Bahamas call - web s.. - American Neurogastroenterology and


Bahamas call - web s.. - American Neurogastroenterology and
American Motility Society
2007 Scientific Meeting
Diabetes and the Gut
March 1–4, 2007
Our Lucaya Beach & Golf Resort
Grand Bahama Island
Don’t be left out in the cold… enrich your mind and warm your soul.
Be adventuresome and lay your intellectual anchor in the Bahamas.
Announcement & Call for Abstracts
Abstract Deadline • November 15, 2006
Jointly sponsored by
University of Pittsburgh
Center for Continuing Education in the Health Sciences and
American Motility Society
Since 1980 the American Motility Society has had a rich tradition of organizing a scientific meeting every other year giving
investigators the opportunity to present their latest findings
and to learn from invited state-of-the-art presentations. In
keeping with this fine tradition, 2007 will be no exception.
On behalf of the American Motility Society, we invite you to
participate in the 2007 Scientific Meeting, which will be held
in Freeport on Grand Bahama Island at Our Lucaya Resort
and Convention Center. So... don’t be left out in the cold...
enrich the mind and warm your soul. Be adventuresome and
lay your intellectual anchor in the Bahamas this Spring.
The World Health Organization is warning that a devastating global diabetes epidemic is looming. Researchers estimate that 366 million people, or 4.4 per cent of the
world’s population, will be diabetic by 2030. Currently, in the
US, diabetes affects 20 million Americans and it is estimated
that diabetes accounts for up to 20% of the nation’s health
budget. And according to the CDC, studies also predict that
30.3 million Americans will have diabetes by 2030 and 29 million by 2050. Clearly, the human and economic costs of this
epidemic are enormous.
However, remarkable progress has been made in diabetic research with the discovery of novel findings and some
interesting twists. It is the objective of this AMS meeting
to continue our tradition of general abstract submission to
allow investigators to present their most recent findings, but
also to explore in a multidisciplinary manner “Diabetes and
the Gut”. From the program at-a-glance, it will be recognized
that we have assembled an outstanding panel of internationally renowned experts in clinical and basic science research
in the field of diabetes. Together, they will provide a comprehensive clinical and mechanistic look at diabetes and its
impact on the gastrointestinal tract.
If our stellar speakers are not enough to entice you to
attend the meeting, we are holding the meeting March 1−4,
2007 on Grand Bahama Island at the spectacular Our Lucaya
Beach and Golf Resort, which has a marvelously modern
convention center.
It is anticipated that abstract acceptance rates for this
AMS meeting will remain the same as in past years giving
investigators an opportunity to present their latest findings,
so don’t wait — make your air and hotel reservations while
flights and rooms are still available.
On behalf of the 2007 Organizing Committee and the
AMS Council, it would be my honor to welcome you to Our
Lucaya this coming March.
Tony Bauer
2007 AMS Program Director
Important Deadlines
Abstracts Due: November 15, 2006
Meeting Preregistration: January 1, 2007
Hotel Reservation: January 1, 2007, 5 pm EST
Note: This is peak “Spring Break” time. Make your air and hotel reservations NOW. Don’t delay.
Meeting Objectives
Intended Audience
The program has been designed to be timely, exciting, and
informative. Upon completion of this meeting, attendees will
have been exposed to state-of-the-art research covering a
broad range of basic science, preclinical, and clinical topics in
the rapidly expanding field of diabetes, immunology, neurology, neurogastroenterology, gastrointestinal motility, and
functional gastrointestinal disorders. These objectives will be
achieved by a combination of lectures, oral abstract presentations, poster abstract presentations, small group discussions, and one-on-one interactions with recognized experts.
This meeting will be valuable to a broad range of attendees: biochemists, molecular and cell biologists, physiologists, neurophysiologists, endocrinologists, immunologists,
pharmacologists, behavioral psychologists and psychiatrists,
surgeons, gastroenterologists and other clinicians, gastroenterology fellows, and nurses. The meeting promises a good
interaction and exchange of ideas among participants, especially young investigators.
