Low-Power FM And Microbroodcosting: The Lotest News Will SurPrise
Low-Power FM And Microbroodcosting: The Lotest News Will SurPrise
TECHNOLOGY BROADCAST by EruceA. Conti,BAconti@aalcon FMAnd Microbroodcosting: Low-Power You! TheLotestNewsWillSurPrise ave you hexrd the news? Communityserliceis aliveand wellon theradio.Theres a revolurion in public broadcastinggoing on right now across the dial. Small lowpower radio statjons are carrylng the newsofyou| comnnmily and servrngthe pubtic with Prcgranming not lbxnd amongthe big guns,thanksto arelativcly newlow-power FM serYicecreatedby LheFCC. Meanwhile, alternativebroadcaste$in big citie$arebypassingtheFCC in order to servetheirlocalcomnunltles Welcome 1C)the excitjng world of low- FM Low-Power Sisno side tlL l57l) WKNM,ridio (Fit rhab bt RonGilschiet) power(ERP)of 100wattsor asliltlc as diliding thc servioc essenxially l0 wa11s, LPl00 LP10.rnd inrotwoclasses, 'l'hcmaxinl n olrlpulisdefincdasI00 watts ERP at 100 ltet snteno height ^servrce ibovervcrageten?in,pr1)viding 3 5 nilcs radrus. rangeolRpprcximately The FCC stronglyAdvisesthrt a constructionpe nit or liccnsebe obuined or beib|eanLPFMstationis cortlr'ucteo M Lor,.II atu I n (f ilephor) ope*ltcd,and warnsof scamsinvolving 7h. I 57AWKN bt RarCnschi!) priorto being thepurchNeofcqrriprnen! A low-powerF'M (LPFM)broadc^sl {crviceinihc united stateswascreated lo criticisn of litc pnrtiallyin responsc dnrl rclaxedrndio stt(ion deregulution ownershiplulestha!,by Inoslacco n{s, dilotedlocalcomnnrrityscrviceacross the dirl. The scrvicerlso climin$tes rnd opefrting lllnnyof lhc con$truotion slation' broadoas! expcnses ofr s!andard the lergth of constnrclionpcrmils for arcconl00watls, lhan which,algtealcr An LPFM licenscIt issuedfrec of of getlingthere. sidcredprohibitiveibr n slrvtllron-conr- thosein theprocess charge. HowevertheFCCis not rcceptbeingconnercial operatiorr.although sta|1-rrp Underthcculren!proposal tt thistimc, while ing newapplicalions sidcred,bw-poweropefAtionwould be 'lrruturlly exclusive"disputeslionr eaF costsrrc slill in thc $10.000nnge. lnili.rlly it wns proposedlhat LPFM nlbwedto contirucin cascswhercrnter- lieLapplicationwindowsare stiu being stationsbe allowedon second ferenceis predictedto ocourwithin $e rcsolved. brcadcast doesnot Whereoneapplication "channcls of 70-dBucontourofa subsequenlly autho_ ndjacentffequcnclesor to ihe spacinsrequirements inomlull-scrvice nrect or thirdadiaccnl slaiions.Howeverthe dzedsecond cxistingbroadcasl er aDplication,such applicalionsare by existmg FM station.Otherwise,LPFM stations rnuniallyexclusivein thrt bothapplicaproposalwassholt'circuited ''tull service brcadcaslenconcemed must protcclbroadcaststalionson the tionscinnol be grantedifinterfcrenceis aswcll asthefirst,second, aboxtincreasedintcrfbrenccThe final s.u1echannel. to be avoided,and therefbreare being YetIPFMr,ar;or are FCC ruling limitedLPFM to within the andthirdadiacent. some on acaseby casebasis.In by olher evaluatcd liom interference /lid adjaccnt channel, significantly no! protected migh!be sharedbelween a license cdses ol FM stalionsDespiiethelilnt- conflictingapplicants. ol the classes wateringdownthc effectiveness To keepup wrth servicein urban afeaswherc the FM tations,LPFM has llourishedin some rhe latest regulatory news vlsrl brcidcaslbandis too orowded!o accept areas.with over 600 slationson the air www.fcc.govhnb/audio/lpfm/index. acrcssthe uniiedstates,perhapsa clear hm , thc FCCwebpage