Manaus Free Zone
Manaus Free Zone
Manaus Free Zone: Business and Investment Opportunities in the Amazon SEPTEMBER 2009 BRAZILIAN AMAZON covers over 59% of the country 5,030 million Km2 23 596 million 23,596 illi iinhabitants h bit t 20,000 Km of waterways Equivalent to 80% of the Amazon total area 1/5 of the primary green forests of the world Tropical humid climate = 26ºC to 36ºC Mineral Resources: Petroleum Petroleum, Gas, Bauxite, Cassiterite, Niobium, and others LOCATION IN RELATION TO THE MARKETS Capital Road route Sea route Fluvial route Sea and Air route Air route NORTH AMERICA T k Tokyo ATLANTIC OCEAN Los Angeles ASIA Hong Kong EUROPE Miami Taipei T i Taiwan CENTRAL AMERICA PANAMA CANAL AFRICA Caracas Manaus Belém Porto Velho PACIFIC OCEAN São Paulo LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN POPULATION: POPULATION 574 million inhabitants CREATION OF THE MANAUS FREE TRADE ZONE (Law no. 3.173/1957 amended by article 1st. of Decree-Law no. 288/1967) “The Manaus Free Trade Zone is a free import and export trade area where special fiscal incentives apply, set up with the objective of creating g in the Amazon Region g an industrial, commercial and agricultural center under economic conditions that allow its development, given local factors and the great distance separating it from its markets”. SUFRAMA - THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE MANAUS FREE TRADE ZONE SUFRAMA is a Public Administration agency affiliated to the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC). It manages and controls the fiscal incentives granted to the companies established in the Manaus Free Trade Zone, besides promoting development strategies for Western Amazon. It thus has the role of an investment promoting agency for the area. AREA OF THE MODEL – WESTERN AMAZON AND AMAPÁ GUIANA VENEZUELA Boa Vista SURINAME Bonfim COLÔMBIA RORAIMA EQUADOR AMAPÁ Macapá-Santana Manaus Tabatinga AMAZONAS PERU Cruzeiro do Sul Porto Velho ACRE Rio Branco BrasiléiaEpitaciolândia RONDÔNIA Guajará-Mirim SUFRAMA Free Trade Zones and Manaus Free Trade Zone BOLÍVIA BRASIL FISCAL INCENTIVES FEDERAL IMPORT TAX (II) - 88% reduction on the inputs of industrial goods goods. In the case of informatic goods, reduction is proportional to the national added value. TAX ON INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS (IPI) – Total exemption. INCOME TAX ((IR)) - 75% reduction on the income tax. Exclusivelyy for reinvestments. Common to all Legal Amazon Region. SOCIAL INTEGRATION PROGRAM (PIS) and SOCIAL SECURITY FINANCING CONTRIBUTION (COFINS) – Zero-rated tariff for incoming goods and interindustry internal sales sales, and an aliquot of 3, 3 65% (with exceptions) on the finished goods sales to the rest of the country. STATE (IN EACH STATE OF THE UNION) VALUE ADDED TAXES ON SALES AND SERVICES (ICMS) – Incentive credit from 55% to 100%. In all cases there are some contributions to funds for support of high education, tourism, R&D and others. MANAUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Locational Incentives PORT AND AIRPORT INFRASTRUCTURE • • • PUBLICLY OWNED PORT: - PORT OF MANAUS Largest floating port in the world orld Total area: 94,923 m² PRIVATE PORTS: - SUPERTERMINALS Storage Area: 8,000 m² - CHIBATÃO Storage Area: 17,600 m² - AURORA EADI Storage Area: 9,000 m² EDUARDO GOMES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT: - CARGO TERMINAL Total area: 49,000 m² Third largest airport in Brazil in terms of cargo SUPERTERMINALS COMPENSATIONS DEMANDED BY THE MODEL