the Proclaimer - Torrance First Baptist Church


the Proclaimer - Torrance First Baptist Church
Torrance First Baptist Church
the Proclaimer
July 2012
Inside this issue:
The Pastor’s Heart
We Get Mail
Wedding Invitation
Business Meeting
Shower Invitation
CRUX Activities
Quest Activities
Awesome Adventures
Family Fun Events
Just for Kids
Singles’ Ministry
TFB Academy
Seniors & Friends
Global Outreach
Reflections (cont.)
More Mail
Hiking Ministry
Summer Camp Dates
Volume 25 Issue 7
Combined Service
& BBQ Lunch
July 1, 10 a.m.
Bring your family and friends to our morning service on July 1 at 10
a.m. There will be Children’s Church but no Sunday School that day. After
the service, we will have a BBQ with hamburgers/hot dogs, potato salad,
baked beans, chips and soda for the whole family for only $3/person or $15/
family. If you have an easy-up, please label and bring to church so they can
be set up for shade outside the gym.
Also on July 1 at 6 p.m.
Jerry Nelson in Concert
Jerry Nelson’s keyboard artistry has been recognized
around the world as he has performed in six continents
where his artistry demonstrates an incredible range of styles
from simple hymn renditions to jazz, to robust, high-energy
arrangements of great hymns. In recent years he has
augmented his concert schedule which has become increasingly an extension
of his passion for missions and a need to touch people where they live. His
concerts achieve this goal through a balanced blend of humorous antics, welldesigned musical flow and a sharing of personal insights that leave his
listeners not only entertained but enriched in spirit. Bring your family and
enjoy! A freewill offering will be taken.
Mini-Golf for Men
July 19, 7 p.m.
Proclaimers are also
available for viewing and
printing on-line:
Come to Mulligan's to putt-putter around
and work on your slice … of pizza!
Enjoy a round of golf & some fun all
for $20 on Thursday, July 19, at 7:00
p.m. Sign up in the patio.
First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 2
Living Outwardly Focused
Lives in an Inwardly Focused
In John 4, Jesus
describes a quality of life that is
amazing: “…the water I give is
like a flowing fountain that
gives eternal life” (v.14). If this
is true then our lives are not
meant to be like half a glass of
water but instead an
overflowing glass of water. As
one author put it: “God created
you to be so perpetually full of rich
experiences, rewarding
relationships, and abundant
blessings that you can afford to pour
out huge amounts of hope, comfort,
and refreshment on others and still
have more than you’ll ever need.”
Jesus put it another way in John 10:
“I came that they may have life and
have it abundantly” (v.10)
I began this year 2012 by
sharing with you some thoughts
about living such a life. Our theme
in the front of our sanctuary reminds
us of this each week: Living
Outwardly Focused Lives in an
Inwardly Focused World. The
source of this abundant overflowing
outwardly focused life is our own
personal love relationship with Jesus
Christ. The more we love Him the
more His love will overflow from us
to others. Jesus told us that the world
around us, the people who do not
know God, will know we are His
by the love that overflows from
our lives.
So we are six months into
this focus, this idea, this truth. My
question for you is: how
abundantly is the love and life of
Jesus overflowing in your life? Do
the people in your world who are
far from Jesus, your co-workers,
your neighbors, your extended
family, know you are a follower
of Jesus because of your
demonstrated love for them? Do
they see evidence of an abundant
overflowing life?
I invite you to spend this
summer personally seeking God
on this matter. Ask Him to
transform your heart, if need be.
Ask Him to fill you with His love
if need be. Plead with Him to
enable you to love Him more, if
need be. Express to Him your
honest desire to have your glass
not just half full, but overflowing.
Loving God together,
Pastor Charlie
by Pastor Rog
Dear Church Family,
What a privilege it is for us to
serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Through
His great love for us, as demonstrated
by His death on Calvary’s cross, we
have the privilege of belonging to
God through faith in His Name.
Because of this, our lives have
become new (2 Cor. 5:17), and we
now have the privilege to be His
witnesses/ambassadors in the world
(2 Cor. 5:20). Truly, our lives are not
our own...they belong to Him (1 Cor.
In realizing the significance
of the above verses, I couldn’t help
but be reminded of our ministry
theme for 2012:
In other words, our lives are to
be interacting with others in such a way
that we honor Christ and minister to the
needs of others. We not only do this
OUTSIDE of TFB’s walls, but INSIDE
as well. You now might be asking:
“How do we do this?”