anynewrrdio stations. to the dedicated indicaiionof the needfor communitv LPFM serviccre(orpetitbns ior Therchavebeen lor the ser ing the originalparamelers vice. but for now LPFM broadoasting LPFM stationslre authorizedlor non UnlikeAnYthingOn broadcaslpur renains limited io third adjacentchannel conmercialeducational CommelciolRodio althoughexpansionposesonly. including non prolit commuprotection standards, pivate of the serviceis under nity groups,pnblic schoolsand or strengtfiening whenyoutune Expecttheunexpected governnentpublic safety, by the FCC, at least in universities, coDsideration While some slation radio in to an LPFM organizations transpofation terms of protecting LPFM stations and calendarol a conmunity night broadcast radiated an effective is with Operation also extending alreadyon the ait while 28 / POPCOI4]V/ Febtuaty2006 events,town meetings,andvariouspublicaffairsprogramssimilar to whatmlghtbe foundon a cabletelevisioncommunity access channel, othersarcprovidingdlverseculturalandelhmc entenainment unLikeanythingon commerciall?dio.P.?,ldl Cotnnunicationsrc det EldonLuomasuggcslssone favorites: "94.7KPIELPDallas,Oregon,isagoodcxampleof acom1620 RaLlio Energ!, Bosiah. munityhobbyLPFMstationshncdby a retiredbroadcastengineer.TheKPIE LP websiteat wwwkpic.orgiswortha visil to in manycitles, bandis alreadytoocongested learn more aboutlow power FM from the experiences ol' theFM broadcast preseDt no room for LPFM undef the thirdadja there's sirnply Orcgon\firstlow-powerFMstation.Youmightalsocheckout -.-J.r..ornecommtni .r,,nJ,'rJ,. ., prorec,iol A. cenr channe. 106.7WEAK-LPAthens.Ohio.ownedby HobbyRadn)Inc., 're. . Irem'"i.. :. hJ\p,urneJ Iu Lnlir(n.cd"microbrodd.Jn by FortDefiance and95.5WOOO LP Defiance,Ohio,opernlcd allowed according to Part 15 of the FCC rules. AnothcruniqucLPFMstalionis97.1WSAPYouthRadn).Inc. slrould Thcservicemnge ofAM andFM Parti5 transmittcrs LP Danc, Wisconsin,ncar Madison,owned by the Palka powcr of no more than 200fbet, typically wiiil a Draxjnium be nusic proglams." Appreciation SocielyandfcrlLningpolka l00nrilliwrltsor 1/10ofawatt.ViolationoftheNlesmayrcsult A otherstationworth a listenis 93.3WFBO-LPFlagler in a maximum$75,000frnc andcon{iscation ol equipmeni. Beach,Florida,whefe"BrcadcastTechnology"conlribulor while somemightbeillegallyoperating l5li ils. beyordPar! RonGi(schierhas beenon theairplayingtheoldies."Theweb' unlike'1rir.Ltc" lrnllbroadcaslers on shortwave. many of these slrean is availablevia www.lheblizzard.us," saysRon."wc oenscdbroadcaslersiustify theriskh believingthaithcyfrlfill playaboul3800-pius in ourdailyrotation."Fora lisl a nccd for infbrmation.cu1tural, selections andethnjcprcgrammhgin ol slationsto try listeningin on. checkout "Lice sedLPFM locrl comn]unities thalar€otherwiseunderseNed andla.gcly RadioStations.' I'erhapsowhcrc ignorcdby licensed iull-service radiostations. n]elro is this nx)|ccvidenlthanin the Boston.Massachusetts UnlicensedRodioSfotions broadcast activityexists. area,wherca highlcvclol unliceosed Followingare the rcsllts of nronitoringand a fbllow-up DesDite an exDlosion of LPFM radiostationson therir and Intcmclsearchlbr low-powerandrnlicensedAM,SM broadthelargcsturbAnarcas caslson theair ln thegrerlerBoslonrfer, Notcthedominance underconstfuctlon, 0smentionedearlier, Acrossthe UnitedSlalesare not includedby defaull.Becausc ol rrdio stations Mrny ol these servingtheHaitiancommuniry. LicensedI"PFMRqdioSlolions wEsz-t-P WGHE-LP wAcM-t-P WQIJ.LP WRNK,LP KDHS.LP KXES-]f KBJZ.LP (UI,A LP (BWV,LP lli li As 9I].7 91.9 KRMN-LP KQIX-LP t0L 96.5 9,1.3 99.9 ror.9 103,5 94.5 ]03.] 