the Proclaimer - Torrance First Baptist Church
the Proclaimer - Torrance First Baptist Church
Torrance First Baptist Church the Proclaimer March 2013 Inside this issue: The Pastor’s Heart Reflections We Get Letters: Wedding Invite Church Work Day Daylight Savings Passover Seder CRUX Events Thank You Note Church Sign Update CMTA Event Town Hall Mtngs. Church Directory Blood Drive Attendance/Giving Just for Kids Calendar Singles’ Ministry TFB Academy Srs. & Friends Smile Awhile Global Outreach Reflections (cont.) Sympathy Hiking Ministry New Baby Ladies’ Retreat Proclaimers are also available for viewing and printing on-line: 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 12 Volume 27 Issue 3 Journeymen to Peterson’s Automotive Museum March 16 (Saturday) 10 a.m. ~ 3 p.m. This museum has about 150 vehicles on display in its main galleries on the first floor. The remaining half of the collection is kept in a "vault," located on the basement level of the building. During the month of March, they will be celebrating 60 years of America’s favorite sports car, the Corvette. Twenty of them from all generations will be on display. The cost is $8 for adults and $12 for Seniors, which we will pay at the door plus money for lunch at Johnny Rockets inside the museum. We will meet at the church at 10 a.m. and be back at the church at around 3 p.m. Contact Bill Harenburg online at or call 310/5344439 for more information and or to sign up. Easter Cantata March 24, 6:00 p.m. On its tenth anniversary, Randy Vader and Jay Rouse bring back the musical that defined the message and mystery of the cross for a decade. On a Hill Too Far Away is as relevant today as it was then. Greatly influenced by the John Fischer book of the same title, it is a clarion call to God’s church to bring the cross back to the center of our faith. Bring your family and friends to see this poignant presentation by our Worship Choir under the direction of Randy Stager. Refreshments will be served following the service. ON A HILL First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 2 by Pastor Charlie pleasure but no deep satisfaction or meaning to life. They all take you to the same place, a place of dissatisfaction, frustration, and emptiness. Spur one another on toward love and good deeds There is a very insightful and comforting truth expressed in the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes. It says, “There is nothing new under the sun.” The context is King Solomon searching for meaning in life apart from God. Since he is a king he has a great deal of power and resources at his disposal so he tries everything. He discovers that all those “new” things are not really new, just a twist on the same old stuff. All the things of this world bring only short-term So why is this insight comforting to me? Because it helps me look past all the world has to offer and find true meaning in God. If I am willing to learn from Solomon, it keeps me from going down some paths that lead to hopelessness and emptiness. Jesus said that He came to give abundant life; life with true meaning, purpose, value, and significance. He also said the key to such an abundant life is a love relationship with God. True worship plays a key role in this love relationship. When we bow before God, when we praise Him, adore Him, and thank Him, we are expressing our love for Him. And the more we actively express our love for Him, the more we will experience the abundant life He came to give. We all know that life on this planet can be hard and painful. But as Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4: “We do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” Worship renews our soul, our spirit, even when our bodies are struggling, even though our circumstances may be hard. Is your spirit being renewed every day? If not, then worship God and allow Him to renew your spirit. Pastor Charlie Spur one another on toward love and good deeds by Pastor Rog Dear Church Family, To be encouraged is a blessing. Sadly, many people go through life without ever knowing the reality of this truth. Encouragement can come from many sources, but the greatest expression of encouragement comes from God Himself. As we read Psalm 63:3-5, we see that David has been encouraged by God. He tells us . . . 