First, we have guests who come
in unannounced. We don’t know them
or what is going on in their lives, and by
extending a WARM WELCOME to
them, the “door” is open to interact with
them. We have had some wonderful
opportunities to “touch” our guests lives
as we were open to be of help to them.
May we all keep our eyes open to these
ministry opportunities the Lord sets
before us.
Second, every month we have
the privilege to minister to our
community through our LOAVES &
FISHES Ministry. Linda Stratton
has faithfully led this ministry of
outreach for over 20 years. She
and her fine team provide a warm
welcome and a fantastic meal for
all who attend. But, before the
food is served, these dear people
hear a loving, biblical message
from God’s Word. The plan of
salvation and God’s desire for a
personal relationship with them is
clearly made known. It has been
my privilege to bring God’s Word
to our guests these past 10 years,
(Continued on page 11)
First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 3
Dear TFB Family: Please accept this as your official invitation.
Church Business
July 15 ~ 7 p.m.
After Worship & Witness on Sunday, July 15,
we will have a Business Meeting to approve a
candidate for deacon and also to discuss the funding of
a new church sign. The cost of the sign that we would
like to have is $24,000, of which we currently have
$10,000. We would like to ask members of the
congregation to consider helping to fund the sign with
contributions over and above their regular giving.
We Get Mail
During a time like this we realize how much our friends and relatives really
mean to us...Your expression of sympathy will always be remembered.
Dear TFB Family,
Thank you for all of your prayers, cards, calls and love during Bill’s
mom’s passing. We rejoice that she is now in the presence of our Savior!
The Morris Family
Thank you very much for the beautiful
flowers you sent. They were very breathtaking.
Thank you for everything you did to make the
memorial a special day in honor of our Dad.
Your thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated.
Your special ways and generous heart make a
beautiful difference. Thank you again so much.
God bless,
Dorothy Spann (and Carol Albee)
[daughters of Bill McNair]
Torrance First Baptist Family:
Thank you, dear people of (TFB) and
friends, for being there for Art’s “Buddy’s” homegoing. All of your hugs and kind words meant a
great deal to our family. We know he is in a better
place and he is deeply missed. Thank you for your
donations towards Love Inc.
Love to all of you from,
The May Family.
More mail on p. 11
First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 4
Where: TFB ~~> Knott’s
When: August 15 (Wednesday)
July 24th
4:45~11 p.m.
What: All Day Knott’s Trip
8:30 a.m ~ 11 p.m.
How Much: $28 + Food $
Sign up with Pastor Jay or
Trevor before it’s too late!
First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 5
Awesome Adventures
for kids going into 1st through 6th grades
Family Fun Events!
for the whole family
Smooshball/BBQ @
Wilson Park
Sunday, July 15
Seaside Lagoon
Friday, June 29
10 a.m. ~ 4 p.m.
Pack a lunch or $ for Ruby’s walk-up. Drop
off and pick up at Lagoon Circle, 200 Portofino
Way, Redondo Beach. What to bring: sunscreen
(apply in advance and extra for reapply), sand toys,
towel and friends.
Backwards Day
Friday, July 6
12:30 ~ 3:30 p.m.
$5 per person or
$20 max per family
Bring your family for an afternoon of fun
and fellowship while you play or watch a game of
Smooshball and eat some all-American food. Dogs
on leashes are also welcome.
Pick up tickets at the Outreach Table in the
patio to give to your neighbors and friends. Only
those who do not attend TFB will be able to come
and enjoy all the food and festivities for free if they
have a ticket.
10 a.m. ~ 3 p.m.
Pack a lunch and come to the church to
discover some things that seem backwards in the
Bible, e.g. “The last shall be first and the first shall
be last.” We’ll have games, lessons, crafts and then
walk to Foster Freeze for a treat.
Farmer’s Market/Shut-Ins
Tuesday, July 31
9:30 a.m. ~ 3:30 p.m.
Drop off at Wilson Park (by skate park); pick
up at church. We will be shopping for gifts for shutins at Farmer’s Market and then delivering items to
them by bus. You can bring extra spending money
if you want.
“We are His
1 Pet. 4:10
“We are His
Romans 10:15
Through the Years
Saturday, July 28
6-8 p.m.
