request for proposals


request for proposals
RFP # 1586
Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the City of Culver City, California,
for furnishing the following:
Culver City: SmartBus System Project
In strict accordance with the Specifications on file in the office of the CULVER CITY PURCHASING
DIVISION, 4343 Duquesne Avenue, Culver City, California, 90232. Copies of specifications and proposal
documents may be obtained from the City’s website at on or after January 29, 2016.
One original, one electronic, and ten copies of the proposal must be submitted to the CITY CLERK in a
sealed envelope at CITY HALL, 9770 Culver Boulevard, Culver City, California, 90232, not later than 3:00
p.m. on Thursday, March 17, 2016, at which time they will be publicly opened at the City Clerk’s Counter
on the first floor of City Hall. Facsimile proposals will not be accepted. Any vendor may withdraw their
proposal, without obligation, at any time prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of proposals. A
withdrawal will not be effective unless made personally or by telephonic notification received prior to the
closing date. Proposals may later be referred to the City Council for appropriate action. The City reserves
the right to reject any or all proposals as the best interests of the City may dictate.
By: ___________________________________
Martin Cole, City Clerk
Published in The Culver City News on January 28, 2016.
RFP #1586
January 2016
City of Culver City
9770 Culver Boulevard
Culver City, CA 90232-0507
Culver CityBus: SmartBus System Project
RFP #1586
The Transportation Department of the City of Culver City (the City) is seeking proposals
from qualified firms to provide a fully functional and complete CAD/AVL system with
BSP functionality and a real-time arrival information system called SmartBus System
(SBS) which will include, at minimum, the features listed below:
1. CAD/AVL System
2. Interface to Culver City voice radio system
3. Cellular data communication system and backup data radio system
4. Onboard BSP processing
5. Interface to the OnStreet Rapid BSP and Citywide BSP systems.
6. Real-Time Arrival Predictions;
7. Interactive Voice Response;
8. LED signs at major bus stops, and LCD monitors at selected locations;
9. Webpage
10. Text Response
11. Application development for various platforms (iOS, Android, etc).
The selected firm will be responsible for providing services in accordance with the
Scope of Services outlined in the proposal. These projects are subject to change based
on the needs and directions of the City and funding availability. The City reserves the
right to divide the contract award between the most qualified proposers as it deems
necessary and serving the best interests of the City.
A. Community Profile
The City of Culver City (City) is a charter city incorporated in 1917. The City is
governed by a five-member City Council whose members are elected at large and
operates under a Council/City Manager form of government.
Culver City is a full-service city located in the western area of Los Angeles County,
generally situated north of Los Angeles International Airport, southeast of Santa
Monica, south of Beverly Hills and southwest of West Hollywood. The City is
approximately five square miles with a residential population of approximately
40,000. The total adopted budget for FY 2015-16 is approximately $224 million, of
which $107 million is General Fund.
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B. Background
The overall mission of Culver CityBus is to provide efficient and effective
transportation services and high quality, equipment maintenance services to the City
of Culver City. To accomplish this mission, Culver CityBus is implementing the
SmartBus System and interface to the On-street Rapid BSP and Citywide BSP
Culver CityBus serves approximately 6 million riders annually on eight bus lines that
include an express service line called the rapid 6. The CCB service area
encompasses 33 square miles that include the Westside communities of Century
City, Culver City, Mar Vista, Marina del Rey, Palms, Rancho Park, Venice, West Los
Angeles, Westchester, and Westwood.
CCB provides service runs bounded by the MTA Green Line and LAX to the south,
UCLA to the north, Fairfax Ave. to the east, and Venice Beach to the west. CCB
lines currently interconnect with MTA and Santa Monica's Big Blue, Gardena
Municipal Bus Lines, and Torrance Transit System bus routes, and the MTA Green
Line and Expo Line.
CCB currently has a fleet of 54 New Flyer buses that will be expanded to 60. CCB
currently uses an OrbCAD CAD/AVL system to manage its bus fleet. The system
was recently upgraded to version 13.55. The bus build used for the onboard
systems is version 13.26. CCB does not have scheduling software but their
schedules are created by CCB’s consultant CSched in Hastus format. OrbCAD
includes the following components:
 Computer-aided dispatch (CAD) and GPS-based Automatic Vehicle Location
 Interface to Culver City’s voice radio system
 Data radio system
 Automatic Passenger counting
 Next stop automated vehicle annunciation
 Mobilview Digital Video Recording system
 Interface with the farebox and headsign
 WLAN in the bus yard
C. General RFP Submittal Information
The City’s ITS Consultant and designated staff will evaluate proposals received.
During the review process, the City reserves the right, where it may serve the City’s
best interest, to request additional information or clarification from those that submit
proposals, or to allow corrections of errors or omissions. Any and all changes in the
RFP will be made by written addendum, which shall be issued by the City to all
prospective Proposers who have been issued or obtained copies of the RFP from
the City’s website
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RFP NO. 1586
The City reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted. Submission of a
proposal indicates the Proposer’s acceptance of the conditions contained in this
RFP, unless clearly and specifically noted in the proposal submitted and confirmed
in the contract between the City and the Proposer selected.
The preparation of the proposal will be at the total expense of the Proposer. There
is no expressed or implied obligation for the City to reimburse responding Proposers
for any expense incurred in the preparation of proposals in response to this request.
All proposals submitted to the City shall become properties of the City and will not be
The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, in whole or part, to waive
any informality in any proposal, and to accept the proposal which, in its discretion, is
in the best interest of the City.
To be considered, Proposers must send one original, one electronic (searchable
PDF copy of entire proposal), and ten (10) hard copies of their proposal in a sealed
envelope with the name of the company submitting the proposal and the title of
“Culver City: SmartBus System Project
” to:
City of Culver City
City Clerk
9770 Culver Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232
All hardcopies of the proposal need to be in color.
For a complete list of the City’s RFP submittal terms and conditions, legal
statements, and insurance requirements, please refer to “Exhibit B” attached hereto.
D. RFP Questions
Questions with regard to this RFP should be submitted by e-mail to Diana Chang,
Senior Management Analyst/Transportation Planner, at
by February 18, 2016. To receive updates including addendums and responses
to questions, all proposers must sign up to receive Bid Notices via GovDelivery
E. Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference
A mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held at Culver City Transportation
Department Facility at 4343 Duquesne Ave., Culver City, CA 90232 on February
10th, 2016 at 2:00 PM (PST).
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RFP NO. 1586
E. Schedule
The City reserves the right to make changes to the below schedule, but plans to
adhere to the implementation of this bid process as follows:
RFP released:
Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting
Deadline for receiving questions:
Response to questions:
Proposals due:
Finalists selected:
Site Visits (if deemed necessary):
BAFO released
BAFO due
Contractor selected:
January 29, 2016
February 10, 2016 @ 2pm PST
February 18, 2016
March 3, 2016
March 17, 2016 @ 3:00pm PST
March 31, 2016
Week of April 11, 2016
Week of April 18 and April 25, 2016
May 6, 2016
May 13, 2016 @ 3:00 PST
May 27, 2016
The City intends to obtain service from qualified firm(s) to develop and install a
SmartBus System (SBS) that uses intelligent transportation system (ITS) technology
to provide a bus fleet operations management tool, disseminate time of arrival
information to travelers and provide Onboard Bus Signal Priority functionality. The
Contractor shall design, furnish, install, test, and make operational the SmartBus
System. The Contractor shall integrate SBS with Culver City’s voice radio system,
upgrade the data radio system, implement a cellular data communication system,
Culver City databases and external IT systems as specified in the technical
The Contractor shall provide supporting documentation, training, and technical
support, as specified in the attached Technical Specifications. Unless otherwise
expressly agreed to in writing, the Contractor shall be responsible for all acts, tasks,
equipment, system components, CDRLs, and services required to provide Culver
CityBus with a turnkey SBS that is fully functional in accordance with the Contract
and Technical Specifications, whether or not such Work is specifically identified
within this Agreement and the Technical Specifications.
Following its acceptance, the SBS shall be placed into service utilizing a careful,
controlled cutover procedure so as not to affect Culver CityBus’ operations.
Upon acceptance of SBS by Culver CityBus, the Contractor shall provide 2 years of
The Project is subject to change based on the needs and directions of the City and
funding availability.
The selected Contractor shall work with OnStreet BSP Contractor to make the Rapid
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BSP and Citywide BSP systems fully operational.
The selected firm(s) will assign a Project Manager who will perform all necessary
tasks associated with developing and implementing SBS, and the scope of work
include, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Conduct planning and developing activities associated with the implementation of
2. Provide detailed lists of all required components for SBS;
3. Gather, check, and confirm all information required for the implementation of the
4. Make the SmartBus system fully operational
5. Work with the OnStreet BSP Contractor to make the BSP systems fully
6. Maintain and update project schedules and timelines;
7. Conform to FTA and Metro grant management requirements. The FTA grant
management requirements may include FTA Circular 5010.1D (see Exhibit C);
8. Prepare all necessary installation drawings for approval by CCB and Culver
City’s Public Works.
9. Manage the development, implementation, testing and acceptance of SBS
10. Develop, facilitate, and put in place a training plan, knowledge transfer plan, and
maintenance plan for maintenance, operation, and administrative staff to ensure
that City staff are able to operate, maintain, and support SBS.
11. Maintain proper records and documentations required for training, maintenance,
and grant management/audit purposes;
12. Conduct field work required for SBS;
13. Develop regular project status reports to be provided to Culver CityBus staff and
participating departments/agencies;
14. Complete monthly billing documents for submission to Culver CityBus; and,
15. Coordinate project close-out.
The Project Manager must be accessible during regular business hours during the
contract period and be available on-site, as necessary and as requested.
See Exhibit A for additional scope and technical specifications.
The proposal shall be organized and submitted with the following elements:
A. Cover page
B. Table of contents
C. Executive summary
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Provide a brief summary describing the proposer’s ability to perform the work
requested, a history of the proposer’s background and experience providing
services, the qualifications of the proposer’s personnel to be assigned to this
project, any subcontractor, sub consultants, and/or suppliers and a brief history of
their background and experience, and any other information called for by this
request for proposal which the proposer deems relevant, including restating any
exceptions to this request for proposal. This summary should be brief and concise
to apprise the reader of the basic services offered, experience and qualifications of
the proposer, staff, subcontractors, and/or suppliers.
D. Questionnaire/Response to Scope of Services
Proposer shall provide responses and information to fully satisfy each item in the
Questionnaire. Each question item should be presented before the proposer’s
E. Attachments
Proposer shall provide a compliance matrix to indicate compliance or
noncompliance with each requirement in the Technical Specifications.
A. Company and General Information
Company name and address.
Letter of transmittal signed by an individual authorized to bind the respondent,
stating that the respondent has read and will comply with all terms and
conditions of the RFP.
General information about the primary contact who would be able to answer
questions about the proposal. Include name, title, telephone number and email
address of the individual.
B. Qualifications and Experience of the Firm(s)
Describe your firm’s history and organizational structure. Include the size of the
firm, location of offices, years in business, organizational chart, name(s) of
owner(s) and principal parties, and number and position titles of staff.
What is the primary business of the parent company and/or affiliates?
Which office(s) of your organization will have primary responsibility for
managing this account? List the members of your team who will be responsible
for providing the services and for ongoing support.
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RFP NO. 1586
What is your firm’s experience implementing CAD/AVL systems, real-time
information systems for transit passengers and providing onboard BSP
functionality using a SmartBus approach? Include a list of similar projects
completed and references, including the number of projects, scope of service,
and status of projects.
Comment on other areas that may make your firm(s) different from your
Provide the requested forms.
C. Qualifications and Experience of Proposed Project Team
Describe the qualifications of staff proposed for the assignment, position(s) in
the firm and subcontractor firms (if any), and types and amount of equivalent
experience. Be sure to include any municipal agencies they have worked with
in the past three years and their level of involvement. A description of how
overall project management will be provided should be included.
Identify and provide the resume(s) of the personnel who will be assigned to this
D. Questions/Response to Scope of Services
Describe the methods by which your firm will fulfill the services required in the
Scope of Services and in the Technical Specifications.
Provide a statement of the service(s) that differentiate your firm from other
Provide a compliance matrix to the requirements in the Technical
Specifications indicating Compliance or Non Compliance.
Although the specifications in the requirements section represent the City's
anticipated needs, there may be instances in which it is in the City's best
interest to permit exceptions to specifications and accept alternatives. It is
extremely important that Firms make very clear where an exception is taken to
the specifications and how alternatives will be provided. Therefore, exceptions,
conditions, or qualifications to the provisions of the City's specifications must be
clearly identified as such, together with the reasons, and inserted in this section
of the proposal. If the Firm does not make it clear that an exception is taken,
the City will assume the proposal is responding to and will meet the
specification as written.
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E. Fees
Provide your fees for the proposed SmartBus System and options in the price
sheets that are attached in Exhibit D
Provide your fees for all options in the price sheets. .
F. References
List the name, address and telephone number of references from at least three (3)
recent similar projects. Include a brief description of the work provided for each
reference. California municipal or county projects are preferred. You may offer
more than three recent similar projects if desired. The references should include
the start date of the project and the date of completion for each project.
G. Implementation Schedule
Include a detailed implementation schedule with an estimated start date of June 27,
2016 and note key project milestones and timelines for deliverables. Identify any
assumptions used in developing the schedule.
H. Certificate(s) of Insurance
The City will require the successful proposer to provide Certificates of Insurance
evidencing required coverage types and the minimum limits. See Exhibit B for
more information on the City’s insurance requirements.
I. Business Tax Certificate
The proposing firm does not require a Culver City business tax certificate to
respond to this RFP. However any successful proposer will be required to acquire
a Culver City Business tax certificate during the contracting process. The certificate
will have to be renewed each year during the contract.
Proposals will be judged on the Proposer’s ability to provide services that meet the
requirements set forth in this document. The City reserves the right to make such
investigations as it deems necessary to determine the ability of the Proposer to provide
services meeting a satisfactory level of performance in accordance with the City’s
requirements. Interviews and presentations by one, several, or all of the Proposers may
be requested by evaluators if deemed necessary to fully understand and compare the
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RFP NO. 1586
Proposer’s capabilities and qualifications. The adequacy, depth, and clarity of the
proposal will influence, to a considerable degree, its evaluation.
The technical proposals will first be evaluated by using the Minimum Requirements
criteria. The minimum qualifications will be an initial cutoff point for assessing minimum
levels of financial capabilities. Compliance with each standard is required. The
Minimum Requirements will be evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis. A single Fail score on
any of the Minimum Requirements shall render the proposal as not acceptable and
eliminated from further consideration. Proposers shall include a section in their
proposals to specifically demonstrate each of the following requirements are met.
The Minimum requirements are:
1) Proposer shall have completed two (2) implementations of CAD/AVL systems
with traveler information subsystems similar to Culver CityBus' SBS that include
time of arrival prediction, website development, smartphone app development,
and traveler information signs deployed at bus stops, in the past five years.
2) Proposer shall have completed one (1) implementation of a BSP system that
utilized a SmartBus approach to determine if priority is needed and to transmit a
priority request message.
3) Proposer shall demonstrate the ability to finance at least one million dollars as
evidenced through financial documentation or letter of credit availability.
4) Proposer shall demonstrate the ability to secure the requisite performance and
Subcontractor Payment Bonds.
Proposals meeting the minimum technical requirements shall be evaluated
according to the following evaluation criteria.
a. CAD Features
b. Schedule import and other data imports
c. Onboard Vehicle System
d. Video System, UFS, RIITS Interface
e. Reports
f. Website
g. Traveler Information System Signs and Monitors
h. IVR
i. SMS
j. API, External Interfaces
k. Manuals and Training
l. BSP Functionality
m. System Design
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RFP NO. 1586
j. Project Experience from Similar Projects
k. Assigned Personnel Project Experience, Proposed Staffing
l. Proposed Schedule, Schedule performance on Previous
m. Proposed Onsite Presence
n. Warranty, Warranty Support, Quality Control
o. Project Budget and Pricing*
* Note – Price will not constitute the sole determining factor for project award.
The Proposals that have met the minimum technical requirements will be rated
according to their completeness and understanding of CCB’s needs, conformance to
the requirements of the technical specifications, prior experience with comparable
proposals, financial capabilities, implementation schedule, and cost. This evaluation
may, at CCB's discretion, be augmented by verbal or written requests for clarification, or
additional information as necessary to determine whether the technical requirements
can be met. The CCB staff will use the criteria listed above in determining which
proposal best meets the needs of the City. The CCB shall be the sole determiner of
suitability to the City’s needs.
A. Best and Final Offer (BAFO):
Due to the complexity of the proposed SBS, the great number of potential suppliers
in the marketplace and great number of products available, the need for continuity
with existing systems, and the ease of maintenance and service; it may be
impossible to determine the winning bidder based solely on the submission of the
proposal required herein. Therefore, at the CCB’s discretion, no more than four (4)
finalist proposers will be invited for further discussions and technical interviews.
These discussions and interviews may result in changes in design, component lists,
and costs. At the CCB’s discretion, CCB may request the finalist proposers to
submit a Best and Final Offer (BAFO). The BAFOs will be evaluated using the
Evaluation Criteria list above. The CCB will then determine the final, winning
proposer based on the discussions, interview, and BAFO.
B. Errors and Omissions:
The Proposer will not be allowed to take advantage of any errors and/or omissions in
these instructions and specifications or in the Proposer’s specifications submitted
with its proposal. Full instruction will always be given when errors or omissions are
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C. Proposer’s Examination of Requirements:
The proposer is required to examine carefully the CCB and Culver City sites,
investigate the conditions to be encountered, review the RFP instructions and
information from this document and the Technical Specifications. Submission of a
proposal will be considered prima facie evidence that the proposer has made such
D. The Contract:
The Proposer to whom the award is made will be required to enter into a written
contract with the City of Culver City in the form attached (Exhibit E). A copy of this
notice inviting proposals, and the proposer’s accepted proposal will be attached to
and become a part of the contract. All services supplied by the Contractor shall
conform to the applicable requirements of the City Charter, City Ordinances, and
State or Federal Law covering Labor and Wages, as well as conforming to the
specifications contained herein. In case of default by the Contractor, the City
reserves the right to procure the articles or services from other sources and to hold
the Contractor responsible for any excess cost incurred by the City hereby.
E. Payment Milestones
Payment Milestones for the SBS Project will be based upon the amount of work
completed, and will be as follows:
Completion of Preliminary Design Review
Completion of Final Design Review
Completion of Factory Acceptance Test
Completion of Onboard SBS CFA Tests
Completion of BSP CFA Tests
Completion of NCCB CFA Test
Completion of Onboard Installations
Release of Website
Deployment of IVR
Deployment of SMS Response
Deployment of Traveler Information Signs
Completion of Reports
Completion of System Acceptance Test
Completion of Close Out
Completion of Warranty
F. Term of Agreement:
The term of the agreement will be for a period not to exceed two (2) years.
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G. Suspension of Procurement:
City may suspend, in writing, all or a portion of the procurement of materials or
services pursuant to this agreement, in the event unforeseen circumstances make
such procurement impossible or infeasible, or in the event City should determine it to
be in the best interest of City to cancel such procurement of services or materials.
In the event of termination, the Contractor shall perform such additional work as is
necessary for the orderly filing of documents, and closing of the SBS project.
Contractor will be compensated for the terminated procurement on the basis of
materials or services actually furnished or performed prior to the effective date of
termination, plus the work reasonably required for filing and closing.
H. Time for Completion and Liquidated Damages:
Total project timeframe is estimated to be 24 months; CCB estimates that Traveler
Information System and the BSP portion of the project will commence in approximately
month 18. Proposer shall specify project timeline and duration with proposal
submission. Since this portion of the project will be co-funded by L.A. Metro, it will be
important for the Proposer to meet the timeline for the installation and completion of the
Traveler Information System and BSP portion of the Project. Liquidated damages
apply to the Traveler Information System and Bus Signal Priority portion of the Project.
Proposers are encouraged to ensure they are in direct communication with CCB,
notwithstanding unforeseen delays in product delivery, services or technical
requirements of meeting the specifications of this section and reaching mutual
consensus, liquidated damages of $250/per-day will be implemented.
It is hereby understood and mutually agreed, by and between the Proposer awarded
the contract and the City, that the date of beginning and the time for completion as
specified in the contract of work to be done hereunder are essential conditions of this
contract; and it is further mutually understood and agreed that the work embraced in
this contract shall be commenced on a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed,
(NTP) and shall be fully completed within 24 calendar months. Optional installations
shall be subject of negotiation and may be exercised up to 5 years after NTP at the
City’s discretion. The installation time is an important evaluation criteria. The Contractor
agrees that said work shall be performed regularly, diligently, and uninterrupted so that
the rate of progress will ensure full completion thereof within the time specified. It is
expressly understood and agreed, by and between the Contractor and the City, that
the time for the completion of the work described herein is a reasonable time for
completion of the same, taking into consideration the average climatic range and usual
industrial conditions prevailing in this locality.
It is very important for the successful Proposer to meet the agreed upon Final Design
Review (FDR), SBS Installations, and System Acceptance dates, within 45 days, as
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stipulated in this solicitation, the Proposer/Contractor does hereby agree, as a part
consideration for the awarding of this contract, ensure that this timeframe will be
adhere to.
It is further agreed that time is of the essence of each and every portion of this Contract
wherein a definite and certain length of time is fixed for the performance of any act
whatsoever; and where under this Contract additional time is allowed for the
completion of any work, the new time limit fixed by such extension shall be of the
essence of this contract. However, the Proposer shall not be charged with liquidated
damages or any excess cost where the City determines that the Contractor is without
fault and the Contractor's reasons for the time extension are acceptable to the City; or,
when the delay in completion of the work is due:
To any preference, priority or allocation order duly issued by the Government;
To unforeseeable cause beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of
the Contractor, including but not restricted to, acts of God, acts of the public enemy,
acts of the City of Culver City, acts of another Contractor in the performance of a
contract with City of Culver City, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions,
strikes, freight embargoes, and severe weather; and,
To any delays of Subcontractors or suppliers occasioned by any of the causes
specified above; provided that the Contractor shall, within ten (10) days from the
beginning of such delay, unless the City of Culver City shall grant a further period of
time prior to the date of final settlement of the contract, notify the City of Culver City
Project Manager, in writing, of the cause of delay, which shall ascertain the facts
and extent of the delay and notify the Contractor within a reasonable time of its
decision in the matter.
It is further agreed that Contractor's payment of, or agreement to pay, liquidated
damages and the City’s acceptance of such payment or acceptance of the agreement
to pay liquidated damages for any specific period of delay, shall in no way affect the
City’s right to terminate the contract for default in any subsequent delay.
See Exhibit G for Liquidated Damage Form.
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Exhibit A
Technical Specifications
Exhibit A-1
Exhibit A
GENERAL .......................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................1
Scope of Work................................................................................................................................................1
Two Step Process ...........................................................................................................................................2
Schedule .........................................................................................................................................................2
CULVER CITYBUS OVERVIEW ........................................................................ 3
Culver CityBus Overview .............................................................................................................................3
CCB OrbCAD System...................................................................................................................................4
CCB Voice and Data Radio System .............................................................................................................4
Universal Fare System ..................................................................................................................................5
Telephone Systems ........................................................................................................................................5
Bus Signal Priority System ...........................................................................................................................5
IT Standards ..................................................................................................................................................5
SBS FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................... 7
DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................7
Capacity and Expandability ........................................................................................................................7
Open System Architecture ..........................................................................................................................9
FCC Compliance ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Reliability, Availability and Maintainability ............................................................................................ 13
Response Times ........................................................................................................................................ 15
SBS Databases .......................................................................................................................................... 16
SBS Interface ............................................................................................................................................ 16
Computer Aided Dispatch .......................................................................................................................... 19
Console Designation ................................................................................................................................. 20
Dispatcher Work Assignment ................................................................................................................... 20
Console Work Assignment ....................................................................................................................... 20
Call Routing.............................................................................................................................................. 20
Operations Status ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Voice and Data Communication Subsystems ............................................................................................ 32
Voice Radio Subsystem Interface ............................................................................................................. 32
Wireless Data Communication Subsystem ............................................................................................... 33
Communications Control............................................................................................................................ 34
Console Communications ......................................................................................................................... 34
Telephone Interface .................................................................................................................................. 35
Audio Recording ...................................................................................................................................... 35
SBS Technical Specifications
Page i
Exhibit A-2
Exhibit A
Computer Subsystem .................................................................................................................................. 35
Archival, Summary, and Restoration of Operating Data .......................................................................... 35
Failover and Backup ................................................................................................................................. 35
SBS Software............................................................................................................................................ 36
AVA Database Editor Workstation .......................................................................................................... 37
BSP Database Editor Workstation ............................................................................................................ 38
Multi-Channel Digital Voice Recorder..................................................................................................... 38
Wide Area Networking ............................................................................................................................... 38
Automatic Vehicle Location ....................................................................................................................... 39
Location Accuracy.................................................................................................................................... 39
Route Schedule Adherence ......................................................................................................................... 40
Support Schedule and Route Adherence .................................................................................................. 40
Onboard Subsystem .................................................................................................................................... 41
Description and Functional Overview ...................................................................................................... 41
Automatic Passenger Counters ................................................................................................................. 47
Automatic Voice Annunciators ................................................................................................................ 49
Video Security Subsystem Interface ......................................................................................................... 52
Yard Subsystem ........................................................................................................................................... 53
3.10.1 Operator Assignments .............................................................................................................................. 53
3.10.2 Option: Record and Report Bus Location and Bus Actions in Yard ....................................................... 54
3.10.3 Option: Bus Assignments in Yard ........................................................................................................... 54
3.10.4 Wireless LAN ........................................................................................................................................... 54
Supervisor System ....................................................................................................................................... 55
Road Supervisor System ............................................................................................................................. 55
3.12.1 Mobile Data Computers............................................................................................................................ 56
3.12.2 Voice communications ............................................................................................................................. 56
Traveler Information Subsystem- Next CulverCityBus (NCCB)............................................................ 56
3.13.1 Time of Arrival Predictions ...................................................................................................................... 56
3.13.2 NCCB Reporting ...................................................................................................................................... 57
3.13.3 Availability ............................................................................................................................................... 57
3.13.4 NCCB Website ......................................................................................................................................... 57
3.13.5 Data Interface with Other Applications .................................................................................................... 63
3.13.6 Schedule Inquiry by Text Messaging ....................................................................................................... 64
3.13.7 IVR ........................................................................................................................................................... 65
3.13.8 Electronic Signs ........................................................................................................................................ 66
3.13.9 LED Signs ................................................................................................................................................ 68
3.13.10 LCD Signs ................................................................................................................................................ 68
3.13.11 Option: Mobile APP ................................................................................................................................ 69
Bus Signal Priority ...................................................................................................................................... 69
3.14.1 Determination of the Need for Signal Priority.......................................................................................... 70
3.14.2 BSP Modes ............................................................................................................................................... 70
3.14.3 BSP Messages .......................................................................................................................................... 70
3.14.4 BSP Message Format................................................................................................................................ 71
3.14.5 BSP Databases .......................................................................................................................................... 73
3.14.6 BSP Reporting .......................................................................................................................................... 74
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-3
Exhibit A
SBS HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS............................................................... 75
Consoles ........................................................................................................................................................ 75
Computer .................................................................................................................................................. 75
Displays .................................................................................................................................................... 75
Input Devices ............................................................................................................................................ 75
Console Audio Hardware ......................................................................................................................... 75
Option: Printer ......................................................................................................................................... 77
End-to-End Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 77
Computer Subsystem Equipment .............................................................................................................. 77
Architecture .............................................................................................................................................. 77
Characteristics .......................................................................................................................................... 78
Uninterruptible Power Supply .................................................................................................................. 78
Delivery .................................................................................................................................................... 78
Computer Subsystem Equipment and Dispatch Installation ..................................................................... 78
Voice Radio System Interface..................................................................................................................... 79
Wireless Data Communication Subsystem................................................................................................ 79
Onboard Subsystem .................................................................................................................................... 80
Onboard SBS Processor............................................................................................................................ 80
Voice Radio Interface ............................................................................................................................... 81
Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) .................................................................................................................. 81
Handset ..................................................................................................................................................... 83
Speaker ..................................................................................................................................................... 83
Covert Microphone ................................................................................................................................... 83
Silent Alarm Switch ................................................................................................................................. 84
Wireless Data Devices .............................................................................................................................. 84
Spread Spectrum Radio ............................................................................................................................ 85
4.5.10 Automatic Vehicle Location Subsystem................................................................................................... 86
4.5.11 APC .......................................................................................................................................................... 87
4.5.12 AVA ......................................................................................................................................................... 87
4.5.13 Interface to Video Security Subsystem ..................................................................................................... 88
4.5.14 Onboard Electrical Requirements ............................................................................................................. 89
4.5.15 Delivery .................................................................................................................................................... 93
4.5.16 Onboard SBS Subsystem Equipment Installation..................................................................................... 93
4.5.17 Environmental Requirements ................................................................................................................... 95
Yard Subsystem ........................................................................................................................................... 96
Wireless LAN Access Point ..................................................................................................................... 96
Yard Workstation ..................................................................................................................................... 98
SBS Local Area Network ......................................................................................................................... 98
Installation Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 98
Supervisor Subsystem ................................................................................................................................. 99
Voice Communications ............................................................................................................................ 99
Data Radio Communications .................................................................................................................... 99
Automatic Vehicle Location ..................................................................................................................... 99
Environmental Requirements ................................................................................................................... 99
Road Supervisor Subsystem ..................................................................................................................... 100
Voice Radio ............................................................................................................................................ 100
Wireless Data Communications ............................................................................................................. 100
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-4
Exhibit A
Mobile Data Computer (MDC) .............................................................................................................. 101
Environmental Requirements ................................................................................................................. 103
Traveler Information System ................................................................................................................... 104
LED Signs .............................................................................................................................................. 104
LCD Signs .............................................................................................................................................. 107
PROJECT MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS .............................................. 109
Project Management Personnel ............................................................................................................... 110
Project Manager...................................................................................................................................... 110
Senior Project Engineer (SPE)................................................................................................................ 111
Project Meetings ........................................................................................................................................ 112
Attendance .............................................................................................................................................. 112
Location .................................................................................................................................................. 112
Meeting Minutes ..................................................................................................................................... 112
Agenda.................................................................................................................................................... 112
Schedule ..................................................................................................................................................... 112
Detailed Contract Schedule .................................................................................................................... 112
Critical Path ............................................................................................................................................ 113
Four-Week Rolling Schedules ................................................................................................................ 114
Submittals .................................................................................................................................................. 114
General ................................................................................................................................................... 114
Culver CityBus Review .......................................................................................................................... 115
Drawings ................................................................................................................................................ 116
Product Data Submittals ......................................................................................................................... 117
Test Procedures ...................................................................................................................................... 118
Test Results ............................................................................................................................................ 118
As-Built Documentation............................................................................................................................ 119
As-Built Drawings .................................................................................................................................. 119
As Built Software Documentation .......................................................................................................... 120
Project Closeout......................................................................................................................................... 121
Initial Survey .......................................................................................................................................... 121
Final Survey............................................................................................................................................ 121
System Deliverables ................................................................................................................................... 122
Bus Subsystem........................................................................................................................................ 122
Spares ..................................................................................................................................................... 122
SBS CAD Computers ............................................................................................................................. 122
SBS Dispatch Center Consoles Subsystem ............................................................................................ 122
Yard Subsystem ...................................................................................................................................... 123
Communication Subsystem .................................................................................................................... 123
Supervisor Subsystems ........................................................................................................................... 123
Road Supervisor Subsystems .................................................................................................................. 123
NextCulverCityBus Subsystem .............................................................................................................. 124
5.7.10 SBS Software and Database ................................................................................................................... 124
5.7.11 Diagnostic and Test Equipment .............................................................................................................. 124
5.7.12 Manuals, Training, and Training Tools .................................................................................................. 124
5.7.13 Design Submittals ................................................................................................................................... 124
5.7.14 As Built Documentation ......................................................................................................................... 125
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-5
Exhibit A
Monthly Status Reports .......................................................................................................................... 125
Test Plans/Procedures and Test Results.................................................................................................. 125
Closeout Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 125
System Support .......................................................................................................................................... 125
Prior to System Acceptance .................................................................................................................... 125
Warranty ................................................................................................................................................. 126
Quality Assurance ..................................................................................................................................... 127
Technical Documents ............................................................................................................................. 127
System Components ............................................................................................................................... 128
Manufactured Products ........................................................................................................................... 129
MANUALS ...................................................................................................... 130
Manual Users ............................................................................................................................................. 130
General Requirements for Manuals ........................................................................................................ 130
Development Process ............................................................................................................................. 130
Content ................................................................................................................................................... 131
Medium and Formats for Delivery ......................................................................................................... 131
Operator Manual....................................................................................................................................... 132
Transit Operations Supervisor Manual .................................................................................................. 133
Dispatcher Manual .................................................................................................................................... 133
Yard Subsystem User Manual.................................................................................................................. 134
Onboard Equipment Maintenance Manual ............................................................................................ 134
Electronic Sign Hardware Maintenance Manual ................................................................................... 135
APC Operations Analyst Manual ............................................................................................................ 136
SBS Workstation and Server Maintenance Manual ............................................................................. 136
Computer System Administrator Manual .............................................................................................. 137
Data Administration Manual ................................................................................................................... 138
TRAINING ....................................................................................................... 140
Courses and Trainees ................................................................................................................................ 140
Training Plan ............................................................................................................................................. 141
Course General Requirements ................................................................................................................. 141
Course Materials ....................................................................................................................................... 142
Course Contents ........................................................................................................................................ 143
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-6
Exhibit A
Operator Trainer ..................................................................................................................................... 143
Transit Operations Supervisors............................................................................................................... 145
Yard Workstation Users ......................................................................................................................... 145
Onboard Equipment Maintenance Staff ................................................................................................. 146
System Administration Staff .................................................................................................................. 146
Data Administration Staff ....................................................................................................................... 147
APC Operations Analysts ....................................................................................................................... 149
Managers ................................................................................................................................................ 149
SPARES PROVISIONING AND TEST EQUIPMENT ..................................... 150
Spares ......................................................................................................................................................... 150
Onboard Subsystem ................................................................................................................................ 150
Cellular Equipment ................................................................................................................................. 150
Dispatch Equipment ............................................................................................................................... 150
Wireless LAN Equipment ...................................................................................................................... 151
Traveler Information Display ................................................................................................................. 151
Test Equipment ......................................................................................................................................... 151
Mobile Test Set....................................................................................................................................... 151
Mobile Programming Sets ...................................................................................................................... 152
ACCEPTANCE TESTING ............................................................................... 153
Testing Facilities ........................................................................................................................................ 154
Test Administration .................................................................................................................................. 154
Test Equipment and Personnel ............................................................................................................... 154
Trouble Call ............................................................................................................................................ 155
Test Results Review ................................................................................................................................... 155
Submittals .................................................................................................................................................. 155
Class Failure .............................................................................................................................................. 155
Reporting Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 156
Testing of Equipment Elements ............................................................................................................... 156
Quality Assurance Testing...................................................................................................................... 156
Onboard Subsystem Demonstration ........................................................................................................ 157
Factory Testing .......................................................................................................................................... 157
Onboard Subsystem ................................................................................................................................ 158
Supervisor Subsystem............................................................................................................................. 158
Road Supervisor Subsystem ................................................................................................................... 159
Yard Subsystem ...................................................................................................................................... 160
Dispatch Workstation ............................................................................................................................. 160
NCCB Subsystem ................................................................................................................................... 161
Wireless Data Communication Coverage Testing .................................................................................. 161
Onboard Subsystem Core System-First Article...................................................................................... 162
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-7
Exhibit A
BSP Core First Article .............................................................................................................................. 165
NCCB Sign Core First Article .................................................................................................................. 166
System Acceptance Testing ....................................................................................................................... 167
9.14.1 Integrated System Functional Test ......................................................................................................... 168
9.14.2 Major Failure .......................................................................................................................................... 169
9.14.3 Database Validation ................................................................................................................................ 170
9.14.4 System Acceptance 30-Day Monitoring ................................................................................................. 170
10 SUBMITTALS AND DESIGN REVIEWS ........................................................ 172
Preliminary Design Submittal .................................................................................................................. 172
10.1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 172
10.1.2 Software Requirements Specification ..................................................................................................... 172
10.1.3 Manufacturer Data Sheets ...................................................................................................................... 173
10.1.4 CAD User Interface and Functionality ................................................................................................... 173
10.1.5 NCCB User Interface and Functionality ................................................................................................. 173
10.1.6 Computer Subsystem .............................................................................................................................. 173
10.1.7 Wireless Data Service Coverage Layout ................................................................................................ 173
10.1.8 Call Set-Up ............................................................................................................................................. 174
10.1.9 Onboard SBS Subsystem ........................................................................................................................ 174
10.1.10 Description of the Software To Be Developed ....................................................................................... 174
10.1.11 Description of Route and Schedule Database Handling ......................................................................... 174
10.1.12 Real-Time Arrival Prediction Information ............................................................................................. 175
10.1.13 NCCB LED Signs and LCD Monitors ................................................................................................... 175
10.1.14 NCCB Traveler Information Website Design ........................................................................................ 175
10.1.15 NCCB IVR Design ................................................................................................................................. 175
10.1.16 NCCB Text Message Response .............................................................................................................. 175
Final Design Submittal .............................................................................................................................. 175
10.2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 176
10.2.2 Dispatch Center and Yard, NCCB Traveler Information Subsystem Hardware and Software .............. 176
10.2.3 Onboard Subsystem Hardware and Software ......................................................................................... 176
10.2.4 Computer and Fixed Data Radio Subsystem Hardware and Software ................................................... 177
Design Reviews .......................................................................................................................................... 177
APPENDIX A. GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS ....................................................... A-1
APPENDIX B. PARTIAL LIST OF STANDARD REPORTS ................................. B-1
ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................................... C-1
APPENDIX F. CULVER CITYBUS SITE DRAWING ............................................ F-1
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-8
Exhibit A
APPENDIX G. CULVER CITYBUS BUS ROUTE MAP ........................................ G-1
APPENDIX H. CCB RADIO COVERAGE AREA.................................................. H-1
APPENDIX I. LIST OF CDRLS ...............................................................................I-1
APPENDIX J. GO511 API .....................................................................................J-1
APPENDIX K. CULVER CITYBUS PRE-TRIP REPORT ..................................... K-1
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-9
Exhibit A
Culver CityBus (CCB or Agency) and their consultant, EIGER TechSystems(EIGER), have
created this Specification for the procurement of a SmartBus System (SBS).
The overall mission of Culver CityBus is to provide efficient and effective transportation
services and high quality, low cost equipment maintenance services to the City of Culver City.
To accomplish this mission, Culver CityBus is replacing its existing system. The SBS shall be
designed to provide an efficient, effective, reliable, flexible, and expandable bus fleet
management system to meet the needs of the CCB dispatchers, bus operators, supervisors,
police, management, and public ridership. The objectives of the SBS are as follows:
Improve operational efficiency
Provide improved delivery of transit information to the public
Improve service quality
Improve operator and passenger safety
Reduce bus fleet operation costs
In an era of rapid technology advances and increasing interoperability requirements, the
architecture of the SBS System must allow it to be easily maintained, upgraded, and expanded.
The Contractor shall design, furnish, install, test, and make operational a SmartBus System
(SBS) for Culver CityBus. The Contractor shall provide supporting documentation, training, and
technical support, as specified in these Technical Specifications. The Contractor shall be
responsible for all acts including working with Culver City staff and its Contractors, tasks,
equipment, system components, and services required to provide Culver CityBus with a turnkey
SBS System that is fully functional in accordance with the Contract and Specifications
(collectively referred to as “Work”), whether or not such Work is specifically identified within
this Agreement and the Specifications. Unless otherwise expressly agreed to in writing, all Work
under this Agreement shall be performed by the Contractor. The fourteen primary functional
areas of the SBS are as follows:
Voice Radio Interface
Cellular Data Communication Subsystem with Data Radio backup
Computer Aided Dispatch
Computer Subsystem
Automatic Vehicle Location
Wireless Local Area Network
Interface to RIITS/511
Automatic Passenger Counter
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-10
Exhibit A
9. Automatic Voice Annunciation
10. Interface to UFS farebox
11. Next CulverCityBus (NCCB) Traveler Information Subsystem including electronic signs,
webpage, and IVR
12. Onboard Bus Signal Priority Subsystem and BSP Monitor
13. Interface to Video Security Subsystem
14. Road Supervisor Subsystem
In addition to these core functions, the following additional functionality is being implemented
as a separate project:
Intersection Infrastructure for the Culver CityBus Signal Priority Systems (RFP #1587)
Culver CityBus’ bus operations and present usage of their voice radio system for dispatching
shall not be affected prior to the completion of SBS. Thus, SBS shall be placed into service
utilizing a careful, controlled cutover procedure so as not to affect Culver CityBus' operations.
Culver CityBus will use the Specification—developed using the Form, Fit and Function (F3)
methodology—to solicit proposals as the first half of a two-step procurement process. This
Specification describes the desired functionality and provides guidelines for a system design that
will meet these functional requirements. Innovative approaches are encouraged in the proposals
that will provide alternative means of meeting these functional requirements. Culver CityBus
requires proposers to specifically identify how their proposal varies from any approach set forth
in the RFP, the benefits of their approach, and identify implications of any proposed alternatives.
Proposals shall be clear in describing the exact approach intended.
Following receipt of the initial proposals and their review by Culver CityBus, proposers that are
deemed compliant or capable of being made compliant will be invited to participate in Step Two
of the selection process. Culver CityBus may hold interviews with proposers to provide
clarifications. Culver CityBus may also issue written requests for clarification of the proposals.
Proposers will then be requested to submit revised proposals including their best and final bid.
The SBS project duration from Notice to Proceed to System Acceptance shall not exceed twenty
four months.
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-11
Exhibit A
Contractor is responsible for obtaining all information regarding Culver CityBus' existing
systems required to perform its obligations under the Agreement. The following is provided for
informational purposes only and does not relieve Contractor of its information-gathering and
investigatory obligations.
Culver CityBus serves over 6 million riders annually on seven lines that include five line-haul
services and two community circulators as well as an express service line called the rapid 6. The
buses for the rapid 6 line have a transponder onboard that enables them to receive bus signal
priority when they are traveling in certain areas outside of Culver City. This system cannot be
used for Culver City's BSP Project.
The CCB service area encompasses 33 square miles that include the Westside communities of
Century City, Culver City, Mar Vista, Marina Del Rey, Palms, Rancho Park, Venice, West Los
Angeles, Westchester, Playa Vista, and Westwood.
CCB provides service runs bounded by the LA Metro Green Line and LAX to the south, UCLA
to the north, Fairfax Ave. to the east, and Venice Beach to the west. CCB lines currently
interconnect with LA Metro, Santa Monica Big Blue Bus, Torrance Transit, and Gardena
Municipal Bus Lines bus routes and the Metro Green and Expo Lines.
CCB currently has a fleet of 54 New Flyer buses but will be expanding to 60 in the near future.
All of the CCB buses are low floor and are wheelchair accessible. Up to 44 of the newer buses
have a Clever Devices Speakeasy PA system. CCB will be receiving 18 new buses in June 2016.
The new CCB buses will have two Luminator INFOtransit system LCD monitors for the display
of video, advertisements and general service announcements that will not be controlled by SBS..
CCB’s Administration, Maintenance and Bus Yard is located at 4343 Duquesne Ave. CCB
hours of operation are from 4:45 AM to 1:29 AM Monday through Friday, 5:00 AM to 12:55
AM on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. The address for deliveries is 9815 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Culver CityBus currently has 120 operators (with expansion to 88 full-time and 40 part-time
budgeted), 6 Transit Operations Supervisors, and 1 trainer. A Transit Operations Supervisor
works from 4 AM to 1:45 AM, Monday to Friday and 4:30 AM to 12:30 AM on Sat, Sun, and
holidays. The maintenance operating hours are 4:30 AM to 2:30 AM M-F and 5:30AM to 1:30
on Sat and Sunday. There is no dispatch support presently. Transit Operations Supervisors act
as dispatcher. Bus assignments are performed by the night supervisor and last-minute
adjustments are made by the Transit Operations Supervisors on duty during the day.
CCB will be upgrading its bus shelters in 2016.
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-12
Exhibit A
CCB currently uses an OrbCAD system to manage its bus fleet. The system was recently
upgraded to version 13.55. The bus build used for the onboard systems is version 13.26. The
onboard integrated vehicle unit (IVU) controls the onboard voice radio (MCS 2000) and the
onboard data radio (Tait TM8105) for voice and data communications, respectively between
dispatchers and bus operators. The onboard system includes automatic voice announcements
utilizing the PA system, next stop and general service messages on two onboard LED signs,
IRMA-Iris automatic passenger counters (APC), wireless LAN cards, interface to MobileView
Penta 5 video system for wireless video downloads, interface to the GFI farebox for single signon, interface to the headsign, and interface to a silent alarm switch. Operators may use the
mobile data terminal (MDT) to command the video system to tag data during emergency and
non-emergency situations. The onboard video is also tagged when the operator activates the
silent alarm switch or when triggered by a g-force sensor. Onboard data is downloaded
automatically when the bus returns to the bus yard via the Yard Wifi (802.11b) system and is
stored in a long-term database for the generation of fleet management reports. CCB will be
increasing the number of onboard cameras from 8 to 11.
The CCB OrbCAD system has a feature called Unattended Mode that is used when the Transit
Operations Supervisor unavailable to operate the dispatch workstation. Unattended Mode is
different from voice fallback. When the OrbCAD system is placed in Unattended Mode,
operators are able to speak immediately to a supervisor by selecting the request to talk (RTT)
button on the MDT. No other mobile user will be able to listen in on the conversation. All data
communications and vehicle location tracking are unaffected by switching the system into
Unattended Mode.
CCB does not have scheduling software but engages a consultant CSched to prepare their new
schedules in Hastus format for import into SBS. CCB contracts with Houston-based RSM
Services to create their APC reports.
The transition from OrbCAD to SBS shall be implemented in accordance with an approved cutover plan.
SBS shall use the Culver City trunked voice radio system for voice communications. CCB
utilizes the Culver City voice radio system, which is a six channel, single site UHF analog
SMARTZONE trunking system. The antennas for the system are mounted to a 300-foot tower
located at Baldwin Hills. The City is planning to upgrade its radio system in the near future to a
P25 compliant system. The City has tentative plans to replace the MCS2000 mobiles onboard
the buses with P25 compliant XTL1500 mobiles.
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-13
Exhibit A
CCB has its own dedicated 800 MHz data radio system that uses one frequency pair--853.9625
MHz (transmit) and 808.9625 MHz (receive). The Quantar base station for the data radio system
has an output power of 75 watts and is located at the Baldwin Hills site and is nearing end of life.
The Tait data radios onboard the buses are also nearing end of life.
CCB has implemented the Universal Fare System (UFS) that has been adopted by LA Metro and
several other local transit providers. Cubic, the UFS contractor has provided GFI Odyssey
fareboxes, with a main logic board that is a joint Cubic/GFI product. The fareboxes will accept
the TAP smartcard, LA Metro tokens and cash. Operators currently have single sign-on
capability onto to UFS and SBS by signing on either on the OrbCAD MDT or the farebox
Operator Control Unit (OCU).
In April 2011, the City of Culver City implemented a new Cisco Communications Manager
(version 9.12) PBX and Unity Connection voicemail (version 9.12) systems for all City
facilities. The City has approximately 625 VoIP telephone sets with 51 sets located at the
Transportation Facility. The Communications Manager offers simple call queuing and the Unity
Connection voicemail system employs Automated Attendant and call trees. Automated Call
Distribution (ACD) is available but not implemented. In addition to VoIP connectivity via the
default Cisco SCCP (Skinny Client Control Protocol), analog, SIP, and PRI connectivity are also
CCB is implementing two Bus Signal Priority Systems; Culver CityBus Citywide Bus Signal
Priority (BSP) Project (Citywide) and the Culver CityBus Rapid BSP Project (Rapid). CCB will
be engaging a BSP Contractor to establish the OnStreet BSP Subsystem, which includes
modifications to the traffic signal controllers for BSP functionality and establishment of the
OnStreet WLAN network for communications from the bus to the traffic signal controller.
The following are Culver City’s IT standards:
Server software (OS): Windows Server 2012 R2
Virtual Environment software: VMware VSphere 6.0, or latest version available.
Server Hardware: The latest generation Intel or AMD CPU; RAM needed depends on
server; ESXi hosts should have enough RAM to support all VMs. Currently, each of
their 2 ESXi hosts have 112 GB RAM, 24 CPUs, and each of them host 3 VMs. Active
database VM servers are allocated 16 GB RAM and 8 CPUs each. Long-term DB is
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-14
Exhibit A
allocated 8 GB RAM and 4 CPUs. Other physical servers such as domain controllers
should have no less than 8 GB RAM.
Workstation Hardware: the latest generation Intel CPU; 16 GB RAM; solid-state hard
drive (minimum 256 GB); if more space is needed for a particular workstation, use a
regular spinning drive (1 TB minimum, 7,200 RPM) with RAID 1 (mirror); Can also be
added to solid state as a second drive for data storage, depending on workstation
need. Video Card: 4 GB minimum with good GPU, dual-monitor capable.
Database software: MS SQL Server 2012 R2
Workstations: Windows 7 Professional SP1
Antivirus: Trend Micro Officescan 11
Productivity: Office 2010; migrating to Office 365 soon
E-mail Server: Exchange 2010; migrating to Office 365 very soon
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-15
Exhibit A
This section describes overall design and performance requirements that shall be utilized
throughout for SBS. SBS shall meet the following performance requirements as an integrated
system. These requirements span multiple individual Subsystems and System Components.
Each individual Subsystem and System Component shall perform as necessary to support these
requirements, in addition to Subsystem-specific and System Component-specific requirements
stated in other sections of the Specification or Agreement. SBS shall include all functions and
features that are currently provided by CCB’s OrbCAD system.
Proposers are encouraged to supply standard, unmodified, service-proven products of computer
and communication equipment manufacturers, established third-party hardware and software
suppliers and their own baseline product offerings where they meet or exceed the functional
requirements of this Specification. The Contractor shall furnish the Contractor’s most current
hardware and software at the time of fleet-wide installation. The Contractor shall supply all
standard features and functionality of the Contractor’s most current product release at the time of
system acceptance.
Proposers shall describe their standard offering in their proposals and highlight proposed features
that exceed specification requirements, and features that need to be developed to meet the
Capacity and Expandability Number of Buses to be Served
SBS shall support at least 100 buses in operation.
SBS shall equip 60 buses. Number of Buses during Pull-Out
SBS shall support power-up and pull-out of 100 buses in a one hour period. Lines, Routes, and Runs
SBS shall support 20 lines, 40 routes and up to 2000 runs represented by six-digit alphanumeric
identifications. SBS shall support interlining and shall support “tripper” assignments. A route is
a significant variation in the operation of trips on a line. A run is a collection of mutually
exclusive revenue and non-revenue trips.
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-16
Exhibit A Operating Schedule
SBS shall be capable of supporting a scheduled operating day that extends beyond 24 hours. Operator ID’s
SBS shall support six-digit operator ID’s. Bus and Supervisor ID’s
SBS shall support six-digit bus and supervisor vehicle ID’s. Road Supervisors
SBS shall support up to ten Road Supervisor Subsystems in simultaneous operation. CAD Consoles Allocations
SBS shall be equipped with CAD consoles and management consoles, as further defined in
Section 3.2 and 4.1 of this Specification. In addition, SBS shall be equipped with management
monitoring positions that provide access to all SBS information, but do not have the radio and
telephone communications features that the full dispatch consoles have.
SBS shall be capable of expansion to support at least ten CAD console positions, including
consoles located remotely, and eight management monitoring positions, with no more than 5%
degradation in the latency of data. Compliance shall be demonstrated as part of the Acceptance
Testing as per Section 9 of this Specification. Nomenclature and Familiar Terms
Text for labeling, messages, etc., shall use terminology that is consistent with existing CCB
terminology. Examples include the following:
1. Bus Operator
2. Transit Operations Supervisor
3. Paddles
4. Buses (not coaches)
5. Training & Safety Instructor
6. Line (not route)
7. Passengers (not customers)
8. Transportation Facility (entire building)
9. Equipment Maintenance (Garage)
10. Transportation Dispatcher
11. Transit Operations Manager
12. Transit Operations (Operations Division only)
13. Tripper (A shorter peak hour bus run aimed at reducing overcrowding. Trippers may be
scheduled or supplemental.)
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-17
Exhibit A
Road Supervisors and Transit Operations Supervisors may be referred to as Supervisor in this
SBS shall be designed to facilitate future expansion in functionality and transit operating
conditions, with open, fully documented interfaces.
SBS shall permit expansion without upgrading initial equipment, without restructuring initial
software, and with no more than 5% degradation in the latency of data to support the following:
Eight CAD consoles
Eight management monitoring positions
100 operational vehicles
Ten Road Supervisor Subsystem equipped vehicles
Twenty Transit Operations Supervisor/Maintenance vehicles
100 lines
200 routes
2000 runs
Compliance shall be demonstrated as part of the Acceptance Testing as per Section 9 of this
SBS shall be designed to permit the addition of new functional capabilities over its lifetime
without significant replacement of existing components. In particular, functions designated in
this Specification as future or options shall be readily added to the system during its lifetime
without costly rework or replacement of existing system components.
Proposers shall specify in their proposals how functions designated as future or options can be
added to the system later and how their systems are future proofed.
3.1.2 Open System Architecture
SBS shall be designed using off-the-shelf hardware and software to the maximum extent possible
and shall be designed using Open System Architectures and non proprietary software.
Open Systems Architectures, as used in the context of the SBS design, are systems that achieve
the following objectives:
Utilize components that have interfaces that are fully documented, non-proprietary, and
based on a standard that is recognized by a standards-making body, such as IEEE, ANSI,
SAE, and ITU-T.
Utilize components that are manufactured by several sources or are readily commercially
Utilize components whose internal workings are fully documented and understood by a
significant user and support community.
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-18
Exhibit A
Utilize custom components that were developed and documented in accordance with
recognized programming architecture and standards and quality assurance procedures. Software
All software, including firmware, (other than off-the-shelf operating system software from third
parties) furnished as part of SBS shall be developed in accordance with IEEE software quality
assurance procedures and shall utilize modern software engineering techniques, such as clientserver and object-oriented software architecture. The Contractor shall utilize current standard
operating systems such as Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008. Microsoft operating systems
are preferred by CCB. If SBS utilizes the Windows 7 operating system, the Contractor shall
include an upgrade SBS when a version that uses Windows 10 is available. A common highlevel language, such as ANSI Standard C++, shall be utilized. Databases
SBS shall retain and manipulate data as relational files using common database routines for
definition and access. All parameters needed for administration shall be available through
system administrator console operation. The Contractor shall provide tools for performance
measurement and analysis as further defined in this Specification. Databases shall allow
multiple users to access the data without significant impact on performance. Microsoft SQL
databases are preferred by CCB. Software Tools
Complete tools and all necessary files for managing, building, and testing software shall be
included. Facilities shall be provided to support building and testing without affecting CCB
operations. Installation tools shall be provided to enable coordinated, rapid, and secure updates
at all sites and to all vehicles as further defined in this Specification. Geographic Information System (GIS)
Culver City’s GIS Program uses ESRI’s ArcGIS suite of software to maintain numerous GIS
layers that may be accessed by an ArcSDE database connection, ArcGIS Server map service, or
Shapefiles. The City maintains centerline data that covers the extent of the CCB service area
both inside and outside Culver City’s boundary. Data projection is California State Plane, Zone
5, NAD83, units in feet. This ESRI ArcGIS based platform shall be the basis for any and all
requirements within SBS that call for the processing, storage, and display of geographic
data. Although this is CCB’s preference, CCB will consider the option of a widely used nonESRI based platform such as Google Maps. Culver City’s bus and bus route layers would be
added on top of underlying base layers, such as streets and landmarks maintained by Culver
City’s GIS Program and/or Google. Data Protocols
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-19
Exhibit A
Data communications shall be based on standard, open protocols that conform to the Open
Systems Interconnection (OSI) seven-layer model. These protocols shall include the following:
The use of 802.3 - 2014 IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan area networks and
IEEE Wireless LAN 802.11– 2012 or later
The use of IP for wide area network communications
The use of the latest versions TCIP, SAE, and EIA protocols for vehicle area network
The protocol used for wireless data communications may be implemented in the modem or the
radio. Open protocols are preferred. Documentation for the protocol shall be provided to Culver
CityBus <CDRL>.
In addition, specific consideration shall be provided for the following: Regional ITS
SBS shall be designed such that access to real-time information can be provided to other systems
at CCB including the CCB BSP Monitor, the Southern California 511, Metro’s CSP Network
Monitor, and the Regional Integration of Intelligent Transportation Systems (RIITS) network.
The information shall be available through the SBS Database for applications including, but not
limited to 511, RIITS, bus signal priority and traveler information systems. Future
implementation of NTCIP-compliant center-to-center communications shall be facilitated
through data stored in the SBS’ database. SBS shall comply with the LA County Regional ITS
architecture ( and shall facilitate implementation of RIITS and 511 compliant
interfaces. Radio Subsystem
SBS shall provide voice communications via the existing Culver City trunked radio system that
currently supports voice communications for the OrbCAD system. Contractor shall perform all
tasks to integrate SBS with the radio system. Interface to the voice radio system shall in no way
interfere with or cause degradation to radio system. SBS shall be designed so as not to preclude
future changes, modifications, or expansion to additional trunk talk groups, radio sites and the
number of channels used at each site. CCB has four talkgroups. The talkgroup assignments
could be modified for SBS but no additional talkgroups can be assigned. National ITS Architecture
SBS shall comply with the intent of the National ITS architecture. Use of NTCIP framework
and data dictionaries as per TCIP Standards 1400 through 1408 and SAE J2496, inclusive is
desired for open standards compatibility. For onboard equipment, use of SAE Standards J1708,
J1939, and J1587 shall also be acceptable for open systems, particularly for interfaces to existing
onboard equipment that are compatible with these standards. New data elements not covered by
these standards shall be compatible with the framework of these protocols.
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Exhibit A-20
Exhibit A
3.1.3 FCC Compliance
The entire system and individual components thereof shall comply with applicable laws and
regulations, including Code of Federal Regulations Title 47 (FCC regulations). The entire
system and individual components shall comply with FCC safety requirements for RF exposure.
In addition, particular attention shall be made to compliance with the following parts:
Part 90 Private Land Mobile Radio Services
Part 15 Radio Frequency Devices
CCB will provide to the Contractor information regarding its existing licenses. Mobile and Fixed Radio Equipment
All mobile and fixed radios as well as cellular equipment shall be type accepted for the
application intended in the SBS. Spread Spectrum Radios
All spread spectrum radios shall be authorized as intentional radiators. Other Equipment
All equipment that generates radio frequency energy, other than mobile radios, fixed radios,
cellular equipment, and spread spectrum radios shall be FCC-authorized unintentional radiators. FCC Licenses
In no case shall SBS or any System Component operate in a manner that is not in compliance
with the City’s radio station licenses. Modification to Radio License
It is not expected that changes to the data radio channel will be necessary as part of SBS Work.
