AMANC Michoacán - UCL in English


AMANC Michoacán - UCL in English
AMANC Michoacán
(Mexican Association to support Children with Cancer, I.A.P)
Contact Person: Marco Antonio Zavala Corona, Chairman of the Board.
Address: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz #130, Col. Centro, C.P. 5800 Morelia, Michoacán.
Phone number: (443) 3-17-92-44
Fax number: (443) 3-12-00-05
AMANC Michoacán is a private assistance institution, it has been dedicated for 26 years to
support children and teenagers with cancer, they receive and help low – income families, with no
social security program from the Government, they provide shelter and food to the children and
to one member of his /her family during their chemotherapy. They also offer psychological,
educational, recreational and spiritual support.
AMANC receives children from 2 years old to 19 years old, the offer comprehensive support for as
long as they need it, even when they are in a relapse phase, trying to reach their full recovery, in
addition the AMANC Shelter helps them to reintegrate themselves into their community.
Until June 2013, AMANC received 332 children from any region of the State of Michoacán, from
this total, 173 children is receiving treatment and 159 children are only under surveillance, which
means that they have had a successfully recovery and they do not need any medication but they
need periodical reviews.
Unfortunately, other 191 children that used to received support from AMANC, have left the
treatment or have passed away.
Children in AMANC
First campaign for blood donators on behalf of the children of AMANC, it was created on the Social
Entrepreneurship Summer Program of 2012.
A girl with her Father.
New campaign to motivate the volunteer blood donation among the young population, created
during the Social Entrepreneurship Summer Program of 2013.
Enjoying with the Children in AMANC some Lego’s donation.
(Children’s Educational Center)
Contact Person: L.E. Marisol Ponce de León, Director of the Center.
Address: Mártires de Uruapan no. 1400. Col. Mariano Escobedo. C.P. 58116. Morelia, Michoacán.
Phone: (443) 3205605 y 3088365
CIEDIM, was created in 2010, it’s a public assistance organization, it belongs to the Municipality
Govenrment. It’s principal objective is to offer education to the children between 43 days to 4
years old. Their education objective is to educate the children as a committed Mexicans, using an
exemplary educational model.
The children that are received in this center, comes from single parents or families without a
social security service. This center has achieved two international certifications, ISO 9001-2008
regarding quality process by Global SAI and OSHAS 1801:2001 regarding security by Bureau
Veritas. This is the first children's center in Mexico that achieves these certifications.
This children’s Center has 56 employees; among them they have a nurse, social worker,
psychologist, nutritionist and several teachers. They attend 150 children.
The quality of the education achieved in the CIEDIM center reaches the children families, because
they organize conferences and discussions with the parents regarding different topics like, the
importance the fire prevention; sexuality, nutrition facts, physical abuse, among others.
A CIEDIM group.
Students from UNLA teaching through the game
the importance of having a good nutrition
Student from UCL with the Nutrition game
The students from the Social Entrepreneurship Summer Course Program in 2013
In a conference with the parents regarding nutrition facts
Interacting with the children at CIEDIM
(EDAM - Day time stay center for elder people)
Contact Person: Dr. Alejandro García Pozos.
Address: Av. Bordo del rio grande s/n, CP.58218. Morelia, Michoacán, México.
Phone: (443) 3212266 y 3212288
EDAM is a space where people can spend the morning and early afternoon in a safe, reliable place,
under the care of skilled attendants, they stay in the center from 9:00 to 16:00 hours.
In this center the elderly citizens can receive medical, psychological and dental attention, podiatry
and hairdressing; EDAM has different spaces that the elderly people use during the day as dining
area, physical reconditioning room, crafts workshops, games room, singing, dancing and reading
The facility has ramps and handrails for safe and easy movement of the elderly, and has been
furnished with special equipment according to the seniors requirements. The kitchen has a quality
and safety furniture made with stainless steel tables to ensure hygiene in food preparation.
The EDAM it’s a public assistance organization run by the Municipality Govenrment, its main
objective is to create a comfortable environment for elderly people and more important to find a
place where they feel useful to the society, surrounded by the best care, within specialized
infrastructure and attended by trained personnel.
Singing activity with elderly people in EDAM
Medical Attention in EDAM
Contact Person: Lic. Jorge Z. Zavaleta Trujeque, Director of the Institution & Lic. Claudia Méndez
López, Families advisor.
Address: Nicolás Ballesteros s/n esq. Heriberto Jara. Col. Primo Tapia Oriente. CP. 58220. Morelia,
Phone: (443) 3230505
Mail: &
Web page:
Aldeas Infantiles SOS, it’s a nonprofit international organization created 60 years ago, it is
dedicated to the childhood. In 1949, Hermann Gmeiner found the first Children's Village in Imst, a
small town in Austria. Homeless children from the second world war found there a new home in a
family setting.
Nowadays there are Children Villages in 132 countries. Is the biggest organization offering
children´s help in the world and it has become a movement that provides better life options for
the children, because they offer a new home and a family for those children that have been
abandoned or for some other reason, they do not have a family.
The principal objective is to offer them a safety and lovely environment for the children. In
Morelia, the Children Village arrived 6 years ago; nowadays it attends 11 families and currently has
89 children and teenagers; there are 27 workers in the Village.
Their principal activities are to offer emotional balance to the children; to impulse the
development of different abilities and skills in the children and to practice communication with the
family members.
Typical House in Aldeas Infantiles SOS
Inside the typical house in Aldeas Infantiles SOS
Workshops with the mothers
UCL students from the Social Entrepreneurship Summer Course 2013
Organic Garden built with the UCL and UNLA students
(Women’s Community Center)
Contact Person: Sra. María del Pilar García Arévalo
Address: Venezuela no. 75. Col. Ampliación Trincheras.
