June 2016web - Kaneohe Yacht Club
June 2016web - Kaneohe Yacht Club
June 2016 Volume XCII Number 6 Managers Reception Pacific Cup News Sail Camp I 14 Racing Fishing Fleet Tennis IRF KYC Calendar SUNDAY MONDAY June • July 2016 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 2 JUNE Snack Bar 11-3 CG# 14 Mtg. UD 6:30 PM Summ. Circuit Mtg UD 6PM Express Window 5:30-7:30 Cribbage & Bridge 6:30 PM 5 6 7 8 CG# 17 Mtg. UD 6:30 PM Mooring Mtg. UD 6:30 PM Snack Bar 11-3 Snack Bar 11-3 Express Window 5:30-7:30 Cribbage & Bridge 6:30 PM 15 IRF Summer Circuit Day 1 Pac Cup-Escort Mtg UD 6 PM Brunch 9-11 AM Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4 PM YOGA UD 5-7:15 PM Deckhands Mtg LH 6:30 PM 12 13 14 Snack Bar 11-3 Pac Cup-Mooring Mtg UD 6 PM Snack Bar 11-3 9 11 MP UD 5:30 PM Locker 5:30-7 PM Dinner 6-9 PM 16 Snack Bar 11-3 Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:30 Snack Bar 11-4 PM 17 Snack Bar 11-3 18 Live Music MP All Day LH/UD/Gazrbo ORF Double Handed 24 25 KKIDS UD 9 AM KKIDS UD 6 PM WW Realtors LH 8 AM KYC Movie Night Snack Bar 11-3 Snack Bar 11-3 Snack Bar 11-3 Membership Mtg. UD 6 Fleet + Club Ops UD 6 PM Snack Bar 11-3 Express Window 5:30-7:30 Cribbage & Bridge 6:30 PM Snack Bar 11-3 Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:30 BLOOD DRIVE 8AM-12PM COL UD 8AM-12PM 27 26 28 IRF Summer Circuit Day 3 Snack Bar 11-3 YOGA 5-7:15 UD 4 3 Snack Bar 11-3 BOD Mtg UD 6:30 PM Snack Bar 11-3 Locker 5:30-7 PM Dinner 6-9 PM 4 of JULY Pac Cup-Escort Mtg UD 6 PM First Friday Dillingham Race Relay for Life Snack Bar 11-3 Locker 5:30-7 PM Dinner 6-9 PM Snack Bar 11-3 Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:30 Snack Bar 11-4 PM 7 8 9 Fish Fleet Mtg UD 6 PM Leis & Trays/Gazebo 10 AM-12 PM Snack Bar 11-3 Cribbage & Bridge 6:30 PM Express Window 5:30-7:30 CG #17 Mtg. UD 6:30 PM CG #14 Mtg. UD 6:30 PM Snack Bar 11-3 Snack Bar 11-3 Snack Bar 11-3 Deckhands Mtg LH 6:30 PM Snack Bar 11-3 Cribbage & Bridge 6:30 PM Express Window 5:30-7:30 Locker 5:30-7 PM Dinner 6-9 PM Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:30 MP LH 5 PM MP UD 5 PM Snack Bar 11-4 PM 15 16 Live Music Pac Cup-SDO Mtg. UD 6 PM 14 Classboat H PACIFIC CUP RACE STARTS Pac Cup Mtg UD 6 PM Mooring Mtg UD 6:30 PM MP LH 8 AM Snack Bar 11-3 Snack Bar 11-3 Express Window 5:30-7:30 Cribbage & Bridge 6:30 PM 19 20 Commodore’s Ass. Luncheon LH 12 PM F + P Mtg. UD 6 PM 18 IRF B-3 Wahine Snack Bar 11-3 Tennis Fleet LH 6 PM Locker 5:30-7 PM Dinner 6-9 PM Pac Cup-Comm Mtg. UD 6 PM Snack Bar 11-3 Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:30 21 22 23 Snack Bar 11-3 Brunch 9-11 AM Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4 PM Membership Mtg UD 6:30 Snack Bar 11-3 MP UD 9 AM Fleet + Club Ops UD 6 PM 24 25 26 PACIFIC CUP 2 6 13 17 JULY 5 12 Snack Bar 11-3 Snack Bar 11-4 PM 1 Pac Cup Mtg UD 6 PM 11 Brunch 9-11 AM Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4 PM Snack Bar 11-4 PM 30 th Kanewai Race MP LH 5 PM Snack Bar 11-3 YOGA UD 5-7:15 PM MP UD 6:30 PM Leis & Trays/Gazebo 5-8 PM Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:30 29 10 Brunch 9-11 AM Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4 PM 10 Snack Bar 11-4 PM 23 Snack Bar 11-3 FATHER’S DAY BRUNCH 2 Locker 5:30-7 PM Dinner 6-9 PM Fishing Fleet Mtg UD 6 PM 22 20 Brunch 9-11 AM Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4 PM Snack Bar 11-3 Snack Bar 11-3 MP LH 1-4 PM Summ. Circuit Mtg UD 6PM Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:30 21 19 Kalakaua Cup Race COL UD 4 PM 4 Locker 5:30-7 PM Dinner 6-9 PM YOGA UD 5-7:15 PM Brunch 9-11 AM Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4 PM 3 F + P Mtg. UD 6 :30 PM Pac Cup-Finish Line Mtg LH 6 PM Snack Bar 11-3 Express Window 5:30-7:30 Cribbage & Bridge 6:30 PM Brunch 9-11 AM Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4 PM Brunch 9-11 AM Locker 10-Noon Snack Bar 12-4 PM SATURDAY First Friday Snack Bar 11-3 IRF Summer Circuit Day 2 FRIDAY PACIFIC CUP KANIKAPILA NIGHT Live Music Snack Bar 11-3 Cribbage & Bridge 6:30 PM Express Window 5:30-7:30 27 PACIFIC CUP LUAU Snack Bar 11-4 PM ORF Shorthanded Snack Bar 11-3 Snack Bar 11-3 Locker 5:30-7 PM Dinner 6-9 PM Family BBQ Express Window 5:30-7:30 28 29 PACIFIC CUP MT GAY PARTY Snack Bar 11-4 PM 30 PLYWOOD CUP PACIFIC CUP Race Start 12:30 AWARDS CEREMONY -----------------------------------------31 MP UD 5 PM On the cover: Matthew Kirley and Kameron Warren having fun on a Topper during the 2016 KYC Junior Sail Camp May 14 & 15. More on page 10. Photo: Jesse Andrews Commodore Richard Perkins By the time you read this, we will already have had our welcome reception for our new General Manager – Norm Cote. In case you missed this reception, Norm started on May 16 and he