The existing data radio channel is expected to be utilized as a redundant system for the data
communications subsystem. If required by the Contractor, CCB will consider modifications to
this license. The Contractor shall bear the costs for license modification and shall prepare all
license forms and attachments for the City’s written acceptance and signature. CCB will agree to
submit applications for “reasonable” modifications to the FCC. Such reasonable modifications
shall include:
Changes to transmitter locations
Changes to antenna heights
Changes to emissions designators
Addition of frequencies at a fixed site.
Upon the City’s signature, the Contractor shall forward to the FCC or FCC coordinator, as
appropriate. Sufficient time shall be allowed for this process in development of the Contractor‘s
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Exhibit A-21
Exhibit A
Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Availability
SBS shall include provisions to achieve high availability for critical functions through reliability
of subsystems and System Components, elimination of single points of failure, through selfdiagnostics and reporting of failures, and through maintainability of SBS.
The Contractor shall submit a reliability, availability and maintainability report that shall include
data for each system element and analysis and calculations demonstrating compliance with these
requirements <CDRL>.
Voice Communications
No single point of failure of SBS shall disable voice communications from the Dispatch Center
to the existing radio system interface. SBS shall include fallback modes such as open trunked
operation with default talk groups.
Data Communications
No single point of failure of SBS shall disable data communications from a Dispatch Center to
the bus fleet, other than failure of Onboard SBS equipment on a single bus or the data link for a
single bus to the cellular carrier.
Each console shall have all functions available at least 99.8% of the time, based on 24 hour a day
operation, 365 days a year.
At least half of the consoles shall have all functions available at least 99.9% of the time based on
24 hour a day operation, 365 days a year.
No single point of failure shall disable both radio and cellular data communications at more than
one dispatch console.
Onboard SBS Equipment
The full specified functionality for the Onboard SBS equipment for each bus shall be available at
least 99.7% of the time, based on 24 hour a day operation, 365 days a year.
Data Logging
The ability for SBS to correctly log data from buses, without lost events, shall be available at
least 99.9 % of the time, based on 24 hour a day operation, 365 days a year. Measurement of this
parameter assumes that the bus is within SBS wireless data system coverage.
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Exhibit A-22
Exhibit A Maintainability
SBS maintainability shall support the specified availability requirements, given the expected
equipment reliability. The entire SBS shall be constructed such that the average maintenance
time for the Onboard Subsystem (including diagnosis, all repair and preventive [scheduled]
maintenance time) by personnel who have received and completed training provided by the
Contractor is no greater than two hours per bus per year. Maintenance of SBS Dispatch Center
equipment and Electronic Signs and SBS software shall require no more than 500 aggregate
personnel-hours per year by CCB staff. Failure of the Contractor to perform adequate training
shall not relieve the Contractor of this requirement. Maintenance requirements in this paragraph
shall apply to new Equipment, and shall not increase by more than four percent annually as SBS
In addition, SBS subsystems and system components shall meet the following requirements:
Onboard Equipment
SBS shall include self-diagnostics and shall automatically report and log failures for each
onboard subsystem. Failures of Onboard SBS equipment shall be displayed for the operator.
The Onboard SBS subsystem shall be designed for ease of accessibility such the the replacement
of each individual component of onboard equipment, including any optioning, or program
downloads and functional testing, shall be completed by two trained CCB technicians within
twenty minutes or sixty minutes if the replacement includes software changes. Two trained
Culver CityBus technicians shall be able to replace a complete set of Onboard SBS equipment—
excluding cables or antennas—within one hour. This includes the setting of any required switch
settings or software options, program downloads, and functional testing.
Console Equipment
The console equipment shall be replaceable without disruption to other consoles or SBS as a
whole. When a replacement console is brought on-line, it shall not require more than two
minutes after connection and power up for the console to be ready for login.
Electronic Signs
The electronic signs shall be plug and play--replaceable without disruption to other signs or SBS
as a whole. When a replacement sign is brought on-line, it shall not require more than two
minutes after connection and power up for the sign to be ready to display.
SBS Network Processors
All processors on the SBS network in the Dispatch Center shall be replaceable without taking
down other processors and without loss of data.
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Exhibit A-23
Exhibit A
3.1.5 Response Times
Response times shall be measured with the full design operational fleet active, under normal
operating conditions, unless otherwise specified.
The Contractor shall submit a response time analysis report that shall demonstrate that the
system will achieve the required response times <CDRL>. Analysis shall be based on actual
measured times for similarly equipped systems and laboratory measurements on a system
configured to resemble SBS. Requests from Buses
The elapsed time between activation of an SAS alarm and correct display at SBS consoles shall
not exceed three seconds with 99% probability and shall not exceed fifteen seconds with 99.9%
The elapsed time between activation of a RTT or PRTT and correct display at SBS consoles shall
not exceed five seconds with 99% probability and shall not exceed thirty seconds with 99.9%
The elapsed time from a text message sent from a bus to correct display at SBS consoles shall
not exceed five seconds with 99% probability and shall not exceed thirty seconds with 99.9%
probability. Bus Status
Current location and operational status (early/late) of each bus shall be available at the Dispatch
Center at least every 10 seconds.
When a bus goes off-route, the elapsed time until display at SBS consoles shall not exceed five
seconds with 99% probability and shall not exceed thirty seconds with 99.9% probability. Electronic Signs
The elapsed time from a change in operational status of an Electronic Sign to a display of the
changed status at the Dispatch Center shall not exceed five seconds. The elapsed time between
the display of an updated prediction on the website and display on an electronic sign shall not
exceed 1 second. IVR
The elapsed time between the display of an updated prediction on the website and audio
broadcast on the IVR shall not exceed 1 second. Power Up Data
When a bus is powered up, this status shall be logged by SBS within five seconds with 99%
probability and shall not exceed ten seconds with 99.9% probability. When an Electronic Sign is
powered up, this status shall be logged by SBS within five seconds with 99.9% probability.
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Exhibit A-24
Exhibit A
Operator login shall be logged by SBS and verification provided back to the operator display
within five seconds with 99% probability and shall not exceed ten seconds with 99.9%
probability. Console Response
The total elapsed time from console user login to complete display of complete tabular and
graphical information for his work assignment shall not exceed five seconds.
The total time from power-on or re-boot of a console to display of the login screen shall not
exceed two minutes.
Entry of textual data shall be accepted immediately (without noticeable delay) and without lost
characters under all conditions.
Map displays shall be completely redrawn, whether panning or jumping, within three seconds,
including bus location icons.
3.1.6 SBS Databases
The Contractor shall provide an SBS Database whose hardware and software is sized so it shall
contain at least 5 years of data for the full SBS system. The database will be used to draw
historical reports and statistical information, or extract daily or bus specific information. The
database for the present and ongoing SBS operations shall not be impacted when SBS
administrators are pulling reports or historical data during the business day. The Proposer shall
clearly specify how the dual goals of allowing unimpeded SBS operations and the extraction of
SBS information may be accomplished. If the proposed solution requires more than one
database, the proposal should discuss how SBS data will be moved from one database to the
other, protected against accidental loss during movement, and backed up in case of a failure of a
process or hardware.
The SBS data shall be in a form accessible through SQL. The data dictionary for the tables and
databases shall be provided to Culver CityBus so ad-hoc reports may be written. The Contractor
shall furnish to Culver CityBus the definitions of the SBS data in the database.
SBS Interface
SBS shall interface with existing systems at Culver CityBus and have the capability to interface
with new systems that are not a part of this Contract. The Contractor shall not charge CCB or
others to access SBS data. SBS shall interface to regional ITS projects including the RIITS
network as a Level 1 participant (, CSP Network Monitor, Go511, LADOT, and the
Universal Fare System (UFS). In addition, there are ongoing Culver CityBus contracts,
including with CSched, RideCheck Plus, EIGER TechSystems, Bus Shelter Contractor, and the
OnStreet BSP Contractor, that the SBS Contractor shall be required to interface with in
executing the Work under this Contract. Integration, coordination, scheduling, and
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-25
Exhibit A
communications with these systems and contractors shall be provided by the SBS Contractor.
Proposers shall provide a description of how SBS shall be a closed system and allow City users
to view AVL information and generate reports from the SBS data Culver City Network
SBS shall share data with the applications that reside on the Culver City network via a
firewall/router. There shall be bi-directional data transfer from SBS to support multiple
applications, as detailed in this Specification, including the following:
Import of schedule information from CSched (Hastus)
Import of route traces and GIS data
Import of work assignments
Import of employees data including ID’s
Import of vehicle data
Export of reports
Export of real-time transit information (for customer information and management)
Export of system alarms and diagnostics
Export of video data
The Contractor shall provide all necessary conversion utilities to provide data from SBS to the
applications in a format usable by the CCB applications and to read data provided by the CCB
applications. Interfaces shall be configured such that SBS automatically initiates requests for
information and completes data transfer without manual intervention. CCB will furnish the
definitions of these data to the Contractor. Interfaces with Culver City Network
The Contractor shall provide security software to cover all virtual servers and a firewall/router to
protect against unauthorized database access or modification from outside the SBS network.
The interface between the Culver City LAN and the SBS shall enable an exchange of data. Data
produced by SBS shall be available in the SBS Database to the Culver City network for reports
and analysis. Data produced by applications on the Culver City LAN shall be provided to SBS
for operation management. Dispatch Center and Computer Equipment Space
The Contractor shall install dispatch consoles in the CCB dispatch area and servers in the server
room where the OrbCAD servers currently reside. The Contractor shall provide information to
CCB regarding physical and installation requirements for this space, including console layout,
equipment layouts, floor loading, cableway requirements, power requirements (normal and backup), lighting, grounding, heat load, and ventilation <CDRL>. Since space in the existing
dispatch room and server room is limited, the Contractor shall design and coordinate their plan
for cut-over to accommodate such space limitations.
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Exhibit A-26
Exhibit A Bus Procurements
CCB has ongoing bus procurement contracts. The Contractor shall work with CCB to schedule
equipment installations on new buses before they are placed in service and avoid equipment
installations on obsolete buses that are to be removed from service. The Contractor shall submit
a bus installation plan showing the complete list of buses and the locations for the installation
<CDRL>. This plan shall include the dates and duration of each installation.
Option: The Contractor shall provide option pricing for the purchase of additional Onboard SBS
subsystems for installation of future bus purchases by CCB. Existing Bus Equipment
SBS shall interface to multiple existing subsystems that are onboard each CCB bus, including,
but not limited to voice radio, data radio, video security equipment (Mobile View Penta 8 or
Penta 16), internal and external public address equipment, headsign, 2 LED internal signs, APCs
(IRMA-Iris), engine control computer, transmission control computer, operator interface
computer, odometer, farebox, and power supplies. Appendix D summarizes CCB's bus models
and information on existing equipment. The Contractor shall develop SBS to accommodate all
existing equipment configurations. The Contractor shall consider this variety of existing
equipment in all aspects of SBS and shall develop, document, implement, and control all
interfaces <CDRL>. The Contractor shall be responsible for all Work necessary for seamless
interface with existing bus equipment. Utilities
The Contractor shall coordinate with the City’s IT department to order and install all telephone
lines for the IVR, if necessary. All charges associated with such telephone lines, including but
not limited to installation, ducting, and trenching charges shall be included in the Contractor’s
price proposal. CCB will be the billed party for the monthly charges.
The Contractor shall coordinate with the City’s IT department to order from an approved
wireless service provider for any wireless data or similar service. The City’s IT department must
approve any agreement between Contractor and the wireless service provider, including the
Service Level Agreement. Activation charges shall be included in the Contractor’s price
The Contractor shall coordinate with the City for the order or purchase of any installation of new
electric services required. Installation charges shall be included in the Contractor’s price
proposal. CCB will be the billed party for monthly charges.
Where new communications or power lines are involved, the Contractor shall coordinate with the
responsible City representatives prescribed above when determining responsibility for all
supplies and Work involved in the installation of any overhead or underground conduits for
cable, providing adequate electrical service for the system components and any other Work
necessary to render these system components fully functional in accordance with the Agreement
and these Specifications, regardless whether such material, supervision, equipment or Work are
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-27
Exhibit A
specifically identified within the Agreement and these Specifications. All such Work shall meet
all applicable codes. Subject to coordination with the responsible City representatives, all
electrical requirements and all cable to the extent indicated in these specifications shall be
furnished by the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit plans for such Work no more than 60
days after notice to proceed and for Acceptance by Culver CityBus, Public Works, Fleet services
Division, and Building Maintenance <CDRL>. CCB shall notify the Contractor of its response
to this information and request for Acceptance no less than sixty days prior to installation. The
Contractor shall be responsible for building permit costs and all costs to obtain acceptance of the
permit. Graphical User Interface
The Contractor shall develop details of the SBS graphical user interfaces (GUI) and its
configuration in cooperation with CCB personnel. The Contractor shall conduct at least one
workshop with CCB focus groups in development of GUI details. The Contractor shall provide
color drawings or mock-ups of proposed user interfaces for input by a Culver CityBus focus
group <CDRL>. In addition, the Contractor shall utilize the following guidelines:
Terms Used
SBS shall utilize terminology that is specific to CCB, as defined in this Specification and
Single Layer Access to Functions
SBS shall generally provide access to the most frequently used functions through a single layer
of commands.
Access Relations On-line/Automatic
SBS shall generally provide all data online (such as SQL statements) which is needed to access
any other online data through a single layer of commands. Mobile Data Terminal Ergonomics
The Contractor shall develop details of the Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) configuration and its
installation in cooperation with Culver CityBus personnel. The MDT shall utilize key terms that
are specific to Culver CityBus. The Contractor shall conduct at least one workshop with CCB
focus groups in development of the MDT user interface details.
Culver CityBus will use SBS to manage bus operations from its Dispatch Center. Dispatchers at
SBS consoles will carry on the bulk of the work at the Dispatch Center. A Transit Operations
Supervisor will generally be overseeing an assigned set of bus lines, handling exception
conditions from the time buses leave the bus yard with scheduled operators at scheduled times,
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-28
Exhibit A
until the buses return to the yard. They will handle voice calls from the buses and other events
from a SBS-maintained queue, making radio or other calls to gather information and distribute
instructions. They may change routes, schedules, and other assignments as necessary to maintain
bus service. The Transit Operations Manager may assign bus lines to dispatchers at any console
to adjust for loading. Transit Operations Manager may also pick up some of the workload or
review the on-going work of dispatchers.
This section describes functions that SBS shall provide at the Dispatch Center to support
dispatchers, dispatch supervisors, supervisors, police, and fleet management activities.
3.2.1 Console Designation
SBS shall accept, under password control, designation on any console as a Transit Operations
Manager, Dispatcher, Transit Operations Supervisor, Maintenance Personnel, or Road
3.2.2 Dispatcher Work Assignment
SBS shall accept from Transit Operations Manager, the line, priority and user group assignments
for each dispatch console, which defines the calls and status information to be received by those
3.2.3 Console Work Assignment
Where more than one console has accepted or been given assignment of a particular line, SBS
shall make calls and status information for that line available to all such assigned consoles. SBS
shall also have the ability to assign groups and priorities to multiple consoles.
3.2.4 Call Routing
SBS shall have the ability to route specific calls to consoles depending on their designation. SBS
shall route all unassigned calls to an active console. Notification of Unassigned Call Handling
SBS shall make notification at the console of any unassigned call handling. Transfer Assignment
SBS shall provide functionality to transfer a dispatcher’s work assignment and calls to another
dispatcher if the first supervisor must temporarily leave his or her console. If the transfer is
marked as permanent, the supervisor that is leaving shall automatically be logged off. Call Queue Management
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Exhibit A-29
Exhibit A
SBS shall manage the stream of voice radio calls made to the Dispatch Center, data messages
from operators, bus alarms and similar events, and Incident Report reminders ("callbacks"), and
present these as a queue to the assigned console(s).
SBS shall provide comprehensive user tools for selecting the detailed methodology of handling
calls within queues, including the following:
Calls shall be sorted by priority by type (SAS, RTT, PRTT, Data, etc.)
For a given priority, oldest calls shall appear above newer calls
SAS calls shall always have top priority and shall generate an audible alarm.
Dispatchers have the ability to select any call in the queue at any time.
The queue information shall be displayed in a scrollable window.
Multiple calls from a bus shall be eliminated, with the highest priority and then oldest call
retained. All calls shall be logged.
For each call, the dispatchers shall have the option of opening an incident report.
Incident reports that have not been closed shall appear in the queue as a reminder or be
listed with a Pending status. Outgoing Calls
SBS shall support outgoing radio calls in the manner described below.
Call to Bus, Transit Operations Supervisor Vehicle
SBS shall enable console action to initiate a call to a selected bus or Transit Operations
Supervisor or Road Supervisor either by entering the bus number, line/run number, operator
identification, or by selecting the bus, Transit Operations Supervisor or Road Supervisor icon on
a graphical display. SBS shall enable console action to initiate a call to a selected portable radio.
When SBS is not in voice fallback mode, operators shall not be able to listen in on a call that is
taking place with another bus operator or Transit Operations Supervisor unless a dispatcher or
Transit Operations Supervisor sets up a group call.
Channel Selection
SBS shall enable console action to use a specified radio channel or talk-group to maintain voice
contact with a group of buses and supervisors, in the event of a failure of the normal radio
control system.
Announcements to Buses or Supervisor Vehicles
SBS shall support issuing either voice or text announcements to bus operators and supervisor
vehicles. SBS shall allow the dispatcher at a dispatch console or Road Supervisor Mobile Data
Computers (MDC) to send an audio or text announcement to a bus, subgroup, group, line, all
buses, or supervisor vehicles. SBS shall allow the dispatcher or Road Supervisor to make audio
announcements on the PA system of a selected bus or a group of buses. Other Communications Management
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Exhibit A-30
Exhibit A
SBS shall support the following communications management functions.
Test SAS
SBS shall provide for automated testing that SAS is operational upon power up of each bus.
Performance of SAS tests and results shall be logged for reporting. Text Messages to Buses or Supervisor Vehicles
SBS shall accept both keyboard-entered and selected pre-defined text messages at a dispatch
console, and transmit those messages to the selected buses or supervisor vehicles. SBS shall
allow dispatchers to append pre-defined text messages. SBS shall maintain a visible list of
unacknowledged text messages, and shall inform the console user when the acknowledgement
has not been received within a system administrator-settable time.
Text Messaging between Consoles
SBS shall support real-time text messaging between SBS consoles including Transit Operations
Supervisors using an MDC.
SBS shall provide for intercom operation among SBS workstations.
The Culver City Police dispatcher has the capability to patch radio calls from the Culver City
system with the LAPD. SBS shall enable the patching of those calls with SBS users.
Audio Output
SBS shall provide for selection of audio output of active radio to either console headset or
primary console speaker.
SBS shall be capable for selection of a second call (listen mode) on a secondary console speaker.
SBS shall provide for muting at each console.
Audio Playback
SBS shall provide a console feature that allows selection and playback of a recording of all calls
within the past 24 hours. SBS shall enable console users to search by date and time for any call
that was made to SBS or from SBS to the buses for an extended period of up to 3 months.
SBS shall provide capability to transfer a selected connection recording to another console for
playback and for display of the associated Incident Reports.
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Exhibit A-31
Exhibit A
Voice Fallback Mode Initiation
SBS shall provide a console feature that allows SBS to be manually placed in voice fallback
3.2.5 Operations Status
SBS shall automatically generate operations status entries when it detects an out-of-tolerance
condition. The system administrator shall have the capability to turn on or off data calls by line,
or bus and the ability to set the tolerance parameters.
As a minimum, SBS shall generate notifications for the following bus conditions:
Off route
Schedule adherence variance
Uncorrelated vehicles operating outside a bus yard
Out late
Missed relief
Failure to communicate with bus
Vehicle movements without a valid logon
Tolerances for determining each abnormal condition shall be settable by the system
administrator. Enabling or disabling of reporting of each condition shall be user settable, based
on routes, vehicles, and times. Log-In Data
SBS shall validate bus status data, alert assigned console of out-of-bounds or inconsistent data,
and allow for manual correction of data.
SBS shall validate bus operator-entered identification against assignment, line, run, and vehicle.
Invalid Bus Operator Identification
SBS shall report the entry of invalid bus operator identification to the dispatch console where the
operator’s bus is assigned.
SBS shall enable remote bus logon and the correction of invalid bus data at the dispatch console
where that bus is assigned.
SBS shall allow the disabling of location information from a bus in the event that the location
system on a bus malfunctions.
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Exhibit A-32
Exhibit A Bus Device Status and Control
SBS shall support control of devices on buses, either through automatic detection of operation
criteria, or through transit dispatcher action. SBS shall log each bus device control action that
SBS or console action initiates. SBS shall support the interface of bus mechanical alarms and
device alarms from bus subsystems such as SBS in-vehicle equipment, video system, and the
farebox. Alarms and equipment status data shall be provided to the Dispatch Center via the data
communication system and the Yard Wireless LAN. SBS shall make this data available for
display at the dispatch consoles and other IT systems used for maintenance scheduling. Bus Status Data Display
SBS shall display the conditions, location, and route/schedule adherence of buses at the dispatch
console(s) to which they are assigned. The display shall be a combination of geographic and
text/tabular presentation.
Proposers shall describe and provide visual examples of the bus status displays in their proposal. Geographic Display
SBS consoles shall display a geographic map representation of the selected buses or supervisor
vehicles that include streets with names, routes, detours, and various jurisdictions.
The Contractor shall ensure the following:
SBS shall permit zooming, panning and scrolling of the geographic display and selecting
the details displayed associated with a zoom level.
The highest-level map display shall include all of Culver CityBus service area and Culver
CityBus designated portions of adjoining areas out to ten miles beyond the service area.
The lowest level map shall show all streets, roads, railroad tracks, water boundaries,
jurisdictional boundaries, bus stops, transfer points, and significant landmarks within the
displayed area.
SBS shall allow centering geographic display on a specified bus and tracking that bus
automatically by panning and scrolling the display as necessary. SBS shall automatically
center the display on a vehicle with an SAS status while the SAS is active.
SBS shall allow centering geographic display on specified lines, stops, and time points.
All vehicle icons and associated text shall be easily legible without overlap at the lowest
scale, even within high-density areas where many buses will frequently appear in the
same area on the screen.
The bus icon shall be similar to the bus icon used for the OrbCAD system and shall
resemble a bus.
SBS shall display easily distinguishable icons for non bus vehicles such as Road
Supervisors, Relief, Maintenance, and Dial A Ride.
SBS shall allow selection of graphic representation of a bus to display text/tabular display
data about that bus.
Maps shall include a complete road map, as well as current route maps.
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Exhibit A-33
Exhibit A
Maps shall reflect all current or planned schedules and routes (including weekday,
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays).
SBS shall display upon request facilities locations, route instructions for line, operating
procedures, and miscellaneous reference material. Facilities locations shall be in
graphics form as part of bus graphics data and in tabular form.
Bus icons shall change color with status changes: (early, late, off-route, on-time). Colors
for each status shall be system settable.
SBS shall display, upon request, a route ladder view that shows the location of buses
relative to stops on a particular route. The route ladder view shall display the headway
between vehicles on a particular route.
SBS shall allow the user to select particular items (vehicle from a list, a specific landmark
from a list, a street address, etc.) and then center the screen on that selected item. As for
timepoints, SBS shall enable the user to zoom to a route and then to enable the display of
the timepoints, such that the user shall see all timepoints for that particular route. Graphical Headway Display
SBS shall display, upon request, a route ladder that shows the location of vehicles relative to
stops on a particular route. This display shall aid the dispatcher in determining headways and the
schedule adherence of the vehicles. Text/Tabular Display
SBS shall display selected lists of data, including bus schedules, operator identification,
assignments and schedules, pull-in/layover status, back in service time/place, schedule and route
adherence, and passenger loading. Incident Reporting
SBS shall support the collection and recording of bus information for Incident Reports through
the automatic collection of data from buses and from manual input to screen forms at consoles
and MDCs.
Incident Report Identification
SBS shall create unique identification for Incident Reports as they are created.
Automatic Data
SBS shall collect and record bus status data, bus run, route and schedule deviation, time, bus
operator identification, bus identification, location, bus alarm status, other pertinent bus
information, system date and time, console identification, and dispatcher, Transit Operations
Supervisor, or police identification, and record them as part of each Incident Report. SBS shall
automatically update the status of affected vehicles when appropriate by the processing of
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Exhibit A-34
Exhibit A
Manual Data
SBS shall accept from a console and record manually entered text, coded, combo-boxed or
check-boxed notes, and an indication that the incident is closed or the report cancelled. SBS
shall log any change made to an information field of an Incident Report; recording the contents,
time, and identification of the person logged in at the console where a change is made. SBS shall
provide a spell checker tool for manually entered text.
Incident Report Access
As part of answering a bus call, SBS shall allow the console user to generate a new Incident
report, or if appropriate, choose from a selection of earlier reports, which SBS determines may
be relevant. If the console user selects an earlier report, SBS will allow the user to update or
expand it.
SBS shall enable accessing Incident Reports at a console.
Access shall be by bus operator identification, bus identification, line/run identification,
dispatcher identification, incident code type, date, or Incident Report identification.
SBS shall also allow access to Incident Reports, which have been entered into a call
queue for reassignment or subsequent processing as described below.
Incident Report Association
SBS shall search through open Incident Reports and provide display of any potentially related
Incident Reports to transit dispatcher upon retrieval or closure of an Incident Report. The SBS
dispatch console shall display associated Incident Reports in creation order, oldest first, to transit
dispatchers with proper access privileges.
Report Assignment
SBS shall accept a command from a console to assign an Incident Report to another console.
SBS shall enter the Incident Report into the call queue of the recipient at its same priority and in
the order it was first received by SBS.
Incident Coding
SBS shall accept and record with each Incident Report a code consisting of two levels of
alpha/numeric characters. SBS shall maintain a database of codes and validate entries against
that database.
Incident Report Sub-functions
SBS shall support a number of sub-functions that are associated with reporting incidents, as
described below. A selected set of these functions shall send notifications of need for follow-up
actions into the call queue, at an appropriate priority and time or event as specified in the
sections below. Access to records of these functions for a given Incident Report shall be
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Exhibit A-35
Exhibit A
provided in a fixed order of the segments such as for subsections below, and in chronological
order of the events that created them. Comments
SBS shall accept and record comment text made by a dispatcher, Transit Operations Supervisor,
Transit Operations Manager. Incident Report Transfer
SBS shall accept from a transit dispatcher a request to transfer responsibility for an Incident
Report to or from a specified dispatcher or Transit Operations Supervisor. Notification
SBS shall accept a request from a dispatcher to notify a specified individual or organization of an
incident by forwarding the Incident Report to that individual or organization. Routing List Changes
SBS shall accept changes to a standard distribution list to which the Incident Report will be
routed. Bus Service Changes
SBS shall accept a description of a bus change of service and use that data to determine service
status, correct APC correlation and correct AVA announcements. SBS shall accommodate the
following service changes:
Out-lates / Cancellations
Assignment Cancellations
Add Bus
Accessible Service Operations and Bike Rack Activity
SBS shall automatically record wheelchair patron boardings and alightings as indicated by the
bus operator, as well as location, time, vehicle ID, line, run, and direction. SBS shall accept
notes from a dispatcher regarding failures of accessible equipment such as ramps or lifts. SBS
shall automatically record wheelchair ramp and bike rack activity with the location, time vehicle
ID, line, run, and direction.
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Exhibit A-36
Exhibit A Accidents
SBS shall accept dispatcher descriptions of an accident. Upon completion of the entry, SBS
shall transmit notification to the bus yard workstation by activation of a button. SBS shall report
back when the Yard Workstation has received the Incident Report. Police Calls
SBS shall accept from a dispatcher a description of a call to police as a set of manual inputs. SAS Resolutions
SBS shall automatically invoke the SAS resolution function (forcing a decision as to the cause)
as part of an Incident Report for any SAS. SBS shall hold the Incident Report open until the
dispatcher has indicated that the indication was valid or that it was a false alarm for one or more
reasons. Road Call Initiation
SBS shall facilitate the initiation of road calls by immediately transmitting selected Incident
Reports that have the appropriate incident codes to the Yard Workstation. SBS shall
immediately cause an audible alarm at the Yard workstation when the workstation receives an
Incident Report. Incident Report Forwarding and Remote Access
SBS shall have the capability to export, on demand, closed Incident Reports in a format that is
currently used by Culver City staff for word processing, spreadsheets, and databases) at the time
of acceptance. SBS shall enable Culver City users to access Incident Reports and other SBS
data via remote access.
Proposers shall describe how remote access can be provided while providing sufficient security
for SBS. Incident Report Historical Tracking
SBS shall maintain a log of assignments and modifications to each Incident Report. Incident Report Storage
SBS shall maintain a local copy of closed Incident Reports for at least five years. SBS shall
automatically delete local copies of older Incident Reports, after it has successfully archived after
five years. Incident Report Procedural Assistance
SBS shall provide pre-defined procedural checklists for selected types of incidents.
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Exhibit A-37
Exhibit A
The checklists shall direct console operator to Incident Report fields as appropriate.
The checklists shall include, as appropriate, automatic links to various communications
media such as telephone calls and electronic mail for others who may need to be notified
about the incident.
The checklist shall be cancelable at any stage. Changes of Operator/Vehicle/Line/Run Assignments
SBS shall accept from a console additions and amendments to any assignment of operators,
lines/runs, or vehicles. SBS shall update all necessary locations after changes have been made
and ensure that all SBS components that may require this information have access to the updated
information. Add Bus Service and Missed Trips
SBS shall facilitate the addition of additional trips when there is an overload on a line. NCCB
shall calculate arrival predictions for all vehicles that are running in Add Bus Service and update
the arrival predictions when there are missed trips. Proposers shall discuss how the SBS shall
accommodate Add Bus Service and missed trips.
Transit Operations Manager Support
SBS shall accept a login of the Transit Operations Manager at any console in order to do the
make changes to schedule adherence tolerances
make changes to load reporting tolerances
display call queues
listen in on radio transactions of any selected dispatcher, with audio notifications
provided automatically, per applicable laws
Bus Route, Patterns and Schedules
SBS shall have the capability to seamlessly receive, process, and import CCB route, pattern
schedule, and related types of data and information from CCB schedule data that is created in
Hastus without any modifications required. Bus schedules are identified by Schedule Number (a
unique identifier), Effective Date, Revised Date, and Service Type (M-F, SA, or SU, HOL).
Proposers shall provide a detailed description of their proposed schedule import process and if
their product includes an integrated schedule module.
SBS shall have the ability to incorporate schedule changes either on demand or at a scheduled
time. SBS shall automatically check changes for impacts to related SBS subsystems such as the
NCCB and Automatic Voice Annunciation subsystems.
The Contractor shall provide a test environment that will enable CCB staff to test planned
schedule changes and validate the changes before the new schedule is enacted. The test
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Exhibit A-38
Exhibit A
environment shall enable CCB staff to make mini changes or minor shakeups and validate only
the changed portion of the schedule.
SBS shall also have the capability to make and/or accept changes to the bus route, pattern and
schedule data from a console for full or ad-hoc changes and detours at the trip, run and line
levels. SBS shall allow users to enter changes utilizing simple, menu-driven forms or to
graphically enter changes by drawing a detour on a map. The data entered online shall include
the effective dates and pattern identifiers that identify the part of the schedule that is to be added
or removed from effect. SBS shall list the missed connections and other schedule impacts that
result from the changes. SBS shall immediately pass selected data about the change to the
appropriate SBS subsystems such as NCCB and BSP, and external applications such as Go511
and RIITS. SBS shall utilize the modified definition of the route, pattern, and schedule for all
SBS tracking, reporting and prediction functions for the duration that the modification is in
Personnel Management Support
SBS shall accept, store, and display information to assist in making assignments and keeping
records for bus operators and Supervisors. SBS shall display assignments of operators to
lines/runs, or vehicles on the Dispatch Center consoles, when selected from any console and at
appropriate display detail levels.
Management Reporting
SBS shall collect data for bus, staff, and SBS operation and performance and store it in the SBS
Databases. SBS shall produce standard fleet management reports and an easy to use reporting
tool for custom queries. Culver CityBus will consider suitability of Contractor’s standard reports
in the proposal evaluation process. Fleet Operations
SBS shall collect information for production of reports on the following:
Trips, including trip ID, schedule type, line, run, direction, vehicle ID, operator ID, trip
miles, deadhead miles, passenger boardings and alightings, wheelchair boardings and
alightings, revenue collected, and other pertinent information
Stops, including vehicle ID, line, run, time of stop, passenger boardings and alightings,
wheelchair boardings and alightings, trip ID, and other pertinent information
Timepoints, including vehicle ID, line, run, time of timepoint passage, trip ID, and other
pertinent information
Mechanical alarms, Onboard SBS equipment status, and other events
Summary data on trip number, line, run, day of week, period, operator ID, vehicle ID,
schedule adherence, passenger boardings and alightings, wheelchair boardings and
alightings, bike rack usage, and revenue collected. Summaries shall be for weeks,
months, quarters, and years, with retention of 12, 18 and 8 units respectively. Summaries
shall be provided for a system settable number of weeks, depending upon line.
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Exhibit A
Vehicles, including location, mechanical alarms, passenger counts, and schedule/route
adherence for scheduled, unscheduled, and ad hoc runs
Unusual operating conditions and detours
Road calls
Dispatcher information such as bus and line assignments, action events such as bus calls
and alarms, and dispatcher responses, all with time tags for analysis.
Current status of service (on 15 minute update cycle), showing any active SAS, number
of buses currently on routes, percent of fleet on time, percent of fleet late, number of
scheduled runs missed for the day, and total number of calls currently in queues Fleet Management
SBS shall collect the necessary information and provide the following tabular and graphical
Bus assignments; including changes to assignments, pull-outs, and pull-ins
Pre-trip reports that are accepted by the CHP
Run cancels or out-lates
Service delays, including type, reason, length of delay, service loss, mileage lost, and
Dispatch performance, as measured by call processing time categorized by problem type
entered in the Incident Reports
Schedule adherence, including identification of events outside of adherence parameters
Passenger loading and alighting counts and door open/close times for each stop
Wheelchair loading and alighting, including lift operation times
Data for FTA NTD Report including but not limited to passenger miles, vehicle miles
and hours, deadhead miles and hours, revenue miles and hours, and unlinked passenger
Bus availability, including reasons for unavailability
AVL playback, which provides a graphical representation of vehicle locations for
selected vehicle(s) on a map during a selected period.
Running time by segment, route, direction, and time of day.
Additional reports are listed in Appendix B. Employee Management
SBS shall collect the necessary information and provide the following tabular reports:
Incident Reports involving operator error
Accident Reports
SAS reports by operator, and line
Reports shall be available for selectable periods, initially by month. Ad Hoc Retrieval from Logs
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Exhibit A-40
Exhibit A
SBS shall enable ad hoc selective retrieval of event records of bus, operator, supervisor, and
dispatcher activities, by bus, operator, route, dispatcher, supervisor, and event type or time
interval. The report generator shall be user friendly and efficient. SBS shall generate each ad
hoc report in less than one minute. Proposers shall provide a detailed description of how ad hoc
reports are generated.
Retrieval shall be by user-specified criteria, including the use of logical AND/OR operators.
SBS shall make the selected event record available both at the console and as a file deposited on
the SBS Database.
SBS shall utilize the City’s voice radio system and a cellular data communication system for
voice and data communications, respectively. CCB’s data radio system shall be utilized for
backup data communications in the event of a loss of cellular data communications. SBS shall
automatically switch to the data radio system when a loss of cellular data communications is
detected for one minute and revert back to cellular data communications within one minute when
SBS detects the cellular data network is available. SBS shall utilize the voice radio and data
communications subsystems to support CCB operations and shall be designed such that no single
point of failure shall disable either voice or data communications. The voice radio system shall
continue to operate as a standalone radio system when there is a failure in the SBS data system.
Data communications shall continue to operate when there is a failure in the voice radio system.
CCB will consider alternatives to Culver City’s voice radio system, data radio system, and
cellular data network.
3.3.1 Voice Radio Subsystem Interface
SBS shall utilize existing talkgroups assigned to CCB on Culver City’s trunked voice radio
system. No additional channels or talkgroups will be added for SBS voice communications. The
SBS interface to the voice radio system shall be configured to operate such that mobile radio
users only hear calls directed to their radio via either an individual call or group call. SBS shall
enable users of portable radios to call specific buses.
The existing voice radio system is a multi-user Smart Zone trunked radio system that is shared
with other City users. The OrbCAD system interfaces to the Smart Zone voice radio system via
two XTL5000 consollettes per dispatcher workstation. The consollettes are currently networked
to four MCS2000 radios at the facility that transmit and receive voice calls for the dispatcher
The City will be migrating to a P25 system and anticipates that the existing consolletes will
remain next to the dispatcher workstations. The Contractor shall implement an interface between
the consollettes and the SBS dispatcher workstations to enable dispatchers to use SBS to set up
calls to buses and supervisor vehicles.
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Exhibit A-41
Exhibit A
SBS shall support a “voice fallback” mode of voice communications in the event that normal
(data) communications with one or more vehicles has failed, such as during the failure of the
data communications system. In the voice fallback mode, two-way voice communications
between the SBS dispatch console users and the vehicles affected by the failure shall still be
possible. SBS shall automatically switch all affected vehicles to the fallback mode when a
failure of normal communications is detected. Vehicles unaffected by the failure shall continue
to operate in the normal communications mode. The period between detection of a
communications failure by a vehicle and the entering of fallback mode shall be adjustable by the
SBS system administrator. Vehicles in fallback mode shall periodically check for restoration of
normal communications at an interval that is adjustable by the SBS system administrator. When
normal communications have been restored, all affected vehicles shall automatically return to the
normal communications mode.
While in fallback mode, SBS shall enable vehicles to transmit silent alarms to the SBS dispatch
consoles using the voice radio system, which shall immediately annunciate the alarms and
provide console users with at least the vehicle’s ID. Proposers shall describe how their offering
will meet this requirement.
3.3.2 Wireless Data Communication Subsystem
The Contractor shall implement a cellular data communication subsystem for SBS and
demonstrate the subsystem provides adequate coverage throughout the Culver CityBus service
area shown in Appendix H.
The SBS shall support RTT and PRTT data messages. The SAS data messages shall be
supported such that the commands shall be sent if either the voice radio or wireless data modem
is operational. The voice radio system shall not be used for other data transmissions, except as
approved by Culver CityBus.
The Contractor shall replace the Quantar base station for CCB’s 800 data radio system and the
Tait data radios onboard the vehicles with new equipment. SBS shall utilize the upgraded data
radio system as a backup system for the cellular data system. The Contractor shall remove the
current Quantar and deliver it to CCB.
The Road Supervisor Subsystem MDCs shall utilize a cellular wireless service for data
transmissions. RF Coverage Area and Reliability
The cellular data communication system shall have sufficient coverage such that there shall be
reliable data transfer with no retries necessary in both directions of transmission for at least 95%
of the CCB service area as defined in Appendix H.
The Contractor shall measure and test coverage by dividing the service area into one square mile
sectors and making measurements for each sector. Minimum acceptable signal level is -95dBm,
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Exhibit A-42
Exhibit A
unless the Contractor’s design shows that their system can operate at a lower level. At least 95%
of the sectors shall pass the above stated criteria for SBS to comply with this Specification.
The Contractor shall demonstrate the existing data radio communications subsystem coverage
area and reliability is not degraded by the upgrade of the data radio system equipment.
The SBS communications control switch shall provide all switching, signaling, and level control
to interface all voice radio communications to the dispatch consoles and to provide control of the
radio resources. The SBS communications control switch also provides for intercom
communications between consoles. SBS shall monitor the dispatch PTT and incoming voice
radio ID of received calls from field units. SBS shall interface to the Console Electronics
Interface for each dispatch console and provide an audio recording of radio communications by
Console Communications
The Contractor shall provide a logging recorder to record all radio transmit and receive audio
from each console and telephone conversations from telephones that are designated by CCB.
The SBS communications control switch provides the audio connections for the dispatcher's
transmit, receive, and monitoring of audio lines to the base station via the City’s voice radio
system to complete the radio calls, as selected from each dispatch console. CAD Interface
Selection of calls by the console user shall be via the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) humancomputer-interface provided by the console. The console shall be interfaced to the
communications control switch directly, or via a dedicated processor, one per console. Cellular Data Control
SBS shall control all cellular data communications between the SBS computer subsystem and
workstations and the Onboard SBS subsystems.
In the event of a failover to the data radio communications subsystem, SBS shall control all data
communications between the SBS workstations and the Onboard SBS subsystems via the data
channel. This control shall be implemented using equipment at the Baldwin Hills site and
corresponding equipment at the CCB facility. Capacities
SBS shall provide for expansion capability to eight dispatch consoles.
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Exhibit A-43
Exhibit A
3.4.2 Telephone Interface
All telephone transmit and receive audio from the telephone instruments dispatch consoles as
designated by CCB shall be interfaced to the SBS logging recorder.
3.4.3 Audio Recording
The SBS logging recorder shall record the selected audio and unselected audio for each dispatch
console. When a radio, telephone, or intercom call is active, all transmit and receive audio shall
be presented to the logging recorder channels assigned to the Dispatch Center consoles as a
continuous audio stream (non-trunked). The SBS logging recorder shall be initially configured
to record all radio audio and the audio from telephone extension 6537.
SBS shall provide the features for its administration including, but not limited to, those described
in the subsections below.
3.5.1 Archival, Summary, and Restoration of Operating Data
SBS shall manage the historical records of events automatically created by SBS and manually
entered data. SBS shall keep at least five years of recorded history available for immediate
access from the consoles. SBS shall automatically verify that it has successfully and accurately
archived the data following any archive procedure. SBS shall define the labeling and instruct the
operator supporting the archiving processes. SBS shall supply tools for transferring SBS data to
the SBS Database and for the retrieval of all historical records from the SBS Database for
purposes of reporting.
3.5.2 Failover and Backup
SBS shall maintain the specified availability and reliability requirements with appropriate
redundancy to avoid or minimize any System failures as required to comply with the Agreement
and Specifications.
a) SBS shall run Contractor-furnished comprehensive self-diagnostics. When SBS detects
unusual conditions or failures, SBS shall notify the system administrator and log the
occurrence. SBS shall filter repetitive and cascaded event notices.
b) Where redundant units are designed into SBS, SBS shall detect the failure of operating
units and automatically switch to a working spare.
c) SBS shall accomplish the switchover without disruption of operation or loss of operating
d) Return of a repaired unit into service shall be accomplished automatically after its
restoration. Security
SBS shall permit access to features only to those people who have presented it with proper
identification codes and passwords for those features.
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Exhibit A-44
Exhibit A
Access Privilege Assignment
SBS shall define a System Administrator, with the authority to set access privileges,
identification and passwords for all other users.
Dispatch Center User Access
SBS shall limit access to its Dispatch Center Console functions through password controls. SBS
shall allow each user to have a unique password. Privileges shall be different for the user
groups: Dispatcher, Transit Operations Supervisor, Transit Operations Manager, Maintenance
Supervisor, Manager, and System Administrator. Configuration Management Access
SBS shall permit a System Administrator access to all system functions, including configuration
management and control over all other passwords for access. SBS shall allow the System
Administrator to define password groups and individual passwords within groups. Performance Monitoring
SBS shall contain on-line tools to collect and report performance and resource use information
on itself. This shall include SBS processors, SBS LAN, Wireless LAN, wireless data
communication interface, data radio and fixed data radio subsystem control equipment, and
electronic signs. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) shall be utilized for
monitoring and control of all SBS network, local and wide area network, as well as network
elements. SBS shall present all equipment alarms and diagnostic messages in a clear, organized,
and consistent user interface. SAS shall report equipment alarms in real time, including emails
and SMS messages to maintenance personnel. Events that affect or may affect the ability of SBS
to continue to operate as specified shall be considered alarms. Classification of events as alarms
shall be configurable by the System Administrator. Remote Diagnostics
SBS shall include a port for remote access for diagnostics and trouble resolution. Access shall
be restricted through multiple levels of security. Security provisions for this port shall be
configurable. SBS shall log all activity on this port.
3.5.3 SBS Software
The Contractor shall provide complete software to support all SBS functionality. Dispatch/Custom
The Contractor shall provide interfaces to and between various manufacturers’ software
packages through industry standard APIs.
The Contractor shall furnish the complete software, instructions, and data to re-build
The control software shall be modular in design and shall be easily configurable by CCB
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-45
Exhibit A Off-the-Shelf Operating Systems
All SBS servers shall use the same server operating system. All SBS workstations shall use the
same PC operating system. Network operating software shall be part of the provided operating
system product. At a minimum, the Contractor shall provide software for Dispatch Center
equipment that shall include the following:
Operating system / network operating system--all network operating system software and
protocols shall be Microsoft compliant
Graphical user interface
Network management system
Database management system, including scheduled archiving and updates, and
Forms package, report package, and query package
Tools to edit, debug, generate and reproduce executable code from the source code
Software configuration management package
Software performance monitoring and reporting tools (that portion not specific to the
Equipment diagnostic software
Virus detection and protection
Firewall to protect against unauthorized database updates or accesses resulting in
performance degradation
The operating system software shall meet the following requirements:
Be commercially prevalent or industry-standard system software. Microsoft is preferred.
Have training available from one or more manufacturer-approved training
groups/companies in the Los Angeles area
Have technical support available for purchase from the software manufacturer and/or
3.5.4 AVA Database Editor Workstation
The Contractor shall provide an AVA workstation or integrate the AVA workstation
functionality with another SBS workstation to enable CCB staff to update the database utilized
for AVA, including the recording of new digitized audio, application of the audio to the correct
stop, application of the location of the trigger point for the audio announcement to the AVA
database, and a tool to add, change, or delete messages, routes, and stop names for display on the
onboard LED signs and headsigns.
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Exhibit A-46
Exhibit A
3.5.5 BSP Database Editor Workstation
The Contractor shall provide an BSP Database Editor workstation or integrate the BSP
workstation functionality with another SBS workstation for updating the database utilized for
BSP, including the application of the location of the tripper point for the BSP messages to the
BSP database, and a tool to add, change, or delete trigger points. The workstation shall be used
to compile BSP Image files that shall be uploaded to the Onboard SBS BSP subsystems. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the initial creation of the BSP GIS database.
3.5.6 Multi-Channel Digital Voice Recorder
The SBS logging recorder shall have a capacity for 12 audio channels. The Contractor shall
network the new logging recorder via Ethernet TCP/IP interface. All recorder controls and
playback shall be available from a single user interface via the Ethernet connection. Recorder Capabilities
The recorder shall use the most current commercial technologies for long-term storage of the
audio data. The recorder shall provide instant access retrieval from storage of audio, which it has
indexed with date and time stamps. Voice activated recording shall be used to minimize
recording of idle channels, however the recorder shall be capable of DTMF-detect, ring-detect,
off-hook-detect, and contact closure triggers and continuous recording. The recorder shall utilize
a real-time multi-tasking operating system. Audio file type shall not be compatible with
common multi-media software. The mean time between failures for the recorder shall be at least
15,000 hours. The recorder unit shall be rack mounted and shall include system to backup the
recorder data. User Interface
The recorder shall include a PC user interface for the control and monitoring of the audio,
connected to the recorder via Ethernet, using TCP/IP. Transfer of audio files shall be secure.
The user interface hardware set shall utilize the most current technologies for furnishing
electronic copies. The Contractor shall provide all software for the control and playback.
Management of individual channel assignments shall be provided. Instant playback and search
features by date and time shall be provided. The PC user interface shall be equipped as
recommended by the recorder manufacturer. The PC shall utilize the most current commercial
The Contractor shall extend the SBS LAN at the Dispatch Center to the voice radio and data
communication system network utilizing industry standard wide area networking (WAN)
The Contractor shall configure SBS LAN to be fault tolerant. In cases when the primary
communications path fails, data communications on the WAN shall automatically utilize a
secondary path.
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Exhibit A-47
Exhibit A
The Contractor shall use commercially available bridges, switches, firewalls, and routers from a
recognized vendor with a solid support group and local parts for warranty support. The selected
hardware should be at least five (5) years from EOL/EOS (End of Life/End of Support). Cisco
is the City’s preferred provider for this technology. Standard IP addressing shall be utilized. All
equipment shall be managed using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) from the
SBS system administrator workstation. The WAN connection shall provide for forwarding of
SNMP for management of LAN hardware at Culver CityBus facility from the SBS system
administrator workstation.
The automatic vehicle location subsystem shall provide real-time vehicle location updates for use
by the onboard subsystem for vehicle location reporting, route and schedule adherence,
automatic passenger counting, and automatic vehicle announcements. The subsystem shall also
provide velocity, time, and direction of travel information. SBS shall retain and store all AVL
information in a database.
The AVL subsystem shall utilize GPS technology and shall apply Wide Area Augmentation
Signal (WAAS) differential correction to the GPS signal. The AVL subsystem shall utilize a
dead-reckoning algorithm with odometer interface for vehicle location when the GPS signal is
unavailable. Use of gyros for the dead reckoning is preferred.
3.7.1 Location Accuracy
SBS shall locate vehicles within five meters and shall have the accuracy necessary to support
AVL-related functions. This accuracy includes not only the raw position solution in latitude and
longitude, but also the accuracy of the GIS database. Support for AVA
SBS shall provide necessary accuracy for the activation of AVA announcements within two
seconds of the stated times for triggering announcements. Support for BSP
SBS shall provide necessary accuracy for the transmission of BSP messages within two seconds
of the stated times for the sending of the messages. Support for Stop Correlation
SBS shall provide for correct correlation of passenger counts and fare transactions to the correct
stop with 99% probability. Support for Off-Route Determination
SBS shall provide for off-route notification when a bus is traveling on a parallel street separated
by more than thirty feet from the route with 99% probability.
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Exhibit A-48
Exhibit A
SBS shall falsely report a bus as off-route (more than thirty feet from the defined route locus)
with probability for less than 0.01% of all off-route notifications. Support for Graphic Displays
SBS shall place the location of the bus icon on the correct street with 99.9% probability. Icons
shall be placed in streets and shall not be displayed in the middle of a block or off-road, unless
the bus has actually left the road. Support for Yard Positioning
SBS shall correctly correlate buses to locations in line in the bus yard with 99% probability of
3.8.1 Support Schedule and Route Adherence
SBS shall supply information to bus operators, dispatcher, and Transit Operations Supervisors as
needed to assist with schedule adherence, and schedule deviation recovery. Determine Location
In addition to providing location information to the dispatcher, Transit Operations Supervisor,
maintenance personnel and Culver CityBus management, the location information shall be
utilized to calculate route and schedule adherence, to trigger stop announcements, to correlate
APC data to stops, and to predict arrival times. Route and Schedule Database
CCB will provide Contractor with route and schedule information and GIS information collected
to date. The Contractor shall utilize this data and shall correct any inaccuracies, ensure the data
is complete, and provide an up-to-date, accurate route and schedule database that includes the
trigger point locations for AVA announcements and BSP messages. The Contractor shall
provide and tools to update the route and schedule database. The tools shall include a GIS tool
for the route database and a tool to import CCB generated updated schedules electronically,
routes, and bus stop listings. The Contractor shall create an ODBC connection to CCB’s
scheduling vendor CSched to directly import CCB’s schedule created in Hastus. The schedule
import process shall provide a comprehensive listing of warning and error conditions. SBS shall
store and maintain a copy of the current system-wide route and schedule in the Onboard SBS
equipment. SBS shall accept updates to this database via the wireless LAN and via the wireless
data communication subsystem. Downloads of new versions of the database shall be via the
wireless LAN. The Contractor shall provide complete version control and validation of the
Proposers shall provide a detailed description of the schedule database import process.
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-49
Exhibit A Schedule Adherence
SBS shall determine and display to the bus operator the current time deviation from schedule for
the assigned run, including late pullout status.
SBS shall report this status to the Dispatch Center, if the schedule deviation is more than a predefined threshold early or late. The thresholds shall be selectable at the Dispatch Center for each
route and run.
SBS shall have a means for the Dispatch Center to provide changes to the thresholds to the
Onboard subsystem, or to disable reporting of schedule adherence for an individual bus, or for all
buses on a route.
SBS shall determine times for stops, dwell times at stops, start of assignment, pull-ins, pull-outs,
start of trip, layover on assignment, end of trip, and end of assignment and shall report
deviations. Route Adherence
SBS shall provide the operator with a brief, distinctive audible warning sound if the bus is off
route, further than a pre-defined threshold, and shall display the name of the next stop on the
defined route. SBS shall also transmit the off-route status to the Dispatch Center. The off-route
threshold distances shall be selectable at the Dispatch Center for each route. A default threshold
distance for the fleet shall be settable by the SBS system administrator. SBS shall have a means
for the Dispatch Center to provide changes to these thresholds to the onboard subsystems or to
disable reporting of route adherence for an individual bus, or all buses on a route. Display Time
SBS shall normally display the current time for the operator using the onboard subsystem MDT.
SBS may supersede this display with other information as required for efficient operator
interface, but shall return to display of time when the superseding information is no longer
Time shall be determined based on GPS time and shall be displayed in twenty-four hour format
for Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time. SBS shall provide for automatic correction
for daylight saving time. The onboard subsystem shall maintain time, if the GPS signal is lost to
within 10 seconds per month of drift. When the onboard subsystem is receiving a GPS signal,
the time displayed on the MDT shall be within one second of the time displayed on the CAD
Description and Functional Overview Power-up and Power Down
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-50
Exhibit A
SBS shall accept the vehicle status as active when the bus is powered up and inactive when the
bus is powered down. The powered up status for that bus shall be retained by SBS. In addition,
the Onboard SBS subsystem equipment shall remain active when the bus is shut off at a layover.
SBS shall send to each bus the operator and run information for its next assignment. SBS shall
require a bus operator or maintenance personnel to log onto a bus before accepting any other
request through its MDT. The bus operator shall be prompted to enter his/her correct operator
ID and correct work assignment. SBS shall accept the data, provide notification to the operator
that this information was accepted, and provide indication of whether the information entered is
as expected or not.
SBS shall accept an operator command to logoff, thus making the onboard subsystem ready for a
new logon.
SBS shall maintain an “uncorrelated” state for any bus that is powered on but without an
operator logon that corresponds to its next assignment. Transit dispatchers shall have the ability
to correlate assignments. Manage Voice and Data Communications
SBS shall provide support to manage radio calls and data messaging as
described below. SBS shall provide the bus operator with status
messages of the radio and data system on the MDT. The Onboard SBS
shall utilize a cellular data network for data communications, shall
automatically switch to the data radio system when a loss of cellular data
communications is detected for one minute, and revert back to cellular
data communications within one minute when SBS detects the cellular
data network is available. Receive and Annunciate Calls from Dispatch
The onboard subsystem shall receive radio calls initiated at the Dispatch Center, from a Road
Supervisor System, or from a portable radio and make an audible and visual annunciation that a
call is pending. The annunciation shall indicate the call type. All selection and switching of
talkgroups shall be transparent to the users.
Individual Calls
In the normal mode of operation, SBS shall only allow the bus operator to hear voice calls after a
transit dispatcher or Transit Operations Supervisor initiates a call to the vehicle. SBS shall allow
the bus operator to receive each pending call by removing the handset from the cradle,
communicate by utilizing the handset push-to-talk, and terminate the call by returning the
handset to the cradle.
Group Calls and All-Calls
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-51
Exhibit A
SBS shall alert the operator and shall route the audio to the monitor speaker. The operator shall
have the option of lifting the handset to receive the audio, at which time the audio to the speaker
shall be disconnected. The handset push-to-talk shall not be active. Call termination shall be
controllable by console action at the Dispatch Center. Non-emergency calls shall time-out if
there is no activity on the radio channel for a system administrator-settable time.
Receive and Annunciate Messages from Dispatch Center or Road
Supervisor Subsystem.
The Onboard SBS subsystem shall accept text messages sent from the Dispatch Center or Road
Supervisor Subsystem and display those messages to the bus operator on the MDT. The
Onboard subsystem shall make an audible and visible annunciation when an unacknowledged
text message has been sent to a bus operator. The Onboard subsystem shall allow for the reading
and acknowledgement of messages received from the Dispatch Center or Road Supervisor
Subsystem. Operators shall be able to view multiple messages on the MDT. SBS shall report to
the Dispatch Center or Road Supervisor Subsystem the acknowledgement of text messages by
the bus operator. The Onboard subsystem shall allow the operator to clear a text message
display after they have acknowledged it.
Accept Calls to Dispatch Center
In the normal mode of operation, SBS shall only allow a bus operator to call a dispatcher at the
Dispatch Center or Transit Operations Supervisor, by selecting either the normal priority requestto-talk (RTT) or high priority request-to-talk (PRTT) button on the MDT. Within 30 seconds of
a bus operator selecting a request to talk option, SBS shall provide an audible and visible
annunciation to the dispatch console monitoring that bus that it has received a request to initiate a
call. When the call is accessed at the Dispatch Center, SBS shall process the call as described
above for individual calls. In the normal mode of operation, SBS shall accept a bus operator
cancellation of a request to initiate a call to the Dispatch Center and shall remove the pending
call from the call queue at the Dispatch Center.
Transmit BSP messages
The Onboard SBS subsystem shall transmit BSP messages to traffic signal controllers and a data
message to the SBS backend when the bus reaches preset trigger point locations as described in
Section 3.14.
Accept Messages to Dispatch Center
SBS shall accept requests by the bus operator to send an operator-selected text message from a
set of canned text messages. The available messages shall scroll on the MDT display for
selection by the operator. SBS shall send and process the selected text message similar to the
processing of an RTT, except that a return call to the bus is not required when the message is
accessed at the Dispatch Center. The set of canned text messages available in SBS shall include
all canned messages currently provided by the OrbCAD system.
Accept Pre-trip Report Inputs and Addendums
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-52
Exhibit A
SBS shall accept inputs by the bus operator for an electronic pre-trip report that is accepted by
the CHP. The pre-trip report shall mirror the pre-trip report in Appendix K that operators are
currently required to complete before pull-out. The MDT shall display the items to be checked
by the operator for the pre-trip and accept entries from the operator to indicate the status of the
items checked. SBS shall automatically populate certain fields of the report such as bus ID,
operator ID, and date and time. The Onboard SBS subsystem shall store the completed pre-trip
report onboard and download the report via the Yard WLAN before the bus leaves the yard.
SBS shall require the operator to complete the pre-trip report before the MDT closes the report
and allows the MDT to perform other functions. The Onboard SBS subsystem shall transmit a
message that indicates when the a pre-trip report was not completed by the time the bus leaves
the yard. SBS shall allow a relief or other operator to add to the initial pre-trip report, The initial
pre-trip report cannot be changed. The edited report shall indicate the additions made by a new
operator and the new operator’s ID number. SAS
SBS shall accept a silent alarm system (SAS) request activated from a covert switch on the bus
or bus operator seat. When a bus operator activates an SAS, SBS shall cause this status, the
vehicle ID, and current location to be immediately sent to the dispatch console that is assigned to
monitor that bus and to the Culver City police department management console. While the SAS
is active, SBS shall command the onboard video system to record in high-resolution mode and
utilize the onboard covert mic to transmit continuous onboard audio. The SAS activation shall
be discreetly displayed onboard the bus and shall cause the exterior headsign to display an
emergency message. SBS shall provide the current vehicle location to the Dispatch Center and
Culver City police department every five seconds while the SAS is active. When the responsible
console user acknowledges the SAS, SBS shall send an acknowledgement notification to the bus
operator within fifteen seconds. SBS shall display the acknowledgement notification to the bus
operator using a discreet unlabeled light or unlabeled screen symbol on the MDT display.
SBS shall disable all incoming calls, messages, audible alerts, etc., while an SAS is active. The
SAS status shall return to normal upon activation of a call request (PRTT).
