1 Sunday - First African Baptist Church
1 Sunday - First African Baptist Church
st 1 Sunday Chronicle PASTOR’S MESSAGE Joy! Joy! Joy! Tavis Smiley is author of “How to Make Black America Better.” While I am profoundly disappointed in his dislike for President Barack Obama, I agree with him on the following: 1. Register to vote or shut up. SUNDAY, October 6, 2013 8. Stop being jealous of one another. Learn to look past the material things and see the person for who he or she is. 9. Say a prayer for someone besides yourself. 10. Get involved in at least one church and/or community organization. 11. Hug your child, spouse and parent today. 12. Love one another. 13. Stop talking about it and be about it. 14. Let God order your steps instead of the world. 15. P. U. S. H.: 2. Learn another language. 3. Stop using the “N” word. 4. Stop walking past each other and not speaking. 5. Be on time for something…anything. 6. Get an annual checkup; herbs do not cure everything. 7. In all thy ways acknowledge God and He will direct your path. Today’s Sermon Theme: “Lord, Help Me to Be Better and Not Bitter” Text: Exodus 15:22-27 KJV Pastor Richard A. Dent PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS Love and Joy, Pastor Dent 22) So Moses brought Israel from the Red sea, and they went out into the wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and 23) found no water. And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were bitter: therefore the name of it was 24) 25) called Marah. And the people murmured against Moses, saying, What shall we drink? And he cried unto the LORD; and the LORD shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he 26) proved them, And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am 27) the LORD that healeth thee. And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters. Exodus 15:22-27 (KJV) October 6, 2013 HOLY BAPTISM & THE LORD’S SUPPER Moments of Prayer & Praise…………………………….…………………………………………….….…….Praise & Worship Ministry Call to Worship Hymn of Praise #81………………………….……………………………………………………….………………………...Lead Me To Calvary Selection…….……………………………….……………………………………………………………………………….…………..Sanctuary Choir Morning Prayer Words of Welcome……………………………………………………………………………………………....Deaconess Ramona Oliphant Offering Missions Tithes Pastoral Comments Hymn of Preparation…………………………………………….…………………………………………………….……….……Sanctuary Choir Sermon Theme: Text: Call to Christian Discipleship Church Covenant The Lord’s Supper Benediction “Lord, Help Me to Be Better and Not Bitter” Exodus 15:22-27 (KJV) Pastor Richard A. Dent IN THE SPOTLIGHT Southeast Delco Teachers and Administrator’s Luncheon At First African Baptist Church By Sister Delores Ellison On August 27, 2013 the fifth annual Back to School Teachers Luncheon was held here at First African Baptist Church. Over three hundred and twenty administrators, directors, teachers and support personnel scurried into the “AGAPE ROOM” with great excitement and anticipation. Chatter was everywhere, along with hugs, handshakes and laughter. The staff was overjoyed to celebrate a new school year. The teachers were entertained by Chad Hudson, Autumn White-Bankston, Kiara Brown, Jasmine Ferguson and Miai Hill. The Students shared their learning experiences from last semester and what they hoped to learn this year. The teachers were told they are like gardeners, weeding, shaping and clearing space for growth in our children’s minds. In conclusion, Superintendent Stephen Butz and teacher Dorothy Barella cited the food and fellowship as a welcomed treat. It is a rare occasion when all of the staff can gather as a group and share a meal, and First African made it possible. Joy was had by all. HEALTHCARE MINISTRY A NEW MINISTRY AT FIRST AFRICAN TIP FOR OCTOBER COMFORT CARE SUPPORT MINISTRY Breast Cancer Awareness Month Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer found in women in the United States. It is also the leading cause of cancer deaths among women between the ages of 20- 39 and 40- 59. Breast cancer occurs when breast cells that line the ducts become malignant (cancerous). Unlike benign (not cancerous) tumors, malignant