qRTqTql - All India Radio
qRTqTql - All India Radio
I ,ilmtarufrhrqqffi qRTqTql -n -,t\- TrttrTil ,TT{t 1, -,-.iiiqii" ft FEt'q qrq €Trd<r fli? *{flr ffig{ ilqr frAeil, rdflfrqqT,rsrft61q, qffi tur-tqm,ire$1rytrF, fi qrqd{ifr ftfrr .aq-6 dtffi* F;; rqrqn ftvr tn qrt Hfirrhqlilfr @.n*.t q *i o1tfr,'+#fiint + *nil dm-n+q, + fr{q TG.{{t Efr qRrs srrqqd qq|trd "q yqrs .rqr't, sfuqrtr?rT ari +r 2. mir tqc "drt* frq d* hqq.eqidir , 1 lL r) RFftFIt ?Ft FTEfRat I ] P"q + Fftqil 6ffi'* iGrT + FdqaFD rq*ril <ts.d(iFTF{r tilirT?r sd6 TE* ff{i ry rqrff{ qffit * il{ (d F+qqrt3Iilr 6 Fitfrq}irr gqr.fug* fr qf,TnFrrrrT qrdrBr 6{qrftq} fr +{r-ftqh, enq-q?,qwruil,ft/p{'srqr,{q, Tqritft.r qn qaarrmrn** $ qt RM d{ v6fi Bl n) RFRttT lFT rRt q|;It ft4kd *( hrtfrd 6qr6r{'+if+ Td d rti q( qrrtF;{+6 i{qft qrt{r qrrTtr amt€ v<on i + qrcd ii,t+-q,r+ril',d &q TTqq fi Tq, t<r-fufr-crqr qffi d +rora+ qrfrF{rffim q(qtqq rd d. st{q t t+}.rq rqril;ircr d +r<sr $-+ ]l',Sggll*t Ei m"rd Tr s E .,t6 u6{s1" qqff fi fi, ft6 qr+{r t s*ftT q a+ qT+sff ?effidqt *-wfr ai ; qr*{it+ lnflPfiP(ffi +t HftrGe qrqql+ +Til&{ {{ftRftrt .,+er**,*.} + qrefr tit; v+arBr ffi617qf wftrorfr snFr{r{ruft{qq6'lrr.ttr''1" +rd+ft{qfufr{dT3ft151ft6pfilq{aqTg,BrftrqfrrfiF6gfi*qrsud ifli.rdr 3Tiqrrfreffi{ q€q qfrrmrBr 6,po ffr-Il, wqkfuo *r trft qilq6 qt( lrgRurfuq|T6* qd + kg qqff offi qq fiftr ara nire r+q wil Fr 4. trffidERtrr<t*t, frrsftkc qfffi qqn qrd + sftqfrrd nntrd+ qffic + kq F{rrFfrqr+f,k qfukq} * qr*o-{, qqfi qk qTqi-fi $r 6rd oG Ft l. 2. 3. Frtqq, rrrTrqR+qr, T{ ffi *tq qq qftf,rfilT,3n6wrqr!ft +a Fq?{r6,qror{rqpt rral 41 trqqrfr ftrc *<r qftq qrulkk€ (l) (quf *r + Fdqkqr,ftq Ttr[r qT*Fnil6-r qfuE T€fifuzr{ltaftftrrm/qrse eufiftn+q d + qffi iF( qftrqiffi T6rr+t Et taVoprfffq} +i wrqr 1ryter+rr/rsrf, kpr67qffrqFMrr (2)Tf+, fu rleffi.rc' AIR trIANUAL APPENDIX-I EstablishmentMatters 1. 2. Detailed instructions for dealing with Establishment matters include formalities before appointment viz, Recruitment, verification of characterand antecedents,medicalexamination etc., and after appointment viz., probation,.QP, confirmation, promotion, retirementetc.,'havebeen given in various Rulesand instructions issuedon the relevantsubjects.However an attempt is made to give in this Appendix a gist of such proceduresfor gendral guidance of Stations/Offices. For details the relevant rules have to be referred to. i) Determination of vacancies Establishment Register is maintained to show the sanctioned strength of staff in an offipe. Names of incumbents are enteredagainst each post. Existing vacanciesare ascertainedfrom the register. Fresh vacanciesmay arise due to retirement, resignation, dismissal/removal, death, transfer and promotion/reversion of an official. (ii) Yacanciesto be filled There are.general Ban orders for filling up vacanciesboth regular and staff artists posts. However Government have relaxed Ban orders in respectof vacanciesarising on the death, retirement, or promotion of the official. Ban orders are also not applicable to new posts sanctioned and vacanciescaused by the transfer effected to fill up such new posts. All the vacanciesnot affected by Ban orders can be filled up. Those affected by theseorders can be filled up only after obtaining the orders of Government for relaxation in special cases. 3. Appointing/Recruitment Authority : The Head of Office is the appointing/ Recruiting authority for Group 'C'and Group 'D'posts in All India Radio. Recruiting authority in respectof EngineeringAssistantis the Zonal Chief Engineer. For the posts of CG-II, Stenographer,Hindi Translator and TransmissionExecutivethe Staff Selection Commission nominates the candidates.- 4. Filting up by promotion: The following authorities deal with conducting DPC, Selectionand nomination of candidatesfor promotion to the categoriesindicated against each. i) ii) iii) D.N.S.,AIR, New Delhi Zonal Chief Engineer,AIR: Station Director, AIR State capital station i) i) Sr. Steno. Promotion to lA%oof vacanciesof EA from among Sr. Tech/Tech/ Mast Tech by conducting Deptt exam for the entire zone. ACIHCISSK ii) cG r/sK iii) Selection-gradeStenographer ilmflEroffhrfimf ,J s, *ftr#, vr qt *-tq h-S ft * q#* qr* *, Erq+qqTsrtr sr{{t{qr<qo\mr hqftrdFffi eqrkrnft{ qd ?FrrFFr( qff A+ + Hfu,s + kq ftsF{d kmr 6. nrtlq ireet: qET qiRi/E-$rrr6 ry qarc ?F',^qrtcfqt iFltTgFC{I{ERIr[RIHTtqqAflT,q anfrroqdr{nfrq; qnr tr W"rarqTf# ffi frwt fr ffii-{t + fiilfrfte.t,+t wsrr{ ftnqr il rrrccrrr€E{(fr* wfr) d-: grfuqqr{fu qTqRqsrdilTEr+qqr d*q wqR rr<frft Tfr + ftTqrrrcq t{R yr€-ET6 frsfrte, Q5fq l, F ffi/Erdqd d Ttr Fnfu qwr *ta qTqR* dft i, .m,tq'nxq#rc Aat+ ftTqhsfrn t€r< $6 qis-l + P{q.rq il ii) qrsir t€rr (q#d) Tffi ar(rfifufr at sr{+T{ft t€( sfr ron or frrnffi€ qft qfudftrilT ar<rqfur q|-(fr{ rr<fr?ft qff + kq dar Br s{rftilil q-+,q1gtqil Eiltc'df'+kq l, 8, 14, 22,2g*( q(fuil srTrrT( qqqM + tttq 4, 17,q lt tr iiD sTRFcr$vt qfr (,{Fd wr<Rm^qg t vr*asq{ffissft{qR sqqarrfifdretr w1qPqilqrid qwqrffiqkd qnqft + fdq qIftffi Fffr +t q+ qr<eTtt-sm g.Krir qrrTr;{ gCRR E,rrfliA ERrrRrtilrrff Ar ft& Ttr ar<rrft qri qr& 6qr qm anr rt qti qrft fttfr * srr<eilr-qffi+-{r}qri r{ft r<rq t{qfrfr er*' d qim-srirq otffi€ q{ wrmfu{ gw< t*vrrr eqr q'nerqfr ti qr+ qrt6qr iv) sTrt + qr.rT sif( rrfiFrt F{ftrrrq qr<epT ERrr{r EfrR?F(TT ttfr Ti{fr qr+{rsrq o{+ * gtRFiTRPfi +t qrqrq i *< ca qReMqri qT+*{ ++0€<qfr + i qlqr qr vfiilr B (wri i vrw qril qr16"r[" *( "q" t trffi * ftt{/vqa-"q'+{e<dt<vq6l'.'1fi S6 "EF" * Fffft ftM v<qffi + w"{s{rfitr)qfr q{rq Hq +mfFd ffi q{ d' ft qTftn-fr ercro'rTff Ad P{Pfr d qei qlftrr q q?Fdt qrdf qRF{d qrtd qrrd * s*{qR fi ffic( Enrvtr ttT ft ryft rcwrqTtfr t r qqt * qq qfr"T<* qfrffisnniqrqrril1qrqTtqTfi*, * RTqrHi{s{iqqffi srq{ q:-;rsrdtqEsq6,,rT,'ilqT,'q', .r{sR FqF{T{sfr srq smrrdBr v) q6 RnR ?il BIrt t qrqr qr<t qR w q{ d qq Prtfi *ft t dft6 WFffi qlft qrdr qtqfiffi s{q|ft + P{qqTftilil,a,E+qfi+q{ fr t qrqrqnr qrFqr v<q wr& q{ d'E+ "ernftrfi" kerqr qrfl:*rn *( qfr Aqq rfi q6,?+fr A *, gt dlrfr qnfrrd ssfteqr<ERttnr qnr qTtdqrz16qnqFf vq6 "rT" Q'rt€'" + ffiq qr,tdilr a qd qFtrakT:s[Fi n EilFrT EIFITqiq r€i Br AIR MANUAL 5. 3 Direct Recruitment: The Headof Officewill initiateactionfor recruitmentto thepostswhicharerequiredto befilled up directly. RecruitmentRulesprescribedfor variouspostsshouldbe referred. 5. Special Roster: Various instructionsissuedby Governmentfor reservationfor SC/ ST containedin the Brochure prescribedby DP&AR are to be followed. Some of the important points are mentionedbelow. (i) Model Rosters (Direct Recruitment) Model Rosters have been prescribed separatelyfor direct'recruitment on all India basisand for local or regional basis. Since Stations/ Offices are to deal with recruitment on local or regionalbasisrosterpoints tixed for various States/Union Territoriesaregivenin Anexure l. (ii) Model Rosters (Promotions) Roster to be followed for filling up by promotion is the same as prescribed for direct recruitmenton all India basisby open competition. Pointsreservedin a 40 Point Rosterare l, 8, 14,22,28 and 36 for SC and 4, 17 and 3l for ST. (iii) Dereservation A vacancy reservedfor SC/ ST can be filled up by a generalcandidate if suitable candidate belonging to the respective reserved community is not available only after getting it dereserved.Froposal for dereservationof a vacancy to be filled up by direct recruitment and for vacancy to be filled up by promotion in the proforma separatelyshould be sent'to the DPAR through the Ministry. (iv) Carry forward and exchange After dereservationorders are obtained the vacancymay be filled up by a generalcandidate, and the reservationcarried forward to subsequentthree recruitment years(carry forward is 'B'and for group 'B'to the not permitted for promotion for group 'C' and 'B', within group lowest rung of group 'A'. If even in the third year candidate belonging to the particular reservedcommunity is not available the vacancycan be filled up by appointment of candidate from the other reservedcommunity. In other wordsexchangebetweenSC and ST is permitted in suchcasesonly in the 3rd year. But for promotion for group 'C'and 'B'etc. for which carry forward is not permissible exchange is permitted the same year. (v) Carry forward of a single vancancy If only one vacancyarisesin a year which happensto be reservedfor SC or ST, this should be treated as unreserved and the vacancy carried forward to subsequent year. But in the subsequentyear the vacancyis to be shown as 'reserved'and even ifthere be only one vacancy that year, it should be filled by the relevant reservedcandidate. The provision applies to promotion for group 'C' to 'B' etc. where normally no carry forward is permissible. vi)rfril|fr : { qmilr ilrffi$l4rrfrhqTqff (o) Tffi + ftrqsrrrr40uqw€tqe<r<rqrqrqr*mr (I ) frftrchrtr{nqcMftrdrcr+TftTrcir* qrtlc t (2) qaq dr<t *r (3) si(6dr-Fa gtr.Tfirdra-n (e) hqr{ftqcffi{nff+ cfteTrcrT d crqq fr Tffi t sr rufre qrft/sr{qkd q{qrfr * v6*1* rft TdR A ftTqk{rt fuqr qmr qkq, fi {Trrnar *"mr-w<'*+'"fi t€qr t, etlil t+ a Q€r qrg qr(r qff Tffid + kq Qrftcriliffrrdrcfrt sil+ q-Tqi t qcil_{T{ fr frq ft qff qrtqr (q) sq€^"rT"dqT*s" d t qrrqd qrqq t cm, prffi +i Td + ftTqBq$qr qft/ sTRftrd 3rKkt srf,qrfdd qftr+rfrsifi n+<{ft +qRfrllfr,qrft qrPaqr* T6n t fr qmflr* F+iR e, .# qffi q<wfr d mq k{R ftFqrqnr qrfrq sflr s€ qmrq n+<q* + 'qnfuq+-<kqr qmqrlagr q{TIItFr<qrqrq rfi qfr d vtuqk t+q.Tqsffit fi ifcqrsftF tdq anrfrrdtenc}fi{'w q** qqrft iltilr qrEn ercrr st B d ss Tft HF{fr d Ttr Foqr sq rdq{ + kq q^stsil j'4 "' qft/q1qfiilil ""'' '3x "' qfrqrfud vs6qiltt fr qt{qil.ir.ror.r tfr {oqi+-ot+n -nA'mr (q) qfr sTRftrtt{M A f,} EP{silr-tr6-srwtrf,rsiltrr rr<Tffi + ft{q gq6 qPsqtfr4Rfr Enft qrHqt tqqrtft{Tffi qfufr Erusr.fi qnFrt @ t+'qrqrqrqrkqr * qd4 d kqmrq qrq qd A,s€ qcqt aft$er * aq d qqftT{ o< srirq qft fr 'nrfuqo< kqr ** *..* .{ li qq *t A+-++ f{M drft, qffi, + fug re rlEm ii* + Br.ffirtffifi "rfq qrq.ftr (s) ilE{ qffi + ftrq errcfrsr ff ot{ a+*qr rfi *r vGFRi ,rG{r qrft t+q d t+ es{ Tffi qrftq ft E+ nr$ q{q ar+ qrt r€t <er qrqr qrP6gr rilFn qrilq rftqr c+ <rn vii) r* ' at tqfimrut qi qfu : fr?ft rff snr qt Tq qd; \r+rff qoq .ref'*< zOt oq ft {e16 dflil + Td d qq6 Auft+ qE}+ qTqk6Trq;tv{6 firq qri qrkqr gq IFFr<firq rrq q+,s{6 d qrqrq(: zs t srftr+qs r€t fr+ qfaqr 7. srfbetq r+lq : ft?ft Ttr aru ffi .reet qt qri't qdn sfraqrt, qfr etd d d, + rrqt6{ A kq sTfrfrqeds + w+fru t{-arqmri t qftriq rds t +ffi;q qFdo<kq qri d srrr.n fr qffi qqqsTr+{r 3TwrtsrrR qrrrcfi qrsrrq qrft qrftrr lrff or+fc+,+qr fr + tdq srrt{ri fr t d, d (s) dF€ .P $gdt' zFTrF€{FFr: \{rrfrqre{il + BFilrf(qqr ftuftce sq d kfr+a qk qq{ qfuk ERrqff srfr{{R * orir<ra qs t{q.qt qflff{, \r{ q{rRctffigar<hwr anr qrft fqE( 3qt{fr * uaern + qf€ *r o.{ri d{fr qrrtcfl{ fi qFft vtkqr T+ftit ?Fr{t-@nq?r AIR MANUAL (vi) Reservation in Promotions (a) (b) (c) Separate 40 Point Roster is to be maintained for promotion through Limited Departmental Competitive Examinations, (ii) by Selectionand (iii) by Seniority-cumFitness. In promotions through Departmental competitive examinations,SC/ ST candidates who have not acquired the general qualifying standard should also be considered for promotions if they are not found unfit for such promotion. The qualifying standard in such examinationsshould be relaxed in their case. 'C' and 'D'appointments, the selectlist of SC/ ST For promotion by selectionin group officers should be drawn up separately to fill the reservedvacancies.Those who are within the zone of considerationshould be consideredfor promotion along with others and included in the generalselectlist. If the number of SC/ ST candidatesthus included in the general selectlist is lessthan the number reservedfor them, the differencewill be made up by selectedcandidatesin the separatelists. SC/ ST candidatesfor this purpose will be adjudged separately. (d) separatelists should'be drawn for SC/ST if For promotion by seniority-cum-fitness, They reserved vacancies. should be adjudged separatelyby the DPC. Those there are who are found fit for promotion should be included in the generallist arrangedin the order of their inter-se-seniority and this combined list will be followed for promotions in that year as and when vacancyarises. (e) There is no reservationin ad-hoc promotions. Governmenthaveissuedinstructionsthat ad-hoc promotions should be kept to the barestminimum and should not be continued for long periods. (vii) Grouping of posts In the caseof postsfilled by direct recruitment,isolatedindividual postsand a smallcadresof lessthan 20 may be grouped with the posts in the sameclass.A group so formed should not ordinarily be of less than 25 posts. 7. SurplusCell: 'Before filling up anypostby directrecruitment SurplusCellshouldbeaddressed for nominationof candidate,if any available.Only after obtainingclearancefrom SurplusCell action for direct recruitmentthroughStaff SelectionCommssionor EmploymentExchange, as the casemay be, shouldbe taken. 8. Verification of Character and antecedents: After selectionof suitablecandidatesby a duly Constituted SelectionCommitteeas prescribed under the relevant orders action for verification of character and antecedentsof the candidates should be taken as per the detailed instructionsissuedby DP&AR in this regard. /. rf,TlqEltltf Ell?rtttt:Fr ilrf|tf qtvil fqqq t{ffio .// s 5 p) wqfrqT; rrtq: i) fiqt{fi W-tqr * P{qfTr+ FdqtTrfu ilTftqF(M qtqil o,d qrn knq{ d qr*<}wn< 6rqkd q tr .rc qryn} d E{rffrqrqr qrqmtrR/qftHr * mqs*ft{<n} +t trqftc eoqqri + T{ ra qltr qrpdq o< kqr fu ? q {{ft qrd d gr ort ir ii) wq*rrdW' Tw, qrrm d T+qil qa ri fi (o) BFfocfto Bfu 3|ToErosil[o v{1qqt< (q) gr,cftfr tr{mrft€Cqrft iqq.rtqr<F: qt{ ilEr ffi{ {rcrRfr ft{r fr srdfuqqr fr{ HFr slfd "rT" qd .rq lil{fff i.r) \ * kq td{rn Hqfqq} +*'{ nc''. fr ME fr SftqFilqlko Ek + ttq" *r{ g{6 a;qq6t (q) +rrtr{,T6t ft sriftr€ EtTq{ (s., iq{qr, dttlirrIEt qr6qT 35 q{ fr vr il.F (qT"qro q sr;roEroETTo + ftTq+o ad) qtrtffi-+,ffi ft ;{rfu6ilfr+ + qfr t rol-rrg{qPdffir* fqfu qA lr (q) rilmfTq sEfiffi qr sr{tEqTt * trd 'e EF{il A iii) strt-Rrqro rs q{ rr.F'gsqrd * Brftq 16 g€tT (IrrkT trff r|-( stqEft{"tr!T Sd d' 3 q11T fr +{r rft ?F(ft tr rrIToT : T<+rt +{Td F{Tffiqffi em {fue w5 dt vrfr am rcc q€ilra+ssluil,qqr-{pf,oqtqr sqTq-q?,ftrq wr lFttutvrr, wk + qfq * qrft qrFqr Efi Ecilr+frqqruT * qqr+fr qfr i qqi wq iFTqFTqq{r qifiqr dr<ilq {kil 6€ t fr sf,fr q?qFdfqifir{r; r wr{ ET{Ffr 16 g-dr{qrftqr q6ft tt qft + +il{ q * iqqT+,€ Ad wq frf[ orqersrfr mqtn* frfu d +sf,+anr*ftre q t qero< cqrrirqnFmsr qdT{eFr+t+ qrr++ t nm* +er+q* * sq{ +Tf, di Wgfi ny* d[ ft, ot-ffi *i qmrft r6R ilF{r qrg{Trl iv) vq kflr it qfirl*r : FqPfr* qq{ {fril qk Tgtfu( wr-RPqft{r ft+rd+ d fi wfi a qt( rrFnntr:qftrq w t eq qrft wft tt 94, wq frfq n qfiFt{ * uEta r1qnc.FRarakqr( bqr qrf,rAqP{(q') + q<( {qt Fd,nqrfl t (e) w qrnftTild qrdrt e" +U t* F.;rt" +{r d wi + 5 qIFT cnilk€ nqrftrd.rilfr d l, fl) T6Er'ilT frfu d m+ vftl*i i qqT/ffi{qrtra * qfur + qwr flkq di r{6rt *{r d ertf}r6FTPfr * ir*rq t a ra qmr tr AIR MANUAL 9. 5 Age requirements: (i) Crucial date: The crucial date ol determiningthe age limit may be indicated in the advertisementnotifying vacanciesor in the requisitionssentto EmploymentExchanges. Beforecall lettersare sentto the candidatesfor interview/testit shouldbeensured.that they fulfill the conditionsof age. (ii) Age relaxations.'Detailsof concessions grantedin a few casesare givenbelow: (a)' SC & ST candidates Five years O) RetrenchedCentral Government employees (c) Educationally qualified Group 'D' employeesregisteredwith the Employment Exchangefor appointment for Group 'C' posts (d) Blind, deaf and orthopaedicallyhandicapped Persons Ten vears. (e) Widows, divorced women and women judicially separatedfrom husbandswho are not married Upto the ageof 35 years(40 yearsfor (f) Departmental candidatesapplying for posts against outsiders quota Period of Servicein Central Governmentplus three years. Period of servicein Central Government sc & sr) Upto 35 yearsof age subjectto the condition that they have put in 3 yearsservicein the posts which are in the same line or allied cadres (iii) Proof of Age: Age declaredby personsappointedto governmentserviceshouldbe verified with the documentaryevidenceprbducedviz, Matriculation Certificate,Municipal Birth Certificateetc. In the absenceof suchdocumentaryevidenceif theydeclaretheir yearof birth or month and year of birth the date of birth may betreatedas lst July or l6th of the month respectively. If theydeclareonly theage,dateof birth shallbeassumed by deductingthedeclaredagefrom the dateof appointment.Dateof birth is to be similarlydeterminedin ther,cases of ex-servicemen who had declaredonly ageat the time of entry into military service. (iv) Alteration in date of birth: The tlate of birth as declaredand verified at the time of appointmentis enteredin the servicebook records,and is generallytreatedasfinal. However, requestsfor alterationsin date of birth rhdy be entertainedby the Governmentif (a) such Iequestsare made within 5 yearsof entry'into service1U)it ir establishedthat a genuine bonafide mistakehad occurredand (c) the date of birth as alteredwould not make him ineligiblefor the school/UniversityExaminationsin which they had appearedor for the Governmentserviceat the time of intitial appointment. ilr#rilErfifrTqrfifi ttl. h{tffi IrcTT{: qrt o.