Annual Report - Language empowers, language unites
Annual Report - Language empowers, language unites
IN THIS ISSUE PROGRAMS .........................2 FINANCIAL STATEMENT......3 TEACHER VOLUNTEERS .....3 BOARD.................................4 PROGRAMS .........................5 STAR FEST ...........................6 THANK YOU..........................7 SOCCER ...............................8 One to One Learning, Inc. Annual Report /newsletter 2 0 1 2 – 2 0 1 3 O C TO B E R 2 013 640 North Midland Avenue Upper Nyack, New York 10960 845.512.8176 Fax 845.512.8178 Sister Cecilia La Pietra, Director and programs... Language Empowers. Language Unites. PROGRAM On June 19, 2013 we celebrated the success of our students at our Annual Awards Ceremony. Our teachers were honored and thanked by Sister Cecilia La Pietra and received small tokens of gratitude. Students were called forth and received their certificates from their teachers. After, we celebrated with wonderful desserts provided by the students and teachers. Many students gave flowers and other gifts to their teachers. THE TOTAL NUMBER OF STUDENTS RECEIVING CERTIFICATES WAS: 142 STUDENTS 84 HONOR STUDENTS 37 MERIT STUDENTS 21 PARTICIPATION STUDENTS A SUMMARY OF THESE STUDENTS ACCORDING TO TIME ATTENDED: TIME ATTENDED 7 YEARS 6 YEARS 5 YEARS 4 YEARS 3 YEARS 2 YEARS 1 YEAR NUMBER OF STUDENTS 1 3 1 5 7 31 63 SPRING SEMESTER 31 OTHER STUDENTS WHO WERE ON REGISTER BUT DID NOT COMPLETE THE YEAR OF STUDY: TIME NUMBER OF ATTENDED STUDENTS 1 MONTH OF LESS 83 2 TO 3 MONTHS 4 TO 8 MONTHS JUNE REGISTRATION 46 27 175 331 TOTAL NUMBER OF STUDENTS ON REGISTER 2012-2013 Annual Report/Newsletter 2 programs... Language Empowers. Language Unites. TEACHERS Annual Report Our teachers are our most precious resource. They donate approximately $100,000 of service each year. More importantly they are the special link with their students who bring flesh to our mission of bridge building, through the small group learning. In 2012-2013 we had 50 teachers. They give their precious time and energy to their students. At the same time our teachers believe that they receive so much more from their involvement in One to One Learning. Here are some personal reflections from three teachers. Grants Donations Fund Raising Student Fund Raising Book Sales Computer Class Interest/Dividends I.D. cards Mary Anne Sgroi has been teaching for 5 years. TOTAL September 1, 2012 – August 31, 2013 INCOME As a teacher in One to One Learning I have learned much about the Spanish-speaking community and their desire to become part of the American life. They are an industrious, caring, and thoughtful people, so appreciative of what we do to help them succeed. Above all, they are truly students, so anxious to learn. This makes my position as a teacher so rewarding. EXPENSES Salaries Utilities Office Expenses Equipment Maintenance Van Expense Fund Raising Expense Memberships, Board, Gifts Student Books Cleaning Newsletter Fire Alarms Children’s Program Bank Fees Leadership Program Strategic Planning Petty Cash Magda Martinez has been my student for about three years. She is a gentle woman, so refined and intelligent, with a delightful sense of humor. Magda is so eager to learn, persistent in her studies and so appreciative of my commitment to her. It has been my joy to be her Maestra. NB Magda continued her studies to close to the end of May and delivered her baby June 11th. She has returned to class in September, leaving Baby Angela in the caring hands of her father and teen-aged brother and sister. TOTAL NET INCOME Fran James-Gelles began teaching in 2012 and taught all summer in our day program. $ 110,748.00 $ 65,141.00 7,210.00 4,339.00 523.00 2,117.00 13,781.00 1,689.00 5,138.00 1,165.00 5,082.00 1,498.00 131.00 159.00 400.00 1,277.00 400.00 $ 110,050.00 $ 698.00 Justin Kim taught in 2011-2012. He was a senior in high school and is now in college. Justin had such a great experience that he introduced his brother and a friend to the program and they will teach in 2012-2013. I have learned how rewarding it is to teach. I see a student’s eyes light up when he or she learns a new word or phrase. My group started out as brand new beginners. Most of them knew five to ten words in English. As they progressed and eventually passed their first test to continue to the next level, their enthusiasm and excitement was contagious. I picked up their energy and as each class ended, I felt happy, appreciated and a complete sense of accomplishment. This is a feeling that cannot be described, it has to be experienced. Annual Report/Newsletter $11,250.00 39,475.00 45,763.00 8,068.00 2,740.00 500.00 2736.00 216.00 Before I became a teacher for One to One Learning, I had tutored middle school and high school students. I thoroughly enjoyed that experience. However, I can honestly say that I enjoyed my experience here even more. The students were extremely motivated and honestly, that level of drive is rare to find anywhere. I see students come in with their workbooks already filled out three times, and they have questions about different nuances in English. 