Public Views Collected on the Services Provided by


Public Views Collected on the Services Provided by
Public Views Collected on
the Services Provided by
Domestic Free Television Programme
Service Licensees
Broadcasting Authority
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Collecting Public Views
Chapter 3
Repol·ting Principles
Chapter 4
Summary of Views
Part 1:
received from
December 2010
November 2010 to
Part 2:
Summary of Opinions Expressed in the
Thematic Group Discussion held on 18
January 2011
Part 3:
Summary of Opinions Expressed in the
Thematic Group Discussion held on 25
January 2011
Chapter 5
Follow-up Actions
Chapter 6
Appendix 1
A TV's Response
Appendix 2
TVB's Response
Chapter 1
The Broadcasting Authority ("BA") conducted a mid-term
review of the domestic free television service licences of
Asia Television Limited ("ATV") and Television Broadcasts
Limited ("TVB") in 2009 and 2010.
During the review, the
BA noted, among other things, the opinion that the BA
should consult the public more frequently on the quality and
variety of the programmes provided by the two licensees.
In June 2010, the Chief Executive in Council approved the
recommendations made by the BA following the mid-term
One of the recommendations is that the licensees
have to participate in annual public engagement activities in
the form of thematic group discussions to be conducted by
the BA to gauge public opinion on their services.
This will
also provide useful reference for the licensees to improve
their programme quality and variety.
Chapter 2
Collecting Public Views
1. Written Submissions
From 16 November 2010 to 31 December 2010, the BA, by
publicising through various means including the BA website,
other relevant websites, press release and newspaper
advertisements, invited members of the public to forward
their opinions in writing to the BA on the programme quality
and variety of ATV and TVB.
A total of 154 written
submissions were received from organisations and
individuals from different sectors of the community.
2. Thematic Discussions
The BA organised two thematic group discussion sessions in
January 2011. 37 professionals, representatives of concern
groups and members of the public of different age groups
joined the sessions.
Participants of the first session
included film and television practitioners, film and
television/ policy critics, scholar in the field of
communications, social workers and representatives of the
Federations of Parent-Teacher Associations, whereas the
second session comprised mainly members of the Television
and Radio Consultative Group (TRCG )Note. Representatives
of the two licensees attended both sessions to listen to the
opinions of the participants.
The TRCG is a territory-wide consultative scheme to gauge public
opinions on television and radio broadcasting standards.
scheme on a voluntary basis.
Members join the
The TRCG currently comprises 540 members,
recruited based largely on the population characteristics of the 18 districts
supplied by Census and Statistics Department.
Chapter 3
Reporting Principles
1. To
comprehensive and systematic manner
The written submissions received by the BA are highly
diverse in terms of format and content. The BA has given
careful consideration to all views collected and consolidated
them in an objective, comprehensive and systematic manner.
2. To accord equal weight to all views received
The SA did not attempt to analyse the views collected in a
quantitative manner because views collected during the
consultation period were highly diverse in nature.. It would
be difficult to treat the views in a standardised way and to
quantify them. In addition, the BA accords equal weight to
views expressed by the minority and those of the majority.
This report reflects all opinions received.
3. To keep the
This report respects the source of each and every opmlOn.
The names and contact information of opinion providers are
kept confidential for privacy reasons.
The views put forward in written submissions and through
thematic discussions have been carefully considered by the
BA. They are categorised into the following four areas to
facilitate easy reading:
1. Programme Variety
2. Programme Quality
3. Digital Terrestrial Television Service
4. Other Views
Chapter 4
Pu blic Views Collected
Part 1:
Summary of written submissions
November to December 2010
received from
1. Programme Variety
General Comments
Overall Comments:
- Some opined that the two television stations had offered a
satisfactory range of programme variety in general.
Some others, however, opined that the two stations
provided programmes of similar genres.
- A greater variety of programme genres should be
broadcast during weekends. More variety programmes
should be broadcast instead of putting the focus on films
- About 20 - 30% of the programmes of the two stations
should be outsourced in order to enhance programme
diversity and creativity.
Proposed Programme Genres:
- Many opined that the two stations should broadcast more
information and cultural programmes, and more
programmes especially for senior citizens, young persons
and children.
- Certain international sports events, such as the "World
Cup" and "Euro Cup", should be broadcast free of charge.
The two stations might also consider broadcasting some
major international sports events that had concluded.
- The football matches that the Hong Kong or National
Teams participated in should be broadcast 1ll different
time slots of the two stations.
- More quality foreign films and dramas should be
broadcast and CUISIne programmes should introduce a
greater variety of dishes.
The two stations should consider discussing two to three
hot issues in Hong Kong per week. A hotline should be
set up for the public to voice their opinions.
- The two stations should provide live broadcast of festive
events staged by R THK.
They should take turns to
co-organise and relay large-scale awards presentation
ceremonies and cultural programmes.
- More programmes of the following genres should be
broadcast: knowledge, information, science, documentary,
education, medical care, finance, daily knowledge,
current affairs, culture, independent arts creation,
satirical current affairs programmes and programmes
revealing the injustices of society, programmes for senior
citizens, young persons and children, parent-child
relationship, niche programmes, entertainment, history;
travelling, local customs and practices, religion, China's
situation, history with traditional arts and culture,
programmes concerning the relationships between the
Mainland and Hong Kong and their international
relationships, programmes enhancing public ethics,
comedies, situation dramas, docudramas, films, dramas
with encouraging messages for young persons and life
sharing programmes, RTHK programmes, sports, current
affairs commentaries targeting children and young
protection, and re-run of "classical Cantonese old
Excessive Programme Genres:
- Many opined that the two stations broadcast too many
dramas and entertainment programmes.
Some opined
that there were too many cuisine programmes.
Programmes for Senior Citizens:
- Programmes for senior citizens should be broadcast from
6:00am to lO:OOam, or in different time slots to cater for
the aged in Hong Kong.
Content of the programmes for senior citizens should
include more information on medical knowledge,
recreational activities and health.
Besides keeping
senior citizens abreast of the pulse of society, these
programmes should focus on sustaining traditional
culture, ethics and morality.
They should be beneficial
to the community, uphold the legacy of history and
contain educational value.
Children's programmes:
- Some opined that the diversity and scheduling of
children's programmes were appropriate.
Some opined
that the current mix of children's programmes comprised
too many acquired animations.
Some suggested that
more educational programmes like "Ask Master Joe",
instead of animations, should be made available on
Chinese channels.