<i + ft{q qrr;il sq? BrttrftF-Il + kqr.rqr t R t rc rqt qqtrd sCtEqTt4i Bqk e-kTFr q< ffi*e * sncrr+arcfr* er;rsqq"qtfi sq t {{ilfEil t+qt qr v+er ir u. qi[ttF.[, rqTq-qii ord qr<q6d fr qqfu kq qri + $ *<<o + hEfrfr sr{ ql3rr{n.ttld sc* ffi+ qrt fr q+ fiqurTq=r\nRr+'<kqt qnr qrFqt 12. iqET * . w< * trqq : arr g$ hqfr( qr{ d (qqq-a;d 3rtfr qrqr fr*q T<+rfrtdr d qhGedi fr srrq qrftr{.dwq ffi <rdqf{dsftr{,ft fr wqe cr€ d Fcort qrqrt znqfrumr sTT{r{q srd + Pdrq 'flqq r6!t irl q6 Fc+rdrGTq[qq11 {kqfin + qfu FTsr* qrqq ft vnft drftr Qft t 13. q-Trt qtq : q* g sH€ Ai t qf r*+ sfrqqr( at<rh{m(d rq{ d vc{rt t{T d sifi + tcq q{ sq.qffifl €dfr €rrdt srrM-rFTqrw f+.qrqnr qrPtqrQt rnw-n qrft +,ti + kq sqTff Fqffiqr crftrffrt rqR di:tffir "t smct +d (l) rrqqFmTE qfffir (2) er<rqqh{Tq Tw vqqfr * qrq+ fi nsP{qv$r qcrdrsqtqPftqr (qir "{" t ftrfr) qffir vClqqrd, + kq +qq {r..FR FtRut frfir A rfilrft (6rr€ vSt is-l (qi6qr) *< q;{ Tqrff q-q3rqfr( frr{dr q|R .iftqil qtdqr f{f{,Fw ary+qrfrt stcnr srerettt * qsq d k+,es{ ffi (3) qs6 "s" s< S€q sffi qq-{T rrc+rt tqt€eqr qfr+rtt mr *rfrEa tqt+Fw 3Tiudz qf6qrffi * qrqtit d'fur fr +sr t+ q6 (q) + kq.g.ft ftqfr(d Bl F{Fft if qr<so r€t Br fuqrfr: I qfri t r<rfro fr Fqtmrf+ kq +rt smctsqrur-T{ 14. ftqfT{ qrtqr qs, gfu+ drftTr,ffi+-wr; Frrcurrftfft eqryffitrr,s{rfrHEq;+qqrsrrif fr frf}r{d qiqfiF{q qr{ + s{rtil Fqtff d Fr66r ord qr<qo,ri fi F"{qfuft qrqt fu{fff wtn huffim ff'mrq fq--rqr€( qrt (+-rqfl-s)t crft frqr ff{r qrtfl1 15. +{r ri* : frufril c€ t fr{r qft c*+, ct+,rt zF{qrft+ Fdqffir{ Enftqrt6qfu{rq grd tr€ q6 srq t irq {rqri d tqrft nqr+ dr4 Tfr tr tqr.ift ts.+.rft+qlff 3rqfg+ Fcqq*qr{ qtqr<tr<Etr t+?Tr 6 qt{k i' srs-srq ft.ft.qs dqr qrqf+difi {frE, stzttnrfiznarkqrre qFil .FrFIt Fd'r qPdPdfu q-ESsm-ft IrsIM-tFt*t cfrER{Eeftkfiq fr d t+qr srmr ilfr, *q-zrsq vqfi *qun, Tzrcsrf,r q?FFFtr qqqF.{qn qrfdqr frEF<e ercr ft t{r-'ifi fr rer qmr *r \ 6 AIR MANUAL 10. Offer of appointment: Model Form for issueof offer of appointment to the selectedcandidatesis given in Annexure 2 which may be suitably modified to conform to the requirementsgoverning appointments to the relevantposts. 1 1 . Marital certilicate: A declaration of marital status in the prescribed form (Annexure 3) is to be obtained from the candiate before he is allowed to join. 12. Oath of Allegiance: Oath of A-flegianceto the Constitution of India is to be taken by the candidatesat the time ofjoining Government Service, in the prescribed form in English (Annexure 4) or any official regional langauge before the Head of Office or other gazettedofficer authorised in this behalf. A record <if such oath-taking is to be maintained 13. Medical Examination: Medical certificate of fitness for entry into Government'service should be furnished in the prescribed form by every candidate before joining service.The appropiiate medical authority for issue of such certificates is as follows: Gazetted posts Medical Board ii) 'D') Non Gazetted(other than Group posts Civil Surgeon or Dy. Medical Officer in the caseof male candidates.In the case of female candidatesAsstt. Surgeon Grade I (woman) in CGHS at Delhi, and a registered the required female practitioner possessing places. qualifications at other iii) Group 'D' posts Authorised Medical Attendants or Govt. medical officer of near dispensary or hospital in the caseof male candidates. In the case of female candidatessame as for Gr. 'C'. i) Note: No medicalcertificateis requiredfor appointmentsnot exceeding3 months. 7^ 14. Appointment Ordert After certificate of age, qualifications, marital status, medical fitness etc. have duly beenverified, the appointee may be allowed to join on taking the oath of allegiance.Appointment order in the form prescribed (Annexure 5) should be issued. 15. ServiceBook: Service Book in the prescribedform is to be openedfor each government servantexcept for those who are appointed temporarily for a period not more than one year and are not eligible for permanent employment. The ServiceBook will contain entries for every stepin the official career besidesrecord of GPF account number, receipt of nominations, availing of LTC etc., Declaration of Home Town, medical fitness certificateand family details are to be affixed in the ServiceBook. Leave account in the prescribed form is also kept in the Service Book. 1 ffiFrerflTf lflqrf,rfi 16,ilrTqffi{ : (l) qfr 4t{ v{srft o,ffi ;Fr ;tnt ttrqTqrfiT ? qqqr rdqn qt-Ft dvilffi ?FttTqrftn e fr s+ frrsrPqkdst*.qr em{rft dft: (i) vfr qci qrc d qftc{dTTqft €dr+q (*-r*q5y + FTuTTP<c qrr+qlqilks cr t qrq-qRrd" o<il qtf6gt vs q€ilr+qd w * qt{rdar<rrrcqtfu{fuqrqrfl qrFq,H vtr+ qrrqf-{q eraqeT wrt dr (ii) s{r+ qn mr+rftF*{rt ar<rF{q qr € qrqqfir+dTd s{e *qrftq qlnqrt Ffr *( qrcfr* rrqq{ffi dtrtrtrd6+qrft*'arq.Re6rft|T{Poznqrqrfr qrcedrrqqtfrPfirw*rorqrf, + fqq IFFnrt;r rqfs qr<eTrc.FR, rFFT{Fr rrqr, frP+qqrfi, ftefr t scd 6,qqrqrtdqr (iii) ileff rnfr, vt wre s€erd *t wnqR-@rrwn occfr fr (rgft il eM qt6T€'qfdq3rr4qx d q6 qr+fi qr *qr qGqr * g<rq,<i qt( qrrrdERrN * qr-ild qri * sq<rflfr q+Trqn6qrqq{r {drTriqrq* Fr ffisilrd qfc+dqd qr+rt fr t qrqei q-{qfr qrqft r wrd€drH d veqcfrftfrrqftrdbd ErqFfl rErerERr@ I il ( fr w$ftr (2) qq 4t{ ql6qTqtt+qrtffir<r< Tcd1tffi d qqi ?nqI qFFdT+e 41i t( qr+...ilfifi A fr sqffi crifl.qr?n q:-;FrrFr-{ t+qr qrqr 3n?rwFF'rfiBr ?Fr{TFc[qrqH ErtfEq qri a (qftE6( qqfq qrq q6 qffiq (6r i6<trrn s[T sft{ +{r I dTr t€ ffiq<rq A {6 ft fu di.Bqri srdrTqr qrq srr$ cft 6r crq lr qTqqftTdr r.+rft et<q<sS sftrsrftd d qFretoqi qnr qrFqr : ' t (3) Eq w ffif{ ctrqr qtffi eqq-ffie +.<*+ s.nt<r qq+crc n qffc{dqtn,rw.rtq arft t srf<rqI q+ hrqr 5<P+{r6 di q< qqi qTqd qfiFd?eT{-;rtq olfr e d sqdffi t<r tt) d FTffteqfuqr .fi sFrrnrfrt+qr qmr qrtdqr 17. qtt*fi q4fF z q{ fi 41ftkqrq s{+ fr t{r d 3sqd fr qT{ (l) frt $rtrl5{rqfr s*Eard + ?aqqP{fieTT q qPdqil tr e<ftrorq sffi( rrErr< Tffi + qrril d ff qftfiHr qqfE 2 q{ fr,fti q<Frra (d qKrtft*( frsfrcdqm d rw t qeqioEfufrJ (2) qftftHr w4fts* EkrqE,rd-ftilqrEt qr$frr rfr,rftq ffid A qPcftt dfir ra ffi (3) qonirq ft.i"f + silqmrrt HqFftqqffi sfuid aru-ffi T.6rft e{qrt d w"rm qrqqri+ ir{iil sq w{M + qr+{rftqfrfl $FTry{nrr-vu + 2 q{ Tt ili fi ilfrq t qqft arte t qrft f6q qfi qTHgr (4) qft rq{ * Etr + erd-frqre{ sdqw+orfr qrqrrrnr t fr vkftHr wqf[ wttqdqr w sre qt( qgr{ qr q6ft tr ffi ff a,dqft qnqrrq t d ffi eo qffdwrqqqfi €r qnr qri6gt ls. sr€wfttqr : til-{rd *tqrqiqfrrec<r1w*vrtnl frqqs6i, 1965 (l) wFrEccsrtroffi'sr amfrriruiqe dfi tt (z) q€ sr€qr{vc+rft6{qrt ff W *ofuo tqr (crcfi{ft{r) P{rcrrfr A Fmcs d rt'rqhfuqr qffi 61dft...(?6( w Eceiltaq wdEA aiffi*< qd +r rrrcn 6.qd +t{ +r<qtrdrqzr d a|o^ qqrq fr qr qoft tr vc*rt 6Cqrt fr qqft tqrdt d vq6a + kq q6 rffi or ifus? rrmr 'tt ' 'r { AIR MANAAL 7 16. Change of Name: ( l) If a Government servantdesiresto adopt a new name or to effect modification in his existing name, the following procedure has to be gone through: (i) He should formally adopt the changeby executing a deed changinghis name (Annexure 6), which should be attestedby two witnessespreferably known to the Head of Office in which he is working. (ii) The change in name should then be published in the prominent local newspaperand in the Gazetteof India, publication being undertaken by the Governmentservantat his own expense in both the cases.For the publication of the advertisementin the Gazette of India, he should approach the Manager of Publications, Government of India, Publication Branch, Civil Lines, Delhi. (iii) He should then make an application to the Head of Office with true copiesof the relevant documents and paper/ Gazette.cuttings. Only after these formalities have been complied with and the relevant documents are received. the adopting of the new name or change in the existing name will be recognisedofficially and entries in servicerecords being amendedaccordingly. True copiesof the relevantdocumentsshould be retained bv the Head of the Office concerned. (2) The procedure prescribedabove need not be followed when a woman employeeon her marriage desires a change of name to be noted in the official records. It is enough if the Head of Office concernedsatisfieshimself that the changesought for is in pursuanceof marriage and that the new name is to be added to the name of the husband. The change in name is to be notified to all autlr-'orities officially. (3) When, however,a married woman employeedesiresa changein her name after getting a divorce or when a widow desiresa changein her name on re-marriage,the procedurein para ( l) above should be gone through. 17. Probation: (i) The period of probation for all direct recruits except for those with age of entry 35 years or above will be 2 years.Similarly period of probation in the caseof promotion to the higher post is also 2 years. I (ii) Performance during the period of probation will be watchedand annual assessment reports in the prescribed form are written sepirately. This is in addition to the Confidential Reports. (iii) After a government servant is adjudged suitable by DPC on the basis of assessmentreports orders to this effect in the form Annexure 7 should be issued with effect from the date following the date of completion of 2 years. (iv) Probationary period may be extended normally by one more year if.the performance in the first 2 yearsis not found to be satisfactory.No employeeshould be kepi on probation for more than double the normal period. lE. Temporary Service: (i) The conditions of service of temporary governmenr servants are governed by C. C. S. (Temporary Service) Rules, 1965. (ii) The servicesof a temporary government servant can be termi44ted without assigningany reasonsunder Rule 5 of ccs (TS) Rules either by giving one month's notice or forthwith by ilrffi$ralllfthTrtrfi ffi (q,t,) wTfrokoiqr t flrqqlqqr (l) \ / tqT omqfi iqr+hqiltffiftt$i t frann fr tftdfrfrilkqdi illTflrfi tronPoqrfiilr t frr wr erfhrrft nn fuq tr Fffi qqq-rfrqr ;rff frqfrt-d ?t (4) ak m46 qqftrdiffi T€f?ilTA d sr* +il{ qA +t qeeo<i or +t{ qrqqmnfi tt Frd-1PnqFffir+'rfi ir (5) +fcq wdu ff rrqrk q( at{ ffi+ 19. *qrft<at : (l) qfrfiHrqqft wr< d qri ft €ffi tK rn r s{ fr wrqrfr+4rTt o< ke vti + sr{iil !tr qril Bt ftqmcilvm(er"tcrr+vtu)fr go Tc+rft6dqrt +1sfr .r( rRwrfrre dfre +-rtqqT qfq q'ft qqrfiffi ffr A *< eqrfi+mr fr dqunt TdFr+nr qrfffid qrt{r+iidtit (z) ernfr*sr +{n q€ rr<rr<dF{ fr qrfi ir qft r qrqff fr{r {ft- qti t qanfr f€ft rrc+rt or+qrtfr T{fr d qrft B,qq tRrr<qffi d qrfr Afr s* ss* kqn tK rr<fr qft fr{rd T-ctrw <et qq Frsilft .rE.n €lt'ftfi oqi q< F{qr<i6qTttt q?Fil Br qft r sd fi ilcfE + ,q+ +ererrfde fr vmrB d sq rrErn fr qft t{r ai T-{t{w<<et qq st frrqfl tK rr< eqrft{c dnrd +,<i q< trqrc t+qt qr som *t qri f;t (3) €qrfiT{rdr*?ftslrt{r :'q{ fi {<fE Tft *i qrfr iltq + wT+i{il t qrft P+,q rqnrflur/qftrftTqtft Ffirrqa B t+ qzFFRT, rdt w.tnmqrerr+ ffi, (4) Fqrft{Rrt M z{Teil (rt 3f,qkqrq}+ qri rR(tffi" € qri *( t{r fr ffi + qrqmd FqrftTdrc+rftFdht d qqm qri snt tt wffi rrc+rt offi 24. qfua5<v : d qli d qtrseq (t) qsqrftfr Tq, tqT-iqfd qrft * qqqrtp wvrft qe* tvfi qst qfir<ftld +t fi d{ tqtfi qEBifi"s 6}ilrAfr ftq sr{tqqd d enftaor * kq hrrtft4 .rffi qfufr tft t fi qrft qftqt or {*qr Fd {{ft ffi (21 qftffirurf{fttvdw t qfi$dil+ qTqrttoqtsrmrqGq, d qrqfiffi qft/q^qP{d srrqrfrTr + qftf, Er{nr i{r{ B[ner"iti/qcr qft qew # d fr SkqrrqrTrrftilftq trrTrft i€qrqTq?Filtt we:tg cnilfr *{ qrqtfr (3) " ilft A qn qrt Poqfft I fr retuffin* Tfi Afs lkror eir*Tbffi fr gffitat gtl-frort *i + rrur iF{qcr gvfi Wltm hfi ili{ * qrEqq qrcrlt qr<qdi qt <fr d, q<wdff+ (4) ffi \ ./ F{at{{rft{a,dqrft6q qq adarft Filcsqrt d krr{ft{ qfufu qTqfi k{F( i6qrqrqrqrt6g*( kqrtftqrffid d ft"FiEffi t rer qnr A ffit qrtfl *( P{trfirfr{/w"firc{rir6 EFrd{r& fi qflfi( q< st dcr qmratfdg,{< q * qrtaqr qrft erfqT{fi tt cqq e+' tt o,dsrt + kq q6 fi(tm srnftrd(6 qrft qtPrqt ' ($ +<arcqrqnrqTrggrcqrd z16lrstt?16rBfrFqiq€wrtqifq+oqtqRrrfr+qrqr+<d,ive qk qrq gqroil qt<fiqr o< fr lrst A fu s(fi wqiq sfir€<uTffi qrt t T{ Tfr {er+ sc$t q, dr+ei ilftT ddft srfr sqWcr qiq 4< fr qrgr 21. ffiqqnrqrdqk: - t{qr{nqqArfr/ srcmEr frTqr{tr{Tffic qFqrdt ffiT ffi Br n) ftff Tff + fqq qfiF qq-qqiqRT \r' .ra ffi irm q< ifqn'q.<t + kq Ff,r qrfl t: AIR MANT]AL (iii) Resignationfrom serviceis differentfrom a noticefor terminationof temporaryserviceunder by the competentauthorityand thereis no CCS 1f S1Rules.The former requiresacceptance time limit prescribedfor suchacceptance' givethe (iv) Thereis no provisionfor forfeitureof pay and allowancesif the employeedoesnot requisitenotice' on the expiry of noticeperiod' (v) No formal relievingis necessary 19. Quasi PermanencY: in (i) After termination of probationary period and on completion of 3 yearstemporary service the list in post. Check in the the samepost a governmentservantis declaredquasi-permanent prescribed form is to be completed and orders of the appointing authority obtained before declaration of Quasi permanency(Annexure 8)' ' (ii) euasi permanency is declared in only one post. If a government servant is transferred/ promoted to a higher post before completion of 3 yearshe may be consideredfor quasi permun"n.y in the lower post taking into account his servicein the lower post. If he is reverted to a lower post within 3 yearshe may be consideredfor quasi permanencyin the lower post taking into account his servicein the higher post. (iii) Declaration of quasi permanencyis issuedfrom the date following the date of completion of 3 years. (iv) Benefits that accrue from quasi permanencyare that quasi permanent government servants are treated at par with permanent government servants in the matter of leave, allowances, disciplinaryproceedings,retentionof lien in caseof transfer/deputationto otherdepartments, and termination of servic. 20. Confirmation: (i) As soon as a permanent post is available consequenton the death, retirementetc. of the incumbent or on conversionof temporary post into permanentoneactionto conveneDPC to consider confirmation of the eligible candidatesshould be taken expeditiously. (ii) Confirmation should be made strictly according to seniority subject to the reservations/ concessionsapplicablefor SC and ST candidates. (iii) Confirmation can be made with retrospectiveeffect if otherwisedue. There is, therbfore, no objection if confirmation orders are issuedevenafter the death/ retirement etc. of the official and evenif thefactof theavailabilityof vacancybecameknownafterhisdeath/retirementetc. (iv) . Confirmation of employeesunder suspensionor against whom departmentalproceedingsare to be initiated is to be consideredalong with othersand DPC's recommendationskept in proceedings,and sealedcover to be openedafter the termination of suspension/disciplinary action taken therebf. Till such time a vacancy should be kept reservedfor such official. (v) It is not necessarythat an employee should have been declared quasi permanent before confirmation. But it is necessarythat his probation period is terminatedand his suitability with regard to age at recruitment, qualifications etc. adjudged before confirmation is done. 21. Departmental Promotion Committee: (i) Selection Committee consituted for direct recnlitment is different from Departmental Promotion Committee. DPC is constitutedfor consideringthe following cases: I ort;ilrrqrothfirffi (s)qfuftHr * {ufur (q) ftrtor \I J (tr) amnlsqRsqT (q) qznrq?ftqt( fk-Tfi wft ref q<vfrqfr (2) fr{Fft{ qffi qn{ft 6r qFFr< rnfqcsqq F{+{rrd{+ ftre^qT+tildhqfrtr Foqrrrqrir u-e qFrw€ rfre16 ffirfr fr*i*rytr $q,TqSeh ffiri rfr)ffi d rffi + v-q SF-w< t q€qfffiqqrnfu'qiHte t*rqr..t*+qFqr qRs<i * q|q+d kqFt{T+qfrvffi 4 T6T?F'r *.-"nft fut fi d,tt'+.tft;'fu . *ct *r w,, an^q:T ffi' qiqiii iFi rizliri?i FFIIIkTwrql<Rri|t q't FFqTqlqr qrr6q s*ntq + qrq+d q{ ilf6 + +c{ d+ qr+ qkm a Pqqqffi {qft *k6T u'rn'"q_Tftc q*rq(' G nfui- C # * qq v+rfti *< sq qqfu +t mq qrqqTd qtrq nfFsrt'ar(r o, q+[i qFil Br #-tr-qr (4) Tffi qrfr + Fr{Rft{ sffi qTFfr d d kqrtfrqq+qfr rffi 6 ft11fr6n w t fica q|ilurq?rrrEe tmr q-4 frr6:- * kqt{qRr*il fuqtqkd ofilftdt* -' rrfrt '"* _F1qA^ftEEFQr qt( T6 Tq|ftdl+qrqer a fu Fre f|gr d ffi r+rc or +{rffifiqtq6<ft ot{ *ea qa a,i,.p' Wq' g-etiF t?tqFII.t rRtrTRf IfFnil 41 qq{f dtqrf F q-iRilqT @ F \J, .