3 programs... Language Empowers. Language Unites. TEACHER WORK SHOP SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 Members of the Program Committee of the Board of Directors in response to the October 2012 Strategic Planning have focused on the priority of mentoring teachers. To this end, Sister Joan Beairsto, Terry Lewis, and Sister Ursula McGovern offered a workshop highlighting different areas of their expertise: learning to read with sight words, general teaching methods, and language assistance to students in navigating systems. Teachers received the information with enthusiasm and were promised future workshops. They asked for the difference between “just” and “only” or between “this” and “that”. English is so difficult but I learned of the persistence of these students who come after a long day of work to learn. I am honored to have had the privilege of teaching such amazing students. TEACHERS’ WELCOME DINNER BOARD OF DIRECTORS On Wednesday, September 4, 2013 we welcomed 32 returning teachers and 12 new teachers with supper and time to renew acquaintances and to meet new teachers. Sister Cecilia La Pietra high-lighted some of the points in the Volunteer Manual and explained the procedure for the first day of evening classes. Most teachers continued with past students. Sister Ursula McGovern gave some high lights of the teacher work shop that all were invited to on Saturday, September 21, 2013. Members of the Board have been faithful to their commitment to respond to the 2012 Strategic Planning. The priority of sustainability into the future was the focus and this in the areas of finances and personnel. The Executive Committee keeps sustainability as its primary goal. The Development Committee is developing the concept of Friends of One to One Learning, a group of well known individuals who will support our mission publically. The Finance Committee is strategizing for fiscal development in the area of salaries and future budgeting. The Program Committee has worked on the board manual and now focuses on mentoring teachers. We thank Sister Joanne Deas and Joseph Vogler for their service on the Board as they complete their terms. We will miss them but hope that they will continue their support. We welcome Sister Ann Schwartz and Ira Lipson and look forward to working with them. Annual Report/Newsletter 4 programs... Language Empowers. Language Unites. COMPUTER CLASS During the months of July and August students attended 12 sessions of computer classes taught by Gino Silvestri. They learned many useful skills, including word processing, internet access, and EXCEL. DAY CLASSES We welcomed two young ladies into the beginner English with the assistance of teachers, Francine James Gelles, Grace, Caroline and Christine Zemsky, and Donna Nye. Because of the dedication of these teachers and their persistence in learning, Glenny and Lenny Nunez Vargas are now in the second level. Jeanne Sheehan has been teaching Fabian Mazariego for several years. He is now on a journey to citizenship with her assistance. Dolores Fontana has been teaching Angela Hernandez and Gloria Tacam in their homes because they do not have transportation. Sister Cecilia has also been teaching Maribel Magaña in her home and Aracely Escobar and Maritza Lopez at Head Start with Francine James Gelles. Donna Nye and Sister Angela Palmero have been teaching Marcello Cedeno. NUTRITION CLASSES WE ARE PROUD OF OUR NEW CITIZEN, During March and April mini-courses in nutrition were offered to students from 7 to 8 PM before English classes. One set of classes was geared to children's healthy eating habits, given by Diane Holtner, Eat Smart New York from Cornell Cooperative Extension. The other was geared to students' nutrition and exercise, including Zumba, given by Adriana Bernal of Hudson River Health Care. HILDA MANCIA Taught by Peggy Concannon and Joseph Vogler MEMORIAM Sister Kathleen Ann Gorres OP who directed the pilot program for One to One Learning in St. Peter’s School in Haverstraw in 1995-1996 Virginia McVeigh who was a volunteer teacher from 2012-2013. Donations in memory of Virginia Ursula McVeigh on behalf of the Peter McVeigh Family Ann Criscione Jeanmarie Grahn Antonio Sacco the father of Flavia Silvestri, former volunteer teacher. Donation in his memory from Roberta Pearlstein Annual Report/Newsletter 5 programs... Language Empowers. Language Unites. CHILDREN’S PROGRAM Our children are always very happy to go to their cabin while their parents are in class because there are always very pleasant faces to greet them. This year Sandy Starink and Linda Bean were coordinating the program, preparing fun games and crafts for them. The young volunteers from Tappan Zee, Nyack, North Rockland, and Albertus Magnus High Schools were great, helping the children with homework, reading to the little ones, playing games, making crafts, and serving snacks. STAR-FEST IV The hills were alive with “The Sound of Music” on Sunday, September 15, 2013 as Rita Harvey, sang the theme and others from that play. The day was beautiful and the backdrop of Hook Mountain was awesome on the property of Marydell Faith and Life Center. Many of the artists of past years returned to inspire us and to donate their time to benefit One to One Learning. Highlights were piano accompaniments by Fiona Santos and Brian Walters who also sang some