Program At-A-Glance
March 1
March 2
March 3
March 4
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
7:30 am – 5:00 pm
7:30 am – 5:00 pm
7:30 am – 11:30 pm
5:00 pm
President Henry Parkman
7:00 am - 8:00 am
Continental Breakfast
Our Lucaya Convention Center
7:00 am - 8:00 am
Continental Breakfast
Our Lucaya Convention Center
7:00 am
Continental Breakfast
Our Lucaya Convention Center
5:15 pm – 6:15 pm
Diabetic Gastrointestinal Motility
Michael Horowitz
8:00 am - 8:50 pm
Obesity Modulates the
Expression of Neuropeptides and
Anthony W. Ferrante
8:00 am – 8:45 am
Adiponectin/Leptin/Grehlin and
Intestinal Inflammation
Giamila Fantuzzi
8:30 am – 9:30
Type 1 Diabetes Therapy: Beyond
Islet Cell Replacement
Massimo Trucco
8:45 am – 9:30 am
Gastric Emptying in Diabetic Mice
Gianrico Farrugia
9:30 – 11:00
Clincal Science and Basic Science
Oral Abstract Presentations
9:30 am – 10:15 am
Diabetes and the ICC
Tamas Ordog
11:30 am
6:15 pm – 7:15 pm
Metabolic and Endocrine Effects
of GI Hormones in Diabetes
Bo Ahrén
7:15 pm – 8:15 pm
Diabetic Alterations in
Inflammatory Pathways
Steven Shoelson
8:50 am - 9:40 pm
Reactive Oxygen Intermediates
in Diabetic Neuropathy
Philip Low
10:00 am –10:50 am
Nerve Growth Factors and
Douglas E. Wright
10:30 am – 11:15 am
Diabetes and the ENS
Shanthi Srinivasan
10:50 am –11:40 pm
Diabetes and Neuroaxonal
Robert Schmidt
Clinical Diabetes Topic – TBA
11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Diabetic Alterations in
Membrane Channels and
John Wiley
11:45 am – 1:00 pm
Poster Session and Lunch
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Clincal Science and Basic Science
Oral Abstract Presentations
Clinical Diabetes Topic – TBA
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Poster Session and Lunch
Warm Your Soul Time
Beach, Golf, Scuba, Island Tour
1:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Diabetic Gastroparesis
Jay Pasricha
Joerg C. Kalff
1:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Clinical Diabetes Topic – TBA
Human ENS
Michael Schemann
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Clincal Science and Basic Science
Oral Abstract Presentations
3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Young Investigator
Oral Abstract Presentations
5:45 pm – 6:30 pm
AMS Business Meeting
8:15 pm – 10:00 pm
Welcome Reception
Our Lucaya Ballroom
7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
AMS Banquet
Dinner on your own
Abstract Submission
The abstract deadline is November 15, 2006. It is required
that abstracts be submitted electronically. Abstracts will be
peer-reviewed and ranked on the basis of scientific merit
by experts in the category selected. The Program Selection Committee will use these rankings to develop the final
meeting program. Abstracts selected for presentation will be
published in Neurogastroenterology and Motility. It is a Continuing Medical Education policy that everyone participating
in the meeting as a speaker, presenter, author, or co-author
must complete a separate Continuing Medical Education
Disclosure Form. For abstract authors, the form will appear
on-line when you log on to submit your abstract. Please
ensure that each co-author completes a separate Continuing
Medical Education Disclosure Form. Abstracts received after
the deadline will not be reviewed. If you encounter problems submitting your abstract electronically, please e-mail or telephone (734) 699-1130 for
in which case you already have an account and may log on
as an Existing User. On the next screen you will log on using
your e-mail address and password. This will take you to the
next screen where you click on Submit Abstract. At this point,
a form containing the Continuing Medical Education Disclosure Statement will appear. This form must be completed
before proceeding. New CME regulations stipulate that
EVERY PERSON (speaker, presenter, author, and co-author)
must complete a separate Continuing Medical Education
Disclosure Form. The next step will take you to a Submission
Information page. Fill out the form as instructed.
If you would like to present your abstract as a poster,
choose Poster Only. When you have completed the entire
form press the Submit button. Once this information has
been submitted, you will receive an e-mail that will contain
a blank abstract template. Please note: it will arrive at the email address entered on the electronic submission form. The
attachment will be a Microsoft Word/WordPerfect document.