--',"^",* qfuqr qrfrqrqfr ff hqlil dlqgFtra.kq d{ftTT{r; pdqr.Tqr *( sd oq-EF{ft qrHr 6T fi d +t{ qrcqrilrfi tr (6) t -trq \t fft Td (uw^afrtqr-R{-sgmcr)+kqkqr{ftqTfrFftqftfte{ffidq1qffi + s+q{ t gn+ T<+rt+{Tffi * qrqRqt tt3qqR'"qrqr "qff qqFil qfi'; -' {ft'rq}+ di; ffi ?r "Bq6r" ei s{+ qftqrdr*q d qrk€r t <e t64rqrilr Ai' (7) 3TJT {{.{ rdt q<Tffi + ftTqkqFftqrffi sn{fr o,ffi E}s{ft mq{r t qrqRT( "sqtd- "qq6-qq1" *( "qq[" {ftffi d 6'ffi i r krrrftq rffi sfuft qi k" F* # ; qrq t€i *4 {fr-Fti<q +1q. il ft fs sg+l qFrt-qMi fr *ofthqtnr f{€ mrt f*t *, i a qFreRt:kqrtft{ Tffi qfuft Ffffiff'* r{e1g I t s qfF+ qrr scft{qTt kqR s{ft ryn "n rtel g qqFffi vrnTrqnm qq Ertil * v4*. ' tr qk qurq qrrei qftSqr d 3Tqftrd qh dt t d "q4q d{ft et{",F t q*j*;'*E* * sqq-crr qF ar s+6 d qr.r*r qrcgks.qfuaT*' qrqRtR IFFRT: "vqqt-" ft51"qq6 ruT" "-;1 qiTha i,n=&,,*frw sCl-€Tt +i rs+< *qR fi qr$ftr (8) 1ftro<ot,qffcftTr*( Eerdrtr+ kq o{qrfcqTfr srhTdqdr qqkqR qrfit6{r qrei*r hqFft{ Tffi qn{ft+qil rrsqq6'"qt "eTSssTff Tff" * sq d a}oftoor mfr ir R qrqd t hntftq rffi qfrfil or \t6 lir d kd{r *< ,ir,rqrd* qceq< q<trqR d** E.t qnr arst "T*} ?erqr rfi tr (9) FrdqqTffT-o{iltcfrq{r.r sr edqrffcd+ qrt t ffi Ftca wtqnc<rcqo +{d/ ffi qq{r{ qRnftSfr i{, tr.fu*rr * qlqq fr qqiT{ k-{r<rft{i, "lftd'Q< kq1'6"fi Tfr qPfqT qrft ir (10) - - tM{ f(frJ + o,{ilfufr d $rt c fr .r{ ,frg ffi'rdt +t kqFfrqrffi qftfu aRiqrq Tfr tor tn\',nr fts tcqfrfrfr,* |ltq fr qrq^+i{,ftafi FfiRrqh Et.* F{qFftrrffi sfrft qt qrrdt ai hufq di ro €qftTo< v+fi ir 1tt) kvrfu Tffi $rfr q @, wt eo r{fu sr {eu B, wu**{R..s ilft e q1(T{S orqftarqt T{ F{frfrr^qrfEorft + qg+e{ fr qtqr <afi tr ffir srfFftrft,kqFfrqrftifr AIR MANUAL (a) Termination of probation (b) Confirmation (c) Crossing of Efficiency Bar Promotion to selectionand non-selectionposts' (ii) The sizeand composition of DPC is prescribedby relevant orders of the Directorate. It is not necessarythat the numbers of membersshould be odd one. It is necessaryto induct an officer of appropriate status belonging to SC or ST Community. Composition of DPC for consideringEB casesis the same as for confirmation. (iii) DPC should be convened at regular intervals to draw panels for promotion against the vacanciesoccuring during ayear. Normally the life of panel is one year which may'beextended by 6 months in specialcasesby the competentauthority. (d) (iv) Integrity certificatein the following form is required to be furnished to DPC in respectof candidatesbeing consideredfor promotion etc. "The recordsof serviceof thefollowingofficerswhoaretobeconsideredforpromotion/confirmationin the grade have been carefully scrutinisedand it is certifiedthat there is no doubt about their integrity". (v) Each DPC should decide its own method and procedurefor objectiveassessment of the suitability of the candidates.There is no provision for interview unlessso indicated in the Recruitment Rules. (vi) For promotion to non-selectionposts (i.e. Seniority-cum-fitness)DPC categorisesthe officialsas "fit" or "Not yet fit" for promotion on the basisof assessment of their recordsof officials consideredservice."Fit" are placed in the panel in the order of their seniority. (vii) For promotion to selectionpostsDPC categorises the officialsas "Outstanding""Very good" and "Good" on the basis of merit. It is entirely left to the DPC to have its own grading irrespectiveof the grading shown in the CR's. Generally DPC considers3 to 5 times the number of eligible candidates,of the number of vacancies.Field of choiceis extendedto 5 times if the number of SC/ ST candidatesrequiredare not availablewithin the normal zoneof consideration. Panel is drawn by placing "Outstanding' candidatesfirst, "Very Good" candidatesnext and "Good" candidatesthereafter,maintainingintei:sesenioritywithin each group. (viii) For confirmation, probation and EfficiencyBar, relativemerit of the officialsis not taken into account. DPC categorisesonly "Fit" or "Not yet fit". ln suchcaseDPC need not meet in a sessionand casesconsideredby circulation of papers. (ix) In the case of officials under suspensionor against whom disciplinary proceedingsare pending/contemplated"Sealedcover" procedurewilt be followed sameasfor "confirmation". (x) Adverseremarks in CR's not communicatedto the officialswill not be taken into accountby DPC. In caserepresentationagainstadverseremarksis under considerationDPC may defer such casestill the decisionis taken. (xi) Proceedingsof DPC are recommendatoryin nature and requireapproval of the appointing authority before implementation. The appointing authority may disagree with the recommendationsof the DPC for valid.reasonswhich should be recordedin writing. qRrfi ilrfifanTTfr fr4T l0 (12)ilfrffirfi {rar fi il'ftq fdqrrtqrfrql( ffifd fi 4a,4fi iltq drfrrqfrhrFfrl rt,fr q-d qo hqi nT il'flu mi ittilflq dw{hqr fr{uo t qitto nftft f niidfifrqtn{ qrcrtr r+tr qr d *wrrQqt q.Tffi*ft e eTour rd<ft +t ilftq +, * qn d frr frvq!ft: eF<*{T,tE€{ur dk <<rtq + qrrd t cqrfi di fi ilte P{qililfte d v+ft tr (13)Tfu rrdffi + frRrfisr+ kq "T{tqr kqFftqrd;ifr sff{ft" +Tqrdqqt+qrqr vom i q<<qn-frr-qFrftqr 3i( qk{-qM d *q hilirq { qfiFdTTfrf€qrqm qkgr qft ftsfuq'Er qft * coft A, + (qrts*Eqrd fr q-frfr te carTftd : e) er<d sft66ilri d'rfrurt+,qrrrqrfr qcm q (tdqrtftqqffi sfuft artr fr rrft ot{ w.q ct*.qrd6ffi qffilfuffir1 (t+) qtEqffi {€ft+R fi crfr e d {eftr{ o.+at d +Rurwq +€ g kft*-cd errter+,rqr ftnr trdmr qrfffi fr fr d'qfr +r<q Bd qrk6rd 3rrrisrftEqnd .raqf, 6-r qi q€ft+,R qt-A qrqnn q{ erq d 6q Tftft d ao t;ifqe o-< .1q 6ffi tqqr Tffi +li qfr tcqrqr\nnt or<q rfi A 6 Brutmqrfffi qt offi + f{da sr?wrnFne{rfi q< +rdErfr v+er B zz. qfirqtr : qrrq d qftsdriqR fr rrfi rq( q-* d di{T{r*q t q:"irsR (1) fr* Ttr +,ffif'* ftufrfr frft qr*q qm qftffirsrfrqqdff qfitqdrsr*'qq rm (6ffi {'Trci ff tdf\ tffi qnftr) a<t qftFffirsr* qr{ d mqr kqftil ilftr (.2) qr{rEeftwd q( T+tr{ aTPmm' fr Hr+aT "r+qR qfi$Rr-F6-sqTffiT sTTt[RtR Tdffi offidi'd qqq d, s{ff P{EaT( *uft qr<Fs?c+ qfi$ffif +1 sTfqRqnr wqrnl d (3) qfr ffi Softd qE srurd:Tffi am *< dwr: frft qfr Er<rqt qr+ t eft(s{S kq +taT ftufrK 3, qqt r+{ + 5070d T+ffi sflrfrt ffi f6q qq o,ffi * ffhT qfi$fir qRftrf,+tcr q( qrqfi r ra *+q eS vqfrcr t qft ffi $rfr d BnqR fi(ffi * r'q|rdk + t{qR f{ufril ff q' sTrqftild EftTdqd/qfr t+qrwgr Eft f{qfr t wdid ft} Tfr srftE{rti +1 rfq q qrft (6 et{ t.F"rT {eqr 3TRftrd A fr Eft Prtffii {ftild $,ffiit sr(r qt qr F+'fi i Bir ffi gq 4.ft fr]str({tr q{ C ils st{wr q-* i qfrrnrr t t<erqrqTqr{nt ot kqr qrqr{n qe qdTrrftq{ d 3r;r${ffi+tq 41 qfi A annEni d +r<srsq E{ + fqq ftt Ttr offiq} 6 fr{frd o,tcrt 3{ftr€dqr d frilrffi f€q qR t Bfr{W Fqtff s-.rc+ff q{ fr q-Sd 3T*qF{r t E{n4 qrqrTl (4) qfr qETffi q ftfr T€fffi d qtrxt fr r+s + tdq hqnril etdr+ %{qRrt qril i d eq qr.il6lilf+ .{riE t en<rrfrrnr sqrf,(qr+ kq qft TdT{ rfrqqr{ qil-rn r1qrffi €dqrft *( frt rtr +{qftcm fr t r+{ + fdq 50%ftter hqncd t d nrer c{RizrqArd o'dqft, 2, frqr rfi o4ilt *( BTrtqfr r6R I o-<?-cre d sFiwr {fifti sqr {<ftf( Fmoft: qt{ ffi or<qt ftqT Tiff*.{qrfr qqrsrr+Td +.{il't 1s d'F{tPffiiFTen-{T w.rqrcd {t{k{d o-ri + sfiq t {i{ilffd t+qr qnr <rf6qr (5) SM-rur + kq sc-*fi hfE + s"{sr<Rqn qftsilr qft qr q..{rmqr P+qrqrarnrf+ ernwr eTd{r3TRftrd eiltqr3TRfuT q<rq fr qqs ftt-Ttr +dqrfuii * wrftowr q<qr{dt d sre' q{ + +{rq qRftrdqr{.d er sqfr{r e(i A gt{q t qfr a srarqrsq{R d, fr sd sTciqe€ qnr *rnr w qR sr rcnft.F{ur frftffifr + Tf+ wrft+-<qrqn ir-rPqqT d qrilrBtqrft *k{ E+ qrc{'qtc+, srqft 3T$ sfttar st6( cft o*qTt r+ 5k+<ur t dt{d a{qrftqi t s'qr l@ir sw<r;e * e?F'rt {{ff}rd sftErdr or un& qffi + tqq il-;rwurt+qr qrqnnr F€ Ikfiq AIR MANUAL IO (xii) Dateof validityof thepanelis thedateof DPC meeting.If DPC meetson morethanoneday the lastdateof meetingis takenasthevaliddate.Promotiontakeseffectfrom thevaliddateor date of promotionwhicheveris later. Note: For Probation, confirmation & EB cases date of effect could be the due date. (xiii) Review DPC can be held for rectifyingcertainmistakes,but the zoneof considerationand the grading of CR's should not be changed.Suchcontingenciesmayarise if (a)thereisanerrorin the list of eligiblecandidates,(b) seniorityis'revisedsubsequently,or (c) any other procedural irregularity committed by DpC. (xiv) If promotion is refuseda written requestis required to be made by the official explaining reasons.If the reasonsare acceptableto the appointing authority, the next candidatein the panel is promoted and the official who refusedpromqtion is debarredfor promotion for one year. If the reasonsare not acceptablethe appointirlgauthority may take disciplinaryaction against the official. 22. Seniority: (i) In caseof direct recruitssenioritywill be with referenceto the order of merit in which selectlist is drawn (candidatesnominated by Staff Selection Commission will, however, be given seniority on the basis of date of joining). (ii) The relativeseniorityof personspromoted for selectionpostsshallbe determinedin the order of selection.For promoteeson seniority-cum-fitness basis,their inter-seseniorityin the lower grade will be followed. (iii) If a categoryof post is to be filled partly by promotion and partly by direct recruitmentand quotas have beenfixed say 5070each,the relativeseniority of promoteesand direct recruits will be fixed accordingto the rotation of vacanciesbasedon the quotas reserved.However, this is applicableonly if the requirednumber of candidateshavebeenpromoted/recruitedin a recruitment year. In casethe number of direct recruitsfalls short of the quota reserved,such vacanciesmay be filled by promoteeswho will be shownat the bottom of the senioritylist. This shortfall will be adjustedin the subsequentyearwhen the directrecruitsappointedin excessof the prescribedquota for that year due to carry over of the unutilisedquota for the previous year and the appointeeswill be shown at the bottom of the list for the subsequ.ni y.u.. (iv) If the postsare filled both by promotion and direct recruitmentwith fixed quotasforeach, the roster to be maintainedfor the purposewill beginwith the point for promotees.For exampleif 5070quota is fixed for promoteesand direct recruitseach,the rosteipoint will be l. promLtee, 2 direct recruit and so on. Note: If for any reason' direct recruit or promotee ceasesto hold the appointment in the grade,the seniority list should not be revised for the purpose of ensuring the proportion referred to above. (v) For confirmation the senioritylist drawn as above will be followed. Sincereservationorders are applicable for confirmation of direct recruits candidatesbelonging to the reserved community will have to be confirmed, if otherwisesuitable,before rorn" of their scniorsin order to utilise the points reservedduring a year. Onceconfirmation is done all suchconfirmed officials will be shown with their inter-seseniority above the personsyet to beconfirmed. For further promotions the seniority so revised after confirmation will be followed. AA 3rrdraHrulrffffiqffi ll t, +Tq$$ -S dnrqt rd veid^5kfiur613<*T (O \-" q6iil6 qqrd:Tffi *< ifqr(:trft srfi rdqil 6{qln(d,A eta t hq q* sq-tn (' d Fltie qtfqrfi ir.{qm{.to^qr -W ts qf$Fr q qd<e qil s{+ * v<i*d o'ffi * tq6i{ oi*"r i=f rfi I r gtr TFFr< eqrfte'<ur qrqnlt, qq tgffi o,ffiq} 4i 6g-qfr' vqtr qqrffiq t+qr Prfrdqi A tdq sior"q 6iqftq1 * qd qnEt qrqn qwr 3Trftrd qrqrr{ P6 fuqr d 3rqft{ sqft qfi(qeri mqi qrqR Tr w qwt 6{+ sqfr{r d q-qT q.fi + t fti fr *( t qnfri( q-T<rq t {df}rd ssffi-fi_qt(wr qftGrdr+ s.ilqRftr"trlr ElKrIrl qrqr eqrqirwr* sr{r;il cfr oCqrficd'+fs6 qrc{qP{+, t**.ry I (7) kfr{rft{ FCartfiilfrhmtq ord{rfiTt fr qri + srrfil^{ufc+r 1<rc3 T5tr q gtrft qrmB,st qft|wr{Ifr st{d qdTfufr fiffie Friq-{# Tt eq6.r*fq"f E-f(ri{qT qcrc alr(Ta{ q,Hq *r fr st1q a q<i*a6o€-g, qfr lfe TdTfrq;( iaqrqT B d, aqk fi qffi "r* f* qrqrqrtrqr (4t{66qtie A rffi fi ffte *( {'iftrd t t*t t *fu + *" q{q[+[ d qrft TAEk A sd-!r{r{ qrercrQqrd 6.Td nn<rsnq"nt) A qrcilk{"a* zr. rE{ frrqM/trffi: i qre{rqrt P6qBt+ rs{ FqMfrffi (1) \-/ nGFR t qqrqrqsir kqr{tqrffi sfufrffi {t fi wqr €tqti.F', {FrqqEi3{TerR * aqn ft?{Tq;n*it a om* sq t eq o<a ra* ffi Err*qrffir fi d v+ft l: Frgiffi( qf<ftqfu{iid ild Ftkritfrffi anrsffm rcq+rftqqkd Prffi +l qTdt{d;nk+rfr edvrgqqTt (o) qarq+ornskraur,sTrfr srft{qrr {ir#rft{ 'rdqtdd tqqrc-6 rfr dei t t t ,rcn qrnqfiroEfut tftg-{ dn BBTrr{r (q) q6i Tdlflqnk6r rrqT<td qrq BrtrEvfrcrn fu hTr'ftqrdffi sfrfuFr ddw{A eflrrqr d r (qaETr{€ t+ rEreitr d ++q hfllftq 3rftqilr T{r *, t{kd d rrr icr sreqFrwF' srftqqn fr qfr ild .rffi d qrq*it) (.r) w qd A kq fr qrqr.qil:Fffi q+q qrfrrram qt d t, q-+,q t ffiflr€ fr erqr+rfrc qlfrt EF-d i Tc*fTff drn, ftt-.d + tci r ft .Tr+.rqft srir€rft{ P{ffi + fdq sfu qrqtiftt erd:ftrqkqi eE{ qr*m cr ttrr|T q'r4fil'4d qtt4q t fr ftuffi: fr qftqilr + tqq ;rfi ffi qfc'ft ft ftrqkil frrqt{d+ ft{qffi eli 6r sTrerrr Qfr rE{ ftrqtwq<fr Irfi t{r * qr{n i qt'ftl T€t {rf ft qre{r q<eq{ ftr$ A kq uy wo/qo sFtovto* 3TRarur (2,) \-/ 45Ffi t srfyd{e P(ffi *f *t, Et,cffi + fuq t 3Trw'rrqr?n qrtrrfr dt dt zl. srT6ftrr6Frfrr{ : U< gr< qTPd + erdr+ fifu( ra{r qGqr 3Ai( Et.EFrdn 'r qr+k+ pfrfi qrR?rd sTrdftso \^'' q< kqr{r ar<rhqmtdcd rrrcrqioqr q *"" qrdr AA; sdfr Frqfor "ffi "i.* t[T\rfil qreAtuf{ g< q1ln (z') ftd{rr Frqfcqd qrstrct frq5m*< q ! *1 A-* q 11T rrei qqe< qre i d qrqd tqr dft iqft ifuftro t ffir +t{ erqqfir h FrqfudFqtkt u,rqF"rq qT d rd{ qd+ *q1qoq t ** zaof* ** fd* d dst z ut + q* or cr} f{qr v+er*l' qts ifi * 6rd *,6 A {k{ t f6fr fr ;t{ifc {qr 240fr dqrq zoodft lt d fi rr{ t4r fr wqftra f+qmc^F{in! t<{ w5 ftrr + rfrw{ t s{6 (3) \-'' Afrfq6q< d sqqrqrnr dft eqft srt trnrrrE+ kq qqftrd{;rtrc N q + t Ta Fsqr "ttdqt ftF!ft: Frqfue .rd q< Afutffi o{ilficm d ilA ffi qr Wf qtfi*u tr AIR MANUAL ll (vi) For confirmation in posts filled partly by promotion and partly by direct recruitment the procedure indicated in sub-para(v) above will be followed for direct recruitment quota only as be no reservation is applicable for confirmation of promotees. Thus while promotees will confirmed in the oider of their seniority against the vacanciesavailable for confirmation of promorees, direct recruits will be confirmed on the basis of their seniority-subject to the provision for utilising reservedposts by confirming candidatesbelonging to such reserved community from below the seniority list. After confirmation all the personswill be shown as per their inter-se senioritY. (vii) An official under suspension,who, on completion of departmental proceedings, is fully exonerated,suspensionbeing found to be wholly unjusfified, should be given his due position in the seniority-list and should be promoted in the first vacancy available, by reverting his junior if promtted already. (The period between the date of promotion of the junior and the actual date of promotion of the officer eoncernedwill be reckonedas qualifying servicefor the purpose of further Promotion). 23. Ad-hoc appointments/promotions: (i) Governmenthaveissuedordersthat ad-hocappointments/promotionsshouldbe avoidedand timely action taken to finaliserecruitmentrules,concerningthe DPC etc. However,necessity for such ad-hoc appointments/promotionsmay arise in the following circumstances: (a) for pending short-term vacanciescaused by leave, training etc., it is considered administratively difficult to appoint the candidate in the approved panel, or the candidatemay not be willing for short term promotion. (b) existing panel is exhaustedand it is essentialto fill up the vacancybefore DPC meetsand selectsa fresh panel. (However only departmentalcandidatesin the feedercadrewould be eligible for such ad-hoc promotions). (c) for filling up short term vacanciesnot exceedingone year for posts normally filled up through SSC. Sincethe Commissionwill not nominate candidatesfor such short term ad-hocvacancies,appointmentshaveto be made on ad-hocbasisthrough Employment Exchange. will countfor seniorityor entitleanyclaimfor regularaPpointment. Nolc: In no caseservicein suchad-hocappointments ordersfor SC/ST 45 daysreservation exceeding (ii) For ad-hocappointmentsagainstvacancies would apply. For ad-hocpromotionsthesereservationordersdo not apply. 