NEWSLETTER - Stornoway Free Church


NEWSLETTER - Stornoway Free Church
April/May 2015
Double Trouble: Our Youth Club and the High Free Youth Bible study joined together for a recent residential trip to Scaladale.
Happy Easter!
For many people Easter is little more than a nice idea. They are happy to
join in the celebrations which do nothing more for them than mark the
passing of winter as it gives way to warmer weather, baby lambs and
brighter evenings.
But for the thinking person the resurrection of Jesus has got to be the single defining moment for the Christian faith. It either happened, in which
case Jesus who was dead became alive again, or it didn’t happen, in which
case the Christian faith is worthless because it’s a lie. New life might be
symbolic of Spring, new hopes and fresh starts but if Jesus didn’t actually
rise, you have every right to be sceptical.
For the eleven disciples, along with the women who went to the tomb that
first Lord’s Day morning, the absence of Jesus’ body was the last thing they
expected. They were mystified and baffled. Furthermore, when the women
told the disciples that they had met with Jesus they would not believe it.
Thomas flatly refused to accept what the rest reported, insisting upon seeing for himself. Such was the incredulity of the twelve. You don’t have to
live in the 21st century to know that a dead person does not come to life
Yet, despite all of the efforts that Pilate had made to secure Jesus’ tomb
(the soldiers, the stone and the seal) the chamber was empty. What’s
more, the cloths which had been wrapped around Jesus’ body were lying
on the floor in a heap. (Which begs the question, by the way, if Jesus arose
out of the grave clothes, where did he get the clothes in which he appeared
to the disciples?)
The resurrection meant that death did not have the final victory or the final word over Jesus. On that third day God the Father, having fully accepted Jesus’ death as our sacrifice, vindicated his perfect offering by
breathing into his lifeless body and raising him once again. Jesus’ resurrection is the final proof that his death paid in full for the sins of those who
trust in him. It is God’s Amen to Jesus’ finished work on the cross.
The empty tomb is where I always go when I need to be assured of the
unique truth of the Christian faith and my security in Christ once and for
Iver Martin.
Dear Friends,
Almost two years ago I was appointed as Principal of the Free Church College (now Edinburgh Theological Seminary). My appointment was to be part
time for a period of two years and my duties were to be divided between
this congregation and the Seminary.
Over the last year, with a higher intake of students, it has become apparent
that the demands of ETS are increasing, and will continue to escalate with
further development. At the same time, Stornoway Free Church deserves
the full time attention of a full time minister. The current arrangement,
which was made possible only because of the patience and good will of this
congregation, is not viable. It is not fair on ETS and not fair on the congregation.
Inevitably, the Seminary Board have had to wrestle with the question of
what to do about a future Principal. The upshot is that they have asked me
to continue my work but on a full time basis which would mean leaving
Stornoway. Their proposal, which is being supported by all of our Presbyteries, will go to the forthcoming General Assembly in May.
For my wife and myself this has been something of a crisis which has unsettled us over the last few weeks. I have to take it very seriously and give it
much prayerful consideration. It is analogous to another congregation calling me to be their minister, except in this case, it is the wider church that
may call me.
I am also aware that this will inevitably unsettle you as a congregation. But,
sometimes, it is when we face uncertainty that we are forced into a renewed
intensity in prayer. That is no bad thing. Please pray with me that the Lord
will make clear what his will is. If the Lord wants me to stay in Stornoway I
shall happily and wholeheartedly do so. If, on the other hand the Lord is
guiding us away from here we must be obedient to that guidance.
A final decision will be made, God willing, on 20th May (or thereabouts) at
the General Assembly.
Iver Martin
TESTIMONY: Louise Macleod
Hi, my name is Louise Macleod. I am married to DJ and
we have two children. Caitlin is four and Angus is
nearly one. We live in Lower Sandwick.
Mairianne asked me if I would consider writing my testimony for the newsletter and my initial thought was to
turn her down. However, saying no is the easy option
and I don’t like taking the easy option so I decided to
challenge myself and write about my life.
I was raised in a Christian home where we would go to
church twice on a Sunday and I also attended Sunday
School. Church to me as a child consisted of going in, taking my hat off, eating a Fruit Gum or two and then going home. I really did not enjoy Communion time because I had to go to church on a Thursday and a Friday night.
