0 CA2027-7 PLUGIN R2035 33-PGS-103-0-0 CA2052-8 PLUGIN R2036 33-PGS-104-0-0 CA2052-10 PLUGIN R2037 33-PGS-105-0-0 CA4052-16 PLUGIN R2038 33-PGS-106-0-0 CA4052-20 PLUGIN R2055 33-PGS-113-0-0 CA2052-6 PLUGIN R2039 33-PGS-107-0-0 C6-PW Cabinet 23in H x 20in W x 25in D with 5-Long drawers. Each cab includes CAC Card Reader, RFID, Keypad, LCD Cabinet 29in H x 20in W x 25in D with 7-Long drawers. Each cab includes CAC Card Reader, RFID, Keypad, LCD Cabinet 52in H x 20in W x 25in D with 8-Long drawers. Each cab includes CAC Card Reader, RFID, Keypad, LCD Cabinet 52in H x 20in W x 25in D with 10-Long drawers. Each cab includes CAC Card Reader, RFID, Keypad, LCD Cabinet 52in H x 40in W x 25in D with 16-Long drawers. Each cab includes CAC Card Reader, Keypad, LCD Cabinet 52in H x 40in W x 25in D with 20-Long drawers. Each cab includes CAC Card Reader, RFID, Keypad, LCD Cabinet 52in H x 20in W x 25in D with 6-Long drawers. Each cab includes CAC Card Reader, RFID, Keypad, LCD Cat 6 Wiring in D&L Cabinet, per drawer PLUGIN R2040 33-PGS-108-0-0 AC-PW AC Pre-Wired in D&L Cabinet, per drawer AC-PW 8 PLUGIN R2041 33-PGS-109-0-0 AC-PL AC Power Liberator, per drawer AC-PL 4 1 Year PLUGIN R2042 33-PGS-110-0-0 DLW-3 Mobile Wheel Kit for 1623 & 1629 Series D&L Cabinets DLW-3 61 1 Year PLUGIN R2043 33-PGS-111-0-0 20MB Mobile Base for 2052 Series D&L Cabinets 20MB 138 1 Year PLUGIN R2044 33-PGS-112-0-0 40MB Mobile Base for 4052 Series D&L Cabinets 40MB 138 1 Year PLUGIN R2056 33-PGS-114-0-0 INT-8PSWTCH Integrated 8-Port 10/100 Switch for 2023, 2027, and 2052 Series D&L Cabinets Service INT-8PSWTCH 2405 3 Year PLUGIN R2057 33-PGS-115-0-0 INT-24PSWTCH Integrated 24‐Port 10/100 Switch for 2052 and 4052 Series D&L Cabinets Service INT-24PSWTCH 3659 3 Year SAMSUNG SAMSUNG R1657 30-SAM-198-0-3 ML-00ND/XAA SAMSUNG SAMSUNG R1661 R1665 30-SAM-202-0-3 30-SAM-206-0-3 ML-1650D8/XAA ML-2150D8/XAA SAMSUNG R1672 30-SAM-213-0-3 SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG R1677 R1682 R2018 30-SAM-218-0-3 30-SAM-223-0-3 30-SAM-295-0-3 SAMSUNG R2015 SAMSUNG SAMSUNG Resale Items ML-00ND/XAA 141 1 Year Single piece toner and Drum; Toner Yield: 8,000 pages; Compatible Models: ML-1650 & ML-1651N Single piece toner and Drum; Toner Yield: 8,000 pages; Compatible Models: ML-2150, ML-2151N & ML-2152W External network adapter for ML-1750, SCX-4016, SCX-4116 & SCX-4216F (Previously named the ML-6050NB/XAA) ML-1650D8/XAA ML-2150D8/XAA 115 125 1 Year 1 Year ML-2550DA/XAA Single piece toner and Drum; Toner Yield: 10,000 pages; Compatible Models: ML-2550, ML-2551N & ML-2552W ML-2550DA/XAA 123 1 Year ML-6060D6/XAA ML-7300DA/XAA S22A460B Single piece toner and Drum; Toner Yield: 6,000 pages; Compatible Models: ML-1450 & ML-6060 Single piece toner and Drum; Toner Yield: 10,000 pages; Compatible Models: ML-7300N 21.5"; Contrast Ratio: Mega DCR (Typical 1000:1); Response Time: 5ms; Brightness: 250cd/m2; Display Resolution: 1920x1080 (16:9); Viewing Angle: 170/160 (CR>10); Input: VGA (D-SUB 15 pin), DVI; Bezel Color: Matt Black; Special Features: Eco Saving, Multi Screen S/W, Samsung MagicAngle, Samsung MagicBright3, Samsung MagicColor, Off Timer, Customized Key, Image Size, 0W Mechanical Switch, Carring Hadle Description: LED Panel, Includes VGA cable, Stand: 150mm HAS, Pivot, Tilt, Swivel, VESA 100 x 100mm wall mount; Warranty: 3 Years (Parts/Labor) ML-6060D6/XAA ML-7300DA/XAA S22A460B 80 165 196 1 Year 1 Year 3 Year 30-SAM-392-0-3 S22A450BW-1 S22A450BW-1 214 3 Year R2016 30-SAM-393-0-3 S22A450MW S22A450MW 234 3 Year R2017 30-SAM-394-0-3 320MP-3 22"; Contrast Ratio: 