Time to count my blessings. 1. I am thankful that I am not a turkey. 2. I am thankful I have to wear this turkey costume for only one day. 3. I am thankful for lasagna and pizza and potato chips and ice cream and cheese and . . . well, the list goes on & on & on. 4. I am thankful my Pooky, John (the giver of food), and yes, even for Odie. 5. I am thankful for holidays (and all the food that goes with them), Fridays (so much better than Mondays) and naps & hugs (what would we do without them). Thanksgiving Tip from Garfield: “Veggies are a must on Thanksgiving. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie.” Parent’s Name Here 15585 North Haggerty Road Plymouth, Michigan 48170 (743) 420-4044 Light News Calendar Events: Monday, December 2: Gym Kids 3:30-4:30 Turn in December Hot Lunch Order Form Tuesday, December 3: Jump Rope Team 3:30-4:30 Wednesday, December 4: Hot Lunch — Seitan Steak, Mashed ‘Taters, Green Beans Thursday, December 12: Christmas Program 7:00pm Friday, December 20: 2nd Quarter Ends Be sure to fill out the December hot lunch order form and return it with your check this coming Monday. V ol u m e 1, Is s u e 1 5 N ov e mb e r 2 7 , 2 0 1 3 I Loved you Before you Were Born. I Loved you Yesterday. I Love you Still. I Always Have . . . I Always Will. Your Friend, God “Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” Psalm 106:1 God gave you a Gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say I am thankful for my dad who helps me and my mom who makes the food. —Marco I am thankful for my family because they love me. —Aiden I am thankful that Jesus died on the cross for us to save us. —Dylan I am thankful for my family because without them I wouldn’t learn how to do right and what was wrong. —Emerald I am thankful for Jesus because He made everything. —Brody I am thankful for my stuffed animals because they’re all warm and cuddly. —Grace I am thankful for Jesus in my heart. Without Him I would never have life. —Emerald I am thankful for God because He made me and He loves me. —Cierra I am thankful because God made the Earth for us to live on. —Martin I am thankful for my mom and dad because they supply me with food, clothing, shelter and warmth. Oh, and for Markus because he plays with me. —Daniel I am thankful for the life God has given to us all. —Martin I am thankful for my bed because it is warm and cozy. —Cierra “Thank you” ? I am thankful for Jesus’ love. He died to save. —Markus I am thankful that God takes care of my family. —Joel —-William Arthur Ward—- I am thankful for God because He loves me. —Rachel I am thankful for my family because if I didn’t have a family I wouldn’t have a mom. —Levi I am thankful for animals because they are nice to watch. —Levi I am thankful for the air to breathe and the life God gave us. —Marco I am thankful for sleep because it is peaceful. —Adam I am thankful for my mom and dad and my brother and friends that love me. —Natalie I am thankful for my family because they comfort me. —Nate I am thankful for I’m alive and for my sister, Grace, (well, sometimes) and for my mom . . . and my #1: Thank you that Jesus loves me. —Eliyya I am thankful for school because most of my friends are there, —Levi I am thankful for the students in my class and that God has allowed me to teach them. —Mrs. Moore I am thankful because the families we all have protects us. —Emerald I am thankful for my food because I am very hungry right now. —Nate I am thankful for my brother because he plays with me. —Rachel I am thankful for food because it helps you live. —Adam I am thankful for my family because my mommy and daddy are nice to me and adopted me from Ukraine. —Annika I am thankful for my pet gerbil, Ginger, because when I see her she makes me feel joyful. —Grace I am thankful for my dog because she is cuddly.. —Levi I am thankful for sleep because you get to lay down, close your eyes and breathe soothingly. —Hannah I am thankful for the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit will keep you safe. —Hannah Thank you God for everything. Thank You from Grades 3, 4, 5 & 6