3 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You… 4I will praise You as long as I live, and in Your Name I will lift up my hands… 5My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise You. As we read these verses, it is obvious that David was encouraged. He was on a spiritual mountaintop as we say. You know, it is difficult for us to praise the Lord when we are experiencing sorrow and despair, but when our lives have been encouraged by the Lord, praise becomes natural. These verses relate to us three encouraging truths about (Continued on page 11) First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 3 We Get Mail All Church Work Day Saturday, March 9 Come one, come all to help keep the Lord’s church building in good repair. Come anytime between 9 and 4 and stay as long as you are able. A Continental breakfast and also a light lunch will be served. Be blessed as you serve the Lord! Passover Seder & Potluck March 30 (Saturday) 6:00 p.m. Join us in the Gym as we participate in an actual Seder as a way to connect with the heritage of our own Christian beliefs and to see how the practices of the ancient world are still relevant to Christianity today. The Passover Seder Plate (above right) is a special plate containing six symbolic foods used during the Passover Seder. Each of the six items arranged on the plate have special significance to the retelling of the story of the Exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt. Learn what each food represents to the Jews and taste some of the elements. You will also: see how Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us; see the Lamb of God pictured in the Old Testament and revealed in the New; appreciate Communion, its roots in the Last Supper and the significance of God’s promise, When I see the blood, I will pass over you”; and have an opportunity to bring family and friends to a clear presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you’re adventurous, you can bring a Jewish dish (see Nathan Montgomery for recipe) or just make your own creation for the potluck. We are asking for a suggested donation of $3/person or $10/family to off-set the cost of the Seder elements which will be provided. First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 4 Announcing 2013 Summer Camps March 3 12:30 ~ 4:00 p.m. Jr. High and High School students will leave the church at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 3, and head for Go Kart World in Carson. The cost of $15 includes 4 rides, ground track, a drink and a churro. Bring a sack lunch or $$ to buy lunch. Parents should pick up their student(s) at 4:00 p.m. from the church. You may want to bring a few extra quarters to play around with the abundance of arcade games. First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 5 Thank you Stamp Savers! To those of you who have faithfully given your used stamps to TFB, we were able to give a $50 check to the Doors of Hope Women’s Shelter. Little things do count. Thank you again, Barbara Cabarrubias Town Hall Meetings in March Mark your calendars and plan to attend one of our special meetings to go over the suggested changes to our church Constitution. They are scheduled to be held in the FIC Room at: 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 3 and 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 9 New Church Sign As you can see, for those of you who attend on Sundays, the new church sign is in the process of being installed. Below is the architectural concept of what it will look like. Barring any problems, it should be up and running by Easter. New Church Directory We are updating the directory and want to make sure we have correct addresses for all who want to be included in it. Please call the office ASAP if you have a new address, phone number, or e-mail address to let us know. We want to make the new directory as accurate as possible. Also, if you weren’t in the last directory and would like to be in it, please call the office to give us you information. 2013 Directory Blood Drive Results Thank you for giving 23 pints of blood at our recent Drive. Because the need is so great, we will be having another one on Saturday, August 24, from 1-7 p.m. Mark your calendar. Christian Ministries Training Association Attendance & Giving Saturday, April 20 7 a.m. ~ 4:30 p.m. This annual Convention takes place at the Pasadena Convention Center. Teachers and children’s workers are invited to attend. There is an exhibit hall and 4 workshop times with several tracks to choose from. Check it out at Only 10 spots are available, so sign up in the patio with Levana ASAP. AVERAGE WEEKLY ATTENDANCE FOR JANUARY = 334 Thank you for giving approximately $39,224 in the month of January. First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 6 Just for w lo l ye KIDS 12 5p Prayer Gathering 24 25 26 6p Committees: Fellowship, Finance, GO, Outreach & Wor. 7p Deacon/ess Meetings 7p Ad Ops 27 20 Upcoming April Events: 29 22 15 8 2 1 Anx. Reserved for Loaves & Fishes 30 6p Passover Seder & Potluck 11:30a Seniors to Glendale Theatre & lunch 6:30p Singles’ Dinner Out 23 10a Journeymen to Peterson Car Museum 7p Share & Care 16 9a Town Hall Meeting 9a All-church Work Day 6:30p Singles’ Game Night 9 11a Loaves & Fishes SAT FRI 4/5: Women’s Ministries Dinner & Movie, 6:30p 4/13: Nawa/Grindle Wedding, 3:30p 4/26-28: