Nwsline Summer 2006.qxd
Nwsline Summer 2006.qxd
CSJ Newsline for the friends of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Albany Province Summer 2006 Volume 23, Number 2 Province Focus on Peacemaking and Nonviolence Guides Justice Committee by Sister Diane Zigo, CSJ During 2004 and early 2005, the Albany Province of the Sisters of St. Joseph went through a process of discerning and identifying a call to a collective focus on peacemaking and nonviolence. This focus was affirmed at the April 2005 Province Assembly. As members of the Province Justice Committee, we see ourselves entrusted with a particular responsibility in attending to this call and exploring ways that we can grow deeper in such a stance, both as individuals and as a community. D uring this past year, this focus has guided us in our ongoing planning. At our October 2005 Community Day, we sponsored a table that invited sisters and associates to take part in Bread for the World’s “Offering of Letters” campaign. We provided members with the opportunity to send letters to Senators Clinton and Schumer asking for their support of the Hunger Free Communities Act. These letters were collected and placed in a basket that became part of the offertory procession during the Community Day liturgy. In addition, we distributed “One-Click Advocacy” handouts designed to help individuals take part in electronic e-mail efforts on behalf of justice issues directly related to our Congregational Acts of Chapter. Finally, inspired by the efforts of Sister Karen Klimczak, SSJ (Buffalo), to Diane Zigo, CSJ address urban violence, we obtained and distributed a number of the “Nonviolence Begins with Me” lawn signs and bumper stickers that she initiated. Tragically, Sister Karen herself became a victim of a homicide on Good Friday of 2006, lending an even greater sense of urgency and power to her message and life’s work. The signs have since taken on a deeper meaning, and they continue to spread throughout (Continued on page 4) Litany of Non-Violence Provident God, aware of my own brokenness, I ask the gift of courage to identify how and where I am in need of conversion in order to live in solidarity with all Earth’s people. Deliver me from the violence of superiority and disdain. Grant me the desire, and the humility, to listen with special care to those whose experiences and attitudes are different from my own. Deliver me from the violence of greed and privilege. Grant me the desire, and the will, to live simply so others may have their just share of Earth’s resources. Deliver me from the silence that gives consent to abuse, war and evil. Grant me the desire, and the courage, to risk speaking and acting for the common good. Deliver me from the violence of irreverence, exploitation and control. Grant me the desire, and the strength, to act responsibly within the cycle of creation. God of love, mercy and justice, acknowledging my complicity in those attitudes, actions and words which perpetuate violence, I beg the grace of a non-violent heart. Amen. (Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-Of-The-Woods) CSJ Newsline FROM THE PROVINCE DIRECTOR Summer 2006 Volume 23 Number 2 Dear Friends, Happy Summer!! Those of us who live in the northeast always look on these months as a special time for relaxation, visiting with friends and family and slowing down. I trust that you will find time for these days and moments in your own lives. In the Winter Newsline containing our annual report we list the names of benefactors. We know you contribute generously to our community. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Earlier this spring, we hosted our annual Ziti Dinner which provides us a wonderful opportunity to share our Provincial House home and work side-by-side with many of you for this great social event. And if the weather cooperates, we will host our annual golf tournament soon. Thank you for making each of these events so successful. Each of us has memories of one or more Sister of St. Joseph who has touched our life: the teacher in a specific grade, the extra tutoring to pass a regent’s exam, the nurse or technician who was particularly sensitive in a time of need, the pastoral care or social worker who assisted us in our spiritual journey or a relative who was always supportive. These memories are often accompanied by a sense of gratitude. Our sisters continue to create memories of others in their ministries. We serve new immigrants through Hispanic Outreach Services, Catholic Charities and our health care facilities. Sister Maria and Sister Rita spend hours coordinating volunteers, driving and accompanying those without families to medical appointments. Sisters Maureen and Kathleen work with the rural poor through their ministry in the second hand store, food pantry and tutoring of adults learning to read. Sisters continue to work in parishes as parish life directors, pastoral associates and religious education directors as they accompany others through family transitions. We continue to teach and administer Catholic Schools. The Sisters of St. Joseph continue to explore how to meet the needs of our neighbor using the resources we have available. I am happy to report that the renovations to expand our ministry of hospitality at the Provincial House are well underway. MLB Construction Firm is very evident these days as they work on our auditorium. In addition, we are studying the needs in our neighborhood for senior housing with services, to see if this might be a viable option for the use of some of our property. Our desire to respond to the mission of Jesus and the needs of our neighbor are leading us to continue in some of our “traditional” ministries and to explore new forms of services in collaboration with others. We are grateful for your willingness to journey with us. Know we hold you in our thoughts and prayers. May you and those you love enjoy a wonderful summer! Blessings, Sister Kay Ryan Province Director 2 CSJ Newsline CSJ Newsline is published three times a year by the Albany Province of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet for our families and friends. Province Director: Sister Mary Catherine Ryan Province Treasurer: Sister Serena A. Thompson Development Office Staff: Sister Carol Rohloff, director Veronica Visker, office manager Carmella Latham, office assistant Sister Ellen Michele Cullen, staff Sister Jane Mary Dardis, staff Sister Mary Catherine Marrone, staff Sister Mary Catherine Barron, proof reader Stimulated by the Holy Spirit of Love and receptive to the Spirit’s inspirations, the Sister of St. Joseph moves always toward profound love of God and love of neighbor without distinction from whom she does not separate herself and for whom, in the following of Christ, she works in order to achieve unity both of neighbor with neighbor and neighbor with God in humility, the spirit of the Incarnate Word, and in sincere charity, the manner of St. Joseph whose name she bears. Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet 385 Watervliet-Shaker Road Latham, New York 12110 Director: (518) 783-3600 Development Office: (518) 783-3614 Fax: (518) 783-5209 e-mail: crohloff@csjalbany.org web site: www.csjalbany.org Summer 2006 FROM THE DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Dear Friends, There is a saying that nothing is sure in life other than death and taxes. As some of you know, I worked for the NYS tax department before entering the convent. I know a bit about taxes. From my experience of being a funeral director and from reading, I also know that death is often not a topic for discussion. The fact that death is part of life and every person experiences it is a fact about which most people avoid speaking. Americans especially live in a culture of death denial. As Christians we know there is life after death. For the most part people are not frightened by this reality but there is a certain “wondering,” a “curiosity” of how life as we know it will end. “How” is the question — not “if”! In funeral circles there is a strong emphasis on prearranging a funeral. Some people choose to make pre-arrangements; others not. This is understandable. What was a revelation to me though was that in America about 70% of the people die without ever having made out a will. When praying the Our Father we pray — thy will be done on earth as well as heaven. We seek to have God’s WILL accomplished in our lives. It strikes me as odd that people don’t think enough of their own lives and their values. They don’t think enough about themselves and what they would have happen to make preparations and receive the assurance that their last will and testament will be carried out after their demise. If you find yourself among the 70% I encourage you to make time during the summer months to make a will. Whether you are single, have a young family or are in retirement years, death may come for you as a thief in the night. You may meet your God “face to face” sooner than anticipated. You never know. If you have a will it will let those you love know your wishes for them. Even more — it will save your heirs considerable expense and heartache. A will determines the distribution of property owned by you at the time of your death. Why would you not want to express your wishes while you are alive and of sound