Save the attachment to your desktop. Open the document
and paste your abstract in the template. The margins, font,
and paper size of this document cannot nor should not be
modified. All text and graphics must fit within the allotted
space. After the abstract is pasted, save the file. Then, reply
to the e-mail that was sent and include your abstract as an
Instructions for Authors
Type abstract in the blank template that you receive by
e-mail. The type should be Times New Roman, 10 point (no
larger, no smaller). Simple graphs and tables may be included
if they fit within the template. The template size is 6.5 inches
wide by 5.28 inches high. Total words: 403; Total characters
with spaces: 2,837.
Title: The title should be brief, clearly indicating the nature of
the study. Type in bold and sentence case.
Authors: State all authors’ initials and last names only. The
presenting author’s name is italicized.
Affiliation: List institutional affiliations, city, and state, separated by a semicolon (;). The following symbols *, †, and ‡
may be used to denote more than one affiliation.
Previous Presentation of an Abstract
The principal author affirms that the material herein will not
have been previously published as an article by March 1, 2007.
Conflict of Interest
If the research was partially or fully funded by a proprietary
organization (e.g., a pharmaceutical or device manufacturer)
a statement to that effect must be included at the bottom
of the body of the abstract. For example: “This research was
funded in part by ….”.
The 2007 AMS meeting will be held in Freeport on Grand
Bahama Island. A Bauer*, K Albers*, K Bielefeldt*, A Wald†.
*University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; †University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
Young Investigator Travel Awards
A limited number of travel awards will be provided to those
persons submitting abstracts. These awards will help defray
the costs of attending the meeting. Applicants need to be
less than five years from obtaining their degree. Both basic
science and clinical investigators will be eligible, including
undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows,
and junior faculty in the early stages of an independent
career. Award criteria will be based on career status, and the
scientific quality of the applicant’s abstract. Please check the
box on the on-line submission form indicating that you wish
to be considered for a Young Investigator Travel Award.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Electronic
It is required that you submit your abstract electronically.
Establish a connection to the Internet and proceed to http://
Click the link 2007 AMS Meeting and click on Submit
Abstract. At the next screen click the link 2007 AMS Meeting. On the screen that appears you will create an account,
unless you have submitted an abstract to a previous meeting,
Accreditation Statement
Special Needs
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)
through the joint sponsorship of the University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine and the American Motility Society. The
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is accredited
by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for
The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine designates this educational activity for a maximum of 20.75 AMA
PRA Category 1 Creditstm. Each physician should only claim
credit commensurate with the extent of their participation
in the activity. Other healthcare professionals are awarded
2.075 continuing education units (CEUs) which are equal to
20.75 contact hours.
Participation by all individuals is encouraged. Advance
notification of any special needs will help us provide better
service. Please provide details when you register.
Registration Fees
The meeting registration fee includes tuition, comprehensive
course syllabus, welcome reception, continental breakfasts,
lunches, break refreshments, and a banquet for course attendees. Extra banquet tickets are available for an additional
charge of $50. Note that dinner on Friday, March 2 is on your
own. Although it is not AMS policy to limit the number of
registrants for a course, conference room facilities may necessitate closing of enrollment; therefore, early registration is
strongly advised. Also, please be aware that Grand Bahama
Island is an extremely attractive destination at this time of
year and that this is Spring Break season. Make your air and
hotel reservations NOW.
Hotel rooms booked after the reservation deadline of
January 1, 2007 will be based on hotel availability and at
the prevailing hotel rate.
Policy on Disclosure
It is the policy of the American Motility Society and the University of Pittsburgh Center for Continuing Education in the
Health Sciences to insure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all of its educational activities. All
individuals in a position to control the content of an educational activity sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh
must disclose the name of all proprietary entities producing
health care goods or services with which they have financial
relationships as well as the nature of these relationships. It
is not necessary to disclose relationships with non-profit or
government organizations or proprietary entities that do not
produce health care goods or services. Relationships of immediate family members with proprietary entities producing
health care goods or services should be disclosed if they are
of a nature that may influence the objectivity of the individual in a position to control the content of the continuing
educational activity.