Test SAS
SBS shall provide an automatic in vehicle self-test of the SAS switch at startup. Radio Fallback Operation
SBS shall support operation of trunked voice radio communications and SAS functionality in the
event of a SBS data mechanism or SBS processor failure. While in fallback, the voice radio
shall operate in a trunked mode on a default talk group and shall respond to all trunked channel
commands. Report Data to Dispatch Center
SBS shall report automatically collected and manually entered data to the Dispatch Center, as
defined below.
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-53
Exhibit A
SBS Alarm Status
SBS shall automatically report to the Dispatch Center changes in status of all onboard alarms
that are being monitored by SBS. These status changes shall be entered into call queues at the
Dispatch Center with the same priority as a PRTT. Reporting of mechanical alarms shall be
disabled for a selectable period following start-up to prevent false reporting. Status changes
shall have occurred for a period of at least two seconds to be considered a valid alarm for
reporting. The Transit Operations Manager in the dispatch center and the equipment supervisor
in the maintenance area shall have the capability to disable and re-enable reporting of individual
mechanical alarms on each bus. Alarm messages shall not be sent when disabled.
Operator-Selected Status
SBS shall accept operator-selected status, including in/out of service, at scene, out of vehicle,
clear, on break, on special assignment and return to normal. These messages shall not be entered
into call queues or automatically displayed, but shall be retained by SBS for use in case a
dispatch console user attempts to contact the vehicle or operator. SBS shall provide a convenient
means of selecting these messages such as a selectable scrolling list on the MDT display.
Bus Collected Data
Changes in passenger counts, wheelchair actions, and fare box alarms, shall be obtained from
existing and future onboard systems via serial interfaces RS-232, SAE-J1708, and SAE-J1939.
SBS shall retain this data onboard the bus and report it to the Dispatch Center as requested, or as
scheduled. This data shall be scheduled to be downloaded at the end of revenue service when the
bus is in the bus yard. The location of the bus and the time when the condition occurred shall be
recorded with the event. Time used for data recording shall be synchronized to GPS time.
Vehicle Location, Schedule and Route Adherence
SBS shall report current bus location, along with bus identification, to the Dispatch Center with
all status messages. SBS shall also solicit location updates from powered-up buses at least every
half minute, if no other messages from the bus have occurred. The Onboard subsystem shall
respond to these queries with the current location and bus identification.
SBS Equipment Status
SBS shall monitor the status of all Onboard SBS components to detect failures, disconnected
equipment, or missing equipment. Detected failures shall be retained onboard the bus and
reported to the Dispatch Center in real-time, as requested or as scheduled. This data shall be
downloaded at the end of revenue service when the bus is in the bus yard. The location of the
bus and the time when the condition occurred shall be recorded with the event. Time used for
data recording shall be synchronized to GPS time.
The type of reporting (real-time, as requested, or as scheduled) shall be selectable for each piece
of Onboard SBS component.
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-54
Exhibit A Headsign Control
SBS shall control existing headsigns such that the headsign display corresponds to the operator's
work assignment, “Special Run” or “Out of Service” status. Top, rear, and side mounted
destination signs shall also be controlled.
SBS shall provide capability to control run number signs located in the right front window,
should CCB procure buses with controllable run number signs. SBS shall not interfere with the
manual operation of the destination signs nor degrade their performance. Automatic Passenger Counters
SBS shall collect passenger boarding and alighting counts and correlate the counts to stops, lines,
and runs as further described in Section 3.9.2. Automatic Voice Annunciator
SBS shall provide passenger information via audio and visual announcement of stops via control
of electronic sign displays as further described in Section 3.9.3. Video Security System
SBS shall interface to the existing onboard video security system (VSS) to provide GPS time
updates, vehicle location data, and command the VSS to tag video data during an SAS, when a gforce sensor is activated, when an operator or dispatcher initiates tagging or other events where
video data tagging is desired. SBS shall upload video data via the wireless LAN at the bus yard.
SBS shall monitor the status of the VSS and indicate when the VSS has red light status.
Add Bus Service and Missed Trips
The onboard processor, when in Add Bus Service, shall collect onboard information including
APC data, and correlate it to the vehicle, time, GPS, stop, odometer, line and variation, and the
manual logon ID (what the operator enters when logging onto the Add Bus Service). This
information shall be retained onboard until it has been successfully downloaded via the WLAN.
The AVA subsystem shall make stop announcements when the vehicle is providing Add Bus
Service and the SBS shall make correct predictions for the added bus.
Farebox Interface
The Contractor shall establish an interface between SBS and the farebox to enable a single logon to both systems via either the MDT or the farebox control head. SBS shall provide vehicle
location information including the stop ID and line to the farebox. SBS shall provide a time sync
to the farebox, unless both SBS and the fareboxes sync to the same time source. In the later
scenario, the time displayed by SBS and the fareboxes shall be within one second of each other.
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-55
Exhibit A
Automatic Passenger Counters
SBS shall interface to the existing automatic passenger counters (APCs) onboard each vehicle.
Option: The Contractor shall provide and install new APC sensors onboard each vehicle. The
APC sensors shall be the highest rated sensors available for transit applications. The new
sensors shall be self-calibrating. Functions
and shall be capable of providing, at a minimum, the following passenger count information:
Number of passengers boarding and alighting by doorway at each door open/close
correlated to a schedule line, run, trip, stop name, and schedule time
Number of passengers onboard by segment, run and line
Number of wheelchair lift/ramp cycles at each stop the bus makes for each run and trip
on a line
Number of wheelchair passenger boardings and alightings at each stop the bus makes for
each run and trip on a line
Location (stop name or coordinates), time and date for each boarding and alighting, start
of trip and end of trip
Bus number
All door open/close cycles for each stop with a time stamp. The first door open shall be
correlated as the arrival and the last door close as the departure
Counts of door open and close cycles at unscheduled locations or detours
Passenger miles by segment, run, route, day—Passenger miles are the cumulative sum of
the distances ridden by each passenger. A segment is a section of a run between two
Average passenger miles by segment, run, route, day
Total passenger boardings by segment, run, route, day
Dwell time at each stop—Dwell time is calculated from the first door open to last door
close at a stop.
Distance traveled between stops
Pull-in and pull-out times at yard entrance and at layover zones—even if there is no door
open/close at these locations
Off-route operation designations when the vehicle is inter-lining or deadheading
The SBS APC subsystem shall at a minimum, do the following:
Provide accurate passenger accumulated count data. The accumulated count of alighting
passengers shall be within 5% for each 1000 consecutive boarding and alighting
passengers, and the accumulated count of boarding passengers shall be within 5% for
each 1000 consecutive boarding and alighting passengers.
Provide accurate stop-by-stop count data. For 85% of all door cycles, the boarding and
alighting counts shall be exact when compared to actual. For 90% of the stops, the
counts shall be within one passenger of actual. For 97% of the stops, the counts shall be
within two passengers of actual. This shall include stops for which there was no
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-56
Exhibit A
observed boarding or alighting activity. Counts from multiple door openings near a stop
shall be correlated to that stop.
Correlate passenger counts to the correct run if SBS cannot correlate the counts to a stop
Calculate passenger miles for passenger boardings and alightings at unscheduled stops
Provide accurate location. For 95% of the time, SBS shall correctly identify a bus
scheduled stop. For 97% of the time, SBS shall correctly identify a scheduled bus stop or
an adjacent scheduled bus stop for the bus run. Only stops where there is a door
opening/close shall be included in this calculation.
Provide accurate passenger counts such that the onboard passenger count shall not change
from one segment to another when there is no door open/close between the segments
Store and retain onboard fourteen days of recorded APC data
Store and warehouse all APC data collected for five years in an APC database
Perform a verification of the download from the onboard processor to the SBS Server
Provide valid and accurate data (95% accuracy with a +/- 5% confidence) for the
generation of NTD reports and other APC reports as described in Appendix B.
Provide an alert when the APC sensors for a particular bus are malfunctioning.
Provide the APC data in a format that can be utilized by RSM to generate APC reports. On-Board Processor
The APC subsystem shall use the Onboard SBS Processor directly or indirectly, using a sensor
controller, to determine, record and store data received from the sensors, GPS receiver, spread
spectrum radio, and dead reckoning system. Stored passenger counts shall be correlated to a stop
in the Onboard Processor and stored with a time-stamp. Vehicle Location
The APC subsystem shall use the SBS AVL subsystem to determine the bus location, and stop,
whenever there is a door cycle or there is a stop exceeding a system administrator-settable
number of seconds. The Contractor shall submit for CCB approval calculations showing the
expected correlation of passenger counts to the correct stop <CDRL>. Real-Time APC Count Reporting
When a particular bus queried by SBS, the Onboard SBS subsystem shall report the real-time
passenger count via the wireless data communication system. Wireless LAN Download
The APC subsystem shall use the wireless LAN subsystem to download passenger count data
from the buses and to upload new schedule and route information to the buses while at the bus
yard. APC Data Processing
Collected APC data shall be processed in order to ensure that the data is properly correlated to
bus stops and that the data is statistically valid for use in NTD reports, and for planning
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-57
Exhibit A
purposes. This processing shall include removal of clearly erroneous data, such as may occur
from sensor failures.
The Contractor shall provide an automated process to flag buses that have unusually high or low
APC counts for APC sensor maintenance. The processing shall also remove data for buses that
would otherwise improperly affect statistical results for monitored bus routes due to temporary
and unanticipated changes to the operation of buses on those routes. Changes of this type to be
detected by SBS shall include, but not be limited to, significant off-route operation, significant
off-schedule operation, breakdowns, and unscheduled turn-backs. Parameters for determining
various filtering thresholds required by the processing shall be definable by the system
CCB is currently using RSM Services’ RideCheck Plus to help process the APC data. SBS shall
provide equivalent APC data analysis and reporting tools that are currently provided by RSM
Services including the reports described in Appendix B.
The Contractor shall ensure that SBS APC data, information and reporting are easy to navigate,
use and generate. The APC reports shall be as concise as possible, and user friendly, plus
contain the relevant data. .
The Contractor shall assist CCB in getting FTA approval for the use of APC for its NTD report.
The assistance shall include providing a methodology for achieving NTD certification.
Proposers shall include a list of clients that have FTA approval for the use their APC data for
their NTD report. APC Accuracy
The Contractor shall ensure the APC subsystem reliably provides APC counts for the APC
database. The Contractor shall submit for Culver CityBus approval an analysis and calculation of
the APC subsystem accuracy from data collected during an APC verification test <CDRL>.
Boarding and Alighting accuracy shall be calculated as follows:
Boarding Accuracy =1.0 - ABS((BoardingsMANUAL – BoardingsAPC)/BoardingsMANUAL)
Alighting Accuracy =1.0 - ABS((AlightingsMANUAL – AlightingsAPC)/AlightingsMANUAL)
Option: The Contractor shall perform a one-year manual count (or actual ride along surveying) to
verify the accuracy of the APC system and APC data, required by the FTA to certify the APC
Automatic Voice Annunciators Functions
SBS shall interface to the existing onboard LED signs or LCD monitors and the PA system to
provide for automatic annunciation of each stop in both audio and visual formats. Based on the
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-58
Exhibit A
block assignment and the current location as determined by the AVL subsystem, the AVA
subsystem shall calculate when to make an announcement at a pre-defined location in advance of
each stop. The AVA subsystem shall provide accurate announcements—for 99% of the time, the
AVA subsystem shall correctly identify a bus stop and make the correct announcement. Assuming
that the correct block assignment has been entered into the AVA subsystem and the bus is onroute, no operator action will be required for AVA operation. Operators shall not be able to
disengage AVA operation. Announcements
All stops shall be announced. When the bus is approaching a stop, one announcement shall be
made for the next stop. The distance from the stop when the announcement is triggered shall be
selectable by stop and direction or applied globally and will be stored in the route and stop
database residing in the onboard processor.
The AVA subsystem shall allow, through the PA microphone or Speak-Easy system, instant
operator-voice override for emergency or priority announcements. The voice override shall
automatically time-out after 30 seconds. The override shall be reported as an event.
The AVA subsystem shall make ambient noise measurements to provide independent, automatic
volume control for internal and external announcements. Audio levels shall be controllable by
the vehicle operator within a usable audio range.
The Contractor shall provide new audio files as necessary to ensure the announcements for all
stops are correct. Each audio announcement shall be up to 30 seconds in length and shall include
the stop designation such as the complete intersection name or landmark name. The Contractor
shall submit for CCB approval sample tapes of the audio to be furnished. The audio files shall
be recorded in a manner that would allow CCB to easily truncate or append announcements.
AVA shall provide text announcements that correlate to each audio announcement, utilizing the
onboard LED signs. The Contractor shall submit for CCB approval the exact text to be used for
each new stop announcement or general service message. <CDRL>
The Contractor shall provide the capability to make the following additional announcements:
X ft. after leaving the stop, where X is adjustable
At Y minute intervals, where Y is adjustable
When the bus arrives at the stop, SBS shall make announcements using an exterior
speaker providing the bus line number and destination. The exterior announcements shall
be disabled during the night and early morning hours. The hours when the exterior
announcements are disabled shall be a system settable parameter.
The location of the announcements shall be selectable by direction and stop and shall be stored in
the stop database residing onboard.
Stop announcements shall be of the following types:
SBS Technical Specifications
Interior Announcement
Page 50
Exhibit A-59
Exterior Announcement
Exhibit A
In Advance of
In Advance of
In Advance of
(Express routes)
Leaving Stop
Next Stop <Street Name 1> and <Street
Name 23> (Audio and Visual)
Next Stop <Landmark Name> (Audio
and Visual)
Destination < Destination Name>
(Audio and Visual)
None (Audio)
Destination (Visual)
None (Audio)
Destination (Visual)
None (Audio)
Destination (Visual)
Next Stop <Street Name 1> and <Street
Name 2> (Audio and Visual)
Next Stop <Landmark Name> (Audio
and Visual)
Destination <Destination Name>
(Audio and Visual)
This Stop <Street Name 1> and <Street
Name 2> (Audio and Visual), Transfer
Point for Line Numbers <Numbers>
None (Audio)
Destination (Visual)
None (Audio)
Destination (Visual)
None (Audio)
Destination (Visual)
Line Number
<Number>, Destination
<Destination Name>
This Stop <Landmark Name>
Transfer Points for Line Numbers
Destination (Visual)
At Stop
This Stop <Street Name 1> and <Street
Name 2> (Audio and Visual)
At Stop
This Stop <Landmark Name>
At Stop
(Express routes)
Destination <Destination Name>
(Audio and Visual)
Line Number
<Number>, Destination
<Destination Name>
Destination (Visual)
Line Number
<Number>, Destination
<Destination Name>
Destination (Visual)
Line Number
<Number>, Destination
<Destination Name>
Destination (Visual)
Leaving Stop
Leaving Stop
(Express routes)
At Transfer Point
SBS shall be capable of repeating audio and text stop announcements. Route Deviations
If the bus goes off-route, announcements shall not be made until the AVA subsystem determines
that the bus is again traveling on the assigned route.
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-60
Exhibit A
In the event of an interline, where a bus switches from one line to another, the system shall
continue to make the correct announcements.
If a stop is bypassed, the correct next stop announcement shall be made. If an unscheduled stop
is made, the AVA subsystem shall not interpret this as the actual stop, unless it occurs within the
position accuracy of the AVL subsystem. Correct next stop announcements shall continue.
If the bus status is changed to out-of-service through an operator login, announcements shall be
inhibited, except that the headsigns shall display “Out of Service”. Other Announcements
AVA shall display a time, date, and operator number text announcement periodically on the
internal signs and monitors.
AVA shall make public service and advertising audio and text announcements periodically or at
pre-defined locations. Appendix E provides a list of the current public service announcements
that shall be provided.
The operator shall have the capability of manually selecting from a menu of predefined messages
for announcements to passengers that may override an automatic announcement; however,
operators shall not be able to disable initiation of audio announcements.
Dispatchers and Transit Operations Supervisors in a vehicle with a Road Supervisor subsystem
shall have the capability of sending a text message for display either on the internal signs or
headsign and making audio announcements on the PA system of selected buses.
AVA shall make audio and visual “Stop Requested” announcements. The Stop Requested
display shall be cleared when a door is opened. Stop Announcement Database
The Onboard SBS equipment shall store the full CCB stop database and corresponding audio and
text message database.
Modifications to this database shall be provided via the wireless LAN at each bus yard. The
current version of the database shall be made available by the Onboard SBS equipment when
queried via the wireless LAN. Changes to the database shall be accepted without requiring a
complete download of the database each time a modification is made.
Dedicated hard drive storage shall be provided for the audio database onboard each bus.
3.9.4 Video Security Subsystem Interface
SBS interface to the onboard MobileView Penta 8 or Penta 8 video security system and shall
provide GPS time sync updates to the video systems, support wireless downloads of video stored
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-61
Exhibit A
onboard, and activate tagging. Proposers shall provide a detailed description of the interfaces
that have been implemented and the features provided.
A portion of the daily SBS operations shall occur at the Bus Yard. The role of the SBS Yard
Subsystem shall be to facilitate and manage data transfer between buses and the Dispatch Center.
These operations shall include the following:
Download of route and schedule adherence from bus
Download of passenger counts from bus
Download of video data from bus as required
Upload of route and schedule and other database updates to bus
Display and reporting of Onboard SBS equipment alarms, and other events requiring
maintenance action. SBS shall provide for the creation of work orders related to these
Option: Location of parked buses
Option: Assignment of operator to bus
Option: Assignment of bus to run
To perform these operations, the Yard Subsystem shall include the following:
SBS Yard Server/Workstation
Yard LAN
3.10.1 Operator Assignments
SBS shall receive next day’s assignments of operators to lines and make this available at the
Dispatch Center and Yard workstations. SBS shall accept cancellations of operator assignments.
Option: Operator Assignments Modification
Option: SBS shall enable modifications to operator assignment data for the operating day. SBS
shall enable creation of unscheduled operator work assignments that comply with CCB’s work
allowance rules.
Report Assignments
SBS shall produce reports of current operator assignments and logs of changes made to
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-62
Exhibit A
3.10.2 Option: Record and Report Bus Location and Bus Actions in Yard
SBS shall determine and record bus ID, location, and sequence as they are parked in the bus
yard. SBS shall produce reports of bus yard locations, available buses, unavailable buses, and
assignments of buses to operator/line for the supervisor to use in managing equipment
SBS shall record movements of a bus in, out of, and within a yard. SBS shall be able to record
actions taken upon a bus at each of several work location, including fueling and maintenance,
and times to or from those locations. SBS shall produce reports on movement and actions,
including logs for buses and summaries by work location.
Proposers shall describe the method by which this is to be accomplished in the proposal.
3.10.3 Option: Bus Assignments in Yard
SBS shall maintain a yard plan, showing the current bus locations, IDs, availability status, and
assignments of buses to operators and work assignments. This plan shall be made available in
graphical format on the SBS workstations to the Dispatch Center and yard personnel.
SBS shall make bus assignments based upon the next bus available in a preferred bus series at a
ready line at least sixty minutes prior to the time the operator is ready and scheduled to pull out.
SBS shall accept a list and changes to the list of preferred series for each line. SBS shall select
the first available bus in the highest available preferred series to assign to the line/operator and
present that selection at the Dispatch Center and Yard Workstation. SBS shall also be able to
make assignments based only upon pullout schedule.
SBS shall accept assignments of buses to unscheduled work assignments. SBS shall
automatically assign buses to unscheduled work assignments.
SBS shall accept the holding of bus assignments by the Dispatch Center or Yard workstation.
SBS shall send an alert to the Dispatch Center and Yard workstation if a pullout is not made
within a settable time after it is due. SBS shall update all necessary locations after changes have
been made and ensure that all SBS components that may require this information have access to
the updated information.
3.10.4 Wireless LAN
The Contractor shall upgrade the current Yard LAN to utilize current Wifi technology. The SBS
WLAN shall include Access Points (APs) to exchange data with the Onboard SBS subsystems
while the buses are in the bus yard. The Access Points shall provide adequate radio coverage to
allow downloading and uploading of data to the buses in 99% of the bus yard and maintenance
areas. (Refer to Site Maps in Appendix F.) Each Access Point shall be used to support all SBS
related applications that require wireless access to the buses in the bus yard.
A wireless network management tool shall be provided. The tool will be used to monitor and
maintain the wireless system. It will have the capability to log a client on and off the system and
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put the client into a maintenance test mode. This tool shall provide reports on wireless client
status, fault indications, log of files uploaded and downloaded to the vehicles, and last login with
the AP. If there is an interruption in the download to a vehicle, the download shall be resumed
without a requiring a completely new download of the file.
The Contractor shall provide a Supervisor subsystem that enables the location of relief and
maintenance vehicles to be tracked by SBS. SBS shall classify these vehicles as non-revenue
vehicles on the map displays. The Supervisor subsystem shall include an AVL subsystem, and a
cellular data modem.
Option: Supervisor System shall include a mobile radio to enable voice communications.
The Contractor shall provide a Road Supervisor subsystem that shall enable Transit Operations
Supervisors in field vehicles to manage fleet operations. The Road Supervisor Systems shall
include a mobile data computer (MDC) that displays SBS information in a manner similar to the
display of the information on the dispatch consoles. The Road Supervisor subsystem shall
include an AVL subsystem, and a cellular data modem to enable the vehicle location to be
tracked by SBS. SBS shall classify the supervisor vehicle locations as a supervisor vehicle on
the map displays. Transit Operations Supervisors shall be able to call other Transit Operations
Supervisors and buses directly with their portable radio.
The Road Supervisor Subsystem shall include an MDC to enable the Transit Operations
Supervisor access to SBS information similar to the information provided at SBS dispatch
consoles and to perform dispatching duties from a supervisor vehicle.
SBS shall enable Transit Operations Supervisors in a supervisor vehicle that is equipped with a
Road Supervisor Subsystem to:
a) Initiate voice calls to buses, other Transit Operations Supervisors, and dispatch consoles.
b) Initiate a voice call by making a selection from a call queue display.
c) Receive calls from dispatch console users, other Transit Operations Supervisors, and
buses (Request to Talk).
d) View notification of any SAS, with street location and operator identification.
e) View and modify any Incident Report assigned from a dispatch console, or create a new
Incident Report.
f) Send standard and ad hoc text messages to a bus or selected group of buses, and to the
Dispatch Center.
g) Display the street location of selected buses, based upon user-defined location and bus
h) Display the street location of another field unit, based on user-defined security
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The vehicles with Road Supervisor Systems shall also be equipped with mobile voice radio,
cellular data modem, Onboard Processor (if necessary), spread spectrum radio.
SBS shall have the capacity to handle 300 messages per hour total inbound and outbound.
3.12.1 Mobile Data Computers
The MDC shall provide a user interface to SBS for dispatching functionality and for the
generation and transmission of the Incident Reports to the Dispatch Center. The MDCs shall be
wirelessly connected to SBS. The MDC shall keep an audit log file of all communications.
Security of the wireless connection shall be provided by requiring the user to login.
Option: The MDC shall be a tablet, rather than a ruggedized laptop.
3.12.2 Voice communications
The mobile radio in Road Supervisor Subsystem equipped vehicles shall enable Transit
Operations Supervisors to have voice communications with other SBS users using selective call.
Transit Operations Supervisors shall also be able to call a bus directly using a portable radio.
The Road Supervisor Subsystem MDC shall enable a Transit Operations Supervisor to switch
SBS into Unattended Mode and also back to normal operations.
3.13.1 Time of Arrival Predictions
The NCCB system shall reliably determine the real-time arrival times of the next three buses
arriving for each stop. The predictions for each bus shall be updated every 30 seconds or less.
NCCB shall accurately update its predictions within 10 seconds when a bus is removed from
service, when a new bus is placed in service, when a bus detours, and will miss stops because the
bus is turning short..
For arrivals in less than 20 minutes, the predictions shall indicate the number of minutes from
arrival time. For arrivals greater than 20 minutes, the predictions shall indicate arrival time.
The accuracy of the predictive algorithm shall be such that the predicted error shall be less than
two minutes 90% of the time, when a bus is predicted to be between five to eight minutes from a
stop, and the predicted error shall be less than one minute 90% of the time, when a bus is
predicted to be five minutes or less from a stop. Proposers shall provide details on how quickly
NCCB system shall reset the predictions for a stop within 10 seconds after a bus departs from a
stop. Proposers shall provide test data that demonstrates the time of arrival prediction accuracy
for their implemented systems.
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NCCB shall also calculate time of departure information. NCCB shall have the option to display
time of arrival or departure information or both.
The NCCB predictive algorithm shall be a learning algorithm that is based on historical data for
the stop location, route, and the time of day, day of week, and week of year. The NCCB
predictive algorithm shall also take into account the traffic conditions (both live traffic and
predictive traffic if available) along the route of the bus. If there is an active detour, the NCCB
predictive algorithm shall produce a prediction based on the detour route instead of the normal
route. Proposers shall provide a detailed description of their prediction algorithm in their
NCCB shall utilize CCB’s database, if available, for bus stop identifiers such as ID, street
location, route, and direction. If ID numbers have not been established for CCB’s bus stops, the
Contractor shall create ID numbers for them and submit them to CCB for approval. Thus, only
one bus stop database and one route and schedule database will need to be maintained by CCB
3.13.2 NCCB Reporting
NCCB shall generate and collect the data necessary for production of reports on the functionality
and availability of NCCB. NCCB shall generate daily NCCB performance reports. The reports
provided by the Contractor shall at a minimum include the following:
• NCCB Prediction Accuracy
• IVR Usage (calls per hour and day)
• Webpage Usage (visits per hour and day)
• Number of concurrent webpage users per hour and sorted by zip code
• SMS Usage (text requests per hour and day)
• LED and LCD Sign diagnostic status log
3.13.3 Availability
The NCCB system availability for the prediction module shall be 99.9% or better.
3.13.4 NCCB Website
The Contractor shall develop a NCCB website that uses its own standalone domain and facilitate the addition of an NCCB link on the Culver City website.
Proposers shall provide pricing for the domain costs that will be paid by CCB after system
Users shall be able to access the website using all major browsers using the latest two versions of
each browser. Proposers shall list the supported browsers in their proposals. Users shall be able
to access the website using desktop computers and mobile devices, including laptops, tablet
computers, and smartphones. All users, regardless of their web browser or device, shall be
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allowed to access the NCCB website via the same URL and have access to all functions and
features of the website.
The Contractor shall utilize Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices when programming and
designing the structure, layout, text copy, and the meta data of the website. Proposers shall
include a description of their use of SEO practices in their proposals. The website shall contain
no broken links nor infinite redirect loops.
The NCCB website shall be designed to be adaptive to the width of the user’s screen. The
Contractor shall provide a responsive design such that screen layouts are developed for the
various browser window widths of the devices that will used to access the website. Proposers
shall provide a list of the breakpoints typically used for their web designs in their proposals.
The website shall collect the following types of user analytics data
Demographic data (ex. zip code) of the registered users
General analytics data from registered and unregistered users, including
demographic, geographic, technology, mobile, acquisition, behavior, and real-time
Option: The Contractor shall provide web hosting and website maintenance services for ten
At a minimum, the website shall provide the following features for all users, regardless of login
Search and View Bus Stops and Bus Lines
NCCB shall seek permission from the user to obtain the user’s location in order to provide
location based information. If the permission is granted, the NCCB website shall enable users to
view CCB bus stops and bus lines on a map display that are in the vicinity of the user’s location.
A default zoom level shall be set so that upon the loading of the page, the user will see at least an
area of 1/2 mile x 1/2 mile on a mobile device screen that is 640 pixels wide. Users shall be able
to zoom in and out and pan on the map displays to search for CCB bus stops and bus lines.
Users can also search for a bus stop by entering line, direction of travel and selecting the desired
bus stop from a pulldown list or search by intersection. The pulldown list shall list the bus stops
in sequence and provide location information such as stop name, line and direction, and a stop ID
number. There shall be a bus stop icon for each bus stop on the map display. The bus stop
location, stop ID number, and lines served shall be displayed when users mouse over the icon.
Real-Time Bus Arrival Times and Passenger Loads
The NCCB website shall display real-time predicted arrival times for the next three available
buses for each line that services a CCB bus stop that has been selected by the user. Users shall
select a bus stop either by double clicking on a bus stop icon in the map display, selecting a stop
from a pull-down list or by entering a bus stop ID number in a Bus Stop ID box. The Bus Stop
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ID box shall be coded with an autocomplete feature so that users can select from previously
entered bus stop ID numbers without having to re-type the full ID.
The bus arrival times shall be displayed in chronological order, with the first bus that is predicted
to arrive at the top. The time of arrival predictions announced by the website for an approaching
vehicle shall be updated within five second after the NCCB server receives a location update
from the vehicle without the user having to reload/refresh the page. The NCCB website shall
also provide real-time passenger loads for the arriving buses. In the event real-time information
for the approaching bus is not available, NCCB shall either default to displaying the static
schedule and indicating it is not real-time data or not displaying any information.
Option: If a bus has not yet departed its originating terminal, NCCB shall provide an indication
of such status.
Real-Time Bus Locations
The NCCB website shall enable users to view real-time locations of CCB buses that are in the
vicinity of the user’s location, a stop location selected by the user, or the buses currently in the
field of view of the map display viewed by user. The buses shall be represented by a bus icon
that is approved by CCB. Users shall be able to view the location of an arriving bus at a stop by
selecting the predicted arrival time. The default zoom level for the display of a bus on the map
display shall be appropriate so the streets in the vicinity of the bus are readable. Users shall be
able to view the locations of additional CCB buses by zooming out.
Real-Time Traffic Conditions
The NCCB website shall enable users to view color coded real-time traffic condition on the
streets that are in the vicinity of the user’s location, a stop location selected by the user, or the
roads that are currently in the field of view of the map display viewed by user. The color coding
shall be consistent with the color coding used by the Go511 website.
System Alerts
The NCCB website shall display system alerts on all of the NCCB front-end web pages. When
there is an active system alert, the alert text shall be boldly displayed as a banner located at the
top of a web page.
When there are multiple active system alerts, the alert texts shall be displayed in a rotating
If an alert becomes active after a web page was already opened, the web page shall display the
new alert without requiring the user to reload the web page. The system shall either trigger the
web page to be automatically reloaded, or shall use technologies such as AJAX to automatically
insert the newly active alert into the web page without page reloading.
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If an alert becomes inactive after a web page was opened, the web page shall cease displaying
the alert without requiring the user to reload the web page.
Registered Users
The NCCB website shall enable users to become a registered user. A user shall be identified
either by an email address, a mobile phone number, or by their social sign-ins as discussed in the
following section. NCCB shall provide a means to verify the user has access to the email and/or
mobile phone number that is associated with the user’s account. Verification of access to email
or mobile phone number shall not be required for the user to start using the service. Users shall
also be asked to provide their name and zip code when they sign up.
Login and Password Recovery
NCCB shall also enable users to also sign in using social sign-in methods such as “Facebook
Connect”, “Sign-in with Twitter”, or “Sign-in with LinkedIn.” Whenever users who are
registered using this method, sign into their Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. accounts, they
shall be automatically logged into NCCB, using the same web browser.
NCCB shall provide users with the ability to reliably log into their accounts from a login page.
The login page shall request a user to enter a User ID and a Password, or provide buttons of
social sign-ins. The user ID entry form shall be coded such that the appropriate keyboard
designed for the entry of an email address is automatically displayed for smartphone or tablet
If a user’s login is incorrect and declined, the User ID that was entered shall remain in the box so
the user will not have to re-enter the User ID or can modify it. The User ID box shall be coded
with an autocomplete feature so that users can select from a previously entered ID without
having to re-type the full ID. The password box shall have an “input type” of a password, so the
password entered will not be openly displayed.
If a user neglects to enter either User ID or Password when selecting the Login button, the
webpage shall detect such error and display an appropriate error message without sending the
incomplete login credentials to the server. The Login page shall also display a Sign Up button
or link asking users to sign up if they have not yet become a registered user.
The website shall provide a password recovery process to users who forget their password with
via a password recovery page and process, which shall employ the following two methods:
● Recovery Password by Email: For users who sign up via their email addresses, the
NCCB website shall allow users to enter their email address in order for NCCB to send a
unique MD5 hash code that is embedded in a hyperlink to the email address. The user
shall be able to click on the link in the email and be redirected to a page where the user
can reset the password for the user’s account.
● Recovery Password by Text Message: For users who sign up by a mobile phone number,
NCCB website shall allow the user to enter the mobile phone number in order for NCCB
to send a numerical code or a hyperlink in a text message to the mobile phone number.
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The user shall be able to either enter the code on the website or click on the hyperlink and
be directed to a page where the user can reset the password for the user’s account.
All user text entry forms shall use a text font size of at least 16 points, so that text on a mobile
device in the web browser will not require the user to zoom in.
Update Account Information
Users who have logged into their account on the NCCB website shall be able to update their
account information, including:
● Updating Name
● Changing Password
● Changing Email Address and/or Mobile Phone Number. NCCB shall send a
confirmation email or text message to the user to confirm the user has access to the new
email address or new mobile phone number.
● Delete Account
Create Favorites
The NCCB website shall enable registered users who are logged in to define and save one or
more trips from bus stop locations as their Favorites.
When NCCB provides arrival times for a stop, a “Save” button or link shall appear on the page if
the user is logged in. If the user selects the button or link, NCCB shall ask the user to name the
favorite. If the user doesn’t not name the favorite, a default name shall be used for the favorite
(e.g. “LAX Bus Ctr NB”.) NCCB shall save the following aspects of the favorite: stop location,
bus line and direction, time of day, and day of week
View Favorites
Users who have Favorites saved shall be allowed to click or tap on a Favorite and be directed to
view the current bus arrival times for the saved bus stop and any service alerts related to the bus
line and bus stop that is associated with the Favorite. If the user only has a few Favorites, the
information for each Favorite shall be displayed automatically when the user logs into NCCB.
NCCB shall notify the user when a stop that was saved as a favorite of the following:
• Stop was removed by Culver CityBus and is no longer a favorite
• Line has new stop/ removed stop
• Stop location has changed (i.e. Nearside location that has been relocated to the farside)
• Line has a detour
• Line has temporary stop
• Line alignment change
• Line has detour.
Alerts for Favorites
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The NCCB website shall allow registered users to set up to receive system wide alerts and alerts
for the user’s Favorites. System wide alerts and alerts for Favorites for shall be displayed
prominently on the NCCB web pages when the user signs in. NCCB shall allow users to opt to
receive system wide alerts and/or alerts for their Favorites. NCCB shall allow users to select
receiving alerts by email or text message to the email or phone number that is registered for the
user’s account. NCCB shall allow users to select receiving an alert if it occurs for the Favorite
on daily basis, M-F, or certain days of the week. Alerts for Favorites and system alerts shall only
be sent once per day, unless the alert is updated or canceled. Alerts for Favorites shall be sent X
minutes before the time of day of the Favorite, where X is selected by the user.
Option: Trip Planner
The NCCB website shall either include a trip planner or contain a link that allows users to access
the CCB trip planner that is hosted on the City’s website.
Option: Display of CCB Schedules and Line Information
The NCCB website shall provide users with a map of the stops and schedule for each CCB line.
Website Performance
The NCCB website shall meet the following minimum performance criteria:
● All NCCB pages shall be completely loaded within 3 seconds when accessed from a
network with download speed that is equivalent to a DSL connection or 3G cellular data
● All NCCB map displays shall be completely redrawn within 2 seconds, after panning,
jumping, resizing, or zooming.
Administration Functions
The Contractor shall develop a methodology to establish an NCCB Super Administrator and
enable the administrators to log onto NCCB with administrator privileges. The Super Admin
shall be able to manage other administrators including adding administrator privileges to
registered users and removing administrator privileges. The NCCB shall include an
Administration Console that enables an administrator to manage and maintain the website.
Users with administrator privileges shall be able to perform the following:
● Search for users by name, email, or phone number.
● View registered user and their details, including
○ User’s name
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○ Users’ email address and/or mobile phone number.
○ User’s favorite lines and stops
○ User’s login history, including time stamp and IP address
● Initiate a password recovery process for a user.
○ All user’s password information shall be encrypted so an administrators shall not
be allowed to view user’s password.
○ The administrator shall not be allowed to establish a user’s password.
● Manage Bus Lines and Bus Stops
○ Add, remove, update bus lines and bus stops
○ Perform searches on stored data
● Manage System Alerts
○ Creating, editing, and deleting system alerts which include a start and expiration
3.13.5 Data Interface with Other Applications
API for Third Party Users
NCCB shall provide an API that other applications can access to retrieve at a minimum: CCB
line, stop, and static schedule information, real-time bus locations, predicted bus arrival times,
real-time passenger loads, and alert messages. The APIs shall use JSON or XML format and
shall adopt the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) standard.
The Contractor shall develop an API management module that enables an NCCB administrator
Create, update, and remove API login ID and key credentials.
View statistics of API usage, including API call records and response times.
RIITS and Go511 Interface
The Contractor shall develop an interface to provide real-time bus locations and predictions for
the CCB buses to Go511 and RIITS. The Contractor shall also develop an interface to obtain
real-time predictions for LA Metro buses that share stops with CCB buses in Culver City from
LA via the most current API provided by LA Metro to enable the NCCB electronic signs to
display predicted arrival times for LA Metro buses. Documentation for the Go511 API is
provided in Appendix J.
LADOT Interface
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The Contractor shall obtain the most current information from the Los Angeles Department of
Transportation (LADOT) to enable the NCCB electronic signs to display predicted arrival times
for LADOT buses that share stops with CCB buses in Culver City. The Contractor shall submit
a request to obtain an API key from LADOT. Documentation for the API is currently hosted in a
platform called Apiary (
Santa Monica Big Blue Bus Interface
The Contractor shall obtain information from the Santa Monica Big Blue Bus (BBB) IT staff to
enable the NCCB electronic signs to display predicted arrival times for BBB buses that share
stops with CCB buses in Culver City. BBB will provide GTFS and GTFS-realtime data feeds to
Culver City at no cost.
3.13.6 Schedule Inquiry by Text Messaging
NCCB shall allow mobile phone users to make a schedule inquiry via text message to a special
NCCB number.
The user’s text message request will include the bus stop ID for which the user would like to
receive arrival predictions.
NCCB shall send a response within 1 second from receiving a user’s text message inquiry. The
text message response from NCCB shall contain the following information:
bus stop name
bus line number and direction;
bus agency identifier if the service is not provided by CCB
predicted arrival time of the next three buses in minutes;
if real-time data is not available, static scheduled arrival time with an indication the
information is not real-time;
● additional commands that the user can use to request updated (refreshed) arrival times
and to save the request; and
● appropriate error messages if the user’s inquiry is not understood by the NCCB or bus
stop number submitted does not exist.
The text response shall not exceed 140 characters and shall not be sent in more than one text
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First time users shall receive a response that includes a reminder that the user may be subject to
SMS fees by the mobile carrier.
3.13.7 IVR
The NCCB Interactive Voice Response subsystem shall receive telephone calls from CCB clients
and provide them with dynamic time of arrival information for the bus stop ID entered. The IVR
shall provide the callers with an easy to use menu and shall reliably provide the real-time
prediction information the callers are looking for. When the IVR subsystem receives a telephone
call from a caller, it shall greet the caller with a short introductory message with brief
instructions on using the IVR system. The IVR subsystem shall then provide the caller with
voice prompts to enter a bus stop ID using the touch tone phone's keypad to do so. Upon receipt
of the bus stop ID, the IVR subsystem shall first repeat the bus stop ID entered and state the
street location of the bus stop. Next, the IVR subsystem shall provide dynamic time of arrival
predictions for the next three buses for each line included Metro, LADOT, and BBB lines that
serve the bus stop location.
The time of arrival prediction announced by the IVR subsystem for an approaching vehicle shall
be updated within one second after the NCCB server receives a location update from the vehicle.
The predictions announced on the IVR shall be the same as the predictions provided on the
website at least 99% of the time.
The Contractor shall perform all tasks to implement the IVR subsystem and if applicable,
interface the IVR with the City’s telephone system.
The Contractor shall provide IVR management tools for the recording of general service
announcements. The management tools shall enable CCB staff to create, edit, or delete audio
files for bus stop names and locations, public service announcements, menu items, and real time
messages, and to schedule when the messages shall be played. The management tools shall
enable CCB staff to add menu items, and to monitor and display call traffic and telephone line
activities. The Contractor shall provide IVR management tools to edit, add, or delete bus stop
information. The IVR shall utilize a common bus stop database that is utilized for SBS. The
IVR management tools shall allow an administrator to define the maximum amount of time
allowed for callers to respond before the system prompts them again for their response. The
tools shall also allow an administrator to define a maximum number of repeat prompts to be
given by the system before the call is terminated.
NCCB shall monitor both IVR hardware and software and send an alert to IT and CCB staff
when the system malfunctions. The IVR subsystem shall automatically recover from power
The IVR subsystem shall include a selectable option for the caller to be connected to a live
telephone receptionist.
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All other standard IVR features and functions provided by the Contractor to other clients shall be
included. Proposers shall describe the additional features that will be provided at no extra cost.
The IVR subsystem shall offer to the caller an option to play general service announcements.
The CCB staff will determine if any announcements should be played.
Option: The IVR subsystem shall include a call logging feature that keeps a record of call details
by menu options.
Option: When certain bus stop codes are entered, the IVR subsystem shall automatically connect
a caller to a live telephone receptionist. A management tool shall provide the ability to set which
bus stops would activate this feature.
Option: The IVR subsystem shall offer more detailed instructions on using the subsystem if the
caller fails to enter in the bus stop ID within ten seconds of a prompt.
Option: The IVR subsystem shall offer static time of arrival information for arrivals that are
more than a system settable threshold from the current time. The IVR subsystem shall request
the caller to enter the bus stop ID, line number, direction, and the date and time for the arrival
information requested. The IVR subsystem shall then provide static time of arrivals for three
buses that will arrive after the requested time for the line requested.
Option: If the caller does not know the stop ID number, the IVR subsystem shall include a
methodology to assist the caller in determining the stop ID number.
Option: The IVR subsystem shall provide the caller with an option to hear the information in
Option: The IVR subsystem shall include text to speech capability for the creation of
announcements and stop location recordings.
Option: The IVR subsystem shall include speech recognition for English.
Option: The IVR subsystem shall include speech recognition for Spanish.
Option: The IVR subsystem shall include the capability to play advertisements based on the
location of the stop ID.
Option: The IVR subsystem shall provide users of TTY/TDD devices with automated access to
time of arrival information. The system shall interact with TTY/TDD callers directly. Two
modems shall be supplied to provide TDD access.
3.13.8 Electronic Signs
The NCCB electronic signs shall provide dynamic time of arrival information for bus lines that
serve the location that the sign provides information for, and shall display system alerts and other
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canned general messages. The NCCB electronic signs shall periodically display the current date
and time and display general service messages and text messages created by an NCCB
administrator or Transit Operations Supervisor using the Road Supervisor subsystem. The
messages shall be displayed on a user defined schedule—up to thirty days in advance. The
NCCB administrator shall be able to designate which signs shall display a specific message.
Details of the sign display format shall be submitted as part of the Preliminary Design Review
for approval by CCB.
In the event that AVL information for the approaching bus is not available, NCCB shall default
to either displaying the static schedule or not displaying any information. The default shall be a
system settable parameter. NCCB shall indicate on the sign whether or not live data is being
The NCCB electronic signs shall provide continuous, unattended, and stable operation. The time
arrival displayed on the signs shall be updated every ten seconds or less and within five seconds
after the NCCB server receives a location update from the vehicle. The predictions provided on
the signs shall be the same as the predictions provided on the website 99.99% of the time.
Proposers shall provide details on how quickly NCCB system shall reset the electronic signs
when a bus departs from a stop.
The NCCB electronic signs shall automatically adjust its brightness to ambient conditions to
ensure optimal visibility. In addition, the display signs and monitors shall meet applicable ADA
requirements for character size and general readability in bright sunlight and low light
The NCCB electronic signs shall be capable of providing audible announcements of all NCCB
data displayed on the signs. Audible announcements shall be manually triggered by patron
action at a stop. The NCCB electronic signs shall make ambient noise measurements to provide
automatic volume control. Volume ranges shall be a system settable parameter and shall be
configurable based upon the time of day.
NCCB shall allow an NCCB administrator to monitor the status of the electronic signs. The
electronic signs and all related hardware shall perform self-diagnostics and shall automatically
report diagnostic information to the NCCB system for logging. When NCCB detects unusual
conditions or failures, NCCB shall notify the system administrator and log the occurrence.
NCCB shall filter repetitive and cascaded event notices.
NCCB shall obtain information from LA Metro, LADOT, and the BBB that will enable the
NCCB electronic signs to display predicted arrival times for LA Metro, LADOT, and BBB buses
that share stops with CCB buses at the location of the NCCB electronic sign.
Option: A QR code shall be posted near the sign to allow for real-time predictions to be sent to
users via the NCCB system.
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3.13.9 LED Signs
The LED signs shall indicate the line number and either the predicted number of minutes before
the arrival of the next bus or predicted time of arrival for the next three buses for each line that
arrives at the sign location.
Scrolling or alternating of text or other suitable means of displaying information pertaining to
multiple buses or long text messages shall be supported. CCB prefers that long messages be
divided into multiple lines and the lines of text stepped up.
NCCB shall allow an NCCB administrator to monitor the status of the LED signs. The LED
signs and all related hardware shall perform self-diagnostics and shall automatically report
diagnostic information to the NCCB system for logging. When NCCB detects unusual
conditions or failures, NCCB shall notify the system administrator and log the occurrence.
NCCB shall filter repetitive and cascaded event notices.
The locations and designs of the real-time sign, solar panel, and battery shall be aesthetically
pleasing and minimal in footprint. Real-time sign and ancillary equipment that are installed on a
pole shall not obstruct the view of the traffic light or street name sign in the bus stop area and
shall maintain compliance with ADA circulation requirements at the bus stops. Real-time sign
and ancillary equipment that will be installed on the shelter shall minimize impacts to the
aesthetics and function of the shelter. Proposers shall provide a description of the proposed sign
installations on a pole and shelter installation.
Option: Proposers shall provide pricing for 12 additional signs that are solar powered and pole
The location of the signs are listed in Appendix L.
LCD Signs
The LCD signs shall indicate the line number and either the predicted number of minutes before
the arrival of the next bus or predicted time of arrival for the next three buses for each line that
arrives at the sign location.
Scrolling or alternating of text or other suitable means of displaying information pertaining to
multiple buses or long text messages shall be supported. CCB prefers that long messages will be
divided into multiple lines and the lines of text stepped up.
The Contractor shall install one outdoor sign at the Transit Center located in the parking lot of
the Westfield Mall, 6000 Sepulveda Blvd, Culver City, CA 90230. The Contractor shall install
one indoor LCD sign at the Transit Lounge inside the Westfield Mall.
The Contractor shall install one indoor LCD sign in the bus operator’s lounge at the
Transportation facility that shall display of CCB bus locations on a map display.
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Exhibit A-77
Exhibit A
Option: Proposers shall provide pricing for additional LCD signs that are solar powered and
pole mounted.
Option: Proposers shall provide a means for third parties postings of advertisements on the LCD
Option: Mobile APP
Contractor shall develop a NCCB native mobile app for mobile phone users. The Contractor
shall perform all tasks to implement the app. At the minimum, an iOS and an Android version of
the mobile app shall be available. Both versions of the mobile app shall utilize the full area of
mobile phone screen, regardless of the brand and model of the mobile phone.
The NCCB mobile app shall enable users to do the following:
● view bus stops in the vicinity of the user’s GPS-enabled location on a map;
● tap on a bus stop icon to view the predicted arrival times at the stop for the next three
buses of each bus line serving the bus stop;
● view real-time bus locations and passenger loads on a map; and
● view real-time color-coded traffic on a map.
● receive messages that are broadcast by NCCB to all system users.
● receive messages that are broadcast by NCCB to users who are located on specific lines.
In addition, the mobile app shall allow users to select bus stops that are not in the immediate
vicinity of a user’s location by moving the map to view a desired location and/or by entering a
desired bus stop number. Users shall be able to zoom in and out on the map.
The time of arrival prediction announced by the app for an approaching vehicle shall be updated
within one second after the NCCB server receives a location update from the vehicle. The
predictions displayed on the app shall be the same as the predictions provided on the website at
least 99% of the time.
The mobile app shall allow users to perform all functions that registered users can perform on the
The mobile app shall allow users to save favorite trips without having to register for an account.
SBS shall include BSP functionality for the Onboard BSP subsystem, BSP databases, CSP
interfaces and the CCB BSP Monitor. The Contractor shall work with the OnStreet BSP
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Exhibit A-78
Exhibit A
Contractor to insure overall requirements for the two Bus Signal Priority Systems BSP Systems
are met.
3.14.1 Determination of the Need for Signal Priority
The Onboard BSP subsystem shall correctly determine which signal priority request message
should be transmitted as the bus approaches a BSP intersection. This determination shall be
correct 99% of the time when the GPS signal is present.
3.14.2 BSP Modes
The Onboard BSP subsystem shall be capable of operating in four BSP modes that are consistent
with the Countywide Signal Priority architecture. The BSP mode for each vehicle shall be
determined by the line on which it is operating. The Contractor shall create a BSP database for
the SBS BSP subsystem that shall conform as follows:
Mode 1: Schedule Based: The BSP subsystem shall request priority if the bus is more
than X minutes behind schedule, where X is a user/agency-specified parameter. The
Onboard BSP subsystem shall make this determination based on a comparison of actual
time versus scheduled time at the last timepoint. The bus-to-intersection message format
shall conform to the Revision 1 Pilot Project Protocol as defined below. If it is
determined that priority will not be requested based on the comparison of actual time
versus scheduled time; the check-in, position update, and check-out messages shall be
sent from the bus to the intersection controller without the request for priority bit set to
allow for status information to be collected.
Mode 2: Headway Based: The Onboard BSP subsystem shall send check-in, position
update, and check-out messages at each BSP equipped intersection. The bus-tointersection message format shall conform to the Revision 2 CCB Rapid Protocol. The
CCB Rapid Protocol includes fields for the bus route and scheduled headway.
Mode 3: Always On: The Onboard BSP subsystem shall transmit signal priority request
check-in, position update, and check-out messages at all signal priority designated
Mode 4: Always Off: The Onboard BSP subsystem shall not request priority but
transmit check-in, position update, and check-out messages at all signal priority
designated intersections without the request for priority bit set to allow for status
information to be collected.
3.14.3 BSP Messages
The Onboard BSP subsystem shall transmit the correct BSP message when the bus reaches the
message trigger location established for each BSP message 99.9% of the time. The Contractor,
working with CCB, shall establish and configure trigger points to enable BSP functionality as
part of this work. No operator action will be required for the transmittal of BSP messages.
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Exhibit A-79
Exhibit A
Operators shall not be able to disengage the BSP subsystem. The messages shall be in UDP
The Contractor shall insure BSP messages shall be reliably transmitted by the Onboard BSP
subsystem and the BSP messages are reliably received by the OnStreet BSP subsystem such that
90% of the time, a traffic signal controller shall receive at a minimum either a CSP messaging
compliant check-in or a CSP messaging compliant position update message as the bus
approaches the intersection for the particular traffic signal controller.
The Onboard BSB subsystem shall send a data message to the SBS backend whenever a BSP
message is transmitted to a traffic signal controller. SBS shall enter this information into the
BSP Onboard database and also forward this information to the CCB BSP Monitor within 1
second of receipt of the data message for a real-time display of the BSP operations.
3.14.4 BSP Message Format
The table below shows the standard Countywide Signal Priority request for priority message
formats. The requests for priority message formats are the same as implemented for Foothill
Transit. There are two protocols, Revision 1 Pilot Project Protocol and Revision 2 Metro Rapid
Protocol. A message shall be sent from the bus to the intersection traffic signal controller for
checking in, a second message shall be sent five seconds later as a position update or
confirmation message, and a third message shall be sent for the check-out message as the bus
enters the signalized intersection. The check-in message may be sent at a user-specified number
of seconds in advance of the expected arrival time at the intersection or at a user-specified
location in advance of the intersection. In the event that the first check-in message is not
received, the position update message shall serve as a backup for the original check-in message.
Signal Priority Message Format Table
Hex 0x7e
Start Flag
Address Packet, Variable length (1-3 bytes)
Hex 0x03
Control (send data no response)
Hex 0xc3
Initial Protocol Identifier (IPI)
Hex 0x8N
Command (0x80 STMP + 0x05 Bus Status with N Data bytes; N=5 for Pilot Project
Protocol, N=8 for CCB Rapid Protocol)
Hex 0x0R
Protocol Revision (R=1 Pilot Project Protocol; R=2 CCB Rapid Protocol)
Data, Bus Identifier (Two bytes) MSB, LSB
Data, Bus Status
Data, Bus ETA
Data, DTGP Action (See Note Below)
Scheduled Headway (One byte) - CCB Rapid Protocol Only
Bus Route (Two Bytes) – CCB Rapid Protocol Only
CRC (Two bytes) MSB, LSB
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Exhibit A-80
Exhibit A
Hex 0x7e
End Flag
Definition of Data Fields
Address Packet
A two or three byte field as follows:
Byte 1, Address low order byte
Byte 2, Address high order byte (if needed; up to 8,191 identifiers using
two bytes)
Byte 2 or 3, City code (up to 127 codes)
Byte 4, Not used
Byte 5, Not used
Byte 1
Byte 2
Byte 3
A6 A5 A4 A3 A2
A13 A12 A11 A10 A9
C7 C6 C5 C4 C3
G E=0
A7 E=0
C1 E=1
A (nth) = Address
C (nth) = City Code
G = Group (Always zero)
E = Extension
City code is always the last byte, as indicated by E=1. Address is in
bytes 1 and 2 (0-8191) or just byte 1 (0-63).
Hex 0x8N
Command (0x80 STMP + 0x05 Bus Status with N Data bytes)
N=5 for Pilot Project Protocol
N=8 for CCB Rapid Protocol)
Hex 0x0R
Data, Bus Identifier
Protocol Revision
R=1 Pilot Project Protocol
R=2 CCB Rapid Protocol
Bus Identifier (two bytes) MSB, LSB
Data, Bus Status
1 N/B Bus direction
2 S/B Bus direction
3 E/B Bus direction
4 W/B Bus direction
5 Position update
6 Check-out
7 Check-in
8 Priority Request
Data, Bus ETA
Estimated Time of Arrival in Seconds (0-255)
Data, DTGP Action
1 Hold the Green Phase (Bus arrives during green)
2 Early Green Return (Bus arrives when not green)
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Exhibit A-81
Exhibit A
3 Special Operation (Future; queue jump or skip phase)
4 Demand Override
5 Manual Override
6 Table Override
7 Priority Override
8 Preempt Override
NOTE: Data field number 10 (DTGP Action) shall not be sent by the
bus to the intersection when requesting priority and is reserved for
recording the action taken by the traffic signal control equipment and
going back to the CSP Network Monitor. The DTGP Action Taken byte
shall be added to each of the bus check in, position update, and
checkout messages by the intersection controller and forwarded to
the CSP Network Monitor.
NOTE: The DTGP Action bits may be specific to the controller firmware.
Scheduled Headway
Scheduled Headway (1-255 minutes; zero indicates not being used or
data not available)
CCB Rapid Protocol Only.
Bus Route
Bus Route Number (two bytes) (1 or greater)
CCB Rapid Protocol Only.
NOTE: The Controller must track actual headway by bus route and
direction and compare against scheduled headway by bus route and
3.14.5 BSP Databases
The Contractor shall create a BSP GIS database and a BSP Onboard Log database.
The BSP GIS database shall be uploaded to each vehicle to enable proper BSP operation and
shall include the following:
Message trigger points
GIS locations (possibly trigger boxes) for the transmission of the check-in and
check-out messages by travel direction.
Message to be transmitted
Direction of travel it controls.
BSP mode for the line
GIS locations for the BSP signals on the line.
The BSP Onboard Log database shall contain the BSP Log data that is collected from each
vehicle. The log data should include the vehicle ID, message sent with a time stamp, how many
minutes late or early, and an intersection name.
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Exhibit A-82
Exhibit A
SBS shall receive and store the BSP OnStreet Log from the OnStreet BSP Subsystem. The BSP
OnStreet Log database shall contain the BSP Log data that is collected from each traffic signal
controller. The log data will include the data received from the real-time controller response
message data including the DTGP Action for each signal controller response with a time stamp
of when the message was received.
The Contractor shall provide tools and training to CCB staff to modify and maintain the BSP
3.14.6 BSP Reporting
SBS shall generate and collect the data necessary for production of daily reports on the number
and type of BSP messages sent by the buses. SBS shall provide real-time logs of the type and
location of the BSP messages being transmitted to the CSP Network Monitor and the CCB BSP
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Exhibit A-83
Exhibit A
SBS shall be furnished with operating dispatch consoles located in the current Dispatch Center
and in the Supervisor room. These dispatch consoles shall be equipped with computer, display,
input, and associated audio equipment to serve the functions identified. A management consoles
shall be installed on the second floor of the Transportation Facility in the administrative office
area, at the police department, and in the maintenance office. The training room shall be
furnished with a fully functional dispatch console configured for training purposes.
4.1.1 Computer
The SBS computer for the console shall use the most current commercial technologies for the
processor, RAM and hard or solid state drive memory, video cards, audio cards, USB ports,
Ethernet ports, HDMI port.—subject to approval by CCB.
4.1.2 Displays
SBS consoles shall have either two or three LCD display screens, as dictated by ease of
operation. Displays shall be arranged so as to all be at the same height.
a) The visible diagonal of the screens shall be at least 24 inches and widescreen.
b) 1080p HD resolution
c) The height and tilt of the displays shall be adjustable
4.1.3 Input Devices
There shall be exactly one keyboard and exactly one cursor control mouse provided for the
a) The mouse shall operate across all displays
b) The keyboard inputs shall be directed to the current input area selected by cursor or
Console Audio Hardware Audio Jacks
Audio jack receptacles for monitoring selected audio with headsets shall be located beneath the
workstation desktop for workstations equipped with a hardware-based radio console. When a
headset is plugged in, the audio path to the select speaker shall be disconnected. Two headset
interface jacks shall be furnished with each set of console equipment. The jacks shall include a
volume-control adjustment with a minimum-volume stop and shall include a pre-amplifier for
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-84
Exhibit A
the headset microphone. When a headset is plugged in, the select audio at the console audio
interface unit shall be routed to the headset. Microphone
A noise-canceling, gooseneck microphone shall be integrated into the console. Speakers
Select and unselect speakers shall be located on the work surface of the console. Select and
unselect audio speakers shall have individual volume controls located on the enclosure. Mute
capability shall be provided for the unselect speaker. The select volume control shall have a
technician-removable minimum volume stop so that it cannot be adjusted to an inaudible level.
Each select and unselect audio speaker shall be a 5-watt (min), 8-ohm speaker. Headsets
The Contractor shall furnish Plantronics-style headsets that meet the following requirements and
are acceptable to CCB:
Headset coil cord shall measure 15 ft.
Microphone shall be a noise canceling type compatible with the audio preamp.
Ear set shall be a 300-ohm receiver with cushioned earpieces.
Microphone and ear set shall be attached to a padded, adjustable leather headband.
Coil cord plug shall match the audio jack receptacle type.
