1984 - Arkansas Tech University Library
1984 - Arkansas Tech University Library
A R K A N S A S G A Z E T T E I N D E X An Arkansas Index 198lf By Shannon J. Henderson Copyrf ght 1985 Arkansas Tech University library Russellville, Arkansas CONTENTS How to Use the Index • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ann ua 1 Index Correct Ions • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • . • . • • • • • . . • • • . • • • • . • • . • . • • • • • f It • • 1 2 36 HOW TO USE THE ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX The Arkansas Gazette Index consists of brief summarizing statements of the news of Arkansas as it was publlshed in the final edition of the Arkansas Gazette. Only those articles dealing with Arkansas people, places and events are considered for inclusion. Material not considered useful for future reference ls omitted. Routine articles reporting on sports, social events and business activities are omitted. HEADINGS: Subject headings (entries) are the main type of entry and are used whenever possible. Names of prominent persons and of firms and organizations are used as entries, but most names are cross-referenced to subjects. Arrangement of Entries: All subject headings (entries} are arranged (Old Washington comes before Oldham In alphabetically, word-by-word. this arrangement). Abbreviated entries are alphabetized as if they were (PCBs fs filed words, and are not filed at the beginning of the letter. after Payne and before Pea Ridge). ENTRIES: Most articles are assigned only one subject heading, with cross references used to lead from related subjects Included. Summaries or descriptive phrases are kept as short as possible, and are not intended to Indicate that the only material in the article Is that described tn the summary. length of the summary should not be taken as an indication of the length of the article. All entries under headings and subheadings appear In chronological order. LOCATION SYMBOLS: Each summary Is followed by the month, day, year, page, and column number where the article appeared In the City Edition of the Arkansas Gazette. CROSS-REFERENCES: A 1 1 cross-references are arranged In alphabetical order and are listed before the summaries. A cross reference from a person's name to a subject does not Indicate If the named person is directly Involved or ts merely commenting on the topic. In all cases, the article should be read for clarification of this point. i Ii ARKANSAS GAZEITE INDEX 1984 mTE ABANOONED CHILDREN see - Children and Youth ABIXJCTION see - Kidnapping ABERDEEN DEVELOPMENr CDRP see - Arkansas College ABERNATHY STEVE see also - Congress-House District 1 ABORTION see - Birth Control ABRAMSON LIND!\ Sets up rehabilitation center for wildlife ABUSED CHILDREN see - Children and Youth ACCIDENTS AND SAFETY see also - Aviation and Aircraft see also - Lacroix Optical Co see also - Traffic Accidents and Safety Teen-agers rescue three women f ran Lake Conway Fire1orks cause many eye inj uries, Dr R Sloan Wilson says WOman electrocuted when hairdryer fell into bathtub Aianan killed in fall fran Cedar Falls bluff at Petit Jean Lightning kills two girls near �ark Youth killed in accident at Assanblies of God camp safety Town program teaches children to obey safety rules Four in family found dead of asi;ilyxiation at Pine Bluff unvented heater kills family of four at Pine Bluff Man killed when roof collapsed at Helena store ACCDUNI'JN; AND ACCDUNI'ANl'S see also - Charley O Co CPA exam i:assed by 117 candidates CPA test i:assed by 119 candidates in May ACID RAIN see - Pollution ACDRN see - Arkansas Camnunity Organizations for Reform Now ACT 535 OF 1983 OF ARKANSAS see - Government Bonds and Investments ACIDRS AND ACTRESSES see also - Beck Michael see also - Harper Tess see also - Langford Cliff see also - Nelson John .ADA.f.E MARVIN see also - Basketball-College Men .ADMJ5 OLIVER L see also - US-Federal District Court of Western Arkansas Among 3 names subnitted for US Dist Court j udge ADAMS PEST CDNTRCL OF LITrLE ROCK Sued for $6 million by family alleging dust harmed them ADKISSON RICHARD B see also - Arkansas-Supreme Court Position 1 AOOPl'IONS see - Children and Youth 1 PAG C 08/12/84 A13 1 03/16/84 07/01/84 07/04/84 07/05/84 07/26/84 08/06/84 08/20/84 11/20/84 11/21/84 12/05/84 cos AlO A08 AlO A03 A05 BOl A05 A03 A09 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 01/31/84 BOS 1 07/31/84 B02 1 08/18/84 AOl 6 10/21/84 A22 4 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 Jl.l\.TE ADV'ANCED <DMMUNICATIONS <DRP Owners of firm seeking license listed satellite systan license sought by Little Rock firm ADV'ERl'ISIK; Hugh H Pollard makes mark with talent. zeal Christine Bair of Texarkana is successful nodel n>nrey Outdoor Advertising has 60 days to ranove signs Fayetteville ban on large billboards uEtield by US SUprane ct Lyle E Armstrong of LR. is experienced actor in ads Fayetteville ordinances challenged by landowners Jeff Hoyt and Brent Walker take noisy approach in radio ads Smith and Jennings changes name to J Sam Smith Associates Billboards in Fayetteville to be ranoved by March Four-yr terms for state offices will make no drastic change AFAR'llI DE.VELOPMEN!' INC Conspiracy alleged in suit against bank and investors AESI'HE.TIC CLUB CENI'ENNIAL HISTORY Book traces history of Little Rock club AFCO ME.TALS INC New officers elected M;ED see also - Labor and Older Persons Silver Hai red Legislature to meet Lilly Gaddy of Bigelow. celebrates 106th bi rthday M3ENI' ORAIDE see - Chanical s AGRI<D CHEMICAL <D see also - Arkla Inc Dinner held for legislators to hear problans of firm Could reopen plant if Arkla would lower price of gas Agrico tells FERC that Arkla discriminates in gas delivery Arkla says it cannot reduce natural gas rates for Agrico Plant set to reopen when PSC approves gas rate plan M3RIClJLTURE see also - American Agriculture Movanent see also - Labor and Agriculture see also - Sewage and Liquid Wastes State farmers want law allowing minimum price on products Cotton is losing ground to other crops in Arkansas Leading cotton-ginning counties in Ark listed Legis i;:anel declines to endorse plan for minimum prices Legislative panel will not sponsor minimum pr ice bill Harvest brought to standstill by recent heavy rains Rains in October have damaged cotton and soybean crops Acres harvested in 1983 drop as does income Bill Teeter family named Arkansas Farm Family of the Year USDA. declares 27 counties in Ark eligible for drouth relief Weather created lean year for Ark farmers in 1984 AHLEN JOHN W see also - Arkansas-Science and Technology Authority AIR IOLLtJrION see - Pollution AIRLINES Competition in Little Rock leads to bargain rates 2 PAG C 01/29/84 B03 3 01/29/84 B03 3 04/08/84 04/22/84 OS/01/84 OS/01/84 06/09/84 06/23/84 10/04/84 10/28/84 11/08/84 11/18/84 BOl COl AOl AOl BOl Al O BOl BOl B02 BOl 2 S 2 2 1 S 3 4 S 3 11/29/84 D07 3 04/08/84 cos 2 03/27/84 cos 2 06/23/84 BOl 2 07/24/84 B02 S 01/10/84 01/12/84 02/02/84 02/06/84 03/07/84 AlO DlO A0 8 AO S AOl 1 1 s 02/17/84 03/2S/84 03/2S/84 04/20/84 08/10/84 10/23/84 11/11/84 ll/2S/84 12/08/84 12/21/84 12/30/84 C07 BOl BOl C07 A08 AOl A26 A22 C07 Al2 Bl2 S 4 4 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 l 4 2 02/2S/84 BOl 1 ARKANSAS GAZ El'l'E INDEX 19S 4 DA.TE Muse Air Corp will not begin service to Little Rock southwest Airl ines overcomes obstacles to service of area Skyways gets high marks f ran FAA inspection Arkansas Traveler Airl ines closing ends Mtn Home service Sunbelt Airl ines boardings up by 197 pct scheduled Skyways may merge with Air Midwest Metro j oins American Airlines program for j oint marketing AIRPLANES see - Aviation and Aircraft AIROORTS Arkansas Aeronautics C.omm votes grants for ai rports AKERS FRED see also - Arkanss Sports Hall of Fame AI.MD CHRISTIAN FOUNDl\TION Attack on Catholic Ch deplored by Church and Synagogue group Anti-Catholic leaflets draw national notice Article explores anti-Catholic stand of sect Tony Alamo marries Brigitta Gyllenhamm er in Calif Tony Alamo takes his anti-Catholic crusade to Nebraska Active recruiting in Nebraska scheduled Alma manbers arrested in Canada for distributing leaflets US Supr ane Ct to hear appeal of ruling on minimum wage ruling Pami;hlets will be mailed to Rapid City . South Dakota N...CD . A see - Aluminum Company of America N...CD . HOL AND DRUG ABUSE see also - Arkadelphia School District see also - Arkansas State Prison see also - Boyd Jewell Murder Case see also - Harrison School District see also - Physicians and Surgeons see also - Public School Curriculum see also - Traffic Accidents and Safety Task force calls for action on sale of alcohol to minors Illinois businessman sentenced in marij uana case Drug probe brings 36 arrests in Pope and Yell County Accidental finding of marij uana by police is ruled legal laws restricting drug pa rai;hernalia ruled valid ACLU official urges caution in school drug screening Jury deadlocks in case of shooting of officer near Snowball Two face charges as 3 . 000 LSD doses seized in Little Rock Several arrests made in Union County on drug charges Drug equipnent. ingredi ents found at farm near Paris Football Coach William Burns gets 6-yr term in drug case Paragould teenagers attempt to combat abuse Trial of G Rickards Jr on drug charges under way at Mt Ida Sting operation nets 42 arrests in drug case at CoIMay Jury deadlocks in 2nd trial of Bill Wortman Bill Wortman says third trial in shooting is harassment Drug convictions reversed because beeper was placed on plane Third trial of Bill Wortman begins at Harrison Drug trial of Phillip A Bonadonna halted to await evidence Hearings on Phillip A Bonadonna case continue in federal ct Two testify they made smuggling plans with Bonadonna 3 02/2S/S 4 03/1S/S 4 04/05/S 4 07/26/S 4 OS/19/S 4 09/25/S 4 10/2S/S 4 PAG C AOl BOl Dl2 D07 B04 C04 BOl 6 2 2 1 1 2 1 ll/1S/S 4 A19 3 05/24/S 4 06/02/S 4 07/0l/S 4 07/09/S 4 07/23/S 4 07/31/S 4 09/19/S 4 10/16/S 4 12/0l/S 4 A07 AlO COl BOl A03 BOl A03 A06 BOl 1 1 2 3 4 2 4 3 1 Ol/05/S 4 Ol/ll/B4 Ol/12/S 4 Ol/19/S 4 Ol/26/S 4 02/04/S 4 02/09/S 4 02/14/S4 02/16/S 4 02/19/B4 02/22/S 4 03/07/S 4 03/22/S 4 03/31/S 4 04/13/B4 04/17/S 4 05/23/S 4 05/31/S 4 06/12/B4 06/13/S 4 06/14/B4 A05 A06 A05 AOS All BOS BOB A05 A14 A03 A16 BOl BOB A04 A09 BOS A14 BOl BOl A04 A03 3 2 2 6 1 1 1 4 5 2 5 5 1 2 4 2 4 1 4 1 4 ARKANSAS GAZErr'I'E INDEX 1984 D\TE Bruce Litsky testifies BonaCbnna helped with smuggling plan Seized marijuana burned in Fulton County Richard Jeffus charged with drug sale . arson in Camden fire Testimony concludes in drug smuggling trial of BonaCbnna fbillip A BonaCbnna found guilty of smuggling conspi racy BonaCbnna sentenced to 20 yrs . fined $40 , 000 Center of Hope aids alcoholic wanen in Little Rock area Officers seiz e 3 03 marijuana plants at NLR home Protective devices fotmd at NLR hane where marij uana grew Marij uana crop destroyed at Ladsville Crittenden County police destroy 2, 117 marij uana plants Jubilee. the drug-sniffing pol ice Cbg, gets funeral cerenony Raid breaks up elalx>rate marij uana operation near Yellville Roger Clinton indicted on cocaine charges Cocaine use rising in Arkansas. official s say Roger Clinton pleads innocent to drug charges Large drug lab found near Fort Smith after fire Independence Co Sheriff destroys 2 marij uana fields Sevier Cotmty confiscates airplane. 3 00 lhs of marij uana Bella Vista men sentenced on drug distribution charges state fights image as haven for drug trafficers State Police have arrested 175 persons in marij uana cases Four men arrested in cocaine traffic cases in NW Arkansas Arkansas succeeding in war on drug dealers Authorities find 343 marij uana plans near Conway Cocaine seized. three arrested at Mena Dr Larry R Killough faces drug counts Dr Larry R Killough enters innocent plea to drug charges Camden area investigation of drug traffic brings 37 arrests Arkansas is nation ' s 6th largest grower of marijuana Booby traps in marijuana fields are obj ect of planned bill Marij uana crops worth $80 million destroyed in Ark this year Tomn¥ Tatum and L L Bryan working on anti lx>oby trap bill J C Zoller convicted of flying planeload of marijuana to Hope Conway police arrest 19 in narcotics sting operation Roger Clinton. Russell Ray Crump. M Rodriguez plead guilty Attorney Sam Anderson Jr indicted in drug case Sam Anderson Jr allegedly tied to case with Roger Clinton Ekiward Garrett. Dennis WelCbn arrested on drug charges FBI probe in western Ark alarms dealers. Asa Hutchinson says Marij uana stored at Conway for evidence is stolen About 100 lhs of processed marij uana seized at Forrest City Drug abuse i:anel urges crackcbwn. use of wiretaps. rewards Narcotics agents arrest 17 in Pulaski County . seek 13 100 r e Three arrested in theft of evidence marij uana at Conway ALCDHCL FUELS see also - Taxation ALCDHOLIC BE.VERllG ES see also - Alcohol and Drug Abuse see also - R>rnograpiy and Obscenity Trial ordered over watch on West Manphis store by Tenn agents Suit contesting private club law returns to trial Club operators questioned in court trial Testimony on mixed drink law ends 4 PllG C 06/15/84 06/15/84 06/15/84 06/16/84 06/19/84 06/20/84 06/27/84 07/10/84 07/11/84 07/13/84 07/13/84 07/19/84 07/26/84 08/03/84 08/08/84 08/15/84 08/18/84 08/22/84 08/28/84 09/11/84 09/16/84 09/22/84 09/28/84 09/30/84 10/04/84 10/16/84 10/18/84 10/26/84 10/27/84 11/01/84 11/01/84 11/01/84 11/01/84 11/03/84 11/09/84 11/10/84 11/16/84 11/16/84 11/16/84 11/18/84 11/29/84 11/30/84 12/01/84 12/08/84 12/09/84 A03 A19 A22 A04 A06 A0 4 001 A04 A03 A14 C06 A12 All AOl A04 A07 All A08 AOl B02 A07 BOl All Bl3 BOB A07 A03 A03 BOl A03 A03 A03 A03 BOS All A09 A03 A03 A03 Al3 BOl A09 BOl A04 A08 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 5 4 5 4 2 1 1 4 6 3 4 1 1 1 5 5 6 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 3 6 5 1 5 3 5 01/08/84 01/31/84 02/01/84 02/02/84 A22 Cll A03 A05 1 3 1 2 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 Vie-1s differ on sale of beer at Fairgrounds in Fort Smith ABC revokes 2 permits. suspends 4 for violations Ben McGee says he bought Coors beer. shipped it to N&1 York Employees say they helped frame w A Rand on orders of Coors Churches seek ban of sales in Mississippi County Coors caused his loss of $1 .3 million. W A Rand testifies Liquor dealer testifies on reshipnent of Coors to East Use of 'IV film in Coors trial rej ected Coors alleges South Central Coors of Ark falsified reports Coors executive says firm lost ex>nfidence in distributor Distributor awarded $1. 7 million j udgment against Coors Beer sold to minors in 21 of 2S Arkansas County outlets Many underage drinkers cross state line to make purchases Ruling on tax break may harm sales of Arkansas wines Area around Altus named as distinct vitacultural area Ehd to sales in Mississippi and Poinsett County sought Action taken by ABC on permit requests Fine. probation ui;held by ABC Planned vote on sales in ColYtlay County stricken fran ballot License action taken by ABC in serveral cases William F Foster Sr seeks end to haPP.{ hour at bars Next target may be 2�for-l drinks in ll-ll crackdown Marion County police seize beer at bass tournament ABC Bd manbers agree 2-for-l happy hour drinks should end ALCDHCLISM see - Alcohol and Drug Abuse ALEXANDER BILL see also - Congress-House District 1 Marines in Lebanon called the victims Secures early citizenship for Olympic athlete Comments on withdrawal of Marines fran Beirut Comments on US support of Lebanon Calls for resignation of Secretary of State George P Shultz US spending in Honduras questioned by Alexander Critical of Fil Bethune stand on REA funding Gary Hart attracts antiestablishrnent wing, Alexander says Cllallenges Reagan on mil itary facilities in Honduras says media created Gary Hart fantasy in pres camp:iign says US exports terrorism in mining of Nicaragua harbors Ranarks on Central America hit by Steve Abernathy House told US likely to be at war in Central America soon Calls Nicarauga harbor mining stupid, illegal . deceptive May seek cutoff of Central America aid unless peace sought Signs goodwill letter to Sandinista leader Ortega says us military facilities in Honduras are illegal Leading fact-finding trip to Central America . Columbia Praises work of US military in Honduras . sex>res US policy Calls US military buildup in Central America prelude to war Cornp:inions more restrained in Central America statements Criticized by George Bush for remarks on Central America Lists personal wealth in report to Congress Tel.ls district voters of his concern about Central America Reagan adm polices tarnish American dream. Alexander says Asks US to halt operation by armed forces in Honduras s DA.TE PllG C 04/17/84 04/19/84 OS/01/84 OS/02/84 OS/02/84 OS/03/84 OS/04/84 OS/OS/84 OS/08/84 OS/09/84 OS/10/84 06/12/84 07/02/84 07/14/84 07/14/84 07/24/84 08/16/84 10/18/84 11/03/84 11/22/84 12/06/84 12/08/84 12/11/84 12/18/84 B02 3 Al.2 s cos 1 A06 1 BOl 2 D06 2 A07 1 Al.O 1 AO S 1 Al.S 1 AOl 2 BOl 6 AOl 2 cos 3 01/09/84 02/0S/84 02/08/84 02/09/84 02/22/84 02/2S/84 03/02/84 03/04/84 03/08/84 03/16/84 04/10/84 04/11/84 04/12/84 04/lS/84 0 4/16/84 04/18/84 0 4/20/84 04/26/84 OS/01/84 OS/02/84 OS/03/84 OS/OS/84 OS/18/84 OS/20/84 06/24/84 06/26/84 A03 A08 AOl Al.4 AOl AOl A08 AOl A03 Al.4 AOl A0 4 AOl AOl AOl A0 9 Al.2 A03 AOS AOl A03 AOl Al.3 Al.4 Al.8 AOl cos s C06 BOB Al.4 A21 A51 A08 BOl C02 Al.3 3 4 s 4 6 3 2 2 3 2 s 2 1 3 3 1 4 1 3 S 6 4 3 6 1 4 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 s S ARKANSAS GAZ EI'I'E INDEX 19B4 DA.TE P.AG C Says Thanas B lance will not renain head of Mondale camp:dgn 07/20/B4 AOl 6 Opposes Dale Bumpers plan for Cache River waterfowl refuge OB/04/B4 C07 3 On fact-finding tour of Central and South America OB/15/B4 A05 5 Says Fidel Castro ready to expand dialogue with US OB/21/B4 A03 4 Urged by steven N Wilson to support Cache River refuge area OB/30/B4 DOB 5 Supports end to aid to Chile until democracy restored 09/16/B4 A07 2 Says Walter Monda.le has chance to carry Arkansas 09/1B/B4 AOl 3 Battles Dale Bumpers over issue of Cache River wetlands 10/04/B4 AlO 1 Sees evidence Reagan not ex>mpetent to be President 10/09/B4 AOl 5 Says Danocratic Presidential ticket is gaining 10/16/B4 A03 4 C.omm ents on CIA warfare manual for use in Nicaragua 10/19/B4 AOl 6 10/20/B4 A0 4 5 Accuses CIA Director Casey of directing policies Wants compromise with Dale Bumpers on Cache River proj ect 10/2B/B4 A26 1 Releases statistics showing how Ark fared under Reagan adm ll/02/B4 A20 5 Says Pres Reagan ignored crucial issues in Little Rock rally ll/04/B4 A2B 2 Says US and Castro have agreed to prisoner exchange ll/16/B4 AOl 2 John P Harran erschmidt disputes report on prisoner exchange ll/17/B4 A03 4 Insists pact on Cuban undesirables exists ll/1B/B4 A03 1 Says staff work in Mondale campaign not a violation of rules ll/1B/B4 A03 1 Says he has been enex>uraged to move to Sen or run for Gov ll/18/B4 A19 1 Arkansas Republican Party may seek probe of use of staff ll/21/B4 B02 4 Says US overflights halted talks with Cuba on pr isoners ll/30/B4 AOl 2 House lawyer indicates staff work for Mondale not improper 12/05/B4 A07 1 Congressman touring Antarctica. 12/0B/B4 A06 5 Cuba and US acex>rd on immigration affirmed by govt official 12/12/B4 AOl 2 Article by Alexander discusses Reagan policy in Chile 12/13/B4 A21 1 ALEXANDER GOROON fJIJRDER CASE Henry Lucas claims he killed Karen and Gordon Alexander 04/2B/B4 A03 4 Henry Lee Lucas charged with murder of Alexander youths 06/02/B4 AO B 6 ALFORD DM.. E see also - Congress-House District 2 ALIENATION OF AFFECT'IONS Award upheld ordering Jean B Porter to pay Genevieve Linex>ln 04/24/B4 A03 6 ALIENS see - Foreigners in the United States ALLEN BEN see also - Trade Schools ALLEN JAMES see also - University of Arkansas at Little Rock ALLEN JUANITA see - Crossley Wayne Murder Case ALLIN OORA HARPER Church leader dies at Helena ll/30/B4 A19 3 ALLIN RICHARD see also - Books and Writing ALLISON MAX Strategist in state politics dies at age B3 10/12/B4 A15 1 ALRFAD SCHOOL DISTRICI' Ronald Turney loses appeal of dismissal from faculty 03/27/B4 C06 4 ALSMEYER MARIE BENNEI'I' Bibliography published Ol/22/B4 COB 5 AL'IHEIMER BEN J FOUNDATION Grants aid agricultural . medical research in Arkansas 02/05/B4 Bl2 1 ALTRJN;ER TOM 6 ARKANSAS GAZ ETI'E INDEX 1984 �TE see - Crossley Wayne Murder Case AL'IVATER CATHERINE THARP Watercolorist. Little Rock native. dies at age 77 ALUMINUM CDMPANY OF AMERICA Alcoa to lay off 231 at Bauxite AI.WORIH LANCE Former UA football star joins C.ollege Football Hall of Fame Interviewed on his mini-storage business in California Named to College Football Hall of Fame AMBULANCE AND EME[(;ENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Medic-Vac Co surrenders license for life-support care Medic Vac fires 3 employees amid controversy Medic Vac services cease after 22 employees resign Medic Vac officer says gunshots fired at his car Little Rock makes plans to continue ambulance services Little Rock Bd sets aside $400r000 for ambulance system Georgia firm to provide ambulance service at Little Rock Ambulance service in LR among most costly in region Little Rock Authority asks North Little Rock to j oin system Medflight helicopter at Baptist Medical Center stays busy AMERICAN Jl.GRIQJLTURE ?OTEMENI' Spokesman invites Mo farmers to do their organizing at bane Farm activists work more quietly to achieve goals Odis Ch.apnan has been leader of IOOV ement in Arkansas AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION State may not appeal fees for ACLU in creation science case steve Clark will not appeal fees in cr eation science case Questions grant for I:WI arrests program at Fort Smith Clark decision not to appeal creation science fee Fees turned over to ACLU for work in creation science trial Seeks end to Arkadelphia School drug abuse policy Bob Sanders chides ACLU for action in Arkadelphia school case Alleged abuse of inmates at Arkansas State Prison probed Inmates tell ACLU they were beaten by guards Prison officials will not stop inmate abuse. S Kurj iaka says C.oncerned about Ark plan to list extremists May challenge title of Unborn Ch.ild Amendment to Ark const Sandra Kurj iaka calls for independendent prison commission Court suit not planned now against state prison. ACLU says Sandra Kurj iaka protests killing of Reeves by LR police Prison Bd disputes allegations by ACLU on prisoner abuse AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR Arkansas AFL-CIO makes endorsements in Democratic primary state AFL-CIO backs Democratic candidates AMERICAN FUEL CELL AND CDATED FABRICS CD see also - Southern Arkansas University AMERICAN SEnJRITY CXXJ:OC IL see also - Congress-Senate AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAHI CD Losing $4r3 00 daily on long distance calls in Arkansas Rate increase of 18 pct granted by Public Service C.ommission AMERICAN TRANSIDRTATION CDRP Areas of responsibility listed for three new managers AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL 7 PAG C 10/11/84 Al4 4 11/07/84 BOl 3 0 2/13/84 C03 4 09/23/84 BOl 3 1 2/05/84 DOl 5 04/25/84 05/23/84 05/25/84 05/28/84 05/30/84 05/31/84 06/28/84 07/08/84 08/15/84 09/17/84 AlO Al8 AOl A07 A04 BOl A03 AOl BOl BOl 6 1 2 1 1 5 1 2 2 2 03/04/84 AOS 6 03/31/84 BOl 1 03/31/84 BOl 1 01/05/84 01/06/84 01/06/84 01/08/84 01/17/84 03/01/84 03/15/84 05/25/84 05/27/84 07/08/84 07/16/84 07/16/84 07/16/84 09/20/84 10/16/84 11/30/84 A04 A03 A07 Al6 A03 AOl Al9 Al4 A03 A21 AOl A03 A03 A03 A06 AOl 2 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 4 6 04/15/84 AOl 3 09/23/84 A03 1 01/04/84 007 1 02/04/84 AOl 4 07/15/84 BOS 1 ARKANSAS GAZE.Tl'E INDEX 1984 Dl\.TE Arkansans join camiaign against torture Al'DREL SCHOOL DISTRICI' Voters refuse to merge with Gosnell and Dell AKJS™ENT PARKS see also - Dogpatch USA see also - Fun Mountain see also - Magic Springs see also - Wild River Country ANDERSON SAM JR see also - Aloohol and Drug Abuse ANDYS OF AMERICA Gordon G Gondek named president of Little Rock-based firm �EL BILLY see also - world War II �LIC'AN OIURCH St Alban ' s at Little Rock is breakaway fran Episooial Cl:mrch ANNEXATION OF MUNICIPAL AREAS see - Area Planning ANTHONY BERYL see also - Congress-House District 4 Cllallenges r eport on lack of hunger in America Cbmm ents on pullout of Marines f ran Beirut Wants ooncessions on wilderness designation Urges facility for nerve gas production at Pine Bluff Arsenal Wants new strategy for nerve gas production fight Urges funds to preiare Arsenal for nerve gas production Pushes for $10 million for Bigeye facility at Arsenal says Pres Reagan vowed aid on chanical arms Anthony and Bethune fuming over debate on chanical weapons Lists personal wealth in report to Congress