hit the ground running with the Club / Fleet Operations Meeting, Finance & Planning Meeting, Thursday Night Dinner / Bulkhead Race, and Friday Night Music all in the first week. If you haven’t met Norm, please stop by the club and introduce yourself and welcome him to the KYC family. Memorial Day weekend on the mainland is supposed to be the unofficial start of summer but in Hawaii it’s the start of kids getting out of school. Hooray, commute times start to get much better. It also starts the Summer Sailing program at the club. Jesse Andrews, (Junior Sailing Director) has been very busy getting ready as classes started on May 30. The front office has been busy taking reservations for the Summer Classes and the classes are already filling up. Jesse has created a great team of instructors this year and we look forward to a successful Summer Sailing Program. In May, we added music on the third Friday and for those who were unable to attend it was a huge success. Based on the results we are now going to have music twice a month for the summer – the first and third Fridays. Look for the posters and blast e-mail for who will be performing each Friday. Roselle has some great musicians lined up. If you haven’t been to our Friday music you are missing a fun night. You can order from our snack bar window or fire up the BBQ and cook your own dinner. June is going to be a busy month at the club as it is IRF Summer Circuit time. This regatta is held every June on three Sundays with the exception of Father’s Day – June 20. Rick Osborne has done another great job promoting this regatta and hopes to have close to 25 boats participating. We have had a difficult time hiring Life Guards for the weekends this year, but I have some good news we hired one lifeguard to work weekdays and another lifeguard to work weekends. They will both start the first week of June. There is a shortage of blood at the Blood Bank and they asked KYC if we could have another Blood Drive in June. Pam Isayama has stepped up to organize this Blood Drive scheduled for Saturday, June 25 with the assistance of Jean Fernie, Barbra Green, Harvey Minsky and June Williams. There will be sign-up sheets available soon so please sign-up to support this Blood Drive. Pam deserves a BIG MAHALO for organize this event. In closing, the Pacific Cup is coming in July. The race starts on July 11 in San Francisco and concludes with a week of events beginning on July 25 at the club. We are planning for 70 boats this year and planning for this event is in full swing. I want to thank all the Committee Chairs for their hard work in planning for this important event at the club. Enjoy the summer and stay safe…. Vice Commodore Tom Wood Aloha all. May was a great month at your Club and we are looking forward to the rest of the summer. We recently welcomed Mr. Normand Cote as our new Manager. The selection committee considered many candidates and Norm rose to the top of the pile. We are very glad to have him onboard and contributing. Welcome Aboard Norm! Preparations continue for a busy summer season, from Summer Circuit to Pacific Cup and the rest of the fleet activities, as well as First and third Fridays, and Relay for Life and all the other excitement – there’s lots going on and lots to see and do. As we approach summer, there are a few things that we should take stock of as boaters. First, our responsibility to help maintain our wonderful Bay includes keeping track of what we do on shore and on the piers. Debris, batteries, liquids, and hazardous materials should not be left on the ground or piers where they may leach or spill into the Bay. In the event of a spill, use the spill containment kits and immediately notify the office of the circumstances. In most cases, whenever there is a spill no matter how small, there are legal reporting requirements that we must follow, and we also will need to replenish any containment supplies that are used in responding to the spill. All maintenance work must follow our Best Management Practices (BMP’s) to minimize the risk of spills. If you don’t have a copy – ask for one. Preventing a spill is far, far easier (and cheaper) than cleaning up one. Second, June 1st marks the traditional beginning of the summer storm season. While we all know storms can happen anytime, and certainly our worst damage in recent years has been from winter storms, we still need to remain vigilant to the possibility of tropical weather systems. The Foul Weather Friends and the Port Captain and Mooring Committee are inspecting berths for safety as well as other compliance issues. For all wet slip tenants, please visit your boat and check your slips. Dry slip tenants should also take the time to check their boats, trailers and slip