mind? Don’t leave people (or the government) guessing. For many, the will provides a long-term expression of values and stewardship, not only with respect to family and friends, but with respect to a charity or charities as well. Stewardship means planning for our own future as well as leaving a legacy to carry our values forward after we have left this earth. A writing of a Will is the first step in assuring the material possessions the Lord has entrusted to us during our lifetimes will be widely and charitably distributed at our death according to our wishes. We all need to explore end-of-life issues. We need to put our dying in a Christian context. Stewardship does not end with death. It continues through proper planning of our financial resources to fund future ministry. As Sisters of St. Joseph, we too have to make plans for the future. For us, part of the assuring that our values and ministry will continue is the renovation of the Provincial House. By further extending our hospitality, it is our hope to offer to you and to groups in our area a gathering place for meetings and retreats. Surely this will extend our hospitality and ministry possibilities and will also assure us of some additional income in the coming years. If you have or plan on remembering the Sisters of St. Joseph in your will, know we really appreciate your thoughtfulness. By so doing you will continue to partner with us in building God’s Kingdom on earth. Most likely because your earthly worries will be over with this final gift you will be making the ultimate gift of your lifetime. Too often we never have an opportunity to properly “thank” people who have been generous to us. For this very reason we have established St. Joseph’s Circle. One of the criteria for membership is that the person has remembered the Sisters of St. Joseph in his/her will. We hope you will notify us if you have made such a remembrance. We do wish to thank you properly and wish to invite you to our yearly gathering for liturgy and brunch. This year St. Joseph’s Circle will meet on Sunday, October 1, 2006. If you are making out a will or a codicil to your existing will, our legal name is the Society of the Sisters of St. Joseph, 385 Watervliet-Shaker Rd, Latham, NY, 12110. If you, your loved ones or your lawyer need any further information, please do not hesitate to call the development office. We would be happy to assist in any way possible. I hope each of you have a relaxing and enjoyable summer. Blessings, Summer 2006 Sister Carol A. Rohloff Director of Development CSJ Newsline 3 (Continued from page 1). neighborhoods in New York State. As we engaged in our own ongoing education and reading, we set up a “common focus corner” in the Provincial House library where we could provide copies of magazines, journals, and books related to peacemaking and nonviolence. We now subscribe to Fellowship, for example, the journal of The Fellowship of Reconciliation, one of the oldest, largest interfaith organizations working toward peaceful solutions to national and global conflicts. We have also been providing regular reviews of books on peacemaking in our Province newsmagazine, Carondelet East, featuring titles such as Living Peace: A Spirituality of Contemplation and Action by John Dear, SJ. The annual Peace Retreat, held this year at the Provincial House from January 13th-15th, was yet another opportunity for a variety of participants to deepen their understanding of a theology of Christian nonviolence. This year’s theme, “Nonviolence and the New Millennium,” encouraged 34 retreatants to explore the writings of scripture scholar Walter Wink and his invitation to reflect upon Jesus as the perfect model of a nonviolent life. According to Wink, Jesus’ life and teachings provide us with a powerful alternative to the destructive “myth of redemptive violence” that has negatively impacted Western culture for thousands of years. We have also begun a promising collaboration with the Sisters of the Holy Name and the Sisters of Mercy to address the serious issue of human trafficking. In early December, our Province co-sponsored a wellattended symposium on human trafficking featuring Leslie Wolfe, a nationally recognized speaker on this issue. Sister Marianne Comfort currently serves on a regional committee that will continue to plan events and provide educational materials to keep us informed of ways to end this form of violence against vulnerable men, women, and children. 4 CSJ Newsline Sisters Frances Eustace, Marianne Comfort, Diane Zigo. We also decided that we needed to engage in “do-able, winnable” activities and events. As much as we would like to reach out to the entire world in gestures of peace and reconciliation, our study and reflections on nonviolent living are teaching us that authentic nonviolence must be a lifetime journey beginning with prayer and daily choices. Therefore, one avenue of interest was to explore formal programs focusing on conflict resolution skills. We were aware of the existence of the national Alternatives to Violence Program (AVP), for example, and decided to invite facilitators affiliated with the long-established Niagara Frontier AVP Council to Albany to provide training workshops for interested sisters and associates. On two weekends in March and April, ten of us participated in sessions led by Audrey Mang, SSJA (Buffalo), whereby we explored strategies for dealing with conflict in positive and healthy ways. Sisters in the front pew at the prayer service: (l to r) Jeanne Marie Gocha, Rose Casaleno, Alicia Perna, Patricia Conron and Rita Duggan. Ambiance at the prayer service. F inally, as a way to bring our first year of the common focus to a close, we sponsored a Province-wide Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace on May 26th, the beginning of Memorial Day Weekend, and serving as the beginning of novena for peace leading up to Pentecost Sunday. This day was planned in the spirit of the words of Isaiah, reminding us of God’s call to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We distributed prayer cards featuring a “Litany of Nonviolence” that was developed by the Sisters of Providence of St. Mary-of-theWoods, IN. We invite you to pray and share this litany on page 1. It may be reprinted, as long as credit is given to the Sisters of Providence. Our committee will be meeting in the near future to begin to plan for the coming year. We invite members, associates, benefactors, and friends to join with us as we, too, join with our sisters and brothers throughout the world to learn to live in peace and communion with all of God’s creation. Summer 2006 St. Patrick’s School, Tipperary Hill, Syracuse Celebrates its 95th Birthday By Sister Ruth Dowd, CSJ On the morning of January 23, 2006, the children at St. Patrick’s School, Syracuse, gathered to celebrate the school’s 95th birthday. The Liturgy, with Father Peter Reddick as the presider and the children as readers, and with the Shamrockers’ Chorus singing, was one of great joy. Parishioners, parents and our former pastor, Monsignor Frank Sammons joined in the celebration. Following the Mass, all were invited to the school where a skit was performed which told the history of the Sisters of St. Joseph who arrived in January 1911 to open the school. Like magic, the girls in sixth grade were transformed into CSJs; a sixthgrade lad took the role of Father James MaGee, and the famous, “pious” Mary Ryan was played by a fifth-grade girl. The guests enjoyed coffee and were able to browse through yearbooks, school pictures, newspaper articles and other memorabilia which had been gathered from the archives at the Provincial House, the Syracuse Chancery, the Syracuse Public Library and St. Patrick’s School. The school was adorned with banners, flags and balloons, and there was a candle in every window. Our light is shining on Tipperary Hill! The Summer 2006 children’s work, especially their poetry, kindness of Sister Joan Sauro, was displayed beautifully both in school and in the church. The ten-year time capsule was opened and caused lots of laughter. The children were treated to ice cream and cupcakes at lunchtime. On Sunday, January 29, the opening of Catholic School Week, the children, their parents, parishioners and invited guests gathered for Liturgy at 10:30 a.m. This time, the skit became the homily of the Mass of Thanksgiving. The props of the convent, school and church took over the sanctuary and caught everyone’s eye. The teachers and school personnel became the main participants with the Shamrockers’ Chorus leading the singing once again. We were happy that Sister Mary Kay Ryan and Sister Anna Mae Collins were able to attend the Liturgy on Sunday. After Mass, all were invited for an open house in St. Patrick’s School, home to so many for 95 years - a shining moment in Camelot. Even though it had been a difficult week with the announcement of the school’s closing in June, 2006, all rose to the occasion in true St. Patrick fashion. CSJ Newsline 5 Prayer Shawl Ministry By Sister Mary Lou Delaney, CSJ In the Fall issue of Newsline there appeared an article describing how we offer the gift of a prayer shawl, free of charge, to anyone in need of our prayerful support. I would like to update you on this ministry. The Carondelet Weavers, as we are called, (comprised