24. Casualemployment: (i) Casual employment should be restrictedto work of a truly casual nature.'Remuneration should be paid at the rates fixed by the State Government or CPWD, (ii) Casual labourers appointed through Employment Exchange and possessingexperience of minimum of two yearsexperiencewill be eligible for regular appointment without any further referenceto Employment Excllange. Benefit of 2 years experiencemay be given if the casual labourer has put in at least 240 daysof serviceduring eachof the two yearsservice.In five days week offices the minimum number of days is 206 instead of 240' (iii) Th€ period of serviceas casual labourer will be deductedfrom his age for the purpose of age limits for regular appointment. He should however possessminimum qualification required for the post. t2 ,ilrfre]ililhTrqRil 2s,F$rtfiilr,RnTrTHr rrc sTrt{ frt qr{rft * sq t ffin; qqffi * s.r+ fuffi ftFq hT* qs rtuttT+*S++qsr{qTqT wrfu qr v+fr t qft s?r$ qRT'Kft d qE q< frft Tff S{r, + kq HtrmreT{frq d=ry{ g, (l) ffit..Trms (2) kr* qrq w'q RRe+ fr Effof,frrrrdrrrff e, qcq i crtftr€ RreTr+RrtftF fi qTTfirt qr <qt t aft( d prffi, ieft qt fF{ etft4 .nqrc-6ift *rrdr.Fr Trrrmc<rf,6'G t d r€ qr<rfr '+ dTdi FrTff oG q<k{R t6{r qTftFdTi r eq rfrwcr{ sn+ kq zj cfdffi Ffuqi *.|er{ (6 cnft qtsqr Zo. 1qTffi'Imfif ?n'iqg (iiffi{: {c6rft qr+{t + kq ffiR M t rrqtor q-54 qQft6 f,1 BqEr{l 1. IE-v6-Wd qrqrq qt{q td}r/eTfrrqdqk64 ftf}r 2. g. ffiq €.+rft +,dq|t eqa ftur dwqr, t98o (i) r*{ +. itqfC cFI ctzFt-rt1 (2) ftrqfud{.{rft t4r fr ftql-ff d qri d qnqfu fi kt{ EqPffd ftqmm srq{t qkqR wrad<r r€E6 F-( e{r qftqr (3) eft r+r< gq-ve-toFrgfd $rErir eqr ffiq iTaFft +,ffi q{6 ftqr frqqTA qrqT€{S frttfr * eom qrs fr ? t<g qri qrtdqr (4) qmrat qkq hftr/sTftffirdqkq ftfE d nqia{ 6dfr + qnrT di * srrq Pqqsni d'tr (5) tsr{ d q?F,qrA kq crcr+-{t{r-ffirT t qrn P<qqri dtr \ (6) qrft qrqr+qqrficqrk{{ftfr, isr f+,drmftrmTfr cftqrfuil t+qrrrqrl, * il-q d di qrPaq r qfr k{r6 Ai t g-dffi EFEF{rft i g-va-ffifr $rEm+ kq ffi ffiq Eqtfre} ilfu{ fuqr qr d sr+ k{rtrd d qri tr<sftr qrqt€{ t+e: ft eriu fr qr\'rn ft Efrqrftsrfc{ trEer,ffi+ tffifr i cftqrkd t+qr rqr l, * crc it qqr il'qt€{ y<e *<r drnr 27. a@86 qfl-rTFrT: (l) q6 vcdrt o,ffi 20sre d {ffi fur ft o-<ii + scqr{ f€ft {t ft q51+r frfuq td{ v.{rft eqr fr tqT-frqtd i v+'m Br (z) qt nb€ qr frrfrmrerfffi * caqfusTEftrd *ft e, *=q ft tEr-tqtn fr qqtd kqr+ qffi iltusd f{fttuwdfE fr qqrk tTd{ilkd r€t fr qrftAd tqrffidnb{ BrqfEfr (3) (4) (5) (o qqrF{ fi drtq t qqTfi d qrft Br 3 Tfti freq qqfEA dtce q<lrqR foqr qr voer€, oq tr T6ftft i{ {t qrqd t ddturd qrffi frftR fi ft{ rrfti ff BrsfiT eTr+ftrfr t v*.mr Tft di t TFnftrd i qtflq + Pdrq g.F'EfRdfuq ? fEi Eni * qrs {idfFd+,{srt frfus qrr{ T€i A vsrn kqrq sq ftsfu d t+ qe {Eftrd qrftrnrft+ frftrte qmEil t qqrt+qrqrgr ffi{ (kcgrqI {,fft tqr emtq Wd + Fdqftsfrrc ilrte t T6+ t+,qrqrqr qrfaqr qFIrekT:qf"u+ t{r-Fqf{ ddft dt€ rft6R o-<kq qrir A fuqrqs{ qTqd + ffi b 3rgrnffirir+ +rt{r{ Ffkd/t{qr<rftc tr etw, ft{rfdtr * rpqt t s sr6Tfr q-ffi t{r ilsfE ffi or ctrlTss rTdt sTs#{ errra * AIR MANUAL 12 25. Appoinlment of Safaiwalas, FTrashes,Security Guards etc. as Peon: (i) Regular by appointed Group 'D'staff, suchas Safaiwalas,Farashesetc.can be appointedas Peon if they possesthe minimum qualificationprescribedfor direct recruitmentto the post of Peon. (ii) Those who do not possesthe requisitequalification of middle school standardbut possess elementary literacy and give proof of ability to read either English, Hindi or Regional Languagecould be consideredfor appointment on transferto the Peon'sCadre and for this purpose 2570of the vacanciesshould be reservedfor them. 26. Nominations for different purposes: (i) Every Government servant is required to exercisenomination to the following cases: (l) Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity. (2) GPF/cPF (3) Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980. (4) Arrears of pension. (ii) As soon as a person is appointed to regular government servicehe should furnish family details in the prescribed form. (iii) Similarly nominations for DCRG & CGEGIS should be given immediately after the appointment. (iv) Nominations for GPF/ CPF are to be given at the time of commencementof recovery. (v) Nomination for arrears of pension should be given before retirement. (vi) All the nominations should be in favour of family membersas defined in the relevant rules. If any one had given nomination for DCRG in favour of others before acquiring family the nomination becomesautomatically invalid on his acquiring family and he is required to give fresh nomination in.favour of family member as defined in the rules. 27, Voluntary Retirement: (i)'A government.servant may retire from government serviceat any time after completing 20 years qualifying serviceby giving 3 months notice. (ii) Such notice requires' acceptanceby the appointing authority but if the refusal to grant permission to retire is not communicated before the expiry of the period specifiedin the notice the retirement becomeseffective from the date of expiry of the noticc period. (iii) Notice of lessthan 3 months also may be considered,but in suchcasesthe official cannot apply for commutation of pension before the expiry of 3 months notice period. (iv) Once the notice is given the official cannot withdraw the notice except with the specific approval of the authority concerned.Such requestfor withdrawal should be made before the intended date of retirement. (v) Normally notices for voluntary retirement are acceptedexcept in caseswhere disciplinary proceedingsare pending/ contemplated. (vi) Benefits of an addition of 5 yearsqualifying serviceis allowed in casesof voluntary retirement subject to the condition that the total qualifying serviceis limited to 33 yearsand it does not take him beyond the date of superannuation. r3 ilr'drtlEtTfthqTqff rTqir\oni*-Co ri wd eirqT{fi,qirqi"uqi* eTrqR iFT tit q{TTqt{ W-vt-ifil-"T" sqEr;T q<ff qr\',ftft qaffi tqr + qft 1P6i +cssq ail{ + ffiiln fr{fuq qrfr6r +t{ qlq qTTdrfi fr,nt I (s) W nfu€ fi or4f'qtrqrqTdi + tnFTRrsrqt tfi q qEf61cqTft d+ fi crfte ffir 28. tlrqq{ tdr ftr1?fr, l (l) Tqlffi s0 (i)* eaesqTfr qftffift +t q{ qkr ?Fr{uf BTftr€n B t+ +a ffi vcorft Fdflt +i Pqq* tqT-fqin o< ?:(l) qr '"e" sTqqT "q" 50 E{ fr gs d Eni .r<r qft cc+rft +dr d sdqrt :s qid fr ss di t Td u{rq6ir (2) {q6 "s +i f.s+,( 55 qfq fi q Tft dt qqffiFqfff +sr{il 27.7.60 +i 6{ dr (3) qrw ?rdqrft :o qd fr srf,s+{r gft +-r ffi qri d sq<ter (2) q< trm so(i) + ildr tn,+< fri qrn sTftI-firftcqi d rs61+1, s{+ Er<r50/55E{ fr sfiqTnRr ?F( qri Brsnr30 Ed * irf€ +{r Tt Fr ffi qri t o: qfti Fd, T{frTr fr qtg.fti Ffin{il/ H : +,mfdd'anr E<r+fuq sqTff {k{t.r rcrq nil1(ftry ctd tdqtrfi"S{ftsr n* *q, (3) T{ftrut qfufr/qf\rtq{ efufr eT Fr6rTq-ciFRara hqfr(-d toqr rrqr Br (4) AqrFr{td P4q{€q1{iqr oti + q'Tn fr T{ftarursfufr 6r<rffiqrdftq qFriw qq r+R dti: (o) + fiilnft frqr qa6r€r{i, (q/ dr {4rq qr( q( ar Tdqr qEq<+rqia-Gd BTr+rq crqrqrdrt * vgs arcrPrsrmqq.rt EFrrr 1op419EFffi sTq+ qri ftFn vqeftvtrd Ar{dr c( ksR F+qrqmrqrPaqr) (.I) grftwr d sqa Tt +{r-fir+rd.nHqnfuqrqmrqrPflrqft sr+'{dr*anqorP#fr So{qrftat t*-tT."-fr trqrqn},nff ffift 61-1afi Aq$fridg+{rqt*sqcrrq(6.rqrd*r Et qrftfr d S v6i fu vnft +{r Fr6t dq sd +'+ilqtl-qorfr dr (5) 5{8?rurqfufr fi ffif d' qrqR .n qqq crftr€rftddiiril 6ftt sn d-d-t6il d t{r-Fq{ Brr{r e<i {qft FTUfq $r{eTrR cd otrnr (6) ss EtRr +r * qrsfl-qI t+ srq|q T{ftTE fr +{r qrt Tei + kq qK qrqrri ffi 6,trqrt + qtrrnt qft erEt ffi rrlrTrraqrqtqrdTA fu v{6r t{r d Rtr Ert;tT *+-tre t qfi € rrqri fr vfr tqr-k{{ oli veft ffi fr tilr s+fi ir (7) qq Fr{d * wc tqT-k{n iF{i * Fqqftn qfri +r itas t{qr q|nTqrfuqrsqa rd +{r-ffi A cqrft di fr iltq {6 il'ftq k+ff) (Fq+6rd Tw k+sqrqr qrEn)d,ft Eil*fosfi qcrhd+ qqi tcq *rftr (8) sd6 r6R o1 qru-T{ +<r-ra6o d' dfus ftqmm Eq{ d qrt t€qr qnr qrfegr (e) ffi 6dqrt d fril Tfii fr dtc( srqfEA rqi d 3 qftf + ain 6r ;tiFEqFr{r{5q Aqr-fu?fu o<i or crqqril*r (10)F<+r<ar{T9*r4-Tdnqr-ffi( {if ft qrN d k€'a Pcq.rq qnri{fr q<Fmn t+qrqr c+m ir sltt: {tt cdq{T{ qk qfuk Et qftrAEil q< F+qREttft Sl-{ srqft ffif *ftl r \ l3 AIR MANUAL (vii) pension and DCRG will be calculated on the basis of emoluments drawn before such of retirement and no benefit of notional fixation of pay etc. allowed for such increase qualifying service. period. (viii) Date of effect will be the forenoon of the day following the expiry of such notice 2t. hematureRetirement: authorityhastheabsoluterightto retirepny government (i) UnderFR 56(i)the appropriate employee as follows: (a) Group A or B emPloyees (b) Other casesexcePtGrouP appointed before 23.7.66. All employees (c) 'D' : After attaining 50 Yearsof age, if entry into government serviceis before 35 years of age. : Aft er attaining 55 Yearsof ager : After completion of 30 Years qualifying service. (ii) Casesof officialscoveredby FR 56(i) shouldbe reviewed6 monthsbeforetheyattain 50/55 haveto maintain yearsof age or complete3d y."rr qualifyingservice.Departments/offices suitableregistersto be reviewedeveryquarter. Committeehas been prescribedby (iii)Composition of Review Committee/Representation Government. for (iv) The criteria to be followed by the Review Committeein making recommendations retirementwould be: (a) Thosewhoseintegrityis doubtful. (b) Thosefound ineffective;(if one is found unfit to continuein the existingpost his fitness for the lower post shouldbe considered). at thetime of review;no employeewouldberetired (c) Entireservicerecordto beconsidered within a period of one year beforedue date for superannuationand for ineffectiveness also in caseswherethe serviceduring the last 5 yearsis satisfactory. of the ReviewCommitteethe competentauthorityshallrecordon (v) On the recommendations the file its decisionto retire the official concernedin public interest. (vi) Thereis provisionfor taking actionfor retirementin caseswherean employeeis found fit to continuein serviceafter the normal review,but, later,the continuanceis not found to be in public interest. (vii) Three months notice shouldbe given to retirean employeeunder theserules.The date of prematureretirementshouldbe on the forenoonof theday(to betreatedasnon-workingday) following the day of expiry of the notice. (viii) Notice shouldbe issuedin the form prescribedfor eachtype of prematureretirement. (ix) Thereis provisionto retirean employeeforthwith by paying3 monthssalaryin cashin lieu of notice period. againstor4ersof prematureretirementmay be consideredby Government (x) Representation and the Committie constitutedfor the purposewill considerand give recommendations. l4 ilrfirflqrufrfrTrqfrm tqnofr(oTrr Ing, ilqrtfi fiTr; t. aqilarmq cc{ft +{r t tqW at qrn Eqffi a fuqPqfiroqrq fuq v+,t d: (o) trn (q) tqn ?Fr6qt{<oT ( q )W E m v t r c F r (q) q| + iil{ + T{A ros <tkr (e.)d*t Fc{rft e.Cflt q6 frqr *crfl, rqgoi tril (a) vmreT${rqrfrqkq FTfUdq or qPdqT{r(r{ (o) urtt rrrr qqc ftftrr z. qFraTqrr{ vc{rt t{r + d<r{ FI d qri qreqr-ryf, * qa ffiq fut{dT(ttr{) M d fr+c s+d qfr{ qrt qt qRvqs (vEeit)d qk{n it{H +4tr w qrq++ +{rq6fFqirrurqfid q*.nr sqff w-+q(t) A 3ril{( (.r) t (o) eo sftqk{ srerFrq fuq ffit lr 3. srcqrfro{qfinif + idq tair6 qnT ffir ffsP{q tqr (eren'ftnqr)tqqrrfr +-*t qeqrft/qernft+eoffimfi t*ftffi, g BTrfE T( v€ +<ir+tryosrriiFT fuc (6il lr s€ tqtil6/T+,ET{rdFff Edrt{+fr + 3T-ftqe; Br 4. ctr,qrtrofficoar{ (ffiqPn + crq*) fttr{ + qrqfr + dqfEil t{E{kfu( qfuqrirs ffiree,-crq l: (+)r++e**1rftwn{ft 3frrrrftqer{+}wa+ffi fr {*+qR+lqrq*errrdz+t:oqffi q {rEffiflf,arr srq dr (q) T{ IItFR+1q-ftfr q'+,qfus-EfErd ftm aeTr +qr aTftr+rft +} rifr vrgr (.r) ftrqdTt Frq tqT-ffif, + ffi qrrA t vqflmaq * im+rt krfr fi irc aErAqr 3Tftr€rft qi r.q,erqkr t+qrcnqr (q) {q e.ar + s$ qrftil i dr{r o,lqfw +i fr qtr q+{r fr cfu qfr qrgr (e) ten 6r{rqr* +i Wd t a Edqri.nrd-z fr +qR;Ftil-{rqrtaqr (q) +rtq fuffi +{r (t{rc) forqr{fr + fuqq59fr BffiflReru-qcFrd4,dqrnd lTrrr fur* BrRqrfud ri mqrr{ BTrE tr{ 6r T<r cqr sTrdgr (o) +{r-Tfr fr qfqkil fi qrq zB-< fi qrft qrfuqBft{E}sd $.n tcr qt6qr (q) Wf, t woq51 q6 +t'rffi frq.tqs qknrdr fr ck4Rq((d tErh+<ur*rq'r{ r qrz qr+ qrqfry{ t sft6 rsal tcr qrfdqrtqr{ fi qiFrqrttftr + qrt i ilqi+a S A ncr qrkqr (q) qrd-zd qFr-t EhihrrFns4qd gn +rqr srHqr (q) qr{ s *< zai gft il{6 +RqT or 3r-qsrqftmetd sfrT qEftrdiffi ecrtqr qftr+rftqi qrd s t Brlqurc{ * wc 61ffie t 6E Tft+ TfA frrq-{rFqqrqnr qrpeqr (qfunqrq+rer*q€tcreqt vrmmkqr"r, *imod*qr{ z ffdcfuqt +rc+-r.iffiqr{) ni AIR MANUAL 29, )-- l. t4 Pension and other retirement benefits : Nature of benefits The following are the benefitsadmissibleto personsretiring from Governmentservice: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Pension Commutationof pension Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity Encashmentof leavesalary SavingsFund at credit under Central GovernmentEmployeesGroup InsuranceScheme, 1980. (f) Final paymentof GPF/ CPF balances. (g) TravellingAllowance 2. Family Pension In the caseof deathwhilein serviceor afterretirementfamilypensionis admissible to theeligible family member(s) as per Rule 54 of CCS(Pension)Rules.No commutationis allowedin this case. Other benefitsmentionedat (c) to (g) of sub para (i) aboveare admissible. 3. Terminalbenefitfor temporaryemployees Terminal/Death Gratuity is admissibleto temporary/quasi-permanent employees on retirement, deathetc.underCCS(TemporaryServices) Rules,Terminalleave/cashpaymentis alsoadmissible' undertheseRules. 4. Proceduralformalities (retirementcases) The following are the proceduralformalitiesin dealingwith pensioncases: (a) A list of personsdue to retire within the next 24 to 30 monthsshouldbe preparedon lst Januaryand lst July eachyear. (b) A copy of suchlist shouldbe sentto the Pay & AccountsOfficerconcerned. (c) In the caseof retirementsother than Superannuation intimation shouldbe sentto the PAO immediatelyon the factsbecomingknown. (d) A copy of suchintimation is to be sentto the EstateOfficealso in all cases. (e) Preparationof pensionpapersin Form 7 shouldbe done two yearsbeforeretirement. (0 Verificationof serviceshouldbecompletedin respectof non-gazetted staffandactiontakenin respectof any unverifiedportion as per Rule 59 of CCS (Pension)Rriles. (g) Scrutinyof the entriesin the servicebook shouldbe doneand any omissionmadegood. (h) Eight monthsprior to retirementForm 5 is to be obtainedfrom the employee,along with family detailsin Form 3 and nominationsin Form I or 2 and 4 d. Nominationfor arrearsof pensionis also to be taken. (i) Part I of Form 7 shouldbe completedby the Head of Office. C) Forms 5 and7 duly completedshouldbe sentto the PAO concernedwith coveringletter in at least6 months Form 8 along with the servicebook and any other documentsnecessary, beforeretiretnent. (Form 7 shouldbe sentin duplicateif the paymentis desiredin anothercircleof accounting unit). iilfrTilqrTfrm[{qffii r5 qfffi ftt t{H +Frq-FI+ qqfq qri * etqfr qrlr+i rqtkd6d qrftqfr (.) \ / tm nqriqr +t{ qrqrA srqd Ail{ eqrirqr sfffi fr} svff (FFIirqtlr * wft qrttqr ($ ftT-fqfiil d tdfqt d rrAt r$ aT{ eqraqr .Tftt-6rt+1qP{do-<kqr qrqfu offi rrc.FRqi qr qr fu tt futq!ft: ftrq, sqaF{ d( qsr{ fr Gctilkd ffiftr aqr .J d wR .tF + Wf 6qdf'd qeqr qrnr qltdqt 5. *m mt +qTqfffi ara trn-t orerqtftqr?cTa qrft 6RTl E{rcEFr{rqr*fr ariqqqf,rq4r ii * qrs*r{ aqrtq qftr6rfts,rdzd qr{r-II frfrer{qr6.{ Tt{n *{ WrT fi ftfq t oq fr effiq€ Tfrqrca+tqr{ qqr{{ft3TIt{rcnt stn I qk t{rt deT\r{Hr + ffi erq qrsil d +qt d iec wr tqr qftmrft frsirurqi.Fd z ff cft d ffE sftr \rFHr+ nqr 3rftr+rtd ifttt ! 6. wiftrc t{rr fil{ ffi qrqn t hqqt:"fir<tmlsrcrr qil sitdqrq *qr dtrs q d srq fqqr{nqeTffiftq t{Trfsw<Hfrffitv+ertr 7.'trrtcrGqiFt![ trdr*T+ {ESfr't{r+ + Fqirur +r qritn .rt i'nq + q,Frqqd, * qrqqlC t T( Sqrqr vonrt I qlrqqqr qe qrq sTr+fi sflT d rr eS kqr tqr s{rt{rqrq * qrgr ilq t{r{ 3TErflfr 1tt-r@ qk fr{r ft1tfr * qrqar€q{ * wdF d sq 16r<ar qr*+t qr qr"ild qrerBd ereq.rfur+ srFrt-.trprfT rfi Br 8. qi + +t{ + qEi rrqq<rit'niT qrrqqk offi'+ dt id or T{tEwri+unqnr qrp6q*{ tqr fc{f, a+ d eem qn 6 C q rA t q r t d * € t ^ oi * + q s t T s E{ r f t rf f f f i v e wq f f f i 6 }q r t + ' fTt q r g q r ' roq <tftr fi rrqnrffi rq t fr qrgrftr:ft{rffinfffrfqd 30 Wdfrfrfq+icft rr{ sfifr qlt ffi qftr€ilq - _ " dqr zno*r 3n6rot*t rtkfrwr sftr+ft q{r * rr{ <rftr?Frsnrrorirtt *( 3rdmftEtt r {rqqhil qfffi A qiq{d ert d qT q-Sff Effi+rt imr eqr nqr sTftr€rft,Eqft qrq rr"<*dFftTfuqrft fi qrqrrtrtft t qqi + kq 240kr ao qrt t Te 3lfdil qfr + GRFr< ftF< Trff{ fr qit fr qrt fr cr v+-fi Br 9. ffi{ Tflil( o,ffi eq6 {qr s}Eir + *nta T{r frrfu': Eq *DR ffiq nc.FRq,{qrft vq6 *qr dcril, 1980+ t'frTfile{fr fr wr{{ft fi *,rqrFc{ rr{ffi qrtd q|^rft @l {{#fttr Erft ed t r6n qrC+ qriq{ q{ nt'+*r+ .md; ,'ln'' 1ft( Tt{ I S $Tt t€( +f,{eqriqr 3Tftr6rft qF{rfu, ar<r{rftTiFTsnr{qrP+qr <tqqkd3Tfffi{ii + {ES+ ffirq.ft+ kq t'ffi imr wr +nBTfts$rt,+rfid *ft "rq{i; t I I ,+ r5 AIR MANUAL (k) Any eventoccurringafter submissionof pensionpapersto the Pay & AccountsOfficeand affectingpensionshouldbe reportedpromptly to PAO. 0) Particularsof Governmentdues,if any, shouldbe furnishedto the PAO two monthsbefore retirementdate. ' Note. Amount of Pension,bratuity and Commutedvalueof pensionis to be roundedoff to the next rupee. 