Worship Service - Abyssinian Baptist Church


Worship Service - Abyssinian Baptist Church
Worship Service
Sunday, November 15, 2015
“To all those who enter here, be thoughtful, be silent, be reverent. Before the service, speak to God.
During the service, let God speak to you. After the service, speak to others.”
Missions Sunday  Communion
9 am
11 am
Reverend Gilbert Pickett, Sr., Pastor
Mount Horeb Baptist Church of Corona, New York
“Prayer to Notre Dame” Leon Boellmann
9 am
11 am
Nathaniel Gumbs, Guest Organist
Call to Worship
Our days are ordered by schedules that do not feed the deep hunger of our
People: Bread of heaven, feed us until we want no more.
We live our lives searching for a way out of the wilderness.
People: Bread of heaven, feed us until we want no more.
Leader: In this hour of worship, we gather at this table to eat of the Bread of Life
that nourishes us when we are weak.
People: Bread of heaven, fill our thirsting souls and feed us until we want
no more.
The Lord’s Prayer
Processional “Rejoice, O Pure in Heart"
Prayer and Choral Response
9 am
11 am
The Cathedral Choir
"Thanks Be to God" from Elijah Felix Mendelssohn
Thanks be to God, he waters the thirsty land.
The waters gather; they rush along. They are lifting their voices.
The stormy billows are high; their fury is mighty.
But the Lord is above them, and Almighty.
Offertory Sentences & Selections
9 am
11 am
The Cathedral Choir
"Jesus Rose" Darius Brooks/Jazzantiqua
Trio: Samantha McElhaney, Charlotte Small & Larry Hylton
Offertory Prayer
9 am
11 am
The Cathedral Choir
"For God So Loved the World" Lanny Wolfe
Soloist: Mae Carrington, Soprano
Sermon and Invitation
The Supper:
A) Hymn
B) New Members
C) Witnessing
D) Consecration
E ) The Bread
F) The Cup
G) Hymn of Inspiration
"Even Me" arr. Roy Jennings
Soloists: Angela Owens, Soprano
"Oh, The Blood of Jesus” #265
“Now Thank We All Our God” Sigfrid Karg-Elert
Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our
Saviour; and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now in the presence of God, angels and this assembly,
most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.
We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for
the advancement of this church in knowledge and holiness; to give it a place in our affections,
prayers and services above every organization of human origin; to sustain its worship, ordinances,
discipline and doctrine; to contribute cheerfully and regularly, as God has prospered us, towards its
expenses, for the support of a faithful and evangelical ministry among us, the relief of the poor
and the spread of the Gospel throughout the world. In case of difference of opinion in the church,
we will strive to avoid a contentious spirit, and if we cannot unanimously agree, we will cheerfully
recognize the right of the majority to govern.
We also engage to maintain family and secret devotion; to study diligently the word of God, to
religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintance; to walk
circumspectly in the world; to be kind and just to those in our employ, and faithful in the service
we promise others; endeavoring in the purity of heart and good will towards all men to exemplify
and commend our holy faith.
We further engage to watch over, to pray for, to exhort and stir up each other unto every good
word and work; to guard each other’s reputation, not needlessly exposing the infirmities of others;
to participate in each other’s joys, and with tender sympathy bear one another’s burdens and
sorrows; to cultivate Christian courtesy; to be slow to give or take offense, but always ready for
reconciliation, being mindful of the rules of the Saviour in the eighteenth chapter of Matthew, to
secure it without delay; and through life, amid evil report, and good report, to seek to live to the
glory of God, who hath called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.
When we remove from this place, we engage as soon as possible to unite with some other
church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s word.
Reverend Gilbert Pickett, Sr. was born in Flushing, NY,
and raised in the Corona-East Elmhurst community of
Queens. He was baptized at age seven at Mount Horeb
Baptist Church by the church’s late Pastor, Rev. Dr.
Edward Jarvis.