Communion Sunday however was a different story because I got to sit upstairs in the church with my cousins and no parents and we would watch
everyone take Communion. In my early teens I went to Campaigners and
went away to church camps.
Secondary school was a time of finding myself. I enjoyed going around with
my group of friends doing teenage things. I enjoyed many a night out on the
town. I did a lot of silly things as well and I am embarrassed by them, however, I learned from them through time.
One thing I found was that I was never fully content within myself. I looked
around me and everyone else seemed happy and confident whereas I felt a
little lost. I loved my family and group of friends and I had all I wanted but
inside I was unsettled. I managed to bury that feeling and every now and
again it would come back with force and then it would go again and this pattern continued for many a year.
I was 20 when I started going with DJ. We got engaged when I was 24, married when I was 26 and then we had Caitlin when I was 28. After Caitlin was
born the feelings I had came back and they were very strong. We were responsible for a baby girl. She was perfect and I felt this overwhelming need
to protect her. This was my realisation and a turning point for me. I needed
to fully put my trust in God to help me raise her and look after her.
I spoke to my parents about my feelings. I have always had quite an open
relationship with them anyway so I knew I could speak to them. They told
me about their own experiences and listened to me about the battle I was
having within myself.
It slowly began to dawn on me that if I stopped denying God in my life then
this unsettled feeling would go away and it was then that I felt this weight
being lifted off my shoulders. I felt lighter and I had this deep down contentment and acceptance of myself as I knew God was with me.
I fail often, falling asleep through my prayers and not reading my Bible often
enough however I thank God sincerely every day for all that he has given me
in my life and the journey that I am on. God knows my past, present and future and as much as I dislike myself sometimes I know he wants me regardless and that he will guide me.
We went on then to have our baby boy Angus. Angus is just as perfect as
Caitlin. I am thoroughly enjoying being their mother and love watching
them grow and develop. My ‘child-like’ faith in God is ever present and
helps me to live fully and appreciate the simple things in life.
My favourite verse in the Bible is:
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
~Galatians 5:22-23
WEC International
APC, Keith Street, Stornoway
Monday 20 April at 7.30pm
Rev Douglas Craig - Scottish Co-ordinator
Richard Fraser - Betel (ministry to those with substance abuse
Jeremy Ellis - UK Prayer Co-ordinator
Bookstall & Refreshments afterwards
Churches urged to pray as Free Church searches for new executive officer
All of our congregations are urged to pray as the Free Church begins a search
for a new chief executive officer. The current postholder, Rod Morrison, will be
leaving in the summer after over a decade at the Edinburgh offices. We are
hugely grateful for what Rod has done and are sad to see him moving on. A job
advertisement and description will appear on the Free Church website over the
next few weeks. Please pray that a person of the Lord’s choosing will be found
for the role.
Youth Club Trip to Scaladale
Our youth club combined forces with the High Free Church youth Bible study group
for a fun weekend of activities and Bible teaching from Friday 13th to Sunday 15th
March. Our theme was The Hunger Games, which didn’t involve withholding food
from campers (except contraband squirty cream) but it did influence the talks and
some of the activities (archery). We heard from the leaders about why we’re spiritually hungry, why Jesus is the Bread of Life and how to live a satisfied life (John
10:10). As well as archery we went rock climbing and watched the movie God’s Not
Dead. On Sunday morning we were made very welcome at North Harris Free
Church. We were blessed with great weather, great leaders and great campers!
Thank you to everyone involved and thanks be to God for all he provides for us.
Wedding Bells
Sarah France, youngest daughter of Robert
and Murdina France (Back) and James
Macleod, son of Murdo Iain and Erica
Macleod (Holm Road), got married on Friday
6th March in Stornoway Free Church with
the reception following in the Cabarfeidh
Hotel. The church hall was decked out for the
occasion and provided a welcome cup of tea
and a haven from the wild weather outside
after the wedding service.
James works for SSE and Sarah is a nurse and
they are living in Stornoway. We wish them
all the best in their new life together.
Ruby Wedding
Ian and Catrina MacIver were married on 19th March 1975 in Cross Free Church,
Ness by Reverend Johnson (Minister in Dumbarton at the time) and they had their
wedding reception in the Cabarfeidh Hotel. Since getting married Ian began his own
business along with Angus Macdonald: Macdonald MacIver & Co. They have 6 children (3 boys and 3 girls) four of whom live on the island, one lives in Glasgow and
the oldest lives in USA. They also have two sons-in-law, a daughter-in-law and four
grandchildren. We wish them a very happy anniversary.