Supports Walter Mondale for Dem Presidential nanination Accuses Fil Bethune of deceiving branine workers Sees tax rise. cut in Medicare benefits Wilderness bill ircq;asse seen unless cornpranise accepted Fails to reach acoord with Dale Bumpers on wilderness bill Compranise r eached with Dale Bumpers on wilderness acreage Anthony told no secret pranises made to Fil Bethune on branine Anthony of fact-finding tour of Ellrope says group on trade moves too sl<Mly Congressman gets advice fran ianel he named on agri matters ANrJQUEE see also - Household Furnishings and Equipnent APARTMENI'S see - Housing AroLLO LAKEWOOD INC see also - Pollution APPARITIONS Article on search for Gurdon ghost light APPLE W M SR Retired insuror . avid sportsman dies at age 84 AP!' CDN&I'RUCl'ION CD see also - Road Contracts .AQUAOJL'IURE Crayfish is important crop for rice farmers 8 PAG C 05/22/84 BOl 6 08/24/84 Al6 4 07/15/84 BOl 5 0 2/01/84 BOl 3 01/16/84 02/09/84 02/11/84 02/15/84 03/08/84 03/21/84 0 4/13/84 05/11/84 05/18/84 05/18/84 05/22/84 08/18/84 08/28/84 09/18/84 09/21/84 09/26/84 09/27/84 11/12/84 11/24/84 12/21/84 BOl Al 4 A04 BOl All Al4 A06 A0 5 AOl Al3 Al2 B02 BOl BOl A03 AOl A03 A09 A07 A05 2 1 1 6 4 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 3 2 1 3 5 5 1 1 09/10/84 BOl 2 06/01/84 AO 5 1 02/05/84 Bl2 3 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 mTE Fish farmers in Ark may turn to hybrid striped bass ARBOR INC Firm uses novel approach to find tenants for old Singer plant ARBOR PROOOCI1S INC Trumann gets UDMi grant to assist firm to begin operations ARQiror..a;y AND ANTHROIDLOOY Harvey Ma3 ehee recovers thousands of rel ics in Arkansas Lee Creek area has significant Indian sites Effort begins to preserve dugout canoe found near Benton Amateurs, professionals dig at historic sites in f1ll Arkansas Archeologists study bones f ran cemetery in f1ll Arkansas Ranains of vessel! fran 1800s found in Arkansas River ARO:IITEC!'URE AND ARO:IITECl'S Four Little Rock firms receive 1984 design awards Two firms in Ark cited for designs ARO:IIVES AND REroROO Repositories of records being inventoried in Arkansas ARCrIC ANTHROIDLOOY Scientific j ournal based at University of Ark at Fayetteville ARFA PLANNilG see also - Arkansas Community Developnent Program see also - Floods see also - Little Rock-Area Planning see also - Sa-1er Irnprovanent District No 42 see also - Springdale Five cities named for Main Street Arkansas proj ect Five cities in Main Street Arkansas program differ in goals ARRADELPHIA SQIOCL DISTRICI1 survey shows students support drug, aloohol tests in school Suit filed by ACLU seeks to halt aloohol . drug policy use Bob Sanders says ACLU should be ashamed of attack ARKANSANS FOR A BErl'ER ARKANSAS see - Gambling ARKANSAS - AERONAUTICS CDMMISSION see also - Airports ARKANSAS - PGRIQJLTURE DEPARTMENT Rural legislators to push for estab of a dep:1.rtment ARKANSAS - ALCDHCLIC BWERK;E CDNTRCL BOARD see also - Pornograi;:hy and Ooocenity ARKANSAS - ATroRNEY GENERAL see also - Clark Steve Steve Clark formally enters race for reelection Death penalty specialist sought for staff of Atty General ARKANSAS - AUDITOR Julia Hughes Jones to seek third term as Auditor Jul ia Hughes Jones unopposed for re-election ARKANSAS - BOARIE AND CDMMISSIONS Appointments announced by Gov Bill Clinton Gov Clinton makes six appointments Appointments made to boards and oommissions by Gov Clinton Members of Conun on People With Disabiliti es named Several named to boards and commissions by Gov Clinton Mor e manbers appointed by Gov Bill Clinton Gov Clinton names mor e appointees 9 PPG C 05/16/84 BOl 4 02/20/84 BOl 2 0 2/08/84 D06 2 0 4/23/84 05/20/84 05/22/84 06/25/84 07/21/84 10/29/84 BOl Al.6 BOl BOl BOl BOl 2 1 3 2 1 2 11/04/84 B06 1 12/09/84 B07 3 03/27/84 BOl 2 12/23/84 Al.2 1 08/22/84 BOl 3 08/24/84 A06 1 02/17/84 A07 2 03/01/84 AOl 4 03/15/84 Al.9 1 12/30/84 Al.0 4 03/22/84 A06 5 11/09/84 A09 4 03/13/84 A03 2 04/04/84 A06 5 01/13/84 01/17/84 01/18/84 01/24/84 01/27/84 01/31/84 02/08/84 C06 4 Al.0 3 A03 5 cos 3 A06 6 C06 3 D06 2 ARKANSAS GAZ E'ITE INDEX 19S4 �TE More board and corranission appointments released Several appnts to boards and corranissions announced Governor appoints two to state boards and commissions Appointments by Gov Clinton announced List of recent appointments by Gov Bill Clinton Appointments announced by off ice of governor Appointments announced by Governor ' s Office Several appointments announced Appointments by Governor announced Gov Clinton announces additional appointments Governor announces appointments Gov Clinton lists appointments to pmels, camnissions Appointments by Gov Bill Clinton announced Gov Clinton makes several appointments known List of recent appointments by Gov Bill Clinton Appointments by Gov Bill Clinton announced ARKANSAS BOONDAR IES Border dispute between Ark , Miss concerns Lee County land US Suprane Ct master rules Ark owns disputed land at Ft Smith ARKANSAS - BUILD:rn:; SERVICF.S CDUN:IL see also - University of Arkansas ARKANSAS - CAPI'IOL BUILD:rn:; see also - Old State House Plans outlined for work on building Figure stolen fran Nativity scene on grounds is returned Note left in manger scene notes repentance ARKANSAS CHANCERY CDURI' DISTRICT 06 Lynn Davis seeks Position 2 as Danocrat John C Farl seeks Position 2 ARKANSAS - CHILD CARE FACILrrIES RE.VIEW BOARD see also - Bentonville Christian Day Care Center see also - Little Rascals Day Care Family Hane see also - Texarkana Baptist Orphanage ARKANSAS - CHILD SUPIORT CDMMISSION see - Child Support Conunission ARKANSAS - CIRaJrr CDURI' DISTRICT 06 Annabelle Clinton apptd j udge to replace Judge Hendricks Pulaski Quorum Ct anits funds for anployees of Judge F Lofton Judge Floyd Lofton closes his court Judge Lofton discusses funds problan with Attorney General Judge Floyd Lofton to reopen his court Judge Floyd Lofton reopens court Dispute between Lofton. Quorum ct explained Judge Lofton asks that his employees get same EBY as others Pay plan of Don Venhaus approved for Lofton anployees Controversy over budget for Lofton ' s court not over Quorum Court EBnel rej ects Lofton request for anployee EBY Judge Lofton files suit against Pulaski Co officials over EBY Judge Lofton called good stEMard of county funds Crime victims, former j urors support Chris Piazza Two candidates come fran opposite sides of systan Three Dems seek short term for judgeship Prosecutor candidates Mark Stodola , Chris Piazza speak Chris Piazza wins nomination for prosecuting attorney 02/24/S4 02/29/S4 03/16/S4 03/22/S4 04/05/S4 04/15/S4 05/05/S4 06/24/S4 06/29/S4 07/Ol/S4 07/12/S4 OS/07/S4 OS/31/S4 09/09/S4 10/07/S4 ll/2S/S4 PFG C C07 DOS All All B02 Al 4 B02 A17 Al5 A23 Al5 A03 AOS A21 A29 BOS 1 1 6 5 3 4 5 4 6 1 6 4 6 3 1 1 - 05/06/S4 AOl 2 OS/1S/S4 C07 3 ll/15/S4 sos 5 12/19/S4 AOl 2 12/19/S4 A04 4 - 10 02/27/S4 A07 6 02/2S/S4 A06 4 Ol/10/S4 Ol/25/S4 Ol/26/S4 Ol/27/S4 Ol/2S/S4 Ol/31/S4 02/0l/S4 02/03/S4 02/04/S4 02/12/S4 02/15/S4 03/0S/S4 03/1S/S4 05/24/S4 05/25/S4 05/26/S4 05/29/S4 05/30/S4 AlO AOl A07 AOl Al6 A03 Al3 A04 A07 Al9 A03 AOl A23 BOl A17 BOl A03 A07 1 6 2 1 1 2 4 5 1 1 4 5 1 2 1 1 1 5 ARKANSAS GAZ ETI'E INDEX 1984 Dl\TE Court orders i:ay raises for 2 employees of Judge F Lofton How ironey was spent may have decided prosecutor race ARKANSAS - CDMMERCE DEPARTMENr Suit alleges bias in failure of Weights Div to pranote worker ARKANSAS CDNSI'ITUTION Texts of four proposed amdts to be voted on in November Proposed Arndt 63 deals with personal property tax ARKANSAS - CDNTRAcroRS LICENSiln BOARD Employee misused $39,373, audit shows Audit turned over to prosecuting attorney ARKANSAS - CDNTRAcrs AND PURCHASiln see also - Arkansas State Prison see also - Legislature-Committees see also - Mills Hugh A see also - Minority Business Enterprises see also - Road Contracts Copyright by John F Wells of indexing system is criticized Wells offers to waive copyright for Arkansas Reports ARKANSAS - CDRRECT'IONS BOARD Chairman Woodson D Walker ready for challenges ARKANSAS CDURI' OF APPEALS Creation of court had positive effect on Supreme Court Court reportedly has encountered sane conflicts Melvin Mayfield r esigns post of Chief Judge George K Cracraft named Chief Judge Judges must grapple with growing backlog of cases ARKANSAS - CDURTS see also - Arkansas-Circuit Court see also - Arkansas-supreme Court Arkansas Supreme ct discourages direct court reporting Report cards on j udges attract little notice ARKANSAS - CRIME LABORA'IDRY Henry Oliver named director of Crime Lab Evaluators find no serious problem with state facility Inspectors urge purchase of $400,000 worth of eq:uipnent ARKANSAS DFSCRIPrION AND IMPRESSIONS Visitor fran Finland finds Ark was misr epr esented to him ARKANSAS - EOJNOMIC CDNDITIONS Annual review of progress in state econ developnent F.conOJT!Y showed signs of vigor in 1984 ARKANSAS - EroNCJ.UC DE.VELOPMEN.l' Gov Bill Clinton reveals plans for stimulating developnent ARKANSAS EIXJC'ATION DEPARI'MENI' see also - Public School Teachers Dr Don Roberts resigns as Director to take Texas post Five candidates under study for director of gen educ div TOllUI¥ R Venters named director of General Education Div Implementing standards is top priority of Tamey Venters ARKANSAS - ELECT'IONS see - Arkansas-Politics and Elections ARKANSAS - EMPLOYEES AHO OFF ICIALS State employees may get raise in January, Bill Clinton says ARKANSAS - EMPLOYEES AND OFFICIALS see also - Arkansas Public Employees Retirement System PAG C 06/20/84 AOl 2 07/15/84 Al. 8 1 02/10/84 COB 6 - 09/11/84 Cl3 1 09/19/84 A03 6 01/21/84 A0 8 1 02/11/84 A03 5 07/17/84 A05 1 07/17/84 A05 1 03/04/84 A0 9 1 - 03/05/84 06/28/84 06/28/84 07/06/84 07/22/84 BOl B02 B02 Al.3 Al.3 5 5 5 6 1 03/28/84 BOl 2 11/18/84 All 1 07/20/84 Al.6 2 11/15/84 D09 3 11/28/84 Al.6 1 - 08/27/84 Al. O 1 02/12/84 HOl 1 12/30/84 BOl 3 12/12/84 AOl 2 - 11 05/26/84 08/05/84 08/27/84 09/17/84 A03 A05 AOl BOl 4 1 2 2 11/12/84 A0 9 1 ARKANSAS GAZE.'I'l'E INDEX 1984 DA.TE see also - Arkansas-Game and Fish CoIIUll. ission see also - Arkansas-Parks and Tourism Deparbnent see also - Commerce Deparbnent see also - Holidays and Special Occasions All former governors support longer terms Petition drive begins for 4-yr term for const officers state suffers f ran two-year terms for officials Policy on reporting during bad weather outlined for anployees Paul Riviere denies age bias in firing of John T Oglesby Legislature froze step increases last year State anployees seek r ecovery of step pay increase Gov Bill Clinton says funds too low to restore step increases Ark Suprane Ct rules anployees can be sued for negligence State anployees seek restoration of pay raises Gov Clinton wants employees reimbursed for missed raises step pay raises to be restored, official says John E Miller deni es Legis used deceit in use of surplus Petitions filed to place proposal for 4-yr terms on ballot Gov Clinton meets with state employee group on salaries L D Owen says Cl inton pledges all surplus for salary hikes Clinton did not pledge full surplus for pay , L D Owen says Ballot to contain proposal for four-year terms for officials Pay plan needs much re11 ision, legislators told Text of proposed amdt to provide for 4-yr terms Poll shows maj ority of voters support 4-yr term First black security chief at Capitol is terminated Proponents of 4-yr term for officials push amendnent Ernie Deane says nothing to be gained by four-year terms Arkansas Gazette supports 4-year term for officials Pros and cons of 4-yr terms for officials debated Four-year terms are subj ect of TJ debate Voters approve 4-year terms for constitutional officers Robert McCord discusses passage of 4-yr term amdt Robert McCord article on 4-yr term for officials Official vote on Arndt 64 for four-year terms ARKANSAS - EMPLOYEES AND OFFICIALS Ark Supr ane Ct rules anployees can be sued for negligence ARKANSAS - EXOCUTIVE MANSION Herb garden is feature of grounds of Governor ' s Mansion ARKANSAS - FINANCE AND AJEINISTRATION DEPARTMENI' Sex and race bias suit against Dept settled ARKANSAS - FINANCE AND BUOOEI'S see also - Goverrnnent Bonds and Investments Tax receipts set record Effort to ref er sales tax to vote fails James F Lane led drive to refer vote Certificates to finance construction proj ects ruled valid Construction plan had been challenged by John F Wells State tax collections top $1 billion for 10-:rconths period Tax collections for May show significant rise surplus of $15 . 9 million seen as fiscal year ends surplus re11 enue required by law to go into education fund Pay freeze for state employees called reason for surplus Surplus anticipated to be around $20 million 12 01/12/84 01/12/84 01/12/84 02/04/84 03/07/84 04/11/84 04/11/84 04/12/84 06/12/84 06/27/84 06/30/84 06/30/84 07/01/84 07/01/84 07/24/84 07/24/84 07/25/84 07/28/84 08/09/84 09/11/84 09/17/84 09/21/84 10/28/84 10/29/84 10/31/84 ll/04/84 11/05/84 ll/07/84 11/25/84 ll/27/84 ll/29/84 PAG C BOl BOl BOl A06 A07 AlO AlO Al4 Cl6 AOl A08 A08 A09 Al4 AOl AOl AOl AOl AlO Cl3 A04 Al6 Al2 All Al4 Bl 5 A08 AOl Bl7 All D07 6 6 6 5 2 6 6 3 4 2 6 6 1 4 2 2 6 2 1 1 2 5 1 5 1 5 2 3 1 1 1 06/12/84 Cl6 4 10/14/84 DOl 2 01/31/84 A05 6 02/01/84 02/08/84 02/08/84 03/13/84 03/13/84 05/01/84 06/01/84 06/25/84 06/26/84 06/27/84 06/29/84 A08 A04 A04 BOl BOl BOl C06 A06 A03 AOl AOl 4 5 5 5 5 3 6 3 1 2 3 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E INDEX 1984 01\TE Surplus totals $23.5 million New fiscal year opens with surplus funds Arkansas State Univ unhappy with per student appropriation Gov Cl inton asks agencies to be moderate in spending State revenues remain ahead of forecasts surplus allows state to increase spending level state revenue for September above forecast Revenue of $3 .4 billion predicted for next biennium state revenue pisses for ecast Gov Clinton urges caution in budgets despite rosy outlook Surplus of as much as $75 mill ion proj ect ed for 1984-84 yr General tax increase in 1985 Legis unlikely. Ben Allen says Gov Clinton budgeting for only 5 .8 pct increase next biennium Revenue oollection slightly under forecast Knox Nelson urges change in budgeting methods Legislators mostly heed Governor ' s plea on budgets ARKANSAS - FORESTRY COMMISSION see also - Forests and Forestry see also - Wilderness and Natural Areas Budget rise for agency endorsed by ALC p:inel ARKANSAS GAME AND FISH COMMISSION see also - Black River see also - For ests and Forestry see also - Oil and Gas see also - Wilderness and Natural Areas Begins effort for sales tax increase to help finance work George Purvis heads sales tax drive Free licenses given to 400 Conunission employees Agency to seek to be removed f ran state p:iy plan survey shows support for hunting, outdoor activities Will not fight Jacksonville plan on Bayou Meto quality sales tax for G&FC use not needed, Iavid Ivers says Part of new tax should be earmarked for p:iy, A G Pursley says Deer dog owners threaten to oppose sales tax if ban stands Steve N Wilson comments on oonservation tax for G&FC Conunission has long history of skirting roI Act Commission vows to roll back fee increase if tax voted Action taken on several items at meeting Arkansas Gazette opposes sales tax for oonservation Planned use of pro:E;(>sed sales tax outlined by Steve Wilson Petitions filed for vote on sales tax for oonservation Audubon Society fight against N Iakota proj ect supported North Iakota proj ect would affect wetlands used by ducks Wildlife officers p:iy below other professionals Game wardens seek to halt illegal taking of wildlife Petitions for sales tax may be insufficient �r e petitions for sales tax del ivered to Secretary of State Karen Cole to head urban wildl ife program Petition for sales tax certified for ballot Game wardens active in programs other than enforcement William E BreNer ap:E;(>inted to replace Hays T Sullivan William E Brewer is opponent of channel ization of rivers Summary of action taken at August meeting William E Keith resigns as Fisheries Div chief 06/30/84 08/01/84 08/21/84 09/01/84 09/01/84 09/12/84 09/29/84 10/16/84 11/03/84 11/09/84 11/09/84 11/25/84 11/27/84 12/01/84 12/06/84 12/19/84 PAG C BOl BOl AOl A03 C09 BOl C09 ClO C09 AOl AOl A25 AOl A09 Al8 AOl 5 4 6 1 6 6 2 3 4 3 3 1 5 2 4 2 12/13/84 BOl 2 - 13 01/29/84 01/29/84 02/04/84 02/07/84 02/21/84 03/02/84 03/02/84 03/18/84 03/20/84 03/31/84 04/29/84 05/22/84 05/24/84 05/26/84 06/05/84 07/04/84 07/15/84 07/15/84 07/15/84 07/22/84 07/25/84 07/31/84 08/01/84 08/04/84 08/05/84 08/21/84 08/21/84 08/21/84 09/07/84 AOl AOl AOl A03 A03 Al2 Al7 EX>6 C02 Al6 A23 A03 D03 Al8 A04 AOl Al3 Al3 EX>6 E06 AlO A0 4 D22 A03 EX>6 A04 A04 C02 A08 4 4 4 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 6 2 2 5 1 5 1 1 5 4 3 3 3 2 ARKANSAS GAZ EI'l'E INDEX 1984 DATE PAG C 09/09/84 ED6 1 Resignation of Bill Keith is loss for G&FC, sportsnen 09/11/84 Cl3 6 of proposed amdt for sales tax for G&FC use 09/19/84 AlO 1 Raffle at Pope County Fair draws fire of Amendment opponent 09/19/84 AlO 2 Republican Party platform opposes proposed Amendment 09/25/84 COB 5 Committee formed to aid passage of sales tax amdt 10/19/84 A08 4 Proposed sale tax (Arndt 67 ) opposed by Legislative panel 10/21/84 !02 1 Arkansas Gazette opposes passage of sales tax amendment 10/24/84 Al5 3 Clyde Tanple and Buck Bates discuss merits of sales tax 10/25/84 BOl 2 Ra;{uest for exemption f ran fiscal laws startles ALC 10/30/84 BOl 4 Analysis of proposed amdt for sales tax for Comm use 10/30/84 BOl 4 Deer hunters angered by dog ban lead fight against amdt 11/02/84 A20 4 Lynn Greenwalt urges support for conservation tax John Heuston replies to Buck Bates on conservation tax issue 11/04/84 Bl6 4 11/07/84 AOl 3 Voters turn down sales tax for G&FC work 11/18/84 ED6 4 Only 12 counties approved sales tax for G&FC use 11/18/84 ED6 6 Amendment 67 campaign is $25 . 000 in debt Di rector Steven Wilson told by Legis panel to rework budget 11/29/84 AOl 2 Higher pay for game officers suggested by Legislators 11/29/84 AOl 2 Legislators take Director Steve Wilson to task 11/29/84 AOl 2 11/29/84 D07 1 Official vote on proposed sal es tax for G&FC use 12/02/84 ED6 4 State sportsmen protest attack by Legis subconunittee 12/09/84 H02 4 Public response to criticism of budget by Legis Council 12/11/84 A07 1 Budget with higher warden pay gets favorable ALC response 12/18/84 C03 3 Commission acts on several items at meeting 12/19/84 A20 1 Legislative panel votes no funds to expand info. educ work ARKANSAS - GENERAL .ASSEM3LY see - Legislature ARKANSAS - GCNERNOR see also - Clinton Bill 02/01/84 A08 6 El.wood Freanan to seek GOP nomination 02/05/84 !01 4 No serious competition seen for Gov Bill Clinton 02/14/84 AOl 2 El.wood Freanan seeks GOP nomination for Governor Monroe A Schwarzlose seeks funds for race for Dem nomination 02/18/84 A03 6 02/18/84 BOl 3 Winthrop Paul Rockefeller to be camp:1.ign chmn for Freanan Elwood Freanan calls for GOP sweep of state off ices 0 2/25/84 A03 6 Freanan says Gov Clinton said teachers could not read, write 0 2/27/84 A07 1 02/29/84 A03 4 Freanan did not accuse Clinton of illiterate teacher ranark 03/08/84 A03 6 Ray Baker of Fort Smith. may run for office of governor 03/09/84 All 1 Ray Baker says Clinton gave him deadline to make decision 03/11/84 A07 1 Erwin Davis may oppose Woody Freanan in GOP primary 03/20/84 A07 5 Erwin Davis to seek Republican nanination for governor 03/21/84 A04 3 Erwin Davis to seek off ice 03/25/84 Al2 5 Erwin Davis officially enters GOP primary race 03/28/84 A03 5 Woody Freanan and Erwin L Davis file for Repub nomination 03/30/84 A03 3 Ionnie Turner of �ark, may enter Democratic race 03/31/84 A03 4 Ionnie Turner announces bid for Democratic nomination 04/01/84 A03 1 Bill Clinton announces for reelection. mentions truck tax Erwin Davis leaves press perplexed by mishmash of statenents 04/01/84 Al8 1 04/02/84 A07 6 Ionnie Turner says truthfulness is big issue 04/03/84 A03 1 Bill Cl inton. Lonnie Turner and Kermit Moss file as Dems 04/13/84 A22 2 Bill Clinton says foes use code words in criticism 04/14/84 C07 2 Ionnie Turner alleges Clinton coverup of study on truck tax 0 4/14/84 C07 2 Turner charge of coverup draws response f ran Bill Clinton 04/15/84 AOl 3 Bill Clinton endorsed by AFL-CIO Text 14 ARKANSAS GAZErl'E INDEX 1984 Dl\TE Candidates speak to Farm Bureau Federation oonvention Erwin Davis against repeal of truck tax, teacher test law Bill Clinton connnent s on interview with AF.A officials Kermit Moss sees his age as an asset AF.A declines to make endorsement . suggests vote for K Moss Failur e to get AF.A endorsement not disappointing to Clinton fJbss proposal on teacher testing attacked by Peggy Nabors Ernest Dmnas says Clinton opponents not very classy Turner says Clinton. Judge Woods want one school dist for Ark Death penalty supported by Erwin Davis Bill Clinton endorsed by A<DRN woody Freenan . Erwin L Davis list camp:i.ign oontributions Bill Clinton lists oontributors Turner lacks understanding of sch standards . Mrs Clinton says Erwin Davis asserts tests delayed to benefit Bill Clinton Bill Clinton encbrsed by Arkansas Gazette for re-election Bill Clinton. Lonnie Turner connnent on deer cbg ban woody Freeman opposes merger of Pulaski County school dists Candidates speak at Mount Nebo Olicken Fry Candidates discuss AP&L, education and death penalty I.Dnnie Turner calls Clinton a Socialist and consolidationist Nine manbers of a black ooalition back Turner for election Erwin Davis attacks stance of Woody Freeman Bill Clinton reports oontributions of $527 . 