5. Issue of P.P.O. etc. by PAO The PAO, after checking the pension papers,will record the account enfacementin part II of Form 7 and issuethe Pension P4yment Order not lessthan one month beforethe date of retirement. If the pension is payablein another circle of accounting unit the PAO will sendthe assessment with a copy of Form 7 to the Accounts Officer of that Unit. Authorisation for drawal and payment of gratuity, commuted value of pensionand final payment of GPF/ CPF balanceswill be issuedby PAO to the DDO in respectof non-gazettedstaff, PAO, IRLA, will make payment direct to Gazettedofficers aftqr getting advance receipts. 6. Provisional Pension Head of office may sanction provisional pension/gratuity under Rule 64, inany casewhereit is not possible to finalise and settle the pension/gratuity in accordance with the rules. 7. Commutation In the caseof superannuationit is permissibleto send the application for commutation of pension in form I along with pension papers. In other casesapplication for commutation should be obtained and forwarded after the P.P.O. is received.No medical examination is necessaryif such application is received within one year of retirement. t. ' Encashment of Leave Salary Leave account should be completely reviewedfor non gazettedstaffand sanctionto the payment of encashment of leave at credit should be issued immediately oir retirement by the authority competent to sanction leave. Cash equivalent should be calculated as follows: Pay plus DA on the Date of retirement x No. of days of unutilised earned leave at credit on the date of retirement subject to a maximum of 240 days. 30 The DDO will draw the amount sanctionedand make payment. For GazettedOfficers sanction will be issuedafter ascertaining the period of leave at credit from PAO, IRLA. To avoid delay, sanction may 'Tor the period of E.L. at credit not exceeding240days". also be issued for payment of cash equivalent 9. SavingsFund under CGEGIS Similarly, a formal sanction to the payment of savingsfund under the Central Government EmployeeGroup InsuranceScheme1980,shouldbe issuedobtaininga simpleapplicationin form 4 and the amount drawn from PAO, in a simplereceiptform as in Annexure'C'to the said scheme. For Gazettedofficers sanction will be issuedto PAO, IRLA for.payment. l6 ilr'frrqTqr0ftftT ttllqhf[ft1 rretT,t lo,ffilq/lilrilft vrqrq/ffi t'fr + sTtffi wrilil fr wn{frfrtfr qili ti frftTq ffcs'R i ffiftil qf6qr qfi i: (+) +'ffi dra sTfuq frft tq6a{ Trrdm+ kq srd + rnrr-Id qriqc qqFl-{dqq<Wfi qrPdqr + Trn *cr (e) t{r + 3ftrqft{ qffi + tdnqsi{rffi t{r qtrqrdGTt qs e-{kqr qrqnnrd fi srqreffi Acr{E F{ fflr sfiq?fr fr qrtqqct uFr$n{r-Iiregatow vrgt (.T) incaaTriqrqftrsrftqricqr{d qrrr-t*< traldqfrr{futoqt;eqg+Tfrqrrffr smwft efrrryrcn tqr ffid + BT?rn Ffi fsqr qrqrfit dr vrfir{e atit qr{ q?rd\TBlrd?pr lt. ffirqrso *rqtf6r1{ (5q + crT+) +{r+rq t 11oq d qri qqftpakfuT u6qqv6rqqrqi: (+) ckqR +i ft{ Tfri * ail{ qrtrt I 500/- fr fr;rq d, fi me*rk+ twft var+rrfr qff{'ft fr =rfrdfi qPaqr {s *q trfirftrt BTfirfi ffi qriaqr rrqqrd z16 BP+ra <rfurqtcqRe} or.{qrf{d qiqar qFnq/ffi sTfuq?rtnftr +r nqwq|6q, Tiq-e-ftr{k sqEF[, ftftTqrt+fr er-q+a <rftr* or<urFrqi il* wErqM + ke,6 F+qrwqnnr gs qfinqurqftror emrurqr{Rur(frE qr*Eqq{ T(+( ?i fr q.r{+ fr.ffid vry* yfr * qrqftFqrqr\nnr gsvarqf,rd fdrqffi€ ilTrrrsil rfi tr (e) g a Frgttrsrqrr * kq F offi emftri r1gqrqi€qznrreqrnP*qrqril qt6q d< qrd t o qTsd 11fr Ssqlrffi A, d qrtrrfrEqtmdqqkqr qnrqrBqatP++arrr{ tz dqr{Ir€$T?F( vdr (q) qPcqn +flq + hq k q-{r/t{g<d w k,er qr{rqrtrqilrfs +awr{ t+d imr wqeEFt*( {q Til o.ffi + qn{R d +Tq t gqdt eq q or v<1* T=+Ar+ qfrTqrffqrd t+frsrEreqil er n+erBr qRqd qnr (q) vrv fi g fi qr{r fltil +1fr fq d g+ Tfti + ftrr fi trr{ I sd g<r+<i fr ffi qtHqr (e) tqr, ffift d qt{M sr veqrq{+,'rkqr qnr qtsq *r+Fftqfuf{q $qr{) ftrqcr+frdFffq 79+ q:.{qRqqeqrFrrt4r + Ert d +rt{r{ fi crnrqrtaqt (q) EHr(Er+) *< zoa| ursfl sped iilri*qrq+Hfda sTsffidsrd l8 d qqdqr 22,23,24,25 qft ut<g e-rrmq;r sTrfrtrd rd qim vtftq W wl{ +i qr{ tq * ir6rr + qrq *( t{r qfr qTHq rr{rffil d{iro *cq eqrier 3Tftr6rt+} tq t{r I or ter \r6wrd q{t qrsq fi nqril qfr nl w{ ts fr d cfdd sTqr) q{ d iqqiqqr qr{r (o) afr 5a +-4q6 qc6rt f,qr&t <a<arqTd {tr{r 6rqffi q} " ffi " ersJa1 qfuqr 96 +,ffi fi *< t vr+r<+f +{ {rfur?qA tr {e* Eri d iT{ nqrtqr qfbr+rft+i tqetqnr qrieqr (a) eE1+f,{ + qci ros {rP{rii, *a qrdR +ffi cra *qr frs{r + ffa qqr ftf}r, rrrn;c/ qt{qftf}r *(4tr{ BTrfrfrffi q;qq+rqrttfYrfrerqF{rft*fdq s{r+qqr{tisTt( ffi 4-d d s,rt{r{ ff qmrsrPdqr Fr6r TTrdrc (q) AIR MANUAL 16 10. GPF/CPF payments To eliminate delays in the final payment of GPF/ CPF balancesthe following procedure has been introduced by Government. (a) Application for final payment may be submitted by the official one year before due date of retirement or superannuation in part I of the form. (b) Subscriptionwill be compulsorilydiscontinuedduring the last3 monthsof service.As soonas the subscriptionis discontinuedPart II of the application should be submitted. (c) The Pay & Accounts Officer will scrutinise Part I and Part II and authorise payment after verifying credits atleast one month before retirement. The amount is, however, to be drawn and paid on the date following the date of retirement. ll. Procedural formalities (death cases) In the caseof death while in servicethe following stepsare to be taken: (a) Paymentof immediaterelief should be made to the family in the form of advancelimited to 3 months pay or Rs. 1500/-whicheveris less,provide,lthat theamountdoesnotexceed the estimatedpaymentsdue to the family. The advanceis adjustableagainstthe arrears of salary, DCRG, GPF/ CPF balancesor any dues payable.The amount should be drawn in a simpie receipt form enclosingcopy of sanction. Formal application for relief need not be insisted upon. (b) The nomination for DCRG furnished by the deceasedofficials should be verified and the nomineeaddressedin form l0 or form I I , as may be appropriate,for making claim in form 12. (c) For family pension,the widow/ widower should be addressedin form l3 for making claim in form l4'andwherethedeceasedofficialissurvivedbychild/childrenbelowlgyearsguardian ' may submit claim in form 14. (d) Simultaneouslyaction for completion for Form l8 should be taken up within one month of date of receipt of intimation of death. (e) Verification of service,entriesin servicebook etc.shouldbe done and in caseof any unverified serviceaction should be taken as per Rule 79 of ccS (pension) Rules. (f) On receipt of claim(s), the Head of Office should complete item 22,23,24, 25 and26 of Form l8 and send the form in original to the PAo concernedwith coveringi"tt.. in form I9, along with servicebook and any other relevantdocuments,like deathcertilicate etc. (Form l g is to be sent in duplicate if the payment is desiredin another circle of accounting unit). (g) The Estate office should be addressed,if the deceasedofficial was stayingin government quarters, for 'No Demand' certificate. (h) Dues to government, if lny, should be intimated to PAo. (i) Action for obtaining application and payment to the family should be taken in respect of encashmentof leave salary, savingsfund in CGEGIS, ana CefT CpF, as also any arrears of pay etc. due. 17 qr.u*+iw Hm srETqT H +dililqri", qff€rftalr+q+qti * eR6rqkq qh100% hq,fiiPdr ilqT{ sqem ft tr{ hr t hq{fuqqF$Poqnrqr i rrffffiftt TrEf' aqr co* *r kq ftrf\Et*er aqrt€TqM * .tr sraq,ft +{'r ,hfqTftrffi f<Tt snidqqqr{furfi qq* qrqft| .nEqfr t{rt eTfuqgd "$*eqr €ri t ?t fr {'qr+qrd d *oq tqr 3rfffi qifuq ftrq +1funEni€i fr r{qfu ? {6,t frr qft wftrq E{n c'e(' qfbr€ <rftrfi .r{ e d to{d d'qq 6{+ qqrk{ F+qrqr vom ir r{E il{tdq g.RFr+ sq"+fr G *ftry ffiT'ft fr q{fr Tfi fi qr Ffi'ft qqtdqFrqFff qqeT+r g{fttqdocmqrtagp6q+ qrrdf t olftl-+stqT{tft t qqrwgr {tTsr+r< fr {Erq{ftm<iqrdrF{itqREFffi qftr+ rrrcn + tdrqsffiqrft fint 12. qqTqqtt d qrstq * qri + qrqcf<sRt{r{ ft BrqR|Tq sq?rFr fr ffi + kq +*q nsftq t{r (t{rt) furcmfr + k{q 8t + s-{fi( EFFHfr snft qrtaqr 3rfr-trqqr 13. ffifr+ qe +t{ Irc+ft 6dq|t t{r + Pf,{.tT ildr t d +4rfrqfd fr fdfE* \rs qkTl-6 * w{{ llqqfud 3TftrqqqT +.dqrft+ {E{ + ffi1td*drteotseism€qgrrurn+ *< er<rqqFrdodqrft + {E{ d o,lqfqq3TA{r t++rqilrqrt6q*r sF+1qldddflrdiec aEr*er qfffi at tft qrft qtaqr 14. qt€raqi/sTd+fi q-aesnt{+ T{t;roe nftr s$fff ff e<aqrt fr srtd(s*s8+ T{A roe <rfurs€ tvrfr qr qesrftqc+rfto{qft d q tre (4,fr Afiiltrfr +drel itcH t6,'(qrsv* qEnat|{ *< rdor T{rdrq o-<dsqrq t+qrllqr qae + 50qtffre A rEn r+q <rftr?Fr I r qk 6ffi +{r t eFIq?*frrAfr sv& qrt fi sTtdd qr qcq 16 Trdrq 120H eo fi ftfud ll T{rdrrt+qt vom tr ?euqfr: sS cFrcl t r+E Trdr{ q6{sr <+q fr fi fum qqqrl 15. t{r ftr5f,di srAodqrftq}+} sil+ qrRfr qd+frqqe + ffit fr ftFET{-ilf{toqrqr v+mt, TrEt{rq *< erq qr$ Fr tqn (qqm sflTfuq .r<T6fi +t etr r+r< fr ffi qrAr+q r{rcrqt ' in-ekqr qwnr 16. itcq t+< qr *tcq fr 3rdflrA aT{ dr r€ i{q w+ t qrs frilftTfr t6i sni qrn +ffif ot +1sq emfirfi;rry< fr srHd 6"4 + qEi r+E {Erwfrfr qr v+fr ir rq r.{fi offi srqr{rftrrff fi srKnftffi kq F'A 4ffil 3ft trtil ET Tq-il{ i+qr qr qst Br 17. sqiffi + t*ifufr Ttrdn trt aflv + ffiq 0s * s{ilfil Eo qrd 6 qfiq srcrT + t*{kil T{rdrq ffiq ffsfrqt{r (t{H) ffi rr< ailEr?i fi q+eqr ir 18. Fr{ t<r Pr{So,fuFrdt + F{6e kqrfi'q 6rt{ri * Tfr t s.F stitdq tqla: ftrq odqrftqT+ k€€ krr'ftq qr qftro q'fqqq rfr e rd ffiq RsPfrnqr (ftrq) F{{qR* + fi qr eEfr t t v<g**+ nst{q*{r ({{trF,'{sr, tt|'il eTfttqPd ftrqq69* qfrq 3r"ffuq tTdTqrBfk qqe qrd{r{ rTrqfr 3lftiT)Ftmr+ft + tffq lo i 3Tft{*sr Es?i + kil * w-rqflT{rir+ d Tft q;i?tq q"ffuq qrdf'* sq-qm tq T€i {lr{ +t dfdq fr{r Frf,d Ti*Tn sd d.s+-r it k€d * q{fud ?oqrqrqnr R fdq sq t drftW +{rt qft {dtdq Eqm+ oq t d +ti q-fr Tfi ff wqftr AIR MANAAL 0) N After forwarding the documentsto PAo the Head of office may sanction provisionalpension to the family for a period not exceeding6 months and 100/6gratuity and the amounts drawn in pay bill form and paid. Provisional pension will cease from ihe date family pension is authorised by PAo who may also permit continuanceof payment provisional of pensionif further delay is anticipated.If any excesspaymentin provisionalpension arises,the excesscan be adjustedby recoveryin suitableinstalments.But any excessin provisional gratuity is not to be recoveredand the Head of Office should, therefore, ensurethut of such excessare avoided' officia(s) responsible for such excess payment shall "ur., be accountable for the overpayment. 12' In caseof death after retirement, action for sanction of family pensionand residuary gratuity should be taken as per Rure gr of ccs (pension) Rures. 13. Notification of retirement Where a government servant retires from servicea notification in the official gazetteinthe caseof gazettedstaff and an office order in the caseof non-gazetted staff should be lssuedspecifyingthe date of retirement within a week and a copy thereoiforwarded to pAo concerned. 14. Errcashmentof EL/HFL etc. Encashmentof earned leaveat credit is also admissibleas above on termination of servicesof permanentor temporarygovernmentservantby noticeor by payment of pay and allowancesin lieu thereof. If the official resignsfrom serviceencashmentis allowed upto io% otthe earned leaveat credit subjectto a maximum of 120days. f'Iote. Cash equivalent to leave salary is payable in one lump sum in all cases. 15' Encashmentof Half pay leaveat credit is also allowed for retiring officials but the pension and pension equivalent of other benefits and relief on pension shalibe deductedfrom such cash equivalent of leave salary. 16' Encashmentof Earned Leave at credit is admissibleto persons retiring from serviceby giving notice or are retired from serviceby payment of pay and allowancesfor the notice period but in the latter caseencashmentis allowed for the p".ioo of leaveexcluding the period flr which pay and allowances are paid. I I I I 17. Intereston delayedpaymentof gratuity There is provision for paymentof intereston delayedpaymentof gratuity subjectto certain conditionsunderCCS (pension)Rules. It. Provisional pension for retired officials facing Departmental proceedings Provisional pension may be authorised under rule 69 of CCS (pension) Rules in respect of government servants against whom departmental or judicial proceedings are pending. But provisional gratuity is not payable except in easeswhere disciilinary pr"oceedingshave been initiated under Rule l6 of CCS (ccA) Rulesfor imposingany of the *ino, penalties.provisional pension shall be adjusted against final retirement benefitssanctioned but no recoveryshall be made if pension finally sanctioned is less than the provisional pension. ilmililTfrhffiqffiil r8 lq.trntfi{r qm rFTr T6 qftqT e fu qk E{FilqtftFq tift ECfr firg-aq n\ \r' tsril Fl{qr+fr + frffiq s fr ffid qTcqt kqr qrgl t* ztTsftFt qF {rrT t{ kqr qrq zIT d't i# qr t{r + dr|q kfl-rftq (2) qfi r+n qqlq qi gf ut 3Tifrlq'sq d qsfuq s t6 ?trqr voar d t{ 3ilf}fu fi 61ft fut df, -rq.A *.+rt.Fdqrftt vc+r<+1tr S qrE 6r&r{A qpq 6rt{rd hTFftq d ffifur< or trm e)fi ffi fi qr g6i ffi.,-€f (trr+frtlqT4ft q+ew it o,d fr ort{ t Frarfr tq rtfu * qft 20. Tq EFr{tdlFl?flT qr t-IT*, 19 tnfrt$ t{Frrfr, aT{ 3Tt(q.d/e€tieq (l) ffiq.d di qirnqTE'rtq'{srftcm qofr ?t q*e q< tq enro-<ff qorqrffitrfr fi q-ft ge 4 fttgk grrErilt fr ct e ft q{|q frfi st a1({.d'rfretFrfi{rftr r€t qr{r EndT ()\ \-/ rrn wftr+,r/sf4rftsfutda1?'q1lt\rqT (+.ftt fr*ft + td{r {fffr T^frfrT€t ft qr voft tt (3) tqrq {r6n + €c+rfttq {rfYrfr qq-ft fi 2r. *q q{T q'ft 'r{ tt tqrq d qrrd ff qtq qfi w-{Eqq tritT 22. ffic/fgwqrlr (t) tatfrqftt rt cqt( d qrfr aRrt ffi (o) ffiq-d fri qrn q'ffi qt( g.trsqPc{nt q6{s ^aT'ftTdt{ fi{ff qftiR"iarr+{it d ets eqrftsq t qcqrqrKr t Tdf fr qfr* ;-** urvq +a * Gr qPcqniFTrlt=ttv<r erft R{n qq Wt "qu qFr ftlT kq $Fil ir ao ?q r,ntre<ir 6dqt gqqT FC4rt"{q d$ qdiqq d ffi + tqTrtt qq q.strrar .rtrc+ ttq.q r ri(*)t:l qtqfr qrft g-ft q-fti 3r-qfir + tfi fi 66 dr 3T6f qtc4Rwrq-3rdqor*r *tt, G t *" ti|-<Frq qrrilqd A ffi fi rc ftqrd'd sft \IRrtoqertr -il" st "s,i',6E kq ffi 6ffi IIt=tT + qrqa d fi qrft tr ** q. ft ; ffift e fiil.qr+r< eqmte<qr q{ A ft{r fi qr v+fr lt (e) w{w P{qrr( +{rFqfd i qr< q{ tnq r< qqrqq< qt t{adq qt qI h:qrffi qr ffi +q-{ 3-€i qkdt d Rlft fr (q) q-aP<qrre ffif{n dt dr q< fr ry,:13to, d-.ti ? s€ qa Fsrrdrfi firt'ftt tffirq.{qrec+'sqdqfrrqr4n*r{r{++nurffi 6 q q-st fiiTfr tqr 6c t +ITE-{qfrfr e 3Tttftrq.f{ (q) i wwfi/rErftfi q'ffi- ff sq fi(q|q-d Fqtn vrq firad dffi q{ it ot t*qr ffi6 rr<ffin'i{t* tqa tttm qrwd tqarq ffi6"r i tqq a fr-fi.c-dq (e) qfr q.€+ER€qrqfr?{r t Bd q-at{q|q-d tn W trfr qrqrqiqr qrfl e qruna e+ drftt *{ anr qrfl a "i t \'6 d fi {4fE+ at(T{ g-frql qrqrt{ar{dt qfdt{fi fift Efr6ffi i ffin (q) qafcq1'q( fidr qHq qfffi qFnq €{rFTiilflrzflqrqqTqrc q< 3rrflur dtr dfr.frur qfE6rt dKr (6) <rd or 3n6-{qr qr* s{i Pnitroqftrdrt trl EqTtfrflt rqtqfdwr ri + idq qffc<Fr<*tt'i -E ffi .itrfr sq qrfF+rft* d'it * A.a q< qfda€ffir< qrt t €tf qii ri--dcz o<qrqltdqt (q) t{rirro qrfffi et qa fi qrqrfftr€il+ 18 AIR MANUAL lg. (i) (ii) rilitholding of Pension There is provision under Rule 8 of PensionRulesfor withholding or withdrawinga pensionor part thereof if the pensioner is convicted of aserious crime. Similarly, pension may be withheld wholly or partly and for recovery of any pecuniary loss caused to the Government if the official is found guilty on any departmental proceedings instituted while he was in service. There is also provision for instituting departmental proceedingsafter retirementin exceptionalcases(Rule 9 of Pension Rules). 20. Recovery of Government dues from DCRG etc. (i) Dues from retiring officials towards Government accommodation, outstandingadvancese.g. housebuilding etc.,overpaymentof pay and allowances/leavesalaryorarrears.ofincometax recoverableat sourcecan be recoveredfrom DCRG. (ii) Dues to Municipality/ Coop. Societyare not treatedas Governmentduesand recoveryis not permissiblewithout the consentof the pensioner. (iii) Recoveryof governmentdues from Pension Relief is permissible. 21. Check list Check list for processingpensioncasesis given at Annexure 9. 