The Messenger
The Messenger
The Messenger N.sletter of the Rldsecrett Unit€d lrl.ttodht PASTOR'SPOINT 20ll RUMConioB AdminlrtEtivoCouncil Rldtecrest LjnrtedMethodltt Church Church L.y L€ad.rrhlp Commltt € c l$ o f z o ll Cl- t o f 2 o ll Elc.t..l I l-l3-10 | 0 JuMit l'4onon Darnn Bdton Rohnn Gibbt AmyOchoa ClG so f2 0 l 3 lohn Neeer -v@nq- Rld!€.rest Unlt.d lrl€tho.llttFound.tlon c ls t o f2 o l s c ls o f z o l2 Cl; o r 2 0 ll lohnAndeEon llm TankeBley Chri5Millett curd! Kldn.r Thelma Lewls lan4Huhg L.y Medber ofAnnlal Conferen e Lat f4emberol Ann6l Confercnce Chrlrtld Pljtor/Safi .Frd$ ChalrPerson Educ.tlon Commltt . Sunday khool Coordhabr AttGnd.nce/ HeiferCoordlnator Juanltal'lorton Ollviazade& SadhGue53 St Erdshlp Chairperson Chddan Edu..don ChalrpeBon f .nlly Cro.tlE Evpr€$lon Coordlnabr tlichelleKllilcu*a3 Anf Ochoa Dlreior ol Youth :nd Youns AdulB worshlpCechd.perens Frlly Mlnlnd.. Coddltte. CoCtratrpenon Co-Chairperson Me$eEer HEleer chn36; Fod;ck Klrh€n Co-C@rdiMto6 MksionsCo{lElrpersons LindaAEhibzld I'larYNeEer JoannaRindi TerY RiElifi Nanc/ Hodge& Gerrt Frmbo rin. Fnsb... JayHodge, Ro:Mn Gibk, J@n Zde *elect€d 3ubsequentl/ CechairpeBon/ Bann€r3 cls3o f2 o tl Blll Buru Huet Henslet DavidWa6on c l s ol 20l 2 iohn vedey PalgeNd€r t'lont Frlsbe C l G t o f 2 0 l3 JoeHdsen RaYMlller Els H€nnings R€l.tlon. CommlttoG Pstor/Stif-P*kh C l aof 2 o ll C l s s of20l 2 Clsof2 0 l l Alm B6dford Don Christi$n SherlBoston P.ulaH€.r P€te.BroM Klllkausks l,1ich€lle ShirletKldner Tamdy Fefls KeirhHeflin m UshErcoordlnabr- 10130 lin NeEer DeJoq Landle AcolybFlo:1o am Wedainscoordinato6 J6nia f1oen & NlnaLane Cherl Mondagon M$ic R.pre*ntatjve Attaf Guild lrnet Tonkin am conmunlon stem(H:oo JuniE Monon Phy'lisWbe comnunionStemr4-1030 am am L:rye-+oo JudY8{ms +encYMemberat L,r8Fl0:!0 m SoundTechcoordlnaer Johnvedet 201| RUIIC Ofil..B Cohtin$d tl|$lon5 od Qut'c&h Commlttee Terry Milld Terrf Rat lifi Amt Och@ Food8.sker/ Ary.l Tre tlinisF), Lilllu Dalel,Wlan Wrighr Johnvde/ EncaJu|i€Frlsbe OianeWadelin Evda.lisfr Committ . ClurrpeEon 1,1€nb..s{tlar8! Yosth llb5lonr Commltt€. BRINGING CHRIST]'IAS OFFERINGUPDATE In hlsdnoun@.nt!.rdc tro pn ChrbnnaEve crvlc€, W6 Hqdet InEoduc.drne ofierint with Stanle/Chas$e El€nChsetne "Our hs .lMyi l6.lta Monon 3lErcda lpeial rel.tjonshlpwitn th. in Karh Gon4 Och@, The Ge.ehl Contere.ceha Fl.ed C.l-P.c In mlslon Md mhbrd wlti lananla, Our dl.dct h6 ben palcd wlt r th. l1a6 dknci a *.rc Memhe.E{t-L:€€ K:tlryLrshureMehnleBhn$n, Our Chrkhr ofierlngrhlsy6r k for our GodD.rln 8ston, Timlohnen, 3l.edprclet ot provldligth. n.csry n'.dr for a N.ncyHod6e,LFn pll<hool for M.E. Thlt wrll not ont provld. t €dudtjd for rhs. chlldrcnbur wlll prdlde the b@d of lltefor them.lldv of tlEle .hlld.en .re oDllnr andneedto ki* tle loveGodhd ror CommunlonC@rdlnatot Memb.