After graduating from Jamaica H.S., Rev. Pickett entered
the United States Air Force in September of that same
year, and served until 1986. In the Air Force, he
received extensive training in Administration and
Reverend Pickett acknowledged his call to ministry in 1988, and was licensed in May
that year at Metropolitan Baptist Church in Cocoa, FL, under the pastorate of Rev. V.
Benford Friar II. Following his licensing, Pastor Pickett returned to New York and
began working at Mount Horeb B.C., under Rev. Jarvis. He served as Associate/Youth
In New York, the Reverend enrolled at New York Theological Seminary Certificate
Program and graduated in May 1990. He continued Biblical Studies at both the College
of New Rochelle and Nyack Alliance Theological Seminary.
Ordained in July 1992, by September 1993, Reverend Pickett was called to Mount Olive
Baptist Church in Oyster Bay, LI, as their seventh Pastor. He served that congregation
faithfully for almost five years until Mount Horeb Baptist Church called him to be their
fourth Pastor in March 1998.
Pastor Pickett’s compassion for people and passion for missionary work was displayed
during relief efforts for Hurricane Katrina victims in the State of Louisiana. Pastor
Pickett made two trips to New Orleans and Baton Rouge and the Mount Horeb church
collected and shipped over 30 barrels of clothing, shoes and linen to the victims.
After serving on the Home Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc
for 12 years as Board Member-At-Large, Reverend Pickett was appointed Chairman in
2010. Since that appointment, he has led the Board in community Mission Day
Outreach projects in Indianapolis, IN; Orlando, FL; East St. Louis, IL; and Atlanta, GA.
A sought after Revivalist/Evangelist, Pastor Pickett has conducted revivals throughout
the United States as well as St. Thomas and St. Croix, USVI.
Earlier this year, Pastor Pickett was appointed as the Executive Secretary of the Home
Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc. and on July 17, 2015 was
elected Moderator of the Eastern Baptist Association of New York, Inc. He also serves
as the Chairman, Home Mission Board of the Empire Baptist Missionary Convention of
NY; former President of the Corona-East Elmhurst Clergy Association; former
President of the Sunday School and B.T.U. Auxiliary of the Eastern Baptist Association
of NY, Inc., and a member of the Baptist Minister's Conference of Greater New York
and Vicinity. He also serves as a Clergy Liaison for the 115th Precinct.
To God be the Glory for the great things He has done through His man servant.
The mission of The Abyssinian Baptist Church Missionary Ministry is “to evangelize and
spread the Gospel through intercessory prayer, visitation, scripture reading, food distribution,
educational workshops and donations, as well as faithful service to the sick and shut-in, the
incarcerated, seniors, and those in need, locally, nationally, and internationally.
Abyssinian Missionaries shared encouragement with the church’s sick and shut-in
members through cards, calls, home and hospital visits. We further supported grieving
missionary members and their families. Abyssinian Missionaries delivered over 30
Easter plants and The Daily Word to Sick & Shut-in members and others during the
season celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Sadly, this year we lost longtime
member, Deaconess Florence Elleby.
Foreign Mission
The Abyssinian Missionary Ministry also supports the church’s affiliate, Abyssinian Fund,
with donations and assistance. We are committed to assisting in the work of Aby
Fund, and remain supportive of international projects supported by the National Baptist
Convention, USA, Inc. We made our annual contribution to the Hospital in Malawi,
Africa, attended The Foreign Mission Rally in November 2015, and maintain our
membership in the Loyal Boosters.
Home Missions
At home, we donated clothing to various nursing homes through the Women’s
Auxiliary of the Empire Baptist Missionary Convention (EBMC). During the upcoming
holiday season, Abyssinian Missionaries will once again support local seniors and
families in the Harlem Community who are in need through the Charlyce B. Sampson
Christmas Love Baskets effort. We anticipate distributing 200 baskets, and thank God
for the generous donations from numerous Abyssinian service ministries and church
At Large
Throughout 2015, our members supported Harlem and greater NYC Churches
anniversary observances, revivals, workshops and conferences. Our members attended
the National Baptist Convention in September 2015; all four sessions of the United
Missionary Baptist Association; and, supported and serve the Empire Baptist Missionary
The Missionary Ministry has, and will continue to achieve its mission duties. We seek
the Lord’s guidance in our plan to expand Foreign and Home Mission endeavors.