22. Travelling Allowance on retirement/death (i) On retirement: (a) T.A. is admissibleto the retiring official and his family as per transfer TA entitlements including lump sum and transportationof personaleffectsfor journey to home town or to the place where he and his family are to settledown permanentlyon retirement.T.A. for the family will be allowed only after the retiring official moves. Provisions under SR I l6(b) (iii) are applicableif the official and the family perform the journey separately. For transportationof personaleffectsalso the sametime limit of onemonth/ 6 months is allowed.The time limit of one month/ 6 monthsis to be countedfrom the dateofjourney by the official. Relaxationfor extensionof theselimits both for thejourney by the family and for transportation of personal effects is permissible as in caseof transfers. (b) The above concessionis admissibleat any time within one year of retirement. (c) The concessionis admissibleonly to persons who retire on retiring pension, or on superennuation,or invalid or compensationpensionand not to thosewho quit serviceby resignation,dismissal,removal or compulsory retireinentas a punishment. (d) The concessionis.alsoadmissibleto temporary/quasipermanentemployeeswith atleast l0 years service on retirement on superannuation/invalidpension or retrenchment without offering an alternativeappointment. (.e) If the place of settlementis abroad, concession.is admissibleupto the Railway station nearestto the port of embarcation, or upto the airport from which he travels by air, and upto port of despatch for personal effects. (0 This concessionis admissiblein addition to the LTC if any availed,by him within one year before retirement. (g) Claims will be drawn on the usual transfer TA form by the DDO duly countersignedbj the competent authority. In case retiring officer was controlling authority for transfer TA for himself his claim should be countersigned by next higher authority. fh) The nnntrnllino arrthoritrr chnrrlrl c.aticfv hirnself ahnrrt fhe oenrrineness of the clnirn r9 3rlrdrqHruft hH qfrr# qrtt s-dqnrwr eSR{n,qfri qfir Hqrfiwm (w)fr 3s ooi qt'dq q{ATcrq r( q{rqr EEilil i qrnt{rftT Tfihtftr tt qnilt Paryft:ttttft{td+qqqsq{REr++kqqfim.rq<rtrr+teo<ifiaryrqrrfiirv<qqfuqrrqftrsqfurfr{,rfrq'd4y qr (ffi t qs qnr Fqfu T{ ql + st<rqfi vrei 2. Tq'r( (o) t{T + qt<r{ffi o,{srt ff.gag {_*i-* ryc€ frrq z(zs)wtq + t{qR sc+ qft{1-q qrqatqsqrI ao $frqtilrurqnr ftTr llii€t qnt rqr *' sfr qrqR* qret fiilsSqen .1-c+.r< qrq"{ q€{rd Frqrfidr it w{ tnq fr fiilfr ai eqil rqmilft'+ qri fi qftilfl q+eqrft qfuPard i t qfr qrrTqerrrq+ fvx esnqt qt( qrrfe+rr</ikewril * fsa rqmil.Fff rt t d rrr:tT zlt-5erqtrt _fa rrn/dfe rsn fr Frq rencro fr rr{ A A qftqftf tftqtr qr€ilP{o srwkd rrnrrn{qmq t rf rrn/dite *qmfr rftoq dm, eo ftfu{ r*ft r qa<rf[res*-i't Rtft : (l) ftt+e hffir 1z;vet qe,rfrk{ Tqr (3)4t{ ft qsr ert4s1fi<rq "*Pft,* 6rqfq4 fr clc{Rff *( fr <rt}rei + *'q tr K qq frqft d'st sqtfure A * qkfr fr qqmnd qq q{ qrqfiEttr fifit qItER+i eqm w t {vtfrc qrrer Tp6rr tpr*i d'tr vrv ffi (u) w4qqrqnfrqrerrtfi{TrP{fr urT<rftr 3rtrq<rfurdsqd,trftff d 75To *rtqft{n+ gir rr{€Tqr fqqar+i w qrk+, ffirt d, {w( f+qr qr v+ar lr 3o-*cr FqFfi * qr€ atffir+ ffi (o) qtf "s" + sftr€rftqk ffiqtd d eIEd Efr * ftfi q|ffrrM+ffi (rrwfffiq vc{r( t Bqir'qn M+qrtrq dt dtq€<ffi ffi deqrqrrrsrft qff{ft fr ffi) +<qrqrat i dsf kt6<w.rC t smqldifi ilftt qfr at{ slftr+rfttdr-frqff, fr qq{ €qq2,500qr qftr+qrqrr {6r frn d sgd qrifi q? tK K+ <fu6 kqr< etft ffi qqrt Tfi sflrFrffi€*< s{rqk6 {ER rrsT{ff dt t qfr +{ qfF+rfteqt 6c i <ar*.n fr sq* qr-qiTr {dftm facr{rfi lt{r< otrt sni{qqr fr qrk A oofrq + ftfi rrc.FR +r<qqt6ilffd fr vqqr?fi 3fr(qft hcfq fi vqqr60tfi + qE(qr"ilT€tfft d Et dqft qr qffi fi vqqr+,ft*r qfr fqufqfr qs{r 60+ it'{t crqrfiffrtrEtffi*tqfrqrqrqrqnr ffifivqqr/qr+{rfi q$< + il |<cA ftf( qfffi qftri'{r t s+artr qfr fr{ qfffi |qiTsnqfufdq A s{ + ftrt ffi o-<tei i zngSvsu t t+fr qr*r fr smi:r{r+<ort d strff trm Tsfqr qrftn+ tq fr dqfi qr v€ft *r rq qfffi do't * eRd \r{ dqqnrt d tr*d s: qrft fr qrffryftr+ Hiffi wr-dttqt ftn r qrfitk+, ffi A qR+ 3ffiqfrtt qqirGFRfr qw o,dAq( ffir< dfi t (t) ++,t ET€6q *r ffi ti Ernor 5f5t-12; ar-remP+e ffi t s<rorv<+rftF6d+ @-(refin (3)qqrt<6Tt *+.t + *<rqv{6r ss qrCt +t{ {tfu <ar(4)f,r qq dtftt I 16 qqe fr d,ft t{ Fc+rftkqr.if t {qd cr wq (t qr sc* E{ vcsrt .r<rTrilrirt ffi at qrn A q1P< qrq d rfi frnt (O qq-drk{gqqf"Eqf(D .ht{ erq {rre iFr<url 3il?ff.r.F (e) +.f tr€'"+ qftrqftcdtA ftq sr:-{qfu rfi lr K qk a +{rPqtdfr fdfqt A Ed + ftfi qrftrrks++t Aqrqrgile d a€ {df}rdkqrr +l vqqrtfr qqqekqqr*rnf+qcfft ffi q,{ft il s( q,{ + wcr Frdrl +t{ Tcdrft {ds qr qr rffr (q) st$,t-tffi €(il qq kqr qqfu kq E( rorc fr +d.t + fug m-a*ar< cfi i€qrqt q?FitTl ;nrT<d Asr{ do.t s€ ti + qr+fi qr q<Frqr<Tfi t€qrqrqrqTt (s) qq +rft q.ft + Pfi q,frEF't l9 AIR MANUAL (i) For personssettling down at the last station of duty, TA may be allowed if there is a changeof residence.No lump sum is allowed. can,however,besanctioned for theaboveclaimafterretirement.Advances Note. Thereis no provisionfor grantof advances if the journey is performedduring LPR. (ii) On death: (a) On death of an official in service,his family members as defined in SR 2(8) are eligible for T.A., on the same basisas per transfer TA including lump sum, transport of personaleffects etc., for the journey to home town or any place where they are settling down. If the journey is performed either frorn a station other than Hqrs and/or to a place other than the home town/declared place the reimbursementwill be allowed for the actualjourney orfrom Hqrs to the home town/declared place whichever is less.The amount will be paid in this order to the family: (i) Surviving widow, (ii) Eldest surviving dependent child, (iii) Any person who in the opinion of head of office is fit to receivethe payment on behalf of the family subject to furnishing Indemnity Bond, with suretiesfrom 2 personsof higher status. The usual certificates, modified suitably, are to be furnished by the claimant. (b) Advance limited to 75Voof the probable amount of TA can be sanctionedin the abovecaseto one member of the family on behalf of all either to the widow or any major dependent. 30. Commercial employment after retirement: (b) Group'A' officers have to apply for permissionin the prescribedform if theyintend taking up commercial employment (i.e. employment under a private body including a co-op. societybut not including a State/ Central Government Undertaking or University) within a period of two years of their retirement. The application will be consideredby a Committee of Minister-incharge and the Minister of State in the Ministry of DAR in the caseof officers drawing Rs. 2500 and above at the time of retirement and by the Department concernedin the case of others. Within 60 days from the receipt of applicatibn the Governmentwill grant permission or refuse with reasonstherefore,and if such decisionis not communicatedwithin 60 days the Government shall be deemedto have granted permission.Within 30 days of receipt of orders of refusalthe officer may make a representation.If the officer takesup employmentwithin two years without such permission or violates any orders in this regard his pensionis liable to be withdrawn wholly or partly. They have to furnish a declaration half yearly in the prescribed form about acceptanceof commercial employment. The main criteria to be consideredby Government in examining casesfor permissionto take up commercialemployment: (i) nature of the employment and antecedentsof the employer (ii) whether the proposed employment will bring him to conflict with Government, (iii) whether he had any dealingswith the firm during his service, (iv) whether duties in such employment would involve liaison with Government Departments, (v) whether his earlier official position or knowledge would give any undue advantageto the employer, (vi) the emolumentsoffered and (vii)any other relevant factor. In the case of Gr. 'B' officers permission is not necessarybut intimation to the department (c) concernedshould be sent.if they intend taking up commercial employment within a period of two yearsindicating therein whether or not they had any official dealingswith the firm during service. Negotiation for such employment while in serviceare not allowed except with permission. (d) Employment with black-listed firms will not be considered. (a) dnflntqtufifiTqqffi 20 W"{Tffi{ - I (Eqae qrl fd) d' rOOrdr{ra +Fc( + srqgFfi rqrftq qr ffiq wep qr d.r{ rtr * 6 o^ Entd *( q^qFrf, ffiqrtd + FdqBrrftnr -{E { or F**wn ifi'rt rrq/ft *{ {nkd qKF{d qrfu ffiqtffcrf,drfu sTr(qruT 100 qr{'re ql-(qTuT 100 u{l-{Uz t€eK EFt;trlr qk{rfr t€r< fr qfu{rd qr{Etut EFT zrRilK#, qr{re 12'34 Eff qr€ilfrF fr sTrtefur qfsu-c 56 qirt l. ' ut=q 9t{r 13 2. sRtrt 6 3. Ff6R 14 4. Tdmd ,./ 7 l, g, 17,.26, 33 40, 48, 56,63, 7I, 78,85,93 4, 19, 38, 54, 73, 89 5 4, 24, 45, 66, g7 II 1, 10, 21, 30, N, 49 59, 67, 76,95, 94 l, g, 15, 22, 29, 36, 43, 50, 57, &, 7I, 78, 85,92 g 4, 17, 26,3g, 4g, 59 69, gL, 94 4, lg, 32, 46, 60, 74, 88 L4 1, g, 15, 22, 29, 36 43, 50, 57, 64, 71, 78 gs,gz 5. Fffcqrun D l , 6, 1l, 16,21,31, 5 3 6 , 4 1 , 4 6 ,5 1 , 5 6 , 6 t , 7 1 , 76,81, E6,91 4,24,44,64,g4 b. Fqrrq gtqT 22 l , 6 , 10,14,1g,22, 5 27, 3L,35, 40, 45, 49, 5 3 , 57, 61, 65, 70,75, 79,83,97,92 g5 4,24,43,63, 7. qq *( o.rft( g l, 14,27, 4{i, s3, 66, 79, 92 s 4,24, 44,a, g4 8. *T q g l ,1 2,23,34,4s,s6, 6 7 , 78,99 s 4, 2s, 43,g, g4 20 AIR MANUAL AnnexureI (SeePara 6(i)) rribes in 100 Statementshowingthe pointsto be reservedfor ScheduledCastesand Scheduled point roster whererecruitmentis madeon a local or regionalbasis. Scheduled Tribes Scheduled Castes Percentage of Actual points to be Percentage of Actual points ro be Name of sratel s/. No.IlnionTerritoryreservationreservedinal00reservationreservedinal00 pomt roster point roster 2. I. STATE Andhra Pradesh I. 3. 13 4. 1 , , 9 ,1, 7 , 2 6 ,3 3 ,4 0 ,4 8 ,5 6 , 6 3 , 7 1 7, 8 ,8 5 ,9 3 4 , 1 9 ,3 8 , , 5 4 , 7 3 , 8 9 5. 5 6. 4,24,45, 66,87 II l, 10,21,30, 40,49,58 67, 76, 85,94 9 4, 17,26,38,48, 59,69, 81,94 14 4 ,3 , l, 8, 15,22,29,36 50,57, 64,7 l, 78,85,92 2. Assam 6 3. Bihar 14 4. Gujarat 5. Haryana 19 1 , , 6 I, l , 1 6 , 2 13, l , 3 6 , 4 1 , 4 6 ,5 1 ,5 6 , 6 1 ,7 1 ,7 6 ,8 1 , 86,91 5 4, 24, 44,64,84 6. Himachal Pradesh 22 5 l , 6 , 1 0 , 1 4 ,1 8 ,2 2 ,2 7, 3 1 , 35,40, 45,49,53,57,61,65, 7 0 , 7 5 , 7 9 , 8 83 7, , 9 2 4 , 2 4 , 4 3 ,6 3 ,8 5 7. Jammu & Kashmir 8 l , 1 4 ,2 7 , 4 0 ,5 3, 6 6 ,7 9 ,9 2 5 4 , 2 4 , 4 4 ,6 4 , 8 4 8. Kerala 9 l, 12,23,34, 45,56,67, 79,89 5 4, 25, 43, 64,84 7 l, 8, 15,22,29,36,43, 5 0 ,5 7 ,6 4 , 7l , 7 8 ,8 5 , 9 2 4, 18,32,46,60,74,88 2l imrtlErfimqffi 9,quqttT l3 4,13, lg,24,33, 39,20 l, 6,ll, 16,21,26,31, 48, 53, 59, 69, 14, 36, 41, 46, 51, 56, 61, 66, 83,88 71, 76, gl, g6, gl, 96 10. T6r(19 t , lg, 35, 52, 69, 4, 21, 39, 55, 72, gg 86 ll. qftfw 4, 54 12. +qrq{ 13. oqfafr 13 l, 6,9, 12,15,lg, 21,24, 27, 30,33,36,39,42,45, 49, 52,56,59,62,65,69, 71,74,77,80,93,96,gg, 92, 95 u l , 6 , 9 , l l , 1 3 ,1 5 ,l g , 2 0 22, 2?1, 27, 29,31,33, 36, 38,40,42,45,47,4g,51, 53,56,59,61,63,65, 6g, 70,72,74,76,79,90,92, 94,96,gg,90,92,94,96, 98 45 l, 4, 7, 10,12,14,16,lg, 20, 22,24,26,29,30,32, 34, 36,39,40,42,U, 46, 49,50,53, 56,59,62,&, 66,69,70,72,74,76,79, 80, 92,94,96,gg,90,93, 96, gg 23 l, 6, g, 13,17, 21,25,29, 33,37, 41,45,49,53,57, 61,65,69,73,77,91, 95,g0 l, g, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, 57, 65, 73, gg, 97 14. qr{nnw 15. s$qr l5 4, ll, lg, 23, 31, 35, 43,51, 59, 63, 71, 75,93, 97, 95 16. qqrE 25 l, 6, g, 13, 17, 21, 25, D, 33, 37, 41, 45, 49,53, 57,61, 65, 69, 73, 77, gl, 85, gg, 93, 97 17. (|tr€wn l6 l, 7, 13, 19, 26, 32 39, 43, 50, 56, 62, 67, 74, gl, gg, 95 l8 l, 6, I l, 16,,21, 26,31, 18. frilils 3l 4, 23, 43, 63, g3 t2 4, ll,2l , 29,35, 45,52, 59, 69, 76, 93, 93 4, 24,4, &,94 2r AIR MANUAL 9. Madhya Pradesh t3 4, 13, 18,24,33,38,48, 5 3 ,5 9 , 6 8 ,7 4 , 8 3 ,8 8 10. Maharashtra l , 1 8 ,3 5 , 5 2 ,6 9 ,8 6 I l. Manipur 4,,54 12. Meghalaya 13. Karnataka 14. Nagaland r3 20 6 l, 6, I l, 16,21,26,,3 l, 36 4 1 ,4 6 , 5 15, 6 ,6 1 ,6 6 , 7 1 76, 81,86,91,96 4,,21,38, 55,72,89 3l l, 6, 9, 12,15, 18,21,24,27, 30, 33,, 36,39,42, 45,48, 52, 56, 5 9 , 6 2 , 6 56, 8 ,7 1 , 7 4 , 7 78, 0 ,8 3 , 86,89,92,95 44 , 4, l , 6 , 9 , I l , 1 3 ,1 5 ,1 8 , 2 0 2 2 7 , 2 9 , 3 13, 3 ,3 6 ,3 8 ,4 0 , 4 2 , 4 5 , 4 7 , 4 9 , 5 1 5, 3 ,5 6 ,5 9 ,6 1 ,6 3 ,6 5 , 68, 70,72, 74,,76, 78,80,82, 84, 8 6 ,8 8 ,9 0 , 9 2 , 9 4 , 9 6 , 9 8 45 l , 4 , 7 , 1 0 ,1 2 ,1 4 ,1 6 ,1, 8 ,2 0 , 22, 24,26,28, 30, 32,34,36, 38, 40, 42,44,46,48,50,53, 56, 59, 62,&,,66, 68, 70,72,74,76,,78, 8 0 ,8 2 ,8 4 ,8 6 ,8 8 ,9 0 ,9 3 , 9 6 , 9 9 l , 9 , 1 7 ,2 5 ,3 3 , 4 1 ,4 9 ,5 7 , 6 5 ,7 3 , 8l , 8 9 ,9 7 15. Orissa r5 4 , I l , 1 9 ,2 3 ,3 1 ,3 5 , 4 3 ,5 1 , 23 5 9 ,6 3 ,7 1 , 7 5 , 8 38, 7 ,9 5 l , 6 , 9 , 1 3 ,1 7 ,2 1 ,2 5 ,2 9 ,3 3 , 3 7 ,4 1 ,4 5 ,4 9 ,5 3 ,5 7 ,6 l , 6 5, 6 9 , 7 3 ,' 7 7, 8 1 ,8 5 ,9 0 Punjab 25 I , q , 9 , 1 3 ,1 7, 2 1 ,2 . 5 2, 9 , 33,37, 4l , 45,49,53,57,,6l , 65,69,73,77,8l, 85,89,93,97 4, 23,43,63,83 17. Rajasthan t6 | , 7, I 3, lg, 26,,32, 38, 43, 5 0 ,5 6 ,6 2 , 6 7 , 7 4 ,8 1 ,8 8 ,9 5 1 8 . Tamil Nadu r8 l , 6 , l l , 1 6 , 2 1 , 2 6 , 3316, , 4 1 ,4 6 ,5 l , 5 6 ,6 l , 6 6 ,7 l , 7 6 , 8 1 ,8 6 16. t2 4 , l l , 2 l , 2 8 ,3 5 ,4 5 , 5 2 , 5 9 , 6 9 , 76,83,93 4, 24, 44, 64,84 22 hqn 19, J l3 ilin$Chlrrffifi 1,6,g,13, 16, 20,23, 4,ll, lg,25, 31,40 n 41 J4, 61, 6E, 75 21 , n,45,49, ,30,33,39, gg 82, 52, 56, 59,63,66,70,73, g7,gl, 93,96, gg 77,90,94, 20, Rr( qt{r 2T 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, %, 41, 46, 51, 56, 61, 66, 71, 76, 81, 96, 91, 96, gg 4, 24, U, 64,94 21. qftrqq q{rrq 20 1, 6, 11, \6, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 56, 61, 6, 71, 76, 91, 96, 91, % 4 , 2 3 ,3 g, 5 4 , 7 3 g ,g 4, 23, 43, 63, g3 l , 6 , 9 , 1 3 ,1 7 ,2 1 ,2 5 , 2 9 , 33, 37, 41,45,49,53,57, 6 1 , 6 5 ,6 9 , 7 3 , 7 7 , 9 19, 5 , 89, 93, 97 22. nsttrq {q trrftrfr rraT F1-+tqR 1. sfwrTFT ftq q6 l6 l, 7, 13, 20, 26, 32, 39, 4 , 5 0 , 5 7 ,6 3 ,6 9 , 7 5 , 9 1 , 87, 93 2. cf€uIliTFTge{f 45 1, 4, 7, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26,29,30, 3 2 , y , 3 6 , 3 8 , 4 0 , 4 2 ,M , 46, 49, 50, 53, 56, 59, 62, 6 4 ,6 , 6 8 , 7 0 , 7 2 , 7 4 , 7 6 , 78, 80, 82,94, 86, gg, 90, 93, 96, gg 3. qu€f{Tg *(;r{r(ff 4 a11q-( t2 4, 24, M, 63, g4 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 65, 73, 92, 9 1 ,I 4, 54 43 1, 7, 10, 12, 14, 16, lg, 20, 22, 24,26, 29,30, 32, 3 4 , 3 6 , 3 9N , ,42, M,46, 48, 51, 57,60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 79,90, 82,84,g6,gg,90, 92,95, 98 22 AIR MANUAL 19. Tripura 13 4 , t I , t 8 , 2 5 , 3 3 ,N , 4 7 , 5 4 , 2 9 6 1 ,6 8 ,7 5 , 8 2 , 8 9 l , 6 , 9 , 1 3 ,1 6 , 2 0 , 2 3 , 2 7 , 3 0 , 35, 38, 42,45, 49, 52, 56, 59, 63, 6 6 ,7 0 ,7 3 ,7 7 , 8 0 ,8 4 ,8 7 ,9 1 ,9 3 , 96. 98 2 0 . U t t a rP r a d e s h 2l 5 l , 6 , I l , 1 6 , 2 1 , 2 6 , 3 13, 6 , 4 1 ,4 6 ,5 t , 5 6 , 6 t ,6 6 , 7 t , 7 6 , 8 1 ,8 6 , 9 1 , 9 6 , 9 9 4,24'4, 9,84 2 1 . W e s tB e n g a l 20 1,6, ll, 16,21,26,31,36, 6 4 1 ,4 6 ,5 1 ,5 6 ,6 1 ,6 6 , 7 1 , 7 6 , 8 1 ,8 6 , 9 1 , 9 6 4,23,38,54,73,89 , 22. Sikkim 5 4 , 2 3 ,4 3 ,6 3 , 8 3 25 l, 6, 9, 13,17,21,25,29,33, 37,41,45,49,53,57,61,65,69,73, 77, 81,85, 89,93,97 16 1 , 7 , 1 3 ,2 0 , 2 6 ,3 2 ,3 8 ,M , 5 0 , , 57, 63,69,75,8 l, 87,93 45 l, 4, 7, 10,12,14,16,18,20, 2 2 , 2 4 , 2 6 , 2 8 , 3 03, 2 , 3 4 ,3 6 ,3 8 , 40,42,44,46,48, 50,53,56, 59, 62, 64, 66,68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78,80,82,84,86,88,90,93,96,99 UNIONTERRITORIES 2. Arunachal Pradesh 3. Chandigarh 4. Dadra & Nagar Haveli r 12 2 l , 1 0 ,1 9 ,2 8 , 3 7 ,4 6 ,5 5 , 6 5 , 73,82,91,99 4, 54 5 43 4,24,4,63,84 l, 7, 10, 12, 14,I 6, I 8, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40,42,, 44,46,49,5l, 57,60.,62,,64, 66, 6 8 ,7 0 , 7 2 , 7 4 , 7 67,8 , , 8 08,2 ,8 4 , 9 6 ,8 8 ,9 0 , 9 2 , 9 59, 8 . 23 ilmdhKd J,frffi ffiilmqfrqunil ilunq(hffi?tm iFI qlir;Tinril *rnr ril{t, Errr *( 2 4,54 l, 21, 41, 6l Fdq 7. iRTftqqq kk+,r{ 45 frqw l , 4 , 7, 1 0 , 1 2 ,1 4 ,1 6 , 1 8 ,2 0 ,2 2 , 2 4 , 2 6 ,2 9 , 3 0 , 32,34,36,39,40,42, 44, 4 6 ,4 9 , 5 0 ,5 3 , 5 6 ,5 9 ,6 2 , 64,66,69, 70,72,,74,76, 7 8 , 8 0 ,9 2 , 9 4 , 9 6g, g ,g l , , 9 3 ,9 6 ,g g ,l 8. qifsffi g. fufrrq l6 l, 7, 13, 20, 26, 32, 38, 45,50,56,62,69,74, 80, 86, 92 45 4, 24, 43, 64, g4 l , 4 , 7, 1 0 ,1 2 ,1 4 ,1 6 , 18,20,22, 24,26,29,30, 32,34,36,39,40,42, 44, 4 6 , 4 9 , 5 05, 3 ,5 6 ,5 9 ,6 2 , 64,66,69, 70,72,,74, 76, 7 8 ,9 0 , 9 2 ,9 4 , 9 6 ,g g ,9 0 , 9 3 ,9 6 ,g g ErrErrsk q?q+dq c6 qEt d Et snRftrd nzlqrft lzPataft qs rff c{ t kq + qq ct cli tr go t qfF6 d qRftrdrrF|T qFr nil$fi| qft gs qtsR v< qffrrfl oqT{re EF} d qir$rd qm qril e fr qft qFFFtiF w!+ fri q\t d s[rn+ d Errcrvr qm qrql zffirrq/ds{rfrrd€rdqT{firdqfirfddsnrfrscfd{rdtoc6}ic(fts€egcra*Pqqscft{ril+elril{ qrcqc d enrqr 4t T{ it 23 AIR MANUAL 5. Delhi 6. Goa, Daman & Diu 7. L. & M. Islands 8. Pondicherry 9. Mizoram Rosters prescribed for recruitment on All India basis to be followed t] i Note 2 4, 54, 5 45 16 1,,7, 13,20,26, 32,38,45, 50, 56,62, 68,74, 80, 86,92 5 45 l , 2 1 ,4 1 ,6 l , 0 ,2 2 , 2 4 , l , 4 , 7, 1 0 ,1 2 ,1 4 ,1 6 ,1 8 2 26, 28, 30, 32,,34, 36, 38, 40, 48, 50, 53,56, 59, 62,, 42, 44,,46, 64, 66, 68,70,72, 74,,76, 78, 80, 82,84,,86, 88,91,93.,96,99. 