${tl.rge Phyllls\ir'|s., Dl.n. Waddi. Pla$ tlv. s ),ou@ Godl! lodlig tou !o dv. Lllllrn Daley,L.!n LelMllLr, jrdt C.mpbell,Gln.t ha F*ty Aa/n. to thk rcnhy q!!e. Pl65ercmedb€rto wnt. ChdMa Ofie.hg on the memolin€on yolr chek A. of hn Sundry.DRember26,toal @nsibudoNto the 20l0 Chrl.'na oficdnt arc t6,903.0oTo God b€in€ tbryl W6 bd I thE @trced Rd, AdLl O.Pano our P:Er.l€EDlstrlctSuFnnen.lent,.nd .ru l@kln! fo. e dat wh.n hc an viilt 6 for woEhlp an.lGdE our ml$lon.l .ontrlbutlonlor tne G.nld Proasch6lProj€.t h $c M.n DLtrict Boys@utTrcop3sc.o.R* CobSroutPack3,ll C,O.R,* ludy8uG Dr.n€L4llle Bloml€ TrooD 56 Conact PeEs Ad Plll.6 qchaturlng Or€anlarlon Replenod€ The L,y Lqds.hiD Connitte€ ha wortGd ln .lo* @n.!l6don .nd iincereohy€r b mtch DeDlewlti mlnl trl6. We elebnt the .onmlr" m€ntof the!. el.ct d to the nlnbtry ot l6ur Chrtt .nd th€ mlslon ol God'3.huEh In the worfd.I kn@thatyouwill8lE|llen vour,2, lolld payeBand.ncouhgemfr Faa COt'll.lUNlON gASKETS FROl.l TAN:IAN|A On th. @mmudonobl. tltls .oml.g Sund.y. thec wlll b€t''o b€.udtuln4 b..k 6 holdlngtn .onhunlon bEd. Theyrerc lEnd wd.n In Tenanli, the s. Afrl6 .ount y whercour ChrlruB of,erht k h.lpln6io bullda peschool. Thry rec Durchd.dfrcm a Frir TBde F.dcndon comper .Blnng tnat th€ @Ers E.rv.d a @omble IMnt *9. io. thelr cnft. Tnde srk 6 ds clnE! . pordonof thelr p@fit3b..k lnto thelr .ommunlly6 hpft l@l The Mes*nger b publbhcd monthly by rhe Untted Methodbt Church of Ridg€@st Ortcc HouE: ar00a,m,-2:00 p,h. AdC!!!s fhoori 639 N. No':@ Street Rldg€ftst, CA 93555 ?@l37s-7434 (7601375-7096(r6E Euelli,d.!.t I{lu Out Purpos€ erd ![lr3iot! We @ a.ichly ble$ed, l@ing, dd spidtuat fdily of Chri3t who shds Ood's l@c tnroughour per$nal and congreSattonajdinbtries.Our hlsslon ls to sh@ Chlisfs l@c *ith au, thrcugh our tFdltion oi scrlltuft, sctuoN, mustc,aDd fclryshi!, wc bclidc at&lgly in shding our blcssingswith thosc Our church liEily eelcon€s you io jou! us in ou! biblebased rcrship, pqy€!, sd dbcill6hip, nttt://@F.u Mlsalon trrlpheatrg Es$ali il h hllrE Each month, our church has sn €mphsb for gtvlng that is 8iv.n as the e!sabi@&!9!r: Buck-A-MoDth. You {i[ lind thc bucket Dbs {r.1.ll! dbplqlrd in thc Ndthd (6 you walk ioto th. church on the cred€l@], Wc Dnlctor ofMusic: al$ wll take oferings ld the tnlssion .tmto.A!&r'd .6phdb itr thc ofT.rbg platc but it nccds to bc clcdly deisnatcd (ln thc Dtecloi-si]lullui4llili€i Aot oclor memo llnc on echeck or ln an e clopel, (7601 793-7850 The Ml$tons Committcc h6s thc llesurc of48ignirg the monthly mi33ion prcg|as to support, Th€s. 4 Prarc! chain: th€n vot€d on at th. Ad Cluncil. For l.tUt ! D.Lt 060) 37s-3949 thc month of itoqst, we d TL. al@. asYlc. ProJ.dl Or ita!.!t 16ti lIaE i.Ltld. tt t Lr S.Flc. Itr Out Chulch EiLa ll.!tt!g. Lock-up forJ.! Juu.' aud.v E tph6t 2 J.!u.' Liiurgist (8:001 LiturSrsr(10:301 MoLd. Btrod Wd .4.1 Hd.l R.Ittt Lad: Hclp: Count !s C.tlr' gatl6tf dd C.i'f,t