91.1 KDUA-LP KHEI--I-P (SSQ-LP Kllw-LP (MAI.I-P KCHP.LP KWBB-LIj 96.5 t0?.9 98.3 Kctc-LP (DRT.LP 95.5 9].9 92.9 KFCA-I.P KFOK.LP KFXM-I-P 92.9 88.] 95.1 ]0I.5 96.1 KSTG I' KPFz.I-P KWVS-LP K C D ML P KMSJ.LP IOO,5 100.5 963 KDEE.LP KSIIC LP KQRPLP 100.3 KEFC LP 102.3 KCVE Lt KCMA LP u u u.p opuIar communicotion s.com 105.5 00.3 105.5 1015 102.9 1045 95t 933 r 0 t5 r0,1.5 t o t5 105.5 KOUS.IP KYCT.LP KRLC.LP KI,EV-LP KMTE.I,P KURA.LP KPCTI-P KTPJ.LP KHENI,P KStc-r.P K\WIV LT WCSE.LP WA?Q.LP 106.1 107.1 100.5 103.7 92.3 93.3 101.9 ]O],I CrdigCO DcltdCO EagLcCO 99.1 t0?.9 104.7 102.3 t07,1 101,'1 KCWG I,P KWPS IP KSWlI,LP KCCI LP KUOZ LP KTBR.LP KOZR T? (uN t-P KCIC.LP KDEA.LP (MZG,LP KEAE.LP KREV.I,P 142.1 991 L 0 tI 106? t035 92.5 t00,1 t07.9 9i.9 1 0 67 WXEI.LP WCKOLP WZPII,LP 95.1 103.3 98.7 95.3 96.7 101.9 KBDL,LP Febtuott20A6/ POPCOMM ,/ 29 LicensedLPFMRodioStqlions 93 3 FlaelerBdacnFL ]Ot.? Cai;.;rill. Fl 1003 Gl.n Sr \ld FL 94.1 cra.e\ille lL 103.1 HomosasaFL 1079 FL Immokalee 100.1 lnvedes FL WIIK LP l00l Jupiterl]1043 KeyLff8o FL WORZLP i07 9 hteBurlerFl 1011 Lale Cily FL WIVIJBLP 91 | Live OakFL 965 Mcl.roslrFl 93 1 MelbonreFlWCRZ I,P 9l l MelbouneFL 95.s MenltklandFl105,5 MiccoFL 1079 M i l e sC i t yF l 1069 Panan!Cnl FL 88.5 PoitSllntJocl.L 965 s.rasrdFl l07 l SelsideFL l0? l Sorlhlo l-L 95 9 FL Summerlicld 9l l su{nnneeFL 96.9 wrkulhcounty FL 927 AlhryCA 93 | Albdnt 6A 1021 AshburnCA 1 0 07 A l h e nC sA l0? 9 6A AtheDs 106] ArlanflCA WHI,E.LP 1 0 03 A!!(su GA WRMK.LP 947 Boy!$n 6A 103.7 BoynNnCA 106? B n r s w i c lC A 1029 wr_oJ-t-P CnlhourCA 101.9 CnrrotrGA 95 3 Crrollror CA 1049 C A c r \ v i l l eC A WI]I,B.I-P 96.1 CohmhusOA 106.3 DouglrsvillcCA 97 1 rionVlllcy GA l04l ro VallcyCA 100.5 FrUowtrCA WINCJ-P 93 9 l,lc[ngecA 94 5 Morgdron GA wwEz-t,P S l . S i r i o n s I s l a d d C A 9 4 ? 101.5 SyftnrrcCA 9t I ThomsLdncA 9ll.l ThonrlsvillecA WJCC LP 98.? TEnl(incA 10?.3 llonotla Hl 93q Kaunlk*.iHl KrcM.LP 971 KulrHl KLUI.LP gl.s W a i l u l uH l KEAO,LP (}IFI LP 91 3 KamianlD 94 9 LewntonlD KPLL.LP 92 5 MoscowID 933 RuNrtID KUMC LP 1055 Tsin FallsID 999 Antiochll103.3 BlooningronlL 101.3 clmi IL l0:l ? Cenllliall1039 ChaNahonlL !VI-M]\4 LP 105.7 DanvillelL WLBM.LP 1059 Du QuoinlL 951 lL FairbDry wJltv l,P 957 C.lesbrrC]L 100.5 ceneseotL l0l5 L*e VillaIL 2006 l0 / POPCOI\rlM/ Feb,uarY WTNO,LP WPDQ.LP WQTNJ.P WQJCLP WI{JC LP WTPB LP WLDC LP WQI1U LP WTCO LP WOCU LP WSBL.LP WIOE,LP KDDI.LP KCDM'LP KYMJ'LP KULT.LP KQOP.LP KXIX.LP KOUR'LP KTJT-I-P KRQC.LP KSDE.LP KGYS.LP KLJMB.LP KDME.LP KCRM.LP KTDC.I-P KPBC.LP KSOA,LP KUBH.LP KBOL.LP KCCA-LP KFEX.I,P KVPC.LP KODC.LP KCCC.LP KCIU.LP KRMILP KSMK-LP KTIIA I.P WITB.LP WBLG-LP WYZQ-L? WKYD,LP wtMM LP MacombtL Mr. CarmellL P@naIL Quincytl Quincyll Roctford IL Rockfo IL Rocktslandtlwest Franklort IL BaughcitylN ColunbusIN IN Crusfordsville Etkhrrr IN IN Evansville coshenlN HunringtonlN Kokono lN IN Latayerie LigonidlN MarionlN MuncjelN New C.stleIN O d k l a n d C iItN ! PlynoulhIN sourhBcndIN ValpardholN VrlparaisolN W$srt IN wesLl-afryetrclN AddnlA BuningtonlA c{rolllA CcdurFdlhlA CharleiCily IA ClinrcntA corullillc lA lA D.venporL DovenportlA D. SoroIA Dcwiil lA EdFelsburglA lortMidison lA Mr$halltovn lA IA Muscaline PleasanrvillelA PocrhontoslA sloanlA UrbaMcdragelA WlrertoolA Anthooy(S KS Chantrte DodgcCny KS DddgccityKs Hrys KS L!