1000:1; Response Time: 5ms; Brightness: 250cd/m2; Display Resolution: 1680x1050; Viewing Angle: 170°/160°; Input: Analog RGB,DVI; Bezel Color: Matte Black; Pixel Pitch: 0.282mm; Special Features: Tactile Pushbutton Control, Matte Black TCO'03, MagicColor, MagicContrast, MagicSpeed, MagicBright3, MagicTune, MagicStand HAS, MagicRotation, USB Hub; Warranty: 3 Years (Parts, Labor&Backlight) 22"; Contrast Ratio: 1000:1; Response Time: 5ms; Brightness: 250cd/m2; Display Resolution: 1680x1050; Viewing Angle: 170°/160°; Input: Analog RGB,DVI; Bezel Color: Matte Black; Pixel Pitch: 0.282mm; Special Features: Tactile Pushbutton Control, Matte Black TCO'03, MagicColor, MagicContrast, MagicSpeed, MagicBright3, MagicTune, MagicStand HAS, MagicRotation, USB Hub; Warranty: 3 Years (Parts, Labor&Backlight) 32(16:9); Contrast Ratio: 3500:1 (typical)/DC Response Time: 8 ms; Brightness: 450cd/m2; Display Resolution: 1366*768; Viewing Angle: 178/178; Input: VGA/DVI/BNC/ PC/ CVBS/HDMI; Bezel Color: Black; Pixel Pitch: 0.511(H) x 0.511(W); Special Features: full connectivity, plus network connectivity with an optional Samsung set back box (SBB-NT/ SBB-DT); Description: The Samsung 320MP 32" LCD display offers full connectivity, plus network connectivity with an optional Samsung set back box (SBBNT/ SBB-DT); Warranty: 3 years parts and labor 320MP-3 577 3 Year PO-40 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PRODUCTS FROM OTHER MANUFACTURERS OFFERED FOR RESALE Name of Manufacturer Item No. NCS Part No. SAMSUNG R1893 30-SAM-270-0-3 ML-2855ND/XAR SAMSUNG R1894 30-SAM-271-0-3 ML-3471ND/XAR SAMSUNG R1895 30-SAM-272-0-3 ML-4050ND SAMSUNG R1896 30-SAM-273-0-3 ML-4551NDR SAMSUNG R1897 30-SAM-274-0-3 ML-5512ND SAMSUNG R1898 30-SAM-275-0-3 ML-6512ND SAMSUNG R1899 30-SAM-276-0-3 SCX-5635FN/XAR SCX-5635FN/XAR (Black): 35 ppm; Fax Speed: Approximately 3 seconds; 33.6Kbps; Scan Resolution: 4800 x 4800 Enhanced; Effective Resolution(Max): 1200 x 1200 dpi; Technology: Copy, Scan, Print and Fax (4 and 1); Print Language: PCL5e, PCL6, PostScript 3, PDF 1.4 and TIFF; Processer 360MHz Fax Memory: 4MB; Memory: 128MB; Paper Capacity: 250 sheets (standard)Paper Type: Plain paper, transparencies, envelopes, labels, card stock, thick, thin, cotton, color, preprinted, recycled, bond and achieve; Connectivity: HS USB 2.0 and 10/100 Ethernet; Monthly Duty Cycle: 80,000 pages; Toner Yield: Standard 4,000 pages and High Yield 10,000 pages; Special Features: Intuitive compass navigation OS Compatibility: Windows - 2000/XP (32/64bit) 2003/2008 Server (32/64bit) Vista (32/64bit) Linux - Red Hat 8.0 -9.0, Mandrake 9.2 - 10.1, SUSE 8.2 - 9.3, Fedora Core 1-7 and Mac - OS X 10.3-10.5; SAMSUNG R1900 30-SAM-277-0-3 SCX-5835FN/XAR SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG R1901 R1902 R1903 R1904 R1905 R1906 R1907 R1908 R1909 R1910 R1911 R1912 R1913 R1914 R1915 R1916 R1917 R1918 R1919 R1920 R1921 R1922 R1923 R1924 R1925 30-SAM-278-0-3 30-SAM-279-0-3 30-SAM-280-0-3 30-SAM-281-0-3 30-SAM-282-0-3 30-SAM-283-0-3 30-SAM-284-0-3 30-SAM-285-0-3 30-SAM-286-0-3 30-SAM-287-0-3 30-SAM-288-0-3 30-SAM-289-0-3 30-SAM-290-0-3 30-SAM-291-0-3 30-SAM-292-0-3 30-SAM-293-0-3 30-SAM-294-0-3 30-SAM-295-0-3 30-SAM-296-0-3 30-SAM-297-0-3 30-SAM-298-0-3 30-SAM-299-0-3 30-SAM-300-0-3 30-SAM-301-0-3 30-SAM-302-0-3 SAMSUNG R1926 30-SAM-303-0-3 ML-3560DB SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG R1927 R1928 R1929 30-SAM-304-0-3 ML-D3470A/XAR 30-SAM-305-0-3 ML-D3470B/XAR 30-SAM-306-0-3 ML-D4550A 35 ppm; Fax Speed: 33.6Kbps; Scan Resolution: 600x600 dpi; Effective Resolution(Max): 4800x4800 dpi; Technology: Print, Scan, Copy, Fax Print Language: PCL5e, PCL6, PS3, PDF 1.4, TIFF; Processer 360 MHz; Fax Memory: HDD backup (approx. 