tumors are made up of abnormal cells that grow without normal controls and invade normal breast tissue. These tumors can spread outside the breasts to other parts of the body through the lymph system or blood stream. Early detection and treatment offer the best chance of surviving breast cancer. When breast cancer is confined to the breast, the 5- year survival rate is 98 percent. You must take an active role in the health of your breast and develop your personal 3- step early detection plan. Your plan must include: 1. Annual screening mammography for women starting at age 40. Women under age 40 with either a family history of breast cancer or other concerns about their personal risk should consult with a health care provider about risk assessment (your chance of getting breast cancer), when to start getting mammograms and how often to have them. 2. Clinical breast exams (CBE) by a health care provider at least every 3 years starting at age 20, and annually after 40. 3. Monthly breast self- examination (BSE) starting by age 20 to become familiar with the normal look and feel of your breasts so you will be aware if a change occurs. If you have any warning signs you must not ignore. See your health care provider if you notice any of the following: Lump, hard knot or thickening Swelling, warmth, redness or darkening Change in the size or shape Dimpling or puckering of the skin Itchy, scaly sore or rash on your nipple Pulling in of your nipple or other parts Nipple discharge that starts suddenly New pain in one spot that does not go away Susan G. Komen for the Cure (1-877-465-6656)/www.komen.org The American Cancer Society (1-800-227-2345)/ www.cancer.org By Sisters Beverly Thompson & Tara Hayden First African Baptist Church has initiated a new ministry called the Comfort Care Support Ministry. This ministry will provide support and COMFORT to members of First African Baptist Church who have a life-limiting illness. A life-limiting illness is one that has reached a stage that is progressive and incurable and the person has some combination of the following: is not eating and drinking, needs considerable assistance with bathing and dressing, is nearly bedridden, is weak and has weight loss. Eight members of First African Baptist Church have completed an intensive training program to serve as Comfort Care Supporters to assist in bridging the communication gap about end of life care among health professionals, patients and their families. The Comfort Care Supporters will provide faith-based support to persons and their families facing a lifelimiting illness and end-of-life issues. The Comfort Care Supporters will serve as a guide for the patient and family. They are like a GPS. The GPS does not decide where a person goes but it helps by giving directions based on where a person says they want to go. Comfort Care Supporters will also help by explaining terms and resources associated with end of life care. The Comfort Care Supporters will begin visiting members who are identified as having a lifelimiting illness beginning Fall 2013. Additionally, the Comfort Care Support Ministry will offer workshops on various aspects on end of life care. Members of First African will receive information and materials on end of life care. This project has been fully supported and endorsed by Reverend Dent in collaboration with Dr. Jerry Johnson and Ms. Tara Hayden of the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics. MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS Whatever you do, do it hardly as to the Lord. (Colossians 3:23) THE SECURITY MINISTRY WOMEN’S MINISTRY BREAKFAST HIGHLIGHTS By Sister Janie Strong and Deaconess Geneva Eldridge October, 2013 The Security Ministry safeguards, supports and assists our church family, visitors and other ministries during worship services, weekly activities and special events by securing the church and maintaining a visual presence during all church functions. This Ministry also supervises parking and directs worshippers to and from parking facilities and maintains a cordial relationship with neighboring churches, property owners and members of the