Susie L. Drayton – President • Hazel R. Smith - 1st Vice President
Oscar Carter - 2nd Vice President • Trustee Lillie May - Financial Secretary
Mary Frasier – Assistant Financial Secretary
Walking Deaconess Sylvia Solomon – Treasurer
Louise Harris – Assistant Treasurer • Patricia Garey - Recording Secretary
Yvonne Schuler - Assistant Recording Secretary
Inez Alexander - Corresponding Secretary
Patricia McDaniel – Assistant Corresponding Secretary
Abraham Christopher Gowan, III - Worship Leader
Deacon Calvin O. Butts, IV - Liaison Deacon
First Lady Mrs. Patricia Butts
Shirley Adams • B. Pyne Bertsche • Elizabeth Bolling • Cheryl Bradford
Adilah Brodie • Lynne Brookes • Rebecca Brown • Virginia Brown
Ernestine Burgess-Thompson • Joseph Dunn • Lois Butler • Anasa Chappell
Barbara Hart Charles • Edythe Cherry • Lovelle Clark
Bealer Dennard • Jacqueline Diaz-Olive • Loretta Donaldson
Imogene Evans • Mary Faulkner • Monique Fletcher • Christine Fields
Rita Forbes • Patricia Garey • Sonia Glaspie • Jamie Graham
Deaconess Jessie Green • Addie B. Greer • Kimberly Harris
Trustee Shirley Harrison • Monica Harte-Palmer • Minnie Hebbons
Hattie Hedgepeth • Arvernetta Henry • Patricia Hepburn-Moody
Minister Kathryn Holmes • Amelia Johnson • B. Kaye Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson • Grace L. Jones • Estelle Hilton Khanna • DeBora Jones
Evelyn Lindsay • Sharon Long • Hastie Lowther • Barbara MacNeal
Roderick MacNeal • Betty J. Manor • Sheila Mason • Deaconess Thelma Mason
Ethel McCullum • Chrystal McKay Shirley McLaurin • Shirley Melvin
Isabella Minns • Marietta Morrell • Yvette Morrell-Lewis • Evelyn Neal
E. Dolores O'Connor • Deaconess Eleanor Olive • Karen R. Owes
Chyrisse Robinson • Deaconess Rosemary Robinson • Lola Rozier
Bernice Rutherford • Hazel Samuels • Dawn Simmons • Annie Singleton
Brucie Smith • Stephanie Stevens • Yvette Tient'chu • Myrtle Tully
Leatrice Wactor • Cynthia Wade • Alma Warren • MaryAnn Washington-Diaz
Dr. William L. Watkins, Jr. • Trustee Walteen Whitfield
Westward, Ho! – AbyWEST Campaign Moves Forward
The AbyWEST - 3.0 in 24 Mo! Campaign is
well underway. We are very grateful to the
membership for their support of our effort to
build a $12MM educational center. Following
our initial appeal, more than 40% of our
members responded to the plea to make a
supporting pledge. We are making progress
toward the achievement of our goal to raise
$3mm in 24 months.
Thanks to your
generous support we are one-third of the
way there.
Heed the Call – Make Your Pledge Today!
100% Member Participation Requested
For those who have not made a pledge, there is no
time like the present. Our goal is to attain 100%
participation from our members. Pledge cards are
available in the church elevator lobby and at
Abyssinian.org via the “AbyWEST” icon. Your
completed pledge card can be left at the front desk
in the Trustee mailbox. With your help
goal to raise $3mm in 24 months will be realized.
