Ezasegagasini Page 1 - eThekwini Municipality
Ezasegagasini Page 1 - eThekwini Municipality
METRO Friday 25 July 2008 Your FREE city paper www.durban.gov.za e z a s e g a g a s i n i RUDIMENTALS TO ROCK UPRISING FESTIVAL MKHIZE TO HEAD SAFETY CLUSTER Diary Page 6 News Page 4 Beach quality tackled ONE NATION SUCCESS News Page 6 A Reel Good Time New signboards to re-assure public on the state of our shores KEN MCHUNU B OARDS are due to go up at each of eThekwini’s 36 beaches, providing bathers with a weekly update on the state of seawater. Neil Macleod, Head of eThekwini Water and Sanitation, which is responsible for the project, said the boards would provide information on water quality and cleanliness. “These also show the facilities which are available, the latest water quality test results and a litter index to indicate the cleanliness of each beach,” Macleod said. Officials are aiming to address residents’ concerns over seawater quality. The matter was recently brought to the fore by a disagreement between the Municipality and the accreditation agency which runs the Blue Flag beach scheme. Macleod said the “impracticality and high cost” of the method the City had been using to detect microorganisms that pollute the seawater had prompted the department to come up with a new method. “Indicators that use harmless bacteria are now being used. Provided the indicators used are similar to bacteria and exist in proportionate numbers to the level of pathogens in any sample of water, they can be used to determine the level of pollution. “Among these are the E Coli and the Enterococcus, which have been described by the World Health Organisation as harmless organisms,” he said. Recent test results of eThekwini’s seawater continued to show compliance with the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry’s quality standards, said Macleod. “The only time a change was experienced was after significant storm events at beaches, which are close to rivers and storm water drains,” said Macleod. However, construction and repair works to install pumps in the storm water outfalls discharging onto the central beaches has since begun. “We remain on programme to commission these installations before the December holidays,” said Macleod. He said the City would continue using the E Coli and Enterococcus indicators “until a more acceptable indicator has been found”. The Scientific Services Library, which has tested eThekwini’s seawater for the past 40 years, would continue its service. “They are accredited by the South African National Accreditation System, and have also worked with the Blue Flag organisation to assess the water quality of our bathing waters,” said Macleod, stressing the dependability of their test results. “The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research would continue to audit all results by conducting independent seawater sampling and testing to confirm the results of the City’s Scientific Services Laboratory,” he said. The weekly updating of information on the new signboards would let beach users make their own choices after seeing the results first-hand, said Macleod. These results would also be available on the eThekwini website, under the link: http://www.durban.gov.za/du rban/services/services/water_ and_sanitation/waterquality/beaches . MchunuK@durban.gov.za SOAPIE star Rapulana Seiphemo, of Muvhango fame, takes to the big screen in Jerusalema, which was due to make its African premiere at the opening of the Durban International Film Festival this week. The gritty gangster film, set on the streets of Johannesburg’s Hillbrow, is just one of the films on the line-up of more than 200 films at this years festival, which runs at 26 venues across the city until 3 August. The festival, now in its 29th year, has brought together the work of film-makers from 95 countries – from established masters of cinema to innovative new talents. Alongside the presentation of some of the year’s finest films, the festival will run an extensive workshop and seminar programme, giving the region’s aspirant film-makers an opportunity to learn from and be inspired by some of cinema’s greats. There’s also feature films, documentaries and short films that should entertain, enlighten and inspire. Festival Director Peter Rorvik explains: “The festival opens a window on the world, provides access to different cultures and provides a space in which the cinematic art form transcends national boundaries. The recent tragic events in South Africa give cause to highlight what has long been a central idea of the festival: to create understanding and acceptance of different cultures through the medium of film.” Big effort to restore power METRO REPORTER EMERGENCY teams from the Electricity Department were working around the clock earlier this week to restore power to Prospecton, Isipingo and surrounding areas. And at the time of going to press, officials said they were hoping to end the outage by late Wednesday. Thousands were left without electricity after an electricity pylon in Isipingo collapsed. The outage forced industries in south Durban, including Toyota, to shut down, costing millions of rands in lost production. It all started on Tuesday at 10.52am when a pylon, carrying 132kV lines between the Lotus Park and Isipingo substations, fell on its side. Mounting bolts on three legs of the tower had been removed, possibly by scrap metal thieves, and the tower broke off at its remaining secured leg. By early Wednesday the tower had been repaired and stabilised. The stringing of the transmission lines was expected to be completed by today and power restored by late on Wednesday evening, officials said. However, the temporary repair on the existing tower would only allow for a single circuit operation, as the tower cannot be repaired to its full mechanical strength, necessary for its original double circuit operation. The temporary single circuit configuration would restore power to all customers, but a secondary feed would not be available in the event of a major transmission line fault, officials said. Police have arrested two people in connection with the incident and they are being held for questioning. Municipal investigators were on the scene soon after the collapse and are following up on leads. A department official, Tony Dold, said: “We would like to apologise to the businesses and residents in the area. Any inconvenience is regretted. “We have workmen on the scene and we will be working round the clock to ensure that power is restored,” he said.
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