of sisters and associates) gather once a month and pray as we knit or crochet prayer shawls, lap robes and baby blankets. Many who can’t get out join us in spirit as they weave and pray at home. After the request comes in for a shawl, we place our hands on the article and pray a blessing for the one who is to receive it. We pray for the person by name and ask the Lord’s healing in whatever way the individual needs to be touched. The person’s name goes in our book of prayer and is remembered every day. A prayer card also is placed in the packet that goes out with each shawl. If everyone prays that prayer each day, there would be hundreds of people praying for one another. This remembrance includes those who give donations and all those many people who are weaving as part of the ministry. Once again, I invite you to think about giving a shawl to someone in need of prayer. An elderly or sick parent, relative, friend, someone facing surgery, or the loss of someone through divorce or death are just a few of the reasons you might gift a person with a shawl or lap robe. Not only is the recipient circled with love and prayer but, on the practical side, the shawl provides much warmth. It is approximately 60 inches long and 34 inches wide and made with very pretty colors. The lap robe for a man is made 6 CSJ Newsline with nice darker colors. People speak of loving the way they feel when covered by the garment. Helene was given a shawl a short time ago when a friend learned she was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. When she opened it she began to cry. She said she wanted to wait until she said her night prayers to wrap it around her and “she would never take it off.” She asked if she could knit shawls and pray so she would be wrapping others in prayer as she would be wrapped in prayer. Later, when speaking with the friend who gifted her, Helene told her she was losing her hair and didn’t want it to get all over her shawl so she hadn’t worn it in two nights. She went on to say they were terrible nights and felt she wasn’t wrapped in prayer. Hair or no hair, the shawl went on her the very next night. Little McKenzie, 4 years of age, had a case of severe pneumonia which in time developed into Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). She had been on a respirator and later, an oscillator. Her lungs were very damaged. We sent a very colorful child’s afghan to be placed over her in the hospital with the promise of our love and prayers. After being on the machines for over a month and high doses of medication, she began to show some improvement. She finally was able to leave the hospital but now goes to therapy three days a week and is learning to do again what most children can normally do at that age. McKenzie is very attached to her afghan and we’re told is never without it. I’m happy to pass on to you, our readers, wonderful stories such as these that folks have shared with us. It is with great thanksgiving I tell you that we have given over 800 shawls, lap robes and baby blankets. We have mailed one to Africa, England and St. Croix. It matters not where the person lives. We will gladly mail them out to anyone, anywhere. We do appreciate a $5.00 donation for the shipping and handling. After our last article in Newsline we had several persons requesting a garment be sent to a loved one or colleague. We publicly thank you for your interest, not only in this ministry, but for giving a gift that “goes on giving” to one who would benefit from our circle of prayer. Please continue to keep your requests coming! Sr. Mary Lou Delaney ldelaney@csjalbany.org or 518-783-3533 McKenzie – Four years old Seated left to right: Sister Mary Denise Linehan, Doris Taylor, Sister Rita Beck Standing left to right: Sisters Jean Martin Hyde, Lou Delaney, and Gen Glennon Summer 2006 Ziti Dinner 2006 April 1, 2006 was no day for “FOOLS” as Sisters, Associates, and Friends of the Sisters of St. Joseph cooked and served a ziti dinner to over 1,200 guests at the Provincial House in Latham. As the pictures show, the spirit was great and people enjoyed their labors. For “Old Timers,” Sister Anne Tranelli, Director of Hispanic Ministries for the Albany Diocese, and Joe Manupella, Executive Director of the Lansingburgh Boys and Girls Club, directing the kitchen and dish up volunteers is old hat. Both Joe and Anne, along with many others, helped with fundraising to build the Provincial House and they are still at it. The following is the list of the money raffle prize winners drawn at the dinner. First Prize $1,000.00 Kay Perkins, Binghamton, NY Second Prize $ 500.00 Anneli O’Brien, Norwalk, CT Third Prize $ 250.00 Sisters of St. Joseph, Cohoes, NY Fourth Prize $ $ $ $ $ Ralph L. Worlock, Rome, NY Rose Serafini, Binghamton, NY Mary Rose Beninati, Mechanicville, NY Kathleen C. Reynolds, Binghamton, NY Dorothy Conway, Pawtucket, RI 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 We thank all who helped in any way. Each and every contribution is important and valued. The Ziti Dinner is one of our two major “special events” and this year the dinner netted us $35,549.94. This tops last year’s net earnings by $292.83. This, again, is the most we’ve ever made. We thank you. With your help and support we can make it even better next year. MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW FOR ZITI DAY March 31, 2007 Summer 2006 CSJ Newsline 7 Some respond... by joining the Sisters of St. Joseph Some respond... by giving to the Sisters of St. Joseph Without both... there are no CSJ Sisters in Ministry! 8 CSJ Newsline Summer 2006 Honorials During the fiscal period January 1 to May 31, 2006 contributions were made in honor of the following people. 50th Class CSJ Anniversaries Bobbie Ackermann Adamski-LaDeau Families Sister Marcia Allen Ellen Anderer Isaias Arita-Bueso Jackie Asterino Margaret Aswad Arthur and Betty Atanasoff Mary Bailey Rachel Ballam Mrs. Ann E. Barber Michael Barber Stephen Barnes Jack Barry Sister Christine Maria Barton Kim Bascomb Sister Ruth Baudhuin Frank Bellina Jo-Ann Bellville Theresa Bendert Sister Alice Roberta Benzing Mrs. Therese Bergdorf Louis and Betty Berolotti Arlene Beynart Tom Bideman Amanda J. Billingslea Sister Mary Bartholomew Biviano Mrs. Mary Rose Biviano Black Family Living Sister Charleen Marie Bloom Paul Bluhm Sister Milice Anthony Bohrer Marilyn Boice Sister Margaret Bonville Joan Boscia Raymond Boscia Lorraine Boshant Eleanor Bostwick Celeste Bradford Mark Brady Sister Ann Christi Brink Alice G. Britt Sister Anne Theresa Brown Sister Mary Bruce Rev. Geoffrey D. Burke Sister Margaret Ann Buser CSJ James Bush Sr. Sister Helen Virginia Buzan Angela M. Cacciotti Carol Cadrette Brad Camerato and Family Evie Camerato Rocco J. Camerato Rita Carr RSM Sister Ana Pauline Carrigan Sister Bernardine Carroll Sister Bernice Ann Carroll Agnes Carter Joe Casamento Summer 2006 Honorials Helen Casey Joey Casson Paul Catena Sister Chrysostom Cerino Robert Chabot Sister Rose Marie Chamberland Carole Chambers Edward Chambers Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Champlin Sister Carolyn Chang Maria R. Chicello James Chubbuck Minnie Ciccone Josephine Ciero Miss Carol Ciesielski Sister Genevieve Joseph Ciszek Sister Anne Lawrence Clark Mary Clark Anthony Coffey Erin Coffey Sister Elisabeth Colby Carol Colella Helen Colford College of Saint Rose Sisters ‘46-’50 Mary Collins Sister Mary Collis Rev. John Comesky Sister Marianne Comfort Mary Connor Helen Conroy Joseph and Marianne Conte Rev. Joseph Cotugno Sister Celine Courtney Sister Patricia Coyne Betty and John Crean Dolores Cregan Mary Crouse Sister Ellen Michele Cullen Sister Jean Cummings John Allen Cunningham Richard and Monique Cunningham Sister Mary Ellen Curtin Virginia and Dick Damon Kathleen Danley Sister Jane Mary Dardis Frank Davis Michael Day Anthony DeBenedetto Sister Gloria DeCotis Frances DeCrescenzo Marie C. Deegan Mollie DeGironimo Jeffrey Degnan John DeMare Dorothy DeNova Carol deSimone Ruth M. Devane Sister Margaret Patrice Devlin Charles DiClemente Diane DiSiena Sister Stephen Maria Dixon Joan Dombruske Mary Domingue Sister Ruth Cecelia Dowd Sister Linda Jean Dowling Barbara Ann Downs Sister Catherine Doyle Deacon Edgar Doyle Rev. Kenneth J. Doyle Karen Druckman Pat Dugan Rev. Joseph J. Dworak Linda Dwyer Nancy Eannace Al Egan Sister Julie M. Eigo Ellis Hospital Nurses Barbara Parnell Ellis Spencer R. Elmer Brian Enright Sister Caroline Fahey Family & Friends Rev. Michael Farano Sister Lamese M. Farhart Josephine Farinella Helen Feldman Mrs. Theresa Fiaschetti Sister Rosita Finnerty Sister Theresa Marie Finnerty Gloria Fiori Dorothy, Jerry & James Fitzgerald Sister Jean Veronica Fitzgerald Sister William Aloysius Fitzpatrick Sister Robertine Flaherty Donna M. Flannery John Flannery Sister Dorothy Flood Father Richard Florek OFM Sister Ann Therese Flynn Sister Regina Marie Flynn Sister Margaret Fogarty Sister Mary Rose Fox Pat Fredrick Terry Fuller Edna Gagnon Lucille Gagnon Janet Galka Eva Galuski Doris Gandolph Sister Karen Theresa Gaube Sister Joan Geannelis Sister Patricia Ann Gibson Tony Giordano Mary Girzone Sister Julianne Gleason Sister Jeanne Marie Gocha Sister Mary Lois Goldner Dr. John Gorman Marilyn Gorman Sister Jane Gossin Mrs. Mildred Grace Grandmother Frances Cuteen Greco Sister Margaret