Jesus, The Good Shepherd - St. Anthony Catholic Church
Jesus, The Good Shepherd - St. Anthony Catholic Church
Fourth Sunday of Easter April 29, 2012 St. Anthony Catholic Church Frankfort, IL Jesus, The Good Shepherd St. Anthony Catholic Church Page Two — April 29, 2012 “Forty Years of Growing by Serving God and Our Community” Saturday, May 5th Sunday, May 6th Parish Expo and Spring Hospitality As part of our 40th Anniversary Year Celebration, please join us in the Parish Hall for Hospitality and meet our different groups and organizations that we offer at St. Anthony. We are looking for volunteers to expand our service organizations. Hope to see you there! S T . A N T H O N Y C H U RC H C A L E N DA R O F E V E NTS DATE DAY UPCOMING EVENTS FIRST HOLY COMMUNION DAY LOCATION 12 NOON and 2 PM Masses TIME Church/St. Anthony Hall ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD DRIVE on Saturday, April 28th and Sunday, April 29th after all Masses 30 Apr MON Small Christian Communities SAM 7:00 PM 1 May TUES Tuesday Morning Rosary and Scripture Group ESA 9:30 AM 1 May TUES Holy Spirit Prayer Group ESA 7:00 PM 2 May WED Preschool Spirit Day Preschool 9:00 AM 2 May WED Sew N Sews St. Anthony Hall 9:00 AM 2 May WED Traditional Choir Church 7:30 PM 3 May THUR NO PRESCHOOL TODAY — PRESCHOOL TEACHER INSTITUTE DAY 3 May THUR Children's Choir Church 5:00 PM 3 May THUR Teen Choir Church 6:15 PM 3 May THUR Adults Singles Bible Study ESB 7:00 PM 3 May THUR Praise Choir Church 7:30 PM Church 4:00-4:50 PM 5 May SAT Reconciliation PARISH EXPO AND SPRING HOSPITALITY 6 May SUN Baptisms at Mass Sunday, May 6th after all Masses Church Parish Hall 12PM NOON Fourth Sunday of Easter April 29, 2012 — Page Three FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 29, 2012 See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. — 1 JOHN 3:1 OUR PARISH STEWARDSHIP CATHOLIC MINISTRIES ANNUAL APPEAL 2012 2012 ANNUAL APPEAL SECOND MAILING AND PLEDGE REMINDERS A SECOND REQUEST FOR A CONTRIBUTION to the 2012 Catholic Ministries Appeal is in the mail to all parishioners who have not made a contribution. The Appeal provides critical funding to diocesan ministries that serve individuals and parishes throughout the Diocese of Joliet. If you receive this mailing, please respond generously. You will be helping both our diocese and our parish. ALSO, THE SECOND MONTHLY REMINDERS have been sent to those that made an in‐pew pledge to the Appeal. Those that pledged by direct mail have already received payment coupons. Thank you for your gifts, and please make your payment as soon as possible. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, you can bring your pledge payments to Mass and place them in the basket. The parish will forward them to the diocese. AFTER OUR PARISH EXCEEDS ITS CMAA GOAL in paid pledges, 50% of any additional funds are returned for use in our parish. We are now at 96% parish participation with 505 donors and our total gifts are $107,280. Our target goal is $111,913. Thank You We would like to thank the St. Anthony Bridge Club for their generous donation of $1,000.00 to our parish. We truly appreciate your gift. May God bless all of you! Yours in Christ, Father Greg Thank You For Your Generosity April 22, 2012 Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 6:30PM Total $ 5,401.00 $ 4,483.50 $ 4,042.00 $ 3,590.00 $ 2,378.00 $ 2,336.90 $ 22,231.40 *Easter Collection to be posted in a future bulletin. Thanks to all who chose to use electronic giving for Sunday contributions. E-giving is posted once a month. If you are interested in E-giving, call the Parish Office at 815-469-3750 or complete and return the authorization form found on page 12. PLEASE REMEMBER ST. ANTHONY CHURCH IN YOUR WILL. MOTHERS DAY FLOWER SALE Saturday, May 12th Sunday, May 13th After All Masses The St. Anthony Pro-Life Group will be selling beautiful bouquets of fresh flowers after all the Masses on May 12/13. You will find the perfect gifts from an array of roses, carnations, mixed floral arrangements and beautiful hydrangea bouquets. Each bouquet is wrapped in tissue