kaplan respiratory pneus - California Society for Respiratory Care


kaplan respiratory pneus - California Society for Respiratory Care
Kaplan College Modesto
January 2015
Respiratory Care Program Newsletter
International Respiratory Care
“The most important skill
we are looking for in a
Respiratory Therapist is
a positive attitude and
- Bilal Kanth, Chief Respiratory
Care Practitioner
Bilal Kanth MPH, RRT-NPS, CCRC, DCA, FAGE came to Kaplan College on December 4, 2014 to discuss Respiratory Care in Saudi Arabia. Mr. Kanth has been
working in Saudi Arabia for the past 4 years. He is currently the Chief Respiratory
Care Practitioner at the Prince Sultan Military Medical City in Rlyadh, Saudi Arabia. The hospital has about 1500 beds that include trauma, PICU, NICU, SICU,
and several other specialty units.
In This Issue
He said that there are many opportunities for Registered Respiratory Therapist at
his hospital and several other medical facilities in the region. He plans to increase
their staff by up to 100 positions as they expand their facilities to about 1500 patient beds. They require a minimum of two years of experience and a RRT credential to be considered for employment. The hospital provides therapist with housing, utilities, transportation and other many other incentives.
Guest Speaker Presents: Respiratory
Care in Saudi Arabia
Clinical Facility Spotlight
He shared with the students his perspective on the differences of working in other
countries and the cultural experience of being in Saudi Arabia. Prior to going to
Saudi Arabia Bilal worked at Loma Linda University hospital, conducted medical
research for pharmaceutical companies, was the Program Director for a respiratory care program in Illinois, and the Director of Clinical Education for Kaplan College. He used these experiences to discuss the differences and similarities between working in the US and Saudi Arabia.
PAC Member Spotlight
Alumni Updates
Featured Faculty
Student Awards and
Central Valley News
You can reach Bilal Kanth at bkanth@psmmc.med.com or 00966-4777714 ext
#40943 for additional information about opportunities in Saudi Arabia.
PAC Member
Edward Thorpe
Ed Thorpe is the Kaplan College
Respiratory Care Program Advisory Committee Chairperson and
has been a member of the committee for several years.
UCSF Medical Center
Clinical Facility Spotlight
UCSF Medical Center Ranked Eighth Nationally By U.S. News
UCSF Medical Center is among the nation's premier hospitals for the 13th consecutive year, ranking as the eighth best hospital in the country in the 2014-2015
America's Best Hospitals survey from U.S. News & World Report, and once again
securing a spot among the top 10 hospitals nationwide.
UCSF’s story begins when South Carolina surgeon Hugh Toland came west to
San Francisco 150 years ago, where he established Toland Medical College. The
campus grew over the years and today, UCSF is a $4 billion enterprise, where
discoveries and innovation advance healthcare worldwide.
The Medical Center has two major facilities at the Parnassus and Mount Zion
campuses. They are a referral center for patients requiring highly specialized
medical care that involves advanced and complex procedures. They have 722
licensed beds between the Medial Center and UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital
and care for about 763,000 outpatients each year.
UCSF is the only campus in the 10 campus UC system dedicated exclusively to
health sciences. The new UCSF Medical Center at Mission Bay is scheduled for
opening February 1, 2015 and will be a 289 bed women’s, childrens, and cancer
Kaplan College is proud to have UCSF as one of our regular clinical facilities for
training students in adult critical care, ventilator management, post-op transplant
patient management, pediatric critical care and neonatal critical care. UCSF provides us with state-of-the-art facilities and the ability to have clinical experience in
a premiere research and training healthcare facility.
Ed is currently the Lead Respiratory Care Practitioner at Windsor
Elmhaven Sub Acute Hospital in
Stockton, Californian. He started
his healthcare career almost forty
years ago as a Hospital Corpsman in the US Navy. While working at the Naval Hospital Oak Knoll
in Oakland Ed was first introduced
to “Inhalation Therapy”.
Since leaving the Navy Ed has
worked as a respiratory therapist
in Santa Barbara, San Francisco,
Lodi, and now Stockton, California.
He worked for eighteen years in
Lodi before taking his current position.
He has been able to make substantial changes in the standard of
care, provide advanced training of
RCP’s and Nurses, and facilitated
the inclusion of RCP students within the patient care team. He said
that the key to his success has
been to “maximize every day’s
experience—just for today.”
Kaplan Alumni Updates
Russ Workman
Kathy Tovar (2011)
Will Bryan (2012)
Kathy graduated in 2011 and quick-
Will completed his CRT and RRT
Russ successfully completed his
ly passed her CRT and RRT ex-
within a couple of weeks after
CRT and RRT credentials within a
ams. She said that she was told
graduation. Two weeks after pass-
few months of graduation from
throughout her time at Kaplan that
ing his RRT he had a job at Contra
Kaplan College. He secured a
there “two basic elements to suc-
Costa County Medical Center and
registry position and quickly began
cess; become Registered and plan
a second job at Lodi Memorial
working at O’Conner hospital in
on relocating if that’s what it takes
Hospital. “They are some of the
San Jose and St. Louise hospital
to land your first job! That’s exactly
nicest and welcoming people I’ve
in Gilroy, CA.
what I did.”