Thank you for your continued support! Dedicated to “the Worship of God and the
Service of Humanity”…
Sunday Morning Praying Band – Sundays - 7:00 AM
Sunday Morning Bible Study – 8:45 AM
Monday Afternoon Bible Class – 12:00 PM
Mid-Week Manna Worship Service - Wednesday 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
NEW MEMBERS CLASS SCHEDULE - Meets Sundays, 8:30 AM in Blue Room
Class #1 At the Cross: Jesus and Salvation – December 6th
Class #2 Faith Foundations: Baptist Polity and Practices – December 13th
Class #3 The Abyssinian Baptist Church: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow – November 15th
Class #4 Giving God Our Best: Worship & Stewardship – November 22nd
Prayer Request forms are available at Ushers’ station in back of Sanctuary’s center
aisle, and online via www.abyssinian.org/connect/prayer-requests/. Praying Band
meets Sundays, 7AM in Vestry for prayer & testimony. Contact Deacon Charles Small,
for more information.
Baby Blessings take place on the 2nd Sunday at 11 AM Service. Baby Blessing
Classes take place monthly, on third Wednesday at 6:00 PM in
Nursery. Next Class: Wed., 11/18. Parents who wish to have their child blessed must
attend this class. To register, call Church office, x255.
Photographs and Audio/Video recordings are not permitted in the Sanctuary. Cell
phones should be turned off during worship service. Only the Church’s official
photographer and ABY/TECH are allowed to take pictures or record services.
Considering marriage? Recently engaged? If you plan to have your nuptials at
Abyssinian, call 212.862.7474, ext. 255, to check availability of the church, and arrange
pre-marital counseling. You must also schedule an appointment with the
Wedding Coordinator, Tamieka L. Jones, at “A Perfect Setting Inc.” 800-4512951, or send email to: info@aperfectsettingevents.com.
To Reverend Butts and The Abyssinian Baptist Church family,
We the Silcott family wishes to acknowledge with deep appreciation the expressions of
love, kindness and support during this time of bereavement. Thank you and God Bless.
- Annie Silcott Stevens
To Reverend Butts and the entire Abyssinian Church family,
I will never be able to thank each and every one of you for the magnificence and
elegance of the home going service for my beloved, Dr. Beny J. Primm. Thank you
Reverend Butts for your brilliant tribute to Beny. Thank you also to Naomi Graham,
Debra Fraser-Howze, Saundra Parks, Stephen Johnson, Sandye Johnson, Toni Faye,
Gerri Warren Merrick and so many others. I am blessed & profoundly grateful. - Ellena
Stone Huckaby
are asked to support the Missionary Ministry’s
preparation of
Abyssinian ministries can contribute to this effort
by donating various food items to include in baskets.
Please check your e-mail/mailbox for specific
request(s) of your Ministry.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Sunday, December 13, 2015
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The Joint Thanksgiving Day
Worship Service
Taking Place At The Abyssinian Baptist Church Sanctuary
Thursday, November 26, 2015 • 11:00 AM
following Joint Worship Service
The Brotherhood Ministry hosts
Thanksgiving Day Community Fellowship Dinner
Aby Café • 12:30 PM
Come Enjoy A Thanksgiving Meal of Holiday Favorites
2015 Fall Series
Instructor: Deacon Andrew Morrison |7PM - 8:30 PM |Tuesdays - 11/10, 17
“Be Still and Know that I am God” - Psalm 46:10 KJV
Prayer and meditation are ultimate stress busters that ignite the human spirit and
propel us forward to do a mighty work in God’s strength. Praise in our daily lives to
pray for our Church, community and world provides an opportunity for believers of
faith to join in unified focus on God’s Word and the art of Christ-centered meditation.
In this interactive seminar, you will learn prove n techniques to quiet the mind and
body in order to experience inner peace and a deeper connection with God. You will
also learn the theology of Christian meditation through Bible study, yoga movements
and breathing exercises that will enhance your daily devotional life.
Instructor: Min. Pamela D. Mason |7PM - 8:30 PM |Thursdays - 11/12 - 12/17
Are you free from the bondage of fear, doubt and worry? Jesus said He came to set the
captives free. If you believe that a Christian’s heart, thought life and speech can foster
an intimate relationship with God, you don’t want to miss the blessing blockers. This
course is an extension of Bible Basics 101. Join us as we seek spiritual growth by
conditioning our hearts, trading in our thoughts for the thoughts of God and learning
to speak what God speaks in His Word.