community. “I will do more than suffer, I will triumph.” Security members receive training in evacuation procedures, police and medical emergency polices. CPR & AD certification is also available. New members are welcome! Deacon Joseph Groves and Deacon Neal Williams Ministry Leaders THE WORD OF LIFE BOOKSTORE By Sister Janie Strong and Deaconess Geneva Eldridge The CLC Book Center at First African Baptist Church in Sharon Hill, PA is the fulfillment of a long term dream of Pastor Richard Dent and the First African Baptist Church family. This historic partnership with CLC had been in the planning and discussion phase for nearby three years. To God’s glory, this plan was fully realized Sunday, October 28, 2007, when CLC launched its second church store in the USA. Today, this store is a beacon of hope to the Sharon Hill community and a resource center for this vibrant congregation. The purpose of Word of Life Bookstore is to provide our church family and the surrounding community with materials needed to live a fuller, more victorious life. Seekers can find healing, encouragement, and wisdom with a variety of bibles, books, music and devotionals, all available to help you walk in a more intimate relationship with the Lord. Deaconess Shirley Brockenborough Ministry Leader Christian Literature Crusade Church Store Coordinator At our September breakfast, we received a powerful challenge to service by Rev. Beverly Hudson. All present were surely inspired to move forward to do more. Approximately twenty women accepted the challenge presented by the theme “I will do more than belong, I will participate. They signed on to become a member of a ministry. That opportunity is still available to you if you are not connected. For information on how to contact a ministry leader, contact the church secretary or church clerk. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. At our next breakfast we will celebrate the lives of not only breast cancer survivors but survivors of all types of cancer. Please join us as we listen to their testimonies of triumph. Our special guest will be Sister Theresa Turner, a two time breast cancer survivor. We encourage you to invite your family and friends and anyone who can be an encourager or anyone who is in need of an encouraging word. Don’t miss our surprise fun activity. Saturday, October 19, 2013 8:45 am Agape Room Sister Beatrice Dent, Ministry Leader MEN’S RETREAT WEEKEND OCTOBER 25 – 26, 2013 FIRST AFRICAN BAPTIST CHURCH MEN’S RECOGNITION BANQUET SATURDAY, October 12, 2012 5:00 pm Agape Room THE PROFILE AND PURPOSE OF A KINGDOM MAN 19-21 What actually took place is this: I tried keeping rules and working my head off to please God, and it didn’t work. So I quit being a “law man” so that I could be God’s man. Christ’s life showed me how, and enabled me to do it. I identified myself completely with him. Indeed, I have been crucified with Christ. My ego is no longer central. It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God. Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not “mine,” but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not going to go back on that. Galatians 2:19-21 (MSG) GUEST PREACHERS PASTOR DERRICK BRENNAN, CANAAN BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR EDWARD SPARKMAN, SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR WAYNE CROFT, WEST CHESTER BAPTIST CHURCH OUR MEN BEING RECOGNIZED: COST: $130.00 PER PERSON FRIDAY (6PM – 10PM) SATURDAY (8AM – 10 PM) DEACON KEVIN JASEY MINISTER WENDELL JONES BROTHER JOSEPH GRANT BROTHER CURTIS POLLARD BROTHER TYRONE JACKSON, JR. Cost: Adults ($30.00) Children under 18 ($15.00) YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO REGISTER WOMEN’S MINISTRY RETREAT I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13 (KJV) Brothers Bob Hawkins & Ken Lockett Ministry Leaders Date: April 4 – 6, 2014 Location: Double Tree Hotel Wilmington, Delaware Reverend Dr. Richard A. Dent, Pastor Cost: Double Occupancy $265.00 “I WILL DO MORE, I WILL SAY YES.” Single Occupancy $300.00 GOSSIP GAL’S HIGHLIGHTS! A Night at the Theatre By Sister Gwen Freeman ANNUAL YOUTH FALL REVIVAL Sponsored