110 Experts expect Bill Clinton to swamp his three opponents Geogra:Eilical origins may determine winner of GOP primary Bill Clinton sweeps to nanination without runoff woody Freeman in easy win over Erwin Davis for GOP nanination Complete election returns in Dem and Repub primaries Democratic primary camp:i.ign re11 iewed Official totals in Democratic primary election Woody Freenan announced new plant for Carl isle Indictment of Roger Cl inton not an issue. Woody Freenan says Woody Freeman says he would put sense in govt Both candidates discuss utility rates in talk to Jaycees Woody Freenan hits teacher testing law, questions j ob record Woody Freeman says Bill Clinton is too intellectual Arkansas Education Assn makes no encbrsement in race Woody Freenan favors prayer in public sdlools Freeman criticizes Clinton request for Reagan aid on AP&L woody Freenan says he would replace manbers of PSC Woody Freenan calls for probe of pr ison system Henry Kissinger was speaker at fund-raiser for Freenan woody Freeman fund-raiser dinner oost $500 per plate Freeman spokesman dismisses Clinton charge of utilities tie Freeman accuses Clinton of being insensitive to unemployed Clinton ridicules Freeman renark on &Windler return request Fr eeman asserts Clinton grandstanding with &Windler request Cl inton accuses Freenan of distortion of &Windler case Sebastian County asked for return of Swindler f ran Florida Woody Freenan calls Bill Clinton reason for employee turnover Woody Freeman cites Clinton action in &Windler case Woody Freenan says teacher testing law a Clinton quick fix Control of brucellosis in cattle becomes issue in race 15 04/25/84 04/29/84 04/29/84 04/30/84 05/01/84 05/02/84 05/03/84 05/06/84 05/09/84 05/10/84 05/10/84 05/10/84 05/10/84 05/15/84 05/16/84 05/16/84 05/17/84 05/18/84 05/20/84 05/20/84 05/21/84 05/25/84 05/25/84 05/25/84 05/27/84 05/27/84 05/30/84 05/30/84 05/31/84 06/03/84 06/08/84 06/24/84 08/05/84 08/10/84 08/12/84 08/21/84 08/26/84 08/28/84 09/03/84 09/06/84 09/06/84 09/07/84 09/09/84 09/09/84 09/10/84 09/12/84 09/13/84 09/14/84 09/16/84 09/16/84 09/22/84 09/28/84 10/03/84 10/05/84 PAG C Al.4 A06 Al.4 A03 BOl Al.0 Al.2 Bll Al.2 Al.O Al.5 B02 BOB B02 A09 Al.0 D02 B02 AOl A20 A06 A04 A06 Al.8 Al.6 Al.7 AOl AOl Al.0 Al.7 A20 A09 Al.6 Al.3 A04 A03 A09 A0 4 A08 A05 A05 Al5 A20 A20 A06 A03 Al.3 A06 A07 A07 A08 All A09 A07 4 6 4 4 2 5 4 1 5 6 1 4 1 2 6 1 1 6 4 1 5 6 6 6 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 6 1 6 1 6 6 6 2 2 4 6 6 2 6 2 1 1 1 5 1 3 2 ARKANSAS GAZ ETI'E INDEX 1984 DATE Woody Freanan backs small schools Bill Clinton warmly received in Republican nests of support Lonnie Turner cites yellow oog Democrat. en<X>rses Cl inton List of contributions to Bill Clinton and Woody Freanan Woody Freanan says contest now is a horse race Woody Freanan gets backing fran President Reagan Woody Freanan tells crowds he is the people ' s choice State lag in econ growth is Clinton ' s fault, Freanan says Bill Cl inton says pressure on to ignore school standards Bill Clinton enoorsed for re-election by ACDRN Clinton seeks aid for workers at Morrilton and Osceola Clinton calls Freanan charge about Swindler despicable woody Freanan work for utilities mentioned by Bill Clinton Woody Freanan says Clinton ads on educ stand of fend him Woody Freanan reveals plans for econorey- , hits Clinton record B Clinton sees effort by W Freanan to weaken educ standards W Freanan deni es that he would weaken educ standards as gov Summary of main thanes of Clinton and Freanan camECtigns Arkansas Gazette enoorses Bill Clinton for re-election Bill Clinton calls Woody Freanan ad shameful woody Fr eanan twice voted to request sales tax rise Woody Freanan thinks Reagan visit will boost his camECtign Fiery oratory del ivered at rally of blacks at Little Rock Robert Mcintosh heckles Bill Clinton at Dunbar rally Bill Clinton easily defeats Woody Freanan for Governor Woody Freanan discusses his defeat by Bill Clinton Official election returns certified Bill Clinton and Woody Freanan have friendly visit at Capitol Clinton asks no additional funds for staff Freanan had not r ead statanent . Clinton secretary suggests ARKANSAS - GOVERNORS TASK FORCE ON CRIME see also - Crime and Criminals ARKANSAS HFAL'IH BOARD see also - Births ARKANSAS - HIGHER EOOCATION BOARD see also - College Finance and Budgets Reconunendations made on capital needs , admr salaries Summary of actions taken at August meeting ARKANSAS - HIGHWAY AND TRANSIDRTATION DEPARTMENT see also - Road Contracts see also - Roads and Traffic see also - Taxation Alliances provide main source of Connnission strength Dismissal of Henry Gray as AHTD Director not likely Influence of Gov Bill Clinton grows with 3 rd term Legislative Council hears request for $360 million budget Full budget r equest approved by Legislative Council ARKANSAS - HIGifiAY COMMISSION see - Arkansas-Highway and Transportation DeECtrbnent ARKANSAS - HISTORIC BUILD:n.I;S AND SITES see also - Old State House ARKANSAS - HISTORY see also - Clayton Powell Marnnel le area has interesting history 10/12/84 10/14/84 10/14/84 10/17/84 10/18/84 10/20/84 10/21/84 10/22/84 10/22/84 10/22/84 10/23/84 10/24/84 10/24/84 10/26/84 10/27/84 10/29/84 10/29/84 10/31/84 10/31/84 11/02/84 11/02/84 11/04/84 11/05/84 11/05/84 11/07/84 11/11/84 11/29/84 12/08/84 12/18/84 19/12/84 PAG C A03 Al7 Al7 A0 8 A0 4 A0 4 Al. 4 A0 4 A0 9 A09 AO! All All All A06 A08 A08 Al.O Al. 4 A21 A21 A22 AO! AOl AOl A3 2 D07 A03 Al.3 A03 5 1 1 5 3 2 1 1 1 4 3 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 4 4 4 2 2 4 5 1 1 1 6 - 16 08/18/84 AO! 5 08/21/84 AO! 6 07/29/84 ll/18/84 11/18/84 12/04/84 12/20/84 A2 4 Al3 Al.3 Al.0 A2 4 1 1 1 1 1 02/04/84 BOl 1 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 DA.TE Site of old tanyard found on Petit Jean Mountain Archeologists find artifacts at site of Ashley Mansion Cole Younger said to have visited Flanery at Cal ico Rock Role of blacks in Ark history to be subj ect of proj ect ARKANSAS - HUMAN DE.VELOPMEN.l' CENTERS Resident of Arkadel:Etiia unit drams in river ARKANSAS HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMEN.l' Ray Scott chided by legislators over Medicaid problans 'lhree blacks win anployment bias suit against Dept Gov Clinton. Legis ianels endorse bill to reorganize Dept ARKANSAS - lNOOsrRIAL DE.VELOR<tENI' OOMMISSION see also - Bioplex International see also - Grants In Aid ARKANSAS - INSURANCE DEPI' see also - Baldwin United Corp Some legislators upset by repts Linda Garner may be replaced ARKANSAS - I.RID <DMMIS S IONER Bert G Dickey III seeks Danocratic nanination Larry Crane and Charles Daniels to seek Dem nomination Charles L ll::lniels makes formal announcement for post Larry Crane formally enters race for Dan nanination Randy Jones will seek Dan nanination for off ice J Merle Lanley to seek Democratic nanination Glenn Cox seeks Danocratic nanination Charles ll::lni el was charged with ll'lI in 1 983 . report says Bert Dickey lists camiaign contributions Six candidates conduct lON-key �ign Charl es ll::lni el and Randy Jones in runoff for Dem nomination Complete returns in Dem primary listed Randy Jones endorsed by Bert G Dickey and Larry Crane Official totals in Democratic primary elections Charl es ll::lni els def eats Randy Jones for Dan nanination Olarles ll::lni el s pleads no contest to llVI charge Charl es L Daniels fined, driver license suspended for ll'lI ARKANSAS - LEGISLA'IURE see - Legislature ARKANSAS - LIEUTENANT GCJl.TmNOR Winston Bryant to seek reelection Solanon Scaife seeks GOP nomination for race Winston Bryant files for renomination in Dem primary GOP candidate Solanon A Scaife expectes to def eat Bryant Winston Bryant def eats Solanon A Scaife Official election returns certified ARKANSAS - MEDICAL BOARD see also - Nurses and Nursing see also - Ibysicians and Surgeons ARKANSAS - MJ'IDR VEHICT.E COMMISSION Lunch bill questioned by legislative auditors ARKANSAS - NA'IDRAL AND CUL'IURAL HERIT1GE COMMISSION see - Arkansas-Natural and Cultural Heritage Dept ARKANSAS - NA'IURAL AND CUL'IURAL HERIT1GE DEPI' see also - Plants see also - Wilderness and Natural Areas see also - Wildlife 02/13/84 04/21/84 08/05/84 12/17/84 PAG C BOl BOl A2 4 BOl 2 6 1 2 06/01/84 A05 1 - 17 02/10/84 Al.8 1 10/30/84 A05 1 12/21/84 A08 1 12/14/84 AOl 2 02/06/84 0 2/22/84 02/24/84 02/26/84 03/04/84 03/14/84 03/15/84 04/20/84 05/10/84 05/21/84 05/30/84 05/31/84 06/05/84 06/08/84 06/13/84 06/20/84 07/12/84 A05 A03 A0 4 Al.3 A07 Al. 4 Al7 All Al.8 A04 A06 A09 A07 A20 AOl A03 All 5 2 4 4 3 6 3 5 2 1 5 1 2 3 5 2 1 03/09/84 03/17/84 03/29/84 08/12/84 11/07/84 11/29/84 Al.3 A09 A09 Al.0 AOl 007 3 5 3 1 4 1 09/07/84 A03 4 ARKANSAS GAZ E'ITE lNDEX 1984 DATE Commission has matureed during its eleven years of work Dei:artJnent pr epares reasoned pitch for funding Arkanas Legislative Council approves budget of Gov Clinton ARKANSAS - NATURAL .AND SCENIC RIVERS <DMMISSION Agency struggles to save best streams ARKANSAS - NATURAL RESOORCFS <DMMI'ITEE Norman F Williams storms out of hearing on Current River :tibrman Williams calls Larry Crane a slob fran family of slobs ARKANSAS - NURSil\G BOARD see also - Nurses and Nursing Appr oves rules for midwives Rescinds rule on nurse midwives ARKANSAS - PARKS AND TOURISM DEPARTMENT Revised policy allows Lowman to keep long hair ARKANSAS - PILOI' <DOPERATIVES S'IUDY CDMMI'ITEE see - Public School Cooperative Proj ects ARKANSAS - EOLITICE AND ELECrIONS see also - Arkansas-Auditor see also - Arkansas-Governor see also - Arkansas-Lieutenant Governor see also - Arkansas-Secretary of State see also - Arkansas-supreme Court see also - Arkansas-Treasurer see also - Congress-House District 2 see also - Congr ess-House District 1 see also - Congress-House District 4 see also - Congr ess-House District 3 see also - Congress-Senate see also - Hawkins Marlin see also - Legislature see also - Local Elections see also - Presidential Election Primary battle in GOP good for pirty, leaders say Candidates for state races in Den primary listed List of Republicans filing for state off ices l isted Drama slipping away for late-filing cnadidates Blacks challenge validity of voter registration law Challenge to registration law cxmcerns place of registration Phillips Cotmty Ministerial Alliance filed challenge Mount Nebo Chicken Fry attracts most :EX>liticians Suit contends rtmoffs thwart bid by blacks to win off ice Surrmary of activity in Democratic preferential primary Levy ray marked by fierce stump speeches More than 500 , 000 expected to vote in pr imaries No Republican primary held in CoIWay Cotmty Casting of absentee vote on Stmday is legal Election returns fran county races other than Pulaski Ehd to voter registration barriers is goal of A<DRN Absentee voting law may accotmt for increased activity Results of runoffs in Dem primary outside Pulaski County Civil rights group cites registration :EX>licy as bar to blacks County clerks say thE¥ provide ample opportunity to register Voter registration hits record high, Julia Hughes Jones says Resenbnent against federal j udges blossoms as election issue 18 PAG C 11/18/84 Al.5 1 12/09/84 Al.9 1 12/11/84 A05 2 01/15/84 Al.5 1 03/29/84 A03 1 0 5/10/84 Al.0 1 01/18/84 A03 1 01/29/84 A0 5 1 05/15/84 BOl 2 03/25/84 04/04/84 04/04/84 04/05/84 04/11/84 04/11/84 04/11/84 05/20/84 05/22/84 05/27/84 05/27/84 05/29/84 05/30/84 05/30/84 05/31/84 05/31/84 06/09/84 06/14/84 06/14/84 06/14/84 07/25/84 0 8/26/84 Al.3 A06 A06 Al.5 AOl AOl AOl AOl A06 AOl A25 AOl A07 All A06 BOl Al.0 A06 Al.0 Al.0 Al.0 Al.6 1 1 6 1 2 2 2 4 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 ARKANSAS GAZ E.Tl'E INDEX 1984 D.t\TE Voter registration procedures inhibit blacks , suit claims Survey shows blacks heavily favor Dem candidates Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co helps fund voter registration drive Arkansas Poultry Federation helps fund voter registration Julia Hughes Jones organiz es group to pranote registration Better systan of validating petition signatur es needed GOP will monitor 200 precincts for i rregularities Big turnout of voters pr edicted by Julia Hughes Jones Non-traditional voters have i�ct on outcome of races Justice Dept asks order for Ark to follow federal law Justice Dept suit deals with aid to voters in casting ballot State offered to settle suit based on Tennessee decision GOP trio seeks to win top off ices in Arkansas Provision for recall of officials proposed for ' 86 el ection Recall amdt proposal followed ct rule on antiabortion vote Julia Hughes Jones predicts 1 million votes in Arkansas Large number of out-of-staters toop to state to cami;:.aign Justice Dept files new suit on deadline for absentee voting SUit over voter assistance settled with Justice Dept Christian Ministerial Alliance makes encbrsanents State will not contest Justice Dept suit on absentee votes Record number of voters expected at polls Group begins drive for amdt to allow recall of officials Record turnout of voters expected Federal j udge orders votes fran overseas military counted Voter turnout breaks records GOP sees no fraud in state voting Foreign j ournalists, political scientists observe election Just Dept suit over absentee vote deadline settled Steve Clark , accuses Justice Dept of blatant politics in suits Steve Clark tells Justice Dept of displeasur e over suits Political i;:.arty officials say Ark is now a two-i;:.arty state Death of one-i;:.arty systan in Ark noted by Ernest Dt.nnas Runoffs after general election bring complaints Advertisers ,see little effect in change to 4-yr terms GOP officials allege widespread abuse of absentee ballow law ARKANSAS - IDLLUI'ION CDNTRCL AND EXDLOOY CX>MMISSION see also - Pollution see also - Waste Materials Panel decides not to sue Environmental Protection Agency Fees required for issuance of permits by PC&E Coal ition plans bill to revamp Commission rnanbership Lack of accord snags efforts to reorganize make-up of Comm ARKANSAS - IOPUIATION AND VITAL STATISTICS Summary of statistics in annual rept. of state Health Dept Statistics prove idea of normal Arkansas resident ARKANSAS - RJBLIC BUILDnt;S AND OFFICE'S Three agencies overcharged for leases at Capitol Proposal appears dead for acquisition of of VA Med Center Building Services r ecommends VA Hosp not be acqui red Legislative council discusses bldg for regulatory agencies ARKANSAS - RJBLIC EMPLOYEES REl'IREMEN.l' SYSTEM Gl enna Penny files sex bias suit against agency ARKANSAS - RJBLIC PROPERTY 19 P.AG C 09/13/84 09/24/84 09/27/84 09/27/84 09/27/84 10/07/84 10/18/84 10/18/84 10/30/84 10/3]/84 10/3]/84 10/3]/84 10/3]/84 11/01/84 11/01/84 lJ/01/84 11/02/84 lJ/02/84 11/02/84 lJ/02/84 lJ/03/84 lJ/04/84 11/05/84 lJ/06/84 lJ/06/84 lJ/08/84 11/08/84 11/09/84 lJ/10/84 lJ/10/84 lJ/10/84 lJ/lJ/84 lJ/15/84 lJ/18/84 11/18/84 11/27/84 A04 A03 BOl 001 001 A25 A04 001 A09 AOl AOl AOl AlO A20 A20 A20 AOB AlO AJ.O A20 A21 A22 Al5 AOl AOl Al7 A21 AJ.6 AJ.8 AJ.8 AJ.8 A24 AJ.9 AOl 001 AJ.2 1 5 2 2 2 1 5 2 2 3 3 3 2 4 4 5 1 2 2 1 3 1 4 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 01/28/84 02/03/84 02/07/84 08/05/84 A03 A07 COB AJ.8 5 2 6 2 10/06/84 001 1 11/18/84 COl 2 01/13/84 07/17/84 10/18/84 lJ/28/84 A03 BOl 007 A03 2 2 5 5 11/04/84 A27 4 ARKANSAS GAZ ETI'E INDEX 1984 DATE Word processor used to produce camp:lign letter ARKANSAS - RJBLIC S:ERV'ICE CDMMISSION see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co see also - Clinton Bill see also - Southwestern Bell Telei;tione Co see also - Southwestern Electric Power Co Disagrees with Bill Cl inton statanent on instructions Conunission r epl ies to editorial by Robert McCord WOody Freanan would r eplace manbers if he becomes governor Legislative Council hears plan to slash PSC budget Attends private meeting of legis p:mel to urge budget rise ARKANSAS - QUALITY HIGHER EIXJCATION CDMMITI'EE see - College Standards see also - University of Arkansas ARKANSAS - REAL ESTATE CDMMISSION see also - Real Estate Business ARKANSAS - SQICXL DISTRICI' REDK2ANIZATION SIUDY COMMISSION see - Publ ic School Consolidation ARKANSAS - SCHCXL FACILITY BONDTIG AU'IHORITY S'IUDY COMM see - Public School Facilities ARKANSAS SCIENCE AND TFOINCLCGY AU'IHORITY Law to allow pr ivate funding urged Dr John W Ahlen named Director of Authority Louis Ramsay el ected chairman of Authority ARKANSAS - SEr:REl'ARY OF STATE Shirley Smith to seek Danocratic nanination w J Mceuen seeks Democratic nanination Jinmie Jones now plans to seek Danocratic nomination Bill McCuen endorsed by AFL-CIO Three candidates l ist contributions Candidates agree on main issue in race Bill Mceuen and Jinmie Jones in runoff for Dem nomination Complete r eturns l isted in Dem primary Shirley Smith endorses Jinmie Jones in runoff Jinmie Jones suggests Bill Mceuen might have casino interests Official totals in Democratic primary election W J McCuen says he opposes casino plan W J McCuen def eats Jinmie Jones for Dem nomination ARKANSAS - SESJUICEN!'ENNIAL Plans for celebration are on schedule, Virginia Fause says ARKANSAS - SOCIAL SERVICES DIVISION Lafayette County off ice firing of Bobby Hicks overturned Funding to nursing hanes raises question at budget hearing Sen Nick Wilson critical of rate increase for nursing hanes Task force blames Div for problans with US law compliance ARKANSAS - SOIL AND WATER CDNS:ERV'ATION CDMMISSION see also - Govermnent Bonds and Investments see also - White River Corrmission must define territory of irrigation dist . ct rules ARKANSAS - SUPREME CDURI' Complete r eturns in Dem primary listed Dr Robert A Lefler says Code limits debate topics ARKANSAS - SUPREME CDURI' IDSITION 1 Chief Justice Richard B Adkisson leaving court PAG C 01/19/84 AlO 5 01/25/84 02/13/84 09/06/84 12/04/84 12/15/84 AOl A08 A05 AlO Al9 2 4 2 1 5 - 20 01/21/84 C06 3 01/31/84 AOl 2 12/15/84 BOl 5 01/15/84 02/11/84 02/28/84 04/15/84 05/09/84 05/21/84 05/30/84 05/31/84 06/02/84 06/08/84 06/08/84 06/09/84 06/13/84 A07 Al3 AlO AOl B02 A03 A06 A0 9 A03 Al4 A20 A06 AOl 1 3 1 3 1 1 5 1 5 6 3 5 5 09/10/84 BOl 2 09/06/84 12/12/84 12/14/84 12/27/84 MJ7 Al6 A27 A03 3 3 1 1 01/31/84 A03 1 05/31/84 A09 1 06/08/84 AOl 4 01/07/84 MJl 6 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 DATE PAG C 01/30/84 A06 4 Jack Holt Sr seeks seat being vacated 04/04/84 AOl 2 Jim Johnson seeks post as a Republican candidate 04/04/84 A03 1 Jim Johnson says he favors equality of opportunity 04/04/84 A03 1 Jim Johnson says he opposes affirmative action 04/14/84 Al5 5 Jim Johnson makes vitrolic response to school merger order 04/29/84 AOB 1 Jim Johnson accuses Judge Henry Woods of influence attempt. 05/12/84 Al6 3 Jim and Virginia Johnson respond to editorial criticism 07/14/84 All 5 Jim Johnson attacks Kaneaster Hodges , treasurer for Holt 08/16/84 A03 5 Holt says Johnson charges that $100 , 000 raised is a lie 08/16/84 A03 5 Holt says he knows of no Middle South, AP&L oontributions 08/23/84 A0 4 1 Jim Johnson attacks Arkansas Gazette and Henry Woods 08/23/84 Al 4 1 Webster Hubbell apptd by Clinton to complete Adkisson term 09/24/84 A05 1 Jim Johnson explains his leadership of segregation groups 10/21/84 A26 1 Jim Johnson challenges Jack Holt Jr to debate 10/30/84 BOl 4 Jerry Falwell endorses Jim Johnson for Chief Justice 10/31/84 AlO 3 Jim Johnson ran 6 races as Dem, switched to Republicans 11/02/84 A22 1 Arkansas Gazette endorses Jack Holt Jr for Chief Justice 11/04/84 A22 5 Jim Johnson shares stage with Pres Reagan, isn ' t mentioned 11/05/84 AOl 2 Blacks ranind voters of Jim Johnson ' s record 11/05/84 A09 1 Jack Holt says Johnson committed to politics 11/07/84 A12 2 Jack Holt Jr easily defeats Jim Johnson for Chief Justice 11/11/84 A3 2 5 Jim Johnson discusses his def eat 11/29/84 D07 1 Official el ection results certified ARKANSAS - SU:EREME CDURI' FOSITION 5 01/14/84 A05 1 Wilbur C Bentl e'J to seek seat 01/15/84 Al2 3 Bobby W Sanders seeks Democratic nomination 01/17/84 BOB 2 Wilbur C Bentle'j formally enters race 04/15/84 AOl 3 David Newbern endorsed by AFL-CIO Labor believes bankers back candidates to re11erse usury rule 0 4/19/84 Al2 3 04/20/84 AOB 2 Alleged approach by bankers to be probed 04/21/84 A03 5 W C Bentle'j finds no evidence of bribery in oourt races 04/25/84 A09 1 Bob Sanders l etter questions end:>rsement of Newbern by AFL 05/07/84 A06 5 Candidates l ist contritotions 05/17/84 Al6 1 David Newbern endorsed by Arkansas Gazette 05/26/84 BOl 3 Candidates stress thei r experience 05/27 /84 A07 1 David Newbern has received more contributions than opponents 05/30/84 AOl 4 David Newbern, Bob W Sanders in runoff for nomination 06/08/84 A20 3 Official totals in Democratic primary election 06/13/84 AOl 2 David Newbern wins runoff in Democratic primary ARKANSAS - TFAClIER EOOCATION CERTIFICATION CDMMI'ITEE see - Public School Teachers ARKANSAS - TRANSIORTATION CDMMISSION see also - Trucks and Trucking Industry ARKANSAS - TREASURER 02/22/84 A07 5 Jirrmie Lou Fisher seeking third term ARKANSAS - VISITORS 10/31/84 BOl 5 Article on visits to state by US Pr esidents ARKANSAS - VITAL Sl'ATISTICS see - Arkansas-Population and Vital Statistics ARKANSAS - VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL EroCATION DIVISION study pmel suggests secondary programs shift to General Div 11/14/84 AlO 1 11/19/84 A07 1 Panel backs down f ran proposal to transfer programs ARKANSAS - IDRKERS CDMPENSATION CDMMISSION 05/03/84 A04 6 SUit challenges composition of Connnission 21 ARKANSAS GAZ Bn'E INDEX 1984 DATE ARKANSAS YOU'IH SERVICES DIVISION see also Children and Youth ARKANSAS ACl'IVITIES ASSOCIATION Lamar Cole named director ARKANSAS ADVOCATES FOR OIILDREN AND FAMILIES see also - Wel fare ARKANSAS ARTS CENTER Collection f illed with fine drawings , Thanas Hoving says Collection of drawings garners high praise fran experts ARKANSAS ARTS CDUR::IL see al so Arts ARKANSAS BANKERS ASSOCIATION New officers elected at state convention ARKANSAS BAPl'IST CDLLEGE College at Little Rock celebrates 100 years of service ARKANSAS BAR ASSOCIATION see also U&-Federal District Court of Western Arkansas see al so University of Arkansas ARKANSAS BEST CDRP Conunon stock l isted among top ten performers ARKANSAS BUSINESS see al so Bioplex International Tabloid devoted to business in Arkansas begins publ ication ARKANSAS CANCER RESFAR<lI CENTER see - University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences ARKANSAS ClIILDRENS HOSPITAL Rapid growth noted Knights of Eythias oonates $400 ,000 to hospital ARKANSAS QIORAL SOCIErY Group takes ' Messiah' on road for first time ARKANSAS CDALITION FOR PEACE 'IHR(ll;H STREm'IH Leaders discuss route it bel ieves necessary for peace ARKANSAS CDLLEGE see also Basketball-College Men Highland Games is popular event at Arkansas College Brunswick Foundation l ists coll as one of best Anni e J Stewart oonates $250 ,000 for en.rowed chair College to sell 1 ,400 acres of land Aberdeen Developnent Corp is sul::sidia:ry of college Aberdeen provides chance to speculate for bigger gains King Foundation oonates $15 , 000 to fund Roland A Carpenter and Ann Smith Downs named to Trustee Bd Anonymous oonor adds $20 , 000 to Thelna Pickens Scholarship J W Bellarey chair of business management established ARKANSAS CDMMONITY DEVELOPMENT :ERCGRAM List of cities recognized for developnent efforts Photographs of individual winners for 1984 ARKANSAS CDMMJNITY FUUNDl\TION Report shows record growth ARKANSAS CDMMJNITY OffiANIZATIONS FOR REroRM NCW see al so Radio Article discusses leader El ena Hanggi and her work Takes credit for lifeline rate by Southwestern Bell Praises Publ ic Service camn in Southwestern Bell rate case PAG C - - 03/07/84 DOS 6 08/09/84 BOl 2 11/11/84 COl 2 - 05/18/84 COB 5 08/13/84 BOl 5 - - 02/32/84 Cll 1 - 03/04/84 B06 1 01/10/84 B02 1 10/27/84 C09 6 11/25/84 C04 1 12/09/84 COl 1 - 01/22/84 02/18/84 05/11/84 07/20/84 07/22/84 07/22/84 07/26/84 11/04/84 11/17/84 12/08/84 C04 B02 B03 All BOl BOl All A03 AlS BO B 2 6 1 2 2 2 1 6 2 5 09/14/84 All 1 09/14/84 All 1 11/18/84 B04 5 - 22 01/12/84 BOl 3 01/18/84 AOl 2 01/25/84 AOl 2 ARKANSAS GAZ ETI'E INDEX 1984 Dl\TE Endorses Jesse Jackson for President Urges broader eligibility for � Bell lifeline rates Endorses p:>litical candidates Will lead camtaign for end to barriers to voter registration Critical of Sil Bell ra;iuest for rate increase Endorses election of David Pryor , Bill Clinton. W Bryant ARKANSAS CDNFERENCE OF CHURCHES AND SYW\GOOUES see also - Alamo Oiristian Foundation Calls for end to capital ptmishment in Arkansas Urges calm debate on merger of Pulaski County school dists ARKANSAS CDUNI'Y Budget restraints force cutbacks in museum funds ARKANSAS CDUNI'Y MUSFUM Struggles with finances, but may be forced to close ARKANSAS DEmrnAT Louis Dodrill refiles l ibel suit against publisher Wilbur Bentley withdraws libel suit against taper and J Starr !Duis Dodrill gets settlanent in l ibel suit Fees a;ruabble p:>ses threat to settlanent of I'bdrill suit Associated Press denies liabil ity for Wray Smith article House tanel tells F'l'C to speed probe of anti-trust charges Antitrust probe concerns alleged underpricing of advertising Congress gets F'l'C r eport on antitrust probe of taper Report sent to Cong as result of action by Bill Alexander Arkansas Gazette f iles antitrust suit against Democrat Suit by Gazette alleges unfair trade practices Walter E Hussman Jr says antitrust charges unfounded ARKANSAS EroCATION MiSOCIATION Kai Erickson raises obj ections to school standards Ironies abound in AFA opposition to school standards Peggy Nal:x:>rs discusses teacher testing on national N Study finds racial bias tattern in 118 school districts AFA says state Fducation Dept tried to cut teacher :EBY raise Kai Erickson resigns as executive director to j oin NEA staff Critical of schedule for testing teachers Kai Erickson says resignation is a career move for him Ranking of friends in Legislature may not be accurate Peggy Nabors discusses legislative report card Panel acts on endorsanents in Congressional races Finds itself with f ive candidates for governor to choose fran Black admrs attack ranarks on teacher testing and blacks Board to take second vote on executive director Frank White invited to Erickson dinner , but not Bill Clinton Dr Walter Eilers chosen executive director over Bill Walker Seeks to intervene in school merger case in Pulaski County Bill Walker r esigns fran staff Failure to choose Walker was big mistake, legislators say Gov Bill Clinton cormnents on intervi£W with officials Declines to endorse gubernatorial candidate. suggests K Moss Nabors says Moss prop:>sal on testing smacks of M�rthyism Peggy Nal:x:>rs comments on article on Moss prop:>sal on teachers Endorses Paul Riviere in race for US Representative Walter P Eilers describes himself as pragmatist , listener No endorsanents made for Governor . 2nd Cong District 23 03/06/84 04/25/84 05/10/84 05/31/84 07/ll/84 10/22/84 Pl\G C A09 BOl Al.5 BOl DOS A0 9 1 3 1 1 2 4 02/21/84 A06 1 05/24/84 A07 1 02/14/84 BOl 2 04/30/84 BOl 4 01/19/84 03/17/84 03/23/84 04/03/84 04/04/84 0 5/10/84 10/04/84 10/04/84 10/04/84 12/13/84 12/13/84 12/14/84 A03 A0 4 A07 A06 A08 A09 Al.6 Al.6 Al.6 AOl AOl A03 1 5 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 5 5 1 01/19/84 01/22/84 01/25/84 01/31/84 02/01/84 0 2/16/84 02/17/84 02/17/84 02/26/84 03/06/84 03/30/84 04/08/84 0 4/12/84 04/14/84 04/15/84 0 4/15/84 04/19/84 04/19/84 04/22/84 04/29/84 05/01/84 0 5/03/84 05/04/84 06/04/84 06/23/84 08/28/84 A04 Al.3 BOl BOl A06 A0 4 A05 Al.3 IOl Al.0 A03 Al.9 A0 9 A21 Al.5 Al.8 Al.O Al.4 Al.9 Al.4 BOl Al.2 A26 AOl BOl A0 4 4 1 2 4 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 6 5 3 1 4 2 4 1 2 4 6 ARKANSAS GAZE.Tl'E INDEX 1984 DA.TE Opinion on teacher testing differs between agencies, AEA says Peggy Nabors l ists three areas of uncertainty on testing law Teacher alert radio spots on testing law to be broadcast Dr Walter Eilers urges teachers to resist teacher testing Ehdorses Tonuey Robinson for Congressnan fran Dist 2 Teacher testing is central thane of annual meeting NFA Pres Mary Futrell gives pep talk, pranises aid on testing Descriptions of teacher skills test obtained by AEA Has grave doubts about proposed teacher certification rules AFA critical of school funding, but figures called inaccurate Uses personal touch in effort to el ect Walter Mondale as Pres Says teachers who took exam report it will not be helpful Errnal ee Boice takes j ob in Texas ARKANSAS EIXJC'ATIONAL TELE.VISION NElWORK F\Jnd drive vindicates Di rector Raynond Ho Audience, suppo r t growing, but changes are ahead Transnitter failure spurs plea for na-1 equipnent Fund cuts, program plans, pranpt 2nd fund-raising drive Wins three national awards Seoond appeal to be made for donations to budget Legislative Council backs AmN budget request AErrN has raised $727 , 362 during last 2 months Legislators derw appeal to advertise AE1N on commercial 'IV ARKANSAS ELECl'RIC COOPERATIVE CORP Seeks $43 . 