Mary Grewen Theresa Grogan Sister Mary Lucille Grouchy Lauretta M. Guiltinan Sister Patrick Lauretta Guiltinan Sister Rita C. Haber Robert Haggerty Jr. Sister Francis Denise Haley Sister Beatrice A. Hall SNJM Patricia Harrington Sister Claudette Harris Kathy C. Harris Sister Jean Hart Suzanne Haskins David S. Haviland Sister Marilyn Hayes Sister Mary Ann Hayes Rev. Philip A. Hearn Sister Mary Anne Heenan Sister Joan Henehan Josie Herrick Robert Herrick Mrs. John Hesler Wilfred R. Hesler Virginia Higgins Margaret E. Hillier Melissa Hinebauch Rev. Thomas F. Hobbes Sister Rosemary Hock Jonathan Hoff Have you ever thought about becoming a Sister of St. Joseph? We welcome inquiries from single women who have a love for God’s people and a desire to live the Gospel. For more information please contact: Joan Mary Hartigan, CSJ 385 Watervliet Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110 (518) 389-0605 CSJ Newsline 9 Honorials Rev. John Hogan Sister Mary Alfred Holdredge Sister Marion Charlene Honors Sister Rosemary Hoodack Sister Patricia Houlihan Most Rev. Howard J. Hubbard Sister Marie Aimee Hurley Mrs. Cecilia and Kevin Hyde Anne K. Hyland Sister Inez Sister Bernarda Jaques Sister Susan Jasko Jay Rev. William F. Jillisky Rev. John L. Jones Susan Jorgensen William Joynt Jubilarians 06 Evelyn Kaplan and family Madeleine Kazagian Sister Jean Keating Sister Margaret Keeshan Sister Mary Agnes Kehoe John and Noreen Kelley Peggy Kelly Rev. Msgr. William M. Kelly Sister Geraldine Marie Kennah Sara O’Connor Kenney Sister Annamae C. Kenny Frances Knapp Andrea Kostik Diane Kreig Frances A. Krieger Anthony Kromko William Krzys Honorials Jean Kubik Sister Marietta Kuczynski Sister Christine Michael LaFrance Margaret Lane Ronald LaValley Sister Mary Ellen Lawrence Sister Georgine Adele Lawrenson Sister Anthony Marie Leary Anthony Lento Nancy Lentz Robert Lewis Dan Lingor Sister Mary Brigada Lombardi Peg Lormand Father Matt Luczyki Sister Mary Clementine Lynch Sister Therese Lynch Stephanie Lyons Sister Margaret Madden Arlene Madigan Nan Mahoney Martha Maiello Mrs. Mary Ann Malkiewicz Sister Shirley Maloney John, Doris, John, Brendan & Katroina Mannion Mrs. Agostina Maroli and Family Josephine Martin Dr. Benedict Mastrianni Marion Matt Sister Johanne McCarthy Sister Rita Shawn McClaskey William McCormick Brian McDonald Patricia McDonald Bus Update by S. Jean Keating, CSJ 10 CSJ Newsline Thomas J. McDonald John McGrath Rev. Jay McKee Sister Helen Eugene McNally Hon. John J. McNulty Jr. Jack E. Melville Sister Maria Mercurio John Messinger Sister Catherine Roberta Metsker George Millard Sandra Miller Sister Anne Michael Mirabito Mary Mirizio Sister Jeanne Pierre Mittnight Dolores and Briggs Monteno Sister Barbara Ann Moore Shelia Morehouse Loretta Morrill Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mucilli Sister Jerome Mulligan Vincent Muraski Maggie Murphy Captain Joseph E. Murray Jr. Thomas Myers Kathleen Spiddle Naughton Sister Linda Neil Sister William Agnes Nelson Bernadette Nerf Sister Mary Joan Newell Thomas Newman Sr. Patricia Nichol Amy Nicolette Sister Martha Niemann Kathleen Nikles Margaret Noon Sister Mary Rose Noonan Sister Maria Charles Norton Sister Monica Agnes Nortz Donna L. Nuite Sally O’Brien Sister Elizabeth Ann O’Bryan Sister Ann Marie O’Connor Dorothy O’Connor Matthew T. O’Connor Ruth L. O’Connor Sister Susan Marie O’Connor T. J. O’Connor Sister Mary Sheila O’Hara Alex Oketch Sister Mary Alice O’Leary Pauline and John O’Leary Patricia Olival Peter and Carol O’Mara Edward F. O’Neil Sister Janice O’Neil Michael O’Neill Sister Roberta O’Rourke Sandra Osterhout Sister Maddie Pallotta Kathleen Parkhurst Doris Parsons Janet Parsons Bob Parzych Kay and Jim Pasternak Catherine Pastore Father Walter Paulits Sister Clare Pelkey Mrs. Rita Pereira Joyce Perry Ruth Peters Our bus continues to make possible trips that are sources of inspiration as well as recreation. In March it carried us to Saratoga Springs for the annual Northeast Woodworkers Expo where sisters not only admired others handiwork but demonstrated and displayed their own creations. As soon as a list goes up, names are put down for days of reflection at the Dominican Retreat House. In March a day of preparation for Easter was presented. May saw a full bus load returning to Schenectady for the Senior Day of Reflection on the feast of the Ascension. You should not live so close to Albany and miss the tulips! There were enough blossoms left for a tour of Washington Park on May 16 and of course you need to stop for a cup of coffee along the route. We look forward to a picnic on June 8 at The Crossings in Colonie and one of the nicest parts of such a short trip is that we travel together. We anticipate the day going to the event and relive the day on the way home. Our hope is that the rain all came in May so we will have a beautiful day. The weather will be immaterial when we go to the Pope’s Room at Bucca di Beppo on June 28. Having a variety of activities to look forward to and a safe, comfortable means of transport are blessings for which we are all so very grateful. Summer 2006 Honorials Sister Carmella Ann Pfohl Piatkowski Family Kathleen Picciocca Eileen Pillsworth Matthew Pollack Theresa Pomian Sister Patricia Poulin Rev. James T. Queen Marie Raack Sister Maureen Joseph Rainone Mary Rappazzo Denise Rea Dr. Paul Reich Sister Rosemary Reilly Gary Remarchuk Sister Maura Rhode Col. Angelo Ricciardelli Helen Rice John Rickard C. F. Riley Sister Matilda Anne Riley Margaret Riordan James Roberts Syvilla Roberts Mrs. Flora Rockburn Memorials Sister Carol Rohloff Joseph Romano Sister Alma Rose Sister Ann Rose Thelma Rose Phil Rosney John K. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roth Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roundy Mrs. Rubino Sister Catherine Bede Rupprecht Sister M. Catharine Ryan Pat Ryan Sister Roberta Ryan Sister Marion Rypski Mr. and Mrs. William P. Sage and Family Sister Mary Salvaterra CSJ Dr. A. Salvatore & Staff Paul Rappoccio Kelly Sanvidge Jr. Sister Joan Sauro Myrna L. Savino Dr. N. Catherine Scanlon Sister Roberta Joseph Scanlon Memorare to St. Joseph Remember, O most pure spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, my sweet protector, Saint Joseph, that no one ever had recourse to your protection or implored your aid without obtaining relief. Confiding, therefore, in your goodness, I come before you and humbly supplicate you. O despise not my petitions, foster father of the Redeemer, but graciously receive them. Amen. Summer 2006 Angeline Scherer Sister Rose Miriam Schillinger James Schmandt Marlene Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schnapf Robert Schrenker Carl Schroder Sister Helen Marie Schumacher Cindy M. Scot Harry Shamlian Rita Sheeran Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets Mary Shepherd Sister Anne Sheridan Sister Karen Ann Shults Kevin Shutler Michelle Shutlock Ethel Siffringer Geraldine Siler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simons Sister John Loretta Sinnott Sisters at College of St. Rose Sisters at Rome Catholic HS Sisters at St Columbas 1930-42 Sisters at St. Mary’s Institute & Hospital Sisters from St. James, Albany Sisters of St. Joseph Sisters of St. Joseph, Ballston Spa Sisters of St. Joseph, Windsor Sister Lois Marie Sivero Al Smith Sister Rose Regina Smith Sister Anne Bryan Smollin Robert Somborski Special Intentions Charles A. Speicher Sister Ellen James Spellman Evelyn and Ed Spellman Matilda Spodnewski Stella Sroka Thanksgiving to St. Ann, St. Therese, St. Anthony, St. Jude Sister Adelina St. Hilaire Sister Yvonne St. Hilaire St. James Church, Rev. John P. Donovan and assistant St. James Church Faith Community St. Lucy’s Priests and Nuns St. Lucy’s Syracuse ‘46 living St. Mary’s Academy Little Falls Sisters ‘54-’66 St. Mary’s School St. Mary’s Glens Falls Sisters Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stellato Rita Sturgis Ted Sturgis Margaret Sullivan Sister Mary Winifred Sullivan Susan Surovic Rev. Robert Sweeney Mary J. Synder Sister Marie Bryon Tansey Sister Catherine Paul Theiss Dell Ann Thomas David Thompson Sister Marguerite Tierney Sister Maryellen Tierney Patricia Tierney Sister Deborah Timmis Mary C. Tkac Freeda Toscano Sister Margaret Totten Mrs. Elizabeth Troiani Carol M. Trzepacz Dora Tunkel Sister Marie Marce Valentine Sister Mary Barbara Vennard Rose Vogel Vuillemot Family Catherine and John Wagner Peg Waryha Elaine A. Webber Rev. Robert Weber Rose Weigel Margaret Welsh Bernard Werschler Priscilla Wiant-Maskin Sister Rose Leah Wirth Paul A. Worlock Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Worlock Alice Wrazen Betty Young Mary Ann Zali Janek Zalucki Ruth Zito and Family Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zumpano During the fiscal period January 1 to May 31, 2006 contributions were made in memory of the following people. Michael and Antoinette Abattista Phyllis Abbate Alecia Abbott Edward W. Abbott Susan M. Adams John Adamson Diane Addy Sister Mary Adele RSM Joseph and Charles Alaskey Eva Albert Marcia Alberti Sister Dorothy Bernadette Allard Carmella M. Alletzhauser Aline Amedio Sister Mary Naomi Amrhein John B. Amrod Arden Anderson Flora Andrulli Sister Anthony Marie Catherine Anton Louise Antonelli C. Kenneth Armstrong Mark