by the youth of First African Baptist Church THEME: “FOLLOW ME TO GET TO HIM.” John 14:1-4 On Saturday, September 7, 2013 B.W. Watkins Scholarship Ministry presented an original play entitled: “The Gossip Gals” that was written and directed by Reverend Crystal Jay. This play focuses on how we handle gossip. Gossip is easily spread within the church. The cast includes; Exh. Alice Evans , Reverend Gennifer Reed, Sister Erica Bennett, Sister Denise Patterson, Brother Tyrone Macey, Brother Donald Jay, Brother Chaz McGill, our very own Brother Joseph Barton who plays Pastor D. L. Love and musician Brother Nate Jordan. There was an original song that Reverend Jay wrote along with some old familiar songs of the church that were sung by some of the cast members. This hilarious play was well received by over 350 audience members. The question becomes “Are you spreading GOSSIP or THE GOSPEL?” In a candid interview with Reverend Jay, she revealed how she was led to create such a vivid word from GOD through this play and others like it. The Ministry is called CME Ministry (Christ Means Everything). This ministry was birthed in 2006 while Reverend Jay was affiliated with Mount Zion CME Church, Sharon Hill, Pa. The Ministry was created to help the audience apply the teachings of GOD while they are yet struggling with their faith amidst life’s daily struggles and to let them know that while we are going through, GOD’s ever presence is still surrounding us. Reverend Jay’s plays depict the many challenges we all are currently going through, have already been through or those that are on the way. Reverend Jay’s prayer is that the audience will receive life lessons and experiences through her plays. Her goal is to bring the bible to life in the now time. The GOSSIP GALS is the second play that she was BLESSED to create. The first play in this series was entitled “The Senior Prom” with the three original cast members Exh. Alice Evans, Reverend Gennifer Reed and Reverend Crystal Jay. May I say that my interview with the other cast members was quite interesting, especially Reverend Gennifer Reed who plays “Gert” in this play. I have been told that a third play in this series “Here Comes the Bride” will relate to forgiveness. Look for this play February of 2014. We pray that GOD will continue to use Reverend Crystal Jay and her anointed cast as they deliver a word through drama to their audience, bringing the BIBLE TO LIFE………. AMEN OCTOBER 9, 10 & 11, 2013 7:00 PM Reverend Frank Smart, Pastor Saint Paul AME Church Philadelphia, PA Guest Revivalist October 9th & 11th fo Reverend Carolyn Cavaness, Pastor First African AME Church Sharon Hill, PA Guest Revivalist October 10th Come out and Join our Youth as they Celebrate their Annual Youth Revival Reverend Beverly S. Hudson Sister Shirley Officer Youth Ministry Leadership Team Rev. Dr. Richard A. Dent, Pastor NOTES OF THANKS FELICIDADES! HONGERA! COMPLIMENTI! th The 2013 25 Anniversary Youth Retreat participants wish to thank each of you who supported this ministry. Your donations and prayers blessed us all. May you all be blessed as you have blessed us! The Youth Retreat Committee Pastor Dent, Words cannot express the thanks for all of the love you and my church family showed with the passing of my father. My family and I will forever be grateful. Much thanks to Sister Eva and the Comfort choir, Ushers, Sister Kitty Luker, Sister Frances Johnson and B.W. Watkins for their help during this difficult time. Sister Donna & Jordon Harris Pastor, Mrs. Dent, Rev. Hudson and My First African Church Family, My soul is filled from the outpouring of prayers, cards and support I received from you, my gracious church family. God is blessing me each day as I heal. Your love has been an important ingredient in my progression. I thank you abundantly. Joy! Sister Rebecca Newby To Pastor Dent, Mrs. Dent and our First African Baptist Church Family Thank you very much for the beautiful Resolutions, the many acts of kindness, and every prayer petitioned and all of the love shown to Sylvia and me during a very difficult time in our lives. Losing my brother so suddenly was surreal but