4 , 2 4 ,4 3 ,U , 8 4 l, 4, 7, 10,12,,14,16,18,20, 22, 24, 26,28, 30, 32,34,36, 38, 40,42, 44,46,48,50, 53, 56, 59, 62,64,66,68, 70,72,,74,76,78, 80,82,84,86,88,90, 93,96,99 ( | ) If thereare only two vacanciesto be filled in any recruitmentyear,morethan one may be treatedas reservedand if there be only one vacancyit should be treatedas unreserved.If on this accounta reservedpoint is treated as unreserved,the reservationmay be carried forward to the subsequentthree recruitmentyears,if necessary. (2) Eventhough in a particularState/Union Territory the populationpercentage of ST is lessthan 57oa minimum reservationof SVohas beenprovidedfor that community. ilmlnl[frfrrnqff 24 3F."{-qrd?F II (sTT& 10 tffqq) { I T(?TFT'F|.( (*q/zrrqfqrT ?FT;m) ([o ilrtq ,ft74q6 lqo qtrea/qdrqT, d qE* kq strr+sTrtqr/qrenffR * {E{ +'--"- (FqFneTfr+rftor qrr) dqffi{q qk enqqrifrfi (t) tre(r<firqfuvr6sF"{ftfr4/+rq1fiffi)e........... *<qc+ar+qn...........rrqqtr qff tffictc t fut-dFrqr trc$rftftrs A* sTrr+ ieqileqq rff, vt+R + fril{q}qk'{rd * ermn< qr\'rn lrr;qftrq EilEnI qfr q<+.rft oTrr+] fT+,Tfrdd TEd ail{qn +trqtqqr r snqrrt S erri'qst c(, ei<Efrir* fr ffi qnfiRT sld Eri fiffi+isfr(slr?rili qftr+fte{rd + s{ftncr++ Fqqeeqrtdi r (2\ qTq* frtPft wI+ sTe{fro+ {ufe: ercqrfttt (3) wtr6 +qrq**4 FsP{fr t<r (wvrft fqr) Frm tqosd sTftqkil +t{ or<qrcrqffi rftqfrt gF qrqd if* q<qqrRrfr qri *rq ftft t nr{ ft mff qrfffi Bnrfi W ee+rcznfrtaqfi Fff6 smfE+ q?R{Fr + T{, *fcq fi qqfEar sgs, 3rf,{fudrnrrd kq, arc *r rttit t vr.ca <tRr+ Trdrt ERrsqrqroti or srq{rsftsoRgrk{ Tqfrt, ,, (4) mqFrqtmfr drtq t A E{ + kq qftftTrq<€tr qfirftqrd sT{tirftt{t€ crftorft d |ai+ q< qtr{ qr v+fi tr qffrftErfi sr4fEddqtil-{-+, 6T t Tft di + qqvtirqrq"'--""--- {uft.rc qfEqnft Tfi dt *r rqnrcr;qef{trdt qi €n *< qq ft ft fi r"+r tT{c}+ qqR ftqiff + kq EraqR sq *oft t Fqrftftt< dft ir enqfr ffu fr qrEftr (5) q-efi,urerqrTr,qrqrerqfrq FdEfr srftf,Eri, t{rt *{ t{r ff rnd t {dFF{trft ffi d 3Trc d eqFrqd'*( ilt{il * er+eR wnt-q{qq( r{tT rrc.FR {nnrddn fr +6 t{r ff sq qrcntn qrrl airq tr ilt A, Vc+ (6) wtrd qr<et ffi ff rqr;r w tqre qr rqFFft toqr qr v+ar Br rrEor zndqRrraqo<i + kq ftr ilcr'ffi qnr rrqr* 6iF<RTfi dt tttr il.Ft+ qrq c<+r<fi (7) crFT BTfr{ffi tqt* Fqtft or qftasft qs r€t qRq $r € I qr ffiq {rc.F'R d qftr w€qrfteff${( t qftq ftrTft T€f€ *( ffiq fut{q frar (wvrft t{r) fu{q tqosd wrftTfr S dqunlnft T€t'6( fr rr{ tr EF'r fi qrcqqrv€ crTrn-rr (8) rrErrRraq oqi c(, .TIT+qrttr * dkqm + cfu rr"qFrssl vstlq cfdilrnn qrqttt dt 3TceTr fr { 24 AIR MANUAL Annexure II (SeePara-l0) Government of India (Name of Station/Office) Dated No. I Shri/ Smt.l Kum. Sir/ Mad&nr, ), for the Post of ( appointmenton With referenceto your intereview temporary you offer to pleased is Office, Station/ at the terms and conditions: the above Post on the following I . T h e p o s t i s ( N a t u r e o f p o s t - M i n i s t e r i a l / n o n -you m i nare i s talready e r i a l )a ; aGovernment nd servant'your If carriesa scaleof pay of Rs. with rulesand conditionsprevailingat payin accordance of scate above the in ri*ea be will salary thetime.IfyouarenotaGovernmentstt""t',youwillbeentitledtotheminimumofthepayscale underthesubjectto at theratesadmissible be entitledto drawallowances of this post.you *iii in forcefrom the grantof suchallowances "rro the conditionslaid down in rulesand o'Ottt lontrning time to time. until further orders' II. Your appointmentis purelytemporaryand noticefrom eithersidein accordancewith]l: III. Your serviceswill be terminableoh one month,s reasons'The 1965,without assigning^any central civil Services(Temporurv s.rui.ri nuttt, forthwith or before orittminating your services appointingauthority,however,,rr.r*, ii.-iigr,t sumequivalentto you of a by makingpaymentto the expirationof the stipulat.Op..ioJofi*ii the unexpiredportion thereof' the pay and allowan.., fo. the period of notice or date of 4ppointment'which period may be IV. You will be on probation for two yearsfrom the of probationaryperiod,you .extended at the discretionof the competentauthority.on completion and in ihe categoryof will not becomeentitled of getting regularappointment whenevertherewill bea vacancyin that categoryyou will continueto servein theofficiatingstatus-. be confirmedaccordingto prevalentrules' to GeneralProvidentFund' Pensionand v. In regardto LeaveTravellingAllowances,contribution will begovernedby the rulesand ordersin all other mattersconnectedwitl, s"rviceconditions,you of pubricserviceto whichyou may belong' force from time to time and applicableto the branch VI Yorr will be liable to be postedand transferredanywherein India' I 25 ililr{tlfrhrq (e)il'tilR6R il qfiT il{l{ ffifrqTil qilhqilil qil., (r)wft.u' q-fr qfiil ffi q{r qfr{ 5w, qTil tqrht rfrt il,fqil $ifillTilhfll t qlfi TSEilt frt hl + *' + F*e u, op,*m +{r e, @t srrqT,16*"r qn d irqirir'ifi ftr irq irirF+qrcc-vc+r< * @ #*'i[ 6,t + hfrq w kqqn t\ ilql( t, rs Film+ *+o +"qfrG:H"d,r t +ft i dr (s) qfrffqtffr, fun6rfu rffi *'siln6,o -H*+ Effhr6 +i++r<urq*€Qfrr t qrksi Et E{p*T "GsF*,ry d wq,.lrF A'kg;t *#t+. q l, +qrd ihqm+ kq q'"iTirir.F rfi*.nvquot ";;,ffi {TqTs,"di*q{-n G.d;'#; Hq qrsRHqqrt'a,o'dw + *fi,-ii E# -F* ailga o t +*affE{roG+teq wa:ffi i'r lrRrn',qrrs sR hbd qfur +i $r s.i fr]'d qBr e dt( wq ilG sw errr,{s vq* sq{qr t * r{ nwn d *# diq * ryo .*dm{.rd d Krrfi 6,R fr qt( ffi h*q or<qt ,i "A qrqdEqdqsd kkil rq d eoum i w,il "tud=#';'#dn q,.,-n *eaqi * +, "#{" qfg.nqt(4t{ qrG qqra.{q( kqR S* fum; "r+qae + *n n*4.........*.ft'{'ft*-+.; "*.U;*, ' q:q+, qrq fuf- hqrqrdr?* qrqd qli d qke f"* ,Kr,,r;"" (to) qfr qrr$ Era* T{ d{ nqqTqr* r{ qil{ {qnr .rcil Qe {*-e * qfr Esrqrln!fiilr ? fu ilqi no{r{ a+ qto t' +dri'*+t'qfr ##* ffi,* (ttl qfr ilq sqdrRT wd q<@ q*a<nrft * F*q erfr 6oo * EFr TRn?T 6<t t d ilqt o$"-tt+ Enq3Tqfrg;'fr .*H., +1ti qt<wq? o *t @< t* ' "$ +""d +** d" + G.-R{ Erd+ frq ftfft erfffi qr il{) +t RJ qdr (12)qrq+qrts e p6ft+d oG cqq fuftfue E*raq fr rqc ot: (s) rlftro *< qq qf,drcil* qe rqTurq qt( qil# sr{rqrF'TqM or w te (e) q 6r rrrm rtrt (.r) kflE Er *qun tn (q) fuk{ Tdn/GrT6frPtr{ ssn + t6 + F+€Rr qfffi (e') T{ trds6 + ord 1k or qrfu qe qil{ tr + qrftficoFrfqil iFr lFnq qlr T{ft{, sfdftTfu'(mftrrdd) ir,r iTrq W{il qfffi q?rmr *( sr+ FRrFr( AIR MANAAL 25 IX.In accordancewith the prevalentrulesin forcein regardto the recruitmentto services underthe Governmentof India: (a) No personwho hasmorethan onewife living or who havea spouseliving, marriagein any case in which suchmarriagesis void by reasonof its taking placeduring the life time of suchspouse, shall be eligiblefor appointmentto serviceprovidedthat the CentralGovernmentmay, if satisfiedthat therearespecialgroundsfot so ordering,exemptanypersonfrom theoperation of this rule. (b) No suchwomanwhosemarriageis void by reasonof its taking placeduring the life+ime of suchspouseor who hasmarriedto sucha personwhosewife is living at thetime of marriage shall be eligiblefor appointmentin serviceunlessthe Governmentof India has granted exemptionto sucha womanin accordancewitl. this rule after beingsatisfiedthat thereare specialgroundsfor so ordering. This offer of appointmentis therefore,conditional upon you satisfyingthe requirement mentionedand to furni.shingdeclarationas in Annexure-Ito this letter,alongwithyour reply. If however,you do not fulfil the aboveconditionand you desiredto be exemptedfrom the abovementionedrulesfor any rulesfor any reason,you shouldmakea representation in this behalfimmediately.The offer to appointmentshouldin that casebetreatedascancelledand a further communicationwill be sent to you in due course,if upon considerationof your representation, it is decidedto offer you appointmentin the post of X. If any declarationgivenor informationfurnishedby you provedto befalseor if you arefound to havc wilfully suppressedany material information, you will be liable to removalfrom serviceand other action as Governmentrnay deemnecessary. XI. If you accepttheofferon abovetermsandconditionsyouarerequested to intimateyouracceptance to the undersignedand report yourselffor duty immediatelybut in any casenot later than (by name to the appointing authority). XII. You will be requiredto produbethe following documentsat the time of reportingfor duty: (a) Original Certificateof Educationaland other qualificationsalongwitha setof attestedcopies. (b) Certificate of Age. (c) Declaration of marital status. (d) A medicalcertificate of fitnessfrom the Medical Officer of the rank of Civil Surgeon. (e) A relievingorder from the earlieremployer,if any. Yours faithfully, Name of the appointing ruthority and designation with signature Copy to all Concerned. ,ilrfiililrfthHqffi 26 ffilll $rt.II Tcorft ffi t Tt ilrl qril €qfird t kqt Enl qrdT *trqr qe *, rft146ffi ra iwr o<crffi t P+' *(l) fu d q6 qP*<rtffi&g(&ffirtr *(2)fu { tnFn Ewr tt q6 mft/fc ?r *(3) F{ iti qs qg atm t tfrr6 o-<ftur ? qrt*n s{atdrF€qre ffi qq.r$Ffu fitm tr *(+)fu ti qqfi Kfi/sci qft + frPfi rat q6 dr qnfro<ft t qr*n srrgifdr fuqrt r sqfi s*seqrT o,d + frrqftr snafrqr dilq tr smdquno<crqf€ffi*qunrgtrd{6q1-qflrdf€qfr +tffiffi *qnttvmdqqrcrffs Z.dFrq-rrfu qrfrqrqd $ +ot + FflFre i<qrqrqnnr f<qfe rffi FRnf( ttrtl r *ft fr qgwrvfr ore* r : * ErRT 26 AIR MANUAL Annexure III (SeeParagraPhl0) PROFORMA.II Declarationto be taken from a new candidatejoining Governmentservice declareas under: I, Shri/smt./Kum. *i) That I am unmarried/a widower/a widow. *ii) That I am married and have only one spouse living. tiii) That I have entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse. *iv) That I have entered into or contracted a marriage with another person during the life-time of my spouse. Application for grant of exemption is enclosed. 2. I solemnly affirm that the above declaration is true and I understand that in the event of the declaration being found to be incorrect after my appointment I shall be liable to be dismissedfrom service. Date rNote: Pleasedelete the clause/clausesnot applicable. Signature 21 qrdrflqr0ffhqqf,ilil qil'mN (!r{"4'"-to}t) $r?r - II trilTTn+ q,ffi g.r?T t{trqftt sq+'kq lrsnrfurlTrTnr d..........._......... aqnnqFlftr+ d gr€qrftFfirft qrilncf(* qfi{qofukqq$nt{rqqfur{i/ qtqF+srtcfufirurrrtfuF{{-{rs *<frqdwqd..............wf66; ergnrc+{RfE++iqqrceeqrft& frFdr crcft dftqrq + eft tfiaqn <qqrft d sr.trlr6rd frsr, {it*Tt dt<fqqardrqf6 Fs,rnr I iir+<rt varrcro<) I I 1( 27 AIR MANUAL AnnexureIV (Seepara t0) FORM II Form of oath proposedfor Governmentservantwho are foreign nrtionals ..a citizenof temporarilyresidinginandholdinga Civil postunder I owe to the Government of India do swear/solemnly affirm that, having the faith and allegiance . . . . . I will, during the period ol *y serviceas aforesaid,be faithful to India and to loyally, the Constitution of India as by law establishedand that I will carry out'the duties of my office honestly and with imPartialitY. (So help me God)" ..I. ... I 28 ililrrarffh{Trffi ffi 0 (srTak 14 *df) T(iT Ir{?FTT *,?/Trqfq{ i5r qrrT T{n;[ ilrtq sTra.fl */ffi66 (fqtn qrfffi or ilq) d "---'- * qs q< ercrft sq d + hK mrt fir 2. */'ffift1rft t{ttn fr ilrtq t A Ed fr {dfE + kq cftdqr q< €tAdrftl FRTEr( ilrtq 28 AIR tr'TANUAL Annexure V (See para 14) Government of India (Name of Station I Office) Station......o,o.o.o Date..o.....r...o ORDER to appointShri/Smt./Km............ The (nameof appointingauthority)is pleased capacity with effect from . i 2 .S h r i / S m t / K m . l i x t ft t l t . . . . . w i l l b e o n p r o b a t i o n f o r a p e r i o d2oyfe a r s f r o m t h e d a t eaopfp o i n t m e n t . Signature Date " I f >\ in a temporary 29 dmflTr0ilhr{qffi VI ffiq'lT$ 0 (ir{* 16(lXD td) qrq/sr{rq q qFceft 6T Rq -:rF.cv (an w Rq arad ED.rr (g<nr mw)tvre-.---- (w S-':":---'---"A:e r{tFtEFtqrqvei qr<TvGFr<+-riTtc{/t{qr,r d F{dft{ili)* "' (fu tro ar<tmccq qrffcil .rE fi qfuqm) ffie, ra frqurTo<m ( F+: l. €Tq*( qrft Fft *( trdrt $-<oo cdid + frIq slt(sf,fr +r t, g{ vrtrr rr (*aq; or sq+{r qqfd: Ftttlrr,tqr.r ef|tqnriqrq6.(t + sfl(sff+ ecr{ .n smmtq t q q srcrq 16TrFr+ f, *< ra F+fi dT+t crtr *( trdrd*( Er*v waft svfr q{qrfrrr (+Td)* qdsqqrqan g+rtsni zTT rqm qfi *t uTfrE it q gFnrr q qri qr gftc am d ara g+rt, rra dtr 2. qsiNP{i{r{q* qrg*F+q{+ fqg*.rqT+rnrqiofi sc* qwmq$wq} qrqdt qfttrd, ffi ft td *< mft onfuftd, qqart sfr(ffi , t+ft eft(qrffir+ *( q$ srffit q<,+aqil{ S E* q d, srri qdvwrq .r (*,Tq)d rqn qt *r srd sftRsnqd t BTTiqrqt q .r sr{rq sr rfrq sfrrFFdrFr l EFFrttl 3. qftrerwsq t q$ qffi qi {S vrqw+ qt-qrd Bttr+ft qd *( trdrt *r g3tv deft qiE+Tkil T+ s61ptErrr iiRr il6"{€R3Tft{t6d *< vifim +tr qv$ qraqq+sqd Etr+qrn?a<rs-""'-'d qsfr'.T6( FrqkTT (l qqi td;nq q q dt<qrftT( mqq.qqd6qTrepocerq*< EF TT TF'ret T sq|.RTqrkdiF'tTq ft Edffiro +'rr dnr,ffiqke qt{qfl ?6{r qqTl ilfr: fr sqffi d a<rsn f+q1r1qy, gr< crrr{.r{ *( l. 2. q il 29 AIR MANUAL Annexure VI (See para 16(1)(i)) DEED CHANGING NAME/SURNAME I' BY THIS DEED I, theundersigned (new name) . . A.C. (Old name) " " "ABC ' now latelv called , (Designation of the post held at the time by the Government servant) at... (Place where employed in the Ministry/ Department of the Government of India) do hereby: , ) l. , 2. 3. " ' ' "employed as For and on behalf of myself and my wife and children and remoter issue wholly renounce, relinquish and abandon the use of my former surname of C. (only) and in placethereof do assume fromihe date thereof the surname of B.C. and so that I and my wife and children and remoter issue may hereafter be called, known and distinguishednot by my former surnameof C. (only) but by my assumedsurname of B'C. For the purpose of evidencingsuch my determination declarethat I shall at all times hereafterin all records, deeds and writings and in all proceedings,dealings and transactions private as well as public and upon all occasionswhatsoeveruseand sign the name of B.C. as my surnamein place of and in substitution for my former surname of C. (only). Expressly authorise and requestall personsat all times hereafterto designateand addressme and my wife and children and remoter issue by such assumedsurname of B.C. accordingly. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribedmy former and adopted namesof A.C' and .. . .day of .. . A.B.C. and affixed my sealthis . . A.C. A.B.C Signed,sealedand deliveredby the abovenamedA.B.C. formerly A.C. in the presenceof: l. Witnesses 2. ] I I a. ; \. I qrdtffqrsfrh[flw 30 ffi\/tl J (tn r7 (iii) *d) {qr qrftT vcsf( frfr/omk{ iFTqrq fr? ftnt6 * q-Errq ereqtrfts.T d + Fq;t +€ tr , 2. */,ffiffi -- wF+qrtfi il€ qen{ wqerd Frd F€ Gnfdftr ERilErt kqftr i I T I 30 AIR T,IANUAL Annexure VII (Seepara 17 (iii) No. Government of India (Name of Station/Ofiice) Station D a t e" " " " " ' : ORDER The....(appointingauthority)ispleased.toterminatetheprobationaryperiodof Shri/Smt/Km......(Designation)witheffectfrom. until further will continuein the said post in a temporarycapacity 2. shri/Smt/Kum orders. ' Signature" " ' " " ' ' ' Date. I 3l iltmrflEr'0frhmq 3Tiirrf,fr VIII (ta rg hi) (o) q6rt, l. ilq *( 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. + P{qF{qr<rft{qrrrqt+ kq'r.wc-qS a{qri qql qq fufiqeqr qmr6 M (w{dq *rr{r)l trcdrt +6t + saTrfr tdfq *( r,ilqq qrq fiil€ v< ffi q{ tr htPff {q +s +{r ilfr{r am 6{ qr ffifrrr ar(rHffid fr rr{r qk + iFTRr< R?F'I<req?r B fr rtq ++, fr{r qrfrrror dq{ ?r (rr) qft qfi€ *( Tffd fr qiq +-<* r{ A sTqqr rfir (c) qrercrrr{Ml 7. qFrf,t .(q) g qrtftrs mn (e) Qqr-EFT ffi f{qm/fiqfrn {rd t sn6q q{ Br 8. qk z + ffi {ft{ * wnrk +t{ qc + rr{ a * qrfffi ffi {e$ tr 9. qk +{ +{r rrr d, d Tilq 116kT-wr rTfiqTan tEqrTqrtr vc6 srfqut ar ft w*q Etr 10. Fril 116Tqffuf,r ?FIgrtrTw+sr tl qpqrfi dt vl16I Or<sf{f,rqr ll. qf<r 5ftildn f,r 116qrq iliF $ Ai 12. Fffi .rq q< qfr+rt rqrft+q dfqil 6t{T e, strfr *0ft, qq +drqri dl-<rrffo<qr 13. qqr Fffi sfr qrR * en*mr + kq {TW qq srffr fir (q) uTr+n*eun l.rr #/ffi (+FfrrT fukq tar (wvn{tqt) furrq,rsos* kqq r *< +* srmdT qETt ffiT 6 ft|onr ffil fuPd{ turj*S Ffiq,rsos* hq{ r *< s* qrfi.org,q*Fqfilr d ------------s sr{fr qFRut*< qt€ t{r) t s"de( *( T6 srT .nr rrf d'rwr{irfi rR ffi TuFrflT, *qntr ftr krfo, t pqf-6t G "ftqfisil d; 6€dref( TeFnq naqttft:w+{Idg6qfF{ilelfffiE.RrqY.rrcqrF{rPfrsrfFortfrm(t,iqr*qrqsrrt,errnrfcctoqrqmqftqrq6f ct F{tlk wfffi, {I9qft * rc!il d{ ri e, +r eqnm crftrqt a qr* aarn< +o1 ql6qr ".'r+t 3l AIR MANUAL Annexure VIII (See para 19) A. Check List for consideration of casesfor Quasi-permanency l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nameand presentdesignation. Date of birth and EducationalQualification(highestqualification). Date of entry into continuousGovernmentserviceand the grade/postin which appointed. Appointmentmadethrough the U.P.S.C.or regularisedby the Commission. In caseof affirmativeanswerto 4, quote U.P.S.C.reference. (a) Characterand antecedents verifiedor not. (b) Medicalfitness. 