In order to obtain the approval of industrial projects with annual limits of import p byy the Administration Council ((composed p byy members of 10 Ministries of the Brazilian Government) the following itens should be observed: • Execution of Basic Productive Process; • Job creation in the area, with the concession of social benefits to the workers; • Complience with demands of product technology incorporation and of compatible production process with the state of art; • Permanent trainning of the workforce in order to obtain growing levels of productivity seeking increasing competitiveness; • Reinvestiment of profit in the region; • Investiment for scientific and technological development. MANAUS INDUSTRIAL PARK GOVERNO FEDERAL SOME OF THE OVER 600 INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES ESTABLISHED IN MANAUS SDI SALES EVOLUTION IN MILLION Growth G th highlights hi hli ht 2002 to 2008: In real = 104.54% In dollar = 230.93% 2007 to 2008: In real = 9.29% In dollar = 17.26% Real Dollar Source: COISE/CGPRO/SAP – SUFRAMA 60 50 54.295 45.663 40 49.440 49.682 40.773 30 30.131 31.972 20 26.545 18.914 10 22.750 25.695 14.190 9.105 2002 10 622 10.622 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 MAIN SECTORS TERMOPLÁSTICO 5,53% MECÂNICO 2,61% DESCARTÁVEIS 2,46% RELOJOEIRO 1,01% OUTROS 2, 81% METALÚRGICO 6,93% QUÍMICO 9,91% BENS DE INFORMÁTICA 13,60% ELETROELETRÔNICO 29,69% DUAS RODAS 25,45% Source: COISE/CGPRO/SAP – SUFRAMA Data from 2008 EMPLOYMENT EVOLUTION (DIRECT LABOUR FORCE) 500 thousand direct and indirect jobs Growth highlights 2002 to 2008: 58.93% Source: AP/CGPRO/COISE/COGEC – SUFRAMA 120.000 100.000 80.000 60.000 40.000 20.000 84.296 93.989 96.119 2005 2006 102.561 101.150 2007 2008 68.652 63 645 63.645 2002 2003 2004 PRODUCTION NATIONALIZATION Parts, pieces and components Nationalization Regionalization Source: AP/CGPRO/COISE – SUFRAMA 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 50 37% 50.37% 47.77% 51.96% 50.04% 51 16% 51.16% 48.07% 47.04% 32.38% 27.75% 29.24% 2002 2003 32.33% 31 98% 31.98% 29.49% 25.81% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPORTS EVOLUTION IN MILLION US$ G Growth th highlights hi hli ht 2002 to 2008: 19.17% 2007 to 2008: 14.54% Source: Sistema Alice / MDIC 2.500 2 000 2.000 2.143 1.500 1.000 1.533 1.299 1.064 1.157 1.107 1.268 2007 2008 500 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 MAIN EXPORTED PRODUCTS 1º 2º 3º 4º 5º 6º 7º 8º 9º 10º CELLULAR PHONES MOTORCYCLES SOFT DRINKS CONCENTRATES NON ELECTRIC SHAVERS TV SETS DIGITAL SIGNAL RECEIVERS-DECODERS PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPERS RAZOR BLADES CAR AUDIO 60 VOLTS RELAYS Source: SUFRAMA – MDIC/SISTEMA ALICE Data from 2008 MAIN EXPORT DESTINATIONS 3th - U.S.A (127,078) 10,02% 7th - MEXICO (55,555) 4,38% 8th- PANAMA 8th (21,438) 4,38 4th - COLOMBIA (77,898) 6,14% 2nd - VENEZUELA (181,457) 14,31% 6th ECUADOR (56,0106) 4,42% , 5th - PERU (66,484) 5,24% 9th - PARAGUAY (19,587) 1,54% 10th-URUGUAY (17,387) 1,57% 1st - ARGENTINA (430,907) 33,98% Source: SUFRAMA – MDIC/SISTEMA ALICE In million US$ Data from 2008 MAIN IMPORTING COUNTRIES AMAZONAS – 2008 TOTAL IMPORTED BY AMAZONAS IN 2008: US$ 10.023.631.974 TOP TEN IMPORTING COUNTRIES IN 2008 US$ FOB CHINA 3.197.968.301 SOUTH KOREA 1.504.736.454 JAPAN 1.404.333.618 UNITED STATES 923 085 590 923.085.590 TAIWAN (FORMOSA) 622.021.966 THAILAND 252.084.464 MEXICO 248.236.654 GERMANY 239.085.203 MALAYSIA 234 527 256 234.527.256 HONG KONG 151.107.508 Source: SISTEMA ALICE/MDIC MAIN PRODUCTS