and ready to present to your Mother... Stepmother... Mother-in-law... Grandmother. Proceeds from your purchase will be used to help women who are in a crisis pregnancy and need assistance. Please support this life-saving work of The Women's Center of Greater Chicagoland. Last year, The Women's Centers provided compassionate counseling and social service referrals and material goods assistance to over 5,000 women. Since its founding in 1984, they have helped save more than 34,000 babies — and their mothers — from the tragedy of abortion. Page Four — April 29, 2012 Saint Anthony Catholic Church Scripture Reflections of FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER LIVING IVING the WORD Sunday, April 29, 2012 TODAY'S FOCUS: WANTED...GOOD SHEPHERDS Artistic expressions of Jesus as the Good Shepherd were created in the earliest days of the Church. This was one of the most comforting images during times of persecution. He called others to shepherd in His name. They were not perfect people, but they became good at shepherding, transformed by the power of the Resurrection life. Consider Peter. FIRST READING There is no salvation through anyone else (Acts 4:8-12). Peter gives a speech to the Sanhedrin concerning the healing that he performed on the cripple. Although this is technically a simple justification of his actions, it is actually a type of kerygma (for in it he proclaims the truth of the events surrounding the death of Jesus). He is telling the Jewish leaders that by their actions they have rejected the source of salvation whom Yahweh had sent to Israel. The implied message is that, if they do not change their ways and stop inhibiting the proclamation of the Word of the Lord, then they will be rejected (even as they will have rejected Jesus by their actions). SECOND READING We shall see God as He really is (1 John 3:1-2). We are given the status as children of God and what that means for us. We are told toward the end of the reading that we already share in a great honor for we are already called God’s children. Yet, this is only the beginning. When we pass from this world to the next, we will share in God’s glory. GOSPEL The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep (John 10:11-18). During the Babylonian exile (587 BC) there was a theme popular among the Prophets that God had appointed shepherds to Israel (their kings and priests), but these shepherds had misled God’s people. Therefore, God Himself would be Israel’s shepherd and lead her in His own ways. In this Gospel, Jesus is in the temple for the Feast of the Dedication. One of the Scripture passages proclaimed during that feast was taken from Ezekiel the Prophet. It was the passage that proclaimed God as our shepherd. When Jesus spoke of Himself being the Good Shepherd, He was applying that prophecy to Himself. He speaks in tremendously affectionate terms of His care and concern for His flock. He calls them by name, for He knows them like no one else knows them. He will give His life for them. He will protect them from all dangers (especially dangers of sin and death and alienation). REFLECTION Peter is a wonderful example of someone growing into the role of a good shepherd. His calling was evident from the beginning, when Jesus summoned him and his brother Andrew while they were casting their nets into the sea: “Come after Me, and I will make you fishers of [people]” (Mark 1:17). We know Peter as the first to confess Jesus as Messiah, but also as someone who did not understand what this would mean both for Jesus and His followers: the Cross. We know Peter was not afraid to ask questions along the lines of “What are we going to get out of being disciples?” or even say the wrong thing (“You shall never wash my feet!”). And, perhaps most importantly, we know Peter folded when the chips were down, denying he ever knew Jesus. This same Peter boldly preaches Jesus as raised by God for the salvation of all who believe. He preaches not only outside the Upper Room on Pentecost, but in the synagogue soon after, then twice before the Sanhedrin (the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem), and finally in the house of the Roman centurion Cornelius. What explains this transformation from denying follower to charismatic leader? Paul tells us in one of his letters (1 Corinthians 15:5) that the risen Lord appeared to Kephas (the Aramaic name for Peter). And Luke records the descent of the Spirit upon those in the Upper Room (Acts 2:4). All of this reminds us that God’s power at work in us is the key to having and being a good shepherd. READINGS FOR THE WEE K WEEK Mon., April 30th Acts 11:1-18 Jn 10:1-10 Tues., May 1st Acts 11:19-26 Jn 10:22-30 Wed., May 2nd Acts 12:24 — 13:5a Jn 12:44-50 Thursday, May 3rd 1 Cor 15:1-8 Jn 14:6-14 Friday, May 4th Acts 13:26-33 Jn 14:1-6 April 29, 2012 — Page Five Fourth Sunday of Easter MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK PRAYERS FOR OUR FAMILY MONDAY, APRIL 30TH ST. PIUS V 8:00 AM = Marcie Miller For the Sick Please pray for all the sick and their families… Christina Lindsay Finley Ed Gabrysiak Dorothy Orfino TUESDAY, MAY 1ST ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER 8:00 AM = Geri Tropp/Len For the Deceased WEDNESDAY, MAY 2ND ST. ATHANASIUS 8:00 AM = Chester Barnas/Arthur = Catherine Malone/Granddaughter, Jeanine Cunningham William Guziejka Father of Doreen Kieffer “Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them.” THURSDAY, MAY 3RD ST. PHILIP/ST. JAMES 8:00 AM = Intention of Mary Vogt FRIDAY, MAY 4TH 8:00 AM = Intention of Tom and Nancy Makowski SATURDAY, MAY 5TH 5:00 PM = Intention of Antonio deCastro/Family = Vito and Rose Leo/Mary Shah and Rose Binetti = Helen Ruiz/Jarvie Family SUNDAY, MAY 6TH FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:30 AM = Marcie Miller/Jim Miller = Diane McChristie/Fleming Family = Chester Barnas/Arthur 9:00 AM = John and Helen Reicher/Reicher Family = Intention of Cole Cunningham = Robert E. Kall/Sharon = Intention of Jim and JoAnn Vilutis/Carol, Mark and Josh = Joan Miller/Armand and Joyce Pettenon 10:30 AM = Helen Ziolkowski/Gloria = Al DeGroodt/John and Leigh Lazzarotto = Intention of Christina Lindsay Finley/Mom and Dad 12:00 PM V For the Parish Family of St. Anthony 6:30 PM = Intention of the Celebrant A1C Antonio Cap y Sr. Airman Lawrence Clark Cpl. Ryan L. Gower y Petty Officer William Hartley Cpl Michael Horbaczewski y Capt. Timothy Hornik Major Thomas John-T.J. Hornick y Lt. John P. Ladowicz Lt. Timothy hD. Ladowicz y LTC Alejandro Lopez Airman 1st Class Matthew G. Lusson ITSN Donald Hammond y Sgt. James Talley Lt. Cmdr. Daniel Papp y LTJG John Pierczynski 1st Lt. Thomas Pierczynski y Lt. Kyle R. Smolek USAF Seaman Bridget Reynolds y Lt. Joseph P. Stanek Lt. Thomas M. Zager y Cpl. Timothy Sunzere Tech. Sgt. Michelle Shalloup y Corpsman Jonathan Waters “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” Welcome to Our Newly Baptized Children The Sacrament of Baptism was celebrated on Sunday, April 22, 2012: MACY LYNN BEECHY Daughter of Wayde and Melissa (Smith) NOAH ANTHONY LEE Son of Morgan Lee MADELINE MARIE MARKS Daughter of Thomas and Maureen (Cahill) Page Six—April 29, 2012 Saint Anthony Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church FIRST HOLY COMMUNION April 29, 2012 Reverend Greg Skowron, Pastor Colin Jeffrey Abbott Alissa Eva Adam George Akkawi John Thomas Anderer III Sevrin Robert Anderson Ava Marie Angone Allison Nicole Bader Nicolas Cole Bailey Vivia Grace Bajic Zoe Elizabeth Bajic Lauren Rosalie Bates Griffin John Bell Nicholas Kristopher Bendy Daniel Arthur Benn Haley Marie Bishop Jessica Isabelle Blakely Kaylee Nicole Blazeniak Brendan Harrison Born Logan Michael Borowiec Kayla Theresa Boyle Kyle Walter Boyle Ryan Gabriel Brace Kylie Elizabeth Brady William Olvera Brown Gabrielle Brozovic Nicholas Anthony Buggemi Christian Bumaa Sydney Raine Burton Jonathan Michael Byrne Vincent Edward Carlson Elizabeth Antoinette Carroll Emily Caruso Michael James Cialdella John Paul Conover Francesca Corso Shane Nicholas Crean Kevin Patrick Daly Aidan Patrick Dauber David Michael De Rubertis Gianna Christine Diorio Isabel Helene Dirienzo Sean