9 million annual rate increase Gets $SS million loan guarantee f ran RFA Share in Independence plant to be sold to GE Credit Corp Tax benefits would accrue to General Electric Credit Corp Sells share in power plant at Newark, will lease it back Carl Whillock says firm will slash rate request ARKANSAS ENL'CMMENT FOR '!HE HUMANITIES Proj ect titles are eye-catching and may be misleading State Humaniti es Councils meet in Little Rock Grants made to seven organizations ARKANSAS EXPORT PROORAM see - Exports and Imports ARKANSAS FARM BURFAU Begins campaign to urge balanced federal budget Bill Clinton warns Bureau about backing end to price supports ARKANSAS FIRE TRAlNilG ACADEMY see - Southern Arkansas University Tech ARKANSAS FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION Spokesman says Fire Training Acadenw not doing j ob ARKANSAS FOLK ARTS COUOCIL see also - Arts ARKANSAS FOUtmTION FOR MEDICAL CARE INC Dr James L Maupin named medical director ARKANSAS GAZ E.Tl'E see also - Arkansas Democrat see also - Radio George H Van Wagner apptd director of advertising, marketing Jonathan W Portis named state editor Gary E McElnurry and Ed Major named to managerial posts Jim Johnson urges boycott of Gazette and its advertisers 24 PAG C 09/22/84 09/27/84 09/27/84 10/13/84 10/14/84 10/14/84 10/21/84 10/28/84 10/30/84 11/02/84 ll/04/84 11/0S/84 12/21/84 A03 A04 A04 Al.3 A03 A03 Al.S Al.6 A03 Al.9 Al. 2 A06 Al.0 3 1 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 2 2 S S 03/26/84 07/ll/84 09/08/84 10/26/84 11/11/84 11/30/84 12/07/84 12/18/84 12/20/84 BOl VOl BOl Al.6 Al.S Al.8 AOl BO S A25 l 5 3 l 3 6 6 3 3 04/27/84 10/07/84 ll/14/84 11/14/84 12/08/84 12/11/84 A27 A03 A03 AOl C06 cos s 1 1 1 6 1 02/21/84 BOl 2 04/12/84 Al.2 5 11/18/84 A22 1 09/19/84 A0 9 1 11/29/84 Al.9 1 08/31/84 A03 5 12/09/84 BOl 3 01/08/84 02/17/84 04/01/84 0 4/27/84 BOl A03 BOl A03 S 3 2 1 ARKANSAS GAZ E.Tl'E INDEX 19B4 mTE Wins 20 awards in AP contest carrick Heiskell Patterson named editor Maj or changes announced for news, editorial staff ARKANSAS GAZ E.Tl'E CO B Finley Vinson elect ed to board Board names two officers ARKANSAS HIS'IORICAL ASSOCIATION Convention hears politicians of 1950s raninisce ARKANSAS HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION see also - Clinton Bill see also - Medicaid ARKANSAS LAW ENIDRCEMENT TRAINn.:G ACADEMY Academy teaches police officers how and when to react ARKANSAS LIBRARY ASSOCIATION President says r estricted access to rooks is censorship ARKANSAS LOOISIANA GAS CO Large industrial users protest rate increase Firm urged to provide data sought in rate case Reaches accord with major users on gas price rate Arkla, industrial users hail rate agreanent Auditor at Arkla urges refund to custaners Industrial rate plan would mean no increase for others soon PSC approves rate rise for large custaners Firm weathered year of tumult with lawsuits, other woes Reports income cbwn for 2nd quarter Plans to build pipelines, sell gas in Alabama Donates $1 , 000 for voter registration drive ARKANSAS MEDICAL SOCIETY Encbrses freezing of :Ehysician fees for a yer Group holding lOBth annual meeting Group takes name, says Medical Society never registered Seeks to preserve name threatened by another group Supports Ed Bethune effort to unseat Senator David Pryor Controversy over use of Society name may be ended State Suprane Court asked to hear dispute over name ARKANSAS MJTION PICl'URE FaJNIJ\.TION see also - Hope Bob <llai rman Mary Jean Thomas resigns post Group still owes bills for Bob Hope show ARKANSAS MUNICIPAL LFJIGUE see also - Gambling ARKANSAS MUNICIPAL IOVER ASSOCIATION see also - Arkansas Power and Light C.o ARKANSAS MYCOLOOY SOCIETY Mushroan enthusiasts formed society ARKANSAS NATIONAL GUARD see - National Guard ARKANSAS NA'IURE CONSERVANCY see - Nature Conservancy ARKANSAS NUCLEAR OOE IDVER PLANT see - Arkansas Power and Light C.o ARKANSAS OPERA THFATER Catfish Jamboree raises funds for 1'IYr ARKANSAS EOLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION 25 PAG C 05/20/B4 A20 6 12/30/B4 AOl 2 12/30/B4 AOl 2 04/0B/B4 BOl 5 12/30/B4 BOl 4 03/30/B4 Al7 4 09/02/B4 A29 1 ll/09/B4 A05 1 Ol/12/B4 Ol/21/B4 03/06/B4 03/07/B4 03/10/B4 03/14/B4 03/16/B4 04/15/84 OB/07/B4 OB/2B/B4 09/27/B4 DlO A03 AOl DOB AlB AOB A03 AlB C07 AlO BOl 1 5 2 4 1 1 1 1 4 5 2 03/22/B4 04/10/B4 OB/04/B4 OB/20/B4 09/28/84 ll/09/B4 12/06/B4 D07 A03 A06 A03 A07 A22 BOB 3 1 4 5 1 1 1 OB/04/B4 BOl 4 OB/04/B4 BOl 4 04/04/B4 BOl 2 07/27/B4 BOl 3 ARKANSAS GAZ E.'I'l'E INDEX 1984 DATE Award-winning papers presented at meeting Cbnvention held in Jonesboro ARKANSAS IDULTRY FEDERATION �nates $10 , 000 to voter registration drive ARKANSAS IDVER AND LIGIIl' CD see also - Wildlife Middle South Utilities System is :tarent com:tany of AP&L Nuclear plants in other states oould cause rate rise in Ark Rates oould skyrocket if AP&L shares oost of Grand Gulf plant Security guards end strike at Nuclear One plant Industrial rates debated Business :tact with NAACP will aid blacks in firm Middle South :tartners favor plan to raise AP&L rates Middle South rate plan oould cost Ark customers $3 .S billion Leak delays startup of Arkansas Nuclear One Unit Two Soott Trotter atttacks Cl inton record on rate issues Ratep:iyer revolt oould be brewing Idea of p:lying for other plants irks Bill Clinton, ALC Withdrawal fran Middle South urged Clinton sets aside funds to help PSC battle ?"er plants Middle South neutral in fight over foreign ?"er plants Newark plant sets generating record in first year of service Arkansas officials shocked by Grand Gulf ruling FERC j udge orders AP&L to help !BY for Grand Gulf plant Another case oonsiders AP&L share in all Middle South oosts Grand Gulf ruling outrages Arkansas off icals Plans set in motion to rwerse Grand Gulf order Soott Trotter , Ratep:iyers Fight Back , oppose decision Jack King says AP&L looks out for its own custaners Ratep:iyers Fight Back orgn studies challenge of FERC Ek] Bethune, J P Hammerschmidt bill would block FERC ruling State may attempt takeover of AP&L if other efforts fail Cbngressional delegation seeks to avert Grand Gulf charges Grand Gulf charges oould begin this year Takeover by state opposed by Frank White Legislators oool to idea of takeover of AP&L by state Ernest Dumas discusses proposed state takeover of AP&L Jerry Maulden says state takeover would be prohibitive Ark Cong delegation asks for role in FERC case ALC authorizes study on state right to take franchise Staff of Regulatory Canmrs Assn refuses to help Ark in fight State official s fear FERC ruling hard to overturn Next rate rise may include Grand Gul f charges Robert E Johnston blames Middle South for FERC ruling Ratep:iyers to get $8 . 9 million bill for Nuclear One shutdown Grand Gulf rul ing could ruin some Arkansas industries National utility Cbmmr Assn to j oin opposition to FERC ruling Article on blame-placing for Grand Gulf charges Munici:tal Power Assn wants Public Power Agency formed Oiance of Grand Gulf ruling re11ersal under SO pct William Cavanaugh III to head Missippi Power and Light Briefs attack FERC ruling on Grand Gulf Briefs say FERC cannot force AP&L to fund Grand Gulf plant NEW Orleans study cited as legality of state takeover of AP&L 26 PAG C 03/0S/84 BOl S 03/0S/84 BOl S 09/27/84 BOl 2 01/01/84 01/01/84 01/01/84 01/0S/84 01/07/84 01/lS/84 01/18/84 01/18/84 01/18/84 01/20/84 01/20/84 01/21/84 01/21/84 01/22/84 01/24/84 02/03/84 02/04/84 02/04/84 02/04/84 02/0S/84 02/0S/84 02/0S/84 02/07/84 02/07/84 02/08/84 02/09/84 02/10/84 02/10/84 02/13/84 02/14/84 02/lS/84 02/16/84 02/17/84 02/18/84 02/21/84 02/26/84 02/28/84 02/28/84 02/29/84 02/29/84 03/02/84 03/02/84 03/04/84 03/0S/84 03/06/84 03/06/84 03/07/84 03/09/84 AOl AOl AOl 006 COS AOS AOl AOl DOS A0 4 Al.7 AOl AOl AOl BOl C07 AOl AOl A08 AOl AOl A06 A04 A0 4 AOl AOl AOl AOl A03 A03 Al.3 A08 AOl Al.0 AOl Al.9 AOl AOl A08 A08 AOl Al7 Al.3 BOl C06 Cll A04 Al.0 3 3 3 1 3 4 S S 1 4 1 3 3 3 2 3 6 6 2 2 2 2 1 1 4 2 2 2 4 1 1 6 2 S 2 1 2 2 S 6 2 1 1 S 2 1 4 2 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E INDEX 1984 DATE Adverse FERC ruling would mean 5 pct rate increase Files for 8 . 4 pct rate increase in 1985 Congresanen allowed to intervene in FERC case on Grand Gul f state officials more optimistic on Grand Gulf problen Arkansas PSC starts two probes into FERC cases Congressional delegation to use states rights approach Arkansas Congr essional delegation discusses FERC case FERC to allow Ark, Mo oongresanen to intervene in case Consultant suggests state buy Grand Gulf power for industry Surrmer rates exceed national average, survey shows Six cities in Ark ask for delay in startup of Grand Gulf Grand Gulf discussed in circulars sent to all custaners Robert E Johnston resi:x>nds to Robert McCord on Grand Gulf Iooi;ilole in FERC Grand Gulf order unveiled by T Robinson Bills custaners for $90 million in taxes, :EBYS only $3 . 4 mil Study on state operation of AP&L urged by AOORN Equalized rates in Mid South Utilities pose danger elsewhere Surrmarizing briefs on Grand Gulf filed in Washington Middle South cbes not operate as unified oo , J Maulden says James Daniel says loss of FERC case oould bring death spiral Scholarships set up for science and math teachers Agrees to cut rates for NLR, other big users Legislative Council to pr e:EBre bill for state takeover Robert Johnston suggested pr eparation of takeover bill El ectric Island title transferred to Natur e Conservancy Takeover try by state will be fought by AP&L Compranise on Grand Gulf oost sought by AP&L Systen Agr eanent case bigger than Grand Gulf, R Johnston says Nuclear operators at Russellville include husband-wife team Wholesale buyers obj ect to plan to sell Independence plant Role as Middle South s\lOOidiary to be detailed for PSC Relationship with Middle South Utilities studied by PSC AP&L pullout fran Middle South discussed at PSC hearings Hearing on r elationship to Middle South oontinues at PSC AP&L indebtedness for Grand Gulf disputed at PSC hearing Wall Street Jl discusses problens with Grand Gulf plant Article on Grand Gulf had old data . Middle South says AP&L drops talks with MP&L on shared oost of Grand Gulf AP&L asks FERC official to step cl>wn from Middle South cases Robert Johnston accuses AP&L of false, misleading statements Rate:EByers may be billed for clean-up at TMI plant Plan to aid TMI cleanup amazes Woody Fr eenan Bill Clinton says AP&L trying to set up state to take fall Stockholders to EBY for TMI aid, Jerry Maulden says Charles Kelly. of AP&L, formulated questions on survey Clinton wrong to attack compranise effort, Jerry Maulden says Firm tries to shift blame for Grand Gulf fiasoo , PSC oontends FERC told AP&L oonceded Grand Gulf oosts should be shared Jack King says new compromise on Grand Gulf not likely Bill Clinton seeks to explain stand on Grand Gulf compromise Middle South Util ities finances strained by nuclear plants Safety issues raised by 1'!mC at Grand Gulf , Waterford plants 1'!mC proposes fines for violations at Arkansas Nuclear One Ordered by PSC to show why Middle South :EBcts should stand 27 03/10/84 03/10/84 03/10/84 03/11/84 03/13/84 03/22/84 03/22/84 03/23/84 04/01/84 0 4/02/84 04/04/84 0 4/12/84 0 4/13/84 04/15/84 0 4/16/84 04/16/84 0 4/17/84 04/17/84 0 4/18/84 0 4/19/84 05/05/84 OS/12/84 05/19/84 OS/19/84 OS/20/84 OS/21/84 06/01/84 06/01/84 06/01/84 06/02/84 06/0S/84 06/12/84 06/13/84 06/13/84 06/14/84 06/16/84 06/18/84 06/22/84 06/22/84 06/23/84 06/28/84 07/01/84 07/03/84 07/03/84 07/04/84 07/04/84 07/06/84 07/06/84 07/09/84 07/10/84 07/lS/84 07/16/84 07/28/84 08/02/84 PJ\G C AOl AOl A07 Al9 AOl AlO Al2 C07 Bl5 BOl D07 A04 AlO All A03 A03 C06 C06 Al6 A03 COS A04 AOl AOl EDS A07 AOl Al7 B03 COS Al6 AOl A03 A03 A08 A03 A07 AOl C07 A03 AOl A08 AOl A06 A03 A03 A04 COS A06 AOl AOl AOl Al3 AOl 5 5 5 1 2 1 1 4 1 4 4 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 6 6 3 1 3 2 1 6 1 1 2 S S 3 6 1 3 6 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 ARKANSAS GAZ El'I'E INDEX 1984 mTE Pact with Middle South violates state laws, PSC contends AP&L files proposal to i;ay 17 . 1 pct of Grand Gulf cost Jerry Maulden explains Grand Gulf i;ay decision of AP&L Mississippi Power and Light supports AP&L proposal Full-i;age ad explains decision to i;ay share of Grand Gulf Proposed settlanent of Grand Gulf dispute draws opposition Fi rm seeks refund fran 2 railroads for coal delivery Bill Clinton says AP&L stockholders should i;ay Grand Gulf Woody Freanan, Bill Clinton discuss Grand Gulf case AP&L seeks withdrawal of rate nquest in favor of higher one PSC staff urges proceedings on need for $22 million cut PSC obj ects to statanent to FERC on settlanent of Grand Gulf Increases its business with minoriti es Press conferences , ads provoke PSC-AP&L squabble Comi;any says Public Service Cormn exceeds j urisdiction PSC seeks mor e data on time and funds spent on ads Gov Clinton leads cami;aign to secur e Reagan help with FERC FERC case settlanent proposals of AP&L bring obj ections Large power users among obj ectors to proposed FERC settlanent FERC staff endorses idea of settlanent in Grand Gulf case Power firm detaches itself fran united effort in FERC cases Jerry Maulden, Robert Johnston exchange views on FERC case Receives wildlife conservation award fran Ark Wildl ife Fed Grand Gul f ruling unfair to Arkansans, Pat Qualls says AP&L asks NRC to withdraw or suspend $40 ,000 penalty Reynolds Metals blames rising power costs for layoff of 225 Senators llll e Bumpers , I:avid Pryor assail Grand Gulf proposal Middle South Energy seeks halt to PSC probe of Grand Gulf Offer to help Reynolds avoid shutdown came too late Attorney for PSC says suit to stop probe is a sham Rift between AP&L, PSC, seen by Scott Trotter as positive Contracts with Grand Gulf to be pursued by PSC Judy Petty expresses opposition to Grand Gulf settlanent Woody Freanan critical of Clinton appeal to Pres Reagan PSC asks dismissal of suit to force end of Grand Gulf probe Cami;aign for FERC case settlanent cost AP&L $116 ,706 for ads Federal Judge Henry Woods blocks PSC probe of Grand Gulf Woods ruling is victory for Middle South Energy Rate cut of $42 million urged by PSC staff Reprs J P Hammerschmidt , &I Bethune oppose settlanent Bankruptcy of AP&L seen if shareholders EBY Grand Gulf cost Jack King connnents on proposal for shareholder i;ay Grand Gulf PSC would lose most power over rates if FERC cases lost Ratei;ayers Fight Back ask Judge Woods to lift injunction Judge Woods told by PSC that he leaped without evidence Burns Security justified in firing guards , NLRB judge says Judge Henry Woods makes inj unction against PSC permanent White House apparently sent cards on Grand Gulf on to FERC PSC asks to resLmte hearing on AP&L contracts Bill in Cong would pr event FERC order that Ark pay for plants Nuclear One produced 43 pct of AP&L needs during summer AP&L asks Judge Woods to deny PSC request to resLmte probe Major probe of Grand Gulf contract demanded by &I Bethune Senate panel to hold hearing in LR on FERC ruling 28 08/02/84 08/08/84 08/08/84 08/08/84 08/08/84 08/09/84 08/09/84 08/10/84 08/12/84 08/15/84 08/15/84 08/16/84 08/16/84 08/19/84 08/21/84 08/21/84 08/22/84 08/23/84 08/23/84 08/25/84 08/26/84 08/26/84 08/27/84 08/28/84 08/28/84 08/30/84 08/31/84 09/01/84 09/01/84 09/02/84 09/03/84 09/05/84 09/05/84 09/06/84 09/07/84 09/07/84 09/08/84 09/08/84 09/08/84 09/08/84 09/10/84 09/10/84 09/13/84 09/13/84 09/14/84 09/14/84 09/15/84 09/19/84 09/26/84 10/03/84 10/04/84 10/06/84 10/07/84 10/07/84 PAG C AOl AOl AOl AOl A07 A03 D06 All A0 4 AOl AOl AOl BOl A12 A03 A03 AOl All All A05 A13 A15 A06 A05 A0 5 AOl AOl AOl BOl A26 A13 A03 A03 A05 A04 C07 AOl AOl A03 C07 A09 A09 A09 A09 A14 COB A12 A0 4 A05 BOl A06 A05 A20 A20 3 2 2 2 1 4 2 4 6 6 6 2 6 2 4 5 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 5 5 4 6 3 1 1 1 2 2 6 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 1 2 1 4 1 5 1 5 4 3 2 2 ARKANSAS GAZ ETI'E lNDEX 1984 DATE Grand Gulf as a political issue Grand Gulf becomes issue in US Senate race in Arkansas Middle South Fnergy plans to fund Grand Gulf work opposed Ek:1 Bethune wants probe to see if state misled on Grand Gulf Court rules AP&L entitled to $29.3 million over next 2 yrs Ek:1 Bethune asks FERC probe of AP&L deal ings with Grand Gulf Fine of $40 , 000 halved by NRC Rate cut of $90 million suggested by PSC staff Payments to Middle South Services for studies under attack Steve Clark asks Pres Reagan to make statenent on Grand Gulf Louisiana PSC challenges sale of interest in Newark plant Newark plant interest was sold to Mississippi Power and Light Image of AP&L suffers under attack on rates Ek:1 Bethune suggests PSC strategy in Grand Gulf case FiI111 says settlenent of Grand Gulf case probably dead Settlenent of Grand Gulf is victim of politics . Maulden says AP&L asks for rate increase of $137 .9 million per year Rate rSiuest is largest ever made by utility in Arkansas Should PSC reduce rate, AP&L will increase rate rSiuest PSC appeals ct ruling on probe of Grand Gulf contracts Performance by Nucl ear One debated by PSC staff and AP&L Jerry Maulden questioned by Robert Johnston on lignite plant Questioning indicates fears lignite. Grand Gulf similarity Does not plan to reduce 10-mile r enoval zone at Nuclear One Robert Johnston questions Jerry Maulden about speech Hearing on rate cut proposal ends Rate rEquest is for $190 million. PSC staff atty says Rate rSiuest not for $190 million. AP&L contends Asbestos Workers Local 10 criticizes hiring of Texas f iI111 FiI111 would fail if stockholders ordered to i;ay for Grand Gulf Seeks $59 .1 million after court ruling in rate case Dale Bmnpers asks for details on proposed Grand Gulf i;act Unit Two at Newark goes into operation Dale Bumpers holds hearing in LR on Grand Gulf case Gov Clinton testifies at hearing held by Dale Bumpers Many in Ark face ruin if Grand Gulf charge made, Bumpers told Dale Bmnpers comments on hearing on Grand Gulf case Industries expect to expand despite threat of Grand Gulf cost study of indus proj ections i;aid for by AP&L Article discusses developnents in Grand Gulf rate case Louisiana proposes Middle South systen pool all power Rates would rise by 50 pct if Middle South power is pooled AP&L cannot be billed for Grand Gulf until FERC case settled Lloyd George drafting bill for state to take over AP&L state takeover wouuld occur if Grand Gulf case is lost Dale Bmnpers sends FERC testimony fran hearing in Little Rock Gov Bill Clinton has own proposal for state takeover Worth of fiI111 is disputed PSC says AP&L entitled to $30 . 8 million surcharge Several lawmakers say state has no business running util ity Power politics in Grand Gulf case discussed Struggle over Grand Gulf issue fuminated utility news in 1984 Fi I111 encouraging consumption of electricty, not conservation AP&L asks for denial of rSiuest by Ek:1 Bethune for probe 29 10/12/84 10/14/84 10/19/84 10/20/84 10/26/84 10/26/84 10/30/84 10/31/84 11/02/84 11/03/84 11/03/84 11/03/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/09/84 11/09/84 11/10/84 11/10/84 11/10/84 11/15/84 11/15/84 11/17/84 11/17/84 11/17/84 11/20/84 11/22/84 11/22/84 11/22/84 11/22/84 11/23/84 12/05/84 12/07/84 12/07/84 12/08/84 12/08/84 12/08/84 12/09/84 12/13/84 12/13/84 12/16/84 12/16/84 12/16/84 12/18/84 12/20/84 12/20/84 12/20/84 12/21/84 12/21/84 12/22/84 12/23/84 12/23/84 12/24/84 12/26/84 12/28/84 PAG C A23 A08 A05 All AOl Al 7 A05 AOl A21 Al3 C09 C09 All A3 4 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl Al2 Al6 AOl AOl C07 A04 A03 A03 A03 Al6 A25 AlO A06 Al7 AOl AOl AOl A08 AOl AOl A26 A26 A26 BOl AOl AOl A22 AOl A27 A21 A23 Bl3 BOl BOl A07 1 1 1 1 5 5 6 6 3 2 5 5 1 6 2 2 5 5 5 6 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 5 1 2 2 2 6 6 6 1 1 1 2 2 2 6 2 2 5 1 1 2 4 1 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E INDEX 1984 DATE Fd Bethune wants study of f inanciang of Grand Gulf plant PSC staff reaffirms stand that current rates are excessive ARKANSAS RJBLIC EMRDYEES REl'IREMENI' SYSTEM see also - Govermnent Bonds and Investments ARKANSAS REHABil.ITATION INSTIWTE New facility would be at Baptist Medical Center Seeks $14 million bond issue for new facility at Little Rock Little Rock i ssues bonds for oonstruction Application to transfer to BMS campus denied by C'ABSA Sunny Bridges credits Institute with recovery fran accident Little Rock approves tax-free bonds for new facility Medicaid policy change halts admission of indigent minors Ground broken for new facility ARKANSAS RIVER see also - Electric Power see also - Pollution see also - Rivers see also - Water Supply Conway group wants old ferry once used at Toad Suck Funds for study to be released in full Arnw Fngineers seeks to buy Winaniller land in Desha County US Coast Guard patrols, roonitors waterway Dr carroll D Dowell documents progress along river Prediction of growth along waterway coming true Names of 6 locks and dams to honor Ar.kansans ARKANSAS SClIOCL FOR 'IHE BLIND Board opposes proposed merger with School for the Deaf Legislative Council questions request for larger budget ARKANSAS SClIOCL FOR 'IHE DEAF Board opposes proposed merger with School for the Blind ARKANSAS SERVICE MFX>RIAL SClICLARSHIP FUND see - College Scholarships and Loans ARKANSAS SIDRTS HALL OF FAME Interview with Clarence Gordon. a 1984 honoree Article on Oliver Kay Eakin Jr, 1984 inductee Thanas Hill is 1984 inductee Gayle Kaundart to be inducted Fred Akers enters Ball of Fame Induction of five new manbers set for �uet and ceranony Induction held BarGuet elicits laughter and tears Five athletes to be inducted next month ARKANSAS ST.AR see - Music .ARKANSAS STATE ClIIMNEY 5WEEP GUil.D see - Chimney sweeps .ARKANSAS STM'E HOSPITAL Deficiencies noted at Benton Services Center Bias against blacks , wanen found by federal judge ARKANSAS STM'E IDLICE see also - Bryant Louis Murder Case see also - Klein Robert Whittington Murder Case see also - Morrilton see also - Police and Law Fnforcement 30 PAG C 12/28/84 A07 1 12/29/84 A03 1 02/16/84 02/16/84 02/22/84 02/24/84 03/04/84 07/04/84 08/01/84 08/03/84 A06 A06 AlO C07 BOl A22 BOB A03 5 5 5 3 2 3 2 4 01/08/84 02/03/84 04/19/84 06/19/84 10/07/84 10/07/84 10/11/84 Al7 C07 A06 BOl All All Al4 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 11/18/84 A26 1 12/04/84 AlO 1 11/18/84 A26 1 02/05/84 02/16/84 02/19/84 02/21/84 02/22/84 02/24/84 02/25/84 02/26/84 12/23/84 EDI DOl EDI COl DOl COl COl ED7 EDI 1 1 3 2 5 2 5 1 2 01/13/84 A07 4 06/22/84 AOl 5 ARKANSAS GAZEI'l'E lNDEX 1984 I»\.TE see also - st Francis County see also - Vigilantes and Radicalism Firing of Kermit Tuck uJ;ileld by Ark Suprane Court Trooper kills man who assaulted him Shooting of Iavid Glenn Bond justified, prosecutor says Funds being donated to purchase police vests for protection Benny Cox honored for bravery, devotion to duty Col Goodwin appeals for trooper µiy raise and new equipnent Trooper Keith Eranea pr events suicide at Little Rock bridge Legislatuere to be asked for $22 million for radio link Priority asked for radio link funding Legislative µinel wants police freed of driver testing ARKANSAS STATE PRESS Newsµiper is aimed at black readership Mrs Iaisy Bates r esumes publication of Arkansas State Press Publ ication r esumes after 24 years Gov Bill Cl inton lauds Iaisy Bates and her work Competes successfully with Southern Mediator in LR market ARKANSAS STATE PRISCN see also - Arkansas-Corrections Board Inmates complain about cold barracks Task force urges mor e farming, printing work at prison Inmates returned fran federal prisons State purchasing rul es hamper farm opertions SUit by John Wells delays expansion program Facility to be built to house mentally disturbed imnates Inmate growth is 27th in US prison p:>pulations Wrightsville Unit imnates prepire materials for school use Fenale innates file sex bias suit over training and services Innate Dennis Williams stabbed to death Alleged abuse at prison being probed by ACLU Guards beat than, played sadistic games, imnates tell ACLU Inamte JoseJ;il Balino identified as JoseJ;il Aceto JoseJ;il Aceto is witness in federal protection program 'Ihree officers fired for using excessive force Victims group critical of furloughs for killers Farm program hits funding snag Prison officials will not stop abuses . Sandra Kurj iaka says Muslims hold sit-in at Curmnins Unit Independent pr ison commission called for by Sandra Kurj iaka Muslim service ends with shouted complaints about prison Transfer of 2 9 pr isoners made after incident in church Officials discuss reasons. prepirations for disturbances '!Wo Cl.llmnins imnates offer PhD degrees by mail Likelihood of unrest among innates is high, report says Work release center for wanen planned for Little Rock Woodrow Walker says Correction Bd has dealt with ACLU claims Decision delayed on purchase of land for cattle operation land considered for purchase is at Wrightsville Plans endorsed by Correction Bd for release center in LR Little Rock group wants to know site of proposed center work release center for wanen may be on Broadway in LR JoseJ;il Balino no longer in Arkansas State Prison Broadway site for center reportedly opposed by Gov Clinton 31 P.AG C 03/13/84 07/13/84 07/14/84 07/20/84 08/04/84 08/28/84 08/31/84 11/22/84 11/29/84 12/13/84 BOB AOl A04 All BOB A03 A06 Al.2 BOl BOl 3 2 1 4 3 1 1 4 3 6 03/10/84 03/20/84 04/12/84 04/12/84 10/10/84 All A06 A07 A07 BOl 1 4 1 6 2 01/15/84 01/28/84 01/30/84 02/02/84 02/05/84 03/30/84 0 4/07/84 04/12/84 0 4/21/84 05/21/84 05/25/84 05/27/84 06/01/84 06/01/84 06/20/84 06/25/84 06/29/84 07/08/84 07/14/84 07/16/84 07/16/84 07/16/84 07/18/84 07/20/84 07/28/84 07/28/84 08/05/84 08/10/84 08/10/84 08/26/84 08/28/84 08/29/84 08/30/84 09/05/84 A07 A03 AOl D06 Al.5 A07 BOl BOl AOl A03 Al.4 A03 A03 A03 001 A06 A03 A21 A04 A03 A03 A03 001 A08 BOl BOl Al.4 Al.3 Al.3 AOl AOS AOl BOl BOl 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 6 3 1 1 1 1 2 4 3 1 4 2 5 5 2 1 1 1 5 3 3 6 1 3 3 2 ARKANSAS GAZ EP.l'E INDEX 1984 DATE Work release center not tied to Little Rock location GOP gubernatorial candidate Woody Freanan wants probe DowntQin Neighborhood Assn opposes Broadway site for center Five imnates charged with fraud in income tax refunds ACLU will not file suit now alleging abuse of prisoners Site for release center not likely for d:>wntQin Little Rock Officials seek felony laws on rioting, obstructing operations Furlough reform called for by Woody Freanan in cam�ign talk Prison official explains need for furlough system Woody Freanan cam�ign speech calls for furlough reform Farm system may be best in US, r':DJ Bill Clinton says Secret taping system once r ecorded talks , Bob Scott says Correction Dept takes seriously ACLU rept on alleged abuse Juvenile Center in Little Rock may be used for work release WOodson D Walker talks to Downtown Neighborhood Assn Michael Cox and Steven Hill escape from Wrightsville Four imnates flee Cummins , caught an hour later Early �role urged to relieve crowding in Wanen ' s Unit Washington Post claims imnates beaten. reports falsified Washington Post report dealt with Tucker Unit Substance Abuse Treatment Program described by inmate Officials confirm tear gas used to control prisoners Families of victims argue against �role for Jerry J:bn Minton Legislature to consider bill barring unsupervised furloughs Blues concert at prison pleases imnates Correction Dept seeks $39 million additional funding Prison Board disputes allegations by ACLU Twelve imnates COP.