lurttt A6Ed. Lh.ll. U.ttltr dtl xltll !aL. Jio tlodd' w.d. .!d Ltr Jaot TorE!, EMn' dr.!. Aoad. C.6Lhr.l cddrEa 16 D.rtI! uit ,hal Bato! R.y ud Mtrd. u rd Je.!t!. L€ad: co*l& Help: {loh.Ilo xitttt u*M.!t aiHn o!, counters en d!, ud t{.acy adbt DLr.ldcnc, ., flioLrl. Kutdqt .!d Ctuo. BttEt Jurd 23 E@4.!l.d LilurAlst (8:00) Aurrrt L.l ldtll4 1.6 Liturebt(10:30) llDd'. W.t6 Eltttd.t Do! 6it D@. cbrLtLd Acott url I.tty Liturelst (e:001 Litursist(10r301 !€ad: Ro.ty .!it l{b. Lo. lf.te Jolr sit l.t. L€adi tltot Hclp: Countcrs ds.l tl4.Lt' LrE. !€lU .tttl E .dfd.l U. Idl|L.rh. Bdb Johnt@, .nn tfb. Lu. s.l l{.1XolE, ftlr ItLD.. Yo[tL Aude t lruN3o AddY Mc*h' I.dt U, dil Ctr.rYl l|.6 l|!o.! LituBi.t (8:00) Llturgist(10:301 R.Lttd. ld t(l.!.lL l.,lrt n t t HeLp: l{'ltta trdl, countc.s lrB E.!.r.t, .!d A6.t !|oilt! D.t Dl[.i.[. ti|l!..uL.. CHOIR NOTES HAlvtsYOURSELFA VERYTIAPPYNEW YEARAND A BLESSED 2O}I wle-the busiestcloi! sedoE is der @d we had a crmo m€: concerton Dec.5fi, anrara on D.c 12 plusa visifto HighD*n Haveni Dec.19rfu 6ulti cloir concn at cnce Lurhe@j Dec.24 the9100p.m.caldleliShtseNicer plus4 sundaymorningsenic€sand s!.cial ! sicfor the 8:00an. seNice. I d sorhrilled to beableto work with this bealriful butrchof sirgeEandmusicids. Thankyousomuch,on€erd all. wilh 10:30a.m. January2,?0rrwr eill bebackona nonnalschedule seMce(\ueSather at 9 45am.)and7:00p.m torTtuudaynighr releaFal,. Sravftll. besaleandwe will see!.outhen. -Ioice Andeson. Dtuectorof Music GreatStlidesWalk EEffi:,*;Hd1#irl*,*'ri'..*ne comingfromRUMC. w. aresogratetulfor rie suppoltofthe colgregarionh this imponet €lforr ',!arly On behalfof CysticFibr6b patierts acrcssthe counrry,thrnk youl Tdor, Taylo!, od Is.bela Frbbee -hi.,Flie, TestamentTrav€lers'Tr€at Tr6e Ou€gtionl MISS1ON IMPOSSISLE? when rheygot closeto the PrombedLand,M6es se$ spiesro checkourrheled od peopleAll burso of rh. spies cme backsoundinglile bigchjckeN. To seewlat th€vw€r€scaftdot reddNumbeBllMuldlikero invireallofourFurh ag.sK - 4'"gBde.We will be sturing our newseriesoalessoiscoveringth. OldTestuentl lleaseconedd.iojn in the fun. Th. r@tha B ltill @ld ootsid., blt w. ofe k€.pir!9@n by tninkingdboutslrm€d connuni@t.withyqri Th.rg or! laj.|ol rcy3 ro p.fiicrpai.i r^onddy of W./n .dqyhight s.ssionsbothb€inniig.t 6r3opn.wlttrfrc. .hilddr. p@id.d onW.dna3d6Fonlyof join ihrolgh corf.spond.icdwh* 't r tq.i@ th. bookqndrtudy iot€s ffom.lo$. rh. rtudy Waor. h@dedbdckfo cafip Pondoqgqinrhi3 y@ fo. dioth€. w@l of su|i|ns fun in the sunl cohe ohdl@rn mf. .bosr your toath ond.p.nd your ff@ tin 5l!t.b6rdin9. llolntdn biking, *inining,.nd ridi.g th.2ip line. Allyouthqged12to 18af.l&il.d ro ottend coittpPodo the w.ek ofter schooll.ts out, frc|tr Juher3n7 oi 8i9 g@ Ldk.l {oung Adult Janury tttra, c6r to ott4d b $?29 p€r cdp€r. llOO rr d!. ot 3r$-q d o b.fod rdMry 3os dndth. i! du. b.for. Jlrn. l',€. ]rhy