2,000 pages); Memory: 256 MB (Max. 512 MB); Paper Capacity: 500-sheet Cassette Tray, 50-sheet Multi-purpose Tray; Paper Type: Plain, Thin, Thick, Recycled, Cotton, Transparency, Label,Cardstock,Bond,Envelope,Archive,Pre-Printed,Colored; Connectivity: Hi-Speed USB 2.0, Ethernet 10/100 BaseTX; Monthly Duty Cycle: 75,000 pages; Toner Yield: 4,000 pages; Special Features: 7" WVGA(800 x 480) Color Touch Screen OS Compatibility: Windows 2000/2003/2008 Server/XP/Vista, Various Linux OS, Mac OS X 10.3~10.5, Windows Terminal Services, Citrix Presentation Server(NOT Ready Logo, only Compatibility), SAP(NOT Ready Logo, only Compatibility), Windows Terminal Services Single piece toner; Toner Yield: 4000 pages; Compatible Models: CLP- 600N - Cyan Cyan Toner - 2K Yield (CLP-610/CLP-660 series & CLX- 6200FX series) Cyan Toner - 5K High Yield (CLP-610/CLP-660 series & CLX-6200FX series) Single piece toner; Toner Yield: 4000 pages; Compatible Models: CLP- 600N - Black Black Toner - 2.5K Yield (CLP-610/CLP-660 series & CLX- 6200FX series) Black Toner - 5.5K High Yield (CLP-610/CLP-660 series & CLX-6200FX series) Single piece toner; Toner Yield: 4000 pages; Compatible Models: CLP-600N - Magenta Magenta Toner - 2K Yield (CLP-610/CLP-660 series & CLX- 6200FX series) Magenta Toner - 5K High Yield (CLP-610/CLP-660 series & CLX-6200FX series) Single piece toner; Toner Yield: 4000 pages; Compatible Models: CLP- 600N - Yellow Yellow Toner - 2K Yield (CLP-610/CLP-660 series & CLX-6200FX series) Yellow Toner - 5K High Yield (CLP-610/CLP-660 series & CLX-6200FX series) Cyan Toner 4K High Yield (CLP-620ND, CLP-670ND) Cyan Toner 2K Yield (CLP-620ND, CLP-670ND) Cyan Toner 7K Yield (CLP-770ND) Black Toner 5K High Yield (CLP-620ND, CLP-670ND) Black Toner 2.5K Yield (CLP-620ND, CLP-670ND) Black Toner 7K Yield (CLP-770ND) Magenta Toner 4K High Yield (CLP-620ND, CLP-670ND) Magenta Toner 2K Yield (CLP-620ND, CLP-670ND) Magenta Toner 7K Yield (CLP-770ND) Yellow Toner 4K High Yield (CLP-620ND, CLP-670ND) Yellow Toner 2K Yield (CLP-620ND, CLP-670ND) Yellow Toner 7K Yield (CLP-770ND) Single piece toner and Drum; Toner Yield: 6,000 pages; Compatible Models: ML-3560, ML-3561N, ML3561ND Single piece toner and Drum; Toner Yield: 12,000 pages; Compatible Models: ML-3560, ML-3561N, ML3561ND Toner - 4k Pages (ML-3471ND) Toner - 10k Pages (ML-3471ND) SAMSUNG R1930 30-SAM-307-0-3 ML-D4550B SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG R1931 R1932 R1933 R1934 R1935 R1936 R1937 R1938 R1939 R1940 30-SAM-308-0-3 30-SAM-309-0-3 30-SAM-310-0-3 30-SAM-311-0-3 30-SAM-312-0-3 30-SAM-313-0-3 30-SAM-314-0-3 30-SAM-315-0-3 30-SAM-316-0-3 30-SAM-317-0-3 Mfr. Part No. CLP-C600A CLP-C660A CLP-C660B CLP-K600A CLP-K660A CLP-K660B CLP-M600A CLP-M660A CLP-M660B CLP-Y600A CLP-Y660A CLP-Y660B CLT-C508L-TAA CLT-C508S CLT-C609S CLT-K508L-TAA CLT-K508S CLT-K609S CLT-M508L-TAA CLT-M508S CLT-M609S CLT-Y508L-TAA CLT-Y508S CLT-Y609S ML-3560D6 Part Description Mfr. Part No. Print Speed (Black): 30 ppm; Effective Resolution(Max): 1200 x 1200 dpi; Technology: Laser Printer; Print Language: PS3, PCL6/5e, IBM Pro Printer, EPSON, SPL; Processer 400 MHz; Memory: 64 MB; Paper Capacity: 250 pages; Paper Type: Plain, Thin, Bond, Punched, Pre-printed, Recycled, Envelope, Transparency, Label, Cardstock, Postcard, Letterhead, Thick, Cotton, Colored, Archive; Connectivity: High Speed USB 2.0; Ethernet 10/100 Base TX; Monthly Duty Cycle: 50,000 