April/May Events & Notices
We wish Stephen Martin and Katie Hardy all the best for their
wedding on Friday 3rd April in Harris!
Sat 11th April There will be a Soup and Pudding Lunch in the hall from 12-2pm in
aid of A21 (Abolish Human Trafficking in the 21st Century).
Tues 14th April Youth Club meets from 7.30-9.30pm in the hall for S2-S6.
Fri 17th April The Senior Fellowship will meet from 2.30-4.00pm in the hall. The
speaker will be Kenny J Mackenzie from Back Free Church.
Sun 19th April Our annual Campaigners service will be held this morning in the
church and everyone is most welcome to come along. Campaigners should meet at
10.40am in the hall in their Campaigners sweatshirts. Everyone is welcome to the
hall afterwards for a cup of tea or coffee.
Sun 19th April The Congregational Fellowship will meet in the hall after the evening service and all are welcome. Speaker to be confirmed.
Mon 20th April There will be a meeting of the Kirk Session on Monday 20th April
at 7:30pm in the Session Room, Kenneth St.
Sat 25th April There will be a Soup and Pudding Lunch in the hall from 12-2pm in
aid of a team from Lewis going to Tanzania with Go Make a Difference this summer.
Catriona Mackay from our own congregation is a member of the team.
Sun 26th April The Youth Fellowship will meet after the evening service. Shona
MacVicar will speak about working as a Christian in the media. Venue TBC.
Tues 5th May Youth Club meets from 7.30-9.30pm in the hall for S2-S6.
Sat 9th May There will be a Soup and Pudding Lunch in the hall from 12-2pm in
aid of a group of young people from Lewis doing their Gold Duke of Edinburgh
Award who are planning a residential trip to Kenya.
Fri 15th May The Senior Fellowship will meet from 2.30-4.00pm in the hall.
Fri 15th May The AGM of the Western Isles Mission Support Group takes place in
the hall. Details of speakers will be announced nearer the time.
Sun 17th May The morning service will take the form of a Baptism service
Sun 17th May The Congregational Fellowship will meet after the evening service.
Tues 19th & Wed 20th May Please be aware that the Blood Transfusion Service
will be using the hall on these two days.
Sat 23rd May There will be a Soup and Pudding lunch in the hall from 12-2pm in
aid of the work of Free Church Youth Camps.
Fri 29th May Our first Ladies’ Group Meeting will be held on Friday 29th May at
7.30pm in the hall. Please keep this date free.
BAPTISM ADVANCE NOTICE: A baptism service is being planned for Sunday 17th
May. Parents who wish baptism should speak to one of the elders and arrange to
meet with the Session on Monday 20th April at 7:30pm in the Session Room beside the church on Kenneth St. If you're unable to meet with the Session on that occasion please speak to one of the ministers who will try to arrange an alternative.
Islands Study Conference
24th—26th April 2015
Harris Hotel, Tarbert, Isle of Harris
Speakers: Rev Dr Sinclair B Ferguson
‘Sacraments in the Gospels’
Rev Alasdair M Macleod
‘The Inner Circle: Peter, James and John’
Cost: £155
Booking: (Hotel Residents) - David MacIver
Tel: 830406 or 07810 257179
(Day Visitors) - Joan Iverson
Tel: 702172 or 07768887031
Laxdale:- AD Macdonald
Culregrein:- M Murray, D Macleod
Laxdale:- N Morrison
Culregrein:- M Macleod, M Martin
If these dates are not suitable, please swap with someone else
Road to Recovery: Road to Recovery is a Christian outreach ministry
aiming to support people with addiction problems. These meetings are very
warm, welcoming and relaxed and are open to all who may be suffering
from any addiction problems or for those who may have family members or
friends with addiction problems. All meetings and discussions are highly
confidential. Please remember this worthwhile work in your prayers. There
is a meeting every Monday in the Cearns Community Centre at 7.30pm;
Back Community Hut at 7.30pm and Carloway Community Centre 7.309.30pm. Please tell someone you may think would benefit or feel free to
take someone along. Please note Back and Carloway are every second week.