fo. lchold|shipi.tormtion ondto slgn-up.llo ldre visit th. conp w.bite for |tlore infornE io!, cqlliigollyoung odlltlirh. J.roorymix.rwill b. heldF.rdoy,J@ory ta* b.4ir{q .l 6pm ai siafoLon.! gowling aenta.Briig$12per p.Boh fo. twogoli.! of bowliigandshoer.nrol. Therewill b. p.i2esdrcitingth. bi99e.twinna .nd the be3tlosaof both.ouhdsl ciildEh@ w.rcomcio co'n€bowlor to Mtch. Pl..!. let Anyknowif youpld io enoughloi.s for .veryorc.5.e youth.El Also,retnenb.rro checkout th. youryodult p{9e.ccetsedthroughthe .hurchs websit.Jor mo.einfo.miion cohceiingy.!i9 odulr nihGrfyqctivity@ww.uhcrc.u6. Zmd AmmualVoffih Gnou tueA.Fo[oza Middl.!.hoolqndhighschoolyoothgroup in.llbas @. cordlollyinviied to sp€nd vor.iti'r. s Dqyiaght with your t.llop yourh grclp ehbas ltond.y, Flbruory l4d frcn tpm to aph in th..hur.h lo.iolhall.Dinne.$ill be providedby dlpid Cot€.ihg.No psmBlion slips r.{uired. BrilE you. frierdll Ridg€crest United lanuary2011 TheL 1ju ot Fnerd!co{.rn< € r! hcreta REgecrcsL odjfuary 4 oo 22. k w6 f€da ercrse rat yrr fd t ,a c rhatrhb Far /rU beandertuj roo.Thebck*! a oneh-!L . **'1r fh.yd e{!00.rrraur.d tohry.aichord5l]o rher ntred li:-lTj:-":.-, vriiliN p'6ecodRt rri.n.tshipc,(k chrrs.r,un +!r++l4g+q+lel!!!!! .thb B Mrrd. Dne wldeliD- or K.!nl4n HGotrdd.cdytoimorcrdbmFof .bon !h*. cmr ar mmrtusurhuuyrccpcd bvwomrnin tuJBccR*$ I wouldencou?Ae rcr brcl I hey{f aqitrbtenow' ltro wehfl. be.oakfd m tetpwllhfmek; (narugu.m dr aid.rDbrb6zingrt ra'). Tri \h*a! red $.l r* i octrrcnm ti_ earNti:{6 r nd.y) |l ylu soutdlike!o volur!.d @h.tDw(h thb,p,.se €I m., bu. yllll rLr:l* wr har ale bRn!t d romur rhj c\s8c ou.,in&er-r!h. *r on sd cobr chxgewirho., I MJto RjnyrppRerme I Ju* -lju. rri Miller, UMW p6i.L.r . rhe J.n@ty 2t t 22,2011,utthy ot Fti.idr'teattltod s@.akatC.mb Wowr.. aEig wrhwo6niptea.tot, De.n,w ltt you. spiits @t otthoie winter&ldtunE and warmy@t head6.Enloya 4@n+awa!'bda ith rN ard new hients trcn aM. aa:@t Low4 eqd ot Lift'. thoushdB k,npthsto wait .* b pw-hase umr re Esrnru@ -ljl,Pljj:9! then,w dont rcc.nned it dra i, rnee/ihrs,rdrc ee@on anong|no3ewhoatbndedthafr6tpot6ty Ladyp9es'raron,rsn6,'.s , w@new fle66aget)ire DtqBn beSt.sanFddeyntsht,,:3opn, aml.Eah on S.luR .y .t gio.n. y\y!,y g *l tlch.E,tl€t JEDo.ry 15rtdLe,ood dessry of !!: n flrhecataq aa.lto he setap ^ N@ncenot@ svng mw at thay'*-Mccaa c;nt€t. E o s@rEp€serls a ,u/alrasd tictret.fheQb@.evanthou0hatr€/a wit otubebtu Desoneenptt wts at@th6pq6n stads,M canlanErhenaway.asne rcizr holdatnav anlvaaI a tatetfind LunchL @t6n.t tn.t ut@ w t b., bo stE{ tookngnowtu that @racl collaaNg t e\chnga. Mea.Wu.cAea.i a.d buy,ou n;k* aadylot tr4s .