- The diversity of children's programmes and the amount of
locally-produced children's programmes should be
increased to include programmes featuring daily
knowledge, facilitating understanding of society, and
developing creativity of children. (It was suggested that
such programmes should be broadcast three hours per
week between 4:00pm and 8:30pm.)
- Children's programmes that could not be broadcast as
scheduled should be rearranged for broadcast on the same
The broadcast of religious programmes and programmes
with gloomy themes should be stopped.
Comments on ATV
Proposed Programme Genres:
- ATV should have more locally-produced programmes.
Areas of such programmes should include drama,
education, information, variety shows, cuisine, arts and
culture, music, local news and culture and education, and
music award presentations.
There should be more
sports, music, arts, and inspirational programmes with
instant interaction with the audience.
Some considered
that there should be more local productions to increase
job opportunities for local workers.
Some opined that ATV lacked information programmes,
music programmes, fund-raising programmes, locallyproduced game shows, dramas including situation dramas.
- More programmes relating to animals and technology
should be broadcast.
- More programmes on handy tips for solving daily
problems (e.g. "Happy Family") should be produced.
- More programmes reflecting social phenomena
unfairness (e.g. "Facts") should be produced.
- There should be a 24-hour news and finance channel.
Locally-produced Programmes:
- The programme genres broadcast by A TV failed to cater
to the taste of the local audience mainly because too many
acquired dramas were broadcast, especially during family
viewing hours.
In addition, ATV put too much emphasis
on Mainland programmes.
The themes, styles and pace
of such programmes appealed more to the taste of
Mainland audience.
The three acquired channels,
namely TVS, CCTV -4 and SZTV, were all Mainland
- Locally-produced programmes should be encouraged and
there should be less acquired programmes.
requested for the broadcast of the acquired drama "Mr
Bean" and drama from GDTV "Wai Lai Xi Fu Ben Di
Some opined that A TV should broadcast TVS round the
clock without any excision.
There should be more digital sports channels such as
CCTV-5 and the GDTV Sports, and more acquired
channels like TVS-3 and Pearl River TV of GDTV.
Situation dramas produced in other areas should be
Mainland drama "Lang Yan", which was
about defence and military affairs, should be broadcast.
Programme Re-run:
- Too many programmes were repeated too frequently by
Films broadcast during prime time were too old.
Some suggested that ATV should broadcast re-runs of
situation dramas. A TV should launch a classic channel to
repeat the classic programmes of ATV and Rediffusion.
ATV World:
Some respondents commended the programme diversity
of ATV World.
- A TV should collaborate with other television stations in
order to enhance programme diversity and sharpen its
competitive edge.
- Religious programmes should not be broadcast.
Comments on TVB
Overall Comments:
Some respondents opined that TVB's programmes were
diverse, and there were more self-produced programmes
to cater to the taste of local people of different age
groups and walks of life.
- However, some opined that TVB' s programmes were not
diverse enough and lacked creativity.
- Dramas broadcast during the primary and secondary
prime-time slots were of the same type (e.g. detective
Proposed Programme Genres:
- More game shows of positive and healthy nature should
be produced. The station should increase the amount of
programmes and documentaries. Some suggested that
more programmes on moral education, sports news,
medical care, health care and interpersonal relationships
for senior citizens, composers introduction, animal and
scientific information and global information should be
TVB8 and TVB Xing He Channel should be introduced in
order to widen the audience's horizons.
Some commended TVB's charity programmes.
Excessive Programme Genres:
There were too many dramas, travelogues and CUIsme
TVB Jade:
- TVB Jade lacked sports programmes and programmes for
senior citizens.
TVB Pearl:
- Some films (e.g. "Jurassic Park", "Die Hard", etc.) were
repeated too frequently.
It was suggested that
programmes on Hong Kong's history, customs and tourist
attractions, as well as programmes on the various
government departments, should be broadcast regularly.
- TVB Pearl should not decrease the amount of wildlife
- TVB should consider· collaborating with
television stations in producing programmes.
2. Programme Quality
General Comments
Values and Influence on Society:
- The two stations should undertake the mission of
educating the public, as well as enhancing their moral and
ethical standards.
Programmes should promote the
philanthropic spirit, etc.
They should inculcate in
young people the importance of fostering a right and
positive attitude, elevate the taste of Hong Kong people
and convey positive messages on the cultural standards of
Hong Kong. Apart from targeting to increase advertising
revenue and audience ratings, the programmes should
also cater for the needs and interests of the minorities and
promote the culture of social equality.
- The two television stations were criticised for focusing
more on quantity than quality. Their programmes were
crude, cheap, offending, of bad taste and bad themes, and
lacked a sense of social responsibility. Improvement
should therefore be made in this regard.
- Programmes which promoted lavish spending habits
through advocating luxuries and high class lifestyle
should not be broadcast frequently.
News Programmes and Related Programmes:
- While the news bulletins were informative, they were
unable to maintain impartiality.
Some opined that some
news items were not detailed or in-depth enough.
proposed that commentators, government officials and
councillors should be invited to express their opinions on
news items.
The quality of editing and reporting of
news items regarding current affairs should be improved.
News reports should be accurate and impartial.
often had "lazy articulation" and pronounce inaccurately.
- As regards the duration of news bulletins, it was proposed
that the duration should be extended to one hour. Also,
the news bulletins should comprise four sections, viz.
local news, Greater China news, overseas news, and
financial news-cum-weather report.
Noon news
bulletins and evening news bulletins should be extended.
Late news bulletins on the English channels should also
be extended.
More time slots should' be reserved for
news bulletins. More analysis on international news
should also be made. A 40-minute news bulletin should
be broadcast at 10:00pm daily and a 10-minute news
bulletin should be broadcast at 1:OOam daily.
- There was a lack of informational segment like
"knowledge through news" in the news bulletins
broadcast on free television services.
It seemed that news reports were reserved and evasive.
The editorial freedom of the news programmes of the
television stations should be safeguarded.
- The financial programmes of the two stations were of
good quality.
Some opined that Putonghua news should be broadcast on
Chinese channels.
- There was a lack of creativity, educational value or logic
in dramas.
Scenes involving triads, shootouts between
the police and gangsters, disgusting content and violence,
and explicit sexual behaviour should not be broadcast in
drama epics. Less violence plots should be broadcast
during family viewing hours.
The contents of the
dramas should also be more realistic.
- The background
of the
Programmes for Children and Young Persons:
- Children's programmes were not educational or
The programmes did not convey positive
They were mostly related to fighting,
seeking revenge, prank, bullying, etc.
