June 2014 Nelson College newsletter


June 2014 Nelson College newsletter
Nelson College
Calendar (Term 3 Weeks 1-5)
TERM 2 2014
July 2
Mates &Dates Information Evening
Nelson College staffroom 7pm
July 3
Mufti Day and BOT Meeting
July 3-4
NC Young Farmers Trip ChCh
July 4
July 17
Uniform Shop open 3pm-6pm
July 19
1st XV v St Andrews @ Nelson
TERM 3 2014
July 21
July 21
NC Trust Foundation Mtg 3.30pm
July 21
PTA Meeting 7.30pm Staffroom
July 21-23
International Orientation
July 21-27
Maori Language Week
July 26
1st XV v Timaru BHS @ Timaru
July 28
Day Boy Parent/Teacher Interviews
3.00pm to 7.00pm
July 28
Yr10 NCC Youth Council Tree Planting
July 29-1 Aug Yr12 Fish & Game Trip
July 30
Day Boy Parent/Teacher Interviews
3.00pm to 7.00pm
July 31-4 Aug NC Jazz Band Trip ChCh
Aug 1– 3
NCOB Decade Reunions Weekend
Aug 2
1st XV v St Thomas @ Nelson
Aug 4-8
Yr 9 2015 Orientation Week
Aug 6– 10
Southern Jam
Aug 6-11
Otaki Scholar Visit—Hamish Atkins
Aug 7
NC Open Evening 7-9pm
Aug 7
BOT Meeting 4.00pm
Aug 8–10
NZSS Squash Champs @ Nelson
Aug 9
1st XV v Waimea College @ Nelson
Aug 9
NC Yr 12 Ball
Aug 10
TSS Duathlon Champs
Aug 12-13
TSS Hockey Champs
Aug 13
Mufti Day
Aug 16
Press Cup Semi-Final
Aug 18
PTA Meeting 7.30pm Staffroom
Aug 21
Course Selection Evening for
Aug 21-24
NZSM Fest Jazz Wellington
Aug 22-24
Winter Boarding Weekend
Aug 22
12 Noon school finishes
Boarding Parent/Caregiver Interviews
1.30pm-3.30pm Main College Block
Message from the Headmaster
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Kia ora koutou
As we move into the winter I would like to reinforce the message from the
start of the year with regard to our high behavioural and discipline
expectations (including uniform). I would ask that you reinforce these
expectations with your son(s) as the year progresses. Please note that
assistance with winter uniform (eg school jackets) is available for families
facing financial hardship by contacting the Headmaster directly.
Teacher-Boy Connection and School Climate and Culture
As an educational institution it is essential for us to acknowledge the
importance of school climate in ensuring that the potential for success for
each boy is maximised.
‘A sustainable, positive school climate fosters youth development and the learning
necessary for a productive and satisfying life in a democratic society’
Over the past 12 months we have invested a considerable amount of time
analysing data from the following surveys on School Climate  Year 9 March 2013 & Year 10 March 2014
 Year 9 March 2014
 Professional staff November 2011 and 2013
In addition the staff have held two teacher only day workshops in Term 1 to
discuss potential strategies to enhance school climate and an independent
consultant has also conducted a Cultural audit of the College.
(The results from these surveys and the survey form itself will be available shortly on the
College website).
Positive school climate is built on the strength of the ‘teacher-boy’ relationship
hence the strategies which will be put in place in 2015 will be designed to
support that relationship.
‘The teacher-boy connection does not merely contribute to or enhance teaching and
learning; relationship is the very medium through which successful teaching and
learning is carried out.’
Nelson College is currently on a ‘plateau’ of high performance – NCEA/
Scholarship and Trade results, participation and regional/national success in
the co-curricular life of the College are at all-time highs. So the challenge is
there for us to push beyond that ‘plateau’ and not be complacent. We are
aware that this will only be accomplished by a focus on creating a respectful
Further details of the school calendar can be found school and a positive school climate within which each boy is known,
on the website www.nelsoncollege.school.nz
supported and challenged to be the best they can be.
Nelson College Newsletter June 2014
▪ Private Bag 16, Nelson 7042 ▪ tel: + 64 3 548 3099 ▪ email: enquiries@nelsoncollege.school.nz ▪ www.nelsoncollege.school.nz
Message from the Headmaster continued...
Non – school related leave
During Term 1 this year, I approved leave for non-school related time away from school for 30 + senior boys for between 1 and
20 school days. This represents a significant increase on past years.
My intention in bringing this issue to your attention is not to provide obstacles to your requesting such leave, but to inform
you of the potential consequences for your son’s achievement in NCEA.
Parents of senior students need to be aware that approved leave does not automatically mean your son will be able to gain an
extension for an NCEA assessment or that a one off assessment event can be rescheduled for them.
Assessment validity or the nature of the assessment event may mean that your son misses out on those internal credits.
I am also aware of the workload issues for my staff when your son returns to class and requires assistance in catching up
missed work.