-, o{r andpa6sabngtoWt ttierctshe fu.r andbogcphcat pdnnE rressrxlsc'nt r€r€ ad uE€dt t nisstorrtuay ,.!:!n.u: tn Yd,y 9odtous. ,",:y:p:!!l eadynsustosetue Hin,nanewpa' 9y , , -Sue.Bue.usa Ca.ahay,Lie Hadng, ChanatteHofma., KzF;nVeazey,Andf UM\v PURPOSE UMW EVENTS Theor8anizedunir of UDit€d Methodilt women shdl bea communrtyof woben whGe JaNa.y19 expeliencefEedon 6 wlole pesoN thbugh]esusClristi to &rlop a creativesupponivefellowship;andto qpdd conceptsof missionchroush pdricipation in theElobalnihisnies of rhechulh. kryiteaFhierd 26 January EFphoy Lurch BoardM€.tir8 SisrerhAcr 3M Circle Frien&hip ciftle Cool'iePacl.inR cookie BoxesAvailab[ Si6ter'sAcr rlM CiRle FriendshipCltlle We will behavirq u EDiDhuv Luncl oa saturd4yJeueyirb lt ;oo.'rhe new UMw oftices wlll b. insraleddndrhc reriringotrlc.rshonored.Also,we will be inrroducingo!! themefor rh. 20ll yearl Findilg Pcace.Thelunchwill beasoup, salad,andblEadpolhck Plese cone trd ValenrineC@kie Bd S.le plMed we will b.hdvingou!valenireCookie BoxSrk €ain rhisyear rfrou arcinreEsred rnbakrngorpaclirgorbuyingklenrtn. cooLi.bok,' lml out for fu,Ger idormarionro aDDe,rh I he bulletb andat worsbip*rices a otherUnitedMerhoolsE woEen Evelts inJanuary.Moreinfomation will !e in rhenexr MessenS€! andon.linear tudg€cltotUnire.l Meriodist Womcd on FacebookTo gerinqred ro our Facebookpaqc,pleasee mlu LauaMille@rdoenet Et Crop Circle Rrsuhes DoyouscrJpbook? Male Cards,Doorhe!papeErrft ir8? we havea smrllgrorpofwomen*1. neer'orittresecorid sundayofrheDonrh in the,social HJI I olellowship andkeepuponourS.Epbooking projecls.We deet I rcm 2 ro t an.lsp.Dda muchrih. supboolDg asw. do visiEhA Gomerifts wedo moleol ole tntr cheoiher) we hav€rake!a bEak-fors while andarcnow FrumiDgare8ularmeering we welcomenewconeFand wouldliketoencolEgeyortocomeddJotnus.Forfurrh€rinfomation, Dtese call thechurchofiicear 375.7434 andlalk !o Dlde wadelin Mara Dstrict in Tanzania Our Christna offerinq is goirg toward buyi.g wc lajsed$6,901roward thG pukhase.Th€laDd was cios€n sone tnne d8o somepjcturs of ivha!it l o okslikelrislsa c E s of landat a costof965,000. accommodate 180childkr Thesepicturs werenortaken Ridgecrsr d9.r'de takenin theMlmDisrrictin Tanzarh,Aftica in the rown of Th€\ /omenlcrouphas sta$ednaking bricksfor the Sisht P6alns. A New psoriopal SighrPsalc," a newdrily devorional inleldedro helppeottereltecton God,s plesencein their livcs through the useof images,is now avajlableo! GBOD9 websi.e ds a part of a new paseo! Prayer. lach day, a new phorosiaph will be postedto evok.Fnecdonandimpin.ionwirha! ef verbalnesage i c omprn y m o .rp L oroaS i grr P .rl r.,r- 5elo u - d1 ,$ ww q b o do siqhrpsalns\rherc use.salsowill haverheoppditudry ro subsribe to have eachday'simagedehvered viaenail I['s Macaroni& CheeseMonthll TheMisions Condicreewanrsto bemorehendsod in fecdinSrhc hungry th's year.So,alodgwith onr usu,l supponof rheLivins BreadMinbtrie (rhe loodpdtry tud dtrolgh rhesalvdrionAmy) we wouldlike ro €nouE8e rhe congregation to bringfooddonacionsAll food dolatioN @ meptedl However,we hd€ identiffedtwehevital