area. Loose items, poorly attached canvas, etc. can create hazards and additional damage during storms. Take the time to clean up before these become a problem. Third, everyone who moors or stores their boat at KYC should make sure that their contact information is up to date at all times with the office. Multiple contact numbers are encouraged so that when there is an impending storm or other potential emergency, we can reach you or your representative promptly. We all strive to take care of each other, but ultimately Skippers, your boat is your responsibility. Now is also an excellent time to double check to make sure your insurance coverage is up to date and provides the proper coverage. While you are at it, please provide a recent copy of your policy information to the office. Take care of yourselves and each other. Rear Commodore Frederic Berg Yes, that was the month of May that just whizzed by, did you notice it? The season is in full swing as evidenced by the plethora of activities at the Club. Starting with Mothers Day, a potpourri of IRF and Classboat races, a tennis tournament, a Fishing Fleet get together, Offshore racing to Molokai, delivery of new Toppers, the town fleet visiting on their treck around the island, seminars to learn everything you ever wanted to know about sailing, a junior camp out at the Club, First Fridays, Second Fridays, Thursday night bulkhead races every Thursday, and even Friday night dinghy races, yes, every Friday. OK, you can catch your breath now. It all takes a lot of volunteer work to make this happen, so please take the time to thank those that put in the tireless hours. Better yet, the next time you see someone that has volunteered in your part of our diverse Club, ask them how you can help too. Chances are they are looking for a little help here and there and before you know it, they’ll be handing over the reigns to you, so they can become the next Rear Commodore! It happened to me so it can happen to anyone. It’s very gratifying work and you’ll get to know the Club a little better. Coming up is the Summer Circuit, the biggest regatta in Hawaii, over the month of June with the exception of Father’s Day. Rick Osborne continues to amaze us in putting together an excellent regatta. If you haven’t put together your team, there’s still time. I know the Melges Fleet will be out with a vengeance. Don’t look now, but the J-80 Fleet is growing by leaps and bounds and will likely surpass the Melges Fleet by this time next year. You can say I said so. The Club is working on a mini masterplan of our vast parking lot including dry storage. All scenarios are on the table such as putting the tennis courts together in one location, creating an area for repair and maintenance of all size boats, rack storage for dry stored boats, moving the maintenance shed, increasing dry storage, making better use of the area south of the drainage canal and who knows what other crazy ideas the geniuses can generate. It’s so easy with pencil, paper and a good eraser… It’s looking like the El Nino pattern that brought us a record year of tropical disturbances is winding down and with it the risk of hurricanes. That shouldn’t mean backing off on mooring lines keeping your boat safe and away from your neighbors. Please use this time as the storm season begins to check up on your mooring hardware. Do you have any idea what’s under those tires on the piling next to you? The chain may be chafed through ready to release at the first real strain. Better to change it now than wait for the winds to clear it out for you. Once again, just bringing up the Rear… See you around the Club. 3 Manager’s Reception Welcome our New Manager Norm Cote Tuesday May 31, 2016. Members turned out in good numbers to meet the new Club Manager Norm Cote at a reception in his honor. A delicious selection of pupu was also served. Welcome Norm! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED, SIGN-UPS HAPPENING NOW Pacific Cup, “the Fun Race to Hawaii”, runs every other summer from San Francisco Bay. This has been an event since 1980 and finishing at Kaneohe Yacht Club since 1988. The Kaneohe Yacht Club committees have been working hard planning and organizing the various activities necessary to make this a successful event. This requires lots of volunteers. Committees are still looking help. There is a sign-up sheet along with the committee descriptions on KYC’s main notice board near the Bar in Ma Shultz Lounge, or you may contact the Chair of the committee listed on the description sheet. Committees are planning their training sessions. If you haven’t signed up yet don’t hesitate now is the time. PARTY!PARTY!PARTY! Pacific cup would not be complete without KYC’s spectacular parties. New