NOON DAY BIBLE STUDY  12 PM - 1:30 PM  Fellowship Hall
Minister Moore
November 9, 16, 23 | December 7, 14, 21, 28
BROTHERHOOD BIBLE STUDY  7 PM - 8:30 PM  Fellowship Hall
Instructors: Reverend Bachus & Minister Moore
November 9, 23 | December 14, 28
YOUNG ADULT BIBLE STUDY  7 PM - 8:30 PM  Sanctuary, Vestry
Instructors: Reverend Bachus & Minister Moore
November 16, December 21
Instructor: Reverend Itang Young
November 9, 23 | December 14, 28
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PUSH 21st Education
Thurgood Marshall Academy Lower School is celebrating
10 years of educating young minds.
Help our students PUSH (Push Until Success Happens)
through the Pipeline towards greater SUCCESS
The Thurgood Marshall Academies need to raise funds to meet
the technology and learning enhancement needs for students.
Your support will enable the schools to:
Help provide students with computers and ipads
Enhance the schools libraries with a variety of multicultural and arts
based books and media resources
Introduce new and extracurricular activities
Develop an intervention program to help struggling students
Expand student learning outside the classroom through real world
experiences during school year and summer with trips to museums
and historical parks
Provide high school students with college scholarships
NYPD Quotas: The Damage Done to Our Cops,
to Our Communities, to Our City
Monday, November 16, 2015 - 6:00 PM
At The Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem
132 Odell Clark Place, NYC 10030
Reverend Calvin O. Butts, III
Kai Wright
Features Editor at The Nation
Ruby Aguirre
Family Member of NYPD Officers
Ida Dupont
Professor of Sociology, Pace University studying the effects of quotas
Joshua Fitch
Partner, Cohen & Fitch, focuses on police abuse cases
Adhyl Polanco
Police Officer suing the City regarding quotas;
Elinor Sutton
Attorney on Lawsuit against the city regarding NYPD quotas
Josmar Trujillo
Police Reformer with New Yorkers Against Bratton & The Coalition
to End “Broken Windows”
Contact: Bob Gangi: 917-327-7648
ECLIPSED – Running now thru November 29. Academy Award® winner Lupita
Nyong’o (12 Years a Slave) comes to The Public in the New York premiere of this
moving play by award-winning Zimbabwean-American Playwright/Actress, Danai
Gurira (co-author, In the Continuum and Michonne on AMC’s “The Walking Dead”).
South African born Liesl Tommy (Appropriate and The Good Negro) directs this story
of survival and resilience. Tickets: $90. For tickets, call Public Theater Box Office,
marcia@walktallgirlproductions.com for discounts on groups of 10+.
INVISIBLE THREAD – Determined to find his place in the world, 20-something
Griffin leaves his job and NYC apartment to volunteer for a charity in Africa. When his
altruistic aspirations collide with the real world, his life is changed in unexpected and
profound ways. Inspired by a true story, this rousing new musical infuses a world pop
score with African beats in an electrifying journey about discovering whether changing
the world is even possible. Use or mention code WICG for $49 tickets (regularly
$80) purchased by Dec. 2nd. $30 tickets for ages 30 and under, valid ID required, select
performances. For more information visit Second Stage Theatre, 305 W. 43rd
Street or call 212.541.4516 or online at 2ST.com
Elegantly restored luxury Brownstone with over 4,000 sq. ft. Call 914. 437.6286 for
more information.
Courtesy of Saundra Parks | 212.633.9000
212.368.4471 | adcorp.org
As we consistently work to win more souls for Christ by enhancing
The Abyssinian Baptist Church worship experience, be informed that
on Sunday, December 6, 2015, our second worship service will begin
at 11:30 AM.