{ textbooks into Braille for blind students Determinate sentencing creates need for more pr ison s�ce WOodson Walker says state to need 2 rore pr isons by 1 986 Court dismisses complaints by Musl im imnates over rights Legislative subconnnitte makes suggestions on farm operations Seven Tucker imnates charged in attack on guard College courses at Tucker give inmates chance for success Russell F Kumpe discusses flaws in correctional system ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY see also - Basketball-COllege Men see also - Basketball-COllege Wanen see also - Football-COllege President Ray Thornton resigns for j ob as UA president Leaders sorry to see Thornton leave Board to discuss na.1 pr esident Dr Ellgene Smith named president Programs started by Ray Thornton will continue Terry Gwin pledges $100 , 000 for aid to athletes Dr J Eflward Bennett <Des r esearch on acid rain Dr Ellgene W Smith discusses leadership shifts at ASU, UA Dr Ellgene W Smith installed as president Speech of James B Blair draws ire of some faculty at ASU Officials unhappy with r ecommended per pupil appropriation Per pupil appropriation is below UC'A and UALR by $33 0 Contract authorized for convocation center construction President Eugene Smith asks l egislators for funds increase Three named Distinguised Alumni 32 Pl\G C 09/05/84 09/07/84 09/14/84 09/18/84 09/20/84 09/22/84 09/25/84 09/26/84 09/26/84 09/26/84 09/27/84 09/30/84 10/01/84 10/04/84 10/05/84 10/16/84 10/17/84 10/20/84 10/23/84 10/23/84 10/26/84 10/27/84 1 0/28/84 11/22/84 11/25/84 11/28/84 11/30/84 12/03/84 12/09/84 12/10/84 12/20/84 12/21/84 12/21/84 12/25/84 12/26/84 BOl Al5 Al4 A0 4 A03 A0 5 BOl A03 A03 A03 A0 4 A22 BOl A03 AlS AlO A04 Al8 A07 A07 Al9 A03 A26 Al2 COl A03 AOl BOl HOl Al4 A27 Al3 A26 BOl A20 2 3 6 4 1 1 5 6 6 6 5 1 5 3 6 6 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 3 5 4 6 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 01/11/84 01/11/84 01/12/84 01/13/84 01/14/84 01/17/84 02/12/84 03/04/84 0 4/19/84 05/04/84 08/21/84 08/21/84 10/07/84 11/02/84 11/09/84 AOl A0 4 A0 4 AOl A0 4 Cl4 Al6 Al2 All A04 AOl AOl Al8 A06 AOS 6 2 4 2 5 1 1 2 1 1 6 6 1 6 4 ARKANSAS GAZEITE INDEX 1984 DATE STATE UNIVERSITY AT BEEBE ALC approves drafting plans for technical institute Pres Eugene Smith pranotes idea of technical institute ARKANSAS TEOI UNIVERSITY see also - Basketball-COllege Men Seeks $28 . 9 million for capital proj ects Hotel and restaurant mgmt program goes into operation Cost of roan and board to increase Faculty receives lS pct salary increase State audit shows $10 ,7SO stolen fran cashier office State audit shows $58, 4 94 anbezzled fran bookstore Bill Baker , Joe Goodwin, Merritt Wentz honored by Alumni Assn Board approves spending $36 0 ,000 on betterment proj ects Computers used in teaching F.nglish language skills ARKANSAS 'IOURISM DE.VELO:RJIENI' FOUNDATION Uses state ' s natural thane to encourage tourism ARKANSAS TRAVELER AIRLINES see - Airlines ARKANSAS TRAVELLER FULK THFATER Show continues to draw large audiences to Hardy ARKANSAS WILDLIFE FEDERATION Terry Horton named executive director Opposes proposed swap of Wattensaw WMA land for AP&L land Winners of conservation awards named Calls for cl ean-up of South Fork of Cadcb River ARKANSAS WOMENS roLITIC'AL CAUClJS Seeks to bar Unborn Child Arndt fran ballot in Arkansas Caucus gives encbrsanents in sane political races Argues Unborn Child amdt before Arkansas Suprane Court ARKANSAS YOOrm SYMmONY OROIESTRA Organization is proving ground for young musicians ARKLA B;lUI:EMENr CD Division being sold to Castle W Jordan of Florida ARKLA INC see also - Agrico Olanical Co see also - Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co see also - Arkla Equipnent Co Named best-managed utility Penn Central acqui res two pct of Arkla stock Retired head of Agrico is on Penn Central Board Williams Comi;anies denies interest in takeover of Arkla Both Arkla, Houston fear unfriendly takeover May merge with Houston Natural Gas Corp Houston Natural Gas fights takeover in court Six top officials sold much of their Arkla stock Appl iance mfg plants sold to Preway Inc Thanas F McLarty elected pr esident of f inn Heavy trading of co stock SI;arks rumor of takeover attanpt Price declines as trading in stock slows c:bwn Fi nn has divested itself of all Arkla Industries, Inc Contracts with Arkoma Production legitimate, PSC staff says Stockholders seek dismissal of suit over Arkoma contract Insuror to :EaY fees in Arkoma suit for Arkla Stockholders getting COP.{ of proposed settianent of suit PAG C ARKANSAS 33 11/20/84 AO S 2 12/lS/84 BOB 1 02/18/84 02/26/84 03/3)/84 03/31/84 04/14/84 04/14/84 07/30/84 09/22/84 12/02/84 BOl A2S B02 B02 Al.7 Al.7 B02 BOl COl 2 1 4 4 6 6 3 1 1 09/03/84 BOl 1 07/20/84 BOl 4 02/10/84 08/07/84 08/27/84 11/20/84 cos 3 AO S 5 A06 4 AOB S 09/22/84 AOl 2 10/02/84 AO S 4 10/16/84 AOl 2 ll/2S/84 C04 1 07/25/84 A07 1 01/08/84 01/12/84 01/14/84 01/17/84 01/28/84 01/28/84 02/01/84 02/lS/84 04/26/84 05/09/84 06/29/84 06/30/84 07/25/84 08/01/84 08/18/84 09/06/84 09/13/84 B02 AOl AOl BOl AOl AOl A03 A03 cos A08 AOl A03 A07 A07 AOl A06 AOS s 6 2 1 6 6 1 1 2 1 2 4 1 4 2 1 1 ARKANSAS GAZBrl'E INDEX 1984 Dl\TE Judge oonsidering settlanent of suit by shareholders Three divisions set up for operations, officers named Shareholder suit settlanent approved by judge Arkla, Arkoma to pay $56 1 . 000 in shareholders suit expenses Settlanent approved in suits against Arkla, Arkoma over lease Signs ' Fai r Share' agreanent with NAACP Thanas F McLarty III beoomes chmn next month Arkla ordered to reimburse gas producers for 196 1-72 sales CUstaners may pay substantial amount in reimbursement ARRI.A INWsrRIES INC All of Arkla Industries have been sold, Arkla Inc says ARKOMA PROCUCI'ION <D see also - Arkla Inc ARMED FORCES QUALIFICATION TEST see - US-Defenses and Armed Forces ARMSTRCN; LYLE E see also - Advertising ARMY <DRPS OF EN;INEERS see - US-ArD!{ Corps of Ehgineers ARNCLrS INC Beauty supplier celebrates lOOth birthday AROOAT]QUE Heber Springs firm grosses $3 million during year ARSENALS see - Pine Bluff Arsenal ARSCN see - Fi res ART see also - Arkansas Arts Center Jeanne Kelley cr eates clay replicas of Ark buildings Hank Kaminsky, of Fort Smith , specializes in sand casting Article on imitators of Washbourne ' s ' Arkansas Traveller ' Keith Peterson pr esents portrait to Pr es Reagan Prehistoric pottery is bequest of Indians Review of landscape work of Richard Barton of Russellville Ken Carlson chosen to paint 1985-86 state duck stamp Bonnie Kay Buerkle-Belcher is acoomplished artist Surrmary of activities in Ark during 1984 ARTEX LABS INC Medicaid fraud case ends in mistrial 11/02/84 11/04/84 11/07/84 11/14/84 11/16/84 11/20/84 12/14/84 12/27/84 12/27/84 PllG C Al5 BOl BOl A0 5 Al6 A07 A0 4 BOl BOl 1 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 07/25/84 A07 1 04/29/84 BOl 2 12/23/84 BOl 1 05/24/84 08/21/84 10/26/84 11/05/84 11/09/84 11/16/84 11/26/84 12/07/84 12/30/84 COl 1 BOB 1 B09 3 BOl 3 Bl2 1 Bl2 1 C03 1 B09 1 COl 1 03/02/84 AO S 1 ARTS Arkansas Arts Council assists with Appr enticeship Program Arkansas Folk Arts Council sponsors Apprenticeship Program Folk Arts Appr enticeship Program teaches the old skills ASHCRAFT JERRY W see also - Heroism ASHThG MICHAEL EUG ENE see also - Taublee Iris Murder Case ASHLEY CHESTER see also - Ar kansas-History ASHIYXIATION see - Accidents and Safety ASSEM3LIES OF GOD CHURCH Opposes legalized gambl ing 34 09/30/84 COl 2 09/30/84 COl 2 09/30/84 COl 2 06/16/84 BO 8 3 ARKANSAS GAZEPI'E INDEX 1984 DATE ASSOCIATION OF ARKANSAS CDUNI'IES see also - County Goverrnnent Training Institute ASTRONavIY see - Space ATHLEl'ICB see also - Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame see also - Bocce see also - Olyxrpic Games ATHLEl'ICB - OOLLEGE see also - Ba.sketball-COllege see also - Football-COllege see also - Gymnastics-COllege see also - Razorback Stadium see also - Tennis--O>llege see al so - Track and Fiel.d-COllege Suit over TV rights to Univ of Ark basketball settled Four athletic officials dropped f ran programs at UAIB HapP.f Mahfouz resigns as athletic di rector at UALR Bill Brown, UA asst . is not applicant for UALR post Happy Mahfouz says UALR needs fundraiser in post UALR names Mike Newell athletic di rector and basketball coach Pay TV network to carry football. basketball games of UA UA Q>ach Sutton will not prof it fran i;ay TV on cable systen Signups for UA games on i;ay TV off to slow start UA requi renent for <i>nation for good seats may be j eoi;ardized UA seeks effect of IRS rul ing on ticket arrangenents School p:iper questions practices of football coaches at SAU School i;aper questions role of SAU team I:ilysicain Edwards Committee at SAU finds no wrongdoing as charged in paper SAU i;anel. asks for probe of student i;aper . The Bray Summary of charges made by Southern Arkansas Univ paper SAU probe will cover student newsi;aper . The Bray SAU plans no discipline of former editor of The Bray ATHLEl'ICB - HIGH SCHOCL see also - Basketball-High School Boys see also - Basketball-High School Girls see also - Football-High School Little Rock coaches will not coach if stipends are lost stipends for Little Rock coaches to continue this year Newark experiences conflict as coaching changes occur Article on unusual nascots in Arkansas schools ATI<INS Borrows funds to meet city i;ayroll ATKINS INSURANCE CDRP James H Atkins built firm into top US insurance firm ATKINS JAMES H see also - Atkins Insurance U>rp ATLANTIC RIClIFIELD a> see also - Wilderness and Natural Ar eas ATOMIC BOMBS see - US-Defenses and Armed Forces ATOMIC WFAroNS see - US-Defenses and Armed Forces AOOUSI' HOOSE 35 PAG C 02/15/84 03/06/84 03/14/84 03/15/84 03/15/84 0 4/03/84 08/3]/84 09/01/84 09/07/84 09/15/84 09/18/84 10/09/84 10/09/84 10/27/84 10/27/84 10/27/84 11/04/84 11/17/84 A04 C02 DOl DOl DOl COl AOl COl COl A03 A06 COl COl COl COl COl ED9 A15 2 4 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 3 2 08/25/84 08/29/84 09/30/84 10/21/84 AOl AOl BOl ED7 4 2 2 1 09/14/84 A0 4 2 03/1]/84 BOl 2 ARKANSA5 GAZ ETI'E INDEX 1984 DATE Ted Parkhurst attanpting to buy publishing firm in LR Prosperity starts with ownership change AUGUSI'A see also - Fires AUSI'IN JOE see also - North Little Rock School District AU'IOM)BILE OF.ALERS El.gie Sims is first black to own new auto dealership in Ark AU'IOIDBil.E DRIVERS see - Autanobiles see - Traffic Accidents and Safety AU'IOM:>BILES see also - Traffic Accidents and Safety see also - Vehicles Law banning tinted windows ruled invalid New bill planned on marking titles to show if car totaled &ystan of assigning license plate letters explained T Tolliver , others, face various charges in sales of autos Ten men in Jonesboro area charged in theft, chop shop schane Rul e waiver lets underaged youths drive unescorted Buyer wins civil suit alleging odometer rolled back by dealer Jimrey L Horton charged with odometer rollbacks on used cars 'Ihree sentenced in tamperings with odometers .Mail fraud probe led to 16 arrests for odometer tampering AVIATION AND AIRrnAFT Two killed when plane slams into Rich Mtn near Mena Pilot killed in crash near Harrison Arkansas Senators want space shuttle stop in Arkansas Plane crash at Springdale kills four persons Ehterprise space shuttle lands at Little Rock Air Force Base Ehterprise landing at Little Rock delights crowd Accident near Fayetteville kills two LR architects Wassell and Savage may have been pr eparing to land Vintage Stearman and Stinson L 5 are pride of LR men Stolen planes recover ed at Clarksville and Mena Jonesboro to be site of new FAA flight service station Plane crashes into Arkansas River at Fort Smith Small plane bel ieved found in river near Van Bur en Plane in Arkansas River may have been missing Alaskan, son Sonar will be used in search for plane in river Tail section of plane located in river by sonar Small planes crash near Pine BlUff and at Pea Ridge Details of crashes at Pine Bluff and Pea Ridge Three killed when private plane crashed at Hot Springs Two inj ured in plane crash at Stuttgart Body of Alaskan found in wreckage in Arkansas River P.li.G C 07/22/B4 cos 4 11/25/84 BOl 3 09/20/B4 BOl 3 03/20/B4 04/05/B4 07/03/B4 07/1B/B4 07/18/B4 07/23/B4 OB/16/84 OB/26/84 ll/18/84 ll/lB/84 A06 DOB BOl BOl BOl BOl All Al2 A05 A24 3 1 2 2 6 5 4 6 4 2 02/17/B4 03/05/84 03/10/84 03/17/84 03/29/84 03/29/84 04/05/84 04/06/B4 08/24/84 ll/16/B4 12/12/B4 12/15/84 12/16/B4 12/lB/84 12/19/84 12/20/B4 12/21/84 12/22/84 12/2B/84 12/2B/84 12/28/84 Al3 A03 A06 Al9 AOl BOl AOl A03 BOl A03 AlO A09 All A09 A06 BOB AlO AlO AOl AOl A03 1 4 5 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 4 2 1 4 1 2 1 5 2 2 6 AWAROO see - Contests and Prizes BACRWARD MASKit.12 IN MUSIC see - Music BAILEY BCB JR Former lawmaker , judge dies at Russellville BAIR CllRIST INE see also - Advertising 36 07/20/84 C24 5 ARKANSAS GAZEITE INDEX 1984 DATE BAKER BILL see also - Arkansas Tech University BAKER <EARLES W Resigns as Federal Bankruptcy C.Ourt j udge Recalls relief of petitioners when cases decided PAG C 01/21/84 Al3 1 03/12/84 BOl 2 BAKER mwN HALL see also - Silvey Rana F Murder Case BAKER HCJ\TARD JR Speaks at Jonesboro for Frl Bethune camp:tign for US Senator BAKER RAY see also - Arkansas-Governor BALllVIN UNITED CORP Hearing to determine fate of National Investors Life Ins C.O Insurance co plan of Linda Garner attacked stei;tiens Inc,. First Boston to get $10 million in Garner plan Leucadia Inc wants new insurance firm formed C.Ourt hearing on reorganization ends Piano division to be sold Briefs ask look at alternatives on insurance firms Baldwin United questions Pulaski Ci rcuit ct j urisdiction Role of Linda Garner in choosing invesbnent advisers Timing used by Linda Garner seaned to help advisors chosen Various i;:a.rties in case have connections with Frank White Gov Bill Clinton put in plug for Stei;tiens Inc Frank White says he did not help Stei;tiens Inc get j ob Process for bids may have put limits on replies Firms chosen as advisers listed no fee schedules Briefs by Dallas lawyer raise eyebrows in legal ci rcles Decision in r ehabilitation case could come soon Rehabilitation plan of Linda Garner approved by court Policyholders picket for reforms in rehabilitation plan Florida Insurance camnr files complaint about ix:>licy sales Morley P Thompson sued for $1 billion by Linda Garner Suit by Garner claims three Ark insurance firms damaged BALINO JOOEm see also - Arkansas State Prison BALLARD J BARRY see also - Trade Schools BANK RCBBERIES see also - Peoples Bank of Waloo see also - Savers Federal Savings and Loan of Arkansas Gunman robs S&L in North Little Rock Fayetteville bank robbed by two gunmen Rogers bank robbed of travelers checks 'Ihree charged with conspiracy to rob bank at Benton Hot Springs bank robbed by man using ix:>lice radio BANRHFAD ANNIE MAE C.Ollege Station civic leader honored on 80th birthday BANRRUPl'CIES see also - Cranpton C.O Inc see also - Farmers C.Ooperative of Lee C.Ounty see also - Holthoff Howard L Family see also - James Brothers C.O see also - Lee Ray 37 10/2S/84 BOl S 01/10/84 01/11/84 01/12/84 01/13/84 01/14/84 01/17/84 02/0S/84 02/07/84 02/24/84 02/24/84 02/24/84 02/24/84 02/24/84 02/2S/84 02/26/84 02/26/84 02/26/84 03/23/84 OS/11/84 07/07/84 07/28/84 07/28/84 A0 4 A0 8 A03 A03 4 4 2 2 A03 1 cos 3 AOl 2 AOl 2 AOl 2 A08 4 A08 6 AOl 2 AOl 2 A08 4 A0 9 1 AOl 4 A08 2 cos 4 A04 1 A04 1 01/0S/84 01/13/84 02/03/84 02/16/84 OS/19/84 A03 Al6 A06 BOB A03 cos s cos 2 3 s 3 3 s 12/17/84 AOl 2 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Russell Herbert E see also - U&-Federal Bankruptcy Court BANKS see also - Central Arkansas Savings and Loan Association see also - Citizens Bank of Jonesboro see also - Congress-House District 2 see also - Corning Bank see also - Credit see also - First Arkansas Bankstock Corporation see also - First Commercial Bank of Little Rock see also - First Connnercial Corporation see also - Fi rst National Bank of Harrison see also - Fi rst United Bank of El ]))r aoo see also - Guaranty savings and Loan Association of Harrison see also - lane Cliff see also - Iasater and Co Investment Bankers see also - Madison Guaranty savings and Loan Association see also - Morrilton Security Bank see also - savers Federal Savings and Loan Association see also - Simmons First National Corp see also - TCBankshares Inc see also - Union National Bank of Little Rock see also - Worthen Bank and Trust Co see also - Worthen Banking Corp Marlin D Jackson organiz ing group to oppose interstate banks Broker ed deposits sti r controversy among Ark institutions Autanated tellers to take larger role in banking State banks given same powers as federal banks Truncation may end return of cancelled checks to custaners List of multibank holding comp:mies and their assets see also - Jackson County National Bank Newsletter lists Garn appearance for Ell Bethune camp3ign Newsletter notice on Garn appearance upsets Pryor supporters Jake Garn cancels visit to Ark in behal f of Bethune candidacy Article discusses use of the check float to save money BAPI'IST OillRCH Takeover by New Right discussed by political columnist BAPI'IST OIURCH - LrrrL E ROCK Dr William Wayne White is new piStor of Second Baptist sane Liberty Hill Ch manbers may challenge sale of property Lighthouse Tanple damaged by fire Liberty Hill church rules broken, suit contends Over 11 , 000 attended performance at FBC of Christmas choir BAPI'IST CllURClI MAUMELLE see also - Private Schools BAPrIST ClIURCH IDR'llI LrrrL E ROCK Indian Hills Bapt Ch sponsors faith healing saninar BAPrIST ClIUROI - S'IUTlGART . Service station owned by FBC is novel way to aid poor BAPrIST MEDICAL CENTER see also - Arkansas Rehabilitation Institute see also - Physicians and Surgeons No rate increases planned at 3 hospitals during 1985 BAR™TINE GENE 03/01/84 03/04/84 03/25/84 0 4/18/84 0 4/22/84 08/05/84 08/10/84 10/05/84 10/05/84 1 0/06/84 10/14/84 PAG C A03 BOl BOl D06 BOl B07 AOl A03 A03 A03 BOl 1 2 2 1 4 1 2 5 5 1 1 10/21/84 IOl 4 03/06/84 11/05/84 11/27/84 11/29/84 12/20/84 BOB Al.5 ClO D07 BOl 2 1 2 4 2 - - 38 11/24/84 Al.4 1 05/20/84 Al.9 1 12/21/84 A25 1 ARKANSAS GAZ ETI'E INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Vaughan Jerrell Murder Case BARNES OIARLES MURDER Cl\SE Body of Miller County Deputy Sheriff found dumped in ditch 'J.Wo teenagers charged in shooting of officer BARNES LORE.Tl'A FAYE MURDER Cl\SE Robert Josepi Barnes found guilty in slaying of ex-wife BARNE.Tl' J D Calls consolidation of small schools costly BARR HARRY G Fort Smith businessman dies in Europe BARS AND NIGHT CT.t.BS see also - Pornograpiy and Obscenity Charlie Goodnight Club closes after success with teen night Minor Tranors is Little Rock club for teen-agers Checkmate Club at NLR damaged by explosion of bomb Checkmate Club owner offers reward for arrest of bomber Ronald D O ' Neal charged with bomb attanpt at Checkmate Club O ' Neal plotted to have two persons killed, witnesses allege BAR'IDN RICHARD see also - Art PAG C 0 4/02/84 A03 1 0 4/03/84 Al.0 5 1 2/19/84 A0 4 3 09/25/84 A03 6 06/26/84 A07 3 04/17/84 06/02/84 09/05/84 09/06/84 12/22/84 1 2/27/84 BOl BOl A03 A08 A05 A05 2 3 4 3 I 1 BAS EBALL Exhibit at Old State House r ecalls heyday of baseball in Ark BAS� - CDLLEGE College of Ozarks , Arkansas College had good year in 1984 BASKE.'lBALL - CDLLEGE MEN John Widner named coach at Arkansas Tech Univ UA Razorbacks defeat top-ranked North Carolina Response tremenoous to UA win over North Carolina Coach Marvin Adams of .MU penalized for criticism of refer ees Razormcks of UA vault in polls after win over North Carol ina College of the Ozarks wins first AIC title in 35 years SAU Tech wins Junior College Tournament SAU Tech defeated in regional playoff Brackets for NAIA District 17 Tournament southwest Conference Tournament bracket Coach F.ddie Sutton says he will ranain at Univ of Ark Razorbacks Joe Kleine and Alvin Robertson named All-SVC Arkansas Coll defeats Harding for first trip to NAIA Tourn Nelson Catalina replaces Marvin Adams as ASU coach Al.1-AIC team named Razorbacks go to East Regionals of NCAA at the Meacbwlands Houston def eats Razorbacks of UA for &WC Tournament title Arkansas Coll to face Walsh in first game at NAIA tourn UALR will not renew contract of Coach Ron Kestenbaurn Arkansas Coll defeats Walsh Coll in overtime at NAIA tourn Arkansas Coll falls to Wisconsin-Stevens Point in NAIA tourn Razorbacks eliminated f ran NCAA tourn by Virginia Mike Newell named head basketball coach at UALR UAIB names Butch Gardner to coaching position F.ddie Sutton bars press, visitors fran UA practice sessions Razormcks of UA ranked 15th in UPI pr�season poll Prwiew of 1984-85 season for Arkansas teams BASKE.'lBALL - CDLLEGE W<E!N UCA Sugar Bears win AIC title 39 07/27/84 BOl 3 12/25/84 COl 5 02/12/84 0 2/13/84 02/13/84 02/15/84 02/15/84 02/21/84 03/01/84 03/05/84 03/05/84 03/05/84 03/06/84 03/07/84 03/07/84 03/I0/84 03/ll/84 03/I2/84 03/12/84 03/14/84 03/I4/84 03/15/84 03/17/84 03/19/84 0 4/03/84 05/04/84 ll/01/84 11/18/84 11/18/84 ED2 AOl COl DOl DOl COl DOS C02 C04 Cl2 COl DOI DOI COI EDS COl COl DOl DOI DOl COI COl COl COl DOl El.O HOl 1 2 1 2 4 5 5 4 4 2 2 2 5 5 I 2 6 2 4 5 3 2 3 6 1 5 1 02/22/84 DOI 2 