$5 per person or
$20 max per family
Come enjoy making your own sundae, play
board games, participate or enjoy a talent show and
make use of the black and white photo booth. Come
dressed in your favorite era.
TFB Family
Movie Night
Movie in Parking Lot
with Pizza and Popcorn
Friday, August 3
7:30-10:15 p.m.
All are invited to attend another family fun
event for parents, grandparents, kids, and friends.
Reach out and invite everyone you know.
Movie to be announced at a later date.
First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 6
Just for
9:30a Awesome
Wilson Park &
6p Ardent
5p CRUX Angel’s
5p Prayer
6p CRUX Camp
Report @ W & W
6p Committees:
Worship, GO &
7p Deacon/
Deaconess Mtngs
2p No Women’s
Bible Study
12noon Women’s
Bible Study
7p Journeymen to
7p Committees:
Ad Ops & Finance
12:30p Family
Fun: BBQ &
Smashball at
Wilson Park
4p C. E. Comm.
1p Jr. High Beach
2p Women’s Bible
7p Beacon Light
9a H.S. Leaves
for Hume Lake
2p Sing @
5p Prayer
10:30a Circle of
2p No Women’s
Bible Study
Office Closed for
7p Lauran Bethell
10a Combined
Service & BBQ
1:30p J.H. leaves
for 1000 Pines
6p Jerry Nelson
First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 7
High School Revive: 7 p.m. [except 7/10]
Discipleship Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Bible Study: 7:30 p.m.
Ladies’ Prayer: 11 a.m.
Open Basketball: 6:30 p.m.
Men’s Bible Study: 7 p.m. (off-site)
New Covenant (Korean) Prayer: 6 a.m.
Ladies meet @ Denny’s for Bkfst.: 9 a.m.
Ladies’ Bible Study: 2 p.m. [see calendar]
Worship Band Practice: 6:30 p.m.
Open Volleyball: 8:15 p.m.
[All above except 7/4]
6p Family Fun
Jr. High QUEST: 6:45 p.m.
Activity: Through
Group Bible Study: 6:45 p.m.
the Years
Choir Practice: 7 p.m
6:30p Singles’
Dinner Out
New Covenant (Korean) Bible Study: 8 p.m.
10a J.H. Event
12:30p Srs. &
Friends to
Glendale Theatre
5p Sonseekers’
Party [off-site]
7p Share & Care
9a Load bus for
H.S. Camp
10a HS 5-Day
Club Training
11a Loaves &
Recurring Weekly Events:
Worship Services:
9:15 & 11 a.m. Worship & Witness: 6 p.m.
Adult Sunday School: 8:15, 9:15 & 11 a.m.
Children’s Church: 9:15 a.m.
Patio Fellowship: 10:30 a.m.
Children & Youth S.S.: 11 a.m.
12noon McMillian
[All above except 7/1]
Bridal Shower
New Covenant Children’s S.S.: 11 a.m.
6:30p Singles’
New Covenant (Korean) Wrshp: 12:45 p.m.
Game Night
New Covenant (Korean) Fellowship: 2 p.m.
Anx reserved all day
for Loaves & Fishes
10a Awesome Adv.
Backward’s Day
First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 8
Enjoy Time with the Singles’ Fellowship
Please invite anyone of any age to join us.
Game Night ~ Saturday, July 14, 6:30 p.m. ~ Meeting
place: Penny Rahmeyer’s, 2703 W. 175th, Torrance. Bring
snacks to share.
Dinner Out ~ Saturday, July 28, 6:30 p.m. ~ Meet at Pei
Wei Asian Diner, Torrance Town Center, 2777 Pacific Coast
Highway, Torrance.
For questions, suggestions, or more information, call Brenda-Jean Shephard, 310/901-0816.
Worldview and Glory
by Laura Springer, M.Div., Th.M.
“Since God is Creator and Lord,
seeing and understanding his glory
reflected in the stuff of reality should
develop a God-centered worldview…”
The other night at Bible Study, we were
talking about how it is possible for perfect to become
more perfect (Hebrews 9:11). According to our 21st
century understanding of perfect (“conforming
absolutely to the description of an ideal type”, this is impossible. But, if we look at
the Greek term translated “perfect” in Hebrews 9:11
(telios), we see it refers to completeness, maturity, or
adulthood. In the New Testament understanding,
perfect can become more perfect as we raise the bar.