Option: Wireless headsets shall be provided. Foot switch
A push-to-talk (PTT) foot switch shall be furnished with each console equipment set. The foot
switch shall be of rugged construction with nonskid feet. The foot switch shall be connected
with a heavy-duty insulated cord. The foot switch shall be configured for operation in parallel
with the console PTT. Instant Recall Recorder
An instant recall recorder capability shall be furnished for each CAD console. The recorder shall
be digital and shall be integrated with the console processor. The recorder's controls shall be
available through the console graphical user interface and the console GUI shall emulate
indications from the instant recall recorder. The instant recall recorder shall be configured to
record the console audio and replay that audio upon demand through the unselect speaker,
muting the unselect audio during playback.
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Exhibit A-85
Exhibit A
4.1.5 Option: Printer
Option: A LAN connected printer that can be shared among the consoles in the Dispatch Center
shall be provided.
a) Console users shall be able to direct printer output to a default printer or to a specific
printer on the SBS LAN.
b) The printer shall be a laser printer, with a minimum 600 dots per inch resolution and
minimum 17 pages per minute throughput, and use the most current technologies.
c) The printer shall be accessible via a WiFi connection.
4.1.6 End-to-End Requirements
The following requirements shall be met for transmit and receive channels, from microphone
input to line-card output and from line-card input to console-speaker output:
Frequency response: +1 to -3db, 300 to 3200 Hz
Distortion: <=2.0%
Hum and noise: >50 dB below audio
Crosstalk: >60 dB below audio
PTT response time: <=1 second
Switching setup time: <=1 second from selection to execution
SBS Computer Subsystem equipment shall be configured for high availability and operational
flexibility, using the most current versions of the current commercial technologies, including a
virtual server environment and shared external SAN storage. The SBS Computer Subsystem
shall be designed to operate seven days per week, twenty-four hours per day.
The SBS Computer Subsystem equipment shall be configured as a distributed system of virtual
servers, SAN storage, switches, hubs, routers, printer, dispatcher, management and system
administrator consoles, gateway equipment, configured together as a area network (LAN).
a) The Contractor shall provide server-monitoring software.
b) The computer equipment hardware and software shall function and be configured in a
manner such that while SBS continues to operate and be "fully available", SBS shall
provide for reconfiguration, replacement, resumption of operation, and automatic reincorporation into the working SBS configuration of failed components such as console
and workstation equipment, printers, LAN equipment, and database servers.
c) The Contractor shall ensure that the SBS network configuration shall integrate with the
City’s domain infrastructure.
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Exhibit A-86
Exhibit A
Servers and related equipment shall be located at the Culver CityBus server room and connected
via LAN to the consoles at the CCB Operations Facility. The figures in Appendix C illustrate
the recommended architecture for the SBS equipment and network.
The SBS servers, consoles and LAN computers and peripheral devices shall use commonly used
current commercially available, off-the-shelf equipment, current version of software, and current
Windows operating system, subject to CCB approval. The hardware and software provided
shall have at least five (5) years from End of Life/End of Support (EOL/EOS). The
Firewall/Router shall be from a recognized vendor with a solid support group and access to local
parts/warranty support. Cisco is the City’s preferred provider for this technology.
The Contractor shall provide a virtual server system using the VMWARE platform. Servers
shall have the hardware and software necessary to allow archiving and restoring data to an
external digital medium. Archiving shall be configurable to operate automatically on a periodic
basis. SBS shall automatically notify the appropriate CCB and City IT personnel if there are
manual needs, such as loading new media into a drive.
Uninterruptible Power Supply
The Contractor shall implement an Uninterruptible Power Supply to handle the SBS load for a
minimum of 60 minutes. The Contractor shall submit necessary power and environmental load
data to the Agency <CDRL>. Emergency backup power for the entire Operations Facility
building is available for SBS.
CCB shall be notified in writing at least two weeks in advance of each proposed delivery date of
Equipment shall be delivered to Culver CityBus in heavy-duty boxes. The exterior of each box
shall be labeled, including manufacturer, equipment type, serial number, and date.
Equipment shall be delivered to an inside location designated by Culver CityBus. Each shipment
shall be accompanied by an inventory list showing the quantities, serial numbers, and brief
description of all items.
Computer Subsystem Equipment and Dispatch Installation
The Contractor shall install all Computer Subsystem equipment and dispatch equipment,
dispatch consoles, and monitoring consoles furnished as part of SBS. The Contractor shall
supply and install all cabling and other connections to existing utilities and CCB computer
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-87
Exhibit A
equipment. The Contractor shall supply and install any required racking that is not presently
available. The Contractor will provide KVM switch, LCD panel, Keyboard, mouse, and cable
management kit for the installation of servers in existing racks. The Contractor shall be aware of
all applicable local and State of California safety regulations, procedures and requirements and
shall conform in all aspects of installation.
The Computer Subsystem Equipment shall be installed at a location in the Transportation
Facility as designated by CCB. The Contractor shall provide a record of all Computer
Subsystem and Dispatch Center installations including photographs of the installations.
Option: The Computer Subsystem shall be located at a Contractor designated facility and
maintained by the Contractor. Design Submittals
The Contractor shall submit detailed, scaled plans showing installation of all equipment and
routing of all cables <CDRL>. Removal of Equipment
Existing communications, computer equipment, and cables shall be removed by CCB after it has
been officially retired. Any re-arrangement of existing equipment to accommodate SBS shall be
performed by the Contractor, with CCB approval and supervision. The Contractor shall remove
all onboard equipment to be replaced for this Work and retain for CCB.
The dispatch console shall interface with the Culver City radio system via two consollettes
provided by CCB. Correct operation of the interface shall be thoroughly verified by the
Proposers shall provide calculations for the amount of data that will be transmitted per month via
the cellular data system and provide a proposed data security model. The SBS cellular data
network shall utilize the SBS’ dedicated internet connection. SBS cellular data modems shall
contain GPS capabilities if not provided in other installed equipment.
Proposers shall recommend the minimum performance required for the internet connection.
The Contractor shall provide and install a new base station for the data radio system that will
replace the existing Quantar. The performance of the new base station shall meet or exceed the
performance of the Quantar. SBS shall utilize the existing fiber link from CCB to the Culver
City Police Department and the Harris microwave link to the base station at Baldwin Hills for
access to the backup data radio system.
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Exhibit A-88
Exhibit A
The following equipment specifications are the minimum performance requirements for
equipment that is generally available for the transit environment. The Contractor shall provide a
mobile gateway router (MGR) with each Onboard SBS subsystem and spare Onboard Subsystem
if an MGR is necessary to manage the onboard voice and data communications.
Onboard SBS Processor SBS Processor
The Onboard SBS Processor shall meet the following criteria:
Based upon a microprocessor, which is commonly used, widely available,
technologically current, and suitable for mobile applications.
Of sufficient capacity to support the full set of functions of SBS plus 50% additional
capacity for future use in any combination of operation without degrading apparent
operation of any functions. Calculations or simulations shall be provided to support
excess capacity.
Field-expandable to at least four times the memory capacity required. Memory
expansion shall be accomplished by addition of cards or expanding modules capacity.
Of sufficient durability to withstand and continue normal operation in the rigorous
environment of the vehicle, including dust, water, and severe vibration.
Housed in an enclosure that is separate from the Mobile Data Terminal and installed in an
equipment compartment. Software
The Contractor shall furnish the complete software, instructions, test procedures, tools, and data
to re-load the MDT and SBS Processor. The Contractor shall furnish a mechanism for loading
software updates into all vehicles in a managed process within a three- hour period, via the
wireless LAN.
SBS software for the Onboard Processor shall be self-diagnostic and shall include self-restarting
of processes. Stability of this software shall be enforced through rigorous testing at all stages of
development, as per IEEE software quality assurance requirements. Communications
The Onboard SBS Processor shall provide for multi-protocol communications with all in-vehicle
SBS devices, and external devices. The Onboard SBS Processor shall handle each request for
information on each physical data line, address the functional component that has the
information stored, and provide the information to the requesting functional component in the
appropriate format. Sufficient ports shall be provided for each interface so as not to cause
conflicts in port access.
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Exhibit A-89
Exhibit A
The Onboard SBS Processor shall store all data required for the onboard subsystem that is not
stored in any of the other components. The route and schedule database shall be stored in the
Onboard SBS Processor. The Onboard SBS Processor shall store the database for the BSP
The Onboard SBS Processor shall maintain and provide precise timing to all in-vehicle
components, utilizing GPS time from the AVL subsystem as the synchronization reference.
The Onboard SBS Processor shall collect data from other elements, determine status of the bus
and shall control the transmittal of this information to the SBS backend via cellular data modem,
data radio or spread spectrum radio.
The Onboard SBS Processor shall respond to queries for information from the Dispatch Center
via cellular data modem, data radio or spread spectrum radio.
Voice Radio Interface
The SBS onboard subsystem shall interface with the voice radio that will be provided by CCB.
4.5.3 Mobile Data Terminal (MDT)
The Onboard SBS subsystem shall include a Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) that shall act as the
interface between the bus operator and SBS. The MDT shall have a color touchscreen. The
MDT shall support all of the radio and messaging control functions outlined in Section 3.9. The
MDT shall have the capability to adjust the contrast and resolution.
The proposers shall provide a complete description of the proposed MDT and describe the MDT
mounting details for each type of CCB vehicle.
The Contractor shall provide a full specification for the MDT and its interface to other SBS
elements <CDRL>. Keypad
The MDT shall provide digitized keys for operator entry of numeric data, commands and control
The MDT application shall include recognition of operator depressions of the digitized keys
representing the following functions, at a minimum:
Menu driven capability for Operator logon and confirmation of Line/Run identifier and
Badge Number and subsequent transmission to SBS;
Request to Talk Functions of the priorities available in SBS (RTT, PRTT and additional
categories if needed) and Cancel;
Use Vehicle PA system;
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-90
Exhibit A
Volume up, down/midpoint control of all audio volume (level) settings for PA, headset
(if used), and the bus operator's speaker and adjustable lighting functions (intensity,
contrast, other if available);
Received data message notification, selection and scrolling;
Display of System Time of day;
Operator access to canned data message reporting to Dispatch Center for:
Urgent: Non-emergency police required, no relief operator, fare disputes and
other time sensitive messages,
Priority: Mechanical difficulty digital reports and other digital messages to/from
vehicle and higher priority voice requests, accident, breakdown
Routine: Layover and other normal or routine message requests
Numeric identification entry (for example, log-on/log-off);
Scrolling up and down through messages from the Dispatch Center to the operator;
Response/acknowledge of messages to the operator;
Out of service;
Lift used. Physical Configuration
Physical Structure and Materials
The SBS MDT shall be made of ruggedly constructed, and suitably reinforced for rigidity.
Physical details of the MDT and mounting structure shall be submitted to CCB prior to
installation for approval <CDRL>.
The MDT mounting shall be proposed by the Contractor and submitted for approval by CCB
<CDRL>. The mounting hardware shall be mounted in a location approved by CCB. It is
preferred that the MDT shall be mounted via a flexible arm arrangement, and into a lockable
position. This shall allow the operator to move the unit within a restricted range of movement,
allowing comfortable observation of displays and operation of the controls from a seated
position. Any flexible arm shall be designed to prevent autonomous swaying, movement or
vibration throughout the life of the SBS equipment, and as well as the SBS MDT. The wiring
harness for the MDT shall be labeled, and properly and securely positioned. The mounting of
the MDT shall allow for removal and replacement of the entire unit (including mounting arm)
within 10 minutes.
On certain older buses, the Contractor shall install the MDT on a rail-type mount that are
currently used for the OrbCAD AMDTs. The Contractor shall provide a bracket to attach the
MDT to the existing rail. The Contractor shall ensure the cables for the handset and MDT are
long enough to allow the handset and MDT to be set at any location on the rail.
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Exhibit A-91
Exhibit A
Electrical Wiring
All vehicle wiring shall be to the mating connectors on the stationary outer skin, or cover, of the
MDT assembly. Cable “stubouts” are unacceptable. Any and all wiring that goes through a
bulkhead, or steel/plastic panel must have a secure rubber bushing and/or grommet installed to
protect wiring from vibrations and chafing
4.5.4 Handset
The Contractor shall use the existing handset or provide and install one. If provided, the noisecanceling handset shall be a rugged telephone-style unit with push-to-talk key switch. The
handset cord shall be armored. The handset cradle shall retain the handset such that it shall not
dislodge during normal transit bus operations. Removal of the handset from the hookswitch
shall cause the receive audio to be switched from the speaker to the handset.
4.5.5 Speaker
The Contractor shall use the existing internal and external speakers or provide and install new
ones. If provided, the speaker shall be enclosed in a rugged enclosure with the speaker cone
protected by a baffle, or within the MDT housing. The speaker electrical characteristics shall be
consistent with the mobile radio receiver audio output specifications. There shall be provisions
for an externally mounted speaker, if the speaker supplied by the Contractor is internal to the
4.5.6 Covert Microphone
A microphone, which can be remotely activated by the Dispatch Center, shall be incorporated
into the MDT or within a rugged covert enclosure. The microphone electrical characteristics
shall be consistent with the mobile radio handset microphone specifications. If the supplied
covert microphone is internal to the MDT, there shall be a provision for additional, externally
mounted, covert microphones.
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Exhibit A-92
Exhibit A
4.5.7 Silent Alarm Switch
The Contractor shall replace the existing SAS pushbutton switches and mount the new switch in
the same location at the original SAS pushbutton. The new pushbutton shall be shrouded to
avoid accidental activation, shall be at least ½” in diameter, and shall be electrically monitored
by SBS such that its disconnection or failure of the pushbutton shall be detected. The Contractor
shall seek approval of the replacement SAS switches prior to the procurement of the switches.
4.5.8 Wireless Data Devices
The Contractor shall provide and install a mobile device that connects to the AT&T or Sprint
cellular data network. The Contractor shall assist in establishing the cellular service and CCB
shall pay for the service. The cellular data device shall be designed so that it can be retrofitted to
connect to another cellular data service—should CCB decide in the future to change its cellular
data service provider. The cellular data device shall be an integrated package that is housed
within a rugged enclosure that is designed to withstand the rigors of the transit environment,
while installed within the equipment compartment.
The cellular wireless data device shall be FCC type accepted for transmission of digital signals
and shall provide GPS receiver capabilities if not provided in other installed equipment.
Proposers shall provide the make, model, and specifications for the cellular data device to be
provided and shall include a description of any proposed encryption, including type of
encryption used, key size, and if the encryption is always active.
The Contractor shall provide and install a new data radio that will replace the existing Tait radio.
The performance of the new data radio shall meet or exceed the performance of the Tait radio.
The new data radio shall be Frequency Modulation (FM) type capable of operating on a minimum
of 16 pre-programmed channels and shall be field programmable. The radio shall meet the
following requirements:
Frequency Range: 806-869 MHz
RF Power Output: 15-35 watts (variable)
Frequency Stability: + 1.5 PPM (-30°C to +60°C)
Modulation Deviation: +5 kHz or +2.5 kHz
Spurious and Harmonic Emissions: -70dB
FM Hum and Noise: -40 dB (Wideband), -40 dB (Narrowband)
Audio Distortion: <3% at 1KHz
Audio Response: +1, -3 dB of 6dB/octave Pre-emphasis
Antenna Impedance: 50 ohms
Operating Voltage (for full performance): +11 to +14.5 VDC, fused, (if radios are
connected to the 24V power bus, a 24V to 12V DC to DC converter shall be required.)
Channel Spacing: 12.5 kHz
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-93
Exhibit A
Frequency Range: 851-869 MHz
Frequency Stability: +1.5 PPM (-30°C to +60°C)
Modulation Acceptance: +2.5 kHz
Channel Spacing: 25 kHz
Minimum Sensitivity: 0.35 µV (EIA 12 dB SINAD)
Spurious and Image Rejection: -75 dB
Intermodulation: -75 dB
Selectivity: -75 dB
Audio Distortion: < 3%
Antenna Impedance: 50 ohms Antenna
An external antenna for the cellular data device shall be utilized. The antenna shall not cause
interference with the existing antennas on the roof of the bus. The antenna frequency range shall
be adequate to cover the entire band in which the data device is operating. The antenna shall be
heavy-duty, unity gain or 3 dB gain, enclosed in an impact-resistant resin plastic radome. The
antenna shall not require a metal ground plane for rated performance. The antenna shall be
mounted with a weather-tight gasket to prevent water intrusion into the vehicle cabin. The
antenna base shall be manufactured to withstand any solar degradation. Alternate antennas may
be proposed, such as a triband cellular/GPS/ spread spectrum antenna integrated into the antenna
Spread Spectrum Radio Type and Performance
The Onboard SBS subsystem spread spectrum radio shall be configured for high volume, off-line
bi-directional transfer of data, including route and schedule databases, passenger counts, and
vehicle health data. The mobile spread spectrum radios shall operate with the Yard Access Point
The wireless LAN Equipment shall conform to the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance
certification standards for interoperability among IEEE 802.11g/n products from multiple
manufacturers. 802.11 n is preferred.
Frequency: 2.4-2.4835 GHz
Minimum Range: 1200 ft (bus yard environment)
IEEE 802.11g/n Wireless Local Area Network
Data Rate: 1Mbps to 54 Mbps
Operating Temperature: -10 to +60 C
Interface: RS-232 or RS-485
Connector: DB-9 or approved equivalent
Power: 12 VDC
FCC Part 15 Compliant
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Exhibit A-94
Exhibit A Physical Configuration
The spread spectrum transceiver shall be of rugged construction, suitable for use in the bus
transit environment while installed within an equipment compartment.
4.5.10 Automatic Vehicle Location Subsystem
GPS Receiver
The GPS receiver shall be the time source for the mobile data terminal display, AVA display,
and time-tags for all recorded events. The GPS receiver shall be designed for use with an AVL
application, and shall be of rugged design suitable for the transit environment.
The general receiver characteristics shall be as follows: L1 frequency, C/A code, 12 channel
(minimum), continuous tracking. The output data messages shall include the following: latitude,
longitude, velocity, time, and direction of travel. Output message data rate shall be selectable,
300 - 9600 baud. Output messages format shall be a documented, non-proprietary protocol.
If the GPS receiver does not have the WAAS almanac preloaded, the Contractor shall upload the
WAAS almanac into the GPS receiver. The Contractor shall configure the GPS receiver to
receive the WAAS data.
Updates occur once per second (minimum) and are user selectable. The GPS receiver shall meet
the following specifications:
System Accuracy (S/A on): 100 meters maximum
System Accuracy (S/A off): 25 meters maximum
System Accuracy (WAAS): 7.6 meters maximum
Velocity Accuracy (S/A off): 0.1 meter/s
Time (S/A off): 1.5 microseconds
Cold Start Acquisition Time: 2-4 minutes
Warm Start Acquisition Time: <30 seconds
Reacquisition Time: 2 seconds
Operating Temperature: -30C to +85C
Operating Voltage: 2W, 9-28 VDC
Battery Voltage: 0.5mW, 3.5-32 VDC Physical Configuration
The GPS receiver housing shall be constructed of anodized sheet metal, suitable for use in the
transit environment. The receiver shall meet vibration requirements as per MIL Standard 810E.
The GPS receiver may be included as part of one of the other onboard equipment units rather
than as a standalone device.
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Exhibit A-95
Exhibit A Antenna
The GPS receiver antenna shall be a patch type with low noise amplifier, enclosed in a low
profile, hermetically sealed weatherproof radome enclosure. The antenna unit shall be a
polycarbonate dome over a die-cast metal plate. The antenna enclosure shall be equipped with
screw type mounting facilities. Alternate methods may be proposed, such as a triband
cellular/GPS/ spread spectrum antenna integrated into the antenna housing. The GPS antenna
shall meet the following specifications:
Center Frequency: 1575.42 MHz
Polarization: RHCP
Gain: 30dB
Noise Figure: 1.5dB
Axial Ratio: 3dB
Bandwidth: 2MHz
Attenuation: 20dB @ Fo +/- 50MHz
Impedance: 50 ohms
Output VSWR: 1.5
Supply Voltage: 5V +/- 0.5VDC
Current Consumption: 28mA
Operating Temperature: -30C - +85C
Storage Temperature: -40C - +90C
Humidity: 95%, non-condensing
Connector: TNC male or approved equivalent to mate with GPS receiver
4.5.11 APC
SBS shall interface with the existing APC subsystem in every CCB bus.
4.5.12 AVA
The AVA processor shall interface with other Onboard SBS components for work assignment,
vehicle location, status, and for database updates and downloads. The AVA processor may be
implemented as part of the Onboard SBS Processor. The AVA processor shall utilize a current,
commercially available operating system and utilize commercially available components. Hard
drive storage capacity shall be large enough to store two AVA databases plus an additional 25%
to allow for future growth.
LED Signs
SBS shall interface with the two existing LED message signs that are onboard the buses.
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Exhibit A-96
Exhibit A
A single row of text shall be displayed on each LED sign. The text size and clarity shall be
sufficient for announcements on at least one of the signs to be readable by a person with normal
vision seated or standing anywhere within the bus and comply with ADA requirements.
Brightness of the signs shall be such that they are visible with normal ambient lighting
conditions onboard the bus.
Interface to Existing Headsigns
The headsigns shall be controlled by the Onboard Processor such that the headsign automatically
displays the operator's work assignment, general service message, or out-of-service status. All
side-mounted destination signs shall also be controlled.
SBS shall provide the data in the format necessary to control the headsign and shall not interfere
with the function of the destination equipment. As multiple headsign models exist, the
Contractor shall provide separate software drivers for each type of headsign. When Onboard
SBS equipment such as the Onboard Processor is changed out, the correct headsign drivers shall
be activated or loaded for the headsigns on the bus. Prompts shall be provided at the user
interface for selection of the correct headsign type.
Interface to Existing PA Equipment
SBS shall use the existing Public Address (PA) equipment onboard each bus for audio
announcements. The Onboard SBS subsystem shall be interfaced to the PA equipment to ensure
the interior and exterior announcements will be made with the correct speakers. The Onboard
SBS subsystem shall allow operators independent control of the exterior and interior
announcement volume within a specified range around the volume level that is set by ambient
noise monitoring. Operators shall be able to adjust the volume of interior speakers between
upper and lower limits, where the lower limit is constrained to a minimally acceptable audible
level. The Contractor shall install PA equipment, if functional PA equipment is not available on
the bus.
4.5.13 Interface to Video Security Subsystem
SBS shall command the video security subsystem to tag the video data and record at a rate of at
least eight frames per second for each video camera when an SAS is activated, g-Force
activation, or tagging is selected by the operator or remotely requested from the Dispatch Center.
The video recording unit clock shall be periodically synchronized, using the onboard SBS time,
derived from GPS such that the time drift of the recorder clock, compared to GPS time shall be
less than two seconds.
SBS shall transfer onboard video data to the Dispatch Center via the wireless LAN subsystem.
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Exhibit A-97
Exhibit A
4.5.14 Onboard Electrical Requirements
All Onboard SBS equipment shall be protected against damage, loss, modification of data or
software error caused by:
Lower or higher voltage in the range of zero (0) to fifty (50).
Reverse polarity of the input voltage.
Temporary voltage variations associated with starting of coaches or operation of coach
equipment and accessories.
The Onboard SBS bus equipment shall be designed to operate on buses providing 12 or 24 -volt
direct current power. It shall also operate reliably from the bus’ direct current power source of
10 to 18 volts or 20 to 36 volts, without malfunction. DC to DC converter
12 or 24 VDC power is available for the Onboard SBS equipment. Energy Conservation
The Onboard SBS equipment shall be designed to conserve battery power. Software strategies
for energy conservation shall be utilized. Maximum current draw shall be 10 amps for the basic
communication subsystem and a maximum of 20 (twenty) amps for all SBS features in operation
and 0.8 amps when idle. The Onboard SBS equipment shall have the ability to enter a “sleep” or
idle mode when the vehicle run switch is turned off. The Onboard SBS subsystem may enter
into idle mode at a predetermined time after the run switch is turned off. Other arrangements,
such as awakening equipment may be used. While in idle mode, the radio, data modem, and
other equipment such as the Onboard Processor may become active. SBS shall not be in idle
mode for more than 45 minutes after the vehicle run switch is turned off. The Contractor shall
submit current draw information for the Onboard SBS equipment while the Onboard SBS
subsystem is active mode (transmitting and not transmitting), idle, and “sleep” mode <CDRL>. Power Conditioning
The Onboard SBS equipment power supply shall include adequate filters and components to
regulate the voltage supplied by the bus and render it devoid of power spikes and noise which
could contribute to erroneous registration, data generation and recording. Provisions shall
include elimination of electronic interference caused by such items as, but not limited to
florescent light power units, coach alternators, air conditioning units, fare collection equipment,
and other accessories characteristic of CCB buses. Adequate protection against transient surges
on the bus power supply shall be incorporated to the extent necessary to prevent damage to
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-98
Exhibit A
electronic components. All J1708 devices shall be of a wide DC input range covering 8-36 VDC
Sensing means shall be incorporated within equipment power supply(ies) to cause the Onboard
SBS equipment to be switched off or transferred to internal battery support if the supply voltage
increases or decreases to levels beyond the voltage tolerance supplied, and can result in
erroneous registration, data generation or recording in memory. Loss or reinstatement of power
shall not result in any corruption of the data in memory.
The Contractor shall be required to access fused power from a location identified by CCB for the
Onboard SBS equipment. Suitable wiring shall be identified by the Contractor and approved by
CCB prior to installation of the wiring by the Contractor. Electromagnetic Interference
The Contractor's approach to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) shall ensure that the
electrical and electronic components and subsystems shall operate without being affected by or
causing harmful electromagnetic interference. Protection shall be provided against radio
frequency interference (RFI) emission sources, as well as internal conductive or inductive
While at transfer points to light and heavy rail, operation of the onboard equipment shall not be
affected by the electromagnetic fields generated by traction power (catenary or third rail) at
distances as close as 20 feet or by local high voltage power distribution lines at distances as close
as 50 feet.
The Onboard SBS equipment shall be unaffected by interference such as radiation from bus
equipment, including radio, lights, farebox, electronic destination signs, air conditioners, and
generators. The SBS equipment shall not emit measurable EMI or RFI, except that required for
radio or cellular communication that produces harmful interference with any other onboard
electronic device or system, compressed natural gas (CNG) system, methane and fire protection
systems, or equipment outside the bus. The Contractor shall insure the SBS Onboard
components are properly grounded.
The Contractor shall certify, through testing, the electromagnetic compatibility of the onboard
equipment to be furnished. In addition, the Contractor shall provide results of interaction
analysis and testing of each item of equipment with regard to frequency distribution, amplitude,
and harmonic content. If existing test certifications are not available, then the testing shall be
completed and results submitted for approval before the First Article Testing.
Additional inspection and testing required to determine EMI susceptibility and to assure EMC
shall be performed during the environmental testing. All inspections, tests, and analyses
submitted shall conform to the requirements of the following standards, as applicable:
Electromagnetic Emission and Susceptibility Requirements for Control of
Electromagnetic Interference: MIL-STD-461C;
Electromagnetic Emission Susceptibility, Test Methods For: MIL-STD-462; and,
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-99
Exhibit A
For electrostatic discharge: IEC-801-2.
Environmental Requirements
The Onboard SBS equipment to be provided for installation and use onboard CCB’s vehicles
shall be designed, built, and installed for the harsh operating environment in which the Onboard
SBS equipment is to operate. All Onboard SBS equipment shall be available at the instant of
engine start, and remain operational throughout the time it takes the air conditioning and/or
heating systems bring the vehicle to normal ambient conditions.
All Contractor-provided onboard equipment shall operate properly under the environmental
conditions encountered onboard the vehicles including conditions pertaining to temperature,
humidity, dust/dirt, power variations, vibration, condensation, and electrical interference. All
Onboard SBS equipment housings shall be weatherproof and dust-proof.
The interior of the bus can be expected to become wet because of bus interior cleaning with
pressure-washing hoses, and persons boarding in rainy and humid conditions. There may be
accumulations of moisture, salt, mud, dust, detergents, solvents and tarnish. All Onboard SBS
equipment shall be adequately protected to prevent degradation of operation under long-term
exposure to these conditions. All onboard equipment shall be protected to prevent degradation
from exposure to moisture or dust raised by interior cleaning.
The Onboard SBS equipment provided by the Contractor shall be tested and certified to meet the
more stringent of the standards below:
SAE J1455 and all standards contained therein
Be able to operate and not suffer any degradation in performance under the following
environmental conditions:
Storage Temperature
Operating Temperature
Thermal Shock
Relative Humidity Range
Airborne Dust
SBS Technical Specifications
-25° to +150°F
+25° to +110°F
1° per minute drop in temperature over 15°F range
between 110° and 60°
13% to 100% RH including condensation (Equipment
need not function when wet, but must function
properly under humidity conditions experienced
inside Culver CityBus vehicles)
Operating: 1.5g RMS, 5 to 150 Hz
Endurance: 8g RMS, 100 to 1,100 Hz
30g of 6 milliseconds
Up to 180 micrograms per cubic meter, with iron and
salt particles
0° to 10° off vertical
Page 91
Exhibit A-100
Exhibit A
Water spray on Equipment from cleaning floors and
walls, industrial cleaning solvents, rain, mud, snow
and slush will come in contact with Equipment
Primary Voltage
12 volts DC nominal; 10-18 VDC for short
duration - up to 1000V spikes of a few milliseconds
Heater and air conditioning controls high voltage arcs
Good ground available/Lightning protection available
to protect from high voltage (1000V) spikes from
The Onboard SBS equipment shall comply with the following standards:
500.1/Procedure 1
501.2/Procedure 1,2
500.2/Procedure 1
501.2/Procedure 1,2
500.3/Procedure 1
501.3/Procedure 1
502.1/Procedure 1
502.2/Procedure 1,2
502.3/Procedure 1
503.1/Procedure 1
503.2/Procedure 1
503.3/Procedure 1
505.1/Procedure 1
505.2/Procedure 1
505.3/Procedure 1
506.1/Procedure 2
507.1/Procedure 2
509.1/Procedure 1
510.1/Procedure 1
506.2/Procedure 2
507.2/Procedure 2
509.2/Procedure 1
510.2/Procedure 1
514.3/Procedure 1
506.3/Procedure 2
507.3/Procedure 2
509.3/Procedure 1
501.3/Procedure 1
510.3/Procedure 1
Category 10
516.4/Procedure 4
EIA 316-B Shock, Vibration, Dust, and
Any equipment installed on the exterior of the bus (including video cameras and cable runs
under the floor) shall be thoroughly sealed in a manner approved by CCB, such as to prevent
leakage of rain or bus washing water, detergent and solvents into the bus, and include protection
from road debris throughout the life of the installation.
Additional standards may be provided in other sections of this Specification. In case of any
conflict between standards, the Contractor shall meet the more stringent standard. All Onboard
SBS equipment shall be suitable for the intended purpose.
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Exhibit A-101
Exhibit A
4.5.15 Delivery
CCB shall be notified in writing at least two weeks in advance of each proposed delivery date of
Onboard SBS equipment.
Onboard SBS subsystem equipment shall be delivered to CCB in heavy-duty boxes. The
exterior of each box shall be labeled, including manufacturer, equipment type, serial number, and
date. CCB will not be held responsible for any damaged components, missing or incomplete
shipping or inadequate supply numbers. The Contractor will be notified of such an occurrences
within 24 hours of receiving the shipment.
Onboard SBS subsystems shall be delivered to an inside location designated by CCB. Each
shipment shall be accompanied by an inventory list showing the quantities, serial numbers, and
brief description of all devices.
4.5.16 Onboard SBS Subsystem Equipment Installation
The Contractor shall install all equipment purchased as part of the SBS and remove onboard
equipment that will be retired. All hardware shall have the proper software loaded into the
hardware and tested prior to the installation. All work is to be done in a competent and
expeditious manner, using industry standard practices and procedures. The Contractor shall
make itself aware of all applicable local and California State safety regulations, procedures and
requirements. The Contractor shall adhere to the regulations, procedures, and requirements at all
times while present on Culver City property or in CCB vehicles or facilities.
The Contractor shall supply all of the work required for the proper installation of the radios and
associated Onboard SBS equipment in CCB vehicles. All removal & installation work shall be
schedule through the Fleet Services/Facilities Manager
All removal & installation work shall be schedule through the Fleet Services/Facilities Manager.
All installation shall be performed at CCB’s maintenance area unless otherwise approved by
CCB. If installation is to take place off-site, Contractor must provide the installation site and
shall reimburse CCB for the cost of transporting vehicles to the site.
The Contractor shall provide a detailed description of installation plans by class of vehicle. This
shall include location of drilled holes, power feeds, and final location of all Equipment, final
location of the MDT in relation to the operator's position, wheelchair access, etc. This shall be
submitted for CCB approval no less than 60 days prior to installation <CDRL> of the SBS
equipment. Since the Contractor will be removing the old AVL/SBS system, all existing drilled
holes shall be reused for new hardware, wiring, grommets, etc., to the greatest extent possible.
The City will want to limit the number of any new drilled holes on their vehicles.
One prototype installation of all Onboard SBS equipment shall be made on each CCB vehicle
type. This installation shall be made a minimum of two weeks prior to any other installation
work. CCB shall have the right to inspect and approve this installation before any other
installation work is performed.
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Exhibit A-102
Exhibit A
In the event, that installation of any SBS equipment requires modification or replacement of bus
equipment (including, but not limited to, handrails, power supplies, mounting brackets, etc.)
Contractor shall be fully responsible to provide and install such replaced or modified equipment
at no additional cost to Culver CityBus.
The Contractor shall supply and install all the necessary wiring and cables, protective devices
and mounting hardware necessary for the proper and safe installation and operation of all SBS
equipment purchased under this Agreement. There shall be no external or exposed wiring. All
wiring in buses shall be properly grounded and protected from chafing, and installed in the
plenum (air handling) spaces, except as approved by CCB. Cabling shall be appropriately rated
for the plenum installation. No PVC jacketed cable shall be utilized within the coach. Any
undercarriage wiring shall be suitably protected against the road elements and fastened in a
manner so as not to sag or interfere with normal bus operation and/or maintenance. Since CCB
only utilizes “low floor buses” there is no typical framed undercarriage. Therefore, wire looms
which are necessary to be routed under the vehicle chassis shall go through frame rails and
bulkheads. All drilled holes through frame rails/bulkheads shall be grommet protected with nonrubber grommets. Silicone material shall be used to protect the material from any type of
degradation. No “butt connectors” shall be utilized under the bus. Exposed wire bundles inside
the vehicle shall be securely anchored and carried in loom, plastic sleeving, or tightly laced. All
cable assemblies shall be secured to minimize failure due to vibration and chafing. Grommetting
shall be used in all holes used by the Contractor to minimize cable damage due to chafing. All
grommets shall be a long-lasting silicone. All wiring exposed within the passenger compartment
of any bus shall be armored, isolated, and protected when going through drilled holes, through
bulkheads, and within brackets.
All wiring, harnesses, looms, connectors etc.. shall be labeled as to device, component or
function from its origin to its terminus. All wiring, harnesses and cabling shall be clearly
identified in illustrations and schematics as to routing and location in the bus. All existing
wiring related to the OrbCAD system shall be completely removed from bus. All new wiring
and cabling shall be properly and permanently labeled every 24 inches as to the origin of the
wire. This shall also be identified as the same nomenclature on the wire schematics. Wire bands
shall be installed every 24 inches to safely and securely hold wire looms in place.
The Contractor shall install or verify previously installed DC wiring to ensure integrity, fusing
and current capacity for the installation. All DC wiring shall be direct from the battery
distribution block and shall include both A+ and A- cables. Further, both A+ and A- cables shall
be adequately fused at both the battery end and the radio/SBS end with replaceable fuses. Signal
and power cables shall not be intermingled in cable runs.
CCB shall make available one or two buses at a time and one service bay with normal
maintenance facility lighting and 117 VAC power during nights and weekends for installations
so that normal CCB service is not disrupted. An operator will be made available to move buses
and other vehicles into position for installation. A mechanic and supervisor may also be
available during installation hours. The Contractor may store a container onsite to house SBS
components prior to their installation.
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Exhibit A-103
Exhibit A
CCB shall have the right to inspect all installations for quality and workmanship,
notwithstanding that such inspection or failure to conduct such inspection shall not relieve the
Contractor of any responsibilities under this Agreement or Specification. CCB reserves the right
to specify installation details on the job site.
The Contractor shall maintain a log of installation events in hard copy and computer database.
The log shall include a record of the installation locations, for each unit. The log shall be
maintained in chronological order (date & time). The electronic copy shall remain readable by
Equipment and software programs furnished as part of this project. The log shall include but not
be limited to the following: bus number in which the onboard equipment was installed,
equipment model and serial number, date, software version (if applicable), and installing
technician or supervisor. The log shall be available by authorized CCB personnel or CCB
representative at any time and delivered to CCB in hard copy and electronic form when mobile
installation work is complete <CDRL>. The Contractor shall provide representative photographs
of the installed units, for each bus type and supervisor vehicle.
Proposals shall describe the expected installation program in terms of schedule, requirements for
CCB personnel involvement, availability of CCB facilities and vehicles, etc.
All removed radios, IVUs, MDTs, and associated equipment from each vehicle shall be labeled
with vehicle numbers and unit numbers, boxed in containers, and provided to CCB, at a CCB
designated facility for storage and disposal. The Contractor shall use care in removing old radio
and other OrbCAD equipment in order to maintain the intrinsic value for later sale or disposal
and shall not damage the vehicle. The Contractor shall be held accountable for any damage
incurred. Cables shall be removed intact where possible and severed only when necessary. All
terminals shall be maintained, wherever possible on removed wiring assemblies
A complete functional test shall be made of each item of installed equipment to confirm
performance equal to that required by the Agreement or Specifications before releasing the
vehicle to service.
An Installation Functional Test Plan shall be submitted by the Contractor at the Final Design
Review <CDRL>. No installation shall take place without approval of this plan by CCB.
4.5.17 Environmental Requirements
The Onboard SBS Subsystem shall meet the following vehicle environment requirements:
Meet operational requirements while exposed to temperatures from 45 to 105 degrees F
and withstand 20 to 140 degrees F while not operational
Meet operational requirements while exposed to temperatures from humidity of 30% to
80% and withstand 30% to 90% while not operational
Withstand exposure to dust conforming to MIL-STD-810E 510.3
Withstand exposure to liquids conforming to MIL-STD-810E 506.3
Withstand vibration of 3g and shock of 20g and conform to MIL-STD-810E 516.4
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-104
Exhibit A
Shall not adversely impact vehicle electronics nor be adversely affected by vehicle
Shall not emit signals that interfere with AM/FM radio reception or with portable/mobile
voice communication devices
Shall be shielded to protect it from signals emitted by the vehicle and other in-vehicle
equipment (including cellular phones) and external sources of EMI such as power lines or
transit catenary
Shall be capable of being mounted in vehicles with driver and passenger airbags and shall
be airbag compliant
Operate with the standard vehicle electrical system without the need for converters or
inverters. The current draw shall be minimized, particularly while the vehicle is inactive.
Include protection to avoid damage if the subsystem were to be incorrectly installed
Tolerate voltage variations and electrical noise found in normal commercial vehicle
electrical systems without losing or altering stored or displayed information
Equipment shall conserve vehicle battery, including use of semi-active modes.
Equipment shall shut down X minutes after ignition shut off. X shall be a system settable
Protection from accidental voltage reversal
Full functionality during starter motor operation.
Wireless LAN Access Point Type and Performance
The Access Point spread spectrum radio(s) shall be configured for high volume; bi-directional
transmission with the mobile system spread spectrum radios. The Access Point spread spectrum
radio(s) shall interface with the Yard Subsystem workstation for the transfer of data to vehicles
within the yard, including route and schedule databases, passenger counts, vehicle health data,
AVA data, and video data.
The wireless LAN Access Point(s) shall operate as the master station with the mobile system
client devices operating in a multi-drop configuration. IEEE 802.11g/n standard guidelines shall
be used as a minimum standard. The wireless LAN Equipment shall conform to the Wireless
Ethernet Compatibility Alliance certification standards for interoperability among IEEE
802.11g/n. High Rate products from multiple manufacturers. Frequency Hopping Spread
Spectrum (FHSS) is an outdated technology and is not acceptable. The data rate shall be a
minimum of 1 Mbps. Implementations other than IEEE 802.11g/n that use the 802.11 standards
as the minimum acceptable performance guideline will be considered. A wireless LAN system
that uses the 4.9 GHz band is preferred. The wireless LAN access point shall comply with the
Minimum Range: 1200 ft
Data Rate: 1 Mbps to 54.0 Mbps
Operating Temperature: -10 to +60 C
Interface: 10/100 Base T Ethernet
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-105
Exhibit A
Connector: RJ45 with CAT 5 cable LAN Interface
Power: 110 VAC
FCC Part 15 Compliant
Protocol: IEEE 802.11g/n or approved alternate Physical Configuration
The access point transceivers shall be of rugged construction, suitable for fixed installation in a
bus yard, transit fueling building, and maintenance area environment. Antenna
The spread spectrum radio antennas shall be heavy-duty, flat panel (patch) units as appropriate to
cover the bus yard and maintenance facilities. A triband antenna is preferred. Proposers shall
provide a description of the antenna to be furnished. Access Point Data Security
Two forms of security shall be configured for Access Point (AP) communications. The data in
transit shall be encrypted and there shall be an Access Control List (ACL) of approved devices
which may connect to and communicate with the AP. Encrypted communication shall be
accomplished using appropriate industry approved encryption methods. If encryption choices
are available, the Contractor and CCB will mutually agree on a choice. Unauthorized connection
attempts, as well, as valid connections, shall be logged and kept for a length of time agreed upon
between the Contractor and CCB. The AP shall be accessible via secure communication for
programming, troubleshooting, and updates through the SBS network using appropriate remote
access interfaces or tools. Access Point Network Interface
The Wireless LAN AP Network interface shall provide appropriate filtering for traffic at full
Ethernet wire speeds. The network interface shall incorporate protocol filters and broadcast
traffic filters with adjustable bandwidth allocation. The protocol filter shall limit messages to IP
format and filter out any other protocol from running on the wireless LAN. The broadcast filter
shall block broadcast messages from the wireless LAN. The wireless LAN to SBS network
bridging shall be configured to allow only packets to clients that the AP knows to exist in the
Wireless LAN behind the wireless bridge. The access point unit will adaptively select the
bandwidth allocation for each wireless LAN session with a client, based on the best rate for
communication with no retries, using a range vs. speed trade off method.
A wireless network management tool shall be provided with SBS. The tool will be used to
monitor and maintain the wireless system. It will have the capability to log a client on and off
SBS, and put the client into a maintenance test mode. This tool shall provide reports on wireless
client status, fault indications and last login with the AP.
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Exhibit A
4.6.2 Yard Workstation
The Yard Subsystem shall include an SBS server/workstation that shall be located in the
maintenance area.
The SBS Yard Server/Workstation shall perform dual functions as the server for the SBS
Wireless LAN and as a SBS workstation. The Yard Server/Workstation will be used by CCB
personnel to manage wireless transfer of data to and from the vehicles, and the transfer of data to
and from the SBS Network interface. The workstation shall be used by maintenance and
supervisor personnel to view bus locations and status; review vehicle information, review video
retrieved from the buses, and generate management reports.
Option: the workstation shall be used to enter bus to line assignments.
The workstation shall use the most current commercial technologies for the processor, RAM and
hard drive memory, video and audio cards, USB, Ethernet, HDMI and other ports, subject to
approval by CCB. The workstation shall include one 24-inch widescreen LCD monitor.
4.6.3 SBS Local Area Network
The SBS local network at the bus yard shall be configured as per Section 3 of this Specification.
Standard networking hardware, including switches, bridges, and routers shall be utilized that
incorporate SNMP management. The SBS LAN hardware shall be managed from the SBS
system administrator workstation at the Transportation Facility.
4.6.4 Installation Requirements
The Contractor shall make itself aware of all applicable Culver CityBus and California State
safety regulations, procedures and requirements. The Contractor shall adhere to the regulations,
procedures, and requirements at all times while present on the City of Culver City property or in
CCB vehicles or facilities.
The SBS Yard Subsystem shall be installed in a manner to protect the equipment from vandalism
and the elements, and yet provide reasonable access. Connectors that are exposed to the elements
shall be of the weather pack type. The installed Yard Subsystem equipment shall have no sharp
edges or corners.
The Contractor shall install the Yard Subsystem during Culver CityBus maintenance operating
hours. The Contractor shall use installation drawings that have been prepared and submitted to
and approved by Culver CityBus <CDRL>. Design drawings shall be scaled and shall show
installation details of all Equipment, cables, conduits, power connections, and associated work.
The Contractor shall coordinate the schedule for installations at the yard with Culver CityBus a
minimum of 14 days prior to installation. This is a necessary time span to ensure the facilities
will be available for the installation. The Contractor shall be responsible for supplying all
necessary tools, fasteners and miscellaneous materials required for installation of SBS
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Exhibit A-107
Exhibit A
equipment. The Yard Subsystem installation shall be inspected by Culver CityBus personnel for
approval prior to final SBS acceptance. Wireless LAN Access Point Installation Location
The wireless access point(s) shall be installed in the bus yard. The number of access point
transceivers and the mounting locations shall be calculated by the Contractor such that the
Wireless LAN in the bus yard shall meet the radio coverage requirements as specified in Section
3. Calculations shall be submitted to Culver CityBus for approval <CDRL>. The Contractor
shall provide the cable connection from each AP to the SBS Wireless LAN.
4.7.1 Voice Communications
The Supervisor subsystem shall use the CCB voice radio system to enable supervisors to place
voice calls to individual buses, dispatchers, and other supervisors. CCB will provide portable
and mobile radios for the Supervisor subsystem.
4.7.2 Data Radio Communications
The Supervisor subsystem shall utilize the same wireless data system and equipment used by the
CCB buses for data communications and shall meet the requirements in Sections 3.3.2 and 4.6.8. Data Antenna and Feed Line
The Contractor shall provide and install a mobile antenna(s) that are compatible with the wireless
data modems and shall withstand the rigors of the public transportation environment.
4.7.3 Automatic Vehicle Location
The Supervisor subsystem shall include an Automatic Vehicle Location subsystem that uses GPS
technology with differential correction. SBS shall track the location of vehicles with the
Supervisor subsystem with a reporting cycle of thirty seconds or less.
The GPS receiver shall meet the requirements in Section of this Specification. The GPS
acquisition time shall be four minutes or less for a cold start and less than thirty seconds for a
warm start. The output data at a minimum should include latitude, longitude, speed, time and
direction of travel.
4.7.4 Environmental Requirements
The Supervisor Subsystem shall meet the following vehicle environment requirements:
Meet operational requirements while exposed to temperatures from 45 to 105 degrees F
and withstand 20 to 140 degrees F while not operational
Meet operational requirements while exposed to temperatures from humidity of 30% to
80% and withstand 30% to 90% while not operational
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Exhibit A
Withstand exposure to dust conforming to MIL-STD-810E 510.3
Withstand exposure to liquids conforming to MIL-STD-810E 506.3
Withstand vibration of 3g and shock of 20g and conform to MIL-STD-810E 516.4
Shall not adversely impact vehicle electronics nor be adversely affected by vehicle
Shall not emit signals that interfere with AM/FM radio reception or with portable/mobile
voice communication devices
Shall be shielded to protect it from signals emitted by the vehicle and other in-vehicle
equipment (including cellular phones) and external sources of EMI such as power lines or
transit catenary
Shall be capable of being mounted in vehicles with driver and passenger airbags and shall
be airbag compliant and not interfere with deployment of an airbag.
Operate with the standard vehicle electrical system without the need for converters or
inverters. The current draw shall be minimized, particularly while the vehicle is inactive.
The Contractor shall submit power draw calculations <CDRL>.
Include protection to avoid damage if the subsystem were to be incorrectly installed
Tolerate voltage variations and electrical noise found in normal commercial vehicle
electrical systems without losing or altering stored or displayed information
Equipment shall conserve vehicle battery, including use of semi-active modes similar to
the Onboard SBS subsystem.
Equipment shall shut down X minutes after ignition shut off. X shall be a system settable
Protection from accidental voltage reversal
Full functionality during starter motor operation.
4.8.1 Voice Radio
The voice radio for the Road Supervisor subsystem shall use the SBS voice radio network to
enable supervisors to place voice radio calls to individual buses, other Transit Operations
Supervisors and dispatchers, and the Dispatch Center. The voice radio shall meet the same
requirements as the voice radios in the buses.
Wireless Data Communications
A commercial wireless data service shall be used to accommodate data communications from the
Dispatch Center to the Road Supervisor MDCs. The cellular wireless data device shall be FCC
type accepted for transmission of digital signals and shall provide GPS receiver capabilities if not
provided in other installed equipment.
Proposers shall provide the make, model, and specifications for the cellular data device to be
provided and shall include a description of any proposed encryption, including type of
encryption used, key size, and if the encryption is always active.
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Exhibit A
Any encryption that is proposed shall include a description, including type of encryption used,
key size and if the encryption is always active.
The Contractor shall be responsible for registering the modems with the service provider for the
communications service and obtaining and programming the IP address and multicast address for
each modem. All modems shall be configured for the same multicast group. The Contractor
shall act as liaison to the service provider services for Culver CityBus and shall interface with the
designated service provider to establish the data service. Data Antenna and Feed Line
The Contractor shall provide and install a mobile antenna that is compatible with the data
modem and durable to withstand the rigors of the public transportation environment
4.8.3 Mobile Data Computer (MDC)
SBS shall assign a unique identifier to each Mobile Data Computer (MDC). Each transmission
to the host shall include the unique identifier. Each operator shall have a unique password.
The MDC shall utilize a current commercially available operating system, such as Microsoft
Windows. Terminal emulation may be used. Mobile Data Computer Specifications
The MDC shall use the most current commercial technologies for ruggedized laptops including
the processor, RAM and hard drive memory, video and audio cards, USB and other ports; and
shall use a current Windows operating system; subject to approval by CCB. The MDC shall
have sufficient RAM and hard drive space for the applications used by the Road Supervisor
subsystem. The physical configuration of the MDC shall be that of a laptop computer, and it
shall be semi-permanently mounted. The MDC shall be fully configured and ready to operate
with all required cabling, vehicular chargers, mounting brackets and frames.
The MDC shall incorporate manually operated level controls to adjust audio level, video display
intensity, keyboard lighting and LED or indicator intensity. Any module of the MDC
(processor, screen, keyboard) should be removable/replaceable without replacement of the entire
The MDC shall be equipped with a self-diagnostic routine that is executed upon power-up of the
unit. The Proposer shall indicate the functions performed by the self-diagnostic routine and how
failures are indicated to and interpreted by the user.
Messages shall generate an audio and visual alert to the supervisor. User shall have the
capability to define which alert(s) apply to the MDC. Audible alerts shall be a single or multiple
beep and adjustable from loud to off.
The MDC shall enable users to perform data entry, word processing, etc. functions with or
without host communications.
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Exhibit A
MDC Screen
The screen brightness and contrast shall be adjustable for viewing in ambient light (direct
sunlight to darkness). To extend screen life, an automatic (timed) and manual screen saver and
sleep mode shall be provided.
During normal operations, the following status information shall always be displayed on the
Message alert
Number of pending messages
Number of stored messages in message queue.
Communication verification and other MDC operational status including communication
transmission signal strength.
Standard keys functions shall be provided for the following:
Clear display
Display next message
Clear/Erase message
Store/Recall message from message queue
Clear/Erase operator's entire message queue
The keyboard shall be standard QWERTY format with 87 keys and Windows-ready. The
keyboard shall be protected from dust, smoke, moisture and liquid spills and other foreign
particles that would eventually render it inoperable.
The keys shall be standard size and have full travel. Keys shall be lighted or backlighted for
night use. All keys, including user definable keys, shall be equipped with keycaps engraved with
the name of its function(s) or character(s). If the key produces a different character or function
in the shifted versus un-shifted position, both character/functions shall be shown on the keycap.
Special function keys shall be designed for differentiation to the touch.
Other Devices/Features
The MDC shall be equipped with a minimum of three USB connections for attachment of
additional peripherals. The MDC shall be capable of accepting a digital camera input.
The MDC shall be capable of displaying maps that includes CCB’s operating area and neighbor
areas. . At a minimum, maps shall display incidents, street names, addresses, and business
names. The GIS software installed shall provide zoom capability and automatically center the
map display on the bus’ current location.
Vehicular Mounting
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Exhibit A
The MDC shall not in any way interfere with vehicle operation, or create a hazard to personnel
who need to exit the vehicle from any position in the vehicle. To deter theft, the MDC mounting
shall require special tools or a key to remove the unit. The Contractor shall submit detailed
mounting arrangement plans for each model of supervisor vehicle for CCB approval<CDRL>.
If fixed mount MDCs are proposed, the mount shall accommodate dual air bags and allow
viewing by either front seat passenger. If swivel mount MDCs are proposed, the mount shall
accommodate dual air bags design and allow viewing by either front seat passenger and shall
have a positive means of locking it in the desired position to prevent shifting while the vehicle is
in motion. The Contractor shall file the paperwork required if the front passenger air bags must
be disabled.
The Proposer shall submit information on the proposed mounts and are encouraged to provide
multiple options for various vehicles, i.e. car, van, truck, etc. Automatic Vehicle Location
The Road Supervisor subsystem shall include an Automatic Vehicle Location subsystem that
uses GPS technology with differential correction. SBS shall track the location of vehicles with
the Road Supervisor subsystem with a reporting cycle of thirty seconds or less.
The GPS receiver shall meet the requirements in Section of this Specification. The GPS
acquisition time shall be four minutes or less for a cold start and less than thirty seconds for a
warm start. The output data at a minimum should include latitude, longitude, speed, time and
direction of travel.
4.8.4 Environmental Requirements
The Road Supervisor Subsystem shall meet the following vehicle environment requirements:
Meet operational requirements while exposed to temperatures from 45 to 105 degrees F
and withstand 20 to 140 degrees F while not operational
Meet operational requirements while exposed to temperatures from humidity of 30 to
80% and withstand 30 to 90% while not operational.
Withstand exposure to dust conforming to MIL-STD-810E 510.3.
Withstand exposure to liquids conforming to MIL-STD-810E 506.3.
Withstand vibration of 3g and shock of 20g and conform to MIL-STD-810E 516.4.
Shall not adversely impact vehicle electronics nor be adversely affected by vehicle
electronics. The MDC shall meet or exceed EIA204 and RS-374 mobile radio standards.
Shall not emit signals that interfere with AM/FM radio reception or with portable/mobile
voice radios.
Shall be shielded to protect it from signals emitted by the vehicle and other in-vehicle
equipment (including cellular phones) and external sources of EMI such as power lines or
transit catenary.
Shall be capable of being mounted in vehicles with driver and passenger airbags and shall
be airbag compliant and not interfere with deployment of all airbags.
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Exhibit A
Operate with the standard vehicle electrical system without the need for converters or
inverters. The current draw shall be minimized, particularly while the vehicle is inactive.
The Contractor shall submit power draw calculations <CDRL>.
Include protection to avoid damage if the subsystem were to be incorrectly installed.
Tolerate voltage variations and electrical noise found in normal commercial vehicle
electrical systems without losing or altering stored or displayed information.
Equipment shall conserve vehicle battery, including use of semi-active modes similar to
the Onboard SBS subsystem.
Equipment shall shut down X minutes after ignition shut off, where X shall be a system
settable parameter.
Short-term battery backup or equivalent to preserve critical information during brief
power failures or during vehicle start-up. Capacitor only circuitry shall not be utilized to
meet this protection requirement. (MDC only)
Protection from accidental voltage reversal.
Full functionality during starter motor operation.
LED Signs Data Connection
The Contractor shall provide a cellular communication link between the NCCB server and the
LED display signs in order to send data to the LED signs and receive diagnostic data from the
Details of the communication link and its monthly costs shall be provided in the Proposal and
Preliminary Design. The Contractor shall act as liaison to the cellular service provider for CCB.
The Contractor shall interface with the designated service provider for the purpose of
establishing service. Hardware Requirements
The LED signs shall be two line signs. The characters to be displayed shall, at minimum,
include the entire 128 ASCII character set. Each line shall be 2 inches or larger in height. The
LED signs shall, at a minimum be capable of displaying 24 characters per line.
Option: Signs shall be capable of displaying a single line of text utilizing both lines of LEDs.
Monochromatic LED signs shall be used. CCB prefers the use of amber colored LEDs.
Proposers shall provide information on the brightness of the LED sign.
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Exhibit A
LED signs, backup battery and associated cables shall be protected by a secure enclosure to
prevent vandalism, graffiti and solar degradation. The enclosure shall be weather and dust
resistant. All connectors shall be disguised and protected to minimize the possibility of damage.
The enclosures shall have a damage resistant Lexan faceplate which can be quickly replaced by
maintenance crews with the appropriate equipment.
All mounting hardware shall be aluminum, stainless steel, and/or a galvanized material. No
plastics or other materials will be acceptable. The brackets shall be powder coated to the
matching color of the shelters and the color shall not be affected by sun, extreme cold or heat.
The powder-coating shall have a minimum warranty of five years without any material
degradation. The Contractor shall submit all details of the sign enclosures and all mounting
materials to CCB for approval prior to installation. Power
The LED signs shall be solar powered and be equipped with a battery backup. The battery
backup shall be sufficient to allow for 7 days of continuous operation of the sign and cellular
modem without solar power. The battery shall be a sealed unit, non-serviceable battery and
shall have a minimum life cycle of five years. Proposers shall provide details of the battery
including the power draw of the LED sign and cellular modem, the backup battery charging
system, and the capacity of the battery backup. Installation
The Contractor shall provide installation drawings<CDRL>, provide the materials necessary for
the installation, and install all LED signs and associated hardware. The Contractor shall mount a
bus stop sign number to be furnished by CCB at all sign locations. The LED signs shall be
mounted within a CCB shelter if one exists at the stop. The Contractor shall obtain the drawings
for the new bus shelter design from CCB’s Contractor that is replacing the shelters in 2016.
For stops where a shelter mount is not utilized, the Contractor shall mount the LED sign on a
Contractor provided pole. For pole mounted signs, the Contractor shall insure there are no glare
issues and the sign displays can be visible under different lighting conditions and locations of the
Based on the design approach developed for the Preliminary Design Review and approved by
CCB, the Contractor shall procure all specified equipment for the LED signs and perform a preinstallation checkout (PIC) prior to receiving authorization to proceed with any LED sign
installations. All procurement related decisions related to final hardware and quantities must be
approved by CCB staff prior to actual procurement. CCB reserves the right to adjust equipment
procurement needs based upon the final detailed design requirements, operational changes, and
other uncontrollable conditions.
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Exhibit A
The Contractor shall demonstrate that the sign equipment functions properly prior to proceeding
with full system deployment. The PIC shall include an onsite demonstration at selected sign
locations. The Contractor shall conduct tests that verify proper installation and interfacing of the
LED signs and associated equipment. These tests shall include, but not necessarily be limited to:
• Visual inspection of all LED sign components for damage and conformance with
• Verification that the LED sign components function as required by the specifications
• If necessary, determination of additional steps required so the LED signs conform to the
Successful completion of the LED signs PIC is required before the full-scale installation can
The Contractor shall install the signs at the locations listed in Appendix L and in accordance with
the detailed design plans. The Contractor shall conduct field tests for each sign to demonstrate
conformance with the specifications.
Where needed, the placement or configuration of the signs shall be adjusted based on the field
test data. The Contractor shall update the sign installation and configuration plans to incorporate
any changes made during the PIC.