Please note the following NZQA regulations regarding the granting of an assessment extension (which are stated on our
Ultranet and in the NCEA information provided to parents/students)
Valid reasons for requesting an extension of time, or a new assessment date include:
 Sickness: supply a medical certificate
 Family or personal trauma: supply a signed note from Guidance Counsellor or Dean
 School sponsored activity: a list of student names signed by coach/organiser will constitute approval for missing an
assessment, unless it is an assessment not eligible for a further assessment opportunity, as detailed in the course statement.
In all cases, it is your responsibility to fill in a ‘Missed Assessment/Extension Application’ form and give it to the teacher
whose assessment you will miss/ have missed.
Note that a request for an extension of time must be made BEFORE the due date for a planned absence, such as a sports
trip. Furthermore ‘Self-interest Leave’ including personal time off and family holidays during term time are not acceptable reasons for an extension or reassessment.
Nga mihi nui
Gary O’Shea MEd(Admin) BSc
New Zealand Top Scholar Ceremony
Held at Parliament with Nelson College DUX and 2013 Top Scholar Biology Oliver
Coleman —shown is a group photo of the counties Top Scholars and Oliver with
his certificate. Headmaster Gary O’Shea also attended the Ceremony.
Future Problem Solving Back From USA
Trophy in Hand
On 6 June 2014 eight College students, one parent and I set off to the USA
to attend the International Future Problem Solving Championships at Iowa
State University. In November last year our senior and middle teams were
national champions in their respective divisions earning them the right to
represent New Zealand at the World titles. The standard at the international level is extremely high and two thousand students who are the national champions from their countries attended. The countries represented
included the USA, Australia, the UK, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Portugal.
The competition began with an opening ceremony and Hugo Lawrence in
Yr 13 proudly carried the flag for New Zealand at that ceremony. The exam
was tough. The boys were presented with a problem that concerned a corporate mining monopoly in the far reaches of space and the potential impact of a lack of competition on the supply of a crucial energy source to
Earth. Our senior and junior teams approached this problem by trying to
instil ethical work values into the corporation so that it did not take exploitative advantage of its position.
Photo courtesy The Nelson Mail
The last part of the competition saw the boys present their best solution in dramatic form. Our Senior boys earned the third
place trophy for their presentation complete with a barber shop quartet, rapping and a One Direction endorsement. When we
returned to Nelson we were welcomed home by a fantastic haka performed by College’s senior students. It was a great way to
return and truly appreciated. My sincere congratulations go to our outstanding students – Senior: Hugo Lawrence, Henry
Neas, Dean Franklet and Sam Mackay-Wright and Middle: Josh Pressman, Finn Thompson, William Wallace and Sam
Fu-Allen. They represented College and New Zealand extremely well and they are all champions.
Sarah Watts—Future Problem Solving Teacher
Cooking Up Gold
Photos courtesy The Nelson Mail
The Nelson College team won Gold in the
National Secondary School Culinary Challenge
Regional Competition. Shown in the photo
are L-R Yr 12 students Louis Clarke, reserveJames Newport and M Chakkapong Klahan
Louis and M took out the gold award for their
entry of leek tart on smoked leek puree and stuffed chicken lollipop. They perfected this dish over a period of two weeks,
cooking it at least 10 times. As reserve James also put in the time and perfected the dish. Louis and M will compete at the
September national competition in Auckland for a $2000 City and Guilds scholarship and we wish them all the best.
Thank you to the Following Charitable Organisations for their recent donation of funds:
Haven Sports Trust donated $2000 to allow us to purchase a new Stretcher for the school
Mainland Donated $5000 for the Football Academy
Mainland Donated $1280 for the 2nd XV Rugby training T-Shirts
Mainland Donated $4358 for the 1st XV Travel Costs to Quad in Whanganui
Yr 13 Rees Vinsen won the Nelson College Dragon’s Den competition held at Nelson College, and then went on to become the winner of the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise
Scheme’s Dragons Den in late May. The event saw 27 different teams from business studies classes in local schools pitch their business ideas to a panel of judges. Rees won for his
NEXT social media consultancy marketing business.
Following on from this success, Rees and fellow successful Young Entrepreneur Harry Fergusson (Bosh Menswear clothing) were recently selected as top entries in the regions The
Annual Enterprise in Action weekend, run by Young Enterprise Trust, a charity which helps
students develop their entrepreneurial skills. Held in Auckland, 80 students formed ten
teams and were mentored by volunteers from corporate organisations including Xero, Telecom and The Icehouse. Harry was lucky enough to represent Team NZ Trade and Enterprise
while Rees led Team Xero. Two challenges were set for the students and Rees was selected
to progress to the final selection to represent NZ. He missed out on selection by a narrow
margin. Listen to Rees interview on Radio Live Business.
Overall both Rees and Harry acknowledge that the Nelson College business
programme has provided them with incredible opportunities and knowledge to succeed.