In September of 2011 Russ started
After 18 months of gaining every bit
He said that in school “we learned
working full time for Vital Care sub-
of experience she could Kathy
about HFOV, Jet Ventilation,
acute within O’Conner hospital. He
landed her “dream job”. She now
ECMO ...and I wanted to experi-
said, “I learned a great deal work-
has a full time job in her home town
ence all of it.” Will began looking
ing for the sub-acute with regard to
(Merced, CA) working for Sleep
into opportunities across the coun-
patient assessment, chronic me-
Med Inc. She loves her job, the
try. He chose to take an offer at
chanical ventilation and trach.
people she works with and most of
Penn State Hershey Medical Cen-
all her patients. She said, “my pa-
ter and began using ECMO,
tients are predominately US Veter-
HFOV, Flolan, APRV, and air/
ans and it’s my utmost pleasure to
ground transport. While working
serve them. It humbles me each
there he completed his BSRT,
and every morning they thank “ME”
NPS, and ACCS training.
In October of 2013 Russ obtained
his NPS credential and accepted a
full time position working all core
areas including the NICU and
Charge therapist at O’Conner
for helping them breathe.”
He now works at Providence St.
hospital. He enjoys proctoring
“The journey was a rough one, but
Vincent’s Medical Center in Port-
students, orientating new staff and
so completely worth it in the end!”
land, OR in the NICU/PICU, enjoys
the outdoors and rock climbing.
plans to become a teacher in the
Russ Workman RRT-NPS, RCP
Kathy Tovar RRT, RCP
Will Bryan BSRT, RRT-NPS,
Faculty Spotlight
Jaspreet Ahluwalia
Jaspreet joined Kaplan in 2010 as the Director of Clinical Education for the Respiratory Care Program. She
has been responsible for the development of clinical
affiliations and the management of our clinical rotations
and clinical instructors.
Jane joined Kaplan College in 2007 as an instructor
after a successful career as a Registered Respiratory
Therapist and business owner. She has been the Neonatal and Clinical instructor and said that she chose to
teach because “I am passing the torch for these new
She is originally from Cleveland, Ohio. She completed
her Bachelor’s in Science and Master’s in Science in
Health Sciences from Cleveland State University. Her
first job as a Respiratory Care Practitioner was at
Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington
Georgetown University Medical Center is an internationally recognized academic medical center whose missions of research, teaching and patient care are carried
out with the strong emphasis on community outreach
and the principle of cura personalis—care of the whole
While at Georgetown University Medical Center Jaspreet served as the lead therapist, clinical instructor and
assisted with the training of new employees and students in the schools of medicine, nursing and respiratory care. She was given the opportunity to participate in
medical research and other university projects.
Jaspreet joined Kaplan College 4 1/2 years ago as the
Director of Clinical Education. She is married, has an
eight month old daughter and enjoys site seeing, food
tasting, and spending time with her family.
Jane started her respiratory career in 1984 a Modesto
City Hospital that later became The Women’s and Children’s Center at Doctor’ Medical Center. Jane focused
on the level III NICU, obtained her NPS credential,
and later her Bachelor’s Degree.
After several years in the NICU she became the Director of Respiratory Services at Central Valley Rehabilitation Hospital. She loved working there, but decided
that she did not want to have a career in management.
She made a career change and became a licensed
esthetician and opened her own shop in Ripon, CA.
Throughout the next ten years Jane continued to work
per diem at Doctor’s Hospital Manteca while working
her own business full time.
She loves to travel, and volunteer at her church, but
her favorite past time is with her grandson Jacob. She
was at his delivery and put her training to work giving
him his first breaths with PPV and O2. She said that
whenever he acts up she reminds him “I gave you your
first breath and I can take away your last.” .
Kaplan College Modesto
Respiratory Care Student Awards
(Term Ending November 2014)
Perfect Attendance
Academic Honors
Jacob Boyd
Kristen Rocha
Channon Altman
Rebecca Quigley
Kristian Buenavista
Dannette Ronneberg*
Kylie Bowser
Heather Sanders*
Javier Casado Ramos
Chelsae Sanz
Kristian Buenavista
Kevin Soriano
Scott Chandler
Muni Shankar
Kaylee Bybee*
Sandra Thomas
Jamie Chandra
Vanessa Sotelo
Scott Chandler
Manuel Torres
Angel Cowell*
Elizabeth Summers
Jorge Cortes
Krista Vernon
Sabrina Edwards
Yasmin Vallejo
Lauren Dunne*
Erica Villasenor
Tanya Gonzalez
Kevin Webb*
Guadalupe Espinoza
Kevin Webb*
Ashlee Hance
Catherine Wellnitz
Miriam Gontiz
Julie Williams
Amanda Juhl
Ywe Yang
Colleen Hogan
Jim Yi
Andrew (Hung) Le
Brandon Yost
Karla Huerta
Jonathan Morales
Jeremy Young
Andrew (Hung) Le
Rebecca Quigley
Yemen Zokari
Harpinder Pahal
Noemi Ramirez
Rashaad Powers
Central Valley Respiratory News
Asthma Coalition
Medial Reserve Corps
CSRC Upcoming Events
How to become a Member:
Volunteering with the Medical Reserve Corps is a simple and effective
way to use and improve those skills,
while helping to keep your family,
friends and neighbors safe and
Contact Information:
Membership shall be open to individuals who have a passion and
commitment to decrease morbidity
and mortality due to asthma within
Stanislaus County. Membership is a
volunteer position. Members are a
key component in successfully preventing and controlling asthma.
Contact: www.stanasthma.org
Aaron Wilson
(209) 558-8332
Mechanical Vent.
Alameda, CA
Mechanical Vent
Bakersfield, CA
03/4-6/ 2015
Tahoe Conf