The Contractor shall submit a revised NCCB LED Sign Test Plan to incorporate modifications
made to the test procedures that may be required as a result of the PIC. The Contractor shall
assemble and submit documentation of the test results to CCB. Environmental Requirements
All electronic display signs and monitors shall be certified to function in an outdoor environment
and shall not be affected by the following environmental conditions:
Min. to max. temperature: 20°F to 120°F for outdoor displays, 50°F to 100°F for indoor
Relative humidity: 15% to 95%, non-condensing for outdoor displays, 20% to 80%, noncondensing for indoor displays
Rainfall: up to 6 inches per hour, for outdoor displays
Freezing precipitation: up to 3 inches per hour, for outdoor displays
Wind speed: up to 80 mph, any direction, for outdoor displays
Sunlight: None to full, direct, for outdoor displays
Atmospheric pollutants: Characteristic of the Los Angeles area, including salt, dust and
corrosive or base chemicals.
The Contractor shall provide fans, heat sinks, heaters and other devices necessary to control
internal temperature and humidity conditions in order to maintain proper operation of the
displays. Provisions shall be installed to maintain an internal operating temperature range
between the minimum and maximum operating environment temperatures of internal
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Exhibit A-115
Exhibit A
components, as specified by the display manufacturers and as necessary to ensure display
reliability. Solar load and heat generated by internal components shall be added to the operating
environment. Means shall be provided to detect failure of any cooling device and provide for
shutdown of the displays and notification of maintenance through to the Dispatch Center.
Equipment enclosures shall be designed and constructed to prevent the entry of water when the
door is closed during a heavy rainstorm, under maximum rainfall and maximum sustained wind
speed as defined above and as well as from pressure washing. Any water that does enter the
equipment shall be routed out of the equipment and shall not cause short circuits, failures, or
other damage. Sufficient filtration shall be provided to minimize the intrusion of dust, including
brake dust (metallic particles) resulting from the operation of vehicles at a close proximity,
through slots and other openings. Any dust that does enter the displays shall not affect its
All exposed surfaces of the system components shall be unaffected by brushes, detergents, and
cleaning solvents normally use by maintenance crews. All exposed surfaces shall also be
resistant to ultraviolet radiation and air contaminants.
LCD Signs Data Connection
The Contractor shall provide a cellular communication link between the NCCB server and the
outdoor LCD display sign located at the Transit Center at the Westfield Mall in order to send
data to the LCD signs and receive diagnostic data from the signs. Details of the cellular
communication link and its monthly costs shall be provided in the Proposal and Preliminary
Design. The Contractor shall act as liaison to the cellular service provider for CCB. The
Contractor shall interface with the designated service provider for the purpose of establishing
An internet connection will be provided for data communications for the LCD display sign
located at the Transit Lounge inside the Westfield Mall. Hardware
LCD signs shall be color, flat panel high resolution monitors capable of displaying complex
information with multiple sub windows. The diagonal length of the LCD signs shall be a
minimum of 52 inches. The characters shall be 2 inches or larger in height.
The brightness of the signs shall automatically adjust to ambient conditions to ensure optimal
visibility. Proposers shall provide information on the brightness of the LCD signs.
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Exhibit A
The outdoor LCD sign, backup battery and associated cables shall be protected by a secure
enclosure to prevent vandalism, graffiti and from solar degradation. The enclosure shall be
weather and dust resistant and shall be incased in a painted aluminum structure with a clear
Lexan cover. All connectors shall be disguised and protected to minimize the possibility of
damage. The enclosures shall have a damage resistant faceplate which can be quickly replaced
by maintenance crews with the appropriate equipment.
All mounting hardware shall be stainless steel and/or a galvanized material. No plastics or other
materials will be acceptable. The brackets shall be powder coated to the matching color of the
shelters and the color shall not be affected by sun, extreme cold or heat. The powder-coating
shall have a minimum warranty of five years without any material degradation. The Contractor
shall submit all details of the sign enclosures and all mounting materials to CCB for approval
prior to installation. Power
The outdoor LCD sign shall be solar powered and be equipped with a battery backup. The
battery backup shall be sufficient to allow for 7 days of continuous operation of the sign and
cellular modem without solar power. The battery shall be a sealed unit, non-serviceable battery
and shall have a minimum life cycle of five years. Proposers shall provide details of the battery
including the power draw of the LCD sign and cellular modem, the backup battery charging
system, and the capacity of the battery backup.
The indoor LCD sign shall be powered by AC power that is provided by the Westfield Mall. Installation
The Contractor shall provide installation drawings, provide the materials necessary for the
installation, and install all LCD signs and associated hardware.
Based on the design approach developed for the Preliminary Design Review and agreed upon by
CCB, the Contractor shall procure all specified equipment for the LCD signs and perform a preinstallation checkout (PIC) prior to the LCD sign installations. All procurement related decisions
related to final hardware and quantities must be approved by CCB staff prior to actual
procurement. CCB reserves the right to adjust equipment procurement needs based upon the
final detailed design requirements, operational changes, and other uncontrollable conditions.
The Contractor shall conduct tests that verify proper installation and interfacing of each LCD
sign and associated equipment. These tests shall include, but not necessarily be limited to:
• Visual inspection of all LCD sign components for damage and conformance with
• Verification that the LCD sign components function as required by the specifications
• If necessary, determination of additional steps required so the LCD signs conform to the
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Exhibit A-117
Exhibit A
Contractor shall assemble and submit documentation of the test results to CCB. Environmental Requirements
The outdoor LCD monitor and its housing shall be certified to function in an outdoor
environment and shall not be affected by the following environmental conditions:
Min. to max. temperature: 20°F to 120°F for outdoor displays, 50°F to 100°F for indoor
Relative humidity: 15% to 95%, non-condensing for outdoor displays, 20% to 80%, noncondensing for indoor displays
Rainfall: up to 6 inches per hour, for outdoor displays
Freezing precipitation: up to 3 inches per hour, for outdoor displays
Wind speed: up to 80 mph, any direction, for outdoor displays
Sunlight: None to full, direct, for outdoor displays
Atmospheric pollutants: Characteristic of the Los Angeles area, including salt, dust and
corrosive or base chemicals.
The Contractor shall provide fans, heat sinks, heaters and other devices necessary to control
internal temperature and humidity conditions in order to maintain proper operation of the
displays. Provisions shall be installed to maintain an internal operating temperature range
between the minimum and maximum operating environment temperatures of internal
components, as specified by the display manufacturers and as necessary to ensure display
reliability. Solar load and heat generated by internal components shall be added to the operating
environment. Means shall be provided to detect failure of any cooling device and provide for
shutdown of the displays and notification of maintenance through to the Dispatch Center.
Equipment enclosures shall be designed and constructed to prevent the entry of water when the
door is closed during a heavy rainstorm, under maximum rainfall and maximum sustained wind
speed as defined above and as well as from pressure washing. Any water that does enter the
equipment shall be routed out of the equipment and shall not cause short circuits, failures, or
other damage. Sufficient filtration shall be provided to minimize the intrusion of dust, including
brake dust (metallic particles) resulting from the operation of vehicles at a close proximity,
through slots and other openings. Any dust that does enter the displays shall not affect its
All exposed surfaces of the System Components shall be unaffected by brushes, detergents, and
cleaning solvents normally use by maintenance crews. All exposed surfaces shall also be
resistant to ultraviolet radiation and air contaminants.
The following Project Management elements shall be incorporated as a key component of the
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Exhibit A
The scope, duration and size of this project require the Contractor to create an effective Project
Management team to ensure the success of the work. All key project team members shall remain
on the project until completion of the project.
5.1.1 Project Manager
The Contractor shall establish a Project Manager, who shall be highly responsive to the needs of
SBS as required in these Specifications and subject to CCB acceptance. The Project Manager
shall coordinate design and engineering activities and provide a technical liaison to CCB. This
person shall be highly competent and fully qualified in all aspects of the System.
Proposers shall identify the Project Manager in the proposal and include the proposed project
manager’s resume. The project manager shall be available for the project within 7 days of NTP. Authority
The Project Manager shall have the contracting authority to issue and approve purchase orders
and to bind the Contractor contractually. The Project Manager shall have the authority to assign
and schedule Contractor personnel to perform all of the Work required by this Agreement, and
act as Contractor’s representative for dispute resolution. Responsibility
The Project Manager shall provide a single point of contact for CCB to resolve all issues related
to this Contract. The Project Manager shall be responsible for directing all subcontractors’
designs and work. The Project Manager shall conduct weekly project status meetings with CCB
staff and provide monthly updates for the City Council. Project Understanding
The Project Manager shall have a full and complete understanding of the Contract Documents
and site conditions sufficiently to provide adequate direction for coordination of work. Qualifications
The Project Manager shall have at least five years of experience in the implementation and
management of mobile ITS projects, with at least one completed SmartBus project assignment
for a fleet in excess of 50 vehicles. CCB shall be the sole determinant of the suitability of the
proposed Project Manager’s qualifications. CCB reserves the right to have the Project Manager
replaced if these qualifications are not met. Availability to the Project
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Exhibit A-119
Exhibit A
The Project Manager shall be available to CCB on a twenty-four hour per day, seven days per
week basis via telephone and pager and shall respond promptly to any reasonable CCB request.
Coverage of this requirement by any alternates shall be subject to approval by CCB.
The Project Manager shall be on site during all significant project events, as necessary to
facilitate meetings, project activities, and information flow between the Contractor and CCB, and
as requested by CCB. The Project Manager shall be on site during the installation and testing of
SBS. In no case shall it be considered acceptable for the Project Manager to be on site less than
five (5) days per month.
5.1.2 Senior Project Engineer (SPE)
Proposers shall identify the SPE the proposal and provide a detailed resume for the SPE. The
SPE shall be available to the Project within seven days after NTP. Responsibility
The SPE shall act as a technical resource for coordinating all system design and implementation
issues. The SPE shall check each technical submittal prior to its being sent to CCB for approval.
The SPE shall check factory wiring and fieldwork to assure quality. Project Understanding
The SPE shall have a complete understanding of the technical requirements of the Contract
Documents and site conditions sufficiently to provide design direction and to determine
compliance of the Contractor’s design submittals and work. Qualifications
The SPE shall be a Licensed Professional Engineer, qualified to practice electrical engineering,
or an engineer who qualifies as acceptable to CCB. The SPE shall have a minimum of five years
of experience in coordinating engineering and administrative support activities for and computer
aided dispatch projects with both bus signal priority and traveler information projects. CCB
shall be the sole determinant of the suitability of the proposed SPE’s qualifications. CCB
reserves the right to have the SPE replaced if these qualifications are not met. Availability to the Project
The SPE shall be on site during all significant project events, as necessary to facilitate meetings,
project activities, and information flow between the Contractor and CCB, and as requested by
CCB. In no case shall it be considered acceptable for the SPE to be on site less than five (5) days
per month.
Coverage of this requirement by any alternates shall be subject to approval by CCB.
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Exhibit A-120
Exhibit A
5.2.1 Attendance
The Contractor’s Project Manager and SPE shall attend Progress Meetings held monthly and
conduct weekly teleconference calls. The Contractor’s Project Manager and SPE shall conduct a
Project Kickoff Meeting with CCB SBS stakeholders, Steering Committee, and the SBS
Consultant Manager. The Contractor’s Project Manager and SPE shall attend additional
meetings, as requested by CCB and the SBS Consultant pursuant to the coordination of the
5.2.2 Location
Progress meetings shall be held at CCB facilities unless otherwise specifically approved by CCB.
Other meetings shall be held at a mutually agreeable location, conducive to the topic of the
meeting. For any project meetings conducted by conference call, the Contractor shall, at the
Contractor’s expense, provide a conference call-in number.
5.2.3 Meeting Minutes
The Contractor shall prepare minutes<CDRL> for each meeting, unless specifically instructed
otherwise by CCB. The Contractor shall prepare the minutes and distribute them to the attendees
within one week after the meeting. Minutes of the meetings shall include names of attendees,
significant proceedings, decisions, unresolved issues, and a list of information requested by
CCB. The minutes shall be of sufficient detail to record any decisions made at the meeting and
any follow-up actions required. The minutes shall include a summary of open action items, the
party responsible for each, scheduled date for the action, and the respective resolution.
Contractor shall provide a rolling project report, adding and deleting items as necessary.
Meeting minutes shall be disseminated to all CCB attendees within 24 hours of project meeting.
5.2.4 Agenda
The Contractor shall prepare an agenda<CDRL> for each progress meeting. The Contractor
shall provide a draft agenda to CCB at least one week prior to each meeting and request that
CCB add any additional items. Review of the previous meeting minutes and any outstanding
action items shall be included on the agenda for each meeting. Each progress meeting agenda
shall also include the item, “Additional Culver CityBus Issues and Concerns.”
5.3.1 Detailed Contract Schedule
The detailed contract schedule shall be a critical-path-method schedule constructed using
Microsoft Project or other software application acceptable to CCB. The detailed contract
schedule shall show each activity, including interface activities, for completion of the Work, and
shall be properly ordered and sequenced. If a phased approach is recommended by the
Contractor, Contractor shall cite an example where the recommended phased approach was
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Exhibit A
successful. Three printed copies and one electronic copy of the detailed contract schedule shall
be submitted for CCB approval within 45 calendar days after NTP <CDRL>. Task Duration Limits
The detailed contract schedule shall be sufficiently detailed to preclude the use of activity
durations greater than 20 working days. Activity durations shall include allowances for lost time
and inefficiencies. Task Designations
Each task designation shall delineate the phase or stage of the Work, and the component of the
Work such as design, submittal, submittal review, procurement, fabrication, delivery,
installation, and testing. Task Details
Where appropriate to the understanding of the task, additional details shall be provided, such as
the following:
A clear description of the activity, including its location
The duration expressed in full working days
A responsibility code denoting the Contractor, a subcontractor, Culver CityBus, a
government Agency, or a utility is performing the activity
The quantity of material, in units
The integer percent complete representing the installed progress
The actual start and finish dates where applicable
Unless specifically agreed to in writing by CCB, Contractor is responsible for all Work to
complete any task
5.3.2 Critical Path
The detailed contract schedule shall show a clear and definable critical path(s) for the Work and
each specified milestone. Requirements and events which impose limitations, as well as dates
and milestones which constrain the time, shall be clearly identified. Days of float time shall be
shown. Items that require CCB inputs and responses shall be clearly identified. Updates
The detailed schedule shall be updated monthly to show actual progress and changes to projected
dates. Each update shall include a narrative describing the changes made since the last update.
Each update shall be provided to CCB within 5 working days from the month-end cut-off date
and submitted with each invoice. Two hardcopies and one electronic copy shall be provided
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Exhibit A
5.3.3 Four-Week Rolling Schedules
The four-week rolling schedule shall show one week of historical information and three weeks of
planned activities in support that are consistent with the detailed contract schedule. Format
The four-week rolling schedule shall be presented as a chart with tasks along the left side and
days along the top of the table. A shaded bar or “X” entered in the chart shall indicate the work
to be performed on each day for that task. Task Detail
The level of detail shown on the four-week rolling schedule shall be greater than the level shown
on the detailed contract schedule. In general, it shall show the Work to be done each day and the
location(s) where the work will be done and by whom. Work done in buses and other vehicles
shall be identifiable uniquely or as part of an easily traceable group of buses. Work that requires
a CCB input or response shall be clearly identified. Updates
The Contractor shall provide and update a four-week rolling schedule on a weekly basis and
provide the schedule to CCB by the end of the first day of each active week. Two printed copies
and one electronic copy shall be provided <CDRL>.
5.4.1 General
This Section describes general requirements and procedures for preparing and transmitting
information to CCB for review, acceptance or approval. Detailed requirements for individual
submittals are specified in the applicable sections of the Specifications. Scheduling of Submittals
The Contractor shall transmit submittals sufficiently in advance of Contract requirements to
permit at least twenty-one (21) calendar days for review, checking and appropriate response by
CCB or designated representative. Transmittal Forms
The Contractor shall furnish the transmittal forms sequentially numbered and clearly indicate the
Project Name; Project Number; Date; "To:"; "From:"; names of subcontractors, suppliers or
manufacturers; required Specification references; category and type of submittal; purpose;
description; distribution record (for transmittals and submittals); and signature of transmitter. Checking of Submittals
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Exhibit A
The Contractor shall examine and check the submittal for accuracy, completeness, and
compliance with the Contract before delivery to CCB. Stamp and sign each submittal with the
statement reading as follows: "Having checked this submission, we certify that it conforms to
the requirements of the Contract in all respects, except as otherwise indicated". By reviewing,
approving, and submitting a submittal, the Contractor has determined and verified materials,
field measurements, and field construction criteria related thereto, and has checked and
coordinated the information contained within such submittals with the requirements of the Work
and the Contract. Record of Submittals
The Contractor shall maintain a complete up-to-date, organized file of all past and current
submittals including an index and locating system, which identifies the status of each
submission. The Contractor shall provide 247 access to the record of submittals.
Assign sequential numbers to each submittal.
Assign revisions levels (A, B, C, etc.) to all resubmittals. Assign new transmittal numbers
and cross references to previous submittals. Electronic Format
All submittals shall be provided in electronic format as well as hardcopy. File formats for
electronic copies shall be subject to CCB approval. Current version, industry-prevalent software
shall be utilized for preparing all submittals. Drawings shall be submitted in AutoCAD 2015 and
PDF formats. Drawings or studies involving geographic information shall be submitted in a
format that can be viewed by ESRI ArcView software. The Contractor shall furnish to CCB
three fully licensed copies of all software necessary for viewing and marking up the submittals
version, industry-prevalent software shall be utilized for preparing all submittals.
Culver CityBus Review
CCB and/or designated representative will review and approve or take other appropriate action
upon the Contractor's submittals. CCB’s action will be taken as to cause no delay in the Work or
in the activities of the Contractor. Review of such submittals is not conducted for determining
the accuracy and completeness of other details such as dimensions and quantities, or for
substantiating instructions for installation or performance of Equipment or systems, all of which
remain the responsibility of the Contractor as required by the Contract. CCB’s or designated
representative's review will not constitute approval of safety precautions or, unless specifically
stated by CCB or designated representative of any construction means, methods, techniques,
sequences, or procedures. CCB’s or designated representative's approval of a specific item does
not indicate approval of an entire assembly of which the item is a component. Culver CityBus Acknowledgement and Disposition
All Contractor's submittals will be acknowledged by CCB or designated representative with (a)
the date of receipt, and (b) one of the following dispositions (will be sent to the Contractor.
(Transmit submittals will not be returned).
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Exhibit A
APPROVED: Work may proceed, provided it complies with the Contract. The approval
of documents, shop drawings and samples shall not be construed as;
Permitting any departure from the Contract requirements;
Relieving the Contractor of responsibility for errors and omissions, including details,
dimensions, and quantity of materials; or
Approving departures from details furnished by the Contracting Officer or designated
APPROVED AS NOTED (Correct and resubmit): Work may proceed, provided:
It complies with the Contract as well as the corrections on the submittals, and the Contractor
resubmits within fifteen (15) days corrected copies of the shop drawings, working drawings,
or miscellaneous submittals for final approval; and
Work performed by the Contractor prior to receiving final approval will be at the
Contractor's risk.
DISAPPROVED (Revise and Resubmit): Work is not recognized as being able to proceed.
Revise submittal in accordance with notations thereon, and resubmit immediately. The
Contractor shall handle re-submittals in the same manner as first submittals, except designated
with suffix A, B, C, etc. to indicate first, second, or third resubmittals. On resubmittals, direct
specific attention in writing on resubmitted documents, shop drawings, working drawings,
samples, mock-ups, sample panels, or miscellaneous submittals to revisions other than the
corrections required on previous submissions. Make corrections as required by CCB or
designated representative. The Contractor shall deliver the resubmittal to CCB or designated
representative within ten (10) business days of a Disapproved disposition. Actions Following Review
APPROVED documents and drawings will be identified as having received such approval with a
dated acknowledgement. DISAPPROVED documents and drawings will be returned to the
Contractor with a dated acknowledgement and directions for correction and re-submittal.
Drawings Quality of Drawings
The Contractor shall be responsible for accuracy and correctness of all drawings. The
Contractor's Project Manager and SPE shall initial each drawing after checking it, indicating that
it complies with all requirements of this Specification and accurately reflects intended or actual
field conditions. Drawings that require a Professional Engineer’s seal per California State Law
shall be sealed and signed by the Contractor’s Professional Engineer before submittal.
The Contractor shall check each drawing for the following:
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Exhibit A
Conformance with Contract Documents
Logical grouping and arrangement
Line Quality
Lettering Quality
Reproduction Quality
Completeness Content of Drawings
The Contractor shall prepare such design, working and shop drawings as are necessary to
perform the Work adequately. Each drawing shall be laid out in an organized manner such that it
is easily understandable. The use of crossed lines in schematic or functional drawings shall be
avoided, to the extent possible. Breaks and continuations in drawings shall be minimized.
Mounting and installation drawings shall be accurately scaled and the scale shall be clearly noted
on the drawing. All symbols and abbreviations used shall be defined on each drawing, or if
submitted as a book of drawings, on a master symbol sheet.
Product Data Submittals Quality of Submittals
The Contractor shall prepare a submittal for each major piece of material or equipment that the
Contractor will furnish. These submittals shall be known as "Product Submittals". Four copies
of each product submittal shall be furnished. Each submittal shall be accompanied by a cover
letter with reference number, signed by the Project Manager. Each submittal shall contain a list
of any parameters for which the submitted products do not meet the Specifications and a
description of how these changes will affect system design. Each submittal shall contain a
description of any changes in design or products that the submitted products will cause. Content
Each submittal shall contain sufficient information to determine that the system component
complies with the Specifications and Agreement. Actual values of all specified parameters shall
be listed; a simple statement that the product complies will not be sufficient. Each product
submittal shall be accompanied by engineering drawings necessary to determine the product's
applicability to SBS design. All closely related products shall be submitted as a single package.
When pre-printed material is used in a submittal, the specific model number and options to be
furnished shall be clearly identified. Standard data sheets can be used, subject to the following:
Manufacturer's standard and/or schematic drawings are modified to delete information,
which is not applicable to the Contract. The Contractor shall supplement standard
information with additional information applicable to this Contract.
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Exhibit A
Manufacturer's standards, diagrams, schedules, performance charts, illustrations,
calculations, and other descriptive data are modified to delete information, which is not
applicable to the Contract. The Contractor shall indicate dimensions, clearances,
performance characteristics, capacities, and any other diagrams, as applicable.
Installation, erection, application, and placing instructions shall be modified to delete
information, which is not applicable to the Contract.
5.4.5 Test Procedures
The Contractor shall submit one hardcopy copy and electronic copy of each test procedure
description <CDRL> for approval by CCB, accompanied by a cover letter with reference
number. Test procedures shall be approved by CCB before any official testing may commence. Submittal Organization
Each test procedure description shall include the following information:
A statement of the purpose of the tests
The location, date(s) and time(s) tests will be performed
Staff required to perform the test
The quantity of units to be tested
The test equipment to be used, identified by manufacturer and model number
A step by step description of the procedure to be performed
Specific pass/fail criteria for each test
A sample of the form(s) to be used to record test data
Each test form shall include the following information:
Test title
The manufacturer, model number and calibration date of each piece of test equipment
A table to record individual readings taken and inspections performed for each unit
tested, identified by the serial number of the unit tested
An indication that the unit has passed or failed each individual test
A line for signature of the technician performing the test and date
A line for signature of the Project Manager and date
A line for signature of CCB representative witnessing the test
Drawings illustrating the configuration of the equipment tested and all test equipment
Test Results Content
One original hardcopy and electronic copy of the test results shall be submitted <CDRL>. The
original of the test results shall contain the original test forms filled out by the technicians
performing the tests and original signatures. The test forms shall be filled out in ink and no
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Exhibit A-127
Exhibit A
erasures shall be made. Errors shall be crossed out with a single line and initialed by the person
making the correction. Each set of test results shall be accompanied by a cover letter with
reference number. Organization
Each set of test results shall include the following information:
The complete test procedures used.
The completed, signed test forms.
A summary of the test indicating quantity tested, quantity that failed, quantities that failed
each individual procedure, and a statement of the remedy to be applied for failed units.
As-built documentation shall include drawings and software documentation. As-built
documentation shall include:
Design and Installation Plans of the Onboard SBS subsystems for each bus and vehicle
Design and Installation Plans of the Yard subsystem
Design and Installation Plans of the SBS Computer subsystem
Design and Installation Plans of the SBS LAN and WAN
Design and Installation Plans of the Computer Aided Dispatch subsystem
Design and Installation Plans of the fixed data radio subsystem
Design and Installation Plans of the Road Supervisor and Supervisor subsystems
Design and Installation Plans of the NCCB subsystem including the NCCB LED signs
and LCD monitor and IVR.
As-Built Drawings Drawings Content
The Contractor shall provide As-built drawings for a permanent record of the finished system.
Each design, working and shop drawing that was submitted for approval shall be modified to
reflect the actual installed condition and shall become an as-built drawing. These drawings shall
be supplemented with site-specific information. If a drawing is typical for more than one
location, the locations shall be explicitly listed on the drawing:
All nomenclature and labels shall correspond to the actual labels on the installed
Each connection to each piece of equipment, junction box, or terminal block shall be
identified by function and color code.
All dimensions, physical details, connections, and other information pertinent to system
diagnostics, maintenance or troubleshooting shall be shown.
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Exhibit A
All components shall list brand name, part numbers, location of installation, and
quantities of units per-vehicle. Organization of Drawings
All drawings germane to a subject shall be submitted as a package with a cover sheet, index, and
symbols and abbreviations table. A master index of as-built drawings that organizes the
drawings by package and drawing number shall be provided. Submittal of Drawings
The Contractor shall submit a pre-final version of the as-built drawings to CCB prior to
maintenance training and prior to acceptance testing <CDRL>. The Contractor shall correct any
inaccuracies and add plans to correct any deficiencies as identified by CCB or as necessary to
document changes made during acceptance testing. Final versions of the as-built drawings shall
be submitted within two weeks after acceptance testing or maintenance training, whichever is
later <CDRL>. Products
The Contractor shall submit two copies of pre-final drawing packages in 11”x17” hardcopy
format and two copies on CD-ROM in AutoCAD 2015 or later format, PDF format, or DXF
format. Three copies of final as-built drawings shall be submitted in 11”x17” hardcopy format
and two copies on CD-ROM in AutoCAD 2015 or later format, PDF format, or DXF format.
5.5.2 As Built Software Documentation
The Contractor shall provide all "Computer Software" and "Data" to allow CCB to fully
maintain and update all "Applications Software". "Computer Software" and "Data" shall include
as-built versions of <CDRL>:
Software Requirements Specification;
Software Version Description Document, or equivalent;
All "batch" or equivalent files, and all object libraries and "include" files, for editing,
compiling, linking, and installing application software. Corresponding instructions shall
also be provided;
All files required to define, allocate, and load the database, and any other data files
required to define, configure, load, or operate the system. Corresponding instructions
shall also be provided.
A list of the configuration parameters and their values. A list of potential problems if the
configuration parameters are set to extreme values.
The Contractor shall submit electronic copies of each document form in a format that is
accessible by CCB in order for it to be incorporated into CCB’s’ Electronic Document Library.
The Contractor shall be required to provide source code and sufficient documentation including
source code documentation in an Escrow account to permit modification of the delivered
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Exhibit A
software without the necessity of contacting the Contractor in the event the Contractor is
unwilling or unable to undertake such modifications. Proposers shall explain, in detail, the
documentation to be supplied, provide samples, and guarantee of content with proposals. Source
code and source code documentation for COTS software shall not be required.
Project closeout shall include an initial survey and a final survey.
Initial Survey Pre-Requisites
Prior to requesting an initial closeout survey of SBS, the Contractor shall ensure the following
conditions shall have been met <CDRL>:
All formal training sessions have been completed.
All manuals have been submitted.
The Contractor has listed those items yet to be completed or corrected and has submitted
a detailed plan of action and schedule for completion of the outstanding items.
The Contractor has submitted special guarantees, warranties, maintenance agreements,
final certifications and similar documents.
The Contractor has obtained and submitted operating certificates, if required, final
inspection and test certificates, and similar releases enabling full and unrestricted use of
the Work.
The Contractor has submitted operations and maintenance manuals and final as-built
The Contractor has delivered tools, including special tools, test equipment, standby
equipment, and similar items.
The systems acceptance test has been conducted and accepted by CCB. Conducting the Survey
Upon receipt of the request for initial survey, CCB will prepare a list of any additional work items
that are outstanding. CCB will schedule a time for CCB and the Contractor to inspect the Work and
prepare a list of exceptions, if any.
Final Survey Pre-Requisites
The Contractor shall perform the Work necessary to complete and correct the items noted during the
initial survey. The Contractor shall provide written notice to CCB that the items have been
completed <CDRL> and SBS is ready for final survey.
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Exhibit A-130
Exhibit A Conducting the Survey
Upon receipt of the notice, CCB will schedule a final survey to verify that all of the Work items
have been completed satisfactorily.
SBS deliverables provided by the Contractor shall include all Work required to deliver the
System and System Components in accordance with this Specification and Agreement. This list
is for convenience of the bidders only and shall not be considered all-inclusive. All hardware
delivered shall have a full life span when delivered to CCB. All hardware and software shall be
the newest version available at the time of installation at CCB.
5.7.1 Bus Subsystem
The Contractor shall provide 60 Onboard SBS subsystems that shall be installed in buses and
successfully pass acceptance tests. Each Onboard SBS subsystem shall include a voice mobile
radio interface, data mobile radio and cellular data modem, wireless LAN radio, GPS receiver,
Onboard Processor, MDT, video system interface, headsign interface, PA interface, APC
interface, AVA interface, BSP subsystem, and all associated hardware.
The installation of the Onboard SBS components shall be accomplished per the Contractor
provided and CCB approved schedule.
Option: Proposers shall provide option pricing for additional 25 Onboard SBS subsystems.
5.7.2 Spares
The Contractor shall deliver 10% spares of the MDTs, Onboard Processors, APCs (if providing),
and additional spares as specified in Section 8.
5.7.3 SBS CAD Computers
The Contractor shall provide all hardware and software necessary for the SBS CAD subsystem
including virtualized servers, SAN, KVM switch and monitor, server monitoring software. The
SBS CAD environment (servers, SAN, and LAN) shall be delivered and installed in the server
room of the Transportation Facility as designated by CCB. The installation shall be
accomplished per the Contractor-provided and CCB-approved schedule. Installation of CAD
hardware shall not disrupt City or CCB operations. VMware is the City's preferred standard for
virtual networking. Current versions of any software, fully patched, shall be deployed. The
Contractor shall size and site appropriate UPS power backup, and work with CCB staff on
provisioning of any power circuits or outlets, as needed.
5.7.4 SBS Dispatch Center Consoles Subsystem
The Contractor shall deliver the SBS dispatch consoles subsystem that includes three dispatch
consoles, four management monitoring consoles, one AVA Editor workstation, one BSP
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Exhibit A-131
Exhibit A
Database Editor workstation, and Windows Client Access License (CAL), SQL CAL licenses
and antivirus software for all computers running dispatch software at the CCB facility. The
Contractor shall furnish a license for one copy of MS Word and MS Excel. The SBS dispatch
consoles subsystems shall be delivered and installed at locations in the CCB facility as
designated by CCB. The installation of the dispatch and management monitoring consoles shall
be accomplished per the Contractor-provided and CCB-approved schedule. 10 headsets shall be
5.7.5 Yard Subsystem
The Yard Subsystem shall include a LAN controller, WLAN Access Points and a
server/workstation, and Windows CAL and SQL CAL licenses for all computers running
dispatch software. The Yard Subsystem shall be delivered and installed at locations at the
Transportation Facility as designated by CCB. The installation of the Yard Subsystem shall be
accomplished per the Contractor-provided and CCB-approved schedule.
5.7.6 Communication Subsystem
The Contractor shall deliver and install a voice radio interface, a new base station and 60 new
data radios for the data radio upgrade, and a cellular-based data communication system.
The Contractor shall provide a logging recorder.
5.7.7 Supervisor Subsystems
The Contractor shall deliver and install eleven (11) Supervisor Systems including 10 relief
vehicles and one maintenance truck.
Option: The Contractor shall provide option pricing for five (5) additional Supervisor Systems
for maintenance trucks as designated by CCB.
Option: The Contractor shall provide option pricing for three (3) additional vehicles to be
designated as Dial-A-Ride vehicles.
The installation of the Supervisor Systems shall be accomplished per the Contractor-provided
and CCB-approved schedule.
Road Supervisor Subsystems
The Contractor shall deliver and install four (4) Road Supervisor Subsystems in supervisor
vehicles designated by CCB; each with a voice radio interface, MDC with GPS enabled cellular
data modem, Windows CAL and SQL CAL licenses, and antivirus for the MDCs.
Option: The Contractor shall provide option pricing for one (1) additional Road Supervisor
System to be installed as designated by CCB.
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Exhibit A
The installation of the Road Supervisor Systems shall be accomplished per the Contractorprovided and CCB-approved schedule.
NextCulverCityBus Subsystem
The Contractor shall deliver and perform all tasks necessary to install sixty six (66) solar
powered 2-line LED display signs and one (1) solar powered LCD monitor for outdoor use and
one (1) AC powered LCD monitor for indoor use at the Westfield Mall and one (1) AC powered
LCD monitor for the CCB bus operator lounge. The Contractor shall design and provide a
website, text message response system, and IVR to provide traveler information.
Option: The Contractor shall provide option pricing for 12 additional solar powered 2-line LED
display signs.
The installation of the NCCB Subsystem shall be accomplished per the Contractor-provided and
CCB-approved schedule.
5.7.10 SBS Software and Database
The Contractor shall deliver and install all software and databases used on SBS, including a SBS
Database. The installation of the SBS software databases shall be accomplished per the
Contractor-provided and CCB-approved schedule. Installation and testing of software and
databases shall not disrupt CCB bus operations.
5.7.11 Diagnostic and Test Equipment
The Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment for diagnostic testing of the Onboard SBS
subsystem, Computer Aided Dispatch subsystem, NCCB subsystem, and data communication
The Contractor shall provide one Mobile Test set and one mobile programming laptop.
Option: The Contractor shall provide one fixed radio programming laptop.
5.7.12 Manuals, Training, and Training Tools
The Contractor shall provide manuals as listed in Table 6-1, training classes as listed in Table 71, and training tools including one “Bus in a Box” simulator, and other simulators and
training/testing units for the proper operation, maintenance, and repair of SBS. Delivery of the
manuals, training, and training tools shall be accomplished per the Contractor-provided and
CCB-approved schedule. The “Bus in a Box” shall contain a voice radio and handset, data radio
and cellular data modem, Onboard Processor, and MDT.
5.7.13 Design Submittals
The Contractor shall provide preliminary and final design submittal packages and associated
design review, as well as individual design details for all elements specified herein. The
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Exhibit A
Contractor shall provide detailed cutover plans and procedures. All submittals shall be in both
hardcopy and electronic format.
5.7.14 As Built Documentation
The Contractor shall provide As Built Documentation as described in Section 5.5.2. Delivery of
the As Built Documentation shall be accomplished per the Contractor-provided and CCBapproved schedule. All as-built documentation shall be provided in both hardcopy and in
electronic format.
5.7.15 Monthly Status Reports
The Contractor shall submit Monthly status reports to CCB on the 10th of each month detailing
the previous month’s progress <CDRL>. The monthly status report shall contain a description of
the activities and accomplishments, an updated schedule showing the progress, and any issues or
concerns. The Contractor’s preferred format is acceptable.
5.7.16 Test Plans/Procedures and Test Results
The Contractor shall provide all Test Plans/Procedures required for the SBS project and the Test
Results. The Test Plans/Procedures and Test Results format shall be submitted to CCB for
5.7.17 Closeout Documentation
The Contractor shall provide closeout documentation as described in Section 5.6.
5.8.1 Prior to System Acceptance
The Contractor shall provide support for the maintenance and operation of installed SBS
subsystems after incremental acceptance and prior to System Acceptance. It is CCB’s intent to
begin operating SBS after completion of the first incremental acceptance. Between the first
incremental acceptance and the System acceptance, the Contractor shall provide support to CCB
to repair SBS equipment and assist with data management and report generation.
Support shall be provided on-site at CCB during testing and cutover of SBS equipment
on a continuous basis.
Support for in-service SBS equipment shall be provided twenty-four hours per day, seven
days per week. All requests by CCB for assistance shall be answered within thirty
minutes of a page or message from CCB. On-site support when requested by CCB shall
be provided within two hours at the CCB facility.
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Exhibit A
5.8.2 Warranty
The Contractor shall provide to CCB a full warranty for on-site maintenance/operation hardware
and software support and software maintenance/ upgrades for SBS for two years after System
Acceptance and shall cover all parts, labor, and shipping costs.
Option: Pricing for a third year option shall be provided in the proposal as well as rates for years
4, and 5, or a not to exceed % increase over those same years.
The warranty shall cover installed components shall include but not limited to:
Wiring fasteners, connectors
Fasteners / Hardware
Brackets and related hold down materials
Screws, bolts, washers, nuts, terminals
Wiring installed by the Contractor shall be warranted from chaffing, cutting or becoming
compromised for five full years from date of in-service, per vehicle--accidents, negligence or no
fault of the Contractor notwithstanding.
CCB intends to support SBS with CCB personnel, but the Contractor shall be available for
additional support for issues that are beyond the skill sets developed by the Contractor for
maintenance of SBS by CCB personnel. The additional support shall be mainly telephone
support but may require occasional on-site support as determined by CCB in consultation with
the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide telephone support via an 800 number 24 hours a
day and 7 days a week. The Contractor shall provide telephone support and/or remote access
when requested by CCB within 4 hours. The Contractor shall provide an onsite response time
when requested by CCB within 8 hours. Proposers shall list the local presence that will be
available in the Los Angeles area. Proposers shall have a remote access strategy that is designed
as part of its support program. Proposers shall describe their support program in the proposal.
Defective equipment shall be repaired and returned to CCB within 10 days. The Contractor shall
pay for CCB’s labor cost ($102/hr) to repair or replace defective SBS hardware. The Contractor
shall provide prepaid shipping of RMA parts and advance return units shipped to CCB. The
Contractor shall provide an itemized documentation of the repairs that were done for each RMA.
On a at least a quarterly basis, the Contractor shall provide a list of security patches for the
operating systems and provide software updates that shall be installed by the Contractor but
could also be installed by CCB. The Contractor shall provide technical release notes prior to
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Exhibit A
The components of the computing, radio, and the telephone architecture including by not limited
to physical servers, SANs, data backup devices, computers shall have a 3 year warranty covering
both parts and labor. The Contractor shall provide software maintenance contract for one year.
Proposers shall provide costs for additional years of software maintenance support.
The Contractor shall submit to CCB as part of their proposal a sample of their Quality Assurance
(QA) Program Plan for review and evaluation. The Contractor shall submit to CCB within 60
days of the Notice-To-Proceed (NTP) a comprehensive QA Program Plan designed to ensure the
quality of all activities, including design, purchasing, inspection, handling, assembly, fabrication,
testing, storage, shipping, and warranty/repair work <CDRL>. The plan shall describe all quality
control procedures of the Contractor and any sub-suppliers. The Contractor shall conduct regular
inspections in accordance with guidelines defined by the QA Program Plan. Performance of any
manufacturing or construction work shall not commence until the Quality Assurance and Control
Plan relating to such Work has been accepted by CCB. The Contractor shall update the QA
Program Plan as necessary, when any deficiencies in the Work are discovered.
CCB will, at its own discretion, perform QA monitoring of work done under this Contract,
including monitoring of the Contractor’s or Subcontractor’s QA activities. Upon request, the
Contractor’s QA records shall be made available to CCB for inspection. Such QA activities
performed (or not performed) by CCB shall not reduce nor alter the Contractor’s QA
responsibilities or its obligation to meet the requirements of this document.
At any time during the manufacturing process, CCB may choose to visit the Contractor's facility
or a Subcontractor's facility during normal working hours to audit the manufacturing and quality
control processes.
5.9.1 Technical Documents
A key component of the SBS implementation is the accuracy and value of all deliverables. The
technical documents prepared by the Contractor during the course of this project will include
design reports, installation drawings, test plans, test reports, progress reports, software
documentation, and other technical memos. A review process shall be established by the
Contractor to assure all System Components are checked for accuracy, correctness, uniformity,
and compliance with standards of practice.
The various tiers of the review cycle are detailed as follows:
The Contractor’s Project Manager shall review project products for adherence to the
standards of care common to the profession.
The Contractor’s Project Manager shall be responsible for assigning qualified
professionals to check all work products for accuracy, uniformity, and clarity.
Responsibility for interface, control, and integration of disciplines into a uniform and
coordinated document set is also included in this role.
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-136
Exhibit A
The Senior Project Engineer and individuals assigned as technical discipline leaders
within the Contractor team shall provide another review. The reviews shall be initiated
by the Project Manager and shall focus on a technical discipline review of selected
project products.
CCB will provide a final review. This review will occur only after the Contractor’s
internal review cycles have been completed.
When review comments result in a change to any technical document, the Contractor’s Project
Manager shall be responsible for change coordination and document back-check. In addition to
the formal and on-going quality control review, timely coordination meetings with all project
staff shall be held to provide for interdisciplinary liaison and interface coordination. These
meetings shall be utilized to schedule work assignments, identify and resolve coordination
issues, and track progress associated with any problems encountered and their resolution. Document Management
Due to the substantial amount of documentation involved in this project, Contractor shall work
with CCB’s’ Project Manager to develop and submit to CCB a Documentation Management
System (DMS) <CDRL>. The DMS shall include an organized electronic library of all versions
of all submittals and a log of the contents. This shall be completed within 30 days after Notice to
CCB and the Contractor shall mutually agree on a documentation file index that shall provide an
overall methodology for referencing documents generated in the course of the project. File type
and organization of electronic versions of documentation shall be mutually agreed on by CCB
and Contractor. All subsequent documentation shall be referenced to the file index, and
Contractor and CCB shall mutually maintain the file index in current condition to show all
documents that have been generated and their status.
Documentation in the DMS shall be readily available to CCB’s Project Manager, designated
personnel within the Contractor’s organization, EIGER, and additional CCB-designated
personnel. Security methods shall be available to restrict access by others.
5.9.2 System Components
The Contractor shall conduct regular inspections and audits in accordance with guidelines
defined by the QA Program Plan. The Contractor’s Project Manager shall establish a quality
assurance process and be responsible for assigning qualified professionals to check all System
Components for compliance with the SBS specifications and consistency in production quality.
This quality assurance program shall supplement the formal testing requirements as per Section 9
to verify that the following occur:
Prior to installation, all System Components delivered by the Contractor shall pass
rigorous screening that complies with standards of practice.
All delivered System Components shall be tested after installation. Testing shall include
hardware and software interface tests.
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Exhibit A-137
Exhibit A
5.9.3 Manufactured Products
The Contractor shall utilize products manufactured by companies that utilize formal, documented
quality assurance practices that meet or exceed the standard of care established by the industry.
The Contractor shall proactively monitor each supplier’s quality system. Quality systems that
conform to ISO 9000 practices are preferred. The Contractor shall only use of "custom"
components when standard components are unavailable to meet the SBS requirements.
Proposers shall list these components as part of their proposal.
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Exhibit A-138
Exhibit A
This section identifies the manuals to be provided to support training and give on-going
documentation needed for CCB staff to manage, operate, maintain, and expand the SBS.
The Contractor shall provide manuals to at least CCB staff listed below in Table 6-1:
Table 6-1 Manuals
Manuals for
Transit Operations Supervisors
Dispatch Center Dispatchers
Yard Subsystem User
Onboard equipment maintenance technicians
Electronic Sign Hardware Hardware
APC operations analysts
Workstation and server maintenance
Computer system administrators
Data administrators
Number of
6.2.1 Development Process
The Contractor shall prepare a complete plan for providing the manuals described herein.
The plan shall include at least the following:
Contractor shall submit for approval the outline of each manual as a part of the
Preliminary Design Review <CDRL>.
Contractor shall develop and submit a draft version of each manual submitted with
the Final Design Review <CDRL>.
Contractor shall deliver one complete set of manuals prior to the start of the
acceptance testing <CDRL>.
The Contractor shall incorporate information gathered during installation and
acceptance testing, throughout the maintenance and warranty period into the manuals
for the updated and final submittals <CDRL>.
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Exhibit A-139
Exhibit A
6.2.2 Content
Manuals shall contain all of the informational material required to support the area of activity
and include all information to be covered for the associated user training classes. All Manuals
All manuals shall conform to the following:
Be in concise form, with minimal redundancy.
Be organized in clear, logical fashion, and indexed and tabbed for rapid access.
Be in English.
Be written for comprehension by persons with a high school education.
Contain table of definitions for all abbreviations, acronyms, and special terms.
Be contained in a 3-ring binder All Operations Manuals
All operations manuals shall contain the following:
Instructions on navigation from one function to another
The meaning of all display symbols and labels
The meaning and interpretation of all alarms and messages, and the recommended
remedial action for each alarm and message
A reference card defining each cursor command, control key, and status indication
Use a large font for ease of readability in various conditions
Use graphics to the maximum extent possible to be clear and concise All Equipment Maintenance Manuals
All equipment maintenance manuals shall contain:
A section on safety procedures and precautions necessary to prevent damage to
equipment, injury to personnel, and unsafe operational conditions
A section with an overview of the test equipment and tools necessary to troubleshoot
and maintain SBS
Wiring diagrams and physical layout drawings for all equipment
A section addressing the intervals and procedures for all preventive maintenance
including level adjustments and cleaning
Page protection covers enclosing each page suitable for use in a transit maintenance
Medium and Formats for Delivery Hardcopy
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-140
Exhibit A
The Contractor shall deliver to CCB the quantities of manuals specified in Table 6-1 in
hardcopy form, with appropriate binding and labeling.
Manuals shall be designed for continuous, long-term service in a maintenance shop or
vehicle environment.
Manuals shall lie flat when opened.
Pages shall be printed on both sides.
Manuals shall permit adding and replacing pages.
Covers shall be oil, water, and wear resistant. Softcopy
In addition, the Contractor shall deliver to CCB electronic copies of all manuals and their
components that are developed by the Contractor, or by vendors in response to the
requirements of this Contract.
The electronic form shall consist of two copies of each final manual saved on an
electronic storage medium (USB flashdrive or other approved media).
The manuals shall be stored as MS Word, Portable Document File, or other CCBapproved format.
The Contractor shall provide a manual for the operators. The manual shall provide a clear
and concise description of operator interface with SBS and related CCB operating policies
and procedures. At a minimum, the manual shall include the following topics:
SBS Overview
Onboard SBS subsystem description
How bus operators are to perform all communications and bus fleet management
functions provided at the bus Mobile Data Terminal
Procedures for radio calls while SBS is in normal mode, Unattended Mode, and in
voice fallback.
Procedures for sending canned messages, and receiving and responding to text
Procedures for playing general service announcements
Procedures for SAS
Procedures for logon/logoff
Help guide for functional failures and problems: Description of the most common
failures and explanation of error codes and error messages
Reference card that is pocket size when folded
Procedures for Incident Tagging Activation
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Exhibit A-141
Exhibit A
The Contractor shall provide a manual for transit operations supervisors. The manual shall
provide a clear and concise description of supervisor interface with SBS and related CCB
operating policies and procedures. At a minimum, the manual shall include the following
SBS Overview
Onboard SBS subsystem overview
Road Supervisor subsystem description
Procedures for radio calls using mobile and portable radios while SBS is in normal
mode, Unattended Mode, and in voice fallback.
Procedures for sending and receiving text messages using the MDC
How to perform all communications, bus fleet management, and dispatching
functions provided by the MDC.
Procedures for creating incident reports, modification of reports and the review of
completed reports.
Help guide for functional failures and problems
Description of the most common failures
Explanation of error codes and error messages
The Contractor shall provide a manual for Transit Operations Manager, and Transit
Operations Supervisors that are performing dispatch duties. The manual shall provide a clear
and concise description of the dispatch interface for all console functions provided, including
normal radio calls, messaging, schedule and route adherence functions and SAS
management. At a minimum, the manual shall include the following topics:
SBS overview
Onboard SBS subsystem overview
CAD subsystem description
Road Supervisor subsystem overview
Easily read functional flowcharts for commonly used features
Instructions for dispatchers and Transit Operations Supervisors to perform all
communications and bus fleet management functions provided at the dispatcher
consoles including group calls while SBS is in normal, fallback, and Unattended
Procedures for remotely logging on an operator
Procedures for creating incident reports, modification of reports and the review of
completed reports.
Procedures for Incident Tagging initiation.
Procedures for SAS management.
Procedures for sending messages for display on electronic signs at stops and making
announcements on the PA system.
Procedures for the oversight of the BSP Monitor.
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Exhibit A-142
Exhibit A
Instructions for creating detours
Instructions for managing Add Bus Service and missed trips.
Procedures for the generation of fleet management reports.
Instructions for the Transit Operations Manager to assign work assignments
Instructions for managing work assignments, the work queue, and incident reports at
their various stages
Procedures for enabling and disabling Unattended Mode.
How to perform rudimentary remedial action for limited-scope failures, including:
shutting down and restarting console processors, shutting down and restarting
console-based software processes, and restarting printer queues.
Description of the most common failures
Explanation of error codes and error messages
The Contractor shall provide a manual for users of the Yard subsystem. The manual shall
provide a clear and concise description of all console functions provided by the Yard
workstation. At a minimum, the manual shall include the following topics:
SBS Overview
Yard subsystem description
Onboard SBS subsystem overview
Instructions on viewing vehicle locations on a map
Instruction on viewing vehicle status
Instructions for maintenance staff to perform all maintenance related functions and
Yard subsystem functions that are available on the Yard workstation.
Instructions for Yard subsystem users to perform fleet management functions
provided by the Yard Subsystem workstations
Instructions on managing data (including video) uploads and downloads via the
wireless LAN
Description of the most common failures
Explanation of error codes and error messages
How to perform rudimentary remedial action for limited-scope failures, including:
shutting down and restarting console processors, shutting down and restarting
console-based software processes, restarting printers, and restarting printer queues
The manual shall focus on guiding technicians in verifying the presence of a failure and
performing first echelon replacements. At a minimum, the manual shall include the
following topics:
SBS Overview
Functional description of the Onboard SBS Subsystem
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-143
Exhibit A
Description of the voice radio, headsign, and video system interfaces to the Onboard
Description of the most common failures
Easily read functional flowcharts for diagnosis of most common equipment failures
Identification of the source of a problem to a specific replaceable element, provide a
logical procedures for isolating a problem. Provide a description of self-diagnostic
Explanation of error codes and error messages
Procedures for diagnosis of failures, preventive maintenance, and the calibration of
the APC sensors
Instructions on the replacement of an element: Detailed procedure or reference to a
manufacturer manual detailed procedure for the removal and replacement, and
verification of first echelon replaceable elements. This shall include the setting and
verification of options and programming.
Configuration of the data modem and spread spectrum radio
Verification of correct operation of the repaired onboard subsystem component,
including instructions for setting, configuration, and verification of options,
programming, and testing of the replaced unit and associated equipment to verify
correct operation
The manual shall focus on guiding technicians in verifying the presence of a failure and
performing first echelon replacements. At a minimum, the manual shall include the
following topics:
SBS system Overview
Functional description of the electronic sign subsystem
Description and configuration of the data modem for the signs
Description of the most common failures
Troubleshooting procedures for the identification of a problem to a specific
replaceable element.
Description of self-diagnostic features
Explanation of error codes and error messages
Instructions on the replacement of an element: Detailed procedure or reference to a
manufacturer manual detailed procedure for the removal and replacement, and
verification of first echelon replaceable elements. This shall include the setting and
verification of options and programming.
Verification of correct operation of the repaired SBS system signs, including
instructions for setting, configuration, and verification of options, programming, and
testing of the replaced unit and associated equipment to verify correct operation
Description of preventive maintenance procedures including recommended
preventive maintenance schedule for all electronic sign system components
Recommended maintenance practices
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-144
Exhibit A
The Contractor shall provide a manual for handling and analyzing APC data. At a minimum,
the manual shall include the following topics:
SBS Overview
Description of the onboard APC equipment, data capture methods, data anomalies
and their detection, data flow, data management processes, database organization, and
data dictionary
Description of system parameters, how they are applied and at what level
Instructions on database maintenance, correction of data anomalies using data
management tools, and the generation of APC reports and NTD reports
Troubleshooting procedures for the correlation processes and processes that add
information to the basic APC data
Description of data maintenance and data editing procedures
The manual shall focus on guiding technicians in isolating the source of a problem to a
specific replaceable element, replacement of the element, and verification of correct
operation of the SBS workstations and servers. At a minimum, the manual shall include the
following topics:
SBS Overview
CAD subsystem functional description
Yard subsystem functional description
Dispatch workstation functional description
AVA subsystem functional description
BSP subsystem functional description
NCCB subsystem functional description
Description of the most common failures
IP based console setup and interface
Explanation of error codes and error messages
LAN, WLAN, and WAN description
Isolation of a problem to a specific replaceable element: Provide logical procedures
for isolating a problem, description of self-diagnostic features and reports.
How to replace an element: Detailed procedure or reference to a manufacturer
manual detailed procedure for removal and replacement or repair of an element.
Verification of correct operation of the repaired SBS servers. Workstations, LAN, and
Dispatch Center equipment. Include instructions for setting and verification of
options, programming, and testing of the repaired unit and associated equipment to
verify correct operation.
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Exhibit A-145
Exhibit A
The Contractor shall provide a system administrator’s manual that provides a clear,
organized description of all of the SBS computers, the tools and procedures for managing
their configuration, and for diagnosing their performance and problems. At a minimum, the
manual shall contain the following information.
Configuration and operation of the SBS Computer Subsystem, dispatch consoles,
Yard Workstation, Road Supervisor MDCs, NCCB subsystem, NCCB electronic
signs, IVR, NCCB website, and SBS WAN/LAN
Management of the NCCB user databases
Use of performance measurement and analysis tools
Reconfiguration of equipment around failures
System backup
Failing over to backup servers and devices
Restoration of equipment and data after failures
Management of system access, security features, user accounts and passwords, and
user privileges
Installing software updates provided by the Contractor and third-party software
Use of software configuration management and administration tools and system test
Overview of the structure, organization, and functionality of the system software,
application software, and databases
A high-level and detailed description of computer configurations and interfacing
equipment at the Transportation Facility, bus yard, cellular units, mobile units, NCCB
subsystem, configuration of SBS LAN/WAN logical and physical entities, and
connections to the and City of Culver City LAN/WAN
Description of the interfaces to connected systems including SBS Database, BSP
OnStreet subsystem, City of Culver City LAN/WAN, Yard subsystem, NCCB
subsystem, RIITS, and 511
A listing and functional description of software components for each computer
Computer startup, interconnected systems communications restart, and shutdown
Overview and details of procedures and tools for installing and verifying new
software and rolling back old software for the Dispatch Center, Computer Subsystem,
Yard Subsystem, NCCB subsystem, and Onboard SBS subsystem
Procedures for sending PSA messages to buses signs and website
Procedures for updating the IVR and website
Procedures for selectively disabling SBS data for an individual or group of vehicles
Monitoring, analysis, and optimization of computer/LAN/WAN performance
List of the most common failures
Equipment and operating system error messages and diagnostics, with remedial
action for each
Tools and procedures to troubleshoot equipment and software problems on all SBS
equipment, including NCCB signs, website, IVR, SBS LAN and wireless LAN
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-146
Exhibit A
Interpreting and responding to messages generated by error-monitoring software
Procedures to manage and diagnose interfaces with connected systems
The Contractor shall provide a data administrator’s manual that provides a clear and
organized description of all SBS databases. At a minimum, the manual shall contain the
following information:
Structure, interfaces, and functions of the SBS software and databases
Database documentation for all real-time and historical databases including the
configuration, individual elements (files, records, fields, views, and tables),
relationships, and security settings for each SBS database. The documentation shall
include, but not be limited to, entity-relationship diagrams (ERD) and a complete
listing of the data dictionary for each database. Portions of the databases that were
developed, modified, or enhanced specifically for the SBS shall be identified.
Tools and procedures for managing the database configurations
Procedures for diagnosing problems and repairing the databases
Configuration and maintenance of SBS databases including SBS Database, NCCB
databases, BSP database, APC and AVA databases
Updating the AVL and BSP map database by importing revised base maps, routes,
bus stops, etc.
Monitoring, maintaining, archiving, and restoring the SBS databases.
Maintaining, updating AVA BSP, NCCB and APC databases
Creating and loading new messages and/or pull down lists for the webpage
Procedures for modifying the Route and Stop, BSP, and AVA databases
Procedures for importing updated route and schedule databases
Distribution of map updates to all map-equipped workstations
Managing downloads and uploads via the WLAN
Maintaining and tuning the databases using database management tools
Maintaining interfaces with existing external systems
Management of data archives
Generating, deleting, modifying, and installing new reports including the use of ad
hoc queries
Performing updates to the audio/visual next stop announcements, and the destination
Recording new AVA messages, defining the triggering conditions for each message,
and adding, deleting, modifying, and downloading the messages to the vehicles
Defining the trigger locations for each BSP message
Description of linkages to the AVA, BSP, and NCCB database and application
External interfacing data formats, semantics, and protocols.
Description of data interfaces, tasking, considerations for timing, priorities, and
resource use
Programming and database maintenance tools used to create the SBS software
Procedures for building and managing software configuration
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-147
Exhibit A
Identification of error conditions detected within the software, and the messages or
indications for those conditions.
Identification of parameters used to adjust SBS operation.
Procedures to diagnose SBS software functional or performance problems
Procedures to identify expansion and upgrade needs
Procedures to install and test new software
Reviewing schedule adherence data reports and other key data reports generated by
Procedures for entering scheduling, operator, and vehicle information needed by SBS
for the assignment of buses and operators
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-148
Exhibit A
This section identifies the training to be provided to transfer to CCB staff the knowledge and
skills needed to enable personnel to utilize, manage, operate, maintain, configure, and expand
At a minimum, the Contractor shall provide the training, training materials, and tools to the
CCB staff listed in Table 7-1.
Table 7-1 Training Classes for CCB
(8 Hour
Operator Trainer/ Instructor
Dispatcher and Transit Operations Supervisor
Yard Workstation Users
Onboard Equipment Maintenance
Electronic Signs Hardware Maintenance
System Admin
Data Admin
APC Training
Manager Overview
8 Hour
mal Class
Follow up
(8 Hour
# of
The course for Operator Trainer shall include both training in the subject matter and how to
present the training from the Trainer's Guide. The Contractor shall present and then make
enhancements to the course as often as necessary to improve the quality and completeness of
the course.
In addition to the classroom training, the Contractor shall provide computer-based self-study
tools for vehicle operators to refresh themselves on procedures.
Option: The Contractor shall provide option pricing for additional in the field training for
Operations and Maintenance staff. Additional training shall occur a minimum of ninety (90)
days following the completion of all formal training. Operations staff shall receive a
minimum of forty (40) hours of additional training. Maintenance staff shall receive a
minimum of twenty four (24) hours of additional training.
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-149
Exhibit A
The Contractor shall submit within one hundred twenty (120) days after NTP, a complete
plan for providing the training described herein <CDRL> for CCB approval. The training
sessions shall be scheduled between the completion of SBS design and the start of
installation. The training plan shall include the following information for each course and
A statement of the goals of the training of each course. Among these goals must be
an understanding of trainee's role in CCB operations, and an understanding of how
SBS will contribute to success of their job.