Now, if you’ve glanced up at the title of this
article, you may be wondering what all this talk of
perfection has to do with worldview and glory. I’m so
glad you asked. It has to do with what we see and
what we think it means. One can have a mature
understanding of reality and still have room for
growth. When we look at reality, what do we think
the stuff means?
Humans see, understand, and interpret
everything in the context of a worldview. One with a
more G0d-centered worldview will see God’s hand,
despite creation’s brokenness. One with a more
human-centered worldview may see sin’s corruption,
despite God’s hand in his very good creation
(Genesis 1:31). One with a more material-centered
worldview may see mere stuff, seeing God mainly in
Sunday worship and quiet times. Worldview
becomes more complete when we raise the bar from
the material-centered, to the human-centered, to
This is where glory comes in. Since God is Creator and Lord, seeing and understanding his
glory reflected in the stuff of reality should develop a God-centered worldview, bringing us more in
line with Kingdom life and thought. Since God is Creator and Lord of all, his perspective is the only
proper basis for an adequate and truly complete worldview.
First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 9
Next Events for Seniors & Friends
Glendale Centre Theatre
July 21 (Saturday)
We will be going to see “On Golden Pond.” It is
about Norman Thayer, a cranky 80-year-old retired
professor, and his wife, who are making their annual
pilgrimage to their New England summer cottage. Their
solitude is interrupted when the couple's daughter,
Chelsea, arrives with her fiancé, Bill, and his son, Doug,
in tow. It takes awhile, but Chelsea and Bill, about to go
on a vacation of their own, persuade Mom and Dad to
take care of Doug. Norman and the kid dislike each other
from Square One, and it looks as though this summer
(which may very well be Norman’s last) will be a
depressing experience. Gradually, Norman and Doug
grow to love one another; their bond is strengthened
during a near-fatal accident while fishing. It is through
the warm relationship between Norman and the boy that
the old man and his daughter are at last able to display
affection towards each other--the first time they've done
so in years.
We will leave the church at 1 p.m. and return by 7
p.m. The cost is $20 per person. We will have lunch on
the way, so bring money for that too.
Getty Center
August 23 (Thursday)
The Getty Center in Los Angeles presents the
Getty's collection of European and American art from the
Middle Ages to the present against a backdrop of
dramatic architecture, tranquil gardens, and
breathtaking views.
We will leave the church at 11 a.m. and return
around 5 p.m. Admission is free but bring money for
lunch at the cafeteria on site.
If you want to sign up and/or want more details for any of our Seniors & Friends’ outings,
call Terri Mullin at 310/629-0396.
First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 10
From Missionaries John & Faith Karetji;
TFB Global Outreach
by Pastor Rog
Faith & John
We are so thankful to at last send this newsletter to give
you a quick update with respect to my missionary activities
during the last few months and more importantly, that you will
be encouraged. I hope that these photos will communicate
how grateful we are for God’s faithfulness and goodness.
Firstly, Faith and I are thankful that our children and
grandchildren were able to celebrate Easter with us this year at
our place in Calimesa. This year was also special because
Jonathan, who has been living and working overseas for the
last four years, was able to join us.
We are also thankful for God’s enablement for John to
continue his work overseas. In 2011, John made a total of four
mission trips to Indonesia and one to Australia. As always, the
highlights have been seeing people’s lives being impacted
through the preaching and teaching of the gospel. For
example, last November, 12 people made decisions to get right
with God after the service at an international church in Jakarta.
I talked to one person, who when asked how I could be of help
said, “I just realized that I am lost; could you help me?”
Attending church as a duty or being religious is not
enough—one needs to experience the transformational power
of the gospel and have the peace of God.
We are also thankful for new open doors to preach and teach the gospel to the people who are
working in high rise buildings in the capital city of Jakarta. Every Friday small groups of believers are
allowed to gather for a time of worship in their offices during their lunch
break while their Muslim co-workers are at the mosque. I have been guest
speaker at a number of these services on Friday and many lives have been
impacted as well. In March, I spoke to about 50 people in a company with
2000 employees. The president director, a devout Christian, encouraged this
small group with the words, “we are small in number but remember we are
the salt in this company.”
Finally, we are so thankful for your partnership in our missionary
endeavors. Your long-standing support has sustained and enabled us to do
“Salt” in the company of 2000
the work God has called us to, making the most of every opportunity to share
the gospel. To God be the glory!
Let me quote the apostle Paul to once again express our gratefulness to all of you. “I thank my God
every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your
partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work
in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:3-6). We do pray for you
often so once again, thank you.