of his own compositions. Rita Harvey and Robert Mattern sang a beautiful rendition of “My Prayer”. Jan Lynch and Tommy Dunn got us all singing with Irish melodies and songs from the 50’s and 60’s. Sue Mazuki and Brian Walker charmed us with their Piano Bar repertoire. Our host, John Patrick Schutz sang a heart rending song about a truce in fighting during the First World War, called by the soldiers, themselves. In the silence of the truce, a German soldier’s small voice could be heard singing, Stille Nacht and then accompanied by more voices singing Silent Night being sung in English and German. They were as one voice and then at the stroke of midnight the first bullet was fired. We pray for that peace to come to our world. During intermission we feasted on delicious food donated by many wonderful restaurants. Peter Kelly of Restaurant X again supplied us with six trays of delicious mini-pastries. Hot dishes were supplied by Union Restaurant, Haverstraw, State Line, Tappan, Pasta Cucina, Stony Point, Mia Cucina, Blauvelt, Turiello’s, Nyack, Rocco’s, New City, La Fontanella, Tappan, Brady’s Fox Hunt Inn, Northvale, Munno’s, Pearl River, Valley Cottage Deli, Valley Cottage, Milano, Blauvelt, Bourbon Street, Nyack, and Avispa, Nyack. Cold appetizers were prepared by Nyack Seaport, Nyack, Gino’s Bagels, Sparkill, Del Arte, Orangeburg, and World of Food, Valley Cottage. We had lovely door prizes including bottles of wine and gift cards from Hudson House and Lanterna. We are already looking forward to Star-Fest V, which will be held on September 14, 2014. We hope to see you there. Annual Report/Newsletter 6 thank you... Language Empowers. Language Unites. In Gratitude for your Continued Support We are grateful to our benefactors. We depend on your kind donations to pay our monthly bills. We pray for you and your families every day. Regina and Robert Giacobbe John Mc Laughlin Millie and Paul Bebick Roger Hooker Siena Hall Sisters-Sister Eileen Loftus Valerie and Thomas Wolzien John and Ilse Lang Therese McSherry Sister Marie Murphy Sister Jeanne Burns Sister Eileen Donovan Sister Barbara Lenniger Sister Anne Tahaney Michael (Thorpe Village) Sister MargaredtO’Driscoll Diane Mena PARTNERING Mary and Gabe Armstrong Michael and Maryann Beckerich David Englander Robert and Donna Knoebel Marcia Lynch Mary O’Sullivan Sau-Sea Foods-Mr. Antonio Estadell Mary Ann and Peter Turrise Jo Winograd Marc and Dana vanderHeyden Thank you to our partners in education who have donated between $429 and $500 to assist with the yearly cost of one student. Margaret Shea Bob D’Stazo Joe and Mary Grace Lagana Barbara and Thomas Napolitano William and Maria Nest in memory of Doris Nest Anna and Anthony Roppolo Keith Taylor Terry and Lou Siracusano Mary Ann and Mark Aaron Noreen Brady-memory of her husband Frank Dolores Fontana Some were included in the program; Sisters Elisabeth Hasselt- Lillian McNamara others came later. Sister Nancy Richter DONATIONS TO STAR-FEST IV Amazing Grace Community Brother John Bantz Sisters Eileen Clifford-Sheila Gorham Beata, Mariano, Roxana Bartolome Richard J. Freyvogel Jean Looney Sister Jeanne Clare Martha Monitto Margaret Murray Mary Beth O’Hara Sister Mary Casey Sister Mary Grey –Pat Murtha Marian Community Sisters Maureen Massett-Barbara Muller Annual Report/Newsletter Kate Gregg Sister Joan Beairsto David Englander Ira Lipson Flavia and Gino Silvestri OUR MISSION To provide English Classes and other supportive services for immigrants to empower them to reach their full potential and lead meaningful lives within their communities. TRUSTEES Sr. Irene Ellis Sr. Eileen Gannon Sr. Lorraine LaRocca Sr. Mary Murray Sr. Margaret Palliser Sr. Carolyn Wolfbaurer BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ms. Yolanda Aguilar Sr. Joan Beairsto Ms. Adriana Bernal Mr. David Englander Sr. Virginia Johnson Ms. Theresa Lewis Mr. Ira Lipson Sr. Ursula McGovern Sr. Margaret Murphy Mr. Paul Piperato Sr. Anne Schwartz Mr. Gino Silvestri Mr. Hank Whittemore Judy Dolfi Sister Anne Foley Sister Maureen Foy Sister Margaret Harrison Sister Nora Healy Bob Stein 7 One to One is a sponsored ministry of The Dominican Sisters of Sparkill 640 North Midland Avenue, Upper Nyack, NY 10960 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Calendar of Events December 18, 2013 Teachers' Gathering January 6, 2014 Fiesta De los Reyes February 15, 2014 Valentine Party SOCCER TOURNAMENT We had a picnic and pool party to celebrate the soccer tournament that took place on July 7, 2013. We reported on it in our summer newsletter. The event was such a great success that Efrain and Yolanda Aguilar thought that it would be a great day to have another tournament on Labor Day. Efrain coordinated the soccer part and buying the food from Restaurant Depot. Yolanda asked the women to cook and so many of the same women volunteered again. We were worried about the weather but in the afternoon the sun came out. The team composed of players from El Cobano, hometown of many of our supporters, won the tournament and so did the team that included children of our wonderful volunteers. So there was great rejoicing. Language Empowers. Language Unites.
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