An overview of delivery methods for the course, including hands-on and group work
The course objectives for trainees, each of which shall be measurable, shall include
the conditions of measurement, and shall state the performance or level of success
that must be achieved for each learner
A list of CCB operating policies and procedures that will be integrated into the course
An evaluation plan, including criteria for success of the course, based upon the goals
and objectives, and evaluation steps and instruments to be employed
A style guide for training materials that defines proposed formats (e.g. for pages,
paragraphs, lists, flow charts, etc.), fonts and types, general chapter organization,
guidelines for including manufacturer materials, guidelines for referencing other
materials, and methods for highlighting, presenting illustrations and drawings, and
depicting procedures
A list of the equipment, tools and test equipment, manuals, and other materials to be
used as trainee and trainer aids
A list of training site requirements
A proposed schedule for each class that is linked to the installation process and
constrained by availability of trainees away from regular duties. Training shall be
completed before installation of the SBS subsystem is to be used by the trainees.
Training shall not take place more than two months before the SBS system is to be
used by the trainees
A description of the pre-requisite knowledge for each course. The Contractor may
assume each trainee has worked in a similar role to that intended for the trainee.
A plan for developing or customizing course material
Resumes of the personnel proposed to be trainers for each class that demonstrate that
trainers are experienced, effective training professionals
The Contractor shall submit one hardcopy and one electronic copy of a complete description
for each course listed in Table 7-1, no later than sixty days prior to the scheduled start of the
first class for that course, for CCB approval <CDRL>.
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-150
Exhibit A
The training courses shall be developed under the guidance of a professional courseware
developer. The courses shall incorporate the manufacturer’s standard “Factory Training” as
appropriate. The training shall include hands-on training using the versions of the hardware
and software installed in SBS.
The presentation methods for the courses shall conform to the following:
Be founded on an explicit sequencing strategy based on typical trainee characteristics
Serve multiple learning styles
Be heavily hands-on or group-based, particularly for skills development
Contain tell-show-coach-evaluate sequences for skills
Contain group and cooperative learning
Include role play where dealing with human interactions
Provide for independent reading, with workbook, manuals, or computer workstation
Provide both in-class and independent learning
Each course description shall contain, as a minimum, the following information:
A statement of the sequencing strategies used
A detailed outline of the training steps to be taken in the course, the course objectives
to be met by each step, the learning style addressed, the duration (in minutes) for each
training step
Copies of the course materials, including trainee readings, workbooks, job aids,
lecture note sheets, audio and visual aids, computer-based material, manuals, as-built
documentation, and other printed materials to be used during the course.
Description of all other training aids, materials, tools and equipment
Detailed descriptions of the procedures to be performed by trainees during hands-on
training or group work
CCB operating policies and procedures that are integrated into the course
Factory-authorized training shall be provided on all equipment, including configuration and
maintenance procedures, for the versions delivered before installation. The training courses
shall provide the trainees with basic Windows skills training, if necessary.
The Contractor shall certify whether the trainees of the train-the-trainer courses have or have
not achieved a level of technical competence needed to provide training to others.
The course materials—including manuals, workbooks, job aids, lecture note sheets,
handouts, situational (case study) and procedural audio and visual aids—shall be of high
quality. The course materials shall accurately reflect equipment configuration and operation.
The organization and content of course materials shall be clearly directed to achieve the
course objectives. There shall be no extraneous material. The course material shall be
organized into the order of presentation (except for reference exhibits). The language used
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-151
Exhibit A
shall be at a level that is appropriate for the particular training group, with concise statements
and well-structured paragraphs. All terms in the course materials shall be defined. The
material shall assume the trainee has the appropriate prerequisite knowledge.
The course material shall be of uniform appearance and style, across the documents (page
layout, fonts, pagination) and within each class of material (quizzes, case studies, text, etc.).
The page layout shall be high contrast and low density to enhance interest. The key points
shall be highlighted. Graphics shall be used that support the content.
The course printed materials shall be assembled for accessibility for in-class and on-job
reference, with tabbed sections and content-related labels.
Course supporting devices, including a “Bus in a Box”, workbench tools, and console or
workstation simulators shall match those to be used on the job.
The course test and evaluation instruments shall be included. These shall measure progress
against objectives (including attitudinal or affective objectives). They shall also measure the
trainees' response to environment, instruction quality, and content quality. Tests for prerequisite knowledge, post-course, and on-the-job knowledge shall be included. The
Contractor shall provide software tools for capturing and summarizing test and evaluation
results. The test results shall be reviewed by the Contractor and CCB and changes shall be
made to the course material as result of this review.
The Contractor shall provide sufficient training materials for each trainee for each course
listed in Table 7-1 <CDRL>. The Contractor shall provide special tools and equipment in
sufficient quantity to support the schedule of classes in the Training Plan.
The Contractor shall provide independent-study courseware for bus operators and supervisors
<CDRL>. This courseware shall be computer-based. The courseware shall include
evaluation and reporting features to track progress.
The Contractor shall provide the following courses, as listed in Table 7-1:
7.5.1 Operator Trainer
Operator trainers shall have a segment of primarily classroom instruction, which includes:
SBS overview
Onboard SBS subsystem overview
Bus and MDT startup and shutdown procedures
Log in and log out
Use of the voice radio system and call functions for voice calls when the SBS is
operating in normal, voice fallback, and Unattended mode.
Operation of the MDT
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-152
Exhibit A
Operation of security features including SAS monitoring and video tagging
Initiation of operator video tagging
Use of scheduling and routing features
Overview of the AVL system
Overview of APC equipment
Overview and operation of AVA equipment
MDT keypad training
The operator trainers shall also have a segment of working with a dispatch system. This shall
include classroom instruction on the functions of the dispatch console, hands-on operation of
the communication related functions of the dispatch console, operation of an MDT while
observing the answering dispatch console, and responding to a wide range of problem
scenarios. The materials and facilities needed include: SBS Bus Operator manuals; CCB
procedures and policies manuals; workbooks; pocket size Quick Reference Card; fully
functional bus MDTs for the trainees to use; Bus in a Box with interfacing subsystems or
emulators for AVL, AVA, APC, and VSS; and a fully-equipped dispatch console. The AVL
emulation shall be controllable through a trainer’s workstation to simulate a bus in motion on
a specified run, with nominal and off-route/off-schedule conditions.
The Contractor shall develop a Trainer's Guide for this course. The Trainer's Guide shall be
designed for use by experienced trainers, rather than subject matter experts in the course
topic. The Trainer's Guide shall show trainer and trainee material side-by-side, with the
trainer portion containing the time needed for each step and clearly describe the details of
how to:
Present material
Lead group work
Run exercises and activities
Operate special equipment
The Trainer's Guides shall contain supporting material beyond the material for trainees,
An explanation of the instructional and sequencing strategies
Identification of steps trainees typically have difficulties with, how to recognize those
difficulties, and what to do to help
Suggested questions and answers for discussions
Evaluation steps that demonstrate knowledge, comprehension, and application
Appropriate media to use for each step
Reproducible materials and instructions as appropriate
Checklist of materials and tools
The Contractor shall provide the trainee and Trainer's Guide materials in a widely used
electronic format that is acceptable to CCB. The Contractor shall grant CCB all rights to
reproduce or modify the training materials for its own use.
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Exhibit A-153
Exhibit A
Transit Operations Supervisors
Dispatchers and Transit Operations Supervisors that perform dispatching duties shall receive
a segment of classroom and hands-on instruction for the following:
Normal and backup radio operation
Radio call management while SBS is in normal, fallback, and Unattended mode.
Sending text messages to bus operators and supervisors
Receiving canned messages from bus operators
Using the graphical interface to locate and track buses
Using and changing bus schedules
Accessing and changing operator, vehicle, line and run assignments dispatcher work
assignments and transfers
Setting and initiating automated announcements
Initiating dispatcher initiated video tagging
Creating and working with incident reports (ex. Creating an incident report for an
accident) and reviewing completed incident reports.
Generating standard and custom reports
Managing SAS and other alarm situations
Sending text messages to the onboard displays
Making announcements using the vehicle’s PA system.
Sending text messages to NCCB displays
Use of notification tolerances
Various soft skills pertinent to working with bus operators and supervisors including
effective communications and understanding motivation and culture
Transit Operations Supervisors shall receive segments of classroom and hands-on instruction
on making calls to buses with the portable radio, using the MDT, and dispatching from a
Road Supervisor Subsystem MDC. In addition, they shall receive the same classroom
instruction on Onboard SBS equipment operation to be provided to the operators. The
training course shall provide the trainees with basic Windows skills training, if necessary.
The classroom work shall include responding to a wide range of problem scenarios while
working with the dispatch console and observing the interactions with transit operations
supervisors and operators using their onboard equipment. The materials and facilities needed
include SBS Transit Operations Supervisor Manuals, CCB procedures and policies manual,
workbooks, and a fully functional dispatch console, Road Supervisor MDC, MDTs that are
linked the dispatch console, and a Bus in a Box.
Yard Workstation Users
Yard subsystem users shall receive a SBS overview and training on the use of the SBS
features available on the Yard workstation including:
Receiving Incident Reports for Road Calls
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Exhibit A-154
Exhibit A
Using the graphical displays to locate and track buses and also locate the nearest
supervisor vehicles
Managing WLAN uploads and downloads
Making modification of operator and bus assignments
Interpreting of bus performance and health data
Interpreting of bus status reports
The training shall include hands-on operation of the Yard workstation. The materials and
facilities needed include SBS Yard Subsystem Users manuals, procedures and policies
manual, workbooks, a fully functional Yard workstation that is linked to a fully functional
dispatch workstation, and the Bus in a Box.
Onboard Equipment Maintenance Staff
Vehicle maintenance staff shall receive a SBS overview and a detailed briefing on the
Onboard SBS subsystem and its components. They shall receive training on understanding
error codes and messages; performing maintenance, diagnostics, calibrations, repairs,
resetting, configuration, removal and replacement of SBS equipment, including the Onboard
Processor, MDT, AVA, APC, wireless LAN equipment, voice radio interface to the Onboard
Processor, cellular modem, and data radio. The vehicle maintenance staff shall be trained to
administer and/or witness acceptance tests of the Onboard SBS subsystem. The materials
and facilities needed include SBS Onboard Equipment Maintenance manuals, CCB
procedures and policies manuals, workbooks, Bus in a Box, fully functional installed
Onboard SBS subsystem that is linked to a fully functional dispatch workstation.
System Administration Staff
The computer systems and IT staff responsible for the oversight of the SBS Computer
subsystem shall receive a training course that includes the following topics:
Configuration and operation of the SBS Computer subsystem, dispatch consoles,
Yard workstation, Road Supervisor MDCs, and SBS WAN, SBS LAN, and SBS
wireless LAN
Use of performance measurement and analysis tools
Reconfiguration of equipment around failures
System backup
Interpreting and responding to messages generated by error-monitoring software
Failing over to backup servers and devices
Restoration of equipment and data after failures
Management of system access, security features, user accounts and passwords, and
user privileges
Management of interfaces to Culver City databases including Hastus schedule, routes
and stop databases, and CCB staff information.
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Exhibit A-155
Exhibit A
Management of interface to external databases such as RIITS, Go511, LA Metro,
Installing software updates provided by the Contractor and third-party software
Use of software configuration management and administration tools and system test
Management and maintenance of the SBS LAN, wireless LAN and associated
Setup, maintenance, and interfaces for the IP based radio console
Recording new IVR messages, defining conditions for playing each message
Creating new messages, scheduling when messages shall be played on the NCCB
electronic displays, webpage, and IVR
The course also shall include an overview of the structure, organization, and functionality of
the SBS system software, application software, SBS databases, and SBS interfaces—
providing the necessary understanding to allow the system administrator to provide
maintenance of the SBS system software effectively. The informal training shall be
completed before the installation of SBS deployment. The formal training shall use the final
SBS software and associated documentation.
The materials and facilities needed include the Computer System Administrator manuals, a
fully functional dispatch workstation and Yard Workstation Maintenance manuals,
workbooks, and access to the SBS databases, Culver City Databases, BSP data, NCCB data,
LA Metro data, BBB data, LADOT data, and APC data. Hands on training shall utilize the
demonstration of LED signs and monitors.
Data Administration Staff
The computer systems and IT staff that are responsible for the data administration support for
SBS shall receive a training course that includes the following topics:
Structure, interfaces, and functions of the SBS software and databases
Configuration and maintenance of SBS databases including SBS Database, website
databases, IVR database, APC , AVA, BSP, and other NCCB databases
Updating the AVL map database by importing revised base maps, routes, bus stops,
Distributing map updates to all map-equipped workstations
Managing downloads and uploads via the WLAN
Maintaining and tuning the databases using database management tools
Maintaining interfaces with existing external systems
Maintaining updated route, bus stop, and schedule data
Management of data archives
Generation of standard SBS reports
Generating, deleting, modifying, and installing new reports including the use of ad
hoc queries
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Exhibit A-156
Exhibit A
Performing updates to the audio/visual next stop announcements and destination sign
Recording new AVA messages, defining the triggering conditions for each message,
and adding, deleting, modifying, and downloading the messages to the vehicles
Adding new trigger points for BSP messages and adding, deleting, modifying, and
downloading the BSP databases to the vehicles
Description of interfaces to the SBS AVA databases and application software
Description of interfaces to the SBS BSP databases and related software.
Description of interfaces to the SBS NCCB databases and related software.
Creating of new canned messages, general service announcements, and also new pull
down items for the website.
Modifying displays for the website
The course also shall include an overview of the structure, organization, and functionality of
the system software, application software, and database—providing the necessary
understanding to allow the data administrator to provide maintenance of the SBS system
software effectively. The informal training shall be completed before the installation of SBS
deployment. The formal training shall use the final SBS software and associated
Computer software maintenance training shall be given to CCB staff. The training shall
achieve the following:
Provide an overview of software organization
Define external interfacing data formats, semantics, and protocols
Define internal modules, data interfaces, tasking, considerations for timing, priorities,
and resource use
Identify and detail use of programming and database maintenance tools used to create
the SBS software
Detail the procedures for building and managing software configuration
Identify the error conditions detected within the software, and the messages or
indications for those conditions
Identify parameters used to adjust SBS operation
Detail procedures to diagnose SBS software functional or performance problems
Detail procedures to identify expansion and upgrade needs
Detail procedures to install and test new software
The course shall also include the following topics geared for operations planners, and
Reviewing schedule adherence data reports generated by SBS
Entering scheduling, operator, and vehicle information needed by SBS for the
assignment of buses and operators
The demonstrations shall use typical data, including typical data inconsistencies.
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Exhibit A-157
Exhibit A
The materials and facilities needed include Data Administration manuals, workbooks, and
access to SBS databases and external databases, CCB programmable headsigns, AVA
workstation, BSP workstation, Yard workstation, SBS dispatch workstation, BIB and
representative onboard LED signs and monitors.
APC Operations Analysts
CCB staff assigned to handling APC data shall receive training on the following:
APC data import
APC database maintenance
Bus stop data maintenance
Analysis of the APC data
Detection and correction of data anomalies using data management tools
Troubleshooting procedures for the correlation processes and processes that add
information to the basic APC data
Using data management tools
Generation of NTD and other APC reports
Database editing procedures
Materials and facilities needed include APC Operations Analyst Manuals, workbooks, and
access to APC data and SBS workstations.
Managers and CCB staff that deal with public affairs shall receive the following training:
SBS overview
A list of the data collected by SBS
The capabilities and limits of SBS
How to retrieve information from SBS
How to share data from the AVL System and NCCB with the public
The legal requirements fulfilled by SBS
A review of the standard fleet management reports provided by SBS
How to create custom queries
How to create and post system alert messages on the website, IVR, and NCCB signs
and monitors.
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Exhibit A-158
Exhibit A
This Section describes the minimum requirements for spare equipment and test equipment
for SBS. The Contractor shall work with CCB to develop recommendations to modify the
list provided with the proposal (as per Section 10) as appropriate to support the maintenance
of SBS <CDRL>. The Contractor shall provide equipment, in accordance with the approved
list, as necessary to achieve the system availability and maintainability as specified herein.
The availability of replacement units shall be considered in determining the spare
requirements. All spares shall be coordinated with CCB staff. Delivery of spares shall be as
appropriate to support the initial operation of SBS.
8.1.1 Onboard Subsystem
The Contractor shall furnish spare Onboard SBS subsystems, sufficient to equip two CCB
buses fully with all elements on the CCB buses as described in Section 3.8 and 4.6 of this
Specification, including all connectors, cables and mounting hardware. Testing
The spare onboard subsystem equipment shall be functionally tested, calibrated, and
frequency tested (if applicable) prior to shipment to CCB, in accordance with the approved
factory testing plan and procedure. The test results shall be submitted to CCB prior to
scheduling delivery. A copy of the test results shall also accompany all spare components. Delivery
The spare onboard subsystem equipment shall be delivered to CCB in heavy-duty boxes.
The exterior of each box shall be labeled, including manufacturer, equipment type, serial
number, and date. The spare onboard subsystems shall be delivered to a secure indoor
location designated by CCB. Each shipment shall be accompanied by an inventory list
showing the quantities, serial numbers, and brief description of all devices. CCB shall be
notified in writing at least two weeks in advance of each proposed delivery date.
8.1.2 Cellular Equipment
The Contractor shall provide 10% spare cellular equipment and deliver them to a secure
indoor location at the CCB facility that is approved by CCB. Equipment shall be delivered in
the manufacturer’s boxes. An inventory listing showing the quantities and serial numbers of
all devices shall be furnished with each delivery.
Dispatch Equipment
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Exhibit A-159
Exhibit A
It is anticipated that primarily high reliability, COTS hardware shall be utilized. If any
hardware is not COTS, spares shall be included in the list provided as per Section 10.
The exterior of each box containing the spares shall be labeled, including manufacturer,
equipment type, serial number, and date. An inventory listing showing the serial numbers of
all devices shall be furnished with each delivery.
The Contractor shall furnish one spare monitor, and any special interface cards, and deliver
them in heavy-duty boxes to a secure indoor location at the CCB facility that is approved by
Wireless LAN Equipment
The Contractor shall furnish one spare wireless LAN Access Point spread spectrum radio of
the type implemented in the bus yard and spare special cabling, connectors, and antenna
assembly as per Section 4 of this Specification.
Traveler Information Display
The Contractor shall furnish four spare 2-line LED displays that meet the requirements in
Sections 3.13 and 4.9 of this Specification. Testing
The spare displays shall be functionally tested prior to shipment to CCB, in accordance with
the approved factory testing plan and procedure. Test results shall be submitted to CCB prior
to scheduling delivery. Delivery
The spare displays shall be delivered to a secure indoor location at the CCB facility in heavyduty boxes. The exterior of each box shall be labeled, including manufacturer, equipment
type, serial number, and date. CCB shall be notified in writing at least two weeks in advance
of each proposed delivery date.
8.2.1 Mobile Test Set
The Contractor shall furnish a complete mobile test set that is similar to a BIB. The mobile
test set shall include a fully functioning set of mobile equipment with a power supply
mounted on a cart. The Onboard SBS subsystem components shall be mounted on shelves
such that each component shall be easily removable so that units under test can be quickly
substituted and functional checks performed. All connectors shall be clearly and
permanently labeled. The test set shall also be used for training purposes.
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Exhibit A-160
Exhibit A
8.2.2 Mobile Programming Sets
The Contractor shall provide a ruggedized laptop computer with licensed software,
interfaces, and connector cables as necessary for programming and optioning of all mobile
equipment for the buses and supervisor vehicles, and for database downloads. The laptop
shall use the most current commercial technologies for the processor, RAM and hard drive
memory, video and audio cards, USB and Ethernet ports, subject to approval by CCB.
The programming and optioning software shall be conveniently organized so that technicians
can rapidly and efficiently set up a complete Onboard SBS Subsystem, or any additional
component as needed. A systematic checklist or wizard-style interface shall be provided to
guide technicians through the process. The version and revision of each software component
shall be conveniently available in a single table for verification and printing.
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Exhibit A-161
Exhibit A
The Contractor shall test each item of equipment provided under this Contract to assure that
it is compliant with the Agreement and Specifications, approved design concepts, and is free
of manufacturing and/or material defects. For each test, the Contractor shall submit to CCB
evidence in the form of test reports that the equipment has been tested to operate in the stated
environment and electrical conditions. This section describes the formal testing
requirements. The Contractor shall perform additional testing and pre-testing so that these
formal tests can be executed efficiently and effectively, with minimal failures.
The tests shall be conducted in a multi-tiered program intended to identify and correct any
deficiencies as early in the program as practical, so that overall impacts to the program
development are minimized. In no case shall equipment proceed to the next level of testing
or integration without having passed the necessary formal pre-requisite tests.
Individual System Components shall be tested at the Contractor’s factory. Testing at
the original equipment manufacturer’s factory may be substituted for this testing only,
if approved by CCB based on submitted documentation of the manufacturer’s test
program and procedures. System Components shall not be assembled into
subsystems prior to completion of satisfactory testing of the elements. Additional
testing requirements are stated in the individual sections of this Specification.
The subsystems shall be tested at the Contractor’s factory prior to shipment to CCB.
The Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) shall fully exercise functionality of the
subsystems in order to prove out design and interface characteristics. Factory testing
shall be intended to simulate the installed environment as closely as practical.
An Onboard subsystem demonstration shall be held within five months after a noticeto-proceed is issued to the Contractor. This demonstration shall identify the
Contractor’s progress in developing the Onboard SBS Subsystem and shall assist in
acclimating CCB personnel to SBS.
An Onboard SBS Core First Article (CFA) testing shall be conducted, with all
components installed on a selected set of CCB buses, in order to demonstrate
substantial progress and to identify and document the installed System Component
physical configuration. Field Testing shall prove out the system functionality prior to
introduction to revenue service.
A separate NCCB Sign CFA shall be conducted after 3 NCCB LED signs and one
NCCB LCD displays have been installed to demonstrate substantial progress and to
identify and document the installed System Component physical configuration. Field
Testing shall prove out the system functionality prior to the introduction of the signs
and displays into service.
A separate BSP CFA shall be conducted after the OnStreet BSP Contractor has
installed the OnStreet BSP subsystem at five BSP intersections and the OnStreet
WLAN system in order to demonstrate substantial progress. The Field Testing shall
prove out the system functionality prior to the activation of the Onboard BSP
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Exhibit A-162
Exhibit A
Following a successful Onboard SBS CFA and satisfaction of the punchlist items
from the CFA, SBS shall be implemented on the full fleet. The field-testing shall be
closely coordinated through the Contractor’s cutover plan. All subsystems and
System Components shall be evaluated on the full fleet in revenue service through an
extended reporting period.
Following a successful NCCB Sign CFA and satisfaction of the punchlist items from
the CFA, the remaining NCCB signs and monitors shall be installed. All NCCB signs
and monitors shall be evaluated through an extended reporting period.
The final acceptance tests of the complete SBS shall be conducted to identify and
correct any deficiencies found through use of SBS for an extended period.
All testing shall be conducted in accordance with the approved testing plans and procedures.
All test results shall be documented and submitted to CCB in formal test reports.
The tests shall not disrupt CCB operations. Regression tests shall be conducted upon the
installation of any new software or patches.
The FAT shall be performed in controlled, laboratory conditions at the Contractor’s facilities
or other CCB approved facility.
The Core First Article Inspection (CFA) tests shall be performed at the CCB facility and
selected locations within Culver City with the computer system, Dispatch Center, CAD, and
communication system backbone fully implemented and interconnected via the SBS and the
City of Culver City networks. Final versions of all required software shall be installed.
The field and final acceptance testing shall be performed at the CCB facility upon completion
of the SBS installation. These tests shall be conducted while SBS is being used to support
revenue service.
All tests shall be administered by the Contractor under CCB supervision. The Contractor
shall provide maintenance for SBS and its System Components as necessary during the tests.
This maintenance shall be noted by the Contractor in a log to be sent to CCB. The log shall
remain the property of CCB.
9.2.1 Test Equipment and Personnel
The Contractor shall furnish all test equipment and test personnel. The test equipment shall
have been calibrated within one year of date of test by a method recognized in the industry.
The test personnel shall be properly trained, experienced technicians who are intimately
familiar with the system. Testing personnel shall be situated on the vehicle (in the field) and
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Exhibit A-163
Exhibit A
at the dispatch center. All systems functions shall consistently be tested on a full day
schedule. All testing data shall be documented.
9.2.2 Trouble Call
A trouble call is defined as a call for repair service, except for calls due to negligence of
CCB, vehicular collision, abuse of hardware or software, operator error, acts of God, “no
trouble found”, or other reason clearly not attributable to the hardware or software reliability.
For each valid trouble call, the nature of the complaint and its correction/repair made shall be
documented and submitted to CCB.
All testing and interpretation of results will be the responsibility of CCB’s designated test
administrator. CCB’s test administrator will review the information and data provided by the
Contractor and determine whether the system components, subsystems, and/or integrated
system have performed in accordance with the Agreement and Specifications.
The Contractor shall provide CCB’s designated test administrator with a minimum of four
weeks advance notice of each scheduled test, a minimum of one week to review the test
procedures, and ample opportunity to inspect system components, and observe all testing at
the Contractor’s factory and the CCB facility.
The Contractor shall submit detailed procedures for each test described herein <CDRL> for
CCB approval. The requirements for test procedures submittals shall be as per Section 5.
The Contractor shall submit documentation for all test results <CDRL> for CCB approval,
including the results for failed tests. The requirements for the test results reporting shall be
as per Section 5.
Repeated malfunctions of similar System Components or subsystems shall be considered as a
single Class Failure. The Class failures shall be formally assessed during the CFA, and final
System Acceptance Test periods, according to the following table:
Test Period
14 days
SBS Technical Specifications
Criteria for Class Failure
For each type of System Component, 3% of the
installed quantity of the System Component or two
(2), whichever is lesser.
Page 155
Exhibit A-164
Exhibit A
1 Month
For each type of System Component, 8% of the
installed quantity of the System Component or
four (4), whichever is lesser.
All system components that experience a Class Failure during the acceptance testing shall be
replaced by the Contractor prior to acceptance by CCB. The failures and corrective time for
such components shall be counted in determining the system reliability. In the event a Class
Failure occurs, the acceptance testing shall be terminated and the cause of the Class Failure
shall be corrected. The acceptance testing shall be restarted after the correction of the Class
The determination of the CCB test administrator will be final in the interpretation of any
failure, malfunction, error or other event during the test.
During the acceptance test period, the data transfer functions and data accuracy and data
integrity shall be monitored. All failures that are not attributable to the operation of a
specific System Component shall be recorded as network failures. The network failures shall
also include the failure to produce a report and the failure to register an alarm condition.
CCB shall be informed, in writing, of any network failures within five (5) days of occurrence
<CDRL> and the Contractor shall take corrective action to alleviate such failures. Any
system failure or condition that is not meeting the Contract requirements and/or not reported
by the Contractor shall result in a restart of the acceptance testing period for the Article under
The Contractor shall demonstrate that each field replaceable System Component of SBS
meets or exceeds the requirements of the Agreement or this Specification. In cases where the
field replaceable unit or subsystem in question is substantially similar in design and
application to a System Component previously used in a similar application, the design may
be qualified through submission of revenue service data, subject to CCB approval.
In all other cases, the Contractor shall be required to conduct a proof-of-design test that
demonstrates that all requirements of the Agreement and this Specification, including
environmental requirements, are met. If a test is failed, the Contractor shall make any
necessary modifications to the System Component and rerun the tests until they are
successfully completed.
9.7.1 Quality Assurance Testing
The Contractor and sub-suppliers shall perform production inspections and tests on each
System Component that is produced as an integral part of their quality assurance program.
These inspections and tests shall verify that all System Components contain the correct
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Exhibit A-165
Exhibit A
materials, are assembled properly, and function properly. CCB may choose to observe,
participate in, conduct, or repeat testing on any item to confirm the validity of the
Contractor’s test procedures and results.
The Contractor shall perform production inspections and tests at the point of manufacture on
all System Components and on each completed subsystem prior to each shipment. These
inspections and tests shall verify that each System Component is produced to at least the
same quality level as the unit presented for the factory acceptance test.
The production inspection and testing sheets and procedures shall be updated based upon
experience gained from subsequent testing or System Component operation. The test
procedures shall be expanded to focus on areas that prove to be, or have historically been,
troublesome. If approved by CCB, the tests may be simplified in areas where there is a high
degree of confidence that the System Component meets the requirements.
Complete records shall be kept of all production inspections and tests that are performed.
Any failures and subsequent corrective measures shall be noted. These records shall be
submitted to CCB for each occurrence. Successful completion of the production inspections
and tests on all System Components shall be a prerequisite for the installation of the System
Component on CCB property.
The Contractor shall install pre-production units and mock-ups of equipment on two CCB
buses to demonstrate progress in the design development and to provide CCB personnel with
a preview of the Onboard SBS subsystem. The Contractor shall demonstrate the Onboard
Subsystem has been designed with attention to ergonomics, efficiency, and safety for all
CCB personnel that interact with the Onboard Subsystem. The demonstration shall also
verify that the features of the MDT are easy to understand, easy to use and that they respond
quickly to the operator actions.
The Contractor shall analyze comments from operators and other CCB personnel regarding
the ergonomics and ease of use of the Onboard SBS subsystem. The Contractor shall
summarize results of these activities and recommend a course of corrective action, such as
modification of the interface, additional user training, or adjustment of System Component
mounting in a report<CDRL>.
The factory acceptance tests (FAT) at the Contractor’s facility shall verify that the major SBS
system components comply with the Agreement and this Specification, prior to the delivery
of the system components to CCB. Related system components may be integrated and tested
together to verify compliance of the individual system components and their interface(s).
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Exhibit A-166
Exhibit A
The interfaces between system components are viewed as crucial aspects of the SBS design.
To verify these interfaces, tests of the subsystems shall include as many subsystems
interfaced together as possible.
9.9.1 Onboard Subsystem
Complete Onboard SBS subsystems incorporating the following System Components shall
be tested: Onboard SBS Processor, mobile data terminal (MDT), voice mobile radio, data
mobile radio and cellular modem, DGPS receiver, dead reckoning navigation unit, wireless
LAN spread spectrum radio, and power conditioning. Wireless communications via the
voice radio, data radio and cellular modem, and wireless LAN spread spectrum radio shall be
simulated at signal levels to resemble levels at the Transportation Facility and throughout
Culver City. Additional components such as AVA including LED monitors, BSP, APC,
headsign interface, farebox interface, and video system interface shall also be tested.
Testing shall be initially performed on two units as a proof of design, prior to general
production. At least five percent of the onboard subsystems shall be factory tested prior to
shipment to CCB.
The testing shall verify complete onboard subsystem functionality, as per Section 3.9 of this
Specification, including the following:
Operator log-in via keypad
Verification of operator work assignment
Use of MDT for voice radio calls
Use of MDT for pre-trip inspection
Activation and reporting of SAS
Use of MDT for text messaging
Use of MDT for pre-trip verifications
Acquisition of GPS derived vehicle location
AVL functionality with GPS signal lost
AVL reporting
Time of day synchronization
Transfer of data via wireless LAN
Acquisition and storage of APC data
Accuracy of APC counts
AVA audio and text announcements
Transmittal of BSP messages
Headsign control
9.9.2 Supervisor Subsystem
A complete Supervisor subsystem incorporating the following system components shall be
tested: interface to existing voice mobile radio, data radio and cellular data modem, DGPS
receiver, dead reckoning navigation unit, wireless LAN spread spectrum radio, power
conditioning, and if necessary, an Onboard Processor, wireless LAN Spread spectrum radio,
and MDT. In addition, interfaces to the odometer inputs shall be simulated.
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Exhibit A-167
Exhibit A
Communications via the voice radio, cellular data modem, MDT, and wireless LAN spread
spectrum radio shall be simulated at signal levels to resemble levels at the Transportation
Facility and throughout Culver City.
The testing shall be initially performed on one unit as a proof of design, prior to general
production. At least one Supervisor subsystem shall be factory tested prior to shipment to
The testing shall verify complete Supervisor Subsystem functionality as per Section 3.11 and
4.7 of this Specification, including the following:
Acquisition of GPS derived vehicle location
AVL functionality with GPS signal lost
AVL reporting
Time of day synchronization
9.9.3 Road Supervisor Subsystem
A complete Road Supervisor subsystem incorporating the following System Components
shall be tested: Mobile Data Computer, voice mobile radio, cellular modem, DGPS receiver,
dead reckoning navigation unit, and power conditioning and if necessary wireless LAN
Spread spectrum radio, Onboard Processor and MDT. In addition, interfaces to the odometer
inputs shall be simulated. Communications via the voice radio, cellular data modem, MDT,
and wireless LAN spread spectrum radio shall be simulated at signal levels to resemble levels
at the Transportation Facility and throughout Culver City.
The tests shall be initially performed on one unit as a proof of design, prior to general
production. At least one of the Road Supervisor subsystems shall be factory tested prior to
shipment to CCB.
The testing shall verify complete Road Supervisor subsystem functionality, as per the
Agreement and Section 3.12 and 4.8 of this Specification, including the following:
Transportation Operations Supervisor log-in
Use of MDC to initiate radio calls to buses
Use of MDC for sending and receiving text messaging
Use of MDC to view pre-trip reports
AVL functionality with GPS signal lost
AVL reporting
Time of day synchronization
Use of MDC to view bus location and status
Use of MDC to open and complete an Incident Report
Use of MDC to place SBS in Unattended Mode
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Exhibit A-168
Exhibit A
9.9.4 Yard Subsystem
The Yard subsystem components shall be factory tested prior to shipment to CCB. The Yard
workstation, LAN, wireless LAN AP, and WAN (if applicable) shall be interconnected and
tested as a unit. An interface to the dispatch consoles via the LAN/WAN connection shall be
simulated. Communications with buses via the wireless LAN shall be simulated at
appropriate signal strength levels.
The testing shall verify the complete functionality of the Yard subsystem and shall include
the following items:
Functionality of the user interface for the Yard workstation
Use of Yard workstation to view bus and non-revenue vehicle locations and status
Use of Yard workstation to receive incident reports for road calls
Download of route and schedule database from the SBS server
Upload of route and schedule database to buses via the wireless LAN
Upload of AVA and BSP databases to buses via the wireless LAN
Download of APC and BSP data from buses via the wireless LAN
Option: Creation and editing of operator to bus assignment
Option: Display of yard layout, creation and editing of bus locations plan
Proposers shall include a copy of a yard layout and bus locations plan for another Agency in
their proposals.
Dispatch Workstation
The complete set of Dispatch workstation components shall be factory tested as a whole. A
representative sample of dispatcher workstations may be utilized as long as sufficient
network traffic is induced to simulate the full set of dispatcher workstations for loading and
response time testing. An interface to the SBS Database, cellular network, and Culver City
LAN/WAN shall be simulated for the purpose of verification of data transfer.
The testing shall verify the complete functionality of the Dispatch Center, including dispatch
workstations, management consoles, SBS servers, SBS LAN, SBS alarm reporting, failure
modes, SBS WAN (if applicable), interface to voice radio consolletes, cellular network, data
radio, and report generation.
At a minimum, the following functions shall be tested:
AVL map display functionality
Route ladder display functionality
Tabular listing of vehicle status and incidents
Incident report creation and accuracy verification
Report generation functionality and accuracy verification including all APC and BSP
Custom report queries
SAS processing
Voice calls
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Exhibit A-169
Exhibit A
Sending and receiving data messages
System login
Remote login of bus operators
Schedule import from CCB CSched
Import of AVL data from LA Metro, LADOT and BBB
Archival of data in the SBS Database
Demonstration of voice fallback mode
Demonstration of Unattended mode
Verification of compliance with system response time requirements in Section 3
Verification of compliance with the single point of failure and availability
requirements in Section 3 of this Specification
Peak activity loading shall be tested using simulated system events representing up to
150% of the expected quantity of system events
System re-start capability shall be exercised by repeatedly shutting down and restarting all processes, over a twenty-four hour period
Proposers shall include sample custom queries that have been provided to other Agencies in
their proposal.
NCCB Subsystem
The testing shall verify the functionality of the NCCB, including the website, IVR, SMS
messaging, and electronic sign displays. .
At a minimum, the following functions shall be tested:
Prediction of vehicle arrivals
Website display of real-time arrival predictions, real-time vehicle locations, and realtime traffic on computer, phone, and tablet
Website functionality to identify the user’s bus stop.
Registered user functionality including establishing favorites
Website display of system alerts
Electronic sign display of real-time arrival predictions and system alerts
IVR functionality including real-time arrival predictions, identification of user’s bus
stop, and system alerts.
SMS functionality including messages with real-time arrival predictions.
The testing of the wireless data coverage shall be performed in accordance with a detailed
procedure developed by the Contractor and submitted to CCB for approval. The purpose of
the coverage tests shall be to demonstrate that the SBS wireless data communication system
operates in accordance with the coverage requirements for the wireless data system as stated
in Section 3 and 4 of this Specification. The test procedure submittal shall demonstrate that
the wireless data system complies with the technical specifications.
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Exhibit A-170
Exhibit A
The wireless data communication subsystem shall be subjected to a coverage test as
described herein.
The covered area shall be divided into sectors, each approximately one mile by one mile.
These sectors shall be overlaid on a CCB service area map, provided by CCB and as shown
in Appendix H. All sectors which contain a portion of any of CCB bus routes shall be tested.
Results from all sectors tested shall be used in calculating overall pass/fail percentages.
Test Set-Up
A mobile test set-up shall be installed on a Contractor-provided test vehicle. The mobile test
set-up shall be adjusted to match the actual transmit and receive parameters of a typical
onboard subsystem installed on a bus, as determined by actual measurement of ERP, and
antenna losses on buses. The mobile test set-up shall also compensate for differences in
antenna height, ground plane efficiency, and the appropriate signal strength allowance to
achieve 95% reliability (as opposed to the average or median signal strength assumed present
during tests.)
Test Measurements
Talk-out and talkback tests shall be performed on the cellular network in each sector. Tests
that measure only signal strength shall not be acceptable; the RSSI levels shall be measured.
If applicable, simulcast channels shall be operated in simulcast mode during testing. Each
test in each sector shall consist of at least ten measurements, with the average used.
Measurements shall be taken sequentially while in motion. A GPS receiver shall be utilized
to provide the location for each test measurement. All measurements shall be recorded.
Test Report
The test report shall include the complete test procedure, drawings of the test set-up, pass/fail
criteria, all formulas used in processing the data for comparison to the pass/fail criteria, the
raw measurements taken, and the processed (calculated) results for each sector. A summary
of the overall test results, including a list of dead spots and any recommendations for retesting, is required. Re-testing shall be required in event SBS fails to pass the performance
requirements in Sections 3 and 4 of this Specification.
The Onboard Subsystem Core First Article shall demonstrate the installed fixed end SBS
subsystems and the installed Onboard SBS subsystems meet or exceed the requirements in
the Agreement and this Specification. The Onboard Subsystem Core First Article testing
shall not commence until all fixed end System Components, Onboard SBS subsystems for
one bus of each type listed in Appendix D, and materials of the Contract have been delivered
and installed; all system interfaces have been established; and the “debugging” has been
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-171
Exhibit A
completed. At a minimum, implementation of the following system components shall have
been completed:
Complete interface to the Culver City voice radio system
Upgrade of the fixed data radio base station. The network infrastructure shall be
Interface to the cellular data network
Complete installation of the SBS network infrastructure
Interface to Culver City network and databases
Yard System shall be operational
At least one dispatcher console shall be operational
Onboard subsystems, including:
Voice radio interface
Data radio
Cellular modem
Wireless LAN spread spectrum radio
Onboard Processor
Mobile data terminal
Interface to APC
Interface to AVA LED signs or monitors
Interface to PA system
Interface to farebox
Interface to headsign
At least one Supervisor Subsystem
At least one Road Supervisor Subsystem
The testing shall use data collected from the installed vehicles and subsystems—no simulated
data shall be used. The Onboard Subsystem Core First Article test plan shall be submitted by
the Contractor at the Final Design Review. At a minimum, the following functions shall be
Voice call functionality
Sending and receiving canned and text messaging
All CAD and schedule adherence display functions and accuracy verification
Route adherence tracking and route deviation alarms and accuracy verification
MDT functionality
Cellular data network coverage and data radio coverage
AVL map display functionality, updates, zoom, icons, configurations, and display
AVL tracking accuracy and polling rate
Tabular listing of vehicle status and incidents
Headway display
CAD information and map display correlation
Incident report creation
Report generation functionality and accuracy verification
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Exhibit A-172
Exhibit A
Custom report queries functionality
Audio playback functionality
Silent alarm activation, covert mic monitoring, map display, MDT display, and the
clearing of a silent alarm
SAS functionality while in voice fallback mode
SAS functionality while in Unattended mode
System login via the MDTs
Remote login of bus operators
Schedule import from the CCB consultant CSched
Interface with the SBS Database and CCB Databases
Single sign on with the farebox and other farebox interfaces
AVA functionality and accuracy verification
Add, modify, and delete AVA announcements
Add BSP message trigger points
APC functionality and accuracy verification
Headsign control
Operator tagging and dispatcher tagging of onboard video
Wireless LAN functionality including downloads of video
Schedule, AVA database and BSP database uploads to vehicles
Yard workstation management of APC and BSP data downloads
Display of incident reports involving road calls on Yard workstation
Playback functionality and accuracy
Supervisor subsystem functionality
Road Supervisor subsystem functionality
Real-time arrival predictions functionality
Voice communication with failed CAD and failed Onboard SBS subsystem
Voice communication in Unattended mode
Verification of compliance with the single point of failure requirements in Section 3
of this Specification
Demonstration of voice fallback mode
Demonstration of SAS while in voice fallback mode
Failure sensing, switchover, and system recovery
Recovery from simulated failures such as loss of cellular data
The Contractor shall complete all training for the bus operator trainers and the Transit
Operations Supervisors prior to the initiation of the Onboard Subsystem Core First Article
The exact installation details shall be fully documented during this process, since these
vehicles shall be the prototypes for all subsequent vehicle installations. The Onboard SBS
subsystems shall be fully functionally tested, including use in simulated revenue service.
At a minimum, the Onboard Subsystem Core System First Article vehicles shall be tested on
all regular service routes. The Core First Article testing shall be for a period of not less than
forty five (45) days under all operating conditions.
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Exhibit A-173
Exhibit A
The BSP Core First Article shall demonstrate the installed Onboard BSP subsystems and the
installed OnStreet BSP subsystems meet or exceed the requirements in the Agreement and
this Specification. The BSP Core First Article testing shall not commence until all fixed end
SBS System Components, Onboard BSP system components for two buses, and the OnStreet
BSP subsystem for one line and a minimum of five BSP intersections, and materials of the
Contract have been delivered and installed; all system interfaces have been established; and
the “debugging” has been completed. At a minimum, implementation of the following
system components shall have been completed:
Complete interface to the Culver City voice radio system
Interface to the cellular data network
At least one dispatcher console shall be operational
Complete installation of the SBS network infrastructure
Complete installation of CCB BSP Monitor and interfaces
Interface to LA CSP Network Monitor Interface
Interface to Culver City network and databases
Yard System shall be operational
Onboard BSP subsystems, including:
Voice radio interface
Data radio
Cellular modem
Wireless LAN spread spectrum radio
Onboard Processor
Mobile data terminal
The testing shall use data collected from the installed vehicles and OnStreet BSP
subsystem—no simulated data shall be used. The BSP Core First Article test plan shall be
submitted by the Contractor at the Final Design Review. At a minimum, the following
functions shall be tested:
Onboard determination of the need for signal priority
Transmitting all BSP messages
All CAD and schedule adherence display functions
Route adherence tracking and route deviation alarms
Display of BSP functions on the CCB BSP Monitor
Interface to LA Metro CSP Network Monitor
Cellular data network coverage
AVL map display functionality, updates, zoom, icons, configurations, and display
AVL tracking accuracy and polling rate
Headway display
CAD information and map display correlation
BSP Onboard Log generation and accuracy verification
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Exhibit A-174
Exhibit A
BSP Report generation functionality and accuracy verification
System login via the MDTs
Schedule import from the CCB consultant CSched
Add BSP message trigger points
WLAN BSP database uploads to vehicles
Yard workstation management of BSP data downloads
The Contractor shall complete all training for the bus operator trainers and the Transit
Operations Supervisors prior to the initiation of the BSP Core First Article testing.
The exact installation details shall be fully documented during this process, since these
vehicles shall be the prototypes for all subsequent vehicle installations. The Onboard BSP
subsystems shall be fully functionally tested, including use in simulated revenue service.
At a minimum, the BSP Core First Article vehicles shall be tested on all BRT service routes.
The Core First Article testing shall be for a period of not less than forty five (45) days under
all operating conditions.
The NCCB Sign Core First Article shall demonstrate the installed fixed end SBS subsystems
and the installed NCCB subsystems meet or exceed the requirements in the Agreement and
this Specification. The NCCB Core First Article testing shall not commence until all fixed
end System Components, Onboard SBS subsystems for two buses, three NCCB LED signs
and associated hardware, and materials of the Contract have been delivered and installed; all
system interfaces have been established; and the “debugging” has been completed. At a
minimum, implementation of the following system components shall have been completed:
Real-time of arrival prediction functionality and accuracy verification
NCCB website, IVR, and SMS real-time arrival prediction reporting functionality
Completion of all NCCB databases
Completion of all external NCCB related interfaces including links to RIITS, Go511,
LADOT, BBB, and third party data users such as Google Transit.
Installation of three NCCB LED signs and associated hardware including cellular
data network interface
Complete interface to the Culver City voice radio system
Upgrade of the fixed data radio base station. The network infrastructure shall be
Interface to the cellular data network
Complete installation of the SBS network infrastructure
Interface to Culver City network and databases
Yard System shall be operational
At least one dispatcher console shall be operational
Onboard subsystems, including:
Voice radio interface
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Exhibit A-175
Exhibit A
Data radio
Cellular modem
Wireless LAN spread spectrum radio
Onboard Processor
Mobile data terminal
The testing shall use data collected from the installed vehicles and subsystems—no simulated
data shall be used. The Onboard Subsystem Core First Article test plan shall be submitted by
the Contractor at the Final Design Review. At a minimum, the following functions shall be
Real-time arrival predictions functionality and accuracy verification
Display of real-time arrival predictions on LED signs and accuracy verification
Sending and display of system alert messages on the LED signs and accuracy
Display of real-time arrival predictions on website, IVR and SMS notifications and
accuracy verification
Automatic update of arrival predictions when a bus is taken out of service or a bus is
inserted into service
Display of static information when real-time information is unavailable
Sign diagnostic reporting
Voice annunciation of sign display
Verification of backup battery capacity
AVL tracking accuracy and polling rate
Tabular listing of vehicle status and incidents
Headway display
CAD information and map display correlation
NCCB Report generation functionality and accuracy verification
Custom report queries functionality
System login via the MDTs
Schedule import from the CCB consultant CSched
The Contractor shall complete all training for the bus operator trainers and the Transit
Operations Supervisors prior to the initiation of the NCCB Sign Core First Article testing.
The exact installation details shall be fully documented during this process, since these
NCCB LED signs shall be the prototypes for all subsequent LED sign installations. The
NCCB subsystem shall be fully functionally tested, including use in simulated revenue
The System Acceptance testing shall demonstrate that the entire fully integrated SBS,
including integration with the OnStreet BSP subsystem complies with the Agreement and
this Specification. The acceptance testing shall not commence until all fixed end System
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-176
Exhibit A
Components and materials of the Contract have been delivered and installed and
“debugging” has been completed. All training shall have been completed prior to the
initiation of the system acceptance testing. Upon completion of the installations, interfacing,
and implementation of all SBS System Components and subsystems including all buses, all
supervisor vehicles, all road supervisor vehicles, all NCCB signs and monitors, and all
OnStreet BSP subsystems: a 30 day formal acceptance testing period shall commence, during
which the Contractor shall conduct the following sections.
Defects found by CCB during the System Acceptance testing will be promptly reported to the
Contractor for repair/correction at the Contractor’s sole cost and expense. Each
repair/correction shall be documented and the documentation shall be provided to CCB
9.14.1 Integrated System Functional Test
The System Acceptance testing shall, at a minimum include the following:
Voice calls including Group Calls and All-Calls functionality
Text messaging including text announcements to a bus, subgroup, group, line, or all
Text messaging to a NCCB LED sign or LCD monitor, subgroup, line, or all signs,
and the NCCB website
Audio announcements by a dispatcher on the PA system of a selected bus or a group
of buses
SAS functionality including map display of nearest vehicles to bus in the SAS alarm
Data transmission throughput measurements
AVL map display functionality, updates, zoom, icons, configurations, and display
AVL tracking accuracy and polling rate
Tabular listing of vehicle status and incidents
System login via the MDTs and workstations
Remote login of bus operators
Schedule import from CCB’s consultant (CSched) and other Culver City interfaces
Data export to Culver City interfaces including Ridecheck Plus functionality
Interface with the SBS Database, CCB LAN/WAN, and other CCB systems
Report generation functionality and accuracy verification
Custom report queries functionality
Voice communication with failed CAD and failed Onboard SBS subsystem
Alarm reporting via the wireless data communications
Schedule downloads to vehicles
Yard workstation management of downloads
Display of road calls on Yard workstation
Supervisor subsystem functionality
Road Supervisor subsystem functionality
Webpage functionality
IVR functionality
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Exhibit A-177
Exhibit A
SMS Messaging functionality
Memory management measurements
Schedule adherence CAD and map displays
Schedule adherence accuracy and change in schedule tolerance functionality
CPU loading measurements
Response times with voice and data communications, and SBS data traffic loads for a
worst case busy hour
Playback functionality and accuracy
AVA functionality and accuracy verification
Correlation between supplied documentation and actual operation
Accuracy of NCCB Subsystem data
Accuracy of information provided on webpage
Add, modify, and delete routes and webpage
Add, modify and delete messages on webpage)
Add, modify, and delete pull-down menus on webpage
Accuracy of all APC data and reports
Interface to RIITS, Go511, LADOT, and BBB
Interface to real time GTFS
Static interface to GTFS
NCCB API and accuracy verification
Interface to the LA Metro CSP Network Monitor
Display of BSP functions on the CCB BSP Monitor
Data archival in the SBS Database and retrieval
9.14.2 Major Failure
Any major failure of a System Component during the System Acceptance test period shall be
cause to stop the acceptance test procedure until repairs are made and validated by CCB, at
which time a new System Acceptance test shall begin. Major failures include, but are not
limited to the following:
Crash of any dispatch console or SBS application lockup
Loss of access to the Culver City voice radio system
Loss of access to the cellular data network
Crash of the data radio network
Crash of the CAD system requiring a reboot or a CAD system slowdown.
System recovery failure
Crash of schedule adherence functionality and/or SBS subsystem which interrupts the
tracking of all vehicles
Busy indication or lockout on the data radio channel
Crash of the NCCB website
Crash of the NCCB IVR
Loss of access to the SBS databases
More than one spontaneous switchover to redundant equipment which requires repair
or replacement of a failed module
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-178
Exhibit A
A data radio base station, cellular data modem, or mobile data radio that remains on
the air for an excessive amount of the time for any reason not related to operator
error, vehicular collision, or act of God
Demonstrably slow response of any SBS subsystem during busy periods
Count of trouble calls exceeding more than:
One call for a cellular modem, data radio, CAD subsystem, or SBS dispatch
console electronics/display failure on any day
2% of the cellular modems or data radios per day
2% of the WLAN spread spectrum radios per day
2% of the LED signs per day
One call per day for loss of feature or trouble executing any CAD or other
SBS function or display, not related to operator error
One call for a website failure on any day
One call for an electronic sign failure (LED sign or LCD monitor) on any day
9.14.3 Database Validation
The SBS databases shall be validated; including the route and schedule database, stops
database, NCCB databases, BSP databases, APC database, AVA audio and visual
announcement database, and GIS maps. The databases shall be validated through generation
of reports and analysis of all reported “abnormal conditions” to determine whether the
reported “abnormal conditions” are due to a database anomaly:
Off-route and off-schedule reporting parameters shall be set to their minimum values.
Reports of incorrect time of arrival predictions shall be investigated.
Reports of incorrect predictions via the website, IVR, text message, and electronic
signs shall be investigated.
Reports of incorrect APC data shall be investigated
Reports of incorrect BSP message transmittals shall be investigated
Reports of incorrect AVA announcements shall be investigated.
The dispatcher workstations shall be monitored for correct display of bus locations,
within street boundaries, and verifying their route adherence status.
Abnormal conditions shall be recorded and investigated to determine if systemic errors exist.
The deficiencies shall be corrected. Documentation of anomalies and corrections shall be
furnished to CCB <CDRL>.
9.14.4 System Acceptance 30-Day Monitoring
The Contractor shall continue to provide an on-site test representative for one month from the
inception of the System Acceptance Tests. The representative shall work with the CCB test
administrator to investigate and categorize SBS failures and to work with CCB to repair SBS
related failures, as part of the warranty, as described in the warranty agreement.
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Exhibit A-179
Exhibit A
At the end of the monitoring period, the Contractor shall prepare a report assessing the
system performance vs. availability and reliability requirements <CDRL> and a report noting
compliance with all paragraphs of the technical specification. Corrective actions shall be
suggested if SBS does not achieve the required reliability and availability. CCB will review
the recommended corrections and provide guidance to the Contractor regarding the
Contractor’s actions to correct any deficiencies.
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Exhibit A-180
Exhibit A
This Section defines the requirements for the Contractor to hold formal design reviews with
CCB. The Contractor shall submit SBS design information with the proposal for CCB’s
evaluation and at the preliminary and final design levels for review and approval by CCB.
Additional submittals are required as appropriate to the Work. The submittals are described
in individual sections of this Specification (refer to Appendix I), Contract Deliverables
Requirements Listing <CDRL>. The format for submittals shall be as per Section 4 of this
The Contractor shall provide a preliminary design submittal <CDRL> within ninety (90)
days after Notice to Proceed. This submittal shall be reviewed in detail with CCB and their
designated representatives to verify that all aspects of the Contractor’s design are in
conformance with the Specification requirements and are fully understood by CCB. In the
event additional elements are planned for a subsequent implementation, those elements shall
also be addressed detailing the SBS capacity that will be necessary for the additional
elements. The Contractor shall demonstrate that additional elements could be added later
without an adverse impact to the current hardware and software being implemented. The
Contractor shall submit at least four printed copies and one electronic copy in a format that is
accessible by CCB.
10.1.1 Overview
The preliminary design submittal shall include a complete description of each SBS
subsystem and system component, updates of the technical information submitted with the
proposal, and an updated detailed project schedule. At a minimum, the overview shall
describe the CAD functionality, voice and data communication functionality, passenger
information (NCCB) functionality, BSP functionality, Supervisor and Road Supervisor
subsystems, as well as the functionality of optional items that have been exercised.
Preliminary installation drawings for the Computer subsystem, dispatcher workstations, and
Onboard SBS subsystems, and NCCB electronic signs shall be presented
10.1.2 Software Requirements Specification
The Contractor shall submit a draft Software Requirements Specification document based
upon IEEE 830, Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications Software
Requirements Specification <CDRL>. It shall cover the software documentation for any new
functionality that is being developed for SBS with an emphasis on the user interfaces, and
interfaces to external systems. CCB shall identify all software systems (farebox, destination
sign, security camera system, telecommunication systems, and vehicle manufacturer systems)
currently being used on all vehicles for capability and integration requirements. While the
complete document will be submitted, it is not the intent of CCB to review or approve the
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-181
Exhibit A
internal workings of the software. The Contractor shall submit the first draft of the Software
Requirements Specification document within forty-five (45) days after Notice to Proceed,
and a revised version to coincide with the Preliminary Design Review submittal.
10.1.3 Manufacturer Data Sheets
The preliminary design submittal shall include data sheets for all major hardware and off-theshelf software components.
10.1.4 CAD User Interface and Functionality
The preliminary design submittal shall include a complete description of the CAD user
interface including CAD features, AVL map displays, route ladder displays, tabular displays,
incident reports, SAS functionality, voice and data communication functions, fleet
management reports and custom queries, AVL playback, incident reports, sample screens, a
list of the pull down menus and items, and all software interfaces.
10.1.5 NCCB User Interface and Functionality
The preliminary design submittal shall include a complete description of the NCCB user
interface by the CCB customers including website, IVR, and text messaging features. The
preliminary design submittal shall include a complete description of the AVL map displays,
real time traffic displays, real-time arrival predictions, registered user functionality including
favorites, sample screens, a list of the pull down menus and items, and all software interfaces
for the website. Similar information shall be provided for the IVR and text messaging
features. The preliminary design submittal shall include a complete description of the
displays for the NCCB electronic LED signs and LCD monitors.
The preliminary design submittal shall include a complete description of the NCCB system
administrator interface.
10.1.6 Computer Subsystem
The preliminary design submittal shall include a complete description of the Computer
subsystem including the servers, dispatch workstations, monitoring workstations, Yard
workstation, interfaces, UPS, data archival, SBS Database, and installation information.
10.1.7 Wireless Data Service Coverage Layout
The cellular wireless data service provider shall be identified and a coverage map shall be
provided. The coverage map shall show signal level variations at 5 dB maximum intervals
utilizing contours and color codes.
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Exhibit A-182
Exhibit A
10.1.8 Call Set-Up
A data flow description for an SAS, PRTT, and RTT from activation at the MDT to its
display at the dispatch workstation shall be provided. A data flow description for the
selection of a dispatcher to commence audio communications with an operator shall be
provided. These descriptions shall include the selection of a channel or talkgroup that will be
used for the voice call, the data messages, the message length, and the expected processing
time for each segment of the call set-up.
10.1.9 Onboard SBS Subsystem
The preliminary design submittal shall include a complete description of the SBS Onboard
subsystem including the Onboard Processor; DGPS receiver, spread spectrum WLAN radio,
MDT; cellular modem; data radio; silent alarm switch, interfaces to onboard components
such as the farebox, video system, signs and monitors, headsigns, and PA system; optional
onboard items that have been exercised; interfaces; and installation information.
Descriptions of the Supervisor and Road Supervisor subsystems shall also be provided.
The MDT description shall include scaled drawings MDT with wireframes of the various
displays. The submittal shall also include a complete description of the operator interface
with the MDT including all prompts, displays, and keystrokes for each function.
The preliminary design submittal shall include a description of the Onboard BSP subsystem
including a description of the algorithm utilized to determine when and where to transmit the
correct BSP message.
A description of the functions performed by the Onboard Processor and the expected loading
of the processor shall be provided. The analysis shall show any expected slowdown in
processing data or in data communications, based on the normal and worst-case processor
loading for the proposed hardware configuration.
Description of the Software To Be Developed
The Contractor shall provide a comparison of the functionality of the existing software
modules for the proposer’s standard product to the SBS functionality requirements, and a
description of the process that will be used to develop new software to provide the specified
SBS functionality. The quantity of the software modules and new database sizes shall be
Description of Route and Schedule Database Handling
A description of the methodology for importing and maintaining CCB’s current route and
Hastus schedule database shall be provided. This description shall include how the database
will be edited, handled, and interfaced to SBS; and the methodology for providing the
database onboard each bus for tracking route and determining schedule adherence. This
description shall include an estimate of the required database size, means for updating the
information when route and schedule changes occur such as during a “shake-up”, how checks
SBS Technical Specifications
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Exhibit A-183
Exhibit A
for the validity of the modifications are made, and the required operator actions to enter or
confirm the assigned route.
