HERE - American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive
HERE - American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive
ASOPRS 47th ANNUAL FALL SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM Innovation and Insight: The Keys for Success in Oculofacial Surgery October 13-14, 2016 Palmer House Hilton Chicago, IL R E G I ST R AT I O N B R O C H U R E We Invite You to the ASOPRS 47th Annual Fall Scientific Symposium! On behalf of the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS), we are delighted to invite you to the 47th Annual Fall Scientific Symposium: Innovation and Insight: The Keys for Success in Oculofacial Surgery. This year’s meeting will be held on Thursday, October 13th and Friday, October 14th at the historic Palmer House Hilton in downtown Chicago. The Windy City is an ideal place to discuss the latest concepts in Oculofacial Plastic Surgery, renew old friendships, and meet new colleagues from around the world. Vikram D. Durairaj, MD, FACS ASOPRS Program Chair Richard C. Allen, MD, PhD, FACS ASOPRS Fall Meeting Program Co-Chair Among the highlights of this year’s scientific program are presentations from our renowned national and international colleagues. We will also feature panels discussing complex eyelid and orbital disease along with non-surgical and surgical techniques in oculofacial plastic surgery. We are delighted to host our world renowned featured speakers: Facial Plastic Surgeon L. Mike Nayak, MD, Dermatologist Hema Sundaram, MD, and Orbit Surgeon Jack Rootman, MD. Dr. Nayak will be speaking on the volumetric approach to the aging face, office surgical practice pearls, and his personal browlifting technique. Dr. Sundaram will discuss research and reality with respect to non-surgical facial rejuvenation and combined treatments for facial shaping. Dr. Rootman will lecture on the future of orbital surgery. Additionally, our Society will honor esteemed members who will give the annual ASOPRS Foundation Michael J. Hawes and Henry I. Baylis Cosmetic Surgery Award Lectures. The ASOPRS Foundation Lecturer is Robert Goldberg, MD who will speak on 25 years of Blepharoplasty Complications in Los Angeles: Trends and Lessons and Allan Wulc, MD will speak on The Aging Face and the Aesthetic Surgeon. Finally, the poster sessions will change daily and cover a variety of Oculofacial Plastic Surgery topics. As always, we are sincerely appreciative to the sponsors and exhibitors that help underwrite this educational meeting. Please take the time to visit the vendor exhibits and learn about the latest commercial products and services available to Oculofacial Plastic Surgeons. Susan Carter, MD, Secretary of Meetings, deserves tremendous credit for arranging this year’s industry participation. Finally, we would like to extend our thanks to our many colleagues who helped to create this outstanding program. The Abstract Review Committee played a critical role in evaluating over 300 abstracts. The Executive Office staff led by Tisha Kehn, Amanda Macrina and Toma Ossian were invaluable in helping to organize this meeting. Most of all, we are grateful to those who submitted abstracts for presentation and to our ASOPRS colleagues who have agreed to moderate, speak and participate on panels. ASOPRS is dedicated to outstanding clinical care, education, and innovation in Oculofacial Plastic Surgery. We are grateful for your attendance at this year’s symposium. It is a tremendous privilege to serve as Program Chairs, and we hope you will enjoy this year’s symposium. Program Highlights (subject to change) For Program updates and further details, click here. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 Tradeshow/Exhibits A showcase of cutting edge products and services geared towards the Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon Scientific Posters and Videos YASOPRS (Young ASOPRS) Eye Openers: Rapid Fire Session A fast-paced session with a brilliant array of interesting presentations prepared by our young ASOPRS members Oncology Session Moderated scientific podium presentations covering orbital and ocular adnexal oncology Eyelid Session Moderated scientific podium presentations covering a variety of functional and aesthetic eyelid disorders and surgical technique Henry Baylis Cosmetic Surgery Award Lecture Series: The Aging Face and the Aesthetic Surgeon: What We Know and What We Don’t Know That We Don’t Know, Allan Wulc, MD FEATURED SPEAKER: L. Mike Nayak, MD Nayak Plastic Surgery, St. Louis, MO Adjunctive Measures That Have Improved My Office Surgical Practice: Drains, Seroma Management, Anesthesia Techniques and More Non-Surgical Rejuvenation Moderated scientific podium presentations discussing modern non-surgical options for facial rejuvenation FEATURED SPEAKER: Hema Sundaram, MD Sundaram Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser Surgery Center, Rockville, MD and Fairfax, VA From Research to Reality: What is in My Syringe and Why Does it Matter? Face and Neck Rejuvenation Moderated scientific podium presentations covering techniques in face and neck rejuvenation Pediatric Oculofacial Plastic Surgery Moderated scientific podium presentations including the topics of congenital ptosis, pediatric orbit and lacrimal disease ASOPRS Reception Thursday, October 13, 5:15-7:15 Join colleagues and friends for a reception, immediately following the General Session in the historic Red Lacquer Room of the Palmer House Hilton. Ticket includes: light snacks and one drink ticket. Program Highlights (subject to change) For Program updates and further details, click here. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 Tradeshow/Exhibits A showcase of cutting edge products and services geared towards the Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon Scientific Posters & Videos YASOPRS (Young ASOPRS) Eye Openers: Rapid Fire Session A fast-paced session with a brilliant array of interesting presentations prepared by our young ASOPRS members Lacrimal Session Moderated scientific podium presentations including novel ideas as well as techniques related to lacrimal disease Eyelid Session Moderated scientific podium presentations covering a variety of functional and aesthetic eyelid disorders and surgeries ASOPRS Foundation Michael J. Hawes Lecture Series 25 Years of Blepharoplasty Complications in Los Angeles: Trends and Lessons, Robert A. Goldberg, MD, FACS FEATURED SPEAKER: L. Mike Nayak, MD Nayak Plastic Surgery, St. Louis, MO Browlifting—My Personal Technique & Evolution Eye and Face Session Moderated scientific podium presentations including novel ideas as well as techniques related to eyelid and facial surgery FEATURED SPEAKER: Hema Sundaram, MD Sundaram Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser Surgery Center, Rockville, MD and Fairfax, VA Combined Treatments for Facial Shaping in Diverse Patient Populations Eyelid and Orbit Session Moderated scientific podium presentations covering a variety of eyelid and orbit disorders FEATURED SPEAKER: Jack Rootman, MD The University of British Columbia, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences The Future of Orbital Surgery ASOPRS Thesis and Awards Session Symposium Information MEETING OBJECTIVES •To provide a forum for presentation of new concepts, new data, and new techniques in cosmetic and reconstructive oculofacial plastic surgery to enhance knowledge, competence, and outcomes. •To promote excellence in patient care and outcomes in all areas of cosmetic and reconstructive eyelid, lacrimal, and orbital disease and surgery. •To present opportunities for exchange of knowledge with specialty experts and our colleagues. •To highlight areas of oculofacial plastic and reconstructive surgery where research activity has produced improved outcomes and highlight areas where additional research is needed. •To provide the results of scientific studies concerning new surgical techniques, devices or equipment in cosmetic and reconstructive oculofacial plastic surgery. CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION ASOPRS is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to sponsor the Continuing Medical Education or physicians. The American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery designates this live activity for a maximum of 16.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. TARGET AUDIENCE The ASOPRS Fall Scientific Symposium is developed for all interested physicians and related health care personnel including, but not limited to, oculofacial plastic and reconstructive surgeons, otolaryngologists, head and neck surgeons, facial plastic surgeons, dermatologic surgeons as well as general ophthalmologists. The meeting is also designed to be of interest to physicians in training and allied health personnel. HOTEL RESERVATIONS Palmer House Hilton, Chicago CLICK HERE or call 877-8655321 to make a reservation at the ASOPRS group rate of $280/night (+ taxes and fees), available until room block is sold out or September 13, 2016. MARK YOUR CALENDAR! CANCELLATIONS ASOPRS will issue a refund, less a $50 administrative fee, upon receipt of written notice on or before September 13, 2016. No refunds will be made after this date. Refunds will not be made for no-shows. ASOPRS 48th Annual Fall Scientific Symposium November 9-10, 2017 Hyatt Regency, New Orleans ASOPRS Registration Form CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE Please print your name as you would like it to appear on your name badge. Name: Degree: Company/Practice/Institution: Address: City/State/Zip/Country: Telephone: Email: □ Check here if this is your first ASOPRS Meeting □ Do you have any dietary restrictions? Please explain. □ Check here if you do not want your contact information (including email) published on the Registration List (given to 2016 Fall Meeting Sponsors and Exhibitors). □ Do you have any specific accommodations or needs pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act? If so, please explain. What percentage of your practice is aesthetics? What percentage of your practice is functional? REGISTRATION FEES EARLY REGISTRATION Full Registration (Thursday, Friday) (before 9/13/16) □ ASOPRS Member No Charge □ ASOPRS Candidate Member $300 □ Reciprocal Society Member $650 □ Non-Member $825 □ Physician-in-Training (Resident or Non-ASOPRS fellow) $450 □ Allied Health Professional $450 AFTER 9/13/16 $100 $350 $800 $975 $600 $600 RECEPTION TICKETS - Thursday, October 13, 5:15-7:15 pm □ ASOPRS Members and Candidate Members @ $30 per ticket □ Non-Members @ $40 per ticket PAYMENT TOTAL $ □ Check/Money Order (US funds) Check No. □ VISA □ MasterCard □ American Express Card No. Exp. Name as it appears on card: Authorized Signature: (Checks payable to ASOPRS) CVV (3-4 digit) code: Forms may be emailed to or faxed to 952-545-6073. Call Amanda Macrina, ASOPRS Meeting Planner, at 952-543-5348 with questions. ASOPRS Executive Office 5841 Cedar Lake Road, Suite 204, Minneapolis, MN 55416