AMS Member $250 before January 1, 2007
$300 after January 1, 2007
Non AMS Member $300 before January 1, 2007
$350 after January 1, 2007
Resident, Postdoctoral Fellow $150
Trainee, Nurse, Allied Health $150
Extra banquet tickets $50 each
Acknowledgment of Commercial Support
Commercial support for this meeting is currently pending.
All commercial support will be acknowledged at the meeting.
Meeting Registration
Preregistration Deadline • January 1, 2007
REGISTER ON-LINE (preferred)
Click on link to the 2007 AMS Scientific Meeting
Reservation Deadline: January 1, 2007 (5:00 pm EST)
See hotel information on page 7.
Fax or Mail
American Motility Society
45685 Harmony Lane
Belleville, MI 48111 United States
Fax: 734-699-1136
Payment (Please check)
Personal Information (Please print)
Registration Fees
Member of AMS
❑ $250 before Jan 1, 2007
❑ $300 after Jan 1, 2007
Degree/Credentials_ ______ Specialty_ __________________
Non AMS member
❑ $300 before Jan 1, 2007
❑ $350 after Jan 1, 2006
Resident, Post-Doctoral Fellow
❑ $150
Trainee, Nurse, Allied Health
❑ $150
❑ Extra banquet tickets ($50 each) _______________
Please pay by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or
check (US bank only). Checks are payable to the American
Motility Society.
City_ ___________________ State/Province_______________
❑ Visa ❑ MasterCard ❑ AMEX ❑ Check (US bank only)
Zip/Postal Code_ _________ Country____________________
Cardholder Name___________________________________
International Telephone Country Code _ _________________
Credit Card Number_________________________________
City Code_ ______________ Phone_ ____________________
Expiration Date__________________ /_ _________________
Signature_ ________________________________________
E-mail address (required)______________________________
I authorize AMS to charge my account the total amount:
$_ _______________________________________________
(not valid without signature)
A notification of confirmation will be sent upon receipt of
payment and completed registration form.
Cancellation Policy
Your registration fee, less a $50 administrative fee, will be
refunded if written notification is received by the American
Motility Society before February 1, 2007 (Fax: 734-699-1136).
No refunds will be made after February 1, 2007.
❏ I have special needs (Please specify)___________________
Date Arriving_ ___________ Date Departing______________
Travel to Our Lucaya
Grand Bahama Island
Freeport on Grand Bahama Island is a tourist friendly city that
is visited by millions of visitors from around world each year.
Freeport is serviced by a modern international airport with
multiple flights daily from most major cities in the United
States. Typical airfares to Grand Bahama Island do not exceed
travel costs of domestic flights of similar distance.
University Travel of Pittsburgh can arrange your travel
on any airline and has negotiated contracts with special
discounts from American, Continental, and USAirways to
provide attendees and their guests with the lowest possible
airfares. Reduced airfares to Freeport International Airport
are available by contacting Carrie Lynn Good at
University Travel Service, Inc.
260 Atwood Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: 412-621-3492
Toll-free: 800-245-6203
Fax: 412-621-4854
E-mail: Carrie Lynn at
Located only 55 miles off the coast of Florida, Our Lucaya
Beach & Golf Resort is in the heart of Grand Bahama Island:
7.5 acres of sandy beaches, sparkling turquoise waters, and
tropical surroundings. At Our Lucaya there is plenty to do.
Whether you want to relax away the day on the beach or look
for something more action packed — this is the place.
Our Lucaya Resort
• Golf gourses and golf school
• Spa and fitness center
• Camp Lucaya for kids of all ages
Nearby Attractions
The Island of Grand Bahama has some of the most diverse
sights and recreational options in the Bahamas.
• Lucayan National Park
• Rand Nature Center
• Peterson Cay National Park
Please reference the American Motility Society Meeting
being held on Grand Bahama Island when making travel
arrangements. Reduced airfares are subject to availability. To
take maximum advantage of discounted rates, it is strongly
recommended that flights be booked as soon as possible
because of Spring Break season.
• Dolphin Encounters
• Garden Of The Grove
• Lucayan Reef Golf Course
• Port Lucaya Marketplace
• Isle of Capri Casino at Our Lucaya
Ground Transportation
• Restaurants & Lounges
The airport is located about 10 driving miles from Our Lucaya
Resort and Convention Center complex.