- Children's programmes on the English channels were
Some suggested that high quality animation like
"Pokemon" should be broadcast on English channels.
- Programmes on schoolwork and employment guidance
should be produced for young persons.
- Programme hosts
- Programmes were excised and not broa.dcast in full length.
Editing was bad, and it affected the understanding of the
- Programme re-runs must be clearly indicated as such on
- Programme
Distorted mosaic Images were found on some channels
and pro grammes.
Genuine products instead of props should be used in
programmes, unless the use of genuine products might
give rise to possible defamation.
- The two stations should improve programme quality.
Some suggested that the licensees should form an
advisory panel for professionals and members of the
general public to voice their opinions.
It was also
suggested that the licensees should set up a consultation
group to monitor news reporting and its practice in order
to safeguard the public's right to information. The two
stations should also upgrade their programme monitoring
Comments on ATV
Overall Comments:
Some respondents opined that ATV had the momentum to
improve the quality of its programmes.
programmes recently broadcast were impressive and
inspirational. News and information programmes were
of good quality.
Programmes on overseas food culture
were also appealing in that they were both informative
and entertaining.
On the other hand, some opined that ATV's programmes
were unable to draw viewers' attention.
The hosts were
Programme guides and subtitles were
often inaccurately shown.
Commended Programmes:
- Programmes of ATV that received favourable comments
included: "Hong Kong Stories", "Approaching Science",
"Tracing Origins Around Guangdong", "Who Wants to be
a Millionaire" , "Asian Million Star" , "One Day" and
"Stories from Afar".
Some opined that A TV made appropriate choices in
selecting dramas (especially for Korean dramas).
It was
suggested that ATV should first produce better drama
screenplays through more serious research if it were to
improve the quality of its locally-produced dramas.
ATV should emphasise quality instead of quantity.
Some opined that the acquired dramas were of low quality.
Those dramas were hackneyed and beset with lapses.
Drama "Three Brothers" was of bad themes.
Other Views:
- The quality of children's programmes and animations was
- In a promo for a programme presentation, new lyrics were
written on the tune of the national anthem, which was
considered inappropriate.
Owing to the accustomed viewing habits, A TV had to
make greater effort and more investment to produce
quality programmes.
- Horse racing should be broadcast live and in full.
Comments on TVB
Overall Comments:
Some opined that TVB' s programmes were generally of
higher quality and were produced in a more serious
manner. Some considered that the quality of its
programmes had improved. Apart from being entertaining
and creative, TVB's programmes could catch up with the
- On the other hand, some opined that the quality of TVB
programmes had been deteriorating.
It seemed that
some programmes were copied from programmes of other
television stations.
Programmes were similar to each
other, and did not have their own style and creativity.
The dispute between TVB and the four major record
companies had resulted in a lack of new songs in TVB' s
music programmes.
Cuisine programmes were merely
new wine in old bottles, and they were superficial.
Besides, there were also programmes which promoted
inappropriate behaviour.
Commended Programmes:
- Programmes of TVB that received favourable comments
included: "Land of Fengshui", "Scenic Journeys",
"Poverty Campaign", "Kitchen Diva Louisa"; "HK
Architecture", which promoted local culture and
education; drama series celebrating the anniversary of the
station like "No Regrets" and "Gun Metal Grey".
the Pearl documentary on the life of remote dwellers was
of high educational significance.
The acquired dramas
and documentaries broadcast on Pearl were of high
News and Related Programmes:
- News bulletins were less comprehensive than those in the
The late financial news bulletins were too brief.
The duration of the news bulletin at 6:30pm was too
- The lengthy coverage of negative news items like that on
the hostage incident in the Philippines was unnerving.
This kind of news items should only be broadcast during
news bulletins.
- i-News, the 24-hour news channel, was appreciated for its
provision of instantaneous news and special news
However, some criticised that the channel
kept replaying the same content without proper updating.
It was proposed that i-N ews should also cover community
activities. Also, on top of giving report on the main
content of the news items, the channel should provide
supplementary information so as to enable the viewers to
gain a better understanding of the news items.
Current Affairs and Related Programmes:
- Information programmes lacked depth and were inferior
to acquired information programmes (e.g. those produced
by BBC or Japanese television stations). Commentaries
made in current affairs programmes were not critical
Current affairs programmes (e.g. "Sunday
Report" and "News Magazine") should be fair and
Commentaries on the political reform
package should be made from more perspectives.
- Generally regarded as attractive.
The dramas h~lped
emphasise the value of harmonious society as well as
delivered the message of "kind persons will be treated
well in return".
However, some opined that TVB' s
dramas were of bad themes, bloody and violent, and
contained bad language.
Some artistes appeared in
different dramas on the same day, depriving viewers of
their choice.
- Specific comments on certain TVB' s dramas: "Twilight
Investigation" was overly bloody; the plots of "Links to
Temptation" (e.g. pole dance and setting trap with incest)
were of bad themes and "Gun Metal Grey" was overly
bloody and the horrible sight of the dead bodies was
Infotainment Programme:
- The programme "Scoop" helped merchants to achieve
profits at an unreasonable level.
- The behaviour of the hosts and guests of some game
shows (e.g. "Super Trio" series) was of bad taste and
They uttered filthy and indecent expressions in
the programmes.
The programmes were of low quality
and bad taste.
They were lousy, hallow, uncreative,
sexually connotative and also of bad themes.
being disgusting and disappointing, those game shows
wasted props and food, contained scenes of maltreatment
and frequent acts of danger, and conveyed an erotic
Therefore, those programmes had a negative
impact on children and youngsters and were not suitable
for broadcast during family viewing hours. However,
some opined that with the appearance of new hosts, the
game show "Super Trio" could bring viewers laughter.
Some variety shows (e.g. "Beautiful Cooking II")
featured young girls in revealing attire, conveying an
erotic flavour and denigrating women.
rationalised abusive behaviour against women.
Hong Kong Beauty Pageant" promoted revealing attire.
It lacked substance and fell short of the inheritance of
Chinese culture.
- "Cho Lam Show Off Show" was shallow and superficial.
It should not have been broadcast.
- "Fun with Liza and Gods" was shallow and superficial.
Besides being lousy, it confused the roles of the two
genders, discriminated against women and affected the
children's mind. It should not be broadcast.
- Children's programme "After School" was shallow and
superficial. Children's programmes contained too much
- The acting skills of the artistes were poor, and so were
the singing skills of the singers.