They both mention that they are appreciative of the amount of work and effort put into the
program by teacher, Jarrod Aberhart. You can find out more about Rees’ and Harry’s businesses at:
Rees Vinsen:
www.nextsmc.co.nz / nextsmc@icloud.com / 02102847944
Harry Fergusson www.boshmenswear.com / info@boshmenswear.com / 0278449336
Harry with Steven Joyce
Minister of Economic
Nelson College Young Farmers Club
The Nelson College Young Farmers Club is an opportunity for students who are interested in agriculture, to get to know one
another, and to do activities that will hopefully benefit everyone in some way. The club has been running for three years—
thanks to Matt Harvey who started it back in 2012. He has been the “man” behind the club and has done everything to get it
this far and is trying to get the younger guys to carry on with the progress he has made. We currently have around 14
members from all year levels, which is promising for the future. This year the Tasman Regional TeenAg competition was held
in Murchison and we felt this was a good chance for us to test our skills against others our age. NCYFC took three teams
down (Yr 13’s Matt Harvey, Toby McGill, Brent Dalley, Scott Higgins, Yr 11’s Cameron Taylor and Jake Rowberry,) and competed against other schools from the region. Results: Matt and Toby, and Cameron and Jake competed in the initial round
but did not reach the race-off, whilst Scott and myself made the race-off and placed second. This gave us a third overall placing, allowing us to take part in the National Finals at Lincoln University to be held on 4 July.
We have seven members from the club going to Lincoln to support Scott and I, and special thanks to Mr Kelly for kindly giving up his own time to drive the supporters down for the event, as well as Mr O’Shea and the Nelson College PTA for funding the accommodation and the School van, for which Scott and I are very grateful.
Thanks to our club sponsors:
Ravensdown; TB Free New Zealand; RD Petroleum; PGG Wrightsons
For supplying clubs tops and making travelling affordable to nationals.
Brent Dalley
Brent and Scott
Student Work features in National Newsletter
Daniel Marchbank’s Level Three Folio work featured in this
term’s national newsletter for the Arts. It is a credit to the
level of attainment of design students from Nelson College
and reflects our school’s position as a leading provider of
arts education.
Exciting Plans for Visual Arts Facilities
Planning is underway for the conversion of two existing
spaces in our B Block into contemporary open plan areas
which flow through from full sized computer labs into
areas for wet and dry media. The first, planned for 2015,
will see a state of the art facility for photography classes.
The Art Department has decided, unlike many schools, to
retain its traditional darkroom alongside a photography
studio and full 20 work-station computer lab. These will
be contained within one open plan area on the ground
floor of B block. The current Room B8 in the arts block is
due to have similar treatment ready for the 2016 school
year, this time with a focus on design education. The Staff in the department are grateful
for the ongoing support for art education from the school management and board,
allowing us to continue to provide the best education opportunities for our boys.
PTA Provides Digital Cameras
The Department would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank our busy PTA for
their generous provision of digital SLR cameras for the use of students. This week we were
able to remove the pre-requisite for such cameras for students wishing to take photographs. The six Cannon 110D Cameras are available not only for students to use in class
time but are also available to be signed out overnight or on the weekend. It is no longer
necessary for parents to find quite large sums to provide suitable digital cameras. We are
also pleased to note the care and respect the boys are showing with their use of the
What are the Visual Arts?
At Nelson College we offer in the senior school painting, design and photography, at a
junior level the subjects art, and art design options lead directly to these subjects. They in
turn lead directly to a wide range of tertiary study areas such as graphic and industrial design, architecture etc. Our Old Boys are spread across New Zealand and indeed the world,
many of whom have reached the top of their field in art, design or photography. It may be
fitting to showcase their successes and achievements at some other time
Examples of 2014 students work are shown :
Painting Angus Wemyss (Grey Ladies) - shown at left
Surrealist Photography James Cotton (Tape and Paint) - shown below
Chamber Music Competition
BRASS OR PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS at the recently held Nelson region Chamber Music Competition. The boys involved
were: Tom Hulland, Rylea Hart, Toby Brown, Jasper Brown, Jackson Maitland, Jerry Zindel, Jack Currie and Hugo Coleman
Congratulations to the following boys for reaching the finals of Rockquest: Niko White and Cameron Marchbank
(WESTBROOK); Rigel and Bowyne Blanchet, Lewis Miccio (FIRE WITHOUT PERMIT), and Fletcher Dawson, Max Meffan, Ben
Traynor, Sam Christian, Harry Perkins (VELOCITY).
Band 1st Place: OH BLOK from Garin College and Nelson College (Robbie Day)
Band 2nd Place: Fire Without Permit from Nelson College (Rigel and Bowyne Blanchet, Lewis Miccio) and Waimea College
Lewis Miccio
Nelson College Music Department Show
Thank you to the following performers at this show: Eight is Enough band—Tom Hulland, Rylea Hart, Toby Brown, Jasper
Brown, Jackson Maitland, Jerry Zindel, Jack Currie and Hugo Coleman; Guitar—Tony Tong, Sang Pi Liam, Joel Ewan; Solo
performance James Lai; Mandolin Solo Joel Ewan; Saxophone Duet—Josh
Cowles, Julian Morrison; Piano Solo—Rohan Trill; Guitar and voice—
Fletcher Dawson; Violin Solo—Oceon Grady; Yaw Variations— Joel, Mickey, Earth, Josh, Tom; Guitar/vocal solo—Baylee Neligan.