In Christ,
John and Faith Karetji
Speaking at a Friday Church
Networking with Christian Workers
First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 11
(Continued from p. 2)
and when I’m unavailable, Gary Schiller capably steps
in for me. In doing this, opportunities to speak with
our guests have arisen and lives have been changed.
What a joy this has been for us. And then . . .
Third, our ministry theme of focusing on
others has been an integral part of our COMMUNITY
BABY SHOWER. Along with the wonderful gifts
which are given to these mom’s at risk here in the
South Bay and beyond, we have built a “bridge” to
them through a time of personal interaction and the
sharing of God’s Word. Each year, our program is
built around how we can share Christ with these ladies
and help them understand His desire to have a
personal relationship with them. Once again,
opportunities to speak personally with these ladies
have been opened to us. Time fails me here to speak
of all of our outreach opportunities here at TFB, but
our SHOEBOX and BACKPACK Ministries have
also spiritually touched others here and clear around
the world. It you’d like more information about how
you can participate with us, please speak with me or
Linda Stratton or with members of our OUTREACH
MINISTRY TEAM. We’d love to speak with you.
Yes, may our prayer as a church family be
centered on being prepared by the Holy Spirit to
minister to others so that when these opportunities
arise, we will be ready and available to be used of
I’m so thankful for His grace to me,
Pastor Rog
Dear TFB Family,
Thank you dear friends for
the beautiful plant in memory of
my Mom. And many, many
thanks to all of you who were so
faithful in keeping her and all of
the family before our great King.
I’d appreciate your prayers that
God would sustain me and that I might be a witness to
His grace. Kathy Wright
More Mail
July 1 (Sunday)
Hiking &
Our next full-moon
hike will be on Sunday,
July 1, leaving the TFB
parking lot at 7:30 p.m. Or
you can meet at the Rolling
Hills Estates City Hall on
the northwest corner of
P.V. Drive North &
We will cross the last weeks of a seasonal
stream, so parents who are bringing their children
might want to pack a towel.
Please bring water, a flashlight, appropriate
clothing and your neighbors and other friends.
Contact Dan Rollino, 310/328-3320, or email: for more information.
Attendance & Giving
Please pray for the following families
who have lost loved ones:
Thank you for giving approximately
$46,766 in the month of May.
Franceen Smith lost her husband, Stuart;
Carol May’s husband, Art, is now with the Lord;
and John Peterson lost his father, Pete.
Summer Camp 2012
First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 12
Jr. High (July 1-6)
Junior Summer Camp
August 13-17
Camp Ponderosa ~ $300
Cost: $360
Contact Trev or Levanna
to sign
up. There are a few spots still available.
We are again asking for donations for our Scholarship Fund to help
our kids go to Camp. The high cost of camp often keeps kids at home. If
you’d like to help in this area, please mark your donations “Scholarship Fund.”
Those who receive these fund are extremely grateful!
Backpacks and School Supplies for Needy Kids
in coordination with Love INC, TUSD BOSS (Bringing
Our Students Supplies), and His House
Due July 2~September 4
Now is the time to start looking for school supplies on sale to help supply
filled backpacks to needy children. Would you like to help one, two or more
children go back to school this fall with some new and fun school supplies? You
can help by purchasing one or more backpacks filled with the following school
supplies: 1½-2” notebook, 1 pkg. paper (wide rule, elementary; college rule,
grades 6-12), 3 pocket folders, 1 box crayons, 1 set of markers or colored
pencils, 3 highlighters, 2 pens, pencils/pencil sharpener, eraser, ruler, pair of
scissors, 2 glue sticks, pencil box or pouch and 1 spiral notebook. Any extra of
the above items will also be appreciated. Bring them to the church office.
We have a few extra backpacks here at the church that you can purchase
in the patio for $10 and fill with the above items.
The Proclaimer is a monthly publication of the First Baptist Church of Torrance, California, located at 2118 West Carson Street (6
blocks east of Crenshaw). Sunday services: 9:15 a.m. Worship Gathering (Contemporary Service); 11:00 a.m. Blended Service
(with Sunday School for all ages); and 6:00 p.m. Evening Service. Mid-week events for children and students: High School Revive;
Jr. High Quest; and Task Force Bravo for children.
For more information, contact the church office: 310.328.5030 or or visit us on the web at