Martin Dore Sophia Elle Drozd Abbey Ireland Duggan Natalie Boudreau Duncan Declan Richard Emery Shannon Nicole Engel Aidan Matthew Fasel Owen Robert Feigenwinter Kelsey Anne Figus Colin Daniel Fishback Charles William Fordon Conrad Robert Frodyma, III Tess Marie Gaides Kate Genevieve Gardella Giovanii Cesar Gonzalez Bailey Autumn Griffis Jacob Steven Grimm Katherine Mary Hackett Robert Frederick Hahn Jacob Anton Hirschbeck Erika Barbara Mei-in Ho Kevin Patrick Hogan Logan Clay Holbrook Sydney Eileen Hooten Nadia Victoria Horak Victoria Rose Janda James Joseph Januszewski Kyla Jane Jedlowski Evan James Johnson Gabriel Gary Johnson Nicholas Raleigh Johnson David Patrick Joyce Lucas Alexander Juarez Patrick Stephen Jungels Audrey Norine Justic Kathryn Louise Kina Veronica Faith Kirsch Easton Riley Klein Matthew Patrick Klepetka Hannah Klyzub Joseph Rupert Kotze Caroline Grace Kruk Kyle Richard Land William Patrick LaPonte Alexander Joseph Las Kendal Lemmons Shealagh Maeve Littleton Drew Michael Lott Lara Rose Lubienski Thomas Leo Lynch IV Raymond Madrigal Taryn Marie Mainwaring Taylor Marie Mainwaring Katherine Mae Malcom Abigail Marie Manos Jack Anthony Marion Evan Gerald Marse Juan Carlos Martinez Marcos Modesto Martinez Abigail Lauren McCarey Collin Michael McEldowney Fourth Sunday of Easter April 29, 2012— Page Seven Congratulations and Blessings to our First Communicants... Mia Lee McElree Mary Elizabeth McGuire Hailey McMahon Caleb Christopher Meadows Simon Edward Mezydlo Joseph George Michaels Faith Rose Mihaljevic-Wright Adam Joseph Miller Katherine Rose Mitchell Sophia Marie Morey Luis Nava Alyssa Abigail Neri James Michael O'Brien Clare Therese O'Connor Erin Maria O'Halloran Patrick Ramon O'Halloran Grace Anne O'Hanlon Mary Katherine O'Neill Dominic Antonio Owens Lindsey Juliette Page Michael Joseph Panarici Alex Michael Paul Joshua Charles Pellegrini Michael Patrick Peltz, III Jake Michael Petak Nathan Michael Pinkston Autumn Inez Potaczek Eleonora Angeline Quaglia Loralei Quinn Lia Rose Rapka Emma Elizabeth Reidy Theresa Siobhan Rincker James Scott Robbins Frank James Ronspies Brian Patrick Rooney Elizabeth Ai Rusiniak Sydney Ruzich Kiera Louise Sajewski Drew Michael Sapato Matthew Robert Scheffler Avery Bryn Schultz Alaina Joy Schutzius Abigail Rose Signore Mary Clare Simon Ava Giovanna Simoni Sarina Kelly Smith Cole William Starcevich Joshua Michael Stevens Sarah Louise Stiegman Charles Robert Strock Macy Kathleen Sullivan Samuel Phillip Szafoni Josie Ann Tannura Kaylin Ann Thomas Lauralei Elizabeth Thormeyer Julia Ellise Tijerina Thank You Thank you to all of the parents, grandparents, family members and sponsors for encouraging and supporting your children through their faith journey. For their guidance and support of our First Communicants we are grateful to our Pastor, Father Greg Skowron, our Deacons, Religious Education Staff, and Music Ministry. St. Anthony Catholic Church is deeply grateful to all the Catechists and Catechetical Aides who prepared these wonderful Candidates for First Communion. God bless for sharing your time and talent. Sophia Lauren Tischer Carson James Tokoly John Peter Tremblay Jiselle Kirsten Ulit Alexander Louis Valentini Paige Vander Woude Jeremy Ryan Veleta John Paul Vittorio Vickers Noelle Marie Vilatte George Vadim Vinci Jack Anthony Walker Ethan Daniel Walton Kiley Ward Sophia White Grace Therese Whitman Kate Elizabeth Willis Ella Paige Wirth Joseph Alan Wlodarek Daniel Paul Wunderlich Dominic James Young Ryan Matthew Zielinski Lorelei Ann Zinsky Nicole Helen Zoppa Ryan Walter Zych Page Eight — April 29, 2012 Saint Anthony Catholic Church Fourth Sunday of Easter April 29, 2012 — Page Nine St. Vincent De Paul Society ST. ANTHONY CONFERENCE PRO-LIFE REFLECTION "Take care that you do not despise one of the little ones, for I tell you their Angels in heaven gaze continually on the face of My Heavenly Father." — MT 18:10 REFLECTION All of us, including the smallest children, have Angels in heaven who worship the Father and reflect to us His care. If an Angel is assigned to guard each human