Most recent Bulletin - Abyssinian Baptist Church
Most recent Bulletin - Abyssinian Baptist Church
WOMEN’S MINISTRY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CHURCH LADIES, Author, Dr. Martia Goodson Evening of Christian Education Lecturer, Dr. Chanequa WalkerBarnes All Female Worship Service Preacher, Reverend Neichelle Guidry Three Night Revivalist, Reverend Dr. Trenace Richardson 63rd Annual Women’s Day Speakers Dr. Cheryl F. Dudley • Dr. Mary Schmidt Campbell THE 2016 COMMITTEE MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS Susie Drayton • Rosalyn Graves The Abyssinian Baptist Church ’ The History of Women s Day , Nannie Helen Burroughs , Subsequently . Uvee R , , USA - ,1 ’ , Women s Day at Abyssinian ; Chair , and , ' . 22, 1953 ' with , . . as Guest Speaker . and chaired the first event Effie Bushell started Sallie Baldwin was Vice ’ Hazel Scott Powell served as the event s . and the Vice Honorary Chair was Inez Powell All Praises to God for ' ! these wonderful pioneers who made the tradition of Women s Day possible …. We Remember and Give Thanks ARCHIVES & HISTORY MINISTRY Dr. Martia Goodson • Alma Nugent • Edie Richards • Phyllis Roe , Today we give thanks to God and remember the eleven women who were among the group of Abyssinian founding members that left First Baptist Church , on Gold Street in lower Manhattan A BLESSING FOR YOUR HEALTH Gabrielle Baker • Vivian Campbell • Augusta Grubb • Monica Harte Palmer • Linda Thompson • Hazel Rosetta Smith Charlotte Johnson Pheba Green ∙ ∙ and are listed in the Sally Allen ∙ Sally Dean Isabella Simmons Pheba Cheeseman DEVOTION LEADERS American Baptist Women • Deaconess Board • Missionaries • Praying Band Sister Circle ∙ ∙ ∙ 1809 dimission letter Jane Jones Freelove Slocum Hagar Treadwell ∙ Peggy Goldman Jane Nickens All Praises to God for these wonderful pioneers who made the tradition of ' ! Women s Day possible at The Abyssinian Baptist Church GO RED FOR WOMEN’S HEART HEALTH LEADERS Mrs. Patricia R. Butts • Claudine Rucker • Linda Thompson LEADERS & ALL PARTICIPANTS of Evening of Christian Education • All Female Worship Service • Three Night Revival Women’s Day Services WOMEN’S DAY RECEPTION Cake Man Raven • Chef Kenneth Collins SPIRITUAL ADVISORS Mrs. Patricia R. Butts • Reverend Itang Young Special Acknowledgements Praises to God, The Most High Our Pastor, Reverend Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III & First Lady, Mrs. Patricia R. Butts Reverend Reginald L. Bachus • Reverend Itang Young • Minister Rashad Moore Minister Pamela Mason • Minister Lee Hodge Deacon Gerald Barbour • Deaconess Eleanor Olive • Trustee Deaconess Alexis Thomas The Diaconate & Trustee Board James, Davis, Jr., and the Abyssinian Music Ministry Yomara HernandezGreene & Finance Office Staff Miranda Mifflin • Naomi Graham • Abyssinian Administrative Staff Aby Welcome & Hospitality & Aby United Ushers • Aby Maintenance Aby Photography • Aby Security • AbyTech • Welcome & Hospitality Ministry The Media Ministry • Saundra Parks • All Abyssinian Members Our Families and Friends • All Donors and Contributors With Appreciation from the Women’s Ministry Leaders Dr. Marcella Maxwell, Chair Tiffanie A. Claude & Tamisha M Chestnut, Co-Chairs Celebrates founded Women s Day st National President of the Progressive National Julia Jones was Secretary Honorary Chair ., Inc Abyssinian observed its first Women s Day on March Mdondana Arbouin Baptist Convention Women s Auxiliary ' ' Corresponding Secretary of the Women s Auxiliary to The National Baptist Convention Women's rd 63 Annual Day Sunday, March 13, 2016 Designed. Defined. Destined For God's Purpose Arts & Culture ECLIPSED, the new play by Danai Gurira, directed by Liesl Tommy, and starring Academy Awardwinner, Lupita Nyong'o, runs for Limited Engagement