pages; Toner Yield: Standard 2K; High Yield 5K; Special Features: FPOT: 8.5 seconds OS Compatibility: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/2003 Server/2008 Server (32/64 bits); Various Linux OS: Red Hat 8~9, Fedora Core 1~4, Mandrake 9.2~10.1, SuSE8.2~9.2, Mac OS 8.6~9.2/10.1~10.5, Windows Terminal Services Print Speed Up to 25 ppm; Print Language PCL6 & PS3; Effective Resolution Up to 1200 x 1200; Paper Capacity 250 sheet multipurpose tray; Processor 400MHz; Connectivity USB 2.0, IEEE-1284 parallel, 10/100 Base-TX Etherne; Memory (Std., Max) 32 MB; OS Support Windows, MAC & Linux; Paper Size 3” x 5” up to Legal; Toner Yield (Pages) 3k std., 1k starter; Duty Cycle Monthy Up to 10k / month Special Features: 1st page out in less than 9 seconds; 40 ppm; Effective Resolution(Max): 1200 x 1200 dpi;l Print Language: PostScript 3, PCL6, IBM ProPrinter, EPSON; Processer 400 MHz; Memory: 64 MB, 512 MB (max); Paper Capacity: 500 sheets; Paper Type: A4, A5, Letter, Legal, Executive, Folio, Oficio, ISO; B5, JIS B5, Envelopes; Connectivity: IEEE 1284 Parallel, USB 2.0, 10/100 Base TX; Ethernet, Wireless 802.11 b/g (optional); Monthly Duty Cycle: 200,000 pages; Toner Yield: Standard - 10K; High Yield - 20K; Special Features: Built in Network and Duplex OS; Compatibility: Windows 7/98/Me/NY4.0/2000/XP (32/64bits)/Vista/2003 Server (32/64bits), Various Linux OS Including Red Hat 8~9, Fedora Core 1~4, Mandrake 9.2~10.1 and SuSE 8.2~9.2, Mac OS 8.6~9.2/10.1~10.4; Print Speed Up to 45 ppm; Effective Resolution Up to 1200 x 1200; Print Language PS3, PCL6, IBM ProPrinter, EPSON, PDF Direct V1.4; Processor 500MHz; Memory (Std., Max) 128MB (512MB Max); Paper Capacity 500 sheet cassette; Paper Size 3" x 5" up to Legal; Connectivity IEEE 1284 Parallel, USB 2.0, 10/100 Base TX Wireless; OS Support Windows, MC & Linux; Duty Cycle Monthy Up to 200k / month; Toner Yield (Pages) 20k std., 10k starter Special Features TonerSave Button (increases toner capacity up to 40%) Print Speed (Black): 55 ppm; Effective Resolution(Max): up to 1,200 x 1,200 dpi; Print Language: PS3, PCL5e/6, IBM ProPrinter, Epson, PDF Direct; 1.7, XPS 1.0; Processer 700 MHz Dual Core Processor; Memory: 256 MB (max 768 MB); Paper Capacity: 520 sheets + 100 sheet multi-purpose tray (max 3,660 sheets) Paper Type: Letter, Legal, Oficio, Folio, JIS B5, ISO B5, Executive, Statement, CardStock, Postcard, Envelope Monarch/No-10/DL/C5/C6/No 9, Custom Connectivity: Hi-Speed USB 2.0, Ethernet Gigabit Network Monthly Duty Cycle: 300,000 pages; Toner Yield: 10K / 30K; Special Features: First page out time as fast as 7.8s, Built-in duplex, 4line LCD, Optional High-capacity Feeders/Multi-bin Mailbox/Finisher, OS Compatibility: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/2007 R2, Various Linux OS including Fedora Cora 4~6, 7~12, RedHat Enterprise, SuSE Linux, Mandrake 9.2~10.1, Mandriva, Mac OS x 10.3~10.6, UNIX OS Print Speed (Black): 65 ppm; Effective Resolution(Max): up to 1,200 x 1,200 dpi; Print Language: PS3, PCL5e/6, IBM ProPrinter, Epson, PDF Direct 1.7, XPS 1.0; Processer 700 MHz Dual Core Processor; Memory: 256 MB (max 768 MB); Paper Capacity: 520 sheets + 100 sheet multi-purpose tray (max 3,660 sheets); Paper Type: Letter, Legal, Oficio, Folio, JIS B5, ISO B5, Executive, Statement, CardStock, Postcard, Envelope Monarch/No-10/DL/C5/C6/No 9, Custom Connectivity: Hi-Speed USB 2.0, Ethernet Gigabit Network; Monthly Duty Cycle: 300,000 pages; Toner Yield: 10K / 30K; Special Features: First page out time as fast as 7.8s, Built-in duplex, 4line LCD, Optional