Arrigo Jerry W. Ashe Robert Auert Anton Azevedo Ruth B. Babcock Beth Bacas James R. Bacher CSJ Newsline 11 Crabby Old Woman (As adapted by S. Mary Clare Lussier, CSJ) When an old lady died in the geriatric ward of a small hospital near Dundee, Scotland, it was believed that she had nothing left of any value. Later, when the nurses were going through her meager possessions, they found this poem. Its quality and content so impressed the staff that copies were made and distributed to every nurse in the hospital. One nurse took her copy to Ireland. The old lady’s sole bequest to posterity has since appeared in the Christmas edition of the News Magazine of the Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health. A slide presentation has also been made based on her simple, but eloquent, poem. And this little old Scottish lady, with nothing left to give to the world, is now the author of this “anonymous” poem winging across the Internet. Sister Mary Clare Lussier, CSJ adapted the poem for our health care staff caring for our retired sisters. As you ponder the faces of our sisters ponder the lives they have lived and when you meet any older person, remember this poem. (Is this a picture of an old woman or a young maiden?) Sisters pictured Page 12 from top to bottom: Page 13 from top to bottom: S. Agnes Maria Cavanaugh S. Ana Pauline Carrigan S. Ann Joseph Brosnan S. Antonella Giba S. Catherine Bede Rupprecht S. Margaret Maria O’Donnell S. Marie Aimee Hurley S. Marie Marce Valentine S. Mary Collis (S. Mary Leon) S. Mary Herman Marhafer S. Mary Sheila O’Hara S. Rose Lea Wirth S. Patricia Coyne S. Mary Winifred Sullivan (S. Maryanne Patrice) (S. Charles Garnier) IF LOOKING AT THE PICTURE YOU ONLY SAW THE WITCH, “LOOK AGAIN!” BY “SEEING DIFFERENTLY,” YOU WILL SEE A MAIDEN! Disclaimer: The pictures of these beautiful CSJ Sisters by no means implies that they are crabby. 12 CSJ Newsline Summer 2006 What do you see, nurses? What do you see? What are you thinking? When you’re looking at me? At forty, I ministered Companioned by nuns And knew greater love From Jesus, God’s, Son. A crabby old woman, Not very wise, Uncertain of habit, With faraway eyes? The fifties brought deepening Of love in my heart Successful relationships Were only a start. Who dribbles her food And makes no reply When you say in a loud voice, “I do wish you’d try!” Dark days did come to me, I lost loved ones at home, Loved ones knew sickness Some left alone. Who seems not to notice The things that you do, And forever is losing A stocking or shoe? Midst all of this I turned to God The center of my soul And threw myself upon his Heart Guiding comfort as my goal. Who, resisting or not, Lets you do as you will, With bathing and feeding, The long day to fill? I left full time ministry And turned to something less So I would have more time to rest With prayer, my Lord to bless. Is that what you’re thinking? Is that what you see? Then open your eyes, nurses, You’re not looking at me. I’ll tell you who I am As I sit here so still, As I do at your bidding, As I eat at your will. Inside this withered body A vibrant young girl dwells I remember the days of my calling With peace my old heart swells. . I remember the joys, I remember the pain, And I’m loving and living Life over again. I’m a small child of ten With a father and mother, Brothers and sisters, Who love one another. I think of the years All too few, gone too fast, And accept the stark fact That nothing can last. A young girl of sixteen With wings on her feet Dreaming that soon now A lover she’ll meet. So open your eyes, people, Open and see, Not a crabby old woman; Look closer . . . see ME!! By age twenty–five I became His dear bride As a nun He would guide me To stay by His side. Remember this poem when you next meet an older person whom you might brush aside without looking at the young soul within.......we will all, one day, be there, too! As a young nun of thirty, I learned ministry tools So I’d be proficient In teaching in schools. Summer 2006 CSJ Newsline 13 Memorials Ray Bacher Clyde Baker Dennis Balduzzi Carolyn M. Balthazar Helen Davis Banden Annette Smith Barber John Barringer Mrs. Olga Barron Sister Eileen Barry Sister Marie de Monfort Bates Nicholas Battisti Dianna (Dolly) Beaudry Ray Becker Eileen V. Behan Sister Marie Behan Robert F. Bellizzi Shirley Benac Severino Benedetto Marilyn Bennett Paul Benson Joseph Bernardini Rosalie Berrigan Edward J. Bethel Sr. Henry Bickel Jr. John Bienick Edward R. Bieniek Louise Bigness Christopher Biscone Joseph L. Biviano Sr. George Biviano Genevieve and Anthony Bizzarro Black Family Deceased Christopher M. Black Sister Mary Vera Blank Bridgid Blatz Agnes and John Boardway Joseph Boccio Velma Bock Mary Bogue Harry J. Bonacker Eleanor Bonavito Mrs. Frances Bonetti Sister Mary Susanne Bonville William Borfitz William Borrill Samuel Bosco Jr. Frances Bosher Jane M. Bostick Memorials Sister Agnes Anne Bouchard Bill Bowhall Sister Joseph A. Boyd Sister Anne Xavier Boyle Jessie Brach Jennie Brack Richard Bradle Doris Bragg Dennis and Jesse Braswell Sister John Marie Brennan Walter Dennis Brennan Sister Anne Patrice Breslin Barbara and Matthew Breslin Sister Elaine Marie Breslin John and Marjorie Bresnahan Dorothy Bresonis James Bress Norma Briggs Robert Britt Viola Britt John Bromirski Sister Jane Therese Brooks Thomas Broomhead John Brosnan Joseph Brown III Lawrence and Veronica Brown Marilyn Brownell Margaret B. Brunelle Casimer J. Bucholski Charles Buck Dan Buckley Gerald A. Buckley Mike Buckley Richard H. Buckley Stella Bufano Edward J. Bulger Marie Burch Joseph Burczak Margaret Bennett Burdick Chuck Burke Helen E. Burke Kenneth Burke Miss Bessie M. Burns Helen Burns Mrs. Jean Burns John D. Bushell Ruth Bushlow Butkins Family Joan Butler Father Anthony M. Cacciola OSB Louis and Assunta Cacciotti Marie Agnes Caldwell Mario Calouro Josephine Campolieta Arthur Canary Lizbeth Cappuccilli Rita Caravaglio Rosemary Cardony Mary Carhart Elaine Carlo Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Joseph Carlton Donald W. Carman Sr. Anne Marie Degan Carolin Peter Carparelli Alfred S. Carpenter William Carrier Peter and Pasqualina Arlene Carriero Teresa Arcuri Carvelli Edward A. Castorina Mae Causey Nick Cavallo Dorothy Cesario Camile Cesaro Annabell M. Chamberlan Ernest C. Champagne Albert Charboneau Dr. Robert Chauvin Marian E. Chieco Mrs. Agnes Chizzonite William J. Christie Family Henry Christoferrson Nicholas and Anne Ciampolillo Rose Ciangalini Joseph Cicchinelli Sarah Ciminata James Clancy Clara and Alonzo Clark Isabelle Clark Robert Clark James F. Cleary Sister Clarence Marie Clement John Clifford Sister Assumpta Joseph Cloonan James Coburn Sophie Cocke Mrs. Dorothy J. Coffey John Coffey Genevieve Cole John Cole Eileen Colello Mary Jane Coleman Kathleen Collett Betty Collins Jean Collitan Linda Colwell’s Father Karen D. Conklin Christine Conkling Frank A. and Mary Ruth Conley Sister Regina Joseph Conley Edward Connolly Arnold W. Connor Ruth Connors Frank and Mary Frances Conole Angelina Constantine Amadeo Conti Honey Convery Sister Genevieve Conway Carrie Cooper Robert Corso Dr. Armand Cortese Florence Cottet Thomas Coultry David Cournoyer Edmund P. Cox William Coyle Fran Coyne Alice Crandall Louise C. Craner Jack Creighton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cresanti John and Mary Crispo Joann Hunt Crites Thomas Croston Richard Cuddihy Sister Adrian Francis Cuddy Sister Elizabeth Thomas Cullen Mary Jane Culora George and Margaret Curran Ella Cushman Julie Czarkowski Lynn Daloia Mary Daly Special Intention Prayer Request Form Please ask the Sisters to remember the following intentions in their prayers each day: Requested by: (name) (phone number) We invite you to send us your prayer intentions in the enclosed envelope. Please know you will be in our prayers. 14 CSJ Newsline Summer 2006 Memorials Shawna Davenport Jeannine Davies Debboli and Iannacito Families Deceased relatives of CSJs who died this year Sharon Decker Mary DeCotis Teresa Rose Deimeke Ethel C. Delaney John W. Delehanty George DelFucco Fred Dellano Millie DeMarco Joseph DeMare Luisa DeMartinis Theresa T. DeNigro Ann Denninger Sister Mary Catherine Denver Jerry DePascale Daniel Arthur DeRizzo Bernice Gloria DeRossi Jean Derouchie Philip J. DeSantis Larry Dewine Frederick DeWitt Rev. Almerico F. DiCerbo Sister Antonia DiCerbo Frank A. Dickershaid DiMicco and Bossong Families Angela Dobson Carolyn Dodt Mrs. Mary M. Doherty Mary Domaszewiez Father Bernard J. Dooley SJ John Walsh Doolin Dorothea Dorfner David Dotterer Helen F. Dougherty Marion and Walter Dourney Christopher Dowdall John Dowling Hillary Downey Jack Doyle John L. Doyle Robert F. Draper Ruth Draper Frank J. Drew Harold Dromgoole Bernard A. Duda Fred Dude Anna Dunbar Daniel J. Duncan Howard Dunn Annette Dunnell John Durocher Olive Durocher Anne E. Dusten Malcom Duvall Irene Dwyer Joseph Dwyer Conley Eagan Edward J. Eagan Mary Kulzer Eagan Rita Eckert Casimir Eckler Sister Anne Gabriel Edgeworth James F. Edic Julie Edic Jack Eigo Jim Eigo Summer 2006 Memorials Flora Elacqua Evelyn Eleonkock Gladys Ellerson Emil Elsner Geraldine English Patrick Enwright Sister Ann Barbara Erwin Stephen and Barbara Erwin Paul Esposito Sr. George N. Ethier Maureen Evers Carol Faboskay Jennie Fabozzi Elizabeth K. Fahey