Thanks go to instrument teachers for preparing the boys, parents
and students for supporting Music Performances at the College
along with Senior Management and staff for encouraging the
development of musicians at the College.
Nelson Jazz Band Competition—held at the Boathouse in late June—
the boys played extremely well.
Sheilah Winn National Shakespeare Festival— Wellington
Held in early June Jake Danson, Louis Laws, Myer Van Gosliga and Sam McIlroy
participated in the Festival, with Jake, Louis and Myer winning the Best Student Director award. All of the boys are contenders for an NSSP (National Shakespeare Schools
Production) audition in Dunedin. Sean Young is already representing the region and
has a direct entry to this audition from the regional competition. The boys represented the school well; they wore their number ones on stage and were polite and
respectful. Rupert Oakeley (Old Boy and Globe Scholar 2013) volunteered his entire
weekend and was congratulated by the Minister of Arts.
Theatre Sports—Nelson-Tasman Regional Competition
Held at the Theatre Royal in mid-June, our Senior Theatresports team performed exceptionally well in a fiercely competitive event. Winning the Competition the team,
consisting of Myer van Gosliga, Sean Young (Captain) and Jake Danson (Louis Laws
usually in the team but unwell), will be off to Christchurch to represent the NelsonTasman region at the South Island Championships— the biggest theatre sports competition in New Zealand. The Junior team also did well and came third on the Friday
night. The team consisted of Dan Merry (Captain), Burgess Mills, James Crosbie, Rohan
O’Neil-Stevens and Hugo Peckham.
Congratulations to Luke Walton and David van der Velden for all the hours and hours of practice and hard work you put in with
these guys.
Nelson College Sport
Go online and view our NEW Nelson College Sport Facebook page for great photos, latest results, notices and the
weekly sports calendar. https://www.facebook.com/NelsonCollegeSports A mention of the new FB page would
National Honours
New Zealand Selection
Congratulations to Yr 13 Olly Stephens who has been selected into the New Zealand Junior Rowing Team in the Men’s Quad
Scull. Olly will compete at the Junior World Rowing Championships in Hamburg, Germany from 6-10 August.
South Island Eight
Joseph Brady selected in the South Island Eight Team against the North Island Eight Team.
New Zealand Junior Motocross Nationals
The 12-14 year 125cc class was won by Yr 10 Reece Walker, shown in photo taking his
Yamaha YZ125 to an unbeaten five wins from five starts in a dominant display over his
rivals.“I’ve been training with Josh (Coppins) and I wouldn’t be here without him,” said
Walker. “The track was technical with plenty of
lines and we couldn’t have raced in better
conditions on Saturday and Sunday. I’m stoked
to get this title. It's a great feeling.”
Reece Walker
MNZ New Zealand Cross Country
Yr 10 Jackson Walker won the National series in his class and was Overall 10th
National Junior. He also won the South Island series in his class.
Jackson Walker
New Zealand National Age Group Swimming
Held in Wellington at the beginning of May Yr 9 Matai McGuinniety competed, for the first time, in the NZ National Age Group
Swimming Competition in the 50m butterfly and won a Bronze Medal and several top 10 places in his age group. A great
New Zealand U19 Volleyball Team
Congratulations to Harry Fergusson and James Anderson named in the New Zealand Junior Men’s team that will travel to
Myanmar to compete in the South East Asian games. This tournament from August 1 st to 7th will see New Zealand play
Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia. Laos and Australia. Currently both players are playing for the Nelson
Pines team which is competing in the Southern Zone league.
New Zealand Inline Hockey Team
The following boys have been selected to play in the Lower Region All Star Teams to compete in a Southern Cross Series,
which is made up of the three New Zealand Regional Teams and an Australian selection.
14&U Arthur Ewan, Matt French and Devon Stove
17&U Joel Ewan, Sean McShea, Matt Thomsen and Tim Ward (Coach: Alethea Stove)
Devon Stove (NZ 14&U) will then go on to compete in the Oceania Championships and play 3 games against Australia
New Zealand U18 Underwater Hockey
Congratulations to Wes Harris and Kit Vining on their
Oceania U20 Football Championships
Atkin Kaua and Kevin Obed were selected to play in the
Oceania U20 Football Championships for the Solomon
Islands. The Championship was held in Fiji.
Atkin won Golden Boot for the tournament scoring five
goals in total, three in one game and he was also awarded Player of the Tournament.
Congratulations to 1st XI Coach Davor Tavich and the 1st XI Football team who have now
qualified for the top division at Nationals (top 16 in NZ). This team has gone through the
qualifying rounds unbeaten, beating Marlborough Boys College 2-1, Waimea College 3-1
and Nayland College 2-0. Nelson College proudly retain the Jill Heath Memorial Trophy,
which was presented to our Captain Jared Kirk, by Jill's grandchildren, Sophie and Ollie,
along with Jills’ husband Mike (shown at right). Well done boys.