- Quality and attractive programmes were usually
broadcast on pay television channels.
The quality of
free television services was unsatisfactory.
Digital Terrestrial Television Service
General Comments
- There was a rich array of HD programmes.
- The number of digital channels should be increased by the
end of 2012.
It was unsatisfactory that the two stations had not yet
provided a full range of DTT value-added services.
- Distorted mosaic images were often seen in programmes.
It was unsatisfactory that black strips appeared on the
margins of the screen during the broadcast of some
programmes and advertisements.
The viewing pleasure
of the audience was thus affected.
Comments on ATV
It was unsatisfactory that some programmes had not yet
been produced in HD or 16:9 aspect ratio.
- Some suggested that when programmes of 4:3 aspect ratio
were broadcast, black strips, instead of the prevailing
orange or green ones, should be displayed on the left and
right margins.
4. Other Comments
General Comments
Children's Programmes:
- The contents of some children's programmes affected
children's learning and enticed them to buy the products
relating to the programmes.
- The broadcast time of some children's programmes was
not appropriate in that it was either too early or too short.
The Government might consider specifying a time slot for
the two stations to broadcast
children's programmes in turns.
- Children's programmes could not cater for the needs of
most children.
Some of the programmes were too
simple for older children, who would find them boring.
There were too many acquired animations of which the
contents were either too childish or only about love
was suggested that the amount of children's
programmes on weekdays be reduced (to 1.25 hours).
However, the amount of programmes for children and
young persons could be increased during holidays.
- A dedicated webpage for children and young persons
should be added to the stations' websites, so that the
young could watch the replay of programmes in the
The inclusion of discussion forums and
message boards could also be considered.
Languages of Programmes:
Some respondents opined that the English channels
should be dedicated to English programmes, whereas
others suggested that those channels be changed into
foreign languages channels.
The languages of the
programmes should not be confined to Putonghua,
Japanese, Korean or Tagalog if Hong Kong were to
maintain its present status as an international city.
Putonghua should be provided on the primary or
secondary soundtracks in all the programmes broadcast
on Chinese language services.
- Programmes made in the Tagalog, Indonesian or Urdu
languages should be provided on the new digital
- Programmes made in dialects other than Cantonese should
be increased.
- The two stations should provide bilingual subtitling
service (Chinese and English) on both digital and
analogue channels.
- Subtitling service should be provided round the clock.
- English subtitles should be provided in all information
programmes and documentaries.
- Viewers (especially the hearing impaired) relied on
subtitles to receive information provided by television
channels. Therefore, the requirement for the accuracy
of subtitles should be tightened.
General Comments on Advertisements:
- The four channels broadcast advertisements at the same
time, leaving no choice for the audience.
- There should be a timer in the advertising breaks
indicating the time left for advertising.
- There were too many advertising breaks, and they were
too long (each break should be reduced to no more than
three minutes).
- Advertising time limit should be relaxed, especially from
11 :30pm to 6:00am.
Operators might broadcast
advertisements in a more flexible way subject to the
Broadcasting Authority's approval.
- There should be fewer advertisements of Mainland
products, especially those not available for sale in Hong
- There was a trend of too many advertisements for lending
Regulation in this respect should be stepped
Comments on the Advertisements Broadcast by ATV:
- There were too many Mainland advertisements.
- Commercial breaks should not be inserted on acquired
channels (e.g. TVS and CTI-Asia).
- There were too many promos on CTI-Asia.
Comments on the Advertisements Broadcast by TVB:
- The volume of advertisements was criticised as having a
mix of different audio levels. Sometimes, the volume was
too loud. Sometimes, it was too soft.
Part 2:
Summary of Opinions Expressed in Thematic Group
Discussion held on 18 January 2011
11 (Film and TV production people, academic,
film and TV/policy critics, social workers and
representatives from the Federations of
Parent- Teacher Associations)
18 January 2011
1. Programme Variety
Comments on ATV
Local Productions:
- A TV had not produced any local production for a long
It only broadcast Korean and Mainland dramas.
It was encouraging that A TV had put forth recent local
production "Hong Kong Go Go Go".
Comments on TVB
Programme Variety during Prime Time:
TVB' s
programming might not be improper.
Unlike audience
in Europe and the USA, who liked a great variety of
programmes including political commentaries as well as
talk shows on culture and education, Asian audience
tended to have a strong interest in drama series.
- Despite the need for drama series, the broadcasters were
expected to provide programmes on social issues so as to
provide a platform for the elderly and teenagers to voice
their opinions.
Programme Quality
General Comments
Sets of Value and the Influence on Society:
- Low and cheap programmes could secure high viewing
rates with low production cost. However, these
programmes exerted very bad influence on society.
- Children's programmes were of bad themes.
"Metal Fight" promoted agonistic thoughts and fighting,
and advertised for spinning top products.
"Blazing Teens 3" was also of a similar nature.
"Q & A
Lessons", an ATV children's programme, featured a
negative character called "Fat Piggy".
Yet, the
programme did not depict in detail how the character
corrected his own errors, and A TV failed to improve the
quality of the programme through delivering positive
messages to the teenagers and children.
- TV stations submitted to viewing rates and did not dare to
try more innovative programmes.
- The deterioration of quality of television programmes led
to a decline in the time people spent in watching
- Programmes produced by the news department were of
good quality. However, the content materials of variety
shows were merely collected from newspapers.
Comments on ATV
Programmes Commended:
- ATV's former political commentary programme "News
Tease" was of good quality.
Some participants hoped
that ATV would provide more political commentary
programmes, and they were disappointed by ATV's
discontinuation of its 24-hour news channel.
- ATV's productions were lower in quality visually.
A TV programmes, the lighting lacked layering and the
backgrounds were uncoordinated.
There was a virtual absence of image design among
ATV's artistes.
They were always of the same look,
regardless of whether they were performing on stage,
acting as a host or acting in drama.
Comments on TVB
The quality of TVB' s drama series in general declined
due to the deployment of most resources to "key drama
series" .
- TVB was accused of copying from foreign programmes.
TVB's recent programmes were not bad in quality.
However, they were criticised for their lack of originality.
For both broadcasters, the resources channelled to
creative productions had been declining in recent years.
The job of TVB's programme development section
seemed to be confined to script-writing only.
- TVB was able to present certain kind of information in an
attractive way.
A typical example is the programme
"Health Oddities", which turned medical knowledge into
interesting stories.