Club Manager Norm Cote and Commodore Dick Perkins Laurie Morgan greets Norm Cote Tuesday, July 26, 2016 – Kanikapila Night w/Harry Koizumi Wednesday, July 27, 2016 – Hawaiian Luau w/Chief Sielu Thursday, July 28, 2016 – Mt. Gay night featuring the Vinyl Frontiers Friday, July 28, 2016 – Awards featuring 11th Hour Norm with Kimo & Honey Corstorphine and Dick Perkins Jo Brooks and Don Neill say hello 4 Donna Perkins, Harvey Minsky, Rob Rietow, Harmony & Galen Coffman, Jayne Henley Davis, Diane Minsky Get your tickets now at the Pacific Cup Yacht Club website. Pacificup.org/16/shop Tickets are going fast! ACH CLUB ACHT YA HE Y KANEOHE JUNE 5,12, 26 Uppe Deck Yacht Club Upper Yacht e Ya Kaneohe 6 International 14 Fleet Elise Leroux The I-14 fleet is excited about all the new faces in our fleet! Michael Pacholski and Giacomo Paoletti from the UH sailing team are now racing USA 1160 together. Michael previously sailed I-14s in California; Giacomo is new to the boats but you wouldn’t know it to watch him on the water. Cole Brauer, also from the UH sailing team, had her first I-14 outing earlier this year and is eager for more; and Craig Brown got on a 14 for the first time in many years for our most recent classboat regatta. I-14 Classboat Regatta F, May 1 The I-14 fleet had a wonderful day of tight racing. The wind ranged from 5 to 20 knots from the ENE on a sunny day. Race 1 saw several lead changes with each boat leading at some stage. Andy Bates and Maddy Kennedy came out on top, followed by Michael Pacholski and Giacomo Paoletti in 2nd place and Elise Leroux and Kevin Rogers in 3rd. That race must have set the tone for the day, because the finish order was the same in the two races that followed – but the results belie the closeness of the racing. In Race 2, Andy and Maddy squeezed out first by less than half a boat length over Michael and Giacomo. In Race 3, each boat held the lead at some point during the race. This proved to be the most exiting race of the day with increased breeze, more shifts and puffs, a downwind finish, and tight racing. I-14 Classboat Regatta G May 22 The strong breeze for Classboat Regatta G on May 22 – 15 knots gusting to 23 plus – made for some great rides on the I-14s! Four boats come out to the starting line. Andy Bates and Maddy Kennedy schooled the rest of the fleet in how to stay upright in stiff breeze, winning Race 1 handily. They had a long wait for the others, as Elise Leroux and Craig Brown had a swimming competition with Thomas Pochereva and Yovo Stefanov. Unfortunately, Michael Pacholski and Giacomo Paoletti suffered damage and headed in. Tom and Yovo got past Elise and Craig to take 2nd place. After finishing, the latter boat retired for the day, leaving two boats for Races 2 and 3. Races 2 and 3 were exciting races, with the two boats neck-and-neck throughout. Tom and Yovo won Race 2 and Andy and Maddy battled back to win Race 3, taking first for the day by one point. It was very exciting racing and great crew work! Tom Pochereva on the helm; Yovo Stefanov crewing. Photo: John Thorne. I-14 Classboat Regatta F, May 1 Results I-14 Classboat Regatta G, May 22 Results 7 8 Tennis Fleet News Kit Beuret Fleet President The KYC Tennis Fleet held its March tournament under threatening skies. At 8am the courts were covered with a half inch of rainwater. Squeegees are no longer used as the court surfaces are delicate and any scraping has a negative effect. Sponge rollers were used and play began only a few minutes late. The lower court is looking gorgeous these days thanks to Rob Rietow who has spent many hours working bleaching out dark stains that had crept across the surface. Our June tournament will be held on Saturday the 11th with a potluck BBQ cookout to follow. If you have ever been interested in joining the KYC Tennis Fleet, please show up any Saturday or Sunday morning for our mixed doubles drop in sessions. All are welcome. E komo mai. Aaron & Sheri Phillips, Bob Yoder and Joanne Goebert Deckhands Margaret Peebles The Deckhands are pleased to announce that we have several new members on the board. You will see them working in the locker and helping with the multitude of club events the Deckhands coordinate. Mahalo to every one of them for stepping up and getting involved. • Sue McBride has been a club member for many years and has enjoyed the events hosted by the Deckhands. She has always wanted to get more involved in the club • Terry Beuret has been a club member since 1998. Now that she is easing into retirement, she has time to dedicate her efforts to volunteer projects. • Laura Kelly has been a club member for the past twelve years and has enjoyed involvement in the Fishing Fleet and Cribbage Fleet. She is looking forward to