life, how much more are fellow human beings called to respect them. PRAYER "Lord, fill us with awe and reverence for life. Though we are not able to see the Angels, remind us of their presence, too, through the face of every human person. Amen." St. George Super Bingo SUPER BINGO—St. George School, Tinley Park on Sunday, April 29th in the St. George O’Connell Hall. Doors open at 12:30pm; Early Bird games begin at 2pm; Regular and Special games begin at 2:30pm. Tickets $20/person. Purchase tickets in advance at the School Office, 708-5322626 to leave message; Tickets available at-the-door, but quantities are limited. Get your tickets today! AS WE CELEBRATE "GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY" today, we reflect on Jesus' care and love for us. Last month, through your gifts of $1,700 and donated food, the Society of the SVDP brought the love and care of Jesus to the poor by assisting 26 families, spending $4,613 for food, utilities, rent bills and medicine. Thank you! SVDP FOOD DRIVE after Masses THIS WEEKEND Thank you for your generosity. ADORATION NEWS Please consider offering an hour per week to spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Adorers needed: Sunday: 2A, 3P Monday: 12A, 1A, 2A, 11A Wednesday: 2A Thursday: 2A, 3A, 5A Friday: 7A Saturday: 2A, 9A, 11A, 12P, 2P, 3P, 4P, 6P, 7P, 8P Invitations to Adore are available in the Chapel of Mercy and in the pamphlet rack by restrooms. Call 708-748-4394 or email with name, etc. and the hour you would like to cover. Donations Benefit for Disabled Veterans Sunday, May 27th at 11am "PARADE OF CARS" from Frankfort to American Legion Post #1977 in New Lenox. CAR SHOW from 12 Noon-5pm. “Elvis” and 50/50 Raffle. Proceeds benefit the Lincoln-Way Area Disabled Veterans’ Memorial Fund. For information please call 708-207-3222. A Salute to all our Men and Women in Uniform! Thank You For Your Service! PARISH REGISTRATION FORM WELCOME TO ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH Our warmest wishes to all who celebrate with us. If you are not registered at St. Anthony or are and need to make changes, please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket or mail to the parish office. Forms also at __________________________________________ HELP A NEEDY REP FAMILY WITH TUITION We are looking for generous parishioners to donate to the REP SCHOLARSHIP FUND for needy families. Your generous donation of any amount will help pay for the REP tuition of families with financial hardship. Contact the REP office at 815-469-6072, email us at or mail us your donation or place it in the offertory basket clearly marked for REP Scholarship Fund. We thank you in advance for your support of Catholic education for our parish children. God bless you. Name __________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ City ______________ ________________________ State Zip Code (____)_____________________________________ Phone __________________________________________ Email Address ( ( ( ( ) New Parishioner, please contact me ) New Address or New Phone Number ) Moving—Please remove from membership list ) Email –Please add email address to your records. Page Ten — April 29, 2012 Saint Anthony Catholic Church Fourth Sunday of Easter April 29, 2012 — Page Eleven Saint Anthony Church Religious Education Program FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PROFESSIONAL PHOTOS REP OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY: 9am-4pm REP SESSIONS FOR 2012-2013 Based on registrations received by March 1st indicating family preferences and volunteer availability, the decision has been made by Fr. Greg on Sessions for 2012-2013 as follows: Sunday, May 6th 9am Mass and 10:30am Mass in the Church SUNDAY SESSION ONE: 7:45 A.M.-8:50 A.M. Convenient Mass Time 9:00 A.M. SUNDAY SESSION TWO: 9:00 A.M.10:10 A.M. Convenient Mass Time 10:30 A.M. SUNDAY SESSION THREE: 10:15am-11:25am Convenient Mass Time 9:00 am SUNDAY SESSION FOUR*: 5:00 P.M.