In the absence of creativity, an
informative programme could be boring and not appealing
to the audience.
- Television dramas often played on similar themes and
featured a similar mix of artistes.
3. Digital Terrestrial Television Service
General Comments
- The two stations could consider opening up their digital
channels so that all people might send their works to the
stations for broadcast.
- It was disappointing for A TV to re-transmit channels of
programme acquired from the Mainland or Taiwan.
4. Others
General Comments
Some participants said that there were comparatively
more complaints· against TVB programmes.
comparIson, there were fewer complaints against A TV
programmes for its compliance with the rules and
Some participants suggested that the stations should be
required to broadcast a one-hour "social responsibility
programme" so as to oblige the broadcasters to be more
creative and to give priority to programme quality.
- The enhanced competition stemming from the entry of
new broadcasters would be beneficial to the audience as
the existing broadcasters would be obliged to focus more
on creativity and to explore new types of programme.
- Some participants opined that the BA should relax its
regulation on television broadcasters, taking into account
changing community attitudes and standards.
stations tended to classify programmes indiscriminately
as "Parental Guidance" programmes in order to avoid
However, some participants opined that the
BA should safeguard the audience against the excessive
amount of sexual, violent, rude and indiscreet content.
Some participants pointed out that the Mainland
regulatory authorities were in the opinion that the
regulatory regime in Hong Kong was outdated as the
regulations were so detailed that they stipulated what
kind of programmes could be broadcast at certain time
It was proposed that the BA should instead
consider adopting an encouraging regulatory model.
For instance, if a station attained certain objectives, it
could be charged a smaller amount of licence fee.
participants agreed to this idea of encouraging regulatory
model and opined that it was better to have less
- Some participants pointed out that animation production
was encouraged in the Mainland and the Authorities
provided resources to
its development.
Furthermore, protection mechanism was set up for local
productions during the prime time on Mainland television
However, some participants queried the
applicability of this kind of mechanisms in Hong Kong.
A lot of resources could be channeled to encouraging
local production in the Mainland where most of the TV
audio-visual product manufacturers were willing to
subsidise local television and music products. In Hong
Kong, the broadcasting industry was operated in a
market-led approach, where broadcasters could operate
Comments on ATV
Lack of Local Productions:
- Some participants opined that the acquired dramas of
ATV were unable to nurture audience's interest in the
station as compared with local productions.
Comments on TVB
Broadcast Time of Programmes for Young Persons:
Teenagers' programme "Youth Nation" was broadcast at
11 :OOam on Saturdays and Sundays when most of the
teenagers were not at home.
The scheduling of the
programme was unsatisfactory.
Part 3:
Summary of Opinions Expressed in Thematic
Group Discussion held on 25 January 2011
26 (including members of the Television and
Radio Consultative Group and teenagers)
25 January 2011
1. Programme Variety
General Comments
Proposed Programme Genres:
- Football matches should be broadcast once a week on
digital channels. Highlights of football matches should
also be broadcast during the sports segment of the news
bulletins and viewing hours after 12 :00 midnight.
Sports programmes, especially international sports events,
were recommended. Mainland sports programmes could
be broadcast on digital channels with a view to promoting
different kinds of sports (such as soccer) and enhancing
citizens' understanding of and interest in sports.
- Programmes
programmes, quiz programmes (on the subjects of the,
geography and history of Hong Kong, the Mainland ,or
Taiwan), programmes which reflect real life (e.g. "Below
the Lion Rock" and "Hong Kong Connection" produced
by the R THK), programmes on culture and environmental
protection, locally-produced travelogues, and educational
programmes for teenagers (to bring out positive messages
on the subj ects like drug abuse and "compensated dating")
were recommended.
Serialised family dramas reflecting real life could help
audience understand different facets of society.
- Community news programmes might help members of the
public better understand each of the districts.
The majority of the travelogues were acquired
There was a lack of local productions and
travelogues featuring remote regions.
Excessive Programme Genres:
- There was an excessive amount of dramas, gourmet
programmes, entertainment programmes and game shows.
- The two stations should not concurrently produce or
broadcast same/ similar types of programmes (e.g.
singing contest) or dramas of similar themes.
A culture
of healthy competition should be advocated.
- Programmes for ethnic minorities to be broadcast outside
prime time or on digital channels were recommended.
Comments on ATV
Acquired Channels:
- There was an excessive amount of acquired channels and
programmes. Local productions should be encouraged.
However, some attendees opined that there was no harm
to broadcast acquired programmes which were of good
quality and that audience could benefit from the wider
range of choices.
It was recommended that CCTV-4 should be replaced
with CCTV-1 as the latter better reflected the situation on
the Mainland.
Infotainment Programmes:
It was suggested that programmes featuring local titbits
and programmes on music prize presentation should be
- Infotainment programme "Hong Kong Go Go Go" was
regarded as a new venture. However, some opined that
the programme was re-run too frequently, for example,
the programme was re-run on the digital channel right on
the next day of the first run.
- Some pointed out that there was a lack of infotainment
programmes, variety shows and dramas on ATV Home.
ATV World:
- A TV World maintained a balanced variety of programmes.
Its wildlife documentaries and travelogues were of good
It was recommended that those programmes
should be dubbed with Cantonese and broadcast on A TV
Home so as to broaden its currently limited programme
Comments on TVB
Proposed Programme Genres:
- Too many dramas were broadcast during prime time.
was suggested to broaden the variety of programmes, for
example, by introducing programmes featuring titbits of
life of Hong Kong people.
- It was recommended that documentaries or special
features on various aspects of Asian countries, such as
politics, economy, culture, education, livelihood, etc.
should be broadcast.
- It was suggested that documentaries featuring Hong
Kong's economy, livelihood and infrastructure (e.g. West
Kowloon and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge) should
be produced.
- There was a lack of musicals,
programmes and quiz contests.
- The majority of the animations were Japanese productions.
It was suggested that locally-produced animations should
be broadcast.
- Charity programmes should be encouraged.
TVB Pearl:
- "South Pacific", a nature documentary once broadcast on
Pearl, was of good quality.
It was hoped that more
similar programmes or some local productions of the
same nature would be broadcast.
Some films were too frequently re-run on Pearl (e.g.
"Jurassic Park" and "Die Hard").
While some acquired
programmes like "Lost" and "Bones" were of high quality,
the sequels to some dramas (e.g. "Lost") were not so
appealing. Hence, there was no need to broadcast all
the sequels.