Pictured above are the victorious Nelson College 1st XI after winning the Jill Heath
Memorial Trophy 2-0 against Nayland College.
Jed Spraggs, Tom Cornelius, Zac Muir, Harry Tod-Smith, La Bu Pan, Bertie Fish, Jared
Kirk, Atkin Kaua, Van Roland Hlawn Ceu, Kevin Obed, David Ball, Jacob Pellowe, Matt
Tod-Smith, Tom Graham, Mitchell Pugh, Kris Main, Daniel Allan, Louis Ironside
College Report
College basketball is in full swing as we near the end of term 2. This season we are fielding 16 teams, the most teams the
College has fielded in recent history.
The senior A team are competing well in the men’s A grade on Tuesday nights with 2 wins ,4 losses and a draw, the best
record of the secondary schools teams. The same group of players easily accounted for Marlborough Boys College and Shirley
Boys in their annual exchanges.
The Hornets and Bulls, playing in the Senior Secondary Schools Division One grade are currently first and second in the
Five senior teams are playing in the senior division 2 grade. The Tigers are dominating that grade. Three even junior A teams
have been competing, very successfully, in the junior A grade. The Pete McNae coached Pacers are unbeaten. Another five
teams are competing in the junior B grade.
Top of the South U17 Regional Basketball Tournament
Competing in the U17 Top of the South Regional Basketball Tournament held in Blenheim in early May were the Nelson White
team (mostly made up of Nelson College boys): Yr 10’s Sam Levien, Matthew Leonard, Max Shallcrass, Nic Clark Yr 11’s Josh
Fairhall, Harrison Mallabar, Simon Baxter and Yr 12 Ben Anderson. Their coach was Yr 13 Adam Leonard. The team had 5
games in 2 days, and won the final against the other Nelson team (mix of Nayland and Waimea boys). The boys were great on
and off the court, and Adam was outstanding with them. Well done.
Tasman Secondary School Indoor Climbing Competition 2014
Results—Nelson College teams/individuals dominating the placings
Team Competition—Intermediate
1st—Leo Luthje, Tyla Vincent, Lennard Van Loon, 2nd Drew Forrest, Max Clarke, Austin Clarke;
3rd Jacob Goessi, Angus McKinstry, Eugene Cech
Speed Climbing
The final was between Austin Clarke and Liam King-Turner, with Austin going on to take 1st place.
Intermediate Boys
1st Tyla Vincent, 2nd Jacob Goessi
Expert Boys
1st Leo Luthje, 2nd Drew Forrest, 3rd Liam King-Turner
Cross Country
Nelson College Cross Country 22 May
A clear and crisp day greeted runners in the 2014 Nelson College Cross Country, with the boys keen to get amongst it and lots
of mini-battles were fought at the line as friends rallied in the dying metres.
Top Ten Results:
Juniors—1st Max Meffan; 2nd Sam Mead; 3rd Jordan Newsome; 4th Nick Matthews; 5th Fergus Murray; 6th Ben Allan; 7th
Cody Beaumont; 8th Thomas Zohrab; 9th David Zohrab; 10th Louis Walker
Intermediates—1st Thomas Littleworth; 2nd Ben Alloway; 3rd Alistair King; 4th Brad Pool; 5th Nick D’Arcy; 6th George Franklin; 7th Caleb Coventry; 8th James Mellor; 9th Alex Borrell; 10th Simon Anderson
Seniors— 1st Josh Barry; 2nd Sam Mackay-Wright; 3rd Max Winterton; 4th Hugo Lawrence; 5th Adam Leonard; 6th William
Wallace; 7th Kris Main; 8th Zac Muir; 9th Luke Kelly; 10th Tom Somerville
Tasman Cross Country Results 28 May
Held at Wither Hills, Blenheim, with plenty of sunshine for the Tasman Cross Country. They donned the blue singlet and enjoyed the action
Year 9—1st Max Meffan; 2nd Sam Mead; 6th Jordan Newsome, 7th Nick Matthews; 8th Ben Allan; 9th Fergus Murray; 11th
Cody Beaumont
Junior—3rd Thomas Littleworth; 4th Ben Alloway, 9th Nick D’Arcy; 12th Alex Borrell
Senior— 1st Sam Mackay-Wright; 3rd Josh Barry; 4th Hugo Lawrence; 5th William Wallace; 8th Luke Kelly; 9th Tom Somerville; 11th Jamie Shaw
National Cross Country Results 21 June
Held at Massey University, Palmerston North in blustery conditions.
Top Placings: - Year 9 Individual —4th Max Meffan; 17th Nick Matthews, Year 9 3 man team—Silver Medal: Max Meffan;
Nick Matthews; Ben Allan; Yr 9 6 man team—Silver Medal: Max Meffan; Nick Matthews; Ben Allan; Cody Beaumont, Same
Mead; Jordan Newsome
Junior: Thomas Littleworth—placed in top 50.