Women’s Retreat @ Thousand Pines 28 21 19 18 17 14 10:30a Circle of Friends 7 THU 7p Beacon Light 13 6 WED Daylight Savings 7p C.E. Committee Spring Ahead on Saturday p.m. 5p Prayer Gathering 11 10 5 7p Lauran Bethell Circle 4 3 TUE 2p Sing @ Royalwood 4:30p Town Hall Meeting MON SUN First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 7 Saturday New Covenant (Korean) Prayer: 6 a.m. Friday Ladies meet @ Denny’s for Bkfst.: 9 a.m. Thursday Ladies’ Bible Study: 2 p.m. Worship Band Practice: 6:30 p.m. Next Step Bible Study: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study Fellowship: 9:15 a.m. T.F.B. (K-6th grades): 6:45 p.m. Jr. High QUEST: 6:45 p.m. Small Group Bible Study: 6:45 p.m. Choir Practice: 7 p.m. New Covenant (Korean) Bible Study: 8 p.m. Open Volleyball: 8:15 p.m. Tuesday BSF Leaders: 9:15 a.m. High School Revive: 7 p.m. Monday Ladies’ Prayer: 10:30 a.m. Open Basketball: 6:30 p.m. Worship Services: 9:15 & 11 a.m. Worship & Witness: 6 p.m. Adult Sunday School: 8:15, 9:15 & 11 a.m. Children’s Church: 9:15 a.m. Patio Fellowship: 10:30 a.m. Children & Youth S.S.: 11 a.m. New Covenant Children’s S.S.: 11 a.m. New Covenant (Korean) Wrshp: 12:45 p.m. New Covenant (Korean) Fellowship: 2 p.m. Sunday Recurring Weekly Events: First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 8 Enjoy Time with the Singles’ Fellowship Please invite anyone of any age to join us. Game Night ~ Saturday, March 9, 6:30 p.m. ~ Meeting place - Brandon Kroelinger’s, 1666 W. 257th Street, #3, Harbor City. Bring snacks to share. Dinner Out ~ Saturday, March 23, 6:30 p.m. ~ Meet at Paddy-O’s Irish Pub, 20320 S. Western Avenue at Del Amo Blvd. For questions, suggestions, or more information, call Brenda-Jean Shephard, 310/901-0816. “It’s not safe out there. Or is it?” It’s a messy world. As I finish writing this, the law enforcement officers in Southern California are on high alert, searching for a former officer who has apparently gone on a Psalm 119:41-48 The Waw Strophe vengeful killing spree. A huge blizzard is covering the northeast By Laura Springer, M.Div., Th.M. with several feet of snow. It’s not safe out there. Or is it? God promises to keep his people safe, but this does not mean he will keep them out of distress. God’s version of safety differs from ours. It’s also better than ours. The psalmist knew this all too well. He was surrounded by taunting enemies that sought his harm. Here in the waw strophe, his present distress once again weighs on his mind and he brings his burden to God. the psalmist lays out his request (vv. 41-43), “God knows the truth First, for God’s steadfast love (covenant love) and and he is not surprised by asking for salvation from enemies (v. 41). He recognizes that our trouble.” any ability to face his taunters comes from trust in God to keep him safe in the midst of trouble (v. 42). He ends this section with an echo of his request, asking that the word of truth--the promise of safety--would remain on his lips as he places his sure hope in God’s rules (v. 43). Next, the psalmist lays out the results of trusting God, recognizing his own responsibility to cooperate with God’s work (vv. 44-48). The psalmist intends to obey and seek God’s ways, knowing that the result is true freedom (vv. 44-45). He intends to proclaim God’s truth, wherever he might be, knowing that God’s Word is the source of true delight (vv. 46-47). The psalmist closes the waw strophe by declaring his intention to approach God’s Word in a worshipful and attentive manner (v. 48). So what should we do when life is not safe? First, we confess our distress. God knows the truth and he is not surprised by our trouble. Second, we keep deciding to trust God, who loves us and gave himself for us. Only he can keep us safe through our distress and bring an outcome that is better than we could ask or think. First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 9 Next Event for Seniors & Friends Glendale Centre Theatre March 23 (Saturday) Crazy for You is a romantic love musical with a book by Ken Ludwig, lyrics by Ira Gershwin, and music by George Gershwin. Billed as "The New Gershwin Musical Comedy," it is largely based on the songwriting team’s 1930 musical, Girl Crazy, but interpolates songs from several other productions as well. Crazy for You won the 1992 Tony Award for Best Musical. The plot: When Bobby Child's mother forces him to foreclose on a theater (an action that would lose him the heart of Polly), he decides to put on a play to pay the mortgage. Though the production is unsuccessful, it lays the foundation for career success and true love. We will leave the church at 11:30 a.m. and go to lunch before the play. The cost is $22 plus money for lunch. If you want to sign up and/or want more details for any of our Seniors & Friends’ outings, call Terri Mullin at 