High-capacity Feeders/Multi-bin Mailbox/Finisher, OS Compatibility: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/2007 R2, Various Linux OS including Fedora Cora 4~6, 7~12, RedHat Enterprise, SuSE Linux, Mandrake 9.2~10.1, Mandriva, Mac OS x 10.3~10.6, UNIX OS GSA Price Mfr. Warranty ML-2855ND/XAR 274 1 Year ML-3471ND/XAR 421 1 Year ML-4050ND 588 1 Year ML-4551NDR 783 1 Year ML-5512ND 1175 1 Year ML-6512ND 1567 1 Year 490 1 Year 1087 1 Year CLP-C600A CLP-C660A CLP-C660B CLP-K600A CLP-K660A CLP-K660B CLP-M600A CLP-M660A CLP-M660B CLP-Y600A CLP-Y660A CLP-Y660B CLT-C508L-TAA CLT-C508S CLT-C609S CLT-K508L-TAA CLT-K508S CLT-K609S CLT-M508L-TAA CLT-M508S CLT-M609S CLT-Y508L-TAA CLT-Y508S CLT-Y609S ML-3560D6 112 77 122 85 69 103 112 77 122 112 77 122 117 83 152 101 75 105 117 83 152 117 83 152 123 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year SCX-5835FN/XAR ML-3560DB 158 1 Year ML-D3470A/XAR ML-D3470B/XAR ML-D4550A 125 183 141 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year ML-D4550B 188 1 Year MLT-D208L/XAR MLT-D209L/XAR MLT-D309L MLT-D309S CLP-T600A CLP-T660B CLT-T508 CLT-T609 ML-H6512A MLT-R309 147 84 226 151 45 168 167 168 545 142 1 Year 1 Year N/A N/A 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year N/A N/A Single piece toner and Drum; Toner Yield: 10,000 pages; Compatible Models: ML-4551N & ML-4551ND Resale Items MLT-D208L/XAR MLT-D209L/XAR MLT-D309L MLT-D309S CLP-T600A CLP-T660B CLT-T508 CLT-T609 ML-H6512A MLT-R309 Single piece toner and Drum; Toner Yield: 20,000 pages; Compatible Models: ML-4551N & ML-4551ND Toner for SCX-5635FN/SCX-5835FN 10k yield Toner for ML-2855ND, SCX-4826FN, SCX-4828FN 5k yield Toner 30K Yield (ML-5512ND, ML-6512ND) Toner 10K Yield (ML-5512ND, ML-6512ND) Image transfer unit for CLP-600N Paper Transfer Belt (CLP-610, CLP-660 series & CLX- 6200FX series) Transfer Belt 50K Yield (CLP-620ND, CLP-670ND) Transfer Belt 50K Yield (CLP-770ND) High Capacity Feeder - 2,000 Sheets (ML-5512ND, ML-6512ND) Imaging Unit 80K Yield (ML-5512ND, ML-6512ND) PO-41 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PRODUCTS FROM OTHER MANUFACTURERS OFFERED FOR RESALE Name of Manufacturer Item No. NCS Part No. SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG R1941 R1942 R1943 R1944 R1945 R1946 R1947 R1948 R1949 R1950 R1951 R1952 R1953 R1954 R1955 R1956 R1957 R1958 R1959 R1960 R1961 R1962 R1963 R1964 R1965 R1966 R1967 R1968 R1969 R1970 R1971 R1972 R1973 R1974 R1975 R1976 R1977 R1978 R1979 30-SAM-318-0-3 30-SAM-319-0-3 30-SAM-320-0-3 30-SAM-321-0-3 30-SAM-322-0-3 30-SAM-323-0-3 30-SAM-324-0-3 30-SAM-325-0-3 30-SAM-326-0-3 30-SAM-327-0-3 30-SAM-328-0-3 30-SAM-329-0-3 30-SAM-330-0-3 30-SAM-331-0-3 30-SAM-332-0-3 30-SAM-333-0-3 30-SAM-334-0-3 30-SAM-335-0-3 30-SAM-336-0-3 30-SAM-337-0-3 30-SAM-338-0-3 30-SAM-339-0-3 30-SAM-340-0-3 30-SAM-341-0-3 30-SAM-342-0-3 30-SAM-343-0-3 30-SAM-344-0-3 30-SAM-345-0-3 30-SAM-346-0-3 30-SAM-347-0-3 30-SAM-348-0-3 30-SAM-349-0-3 30-SAM-350-0-3 30-SAM-351-0-3 30-SAM-352-0-3 30-SAM-353-0-3 30-SAM-354-0-3 30-SAM-355-0-3 30-SAM-356-0-3 SAMSUNG R1980 30-SAM-357-0-3 SOL-CE13V2 SAMSUNG R1981 30-SAM-358-0-3 SOL-COT1V2 SAMSUNG R1982 30-SAM-359-0-3 SOL-COTV2 SAMSUNG R1983 30-SAM-360-0-3 SOL-SLV1 SAMSUNG R1984 30-SAM-361-0-3 SOL-ST01V2 SAMSUNG R1985 30-SAM-362-0-3 SOL-ST05V2 SAMSUNG R1986 30-SAM-363-0-3 SOL-ST15V2 SAMSUNG R1987 30-SAM-364-0-3 SOL-ST30V2 SAMSUNG R1988 30-SAM-365-0-3 SOL-STWFV2 SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG SAMSUNG R1989 R1990 R1991 R1992 R1993 R1994 R1995 R1996 R1997 R1998 R1999 R2000 R2001 R2002 R2003 R2004 R2005 