Taxi: $20 one way.
Or prearranged transportation:
H. Forbes Charter Services: $22.00 round trip.
Car rental is available. Drive on the LEFT SIDE of the road.
Parking is readily available on site at Our Lucaya.
• Scuba Diving and Lessons
• Tour of Grand Bahama Island
NO currency exchange is necessary. The US dollar is readily
accepted everywhere on the Island, although change may be
given in Bahamian currency, which is 1:1 with the US dollar.
Hotels at Our Lucaya
Social Festivities
Blocks of guestrooms have been reserved with a special
meeting rate at the Westin and Sheraton Hotels at Our Lucaya Resort and Convention Center. To ensure accommodations and the discounted rate, please make your reservations
by January 1, 2007 (5:00 pm EST), on-line or by phone.
Identify yourself as a participant at the American Motility
Society Meeting being held at Our Lucaya.
Hotel rooms booked after January 1, 2007 will be based
on hotel availability and at the prevailing hotel rate.
Welcome Reception
Thursday, March 1, 2007 at 8:15 pm
Attendees and their guests are cordially invited to join the
course faculty for the Welcome Reception on Thursday,
March 1, 2007, beginning at 8:15 pm. This casual reception
welcomes you to the AMS meeting at Our Lucaya and offers
the opportunity to make connections with new and existing
colleagues. Preregistration is requested.
American Motility Society Banquet
Discounted rates
Saturday, March 3, 2007 at 7:00 pm
Attendees and their guests are cordially invited to the
American Motility Society Banquet on Saturday, March 3,
2007, beginning at 7:00 pm (complimentary to course attendees, $50 charge for each additional guest). Preregistration is
Sheraton Pool/Ocean View: $209 single/double
Westin Marina/Island View: $249 single/double
These rates are available from February 26 to March 6, 2007
so your stay may be extended before and after the meeting,
which runs March 1 to 4. Deadline for reservation at this rate
is January 1, 2007 (5:00 pm EST).
The Westin at Our Lucaya
Sea Horse Lane, Grand Bahama Island,
The Bahamas
Hotel phone: 242-373-1333
Hotel fax: 242-350-5060
Sheraton at Our Lucaya
Royal Palm Way, Grand Bahama Island,
The Bahamas
Hotel phone: 242-373-1444
Hotel fax: 242-373-8804
Invited Speakers
Bo Ahrén, MD, PhD
Lund University, Sweden
Program Director
Anthony J. Bauer, Ph.D.
Department of Medicine
University of Pittsburgh
S-849 Scaife Hall
3550 Terrace Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Meeting Web site:
Giamila Fantuzzi, PhD
University of Illinois, Chicago, IL
Gianrico Farrugia, MD
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN
Anthony W. Ferrante, Jr. MD, PhD
Columbia University, New York, NY
Program Committee
Anthony Bauer, Course Director
Kathryn Albers
Klaus Bielefeldt
Brian Davis
David Kelley
Michael Pezzone
Arnold Wald
Michael Horowitz, MBBS, PhD, FRACP
The University of Adelaide, Australia
Prof. Dr. med. Jörg C. Kalff
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Bonn,
Philip Low, MD
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN
AMS Steering Committee
Henry Parkman, President
Gianrico Farrugia
Ann Ouyang
Lori Ennis, Program Coordinator
Tamas Ordog, PhD
University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno, NV
Pankaj Jay Pasricha, MD
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Schemann
Technische Universität München, Freising-Weihenstephan,
American Motility Society - Administrative Office
45685 Harmony Lane
Belleville, MI 48111
Ph: 734-699-1130
Fax: 734-699-1136
Web site:
Robert E. Schmidt, MD, PhD
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
Steven E. Shoelson, MD, PhD
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Shanthi Srinivasan, MD
Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Massimo Trucco, MD
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Douglas E. Wright, PhD
The University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS
American Motility Society
2007 Scientific Meeting
Diabetes and the Gut
March 1–4, 2007
Our Lucaya Beach & Golf Resort
Grand Bahama Island
American Motility Society
45685 Harmony Lane
Belleville, MI 48111
United States
Nonprofit Organization
U.S. Postage
Ann Arbor MI
Permit No. 87