History Nature Creativity Innovation Art Sustainibility


History Nature Creativity Innovation Art Sustainibility
School visits 2012/2013
World Heritage
The Gûell Colony
The construction of the Colonia Güell began in 1890 at the initiative of the
entrepreneur Eusebio Güell in his country estate «Can Soler de la Torre»,
located in the municipality of Santa Coloma de Cervelló, region of Baix
The interest of escaping the social conflicts arisen in the city, made the
entrepreneur develop the new mill within the framework of an industrial
colony; with the housing of the workers next to the mill, within the property,
constituting an urban nucleus with its own social and economic life though
overseen by the company.
In contrast to most industrial colonies in Catalonia, Eusebio Güell worked to
improve the social conditions of his workers and applied his cultural patronage
in the colony, providing it with cultural and religious facilities of a modernist
design which were developed by different architects, most notably Gaudi, to
whom he entrusted the building of the church.
The master builders also left the imprint of their talent in many of the buildings
as can be seen in many different facades and cornices
The industrial colonies where conceived as a socioeconomic organization whose
main goal was industrial productivity. The mill took up most of the time of the
men and women of the colony, for them it was the guarantee of having a
regular income in times of economic scarcity
However, over the years, trade unions and the workers movement arose in the
colony. During the civil war the mill was collectivized and run by its workers. At
the end of the war, the mill was given back to its owner, the Güell family who in
1945 sold it to the Bertrand y Serra family.
Gaudi’s Crypt
In 1.898, Eusebio Güell, commissioned the architect Antonio Gaudi the
project of a church for the textile colony.
Over the next ten years, Gaudi carried out various preliminary studies
which culminated in a model which was placed in a pavilion located in
the hill were the building would later be erected.
The construction of the temple began in 1908. However, the ambitious
project which foresaw a church with two naves, lower and upper,
topped by different towers and a 40 meters high central dome would
remain unfinished making it popularly known as the crypt
In 1914 the Güell family decided to stop financing the church and Gaudi
abandoned the project.
Even though the church remained unfinished, it is a culminating point in
Gaudi's work. This construction includes for the first time practically all
of his architectural innovations.
In the church we can see Gaudi created the naves single space without
using buttresses, flying buttresses or supporting walls. This was possible
thanks to a combination of leaning pillars and catenary arches which
also result in the hyperbolic paraboloid shape of the perimeter walls.
This same integrative spirit is reflected on the inside as well as in the
fusion of the building with the environment .
The Church of the Colonia Güell includes numerous examples of Gaudi’s
mastery of the applied arts regarding both practical and purely
ornamental decoration.
The crypt was declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2005
The Interpretation Center
The visit to the Colonia Güell‐ Gaudi crypt begins in the Interpretation Center, here you will find a global vision on what the estate was, how its people lived, the reason for its creation, the construction of Gaudi’s church, etc.
The permanent exhibition has five areas: Industrial colonies
The mill
The people
The Colonia Güell
Gaudi’s church
Each areas has its own elements amongst which a reproduction of the estereostatic model Gaudi designed for the construction of the church should be highlighted
Guided visit to the Crypt and the Güell Colony
Preschool (1h)
Primary education Secondary Education (ESO)
Secondary Education (Bachillerato)
Innovation workshop and Crypt guided visit
ƒ Primary education ƒ Secondary Education (ESO)
ƒ Secondary Education (Bachillerato)
Trencadis workshop and Crypt guided visit
Primary education
Gaudi, recycling and sustainability
Secondary Education (ESO)
Theatrical visit
Educational offer 2012/2013
Option 1: Guided visit
Our staff will interest the group in their visit to the crypt, a place where color, symbols and textures emerge as if by magic
5 €/ student
Option 2: Theatrical visit (recommended)
Through Eusebi Güell and Antoni Gaudi, two of our artistically talented staff,
the younger ones will experience concepts such as color, symbols and textures
of Gaudi’s Crypt as well as become familiar with these two relevant
personalities in Catalan history
6 €/ student
Length: 1h 00’, the length of the visit can be adjusted according to needs Free entrance for teachers Maximum 30 students per group, for larger groups please contact All activities have didactic data sheets to help prepare the visit Educational offer 2012/2013
Primary Education
Option 1: Guided visit to the Crypt and the Güell Colony
During the visit, a member of our staff will explain to the students what industrial
colonies were and what makes the Güell Colony different to the rest.