Real-Time Arrival Prediction Information
A detailed description of the algorithm used for the time of arrival predictions and
information regarding the accuracy of the predictions shall be provided.
NCCB LED Signs and LCD Monitors
The preliminary design submittal shall include scaled drawing showing details of the LED
signs and LCD monitors to be furnished, character height and brightness, their mounting
hardware, the solar charging system, backup battery, voice annunciator, and cellular modem.
The submittal shall also include a complete description of the interface with cellular data
network to be used.
NCCB Traveler Information Website Design
The preliminary design submittal shall include mockups of the screens for the website. The
submittal shall also include a complete description of the website, including a list of the pull
down menus and items, a sample map display, and sample time of arrival predictions.
The preliminary design submittal shall include a flowchart of the IVR responses to inputs,
including a list of options for the callers to select from, and sample time of arrival prediction
NCCB Text Message Response
The preliminary design submittal shall include a description of the NCCB Text Message
Response subsystems and sample time of arrival prediction announcements texts.
The Contractor shall provide a final design submittal <CDRL> within four months after the
Notice to Proceed. The submittal shall be reviewed in detail with CCB and their designated
representatives to verify that all aspects of the Contractor’s final design are in conformance
with the Specification requirements and are fully understood by CCB. The Contractor shall
submit at least four printed copies of the final design submittal and one electronic copy in a
format that is accessible by the CCB.
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Exhibit A-184
Exhibit A
10.2.1 Overview
The final design submittal shall include a complete description of each SBS subsystem and
system component, updates to the technical information submitted in the preliminary design
submittal, and an updated detailed project schedule. At a minimum, the overview shall
provide details of each subsystem and discuss any changes and updates that have been made
since the preliminary design submittal to the CAD functionality, voice and data
communication functionality, BSP functionality, NCCB passenger information functionality,
Supervisor subsystem, Road Supervisor subsystem, as well as the functionality of optional
items that have been exercised. Final installation drawings for the Computer subsystem,
dispatcher workstations and management monitoring workstations, Yard workstation,
WLAN, NCCB Electronic Signs and Monitors, Onboard SBS subsystems, and optional items
that have been exercised shall be provided along with installation plans which shall include
component brand names, serial numbers, and part numbers.
10.2.2 Dispatch Center and Yard, NCCB Traveler Information Subsystem
Hardware and Software
The final design submittal shall contain sufficient information to determine that the product
to be implemented complies with the specifications and that the design is complete with all
interfaces defined. The actual values of all specified parameters shall be listed—a simple
statement that the product complies will not be sufficient. Engineering drawings shall be
provided as necessary. When pre-printed materials are used in a submittal, the specific
model number and options to be furnished shall be clearly identified. All interfaces with
external systems shall be documented.
10.2.3 Onboard Subsystem Hardware and Software
The final design submittal shall contain sufficient information to determine that all Onboard,
Road Supervisor, and Supervisor Subsystem hardware and software comply with the
specifications and that the design is complete with all interfaces defined. Actual values of all
specified parameters shall be listed—a simple statement that the product complies will not be
sufficient. Engineering drawings shall be provided as necessary. When pre-printed materials
are used in a submittal, the specific model number and options to be furnished shall be
clearly identified. All interfaces with external systems shall be documented.
Interconnection Details
The drawings furnished shall show details of all interconnections, including pin assignments,
color codes, terminal designations, tag nomenclature, and their functions.
Installation Details
The drawings furnished shall show details of the equipment mounting and cable routing for
each model of bus and vehicle. Keyed parts list for the mounting hardware shall be included.
Onboard Subsystem Installation Plan
SBS Technical Specifications
Page 176
Exhibit A-185
Exhibit A
The installation plans furnished shall include the number of personnel, expected production
per shift, sequence of vehicles, serializing plan, and the requested support from CCB.
Onboard Subsystem Test Procedure
The procedures furnished shall detail tests to verify the proper functionality of each Onboard
Subsystem subsequent to the installation. The procedure shall also include tests for the
interfaces to SBS and other onboard components.
10.2.4 Computer and Fixed Data Radio Subsystem Hardware and Software
Interconnection Details
The drawings furnished shall show details of all interconnections, including pin assignments,
color codes, terminal designations, tag nomenclature, and their functions.
Rack Layouts
The scaled drawings furnished shall show all equipment to be installed in each rack or
Installation Details
The scaled drawings furnished shall show the arrangement of racks at the CCB
Transportation Facility and Baldwin Hills radio site, routing of interconnection cables,
routing of power and ground cables, antenna mounting details, and transmission line
installation details. The drawings shall show a parts list for mounting hardware.
Software Description
The final design submittal shall include a complete description of the software and firmware
applications being furnished, including the software version and the options selected. In
addition, an updated description of the software being developed for SBS and complete
interface ICDs to all external systems shall be provided.
Test Procedures
A complete procedure shall be provided for the tests and inspections necessary to verify the
complete functionality of the installed equipment.
The Contractor shall conduct formal presentations of the Preliminary Design and the Final
Design submittals for SBS. The preliminary and final design reviews shall be at least 3 days
in length but no more than five days. The design review presentations shall be scheduled
approximately two weeks after submission of the presentation materials to CCB for review.
SBS Technical Specifications
Page 177
Exhibit A-186
Exhibit A
At least ten copies and one electronic copy in a format that is accessible by CCB shall be
submitted for each design review.
Each design review shall be conducted according to the following agenda:
The Contractor shall present the design submittal in sufficient detail to demonstrate
the details of achieving compliance with the Contract requirements. Use of mockups, samples, and demonstrations of the user graphical user interfaces is encouraged.
CCB and its designated representatives shall present issues and concerns for
The Contractor shall furnish minutes of the design review meetings <CDRL>.
CCB will follow up each design review with written comments on the design deliverable.
The Contractor shall address all of the CCB’s issues and concerns in writing <CDRL>. CCB
may require an additional design review presentation or design review submittal if CCB
determines the issues and concerns warrant an additional presentation.
SBS Technical Specifications
Page 178
Exhibit A-187
Exhibit A
C/A Code
Alternating Current
Automated Call Distribution
Access Control List
Americans with Disabilities Act
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
Ante Meridiem or Amplitude Modulation
Advanced Mobile Data Terminal
American National Standards Institute
Access Point
Automatic Passenger Counter
Application Program Interface
Automatic Voice Annunciation
Automatic Vehicle Location
Santa Monica Big Blue Bus
Bus in a Box
Bus Signal Priority
Coarse/Acquisition Code
Computer Aided Dispatch
Client Access License
Culver CityBus
Compact Disc
Contract Deliverables Requirements Listing
Compact Disc Read-Only Memory
Core First Article
California Highway Patrol
Compressed Natural Gas
Commercial Off The Shelf
Central Processing Unit
Countywide Signal Priority
Decibel Milliwatt
Direct Current
Differential Global Positioning System
Document Management System
Decision to Grant Priority
Dual Tone - Multi Frequency
Drawing Exchange Format
Electronic Industries Association
End of Life/End of Support
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Electromagnetic Interference
SBS Technical Specifications
Page A-1
Exhibit A-188
Exhibit A
LA Metro
Entity Relationship Diagrams
Effective Radiated Power
Environmental Systems Research Institute
Factory Acceptance Test
Form, Fit, and Function
Federal Communications Commission
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
Frequency Modulation
Federal Transportation Administration
Geographic Information System
Global Positioning System
Graphics Processing Unit
General Transit Feed Specification
Graphical User Interface
High-Definition Multimedia Interface
International Electrotechnical Commission
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Internet Protocol
International Standards Organization
Information Technology
Intelligent Transportation System
International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication
Standardization Sector
Interactive Voice Response
Integrated Vehicle Unit
JavaScript Object Notation
Keyboard, Video, and Mouse
Los Angeles Department of Transportation
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Local Area Network
Los Angeles Police Department
Los Angeles International Airport
Liquid Crystal Display
Light Emitting Diode
Megabits per Second
Mobile Data Computer
Mobile Data Terminal
Mobile Gateway Router
SBS Technical Specifications
Page A-2
Exhibit A-189
Exhibit A
QR Code
Next CulverCityBus
National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol
National Transit Database
Notice to Proceed
Open Database Connectivity
Operator Control Unit
Open Systems Interconnection
Public Address
Personal Computer
Pre-Installation Checkout
Parts per Million
Primary Rate Interface
Priority Request To Talk
Push to Talk
Polyvinyl Chloride
Public Service Announcement
Quality Assurance
Quick Response Code
Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
Random Access Memory
Radio Frequency
Radio Frequency Interference
Request For Proposal
Relative Humidity
Right Hand Circular Polarization
Regional Integration of Intelligent Transportation Systems
Return Merchandise Authorization
Root Mean Squared
Revolutions per Minute
Received Signal Strength Indication
Request to Talk
Society of Automotive Engineers
Selective Availability
Storage Area Network
Silent Alarm System
Smart Bus System
Skinny Client Control Protocol
Search Engine Optimization
Signal to Noise and Distortion
Session Initiation Protocol
Short Message Service
Simple Network Management Protocol
Senior Project Engineer
Structured Query Language
Transit Communications Interface Profiles
SBS Technical Specifications
Page A-3
Exhibit A-190
Exhibit A
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
Threaded Coupled Coaxial Connector- 50 ohm
University of California, Los Angeles
User Datagram Protocol
Universal Fare System
Uninterruptible Power Supply
Uniform Resource Locator
Universal Serial Bus
Volts Alternating Current
Volts Direct Current
Voice Over Internet Protocol
Video Security System
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
Wide Area Augmentation System
Wide Area Network
Wireless Local Area Network
EXtensible Markup Language
SBS Technical Specifications
Page A-4
Exhibit A-191
Exhibit A
Schedule Adherence by Run, Operator, and Line
Headway Report by Line operator and run
Trip Summary by Run, operator, line
Deviation Report
NTD Report
APC Reports:
On time adherence
On time deviation
Bus stop Usage
Running times
Dwell time
Traffic signal priority
APC Survey Count
Wheelchair Count
Vehicle Count
SBS Technical Specifications
By Factor
day, month, year
route and time of
route and direction
route and stop
route and direction
route and stop
month and day type
time of day
time of day
time of day
route and direction
route and direction
route and stop
route and stop
day, month, year
time of day
day, month, year
day, month, year
time of day
day, month, year
show boardings/alightings, trip runtimes, on time adherence,
max load (by route and time of day)
Page B-1
Exhibit A-192
route and time
of day
route and time
of day
Exhibit A
SBS Technical Specifications
Page C-1
Exhibit A-193
Exhibit A
SBS Technical Specifications
Page C-2
Exhibit A-194
Exhibit A
SBS Technical Specifications
Page C-3
Exhibit A-195
Exhibit A
New Flyer
New Flyer
New Flyer
New Flyer
New Flyer
New Flyer
Head Sign
Horizon head
Horizon head
Horizon head
Horizon head
Horizon head
Horizon head
Engine Control
Trans Control
Cummins 8.9 ISL G Allison B400 Trans
Vansco Mutiplex
Cummins 8.9 ISL G Allison B400 Trans
Vansco Mutiplex
Cummins 8.9 ISL G Allison B400 Trans
Vansco Mutiplex
Cummins 8.9 ISL G.
Allison B400 Trans.
Cummins 8.3 C Gas
Allison B400 Trans
Cummins 8.3 C Gas
Allison B400 Trans
Electrical System
Allen Bradly Multiplex
Allen Bradly Multiplex
Vansco Mutiplex
*2001 buses are repowered
with Cummins engines in 2009
The list above is Culver CityBus’ existing fleet. CCB is in a process of procuring 18 new buses that should have the same specs with 2014
New Flyer Xcelsior buses and will replace some of the existing buses.
For the optional 25 additional buses, the Onboard SBS system and associated equipment must be compatible for all types of CCB’s buses.
Road Supervisor Systems: 1 2016 Ford Explorer, 3 2015 Ford Explorers
Supervisor Systems 11 vehicles from the following: 1 1998 Ford F250 HD Super Duty, 2 2015 Nissan Leafs, 1 2012
Ford Fusion Hybrid, 8 2016 Nissan Leafs, 1 2005 Ford Explorer XLT, 1 2005 Ford Explorer XLS
SBS Technical Specifications
Page D-1
Exhibit A-196
Exhibit A
Abbreviated version of the actual announcements shown on the system.
Behind yellow line
End of line-exit
Exit through rear
Keep aisle clear
Keep windows closed
Move to the rear
No conversation
No eating or drink
Offer seat
Rear doors
Remain seated
Report graffiti
Schedule changes
Thank you for riding
Turn off radios
Watch your step
Wet floors
SBS Technical Specifications
Page E-1
Exhibit A-197
Exhibit A
SBS Technical Specifications
Page F-1
Exhibit A-198
Exhibit A
SBS Technical Specifications
Page G-1
Exhibit A-199
Exhibit A
Santa Monica Blvd.
Melrose Ave.
Highland Ave.
Be n
Se vd.
La Brea Ave.
il s
Hawthorne Blvd.
Je vd.
Sepulveda Blvd.
El Segundo Blvd.
SBS Technical Specifications
Cahuenga Blvd.
Highland Ave.
Page H-1
Exhibit A-200
Exhibit A
CDRL Description
Data Protocols
System reliability, availability, and maintainability
Response time analysis report
Dispatch equipment installation requirements
Bus installation plans
Interfaces to all existing on board equipment
Interfaces to Utilities
Color mock ups of GUI
APC expected passenger count to correct stop
correlation calculations
APC expected accuracy analysis and calculations
Announcement text approval
UPS power and environmental load report
Building equipment installation and cabling plans
MDT physical specifications mounting and
system interface specifications
MDT physical specifications and interfaces
On bus equipment power consumption
Bus equipment installation workplans
Bus installation log
Installation functional test plan
Yard subsystem installation drawings
Wireless LAN access point quantity and locations
Supervisor subsystem power consumption
MDC mounting arrangement plans
Road supervisor subsystem power consumption
Electronic display installation drawings
Progress meeting minutes creation
Progress meeting agenda creation
Detailed contract schedule
Monthly schedule update reports
Weekly four-week rolling schedule update reports
Test procedure description
Test results reports
Pre-final version of as built drawings
Final version of as built drawings
SBS Technical Specifications
Page I-1
Exhibit A-201
Exhibit A
Computer software and data documentation
Conditions for initial closeout survey request
Notice of completion for items noted during initial
closeout survey
Monthly status reports
Quality assurance plan
Document management system
Proposed manual outline for preliminary design
Proposed manual draft version for final design
Complete training plan
Complete description of training courses
Training material for each trainee
Independent-study courseware for bus operators
and supervisors
Spare parts list recommendations
Detailed test procedures
Detailed test results
Acceptance testing network failure report
Onboard Demonstration report
Acceptance testing system repair/correction
Acceptance testing database anomalies and
corrections report
System performance vs. availability and reliability
Submittals and design reviews
Preliminary design submittal
Software requirements specification document
Final design submittal
Design review workshops minutes
Design review workshops concerns
Complete set of accepted version of manuals
Final version of manuals
PDR = Preliminary Design Review
FDR = Final Design Review
BAT = Before Acceptance Test
PAT = Post Acceptance Test
A = As Needed
AT = Acceptance Test
CL = Closeout
4WKSSC = 4 Weeks Before SSC
SBS Technical Specifications
Page I-2
Exhibit A-202
Exhibit A
2WKSSC = 2 Weeks Before SSC
SSC = Start of Scheduled Courses
SBS Technical Specifications
Page I-3
Exhibit A-203
Exhibit A
SBS Technical Specifications
Page J-1
Exhibit A-204
Exhibit A
SBS Technical Specifications
Page J-2
Exhibit A-205
Exhibit A
SBS Technical Specifications
Page J-3
Exhibit A-206
Exhibit A
SBS Technical Specifications
Page J-4
Exhibit A-207
Exhibit A
SBS Technical Specifications
Page J-5
Exhibit A-208
Exhibit A
SBS Technical Specifications
Page J-6
Exhibit A-209
Exhibit A
SBS Technical Specifications
Page J-7
Exhibit A-210
Exhibit A
SBS Technical Specifications
Page K-1
Exhibit A-211
Exhibit A
SBS Technical Specifications
Page K-2
Exhibit A-212
Exhibit A
Washington Blvd/ Glencoe Ave
1W, 2W
Washington Blvd/ Glencoe Ave
Washington Blvd/ Redwood Ave
1W, 2W
Washington Blvd/ Redwood Ave
Washington Blvd/ Beethoven St
1W, 2W
Washington Blvd/ Beethoven St
Washington Blvd/ Meier St
1W, 2W
Washington Blvd/ Rosabell St
Washington Blvd/ Mildred Ave
Washington Blvd/ Centinela Ave
1W, 2W
Washington Blvd/ Centinela Ave
1E, 2E
Washington Blvd/ Grand View Blvd
1W, 2W
Washington Blvd/ Grand View Blvd
1E, 2E
Washington Blvd/ Inglewood Blvd
1W, 2W
Washington Blvd/ Inglewood Blvd
1E, 2E, 5E
Washington Blvd/ Kensington Rd
Washington Blvd/ East Blvd
Washington Blvd/ Berryman Ave
Washington Blvd/ Sawtelle Blvd
Washington Blvd/ Sepulveda Blvd
Washington Blvd/ Sepulveda Blvd
Washington Blvd/ Washington Pl
1W, 2W
Washington Blvd/ Elenda St
Washington Blvd/ Girard Ave
SBS Technical Specifications
Page L-1
Exhibit A-213
Exhibit A
Washington Blvd/ Culver Center
Washington Blvd/ Culver Center
Washington Blvd/ Overland Ave
Washington Blvd/ Overland Ave
1E, 3N
Overland Ave/ Washington Blvd
Sepulveda Blvd/ Washington Pl
Sepulveda Blvd/ Washington Pl
Sepulveda Blvd/ Culver Blvd
Sepulveda Blvd/ Culver Blvd
Sepulveda Blvd/ Braddock Dr
Sepulveda Blvd/ Braddock Dr
Sepulveda Blvd/ Machado Rd
3, 4, 6
Culver City Transit Center (2 LCD Signs)
Hannum Ave/ Buckingham Pkw
Overland Ave/ Freshman Dr
Overland Ave/ Jefferson Blvd
3S, 4E, 4W
Jefferson Blvd/ Overland Ave
Overland Ave/ Jefferson Blvd
Overland Ave/ Virginia Ave
Overland Ave/ Culver City Library
Overland Ave/ Farragut Dr
Washington Blvd/ Motor Ave
Washington Blvd/ Clarington Ave
Washington Blvd/ Madison Ave
Washington Blvd/ Hughes Ave
Culver Blvd/ Lafayette Pl
1E, 5E, 7E
Culver Blvd/ Main St
1W, 5W,
Culver Blvd/ Main St
1E, 5E, 7E
SBS Technical Specifications
Page L-2
Exhibit A-214
Exhibit A
1W, 5W,
Robertson Transit Hub
7E, 7W
Culver City Expo Station
1W, 7W
Washington Blvd/ Landmark St
Washington Blvd/ Cattaraugus Ave
Washington Blvd/ La Cienega Blvd
Washington Blvd/ La Cienega Blvd
Sepulveda Blvd/ Venice Blvd
6N, 6RN
Sepulveda Blvd/ Venice Blvd
6S, 6RS
Sepulveda Blvd/ Washington Blvd
6N, 6RN
Sepulveda Blvd/ Washington Blvd
6S, 6RS
Sepulveda Blvd/ Playa St
4E, 6N, 6RN
Sepulveda Blvd/ Sawtelle Blvd
4E, 6N, 6RN
Sepulveda Blvd/ Sawtelle Blvd
4W, 6S, 6RS
Sepulveda Blvd/ Slauson Ave
Washington Blvd/ Robertson Blvd
SBS Technical Specifications
Page L-3
Exhibit A-215
Exhibit B
Submission of a proposal shall be deemed a binding offer to enter into a contract
with the City. Any proposed modifications to the agreement shall be signed by
the successful Proposer and returned, together with the certificate of insurance
required pursuant to said Section of the Agreement within ten (10) days after the
Notice of Award.
All Proposers shall be presumed to understand all of the terms, conditions and
requirements of the agreement as stated in the specifications and to be
thoroughly familiar with the project.
The selected Proposer shall be required to obtain all applicable Culver City
permits and business licenses. The Business Licensing Division may be reached
at (310) 253-5888. The cost of these items shall be included in the total proposal
Any proposal may be withdrawn prior to the RFP opening time provided that the
request is in writing and signed by the authorized representative. The withdrawal
of a proposal shall not prejudice the right of the Proposer to file a new proposal to
the time and date set for the opening of proposals. No proposal received after the
time fixed for the RFP opening will be considered.
Subsequent to the RFP opening, a Proposer shall be relieved of a proposal due
to mistakes only if the Proposer can establish to the satisfaction of the City that
all of the following circumstances exist:
a. A mistake was made;
b. The Proposer gave the City written notice within five (5) days after the
opening of the proposals of the mistake; specifying in the notice, in detail,
how the mistake occurred;
c. The mistake made the proposal materially different than the Proposer
intended it to be;
d. The mistake was made filling out the proposal and not due to error in
judgment or to carelessness in reviewing the scope of service or
specifications as stated in the RFP.
The City reserves the right to seek supplemental information from any proposer
at any time between the dates of proposal submission and the RFP award. Such
Exhibit B-1
Exhibit B
information will be limited to clarification or amplification of questions asked in the
original proposal. Any proposer may be subject to personal interview and
inspection of their business premises prior to award.
The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive
informalities and minor irregularities in proposals received and to accept any
portion of proposal or all items of proposal if deemed in the best interest of the
City. In addition, the City reserves the right to do any, or all, of the following:
a. Reject any or all proposals or make no award;
b. Issue subsequent RFP;
c. Cancel the RFP;
d. Remedy technical errors in the request for proposals;
e. Modify any requirements contained within the RFP and request revised
submittals from Proposers determined to be within the competitive range;
f. Award a contract to one or more Proposers;
g. Accept the written proposal as an offer, without negotiation and issue a
notice to proceed, if applicable.
The City reserves the right to contract with any of the firms responding to this
RFP based solely upon its judgment of the qualifications and capabilities of that
All materials submitted regarding this RFP become the property of the City.
Responses may be reviewed by any person at RFP opening time and thereafter.
The City has the right to use any or all collection ideas presented in reply to this
request, subject to the limitations outlined in Proprietary Information below.
Disqualification of a proposer does not eliminate this right.
a. Proprietary Information – Any restrictions on the use of data contained
within a proposal must be clearly stated in the proposal itself. Proprietary
information submitted in response to this RFP will be handled in
accordance with applicable City Procurement Regulations and the
California Public Records Act.
Exhibit B-2
Exhibit B
The City is not liable for any cost incurred by proposer prior to issuance of an
agreement, contract, or purchase order.
All proposers must meet the following contractual and legal requirements in order to
enter into a contractual agreement with the City:
a. Contractor warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or
person, other than a bonafide employee working solely for Contractor, to
solicit or secure this contract and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any
company or person, other than a bonafide employee working solely for
Contractor, any fee, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts or any other
consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of
this contract. For violation of this warranty, the City shall have the right to
annul this contract without liability;
b. Contractor agrees that, for the term of this Contract no member, officer, or
employee of the City, or of a local public body during his/her employment
for one (1) year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this
contract, or to any benefit arising thereof ;
c. The employment by Contractor of personnel on the City’s payroll will not
be permitted in the execution of this contract, even though such
employment may be outside of the employee's regular working hours or
on Saturdays, holidays, or vacation time; further, the employment by the
Contractor of personnel who have been on the City’s payroll within one (1)
year prior to the date of contract award, where such employment is
caused by and/or dependent upon Contractor securing this or related
contract with the City, is also prohibited.
a. During the period between proposal submission date and the contract
award, proposers, including their agents and representatives, shall not
directly discuss or promote their proposal with any member of the City of
Culver City City Council or City staff except in the course of CitySponsored inquiries, briefings, interviews, or presentations, unless
requested by the City;
Exhibit B-3
Exhibit B
a. This provision is not meant to preclude offerors from discussing other
matters with City Council members or City staff. This policy is intended to
create a level playing field for all potential offerors, assure that contract
decisions are made in public, and to protect the integrity of the RFP / Bid
Evaluation process. Violation of this provision may result in rejection of
the offeror’s proposal.
NON-DISCRIMINATION REQUIREMENTS: In addition to any other obligations
set forth in the specifications, Contractor shall not discriminate against any
employee or applicant for employment because of gender, gender identity,
gender expression, sexual orientation, sex, age, disability, medical condition,
genetic information, marital status, race, color, religion, ancestry, or national
origin. Contractor shall take affirmative action to ensure that employees are
treated during employment without regard to their gender, gender identity,
gender expression, sexual orientation sex, age, disability, medical condition,
genetic information, marital status, race, color, religion, ancestry, or national
origin. Such affirmative action shall include, but not be limited to, the advertising,
layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection
for training, including apprenticeship. Contractor shall post in a conspicuous
place available to all employees and applicants for employment notices setting
forth the provisions of this fair employment practices paragraph.
COMPLIANCE WITH LAW: The Contractor shall familiarize itself with and
perform the service required under this contract in conformity with requirements
and standards of the City, municipal and public agencies, public and private
utilities, special districts, and railroad agencies whose facilities and services may
be affected by service under this contract. The Contractor shall also comply with
all Federal, OSHA, state, and local laws and ordinances applicable to any of the
service involved in this Contract. The Contractor shall indemnify and save
harmless the City against any claim arising from the violation of any such laws,
ordinances and regulations whether by the Contractor or his employees.
PROTECTION OF RESIDENT WORKERS: Protection of Resident Workers: The
City of Culver City actively supports the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)
which includes provisions addressing employment eligibility, employment
verification, and nondiscrimination. Under the INA, employers may hire only
persons who may legally work in the United States (i.e., citizens and nationals of
the U.S.) and aliens authorized to work in the U.S. The employer must verify the
identity and employment eligibility of anyone to be hired, which includes
Exhibit B-4
Exhibit B
completing the Employment Eligibility Verification Form (I-9). The Contractor
shall establish appropriate procedures and controls so no services or products
under the Contract Documents will be performed or manufactured by any worker
who is not legally eligible to perform such services or employment.
For purposes of the following indemnification
provisions ("Indemnification Agreement"), "design professional" has the same
meaning as set forth in California Civil Code section 2782.8. If any term,
provision or application of this Indemnification Agreement is found to be invalid,
in violation of public policy or unenforceable to any extent, such finding shall not
invalidate any other term or provision of this Indemnification Agreement and such
other terms and provisions shall continue in full force and effect. If there is any
conflict between the terms, provisions or application of this Indemnification
Agreement and the provisions of California Civil Code Sections 2782 or 2782.8,
the broadest indemnity protection for City under this Indemnity Agreement that is
permitted by law shall be provided by Consultant.
VI a.Indemnification for Design Professional Services Claims:
Consultant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of Culver City,
members of its City Council, its boards and commissions, officers, agents,
and employees (hereinafter, "Indemnitees") against any claims that arise out
of, or pertain to, or relate to the negligence, recklessness, or willful
misconduct of the Consultant, its employees, subcontractors, and agents in
the performance of design professional services under this Agreement,
excepting only liability arising from the sole negligence, active negligence or
willful misconduct of City, or defect in a design furnished by City.
VI b.Indemnification for AII Other Claims or Loss:
For any claim, loss, injury, damage, expense or liability other than claims
arising out of the Consultant's performance of design professional services
under this Agreement, Consultant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless
the City of Culver City, members of its City Council, its boards and
commissions, officers, agents, and employees (hereinafter, "Indemnitees")
against any claim for loss, injury, damage, expense or liability resulting from
or alleging injury to or death of any person or loss of use of or damage to
property, arising from or related to the performance of services under this
Agreement by Consultant, its employees, subcontractors or agents, excepting
only liability arising from the sole negligence, active negligence or willful
misconduct of City, or defect in a design furnished by the City.
Exhibit B-5
Exhibit B
All Proposers must meet the following insurance requirements in order to enter into a
contractual agreement with the City:
Contractor shall submit duly executed certificates of insurance, with
declarations page and endorsement list, which shall be provided to the City
through the department administering the contract, and approved by the City
Attorney, for the following:
a. An occurrence based Commercial General Liability ("CGL") policy, at
least as broad as ISO Form CG 0001, in the minimum amount of One
Million Dollars ($1,000,000) each occurrence, with not less than Two
Million Dollars ($2,000,000) in annual aggregate coverage.
The CGL Policy shall have the following requirements:
The policy shall provide coverage for personal injury, bodily injury,
death, accident and property damage and advertising injury, as
those terms are understood in the context of a CGL policy. The
coverage shall not be excess or contributing with respect to City's
self-insurance or any pooled risk arrangements;
The policy shall provide $1,000,000 combined single limit
coverage for owned, hired and non-owned automobile liability;
The policy shall include coverage for liability undertaken by
contract covering, to the maximum extent permitted by law,
Contractor's obligation to indemnify the Indemnitees as required
under the Indemnity provisions of the Contract;
The Policy shall not exclude coverage for Completed
Operations or Hazards; and
The Culver City, members of its City Council, its boards
and commissions, officers, agents, and employees will be
named as an additional insured in an endorsement to the
b. Business Automobile Liability Insurance coverage in the amount of One
Million Dollars ($1,000,000), providing coverage for use of mobile
equipment (i.e. heavy mobile equipment or vehicles primarily for use in
an off-road environment), to the extent that (1) such mobile equipment
will be used within the City limits or on City business, and (2) coverage
for mobile equipment is not otherwise covered by the CGL policy listed
in subparagraph (a), above.
Exhibit B-6
Exhibit B
c. Workers' Compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the
State of California with Employers' Liability limits of One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) per accident, if the Agreement will have Contractor
employees working within the City limits.
d. Professional/Negligent Acts, Errors and Omissions Insurance (where
applicable) in the minimum amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000)
per claim, and shall include coverage for separate "personal injury"
alleged to have been committed in the course of rendering professional
services, unless such coverage is provided by the CGL policy listed
WAIVER BY THE City: The City may waive one or more of the coverages listed
in Section I above. This waiver must be express and in writing, and will only be
made upon a showing by the Contractor that its operations in and with respect to
City are not such as to impose liability within the scope of that particular
a. All insurance listed in Paragraph A shall be issued by companies
licensed to do business in the State of California, with a claims paying
ability rating of "BBB" or better by S&P (and the equivalent by any other
Rating Agency) and a rating of A-:VII or better in the current Best's
Insurance Reports;
b. Contractor shall provide City with at least thirty (30) days prior written
notice of any modification, reduction or cancellation of any of the
Policies required in Paragraph A, or a minimum of ten (10) days’
notice for cancellation due to non-payment;
c. The City may increase the scope or dollar amount of coverage
required under any of the policies described above, or may require
different or additional coverages, upon prior written notice Contractor.
d. If your insurance carrier charges an additional fee, you must include
that amount in your project costs.
The successful bidder will be required to file and pay for costs of bonds in the proper
sums from a bonding company acceptable to the City within ten (10) calendar days after
receiving written Notice of Award. Forms for these bonds are included in Exhibit E. The
"Faithful Performance Bond" shall be for one hundred percent (100%) of the contract
price (including base bid, adjustments and addenda).
Exhibit B-7
Exhibit B
Granting of or acceptance of extensions of time to complete the work or furnish the
labor, supplies, materials, or equipment, or any one of the aforementioned, will not
operate as a release to the Contractor or the Surety on Contractor's faithful performance
bond from said guarantee.
See Exhibit F for bond forms and sample agreement.
Exhibit B-8
Exhibit C
1.1 Contract Subject to Federal Financial Assistance/Application of Provisions and
Operation of the City of Culver City (hereinafter referred to as “CCB”) is funded in part
by grants from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) of the United States
Department of Transportation. The award of any contract is subject to the requirements
of financial assistance contracts between CCB and the U.S. Department of
Transportation requiring compliance with purchasing procedures and standards as set
forth in various federal statutes and regulations including OMB Circular A-102, 49 CFR
Part 18, and FTA Circular 4220.1F. The Contractor is required to comply with all terms
and conditions prescribed for third-party contracts by the U.S. Department of
Transportation, Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
The following solicitation provisions and required contract clauses, except those
identified below as “Not Applicable” to this solicitation and any resulting contract, will be
incorporated by reference in any contract resulting from this Solicitation issued by CCB.
These solicitation provisions and required contract clauses are in addition to other
General Terms and Conditions, Special Terms and Conditions, Bidding or Proposal
Procedures, and Bid or Proposal Forms set forth in other sections of this Solicitation
which may also be incorporated by reference in any resulting contract. Some provisions
and clauses require the Bidder or Proposer to execute and submit certain required
certifications with the bid or proposal, which are included herein. Failure to execute and
submit required certifications with the bid or proposal documents may render a bid or
proposal non-responsive.
1.2 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters Lower Tier Covered Transactions. 49 CFR Part 29, Executive Order 12549
This contract is a covered transaction for purposes of 49 CFR Part 29. As such, the
Contractor is required to verify that none of the Contractor, its principals, as defined at
49 CFR 29.995, or affiliates, as defined at 49 CFR 29.905, are excluded or disqualified
as defined at 49 CFR 29.940 and 29.945.
The Contractor is required to comply with 49 CFR 29, Subpart C and must include the
requirement to comply with 49 CFR 29, Subpart C in any lower tier covered transaction
it enters into.
By signing and submitting its bid or proposal, the bidder or proposer certifies as follows:
The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact relied upon by the City
of Culver City. If it is later determined that the bidder or proposer knowingly rendered an
Exhibit C-1
Exhibit C
erroneous certification, in addition to remedies available to the City of Culver City, the
Federal Government may pursue available remedies, including but not limited to
suspension and/or debarment. The bidder or proposer agrees to comply with the
requirements of 49 CFR 29, Subpart C while this offer is valid and throughout the period
of any contract that may arise from this offer. The bidder or proposer further agrees to
include a provision requiring such compliance in its lower tier covered transactions.
Each Offeror shall complete and return Attachment B, “Certification Regarding
Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters.”
1.3 Lobbying 31 U.S.C. § 1352, 49 CFR Part 19, 49 CFR Part 20
Contractors who apply or bid for an award of $100,000 or more shall file the certification
required by 49 CFR Part 20, "New Restrictions on Lobbying” (Attachment C). Each tier
certifies to the tier above that it will not and has not used Federal appropriated funds to
pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or
employee of any agency, a member of Congress, officer or employee of Congress, or
an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining any Federal
contract, grant or any other award covered by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Each tier shall also
disclose the name of any registrant under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 who has
made lobbying contacts on its behalf with non-Federal funds with respect to that
Federal contract, grant or award covered by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Such disclosures are
forwarded from tier to tier up to CCB.
1.4 Program Fraud and False or Fraudulent Statements and Related Acts
31 U.S.C. 3801 et seq., 49 CRF Part 31, 18 U.S.C. 1001, 49 U.S.C. 5307
(a) The Contractor acknowledges that the provisions of the Program Fraud Civil
Remedies Act of 1986, as amended, 31 U.S.C. § § 3801 et seq. and U.S. DOT
regulations, "Program Fraud Civil Remedies," 49 C.F.R. Part 31, apply to its actions
pertaining to this Project. Upon execution of the underlying contract, the Contractor
certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of any statement it has made, it makes,
it may make, or causes to be made, pertaining to the underlying contract or the FTA
assisted project for which this contract work is being performed. In addition to other
penalties that may be applicable, the Contractor further acknowledges that if it makes,
or causes to be made, a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim, statement, submission, or
certification, the Federal Government reserves the right to impose the penalties of the
Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 on the Contractor to the extent the Federal
Government deems appropriate.
(b) The Contractor also acknowledges that if it makes, or causes to be made, a false,
fictitious, or fraudulent claim, statement, submission, or certification to the Federal
Government under a contract connected with a project that is financed in whole or in
part with Federal assistance originally awarded by FTA under the authority of 49 U.S.C.
§ 5307, the Government reserves the right to impose the penalties of 18 U.S.C. § 1001
Exhibit C-2
Exhibit C
and 49 U.S.C. § 5307(n)(1) on the Contractor, to the extent the Federal Government
deems appropriate.
(c) The Contractor agrees to include the above two clauses in each subcontract
financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FTA. It is further
agreed that the clauses shall not be modified, except to identify the subcontractor who
will be subject to the provisions.
1.5 No Federal Government Obligation to Third Parties
(a) CCB and the Contractor acknowledge and agree that, notwithstanding any
concurrence by the Federal Government in or approval of the solicitation or award of
the underlying contract, absent the express written consent by the Federal Government,
the Federal Government is not a party to this contract and shall not be subject to any
obligations or liabilities to CCB, the Contractor, or any other party (whether or not a
party to that contract) pertaining to any matter resulting from the underlying contract.
(b) The Contractor agrees to include the above clause in each subcontract financed in
whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FTA. It is further agreed that the
clause shall not be modified, except to identify the subcontractor who will be subject to
its provisions.
1.6 Incorporation of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Terms FTA Circular 4220.1F
All contractual provisions required by DOT, as set forth in FTA Circular 4220.1F, as
amended, are hereby incorporated by reference. Anything to the contrary herein
notwithstanding, all FTA mandated terms shall be deemed to control in the event of a
conflict with other provisions contained in this solicitation. The Contractor shall not
perform any act, fail to perform any act, or refuse to comply with any CCB requests,
which would cause CCB to be in violation of the FTA terms and conditions.
1.7 Notice of Federal Changes 49 CFR Part 18
(a) The Contractor shall at all times comply with all applicable FTA regulations, policies,
procedures and directives, including without limitation those listed directly or by
reference in the Master Agreement between CCB and FTA, as they may be amended
or promulgated from time to time during the term of this contract. Contractor's failure to
so comply shall constitute a material breach of this contract.
(b) The Contractor agrees to include the above clause in each third party subcontract
financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FTA. It is further
agreed that the clause shall not be modified, except to identify the subcontractor who
will be subject to its provisions.
1.8 Access to Records and Reports 49 U.S.C. § 5325, 18 CFR 18.36(i), 49 CFR 633.17
Exhibit C-3
Exhibit C
(a) Where the Purchaser is not a State but a local government and is the FTA Recipient
or a sub grantee of the FTA Recipient in accordance with 49 C. F. R. 18.36(i), the
Contractor agrees to provide the CCB (Purchaser), the FTA Administrator, the
Comptroller General of the United States or any of their authorized representatives
access to any books, documents, papers and records of the Contractor which are
directly pertinent to this contract for the purposes of making audits, examinations,
excerpts and transcriptions. Contractor also agrees, pursuant to 49 C. F. R. 633.17 to
provide the FTA Administrator or his authorized representatives including any PMO
Contractor access to Contractor's records and construction sites pertaining to a major
capital project, defined at 49 U.S.C. 5302(a)1, which is receiving federal financial
assistance through the programs described at 49 U.S.C. 5307, 5309 or 5311.
(b) Where any Purchaser which is the FTA Recipient or a sub grantee of the FTA
Recipient in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 5325(a) enters into a contract for a capital
project or improvement (defined at 49 U.S.C. 5302(a)1) through other than competitive
bidding, the Contractor shall make available records related to the contract to the
Purchaser, the Secretary of Transportation and the Comptroller General or any
authorized officer or employee of any of them for the purposes of conducting an audit
and inspection.
(c) The Contractor agrees to permit any of the foregoing parties to reproduce by any
means whatsoever or to copy excerpts and transcriptions as reasonably needed.
(d) The Contractor agrees to maintain all books, records, accounts and reports required
under this contract for a period of not less than five years after the date of termination or
expiration of this contract, except in the event of litigation or settlement of claims arising
from the performance of this contract, in which case the Contractor agrees to maintain
same until CCB, the FTA Administrator, the Comptroller General, or any of their duly
authorized representatives, have disposed of all such litigation, appeals, claims or
exceptions related thereto. Reference 49 CFR 18.39(i)(11).
1.9 Resolution of Disputes, Breaches or Other Litigation 49 CFR Part 18, FTA Circular
Disputes - Disputes arising in the performance of this Contract which are not resolved
by agreement of the parties shall be decided in writing by CCB’s Transportation
Director. This decision shall be final and conclusive unless within ten (10) days from the
date of receipt of its copy, the Contractor mails or otherwise furnishes a written appeal
to the Transportation Director. In connection with any such appeal, the Contractor shall
be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to offer evidence in support of its position.
The decision of the Transportation Director shall be binding upon the Contractor and the
Contractor shall abide be the decision.
Performance During Dispute - Unless otherwise directed by CCB, Contractor shall
continue performance under this Contract while matters in dispute are being resolved.
Exhibit C-4
Exhibit C
Claims for Damages - Should either party to the Contract suffer injury or damage to
person or property because of any act or omission of the party or of any of its
employees, agents or others for whose acts it is legally liable, a claim for damages
therefore shall be made in writing to such other party within a reasonable time after the
first observance of such injury of damage.
Remedies - Unless this contract provides otherwise, all claims, counterclaims, disputes
and other matters in question between CCB and the Contractor arising out of or relating
to this agreement or its breach will be decided by arbitration if the parties mutually
agree, or in a court of competent jurisdiction within the State of California.
Rights and Remedies - The duties and obligations imposed by the Contract Documents
and the rights and remedies available thereunder shall be in addition to and not a
limitation of any duties, obligations, rights and remedies otherwise imposed or available
by law. No action or failure to act by CCB or the Contractor shall constitute a waiver of
any right or duty afforded any of them under the Contract, nor shall any such action or
failure to act constitute an approval of or acquiescence in any breach thereunder,
except as may be specifically agreed in writing.
1.10 Termination 49 U.S.C. Part 18, FTA Circular 4220.1F
(a) Termination for Convenience: CCB may terminate this contract, in whole or in part,
at any time by written notice to the Contractor when it is in the Government's best
interest. The Contractor shall be paid its costs, including contract closeout costs, and
profit on work performed up to the time of termination. The Contractor shall promptly
submit its termination claim to CCB to be paid the Contractor. If the Contractor has any
property in its possession belonging to the CCB, the Contractor will account for the
same, and dispose of it in the manner CCB directs.
(b) Termination for Default: If the Contractor does not deliver supplies in accordance
with the contract delivery schedule, or, if the contract is for services, the Contractor fails
to perform in the manner called for in the contract, or if the Contractor fails to comply
with any other provisions of the contract, CCB may terminate this contract for default.
Termination shall be effected by serving a notice of termination on the contractor setting
forth the manner in which the Contractor is in default. The Contractor will only be paid
the contract price for supplies delivered and accepted, or services performed in
accordance with the manner of performance set forth in the contract.
If it is later determined by CCB that the Contractor had an excusable reason for not
performing, such as a strike, fire, or flood, events which are not the fault of or are
beyond the control of the Contractor, CCB, after setting up a new delivery of
performance schedule, may allow the Contractor to continue work, or treat the
termination as a termination for convenience.
(c) Termination for Default: If the Contractor refuses or fails to prosecute the work or
any separable part, with the diligence that will insure its completion within the time
specified in this contract or any extension or fails to complete the work within this time,
Exhibit C-5
Exhibit C
or if the Contractor fails to comply with any other provisions of this contract, CCB may
terminate this contract for default. CCB shall terminate by delivering to the Contractor a
Notice of Termination specifying the nature of the default. In this event, CCB may take
over the work and compete it by contract or otherwise, and may take possession of and
use any materials, appliances, and plant on the work site necessary for completing the
work. The Contractor and its sureties shall be liable for any damage to CCB resulting
from the Contractor's refusal or failure to complete the work within specified time,
whether or not the Contractor's right to proceed with the work is terminated. This liability
includes any increased costs incurred by CCB in completing the work.
The Contractor's right to proceed shall not be terminated nor the Contractor charged
with damages under this clause if:
The delay in completing the work arises from unforeseeable causes beyond
the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor. Examples of
such causes include: acts of God, acts of the CCB, acts of another Contractor
in the performance of a contract with the CCB, epidemics, quarantine
restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes; and
The contractor, within [10] days from the beginning of any delay, notifies the
CCB in writing of the causes of delay. If in the judgment of the CCB, the delay
is excusable, the time for completing the work shall be extended. The
judgment of the CCB shall be final and conclusive on the parties, but subject
to appeal under the Disputes clauses.
If, after termination of the Contractor's right to proceed, it is determined that the
Contractor was not in default, or that the delay was excusable, the rights and
obligations of the parties will be the same as if the termination had been issued for the
convenience of the CCB.
(d) Opportunity to Cure: CCB in its sole discretion may, in the case of a termination for
breach or default, allow the Contractor ten (10) days in which to cure the defect. In such
case, the notice of termination will state the time period in which cure is permitted and
other appropriate conditions.
If the Contractor fails to remedy to CCB's satisfaction the breach or default or any of the
terms, covenants, or conditions of this Contract within ten (10) days after receipt by the
Contractor of written notice from CCB setting forth the nature of said breach or default,
CCB shall have the right to terminate the Contract without any further obligation to
Contractor. Any such termination for default shall not in any way operate to preclude
CCB from also pursuing all available remedies against the Contractor and its sureties
for said breach or default.
(e) Waiver of Remedies for any Breach In the event that CCB elects to waive its
remedies for any breach by the Contractor of any covenant, term or condition of this
Contract, such waiver by CCB shall not limit CCB's remedies for any succeeding breach
of that or of any other term, covenant, or condition of this Contract.
Exhibit C-6
Exhibit C
1.11 Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Compliance
29 U.S.C. § 623, 42 U.S.C. § 2000, 42 U.S.C. § 6102, 42 U.S.C. § 12112, 42 U.S.C. §
12132, 49 U.S.C. § 5332, 29 CFR Part 1630, 41 CFR Parts 60 et seq.
During the performance of this contract, the Contractor, for itself, its assignees and
successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor"), agrees as follows:
(a) Compliance with Regulations: The Contractor shall comply with the regulations and
directives relative to non-discrimination in federal programs which are incorporated by
reference and made a part of this contract.
(b) Nondiscrimination - In accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as
amended; 42 U.S.C. § 2000d, section 303 of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as
amended; 42 U.S.C. § 6102, section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990;
42 U.S.C. § 12132; and Federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. § 5332, the Contractor agrees
that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because
of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, or disability. In addition, the Contractor
agrees to comply with applicable Federal implementing regulations and other
implementing requirements FTA may issue.
(c) Equal Employment Opportunity - The following equal employment opportunity
requirements apply to the underlying contract:
Race, Color, Creed, National Origin, Sex - In accordance with Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e, and Federal transit laws at 49 U.S.C. §
5332, the Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable equal employment opportunity
requirements of U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) regulations, "Office of Federal
Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor,"
41 C.F.R. Parts 60 et seq., (which implement Executive Order No. 11246, "Equal
Employment Opportunity," as amended by Executive Order No. 11375, "Amending
Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity," 42 U.S.C. § 2000e
note), and with any applicable Federal statutes, executive orders, regulations, and
Federal policies that may in the future affect construction activities undertaken in the
course of the Project. The Contractor agrees to take affirmative action to ensure that
applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without
regard to their race, color, creed, national origin, sex, or age. Such action shall include,
but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer,
recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms
of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. In addition, the
Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue.
1. Age - In accordance with section 4 of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of
1967, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § § 623 and Federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. § 5332, the
Contractor agrees to refrain from discrimination against present and prospective
Exhibit C-7
Exhibit C
employees for reason of age. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with any
implementing requirements FTA may issue.
2. Disabilities - In accordance with section 102 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as
amended, 42 U.S.C. § 12112, the Contractor agrees that it will comply with the
requirements of U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, "Regulations to
Implement the Equal Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act," 29
C.F.R. Part 1630, pertaining to employment of persons with disabilities. In addition, the
Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue.
(d) The Contractor also agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract
financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FTA, modified only if
necessary to identify the affected parties.
1.12 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise 49 CFR Part 26
The Contractor or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall carry out
applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT
assisted contracts. Failure by the Contractor to carry out these requirements is a
material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or
such other remedy, as CCB deems appropriate. Each subcontract the Contractor signs
with a subcontractor must include the assurance in this paragraph (see 49 CFR
The Federal Fiscal Year goal has been set by CCB in an attempt to match projected
procurements with available qualified disadvantaged businesses. CCB’s goals for
budgeted service contracts, bus parts, and other material and supplies for
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises have been established by CCB as set forth by the
Department of Transportation Regulations 49 C.F.R. Part 26, February 2, 1999, and are
considered pertinent to any contract resulting from this Request for Proposals.
If a specific DBE goal is assigned to this contract, it will be clearly stated in the RFP
documents, and if the Contractor is found to have failed to exert sufficient, reasonable,
and good faith efforts to involve DBE's in the work provided, CCB may declare the
Contractor noncompliant and in breach of contract. If a goal is not stated in the RFP
documents, it will be understood that no specific goal is assigned to this contract.
(a) Policy - It is the policy of the Department of Transportation and CCB that
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, as defined in 49 CFR Part 26, shall have the
maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or
in part with federal funds under this Agreement. Consequently, DBE requirements of 49
CFR Part 26 apply to this Contract. It is further the policy of CCB to promote the
development and increase the participation of businesses owned and controlled by
disadvantaged persons. DBE involvement in all phases of CCB’s procurement activities
is encouraged.
Exhibit C-8
Exhibit C
(b) DBE obligation - The Contractor and its subcontractors agree to ensure that
disadvantaged businesses as defined in 49 CFR Part 26 have the maximum opportunity
to participate in the performance of contracts and subcontracts financed in whole or in
part with federal funds provided under this Agreement. In this regard, all Contractors
and subcontractors shall take all necessary and reasonable steps in accordance with 49
CFR Part 26 to ensure that minority business enterprises have the maximum
opportunity to compete for and perform contracts. The Contractor shall not discriminate
on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age or physical handicap in the
award and performance of subcontracts.
(c) Where the Contractor is found to have failed to exert sufficient reasonable and good
faith efforts to involve DBE's in the work provided, CCB may declare the Contractor
noncompliant and in breach of contract.
(d) The Contractor will keep records and documents for a reasonable time following
performance of this contract to indicate compliance with CCB’s DBE program. These
records and documents will be made available at reasonable times and places for
inspection by any authorized representative of CCB and will be submitted to CCB upon
(e) CCB will provide affirmative assistance as may be reasonable and necessary to
assist the prime contractor in implementing its programs for DBE participation.
The assistance may include the following upon request:
* Identification of qualified DBE
* Available listing of Minority Assistance Agencies
* Holding bid conferences to emphasize requirements
1.13 Access Requirements for Individuals with Disabilities 49 U.S.C. § 5301(d)
CCB (and its Contractors) agrees to comply with the requirements of 49 U.S.C. §
5301(d) which states the Federal policy that the elderly and persons with disabilities
have the same right as other persons to use mass transportation service and facilities,
and that special efforts shall be made in planning and designing those services and
facilities to implement that policy. CCB (and its Contractors) also agrees to comply with
all applicable requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as
amended, 29 U.S.C. § 794, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps,
and with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§
12101 et seq., which requires that accessible facilities and services be made available
to persons with disabilities, including any subsequent amendments thereto. In addition,
CCB (and its Contractors) agrees to comply with all applicable requirements of the
following regulations and any subsequent amendments thereto:
(1) U.S. DOT regulations, "Transportation Services for Individuals with Disabilities
(ADA)," 49 C.F.R. Part 37;
(2) U.S. DOT regulations, "Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs and
Activities Receiving or Benefiting from Federal Financial Assistance," 49 C.F.R. Part 27;
Exhibit C-9
Exhibit C
(3) Joint U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board/U.S. DOT
regulations, "Americans With Disabilities (ADA) Accessibility Specifications for
Transportation Vehicles," 36 C.F.R. Part 1192 and 49 C.F.R. Part 38;
(4) U.S. DOJ regulations, "Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in State and
Local Government Services," 28 C.F.R. Part 35;
(5) U.S. DOJ regulations, "Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability by Public
Accommodations and in Commercial Facilities," 28 C.F.R. Part 36;
(6) U.S. General Services Administration (U.S. GSA) regulations, "Accommodations for
the Physically Handicapped," 41 C.F.R. Subpart 101-19;
(7) U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, "Regulations to Implement the
Equal Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act," 29 C.F.R. Part
(8) U.S. Federal Communications Commission regulations, "Telecommunications Relay
Services and Related Customer Premises Equipment for the Hearing and Speech
Disabled," 47 C.F.R. Part 64, Subpart F; and
(9) FTA regulations, "Transportation for Elderly and Handicapped Persons," 49 C.F.R.
Part 609; and
(10) Any implementing requirements FTA may issue.
1.14 Nondiscrimination under Federal Grants
No otherwise qualified handicapped individual in the United States shall solely by
reason of his or her handicap, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the
benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving
Federal financial assistance.
1.15 Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act - 29 CFR 5.5(b)
(Applies to all federally-assisted construction contracts over $2,000 and all nonconstruction contracts over $2,500)
(1) Overtime Requirements - No contractor or subcontractor contracting for any part of
the contract work which may require or involve the employment of laborers or
mechanics shall require or permit any such laborer or mechanic in any workweek in
which he or she is employed on such work to work in excess of forty hours in such
workweek unless such laborer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate not less
Exhibit C-10
Exhibit C
than one and one-half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty
hours in such workweek.
(2) Violation; liability for unpaid wages; liquidated damages - In the event of any
violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section the contractor and any
subcontractor responsible therefore shall be liable for the unpaid wages. In addition,
such contractor and subcontractor shall be liable to the United States for liquidated
damages. Such liquidated damages shall be computed with respect to each individual
laborer or mechanic, including watchmen and guards, employed in violation of the
clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section, in the sum of $ 10 for each calendar
day on which such individual was required or permitted to work in excess of the
standard workweek of forty hours without payment of the overtime wages required by
the clause set forth in paragraph (1) of this section.
(3) Withholding for unpaid wages and liquidated damages - The State shall upon its
own action or upon written request of an authorized representative of the Department of
Labor withhold or cause to be withheld, from any moneys payable on account of work
performed by the contractor or subcontractor under any such contract or any other
Federal contract with the same prime contractor, or any other federally-assisted
contract subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, which is held by
the same prime contractor, such sums as may be determined to be necessary to satisfy
any liabilities of such contractor or subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidated
damages as provided in the clause set forth in paragraph (2) of this section.
(4) Subcontracts - The contractor or subcontractor shall insert in any subcontracts the
clauses set forth in this section and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include
these clauses in any lower tier subcontracts. The prime contractor shall be responsible
for compliance by any subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor with the clauses set
forth in this section.
(5) Payrolls and basic records - (i) Payrolls and basic records relating thereto shall be
maintained by the contractor during the course of the work and preserved for a period of
three years thereafter for all laborers and mechanics working at the site of the work (or
under the United States Housing Act of 1937, or under the Housing Act of 1949, in the
construction or development of the project). Such records shall contain the name,
address, and social security number of each such worker, his or her correct
classification, hourly rates of wages paid (including rates of contributions or costs
anticipated for bona fide fringe benefits or cash equivalents thereof of the types
described in section 1(b)(2)(B) of the Davis-Bacon Act), daily and weekly number of
hours worked, deductions made and actual wages paid. Whenever the Secretary of
Labor has found under 29 CFR 5.5(a)(1)(iv) that the wages of any laborer or mechanic
include the amount of any costs reasonably anticipated in providing benefits under a
plan or program described in section 1(b)(2)(B) of the Davis-Bacon Act, the contractor
shall maintain records which show that the commitment to provide such benefits is
enforceable, that the plan or program is financially responsible, and that the plan or
program has been communicated in writing to the laborers or mechanics affected, and
Exhibit C-11
Exhibit C
records which show the costs anticipated or the actual cost incurred in providing such
benefits. Contractors employing apprentices or trainees under approved programs shall
maintain written evidence of the registration of apprenticeship programs and
certification of trainee programs, the registration of the apprentices and trainees, and
the ratios and wage rates prescribed in the applicable programs.
Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act - Section 107 (OSHA) – Construction
(i) The Contractor agrees to comply with section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and
Safety Standards Act, 40 U.S.C. section 333, and applicable DOL regulations, " Safety
and Health Regulations for Construction " 29 C.F.R. Part 1926. Among other things, the
Contractor agrees that it will not require any laborer or mechanic to work in unsanitary,
hazardous, or dangerous surroundings or working conditions.
(ii) Subcontracts - The Contractor also agrees to include the requirements of this
section in each subcontract. The term "subcontract" under this section is considered to
refer to a person who agrees to perform any part of the labor or material requirements
of a contract for construction, alteration or repair. A person who undertakes to perform a
portion of a contract involving the furnishing of supplies or materials will be considered a
"subcontractor" under this section if the work in question involves the performance of
construction work and is to be performed: (1) directly on or near the construction site, or
(2) by the employer for the specific project on a customized basis. Thus, a supplier of
materials, which will become an integral part of the construction, is a "subcontractor" if
the supplier fabricates or assembles the goods or materials in question specifically for
the construction project and the work involved may be said to be construction activity. If
the goods or materials in question are ordinarily sold to other customers from regular
inventory, the supplier is not a "subcontractor." The requirements of this section do not
apply to contracts or subcontracts for the purchase of supplies or materials or articles
normally available on the open market.
1.16 Davis-Bacon Act and Copeland Anti-Kickback Acts 29 CFR Section 5.5
(1) Minimum wages - (i) All laborers and mechanics employed or working upon the site
of the work (or under the United States Housing Act of 1937 or under the Housing Act of
1949 in the construction or development of the project), will be paid unconditionally and
not less often than once a week, and without subsequent deduction or rebate on any
account (except such payroll deductions as are permitted by regulations issued by the
Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act (29 CFR part 3)), the full amount of wages
and bona fide fringe benefits (or cash equivalents thereof) due at time of payment
computed at rates not less than those contained in the wage determination of the
Secretary of Labor which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, regardless of any
contractual relationship which may be alleged to exist between the contractor and such
laborers and mechanics.
Exhibit C-12
Exhibit C
Contributions made or costs reasonably anticipated for bona fide fringe benefits under
section 1(b)(2) of the Davis-Bacon Act on behalf of laborers or mechanics are
considered wages paid to such laborers or mechanics, subject to the provisions of
paragraph (1)(iv) of this section; also, regular contributions made or costs incurred for
more than a weekly period (but not less often than quarterly) under plans, funds, or
programs which cover the particular weekly period, are deemed to be constructively
made or incurred during such weekly period. Such laborers and mechanics shall be
paid the appropriate wage rate and fringe benefits on the wage determination for the
classification of work actually performed, without regard to skill, except as provided in
29 CFR Part 5.5(a)(4). Laborers or mechanics performing work in more than one
classification may be compensated at the rate specified for each classification for the
time actually worked therein: provided that the employer's payroll records accurately set
forth the time spent in each classification in which work is performed. The wage
determination (including any additional classifications and wage rates conformed under
paragraph (1)(ii) of this section) and the Davis-Bacon poster (WH-1321) shall be posted
at all times by the contractor and its subcontractors at the site of the work in a
prominent and accessible place where it can be easily seen by the workers.
(ii)(A) The contracting officer shall require that any class of laborers or mechanics,
including helpers, which is not listed in the wage determination and which is to be
employed under the contract shall be classified in conformance with the wage
determination. The contracting officer shall approve an additional classification and
wage rate and fringe benefits therefore only when the following criteria have been met:
(1) Except with respect to helpers as defined as 29 CFR 5.2(n)(4), the work to be
performed by the classification requested is not performed by a classification in the
wage determination; and
(2) The classification is utilized in the area by the construction industry; and
(3) The proposed wage rate, including any bona fide fringe benefits, bears a reasonable
relationship to the wage rates contained in the wage determination; and
(4) With respect to helpers as defined in 29 CFR 5.2(n)(4), such a classification prevails
in the area in which the work is performed.