*rcNeKs Mlnhatlm KS St.MarysKS Thayer(S BentotrKY BowlingCEen KY CorbnrKY Ea$ BeFbdrKY KY Ceorgerown Fuard (Y H.pLinsvilleKY ttopki.slileKY JamesownKY Monlicello(Y Mt. WaihinglonKY Owe.sboro KY RichqoodKY Walton KY 106.3 93.9 102.9 102.9 1079 93 1 99.3 92.5 95.5 969 93 5 939 98.? 142.7 105.9 105.5 l0l 3 91.1 1059 941 99.1 1075 941 l05t 98.1 93 5 98 3 98,3 913 102,9 981 lo:1,1 945 941 92,5 921 t021 tlll9 104,9 925 9'l l 999 961 1053 94 1 95 3 94.5 999 100.1 921 97 1 1005 l02l 98 5 1037 105.5 98 3 1005 107.1 !019 95.1 985 931 106.l 93 5 945 95 5 104.5 93 9 101 1 10?.9 91.1 KCJM LP WTQT.LP KVTZ.LP WZEN I-P KQWJ-LP XZIM I,P KELA LP KEPI I-l KOIIS'LP KOCz'LP YJLC LP KQAR I,P WCON.LP WJZPI,P WMJS-I,P WNRC-LP WKCT-I,P WEEH.I-P wQos,LP wBsQ-LI wljsc I P ((RM LP ICXBQLP WMLALP KCLH LP WQRZ LP WQTP-LP \vQID.LP WKTU LP KCSW.LP KDMC I-P KSDC.LP KHBL LP 9'1.5 95 | 93 7 lA 9 957 949 929 1079 95.5 921 100.5 106l 949 96.3 1037 955 10?.1 r0l 7 l05 l 93l 9t.l 1079 1073 l02 l 963 975 9? 5 911 97 7 989 1033 104.3 995 1053 96.3 97 L 91,5 929 9.13 1005 93.i 911.9 0:l7 106l 100.9 L01l lo5 tJ 1079 l0?.1 weslRran.hMI 8ir? crn$rnlse MN 961 H i i c k l c yM N 96.1 N{onrevidcoMN 95 9 Mooftead N{N 99.1 Mooset*c MN 96 9 SpicerMN 103.5 B a y S rt - o u i sM S 1005 CrntonMs 106.9 columhusMs 9l.l ClenMs 1061 GrecnlilleMS l05l IlaLriesbu8Ms 103.7 fou{onMs 103.? JrcksonMs 961 NoxaprtrMs l04l PiEylvoodsMS 94.9 TDpeloMS 9t I CmlotrMS 103? capeGinrdeauMo 949 Cent iaMo 949 FuhonMO 97.5 Fulon MO 96.9 HannibnlMo WillirnsbDlgl(Y williansbure(Y win.hesrerKY Alci.ndna LA Bastotl-A Bak,nRougeLA BErur Brilge LA HrnnnondLA Joneshorll-A hlayeile l-A Lrk.charlesLA MMslieldl-A NlonroeLA Monrrel-A OpelousasLA Pincvillel-^ Shrlvepo{L^ skte l-A PodhndMLi RocklandME shdnh ME occancil, MD P.rryvilleMD PriDcclr€dcrickMD srlistruryMD S h e r w o oMdD DudlcyMA E $ i l l r r w i c hM A Crcrt llnrnrgronNlA NorlhAd{irs MA NorlhrDltrnrMA MA PiLrsricld BnLrlccrlelllll rlcDr$ thrhor l\41 BericnSnritrssMl Ml Cas$l)oLis cc(ttrrLrkuMt l r c r w i t kM l t;ti Mt l't.ilMl Mrsh.LtMl lvlotrrLPl.drnnrMl Mrslegor Ml MuskegonMl No(on Shore\Ml RosrodrmM o nI sl l-odisMI 'fenrNr^nceMl LicensedLPFMRodioSlolions KYIIO LP MaryvillcMO Poph BluffMO 146.1 106.9 101.7 100.? 102.5 KEME-LP KMEA-LP KBWG I-P KQOV.LP 10t.7 BuneMT 98.5 r00.3 KC]TQi,I' KCTD I,P KWIP IP KC1M LP 01.7 91.1 |fi.1 ElnoMT KCTI I,P KRWSLP 100.7 101.9 10r.9 1023 105.3 94.1 KHTC LP KXZt-t.P KANB-LP LibbyMT KC']'B LP KWIIP'LP KMDM,LP KTCC LP KDCZ'LP KC'I'C.LP KUSW-LP KIVTJ-LP PlninsMT 1045 107.9 101.3 98.3 981 925 toz1 CrlluwryN! K VS-LP KPOT-I-P KKTT-LP t 0 tI WCNH.LP WXGR.I,P wlicB-t,P L0t5 1003 r07l 102.9 105l 1023 985 92.1 965 r059 r00l l02l 100.3 r00.! t00.? 107.9 t05.? WLOM I-P KCMC-I-P WDRX LP wN1l- LP 107.9 103.9 104.9 WMUD,LP 89.3 WLIX I,P wwu)potlrlar . ant or.tortan' .'n WAPP-LP WRESl-P W?\'l'I LP WBYI LP WCOM LP WDJD-LP WFWC-LP WLRZ LP \lllcR LP WSEQLP WSER LP \!JO!-LP WWGT ],P WPrP LP WHGW-LP WFOGLP WZNCl.P WDS6'LP WVEMI-P WEOM LP Wtillr-LP WBPL LP WFECIt KIBE LP Koww'LP KPAI{'LP KNDS-LP WEAI(-I-P \VWW-LP WDWl.l LP wKJll-LP WOOO-LP WYC!'LP WlNlrLP WPCO-LP WJll!'LP WCllv-LP WWTL'LP WCYC-LP WZLP.LP WNCG-LP WVVP-I,P wwoH-l,P WTPS-LP WLCI-I-P WJFY-LP WNHS-LP WHRR-LP 'WRPO-I,P WAJB-LP WUHS-LP WJF/,I,P KADB-LP KXBI-I-P KI-CB-I,P KEI!