being involved in all of the Deckhands activities. • Lani Brandt has been a volunteer with the deckhands and is looking forward to being on the board. • Bobbie Youngblood has lived on Oahu for 35 years. Since her retirement she is leaning back on her creative side, and having fun. Meeting new people is one of her priorities. We look forward to working with all of these wonderful ladies and we thank them for volunteering their time. June Deckhands of the month: Mahina and Homer Maxey. (don’t forget you receive 25% off any purchase up to $100.00) Mahalo!! Kaneohe Yacht Club is preparing to host the Pacific Cup Race. In anticipation of the many guests we will have, the Deckhands locker is stocking up with great new items. Father’s Day is on June 19 and what a great Father’s Day gift to receive a logo shirt or hat. Please come and visit the locker and check out our new inventory. June is half way to Christmas and June 25th is Leon Day! (Noel spelled backwards) Looking for the perfect gift? Please come and visit the locker! Aloha Nui! John Gross, Pam Isayama, Jean Fernie and Steve Brooks New long sleeve logo shirts in the Locker! June Locker Hours: Thursday – 5:00-7:00 p.m. Sunday – 10:00-12:00 p.m. Now Open: First Fridays from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Keenan Giles, Linnea Brooks, Pam Isayama and Rob Rietow 9 Junior Commodore Malia Johnson There was a lot happening with the Juniors last month. The weekend of May 14 & 15 we held the first ever KYC Junior Sail Camp. The Junior Sailors and I would like to thank the KYC Board of Directors and Kaneohe Yachting Foundation for their support. We would also like to thank our volunteer coaches whom without their help this would not have been possible. Thank you to Andy Johnson, Jesse Andrews, John & Danielle Myrdal, Maddy Kennedy, Cole Brauer and Michael Pacholski. Thank you also to the I14 fleet for letting us take over their space for a night. Sail Camp was awesome! 22 kids participated and all but 3 spent the night. Each one of us had different sailing skills so we split up into groups. The first day was a blast, in the morning we set up our tents and did a few icebreakers to get the camp started. Next we went out on the water and had sailing drills and played games such as a shaving cream fight and tennis ball game where we retrieved over 100 numbered balls from the water and returned them to the coach boats without running into each other. We had a potluck dinner that night (thank you parents for bringing the delicious food) and then did team building games until lights out. My favorite part was all the campfire stories. Everyone was exhausted! The second day after a great pancake breakfast we brought Bics and Toppers out to the sandbar, then back to the club for a wrap up and pizza lunch. Overall Sail Camp was a very good experience for everyone who attended! Many campers told me that they are very excited for junior sailing in the summer and plan on taking classes! I hope that we can do this again next year. Movie Night was held on May 27 on the Upper Deck and the kids enjoyed the movie Home. Thank you to Meghan Furukawa and Pete Stokka for set up and breakdown of the night. Next Movie Night is Friday June 24. We will be showing “Penguins of Madagascar”. Movie starts at 7PM, see you there! Tents set up on the lawn by the south tennis courts Team building drills Stay Safe and Sail Fast! Malia Tennis ball game Malia, Hunter, Kaila, Jacob, Lauren and Ali Jacob Remily and Kaila Baker - Shaving Cream fight! Junior Sail Camp 2016 Cole Brauer, Malia Batungbacal, Malia Johnson, Kaila Baker, Jesse Andrews, Kahala Furukawa, Andy Johnson, Hunter Nottage, Logan Meierdiercks, Summer Johnson, Sophia Batungbacal, Anna Theilen, Sage Andrews, Giancarlo Batungbacal, Lauren Baker, Ali LeLesch, Michael Pacholski, Jacob Remily, Miles Wilcox, Front: Massimo Flumian, Kameron Warren, Hayden Nottage, Matt Kirley, Lopaka Nottage. (Not pictured: John Ryan Myrdal, Kawika Tumilowicz) Malia Batungbacal and Anna Theilen test the waters Kahala Furukawa fights back as Coach Danielle trys the shaving cream Mahalo to our coaches Andy Johnson, Jesse Andrews and John Myrdal (not pictured: Danielle Myrdal, Cole Brauer, Maddy Kennedy, Michael Pacholski) Matt, Massimo, Hayden and Lopaka enjoyed the pancake breakfast 11 May 7, 2016. IRF B-2. A stormy day in May didn’t keep the sailors away. Photos: Kenneth Fitzgerald Case Starting line Crusader Excalibur Papio 12 Joust Squall Fishing Fleet Bill Atherton Aloha Fishing Fleet, A great big MAHALO for the turnout at our last FF Meeting. We have added a lot of new faces! Below please see that the meeting for June has been changed and we hope to have another big turnout. Fishing has been getting off to a