Overlapping Programming:
- There was an overlap between the programmes on free
channels and those on pay channels.
For instance, news
programmes on i-News and those on TVB Pay Vision
were nearly identical.
Dramas broadcast on TVB' s
digital channels were broadcast again on TVB Pay Vision.
The lineup of acquired dramas on J2/ TVB HD Jade and
that on TVB Drama of TVB Pay Vision were by and large
the same.
It was unfair to the audience of the pay
2. Programme Quality
General Comments
Values and Influence on Society:
- Programmes of the two television stations could influence
the values of the general public.
Therefore, the two
stations should shoulder social responsibility by
educating the public.
- Prime-time dramas usually revolved around intrigues and
scramble for estates.
It was suggested that dramas
should include in their plots contents concerning family
relationship and ethics, educational materials and
contents which could lift the spirits of the teenagers.
Pandering to vulgar social culture, broadcasters produced
programmes which featured expressions which were
coarse and of bad themes, e.g. ":ffitog~ , W*f'@t~" (It
is the greatest crime not to take an offered benefit.)
Expressions of this kind should not be included in free
frequently appeared on screen.
There was a gradual
decline in the standards of morality in free television
News Programmes:
The two stations handled news programmes in an
objective, fair and professional manner.
subtitles were often incorrectly or inappropriately shown.
Reporters also often pronounced inaccurately.
More efforts should be made to promote information
Infotainment Programmes:
More emphasis should
information and script.
There was a lack of information or general knowledge in
television programmes.
It was suggested that more
programmes with positive messages and educational
values should be broadcast for teenagers.
inspirations from the working experience of social
workers and medical workers, stations may produce
entertainment. Drama "Healing Hands" was a masterpiece
of this kind.
- Programmes
improvement works and interview experiences In an
interesting way might also be broadcast.
- Programmes which were overly exciting should not be
broadcast during meal hours.
- Animations broadcast at around 3 :OOpm (time when
schools finish classes) contained pornographic and
violent materials.
This situation should be rectified.
In general, the contents of game shows lacked creativity;
they were merely copied from overseas programmes.
- The programmes were too localized, with no global vision
at all, and they were merely for entertainment.
Comments on ATV
Acquired Channels:
- Programmes were produced to cater mainly for Mainland
markets but not the taste of Hong Kong audience.
Therefore, more programmes catering for the needs of
Hong Kong audience should be produced.
- TVS's "Today News" was a good programme
introduced Guangzhou to audience in different
ATV might consider producing a programme
interesting facts of Hong Kong and different
should be invited to express their opinions.
for it
- The original subtitles of a CCTV's programme were
blurred and new subtitles were imposed on top of it.
The visual effect should be improved.
News Programme:
- News programmes were relatively long.
It was
desirable that certain pieces of newsworthy information
were reported in detail. However, some recent pieces
were unusually long with unnecessary details.
freedom should be maintained and senior management
should not be involved in it.
- A special programme produced two. years ago featuring
the 4 June incident should be applauded.
Commended Programmes:
- Programmes "Asian Million Star" and "Tracing Origins
Around Guangdong" were of good quality.
Acquired Dramas:
- The plot of acquired drama "Three Brothers" was cliche,
and the Chinese title of the drama was weird.
some previously broadcast Korean dramas featuring
intrigues in the palace were of good quality.
- Acquired dramas often featured the same mix of artistes.
- Few programmes were notable.
Comments on TVB
Game Shows:
The hosts and guests in some game shows (e.g. "Super
Trio" Series) broadcast during weekends disrespected and
insulted women in a way that they made fun of females
with sexually connotative jokes.
Female artistes
dressed in revealing attire distorted youths' view about
Throwing female artistes onto a mattress in a
game was tantamount to maltreatment.
In addition,
those game shows produced wastage of food.
the artistes to pose in different ways to entertain the
audience was of bad taste and low quality.
These game
shows had a negative impact on children.
They were not
suitable for broadcast during prime time.
- In the game show "Neighborhood Treasures Winter Fun",
table-tennis balls were thrown towards artistes.
programme which had aimed to broaden the horizon of the
audience was spoilt.
- Factual knowledge should be included in dramas.
of them were produced in a way that information was
properly incorporated into them, such as the first series of
"Burning Flame".
- In "Links to Temptation", however, too much information
about Macau was included. The drama seemed like a
travelogue programme instead.
Inadequate research had led to incorrect information
broadcast in drama series.
- Some recent dramas and programmes were of good
Examples included: "Home Troopers" featuring
sweet family life; "E.U.", of which the production was
better than its first two series; "Just Love". and "Can't
Buy Me Love", both conveying positive messages; and
"The Mysteries of Love" and "7 Days in Life", both with
creative plots.
- Some dramas were of bad themes.
Examples included:
the plot of "Links to Temptation" involved incestuous
relationship; the image of medical practitioners was
distorted in "A Great Way to Care".
Programme scheduling should be done better in order to
avoid the situation that some artistes appeared In
different dramas on the same day.
Commended Progarmmes:
- Programmes included: "Stairway to Dragon" on Bruce
Lee's influence on the world; "Land of Feng Shui" about
both Chinese culture and travelling; environmental
conservation programme "Investigating the Arctic Ocean"
of creative ideas.
News and Current A[fairs Programmes:
- The pronunciation by reporters was often wrong
Self-censorship was found in reporting
news reports.
A few years ago, the reports on the
activities for commemorating the 4 June incident was
made the third news item although the number of
participants amounted to 200,000.
- Current affairs programmes were of good quality but the
quantity should increase.
Some programme hosts and artistes often pronounced
In-programme Advertisements/ Programme Sponsorship:
- Too many advertising
- A sponsored programme should be clearly identified as
such by a front sponsor credit.
However, sponsor
identifications were often shown in the end credit so
quick that the audience could not see it clearly.
The host in the programme "The
performed in an exaggerated way.
Thin Jim
- TVB' s disputes with the four maj or record companies had
led to the declination of quality of music programmes,
and the absence of some singers in the awards
presentation ceremony organised by TVB. The situation
was quite a pity.
3. Digital terrestrial television service
General comments
- By and large, analogue channels were integrated channels.
More sports programmes, arts and culture programmes
and variety shows should be broadcast on the two digital
Comments on ATV
Digital channels were mostly acquired ones, which could
also be found on certain pay television channels.
Therefore, more high definition or digital programmes
should be produced to make good use of the channels.
The introduction of SZTV lowered the bandwidth of other
digital channels and affected their reception.