Performances. For $89/$69/$59 Tickets, use code ECTALL1123, visit or call Golden Theatre Box Office, 212.947.8844. Discounts for groups of 10+ call, 646.467.7393. For details, visit Upcoming Ministry Events PROVERBS 3:15 18 | 31:20 22 9:00 AM Worship Service Dr. Cheryl F. Dudley Regional Executive Minister, American Baptist Churches of Metropolitan New York 11:30 AM Worship Service Dr. Mary Schmidt Campbell President, Spelman College WOMEN’S MINISTRY LEADERSHIP Dr. Marcella Maxwell, Chair Tiffanie A. Claude & Tamisha M. Chestnut, CoChairs 132 Odell Clark Place, NY, NY 10030 (212) 8627474 (t) | (212) 8623255 (f) | Reverend Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III Pastor Worship Service March 13, 2016 Scripture 9:00 11:30 Babies Blessed – 11:30 AM Proverbs 3:15-18; 31:20-22 AM rd 63 Annual Women's Day AM Sister Kyla Butts Guest speakers Liturgical Dance Ministry “To all those who enter here, be thoughtful, be silent, be reverent. Before the service, speak to God. During the service, let God speak to you. After the service, speak to others.” 9:00 AM DR. CHERYL F. DUDLEY Regional Executive Minister of American Baptist Churches, Metropolitan NY 63rd Annual Women's Day Sister Jacqueline Waiters A Special Charge To Women , Written by First Lady 11:30 AM DR. MARY SCHMIDT CAMPBELL President, Spelman College 9:00 11:30 . Mrs . Patricia R Butts AM Sister Judith Jamison AM Sister Althea Vyfhuis 9:00AM guest sPEAKER Dr. Cheryl F. Dudley Introduction of Guest Speaker 9:00 11:30 Prelude 9:00 11:30 . AM Deaconess Beryl S AM Sister Alia McCants . AM , AM Dina Foster Osbourne , “ Organist ” When Morning Gilds the Skies . arr . Dennis R Johnson Guest Conductor AM : , ; O God we thank you for the women 9:00 11:30 AM “ The WOW Chorale : Soloists ” Use Me Lord . Byron J , Jasmine Muhammad and Brandie Sutton on May Smith Sopranos : People , dignity : Leader . We thank you for the bold and courageous women of the present who , continue to fight to educate our minds , nourish our bodies “ ” Pass Me Not . arr Douglas Miller On this ’ , rd Annual Women s Day Celebration In this new era for the region , let us be renewed and ! . AMEN ’ , Holy , Holy She in Executive Global Religions Director at ; , and Acting Director of African , Executive Director of Peoria Friendship House as well as on She has served on several national and . She is a member of Madison Avenue Baptist Church 9:00 11:30 . Rev Dudley is interested in strengthening our sense of collective community .“ witness and purpose within the greater New York City area , suspicion about many institutions Offertory Prayer AM Sister Kayla Duncan , faithful in fresh In this time of decline and , even and sometimes especially churches , consistent and surprising ways . even in our hard edged city . there are people with soft hearts and open spirits who are hungry for God AM Sister Princess Lyles we have an obligation to be , In the midst of the hard edges We need to do best we can to .” feed their hunger The Lord s Prayer “ . for mission revitalized as we march toward the higher calling of womanhood Processional 2006. . and a DMin Associate Executive Director of American Baptist Home Mission Societies . , Doxology 63 Dudley as well as global and philanthropic ministry for the pastoral staff of several churches in Illinois and Pennsylvania international boards and committees ! : . Dr and strengthen our spirits All , community ; ; The WOW Chorale 24, 2015. She began her leadership .) M Div ; American Studies at Bradley University AM ( . Princeton Theological Seminary Senior Advisor to the President of Church World Service Church in Community Transformation AM and respect ), BA , Offertory Selections 9:00 11:30 ( , ; , . years She has served as the Senior Partner of her own consulting group a local foundation We praise you for women