2013 U.S. HiSpanic Media Kit
2013 U.S. HiSpanic Media Kit
2013 U.S. Hispanic Media Kit Editorial / About Us The #1 Magazine for the Fun and Fearless Hispanic Female Year Established: 1973 Frequency: 10x/Year (Monthly) L aunched in 1973 and published as part of a joint venture with The Hearst Corporation, Cosmopolitan en Español has become well known for its empowering advice, sassy articles, and its fun and fearless way of approaching womanhood for all Hispanic females across the US. Cosmopolitan en Español presents a friendly voice when addressing the issues that young Hispanic women are concerned with. It entices and guides the young Hispanic woman in her personal and professional life, stimulating courage to help her encounter challenges while maintaining her self esteem and self confidence. Cosmopolitan en Español is the magazine that celebrates all that is fun, glamour, men, and a passion for life that inspires young women to be the best they can be in all realms of their life. Every issue, Cosmopolitan en Español covers topics of interest for Hispanic women from fashion, beauty, and health, to sex, relationships, and healthy living. Cosmopolitan is published in 26 languages and is sold in more than 100 countries, making it one of the most dynamic and global brands in the world. Editorial Breakdown Beauty 24% Fashion 24% Relationships 15% Entertainment 13% Empowerment 12% Fitness/Health/Nutrition 8% Home Décor 2% Travel and Lifestyle 2% Most Read Sections by COSMOPOLITAN EN ESPAÑol readers Source: Publisher’s estimate 2012 Relationships 91% Beauty 76% Fashion 71% What you are dying to know 66% Health 57% Real life 52% Celebrities in the news 41% With more than 40 years in the Hispanic market, it is no wonder that Cosmopolitan en Español has become the #1 Spanish-language young Hispanic women’s fashion and beauty magazine in the United States.* Career and personal finance 34% Source: Simmons NCS/NHCS Spring 2012 Source: GfK MRI Starch en Español, September 2012 Decoration and cooking 34% Travel 29% reader / research The Cosmopolitan About Televisa Publishing + Digital C osmopolitan en Español is published by Televisa Publishing + Digital which is part of the Televisa Group, the largest media company in the Spanish-speaking world based in its market share and a major participant in the international entertainment business. With presence in 20 countries and over 100,000 points of sale,Televisa Publishing + Digital publishes over 189 titles with an annual circulation of over 174 million.Televisa Publishing + Digital’s titles are #1 in market and audience share in most of its markets. Televisa Publishing + Digital provides multi-platform opportunities for optimum delivery and impact. Televisa Publishing + Digital’s popular brands extend to online properties, events, and branded products that reach an even greater audience and exceed the advertiser and client needs. en Español Reader / Research Demographic Profile Gender The Cosmo en Español reader es la chica Atrevida, Apasionada y Atractiva. Female Male 18 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55+ Avg Age Median Age (Numbers in 000/Avg issue audience) People en Español 2,441 TVyNovelas 2,007 VANIDADES 1,604 98% 2% Average Age Readership Ranking: U.S. Hispanic Magazine Market 2,594 Language Spoken in Home 16% 30% 21% 18% 15% 34 33 Marital Status Married Not Married 53% 47% Country / Region of Birth Mexico United States South America Central America Cuba Dominican Republic Puerto Rico Other 33% 22% 8% 7% 4% 4% 2% 20% TV Notas 1,432 Cosmopolitan en Español 1,265 Ser Padres 1,247 Poder Hispanic 1,181 National Geographic en Español 912 911 908 Source: Simmons NCS/NHCS Winter 2012 ESPN Deportes La Revista Siempre Mujer Latina COSMOPOLITAN EN ESPAñol IS THE MOST READ YOUNG WOMEN’S FASHION AND BEAUTY MAGAZINE IN THE HISPANIC MARKET! Spanish Dominant Bilingual English Dominant Employment Status 67% 32% 17% As per Census, cosmo EE readers reside in West South Northeast Midwest Children in Household 34% 40% 16% 10% 82% Home Ownership Rent Own Live with Parents / Family 55% 43% 2% Household Size Avg People in Household Avg Children