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 DATE UCA Sugar Bears defeat Arkansas Tech for NAIA Di st 17 title UCA Sugar Bears defeat Missouri Western for district title All-AIC team named UCA eliminated fran natl tourn by UNC-Ashe.ville Beverly Webb resigns as ooach at Arkansas State Univ UAM' s Pearlene Davidson named All-American for third time UAm names Rosalynn Landes ooach of team Virginia Honoll named ooach at Ouachita Baptist Univ UA Coach Matilda Wills accepts post at Kansas State BASIOO.BALL - HIGH SQIOOL BOYS Brackets for overall state championships Hall High School wins overall state championship BASKRIBALL - HIGH SClIOOL GIRLS Guy Perkins wins overall state championship BASNEI' RANDY MURDER CAS E Gov Bill Clinton wants John Swindler retd to Ark f ran Florida Swindler is under death sentence in Arkansas Clinton ridicules Freanan ranark on ra:;J:uest for return to Ark WOOdy Freanan asserts Gov Clinton grandstanding with ra:;J:uest Gov Clinton accuses Woody Fr eanan of outrageous distortion Sebastian County sought Swindler return f ran Florida John Edward Swindler back on Death Row in Arkansas Gov Clinton calls Woody Freanan charges despicable BASS MASTERS CTJ\SSIC Classic coming to Arkansas for 1985 contest Rob Kilby, of Royal , has chance to win Classic at Pine Bluff Ricky Green, of NLR, is favored in classic fishing tourney Special feature on classic to be held at Pine Bluff Forty fishermen soouting Arkansas River Contestants begin quest in $40 ,000 fishing tournament Texan Rick Clunn leading in classic on Arkansas River Clunn oontinues to lead pack in fishing Vice President George Bush attends finals at Pine Bluff Rick Clunn caught his bass in Pine Bluff harbor Final standings in oontest won by Rick Clunn Governor Bill Clinton delighted with tourney in Arkansas Spot where Clunn found fish is called Honey Hole BATES IJ\.ISY see also - Arkansas State Press University of Arkansas grants honorary Cbctorate Honored by NAACP for work in support of civil rights BATES L C Tribute sponsors insist Jesse Jackson to attend event Bates hailed for his role in struggle for civil rights Jesse Jackson Ches not attend program honoring Bates Public service set to honor civil rights leader L C Bates BATS see - Wildlife BMTERED CHILDREN see - Children and Youth �ER CDUNl'Y see also - Arkansas-History see also - Companies and Factories �ER CDUNl'Y REGIONAL HOSPITAL 40 03/03/84 03/07/84 03/11/84 03/15/84 03/24/84 03/28/84 05/04/84 07/03/84 07/21/84 PAG C COl DOI EDS D02 C02 DOI COl Cl8 COl 5 2 4 1 3 4 6 1 1 03/14/84 D04 1 03/18/84 EDl 2 03/18/84 EDl 6 09/12/84 09/12/84 09/13/84 09/14/84 09/16/84 09/16/84 10/20/84 10/24/84 A06 A06 A13 A06 A07 A07 BOl All 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 2 04/26/84 08/13/84 08/14/84 08/14/84 08/15/84 08/16/84 08/17/84 08/18/84 08/19/84 08/19/84 08/19/84 08/19/84 08/20/84 DOl 5 cos 1 C02 3 DOl 1 DOl 3 DOl 2 COl 5 COl 2 EDl 1 EDl 5 EDl 6 ED S 3 COl 3 04/27/84 A07 1 11/19/84 A03 1 08/19/84 08/20/84 08/20/84 08/21/84 A08 AOl AOl A06 1 2 2 5 ARKANSAS GAZ E'ITE lNDEX 19B4 DATE Hospital staff cut by 37 jobs BAYOU ME4IO see also - Pollution BFAIJK)NT NURSThli IDtE Several p:ttients hurt in fire at Little Rock facility Sprinklers did not work during fire Passersby started rescue of i:atients before firanen arrived Patient dies f ran smoke inhalation Second i:atient dies after fire Sprinkler systan had been turned off before fire Leaks found in line to sprinkler Third r esident dies fran smoke inhalation Fire was caused by short circuit in electrical systan Former anployee unaware sprinkler did not work Estate of Vera Rexer sues bane over death fran fire sues two firms it hired to rei;air fire systans Firm says it was hired to check, rei:air frozen pipe Third suit filed in fire at bane Hane denies r esponsibility in fire at Beaumont Fourth victim dies after fire in January State to revoke l icense of Beaumont Nursing Hane Priscilla Simpson cited for heroism during fire Panel backs r eopening of nursing home BFAIJK)NI' WILLIAM E see also - Pulaski County-Police and Law Ehforcanent BFRJTY CONTESTS see also - Ma;ehee School District see also - Miss Arkansas see also - Miss Arkansas USA BFAVER LAKE see also - Lakes and Reservoi rs Property owners obj ect to new rules on private boat d:>cks BECK MICHAEL Hughes native finds success as actor BECK ZANE see also - Musical Instruments BECKER J BILL Wants law requi ring plants to reveal plans to close Joins demonstrators at Reagan rally in Little Rock Opposes bill allowing capital gains deduction BEEBE Petitions fil ed for vote on change to city manager govt BEEBE OIL CD Fined by PC&E, shutdown of well ordered BEER see - Alcoholic Beverages see - Riley Lyon Inc BEHAVIOR OF HUMANS see - Psychology BELL FARL see also - Olympic Games BELL FOLEY mM see - Strawberry River BELLAMY J W 41 PAG C OB/2B/B4 007 2 Ol/13/B4 Ol/14/B4 Ol/14/B4 Ol/15/B4 Ol/17/B4 01/17/B4 Ol/1B/B4 Ol/19/B4 Ol/20/B4 02/03/B4 03/0l/B4 03/07/B4 03/0B/B4 03/23/B4 04/04/B4 04/05/B4 04/14/B4 04/14/B4 06/15/B4 AOl AOl A06 A03 AOl AOl AOB A0 4 A03 A07 AOB A07 AlO AOB A0 4 Al. 2 AOl AOl Al6 3 4 3 5 2 2 6 3 4 4 1 1 3 6 4 6 3 4 2 0 2/10/B4 COB 3 02/12/B4 COl 2 09/03/B4 Al6 2 ll/04/B4 A22 2 12/21/B4 A03 5 12/04/B4 BOB 1 ll/2B/B4 B02 4 ARKANSAS GAZEI"l'E INDEX 1984 DATE Former bank official dies Estate funds chair at Univ of Ark and Arkansas College BELLEGARDE IDA R Publishes poetry ex>llection called Sunshine and Sha<l>ws BENNEIT RICKY MURDER CASE Retrial of Joe Harm:>n brings life in prison term BENTLEY WILBUR C see also - Arkansas Democrat see also - Arkansas-SUprane Court Position 5 see also - Democratic Party see also - Pulaski County-Police and Law Fnforcernent BFNIDN CDUNrY Witnesses say Sheriff Rystran bid on car at public auction Former deputy says he lied in early stages of probe Bobby Lyons says Sheriff asked him to lie about cycle sale Sheriff recalls firing in 1979 for misuse of ex>unty a;1uipnent Sheriff Rystran found guilty on five ex>unts Sheriff Rystran gets $23 . 000 fine. ordered to leave office BFNIDN PAUL see also - southern Arkansas University Tech BFNIDN WILLIAM RCBERT JR Bank chairman at Fordyce dies BFNI'ONVILLE CHRISTIAN DAY CARE CENI'ER Child Care Facility ReviE.W' Bd seeks to lift license BEST .EOODS CD Judge finds no racial bias in firing of seven blacks at firm BEIHUNE ED see also - Congress-House District 2 see also - Congress-Senate Cordial meeting with peace marchers in Little Rock Seeks to block FERC rul ing on AP&L share of Grand Gulf ex>sts Supports developnent of lignite plant in Arkansas Wants Rural El ectrification Adn to repay debt to govt Attack on Rural Electrification Adm ex>ntinues Argues case against more aid for Rural Electrification Adm Pushes for prayer in school amendment ReneNs call for prayers in public schools Stand on RFA discussed by Ernest Dumas May not take stand on proposed abortion ban amendment Fritz S steiger named chai rman for camp:dgn Will ex>-sponsor bill for flat-rate income tax bill Says nerve gas production would threaten talks with Soviets Discusses crime and penal ex>de reform Voted against tax bill because he feared Dens would spend it Says Cong will regret stand against mining Nicaraugua harbors Co-sponsors bill for flat rate income tax schedule Anthony and Bethune fmning over chanical weapons debate Lists personal wealth in report to Congress Proposes law to increase ex>unty share of natl forest funds Serving on platform ex>rranittee of natl Republican Party Has flipflopped on effect of umG formula on South Imnigration bill opposed because of amnesty stand Says over 20 have applied for nE.W' judgeship post Appl icants for j udgeship told to discuss issues with him 42 P.N; C 10/19/84 Al8 6 12/08/84 BOB 5 04/08/84 cos 2 05/02/84 AlO 5 03/08/84 03/09/84 03/10/84 03/13/84 03/14/84 03/17/84 AOS AlO AlO 008 A04 Al9 1 5 1 1 1 5 05/28/84 A22 6 01/26/84 A06 1 11/17/84 A07 1 01/07/84 02/08/84 02/24/84 02/28/84 03/01/84 03/02/84 03/06/84 03/15/84 03/18/84 03/19/84 03/22/84 03/27/84 04/05/84 04/08/84 04/13/84 0 4/15/84 0 4/27/84 05/18/84 05/18/84 05/20/84 06/12/84 06/22/84 07/01/84 08/09/84 08/10/84 001 AOl C07 001 D06 A08 AOl A0 4 Bll A03 AlO A07 A03 A04 Al4 Al6 AOl AOl Al3 A03 AOl Al9 A25 Al3 AOl 1 4 4 6 1 1 6 5 4 1 3 1 4 5 1 5 3 3 1 5 5 1 1 1 4 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E lNDEX 1984 DA.TE Wants to discuss seven specific court cases with applicants Selection process for federal judge outrages some lawyers Process used in selection of federal j udge def ended Accuses Bar Assn of criticism on j udges for political reason Put in f EW appearances at GOP platform sessions Opposes AP&L settlenent of Grand Gulf power plant case Learned j udge selection process fran John McClellan May seek spending limit for UDl-\G funds Bar assn may pass resolution opposing judge interviEW process Bar panel condenns method used to pick federal judge nominees Exchanges words with Winslow Dr urmmnd at Bar Assn discussion Not being honest on appnt of US j udge, David Pryor says Says big shots in Arkansas Bar Assn ramrodded resolution Judge nominee interviavs supported by Stran Thurmond Too late to name federal j udge this session, Bethune says Blames David Pryor for part of Grand Gulf problens Votes against bill requiring balanced budget Ratepayers Fight Back say Bethune wrong to blame Pryor Sees sane merit for paying teen-agers below minimum wage Vacationing Bethune has several job options open to him BE.VERl!GES see also - Alcoholic Beverages Bru..BOARJ:S see - Advertising BThl;O see - Gambling see - Games BIOPLEX INTmNATIONAL High Tech Industries to be 1st of 9 plants in complex Maumelle to be site of cluster of high tech industries Ernest Faucett explains coqX>rate structur e of finns High Tech International will own all bldgs in complex High Tech Intnl owns High Tech Industries and Tamrock Develop Article on value of purified protein to be produced High Tech Intnl says 28 firms interested in Arkansas site Celebration over high tech complex tenpered by doubts Article in Arkansas Business raises questions about developer Credentials of Paul L Sinmons are at issue in article David Harrington. AIDC di rector . disputes article findings Paul L Si.moons responds to article, sees damage to Arkansas Proj ect moving at full speed, Paul L Sinmons says Magazine conunents on r ecord of Paul L Sinuoons in proj ects state rosiness climate factor in delay of Bioplex plans Gov Bill Clinton still confident oomplex to be built High Tech Intnl seeks extension of option on Maumelle site Maumelle Land Developnent Inc will not extend land option High Tech to seek new site in Little Rock area BIRnS see - Wildl ife BIR'IH CDN!'RCL see also - Arkansas-Politics and Elections see also - Arkansas-Population and Vital Statistics see also - Bethune Ed see also - Congress-House District 2 43 PIG C 08/10/84 08/15/84 08/16/84 08/19/84 08/19/84 09/08/84 09/16/84 09/19/84 09/21/84 09/22/84 09/22/84 09/22/84 09/26/84 09/27/84 10/05/84 10/05/84 10/06/84 10/06/84 10/06/84 12/30/84 AOl AOl A03 AOl Al.0 C07 A06 A04 All A03 A03 BOl A03 A03 AOl Al.4 A03 A0 9 A09 A09 4 4 1 5 1 5 5 1 1 4 4 6 1 4 2 3 6 1 3 2 08/18/84 08/18/84 08/22/84 08/22/84 08/22/84 08/25/84 09/20/84 09/23/84 09/30/84 09/30/84 09/30/84 10/02/84 10/16/84 10/26/84 11/09/84 11/10/84 12/21/84 12/30/84 12/31/84 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl BOl All Al.7 AOl AOl AOl AOl A03 All AOl Al.3 All AOl AOl 2 2 2 2 2 5 1 1 6 6 6 2 1 1 6 1 2 2 3 ARKANSAS GAZE.T.l'E INDEX 1984 DATE see also - congress-Senate see also - Pryor David About 1 , 000 foes of abortion rally on state Capitol grounds Foes of abortion hope to def eat Senator David Pryor Right to Life group says David Pryor not targeted for defeat Abortion foes push for oonstitutional amdt in Arkansas UnOOrn O:dld Arndt Comm led by Robert S Shafer New rule requires state to inspect aoortion clinics Fd Bethune may not take stand on proposed aoortion ban amdt Ballot title approved for proposed Unlx>rn Child Amendment stanley Russ advocates ban on aoortions Candidates for US Cong seat discuss abortion issues State Health Bd adopts rules on aoortion clinics UnOO rn Child Arndt goal explained by Robert S Shafer Text of proposed Unlx>rn Child Arndt to Arkansas Constitution Petitions for Unlx>rn Child Arndt to be filed Petitions on Unlx>rn Child Arndt filed for vote Moral Majority aroused over abortion fight in Arkansas UnOOrn Child Arndt title may be challenged by ACT.U UnOOrn Child Arndt certified for ballot in Novanber Antiabortion groups get pointers fran sociologist at meeting Text of proposed Unlx>rn Child Amendment Group forms to oppose i;assage of anti-abortion amendnent Arkansas Wanen ' s Political Caucus seeks to bar amdt fran vote E\J.11 effects of proposed Unlx>rn Child Arndt are in cbubt Suppor ters of Unlx>rn Child Arndt call suit frivolous Foes of amdt distribute inaccurate literature, R Shafer says Church leaders, p:istors among opponents on Amendment 65 Group gathers to oppose Unlx>rn Child Amendment Arkansas Wanen ' s Political Caucus argues amdt before oourt Unoorn Child title gives biased view, Suprane Court told Presbytery of Arkansas opposes Unlx>rn Child Amendment Leon Holmes, Tara Levy debate Unlx>rn Child Amendment Methodist Church officials oppose Unlx>rn Child Arndt Backer of proposal says Arndt 65 pranotes life Farl ine Windsor says Justice John I Purtle pushed her Justice John I Purtle clashes with antiabortionists at rally Purtle exchange came at rally for Geraldine Ferraro Justice John I Purtle cbes not i;articip:ite in hearing on Arndt UnOOr n Child Arndt ruled off ballot by Ark Suprane Court Unlx>rn Child Amendment Comm asks reoonsideration by oourt SUprane Court will not re-hear plea on Unlx>rn Child amdt Antiabortion group suppo rts F.d Bethune for US Senate Right to Life and David Pryor exchange comments on votes Robert McCord discusses voiding of vote on Unlx>rn Child Arndt Senator Lu Hardin files bill regulating some abortions BIR'IHS see also - Arkansas-Population and Vital Statistics see also - Multiple Births Nurse midwife guidelines set Nurse midwife program may be hurt by new rules Advocates of lay midwives oppose state regulations Nursing Bd r escinds rules on nurse midwives Parent Center assists teenage mothers 44 PAG C 01/23/84 01/24/84 01/28/84 03/08/84 03/08/84 03/16/84 03/19/84 03/20/84 03/25/84 04/04/84 04/14/84 04/17/84 04/17/84 07/03/84 07/07/84 07/09/84 07/16/84 07/28/84 07/29/84 09/lJ/84 09/18/84 09/22/84 09/22/84 09/28/84 10/12/84 10/13/84 10/13/84 10/16/84 10/16/84 10/17/84 10/18/84 10/18/84 10/21/84 10/24/84 10/24/84 10/24/84 10/25/84 10/25/84 10/26/84 10/30/84 11/01/84 lJ/02/84 11/04/84 12/30/84 A03 AOl AOl A03 A03 Al. 8 A03 A06 A04 Al. 2 Al.6 BOl BOl BOl BOl 00 2 A03 AOl Al.2 Cl3 A05 AOl AOl A05 Al.7 A03 A03 AOl AOl A04 Al.3 Al. 4 A26 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl Al. 2 A05 All A0 4 Bl7 Al.7 4 2 4 5 5 6 1 6 6 5 6 3 6 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 4 4 1 1 1 5 1 1 01/18/84 01/27/84 01/29/84 01/29/84 01/30/84 A03 A03 A05 A05 BOl 1 5 1 1 3 ARKANSAS GAZE.Tl'E INDEX 1984 Dl\TE State Health Bd re11 iewing comments on lay midwifery Midwife regulations adopted by state Health Board State Health Bd aoopts rules on lay midwife practice Group formed to challenge Medical society on midwife stand No major alteration urged on proposed change in midwife rules Carolyn Vogler says Health Bd lax in attitude on midwifery BISHOP KENDER K Little Rock businessman dies BIACK RAYIDND Former legislator dies BLACK RIVER Debris to be cleaned fran river by ArJ11Y Engineers G&FC will maintain river after initial cleanout 02/10/84 02/24/84 04/14/84 08/04/84 08/14/84 11/16/84 PAG C A08 A0 4 Al6 A06 C09 Al 9 5 1 6 4 1 1 07/29/84 A22 6 10/24/84 Al2 5 08/21/84 C02 3 08/21/84 C02 3 BLACI<BnID3 see - Wildl ife BLACKS see also - Arkansas Power and Light C.o see also - Arkansas-Human Services Depa.rbnent see also - Arkansas-Politics and Elections see also - Autanobil e Dealers see also - Civil Rights see also - College Segregation see also - Democratic Party see also - Fronanic Opportunity Agency of Pulaski County see also - Ku Klux Klan see also - Little Rock-Pol ice and Law Enforcement see also - Mcintosh Robert see also - Minority Business Enterprises see also - National Assn for the Advancanent of Colored see also - Popul ist Party see also - Publ ic School Segregation see also - Public School Standards see also - Republican Party Proj ect planned on role of blacks in Ark history BLAIR JAMFS B see also - Arkansas State University BLAND BCB see also - Congress-House District 2 BLIND see Handicapped BIDCK JClIN R Speaks at National Cotton Council oonvention in Little Rock Agriculture Secretary a>mes to Ark to campaign for Eli Bethune BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD see also - Insurance BLUE HFAVEN CAVE see - Caves BLUEBERRIES see - Fruit and Vegetables BLYI'HE.VILL E AIR FORCE BASE Nuclear-tipped cruise missiles now based at Blythe11 ille BOARD:m; HCXJSES Regulations strengthened by state BOATS AND BOATnt; 1 2/17/84 BO! 2 - 45 02/07/84 C06 1 10/11/84 BO! 5 11/22/84 A25 1 01/20/84 All 1 ARKANSAS GAZEITE INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Rivers see al so - Ships and Boats Tour boats at Lake Hamilton BOCCE Game played at TontitCMn is BODY BUll..DIM; see - Human Body BCJWX)NNA PHILLIP A see also - Alcohol and Drug BGJOO see - stocks and Bonds BONINE LARRY S see al so - US-Arn¥ Corps of P.AG C must meet Coast Guard rules 11/27/84 BOl 6 same one used by Ranans 08/12/84 COl 2 Abuse Ehgineers BCXBY TRAPS see - Explosives and Explosions BOOKS AND WRITJN; see al so - August House Cbokbooks by Arkansans are suitable for holiday giving BOOKS AND WRITJN; - AES'IHE.TIC CT.lE Hisory of club told in "Aesthetic Club Centennial History" BOOKS AND WRITOO - ALLIN RIClJARD Sales of "Southern Legislative Dictionary" tops 14 ,000 Produces "Second Southern Legislative Dictionaryn samples fran "Second Southern Legislative Dictionary" Legislators in Georgia and Florida get copies of Dictionary BOOKS AND WRITJN; - ALSMEYER MARIE BENNEIT Bibliography by Alsmeyer published BOOKS AND WRITJN; - BELLEGARDE Ill.\. R Book of poetry is entitled nsunshine and Shadowsn BOOKS AND WRITJN; - BRANSCUM RCBBIE Branscum described as an Arkansas Primitive BOOKS AND WRITJN; - BROm DEE "Parcbn My Pandanoniumn is new title for "They Went Thataway " Spythriller "They Went Thataway" published under new title Michele Clad review of nparcbn My Pandanoniumn Discusses use of fiction in non-fiction writing Saddleman Award for western writers goes to Brown Gene Lyons disagrees with Brown on proper use of fiction American Assn for State and Local History award goes to Brown BOOKS AND WRITJN; BRO\IN ERCIL Fifth book of poans is "Hear My SOngn BOOKS AND WRITOO - BRUNELL SHIRL Reviewers like "I Hear Bluebi rds n BOOKS AND WRITJN; - BUCKNER JCJIN WORDY History of Crossett is titled "Cap Gates ' s Tent City" Rev John Wordy Buckner writes neap Gates ' s Tent City " BOOKS AND WRITOO - CROOSLEY CLYDE Writes second book "Knowing, Loving and Believing " BOOKS AND WRITJN; - DAVIS BOYCE Writes "Flexibility , the Concept of Stretching and Exercisen BOOKS AND WRITJN; - DFSMARAIS RALPH AND RCBERT IRVn:x2 Booklet nArkansas Grand Prairien published BOOKS AND WRITn:x2 - DIERKES WILLIAM HENRY "Robert Frost . A Friend to a Younger Poetn published 11/28/84 COl 3 04/08/84 cos 2 02/12/84 09/09/84 11/04/84 1 2/12/84 ClO A30 C06 All 1 s 5 4 01/22/84 COB 5 04/08/84 cos 2 01/08/84 C06 1 01/29/84 01/29/84 OS/06/84 07/08/84 07/lS/84 07/17/84 11/04/84 C06 C06 C06 Bl3 C02 A08 C06 6 6 2 3 1 3 2. - 46 08/12/84 COB 2 10/14/84 C06 S 01/lS/84 cos 2 01/15/84 cos 2 OS/27/84 ClO 1 07/08/84 C02 4 02/12/84 ClO 2 OS/20/84 ClO S ARKANSAS GAZErl'E lNDEX 1984 Dl\TE BOOKS AND WRITJN; - DIN GilBERT C "The Imperial Osages " is definitive historical work BOOKS AND WRITJN; - OOUGIAS BCB Discusses use of fiction in non-fiction writing BOOKS AND WRIT1N3 - DR.N::;CDl.PiGCN ffiESCENI' Latest publication is "Always , Always" BOOKS AND WRIT1N3 - DUNNAHOO PATRICK Publishes "A Tolabl e Plenty" BOOKS AND WRIT1N3 - FREYER TONY Publisher releases "The Little Rock Crisis" BOOKS AND WRIT:IN; - FUELSOI OON Books by Hot Springs author are boon to hunters, anglers BOOKS AND WRIT1N3 - GARNER CLAUD Reissue of "Cornbread Aristocrat" published BOOKS AND WRIT1N3 - GILClIRIST ELLEN Wins Saxfrage Prize for "Land of Dreanw Dreams" Wins American Book Award for general fiction Article on winner of prestigious award for fiction Called na-1 voice in fiction BOOKS AND WRIT1N3 - GREENE BErTE "Than That Glitter " has Arkansas setting Novel "Than That Glitter and Than That Don ' t " published Teen-aged rej ection is thane of "Than That Glitter " BOOKS AND WRIT1N3 - GWAL'INEY FRANCIS IRBY Papers of Gwaltney opened by University of Arkansas BOOKS AND WRIT:IN; - HALL B C "Judgment Day" nominated for F.dgar Award BOOKS AND WRIT:IN; - HANSEN RON Book on Jesse James contains sane Arkansas scenes BOOKS AND WRITJN; - HAYS OONALD Revie.ws favorable to "Dixie Association" Revia-1 of "Dixie Association" Author lives out fantasy in writing "Dixie Association" BOOKS AND WRIT:IN; - HUNrER CARL G Hunter produces book, "Wildflowers of Arkansas " Brief article on book , "Wildflowers of Arkansas " BOOKS AND WRIT1N3 - IVY RALPH "Halls of Ivy " pokes fun at campus life BOOKS AND WRIT1N3 - JCNES OOUGIAS C Latest book is "Season of Yellowleaf " Paperback ed of "Court Martial of George Armstrong Custer " Jerry Dean r eview of "Gone the Dreams and Dancing" BOOKS AND WRIT:IN; - JCNES MAXINE T Marty S Devasher alleges Jones stole material for her book BOOKS AND WRIT:IN; - KNOOP FAITH YlroL1N3 Noted author dies at Little rock at age 87 BOOKS AND WRITThG - LAMB JEAN I NNE sally Kirby revi&1 of "A Fine Age" Book on aging is called "In A Fine Age" BOOKS AND WRIT:IN; - IANCASTER BCB "Judgment Day" nominated for F.dgar Award BOOKS AND WRIT:IN; - LAWRENCE BILL ''!'hen Sane Other Stuff Happended" pubished by Athenemn 47 PAG C 03/lJ/84 cos 3 07/08/84 Bl3 3 08/12/84 COB 2 04/08/84 cos 2 10/21/84 C06 2 lJ/lJ/84 E06 1 02/12/B4 ClO 4 01/01/84 ll/16/B4 11/19/84 11/19/84 C04 Cll AOl AOl 6 2 4 4 03/2S/84 ClO 1 03/2S/84 ClO 1 03/2S/B4 ClO 1 05/18/84 All 1 04/22/B4 cos 3 02/26/84 COB 3 05/13/84 C09 2 05/27/84 ClO 1 OS/27/B4 ClO 4 07/29/84 E06 6 11/04/84 C06 4 09/09/84 C06 1 01/01/84 C04 4 lJ/04/84 C06 6 12/16/84 C04 S 01/17/84 BOB 3 11/17/84 Al.7 2 12/23/84 C03 3 08/19/84 COB 3 04/22/84 cos 3 04/01/84 ClO 1 ARKANSAS GAZ EITE INDEX 1984 Ill\TE BOOKS AND WRITJN; - LFAKY MARY Anthropologist speaks fondly of Ark in her autobiograi;hy BOOKS AND WRITJN; LEFLAR HELEN F AND CARCLYN L LEWIS Review of booklet, "Yesterdays" on historic Fayetteville BOOKS AND WRITJN; - LESTER JAMFS E JR Review of Lester ' s "Hendrix College, A Centennial History " BOOKS AND WRITJN; - LYONS GENE Lyons disagrees with Dee Brown on use of fiction Lyons critical of novie "The Burning Bed" BOOKS AND WRITJN; - MADOOX MAR;AREl' Writes youth novel "Secret of the Silver Candlestick" BOOKS AND WRITJN; MARRHAM J H First novel is "The Goldseekers" BOOKS AND WRITJN; MAYNARD ROO ER Maynard writes "Advanced Bow-hunting Guide" BOOKS AND WRITJN; �IEL JAY Writes chapter in "Buddhism and American Thinkers " BOOKS AND WRITJK; - MOJA'IH FHILLIP H Son of former governor is author of "Native Ground" Sally Kirby review of "Native Ground" BOOKS AND WRITJN; - MCNEIL W K Review of "Charm is Broken" BOOKS AND WRITJN; - IDNTPGU ASHLEY Arkansas role in creation sci discussed in new book BOOKS AND WRITJN; - IDRRIS GILBERT First in series to be "Bucks of Booger Holler " '!Yndale House to publish series of youth novels by Morris Tyndale to publish "Barney Buck and the Flying Solar cycle" New book for youth published Dr Morris publishes "Barney Buck in Car No S " BOOKS AND WRIT JN; - t.