Frank Falbo Mary Faragon Robert Farrell Millie Farwell Sam Favicchio Eva D. Favro Jeanette Feely David Fehelm Joan Feldmann Sister Felicia Richard Felske Clementina and Joseph Feltri Josephine Femia Dorothy Fennell Ignatius R. Feth Joanne Fiaro William J. Fiaschetti Joanne Fiato Mr. and Mrs. John Finley Patricia M. Finning Anna Fischer James F. Fitzgerald Shirley Fitzgerald James Fitzgibbons Anne Fitzpatrick John Fitzsimmons Lorraine Flaherty Mary Martin Flahive James Flater Nicolina I. Fleming Roy Flom Joseph Florimo Theresa Florimo Hilda Flynn Miriam A. Foelix Edward Fogarty John J. Foley Chuck Folker Mr. Fontanella Freida Foote Helen Ford Mary Ford Sister Mary Kevin Ford Holly Dee Fox Sister Remigia Foy Joseph Franchelle Richard Francisco Mario Frantantoni Patti Franze Joseph L. Frate Mary Ellen Frisch Shirley Full Nancy R. Funicello Mrs. Irene J. Furman Elvira Vera Fusco Robert A. Fusco Teresa Gaberlavage Mrs. Marion V. Gaegler William Gaffney Paul Galletta Sister Ellen Marie Galligan Jane Gasner Nickolas Gatto Ann Gaube Gazall family Col. Louis A. Gazzaniga James P. Gazzillo Doris Gdula John Gebhardt Rita Gedney Francis Geiry Sister Mary Isidore Geiskopf Marie Ghezzo Frances Giacomini Josephine DiCaprio Giardino Mario Giarrusso Maria Gigliotti Robert Emmett Gillies, Sr. Kathleen Gilligan Linda Gilligan Sister M. Rosaleen Gilroy Sister Barbara Ginter Neva J. Girard Martin Giuffre Gladski Family Members Glens Falls K of C deceased members Sister M. Theresine Glock Harry O. Gochee Jr. Sister Anne Theresa Goppert Janet Gormick William Gorton Margaret Gossin LuLu Grady Wancita Grandgearett Sister Teresa of Avila Grasso Sister Joel Marie Gratton Robert Anthony Graziose Bertha Greenwood Marie Cecile Gregoire Sister Genevieve Greisler Marie Griffith Clement Grignon Sister Margaret George Gruninger Emily Grzybowski Mr. and Mrs. Guendel Gerd Guendel Ursula Guendel Alice A. Guilfoyle Patrick and Lauretta Guiltinan & Children Elizabeth Guiltinan Gerald and Barbara Guiltinan Mrs. Marcella Guyder Bob Haggerty Theresa G. Haggerty Marie Haley Agnes I. Hall Agnes Hamm Lucille Hammond Walter Hammond William Hanifin Joseph and Mary Hanlon William P. Hannan J. Thomas Harrington III Burdett Harris Mary Harrison Sister Clara Joseph Hart Elizabeth Hart Kathleen, Kenneth & Robert Hart Robert L. Hart Myrtle Hartkopf Nora Hartnett Jusuf Hasan Mary Hasler Sister Edwardette Havey Edward and Caroline Hayes Jack Hayes Sister Margaret Daniel Hayes Noel Hazitt William J. Heffernan Sister Mary Regis Heffron Lucille Barbara Heiss Jack Henderson Joann M. Henderson Sister Margaret Teresa Hennessey Wendy Herbert Mrs. Janice Heron William Herrig Olive M. Hervieux David Hicks Sister Thomas Denise Hicks Sister Martin DePorres Hill Patricia Cloonan Hill Mary Hipwell Patricia Hislop Andrew Hock Arlene Hock William Hoctor Dr. Thomas Hoffman John Hogan Sister Margaret Patricia Hogan Robert Hogan Mary and George Holes Honicki Family Paul Hoodack Gerard Howsberger John T. Hucko Betsy Hughes Martin Van Buren Hughes Raymond Hull Dorothy Loucks Hunt John F. Hunt Florence Hunter Dennis Hurley Thomas F. Hurley Sister Alice Loretta Hyde Peter Hynes CSJ Newsline 15 Memorials S. M. Iannello Jr. Rosemary Infante Kathleen Inzalaco Connie Irwin Frances Ivory Alvera Jackson Joanne Jackson Charles Jacques Jean Jacques Chester Jajo Helen Jankowski Clem Janowski Elizabeth Jennings Theresa Jeraci Carl Jockheck Sister Rose Alicia John Donald Johnson Sister Ellen Mary Johnson Bonnie Rowe Jones Penny Jones Don Jory Nannette D. Joyce William Joyce Sister Mary Elizabeth Judge Gridley Julian Thaddius “Ted” Juwa Conrad Kaczmarek Catherine Kane Elizabeth B. Kane Katherine Kane Moira Kane Tony Karam Sister Regina Irene Karboski Joseph Kardash Josephine A. Kaulback Harvey Kawaihae Francis and Daniel Keddell Mary E. Keefe Sister Noreen Keenan Sister Mary Augustine Keiflin Bruce Keith Ronald Keith Dan Kelleher Teresa Kelley Charles and Marie Kelly Edward J. and Margaret K. Kelly George F. Kelly Jr. Sister Maria Ann Kelly Parents of Brian and Doreen Kelly Mary R. Kennedy Sally Kennery Robert Kenney Jr. Robert T. Kenney Warren Kern Barbara Kerwin Miss Lucille C. Kieffer Josephine Kilgallon Betty Killoran Jim Killoren Alberta Kilpatrick J. Raymond Kinder Jane King Patricia R. Kinner Edward Klamn Sister Elenita Kloster Edward Knight Keith Kniskern Thomas Knowles Michael and Gloria Kocick 16 CSJ Newsline Memorials Frank Koisch Michael Kopach Edward Kopanski Ernst Kopp Christine Krackeler John Kramer Paul Krasowsky Magdalon Mary Kristel Sister M. Albertina Krupinskaite Grace Kulzer Eleanor Kunkel Freda Kusnierczyk Anne LaBerta LaCasse and Cuddy Families James Lackovic Delilah Gaunay LaDieu Angela LaFrance Gabrielle LaLonde David A. Lamont Mr. and Mrs. J. Lionel Landry Timothy Lanenegger Mr. Langan Nancy Langenbach Fortunato Larice Anne Larkin Jane Larkin Rosario A. LaRocca Helen Larsen Anita LaTorre’s Dad Lucia Latterer James Laughney James Lavery Maurice LaVoie James Lawless Richard J. Lawrence Jr. Bill Leaf Steven Leap Sister Mary Alexander Leavy Sister Patrick Therese Lee Kathie Leete William Leffler Sister Andrew Joseph Lenihan Sister Jeanne Marie Lennon John B. Leonard Mary and John Leonard Margaret Lerner Louis F. Liberti Sara Limbrici A. Lino Ralph R. Liscio Joseph Liverani Sister Eileen Lomasney Marie and John Lonegan Monica Longfellow Armaud Longtin Anna Lopez Patricia Love Isabel Luanello Mitchell Lubel Anna Lucarelli Minnie Luciano Charles Ludwig Sr. Virginia M. Lueke Mrs. Catherine Eileen Lukes Anne Lynch Joseph Lynch John B. Madden III Sister Margaret Joseph Madden Sister M. Dolorata Mahar Thomas Maher Jr. Ann Mahon Thomas P. Malloy John Maloney John M. Mannion Anthony Mantlick Joseph and Frances Marano Dominic Marciano Sister Gertrude Mary Markham Johanna Marotta Charles Martin Ernest and Ann Martin Shirley Martin Lilian Martineau Armando Martinez Margaret Martinez M. Walter and Evalina Marvin Janet E. Marx Patrick Mathews Bette Matthews Josephine and Salvatore Mattina Mary Janet May Scott McAndrews Pamela McAuley Jack McCambley Grace McCann Margaret McCarthy Sister Margaret Loretta McCarthy Sister Maureen McCarthy Phyliss McCarthy Catherine McCauliffe Arthur McClaskey Marilyn McCorry Duncan McCully Mac McCurley Catherine McDermott Jerry McDonald Thomas McDonnell Michael McDonough John E. McEnroe M.D. Thomas McGaffin Dr. Frank McGlone Nancy McGrath Russell C. McGregor Sr. Summer 2006 Memorials William and Emily McGroty Neil A. McKeon Neil T. McKeon Rose O’Brien McKeon Mary McLeod Robert A. McMahon Nadine I. McNally Rosemary McNamara Agnes McNeil Madelon F. McNulty Sister Mary Seraphine Meaney Nicholas Mele James Menapace Bernard Metsker William Metzger Mary Miccio Michael J. Michalski Suzanne D. Micheletti Sister Ann Dolores Milerick Betty Miller Doris O’Neill Miller William J. Miller Richard D. Millham Herman Mollins Frank J. Molloy Jr. Dennis Moloney Ernest D. Mone Jr. Michael Montanye Francis Monteparo Charles Moore Mrs. Geraldine Moore Milton Morahan Bernadette Moran Bob Moran Marion Moran Cliff Morell Pearl J. Morelli Winnie Morette Anne Moriarty James Moriarty Leona S. Morin Rita Morrison James Motler Sister Mary Bertha Mouillesseaux Ed Muehler Grace Mulhern Isabel M. Mullen James B. Mullin Murphy Family Sister Helen Edward Murphy Sister Jane Teresa Murphy Kathleen Murphy Lester Murphy Martha Murphy Mary Murphy Sister Mary Adele Murphy Yvonne Murphy Sister James Paul Murray Sister M. Felicia Murray Patrick, Julia and John Nagle Benita Nally Jessie Napierski Frank Negro Bernard Nelson Edward Nelson Josephine Nelson Deborah M. Nerf Florence Newman Alpha Mae Nicoletti William and Patricia Nolan Summer 2006 Memorials William Nolin John R. Noonan PhD Evelyn J. Noonan Edward H. Noonan Jr. Mrs. Kathryn Dwyer Noonan Dolores North George E. Norton Theresa H. Norton Stella Novak James Nowicki William Nowicki Norman Oakley Catherine M. Oathout Anna O’Brien Arlene M. O’Brien Christopher O’Brien Catherine and Maurice O’Connor Joseph O’Connor Michael O’Connor Thomas J. and Ruth M. O’Connor William O’Connor Kelly O’Day Thomas Oddey Sister Mary Theresa O’Gara SMR Edward O’Hara Sister Eileen Marie O’Hara Marjorie O’Hare Thomas V. O’Hare Patricia O’Keefe Howe, Bourgeois, Oldham & Senecal families Mary Oliksowycz Faye Marie O’Neil Virginia and Joseph Oropallo Michael O’Rourke Sister Loretta Joseph O’Shea Vera Ossman Dr. Daniel F. O’Sullivan Clayton Owens Teodora Pabello Mary Pacciarelli Rose Marie Pace Sally Page Rose Paige John Palmer Rose Palmieri Mr. and Mrs. John Palo Paluzzi Family Barbara Paoletti Anthony Papa Thelma Pardi Mrs. Dorothy Pastalaniec Lea and Clarence Patneaude Mary Patrick Elsie V. Pavlovsky Nancy Peet Loretta Pelkey Ruth M. Pelkey Nellie Pellow Arthur Pereira Catherine S. Pereira Paul Pereira Gordon Perry Nunziata Petilli Frank C. Petramale Denise Petrelis Marie Pfeiffer Jeanne Ann Phelan Rev. Thomas Phelan Harold Phelps Josephine Phelps Gloria A. Piazza Alfred H. Piche Sr. George W. Pickett Jr. Vincent J. Picozzi Alice and Francis Pierson Maggie Pike Anna Marie Pinto Joseph Pizzingrillo Anthony Pizzitola Gary Podenak Ann Powers Charlotte E. Pringle Stephanie Pugliese Frank Puglisi Mrs. Anne Purcell Elizabeth Anne H. Purcell Peter Qualtieri Teri Quattlebaum Sister Anne Queen Joseph Quinn Marian Flood Quirk Mary Lou Race Virginia Palermo