in Household % of Readers with Children in Household 66% Age of Children in Household Under 2 3-5 6-11 12-17 Highest Level of Education Completed Attended / Graduated College+ 62% 17% 6% Employed Homemaker Other 11% 31% 33% 28% Household Income $25,000 – $49,999 $50,000 – $74,999 $75,000+ Average HHI Median HHI 34% 22% 30% $60,970 $57,790 4 2 Source: Simmons NCS/NHCS Spring 2012 / GfK MRI Starch en Español, July 2012 Hispanic Women 18-34 (in 000/Avg issue audience) PEOPLE EN ESPAÑOL COSMOPOLITAN EN ESPAÑOL 708 545 TVyNovelas 542 Vanidades 471 Ser Padres 403 TV Notas 389 Siempre Mujer 271 Latina 255 Furia Musical 180 Source: Simmons NCS/NHCS Winter 2012 Psychographic Information Leading the way when it comes to trying and buying new things Agree with the following statements COSMOPOLITAN EE index I am first among my friends to try new styles 200 I’ll try any new diet 198 I’m usually first to try new health food 181 I’m usually first to try new food products 135 I am first among my friends to shop at a new store 151 I like to try new things no one else has 148 She is adventurous and outspoken Agree with the following statements COSMOPOLITAN EE index 191 I enjoy taking risks 162 I like to pursue challenge, novelty, change 144 I like to do unconventional things 139 People say my enthusiasm is contagious 137 And when it comes to fashion, she dresses to impress with the latest styles Agree with the following statements: COSMOPOLITAN EE index I like to experiment with new styles 178 I like to keep up with the latest fashions 148 I like to make a unique fashion statement 144 I keep up with changes in styles/fashions 134 She is socially connected, and as a result she is an influencer amongst her friends Agree with the following statements: COSMOPOLITAN EE index People often copy what I do or wear 164 I work hard to convince others about things 127 I am good at convincing others to try new things 127 Meeting new people comes easy to me 125 I am often chosen to be the spokesperson 120 She is driven and a hard worker! Agree with the following statements: COSMOPOLITAN EE index I am willing to give up time with my family to advance 206 I would like to set up my own business 196 I want to get to the very top of my career 181 I am a workaholic 127 Source: Simmons NCS/NHCS Spring 2012, Index against Hispanic women Marketing / Promotional Opportunities Marketing / Promotional Opportunities I like to stand out in a crowd Get to know the Cosmopolitan en Español reader! Signature events Location: Miami Timing: July 2013 Heating up the summer in Miami in its seventh consecutive year, Cosmo Summer Splash kicks off Swim Week 2013 with a multi-designer fashion show showcasing the season’s hottest swimwear fashions apparel and accessories in a trendy, upscale venue on Miami Beach. With a live performance and exciting DJ entertainment, crowds of up to 700+ people are present to watch this exciting event take place. Among the crowds are celebrities, socialites, movers & shakers, and an array of media coverage. There is no better way of associating your brand to the sexy Miami lifestyle, than with one of the sexiest fashion shows of the year. Sponsors receive high impact exposure through logo on the step & repeat, brand presence in all press materials, sampling in gift bags, on-site branding and more. Cosmo Beach Bash Location: Miami Beach • Timing: June 2013 In its second year, Cosmopolitan en Español brings back its Cosmo Beach Bash to Miami Beach. A unique event that embodies all that the magazine is about and stands for. Beginning as the sun sets over Miami, the party begins with sexy cocktails, hor d’oeuvres, good music and best of all, in good company! Join in on the fun and don’t miss out on the year’s hottest beach party. Special Collector’s Issues Apart from of our regular issues, Cosmopolitan en Español publishes special issues, providing great advertiser exposure because of their unique content, increase in sell through, and the higher on sale cycle. Advertisers have the ability to sponsor and own a special issue.The Cosmo Astrology Bedside Booklet is published every year and inserted in the January