310/639-0396. Smile Awhile! More “You Think English Is Easy?” (continued from last month) How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out, and in which an alarm goes off by going on. English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which of course, is not a race at all. That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the light are out, they are invisible. You lovers of the English language might enjoy the following: There is a two-letter word that perhaps has more meanings than any other two-letter word, and that is “UP.” Why do we speak UP and why are officers UP for elections, and why is it Up to the secretary to write UP a report? We call UP our friends. And we use it to brighten UP a room, polish UP the silver; we warm UP the leftovers and clean UP the kitchen. We lock UP the house and some guys fix UP the old car. At other times the little word has real special meaning. People stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite, and think UP excuses. To be dressed is one thing, but to be dressed UP is special. A drain must be opened UP because it is stopped UP. We open UP a store in the morning but we close it UP at night. We seem to be pretty mixed UP about UP! To be knowledgeable about the proper uses of UP, look the word UP in the dictionary. In a desksized dictionary, it takes UP almost 1/4th of the page and can add UP to about thirty definitions. If you are UP to it, you might try building UP a list of the many ways UP is used. It will take UP a lot of your time, but if you don’t give UP, you may wind UP with a hundred or more. When it threatens to rain, we say it is clouding UP. When the sun comes out we say it is clearing UP. When it rains, it wets the earth and often messes things UP. When it doesn’t rain for awhile, things dry UP. One could go on and on, but I’ll wrap it UP For now my time is UP. So it’s time to shut UP. The rest is UP to you. Author Unknown First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 10 From Dr. Paul (Bobby) Gupta President of HBI Global Partners TFB Global Outreach Missionary News Dear Friends, Greetings from Chennai, India! It is with great joy that I write to share with you an experience I had last week. I was assigned the responsibility to teach a course on “Planting and Growing Churches” that would have an impact in covering the earth with the Glory of God as the water covers the sea. As part of the process, I invited 5 guest speakers who are practitioners in multiplying churches across the nation of India. One of them was our alumnus, Dr. Paramandam. He [had come] to HBI in the mid-seventies, a [wealthy] businessman from a Hindu family…[who had] been introduced to the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This resulted in the whole family turning away from their idolatry and embracing the Gospel…. In great gratitude, he read the Scripture [and] felt the call of God in his life. He ended up at HBI and graduated with a Bachelor of Theology in 1978. In 1979 HBI decided to shift gears to equip people with a strategy of not just proclaiming the Gospel but proclamation [along] with making disciples. An international pastor, by the name of Rob, decided to be part of our strategy and wanted to have a national that he could work with in establishing a worshipping community. Paramandam had just graduated….and HBI introduced Paramandam to Rob which resulted in HBI students [beginning] on a consistent basis to go and serve in a triad partnership to help establish the first worshipping community. No one dreamed...what God was going to do…. The new paradigm fascinated Paramandam as he heard God say to him that he needed to go to the place [where he had grown up] and start a church. It was very challenging because in the city of Chennai this was where all the evil was taking place…. Paramandam began proclaiming the Gospel by preaching in the streets along with our students and within the first 10 days, 12 families [had] responded. From that base he began the ministry! Today God has helped Paramandam to plant 133 churches around Chennai and different parts of India as far as Manipur. I was so encouraged to know just one of our graduates was able to make such an impact. Over 10,000 men and women have graduated from HBI. They are all serving the Lord all over Friends, I just wanted to say thank you for your faithfulness in praying, supporting and helping HBI to fulfill its vision of building transformational leaders to disciple the nation…. I spent two weeks in China equipping the believers and church movements, casting vision and helping them to understand what a nation would look like when the task was complete. I wish you had been there to listen to the purpose statements that came [from the various] groups that were present. One that caught my attention was “When the task is