iteG fo! lhe foodbaskct!Ecciv€d by bntles rho applyfor thc ein€lgency food. Thefirsr monrhwill be Macarcniandchescl FeelfEc to join in by brilging n box of MacNni and Cheese cowoFhip seRices.You!donatioNof oth€!foodir.ids aiEalways appr€clat€d t@. You@y ,ls $ppon cheI"ivingBFadMinisrrieswirh honeybynotilg rhal on lhe meDoline. Wewa ro do this sincepeoplearc hungrr allyearandwe haveseverallocalproglms rhatwe wouldljle io slpporrfina$cially. Thisway,we canbringlooded supportthe progm and lookforwad to thc timcsin theycd tha. wc alsoconnibuccmon€tarily.If yox would like to Jointh€ misriouconrnilceeed ledn moreabourho{ we makethesedecisions.we mecton the*cond-I huBdavof rh€monthl Adulr Suday Schoolresunesm.eringar 5 00 pm c'nm6r sundayevenirysfor anhouranda halt we arefiri6ling up oul studyof Deuterononydd will besldting the Historicalb@k ofjGhua at rh. .nd ofjduary No b sc$sary to Jolnsi$ usin oursuFry of rhebibL. we wclcore newcomerdour baic rdr is cheblble andwe havesomear class.Wc deet in Room4. Adult Classes ft h wjth saclness that I prinl !his,ny lrst Messenger, ru edito!. I har lMd sewingthis con8Egationh this wayandwe cenainlyhavescenlmy chd84 in rhedecaderhari nav€,€r'ed a! €diror. I scarredout wirh rhel.!al size pa8e6,nd now we have*n mMd ro anon l,nenrsion. I hae niver done this alon€andI want cosp.ciallythankall of rlose peoplewho hac offccd slgg€stioNandwordsof encouraSenenrWhar amI goinSro do now with all this extratime?Well, unfortunately,my ecelt medicalexp€nses haveforced meto takeajob. so,I arnclearilg thedecks.Also,I havea srlongdesirero write a b@k. lr will combinetwo ofmy irvorite thirgs-blble srudyanddog rEiniogl h maybeatoral llop andnooEebut a few selectpeoplemaybe forcedto qpelience i!. Bur,for somererson,I fe€lrharI amcalledto wrire ii So,N wc all trcadtle pathto Fhonal andsftial, know lhat I arr r'ghi ther€with you evennow -laula Lei Mille., no longerMe$engd Editor A SpecialSudrv Otrdins: Hubp Relatiors D.v is ldurry r6d 0 - flft suday occw duing Epiphannthe s6on of huifeting Gods light to the wodd. HumanR.htiore Dayslk thEChdh to r$gni* thengtu otall Godt cbldEn in Ealizingrh.n potcnrial6 fiumm in rlatiomhip witb erh ath(, Thepurpoe of thedayis b turth4 tnc of besd h@d ftbiioN.o (Pa!.263.r,fh.B.aNoJ 0 confributios s@ftlh.n Unit d MdhodGt@ttach to clMunities in rheUnited SBG dd PueltoRicoand.ncolEge socialjusticc.nd wor! with ari* routh. T]1.1972G.neEl confeErc. estsblish.dHlnd R.latioc Dayto poodte suppor hf Comdiry &(lop.6, Unit d MethodhtvdsEry sdi.* andpolic..colmuiry Rol4ioB p!og@ Bcgln h 1963,th. thEc Frcgrm hadrecciv.dsupp.t lioh rhe churchwid.8i!hop! Fud for Reconciliation. ln 1989,the Youtt Olftnd.! Rehabilitation Pogrh Rplaced ih. Poltrr'ComuiD R.'irioc Pngm b i.qpondrd a gro$irg oobulalbnof vollh olfend.n lheir necdtd .!ea!fl. RdRiion "nd YourgoNus corhibutioro Nppotr 0 CoMuiy DdrlopeFptulm, ftl*.d !o th. sord ofcloba Mbrb6 (cBGMJ-9p?Nentolth. ol.nng.Pe!