issue, serving as a year round reference for our readers, while giving advertisers a fresh and creative way of reaching their target audience. coSmo 2011 ¡El sábado serás la reina de la noche! que te roban la juventud (y no lo sabes) Tintes a prueba de errores que te transforman enseguida... y sin tener que ir al salón Prohibida la venta en los EE.UU. 0 10722 25206 9 01001 cosmoenespanol.com verano Cosmo Jessica Biel Casi perfecta... cópiale el maquillaje Secretos de beauty y fitness de una top model Las tendencias más HOT de la moda están aquí ¡PONTE DURISIMA! Abdomen plano Cero llantitas Derrière de acero LA REVISTA FEMENINA #1 Fiesta para dos Explora tus cuatro personalidades eróticas y regálale sexo HOT DIVA de la NOCHE Vestidos, accesorios, maquillaje y peinados... ¡transfórmate! ¿Qué me pongo? EDICION ESPECIAL COSMOPOLITAN PARTY & FUN Pelo precios & BeTauuoty 2009 Por Stacey Wolf Fotografías por Daymion Mardel 8 momentos sexy que debes esperar Lo que su signo dice sobre sus necesidades sexuales Más sexy en 6 días COSMO TE DA LAS ARMAS PARA COMBATIRLOS coSmoPoLiTAN dE mExico Infinidad de jugosas predicciones (Corre mr 8 agresores 2010 El mejor año de tu vida ¿Es él el hombre vidrirloa?) de tua descub Style PARA LA MUJER QUE LO QUIERE ¡TODO! EdicioN ESPEciAL coSmoPoLiTAN STYLE & BEAUTY Horóscopo $39 dE mExico COSMO LA REVISTA FEMENINA #1 Party Girl Rehab o Cóm Curar la resaca Alegrar tu mirada Eliminar el estrés Prohibida la venta en los EE.UU. 0 10722 25206 9 00903 cosmoenespanol.com pa&rty $39 DE MExICO FUN ION MR EDIC EspECIal ¿Envuelves tu relación en papel de regalo? Compruébalo en la página 90 tácticas 11 para robarte (100% el show efectiv as) Diviértete sin romper la dieta (se puede) On Demand Events These events are ongoing throughout the year Shopper Marketing Activation Program Special Advanced Movie Screening Packages Let Cosmopolitan en Español move your product through our multi-tiered retail program, which includes advertising pages, online exposure, on site shopper interaction, and a fun and engaging retail program that will drive sales, retail traffic, and brand awareness for your product. Retail portion includes a branded activation that can be used in sampling as well as interactive experience in 20 stores nationwide. Tie in your brand with Cosmopolitan en Español and a star powered upcoming Hollywood movie by participating as a sponsor in movie screenings in top Hispanic DMA’s. Packages include ad pages, email blast to our readers, logo inclusion in movie passes, signage opportunities, sampling in movie theaters, and more! Cross Platform Capabilities As part of Televisa Publishing + Digital, we provide a number of multi- platform opportunities that bring advertiser’s brands and products to life. From fashion shows and themed events, to conferences and multi-media programs, we take brands to the next level! Aside from the signature events listed, Cosmopolitan en Español puts together custom events tailored to meet your brand’s needs. Rates / PROMOTIONS ONLINE & MOBILE TALENT USE & MANAGEMENT Televisa Magazines Print Advertising Advertorials In-Book Promotions / Sweepstakes Print Online Tie-Ins Custom Publishing Content Development Database Creation Special Issues Multi-Media Programs Signature Events Shopper Marketing Customized Programs Grassroots Strategies Integrated Opportunities Esmas.com / Televisa Portal Vertical Sites Content Integration Promotions & Advertising Polls & Surveys Site Sponsorship iPad Apps Mobile Apps Retail to content / In-store DVD’s, Novelas, etc. Televisa Talent / Celebrity Endorsement Creative Rights In-store appearances Rates / Circulation Dates / Specs PRINT AND CUSTOM PUBLISHING Circulation / Dates / Specs 2013 Rate Base 2013 Audience 200,000* 1,432,000 *ABC Audited Source: Simmons NCS/NHCS Winter 2012 Circulation Vitality “ Rate Base Growth 2012-2013 2012 2013 150,000 200,000 CosMo PARA LA MUJER QUE LO QUIERE ¡TODO! +50% growth from 2012-2013 AñO 40 NO. 7 JULIO 2012 Rates U.S.A. 4C 1X Rates $24,000 $15,000 $10,800 $48,000 Premium Positions 2nd Cover 3rd Cover Back Cover $30,000 $28,800 $31,200 Additional sizes, special positions, 2C and BW rates available upon request. Rates are in gross. Frequency discounts available. LA REVISTA FEMENINA #1 en español julio 2012 Shhh... Boquita cerrada + misterio = hombres locos por ti Pág 60 SENSACIoNAL Clímax, clímax, clímax Las expertas describen las movidas que te lo garantizan ¡siempre! Sexy Summer! 