IMPORTED FROM SOUTH KOREA BY MANAUS INDUSTRIAL PARK TOTAL IMPORTED FROM SOUTH KOREA IN 2008: US$ 1.504.736.454 TEN MAIN PRODUCTS US$ $ FOB PARTS FOR TV SETS 575.830.832 LIQUID CRYSTAL DEVICES (LCD) 192 114 933 192.114.933 PORTABLE CELLULAR PHONE 176.365.480 CATHODE RAY TUBE FOR TV SETS 98.326.781 HEAD DISC FOR HARD DISC UNIT MOUNTED 79.327.791 DIGITAL MEMORY AND RAM MEMORY 54.759.889 SURFACE MOUNTED MICROPROCESSORS 21.477.456 MONOLITHICS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 19.912.213 ELECTRIC ACCUMULATORS 17.937.170 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS 13.107.743 Source: SISTEMA ALICE/MDIC CONSOLIDATED INVESTMENTS IN MANAUS INDUSTRIAL PARK IN MILLION US$ G o t highlights Growth g g ts 2002 to 2008: 278.65% 2007 to 2008: 18.01% Source: AP/CGPRO/COISE – SUFRAMA 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7,910 6,703 5,548 4 565 4,565 3,448 2,759 2 089 2,089 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Source: INPE NINETY-EIGHT PERCENT OF THE AMAZONAS STATE FOREST PRESERVED STRATEGIC PROJECTS MANAUS INDUSTRIAL POLE SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION CENTER (CT-PIM) ( ) AMAZON BIOTECHNOLOGY CENTER ((CBA) GAS CHEMICAL POLE REGIONAL POTENTIALITIES COMPETITIVE INTERNATIONAL INSERTION OF THE MODEL Mission Promote the generation, generation dominion and application of advanced and innovative scientific and technological knowledge, in association with local, national and international institutions, thus contributing to the sustainable economic, economic environmental and social development of Occidental Amazon, specially Manaus Industrial Pole. Objectives Create and consolidate a Technological Center for MIP, with two fundamental objectives: 1 – Contribute towards strengthening the Regional C&T&I System 2 – Generate Microsystems competences Science and Technology Technolog Cooperation Agrements AMAZON BIOTECHNOLOGY CENTER Biodiversity Biotechnology Bio-industry Bio industry BIO-INDUSTRIES Food and Nourishment Bio-insecticides Cosmetics Enzymes holding E h ldi bio-technological interest GAS CHEMICAL POLE INDUSTRIAL SEGMENTS Fi l Products Final P d t Foreseen Investment (US$) Annual Revenue (USS) g of Fractioning Natural Gas Ethano and Gas without Ethano 235 millions illi 140 millions illi Complex of Ster ne Steryne Etilbenzene Ster ne Steryne 120 millions 40 millions illi 700 millions 80 millions illi Complex of Methanol Methanol 400 millions 400 millions Complex of Fertilizers Uria 300 millions 310 millions Family of Products Estimated Employment (all segments) Implementation phase Direct Employment Indirect Employment 8 000 8,000 2 000 2,000 35 000 35,000 Source: SUFRAMA/UFAM REGIONAL POTENTIALITIES PRODUCTS OF AMPLE MARKET • • • • • • • • Manioc Starch Palm heart from pupunheira Fish Farming Guaraná Tropical Fruits Sustainable exploitation of wooden products E l i lT Ecological Tourism i Palm oil INTERNATIONAL INSERTION OF MANAUS FREE ZONE MODEL 1 Participation in international negotiations; 1. 2. Commercial Promotion of Manaus Free Zone Model through: - Commercial Missions and Events such as Seminars, Seminars Congresses, Meetings, etc. - Holding of the Amazon International Fair – AIF and its promotion by means of Preceding Missions. AMAZON INTERNATIONAL FAIR FIAM 2009 25 - 28 November Studio 5 Convention Center Manaus – Amazonas – Brazil Come to Manaus Amazonas - Brazil THANK YOU OLDEMAR IANCK Superintendente Adjunto de Projetos da SUFRAMA ((92)) 3321-7096
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