Senior: Sam Mackay-Wright, still recovering from a trip to the USA for FPS, was the top place-getter in 29th.
Watch Josh Barry’s National XC Nelson College Trip on You Tube
Kartsport Nationals
Yr 9 Jarod Fisher competed at Kartsport Nationals over the Easter period. He got off to a very good start qualifying 3rd and
finishing 3rd in the 2 heats. Unfortunately the conditions changed and
we didn’t quite get on top of kart set up which really affected Jarod’s
results for the pre final and final. He finished 8th overall, which was not a
true indication of his performance, but that’s motorsport. Gary Fisher.
29th Annual Central NZ Sunbelt Sprint Championships
Junior Restricted - 1st Jarod Fisher
A unique racing format that has Karters race at two tracks over two days,
at Kartsport Marlborough and Kartsport Nelson. Drivers then have to find
their way through 8 heats and a final, with only dropping their worst race
result. 70 Karters from all over New Zealand entered and had two perfect sunny days for racing. Jarod Fisher dominated the Junior Restricted
class winning all of the nine races and setting his personal best time
around his 630m home circuit.
TSS Badminton
Flying Solo
Nelson College had two teams compete in the recently held Tasman
Schools Badminton Championships and our Senior Team of James
Kynaston, Matt Smith, Jakub Mottl and Anthony Pyers placed third—
which was an awesome result. Our second team of Earth
Chaimathikul, Fim Kessuksomwong, Hayden Maguire, and Chay
Sirinan came 7th.
Congratulations to Aedan Coddington on the recent
completion of his first Solo flight (honours) at age
16. He has worked solidly since he was 12 building
hours and experience in his passion for flying.
He’s continuing to build hours and experience to
pass his PPL which will be his next great
1st XV Rugby
Nelson College has 10 teams playing this year, one more than in 2013. The extra team is at U16 grade, which we see as a very
important grade in the development of 1st XV players for next year and beyond. We are fortunate to have a strong coaching
base across all grades with a number of parents, Old Boys and supporters of the school helping out.
Tasman Rugby have also put in an initiative to help out the code and Old Boys Shaun Begg (2004) and Mitchell Scott (2005-09)
have been running programmes in our Year 10 PE Extension programme to assist the promotion of the game. They have also
been working with our extended Under 16 squad.
The teams have all been tracking along nicely and especially the 2 nd XV who are clear leaders of the very competitive U18
Grade. They have big boots to fill as Nelson College is playing through champions of the grade. All grades continue into Term
3 with finals day being 16 August.
It was great to see recent Old Boys Mitchell Drummond (2010-12) and David Havili (2012) representing the country at the
recent Under 20 World Cup as well as a number of old boys dotted around the Super franchises.
1st XV Results to Date
Won vs Rangiora 24-9
Won vs Roncalli 42-10
Won vs Lincoln 48-15
Won vs Shirley 17-3
Games to Play
Wednesday 2 July
Saturday 19 July
Saturday 26 July
Saturday 2 August
Saturday 9 August
Saturday 16 August
Saturday 23 August
Won vs St Bedes 23-10
Won vs Marlborough 17-16
Lost vs Christchurch BHS 22-23
Won 19-6 Christs College
Quad Final @ Wanganui
St Andrews @ Nelson
Timaru @ Timaru
St Thomas @ Nelson
Waimea @ Nelson
Press Cup Semi-Final TBC
Press CupFinal TBC
Won vs Ashburton 17-0
Won vs Marlborough 17-16
Won vs Burnside 31-10
Student Office
Senior reports were issued on 30 May and Junior reports on 27 June. If you did not receive a copy of your son’s report you can
log in to the Nelson College Ultranet and click on “View School Records” Nelson College Ultranet
Have you signed into Ultranet via the Nelson College website yet? This is our secure web environment where parents and
caregivers can access information to keep them informed of their son’s learning progress; via latest school
reports, NCEA results and attendance. We are keen to encourage parents to use this facility. If you have
any queries or problems accessing Ultranet please email ultranet@nelsoncollege.school.nz or phone the
Student Office.
NZQA fees
Please pay fees to the Finance Office by Friday 22rd August. After this date you will need to pay NZQA directly and this will
incur a late fee of $50. Financial Assistance: Community Services card holders and beneficiaries are eligible for financial
assistance which reduces the fee to $20. An application form is available from the Student Office. We can email this form if
Student Online access to NCEA results
Years 11-13 have received an ID card which includes their National Student Number (NSN) and instructions for accessing their
NCEA results on the NZQA website. Please encourage your son to log in to and register if they have not already done so.
NZQA website login Check name (legal), contact details and entries are correct. NZQA provides for online delivery of results,
certificates and Records of Achievement only so it is important all students can access these online and order documents and
certificates as required. These are not sent out automatically by NZQA.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Day Parent/ Teacher Interviews - Term 3 Week 2 Mon 28 July & Wed 30 July
Online bookings opened 30 June. If you have not received booking instructions sign on to the Ultranet and go to the
Information page. If you need help with your bookings please contact reception.