During the visit to the Colony, students will become familiar with the modernist
architecture present in many of the buildings and how to recognize who was the
inhabitant of the home only by looking at their façades. In the mill, not open to visits,
our staff will explain the work that was carried out, the conditions of the workers and
how life revolved around this place. This way students will understand the social
conditions of the time and the progresses made since then.
Finally, the students will visit Gaudi’s Crypt, example of the great innovations the
architect introduced and through their senses discover some of the characteristics of his
The relationship of Eusebi Güell and Antoni Gaudi will be explained and the importance
of the role of patronage
Length: 2h 00’, the length of the visit can be adjusted according to needs Free entrance for teachers Maximum 30 students per group, for larger groups please contact All activities have didactic data sheets to help prepare the visit 6 €/ student
Educational offer 2012/2013
Primary education
Option 2: Trencadis workshop and Crypt guided visit
This activity is taught by a professional ceramist in one of the rooms of the
Interpretation Center of the Güell Colony
The purpose of this workshop is to help the students discover the trencadis technique,
used by Gaudi, both from a theoretical and practical point of view. The students will
also discover the materials and tools used.
After the workshop the students will visit the Crypt with one of our guides to discover
the trencadís as well as the other architectural elements which make this crypt so
During the workshop each student will make their own trencadis coaster
Length: workshop 50”, crypt visit 1 hour Free entrance for teachers Maximum 30 students per group, for larger groups please contact All activities have didactic data sheets to help prepare the visit 8 €/ student
Educational offer 2012/2013
Primary education
Option 3: Innovation workshop and Crypt guided visit
This activity is taught by one of our staff in one of the rooms of the Interpretation Center
of the Güell Colony
From a didactic, fun and interactive perspective the participants will discover the
innovative constructions of the great Catalan architect. What is the difference between
the Gothic, Romanic or Catenary arch? Students will see the constructions of each one
in order to understand the importance of Gaudi’s innovations
After the workshop the group will do a guided tour of the Crypt where they will be able
to see first hand the architectural and artistic innovations developed by Gaudi
Length: workshop 50”, crypt visit 1 hour Free entrance for teachers Maximum 30 students per group, for larger groups please contact All activities have didactic data sheets to help prepare the visit 7 €/ student
Educational offer 2012/2013
Primary Education Didactic Data Sheet
Educational offer 2012/2013
Primary Education Didactic Data Sheet
Educational offer 2012/2013
Secondary Education: ESO
Option 1: Guided visit to the Crypt and the Güell Colony
The textile mill of the Güell Colony is an exponent of the industrial revolution of the XIXth
century, movement which saw the rise of industrial colonies along the Llobregat river.
During the visit the student will be able to discover historic buildings which reflect
different lifestyles , through the architecture of the Colony the students will discover the
social hierarchy of the time and through the town planning they will discover the
Modernist style, so characteristic in Catalonia at the beginning of the XXth century
During the visit, and with the help of our staff and the didactic data sheets, the students
will understand the singularity of the Colonia Güell, both for its pioneering production
system, it is the only one not to use water as an energy source, as for its high cultural,
and historical value . Students will also discover the relationship between Eusebi Güell
and Antoni Gaudi, how the church project came about and the reason why it was never
finished. Gaudi was an investigator and recycler, during the visit our staff will explain the
symbols, the hyperbolic paraboloid , the ventilation systems, acoustic and lighting
method conceived by the genius
Length: 2h 00’, the length of the visit can be adjusted according to needs Free entrance for teachers Maximum 30 students per group, for larger groups please contact All activities have didactic data sheets to help prepare the visit 6 €/ student
Educational offer 2012/2013
Secondary education: ESO
Option 2: Gaudi, recycling and sustainability
During this visit students will discover why Gaudi could be considered a
recycling pioneer, in his constructions all types of materials were used: castoff
iron, broken tiles, pieces of bottles and glass picked up from demolition sites,
In Gaudi’s works his greatness and innovation are not found in the materials
used but in the way the are used.
• Boxes turned into benches
• Slag to give texture to the walls
• Weaving needles turned into grilles
But not only was he a big recycler, he was also sustainable. In the Crypt Gaudi
used an innovative ventilation system as well as a lighting method which
allows the crypt have natural light all day without having direct sunlight.