real slow start and we have yet to weigh a fish this month as of today. Our defending champion Rob Cannonico's boat is back up and running and he says he will get one before the end of May's tournament. Membership Report Luke Kudray Membership Count as of June 1, 2016 SENIOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .607 LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 ASSOCIATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 INTERMEDIATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 FAMILY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 LIFE FAMILY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 JUNIOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 NON-RESIDENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112 SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .902 FISHING FLEET SAND BAR PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Save the date: Saturday June 25th. We will be discussing all the details at the meeting. The Monthly Fishing Fleet Meeting for June has been changed, due to a scheduling conflict, from Friday June 3rd to Saturday June 4th at 6:00pm Upper Deck. Pot Luck!!! If you still need to sign up come to the meeting. T-Shirts available for sale Results from May Fishing Tournament Sign-up For June Tournament. If you have any questions please contact me at atherpac@aol.com Hanapa'a Captain Billfish Reflections By Glenn D. Clark, Jr. The National Maritime Day in the U.S. is a holiday observing the Maritime Industry. It is observed on May 22nd, the date in 1819 that the American ship, Savannah set sail from Georgia on the first Trans-Ocean steam powered voyage! The holiday was created by Congress on May 20th, 1933. This holiday is celebrated by most ports in the U.S. that border oceans. The Propeller Club of Hawaii was founded in Hawaii in 1950. The main objective of this organization was in developing positive input and output to assist the growth and management of ships, ports, and merchant marine industry. The state of Hawaii, being surrounded by water was a primary receipient of maritime information!. By the early 1960s sailboating was expanding greatly! And why not, the island had water, wind and now boats. Ergo in the early 1960s, races were held off Waikiki. The Honolulu Propeller Club began sponsoring races, giving trophies and locating restaurants for dinners. In 1966, on Saturday May 14th, a record entry of 96 sailboats, from 40ft. down to 8ft. Sunfishes, started from 10:35 am on- as eleven class boats, filled the start area of Ala Moana Park and all started before 12:30. The race went to Diamond Head - to Pearl Harbor - and back to finish at Waikiki. Leeward residents were treated to white and multi coloured sails for the coast, on the sailing course! The last finisher was at 7:10 pm! Great Day! Thursday May 26, 2016 - A surprise going away party was held for long time members Clark and Jenny Fremgen and daughter Claire. The Fremgens will be moving to Mukwonago, Wisconsin where they will become members of the Beulah Yacht Club. We will miss them dearly and wish them the best. Keep in touch Fremgen Family and look out Wisconsin! ~ A Hui Hou FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIES KYC Upper Deck FRIDAY, June 24, 7PM PENGUINS of Madagascar SUMMER 2016 JUNIOR PROGRAM SUMMER FUN BEGINS AT KYC!! KYC's Summer Program 2016 for juniors is the highlight of our year-round program. In an atmosphere of camaraderie and fun Junior Sailors learn the basics of sailing including all points of sail, knots, water safety and seamanship while building confidence and developing organizational and social skills. Additionally, KYC’s family oriented facility allows young people to learn tennis and to swim in a safe, well supervised environment. SESSION DATES SAILING/TENNIS SWIMMING Session 1: May 30 to June 10 Session 2: June 13 to June 24 Session 3: June 27 to July 8 (4th-off) Session 4: July 11 to July 22 Session 5: August 1 to August 5 ** SEE BELOW FOR SEA URCHIN SCHEDULE Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: May 30 to June 10 June 13 to June 24 June 27 to July 8 (4th-off) July 11 to July 2 HOW TO REGISTER Registration will be accepted during normal office hours at the KYC Office. All class sizes are limited and students will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. All applications, charter agreements, medical and release forms (on the bottom of the application) must be submitted prior to the beginning of class. JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP AT KYC Juniors ten years of age and up may become members at KYC. Complete information on the Junior Membership may be obtained from the KYC Office. Further Information For specific information relating to