Boarding Parent/Caregiver Interviews – Term 3 Friday 22 August (shortened day for all students)
For inquiries about any of the above please contact the Student Office
Email: ks@nelsoncollege.school.nz
Payments by Internet— Bank account details for your payment are:
Bank Account Name
Nelson College
Bank Account Number
03 0703 0365073 03
Please ensure that student’s name is in the Reference field along with what you are paying for eg sports trip.
Health Education—Information Evening Wednesday 2nd July
Nelson College has been selected to pilot a new ACC school-based healthy relationships programme called Mates & Dates.
The pilot programme will be taught across all years 9-13 over five lessons in the third term and will then be evaluated to see
how well it has worked.
ACC has worked with the Ministry of Education to ensure the pilot aligns with the curriculum, and has worked with an expert
advisory group to develop the content.
Mates & Dates will teach students how to have healthy relationships built on respect, negotiation and consent. It will teach
them how to identify inappropriate behaviour and how to get help if they, or someone they know, are in an unhealthy relationship including how to safely intervene in situations that could lead to harm.
In term three the programme will be piloted with three Year 9, three Year 10, three Year 11, and two Year 12 and 13 classes.
Information will be provided for those classes involved with a take home booklet and a permission form to be signed by
An email information letter will also be sent. On Wednesday the 2nd of July an Information Evening will be held in the Nelson
College staff room at 7-00pm. At this meeting a representative from ACC will be present to explain and answer any questions
about the programme.
Neil Anderson
HOD Health Education
Ngā Manu Kōrero Speech Competitions
On Friday June 13 the regional Ngā Manu Kōrero speech competitions were held at Nelson College for Girls. Seven schools
were competing including Motueka High School, Waimea College, Nayland College, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Tuia te Mātangi,
Marlborough Boys College, Nelson College for Girls and Nelson College. We knew the competition would be tough.
We had speakers in all four categories. Turoa Stephens – Senior Māori; Kyle Ormsby – Senior English; Abel Johnstone – Junior
Māori;Te Maungarongo Wilson – Junior English.
Maunga really entertained the audienced with his witty humour making the audience laugh throughout his presentation.
Abel has been unwell throughout this term and finished writing his speech a couple of days before the competitions. He
was still able to pull off a great presentation. Although neither of our juniors gained a top 3 placing both have gained some
valuable experience and we hope to continue seeing the fruits of their labour in the future. Turoa gained 4th place for his
prepared speech. He made up for it in the impromptu section placing 2nd. This gave him an overall aggregate 3rd placing. I
gained first place for both the prepared and the impromptu sections which is an improvement on last year. It meant I gained
the top placing in the senior English section for the second year running and had qualified to compete at the National
competitions. These will be held in Hawkes Bay in September. I would like to say thanks to all of our Nelson College Whānau
who supported our speakers on the day and to Matua Wayne for his guidance and making the day possible for us.
Nā Kyle Ormsby
Careers Roadshow Showcase Multiple Pathways
The main careers event for the year, the Careers Roadshow, was kindly hosted by Nelson
College for Girls on May 29th. Thirty-three exhibitors ranging from the Armed Forces,
Universities, and Polytechnics to industry bodies provided information to senior students
on career pathways.
This was an excellent opportunity for the boys to collect information and explore the vast
number of career options available across industries, professions and trades. Feedback
from several of the providers was that our Year 13 boys in particular were well organised
and asking great questions. Well done boys.
Spotlight on Year 10 Careers programme
In term 3, a Workwatch day in September gives boys the opportunity to organise and
spend a day observing in a workplace of their choice. Also coming up in term 3, Year 10
students are given advice and support in course selections for Year 11 and beyond, as part
of the Social Studies programme.
Online Hall of Residence applications open on 1 August
Students planning to apply for a University Hall of Residence in 2015 must have online applications complete by 30 August.
Places are given on the basis of Year 12 results, however demonstrable leadership, sporting, cultural and community involvement may help your application. Mrs Gray will submit a Common Confidential Reference Form based on school references.
Applying for Scholarships? The Careers pages on the Nelson College Website links to scholarship opportunities through the
Breakout Database, University Scholarships and Corporate Scholarships. You may be in line for financial assistance, so
check it out.
Upcoming University Open Days
We encourage students to attend the onsite open days wherever possible. Remember this could be a $20,000-$30,000
Canterbury University—Thursday 10 July
Lincoln University—Wednesday 16 July
Massey University (Manawatu Campus) - 6 August, (Albany Campus) - 16 August, (Wellington Campus) 29 August
Victoria University (Wellington) - Friday 29 August
Auckland University Courses and Careers Day—Saturday 30 August
Note that Otago Teritary Information Day (Dunedin) was held in early May as was Waikato University Open Day.