7. Eligibility. (a) Whether initial appointment made in accordancewith Recruitment Rules/prescribed conditions. (b) Length of service. 8. In caseof relaxationunder any of the headsunder 7 pleasequotethe authority. 9. In caseof any breakin servicepleasestateif the breakhasbeencondonedand authoritythereof. 10. Is this the first occasionof quasipermanency? If not, pleasestatereasonstherefor. ll. Characterroll. Is it completeand upto date? 12. Grade/post,pay scaleand classificationof the post in which officer is proposedto be declared quasi-permanent? 13. Whetherconsideredeligibleand suitablefor quasi-permanency in all respects. B. Form of Order of Declaration Government of India, Ministry /Office (Declarationand Gradeof AppointmentUnderRules3 and 4 of the CentralCivil Services (Temporary Service)Rules,1965). In pursuance of rules 3 and 5 of the Central Civil Services (Temporary Service) Rules 1965, the Presidentil being satisfied, having regard to the quality of work, conduct and character of . . . . ., that he is suitable to be appointed in quasi-permanent capacity to the said post/grade with effect from the said date. Station Dated Note. Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . Designation . . . . . o . . . . . . The order must be signed by an officer who is authorised to authenticate orders in the name of President or by the appointing authority, as the case may be. Where the appointing authority is an authority other than the President, the appointing authority itself shall sign the order. 32 irfiffi4rrfrft[{qffi 3l?rrrfiFIX c (t?uq trr zr') frraf{ q( qtrt * qrq'dt6T frTart o<i + Fdqqiq-q$ 1 . wri 24t ro qffiiffi+lrdnqrnF{orftoffifi 3rk tr6fr Tdri - *rn dtcrqr (fiq{td sr<rfrdq{fr qEffiq{rt 2. otfrf{ Fa{Fr* q.m. i{. qF zo (t) - t{m g+-+/s2drtq 30.9.s2t FqPf,f, Fr+<or +qn fifiilq *( r€il fiFqq ilt6 ("qi{d w t qftfiqr d|( ffii fi qr v$r 3. qft +Fffq nsf{q +4T(+{rq)|M * F{qq tg d qTffi di €t-{6^rd {qfr t{r alffi *( qr$'* qTilr ndqd kq Frqr i * w gftrftrrcdtqq Fsslrfrqr+r etfi; eTfE6rftm am kftr+c sflfr'r( +-<tcqr.rqri *< T{ t{r t qfturrq<Gr *1R, *qq, sqqmqrfr m$'fr ffinftr d qrrr qtdf,Ffd fqqTqqT Al g€ 6r +qr-qfi n Rilq et arcc d d 4. FC{ft +,dilt at-aPdqrF{f€FsrrITMtn + ft G stqTERq qnr qlFgr srffsRsrqP-€'frfr trfi sq qqftrd d q*6 fu1 qrqTcrln qrFq Fir6 rrrteqt{kqt kr-qfi d cfi Br kf, {?rqq t ar.ar.V. (irx3) {.fi. (q)/20iltq 2s.2.76 * ilT{r< sq{ffi zmqur fr qqrq* qrrd d tt T€t fr qr (6ftr 5 . qfr q+{ vc{rt o,dqtt tdl+ stm ffi crq kif*e reTi * sq Enf,EIqil qqrtt P{ qrFltfT{ Tfr qk trffi wftr sr# +{Tqrft qrqnfrrkr-qfrt trc6w.dfi{ildflrqTrrrntr Tfi fr ?kq P€ffi t frttidd3rqfud kf, {'nql t qr.ar.{'. qw. (iix3){.fi. (q)/z0ilte 28.2.76 66 qfaftadsTqr+ qr+ qrqr qrqml A s-{ff( fi wqftrd,qfr q+{ A, d ftrt h{qr{fi + F{{q q€ qT q|qr tt w t 3n11E1q{T 6. sq qkT* qtq dfiilq t6 s-€ + P{n q$ffi 27Q)I r1ffi Tffi +t qnr 6(+ + qrt d qiq-Tgfiq fr qrgr 7. E{rqfrT{qr{ft+ frqq 2s A w{qIt +{r d' aFrtn?r - +ffi P{qqrqfiA srd 24d (c{rt odqrftdl q*6 fr{r 8. *or eqra'erqfffi t T<rrde,'G+ EnE qe v{Frfr6ftt i zsq{ fi t<T qrt d qtfi dfuqr zra+rffi eS in<fr qrfr qrf'€:q fr veqrq{* * srqt qft +,'rfr d qrstrfr qrfr +qrqiq qdfr fi <a.r{ dt ed + til fr TrAfr ilETfftffi 9. ,ftfrqin qr fqe{r{<r, q {r{ q, + 1c{ d t{rt dt{ We aT{ Brffcr{qlff( fr} qtlr*qqa Poqr q{rqr{4 qrci d {ft(fir t Ta anrltrqtqrqt K f{fr {?Tq4d an.ar.{'. (tr ll(3) qRr qerqT (ErmA qrtri d 3tftc6q d qffi or *{ sfi{ nfr c-aqrr + sl:.;rqn {.*. (q)/zotnte za.z.76 rrt strd<Rn< *-<i<q.Tq fuqrqrqge-a-Fr1hsqsmd ;TtrTtirt d. sr11* s.dffr€ qftTfttvil 10. frTqq A *( Et gftm sq t rc tcqr rrqrBr I l. qrgl ftsq 5a(tz) * qTqRsrC3 d qficqrer {fqr sTK+-rkqr qrqqt( Efrfur-qft g pq+erfuqT q{il{ qrqr qr qt zx tqfi qs 6'ft qtrqRA r{rd fr rtqr sA ilq Fq srC d frtcrqr t{rq + arrrq-qfr+t iqn +li + orqo} ft{ qwit fr 12. hm sgd sftqfuil qN isrsFrqrnn tpd atz *futrr m fuke c+rq-srdrr+ t wrqR *il gtHqr AIR MANUAL 32 Annexure IX (Seepara2l) CHECK LIST FOR PROCESSINGPENSION CASES ON SUPERANNUATION ( I ) PrepareListsof Government Servants dueto retirewithinthenext24to 3lmonths-twice a vear-on lst January and lst July of each year. (2) Prepare and submit statements'prescribed in Deptt. of Personnel'sO.M; No. F. 20 (T)-Pension Unit/82 dated 30.9.82for proper monitoring and reporting. (3) In caseany military/war serviceis to be counted for pensionaryand allied benefitsin termsof Rule 19 of the CSS (Pension) Rules, ensure that the same has been duly certified by the Military authorities and the benefits receivedby virtue of such servicelike pensiorr,bonus, gratuity etc. are refunded with interest. (4) Make ciefinite entries of Extraordinary leave availed of by the Government Servant without medical certificate in the ServiceBook. All spellsof EOL, not coveredby specificentriesshould be deemed to be qualifying service.Pension casesare not to be delayedon this account in terms of Ministry of Finance O.M. No. F.l l(3)-EV (A)176 dated 28.2.76. (5) In casethe Government Servant was under suspbnsionany time during service,ascertainwhether the samehas beentreated as wholly'unjustified. If not, to what extent the period of suspensionwill count as qudlifying service. In the absenceof any entries in the Service Book, the period of suspensionmay be treatedas qualifying servicein termsof the M/F O.M. No. F.l I (3) EV (A)176 dated 28.2.76. (6) Examine whether periods of absencewithout leave,if any, are to be Commuted retrospectivelyas EOL in terms of Rule 27(2) of PensionRules. (7) Condonation of interruption in Servicemay be examinedin terms of Rule 28 of PensionRules. (8) After consultation with P&AO, Communicate to the Government Servantin Form 24 of Pension Rules, the verification of qualifyifig Service.This should be done after a Government Servant has rendered 25 years serviceor has 5 years serviceleft, whichever is earlier. (9) Record receipt of pensionand leavesalary contributions in respectof deputation of foreign service terms, if any. Non-receipt of contribution should be vigorously pursued. but bthis will have no bearing on the processingand finalisation of pension casesin terms of the provision contained in M/FO.M.No.F. r r (3) EV (A) 76 dated 28.2.76. (t0) In terms of Rule 53(7) ensurethat nomination for DCRG are receivedcountersignedand kept in safe custody. (l l) In terms of Rule 54 (12),obtain the detailsof family in Form 3 and pastethem in the ServiceBook. This Form 3 should be updatid as and when the size of the family increases/decreases. (12) In terms of Rule 54, undertake preparation of pension papers 2 years before the date of superannuation of the Government servant. 0ml,ilqml'iT{qfr? 33 qqq'ffi nilhqft( { fttqE hililnil{qm dimofi0 li, frqq J9 ra frwmr r tlqnmt sd+ilrnilqHqfr(ort 14. ra gftfttqc^dtsq E q,rds $ rca Trr rrqTBr w{ s d qS qrqffft t r<r q[{r qrpflr srC r€ qqq trF{Fdfufr{ftTfttvil fftqg: qfr t{rq $t nqr \r+t{r d * lnft qqftril e fr .Frdff d qfuqtvft qr(r (+) Frm ot(g)+ w-+qR qrtdorqqz vqilqqfr' .r fr rs+lrrEfr$ruffq(fug,E( (e) rr<+ft+{rd'qfrfufrPdfq+ qrdfi qfqfrtdqf{ fur + et{ atzrtlFr d Tft ir qafr *Uq F+qr st rnq+-rfeqr.rqrt qr EqfrfrE* frarsqrq srfr qrft qTpdqr srdfrtrfr qrsqifl?T A ftTqfaqq33t sod sqqd d ?fqer (.r) qrq 8d sq rrfri A BIPdq tfi frifukq ffi sq6Tt6dffi i srzooqqrfuifa o,'{iIr qft q=qftfqqffi 61 qaiil pfi e d {6TT{ffi qfii + srRrcp64+} kfuqr Tt (q) 6rtrq 15 *< ro +i q{t sqq i+n{ftTfu(at {p{ftFrdfrfqq: fuqq zr q€ Ertr qqfF 6r Fqrq ilfii + ftrq km zg fit'{r qqfu 6r pdqrdq{F++ ftrq hqq zz +{r + aFrqn + Fdq frqq za tqr + aFrrrr d qrs .Fr++ ftTq qrf6 +{r + .+rr 6{ri + F{q firq{ 29-39 (E') Frqqt+ * ugm.nce * vqtoeHfu + Fq( +{r + ftrqaim qrfr Pcqr rqr A qk d {fift qqrr{rdtd, fr TCA s+ qm w\rfil (q) fusi to Tfiif + ritol 6* wqF.sfr fr rrqm+ kq ftqq 3a * sqrq$ qi ?Eqr 6rcq 20 T{+ + kq Fru{fukd{frTftrqilfrtqg: (r) roq{ * oq erf,++{r d +T{ tqTsrqrr (tqrqrft) fuq csil ir (2) frm +q(z)+ vqsd Brf,{fur qi E'fiftq} fi ser frfufug(q{Frftq rfii sir Fv+$rRiFT trr{rEu qdEq qrn qKrqrr) (3) (4) (5) (6) sr sd d ;eqerf,s+{r + i{q qqrtr+ t,{H +1rrurrrdtqgr t{drqffi+ s+121 t frTftfta i sr{r{ilflrtltrq +1(Ifurqtcqnftr{ + eq rfi dff qrft:qr EFk+{rftr ?Fr rnrq-vqq' vt qFJd + qTqns-iq fr;qrqrgr Qrrqv<rrre vtr tlrt h?rfrRftcr + qfiroTfr ilft qrisqr uFrrrr2t qi TG + fqq ffiqk{ gf{k{d dPqg: (o) {,{rt ffiqrqfr + frT{ so * sqqd'd q€& m:aqtoqr tR Pfirr dtPqqt+ tqqq+q* wdtf(tqTsrErilqrtqm qri'+ |tq er$rt offi 1 , (e) gs EtRt qfr fr sTf€+{r gt ol * tr (q) {f,6 +{r fr r+6 Effi * ftTqs{fi sqqtqdfr wdsr{<< t g-a-ffi SRFT fi rrqrqr dficqr (q) ra gi<ftmadtqq t+ tOrJor*r aqt S0,OOO/q<ftqfrR fr rrd fr of5€ilcfrqTqTqrrq-11l1q qr{.fi ffi il ffi AIR MANUAL 33 ( l3) Follow instructiongivenin Rule 59. Dividework of preparingpensionpapers in threestages asper the prescribedtime schedule. (14) Ensure that Form 5 has beencompleted in all respects.Form 5 is to be filled very carefully. Ensure the following while filling up this Form:(a) In terms of Rule 6 I (3) if the pensionis desiredin another circle of accountingunit, prepareit in duplicate. (b) Keep in view the provision of Rule l3 to l8 while filling up Column 7 regardingdate of entry into Government Service. Check whether there is any intirruption of se-rviceand whether it has been condoned or it entails forefeiture of past service.For emolumentsfor gratuity, see provisions of Rule 33 and 50. (c) Indicate in Column 8 the last day of the month in which a GovernmentServant'sattaining the age of 58160years, as the casemay be. In casethe date of birth is the first day of the month, indicate last day of the previous month. (d) While filling up columns l5&16 ensurethe following: Rule 2l-For counting of period spent on leave. Rule 23-For counting of period of suspension. Rule27-For interruptionin service. Rule28-For condonation of interruption in service. Rule29-30-Foradditionto qualifyingservice. (e) In termsof Rule 14,only servicepaid from consolidatedFund of Indiaand in pensionable establishmentshall count. t f I (0 For calculatingaverageemolumentsduring the last l0 months,seethe provisionof Rule 34. For filling column 20 ensurethe following: (i) Only servicegratuity (no pension)is admissiblefor lessthan l0 yearsqualifyingservice. (ii) In termsof Rule 49"(3),expressqualifyingservicein termsof six monthsperiod. (Fractionof a yearequalto 3 monthsand aboveshallbe treatedasa completeonehalf year). (iii) Amount of Invalid Pensionshouldnot belessthan FamilyPensionaslaid down in Rule s4(2). (iv) In terms of Rule 49 (4), expressfinally determinedpensionin whole rupees.(Fraction of a rupee to be rounded to the next higher rupee). (v) Indicate graded relief at the rates applicable from time to time. (vi) Pension including relief on pension does not exceedthe lirnits prescribed. (a) For filling up column 21, the following points must be kept in view: Thoroughly read the provisions of the Rure 50 of the pension Rules. (b) Examine whether the Government servant has completed 5 years'qualifying serviceand is eligible for service Gratuity or pension under Rule 49. (c) For each complete six months of qualifying service workout DCRG at ll4 of his/her emoluments. (d) Ensure that the maximum limit of 16?ztimesand Rs. 50,000/- or limits prescribedfrom time to time are made applicable. srfiarchurrf;rd 34 iqdlT t tdlnit lil'dilfi frqdqrft ilaq( ilEtT 0 nnl24 W-q.htm *ftrq, ffidftrn qrd}q( uqm (t) qrqeft{qrtq}trd td'ar qq fr qri srfr $c{trt {fud d ft?rfftfrP+,qr i{m 71fr qft6ryfo6 E[tgl (2) cc6rt silqRrt driFrdeq<rftndt P{q aqqftnd "+ etqqz+fr ttk tErffifr fr rqrcd sqf{d t+qrqrgt idfqfr t qfri rfrn frqfffcdfu'qrqq dt 51-a-f' fr ft +fiqr <rfrrqq fr Enftd sfr K-q-hfn (3) vqt6 6 BIidPtm s.rEr;tt critrd ioqr qrgt 15. fr1+q61G)* +.rur<vS n+cr++td' qrq {"qrt6rrq-q"I ai scdrft €dsrft fi eqT-ftr{tiilff idfq t CIq-t-+q sa qfri Tf,n iq FflT qgl irc. tqn Tr qqrq sr{i qrfr ffi 17. 18. 19. S qeqrfr (eere) (fir aT{ eqr isr 3Tftr6rftqi Akqr qw fr qri Erft<rftr{ii+ srt t ?rmncr+er qfffi d oq-t-oc A {fri trrft sF{6tft fi qfr ffi erq {rftr fr qrrorft R +ft fr q*t iq fttqqt + Frqqszd er-runBil{ffi vcsrt F{qrft fi tErFr{ffrfr rgrf[rd frfq t 3qft} Tdi ff 3Tqfu yrrm-q{+ srt d {TErFTe{r6ei A E{ TdArkq{r dtqqt kq ffi 9"t* dtqqt qr& S d M G <ftr fr TA qfr +} er11q-qq" {rqr R{r+ "M (fi-tzeTft. fr. qq.erte +.s.sr fi tfr d <rfur({rfl P{a{rsd ra d. 3/28/82 g-e-ftffi Brrqm tr{ qn qffi t st;qrrIM fr qr+rrmr r€t it ti + lqq rtrqrftTe$m d qrq qfta ttxrqtD dt dt iqT-ftqfm.frfrfq t +q-t-w qF Tfiqrqai trm srqrnfr e-rfu{r.rqrtr nqr qfffi dnrs.Kr;Tfr (tfrr fi vsil fr qqqq<t ft qrft qGqilfu kfi*c arE[{'tII( anq ?i fi ftqfu secf, q dr 20. w gt<ftrrcfrtqq f6 vc6rt +,ffi qrt BTrt{r g.rEFrA 3nq{rf{6qrFAd fiilffq'fu{q 59i' i4tril qfjFqrqwrfl q{q4 t dr w erdfi *{ r+,naqT 6 lfi {cdfi o,ffi r6n fr{rttTff d qr\rfi d sfrfr tiqr{ *r BTEI{d sttdqw t hut<urqk ftTTeril i+qrqr (6ilr tr Qft fe{ft fr qrrt{r{o.c$qf{Rtvdfitqq frm +A wd{il st"ikstrrq 3frrwfRrd srrEn* sq d roostderdsqqFrfr dtftTtd ft tTrftA *( rot slftr+rft+i qcft qsilr ft qrfr tt 21. ffi ftpaffiq gidftqfrfrtqg: srflq d e{r6$rd {€ffi qt * qft fr qri + GTna {fff ftrq gflrwfPfro + +tr{ *r rd or i+tr qmrlr (o) q{.fl 3rr6<ur *r f{fisr sift ror< ftnqrqrq ffi+ rclFr;rT (e) Frm or(t) dr( zt d erttn<sftnfuil aq dM. fr o,*ft qfts sqq6 t o-<fr rr{ ir t{rc *t 3tfu{sqsF{ftdtrdorfua6o<kqr (.r) ftiltr{femfr fdfq+ 66 Tfii + ftd( sTtdq rrqrtr (v) eiftrrqq t hqmr{fr.r{ <tftrt qftr+srqm{rfYr+ kfiFr + smffdd oc t+qrqrqsdtf q(€rft effi +l +a rfi oar wqnnf€ qrwtr+ rq t ffi( {rftr fr1 qrflT(etr { AIR MANUAL (e) 34 Col. 24 deals with dues reboverableform DCRG. For filling up this column the following points may be borne in mind: (i) Government dues, as defined in Rule .?1, are assessedand adjusted. (ii) Dues other than the dues relating to Government accommodation (as prescribedunder Rule 74) should be assessedand completed 8 months prior to date of retirement and adjustedagainst DCRG. (iii) Any dues which remain outstanding, apart from the above,shall also be adjustedagainst DCRG. (15) In terms of Rule 6l (l) forward the pensionpapersin Form 8, alongwithall enclosuresto the PAO not later than six months before the date of retirement of Government servant. (16) Any eventtaking place after the sendingof Pehsion papershaving a bearing on pension should be intimated to P&AO (forthwith). (17) Intimate all Governmentduesat leasttwo months in advanceto PAO and other duescoming to light later, as and when they come to light. ( t 8) Ensurewriting to the Director of Estatesregardingissueof 'No Demand Certificate'2yearsbefore the anticipated date of retirement of the Government servant in respectof the period preceding eight months of the retirement of the allottee.(Rule 57). (19) Watchthereceiptoftheadvance'NoDemandCertificate'fromtheDirectorofEstatesandensure full recovery of the amount shown as due in the advance'No Demand Certificate'.There after it is not necessaryto insist another certificate from the Director of Estatesfor releasingthe withheld amount of DCRG (Rule 72 read.with Director of EstatesNo.3/28/82 (P-l)/ RCS dated 4.5.1983). (20) Ensurethat the pensionpaymentorder is issuednot later than one month in advanceof the date of the retirement of the Government servant.The amount of gratuity is also intimated by the Accounts Officer well in time and there is no occasion,for the payment of interest on delayed payment of gratuity. (21) In exceptional casewhere it is not possibleto follow the procedureprescribedin Rule 59 and if there is any likelihood of the Government servant to retire before his pensionand gratuity can be finally assessed and settled,initiate action and ensurethat provisional pension and l007oof the gratuity, as gratuity are sanctioned to him rinder intimation to the Accounts Officer in accordancewith the provisions of Rule 64. (22) After issue of the sanction letter for the drawal of provisional pension and provisional gratuity ensurethat:(a) these are drawn and disbursed in the same manner as establishmentpay and allowances. (b) (c) (d) ' Deduction are made from the pqovisionalgratuity the amount recoverableunder Rule 63(l) and Government dues mentioned in Rule 71. The amount of final pension and the amount of final gratuity is determinedwithin six months from the date of retirement. The Chancesof disbursing the amount of gratuity in excessof the amount finally assessed are minimised as the Government Servant shall not be required to refund the excessamount actuallv disbursedto him. 35 23. kr ffcrrftoffi ilrfifqrflltfrq{qffifi d f4FEfuq 9(4)d sftqnrdfi fqqFtqqr;{qrk{ qrqr{ rfi Bvrfi qf,qT (IttTr( nqrcTfffi ai ftffiqilt{ tffq Ogd ffi{R BFAB.ofrq trn wfF"oo d rdr t qrq k< ftr*q q€tir 3lftrfikflq * kq *;ftq nsf{qtqr (tqr{) furrr{fi, tgtzd sqdrii sft( {r'ciFndRr wpr-{rrrqw cnt t+q .Tq sTG{il +i qtaqr