of the past who shaped our lives in purpose 22 Dudley is an ordained American Baptist minister and has live in NYC since Dudley has been in involved in pastoral . called blessed Stallings who led the region for more than . many years ! . Dr . Leadership from McCormick Theological Seminary . Sermon and Invitation 1, 2015. by the unanimous vote of the Board of Directors on March James O holds degrees from Pomona College Dr for we have risen and been Dudley was elected the Regional Executive Minister of the American Baptist Churches , . succeeded The Rev Sister Shafiqah Faust , On this day Cheryl F Meditation Trustee Deaconess Alexis Thomas AM . Dr of Metropolitan New York AM Call to Worship Leader . The Rev Patricia Pates Eaton 9:00 11:30 Regional Executive Minister of American Baptist Churches , Metropolitan New York Jeffers Remarks ” #329 ’ Holy The Women s Ministry Leadership . Reverend Dr . Calvin O , Butts III Pastor Invocation and Chant 9:00 11:30 AM Sister Louisa Tatum AM Recessional " ' " # 404 Hold to God s Unchanging Hand 11:30AM guest sPEAKER Deaconess Eleanor Olive Dr. Mary Schmidt Campbell Benediction and Amen / Responsive Reading Litany 9:00 11:30 “ ” #70 9:00 11:30 am Black Women AM Sister Cecelia Carter AM President, Spelman College Sister Hortensia Gooding , A leader in education AM Walking Deaconess LaRita Gordon Postlude Gloria Patri " " Great Day . arr 10 , . her tenure as the Adolphus Hailstork Spelman College Designed, Defined, & Destined Prayer and Choral Response 9:00 11:30 Walking Deaconess Illonka Javette Hines Lifted from a blue print drawn straight from heaven above AM Sister Ashlie McNeal - AM Sister Amira Privott Yeiser 40 , . 1, 2015. the arts and the public sector for nearly years th president of Spelman College on Aug Dr . , decades as dean of Tisch , Mary Schmidt Campbell began Campbell was dean emerita of Tisch School of the Arts at New York University and University Professor in the Department of Art and Public Policy Early in her career . Dr Prior to being appointed president of . Dr . During Dr ’ Campbell s more than two . the institution vaulted to the top echelon of university art schools . Campbell led the Studio Museum in Harlem ’ , . Under her leadership transformed from a rented loft into the country s first accredited Black fine arts museum I am Designed by God Striving to do Good works and sharing God ’ s truth and love 1991, Tisch in ’ . Dr Prior to joining ’ Campbell served as New York City s cultural affairs commissioner and was responsible for , the city s cultural policy I am Defined by God the museum was . as well as the capital and operational development of major cultural institutions Finding strength in weakness and soaring to spiritual heights never dreamed of Anthem 9:00 11:30 I am Destined for God AM AM ” I Thank You Jesus . Robert L I am Destined to fulfill God Morris s will and purpose I am Destined to fulfill God Sister Augusta Grubb Sister Hazel Rosetta Smith . Dr ’ Campbell was appointed by President Barack Obama as the vice chair of the President s , Committee on the Arts and the Humanities . matters - a non partisan advisory committee to the president on cultural She is currently a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and sits on the board of . The Alfred P . Dr I am Defined A Blessing for Your Health AM ’ 2009, In . Sloan Foundation I am Designed Pastoral Emphasis AM s purpose I am Defined by my God The Women of Worship Chorale “ 9:00 11:30 ’ I am Designed by my God - First Lady , Mrs . ’ s will and purpose Patricia R . Butts . Campbell is married to Dr ., George Campbell Jr ; for the Advancement of Science and Art a physicist and president emeritus of The Cooper Union . they are the parents of three sons and have six grandchildren
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