Rao Anne M. Rapin Margaret F. Ray Mariano Rayo Michael Rayo Helen Razeski Ceil Reed Eleanore Reese Carolyn Reich Mildred L. Reich Teresa Reilly Melvin Relyea Edward J. Retajczyk Margaret M. Reyen George and Ceil Rhode Sister Rachel Ricciardelli Katherine Rice Ann Marie Richardson Ruth Rife Philip Rifenburch Vincent Rinella Florence Ripske Edward Risley Mrs. Shirley Rivett Donat J. Robert Gilbert Roberts Mary Louise Roberts Daniel Robilatto Anne Roche Steve Rogers Mrs. Ida V. Rohloff Sister Jerome Joseph Romano Anthony P. Romano Sr. Edward Romanowski Marilyn Root Sister Bernard Joseph Rose Mary Jo Rosenblatt Leona Roundy Andrew Rousseau John A. Rowe Sr. Dorothy Rubel Ernest J. Rufa Sister Mary Victorine Russell Paul A. Russo Mercedes Ryan To Remember Family and Friends with Prayers . . . A variety of birthday, congratulations, sympathy, thank you, get well and thinking of you cards are available. If you would like to place an order, please contact: Development Office St. Joseph’s Provincial House 385 Watervliet Shaker Rd. Latham, NY 12110 • 518-783-3614 CSJ Newsline 17 Memorials Morgan Ryan Ricky Ryan Scott C. Ryan Vincent B. Ryan SJ SAA Class of ‘56 Deceased Lottie Sabik Elizabeth Sackel Joan A. Salamida Lawrence A. Salibra William Sammons Richard Samson Catherine Sanderson Salvatore Sansone Sam Sansone Raymond Pio Santucci Robert Santucci John J. Sanvidge Sr. Anthony Sardonia Sister Carmeletta Sardonia Helen Sauro Michalina Sauro Mary G. Sausville Mary Savard Ellen Savory Carol Sawitzki Anne M. Scanlon Marcella M. Scanlon Mary C. Scanlon Vince and Dolly Scanlon Nunzio Scaringe Veronica Ann Schanck Joseph J. Schanz Sr. Sister Francis Eymard Schrader Charles Schram Earl and Elvina Schultz First Lt. William H. Schultz Virginia Scrimizzi Victor J. Secci Sophie Sefcik William Sefcik Theodore Seiter Leonard and Kathryn Sellin Sister Mary Alvera Sessler Juanita Sevinsky Joseph Sfara Sgambelluri & VanAlstyne family S. Shaughnessy Charles Shaw Sister Mary Alma Shea Mary Love Shea Robert Shea Thomas J. Sheeran William C. Sheridan Alexander Shewczyk Mrs. Helen Shields Florence Shiels Pauline Shimmer Rose Shinerr Thomas Shortt Rainey A. Shufelt Donald Shuman Charles Sibre 18 CSJ Newsline Memorials Vincent Sica Sister Catherine L. Sickler Jay Singer Kim C. Singleton Deceased Sisters of St. Joseph Winnie Skorey Steven Skrobolla Amy Slater Margaret “Peg” Slattery Michael Sloma Minnie Smaldone John Smida Alfred J. Smith Beulah Bixby Smith Edward J. Smith Sister Raphael Smith Rita M. Smith Thomas Smith Rose Snell Sister Aelred Joseph Sojak Sollecito and Vecchio families Harriet Spain Adele “Lena” Spano Edward J. Spear Rose A. Spiak Sister Christina Spirko Matilda Spodnewski Anna St. James St. Lucy’s Priests and Nuns St. Lucy’s Syracuse ‘46 St. Mary’s Glens Falls deceased sisters Sister Theresa Bernard St. Pierre Thomas P. Stallmer Anne Starczewski Millie Statile Larry Steenberg Margaret Stephen David Stephens Maureen Stetkewicz Robert J. Stillwell Ethel Stone John J. Stopera Evelyn Storto Lois Stracuzzi Frances Strapp Joan Strattaroe Francis C. Sullivan Grace Gomez Sullivan Myron Sullivan Thomas Sullivan Ron Surowick Robert Sutherland Jr. Robert Sutherland George Sutliff Sister Anna Celestine Sweeney Sister Charline Sweeney Jean Sweeney Stanley F. Swertinski George J. Szary Sr. Gilda Tarquinio David W. Taylor Margarita Taylor Romello Taylor Loretta H. Terzini Willard J. Thayer Lawrence Thibault Elaine F. Thomas Evelyn Thompson Clarence Thomson Ruth Thorick Anna M. Thornton Norman Thurston Edward Tiernan James F. Tierney John Tierney Sister Cecilia Elizabeth Tobin Craig Todeschini Catherine Toole Joseph Anthony Torres Helen Townsley Sam C. Traino Grace Tremblay Marcel Tremblay Jacob R. Triffo Sylvia Trip Joseph Tropila Sue and Joseph Truppi Dorothy Tully James Tunny Gary Turk Alexander Tursi Barbara Tyminsky Jane Tynan Gary M. Tyndell Charles Ulion Vincent and Elizabeth Urtz Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Vail Joseph Valentine Elsie Valetta Loretta VanBuren Susan VanBuren Mrs. Laura VanDermark James VanDeusen Michael Vaughan Kenneth Veit Rose Veneroso Charles Vennard Eugene Mickey Vennard Anthony Verginio Sr. Josephine Vergoni Peter Verro Sr. Linda Vespa Edward J. Viall Wendy Ann Vien Teresa Viglucci Joseph Viola Joan Visk Julia S. Vliano Vuillemot Family Jane Wacdvogel Wade and Walsh Families Sister Veronica James Wall Sister Helen Elizabeth Walsh Marian Walsh Jerome R. Walton Helen H. Warden John Warfel Sister Regina William Warhurst Leonard Warren James Waters Rev. William J. Way Sister Alice Marie Welch Joseph D. Welch C. Walden Wells Barbara Welsh Dottie Westerfield Thomas G. Westfall Sister Annunciata Whalen William Whalen Janet Whellehan Ronnie Whimple Joan White Nancy White Patricia L. White Carrie Jess Wier William W. Wilder Ann Wilkenson John Wilkinson Helen Wilks Eugene Williams Sally Wilpers Phyllis Wilson George J. Wilt Thaddeus Winiewicz James Winne Sister Louis Alena Wirmusky Jane M. Wojciechowski Bernice Woncik Robert L. Woods Carl O. Woost Marie Worlock Stephen Wrableski Gina Wright Ed Wyman Jane Yanni Sister Christine Joseph Yanone Rose Yee Theresa O’Hagan Yezzi Catherine Young Kathy Young Phyllis Young Debbie Zablocky Rose Zaccardo Peter Zalewski Christopher P. Zarzynski Bridget Zdunski August R. Zick Raymond Zierak Julia Zinda Elizabeth Ziskin Dorothy Zito Mrs. M. Zivos Katherine Zwoboda Summer 2006 PROVINCIAL HOUSE VOLUNTEERS HONORED By Sister Maria Bouleris, CSJ On Sunday, March 26, the Albany Diocesan Women’s Commission gathered some four hundred parish volunteers at Holy Family Parish in Little Falls to express gratitude for their faithfulness and service. Sister Marguerite Tierney nominated Mary Theresa Kenny and Honora Poirier for this award. Both of these CSJ volunteers attend Our Lady of Assumption Parish in Latham and are regulars at the Provincial House serving our Senior Sisters. Mary Theresa, along with a number of her children and grandchildren, some of whom traveled great distances, were able to attend and participate in the inspirational prayer service entitled, “From All Generations: Women Saying Yes To God”. Honora, unfortunately, was not able to be present. Three speakers, representing the elderly, middle aged, and teens gave excellent reflections on their ministry, renewing the energies of all present. Bishop Hubbard presented each woman with a special Blessing for a Volunteer card. Mary Theresa found the whole experience, set in a beautiful cathedral-like church with appropriate hymns accompanied by soul stirring organ music, most uplifting. At the conclusion of the program simple refreshments were enjoyed by all. In the course of our interview Mary Theresa told me this is the best volunteer position she’s had. “It’s not like work at all,” she said. “I receive so much from the Sisters each time I come. I really look forward to my day here.” When Sisters say that they don’t know how to thank her for what she has done, Mary Theresa responds, “Sister, you took care of me for thirteen years and now I have a chance to return the gift.” Honora and Mary Theresa, we congratulate you on the reception of this Diocesan award and thank you for being such a gift to us. (Left to right) Sister James Christine Steppello, Honora Poirier, Sister Ana Pauline Carrigan, Sister Maria Bouleris, and Mary Theresa Kenny. The Development Office is in need of the Good Seasons cruet type salad dressing bottles WITH TOPS. We can use them at the Ziti Dinner. If you have extra ones – please give them to any Sister of St. Joseph and ask her to get them to the Development Office. Thank you! Summer 2006 CSJ Newsline 19 “Nothing Happens by Coincidence” by Sister Mary Rose Noonan, CSJ T here is an old saying that there is really no such thing as a coincidence, that such happenings are usually blessings which reveal the hand of God. In early spring, an event at the Provincial House (PH) proved the adage to be true. St. Ambrose School in Latham was planning a fund-raiser in which each faculty member was asked to donate something “personal” for an auction. A teacher might cook a gourmet meal for a lucky winner or make a patchwork quilt or donate some other similar talent. Sister Marlene Castle, who teaches fourth grade at the school, was stumped. Sister Marlene is a tennis pro, but it wasn’t tennis season! Then she was inspired to offer as a prize a tour of the Provincial House. The offer turned out to be a real “hit,” and Mrs. Patty Millen, a parent of three St. Ambrose students won the prize. One day in the early afternoon, Sister Marlene and Patty arrived at the Provincial House for the tour, along with four of Patty’s children: Jared (Grade 2), Liam (Grade 1), Lauren (Kindergarten) and Aidan (age 4). (Two-year old Gavin stayed home!) Sister Mary Rose Noonan served as the tour guide, pointing out the highlights of the Provincial House and introducing the delightful family to the sisters along the way. When the group walked down one of the halls, Sister Mary Rose told little Lauren that she was about to meet a person with the same name: “Sister Lauren [Van Dermark],” who is coordinator of the Master Plan at the PH. Sister Lauren and little Lauren had a great time chatting, and the group moved on. As the guests continued toward the Computer Lab, Patty explained to Sister Mary Rose that