-LP KJRM LP (SEP LP KBWR I,P KIOL-LP KBCC LP KLYF LP KPIE LP KUMP-LP KFSI-IP KITC LP (LBC-LP KHRB-LP KZAS-LP KHJA LP KKIC LP KRAD I-P KSHY LP WeslhamptonNY AsherilloNC ArhevilleNC Burlington Nc ChapclHill NC EliabethtownNc lienont NC Hickort NC HobgoodNC HudsonNc Ledon NC Libe.ryNC l-incoln()nNC Maiblc NC MorgaDtonNC Mt. Art NC Roxnt*eRaddsNc Suford NC SraDlcyNC NC Thonidsvillc WadesboroNC wilninsbn Nc win{m srlemNc Bisn!(* ND BurllngL0lND DiolinsonND l'1EoND Adcrs OH BeltroOu Bluflbn OF BryrnOH DefilnceOH Dcfi{nceOII DeliwareOfl lienloDlOll Ho(rhOll Linu OU LogdrOl] LondoDOll LoudoolillcOll MnDsfiold OU MoricmOH MuneLooH NtrloleonOH Nel$ovillcOH NcwirkoH Ncwco0csrowroH PonsrlouthOH RussclhPolitoH WellsLon Otl WcstUnionOI] ZaDcslillcOH AdrOK RanlesvilleOK EnidoK En OK McAlesleroK Brcolings OR BuTnsoR C.nyonvilleoR CaleJunclionOR CoquillcOR DallasoR D.ys O€e[ OR FossiloR GilchnslOR ClideOR HadsburgOR HoodRiver OR MMrxsOR McMinnvilleOR MilleaburgOR NespodOR 100.3 98.1 103.1 101.1 106.t t03.5 103.5 93.t 99.3 WBBYLP 92.9 t00.1 WXCSLF t00.1 r00.3 95.9 92.9 102.9 t00.9 100.1 t01.3 107.9 100.5 103.7 wKcv Lt r03.5 931 wclD Lt 96.9 105.9 98.3 92.1 103.1 100.7 105.5 105.7 95,3 105.9 WIIZKLP \!Htiz-LP 95.3 100.5 u5.3 98.9 91.1 wzKQ-l-P 0t.9 tvscM-l-P 105.9 r06.7 r05.1 WNMI.I,P wsHo-r.P 957 TigcrvileSC 104.5 r0"15 t057 1 0 7| 106| 973 WSAB.LP 102.5 98.3 99.? 99.9 WM'I'N-LP 93.1 107.9 WTRI-I,P KvvOLP t06.5 92.1 92.3 95.1 102.1 KQLC.LP I<IEMLP KZQX I-P KCER LP KORG.LP 105.1 92.1 107.9 91.1 98.t 104.t t05.9 105.1 Febtuaty 2AA6 / POPCOMM ,/ 31 ticensed LPFMRqdioSiqtions 1 0 15 (QAT LF t01.5 K]HV ' P KlleenTX KDOL LP t04.5 96.1 t04.I wlJC-LP \!XRE IP W',MP I-P KI.NA J,P KOLi].LP 100.5 |07 t07I K C S AI , P t0,1,7 (COD I,P 9{.-r KI,GlJ.I-P t1).r.5 t05.t (tTR-I,P Dan€VT BcllLrws FallsV1 DcrbyVT Erosbrlgtills VT LlydePrk VT NeLfoiVT Rmdllph VT War€nvT chlnlrLe Amalicvr BrhtoLVA D$vill. VA VA Frcdcrickshtrg HillsvilleVA lloireReIVA MrdisonHeigh( vA RiclnnondvA SxlcDrVA S c l r L s v i lvl A c S L s nV nA wiLli rsbureVA Ab.rd.cn\YA ch.q.l.h wA cohillc WA c o u F v i l l cw A EllcnstN-q WA K c t l l cl : a l l sW A Oceri shorls W OccdiS rtrts WA OlyDitir WA PtrcilicUcorhwA SpotinrcwA g c c [ ] c .w vV Rc trroodwV 92.1 l00.l 93l 93.1 39.1 96.1 100.1 95.1 96.9 005 9t.9 99.9 0l L 1077 9,15 97.l 100.1 91.5 102.1 102.5 106.5 97.3 100.7 103. 96. 101.5 9l.l 100.L 06.5 39 L 95 3 ,7, !4 I wDll,'-LP NVBL I-P WYRC.LP \VMCC LP WILM LP WCWL LP KIiCB,LP KIIIg LP KIHR.I-P BerkeleySprinFswv C l a rW V ldnond WV liirnonrwv Pnicelnwv PurFitsrillcWV Srl.n wv Spenrerwv Sl)cncdWV AltoonaWI mcryWl AppletonWI Asndd WI ClearhleWl cl€rrsrlcr LakcWr Dnnc.wl Ertr Cl e wl EN chirr Wl Marinerewr Marinetewl WI Ntcnomonie Me ril WI PosellvY l{edCllllfwl Ricelrkdwl Srperiorwl TonahnwkWI R u r l r l oW Y DoushswY c i i l c l r ew Y J&linWY L,rr( ieWY ' l c l o nV l l h g cW Y 107.9 l0l.l 911.5 99.1 93.1 98 7 99.9 923 105.7 969 95.1 l0l.9 91.1 105.t 103.5 91.1 96.3 l0l 9 92.5 )01.1 101.7 100.9 1115.1 92 3 l0l 7 93 7 07 I 995 l05l 99I 91,1 93,5 100,1 Pop'Comm Februory 20O6 Survey Questions 'lhosc in hisor leaturing a pe|soD I typicalll do th€ followinglvith my copyof $ack......................................................1 hcrolonitofing Pop'Conrm: Rc.tdrhroughir rnclkeepil asLr r c l c r e r c e l b r r i e w d a y s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pop'Comm's . . . . . . . . . . . . . .covors . . 