the Sailing Program contact Sailing Director Jesse Andrews at 247-4121 or by e-mail to andrewsjesse@gmail.com. For specific information relating to the Tennis Program contact Bruce Nagel at 262-2057. For information concerning the Learn to Swim Program contact the Kaneohe Yacht Club Office at 247-4121. **Sea Urchin Class: Students (ages 6-8 yrs. old) with little or no previous sailing experience. An introduction to sailing taught in a Cal 20 with an instructor on board at all times. Students become familiar with the boat and sailing in the bay. They will get hands on experience rigging, trimming sails and steering the boat. Limited to a minimum of 3 students per class and a maximum of 5 students per class. Please bring your own life jacket. Cost: Members $120.00 and Non-Members $140. Class times: Monday – Friday, 1:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. Session 1- May 30-June 3, Session 2- June 6-10, Session 3-June 13-17, Session 4- June 20-24, Session 5- June 27-July 1, Session 6-July 5-8, Session 7-July 11-15, Session 8-July 18-22, Session 9 August 1-5. Morning Beginner: For beginning (entry-level) sailors primarily, students aged 9 to 18. This class emphasizes knowledge of the boat, rigging, basics of sailing, water safety, and confidence in boat handling on all points of sail. Class times: Monday - Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Afternoon Accelerated Topper: For students primarily aged 9 to 18. Students that have already taken the beginning sailing class and wish to further develop sailing skills and get comfortable sailing on their own. This class will also focus on knowledge of the boat, rigging, basics of sailing, water safety and confidence in boat handling on all points of sail. Class times: Monday - Friday, 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Introduction to Singlehanded Sailing: Will be taught mostly in Open Bic’s and El Toro’s. Designed for the Junior Sailor who has taken a beginner class but has not yet taken an advanced or racing class. Emphasis is on boat handling skills and racing tactics. Class times: Monday - Friday, 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Morning Racing Class: This class will focus on training for upcoming events. We may sail a Laser, El Toro, Bic, 420 FJ, 29er depending on what regatta your child is training for. Kids are encouraged to take morning and afternoon racing classes and are offered a deep discount for all day sailing. Class times: Monday - Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 14 Afternoon Racing Class: This class will focus on training for upcoming events. We may sail a laser, El Toro, Bic, 420, FJ, 29er depending on what regatta your child is training for. Class times: Monday - Friday, 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. SAILING PROGRAM FEES AND DISCOUNTS Fees for Sessions 1, 2, 3 &4 --Morning Beginner and Afternoon Accelerated Toppers-$265 for Members and $310 for Non-Members. Fees for students who enroll in a Topper Morning and Afternoon class are $440 for members and $530 for Non-Members. Introduction to Racing, Advanced El Toro and 420/Laser Racing are $240.00 for Members and $280.00 for Non-Members. The fee for students who enroll in both a morning class and afternoon class will be $400.00 for members and $480.00 for Non-Members. *Fees for students who enroll in Sessions 5 (one week class) for Topper or Afternoon Accelerated Topper: $135 for Members and $155 for Non-Members. All other classes are $120.00 for Members and 140.00 for Non-Members. Program fees are payable upon submission of the application. Payments must be by cash, check or credit cards. No fees will be returned after May 27, 2016 and no fees will be prorated for missed class time. A 10% discount is applied for students using their own boats and for sibling signing up at the same time. SAILING PROGRAM SWIM TEST All juniors, regardless of age or number of years in the program, will be required to take a simple swim and lifejacket test on the first day of class. LEARN TO SWIM Taught by a Red Cross Certified Water Safety Instructor, KYC’s Learn to Swim Program will offer the following classes: Minnows: For ages three and up. Red Cross Beginner Swimming Levels 1 and 2 with emphasis on comfort, safety and fun in the water. Class times: Monday - Friday 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Sharks and Dolphins: Red Cross Swimming Levels 3 to 6 tailored to each student’s abilities. Sharks-Class times: Monday - Friday 11:00 a.m. to11:30 a.m. Dolphins-Class times: Monday – Friday 11:30-12 noon. Fees will be $80.00 for Members and $90.00 for Non-Members. TENNIS FUN AT KYC The Bruce Nagel Tennis Academy at Kaneohe Yacht Club will offer lessons in the same