For more information please contact Davie Chisholm on 07770 492356
5 April
12th April
19th April
26th April
3rd May
Chrisell Macleod
Karen Mackay
Elizabeth Ferguson
Paul Ferguson
Moira Morrison
Marianne Campbell
Alison Macdonald
Diane Morrison
Rachel Macleod
Dolly Mackay
10th May
Kathetta Murray
Murdo Murray
17th May
Elaine Macmillan
Mary Ferguson
24th May
Anne-Marie Macritchie
Ann Mackenzie
31st May
Chrisanne Mackenzie
Marion Mackenzie
7th June
Donna Macleod
Sarah Macleod
Could the person in bold please bring milk and biscuits, set up before the service
and close the hatch before the service begins. If you are unable to do your turn
please try and swap with the following week. Any difficulties covering the rota
please contact Elizabeth Ferguson T:700291.
Eng AM
Gaelic AM
Eng PM
5th Apr
KI Macleod
Rev W Macleod
KI Macleod
12th Apr
KI Macleod
Dr G Macleod
KI Macleod
19th Apr
I Martin
(Campaigners Service)
KI Macleod
I Martin
26th Apr
KI Macleod
I Martin
I Martin
3rd May
KI Macleod
Rev K Ferguson
KI Macleod
10th May
KI Macleod
Rev R Morrison
KI Macleod
17th May
KI Macleod
I Martin
I Martin
24th May
KI Macleod
No Gaelic
I Martin
31st May
KI Macleod
I Martin
I Martin
5 April
12th April
19th April
26th April
3rd May
10th May
17th May
24th May
31st May
7th June
Ishbel Macleod
Kate Macdonald
Moira Morrison
Mairianne Campbell
Chrisell Macleod
Elaine Macmillan
Marina Macaulay
Elaine Poke
Annabel Maclean
Mairi Martin
Catriona Neally
Kathleen Walker
Liz Macleod
Christina Morrison
Alison Macdonald
Diane Macdonald
Annemarie Macphail
Moira Morrison
Maighread Macphee
Diane Morrison
Dolly Mackay
Mary Morrison
Elaine Poke
Karen Mackay
Ishbel Macleod
Kate Macdonald
Moira Morrison
Mairianne Campbell
Chrisell Macleod
Elaine Macmillan
Marina Macaulay
Elaine Poke
Annabel Maclean
Mairi Martin
Catriona Neally
Kathleen Walker
Liz Macleod
Christina Morrison
Alison Macdonald
Diane Macdonald
Abby Macdonald
Hannah Morrison
Laura Macleod
Jodie Mackay
Anna Maclean
Sarah Macleod
Marion Morrison
Hannah Morrison
Laura Macleod
Anna MacLean
Emily MacNeil
Caitlin Macleod
Abby Macdonald
Hannah Morrison
Laura Macleod
Jodie Mackay
Anna Maclean
Sarah Macleod
Marion Morrison
Hannah Morrison
Stornoway Free Church of Scotland, Kenneth Street, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis
Scottish Charity Number: SCO11447
Rev I Martin
Rev KI Macleod
46 Francis Street
Tel 70 2279
Mobile: 07810552916
14 Constable Rd
Tel 70 3681
Church Officer:
Mr D Macleod
Tel: 70 4680, 07864 034437
Youth and Admin Assistant:
Mairianne Campbell
Tel : 70 3860 (also Audio Ministry Contact No.)
Hall Caretaker:
Elizabeth McGowan, 07900 586930,
English Service in the Church
Gaelic in Seminary
(Crèche in the hall during morning service)
Sunday Schools
Meeting Place
Church, Kenneth Street
Marybank Meeting Hall
Laxdale Primary School
(All Sunday Schools close during school holidays)
English Service in the Church
Prayer meetings (all at 7.30pm):
Monthly bilingual prayer meeting 1st Monday of month, in the Seminary
Wednesday English in the seminary (1st Wednesday of month in the hall)
Thursday Gaelic in the Seminary
Saturday English in the Seminary
All groups meet in the hall. All groups off for the summer.
C Club
Cross Trax
Kidz Zone
Youth Club (monthly)
Parent & Toddler Group
6:00pm - 7:00pm
7:00pm - 8:30pm
6:15pm - 7:30pm
7:30pm - 9.30pm
1:00 - 3:00pm
9.45 - 11.45am
Age: 4 years to P2
Age: P6, P7, S1
Age: P3, P4, P5
Age: S2-S6
Please direct minibus & transport related enquiries to Roddy Martin—705501