1 are: Readthr)ughi! rnd kccpit only rntil Inrerestir8 andwclldonc................................................19 .............2 Co pafefavorablywilh oLherndio l Betthenextissue.............................................. Kccpit r monlhor so............. ..........................................3 publications inoludilrg a rteurpub1ications..................20 Keepit lesslhana ycar.....................................................4 rs orherradiopublicalions.............21 Notaseyec.rrchirg Keepi! DnncLhrDr yc.I, bul lessthanthfeeyears...........5 Muchbetlerthanotherfadiopub1ications......................22 nrr binderor box..............................6 Keefit indefiniLcly G i v e i t 1 o a f r i c n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lik€ . . . . io . . .see . . . .more . . . . . of . 7 this coveragein Pop'Comm: I'd Tearout rr aIicle of two andlecp it ibr reference..........8 (mark all thrt are appmpriate) Milirarylnonitong,VHFruHF.....................................23 Pop'Conlmcoverphotosthat attract my attontionthe Saiellites.................................................................. most are (mark no morethan three]: ....-.................25 phoDc andolherpodable elecft)nics Cell Military.............................................................................9 c B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................. Publicsrifetyr policcrnd EMS........................................I0 FRS ....................................................................-..... Firelighterorfireiighlingphoros....................................1t projects construcdon .....................-..................28 AntcnDr 2 Commcrci,rl rircraltin llightof runw4y.........................1 Shotwave bl{xldcasdrg.................................................. l3 lvlililaryantratt,includingcockpitphoios..................... GMRS...................................................................... CorunercirlstationaDrcn Conmerclal broadcast studios............................-...........15 Disxstcrphotos............-..........................................-....-..16 My favorite THREE cotunns/writeni re(pleasewrit€ (Shurtle. ti es/nameson card) photos etc.)...................-............17 Space-related 20A6 32 / POPCOMM / Febtuatr FCCCqllsignChonges Pending KLHC KI]TT) \\DYT KTKX K\77 \IYFZ KPI]T.TV KlngsNlouilrir N(l Slnd Spfi'rgsOK Srli'rasCA h-eq. ll5i) 13'10 [20 |].:10 97.9 9l.l 16 Old C.ll KBIT) KCKN \tK,\l I KT|X KEXA !!wKt) Ka)cv TV Changcs Ireq. 7-r0 158{) KQPN K KK K KCEG l).!crDL DornellFL wHllo KVOC KBI]T wTf(l WSKT Okl Call KsLtL) KNrll 160! r:50 wi(h_ Nc\ (16r) rv(;(iT L"t-r0 tit,fo ?5lr \\rt\tt\ 5-lr) \\rtl( B srrI Rrf a\ ]rN KZY\,I K r ti t , w t(iK I lll t'r0 tiw,\l tiJrJil w(itv Lit| Li I wt,ti' wt)\'l \!! tK Se (ol (g Gr) F ,R \l N !5) \es Cull \!EAF \\ oLI \!QZQ \\.NSC \\NVL KHIX K. )l KITA l req. lrl0 okl Crll \!Qrs Clnik$ illoTN Nrnnitle lN Nnnr\illcTN 1i50 \\clz ll.l0 WNSC I ubbocli TX 1.111) J(Lfu larr)r) KRRD rft) \"\lts Nll{\! i<TTC) t<BBo-F\1 talNl 9t0 KIR\\i l|() .l (J-ti toJ r L0irr Kl\lI{R iot.\ J<R Bti t(BBQ-i-i\T er riQr.z lihNnt,.f! AZ l(Qr'tR Gl.be r\Z KI]'\\T FNI Brr r-! \Jt Killlt( KLSZ ] N'] KJr\I t_t, KBBrI IrNl J(TIiZ ]-NJ 1)r.t 1 ) ai tiLSzirNl Kv N l a i ti\ fl tit,(r\ t,l' hQ.lli l\ l: \l{ lrNl ss tt I t0l L) t(s(| K(\t. Kl i r \L tlit)l{ liL't.