{)RSE mN F AND PHYLLIS A IDRSE Authors "Archeology of the Central Mississippi Valley" BOOKS AND WRITJN; MlJZUMIJ\R HARIDAS T Muzmnda.r edits "Enduring Greatness of Ghandi " BOOKS AND WRITJN; - NEW LIFE :rnRM INC Fi rm produces "Hane &'weet Hane, An Ozark Sampler " BOOKS AND WRITill2 OOONN:ELL WILLIAM W Book by O ' Ikmnell is titled ' 'lhe Quadrennimn' BOOKS AND WRITJN; - OZARK WRITERS LFIGUE League publishes "Ozarks Panorama" BOOKS AND WRITJN; PETER LILY Design award won for "In the Beginning" BOOKS AND WRITJN; - !ORTIS ClIARLES New York stor e display renews interest in "Dog of the South " Novel "Dog of the South " to be reprinted BOOKS AND WRITJK; - Rl'lELL LARRY D Rev Powell writes book , "Christianity is a Verb" BOOKS AND WRITJK; - Rl'lELL LEE RILEY Powell book traces Vietnam dissent by J W Fulbright Jim Lester review of "J William Fulbright " BOOKS AND WRITJN; - Rl'lER M SUSAN Title "And Before the Convention" is study in politics BOOKS AND WRITJN; - PRUITT HOLLIS E "Handbook of the Elves" is book of poetry by Hollis E Pruitt PAG C 11/18/84 C06 4 - 01/01/84 C04 S 11/11/84 C07 1 07/17/84 A0 8 3 11/07/84 Al9 3 04/08/84 cos 4 - 12/09/84 C07 1 - OS/06/84 C06 4 - 04/08/84 cos 3 11/11/84 C06 3 12/09/84 C06 3 07/lS/84 C02 1 03/18/84 cos 1 01/29/84 01/29/84 04/08/84 06/07/84 10/14/84 C06 6 C06 6 cos 3 B02 3 C06 S 02/12/84 ClO 1 - 01/01/84 C04 S 01/29/84 C06 6 - ll/2S/84 C06 S 08/0S/84 cos 2 - 48 04/lS/84 cos 2 04/02/84 BOl 4 06/28/84 BOl 3 01/lS/84 cos 1 09/30/84 A23 4 11/04/84 C06 1 08/0S/84 cos 3 01/lS/84 cos 3 ARKANSAS GAZ E1'1'E INDEX 19S4 DATE BOOKS AND WRITlNi - REED ROY Reed contributes chapter in "Dixie Iatel ine" BOOKS AND WRITlNi - ROOO ERS Rl\BOO Book "Magnum Fault " uses Ouachita Mountains for setting BOOKS AND WRITlNi - RCMINE MARY cnx Vampire novel is titled "The Fellowship" BOOKS AND WRITlNi - RO\ILAND T RAY Book on investment entitled "Rattle the Money Tree" BOOKS AND WRITlNi ROY F HAMPI'ON Na-1 publication is "Greater Little Rock, One in a Million" BOOKS AND WRITlNi - ROY F HAMPI'ON AND ClIARLES WITSELL JR Little Rock depicted in "How We Lived" BOOKS AND WRITJNi - SClIELL JOON AND JCHN STRA'I'l'ON ''Writing on the Job" r evia-led BOOKS AND WRITlNi - SCX>TT MELISSA First book by LR native is "The Game Beyond" BOOKS AND WRITlNi - SHERil.L JEAN Writes book entitled "God Answers Racist Cll ristians" BOOKS AND WRITlNi - SIGAroOS RCBERT "Absolutely. Positively Overnight" is Federal Express history BOOKS AND WRITlNi - SLAVENS E.VERErl' Dr ENerett Slavens contributes to "Black Press in the South" BOOKS AND WRITJNi - SMITH DIANN Handy refer ence titled "Arkansas Handbook " BOOKS AND WRITlNi - SMITH GRIFFIN JR Smith ex>-authors "Forgotten Texas " Native Arkansan is popular writer in Texas Fa)KS AND WRITlNi SMITH M ALDRITGE Collected work is entitled "Siloam Shorts" BOOKS AND WRITJNi - srmN srE.VE New Stern novel is "The Moon and Ruben Shein" BOOKS AND WRITlNi - SI1EWARD DANA Newest offering is "Christmas CUstard" PAG C 01/0S/84 C06 S 06/10/S4 C06 S 10/21/S4 C06 2 07/29/S4 C06 1 - ll/04/S4 C06 S 06/17/S4 ClO 1 09/30/S4 C06 1 ll/ll/S4 C06 4 Ol/1S/S4 cos 1 Ol/29/S4 C06 6 01/lS/84 COS 2 10/14/S4 C06 1 Ol/OS/S4 C06 3 03/18/84 COl 2 - Revia-ler Bill Lewis discusses took BOOKS AND WRITlNi - SI1EWARD DANA AND JEANINNE LAMB Book on aging is called "In A Fine Age" Fa)KS AND WRITlNi - STRA'I'l'ON JOHN AND JCHN SCHELL ''Writing on the Job" r eviewed BOOKS AND WRITJNi - SUMMERFI ELD MARC Summerfield writes "The Unit Dose Primer " BOOKS AND WRITJNi - SU'IHERLAND MAR'llIA Writes "Ali;ilabets for Architects and Designers" BOOKS AND WRITlNi - TmRY BILL LSU Press publishing 'Watermelon Kid" Jerry Dean review of 'Watermelon Kid" BOOKS AND WRITlNi - 'IHORNTON RAY Book "A J Stei;ilens as Rananbered by His Family" revia-led BOOKS AND WRITlNi - 'IUJOISTONE SAKJEL J "Herbal and Folk Medicine" includes Arkansas plants BOOKS AND WRITJNi - TSAI HENRY Book "China and the Overseas Chinese in the US" r eviewed BOOKS AND WRITJNi - WALIIDRIH MARJAREI' Patient at Hot Springs hosp is model for "Ricky ' s Ra.int.ow" 49 03/ll/S4 cos 6 ll/1S/S4 C06 1 ll/ll/S4 C06 4 ll/ll/S4 C06 1 08/19/S4 C08 3 09/3 0/84 C06 1 Ol/22/S4 cos 6 06/03/S4 cos 4 09/09/84 C06 1 10/2S/S4 C08 4 Ol/22/S4 C08 1 04/08/84 cos 3 Ol/22/S4 COS S 07/1S/S4 C02 4 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E lNDEX 1984 DA.TE BOOKS AND WRITThG - WFAVER NELL ''Your Fit Pregnancy Book " written by Nell Weaver BOOKS AND WRITThG - WEBSTER ROY August House to publish ''Under A Buttermilk Moon" BOOKS AND WRITThG - WILLIAMS MILLER Newest book is "Boys On Thei r Bony Mules " BOOKS AND WRITThG - WITS ELL OIARLES JR AND ROY F HAMPl'ON Little Rock depicted in "How We Lived" BOCH) see - �ise :BCXEE CDUNl'Y JAIL Fire sends f ive to hospital BO.RLAOO WRMAN E Nobel laureate visits Arkansas to discuss agriculture BCXJRY RCBERT see also - Music B(lqL]N; A D Byrd wins $150 ,000 in tourney OCWMAN MARK see also - Pulaski County-Police and Law Ehforcanent BOYD JEWEL MURDER CASE Found shot to death in car near Morgan Sheriff T Robinson believes Boyd was victim of hit slaying Charges fil ed against TOIDJ'I¥ A Mcn>well . Ronnie Drew Johnson Police find pistol believed used in murder Ronnie Drew Johnson gets term of 40 years BOYKINS MURDER CAS E Boykins children died in arson fire last January 16 Vernon Lee Cannon gets life without �role in deaths BRANSClJM RCBBIE Arkansas Pr imitive praised in literary ci rcles BRAN'roN WILEY A Dismayed that changes he helped create not all good BREWER GARY L see also - Trucks and Trucking Industry BREWER WILLIAM E see also - Arkansas-Game and Fish Cormnission BRIANS R E see also - Pulaski County-Elnployees and Officials BRICKELL BEIH see also - �tion Pictures BRIOOES see also - Greers Ferry lake see also - Housing-Hot Springs see also - Mississippi River BRIOO EWAY HOSPITAL Audit alleges BridgeWay overbilled govt $51 8 , 000 BROCK WILLIAM see also - Catholic Church BROCK WILLIAM E c.am�igns in Ark for Etl Bethune for US Senate B!OiINE see - Chanicals BROOKINS H HARTFORD 50 PAG C 10/17/84 C06 1 08/28/84 cos 3 01/15/84 cos 1 06/17/84 ClO 1 0 4/3 0/84 A08 3 06/05/84 cos 2 09/02/84 El.2 1 01/31/84 02/0l/84 0 2/14/84 0 2/15/84 07/26/84 A03 All A06 A04 AlO 1 6 4 1 5 10/31/84 A03 3 10/31/84 A03 3 01/08/84 C06 1 07/09/84 AOl 2 1 2/15/84 BOl 5 1 0/20/84 All 1 ARKANSAS GAZ ErTE INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Methodist Olurch BROOKS '!OM see also - Congress - House District 2 BRCWN BILL see also - Athletics-College BROVN CENTER Abuse of children in Searcy child care facility alleged Browns give up permit to operate child care facility BRCWN D\RRELL see also - Pulaski County-Grand Jury BROVN DEE see also - Books and Writing BRGlN ERCIL see also - Books and Writing BRGlN HENRY BERNAL Obituary BRCWN LYLE Fbrmer j ustice of Arkansas Suprane Court dies BROYLES FRANK see also - Football-College see also - Stadiums BRUCE OAKLEY FEEOO Employee electrocuted at North Little Rock mill BRIJCELIDSIS see - Livestock BRUNELL SHIRL see also - Books and Writing BIUNO VINCENT Fbunder of Little Italy restaurant at Little Rock dies BRUTALITY AND HARASSMENT ALLEGATIONS see also - Civil Rights see also - Arkansas State Prison see also - Faulkner County Jail see also - Forrest City see also - Helena see also - Little Rock-Police and Law Ehforcement see also - Pope County see also - st Francis County BRYAN L L see also - Alrohol and Drug Abuse BRYANT CLOVIS Legislator will not seek r eelection BRYANT LOO IS MURDER CASE see also - Vigilantes and Radicalism Snell called a survivalist by friend, manber of family State Trooper killed when he stopped Richard Snell at DEQueen Capital murder charges f iled against Richard Snell Obituary of Trooper Louis Bryant Funeral attended � 1 ,500 persons Four DEQueen IX>licemen die in wreck on way to funeral Survivalists leaders suggest Snell not representative Richard Snell transferred to Sebastian County Jail Richard Snell held in special area of Sebastian County Jail Sevier County says it lacks funds to try Richard Snell 51 PAG C 10/28/84 A07 2 10/28/84 MJ7 2 09/13/84 Al.2 2 05/02/84 MJ9 5 10/26/84 A03 6 02/18/84 Al.3 3 01/12/84 MJ7 3 07/01/84 07/01/84 07/02/84 07/03/84 07/06/84 07/06/84 07/07/84 07/1]/84 07/12/84 07/13/84 A03 A03 A03 A03 AOl AOl A09 MJ7 AJ.3 MJ6 4 4 3 4 2 6 1 1 1 6 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E lNDEX 1984 Dl\TE Gun found in Snell van tied to Texarkana slaying in 1983 Memorial scholarship fund estabd at University of Arkansas Richard Snell pleads not guilty in slaying of trooper Thirteen motions to be heard in slaying case Judge Capehart denies several requests of Snell lawyers Jurors can be asked views of death penalty, judge rules Richard Wayne Snell taken to DeQueen for hearing Judge Ted Capehart r ej ects Snell notion to surpr ess evidence Venue change for Snell trial will not be sought Richard Wayne Snell will be alla-ted to serve as co-counsel Trial of Richard Wayne Snell to begin Nine j urors picked for Snell trial Jury selection completed for trial of Snell Richard Wayne Snell says he shot Bryant out of fear Snell testifies he was told feds planned to assassinate him Kerry Noble and James Ellison. survivalist leaders , at trial Richard Wayne Snell found guilty of capital murder Richard Wayne Snell sentence is life in prison without i:arole BRYANT WINSION see also - Arkansas-Lieutenant Governor BRYSCN L J Former state legislator dies at Prescott BUrnANAN PATRICK J Commentator holds press conference in Little Rock BUCKNER JClIN WORDY see also - Books and Writing BUERKLE BELCHER BCNNIE 'KAY see also - Art BUFFALO ISLAND SOIOCL DISTRicr ftk>nette and Leachville merge to form new school district Student leaders helped smooth i:ath to merger of schools BUILDJX; AND LOAN .ASSOCIATIONS see - Banks BUILDIM3S AND OFFICE:S see also - Arkansas-Publ ic Buildings and Off ices see also - Little Rock-Buildings Btn..IMIA see - Disease and Illness BULL SHOALS LAKE see - Lakes and Reservoi rs BUMPERS BEPI'Y Urges Americans to be involved in i:olicy decisions of govt Calls on wanen to help set priorities BUMPERS 11\LE Calls for solving budget woes Wants US out of Lebanon Comments on effect of Marines in Lebanon says Budget Off ice blocks aid to Arkansas farmers Sponsors bill to stop secret taping of telephone calls loses first round in fight against taping tel ephone calls Urges ranoval of US fleet fran Lebanon area Comments on death of Russian leader Andropov Pres Reagan should attend Andropov funeral , Senator says Holds hearing in Little Rock on wilderness designation 52 07/18/84 07/26/84 07/27/84 09/10/84 09/11/84 09/11/84 09/25/84 09/26/84 09/28/84 10/16/84 10/28/84 10/30/84 10/31/84 11/01/84 11/01/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/03/84 PAG C AOl B02 A0 5 A0 9 BOl BOl A06 Al. 0 Al.2 A0 4 A21 A05 B08 AOl AOl AOl AOl A05 2 2 4 5 6 6 6 5 1 4 1 3 5 5 5 2 2 1 10/19/84 Al.8 5 04/10/84 C07 1 08/19/84 A0 9 1 08/19/84 A0 9 1 06/24/84 Al.5 1 07/04/84 A09 4 07/31/84 B03 4 01/05/84 01/10/84 01/14/84 01/20/84 01/25/84 04/04/84 04/09/84 04/11/84 04/13/84 02/16/84 BOl BOl A07 C07 A0 9 A0 4 Al.4 A08 AOl A06 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 ARKANSAS GAZ E.'ITE lNDEX 1984 mTE Says increasing national debt will push up interest rates Comments on r esults of Iowa Democrtic caucuses Votes for death penalty for certain federal crimes Reagan policies eroding middle class. Blmlpers says Wants Pres Reagan held acoountable for pranises he made Wants govt to take bids on OUachita Mtns oil and gas leases Vote on prayer in school not decided Signs point to nay vote on prayer in public schools Opposes proposed amdt to allow organized prayer in public sch Says oil . gas l easing policies plunder treasuries Senator explains his stand on prayers in public schools Votes against Reagan proposal for prayer in schools Joins Iavid Pryor in f ilibuster for rice farmer subsidy Bull Shoals Lake land sale by Engineers opposed Will oo-sponsor bill for voluntary prayer in schools Regrets decision not to seek presidential nomination Senate adopts Bumpers plan to warn El Salvador military Chanical weapons stand being re-evaluated Vice Presidential spot on ticket not expected , Bumpers says Soores Reagan on eoonanics and defense in talk to Young Dems Seeks $14 . 9 million for lab improvanent at NCI1R calls Ronald Reagan irresponsible, urges Dans to be tough Robert McCord comment on speech to US Chamber of Commerce Fears Iran may build nuclear bomb Ranarks on need for deficit reduction by US govt Robert Brown discusses pol itical future of Bumpers Civilian Conservation Corps needed now, Senator says Advised Charleston School Bd to desegregate. save money Comments on Gary Hart possibility as Vice Pr esident nominee Seeks funds for educational television stations Says oountry will regret re-election of President Reagan Says politics should be kept out of science Sponsors bill to create fund to aid organ transplant p:J.tients Urges no disruption over selection of Dem vice pr es candidate Trying to decide if he wants to be running mate of Monda.le Speaks at God and Country rally at Camden Says Walter Monda.le faces uphill battle for election Attacks Texaco Oil opposition to OUachita Mtns wilderness Statanent creates sti r among national Democrats Requests that he not be oonsidered for Monda.le ticket Article analyzes Bumpers decision not to seek vice pres post Asserts Mrs Ferraro may - be well accepted in South Bill Al exander opposes waterfowl refuge plan for cache River Assails proposed settlanent of Grand Gulf power plant claims Files obj ections to Grand Gulf settlanent with FERC Senator cites oonvictions in school prayer vote Listed 2nd on poll of nest influential Arkansans Fails to reach acoord with Beryl Anthony on wilderness bill Compranise r eached with Beryl Anthony on wilderness lands Sponsored bill to ban FERC order for Ark to p:J.y for plants Battling Bill Alexander over cache River wetlands Senate refuses approval of bill on Chaffee mineral leases Reveals p:J.nel of Senate to hold hearing in LR on FERC rul ing Urges law to close looi;ilole that lets firms escape bank rules 53 02/21/84 02/22/84 02/23/84 02/26/84 02/26/84 03/02/84 03/06/84 03/11/84 03/15/84 03/16/84 03/19/84 03/21/84 03/23/84 03/25/84 0 4/03/84 0 4/03/84 04/05/84 04/06/84 0 4/08/84 04/16/84 04/27/84 05/01/84 05/06/84 05/07/84 05/07/84 05/09/84 05/13/84 05/17/84 06/09/84 06/09/84 06/11/84 06/22/84 07/01/84 07/03/84 07/05/84 07/06/84 07/08/84 07/08/84 07/10/84 07/11/84 07/12/84 07 /23/84 08/04/84 08/31/84 08/31/84 08/31/84 09/03/84 09/21/84 09/26/84 10/03/84 10/04/84 10/04/84 10/07/84 10/10/84 PAG C A03 A08 A03 A0 4 A04 AOl AOl Al7 AOl Al8 A09 AOl AOl A19 A06 BOl AOl A05 A06 A08 A03 BOl Bl3 A06 All Al7 A24 BOl AOl BOB A0 4 A09 A16 A05 B02 Al5 All A18 AOl AOl A17 AOl C07 AOl AOl A07 BOl A03 AOl BOl AlO AlO A20 A0 4 5 4 1 1 4 2 6 1 6 1 1 4 2 5 4 3 2 1 6 2 3 2 2 4 1 4 2 3 3 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 4 1 4 6 1 3 3 4 4 1 1 1 3 5 1 3 2 1 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E lNDEX 19B4 Dl\TE Pledges to seek flll1.ds for more teacher training Praises task force effort to eradicate brucellosis Bill Alexander calls for oompranise on Cache River proj ect Lauds Senator David Pryor Critical of Reagan veto of America Conservation Corps Delivers i:arty resi;onse to speech of Ronald Reagan Advises GOP to address needs of blacks in America Says Soviet-built MIGs must be taken out of Nicarauga Analyzes r e-election of President Ronald Reagan Addresses assembly honoring the late Roosevelt 'lban:pson Would vote for taxes to lower federal deficit, Senator says Roy McLaughlin says Bumpers should give up Senate seat Says rural health would be hurt by some Reagan proposals Announces plan to seek re-election in 1986 Says budget director and farm states to 00.ttle over funds National Taxpayers Union honors Bumpers for reactor stand Seeks details on proposed i:act on Grand Gulf power plant Holds hearing in LR on Grand Gulf µ:Mer case staggering deficits will force domestic cuts, Senator says Comments on r esi;onse to hearing on Grand Gulf power case Urges end to study of pumped storage on Arkansas River Cites need for Reagan adm to keep preventive health progrsms Attends dinner honoring Annie Mae Bankhead Sends FERC testitrony fran hearing on effects of Grand Gulf Calls IRS rul es on mileage logs too stringent, asks delay Sees curbs on federal spending to reduce deficit Will oo-sponsor bill for federal funds for state prisons BURFORD RIClWID Obituary BUffi ER WARREN E Olief Justice to speak at Fayetteville Speaks on prison reform needs in Fayetteville speech BURNEI'I' LARRY DALE JR MURDER CAS E Murder charges filed against i:arents in death of infant Judge denies motions f iled by Burnetts Former ME says infant was beaten. scratched, died fran blow Burnetts found guilty in death of their infant son Jury recommends term of life without i:arole Life without i:arole not possible lll1.der charge BURNE.Tl' RAYIDND see also - North Little Rock BURNEI'I' WILLIAM MURDER CASE Lynette Combs found guilty in slaying of her husmnd BURNS INTERNATIONAL SEOJRITY S ERVICES INC see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co BURNS PARK see - Wild River Country BURRa.'GHS OORP Di sassembly plant in Little Rock i s successful Fi rm sued by four men alleging false dlarges of theft Closing r ecovery plant at Little Rock BURROV WAYNE see also - Fducation-Compulsory BUSH GEOR;E 54 10/13/B4 10/18/B4 10/28/84 10/29/84 ll/02/84 ll/04/84 ll/09/84 11/10/84 ll/ll/84 ll/14/84 ll/16/B4 ll/26/84 ll/2B/84 12/02/B4 12/04/84 12/05/84 12/07/B4 12/0B/B4 12/09/84 12/09/B4 12/14/B4 12/14/B4 12/17/B4 12/20/B4 12/21/B4 12/26/84 12/30/84 PAG C A06 BOl A26 A08 A04 Al.8 A08 A03 103 BOl Cll Al.2 BOB A27 C06 BOB A06 AOl A05 AOB A03 Al.5 AOl A22 A26 BOl A20 6 3 1 4 4 1 5 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 6 5 2 1 6 3 1 2 6 4 4 2 Ol/24/84 A05 3 0 4/14/84 All 1 04/29/B4 Al5 1 05/17/B4 0 9/26/B4 10/04/B4 10/05/B4 10/05/B4 1 0/09/B4 Al.5 Al.0 Al.6 A04 A04 A04 5 5 1 1 1 4 06/2B/B4 AOB 1 02/07/B4 BOl 2 03/30/B4 COB 3 ll/13/B4 cos 3 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E INDEX 1984 Dl-\TE Coalition to picket breakfast appearance in Little Rock says Ark to be battleground in GOP bid to keep Sen control Critical of Bill Alexander ranarks on Central America Alliance for Justice pickets VP in Little Rock Dedicates John L Ma::l ellan Manorial Veterans Hosp in LR BUSINESS Pink Pages is directory of firms in LR owned by wanen BUSINESS FAil.URES see - Bankruptcies BUSINESS OVNERSHIP BY MINORITIES see - Minority Business Enterprises BUSJN; FOR INTEGRATION see - Public School Segregation BTJI'CHER JAKE see also - National Investors Insurance Co BUTLER WILLIAM R see also - Little Rock-Pol ice and Law Ehforcement BUYI:OO AND BUYERS see also - Arkansas-contracts and Purchasing BYRD A D see also - Bowling BYRD HERBIE Veteran radio reporter dismissed amid changes at station CABE HARCLD H EState gives $1 million to Hendrix College CABor City Council abolishes municipal court CAQIE RIVER see also - Rivers Program to clean out channel :rooving along Plan to clean out river , improve flow wins court approval Game and Fish Comm has not cormnitted itself on plan Drainage proj ect , game refuge incompatible, USEWS says New G&FC manber , W E Brewer , opposes channelization Tamey' Robinson, Jim Taylor obj ect to work on Cache steven N Wilson asks Bill Alexander to back wildlife refuge Dale Bumpers , Bill Alexander butt heads over wetlands issue Congr essional conferees rej ect funds for Cache wetlands Bill Alexander wants compromise with Dale Bumpers on Cache CADOO RIVER see also - Pollution CALIWELL BE.Tl'YE M Testifies before Cong committee on child abuse CALICD ROCK Old bank restored for use as City Hall Flannery house said to have been visited by Cole Younger CALICO ROCK SCHoa:. DISTRICI' Fifty Six Dist allows 26 students to switch to Calico Rock Voters turn d:>wn merger of Calico Rock, Violet Hill , Oxford supt Rick Saunders , three bd manbers resign in wake of vote CAMMACK KATE GAINES BROAOOS see also - University of Arkansas CAMP CHAFFEE see - Fort Oiaf fee 55 05/04/84 05/04/84 05/05/84 05/05/84 05/05/84 PAG C Al. 4 Al. 4 AOl AOl BOl 1 4 2 6 1 01/22/84 Al.4 1 12/04/84 BOl 1 04/18/84 BOl 2 10/03/84 BOl 3 01/29/84 04/25/84 04/29/84 07/07/84 08/21/84 08/26/84 08/30/84 10/04/84 10/06/84 10/28/84 Al.8 A03 A23 BOl A0 4 A20 DOB Al.O A05 A26 1 2 3 4 3 1 5 1 1 1 09/18/84 BOl 6 05/07/84 BOl 2 08/05/84 A24 1 07/24/84 A07 3 ll/01/84 A06 6 11/29/84 AOl 2 ARKANSAS GAZ E.TI'E INDEX 1984 D.Z\.TE CAMP MEEI'�S see - Methodist Cllurch CAMP RCBINSCN Cllosen as training site for natiorMide National Guard program CAM!BELL JCIIN WESLEY Father of Glen Camti>ell dies CAMH3ELL PHYLLIS J see also - Dornenberg Peter R CAMPUS cmJSADE FOR CHRIST INTERNATIONAL Family Ministry of Campus Crusade is head;{uartered in LR CANCER see - Disease and Illness C'ANNCN V:mNCN LEE see also - Boykins Murder Case CAPITAL RJNISHMENT see also - Basnet Randy Murder Case see also - Bryant Louis Murder Case see also - carter Catharine Murder Case see also - Hendrickson Orin Murder Case see also - Lehman Don Murder Case see also - Martin Robert W Murder Case see also - Mason Marj orie L Murder Case see also - ?\bble Wesley Murder Case see also - Oneal Willa Dean Murder Case Cllurch group calls on Clinton to end capital punishment Rev Roy McLaughlin critical of effort to end death penalty Four on Death Row in Arkansas near end of appeals Fairness of death-qualified j uries debated in US Appeal s Ct Poll shows 85 pct of Arkansas Times readers favor execution Wayne Jordan discusses message of Bible on death penalty Procedures set up for use of lethal inj ection Gubernatorial candidate Erwin Davis supports death penalty Killing of police officers increased under new law Death penalty specialist sought for staff of Atty General C'AR.E MAYSEL MARTlNFi\U Former aide to governors dies CAPPS JOON PAUL see also - Legislatur �House District 44 see also - Pr esidential Election CARDEN RrnALD Q see also - Honeycutt Mildred Kay Murder Case CAREER Clwi;ES Article on new careers for four Arkansans CARLISLE LILBURN W IDans $3 , 000 to Democratic Party to meet p:tyroll CARLISLE SCHOOL DISTRICI' Suit alleging racism dismissed CARPENTER GOROON see also - Olympic Games CARR J M see also - Dixon Dean Murder Case CARR WILLIAM AR'IHUR see also - Olympic Games C'ARRI ER R.