R2006 R2007 R2008 R2009 R2010 R2011 R2012 R2013 R2014 30-SAM-366-0-3 30-SAM-367-0-3 30-SAM-368-0-3 30-SAM-369-0-3 30-SAM-370-0-3 30-SAM-371-0-3 30-SAM-372-0-3 30-SAM-373-0-3 30-SAM-374-0-3 30-SAM-375-0-3 30-SAM-376-0-3 30-SAM-377-0-3 30-SAM-378-0-3 30-SAM-379-0-3 30-SAM-380-0-3 30-SAM-381-0-3 30-SAM-382-0-3 30-SAM-383-0-3 30-SAM-384-0-3 30-SAM-385-0-3 30-SAM-386-0-3 30-SAM-387-0-3 30-SAM-388-0-3 30-SAM-389-0-3 30-SAM-390-0-3 30-SAM-391-0-3 Mfr. Part No. CLP-S670A CLP-S770A CLX-S6250A-TAA ML-S4550AR ML-S6512A SCX-S5635A/XAR ML-NWA10L ML-NWA30L ML-NWA40L ML-NWA65L CLP-MEM201 CLP-MEM202 CLP-MEM301 ML-3560MH ML-HDK210 ML-HDK300 ML-HDK420 ML-HDK465 ML-MEM110 ML-MEM120 ML-MEM130 ML-MEM140 ML-MEM150 ML-MEM160 ML-MEM170 IPP-46120G IPP-4640G ML-DSK20s ML-DSK65S ML-MBT65 ML-OCT65 ML-PMK65K P-OA-OIXXA02ST P-OA-OIXXA03ST P-OA-OIXXA04CC P-OA-OIXXA39CC SOL-BPSV1 SOL-CACV1 SOL-CE10V2 P-OA-0IXXA39ST P-OA-0IXXA40CC P-OA-2NXXA05C2 P-OA-3NXXA05C3 P-OA-4NXXA05C4 P-OA-5NXXA05C5 P-OA-3NXXA06R3 P-OA-4NXXA06R4 P-OA-5NXXA06R5 P-OA-1NXXA07E1 P-OA-2NXXA07E2 P-OA-3NXXA07E3 P-OA-4NXXA07E4 P-OA-5NXXA07E5 P-OA-2NXXA08R2 P-OA-3NXXA08R3 P-OA-4NXXA08R4 P-OA-5NXXA08R5 P-OA-2NXXA11F2 P-OA-3NXXA11F3 P-OA-4NXXA11F4 P-OA-5NXXA11F5 P-OA-2NXXA14F2 P-OA-3NXXA14F3 P-OA-4NXXA14F4 P-OA-5NXXA14F5 Part Description Mfr. Part No. 500-Sheet Cassette Tray (CLP-620ND, CLP-670ND) Second Paper Cassette Tray - 500 Sheets (CLP-770ND) 500-Sheet Cassette Tray (CLX-6220FX, CLX-6250FX) Second Paper Cassette - 500 Sheet (ML-4551NR, ML-4551NDR) Second Paper Cassette - 520 sheets (ML-5512ND, ML-6512ND) 2nd cassette for SCX-5635FN Wireless + Ethernet 10/100 Base Tx Network Card for ML-3050, ML-3051N, ML-3051ND Wireless Card (CLP-770ND, SCX-5635FN) Wirless Card (CLX-6250FX) Wireless Card (ML-5512ND, ML-6512ND) 128M SDRAM Memory Upgrade for CLP-610 / CLP-660 series; SCX-4826FN 256M SDRAM Memory Upgrade for CLP-610 / CLP-660 series, SCX-4826FN 128M SDRAM Memory Upgrade for ML-2851ND, ML-2885ND Optional 40GB Hard Drive for ML-3560, ML-3561N, & ML-3561ND Optional 40GB Hard Drive for ML-4551N & ML-4551ND 160GB Hard Disk Drive (CLX-6250FX) 80 GB Hard Drive (CLP-770ND) 160GB Hard Disk Drive (ML-5512ND, ML-6512ND) 32MB Memory upgrade for ML-3560 series 64MB Memory upgrade for ML-3560 series 128MB Memory upgrade for ML-3560 series 256MB Memory upgrade for ML-3560 series 128MB Memory upgrade for ML-4550 series 256MB Memory upgrade for ML-4551N, NR, ND, NDR, SCX-6555N, SCX-6545N, CLP-770ND 512MB SDRAM Memory Upgrage (CLP-770ND) Ribbon Cartridge and Photo Paper – 120 sheets; Compatible Models: SPP-2020 & SPP 2040 Ribbon Cartridge and Photo Paper – 40 sheets; Compatible Models: SPP-2020 & SPP 2040 Short Stand (CLP-770ND) Short Cabinet (ML-5512ND, ML-6512ND) 4-bin Mailbox (ML-5512ND, ML-6512ND) 2-bin Finisher - (ML-5512ND, ML-6512ND) Maintenance Kit 200K (ML-5512ND, ML-6512ND) Base Installation for Products up to 30 pounds. (Excluding A3 Product) Base Installation for Products over 30 pounds. (Excluding A3 Product) Base Installation w/CAC for Products up to 30 pounds. (Exc. A3 Product) Base Installation w/CAC for Products over 30 pounds. (Exc. A3 Product) Barcode Solution Common Access Card (CAC) Security Option CounThru Enterprise 2 - (10 Device License / 1 year); CounThru is a total printer management solution for monitoring and managing through a remote management system. CounThru Enterprise 2 - (100 Device License / 1 year); CounThru is a total printer management solution for monitoring and managing through a remote management system CounThru Pro 2 - (100 Device License / 1 year); CounThru