4. Others
General comments
The government should acquire the telecast rights of
some international sports events (e.g. the World Cup) and
share the rights with all television stations.
advertising revenue should go to the government.
Recording of programmes should be provided in full
length on the stations' websites so as to enhance the
quality of the stations' online facilities.
Comments on TVB
Too many advertisements were shown on the station's
Materials on information programmes were
hard to find.
- In watching TVB' s dramas on the Mainland, it was
strange to find that the voice of the characters in the
dramas was dubbed by Mainlanders.
Chapter 5
Follow-up Actions
The BA sent the views collected to A TV and TVB for
The replies of the two stations are attached at
Appendices 1 and 2.
Chapter 6
Members of the public expressed enthusiastically diverse
opinions on the quality and variety of programmes provided
by the two domestic free television programme service
The BA would like to thank the two stations for
participation, and all individuals, organisations and groups
who have given their views in. the public engagement
The BA attaches great importance to public views and the two
stations have responded positively.
The BA will continue to
collect public views on free television programme services,
content regulation, programme quality and diversity, etc.
through regular reviews of licence and codes of practice and
public consultation so as to ensure that the codes of practice
reflect the prevailing community standards, and that the
services provided by the television stations live up to the
standards and expectation of local audience.
Appendix 1
ATV's Response to the Summary of Views Collected in
the Public Consultation on the Oualityand Variety of
Domestic Free Television Programme Services
(translated by the BA Secretariat)
The Asia Television Limited (ATV) would like to extend its
gratitude to our view.ers for their valuable opinions.
Viewers' criticisms drive us forward and therefore we would
humbly listen to their feedback, be it positive or negative.
Our responses to some of the opinions raised are set out
There existed a general perception that ATV lacked
self-produced programmes. As a matter of fact, ATV has
already stepped up its scale of local production since early
this year (2011).
The quantity of self-produced
programmes of ATV Home in the first five months this year
was 14.4% higher than last year's average. It should be
noted that ATV has made efforts in scheduling more
self-produced programmes in non-prime hours.
include "The Wellness Club" broadcast weekdays from
10:50am to 12:15pm and "News Bar Talk" broadcast at
11 :OOpm. We are in the opinion that there is a lack of
programmes of such genres in the market and that the
aforementioned productions can cater for the tastes of
people from all walks of life across different age groups.
To enhance programme variety and stimulate indigenous
creativity, ATV invited Mathias Wo, a well-known cultural
critic, to produce "I Want to be CE" and "East Wing West
Wing" this year. There will also be drama series "Hearts
Beat For Love" by veteran producer Gary Tang later.
is willing to cooperate with various local talents, and this
reflects that we encourage creativity and that we are not
confined to the bounds of station productions.
We appreciate viewers' demand for information programmes.
In the past year, ATV produced "Tracing Origins Around
Guangdong", "The Hongkong Nobles", "Hong Kong 100
VIPs" and "The Glorious Innovations of China 2". At the
end of this year, we will produce a new series of "Hong
Kong Loving Hearts" and "A Century to the Republic", a
programme produced in commemoration of the loath
anniversary of the 1911 Revolution.
On 2 May this year,
the Asia Channel was launched as the first Cantonese and
Putonghua "current affairs in focus channel" to provide a
platform for viewers to exchange opinions on current affairs
and politics.
In respect of entertainment programmes, ATV has been
actively expanding its range of music programmes, among
which "Asian Million Star" and the music special of Eason
Chan were well received by music-lovers.
Some viewers criticised that ATV's digital channels were
unable to cater for the needs of the local audience. As a
matter of fact, a vast amount of locally-oriented
programmes are carried on the Asia Channel, which was
renamed from the former HDaTV Channel and commenced
service on 2 May.
Moreover, as the relationship between
Hong Kong and the Mainland has become closer since Hong
Kong's reunification with China, we intend to capitalise on
the availability of more digital channels to foster a better
understanding of China among Hong Kong audience.
Since 1 March, ATV has started relaying CCTV-1 instead of
CCTV-4 on its service with a view to strengthening the
audience's understanding of today's China through the
increased provision of programmes of information and
entertainment nature.
Some viewers also made the suggestion that the variety of
children's programmes should be enriched and that more
children's programmes which stimulate children's creativity
should be broadcast. ATV supports this suggestion and has
already strengthened the content of its self-produced
programme "Q & A Lessons". ATV will launch a 20-episode
programme "Happy Barry Diary" produced by the Hong
Kong Institute of Education. Scheduled for launching in
June, the programme aims to facilitate young children's
learning and development through multimedia education.
ATV has not neglected sports programmes either.
programme "iSports@tv" provides the audience with the
latest sports news on weekdays, whereas the daily
programme "iFit@tv" offers health tips to work-stricken
Hong Kong people.
The. Asia Channel also offers a
continuous 5.5-hour times lot for sports programme every
Saturday or Sunday afternoon.
ATV is committed to handling its new programmes in a fair
and impartial manner. On 11 March 2011, an earthquake
and its ensuing tsunami struck Japan, arousing global
Our current affairs department reacted
immediately and produced a series of Japan earthquake
specials and provided the audience with comprehensive and
timely report on the disaster.
On the other hand, the World Channel has been introducing
documentaries to our audience.
Apart from the broadcast
of "60 Minutes", we have forged an alliance with the
renowned TV network History Channel in January 2011
which allows us to provide our audience with an hour of
quality history documentary per week.
ATV is not affiliated with any political party.
It is not
subordinate to any conglomerates.
It refuses to be
influenced by external forces or swayed by populist
It is committed to reflecting the conscience of
Hong Kong.
Appendix 2
TVB's Response to Public Engagement Activities for
Gathering Views on the Programmes of the Domestic
Free TV Programme Service Licencees
Provision of More Sports Programmes
Due to restrictions on TV broadcast rights for major
sports events such as the World Cup, free TV could only
carry live telecast of selected matches or delayed
highlight programmes.
As the licence fees of the such
events are astronomically high, the variety-programming
-oriented free TV is much less competitive than pay TV
operators who run their own sports-specific channels.
Nevertheless, . TVB has made great endeavors in
acquiring big tournaments to try to satisfy viewers'
needs, such as Hong Kong Sevens, German Cup, NBA,
TVB has always given full support to local football by
live telecasting the major games such as Hong Kong
Football Association Cup Final, HKFA Senior Shield
Final, etc.
Our news programmes will also make focused reports on
major sports events so that the public can obtain
relevant information.