it was such a coincidence because she had named Lauren “after a nun.” Before Patty was expecting little Lauren, she called Catholic Charities in Saratoga to offer to volunteer some time. She spoke with a “Sister Lauren.” However, before Patty actually began the volunteering, she became pregnant with Lauren, and it was a very difficult pregnancy, necessitating Patty to go to Pittsburgh for special care. She called back Sister 20 CSJ Newsline “Lauren” and Sister Lauren Van Dermark Jared (Grade 2), Liam (Grade 1), Lauren (Kindergarten) and Aidan (age 4). (Two-year old Gavin stayed home!) pictured with Sisters Carol Rohloff (seated) and Marlene Castle (standing). Lauren to explain the situation and to ask for prayers for a safe delivery and for health for mother and baby. Then the two lost contact. It turned out that, after much difficulty, Patty’s little girl was born healthy, and given the name of the sister who promised prayers and remembrance. That particular “Sister Lauren,” who was then a social worker for Catholic Charities in Saratoga County, had moved on to become a member of the leadership team of the Sisters of St. Joseph and then coordinator of the Master Plan for the PH. On that day in early spring at the Provincial House, five years after her birth and during what seemed to be a remarkable coincidence, little Lauren Millen met the actual person whose name she had been given — Sister Lauren Van Dermark! Can’t you just hear God whispering “Surprise!”? Summer 2006 Where Are They Now? by Sister Patricia Allen, CSJ We are continuing to look at our Roman Sisters. All of the sisters in this issue hail from St. Peter’s Parish in Rome, NY. They are Sisters Rose Irene Parkhurst, Maria Clarine Moshier, Ruth Cecilia Dowd, Martha Vincent Larkin and Kathleen Eiffe. Sister Rose Irene Parkhurst was born in Rochester, NY. Sister received her education at St. Aloysius Academy, Rome, NY where she and her family were members of St. Peter’s Parish. Sister taught at St. Francis de Sales, St. Joseph’s and St. Patrick’s in Troy, and at Cathedral Academy and St. Ann’s in Albany. Sister Rose also taught at St. John the Evangelist Syracuse, St. Agnes School Utica, Christ the King Endwell, Keveny Memorial Academy Cohoes and St. Mary’s School Hudson. She was then administrator at St. Mary’s Hoosick Falls. After leaving school, Sister Rose worked at Unity House Troy and then in Neighborhood Action for the Council of Troy and at Hope House in Albany. From there she worked at NYS Catholic Conference Education Division in Albany. She then worked in Parish Ministry at St. Rose of Lima, St. John the Evangelist and Our Lady of Pompei in Syracuse. Sister Rose now resides and works at the Provincial House as an Assistant at the Bright Horizons at Carondelet Adult Day Services Program. Sister Maria Clarine Moshier was educated at St. Aloysius Academy in Rome, NY. She began teaching at St. Mary’s Institute Amsterdam. From there she went to Keveny Memorial Academy Cohoes, St. Joseph’s and Sacred Heart Troy, St. Pius X Loudonville, St. Francis de Sales Herkimer, and St. Vincent de Paul Syracuse. She then taught at St. Columba’s Schenectady, St. Francis de Sales Utica, St. Peter’s Troy and finally back to St. Vincent de Paul in Syracuse. Presently, Sister is working in Schenectady as a geriatric care outreach worker. Summer 2006 Sister Ruth Cecilia Dowd graduated from St. Aloysius Academy, Rome. She spent many years as a primary grade school teacher. She taught at St. Mary’s Institute Amsterdam, St. Agnes Utica, St. Patrick’s Troy, St. Joseph’s Green Island, Christ the King Endwell, St. Augustine’s Troy, St. Mary’s Clinton and St. Peter’s Rome. From teaching, she worked as a Parish Minister at St. Peter’s Rome and then at St. Vincent de Paul Syracuse. Sister Ruth then went back to teach school at West Side Catholic. She worked as a Resource Center Coordinator and presently is an Instructor at the Learning Center at St. Patrick’s School, Syracuse. Sister Martha Vincent Larkin taught in both primary grades and middle school. She began teaching at St. Joseph’s Troy and then she went to St. John the Evangelist New Hartford, Sacred Heart Troy, St. Patrick’s Syracuse, back to St. John the Evangelist New Hartford, then to St. Mary’s Academy Glens Falls and finally to St. Pius X, Loudonville. Sister Martha then went to directing religious education classes at St. Bartholomew’s Norwich, St. Patrick’s/Sacred Heart and Immaculate Conception Watervliet. At this time, Sister Martha is back in New Hartford as Director of Religious Education at St. John the Evangelist. Sister Kathleen Eiffe was a member of St. Peter’s Parish in Rome, NY. Sister taught at Catholic Central High in Troy and then went into the Novitiate at St. Joseph’s Provincial House to become a Sister of St. Joseph. After the Novitiate, she went to Notre Dame High School in Utica and then back to Catholic Central High School in Troy. After she finished teaching, Sister became Pastoral Associate at the Holy Family Parish in Fulton, NY, and then went into Religious Education. She was Director of Religious Education in Oswego, then in New Hartford, and presently is in Syracuse, NY. CSJ Newsline 21 ]âu|ÄtÜ|tÇá VxÄxuÜtàx On Saturday, March 18, 2006, over 350 Sisters of St. Joseph and CSJ Associates gathered at the Provincial House to celebrate the gift of vocation with the Jubilarians of 2006. Those commemorating have been members of the Sisters of St. Joseph for 80, 75, 70, 60, 50 and 25 years. The Golden Jubilarians (front row, left to right) Sisters Christine Michael LaFrance, Genevieve Joseph Ciszek, Mary Alice O’Leary (S. Kathleen David), Georgine Adele Lawrenson, Milice A. Bohrer and Carmella Ann Pfohl; (next row, left to right) Sisters Marion C. Honors, Claudette Harris (S. Bernice Thomas), Mary Salvaterra (S. Anne Frederick), Mary Ann Hayes (S. Karen Francis), Char Bloom (S. Albert Joseph), Rose Marie Chamberland (S. Margaret Earl), Margaret Totten (S. Mary Cecilia), Rita Shawn McClaskey, Maura Rhode (S. Maura Joseph), Maureen Joseph Rainone, Patricia Houlihan (S. Lucille John) and Joan Sauro (S. Joan Stanislaus). The 75th Jubilarians (left) Sister Ana Pauline Carrigan and (right) Sister Mary Winifred Sullivan (S. Charles Garnier). 22 CSJ Newsline Summer 2006 ]âu|ÄtÜ|tÇá VxÄxuÜtàx The 70th Jubilarians The 60th Jubilarians (front row, left to right) Sisters Roberta Ryan and Marie Aimée Hurley; (back row, left to right) Sisters Mary Joan Newell, Robertine Flaherty, Helen Eugene McNally, Marietta Kuczynski (not present for the picture were: Sisters Caroline Fahey, Margaret Mary Grewen, Bernarda Jacques, Therese Lynch, and Lois Marie Sivero.) (front row, left to right) Sisters Gloria DeCotis (S. Joseph Anthony), Lamese Farhart (S. Marie de Montfort), Anne Theresa Brown (Mary Joachim); (back row, left to right) Sisters Catherine Doyle (S. John Elizabeth), Jean Cummings (S. Jean Magdalen), Margaret Patrice Devlin, Ann Marie O’Connor (S. Helen Dennis). “Youngest Jubilarians” pose with “Oldest Jubilarian” 25 Year - Silver Jubilarians Sister Deborah Timmis (L) and Sister Susan Jasko stand behind Sister Mary Collis (S. Mary Leon), who celebrated 80 years as a Sister of St. Joseph. (Not present for the picture was Sister Roberta Scanlon also celebrating 80 years of religious life.) At 98 years of age, Sister Mary Collis died on the Feast of Pentacost — Sunday, June 4, 2006. May Sister rest in peace. Summer 2006 CSJ Newsline 23 GIS and CSJ by Sister Jean Keating GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Based Facilities Management will allow you to organize and maintain property data. In cases of emergency, the location of shut-off valves, underground piping and connectors for sewer, water, gas and electrical systems can be accessed on the computer within minutes. No digging, no measuring and especially, no trying to remember. In 43 years the Provincial House has seen many changes both subtle and major. We have added computer wiring, renovated the chapel, dug new sewer lines, installed roof top AC, changed a shower into a nurses conference room, etc. Two years ago we knew Roger Sayward would be retiring. A great deal of information would go with him unless we took action. GIS was the answer. C.T. Male Associates was able to scan most of the original blueprints onto discs so that it is now possible to measure a corridor or locate a pipe without leaving your desk. An aerial photo of the property designates water pipes, hydrants, electrical fixtures, gas lines, etc. with color coded symbols. Their technician, Chris Secor, spent time with Roger verifying changes and correcting data sources. We were very pleased. C. T. Male was pleased, too. Applying such state of the art technology to practical living encouraged them to submit this project to the American Council of Engineering Companies of New York. They won gold and the Sisters of St. Joseph were presented with a plaque that reads: ACEC New York Gold Award for Engineering Excellence presented to SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH OF CARONDELET Chris Secor presenting the plaque to Sister Jean Keating Sisters of St. Joseph, Albany Province 385 Watervliet-Shaker Road Latham, New York 12110-4799 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Address Service Requested Albany, NY Permit No. 880 PAID