is a total printer management solution for monitoring and managing through a remote management system. CounThru Pro 2 - (10 Device License / 1 year) CounThru is a total printer management solution for monitoring and managing through a remote management system. SecurThru - 1 Device License; SecurThru Lite 1.0 is an XOA-based embedded application solution that provides security features for protecting intellectual assets and enabling convenient authentication. SmarThru Workflow 2 (1 Device License); SmarThru Workflow is a digital document-sending solution that streamlines and simplifies your document workflows. SmarThru Workflow 2 -(5 Device License); SmarThru Workflow is a digital document-sending solution that streamlines and simplifies your document workflows. SmarThru Workflow 2 - (15 Device License); SmarThru Workflow is a digital document-sending solution that streamlines and simplifies your document workflows. SmarThru Workflow 2 - (30 Device License); SmarThru Workflow is a digital document-sending solution that streamlines and simplifies your document workflows. SmarThru Workflow 2 - (100 Device License) SmarThru Workflow is a digital document-sending solution that streamlines and simplifies your document workflows. Base Installation A3 Product without/CAC Within the 48 Cont. States. Base Installation A3 Product with/CAC Within the 48 Cont. States. Samsung 2 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contrac - ML5512ND Samsung 3 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - ML5512ND Samsung 4 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - ML5512ND Samsung 5 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - ML5512ND Reseller 3 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - SCX-5835FN, SCX-5935FN Reseller 4 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - SCX-5835FN, SCX-5935FN Reseller 5 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - SCX-5835FN, SCX-5935FN Samsung 1 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - ML-6512ND Samsung 2 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - ML-6512ND Samsung 3 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - ML-6512ND Samsung 4 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - ML-6512ND Samsung 5 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - ML-6512ND Reseller 2 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - SCX-6545N, SCX-6555N, CLX-8540ND Reseller 3 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - SCX-6545N, SCX-6555N, CLX-8540ND Reseller 4 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - SCX-6545N, SCX-6555N, CLX-8540ND Reseller 5 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - SCX-6545N, SCX-6555N, CLX-8540ND Reseller 2 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - SCX-8030ND, SCX-8040ND Reseller 3 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - SCX-8030ND, SCX-8040ND Reseller 4 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - SCX-8030ND, SCX-8040ND Reseller 5 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - SCX-8030ND, SCX-8040ND Reseller 2 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - CLX-9250ND, CLX-9350ND Reseller 3 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - CLX-9250ND, CLX-9350ND Reseller 4 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - CLX-9250ND, CLX-9350ND Reseller 5 Year NBD On-Site Maintenance Contract - CLX-9250ND, CLX-9350ND GSA Price Mfr. Warranty CLP-S670A CLP-S770A CLX-S6250A-TAA ML-S4550AR ML-S6512A SCX-S5635A/XAR ML-NWA10L ML-NWA30L ML-NWA40L ML-NWA65L CLP-MEM201 CLP-MEM202 CLP-MEM301 