completed in China, every home would be a worshiping center every day as they equip men and women, boys and girls so that the Bride of Christ is prepared for the coming of our Lord.” ...This is a new day and God is doing great things! Doors are opening, the Church is expanding and the message is available. One last word, thank you for helping [a recent container of books to reach the campus.] We have two more containers that need to be shipped. [It costs] $10,000 per container to clear customs. If God leads you to have a part [in providing for the cost to ship these containers], please donate. Your generous giving will help us make a difference in building transformational leaders for the discipling of the nation. Praying for you and may the Lord bless you, Bobby Gupta First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 11 Continued from p. 2 the Lord. First, He is a God Who loves us abundantly… “Your love is better than life,” David reminds us. God’s love is also steadfast. May we understand that true love is not a fickle emotion; it is an act of the will. Our great God doesn’t love us because we’re “loveable.” No He loves us because He wills to love us. Yes, He loves us with an everlasting love that can never be cancelled. It is as David told us…“a love better than life.” Second, He is a God who satisfies. David mentioned that “his soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods.” Food can be satisfying, but as we all know it is a satisfaction that soon passes. How different is the nourishment which the Lord Jesus gives to us. Certainly the woman at the well understood this for just one drink of the water of life which Christ supplied, would satisfy her completely. She would never thirst again (John 4:14)! Third, David reminds us that God is a God of joy. Singing lips come from a joyful heart, and a joyful heart comes from experiencing the joy of Jesus. As we continue on our journey of discipleship with the Lord Jesus, may we rest assured in the great love and care He has for each of us. Yes, it is a wonderful blessing to be encouraged by our wonderful Lord, and as He encourages us, may we also take the time to encourage one another. I’m resting in His great care, Pastor Rog Please pray for the following families that have recently lost a loved one: Vicky Stager lost her step-dad, Ray, and Ruben Perez lost his grandmother, Espy. Hiking Ministry Friday March 29 7:00 p.m. Meet in the church parking lot and we will carpool to the Royal Palms County Beach in San Pedro for our full-moon hike. Contact Art Sigsbury,, or call 949/4586062 if you have any questions. First Baptist Proclaimer — Page 12 Ladies’ Retreat at Thousand Pines April 26-28 Ladies, sign up for our annual retreat at Thousand Pines. Save your rustic spot with a $50 deposit. “New cabin” ladies, please reserve with full payment--space for the new cabin is limited to the first 26 who pay. The speaker is Sherri Alden. Through life's amazing moments and profound disappointments, Sherri is learning to follow Jesus and longing to help others know Him...not just about Him. Her desire to creatively connect, influence and draw other people to the heart of God is expressed through her gifts and experience as a speaker, worship leader, worship curator and programmer/producer/director of services, special events, national conventions and concerts. Sherri enjoys being on the team at Slingshot Group, a ministry serving churches across the nation through pastoral staffing and coaching. She also invests her energy in teaching at Biola University, actively mentoring and equipping next generation leaders. She is married to a great guy and has three wonderful kids who love life together in San Juan Capistrano, California. Worship Leader is Toni DeJesus-Coloma! Activities offered: * Arte Shoppe * Malt Shop * Big Oak Café * Massages * Afternoon Tea * Frisbee Golf * BINGO * Rec Equipment * Paintball * Hiking Trails * Confidence Course Mountain Bikes * Shuttles to Lake Arrowhead Village for Shopping * Lake Arrowhead Queen Boat Tour * Crestline Shopping and Dining * Foosball, Air Hockey, Ping Pong, Basketball, Board Games and more! Cost: $165 for the NEW CABIN! $149 for Rustic. Sign-up at the WM table in the patio; the bus is available too. The Proclaimer is a monthly publication of the First Baptist Church of Torrance, California, located at 2118 West Carson Street (6 blocks east of Crenshaw). Sunday services: 9:15 a.m. Worship Gathering (Contemporary Service); 11:00 a.m. Blended Service (with Sunday School for all ages); and 6:00 p.m. Evening Service. Mid-week events for children and students: High School Revive; Jr. High Quest; and Task Force Bravo for children. For more information, contact the church office: 310.328.5030 or or visit us on the web at
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