Designing Yanmar Repower Rejuvenates Sentimental Bertram 39


Designing Yanmar Repower Rejuvenates Sentimental Bertram 39
Designing Yanmar Repower Rejuvenates
Sentimental Bertram 39
A boatie with a keen eye will
instantly recognise Outsider as a
classic vessel. This fully imported
and rare boat, the Bertram 39
Sport Fisherman “Widebody”, was
built by the Bertram Yacht
Company in Miami, Florida in the
mid 1970’s.
Peter Smith and his father Warren
bought the boat in Perth in the mid90’s and used Outsider extensively
for family boating. Mike Giles of
Diverse Engineering looked after
Outsider for nearly 20 years.
Peter Smith bought out his father
when Warren “retired” from
Peter thought about selling Outsider a few times, but over the 20 years, he and his father
had fixed, replaced or upgraded just about everything. Buying another boat would be
inheriting someone else’s issues and there were, of course, plenty of sentimental reasons for
keeping Outsider.
The problem was the engines.
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Bob Carter + Associates Ltd ABN 32 006 435 785
The original engines fitted by Bertram in the US
were a pair of beefy V8, naturally aspirated
diesels. They were heavy at about 1,250 kgs each
and only developed 270 hp. They were noisy and
leaked oil. Peter and his father had each engine
rebuilt over the years, but no matter what you did,
they were still old engines, requiring continual
maintenance and they were a limiting factor for the
Performance was also pretty ordinary. At wide
open throttle Outsider made around 15 knots.
Fuel consumption was high, limiting Outsider’s
range and making her expensive to run.
Above: Mike Giles
The owner, settled on a fresh pair of Yanmar 6LY3AM-STP marine diesel engines. These
were fitted with Yanmar transmissions, the KMH61A with a 2.04:1 ratio.
Yanmar’s 6LY3-STP engine is a turbocharged, direct injected, intercooled, 24 valve, in-line 6
cylinder displacing 5813cm3 to produce 440mhp (324 kW) at 3300rpm. Weighing in at only
640 kgs (without gearbox) the 6LY3-STP deliver industry leading power-to-weight Yanmar
diesel performance.
The Yanmar 6LY3 features a high-technology electronic control and display system that
monitors all engine operations from fuel management to twin engine synchronisation, gear
shifting and diagnostics.
“The re-power project went very smoothly,” said Mike Giles. “We completely stripped the
engine room and replaced all the wiring, fuel system, transmissions, prop shafts and so on.
We ripped a lot of 1970s gear out of there and replaced it with modern systems.”
The upshot is an overall weight saving of just over 1,000 kgs. The majority of the weight
saving is attributed to the Yanmar 6LY3 engines being so light. At 718 kgs each with
transmission, the pair of Yanmars contributed most of the weight savings from the refit.
The power benefit of the Yanmar’s 440 mhp over the old 270 hp V8’s, delivers a collective
power gain of a massive 340 mhp, albeit pushing 1 tonne less weight.
Understandably the performance boost is impressive.
Whereas as Outsider used to get to 15 knots, now top speed with the Yanmar 6LY3 engines
spinning at 3,300 rpm, is 29.5 knots almost double the previous WOT setting. Throttle back
to a comfortable cruise speed of 20 knots and the big, beamy Bertram 38 performs brilliantly
and efficiently.
“The owner is so happy with the family boat,” Mike Giles said. “He is hugely impressed with
the way the boat performs that he is now enjoying it on extended trips with his own family.”
This is a boat that has been totally transformed by the Yanmar repower. With the Yanmar
6LY3 engines installed she is faster, lighter, quieter and much better on fuel consumption.
Peter says that he now has a boat that does twice the speed using half the fuel.
Following the Yanmar re-power, there is considerably more room in the engine room. The
installation envelope on the Yanmar 6LY3 is such that the 6 cylinder in-line engine is
noticeably narrower than the old V-8 diesels. The Yanmars are also a little shorter too.
“Outsider has come the full circle and with the new Yanmar engines on board, she will still
be going strong in another 30 years time.”
Power Equipment is the exclusive and authorised Australian, New Zealand, Papua New
Guinea and South Pacific Distributor of Yanmar Marine and Industrial diesel engines, JCB
DieselMax, MASE diesel marine generators, Gori high quality folding sailboat propellers,
PSS Shaft Seals, and Northern Lights Gen Sets.
For more information contact:
Michael Blair
National Marine Sales Manager - Australia
Power Equipment Pty Ltd
Tel: (07) 5644 9600
Fax: (07) 5644 9644