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ILLUSTRATED l^.,,! lillll ilffiI[lilffiil[il] IiM^trt t-*l#:U.;l^achine'com Air"ta{.^,,,.o,spBY-5A P\ane)4t""" ?tiun'zoos ?ll"i;*:[l,*ftX.'"; fl:,.$$JF.'ff for him, pickedup by the wrongside! laneSailing's Catalina, lovingly dubbed unfortunately along the 'RastaCat'by someairshow-goers Thelossof 44-33915 is commemorated, dueto itsformerscruffybut colourful with all other8th Air Forceaircraftlosses, on the paintscheme,underwent glasspanelsentitled'Counting firebomber a the Cost'alongthe repaintin June.Sheemerged fromthe entrance walkwayto the American Air Museumat - which,coincidentally paintshopat Cambridge Duxford in an overall enough,is where glosswhiteliverywith minimalist this Catalinais nowbased. markings to represent an aircraftflownfrom RAF Flyinga thirstyaircraftlikethis purelyfor a photoshootis not reallyan option,so arranging the Halesworth in WW2,namely44-33915 meanttakinga lookat PlaneSailing's Sophistlcat, oneof the USArmyAir Force's OA-10A assignment operated by the 5th Emergency calendarand pickingan airshowtransitflightthat Catalina amphibians Rescue Souadron of the 8th Air Force.Thiswasone wouldfit the bill.23 Junejumpedout immediately as beinga longtransitto the AirPower05 showat of severalsuchaircraftusedto locateand rescue downedAlliedairmen,andwasdetailedto search Zeltwegin Austria- havingpassedmy geography examsat school,I was prettysurethis involveda for a ditchedUSAAFP-5lD Mustangpiloton sectoroverwater,whichis just whereI wantedthe 30 March1945.TheOA-10Alandedon the North aircraftto befor at leastsomeof the photos.This Seanearthe Dutchcoastbut wasunableto takeoff of PlaneSailingandthe day againbecause of enginetroubles, andwasattacked metwith the approval andsunkby Me262sthe nextday- thanKully, in question dawnedbrightandsunny,an incredible boththe crewof the Catalina andthe P-51 pilot strokeof luckduringwhat hasbeenan aMullygrey panicaboutbeing However, wererescued. the unluckyP-51flierwas, year.Aftera brieflast-minute 6 0 1a ableto fly the cameraship into Duxfordearly enoughthat morning(sortedthanksto a friendly FISO),we briefedthe shootand letthe Catalina pilots,RodBrooking geton with and KeithSissons, takestimefor the old girlto warmup, but soonenoughwe wereboth airborneand routingnorthof Stansted's control zonebeforeturningtowardsClactonand beginning the shoot. TheCat'sarrivalat Zeltwegwas restricted to a particular time slot,puttingthe crewundera certainamountof time pressure if theydid not wantto be forcedto divertelsewhere. Conscious of this, I intendedto get mostof my shotswithout requiring the PBYto deviatefrom its intended course,insteadusingthe superioragilityof the cameraship to reposition aroundthe subject aircraftto get shotsfromvariousangleswhile remainingat a safedistance.Regardless of that, fromtimeto timethe rumbleof herengines could be madeout abovethe noiseof the camera *,.l\r,t ,& k!*H"i& aircraft's own powerplant. Sparkling in the sunlight overthegreenfieldsof Essex, shemadea magnificent sight- anda veryappropriate one, giventhe amphibian's newmarkings withtheir EastAnglianconnection. HadUSAAFOA-1OAs in thesecoloursbeenseenin theseveryskiesduring WW2, I wondered? Oneof the privileges of doing thissortof thingis just beingableto takethe cameraawayfromyoureyefor a few momentsin orderto drinkin thesheerspectacle of a beautiful in itselement. aircraft All too soon,the coastwas in sight,So.after a coupleof quickturnsoverthe mostphotogenic b i t so f c o a s t l i naev a i l a b lteo u s ,i t w a st i m ef o r the finalsequence of shots.We followedthe Catalina out overthe NorthSeafor a few minutes u n t i lt h e m u d d yw a t e rc l e a r e ad l i t t l ea n dt h e n peeiedawayto go backto base and dig througha CFcardfull of shotslMeanwhile, the PBYmadeit to Zeltweglatethat afternoon aftera bigtrip for this wonderful old aircraft. P l a n eS a i l i n go p e r a t e st h e C a t a l i n af o r t h e C a t a l i n a A i r c r a f tL t d s y n d i c a t ea n d , a t t h e t i m e o f w r i t i n g ,s t i l l h a s t w o s h a r e sa v a i l a b l e - s e et h e o r g a n i s a t i o n ' s w e b s i t ea t www.catan l i a b o o kni g s . o r g f o r m o r ed e t a i l s a , long w i t h i n f o r m a t i oo nn a i r s h o w sa t w h i c h y o u c a n s e et h e P B Y ,T h e s a m es i t e a l s op r o v i d e sa l i n kt o T h e C a t a l i n a S o c i e t ym , e m b e r so f whichsupporthe udLdilild 5 uilBulrB operatlon.
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