Length: 2h 00’, the length of the visit can be adjusted according to needs Free entrance for teachers Maximum 30 students per group, for larger groups please contact All activities have didactic data sheets to help prepare the visit 6 €/ student
Educational offer 2012/2013
Secondary education: ESO
Option 3: Innovation workshop and Crypt guided visit
This activity is taught by one of our staff in one of the rooms of the Interpretation Center
of the Güell Colony
From a didactic, fun and interactive perspective the participants will discover the
innovative constructions of the great Catalan architect. What is the difference between
the Gothic, Romanic or Catenary arch? Students will see the constructions of each one
in order to understand the importance of Gaudi’s innovations
After the workshop the group will do a guided tour of the Crypt where they will be able
to see first hand the architectural and artistic innovations developed by Gaudi
Length: workshop 50”, crypt visit 1 hour Free entrance for teachers Maximum 30 students per group, for larger groups please contact All activities have didactic data sheets to help prepare the visit 7 €/ student
Educational offer 2012/2013
ESO Didactic Data Sheet
Educational offer 2012/2013
ESO Didactic Data Sheet
Educational offer 2012/2013
Secondary education: Bachillerato
Option 1: Guided visit to the Crypt and the Güell Colony
The textile mill of the Güell Colony is an exponent of the industrial revolution of the XIXth
century, movement which saw the rise of industrial colonies along the Llobregat river.
During the visit the student will be able to discover historic buildings which reflect
different lifestyles , through the architecture of the Colony the students will discover the
social hierarchy of the time and through the town planning they will discover the
Modernist style, so characteristic in Catalonia at the beginning of the XXth century
During the visit, and with the help of our staff and the didactic data sheets, the students
will understand the singularity of the Colonia Güell, both for its pioneering production
system, it is the only one not to use water as an energy source, as for its high cultural,
and historical value . Students will also discover the relationship between Eusebi Güell
and Antoni Gaudi, how the church project came about and the reason why it was never
finished. Gaudi was an investigator and recycler, during the visit our staff will explain the
symbols, the hyperbolic paraboloid , the ventilation systems, acoustic and lighting
method conceived by the genius
Length: 2h 00’, the length of the visit can be adjusted according to needs Free entrance for teachers Maximum 30 students per group, for larger groups please contact All activities have didactic data sheets to help prepare the visit 6 €/ student
Educational offer 2012/2013
Secondary education: Bachillerato
Option 2: Innovation workshop and Crypt guided visit
This activity is taught by one of our staff in one of the rooms of the Interpretation Center
of the Güell Colony
From a didactic, fun and interactive perspective the participants will discover the
innovative constructions of the great Catalan architect. What is the difference between
the Gothic, Romanic or Catenary arch? Students will see the constructions of each one
in order to understand the importance of Gaudi’s innovations
After the workshop the group will do a guided tour of the Crypt where they will be able
to see first hand the architectural and artistic innovations developed by Gaudi
Length: workshop 50”, crypt visit 1 hour Free entrance for teachers Maximum 30 students per group, for larger groups please contact All activities have didactic data sheets to help prepare the visit 7 €/ student
Educational offer 2012/2013
Bachillerato Didactic Data Sheet
Other areas to develop your own activities
Visits guided by teachers
The Güell Colony offers the possibility for teachers to guide their own groups. If you are
interested in this option we can offer you an outline of the guided tour. We have rooms
available to carry out a lesson outside the school
Free entrance for teachers Maximum 40 students per group, for larger groups please contact All activities have didactic data sheets to help prepare the visit 4 €/ student
Practical Information
How to get here
From road B‐2002 between Sant Boi de
Llobregat and Santa Coloma de Cervelló.
From the C‐31 (direction Sant Boi de
Llobregat), the C‐32 (exit 53), A2, and A7
(Direction Sant Boi de Llobregat)
Ferrocarriles de la Generalitat de
Catalunya (FGC) from Plaza Espanya,
Barcelona, routes S33, S8, and S4.
Colònia Güell Station
Other services
Rooms available in the Interpretation
Audiovisual systems
Area for picnic
Drinks vending machine
Information & Reservations
For more information and reservations you can
contact us by telephone 93.630.58.07 (from
Reservation process
We recommend you make your reservation
with time in order to guarantee availability on
the selected date.
A month before the visit a 20% down payment
has to be made, on the same day of the visit
the rest of the amount has to be paid
Didactic Data Sheets
Once your reservation is confirmed we will send
you the corresponding didactic file by email
Can be made in cash, credit card and bank
Should you need anything we have not foreseen please let us know and we’ll try to help you