100 ideas a que tú *par seas el objeto del deseo CosMopoliTan en español Full Page 1/2 Page 1/3 Page 2 Page Spreads according to simmons nhcs, cosmopoliTan en espaÑol audience per issue grew over 19% over the past 2 years to over 1.4 million readers per month, versus latina, which decreased over 19% in audience per issue. dE LA VIdA REAL ® Irina Shayk LA CLAVE #1 DE SU EXITO LO QUE EL SE MUERE POR VER ¡Y no es lo que te imaginas! Si se lo enseñas... lo tendrás a tus pies Cómo elevar al máximo tu energía sexual 17 maneras de lograrlo “Prometo serte fiel hasta que Facebook nos separe...” estados unidos 3.25 Dólares Curazao 8.00 Florines cosmoenespanol.com Source: Simmons Winter 2012 & Winter 2011 NHCS Adult Survey Full Year 2013 Closing Dates ” ISSUE NUMBER ISSUE MONTH ON SALE DATE RESERVATION DEADLINE MATERIAL DEADLINE* 41-02 February 01-21-2013 12-17-2012 12-20-2012 41-03 March 02-25-2013 01-21-2013 01-24-2013 41-04 April 03-25-2013 02-18-2013 02-21-2013 41-05 May 04-22-2013 03-18-2013 03-21-2013 41-06 June 05-27-2013 04-22-2013 04-25-2013 41-07 July/August 06-24-2013 05-20-2013 05-23-2013 41-08 September 08-26-2013 07-22-2013 07-25-2013 41-09 October 09-24-2013 08-19-2013 08-22-2013 41-10 November 10-21-2013 09-16-2013 09-19-2013 41-11 Dec/Jan 11-25-2013 10-21-2013 10-24-2013 *No extensions Note: Televisa Publishing will not be held responsible for any unpublished ads if the materials were not turned in by the above mentioned deadlines. In inches–indicated in width by height. Perfect Bound (1/8 gutter allowance). Live Matter (7/16 each side from trim). Full Page Trim Size - 8 x 10.875 Bleed Size - 8.25 x 11.125 Non-Bleed Size - 7.5 x 10.375 Digital 2 Page Spread Material Guidelines PrintSure Electronic Ads In order to guarantee the safe and timely arrival of your materials, we encourage you to use PrintSure. PrintSure is our new, reliable and cutting edge solution software that collects job information from the user via a form, performs an optional local pre-flight check and delivers assets from the user’s workstation over the internet to the PrintSure server, thereby making the process of delivery safe, fast and easy. Whether you are a high volume advertiser or agency, or a smaller, less frequent advertiser, PrintSure is the best ad delivery option. Proof Submission A conventional proof (MatchPrint, Chromalin) or digital color proof (Fuji, Kodak, etc) are recommended, but laser prints for layout are acceptable. For color accuracy, a digital color proof MUST be provided with every ad, otherwise we will not be held responsible for “Make-goods”. Adobe Acrobat PDF/X-1a files only. We DO NOT accept other formats. Color ads should be sent as composite files. Remote ads which require changes must be re-submitted. 1/2 Page Horizontal Trim Size - 8 x 5.4378 Bleed Size - 8.25 x 5.6875 Non-Bleed Size - 7.5 x 4.9378 Preferred format: Adobe Acrobat PDF/X-1a. Note Televisa Publishing + Digital’s Production Department has introduced a new software for the exclusive use of our clients.This software (PrintSure) is meant to facilitate the traffic of incoming materials, from the agency or the client, directly to our server. The PDF/X-1a format will be Televisa Publishing + Digital’s preferred format for all accepted materials. Clients are asked to send all documents electronically in PDF/X-1a format through our new software server. PrintSure will not only facilitate the traffic of materials, but will also work as a “filter” as it verifies and controls the quality of all documents sent.This will ensure excellent reproduction quality of your ads. Offerings for 2013 1/2 Page Vertical Trim Size - 3.9844 x 10.875 Bleed Size - 4.2344 x 11.125 Non-Bleed Size - 3.4844 x 10.375 1/3 Page Vertical Trim Size - 2.6679 x 10.875 Bleed Size - 2.9179 x 11.125 Non-Bleed Size - 2.2929 x 10.5 Digital offerings for 2013 Remote