-6:15 P.M. Convenient Mass Time 6:30 P.M. Mass Opportunity for parents to have professional photo taken with their First Communicants in their Communion outfits as they receive their Second Holy Communion *Youth Ministry begins after the 6:30 P.M. Mass for Grades 5-8th and High Schoolers By early June you will be receiving a notice confirming your family’s session time based on your preferences on your registration form. We will try to accommodate your first choice whenever possible, but we will not be having a Wednesday session next year. We understand that families that had chosen Wednesday as their first choice may have difficulty attending every Sunday session due to hardship situations based on work or custody reasons. Our attendance policy will be adjusted to serve these families needs, and we will be happy to work this out with you on an individual basis. Please contact a director. SAVE THE DATE! July 15 to July 20, 2012 Third Annual TOTUS TUUS ... is coming right here at St. Anthony's! Totus Tuus is a diocesan catechetical summer youth program whereby seminarians and college students travel throughout the summer proclaiming the Gospel through Catechetical Instruction, Mass, Confession, Games, Fun ... and more! Entering Grades 1-6: Monday-Friday 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM Cost: $40 Entering Grades 7-12: Sunday-Thursday 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Cost: $20 Family Rate: $90 for 3 or more children in grades 1-12 St. Anthony’s Church St.7659 Anthony Catholic Church West Sauk Street 7659 West Sauk Trail Frankfort, IL 60423 Frankfort, IL 60423 Parishioner Authorization Form Effective date of authorization: ____________________________ Type of Authorization: New Authorization Change donation amount Change donation date Last Name Change Banking information Change Credit Card information Discontinue Electronic Donation First Name Address City State Home Phone: Email: Zip Account Information Please choose either Banking information or Credit Card information. Provide information for one account only. Banking Information for Checking Account or Savings Account Debits Please debit my contribution from my (check one): Routing Number: _______________________________ Checking Account (attach a voided check) Valid Routing # must start with 0, 1, 2, or 3 Savings Account (attach a savings deposit slip) Account Number: _______________________________ Monthly on the 1st Monthly on the 15th Date of first contribution _____/_____/_____ Amount Per Contribution $________________ Credit Card Information Credit Card Type Mastercard Visa Discover American Express Credit Card #:_______________________________ Credit Card Exp. Date:________________________ Date of first contribution _____/_____/_____ Amount Per Contribution $__________________ AGREEMENT I authorize St. Anthony’s and The Cunneen Company to process debit entries to my account. I understand that this authority will remain in effect until I provide reasonable notification to terminate the authorization. Authorized Signature:_______________________________________________________________ Date:________________ Reminder: For Checking Account Debit: Please attach your voided check For Savings Account Debit: Please attach deposit slip St. Anthony Catholic Church St. Anthony Church LITURGICAL MINISTRY Schedule May July 9/ 5/ July May10 6 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Reconciliation 4-4:50pm Celebrant Fr. Greg/Fr. Miro Rec-Fr. Mass-Fr. Greg Skowron Fr. Fr.Miro Stepien Fr. Fr.Greg Skowron Fr. Fr.Greg Skowron Fr. Fr.Miro Stepien Fr. Greg Skowron Lectors M. V. Stasulas Guzy D. Patrick W. Kiehl R. Aguilar M. Coghlan G. Stepenski N. Bloomfield T. Brozovic B. Michuda L. Kenny M.Patrick D. August C. Scanlan Mast B. Boucek D. Cafaro EOM C. Pammer L. Murnighan L. Parchem A. Bergeron A. Matthews S. Thomas S. Jarvie M. Jarvie L. R. Luster-Bartz Govert T. Lagger A. Thomas T. P. Lagger T. Guzy P. Lagger A. Morrow Bergeron S. Matthews Sr. Ella L. D. Hornik Kocsis J. Moyle V. Doubrawa J. Grady III M. V. Doubrawa Race D. McMahon K. Scanlan J. Stepenski J. Sues M. Johnson M.Sues J. Johnson J. R.Keane Zych W. J. Gorczowski Gorczowski J. Gorczowski W. Gorczowski D. P. Ricker