ML-3560MH ML-HDK210 ML-HDK300 ML-HDK420 ML-HDK465 ML-MEM110 ML-MEM120 ML-MEM130 ML-MEM140 ML-MEM150 ML-MEM160 ML-MEM170 IPP-46120G IPP-4640G ML-DSK20s ML-DSK65S ML-MBT65 ML-OCT65 ML-PMK65K P-OA-OIXXA02ST P-OA-OIXXA03ST P-OA-OIXXA04CC P-OA-OIXXA39CC SOL-BPSV1 SOL-CACV1 SOL-CE10V2 168 168 168 209 251 126 141 84 126 184 168 209 168 224 416 670 586 360 36 44 62 125 483 235 318 45 22 168 302 360 243 302 194 264 344 396 209 168 101 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year N/A 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year N/A 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year N/A 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SOL-CE13V2 922 N/A SOL-COT1V2 922 N/A SOL-COTV2 101 N/A SOL-SLV1 210 N/A SOL-ST01V2 251 N/A SOL-ST05V2 754 N/A SOL-ST15V2 1341 N/A SOL-ST30V2 1676 N/A SOL-STWFV2 3351 N/A P-OA-0IXXA39ST P-OA-0IXXA40CC P-OA-2NXXA05C2 P-OA-3NXXA05C3 P-OA-4NXXA05C4 P-OA-5NXXA05C5 P-OA-3NXXA06R3 P-OA-4NXXA06R4 P-OA-5NXXA06R5 P-OA-1NXXA07E1 P-OA-2NXXA07E2 P-OA-3NXXA07E3 P-OA-4NXXA07E4 P-OA-5NXXA07E5 P-OA-2NXXA08R2 P-OA-3NXXA08R3 P-OA-4NXXA08R4 P-OA-5NXXA08R5 P-OA-2NXXA11F2 P-OA-3NXXA11F3 P-OA-4NXXA11F4 P-OA-5NXXA11F5 P-OA-2NXXA14F2 P-OA-3NXXA14F3 P-OA-4NXXA14F4 P-OA-5NXXA14F5 370 502 76 117 189 319 157 254 399 32 104 183 275 463 365 640 1036 2084 511 1087 2335 3890 562 1195 2569 4669 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TAAAC10 146 1 Year TAAHS20B-4 13 1 Year TAA PRODUCTS TAA R1800 28-TAA-101-0-0 TAAAC10 TAA R1801 30-TAA-201-0-0 TAAHS20B-4 TAA R1802 70-TAA-100-0-0 TAAK10B TAA R1803 30-TAA 203-0-0 TAAWS100 TAA Wireless Microphone System (Lapel Mic) Directivity Angel range 90* Dynamic Range 102.5 dB Impedance 1800 Ohm Max Sound Pressure 129.5 dB Microphone Form Factor Lavalier Microphone Operation Mode Super cardioid Microphone Power Source Voltage(DC) 5 V Noise Level 27 dB Response Bandwidth 50-17000 Hz Sensitivity 44.5 dBV/Pascal TAA R1804 30-TAA-204-0-0 TAAMW10 TAA R1805 30-TAA-205-0-0 TAASP10-4 TAA R1806 30-TAA-206-0-0 TAASCR TAA Optical Computer Mouse 5 Button Programmable Scroll Wheel PS/2 - USB Resolution 1375 CPI DPI Changeable 250 to 1375 DPI Windows XP / Vista / 7 / MAC TAA 2.0 Stereo Computer Speaker Power 8 Watts 4W x 4W FREQUENCY RESPONSE : 60 Hz - 20 kHz Controls ON/OFF & Volume HEADPHONE JACK / MIC JACK 120V AC Power TAA External USB Smart Card Reader Supports ISO 7816 FCC Class B certified VCCI Mac and PC TAA R1807 30-TAA-207-0-0 TAADS1000 TAA R1808 30-TAA-208-0-0 TAACASE10 OpenAL TAA Padded Stereo Computer Headset w/ Boom Mic Frequency Response 20 - 20,000 Hz Cord length 2.5m Plug 3.5mm Color Black TAA 104 Key USB Computer Keyboard Black Windows 98 /ME / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 TAA Laptop Computer Port Replicator 4 USB 2.0 Ports Simmultaneous VGA and DVI-D output Resolution up to 1920 x 1080 Network Ethernet RJ 45 10/100/1000 Speaker, Headphone & Mic TAA 15.4" Laptop Computer Case Main Compartment Front Pocket with Accessory pockets Black Nylon Twill Luggage Strap, Sholder Strap and Handle TAAK10B 15 1 Year TAAWS100 350 1 Year TAAMW10 15 1 Year TAASP10-4 13 1 Year TAASCR 21 1 Year TAADS1000 109 1 Year TAACASE10 28 1 Year TARGUS Resale Items PO-42 New Catalog NCS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PRODUCTS FROM OTHER MANUFACTURERS OFFERED FOR RESALE Name of Manufacturer TAR Resale Items Item No. NCS Part No. Mfr. Part No. R2045 28-TAA-101-0-0 PA410S Part Description Mfr. Part No. PA410S Targus Cable Lock PO-43 GSA Price 31 Mfr. Warranty 1 Year New Catalog
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