File Delivery File Formats Trim Size - 16 x 10.875 Bleed Size - 16.25 x 11.125 Non-Bleed Size - 15.5 x 10.375 Signature Events Microsites About Televisa Televisa Publishing + Digital’s Digital/Esmas.com Women’s Online Network Televisa leverages all of its unique talent and properties, including the vastly popular programs on US Hispanic television, via a digital entertainment platform including a robust portal, mobile platform and various magazine websites. These digital channels bring to consumers unique and exclusive world class content, such as late breaking news, entertainment, women’s interests and sports. With 10.5 million monthly visits, 4.4 million unique visitors and almost 53.1 million pageviews in the US, Televisa Digital / Esmas.com delivers advertisers a large, highly desirable audience and offers consumers a complete digital entertainment platform experience. With the US Hispanic online audience growing faster than the total US internet population, Televisa Digital / Esmas.com’s properties are the perfect medium to reaching an engaged and evergrowing audience due to its strong impact and penetration within the market. Product Ad Size 728x90 300x250 300x100 640x480 Leaderboard Medium Rectangle Sponsorship Button Video Preroll Floating Ads Varies. Televisa sites support Rich Media and Standard Flash Ad Units. Custom placement available. Traffic Numbers for Televisa digital/ esmas.com Visits Unique Visitors Avg. Time on Site Page Views 10.1 MILLION 3.5 MILLION 00:03:36 56.4 MILLION Traffic Numbers for Televisa digital/ esmas.com Mobile Sites Visits Unique Visitors Avg. Time on Site Page Views 4.0 MILLION 1.7 MILLION 00:05:58 18.3 MILLION Cosmoenespanol.com Cosmoenespanol.com is the essential destination for the fun, fearless Hispanic female offering the same empowering advice and sassy content as Cosmopolitan en español magazine in an up to date and fresh manner. With a new look and feel since 2011 featuring videos and more interactive content, cosmoenespanol.com offers daily articles on beauty, relationships, fashion, entertainment, nutrition and home décor. Cosmoenespanol.com serves as a community that guides the online savvy Hispanic woman on a daily basis while offering her the tools she needs to be the best she can be in all aspects of her life. Audience Female 18-44 Avg Age Avg HHI User Profile for Televisa digital/ esmas.com Male Female 18 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55+ Median Age Presently Married Not Married Median HHI Children in HH Source: Simmons NCS/NHCS Spring 2012, Esmas.com users last 30 days 50.5% 49.5% 35.9% 29.7% 12.9% 17.1% 4.4% 33 47.8% 52.2% $82,210 52% Caras.com.mx Vanidades.com 82% 31 $86,600 Source: Simmons NCS/NHCS Spring 2012 Based on a projected target for cosmoenespanol.com users Source: Google Analytics, January 2013 Vanidades Icons of Style When it comes to women’s interests, Televisa Publishing + Digital covers every segment in the Hispanic online space. From the young, hip Hispanic fashionistas, to the sophisticated and classic women, and the established Hispanic moms, we have the content to satisfy their needs and special interests through our recognized and trusted brands. With fresh content that is updated daily, we deliver unparalled coverage in the Hispanic women’s online space. Esmas Mujer (www.esmas.com/mujer) Our women’s channel on Esmas, Esmas Mujer, features information on everything today’s Hispanic woman needs to know including the latest in fashion and beauty trends, relationships and body care, cooking, mental health, and tips for mothers. Our easy navigation and variety of content make Esmas Mujer an indispensable guide for today’s Hispanic woman.Tests, blogs, and photo galleries bring users closer to their passion points and provide an engaging environment. Audience Female 18-44 Avg Age Avg HHI 76% 38 $72,100 Source: Simmons NCS/NHCS Spring 2012 Based on projected target for Esmas Mujer users Esmas Health helps Hispanics live a better and healthier life providing robust content on nutrition, physical activity, and natural health. It also provides interactive tools such as calorie counters, tests and