Some members of the public have suggested that the
Hong Kong Government should acquire the broadcast
rights of maj or events such as the World Cup and
Olympic Games, and then distribute the feed to all
broadcasters. In our view, the Government should
consider whether those events are in the public interest
and impose regulatory restrictions such as via the
Broadcasting Ordinance/ Codes of Practice/ Licence
conditions to limit licencees in acquiring the broadcast
rights for their respective licensees as the functions of
free TV and pay TV differ, i.e. free TV operators can
only acquire the free TV broadcast rights while pay TV
operators can only acquire pay TV broadcast rights, to
safeguard the public's right to view such major sporting
Diversity in Prime Time Programming
As a commercial broadcaster, it is essential for TVB to
balance the public interest and economic benefits.
focus on producing drama programmes which cater to
the taste of the masses is inevitable.
Though the prime time line-up on Jade is mainly drama
series, variety and positive themes of the dramas are our
priority, for example "Home Troopers" advocates family
core values; "Yes Sir, Sorry Sir" reflects the problem of
juvenile drug abuse.
In addition to the horizontal strips of drama series on
weekdays on Jade, scheduling "Scoop" at 7:30pm can
cover not only entertainment, but also features on social
issues like news, liberal studies and ethnic groups, etc.
The 10:30 slot for infotainment series such as "Land of
Feng Shui", "Papua Solomon's Treasure", "Health
Oddities" ... was well-received.
Moving the "Late
News" to an earlier times lot (11 :OOpm) and extending
the duration to 35 minutes aim at enriching the prime
time programming.
Meanwhile, to achieve balanced
programming on Jade, movies, game shows and variety
events are mainstay programmes on weekends.
Despite ever increasing economic pressure, TVB has
continuously invested in the channels operating under
much difficulty (HD Jade/ J2/ Pearl! i-News) in order to
explore/ develop new categories/ content and markets as
supplemental programming to Jade.
The Pearl channel has always acquired the highest
quality informative/ documentary programmes from
overseas like "Life", "Human Planet", and scheduled
them in prime time with bilingual (English/ Cantonese
dubbing) and Chinese subtitling services, which provide
diverse choice of quality international productions for
local viewers.
Professional Research for Drama/ Variety/ Infotainment
We always respect the importance of professionalism
and accuracy of programme content. Apart from
complying with the code regarding the accuracy of
factual programmes, to demonstrate our professionalism,
a department called Production Development was
established which is responsible for creative and
research work.
Given the existing deficiency in
creative manpower, the situation will only become more
severe when new licencees join in the competition.
Nevertheless, we will not abandon/ cease our creative
training efforts.
Currently, Jade and Pearl provide more than the required
two hours of children's programmes per day (Jade: 2.24
hours/ day and Pearl: 2.15 hours/ day in the first quarter
of 2011), including educational and informative
programmes for children. Movies! animated features
suitable for children are scheduled in particular during
school! public holidays for younger viewers.
Regarding public views on the broadcast time of
programmes for youth, due to time slot constraints,
daytime on weekends is a reasonable period. Besides,
J2, which targets at younger generation, provides
alternatives for Jade viewers.
With regards views about producing inter-school quiz!
competition programmes, we are already airing "M.1.
Challenge" on Jade on Sundays while R THK also
produces "Inter-school Quiz". Therefore, adding to this
genre is currently not under consideration.
Quality of Game Shows on Weekends
We are aware of public views on our game shows, these
will be a good reference for our internal review. In our
recent production, we have tried to strike a balance
between entertainment and information in game shows
such as "Book of Words", "Neighborhood Treasures" ... ;
others like "The Magic Ring", "All Star G lam Exam",
"Apprentice Chef' ... explore participants' talents.
Regulatory Relaxation
In the focus group discussion on January 18, 2011, some
TV veterans and experts of the TV industry suggested
relaxing regulatory control:
a) The existing regulatory model in Hong Kong has fallen
behind the standards of adjacent regions. The BA should
relax the licence conditions and programme standards to
keep up with the times.
b) As a TV industry regulator, the task of the BA is to
provide a favourable environment for licencees to adopt
their own operating model freely. The regulatory policy
should be more encouraging instead of strictly punitive.
TVB supports the above views and considers that:
a) "Deregulation" is an irresistible trend of TV industry
development, especially when more free TV licences
will be issued in the near future. Micro-management will
be no longer a practical/ viable regulatory model taken
by the BA to monitor numerous channels. Moreover, the
licence conditions such as programming genres/ time
periods/ designated languages/ offering a platform for
R THK programming and so on, will reduce the diversity
of TV programmes and will ultimately narrow viewers'
b) The BA should ensure a level playing field for all new
and existing licencees.
c) Currently, the free TV licencees have been required to
broadcast positive programmes (including arts and
culture programmes, programmes for young persons and
senior citizens, RTHK programmes and programmes for
schools) for years as commercial broadcasters. It is time
for the BA to consider the lifting of the requirements
which should fall under the public broadcaster, from the
commercial broadcasters.
Digital Terrestrial Television Services
Our viewers can use their digital TV remote control
devices to access value-added services such as news,
weather and financial information provided by the TV
broadcasters. For enhanced value-added services, e.g.
technology and bandwidth upgrade are essential.
In response to the public wishes to increase digital
channels, TVB is limited to provide the existing number
of channels and picture quality with the current
spectrum granted by the Government. To upgrade digital
TV service (upgrading to HD for Pearl, J2 and i-News)
or to increase channel quantity, additional spectrum is
necessary. The Government should release extra
spectrum to satisfy the increasing public demands.
The problem occurs in reception of digital TV signal
(mosaic): this may be a result of weak digital TV signal,
signal interruption or other factors. We suggest the
public to adopt the following procedures prior to
contacting the TV stations:
a) For residents sharing the communal aerial, please check
with the building management if the problem occurs in
other flats of the building so as to confirm whether it is
a problem from the communal aerial system or
individual set-top box.
b) For audience using individual aerial, please check if the
aerial is in proper operation and the problem occurs in
other flats of the building.
If the problem persists, please contact the broadcaster(s)
for assistance so that the relevant engineering
department can follow up.
The presence of black margins on screen on digital
platform is because many programmes/ commercials are
still produced in 4: 3 aspect ratio for the principal
analogue broadcasting service. The black margins are
the result of those analogue produced programmes/
commercials delivering via digital transmission (16: 9).
The problem can only be solved after total analogue
broadcast switch-off.