$N wrk in Rial andehnrc.hinoriiy comunitiB ir tn. Uniftd sEt.s rd pucrtoRico, 0 Unit.d Methodbtvolunrae s.Fices. GBGM-33 treft A multt{ial nerworkoI grlsots $cLl Jstie orgaiiztioN pdid., viel ;uft eL, 0 YouthO[.nd* Rehabi]ilationPF8ld, afiiliaEd with the GeElal B@d of church and soci.ty-lo ctuis.c.nRr.d pFjecB SiveE.na8!N succced A! Exdple of r Prog.d hclp€dby lhb sFci.l sudry offedng: 's!a!i$ica showtlat childrcnoI plisonrs ac six tjh.s boE likely thm orh.r cbildu to b. incddaEd at sonepoin! in th.i! Iiles."' Uniled M.rlodisr Chuth R.denptionKid! Milisfi.s ir OkLhona b s&ing b tun thai e6d tu a $jnirtrT ahdy f*sd onp$on$ @d ex.prisoncrs, ii wa naMl for Rcdebpliotrto lemh out Mdy oI rhes childrn f.el alonein shggLs. M..ting chud!.d ln slbjlal cinushc.s helpslhemt coFe."I let mgry,I know I slFuldnt, b.causeits nor youtha! lock d ny patna up,"Emlmbds Equ$&e wo{otd. ctiw in RrdenptionKds fo! noE tbd si,ryen5,andnowa youthlead4 hdpiq othm sueed. Joy Blocl,yorh diector lor th. Rc.lenptionYouthpbgm t l.denption lcm v.nueUniedM.thodist cl rch, wa incdeEtedbd.f. Blocksays,"I weL ou (ruth) to . . . folov cod fi6t -ItErs nmb.r on 'Thacsgoingbbeth.irsftbgthalMys inlifc,".onrinucdBloct,whoknows y rh. k to bra&jng theincceation cycleh b slmud youg peopl.*ith God! low. Yor gifts to HulM R.latiotr Dayp!.vid. nstord Rlitirmhjps rhsDghmink!.i6 litc Redemption Kidn a YouthOfiendc rehabiliElionPogEmi comujry Dewlole6, *lf-iFp@€nmt p&glmi dd UnitedM*hodht Voluntary Sepic6, comujty idhsy tlur chalcnS.soppEsion md injuti@. PRAYERS F mily add tr'riendsin NeedofOur Prsyers Bl[ Hdl Klberltl hnlly In Tdad. Todd L.),i.ld PhllLllly ltllSSlONARlES Mksion!.y6 Liberti l.1llrloMrt Hdbury Gdm.ny U.S. MILITARY D.vld Blrd TIIANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERT; lfy.! hav.a fmily menbd o! r ftcnd rhatyo! *orld like u! rd pEy lor lhsugh on prayq .hoir minirr.y,andiDolud. onourDEyerlisq pl.e lonrer Mrgell Andeum .l 375-9360 or Dire Mdelin in thc chuch oltice !t 3?5-?434 lfyou fe.l rharsoneonec'0 @re o,tlh.list, E sould bcsl.d to h. norifr.dofthi! al!o. Tha* Youl Hury€ Birthdcg! 1 4 5 8 9 11 79 20 27 25 26 29 StanleyChassagne JamesWeeksIII JayHodge JudyBurn6 Lori Gunther GaylinnCloonan JolinAnderson Wavne lhner Linia Archibald Dr. ElmaJocson CassRoquemore TamalaHansm JohnBranson BonnieDale Patrick& CherishRindt 12 Anthony & Dola Bahes 18 tteltn & ueDra Hetrn 19 Dwight& MaryAtkinson Simon& LisaAustin Jeff& DianneHargrove Geoffand MichaelLindsay 29 Dave & JuanitaMorton ' Mondav Tuesdav JANUARY Wednesdav Thu6dav Fridav Saturda 5 fl 21 SundayWorshipSchedule a:ooamand1030an worshioSeMe allages 9:00amSunday Schoot Middl€SchoolYoult'Glouo 23O - 4:00DmFom 2 HighSch@lYoulhG@p 4:00- 5:3OpE F@m 2 5:0Oon AduhSundavSchml Rdm 4 zt
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