relevant health information. Esmas Health (www.esmas.com/salud) Audience Female 18-44 Avg Age Avg HHI Source: Simmons NCS/NHCS Spring 2012 Based on projected target for Esmas Salud users 76% 38 $72,100 With its relaunch in 2011, Vanidades.com now features more of that compelling content Vanidades has become known for over the past 51 years. From fashion and beauty, to health and travel as well as in depth reporting and interviewing of icons in culture, fashion, and entertainment, Vanidades.com now features all of this in a new layout. While maintaining Vanidades’ unique and sophisticated tone, Vanidades.com brings its users closer to all the things she is passionate about through its videos and exclusive online content. Audience Female 25-54 Avg Age Avg HHI Cosmo Summer Splash The online destination for the upscale Mexican society featuring information and exclusive photos of the latest social events, as well as the latest in the world of entertainment and fashion. Caras.com.mx reflects the exciting and trendsetting elements of upscale Mexico, making it a must visit website for affluent Mexicans living in the US. Audience Female 25-54 Avg Age 86% 40 Source: Projected based on internal Televisa Publishing + Digital studies Vanidades Magia de la Moda Our signature events come to life in their own microsites featuring an extensive photo gallery, videos of the events, interviews, behind the scenes, runway looks, and everything else associated with our events. Microsites are created for Vanidades Icons of Style, Cosmo Summer Splash, and Vanidades Magia de la Moda. 86% 36 $96,300 Source: Simmons NCS/NHCS Spring 2012/ Based on projected target for Vanidades.com users 2013 Online Network Calendar Theme Date Products Valentine’s Day February 2013 Hottest couple, best romantic films, Valentine’s Day gift guide Mother’s Day April / May 2013 Celebrity moms, special gifts for mom, getaway retreats Father’s Day May/June 2013 Celebrity dads, gadgets for him Cosmo Summer Splash July 2013 Sexy bikini swimwear, video footage, photo galleries, microsites Summer Special July/August 2013 Best beach hot spots, summer diets, sexy swimwear Back to School July/August 2013 Back to school shopping guide, editor’s recommendations for back to school styles and gadgets Vanidades Icons of Style September 2013 Special editorial, event photo galleries and video footage, microsite Hispanic Heritage Month September / October 2013 Special tribute of Hispanic figures, microsite, interviews and video Vanidades Magia de la Moda October 2013 Holiday Special Hottest Fall / Winter trends, photo galleries, microsite, interviews and video November / December 2013 Holiday Season tips, recipes, travel, photo galleries and polls Note: Dates and themes subject to change without prior knowledge. Digital Offerings for 2013 Televisa Publishing + Digital is committed to entertaining and informing millions of US Hispanics while innovating our content through the latest technologies in order to provide Hispanics with information everywhere and anywhere. We deliver our content through various different formats so that our reader fully experiences our brand in all of its dimensions. Vanidades.com iPad Apps Tvynovelas.com Cosmoenespanol.com Fashion Vertical Magazine Sites Decoration Caras.com.mx Zinio Smartphone Sites Vanidades.com, Esmas Mujer, Cosmoenespanol.com Targeted Microsites Vanidades Icons of Style Cosmo Summer Splash QR codes in our major publications Esmas Mujer Online Destinations and Targeted Channels Esmas Salud Social Media 19,536 Facebook fans, 1,814 Twitter followers MIAMI (US HEADQUARTERS) NEW YORK HOUSTON LOS ANGELES CHICAGO 6355 NW 36th Street Miami, FL 33166 Tel: 305.871.6400 Fax: 305.871.5062 150 E 58th Street, 22nd Floor New York, NY 10155 Tel: 212.838.7220 Fax: 212.838.8532 11200 Broadway, Suite 2743 Pearland, TX 77584 Tel: 832.895.6665 Fax: 832.895.6401 8383 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 648 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Tel: 323.655.0535 Fax: 323.655.8011 875 N Michigan Ave, Suite 3100 Chicago, IL 60611 Tel: 312.373.3710
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