with continued prayers I know that God will make it easier. We are blessed that God has placed people like you in our lives; it lifts our hearts to know how much you care. May God continue to bless each of you. Henry & Sylvia Carr Pastor Richard & Beatrice Dent and First African Church Family, This is just a note to thank everyone for your care and concern toward me during my recent illness. Pastor Dent, thank you for mentioning me during our Morning Prayer service. You are my friend and it was indeed a pleasure to hear you call out my name personally. I want to say thanks to my two sisters, Cynthia and Estell and my three daughters, Renee, Sheila and Kimberly for their tender loving care. Special thanks to Chosen 300, Lydia Brown and Sam and Karen Sudler. God Bless all of you. Love and Joy, Marion Mitchell (Swahili) (Spanish) (Italian) CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations to Sister Bernice Johnson, a 29 year employee of the city of Philadelphia, who after being employed by the Department of Licenses and Inspections for 18 years, has been promoted to the position of Field Operations Manager. In this position, she will manage approximately sixty inspectors and ten supervisors whose responsibility it is to enforce various city codes and regulations. Her appointment is the first for an African American and is the first for a woman. To God be the glory! If you or if you know of someone at First African who has achieved or experienced a significant life event recently, please share your good news with us. You may contact our Roving Reporter, Church Clerk, Sister Gwen at gwenbfree@yahoo.com. Welcome to our new members who joined in September, 2013 Sister Sharon Coates Brother Clayton E. Corley, Sr Brother Clayton E. Corley, Jr. Brother Jerron Corley Sister Victoria J. Corley Sister Briana Lee Brother Keith Morris Sister Linnell Supplee Sister Patricia Wilkes Sister Clarissa Winslow HAVE YOU READ THE BOOK? Jesus invites us to come and dine with Him as did the disciples. After having been fed by Him and after having fellowshipped with Him, the disciples’ doubts dissolved. Their faith was renewed (John 21: 4-14). Likewise, the answers you seek and the strength you need can be found only by feeding on God’s word and by fellowshipping with Him in prayer. COME TO BIBLE STUDY! OUR KNOWN SICK AND SHUT-IN House of Andrew (W) – Dea. Charles Settles 302-838-7921 House of Simon (F, N, O) – Dea. Thomas Davis 215-365-3077 Sister Elizabeth Washington Sister Deborah Williams Sister Evelyn Francis Sister Ruth White Sister Elna Williams Rev. Gary Williams 714 S. 55th Street, Phila. PA 19143 7701 Lindbergh Blvd. Apt. 2224 Philadelphia, PA 19153 1014 Burnside Road, Sharon Hill, PA 19079 Studevan Apts., 1101 Hook Rd. Apt. 201, Sharon Hill, PA 19079 1038 Stetser Avenue, Yeadon, PA 19050 House of Bartholomew (S) – Dea. Joseph Tribbey 610-874-6056 Sister Lizette Steward 143 Bartram Ave, Lansdowne, PA 19050 House of James (Alphaeus) (J, K) Dea. Joe Burch 610-532-8755 Sister Ida Johnson Sister Darlene Jackson Sister Deborah Jenkins 1101 Hook Road, Apt. 204, Sharon Hill, PA 19079 1010 Baird Ave, Yeadon, PA 19050 600 Grant Rd. 19A, Folcroft, PA 19023 House of James (Zebedee) (H) – Dea. Kevin Youngblood 610-485-1278 Sister Margaret Holmes Brother Lloyd Hardy Sister Mary Hairston Sister Gwendolyn Handsome Deaconess Berneastine Hammond Sister Georgia Anne Hope 1401 Tribbitt Ave, Sharon Hill, PA 19079 1560 Hermesprota Dr., Sharon Hill, PA 19079 831 Fern St., Yeadon, PA 19050 1508 Hermesprota Dr., Sharon Hill, PA 19079 84 N. Lansdowne Ave. Apt. 202 Lansdowne, PA 19050 931 Burnside Rd, Sharon Hill, PA 19079 House of John (M, P) – Dea. Sam Sudler 215-492-9103 Sister Hattie Moore Sister Thelma Poole Bishop Hill, Apts. 151 S. Bishop Ave, Apt. M214, Secane, PA 19018 914 Yeadon Ave, Yeadon, PA 19050 House of Matthew (E, G) – Dea. Esdene Handsome, Sr. 610-583-6588 Sister Audrey Gale Deacon Roy Gilliam 1110 Tribbitt Ave, Sharon Hill, PA 19079 1116 Tribbitt Ave, Sharon Hill, PA 19079 House of Matthias (D, I, L, Q, U, V, Y, Z) – Dea. Charles Kent 215-492-6073 Deaconess Dorothy Latney 6123 