(B) If the contractor and the laborers and mechanics to be employed in the classification
(if known), or their representatives, and the contracting officer agree on the
classification and wage rate (including the amount designated for fringe benefits where
appropriate), a report of the action taken shall be sent by the contracting officer to the
Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration,
U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC 20210. The Administrator, or an authorized
representative, will approve, modify, or disapprove every additional classification action
within 30 days of receipt and so advise the contracting officer or will notify the
contracting officer within the 30-day period that additional time is necessary.
Exhibit C-13
Exhibit C
(C) In the event the contractor, the laborers or technicians to be employed in the
classification or their representatives, and the contracting officer do not agree on the
proposed classification and wage rate (including the amount designated for fringe
benefits, where appropriate), the contracting officer shall refer the questions, including
the views of all interested parties and the recommendation of the contracting officer, to
the Administrator for determination. The Administrator, or an authorized representative,
will issue a determination within 30 days of receipt and so advise the contracting officer
or will notify the contracting officer within the 30-day period that additional time is
(D) The wage rate (including fringe benefits where appropriate) determined pursuant to
paragraphs (a)(1)(ii) (B) or (C) of this section, shall be paid to all workers performing
work in the classification under this contract from the first day on which work is
performed in the classification.
(iii) Whenever the minimum wage rate prescribed in the contract for a class of laborers
or mechanics includes a fringe benefit which is not expressed as an hourly rate, the
contractor shall either pay the benefit as stated in the wage determination or shall pay
another bona fide fringe benefit or an hourly cash equivalent thereof.
(iv) If the contractor does not make payments to a trustee or other third person, the
contractor may consider as part of the wages of any laborer or mechanic the amount of
any costs reasonably anticipated in providing bona fide fringe benefits under a plan or
program, Provided, That the Secretary of Labor has found, upon the written request of
the contractor, that the applicable standards of the Davis-Bacon Act have been met.
The Secretary of Labor may require the contractor to set aside in a separate account
assets for the meeting of obligations under the plan or program.
(v)(A) The contracting officer shall require that any class of laborers or mechanics which
is not listed in the wage determination and which is to be employed under the contract
shall be classified in conformance with the wage determination. The contracting officer
shall approve an additional classification and wage rate and fringe benefits therefor only
when the following criteria have been met:
(1) The work to be performed by the classification requested is not performed by a
classification in the wage determination; and
(2) The classification is utilized in the area by the construction industry; and
(3) The proposed wage rate, including any bona fide fringe benefits, bears a reasonable
relationship to the wage rates contained in the wage determination.
(B) If the contractor and the laborers and mechanics to be employed in the classification
(if known), or their representatives, and the contracting officer agree on the
classification and wage rate (including the amount designated for fringe benefits where
appropriate), a report of the action taken shall be sent by the contracting officer to the
Exhibit C-14
Exhibit C
Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration,
Washington, DC 20210. The Administrator, or an authorized representative, will
approve, modify, or disapprove every additional classification action within 30 days of
receipt and so advise the contracting officer or will notify the contracting officer within
the 30-day period that additional time is necessary.
(C) In the event the contractor, the laborers or mechanics to be employed in the
classification or their representatives, and the contracting officer do not agree on the
proposed classification and wage rate (including the amount designated for fringe
benefits, where appropriate), the contracting officer shall refer the questions, including
the views of all interested parties and the recommendation of the contracting officer, to
the Administrator for determination. The Administrator, or an authorized representative,
will issue a determination with 30 days of receipt and so advise the contracting officer or
will notify the contracting officer within the 30-day period that additional time is
(D) The wage rate (including fringe benefits where appropriate) determined pursuant to
paragraphs (a)(1)(v) (B) or (C) of this section, shall be paid to all workers performing
work in the classification under this contract from the first day on which work is
performed in the classification.
(2) Withholding - CCB shall upon its own action or upon written request of an authorized
representative of the Department of Labor withhold or cause to be withheld from the
contractor under this contract or any other Federal contract with the same prime
contractor, or any other federally-assisted contract subject to Davis-Bacon prevailing
wage requirements, which is held by the same prime contractor, so much of the
accrued payments or advances as may be considered necessary to pay laborers and
mechanics, including apprentices, trainees, and helpers, employed by the contractor or
any subcontractor the full amount of wages required by the contract. In the event of
failure to pay any laborer or mechanic, including any apprentice, trainee, or helper,
employed or working on the site of the work (or under the United States Housing Act of
1937 or under the Housing Act of 1949 in the construction or development of the
project), all or part of the wages required by the contract, the CCB may, after written
notice to the contractor, sponsor, applicant, or owner, take such action as may be
necessary to cause the suspension of any further payment, advance, or guarantee of
funds until such violations have ceased.
(3) Payrolls and basic records - (i) Payrolls and basic records relating thereto shall be
maintained by the contractor during the course of the work and preserved for a period of
three years thereafter for all laborers and mechanics working at the site of the work (or
under the United States Housing Act of 1937, or under the Housing Act of 1949, in the
construction or development of the project). Such records shall contain the name,
address, and social security number of each such worker, his or her correct
classification, hourly rates of wages paid (including rates of contributions or costs
anticipated for bona fide fringe benefits or cash equivalents thereof of the types
described in section 1(b)(2)(B) of the Davis-Bacon Act), daily and weekly number of
Exhibit C-15
Exhibit C
hours worked, deductions made and actual wages paid. Whenever the Secretary of
Labor has found under 29 CFR 5.5(a)(1)(iv) that the wages of any laborer or mechanic
include the amount of any costs reasonably anticipated in providing benefits under a
plan or program described in section 1(b)(2)(B) of the Davis-Bacon Act, the contractor
shall maintain records which show that the commitment to provide such benefits is
enforceable, that the plan or program is financially responsible, and that the plan or
program has been communicated in writing to the laborers or mechanics affected, and
records which show the costs anticipated or the actual cost incurred in providing such
benefits. Contractors employing apprentices or trainees under approved programs shall
maintain written evidence of the registration of apprenticeship programs and
certification of trainee programs, the registration of the apprentices and trainees, and
the ratios and wage rates prescribed in the applicable programs.
(ii)(A) The contractor shall submit weekly for each week in which any contract work is
performed a copy of all payrolls to the CCB for transmission to the Federal Transit
Administration. The payrolls submitted shall set out accurately and completely all of the
information required to be maintained under section 5.5(a)(3)(i) of Regulations, 29 CFR
part 5. This information may be submitted in any form desired. Optional Form WH-347
is available for this purpose and may be purchased from the Superintendent of
Documents (Federal Stock Number 029-005-00014-1), U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, DC 20402. The prime contractor is responsible for the submission
of copies of payrolls by all subcontractors. (B) Each payroll submitted shall be
accompanied by a "Statement of Compliance," signed by the contractor or
subcontractor or his or her agent who pays or supervises the payment of the persons
employed under the contract and shall certify the following:
(1) That the payroll for the payroll period contains the information required to be
maintained under section 5.5(a)(3)(i) of Regulations, 29 CFR part 5 and that such
information is correct and complete;
(2) That each laborer or mechanic (including each helper, apprentice, and trainee)
employed on the contract during the payroll period has been paid the full weekly wages
earned, without rebate, either directly or indirectly, and that no deductions have been
made either directly or indirectly from the full wages earned, other than permissible
deductions as set forth in Regulations, 29 CFR part 3;
(3) That each laborer or mechanic has been paid not less than the applicable wage
rates and fringe benefits or cash equivalents for the classification of work performed, as
specified in the applicable wage determination incorporated into the contract.
(C) The weekly submission of a properly executed certification set forth on the reverse
side of Optional Form WH-347 shall satisfy the requirement for submission of the
"Statement of Compliance" required by paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(B) of this section.
Exhibit C-16
Exhibit C
(D) The falsification of any of the above certifications may subject the contractor or
subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution under section 1001 of title 18 and section
231 of title 31 of the United States Code.
(iii) The contractor or subcontractor shall make the records required under paragraph
(a)(3)(i) of this section available for inspection, copying, or transcription by authorized
representatives of the Federal Transit Administration or the Department of Labor, and
shall permit such representatives to interview employees during working hours on the
job. If the contractor or subcontractor fails to submit the required records or to make
them available, the Federal agency may, after written notice to the contractor, sponsor,
applicant, or owner, take such action as may be necessary to cause the suspension of
any further payment, advance, or guarantee of funds. Furthermore, failure to submit the
required records upon request or to make such records available may be grounds for
debarment action pursuant to 29 CFR 5.12.
(4) Apprentices and trainees - (i) Apprentices - Apprentices will be permitted to work at
less than the predetermined rate for the work they performed when they are employed
pursuant to and individually registered in a bona fide apprenticeship program registered
with the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of
Apprenticeship and Training, or with a State Apprenticeship Agency recognized by the
Bureau, or if a person is employed in his or her first 90 days of probationary
employment as an apprentice in such an apprenticeship program, who is not
individually registered in the program, but who has been certified by the Bureau of
Apprenticeship and Training or a State Apprenticeship Agency (where appropriate) to
be eligible for probationary employment as an apprentice. The allowable ratio of
apprentices to journeymen on the job site in any craft classification shall not be greater
than the ratio permitted to the contractor as to the entire work force under the registered
program. Any worker listed on a payroll at an apprentice wage rate, who is not
registered or otherwise employed as stated above, shall be paid not less than the
applicable wage rate on the wage determination for the classification of work actually
performed. In addition, any apprentice performing work on the job site in excess of the
ratio permitted under the registered program shall be paid not less than the applicable
wage rate on the wage determination for the work actually performed. Where a
contractor is performing construction on a project in a locality other than that in which its
program is registered, the ratios and wage rates (expressed in percentages of the
journeyman's hourly rate) specified in the contractor's or subcontractor's registered
program shall be observed. Every apprentice must be paid at not less than the rate
specified in the registered program for the apprentice's level of progress, expressed as
a percentage of the journeymen hourly rate specified in the applicable wage
determination. Apprentices shall be paid fringe benefits in accordance with the
provisions of the apprenticeship program. If the apprenticeship program does not
specify fringe benefits, apprentices must be paid the full amount of fringe benefits listed
on the wage determination for the applicable classification. If the Administrator of the
Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor determines that a different
practice prevails for the applicable apprentice classification, fringes shall be paid in
accordance with that determination. In the event the Bureau of Apprenticeship and
Exhibit C-17
Exhibit C
Training, or a State Apprenticeship Agency recognized by the Bureau, withdraws
approval of an apprenticeship program, the contractor will no longer be permitted to
utilize apprentices at less than the applicable predetermined rate for the work performed
until an acceptable program is approved.
(ii) Trainees - Except as provided in 29 CFR 5.16, trainees will not be permitted to work
at less than the predetermined rate for the work performed unless they are employed
pursuant to and individually registered in a program which has received prior approval,
evidenced by formal certification by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and
Training Administration. The ratio of trainees to journeymen on the job site shall not be
greater than permitted under the plan approved by the Employment and Training
Administration. Every trainee must be paid at not less than the rate specified in the
approved program for the trainee's level of progress, expressed as a percentage of the
journeyman hourly rate specified in the applicable wage determination. Trainees shall
be paid fringe benefits in accordance with the provisions of the trainee program. If the
trainee program does not mention fringe benefits, trainees shall be paid the full amount
of fringe benefits listed on the wage determination unless the Administrator of the Wage
and Hour Division determines that there is an apprenticeship program associated with
the corresponding journeyman wage rate on the wage determination which provides for
less than full fringe benefits for apprentices. Any employee listed on the payroll at a
trainee rate who is not registered and participating in a training plan approved by the
Employment and Training Administration shall be paid not less than the applicable
wage rate on the wage determination for the classification of work actually performed. In
addition, any trainee performing work on the job site in excess of the ratio permitted
under the registered program shall be paid not less than the applicable wage rate on
the wage determination for the work actually performed. In the event the Employment
and Training Administration withdraws approval of a training program, the contractor will
no longer be permitted to utilize trainees at less than the applicable predetermined rate
for the work performed until an acceptable program is approved.
(iii) Equal employment opportunity - The utilization of apprentices, trainees and
journeymen under this part shall be in conformity with the equal employment
opportunity requirements of Executive Order 11246, as amended, and 29 CFR part 30.
(5) Compliance with Copeland Act requirements - The contractor shall comply with the
requirements of 29 CFR Part 3, which are incorporated by reference in this contract.
(6) Subcontracts - The contractor or subcontractor shall insert in any subcontracts the
clauses contained in 29 CFR 5.5(a)(1) through (10) and such other clauses as the
Federal Transit Administration may by appropriate instructions require, and also a
clause requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses in any lower tier
subcontracts. The prime contractor shall be responsible for the compliance by any
subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor with all the contract clauses in 29 CFR 5.5.
Exhibit C-18
Exhibit C
(7) Contract termination: debarment - A breach of the contract clauses in 29 CFR 5.5
may be grounds for termination of the contract, and for debarment as a contractor and a
subcontractor as provided in 29 CFR 5.12.
(8) Compliance with Davis-Bacon and Related Act requirements - All rulings and
interpretations of the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts contained in 29 CFR parts 1, 3,
and 5 are herein incorporated by reference in this contract.
(9) Disputes concerning labor standards - Disputes arising out of the labor standards
provisions of this contract shall not be subject to the general disputes clause of this
contract. Such disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures of the
Department of Labor set forth in 29 CFR parts 5, 6, and 7. Disputes within the meaning
of this clause include disputes between the contractor (or any of its subcontractors) and
the contracting agency, the U.S. Department of Labor, or the employees or their
(10) Certification of eligibility - (i) By entering into this contract, the contractor certifies
that neither it (nor he or she) nor any person or firm who has an interest in the
contractor's firm is a person or firm ineligible to be awarded Government contracts by
virtue of section 3(a) of the Davis-Bacon Act or 29 CFR 5.12(a)(1).
(ii) No part of this contract shall be subcontracted to any person or firm ineligible for
award of a Government contract by virtue of section 3(a) of the Davis-Bacon Act or 29
CFR 5.12(a)(1).
(iii) The penalty for making false statements is prescribed in the U.S. Criminal Code, 18
U.S.C. 1001.
1.17 Energy Conservation 42 U.S.C. § 6321 et seq., 49 CFR Part 18
(a) The Contractor agrees to comply with mandatory standards and policies relating to
energy efficiency which are contained in the state energy conservation plan issued in
compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.
(b) The Contractor agrees to include the above clause in each third party subcontract
financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FTA. It is further
agreed that the clause shall not be modified, except to identify the subcontractor who
will be subject to its provisions.
1.18 Clean Air 42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq., 40 CFR 15.61, 49 CFR Part 18
The Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations
issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 7401 et seq. The
Exhibit C-19
Exhibit C
Contractor agrees to report each violation to the Purchaser and understands and
agrees that the Purchaser will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure
notification to FTA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office.
The Contractor also agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract
exceeding $100,000 financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by
1.19 Clean Water 33 U.S.C. 1251
The Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations
issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C.
1251 et seq. The Contractor agrees to report each violation to the Purchaser and
understands and agrees that the Purchaser will, in turn, report each violation as
required to assure notification to FTA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office.
The Contractor also agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract
exceeding $100,000 financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by
1.20 Air Pollution, 40 CFR Parts 84, 85, 86, and 600, Vehicle Purchases
In submitting its bid and executing a contract, Contractor assures that facilities or
equipment (including motor vehicles) furnished, constructed or improved under the
contract are or will be designed and equipped to limit air pollution as provided in
accordance with EPA regulations as contained in 40 CFR Parts 84, 85, and 86 (Control
of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles and Engines) and 40 CFR Part 600 (Fuel Economy
of Motor Vehicles) and all other applicable standards. For vehicle purchases the
successful bidder may be required to submit Certification to CCB that the governing air
pollution criteria has been met. This evidence and certification will be retained by CCB.
1.21 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS), 49 CFR Part 500, Vehicle
Contractor (whether manufacturer or dealer) certifies that the vehicles to be supplied
under the contract shall conform to all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Standards of the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, and are certified by installation of the required certification plate.
1.22 Bus Testing
49 U.S.C. 5318(e), 49 CFR Part 665
Contractor will comply with the regulations pertinent to New Vehicle Testing
Requirements (49 CFR 655). New models and modified vehicles (as defined by the
regulations) shall be certified to have been tested in accordance with the applicable
regulations. If the vehicle is a model, which is not required to be tested, the contractor
shall so certify. Bidders not certifying compliance with this requirement may be
considered non-responsive. Bidders will be required to submit test results as a part of
Exhibit C-20
Exhibit C
their bid package, if available at the time bid documents are submitted. Final test results
shall be required prior to award of a contract.
1.23 Recycled Products
42 U.S.C. § 6962, 40 CFR Part 247, Executive Order 12873
The Contractor agrees to comply with all the requirements of Section 6002 of the
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 6962),
including but not limited to the regulatory provisions of 40 CFR Part 247, and Executive
Order 12873, as they apply to the procurement of the items designated in Subpart B of
40 CFR Part 247
1.24 Seismic Safety Requirements
42 U.S.C. 7701 et seq., 49 CFR Part 41
The Contractor agrees that any new building or addition to an existing building will be
designed and constructed in accordance with the standards for Seismic Safety required
in Department of Transportation Seismic Safety Regulations 49 CFR Part 41 and will
certify to compliance to the extent required by the regulation. The Contractor also
agrees to ensure that all work performed under this contract including work performed
by a subcontractor is in compliance with the standards required by the Seismic Safety
Regulations and the certification of compliance issued on the project.
1.25 Buy America Provisions
49 U.S.C. § 5323(j), 49 CFR Part 661
The Contractor agrees to comply with 49 U.S.C. 5323(j) and 49 CFR Part 661, which
provide that Federal funds may not be obligated unless steel, iron, and manufactured
products used in FTA-funded projects are produced in the United States, unless a
waiver has been granted by FTA or the product is subject to a general waiver. General
waivers are listed in 49 CFR 661.7. Separate requirements for rolling stock are set out
at 5323(j)(2)(C) and 49 CFR 661.11. Rolling stock not subject to a general waiver must
be manufactured in the United States and have a 60 percent domestic content.
a) A bidder or offeror must submit to CCB the Buy America certification (Attachment A
Steel, Iron or Manufactured Products) with all bids on FTA-funded contracts, except
those subject to a general waiver. Bids or offers that are not accompanied by a
completed Buy America certification must be rejected as non-responsive. This
requirement does not apply to lower tier subcontractors.
1.26 Buy America Provision: Buses, Rolling Stock and Associated Equipment
5323(j)(2)(C), 49 CFR 661.11
The Contractor agrees to comply with 5323(j)(2)(C) and 49 CFR 661.11, which provide
that Federal funds may not be obligated unless buses, rolling stock and associated
equipment used in FTA-funded projects are produced in the United States, unless a
Exhibit C-21
Exhibit C
waiver has been granted by FTA or the product is subject to a general waiver. Rolling
stock not subject to a general waiver must be manufactured in the United States and
have a 60 percent domestic content.
A bidder or offeror must submit to CCB the appropriate Buy America certification with all
bids on FTA-funded contracts for buses, rolling stock or associated equipment, except
those subject to a general waiver. Bids or offers that are not accompanied by a
completed Buy America certification must be rejected as non-responsive. This
requirement does not apply to lower tier subcontractors.
1.27 Cargo Preference: Use of United States Flag Vessels
46 U.S.C. § 1241, 46 CFR, Part 381
The Contractor agrees: a) to use privately owned United States-Flag commercial
vessels to ship at least 50 percent of the gross tonnage (computed separately for dry
bulk carriers, dry cargo liners, and tankers) involved, whenever shipping any equipment,
material, or commodities pursuant to the underlying contract to the extent such vessels
are available at fair and reasonable rates for United States-Flag commercial vessels; b)
to furnish within 20 working days following the date of loading for shipments originating
within the United States or within 30 working days following the date of loading for
shipments originating outside the United States, a legible copy of a rated, “on-board”
commercial ocean bill-of-lading in English for each shipment of cargo described in the
preceding paragraph to the Division of National Cargo, Office of Market Development,
Maritime Administration, Washington, DC 20590 and to the FTA recipient (through the
contractor in the case of a subcontractor’s bill-of-lading.) c) to include these
requirements in all subcontracts issued pursuant to this contract when the subcontract
may involve the transport of equipment, material or commodities by ocean vessel.
1.28 “Fly America” Requirements 49 U.S.C. § 40118, 41 CFR Part 301-10
(Applies to any contract which involves transportation of persons or property by air
between the U.S. and a place outside of the U.S.)
The Contractor agrees to comply with 49 U.S.C. 40118 (the "Fly America" Act) in
accordance with the General Services Administration's regulations at 41 CFR Part 30110, which provide that recipients and sub-recipients of Federal funds and their
contractors are required to use U.S. Flag air carriers for U.S Government-financed
international air travel and transportation of their personal effects or property, to the
extent such service is available, unless travel by foreign air carrier is a matter of
necessity, as defined by the Fly America Act. The Contractor shall submit, if a foreign
air carrier was used, an appropriate certification or memorandum adequately explaining
why service by a U.S. Flag air carrier was not available or why it was necessary to use
a foreign air carrier and shall, in any event, provide a certificate of compliance with the
Fly America requirements. The Contractor agrees to include the requirements of this
section in all subcontracts that may involve international air transportation.
1.29 Pre-Award and Post Delivery Audits
Exhibit C-22
Exhibit C
49 U.S.C. § 5323, 49 CFR Part 663
The Contractor agrees to comply with 49 U.S.C. § 5323(l) and FTA’s implementing
regulation at 49 CFR Part 663 and to submit the following certifications:
(1) Buy America Requirements: The Contractor shall complete and submit a declaration
certifying either compliance or noncompliance with Buy America. If the Bidder/Offeror
certifies compliance with Buy America, it shall submit documentation which lists a)
component and subcomponent parts of the rolling stock to be purchased identified by
manufacturer of the parts, their country of origin and costs; and b) the location of the
final assembly point for the rolling stock, including a description of the activities that will
take place at the final assembly point and the cost of final assembly.
(2) Solicitation Specification Requirements: The Contractor shall submit evidence that it
will be capable of meeting the bid specifications. (3) Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Standards (FMVSS): The Contractor shall submit: a) manufacturer’s FMVSS selfcertification sticker information that the vehicle complies with relevant FMVSS or b)
manufacturer’s certified statement that the contracted buses will not be subject to
FMVSS regulations.
1.30 Patent Rights
37 CFR Part 401, 40 CFR Parts 18 and 19
CCB's financial assistance contract with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal
Transit Administration, requires that if any invention, improvement or discovery of CCB
or any of its third party contractors is conceived or first actually reduced to practice in
the course of or under this contract, which invention, improvement or discovery may be
patentable under the laws of the United States of America or any foreign country, CCB
shall immediately notify the FTA and provide a detailed report. The rights and
responsibilities of CCB, Third Party contractors and the Government with respect to
such invention, improvement, or discovery will be determined in accordance with
applicable Federal laws, regulations, policies, and any waiver thereof.
1.31 Rights in Data and Copyrights
(a) The term "subject data" as used in this section means recorded information, whether
or not copyrighted, that is delivered or specified to be delivered under this Contract. The
term includes graphic or pictorial delineation in media such as drawings or photographs,
text in specifications or related performance or design-type documents; machine forms
such as punched cards, magnetic tape, or computer memory printouts; and information
retained in computer memory. Examples include, but are not limited to: computer
software, engineering drawings and associated lists, specifications, standards, process
sheets, manuals, technical reports, catalog item identifications, and related information.
The term does not include financial reports, cost analyses, and similar information
incidental to Contract administration.
(b) The following restrictions apply to all subject data first produced in the performance
of this Contract:
Exhibit C-23
Exhibit C
(1) Except for its own internal use, Contractor may not publish or reproduce subject
data in whole or in part, in any manner or form, nor may it authorize others to do so,
without the written consent of the Government, until such time as the Government may
have either released or approved the release of such data to the public; this restriction
on publication, however, does not apply to Contracts with academic institutions.
(2) As authorized by 49 CFR Section 18.34, the Government reserves a royalty-free
non-exclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use, and to
authorize others to use, for Federal Government purposes:
(i) any subject data developed under a grant, cooperative agreement, sub grant, subagreement, or third-party contract, irrespective of whether a copyright has been
obtained; and
(ii) any rights of copyright to which a grant recipient, sub recipient, or a third-party
contractor purchases ownership with federal assistance.
(c) It is understood that, in addition to the rights set forth in section b)(2) above, in any
project involving planning, research, development, or demonstration funded under the
Federal Transit Act, as amended, FTA may make available to any FTA recipient, sub
recipient, third party contractor, or third party subcontractor, either FTA's license in the
copyright to the subject data derived under this Contract or a copy of the subject data
first produced under this Contract. In the event that the project, which is the subject of
this Contract, is not completed for any reason whatsoever, all data developed under the
project shall become subject data as defined herein and shall be delivered as the
Government may direct. This subsection, however, does not apply to adaptations of
automatic data processing equipment or programs for CCB's use which costs are
financed with capital funds under Sections 3, 9, 16, 18, or 25 of the Federal Transit Act,
as amended, or Title 23 capital funds.
(d) Unless prohibited by State law, the Contractor agrees to indemnify, save, and hold
harmless CCB and the Government, their officers, agents, and employees acting within
the scope of their official duties against any liability, including costs and expenses,
resulting from any willful and intentional violation by the Contractor of proprietary rights,
copyrights, or right of privacy, arising out of the publication, translation, reproduction,
delivery, use, or disposition of any data furnished under this Contract. The Contractor
shall not be required to indemnify CCB and the Government for any such liability arising
out of the wrongful acts of employees or agents or CCB or the Government.
(e) Nothing contained in this section on rights in data shall imply a license to the
Government under any patent or be construed as affecting the scope of any license or
other right otherwise granted to the Government under any patent.
(f) The requirements of subsections b), c), and d) above do not apply to material
furnished to the CCB by the Government and incorporated in the work carried out under
Exhibit C-24
Exhibit C
the Contract, provided that such incorporated material is identified by CCB at the time of
delivery of such work.
1.32 Contracts Involving Federal Privacy Act Requirements
5 U.S.C. 552
(a) The Contractor agrees to comply with, and assures the compliance of its employees
with, the information restrictions and other applicable requirements of the Privacy Act of
1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a. Among other things, the Contractor agrees to obtain the express
consent of the Federal Government before the Contractor or its employees operate a
system of records on behalf of the Federal Government. The Contractor understands
that the requirements of the Privacy Act, including the civil and criminal penalties for
violation of that Act, apply to those individuals involved, and that failure to comply with
the terms of the Privacy Act may result in termination of the underlying contract.
(b) The Contractor also agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract to
administer any system of records on behalf of the Federal Government financed in
whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FTA.
1.33 Bid/Proposal Protest Procedures
1. General - Protests may be made by prospective bidders or proposers whose direct
economic interest would be affected by award of a contract or by failure to award a
contract. CCB will consider all protests requested in a timely manner regarding the
award of a contract, whether submitted before or after an award. All protests are to be
submitted in writing to: Transportation Director, Culver CityBus 4343 Duquesne Avenue
Culver City, CA 90232. Protest submissions should be concise, logically arranged, and
clearly state the grounds for protest. A protest must include at least the following
(a) Name, address, and telephone number of protestor;
(b) Identification of contract solicitation number;
(c) A detailed statement of the legal and factual grounds of the protest, including copies
of relevant documents; and
(d) A statement as to what relief is requested.
Protests must be submitted to CCB in accordance with these procedures and time
requirements, must be complete and contain all issues that the protestor believes
In the procedures outlined below, the Transportation Director is considered to be the
Contracting Officer.
Exhibit C-25
Exhibit C
2. Protests Before Bid/Proposal Opening - Bid protests alleging restrictive specifications
or improprieties which are apparent prior to bid opening or receipt of proposals must be
submitted in writing to the Contracting Officer at the address above and must be
received at least seven (7) days prior to bid opening or closing date for receipt of bids or
proposals. If the written protest is not received by the time specified, bids or proposals
may be received and award made in the normal manner unless the Contracting Officer
determines that remedial action is required. Oral protests not followed up by a written
protest will be disregarded. The Contracting Officer may request additional information
from the appealing party and information or response from other bidders, which shall be
submitted to the Contracting Officer not less than ten (10) days after the date of CCB's
request. So far as practicable, appeals will be decided based on the written appeal,
information and written response submitted by the appealing party and other bidders. In
failure of any party to timely respond to a request for information, it may be deemed by
CCB that such party does not desire to participate in the proceeding, does not contest
the matter, or does not desire to submit a response, and in such a case, the protest will
proceed and will not be delayed due to the lack of a response. Upon receipt and review
of written submissions and any independent evaluation deemed appropriate by CCB,
the Contracting Officer shall either (a) render a decision, or (b) at the sole election of the
Contracting Officer, conduct an informal hearing at which the interested parties will be
afforded opportunity to present their respective positions and facts, documents,
justification, and technical information in support thereof. Parties may, but are not
required to, be represented by counsel at the informal hearing, which will not be subject
to formal rules of evidence or procedures. Following the informal hearing, if one is held,
the Contracting Officer will render a decision, which shall be final, and notify all
interested parties thereof in writing but no later than ten (10) days from the date of
informal hearing.
3. Protests After Bid Opening/Prior to Award - Bid protests against the making of an
award by CCB must be submitted in writing to the Contracting Officer and received
within seven (7) days of the award by CCB. Notice of the protest and the basis therefore
will be given to all bidders or proposers. In addition, when a protest against the making
of an award by CCB is received and it is determined to withhold the award pending
disposition of the protest, the bidders or proposers whose bids or proposals might
become eligible for award shall be requested, before expiration of the time for
acceptance, to extend or to withdraw the bid. Where a written protest against the
making of an award is received in the time period specified, award will not be made
prior to seven (7) days after resolution of the protest unless CCB determines that:
(a) The items to be purchased are urgently required;
(b) Delivery or performance will be unduly delayed by failure to make award promptly;
(c) Failure to make award will otherwise cause undue harm to CCB or the federal
Exhibit C-26
Exhibit C
4. Protests After Award - In instances where the award has been made, the Contractor
shall be furnished with the notice of protest and the basis therefore. If the contractor has
not executed the contract as of the date the protest is received by CCB the execution of
the contract will not be made prior to seven (7) days after resolution of the protest
unless CCB determines that:
(a) The items to be purchased are urgently required;
(b) Delivery or performance will be unduly delayed by failure to make award promptly;
(c) Failure to make award will otherwise cause undue harm to CCB or the federal
5. Protests to Federal Transit Administration (FTA) - Under certain limited
circumstances, an interested party may protest to the FTA the award of a contract
pursuant to an FTA grant. FTA's review of any such protest will be limited to:
(a) Alleged failure by CCB to have written protest procedures or alleged failure to follow
such procedures, or
(b) Alleged violations of specific federal requirement that provides an applicable
complaint procedure shall be submitted and processed in accordance with that federal
Protestors shall file a protest with FTA not later than five (5) working days after a final
decision of CCB's Contracting Officer is rendered under the CCB protest procedure. In
instances where the protestor alleges that CCB failed to make a final determination on
the protest, the protestor shall file a complaint with FTA no later than five (5) federal
working days after the protestor knew or should have known of CCB's failure to render
a final determination in the protest.
6. Submission of Protest to FTA - Protests submitted to FTA should be submitted to the
FTA Region IX Office in Los Angeles with a concurrent copy to CCB. The protest filed
with FTA shall:
(a) Include the name and address of the protestor; (b) Identify the CCB project number
and the number of the contract solicitation;
(c) Contain a statement of the grounds for protest and any supporting documentation.
This should detail the alleged failure to follow CCB’s protest procedures, or the alleged
failure to have procedures, and be fully supported to the extent possible; and
(d) Include a copy of the local protest filed with CCB and a copy of CCB’s decision, if
Exhibit C-27
Exhibit C
1.34 Bonding Requirements (Construction and Non-Construction)
Bid Bond Requirements (Construction):
(a) Bid Security: A Bid Bond must be issued by a fully qualified surety company
acceptable to CCB and listed as a company currently authorized under 31 CFR, Part
223 as possessing a Certificate of Authority as described there under.
(b) Rights Reserved: In submitting this Bid, it is understood and agreed by bidder that
the right is reserved by CCB to reject any and all bids, or part of any bid, and it is
agreed that the Bid may not be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days subsequent to
the opening of bids, without the written consent of CCB.
It is also understood and agreed that if the undersigned bidder should withdraw any part
or all of his bid within [ninety (90)] days after the bid opening without the written consent
of CCB, shall refuse or be unable to enter into this Contract, as provided above, or
refuse or be unable to furnish adequate and acceptable Performance Bonds and Labor
and Material Payments Bonds, as provided above, or refuse or be unable to furnish
adequate and acceptable insurance, as provided above, he shall forfeit his bid security
to the extent of CCB’s damages occasioned by such withdrawal, or refusal, or inability
to enter into an agreement, or provide adequate security therefore.
It is further understood and agreed that to the extent the defaulting bidder's Bid Bond,
Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Treasurer's Check, and/or Official Bank Check
(excluding any income generated thereby which has been retained by CCB as provided
in the Instructions to Bidders shall prove inadequate to fully recompense CCB for the
damages occasioned by default, then the undersigned bidder agrees to indemnify CCB
and pay over to CCB the difference between the bid security and CCB’s total damages,
so as to make CCB whole.
The undersigned understands that any material alteration of any of the above or any of
the material contained on this form, other than that requested will render the bid
Performance and Payment Bonding Requirements (Construction)
The Contractor shall be required to obtain performance and payment bonds as follows:
(a) Performance bonds
(1) The penal amount of performance bonds shall be 100 percent of the original
contract price, unless CCB determines that a lesser amount would be adequate for the
protection of CCB.
(2) CCB may require additional performance bond protection when a contract price is
increased. The increase in protection shall generally equal 100 percent of the increase
Exhibit C-28
Exhibit C
in contract price. CCB may secure additional protection by directing the Contractor to
increase the penal amount of the existing bond or to obtain an additional bond.
(b) Payment bonds
(1) The penal amount of the payment bonds shall equal:
i. Fifty percent of the contract price if the contract price is not more than $1 million.
ii Forty percent of the contract price if the contract price is more than $1 million but not
more than $5 million; or
iii Two and one half million if the contract price is more than $5 million.
If the original contract price is $5 million or less, CCB may require additional protection
as required by subparagraph 1 if the contract price is increased.
1.35 Drug and Alcohol Testing
49 U.S.C. § 5331, 49 CFR Parts 653 and 654
Option 1:
The Contractor agrees to participate in CCB’s drug and alcohol program established in
compliance with 49 CFR 653 and 654.
Option 2:
The Contractor agrees to establish and implement a drug and alcohol testing program
that complies with 49 CFR Parts 653 and 654, produce any documentation necessary
to establish its compliance with Parts 653 and 654, and permit any authorized
representative of the United States Department of Transportation or its operating
administrations, the State Oversight Agency of California, or CCB, to inspect the
facilities and records associated with the implementation of the drug and alcohol testing
program as required under 49 CFR Parts 653 and 654 and review the testing process.
The contractor agrees further to certify annually its compliance with Parts 653 and 654
before (insert date) and to submit the Management Information System (MIS) reports
before (insert date) before March 15) to: CCB’s Project Manager 4343 Duquesne
Avenue Culver City, CA 90232. To certify compliance the contractor shall use the
"Substance Abuse Certifications" in the "Annual List of Certifications and Assurances
for Federal Transit Administration Grants and Cooperative Agreements," which is
published annually in the Federal Register.
Option 3:
The Contractor agrees to establish and implement a drug and alcohol testing program
that complies with 49 CFR Parts 653 and 654, produce any documentation necessary
to establish its compliance with Parts 653 and 654, and permit any authorized
representative of the United States Department of Transportation or its operating
administrations or CCB, to inspect the facilities and records associated with the
implementation of the drug and alcohol testing program as required under 49 CFR Parts
Exhibit C-29
Exhibit C
653 and 654 and review the testing process. The contractor agrees further to certify
annually its compliance with Parts 653 and 654 before (insert date) and to submit the
Management Information System (MIS) reports before (insert date) to CCB’s Project
Manager, 4343 Duquesne Avenue, Culver City, CA 90232. To certify compliance the
contractor shall use the "Substance Abuse Certifications" in the "Annual List of
Certifications and Assurances for Federal Transit Administration Grants and
Cooperative Agreements," which is published annually in the Federal Register. The
Contractor agrees further to [Select a, b, or c] (a) submit before (insert date or upon
request) a copy of the Policy Statement developed to implement its drug and alcohol
testing program; OR (b) adopt (insert title of the Policy Statement the recipient wishes
the contractor to use) as its policy statement as required under 49 CFR 653 and 654;
OR (c) submit for review and approval before ( insert date or upon request) a copy of its
Policy Statement developed to implement its drug and alcohol testing program. In
addition, the contractor agrees to: (to be determined by the recipient, but may address
areas such as: the selection of the certified laboratory, substance abuse professional, or
Medical Review Officer, or the use of a consortium).
Exhibit C-30
Exhibit C
The contractor agrees to comply with 49 U.S.C. 5323(j) and 49 CFR Part 661, which provide
that Federal funds may not be obligated unless steel, iron, and manufactured products used in
FTA-funded projects are produced in the United States, unless a waiver has been granted by
FTA or the product is subject to a general waiver. General waivers are listed in 49 CFR 661.7,
and include final assembly in the United States for 15 passenger vans and 15 passenger
wagons produced by Chrysler Corporation, microcomputer equipment, software, and small
purchases (currently less than $100,000) made with capital, operating, or planning funds.
Separate requirements for rolling stock are set out at 5323(j)(2)(C) and 49 CFR 661.11. Rolling
stock not subject to a general waiver must be manufactured in the United States and have a
60 percent domestic content.
A bidder or offeror must submit to the FTA recipient the appropriate Buy America certification
(below) with all bids on FTA-funded contracts, except those subject to a general waiver. Bids
or offers that are not accompanied by a completed Buy America certification must be rejected
as nonresponsive. This requirement does not apply to lower tier subcontractors.
Company Name:
Certificate of Non-Compliance
The bidder hereby certifies that it cannot comply with the requirements of 49 U.S.C. Section
5323(j)(2)(C) and Section 165(b)(3) of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, as
amended, but may qualify for an exception to the requirements consistent with 49 U.S.C.
Sections 5323(j)(2)(B) or (j)(2)(D), Sections 165(b)(2) or (b)(4) of the Surface Transportation
Assistance Act, as amended, and regulations in 49 C.F.R. 661.7.
Company Name:
Exhibit C-31
Exhibit C
The Proposer certifies that neither it nor its principals as defined at 49 C.F.R. 29.105(p) is presently debarred,
suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction
by any Federal department or agency.
If the Proposer is unable to certify to the statement above, it shall attach an explanation, and indicate that it has
done so, by placing an X in the following space:
Signature of the Proposer’s Authorized Official
Name and Title of the Proposer’s Authorized Official
Exhibit C-32
Exhibit C
The Proposer certifies, to the best its knowledge and belief, that:
(1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any
person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of a Federal department or agency, a
Member of the U.S. Congress, an officer or employee of the U.S. Congress, or an employee of a Member of
the U.S. Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal
grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension,
continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification thereof.
(2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for making
lobbying contacts to an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of
Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or
cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form--LLL, "Disclosure Form
to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instruction, as amended by "Government wide Guidance for New
Restrictions on Lobbying," 61 Fed. Reg. 1413 (1/19/96).
(3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents
for all sub-awards at all tiers (including subcontracts, sub-grants, and contracts under grants, loans, and
cooperative agreements) and that all sub-recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is
a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered
into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by
31, U.S.C. 1352 (as amended by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995). Any person who fails to file the
required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for
each such failure.
Signature of the Proposer’s Authorized Official
Name and Title of the Proposer’s Authorized Official
Exhibit C-33
Exhibit C
I hereby certify that the Proposer has complied with the requirements of 49 CFR 26.49.
Signature of the Proposer’s Authorized Official
Name and Title of the Proposer’s Authorized Official
Exhibit C-34
Exhibit C
Certificate of Compliance with 49 U.S.C. 5323(j)(2)(C).
The bidder or offeror hereby certifies that it will comply with the requirements of 49 U.S.C. 5323(j)(2)(C)
and the regulations of 49 CFR Part 661.
Company Name
Certificate of Non-Compliance with 49 U.S.C. 5323(j)(2)(C)
The bidder or offeror hereby certifies that it cannot comply with the requirements of 49 U.S.C.
5323(j)(2)(C), but may qualify for an exception pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 5323(j)(2)(B) or (j)(2)(D) and the
regulations in 49 CFR 661.7.
Company Name
Exhibit C-35
Cargo Preference - Use of United States-Flag Vessels
The contractor agrees: a. to use privately owned United States-Flag commercial vessels to ship at least
50 percent of the gross tonnage (computed separately for dry bulk carriers, dry cargo liners, and
tankers) involved, whenever shipping any equipment, material, or commodities pursuant to the
underlying contract to the extent such vessels are available at fair and reasonable rates for United
States-Flag commercial vessels; b. to furnish within 20 working days following the date of loading for
shipments originating within the United States or within 30 working days following the date of leading for
shipments originating outside the United States, a legible copy of a rated, "on-board" commercial ocean
bill-of -lading in English for each shipment of cargo described in the preceding paragraph to the Division
of National Cargo, Office of Market Development, Maritime Administration, Washington, DC 20590 and
to the FTA recipient (through the contractor in the case of a subcontractor's bill-of-lading.) c. to include
these requirements in all subcontracts issued pursuant to this contract when the subcontract may
involve the transport of equipment, material, or commodities by ocean vessel.
Pre-Award and Post-Delivery Audit Requirements for Contractor
The Contractor agrees to comply with 49 U.S.C. § 5323(l) and FTA's implementing regulation at 49
C.F.R. Part 663 and to submit the following certifications:
(1) Buy America Requirements: The Contractor shall complete and submit a declaration certifying either
compliance or noncompliance with Buy America. If the Bidder/Offeror certifies compliance with Buy
America, it shall submit documentation which lists 1) component and subcomponent parts of the rolling
stock to be purchased identified by manufacturer of the parts, their country of origin and costs; and 2)
the location of the final assembly point for the rolling stock, including a description of the activities that
will take place at the final assembly point and the cost of final assembly.
(2) Solicitation Specification Requirements: The Contractor shall submit evidence that it will be capable
of meeting the bid specifications.
(3) Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS): The Contractor shall submit 1) manufacturer's
FMVSS self-certification sticker information that the vehicle complies with relevant FMVSS or 2)
manufacturer's certified statement that the contracted buses will not be subject to FMVSS regulations.
Print Name and Company, Date
Exhibit C-36
Exhibit D - Price Sheet
Labor Rate
Unit Price
Matl. Unit
Equip. Unit
Exhibit D-1
Extended Price
Extended Option Price
Exhibit D-2
Exhibit D-3
Exhibit D-4
Exhibit D-5
(NOTE: SEE SEC 5.7.15)
Exhibit D-6
LS= Lump Sum
EA= Each
* if necessary
Exhibit D-7
Exhibit E
Contract No. _________________
WITH: ________________________________
FOR: ___________________________________________
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between THE CITY OF
CULVER CITY, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City," and
______________________________, a (California corporation, partnership,
sole proprietorship) hereinafter referred to as "Consultant."
CONSULTANT'S SERVICES. Consultant agrees to perform, during the
term of this Agreement, the tasks, obligations, and services set forth in the
"Scope of Service" attached to and incorporated into this Agreement as
Exhibit "A.”
TERM OF AGREEMENT. The term of this Agreement shall be from the
effective date pursuant to Section 27 of this Agreement and shall end
PAYMENT FOR SERVICES. City shall pay for the services performed by
Consultant pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the compensation set
forth in the "Schedule of Compensation" attached to and incorporated into
this Agreement as Exhibit "B." The compensation shall be paid at the time
and manner set forth in said Exhibit "B."
TIME FOR PERFORMANCE. Consultant shall not perform any work
under this Agreement until (a) Consultant furnishes proof of insurance as
required under Section 7 of this Agreement; and, (b) City gives Consultant
a written and signed Notice to Proceed.
DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE(S). ____________________ shall be
the designated Consultant Representative, and shall be responsible for
job performance, negotiations, contractual matters, and coordination with
the City. Consultant Representative shall actually perform, or provide
immediate supervision of Consultant’s performance of, the Scope of
HOLD HARMLESS. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant
shall indemnify, defend (at Consultant's sole expense, with legal counsel
approved by City) and hold harmless the City of Culver City, members of
its City Council, its boards and commissions, officers, agents, and
Page 1
Exhibit E-1
Exhibit E
employees (hereinafter, "Indemnitees"), from and against all loss,
damage, cost, expense, liability, claims, demands, suits, attorneys' fees
and judgments arising out of or in any manner related to this Agreement.
This indemnification includes, but is not limited to, tort liability to a third
person for bodily injury and property damage.
Consultant agrees that this obligation to indemnify, defend and hold
harmless extends to liability and/or claims arising from Indemnitees'
active or passive negligence.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein shall be construed to
require Consultant to indemnify an Indemnitee from any claim arising
from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of that Indemnitee.
The duty to defend referenced herein is wholly independent from the
duty to indemnify, arises upon written notice by City to Consultant of a
claim within the potential scope of this indemnification provision, and
exists regardless of any determination of the ultimate liability of
Consultant, City or any Indemnitee.
INSURANCE. Without limiting its obligations pursuant to Section 6 of this
Agreement, the Consultant shall procure and maintain, at Consultant’s
own cost and expense and for the duration of this Agreement, insurance
coverage as set forth in "Insurance Requirements" attached to and
incorporated into this Agreement as Exhibit "C.”
that Consultant, in performing the services herein specified, shall act as an
independent contractor and shall have control of all work and the manner
in which it is performed. Consultant shall be free to contract for similar
service to be performed for other employers while under contract with City.
Consultant is not an agent or employee of City, and is not entitled to
participate in any pension plan, insurance, bonus, worker’s compensation
or similar benefits City provides for its employees. Consultant shall be
responsible to pay and hold City harmless from any and all payroll and
other taxes and interest thereon and penalties therefor which may become
due as a result of services performed hereunder.
NON-APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS. Payment due and payable to
Consultant for current services is within the current budget and within an
available, unexhausted and unencumbered appropriation of City. In the
event City has not appropriated sufficient funds for payment of Consultant
services beyond the current fiscal year, this Agreement shall cover only
those costs incurred up to the conclusion of the current fiscal year.
This Agreement is for the specific services with
Consultant as set forth herein. Any attempt by Consultant to assign the
benefits or burdens of this Agreement without written approval of City shall
Page 2
Exhibit E-2
Exhibit E
be prohibited and shall be null and void; except that Consultant may
assign payments due under this Agreement to a financial institution.
RECORDS AND INSPECTIONS. Consultant shall maintain full and
accurate records with respect to all services and matters covered under
this Agreement. City shall have free access at all reasonable times to
such records, and the right to examine and audit the same and to make
transcripts therefrom, and to inspect all program data, documents,
proceedings and activities. Consultant shall maintain an up-to-date list of
key personnel and telephone numbers for emergency contact after normal
business hours.
owner of any and all computations, plans, correspondence and/or other
pertinent data, information, documents and computer media, including
disks and other materials gathered or prepared by Consultant in
performance of this Agreement, or at any earlier or later time when the
same may be requested by City. Such work product shall be transmitted
to City within ten (10) days after a written request therefor. Consultant
may retain copies of such products. All written documents shall be
provided to City in digital and in hard copy form.
NOTICES. All notices given or required to be given pursuant to this
Agreement shall be in writing and may be given by personal delivery,
facsimile, overnight delivery, or by U.S. Mail. All written notices or
correspondence sent pursuant to this paragraph will be deemed given to a
party on whichever date occurs first:
The date of personal delivery;
The date of transmission, if sent by facsimile (with proof of
The next business day following deposit with an overnight mail
The fifth day following deposit in the U.S. Mail, when sent by “first
class mail.”
Notice sent by U.S. Mail shall be addressed as follows:
To City:
City of Culver City
Attention: _______________
9770 Culver Boulevard
Culver City, CA 90232-0507
To Consultant:
Page 3
Exhibit E-3
Exhibit E
TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. Consultant shall provide City
with a complete Request for Taxpayer Identification Number ("TIN") and
Certification, Form W-9, as issued by the Internal Revenue Service.
PERMITS AND LICENSES. Consultant, at its sole expense, shall obtain
and maintain during the term of this Agreement, all appropriate permits,
licenses, and certificates that may be required in connection with the
performance of services under this Agreement including, but not limited to,
a Culver City business tax certificate.
perform all work in accordance with all applicable laws, codes and
regulations required by all authorities having jurisdiction over such work.
For work performed, Consultant agrees to seek bids for supplies and
materials from businesses located within the City of Culver City, with the
intent to make purchases from these businesses if such purchases can be
made at competitive prices.
RIGHT TO UTILIZE OTHERS. City reserves the right to utilize others to
perform work similar to the services provided hereunder.
This Agreement may not be
modified, nor may any of the terms, provisions or conditions be modified
or waived or otherwise affected, except by a written amendment signed by
all parties hereto.
WAIVER. If at any time one party shall waive any term, provision or
condition of this Agreement, either before or after any breach thereof, no
party shall thereafter be deemed to have consented to any future failure of
full performance hereunder.
COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS. Each term and each provision of this
Agreement to be performed by Consultant shall be construed to be both a
covenant and a condition.
RIGHT TO TERMINATE. City may terminate this Agreement at any time,
with or without cause, in its sole discretion, with thirty-days’ (30-days’)
written notice.
EFFECT OF TERMINATION. Upon termination as stated in Section 22 of
this Agreement, City shall be liable to Consultant only for work
satisfactorily performed by Consultant up to and including the date of
termination of this Agreement, unless the termination is for cause, in which
event Consultant need be compensated only to the extent required by law.
GOVERNING LAW. The terms of this Agreement shall be interpreted
according to the laws of the State of California. If litigation arises out of
Page 4
Exhibit E-4
Exhibit E
this Agreement, then venue shall be in the Superior Court of Los Angeles
LITIGATION FEES. If litigation arises out of this Agreement for the
performance thereof, then the court shall award costs and expenses,
including attorney's fees, to the prevailing party. In awarding attorney's
fees, the court shall not be bound by any court fee schedule but shall
award the full amount of costs, expenses and attorney's fees paid or
incurred in good faith.
INTEGRATED AGREEMENT. This Agreement represents the entire
Agreement between City and Consultant regarding the subject matter
hereof, and all preliminary negotiations and agreements are deemed a
part of this Agreement. No verbal agreement or implied covenant shall be
held to vary the provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement shall bind
and inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement, and any
subsequent successors and assigns.
EFFECTIVE DATE. The effective date of this Agreement is the date it is
signed on behalf of City. This Agreement shall remain in full force and
effect until amended or terminated; provided, that the indemnification and
hold harmless provisions shall survive the termination.
(Signatures continued on Page 6)
Page 5
Exhibit E-5
Exhibit E
(Signatures continued from Page 5)
John Nachbar
City Manager
Department Head
Carol A. Schwab
City Attorney
Page 6
Exhibit E-6
Exhibit E
Contract No. _____________________
This exhibit will provide a complete description of each work
task to be completed pursuant to the Agreement.
PAGE 1 of 1
Exhibit E-7
Exhibit E
Contract No. __________________
WITH: ____________________
FOR: _________________________________
Consultant’s fee schedule will be inserted.
BILLING. At the end of each calendar month in which services are
performed or expenses are incurred under this Agreement, and prior to the
10th day of the following month, (or after satisfactory completion
of the services) Consultant shall submit an invoice to the City at the
following address:
City of Culver City
9770 Culver Boulevard
Culver City, CA 90232-0507
The invoice submitted pursuant to this paragraph shall show the City
Agreement Number, hours worked by each person who performed services
during the billing period, the hourly rate of pay for each person who
performed services, the dates on which the services were performed, a
description of the services performed, actual out-of-pocket expenses
incurred in the performance of the services, and such other information as
City may reasonably require.
TIME OF PAYMENT. Payment to Consultant shall be made within thirty
(30) days after submittal of Consultant’s invoice and approval by City, in
accordance with City’s normal demand procedure.
Maximum not-to-exceed amount of Agreement.
Exhibit E-8
Exhibit E
Contract No.
WITH: __________________________
FOR: __________________________________
Policy Requirements.
Contractor shall submit duly executed certificates of insurance for the
An occurrence based Commercial General Liability ("CGL") policy, at
least as broad as ISO Form CG 0001, in the minimum amount of One
Million Dollars ($1,000,000) each occurrence, with not less than Two
Million Dollars ($2,000,000) in annual aggregate coverage.
The CGL Policy shall have the following requirements:
The policy shall provide coverage for personal injury, bodily
injury, death, accident and property damage and advertising
injury, as those terms are understood in the context of a CGL
policy. The coverage shall not be excess or contributing with
respect to City's self-insurance or any pooled risk
The policy shall provide $1,000,000 combined single limit
coverage for owned, hired and non-owned automobile
The policy shall include coverage for liability undertaken by
contract covering, to the maximum extent permitted by law.
Contractor's obligation to indemnify the Indemnitees as
required under Paragraph 6 of this agreement;
The Policy shall not exclude coverage for Completed
Operations or Hazards; and
The City of Culver City, members of its City Council, its
boards and commissions, officers, agents, and
employees will be named as an additional insured in an
endorsement to the policy, which shall be provided to the City
and approved by the City Attorney.
Page 1 of 2
Exhibit E-9
Exhibit E
Contract No.
Workers' Compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the
State of California with Employers' Liability limits of One Million
Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per accident, if the Agreement will have
Contractor employees working within the City limits.
Waiver by City.
City may waive one or more of the coverages listed in Section A,
above. This waiver must be express and in writing, and will only be
made upon a showing by the Contractor that its operations in and
with respect to City are not such as to impose liability within the
scope of that particular coverage.
Additional Insurance Requirements.
1. All insurance listed in Paragraph A shall be issued by companies
licensed to do business in the State of California, with a claims
paying ability rating of "BBB" or better by S&P (and the equivalent by
any other Rating Agency) and a rating of A-:VII or better in the
current Best's Insurance Reports;
2. Contractor shall provide City with at least thirty (30) days prior
written notice of any modification, reduction or cancellation of any of
the Policies required in Paragraph A, or a minimum of ten (10) days’
notice for cancellation due to non-payment.
3. City may increase the scope or dollar amount of coverage required
under any of the policies described above, or may require different or
additional coverages, upon prior written notice Contractor.
Page 2 of 2
Exhibit E-10
Exhibit F
WHEREAS, the City of Culver City, in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, has awarded
herein designated as the Principal, a contract for the construction of
Culver City: SmartBus System Project
in the City of Culver City, California, which contract is incorporated herein by this reference; and
WHEREAS, said Principal is required under the terms of said contract to furnish a bond for the
faithful performance of said contract;
as Principal and
as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Culver City, hereinafter called the Owner in the sum
____________________________________________________________Dollars ($
lawful money of the United States of America for payment of which sum well and truly to be made we bind
ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these
THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that, if the hereby bound Principal, his or its
heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns shall in all things stand to and abide by and well
and truly keep and perform all the undertakings, terms, covenants, conditions and agreements in the said
contract and any alteration thereof, made as therein provided, all within the time and in the manner therein
designated and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, then this obligation shall become
null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect.
FURTHER, the said surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change,
extension of time, alteration or modification of the contract documents or of the work to be performed
thereunder, shall in any way affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such
change, extension of time, alteration or modification of the contract documents or of work to be performed
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, three (3) identical counterparts of this instrument, each of which shall for
purposes be deemed an original thereof, have been duly executed by the Principal and Surety herein
named on the
day of
, 20_ . The name and corporate seal of each corporate party being
hereto affixed, and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative pursuant to authority of
its governing body.
Exhibit F-1
Exhibit G
Time for Completion and Liquidated Damages
Total project timeframe is estimated to be 24 months; CCB estimates that Traveler
Information System and the BSP portion of the project will commence in approximately
month 18. Proposer shall specify project timeline and duration with proposal submission.
Since this portion of the project will be co-funded by L.A. Metro, it will be important for
the Proposer to meet the timeline for the installation and completion of the Traveler
Information System and BSP portion of the Project. Liquidated damages apply to the
Traveler Information System and Bus Signal Priority portion of the Project.
Proposers are encouraged to ensure they are in direct communication with CCB,
notwithstanding unforeseen delays in product delivery, services or technical
requirements of meeting the specifications of this section and reaching mutual
consensus, liquidated damages of $250/per-day will be implemented.
It is hereby understood and mutually agreed, by and between the Proposer awarded the
contract and the City, that the date of beginning and the time for completion as specified
in the contract of work to be done hereunder are essential conditions of this contract;
and it is further mutually understood and agreed that the work embraced in this contract
shall be commenced on a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed, (NTP) and shall
be fully completed within 24 calendar months. Optional installations shall be subject of
negotiation and may be exercised up to 5 years after NTP at the City’s discretion. The
installation time is an important evaluation criteria. The Contractor agrees that said work
shall be performed regularly, diligently, and uninterrupted so that the rate of progress will
ensure full completion thereof within the time specified. It is expressly understood and
agreed, by and between the Contractor and the City, that the time for the completion of
the work described herein is a reasonable time for completion of the same, taking into
consideration the average climatic range and usual industrial conditions prevailing in this
It is very important for the successful Proposer to meet the agreed upon Final Design
Review (FDR), SBS Installations, and System Acceptance dates, within 45 days, as
stipulated in this solicitation, the Proposer/Contractor does hereby agree, as a part
consideration for the awarding of this contract, ensure that this timeframe will be adhere
It is further agreed that time is of the essence of each and every portion of this Contract
wherein a definite and certain length of time is fixed for the performance of any act
whatsoever; and where under this Contract additional time is allowed for the completion
of any work, the new time limit fixed by such extension shall be of the essence of this
contract. However, the Proposer shall not be charged with liquidated damages or any
excess cost where the City determines that the Contractor is without fault and the
Contractor's reasons for the time extension are acceptable to the City; or, when the delay
in completion of the work is due:
To any preference, priority or allocation order duly issued by the Government;
Exhibit G-1
Exhibit G
To unforeseeable cause beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the
Contractor, including but not restricted to, acts of God, acts of the public enemy, acts
of the City of Culver City, acts of another Contractor in the performance of a contract
with City of Culver City, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes,
freight embargoes, and severe weather; and,
To any delays of Subcontractors or suppliers occasioned by any of the causes
specified above; provided that the Contractor shall, within ten (10) days from the
beginning of such delay, unless the City of Culver City shall grant a further period of
time prior to the date of final settlement of the contract, notify the City of Culver City
Project Manager, in writing, of the cause of delay, which shall ascertain the facts and
extent of the delay and notify the Contractor within a reasonable time of its decision
in the matter.
It is further agreed that Contractor's payment of, or agreement to pay, liquidated
damages and the City’s acceptance of such payment or acceptance of the agreement
to pay liquidated damages for any specific period of delay, shall in no way affect the
City’s right to terminate the contract for default in any subsequent delay.
Sign and print name, company and date as to your agreement
Exhibit G-2