This change helps us to serve you with greater efficiency in several
timesaving ways…
The 9:00 AM service is not hurried;
Additional 30 minutes provides Abyssinian ministers, officers, and
choir, as well as outgoing/incoming attendees with adequate time
to transition between worship services, and allows for prompt
start of the second worship service;
Prevents overcrowding in halls and corridors between services;
Gives members and visitors additional minutes for timely arrival
to second service;
Parking attendants have additional time to facilitate parking space
accessibility between services;
With new definite start time of second worship service,
Livestream worshipers experience shorter time lapse between
services, thus avoiding prolonged display of “we will start shortly”
We remain grateful to God for your faithful support of
The Abyssinian Baptist Church
Week of November 15 – 21, 2015
Today Missions Sunday, November 15, 2015
7:00 AM Sunday Morning Praying Band
8:30 AM New Members Class
8:45 AM Sunday Morning Bible Study
9:00 AM Worship Service – Holy Communion
Worship Experience for Youth
11:00 AM Missions Sunday & Holy Communion – Aby Missionaries Annual Day
Faith & FIYAH Sunday Edition
1:00 PM Senior Ladies Usher Board – 2nd Floor Rehearsal Room
Black Teachers Who Care – Vestry
Monday, November 16
11:00 AM Seniors Exercise Class – 2nd Floor Rehearsal Room
12:00 PM Monday Afternoon Bible Class - Vestry
6:00 PM PROP Public Forum – Vestry
6:30 PM Total Praise Ensemble Rehearsal - 2nd Floor Rehearsal Room
7:00 PM Young Adult Bible Study – Sanctuary
Tuesday, November 17
3:00 PM FIYAH Power: Tutoring Program – Vestry
7:00 PM AICE Course: Christian Meditation – Vestry
The Cathedral Choir Rehearsal – Sanctuary
Good Grief & Bereavement - Nursery
AbyFit Class |Fred Samuel Center - 669 Lenox Avenue
Wednesday, November 18
6:00 PM Faith & FIYAH: Pre-Teen Bible Study – Vestry
6:30 PM Credit Union Open
7:00 PM Mid-Week Manna Prayer & Praise Service - Sanctuary
Thursday, November 19
6:00 PM Exodus Ministry - Fellowship Hall
Archives & History – 1st Fl Conference Room
6:30 PM Inspirational Voices Rehearsal – Sanctuary
7:00 PM AICE – Blessing Blockers – Vestry
Center for Care & Advocacy – Blue Room
Friday, November 20
5:00 PM Youth Concert Chorale Rehearsal - 2nd Floor Rehearsal Room
6:00 PM Liturgical Dance Ministry – Sanctuary
Set it Off: Friday Night FIYAH - Fellowship Hall
7:00 PM Children’s Choir Rehearsal –2nd Floor Rehearsal Room
Saturday, November 21
9:00 AM AbyCare | Church Wide Day of Community Service
At Fred Samuel Center - 669 Lenox Avenue
Take personal notes while listening to the Word of God
Sermon Title:
Biblical Text:
Points to Note:
Gerald Barbour
Eleanor E. Olive
Alexis Thomas
Patricia Proctor
Sheila S. Boston Robinson
Chairman, Board of Deacons
Chair, Board of Deaconess
Chair, Board of Trustees
Church Clerk
Reginald L. Bachus
Itang H. Young
Rashad R. Moore
Associate Pastor
Assistant Minister for Youth
Ministerial Intern
James Davis, Jr.
C. Anthony Bryant
Director, Music Ministries & Fine Arts
Minister of Music for Youth
Ext. 203
Ext. 220
Ext. 212
Ext. 261
Building, Grounds & Maintenance
Ext. 245
Ext. 244
7:00 am
Praying Band
9:00 am
Bible Class
9:00 am
Sunday School
9:00 am and 11:00 am
9:15 am -11:00 am
WE Youth Worship Experience
2nd Sunday
11:00 am
Babies Blessed
3rd Sunday
9:00 am & 11:00 am Communion/Right Hand of Fellowship (11:00 am)
4th Sunday
11:00 am
5th Sunday
11:00 am
Youth Day
12:00 pm
Monday Afternoon Bible Class
7:00 pm
Mid-Week Manna
132 Odell Clark Place • New York, NY 10030 | 212.862.7474 (T) 212.862.3255 (F)