Subject Selection for Years 10, 11, 12
A reminder that a Course Selection Evening for 2015 will happen in late August. Leading up to that event, the Careers team has
run information sessions for Year 12 students. The Evening is an opportunity to ask questions and seek advice on how to plan
your pathway through school and beyond.
Featured Old Boys
Commonwealth Games Selection
Julian Matthews (2002-06) selected to represent New Zealand in the 1500
metres at the Commonwealth Games at Glasgow on 1 August of this year.
Get behind Julian for Glasgow “To be in peak condition for the Games, I am going
to spend the month of June training at altitude in Font Romeu, a small village in
the South of France. I will then run a few warm up races in Belgium and Italy
before heading to Glasgow for the Games.
This is where you guys come in – I need help funding my training over the next two
months, so that I can have no regrets when I step up to the line in Glasgow.
There are a number of costs involved in living and training at altitude and then
racing in Europe. These costs include car rental, petrol, accommodation, treatment
and food. Without your support it’s going to be a struggle to pull this off!”
Donations to Matthews’ project can be made by visiting
New Zealand Under 20 Squad
IRB Junior World Championships
Selected for the NZ Under 20 Squad:- Former Nelson College 1st XV
captain Mitchell Drummond (2010-12) as halfback and David
Havili (2012) as replacement utility back to cover first-five, wing
and fullback.
World Cup 10s New Zealand Blues Crowned
Mitchell Hunt (2009-13) was part of the winning New Zealand
Blues 10’s team who overcame Australia’s Brumbies 10-5 to win
the inaugural World Club 10s at Singapore’s new National
Stadium held in late June.
Tall Blacks Trial
Finn Delany (2009-13) selected to trial for the Tall Black basketball team on July 8 and 9.
We wish him all the best. Finn was Nelson College captain last season.
Queen’s Birthday Honours
Congratulations to the following Old Boys recognised for Queen’s Birthday Honours:
Dr Warren Tucker (1964-68) Companion of the NZ Order of Merit for services to the state.
Dr Grant Williams (1975-79) a Member of the NZ Order of Merit for his contribution to
John Harwood (1950-53) Queen’s Service Medal for services to the community.
School Information
School Office
All visitors to the College must check in at the school office in the
first instance.
Student Achievement
The College aims to acknowledge all outstanding student
achievement. Please contact the Headmaster, Mr Gary O’Shea by
email on oe@nelsoncollege.school.nz with any information on your
son’s successes.
In Brief
The ESOL Department would gratefully appreciate If your son is absent it is important that the school is notified.
donations of Readers Digest magazines. If you have  Please call the attendance line on ph: 548 3099 Ext 2 with details
some old issues at home and are looking for a place to of your son’s name and the reason for his absence.
up-cycle them, please drop them off at Nelson College  A medical certificate is required if a student is ill for three or more
Reception. Thank you!
 Students are not to leave school if they are feeling unwell without
AA Defensive Driving Course. This course is for learner permission. They must sign-out at the reception office before
and restricted drivers licence holders. The course aims leaving the school grounds.
to give young drivers skills and knowledge to be safer  If your son needs to leave school during the day for an appointment
drivers and reduces the time to apply for a full licence or other reason they must present a signed note from parents/
by 6 months. The course is being held in the July caregivers to the attendance office. They will then be given a pink
holidays at Nelson College. Phone 5471151 to register.
slip which gives permission to leave the school grounds.
 Reminder to boys/parents that driving lessons/tests should be
booked outside of school hours—thank you.
 Full absence procedures can be found on the College website—
Hira School Valley to View, Sunday 3 August, 10-4pm,
at Happy Valley Adventures. Mountain biking for
adults and teens but loads of entertainment at
Leave for non-school related activities
basecamp for the whole family including a bike skills
course, pony rides, face painting, craft tent and bouncy Request for leave that is non-school related, during the school year,
must be addressed to the Headmaster, Mr Gary O’Shea either by
castles. Bring cash for BBQ, home baking and
email or in writing at least two weeks prior to the start of leave.
refreshments. Family group rates and under 10s free.
Early bird registration discounts. For more information Lost Property
and to pre-register visit: www.hira.school.nz
 Please ensure your son’s property is named, so that found items
Community Notices
can be returned promptly.
South Islands Premier Art Expo 11-13 July
 If you have purchased second-hand clothing please remove the old
Over 1000 artworks from over 100 exhibiting artists at name tags and replace with new name tags.
Saxton Stadium Stoke Fri 10am-8pm; Sat 10am-6pm;
 For enquiries about Lost Property please contact the College Office
Sun 10am-4pm. Adults $5 concession $4 U15 free.
on telephone 03 5483099
Term Dates 2014
Term 2:
Term 3:
Term 4:
5 May - 4 July
21 July - 26 September
13 October - 4 December
Management Team Email Contacts
Headmaster, Gary O’Shea
Deputy Principal, Tim Tucker
Assistant Principal, Ron Kelly
Assistant Principal, John Prestidge
Assistant Principal, Brian Hore