\ lilj lo l'5 ill,E,rtilh',i,oilv ,,iltl), T h e 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7C O C l a s s i c B a d i o C a l e n d a rt e a t L r . l i i t e e nm a g nf c e n l I u l - c o o r v i n t a g er a d i o r n a g e s i n c u d n g Collns,Eldco, Hammarund WFL [,4essner.Nationa] The 2006/2007CQ AmateurRadioODeratorsCalendar brlngsyou frlieenspectacuar Iull co or magesof someof ihe biggest, mostphotogenic Amateur Fado shacks, antennaspersofalities andscencs n the couniry. A I caiendarsincludedatesof raporlantHam Rado evefts s!ch as maior conteslsandolheroperatng evenis meleorshowers,phasesof the moon and oiherastronomca inforrnatonp us impodantand popLrlar ho idays The CQ calendarsare not on y grealto lookat. bul they'reiru y usefu, iool Available dircctly from CO or atyout local deatet! : -E0[ -8!i!!t]!-.:l7 ., tiii @E ,r d,ijinr.,:iq .iiiiiqii=,!['=raja]iita.,.ci,:,'[i1 5li!ri:181-,.1a.,?,r1 'l]'lii:i,,i L',f'r:,i,lt i '-r. (,1!=,1GrOt L'iLr'iill.i 2i5ri!r!!t,riC:je ruuu p.!!J.r.orr|uni.n/ions..nl .il.:.jir r,, Hli.cl:5.rlll::,, l!t' I llilji:li k4@ F.btu.t\ 2an6/ PQPCOI!J]\1 ,' 35 profcssional commercial opera' 870 unidentified Classicalnusic days.FrcnchCaribbear slationsarerunnirgfu1l'sca1e prescnce the Web. zouknights. impressive on tionsaDdmaintainancqually Lowell-Offthe air?Noted 1570WKNM RadioConxnercial, 530 Radjo Planet Compas.Randolph-FrenchCaibbean opencdffier.drivingby studio/xmtsitea! 599Cenaalst. (www'planetcompas.com Mattapan FrenchCaribbean 15E0WRCB RadioConcorde. ). (www.radioconcorde.com). 540RadioLo!. Do.chcstcr R&B/urbancontcnporary. FCCCqllsignChonges Ne$ Call KUVC.I-P tJhi$ CA WMYZ WGTI wQRD-r-P WTSD.I-P WDRR KHAI WSHY ColunrbiaCity lN Frdnkln'IN wNl lt IndianapoLis IN LowellIN WTMW wcr-s WEI,I KMCN KN'lCS KKLC Kl'DV K,IKC WHFC WTKIWKBU WILD-FM WLPV-t-P WTBT \YJZL wsRl !VSRJ KJI'Z.LP Efiinehrn IL Cli on IA Hutchirrs(n1KS Crtroll(r Ml ChndoftcMI GaylordMl HonorMl Libby MT WMKD Picktbi MI WTNP RichllndMl WQTX S t .J o h n sM l MS WAKK-FM CeDtrcvillc B o o n v i l lM eO KCXM KKQX KIIYY KET'I' KQBW KCYE WPLY.FM WPOVLP KKTC KBNMLP K]DS K{NM KQBT KK]T KJIT LP KXGT KKLQ KYNU WYJKFM WBWR Mr0hattlnMT MiharareNE MitclrellNE OmIa NE WalpoleNH AngelFir! NM BelenNM CrantsNM TaosNM tsis arck NrD CefilletonND Haflvood ND Bellairc OH HilliardOH 36 / POPCOMM / Febrroty2006 Freq. Old Crll 88.7 91.5 WWKC New 107.9 91.9 103.5 1063 New WKDG KKHI WDDB t07.9 89 I 9 13 92.1 WTPI New Ncw WSKT 91.1 93.1 IIII,3 tl.9 95.9 9l.l r 0 53 95.7 917 107.9 KZEA KWCC KNNU Nca Ncw Ncw WKBU WTKL WROT New New Call KTBT KIZS tlxow KPPK t00.5 92.1 106.? t00.7 wxQL WQTX WKPK wKvK 105.3 88.1 105.5 91.9 92.t 1049 93.I 97.3 105.1 Ncw New WADW Ncw WTXQ WZFL.FM KWRT,FM KZPL New 99.3 96.I ]04.] 96,3 New KEFM KJUL WCFRFM 99.I 98.? 88.1 95.9 I OI , 7 95.9 106.9 106.7 98,3 IOO.7 95.5 100.5 105.7 KKIT Ncv Ncw New KAJZ KKTC WKQB New KYNU KDJZ Ii\GT woMP-FM WFJX CollinsvilleOK Eldorado OK RainierOR SlstenOR KCPB.F'M WBYN.FM WLRI LP CapPA WPSX WDAH WPSU WOLI-FM WIHB WFIV-FM WQJK IVRJK WVNS.FM KNOS KATC KEDR KBEX KHLE KTXO KKUL-FM KTSX KAJZ KHLB KZB'I KAHA KCEE KZNO KXME KZKL KQMB KENZ KI'A.T.FM KRPX WJPK EasleySC MoncksComcrSC M{ryvillc TN Noris TN PcgrunTN AthensTX Buy Clty TX BLrmet TX ColdsmirhTX Crovclon TX KDoxCit] TX LidnoTX Masrr TX M€i(il Tx MidlandTX OlneyTX ScynrourTX Wichir. FallsTX LevanUT OgdenUT Orcm UT WCMC.FM ChaseCiry VA WWLB KZ}\L I'ANY KPLI KABW wovM W\\MD LP WYZM WDDW KKHI KIWB WPSUTV Frcq. 92.