two week format as the Sailing Program. Classes are taught by USPTA Certified Professionals who make learning tennis fun and exciting. Tennis classes at KYC are offered Monday through Thursday with Friday reserved as a “rain day”. Champs - 5 to 8 years old. This class is for those with limited or no tennis experience. Students will learn the basic strokes and develop hand-eye coordination. This is a great age to learn tennis. Class times: Monday - Thursday, 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Winners - 9 to 13 years old. These students can expect to learn the strokes and strategies for playing the game of tennis. Sportsmanship, conditioning and the fundamentals are emphasized. Class times: Monday - Thursday, 8:15 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. Future Pros - 8 to 15 years old. This class is for those juniors who have already developed the basic strokes and fundamental tennis skills. Class times: Monday - Thursday, 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. Fees for Sessions 1, 2, 3 & 4 are $150.00 for Members and $165.00 for Non-Members. *Fees for Students who enroll in Session 5 (one week class) are $75.00 for Members and $90.00 for Non-Members. What to bring to Sailing class- Coast Guard approved Life Jackets Type III and Reef walkers or closed toed shoes are required. These can be purchased at Costco, Walmart, K-Mart, Sports Authority, West Marine and Windward Boats. A hat, sunscreen, a towel and a change of clothes are also a good idea. 15 Enough with ties, underwear and socks POP FISHING & MARINE Yacht cordage at POP FATHER’S DAY Sale STA-SET #1 Double Braid in America Professional splicing services available JUNE 11 - 18 Get Dad’s gift at POP, where we’ll have his favorite things on sale – rod and reels, coolers, watersport apparel, and Big Green Egg stuff M-F 8-5 • SAT 8-4 • SUN GONE FISHING PIER 38 FISHING VILLAGE (808) 537-2905 • POP-HAWAII.COM Art Nelson Sailmaker Ullman Sails Hawaii 419 Waiakamilo Rd., Unit 2-D, Honolulu, HI 96817 808-593-9958/fax 808-591-9056 e-mail: info@artnelsonsailmaker.com Awnings & Canvas • Riggers & Sailmakers by Trade Open Monday thru Friday, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm Contact our sailmaker Marc Barra for pick-up and delivery to KYC. OUR PRODUCTS COME WRAPPED IN OUR SAILING EXPERIENCE. Hardware Line Epoxy Rust Protection Antifouling Paint Remember, Ullman Sails, the fastest sails on the planet. Visit Art Nelson Sailmaker for your boating needs. Special order equipment is welcome. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Classified ads are free to KYC members. To submit your ad please notify Telltales by the 15th of the month prior to publication. kyctelltales@gmail.com - 247-4121 Mahalo MISC JIB ROLLER FURLER FOR SALE - Originally from a Cal 20, but may fit similar sailboats. $100. Sail sold separately. Call Rob 225-4948 BOATS FOR SALE KURREWA FARR 38, cold molded by C&B Marine, class winner Pacific Cup, great opportunity to own a beautiful, fast, classic. Needs some TLC. $38,000 808-381-5884 kurrewa@aol.com FOR SALE 35.5” HUNTER (Kalaukani E48) 67K. Many extras. For details, 429-8123 or rdmiller@hawaii.rr.com EL TORO FOR SALE The boat was built back in the 70s by Mac McMorrow. Purchased in 2012 at a KYC auction. All new blocks and lines, sanded hull paint off and did a few layers of epoxy coating. $400 OBO. If interested contact: Jeff Cruise at Jeffery.Cruise@gmail.com Comes with the following: • Rudder/Tiller/Extension and Daggerboard • Top Cover by North Sails • 2011 Ullman Sail (used only 10 to 15 times) • Boom (broke the mast at Bullship this year, doh!) • BUILT-IN KOA WOOD CUP HOLDER (Original!) 13’ WHALER FOR SALE, 4 stroke, 25hp and trailer. $2500 obo Contact Andrewsjesse@gmal.com 10’ LIVINGSTON 9hp and dolly. $1300 obo Contact Andrewsjesse@gmal.com Hawaii’ s ONLY IIn-Water n-Wate er Yacht Yacht Brokerage Brokerage Hawaii’s T he One-Stop One-Stop Shop Shop For: For: The Sa les • Maintenance Maintenance • R Sales Repairs epairs Offering 8 0’ O ffering Pre-Sale Prre-Sale Moorage Moorage For For Boats Boats Up Up To To 80’ L ocated iin n Ko’Olina Marina Marina Located (808) 2 56-5206 (808) 256-5206 www.yachtworld.com/kokua www.yachtworld.com/kokua kokuays@yahoo.com KAILUA HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1971 45TH REUNION PLANNED Aug. 27, Mid-Pac. Howie’s Reunion Band Aug. 28, Beach Day Waimanalo Oct. 21-23, California Hotel in Vegas Website: khsclassof71.com, classmates.com 19 Telltales Kaneohe Yacht Club 44-503 Kaneohe Bay Drive Kaneohe, HI 96744 Telephone 808-247-4121 Fax 808-235-8180 Email: kyctelltales@gmail.com ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
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