CHUVA-GLM Vale do Paraíba
CHUVA-GLM Vale do Paraíba
CHUVA Project: 2010-2011 and Perspectives for 2012-2014 6 CHUVA Science Team CHUVA Project: 2010-2011 Cloud processes offor tHe main precipitation and Perspectives systems in Brazil: A contribUtion to cloud 2012-2014 resolVing modeling and to the GPM CHUVA Science Precipitation Team (GlobAl Measurement) 6 CHUVA Project: Main Goals • Improve Rainfall Estimation Using Satellites and/or Radar • Improve the Skill of Cloud Resolving Models • Compile a Climatology of the Main Precipitation Systems in Brazil and their physical and microphysical characteristics • Develop Tools for Nowcasting. WORKING GROUP–1: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRECIPITATING SYSTEMS AS FUNCTION OF THE REGION AND LIFE STAGE (Luiz Machado) WORKING GROUP–2: PRECIPITATION ESTIMATION – DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION ALGORITHM (Daniel Vila) WORKING GROUP–3: ELETRIFICATION PROCESS: MOVING FROM CLOUDS TO THUNDERSTORMS (Carlos Morales) WORKING GROUP–4: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BOUNDARY LAYER FOR DIFFERENT CLOUD PROCESSES AND PRECIPITATION REGIMES (Gilberto Fisch) WORKING GROUP–5: MODEL IMPROVEMENTS AND VALIDATION, WITH FOCUS IN CLOUD MICROPHYSICS AND AEROSOL INTERACTIONS, FOR SATELLITE PRECIPITATION ESTIMATES IN BRAZIL (Maria Assunção Dias) CHUVA Field Campaign Schedule Brasília (CE) Brasília (CE) Manaus (NO) Manaus (NO) Belém (N) Belém (N) Manaus (NO) Manaus (NO) Fortaleza (NE) V.Paraíba Fortaleza Alcântara (SE) (NE) (NE) Sta.Maria V.Paraíba (SO) (SE) Sta.Maria V.Paraíba (SO) (SE) Manaus (NO) OCT Manaus (NO) JUN JUL AUG SEP Manaus (NO) Manaus (NO) MAY Manaus (NO) YEAR MAR APR Manaus (NO) 2010 V.Paraíba (SE) 2011 FEB V.Paraíba (SE) 2012 JAN Manaus (NO) 2013 2014 CHUVA Field Campaign Schedule NOV DEC Field Experiments Instruments Mobile Dual-Pol X-band radar Micro-radars Radiometers Weather Stations (T, Td, V) Solar Radiation Parsivel Disdrometers Thies Distdrometers JW Disdrometers Rain gauges GPS humidity Soil humidity Flux Station Air Quality measurements CCN counter Lidar Field-Mills Lightning Location Systems High Speed Video Camera Radiosonde stations Aircraft (microphysics) CHUVA-GLM Vale do Paraíba • CHUVA contribution for GOES-R GLM and MTG LI activities (Risk Reduction, Algorithm Working Group, Calibration/Validation) • First comprehensive Lighting Location Systems intercomparisons: • • • • • • • • • • • Lightning Mapping Array (NASA/UAH/NOAA) LiNET (EUMETSAT/DLR) TLS200 (Vaisala) ENTLN (EarthNetworks) RINDAT (INPE) STARNET (USP) WWLLN (Univ. Washington) GLD360 (Vaisala) ATDnet (MetOffice) ???? TRMM-LIS CHUVA-GLM Vale do Paraíba CHUVA-GLM Vale do Paraíba CHUVA-GLM Vale do Paraíba 5 instrumentation sites CHUVA-GLM Vale do Paraíba Radiosonde sites CHUVA-GLM Vale do Paraíba Headquaters and Dual-Pol X-band radar site CHUVA-GLM Vale do Paraíba CHUVA-GLM Vale do Paraíba CHUVA-GLM Vale do Paraíba • CHUVA-GLM Vale do Paraíba ends 31 March 2012. • 5 months of continuous data: • • • • • • Local convection due to thermodynamics Local convection due to topography Cold fronts Convection from South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) Squall Lines Severe Weather (20+ cases of hail storms, damaging winds, flooding): • Severe Weather reports are being gathered from Civil Defense, Newspapers, TV news, Internet sources (blogs, social networking, etc.), Insurance Companies CHUVA-GLM Vale do Paraíba • 07 January 2012: • Pea sized hail at 15:40LST in downtown São Paulo • Future goals: • Develop nowcasting of severe weather and lightning NEXT FIELD EXPERIMENTS Santa Maria, RS – South Brazil Main Goal: Mesoscale Convective Systems November - December 2012 In the region of two S Band Radar overlapping and a mesoNet NEXT FIELD EXPERIMENTS Santa Maria, RS – South Brazil Courtesy of Paola Salio Percentage of surface rain from 2A25 explained by MCSs over La Plata Basin Courtesy of Paola Salio Courtesy of Daniel Cecil NEXT FIELD EXPERIMENTS Santa Maria, RS – South Brazil 22 March 2012 22 March 2012 NEXT FIELD EXPERIMENTS Brasília, DF – Central Brazil Main Goal: Continental convective processes - Savanna March 2013. Additional Data: S Band Radar NEXT FIELD EXPERIMENTS Manaus, AM – North Brazil Main Goal: Tropical Forest Continental Convection February- March 2014 (with a possible extension to +9 months) Additional Data: The ARM Climate Research Facility in the Amazon Basin ( Havard University and several partners) - S Band Radar (SIPAM) NEXT FIELD EXPERIMENTS Manaus, AM – North Brazil CHUVA contribution to CWG • CHUVA is collecting data from a large variety of convective systems over Brazil: • Several Golden Cases from tropical convection trough large MCSs • Brazil is observed both by GOES and MSG: • Great environment for GOES-R and MTG activities: • Risk Reduction (nowcasting algorithms) • Algorithm Working Group (proxy data) • Calibration/Validation • We are open to additional measurements: • You can bring your instruments to the field experiments • CHUVA data is openly available for the research community: • Collaborations are greatly welcome!!! CHUVA WEB Data Access First step – Sign up; Second Step – Sign In Third Step – You must accept a Term of use. Data Access • Fourth Step – There are 3 options: – FTP Access – For a ftp client; – Winscp Software – If you have not a client ftp, you can make a download of it; – Data Access: Direct access by browser. Thanks 6
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