Washington Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19142 House of Peter (B) – Dea. David Thorpe 610-583-4254 Sister Beverly Barton Sister Juanita Brown Sister Juanita A. Brown Sister Virginia Brown Sister Sarah Burns Lillian Barksdale 905 Greenhill Rd., Sharon Hill, PA 19079 7999 Crescent Blvd., Pennsauken N.J. 08110 204 Walnut Street, Morton, PA 19070 Fair Acres, 340 N. Middletown Rd. Bldg. 8, Rm#419A, Lima, PA 19037 1021 S. 4th Street, Apt. 805, Phila. PA 19147 Manor Care Nursing Home, 14 Lincoln Ave, Yeadon, PA 19050 House of Phillip (C) – Dea. Nelson Brockenborough 302-475-7029 Sister Helen Crawford-Dingle Brother Darryl Coates Sister Mischelle Coleman Sister Sharon Cuffee 101 Lafayette St., Collingdale, PA 19023 8000 Mars Place, Phila, PA 19153 7000 Clover Ln, Upper Darby, PA 19082 30 Dover Lane, Sicklerville, N.J. 08081 Westgate Hills Nursing Home, 2050 Old West Chester Pike, Rm#123, Bed #1, Havertown, PA 19083 St. Francis Country House Nursing Home, 1412 Lansdowne Ave, Darby PA, 19023 Brother Leroy Francisco House of Thaddaeus (A, R) - Dea. Tino Gilliam 856-466-2881 Sister Amy Alexander Fountains at Franklin, 28301 Franklin Rd, Apt. 2390-B, Southfield, MI 48034 734 Primos Ave., Primos, PA 19018 Little Flower Manor Nursing Home, 1201 Springfield Rd., Rm#4B, Darby, PA 19023 Sister Marian Agresto Sister Mary Russell House of Thomas (T) – Dea. Kenneth Baines 610-430-2194 Deacon Harvey Taylor & Sister Cheryl Taylor Sister Gladys Thompson Sister Deborah Terry 29995 West Chapel Ave, Apt. LG Cherry Hill, N.J. 08002 1454 N. Redfield St., Phila, PA 19151 502 Clifton Ave., Sharon Hill, PA 19079 Mark Your Calendars October - December 1st Operation Winter Warmth - Please donate Hats, Gloves and Scarves for those in need. Sponsored by the Missionary Ministry October 9th, 10th & 11th Annual Youth Revival @ 7:00 pm each night October 12th Women of Faith Support Ministry @ 9:00 am “We All Get Angry At Times, So What Should We Do About It?” October 12th Men’s Recognition Banquet @ 5:00 pm October 18th Marriage Enrichment Ministry @ 6:30 pm October 19th GUESS Ministry outing to “Sister Giving Back” 8:30 am – 5pm Temple University’s Ritter Annex Women’s Ministry Fellowship Breakfast @ 8:45 am – “I will do more than suffer, I will triumph.” October 25th & 26th Men’s Retreat Weekend October 27th Men’s Day, Bishop Anthony Hanna, Guest Preacher 2:30 pm Alzheimer’s Support Ministry speaker Dr. Jerry C. Johnson October 30th Flower Guild Outing, Patterson NJ WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS WEEK AT FIRST AFRICAN BAPTIST CHURCH October 6 – October 12, 2013 HOLY BAPTISM & THE LORD’S SUPPER Sunday, 10/6 8:45 am Sunday School and New Discipleship Class 9:45 am Worship Service Monday, 10/7 6:30 pm Youth Workers Meeting 6:00 pm Angelic Choir Rehearsal Youth Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm Christmas Concert Choir Rehearsal “Chapel” 7:00 pm Rose of Sharon Missionary Meeting Tuesday, 10/8 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Wednesday, 10/9 Thursday, 10/10 P.H.I.T. Fitness Class - (Annex) Discipleship Class Usher’s Meeting Voices of Joy Rehearsal 12:00 pm Noon Day Prayer 7:00 pm Youth Revival 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Emergency Food Cupboard - Annex 6:30 pm Girl Scouts - Annex 7:00 pm Youth Revival Friday, 10/11 7:00 pm Youth Revival Saturday, 10/12 9:00 am 10:00 am 12:30 pm 5:00 pm BOOKSTORE HOURS Wednesday 11:00am – 1:30pm Wednesday 6:30pm – 8:30pm Saturday 11:30am – 1:30pm Sunday 9:00am – 10:00am & After Service Phone: 610-461-1108 Women of Faith Support Ministry Bible Study Lil & Teen Praise Dance Rehearsal Men’s Recognition Banquet First African Baptist Church 901 Clifton Avenue Sharon Hill, PA 19079 610-461-0350 Office Hours Monday through Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm Evenings 6:00pm – 9:00pm Email: FABC-joy@fabc.microsoftonline.com ChurchClerks@fabc.microsoftonline.com Web-site: www.fabc-joy.org CREDIT UNION HOURS Sunday 9:00am – 10:00am & After Service Wednesday 7:00pm – 8:00pm Phone: 610-532-7014 Fax: 610-461-3471 NURSERY Open to children 1 to 6 years of age. Infants are welcome when accompanied by a parent.