Phone: (443) 2030034
The women community center was created by the Municipality Government 8 years ago, its
principal objective is to provide the women and the teenagers of the location a facility where they
can receive education or labor training, it offers a different environment, new options for them to
do despite of the drug and alcohol consumption.
The women receive training workshops to impulse the self-employment such as sewing and
tailoring; stylist and hair dressing; handcrafts and bakery. Nowadays the handcrafts and the bakery
workshops are not attended, but the other two keeps working and receive between 10 and 15
women each.
The children and teenagers also receive cultural and English workshops, academic regularization
activities and sometimes psychological conferences, that keeps them away from the violence,
drugs and alcohol consumption.
Business workshops for the sewing and tailoring group,
Attended by the UCL and UNLA Students in 2012
Workshop with women in 2012.
Collection of books and dynamic games organized by the
UNLA & UCL Students in 2013 on behalf of the children of this center
(Shelter for people with mental problems - Schizophrenia)
Contact Person: T.S. Beatriz Rocha Aguado, Director of the shelter.
Address: Madroño No. 16. Col. Los Angeles; Morelia, Mich.
Phone: (443) 313-32-32
Sumando Esfuerzos, it’s a private assistance organization. Its principal objective is to offer medical
and psychological attention to the patients mentally disable or mentally ill and to their relatives by
helping them to take care of the patients. Nowadays, the shelter has 28 residents and 16 people
working there, including social workers, nurses, doctors, psychiatrists and kitchen workers.
The principal percentage of its incomes are from small monthly fees paid by the relatives ($600
pesos), but not all the families can pay, so the organization also receives donations.
Sumando Esfuerzos was founded in 2006, with the objective to offer better life quality to the
residents compared to what they had in their house where nobody could pay attention to them, it
is very important for the institution to involve their families in the process. The principal in
Sumando Esfuerzos also pay attention in the resident abilities, with the aim to incorporated them
to society, they have to try it even though when most of them won’t have the opportunity to live
in the society.
The relatives usually go to visit the residents, so they don’t lose the contact with them, besides
they have to attend the workshops one a month, where they receive information regarding
different topics like the different kinds of diseases, because the residents have different diagnoses,
even though most of them have schizophrenia. Many of the residents are very loving and
welcoming, while others are a bit shyer, and need to get used to the people before talking to
them, but they get very happy when people go to visit them.
The residents with UCL and UNLA Students in the summer course in 2013
An outside sight of the facility.
Handcraft activity with the residents
The group invite dentistry students to the shelter
(Náhuatl Indigenous Community)
Contact Person: Sra. Salomé y Don Taurino, representative of the community in 2013.
Address: José Antonio Gamboa Sur no. 89. Col. Quinceo
Phone: (443) 1816246 y 4432252094
The Náhuatl Indigenous community arrived to Morelia more than 20 years ago, they come from
the State of Guerrero and the reason of their migration was to look for better options for their
One of their attributes is the communication skills they have developed, and the way they take
decisions all together. They have their own rules, based on their customs and traditions, they try
to teach the youngest generations to continue their traditions, like the decisions they take as a
community, like the women are their representatives, like they don’t accept violence against
The náhuatl indigenous community has their economic support from selling traditional handcrafts
and food. When the náhuatl’s arrive to Morelia, they use to sold their handcrafts in the informal
market near the Cathedral in Morelia, but in 2001 the Municipality authorities of Morelia cleaned
out downtown so the náhuatl’s had to move and lose their market. Some of the informal sellers
got relocated, but not the Nahuatl’s.
In 2004, they got together and conform the community, setting their own rules and preserving
their customs and traditions. They talk to each other in their mother tongue: “nahua” and every
time they attend to an event or an invitation as a community, they wear they traditional dresses
and sometimes they performance their traditional dances.
They dialogue before taking a group decision
The women are in charge of being the representatives
The students in 2012 and 2013 made this artisan sheet to promote their work
The UNLA invites them to the campus to empower their economic activities
UCL & UNLA student in the 2013 program.
(Association that works with people in prision;
also works with support programs for released prisoners
and their families)
Contact Person: Lic. Araceli Guerrero Hernández, Chairman of the board & Ing. Armando Muñoz,
operative manager
Address: Ramón López Velarde No. 290 Col. Santa María de Guido C.P. 58090
Phone: (443) 9623125; cel. 4434108075
PASOS FIRMES is a civil association, which works with people in prison and released prisoners.
Inside the prison they work with women, with their children, with elder people and with mentally
disable prisoners. The association offers legal and psychological support.
Inside the jail, the women have their children when they are little, or when they borne inside the
prison, this children stay inside in a special nursery built it for them and remain until they get 5
years old.
The association also works with elder people and with prisoners with mental problems, because
they also need assistance, they have been so many time inside that they lose all the hope.
It also works with released prisoners, offering and creating new working scenarios once they got
their freedom. To empower this released people, the association needs government support, to
create microbusiness; currently there are a bakery and two carpentries; it also receives its
incomes through donations.
PASOS FIRMES has also identify another vulnerable group, which are the children from 5 years old
that stay out or left the nursery inside the jail, and they do not have any other place to go while
the parents are inside. Sometimes they go with the grandparents or with some of the relatives but
they stay at the same violent environment. Nowadays, they received 1,300 m2 donated by the
State Government so they can build an orphanage that offers to this children a new perspective o
life; however it is still a project, the association is looking for resources and donations to build this
The group of UNLA and UCL students with the women for the bakery in 2012.
Workshops with the bakery women in 2012
The bakery logo created by the group in 2012.
2013, UNLA & UCL students working with the children of one of the
Vulnerable neighborhoods attended by the association.