\ 10I.5 96.9 98.3 Old Call KZS KTBT Ner KJNI 90.9 107.5 92.9 90.1 104.9 91.5 91.5 103.9 92.5 105.3 95.7 Nes WBYN Vr'OES-LP wPsB wwDL-FM Ncw W P S UF M woLI WCSQ wKvl--FM WTXM-|iM 106.? wRMx-FM 102.5 98.9 88.1 8lr.l 88,I 89.7 I( Tj9 WQZQ'FM New New New KFRT New KHLB Ncw 98.1 l0?.3 Ncw KQBT 96 3 102.5 KHLE t)4.9 KYCX-rM KBAT 93,3 91.3 92.3 98.5 90.5 96.1 101.9 107.5 95.3 100.3 105.1 99.9 98.9 KKLY New Ncw KTEO KCFtr4 KPQP KENZ New New wAvA WFXQ WCUL 93.5 New 90.r Kwcv 1 0 13 9t.t 95.5 106.7 10,1.7 95.9 50 3 New WLFM Neiv Ncw WEXT KVAN KACB TV WPSXTV l620RadioEnergy, Boston FrenchCaribbean(wwwradioen89.3 Radio PlanetCompas,Boston-French ncwvtalk.IDs as "Compas c.gyboslon.com). FM" (wwwplanetcompds.com). I 620Ridio Soleillnternational. Brcckton-FrenchCadbbean. 91.3 Radio Superstdrs,Everett Frenchnews/talk,IDs as "W 1620WPRI26tlLeomiDster-Relays 162.525 MHz WNG575 Radio" and 'La radio d'information." PackMonadnock. NOAA Weather 102.9 Choice FM, DorchesterBoston Caibbean/Africnn 1630Zumix Radio.E.rstBollon 202MavcrickSt.,free-tbrAnerican. "Number one in Boston ior Caribbear nusic." tral musicjblues.jazz. rock,soul.!rbanconiemporary, anyA list of Haitian radio starionsin the Boston arclt crD be mrnggoes. found online at wwwhauinc.oq/html/commLrnity/Media/ 1640WRNM RadioNouvcrute.Bosron-Off rheair?Moved the Haitian Anericans United wcb to l7i0 kHz? Reported sh rdown by FCC (www. Radio/ Radiostations.asp. sile. A more comprehensivesite wiih links to H.tilian ftrdio in noronouveaule.coml. Boslon is at www.rn!ellne.homesterd.com/radiobosron.ht t. 1650 WQBE789A/r'Q8Q732 East Boston Logan Airport A specialthanksto BostonAf eaDxers Mdk Connelly,Chds .,:rlilerernIn0lJ,..gnn,nr. Jndtrrn ng inr,. 1670WRDI RadioDlfiusionIntcnational,Bosto. French Lobdell, and Paul McDonorgh. aiong wirh Rick Lcvy. Aamn Read,and Jeff Lehmann lbr their continuedinpul nonil(njn! of unlicensedactivity in Boston. 1670RadioComnunautaire dc Brockton.Brockton French Ca.ibbean. 1680WRUI RadioUnionlnternational, Boston -Conrinuons WholAre YouHeofing? FrcnchCaribbelln zouk(www.radiounioninrer.com). 1690 WRCI Radio Crcolc Intenratjonal,Lynn French Of course Boston is only onc cxarnpleof what mighr bc news/latk. AM Sterco(www.radnrcreoleinter.com). termed"urbandiscontcnt"w ith the statcof broadcNtjng.Orher 1700 Radio Bcl Ayitj, Boston-Frcnch Caribbean(www. hotbedsof unlicensedactivity includc Ncw Yofk City, where belayiti.c0m). theChabad-Lubavitch|.adiostationon I7l0 kHz AM ls wide1700RadioLulR dio Palabradc Vida,Lawrence-Spanish ly heard,and Miami, Florida,where Cubrn and Haitian broadcontcnrpo.ary Chdstianlnrsic andpr€aching castsabound,especiallyonFM.llyouhearanintercslingLPFM 17L0uiidentified.Dorchcster FrenchCaribbean, possiblyrhe or unlicensedradio broadcasl,be $urero ler us know rbou! it. relocalcdRadioNo!veaure. Then slaytuned.ighl hcreftr'contjnuingcovcnge ji tutu.eedi, 88.5RadioFreeCrmbridge/Radio Plndcmonirnr, Cambridge. lionsof "B roadcast Technok)9y." 73 andGoodDXI I VHF i#Hffi nke tj,n.4\igt4&in," fl?lrlfhe v HlF//a tilIIF lEntliktu.sfr eret Wihlnihe pogesof CQ VHFyou'l flndmoremeotyfeodlngolmedol lhe reoilysgflous VHFerthot'swhoi oursurveys toid usVouwcntedond ihot s whotwo de lverl Bytoklngodvontogeof oursubgcription spectosyou'tl sovemonoyond hoveCQVHFdelivered rlghtto your molbox.Only925forfourLnfomotlon,pocked quof@dy issues Orbetieryet, entefo lwo orthreeyeqrsubscfiplionol thesespecql prces.Aso woys,everysubscripion comeswithourrfoneybockguorontee Doril'f l.nrrlig'otutj- ilt t,a dclv,ctrr,)atgte Loliliir) e.fi :lp.s,cl.atilptliic,",j I yeqronly 525,00. 2 yeorsS4500 . 3 yeorsS65.00 Conodo/Mexco I yeor$35.2yeors$65,3yeorsS95l Forcign yearsSl04 I yeorS38.2yeors571.00,3 Poyoblein ll.S dollors uau. Papu lot.am tuu n tcoron s.con F e b r r a t ! 2 4 4/6 P O P C O M N/ 43 7