Holmes L. Glancy B. Murphy P.Moyle J. Greenawalt J. Hickey P. Greenawalt L. A. Pierzchalski Wator L. Grybas M. Rafacz T. Donovan D. Ducett R.Savage J. Corrigan S. T. Carlson M. J. McCarthy Rafacz P.Domzal J. Ricker M.Graham S. Canoy N. Allemand E. Oberg T. Carlson D. Allemand B. Kiley K. Murphy M.Boukal C. Race K. Shereck S. McMahon J. Buck L. Al-Muddaris K. McHugh T. Helwig C. Boukal R. Pora R. Pora K. K. Wysocki T. Pora MC C. Matheu A. Karl E. C. Vanderpool E. McCully C.J. August Altar Servers M.Matheu C. Herbert N. Matheu M. Morrow M.Dirienzo G. Doyle G. T. Huguelet Vavrik G. J. Attar Vavrik L. Sullivan J. Vilutis I. Brace R. Mueller J. R.Attar Townsend C. Townsend A. Vanderpool J. T. Geibal Budney M.Pervan N. Amendola R. August Music Music Cantor Praise Choir Cantor Cantor Cantor Teen Choir Cantor Traditional Choir (subject to change) (subject to change) Cantor Cantor Welcome to St. Anthony Catholic Church 7661 West Sauk Trail z Frankfort, IL z 60423 z Daily Mass: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. (Morning Prayer: 7:45 a.m.) Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 Noon SUNDAY EVENING MASS WILL CONTINUE TO BE CELEBRATED AT 6:30PM Mission Statement We, the members of St. Anthony Catholic Church, gather together to worship and celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, as we strive to live the Gospel in our daily lives. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are called to invite, inform, inspire and ignite the community in our faith journey by fostering stewardship through sharing of our gifts of time, talent and treasure. We are further called to share our faith through active evangelization and charitable outreach. Parish Office Contact Information (815-469-3750) Religious Education (Grades 1-8) Contact Information Office 815-469-6072 Fax 815-806-9421 z Rev. Greg Skowron, Pastor, x 115 (emergency 815-791-6073) z Kathleen Littleton, Director, x 143 z Rev. Miroslaw Stepien, Parochial Vicar z Rev. Godwin Olugbami, In Residence z Sophie Follenweider, Director, x 144 z Deacon Joe Johnson, Pastoral Associate, x 111 (cell) 815-922-9796, z Maureen Hughes, Secretary, x 142 z Deacon Tony Schlott, Business-Facilities Manager, x149 z Deacon Don Berkey, z Lisa Huguelet, Secretary, x 146 z Deacon Richard Rosko, z Deacon Dan Danahey z Patricia Moody, Secretary, x 146 z Deacon Bill Boucek z Paula Bucciferro, Accountant, x 126 Preschool Contact Information (815-469-5417) z Karen Kiley, Principal, x 148 z Jeanne Gayton, Parish-Pastor’s Administrative Assistant., x 110 z Lindsay Fitzgibbon, Principal’s Asst., x 147 z Beverly Regalado, Secretary, x 112 Youth Ministry Contact Information z Lynette Rea, Music Ministry Director, x 122 z Jade and Art Fojas Adult Faith Formation Contact Information (815-469-6198) z St. Vincent DePaul Society Contact Information z Deacon Tony Schlott, Director, x 149 815-469-3750, x114 Most Reverend R. Daniel Conlon Bishop, Diocese of Joliet Rev. Vytas Memenas, Pastor Emeritus PARISH OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY, 8:30 A.M.—4:30 P.M. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY, 9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. PRESCHOOL OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY-THURSDAY: 9:00 A.M. - 12 NOON y CLOSED FRIDAY Highlights... at St. Anthony Church Stop by for hospitality and see all we have to offer... 2/8 St. Anthony Church Parish Expo and Spring Hospitality As part of our 40th Anniversary year celebration, please join us for hospitality in the church hall and meet our different groups and organizations... God bless our First Communicants! St. Anthony Church 6/7 First Holy Communion This Sunday, April 29th Our First Communicants will receive the Eucharist for the first time at our NOON Mass and 2PM Mass TODAY. Names listed on pages 6 and 7... Save the date for this year’s golf outing… 10 Fourth Annual St. Anthony Church Golf Classic Saturday, July 28th at 1pm. Eighteen holes of golf, with cart, lunch, dinner and prizes. Seeking sponsors, raffle donations and volunteers. zmore inside this issue...