<::N\LD E 56 PM; C 07/17/84 B02 1 04/03/84 BOl 3 04/14/84 BOl 5 02/21/84 02/23/84 03/08/84 03/16/84 03/18/84 03/22/84 04/22/84 05/10/84 07/19/84 11/09/84 A06 BOB A04 AlO Al9 A15 AOl AlO BOl A09 1 5 1 1 3 1 2 6 2 4 11/14/84 A12 3 03/25/84 COl 5 08/28/84 AOl 6 10/10/84 A05 4 ARKANSAS GAZEITE INDEX 1984 Dl\TE see also - University of Arkansas at Fayetteville CARTER CA'IHARINE MURDER C'AS E Death sentence of T J Bayes left intact by US Suprane Court Execution of T J Hayes postponed by Judge G T Eisele CARTER FRID M see also - National Guard CARTER HAZO W JR see also - Philander Smith College CARTER JIMMY Former Presidnet hunts ducks at Newport with Kaneaster Hodges CARTER mYLLIS Wife of President of Philander Smith Coll leads rosy life CAR'IOONS see also - University of Arkansas at Little Rock Best of George Fisher reviS'led C'ASINOO see - Gambling c.ASTEEL OJARLES see also - fvk>ral Majority CASTLE JO ANN see also - Music CATALINA NELSCl\l see also - Basketball-College Men CATHEDRAL SOIOCL see - Private Schools-Little Rock CATHOLIC OIURCH see also - Alamo Cll r istian Foundation William Brock is f irst deacon to be named pastor in Ark Fame of John Talbot, a roonk near Eilreka Springs , grows CA'lllOL IC CHURClI - LI'rl'LE ROCK Bishop Andrei J Mcrnnald backs :i;:aper on US econ policy CATLEIT SALLY MACEEN COOPER Widow of Leon B Catlett dies CAVE CITY see also - I?ollution CAVE SPRiliGS see also - Wilderness and Natural Areas see also - Wildlife CAVENESS RCH'JIE see also - Worthen Bank and Trust Co CAVES Spelunking orgns offer help to beginners Spelunking offers adventure without large expenditures Big-eared Ozark bats protected in Blue Heaven Cave CCX NE'IWORK INC Conway firm lays off 60 anployees of business list firm CEDARVILLE SCHOCL DISTRIC!' Tornado destroys IOOSt b.lildings on campus Students may be out of school two weeks Classes resume after three weeks following tornado CELLA OJARLES J see also - Fi rst Commercial Corp see also - Gambling CENSORSHIP 57 Pro C 02/22/84 B02 6 03/27/84 A09 1 12/09/84 A24 4 10/14/84 DOl 3 01/02/84 BOl 1 08/11/84 Al.4 4 10/21/84 COl 2 11/15/84 A03 1 10/17/84 Al.0 4 09/02/84 COl 2 09/02/84 COl 5 10/27/84 A06 4 08/05/84 A06 5 10/17/84 AOl 4 10/18/84 BOl 5 11/06/84 A07 4 ARKANSAS GAZ El'l'E INDEX 1984 DA.TE see - Concord School District CENrRAL ARKANSAS LIBRARY SYSTEM Report calls for $3 .6 million proj ect at main library Southwest Branch usage still rising Few comments received about plan for improvements CENTRAL ARKANSAS SAVIIDS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Former Pres Bernie Munnerlyn Jr gets 5 yrs in theft CENrRAL ARKANSAS TRANSIT Federal aid cut may force reduced services Firm asks LR, NLR and Pulaski County to cover funds loss NLR mayor wants end to service to outlying areas Metroplan sends CAT funding proposal to local govts CENTRAL BAPl'IST CDLLEGE Pr esident R B Hoshaw resigns Old Main building being torn cbwn OiAMBERLIN GARY Article on turnover of college presidents in Arkansas CHAPMAN ODIS see al so - American Agriculture Movement OIARITY see - Philanthropy CliARLES'ION SCBOCL DISTRICI1 First dist in old Confederate South to desegregate schools PJ'G C 11/22/84 A18 1 11/25/84 A24 1 11/29/84 A22 5 11/21/84 A07 4 11/22/84 11/22/84 11/29/84 12/21/84 AOl AOl A08 A07 4 4 2 1 01/25/84 A0 4 5 05/19/84 BOl 1 01/31/84 A07 1 0 5/17/84 BOl 3 CHARLEY 0 00 Accountants sued by firm over audit OIOCKS AND Q.IEO<ThG ACCDUNI'S see - Banks QIEFS see - Food OIEMICAL IDLLUI'ION see - Pollution OIEMICAL WARFME see - U&-Def enses and Armed Forces ClfEMICALS see al so - Adams Pest Control of Little Rock see also - Pollution Branine industry in Ark threatened by Israeli inports David Pryor threatens filiooster if Ark branine not protected Branine protection concessions won for Ark industry State branine producers pleased by Brock pledge on tariffs William Brock says no pranises on branine made to Ed Bethune House p:i.sses bill to protect d:>mestic branine producers More than 1 , 3 00 Ark veterans file Agent Orange benefit claims QIICKENS see - Poultry and Eggs Clf!LD ABUSE see - Cllildren and Youth Clf ILD SUPIDRT CDMMISSION Gov Cl inton names 26 to comm formed by us Congress Clf ILIEIR'IH see - Births Clf!LDREN AND YOU'IH see al so Accidents and Safety see al so Bars and Nightclubs - - 58 01/17/84 A06 1 04/11/84 09/19/84 09/20/84 09/21/84 09/27/84 10/04/84 12/04/84 D06 AlO BOl A16 A03 A12 AlO 1 3 6 1 5 3 5 12/12/84 002 3 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E 1NDEX 1984 Dl\TE see also - Brown Center see also - Burnett Larry Iale Jr Murder Case see also - Daniels Eric Murder Case see also - Day Care Centers for Cllildr en see al so - Deviney Cll ristoµier Huston Murder Case see also - Dishman Eric Murder Case see also - Divorce see also - Dube Marshall Murder Case see also - Elizabeth Mitchell Cllildren' s Center see also - Iawson James D Murder Case see also - I.anax Family Murder Case see also - love Cll ristoµier Houston Murder Case see also - Melton Amber Murder Case see also - Pornography and Obscenity see also - Retail Stores-Little Rock see also - Sex Crimes see also - Smith Murder Case see also - stepping Stone see also - Texarkana Baptist Oqhanage see also - Tobacao see also - Tuggle Murder Case see also - Walker Montrea Murder Case see also - Wyrick LaTaurus Murder Case Task Force on Cll ild Abuse reports to Governor Clinton Judges seek new rules on adoption by out-of-state aouples Plans for new adoption rules halted by Ark Suprane Court Four simple steps called way to save many children New York lawyer defends his adoption practices in Arkansas Big Sisters program proves beneficial. for children Center proposed for j uveniles with behavioral problans New center would be in Al exander , is not for criminals Youth Services seeks r anoval of ct author ity to order release Van Buren aouple find abandoned baby on front porch Proposal to tighten rules on adoptions rej ected by Suprane Ct State may withhold child support p;tyments f ran p;tychecks Task force recommendations for foster care programs OIIMNEY 5WEEPS Arkansas State Cll imney Sweep Guild organized OIINESE IN ARKANSA.5 roris Lum is National Chinese Mother of the Year CHRISTIAN HCJ.1E EDUCATION AC;SOCIATION see also - Etlucation-Compulsory ClIRISTMAS Over 11 , 000 attended choi r pr esentation at FBC in Little Rock OIURCH OF CHRIST - LrrrL E ROCK Sixth and Izard Cll urch elders sued by Deaaon Joe Brown ClIURClIES see - Religion and <llu rches CIGARS AND CIGAREll'l'ES see - Tobacao CIRCTJIT CDURI' see - Arkansas-Circuit Court CIRCTJS Zoppe ' s farm near Little Rock houses circus animals 59 01/07/84 02/07/84 03/20/84 03/23/84 04/06/84 05/13/84 08/30/84 08/30/84 09/09/84 09/20/84 12/04/84 12/23/84 12/27/84 PJ\G C A03 A06 BOB Al.4 A0 4 BOl BOS BOB Al. 4 A03 A07 A23 A03 1 4 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 5 1 1 09/17/84 BOl 3 07/22/84 DOl 1 12/20/84 BOl 2 11/04/84 A20 4 06/03/84 COl 1 ARKANSAS GAZ E.'Pl'E INDEX 1984 Dl\TE CITIZ ENS BANK OF JCNESBORO Billy Joyce Pinchback charged with enbezzlanent of $56 0 , 807 Billy Joyce Pinchback pleads guilty CITIZ ENS UNITED AGAmsr CASINO GAMBL:JN; see - Gambling CIVIL LIBERTIES AND RIGHTS see - Civil Rights CIVIL RIGHI'S see also - American Civil Liberties Union see also - Arkansas State Prison see also - Arkansas State Hospital see also - Arkansas-cormnerce Department see also - Arkansas-Finance and Administration Department see also - Arkansas-Human Services Department see also - Arkansas-Politics and Elections see also - Arkansas-Public Employees Retiranent Systan see also - Best Foods Co see also - carl isle School District see also - College Segregation see also - Ellr eka Springs see also - Guy Perkins School District see also - Housing-Texarkana see also - Little Rock School District see also - Little Rock-Etnployees and Officials see also - Little Rock-Police and Law Ehforcanent see also - Mayflower School District see also - Ne.wport see also - North Little Rock see also - Pine Bluff see also - Polk Harry Robertson see also - Public School Segregation see also - Pulaski County-Police and Law Ehforcement see also - Pulaski County-Quorum Court see also - Pulaski County School District see also - Southern Arkansas University see also - Southside School District see also - Trade Schools see also - Union National Bank of Little Rock see also - University Hospital see also - University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff see also - University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Serv see also - University of Arkansas at Fayetteville Criminal pr etrial hearings may be closed, Ark Suprane ct says Log Cabin Democrat r eporter sentenced for printing name Ricky Norton obj ect of incident at Timbo School function Two charged in incident at Timbo School Bias at McGehee caf e against black is alleged Black families harassed after move to Ferndale Sane Ferndale r esidents show friendliness to blacks Young pranksters suspected by blacks at Ferndale US Atty G W Proctor asks FBI probe of Ferndale incident Wiley a Branton discusses changes he helped spur Sheriff TOiaII¥ Robinson orders probe of Ferndale incidents FBI cites progress in probe of harassment of Ferndale blacks 60 P/l.G C 11/21/84 A06 2 11/28/84 Al. 2 1 01/17/84 02/18/84 04/28/84 05/05/84 06/30/84 07/02/84 07/02/84 07/02/84 07/03/84 07/09/84 07/10/84 08/02/84 AOl Al.0 BOl B02 BOl AOl AOl AOl A03 AOl BOl B08 2 1 1 1 3 4 4 4 3 2 6 1 ARKANSAS GAZ ETI'E INDEX 1984 J:ll.\TE Federal Judge rules Bobby Hicks fired for dating black woman sue Cowan Williams honored for winning equal i:ay for blacks Hugh B Patterson Jr and Daisy Bates honored for work CIVU.IAN REEUGEE MILrl'ARY ASSISTANCE see - Nicaragua CLARENOON see also - Motion Pictures CLARK Bn.L Jailed on oontanpt of oourt charge in child support case CLARK COONI'Y Articl e discusses econanic and social oonditions of oounty Consolidation of oounty off ices approved by voters CLARK STE.VE see also - Arkansas-Politics and Elections see also - Mills Hugh A see also - Public School Standards see also - Road Contracts see also - southwestern Bell Telephone Co see also - Water Explains decision not to appeal fees for ACLU Corranents on proposed law on i;:aramilitary survivalists tactics Asserts proposed state water oode will not work Heads ad hoc group to oounter Republican charges in cami;:aign Asks Pres Reagan to make statanent on Grand Gulf CLAYTON IGVELL Kathleen Moncheur de Montepelier was link to Ark and Clayton CLE.VELAND COONI'Y Article explores eoonanic and social conditions in oounty CLINES HOYT see also - Lehman Don Murder Case CLlN'IDN see also - Floods CLlN'IDN ANNAB ELLE see also - Arkansas-Ci rcuit Court District 06 CLlN'IDN Bil.L see also - Arkansas-Governor Cabinet systan not as evident as pre\Tious administrations Private d:>nations financed drive for better schools Opposes tax credit for truck fee retaliation Wants higher education thoroughly studied Appoints Annabelle Clinton j udge in Circuit Court Dist 06 Calls Ray Thornton terrific choice for UA Systan president SUpports Arkansas Export Program Names several to boards and corranissions Plants tree in honor of Martin Luther King Robert Mcintosh attanpts to cut d:>wn King manorial tree Names six to boards and corranissions Appoi ntments to boards and corranissions listed Accused of inaction on AP&L issue over Grand Gulf oosts Idea of µtying for other plants irks Governor Sets aside funds for PSC battle with power plants Names manbers of Camn on People with Disabiliti es PSC disagrees with Clinton on what he told corranissioners Discusses teacher testing on national tel evision 61 PPG C 09/06/84 A07 3 11/07/84 A16 4 11/19/84 A03 1 02/08/84 A03 5 03/25/84 A20 1 11/08/84 All 1 01/06/84 07/25/84 08/18/84 08/25/84 11/03/84 A03 All B02 A05 A13 1 2 1 1 2 01/15/84 COl 5 03/04/84 AOl 4 01/01/84 01/05/84 01/07/84 01/07/84 01/10/84 01/12/84 01/13/84 01/13/84 01/lS/84 01/17/84 01/17/84 01/18/84 01/20/84 01/21/84 01/22/84 01/24/84 Ol/2S/84 01/2S/84 A12 1 A07 1 cos 1 cos 1 Al O 1 A04 6 A03 1 C06 4 AOS 5 A03 1 Al O 3 A03 s A04 4 AOl 3 AOl 3 cos 3 AOl 2 BOl 2 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 Dl\TE Praises PSC order in Southwestern Bell Telephone rates says PSC ruling in line with what he told Commission Tel.ls Cong about needed reforms in Social Security programs Names several to boards and commissions Discusses teacher testing law with NFA panel Names advisory p:inel. on aging Comment on PSC ruling sti rs mild controversy Attends reopening of Malvern Cable Co plant Names Fred M Carter to head Arkansas National Guard Governor blamed by hospital group for Medicaid fund problan No serious competition likely in r eelection effort Governor ill with influenza Appoi ntments to boards and commissions announced Will consider public takeover of AP&L to halt Grand Gulf cost Favors annual sessions of Legislature Delighted with state Educ Bd acceptance on ne.w standards Opposes DHE plan to raise college tuition fees Put in good word for Stephens Inc bid on Baldwin United Corp Makes additional appointments to state boards and commissions Offers plan for Ark, Oklahana to void truck taxes Sets execution date for Wilburn Anthony Henderson Accused by Peggy Nabors of inj ecting race into testing bill Accused of saying some teachers cannot read and write Seething because Donald T Regan says farmers cbing fine Fr eanan did not accuse Clinton of ranark about teachers Names manbers of School Reorganization Study Comm Tel.ls Cong p:inel. federal response to disaster is a disaster Makes appointments to boards and commissions Speaks on equal opportunity at Philander Smith program Jesse Jackson receives warm wel.oome to Ark fran Gov Clinton Sets execution dates for five condemned men Retaliatory tax on trucks could get out of hand, Clinton says Names Teacher Education, Certification and Evaluation Comm Better financing for economic devel.opnent of state sought Wants to plant another oak in manory of Martin Luther King Blamed by Tan Ferstl for funding problan in LR School Dist Appoi nts two to state boards and commissions Visits tornado-damaged area of Greers Ferry Lake Governor asks UCA to revie.w insurance for Elaine Connell Appoi ntments to boards and commissions announced says state will not use unitary tax plan for business Visits trade show, tours factories in Fort Smith Attends funeral of Roosevelt L Thompson Vows to defend teacher competency tests he sponsored List of recent appnts to state boards and commissions Parcbns Yellville Mayor Altus Doshier Urges US to protect Ark branine producers f ran imports Praises Daisy Bates , resumption of Arkansas State Press Raninds education admrs of their importance to state progress says funds too low to r estore step increase of state workers Governor opposes organized prayer in public schools Appoi ntments to state boards and commissions announced Gets no invitation to AEA far6'1el.l for Kai Erickson Defends his education reform measures in letter to editor 62 01/26/84 01/26/84 01/26/84 01/27/84 01/28/84 01/28/84 01/29/84 01/31/84 02/02/84 02/03/84 02/05/84 02/08/84 02/08/84 02/09/84 0 2/18/84 0 2/23/84 02/24/84 02/24/84 0 2/24/84 02/25/84 02/25/84 02/25/84 02/27/84 02/28/84 02/29/84 02/29/84 02/29/84 02/29/84 03/04/84 03/06/84 03/06/84 03/08/84 03/10/84 03/10/84 03/10/84 03/13/84 03/16/84 03/18/84 03/20/84 03/22/84 03/24/84 03/25/84 03/30/84 03/3]/84 04/05/84 04/08/84 04/lJ/84 04/12/84 04/12/84 04/12/84 04/15/84 04/15/84 04/15/84 04/15/84 PAG C AOl AOl AOl A06 A07 A16 A24 C06 AOl AOl IOl All D06 AOl BOl AOl AOl AOB C07 A03 A09 BOl A07 AOl A03 A03 A07 DOB A19 AOl A06 A15 A0 9 A13 A18 AOl All A04 B02 All A08 A24 A03 A08 B02 A12 D06 A07 A09 A14 All A14 A16 !02 2 2 4 6 1 4 1 3 2 6 4 2 2 2 6 2 5 4 1 1 3 3 1 5 4 5 3 3 5 2 5 1 1 1 2 2 6 1 1 5 1 5 1 1 3 5 1 6 2 3 1 4 1 3 ARKANSAS GAZE'l"I'E INDEX 1984 DA.TE Education should be issue in Cong races, Governor says Seeks disaster designation for Cleburne, Poinsett counties Kept pranise to farmers , Clinton tells Fa.rm Bureau Reassigns aides to work in re-election camp:tign Appointments to boards and comnissions announced Asks G&FC to lift ban on use of cbgs for deer hunting Will appeal merger of Pulaski Co dists if cost to state rises G&FC refuses ra;iuest of Gov to delay cbg ban for deer hunts Casino gambling at Hot Springs opposed � Governor Sets execution date for Ricky Ray Rector Sets execution date for 4 men convicted in Lehman murder Backs Walter Mondale for Den naninee for President Represents Ark at Arkansas Day at world ' s Fair Names menbers of Governor ' s Task Force on Crime Addresses opening session of Governor ' s School outlines maj or anl:iiasis he expects fran Crime Task Force Calls for natl student achievanent test for guidel ine Several appnts to state boards and commissions made Disa.isses surplus revenues accumulated in treasury Appoi ntments to state boards and comnissions announced Wants tureaucratic teacher certification rules relaxed Wants state anployees to get funds missed in step raises Appointments to l:x>ards and comnissions accounced Accuses AP&L of attempt to set up state on Grand Gulf Seeks protection for State Police on p:ttrol C.omments on plans to protect state police f ran extremists Explains stand on AP&L compranise on Grand Gul f Favors law to control extremists who pranote civil disorder Appointments to state boards and comnissions announced C.omment s on plans for better protection of police Dedicates Union Pacific Systan shop in North Little Rock Plan to list extremists draws concern fran ACT.U, NRA groups Addr esses National Democratic Convention in San Francisco Confers with group of high tech industries on plants for Ark Announces that Gnmunan Boats to locate in Arkadeliitia Leaves Dan Natl Conv to pursue high tech factory for Ark Henry Oliver apptd director of state Crime Lal:x>ratory Attends funeral of Roy Leon Jr, ix>liceman slain in E Ark Meets with state anployee group for salary talks Pledged all of state surplus for salary hike , L D CMen says Did not pledge full surplus to employee salary, L D CMen says Revives idea of toll road in ?l'l Arkansas Governor visits family of Wayne Warwick, who was shot on duty Job, income gains r esult of educ reform, Governor says Makes brief conunents on arrest of his brother on drug charges Governor has avoided f iascoes that marked first adrn Appointments to l:x>ards , commissions announced Proix>sed settlement of Grand Gulf not acceptable to Clinton Says AP&L stockholders should p:ty cost of Grand Gulf Vows to fight proix>sed casino gambl ing amendnent Discusses utility rates in talk to state Jaycee convention Cooments on speech of Mario Cuano at Den Natl Convention Announces cluster of high tech finns for Ma.tmlelle complex Attends finals of Bass Masters Classic at Pine Bluff 63 04/18/84 04/20/84 04/25/84 05/03/84 05/05/84 05/12/84 05/21/84 05/22/84 05/23/84 05/30/84 06/08/84 06/09/84 06/11/84 06/14/84 06/18/84 06/19/84 06/22/84 06/24/84 06/29/84 06/29/84 06/30/84 06/30/84 07/01/84 07/03/84 07/03/84 07/08/84 07/10/84 07/12/84 07/12/84 07/14/84 07/15/84 07/16/84 07/17/84 07/18/84 07/19/84 07/19/84 07/20/84 07/23/84 07/24/84 07/24/84 07/25/84 07/25/84 07/26/84 08/01/84 08/03/84 08/05/84 08/07/84 08/09/84 08/10/84 08/11/84 08/12/84 08/12/84 08/18/84 08/19/84 PPG C AlO A03 Al 4 AOB B02 COl A06 COl A03 AlO Al4 A0 9 AOl D07 A07 AlO Al4 Al 7 AOl Al5 A04 AO B A23 AOl A03 Al3 AOl AOl Al5 A04 A07 AOl AOl A03 A07 A07 Al6 A05 AOl AOl AOl All A03 A07 AOl A20 A03 A03 All A06 A0 4 A24 AOl ED S 5 3 4 4 5 2 1 6 5 4 5 5 2 1 5 1 5 4 3 6 1 6 1 2 4 1 2 2 6 5 1 4 4 4 1 1 2 1 2 2 6 2 3 1 2 1 4 4 4 1 6 1 2 3 ARKANSAS GAZ E.'J.TrE INDEX 1984 DA.TE Sends repr esentative to service honoring L C Bates Names William E Brewer to replace Hays Sullivan on G&FC Seeks aid of Pres Reagan to help with AP&L case befor e FERC Appoints Webster Hubbell to Supr ane Ct Chief Justice vacancy Pleased with selection of Venters to head Educ Dept division stresses need to distribute econ growth all over Arkansas Appointments to state ooards and commissions announced Asks state agencies to use moderation in spending funds Tops list in poll to pick most influential Arkansans Reportedly opposes prison work release center on Broadway Makes known several appointments to state bds and comms Replaces Lonnie Turner on Student Loan Authority Board Governor leads delegation in search for biotech f irrns Ra;Juests r eturn of convicted killer John Swindler to Ark Orders State Police probe of death of Williams in O:mway jail Freanan asserts Gov grandstanding with Swindler r�uest Accuses Woody Freanan of distortion in John Swindler case says Sebastian County sought return of Swindler fran Florida Accused of responsibility for state anployee turnover Urges standards for hiring and evaluating school admrs Critical of industrial develop rept of W Rockefeller Fdn Praises efforts of Osceola in attracting industry Exchange of comments with Thanas C McRae on idus developnent Pleased with success of state prison farm systan Says AG opinion on teacher testing protects Gov ' s off ice Woody Freanan calls teacher testing law a Clinton quick fix Appoinbnents to state ooards and commissions listed Attends funeral of slain State Trooper Robert M Klein Expects econanic develop and j obs to be major Legis concern Wants Grand Jury probe of 196 0 death in Faulkner County Jail Opposes proposed Amendment 63 on property tax changes Urges caution in budgeting despite proj ected surplus Asked by W C Brazil what questions he wants Grand Jury asked Confident Bioplex International will be built Wy question Gov wants answered is who killed M Williams ESquire lists among best and brightest of new generation Gives his analysis of landslide win of President Reagan Tells state employees salary raise may come in January Asks Agri Secy John R Block to aid farmers hurt by rain Influence with Highway camn grows with third term as Gov Main agenda for 1985 Legis session outlined Wants death benefit for policanen increased to $100 , 000 Budgeting for increase of 5 .8 pct in next biennium Makes r ecommendation for funding of college budgets Makes several appnts to state ooards and commissions Farm Bureau warned aoout backing end to price supports Seeking way to keep International Paper plant open at Camden Wants $12 million trust fund for indigent health care Vows to see that schools r eceive every penny of sales tax Conservative budgeting for colleges pranpts questions Reveals plan for stimulating econ developnent in Arkansas Names 26 manbers of Child Support Commission Indicates that Insurance Conunr Linda Garner may be replaced Legislators not haPP.f about possibl e replacement of Garner 64 08/20/84 08/21/84 08/22/84 08/23/84 08/27/84 08/28/84 08/31/84 09/01/84 09/03/84 09/05/84 09/09/84 09/09/84 09/ll/84 09/12/84 09/12/84 09/14/84 09/16/84 09/16/84 09/22/84 09/22/84 09/26/84 09/26/84 09/27/84 09/27/84 10/02/84 10/03/84 10/07/84 10/19/84 1 0/23/84 1 0/26/84 ll/03/84 ll/09/84 ll/10/84 ll/10/84 ll/10/84 11/11/84 11/12/84 11/12/84 11/17/84 11/18/84 11/18/84 11/22/84 ll/27/84 11/28/84 ll/28/84 ll/29/84 11/30/84 12/05/84 12/05/84 12/06/84 12/12/84 12/12/84 12/14/84 12/14/84 PAG C A0 4 A04 AOl Al.4 AOl Al. 0 A08 A03 BOl BOl A21 A21 BOl A06 AO? A06 AO? AO? A0 8 Al.4 AOl AOl AOl A04 B02 A09 A2 9 A03 A03 Al. 2 A21 AOl Al.3 Al.3 Al.3 A25 A0 9 A0 9 B02 Al.3 A28 A21 AOl AOl BO B Al.9 AOl BOl BOl Al.8 AOl B0 2 AOl AOl 2 3 2 1 2 6 6 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 2 2 4 5 1 3 1 3 4 5 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 2 2 5 1 2 3 2 2 ARKANSAS GAZ ErTE INDEX 1984 DATE Has misgivings aoout suspension of license of teacher Budge restraint plea of Gov heeded by ALC for most i:art Has own bill pr ei:ared for state takeover of AP&L Endorses plan to reorganize Human Services Dept Receives report of Governor ' s Task Force on Crime Will not ask Legis to raise corporate or severance taxes C.onf ident teacher testing law will survive court challenge Wants AHTD to tell how funds to be spent if exanption ranoved CLIN'IDN HILLARY RODHAM see also - Public School Standards Honored by Arkansas Assn of Social Workers EEqui re lists among best and brightest of new generation Speaks at assembly honoring the late Roosevelt Thompson CLIN'IDN RJBLIC LIBRARY Response to plea for rooks was overwhelming CLIN'IDN RCGER see also - Alcohol and Drug Abuse CL'CBS see - Organizations and Clubs <DAL Agency rej ects suhsidy for coal gasification plant in Ark Lignite gasification proj ect delayed by funding problans Mine owners face hearings before PC&E CDCHRAN Pm.1E M see also - Congress-House District 1 CDFFELT massn.i; see - Roads and Traffic CDFEMAN ELOON F Name among 3 finalists for federal j udge appointment in Ark COKER BCBBY see also - Public School Standards CDLEMAN ELIJAH see also - Gambling see also - Republican Party CDLEMAN RCBBYE C Board manber of dairy finn dies COLLEG E ArMINISTRA'IORS Dr Gary Chamberl in says rapid turnover hurts Ark colleges COLL EG E AJ:l.tlISSIONS see - College Enrollment and Retention CDLLEGE BASKE.'IBALL 12/18/84 12/19/84 12/21/84 12/21/84 12/21/84 12/23/84 1 2/23/84 12/27/84 PAG C A03 AOl AOl A08 A08 A03 A03 AOl 3 2 2 1 5 5 6 6 03/19/84 A06 5 11/11/84 A25 1 11/14/84 BOl 2 02/27/84 BOl 2 03/16/84 C07 3 05/24/84 A03 3 11/28/84 002 6 08/18/84 AOl 6 0 2/09/84 Al.O 5 01/31/84 A07 1 see - Basketba l l - College COLLEGE CDNOORl'IA Black college consortium at Little Rock languishes COLLEG E ffiIME AND VANDM.ISM see also - Arkansas Tech University CDLLEGE ClJRRIOJLUM see also - Arkansas Tech University see also - University of Arkansas at Little Rock Technical educ in Ark inadequate, industrialists say Etlucation profs often out of touch with schools, µmel told Offbeat courses draw adults to colleges for courses Aerobics to Z en taught at community colleges CDLLEGE ENRCLLMENr AND RErENl'ION 65 01/21/84 BOl 1 03/04/84 07/25/84 08/28/84 08/28/84 A03 BOl BOl BOl 5 2 3 4 ARKANSAS GAZ E.Tl'E lNDEX 1984 mTE see also - College Standards see also - university of Central Arkansas Fewer blacks entering coll in Ark, Dr Lloyd V Hackley says COLLIDE fi\CILITIES see also - Arkansas Tech University see also - Central Baptist College see also - Mississippi County Community College see also - Shorter College see also - university of Arkansas at Fayetteville see also - university of Arkansas see also - university of Arkansas at Little Rock Building Services Council authorizes work at 5 colleges State Finance Bd approves certificates for 5 proj ects <DLLIDE FEES AND COSTS see also - Arkansas Tech University Bill Foster , Bill Clinton oppose DHE plan for higher tuition <DLLIDE FINANCE AND BllmEIS Higher F.ducation Bd adopts budget formulas Proj ects selected for funding to further new ideas Amounts received by each school for innovative ideas listed Higher F.duc Bd backs 16 pct rise in funds for oolleges Higher Educ Bd urges $56 . 8 million for capital improvements Private oolleges in Ark increase tuition for current year Budget of $585 million sent to Legislative Council Gov Clinton proposes rise of 1 0 .7 for 1985-86 budgets Conservative budgeting by Gov Clinton pranpts questions Prisons fare better than colleges in Gov Clinton ' s budget Heads of schools oppose plan for funds distribution Officials ask ALC to increase budgets offered by Clinton Budget higher than that requested by Gov approved by ALC CX>LLIDE FOOIBALL HALL OF FAME see also - Al.worth Lance <DLLIDE GRADiro OF S'IUDENTS see also - university of Arkansas at Fayetteville see also - university of Arkansas at Little Rock CX>LLIDE GRANTS AND GIFTS see also - Arkansas College see also - Arkansas State University see also - Harding University see also - Hendrix College see also - Ollachita Baptist University see also - Philander Smith College see also - southern Arkansas University see also - university of Arkansas at Fayetteville see also - university of Arkansas at Pine Bluff CDLLIDE LIBRARIES AND LIBRARIANS see also - university of Arkansas at Fayetteville see also - university of Arkansas at Little Rock COLLIDE OF THE OZARKS see also - Basketba.11-COllege Men William Atherton, A and M Food Services pledge $50 ,000 Library joins OCLC oomputer system Charlotte W Newoombe Fdn Cbnates $25 ,000 for scholarships College to mark 150th anniversary 66 PAG C 05/12/84 Al 7 2 03/23/84 A09 3 03/28/84 BOB 4 02/24/84 AOl 5 02/18/84 04/16/84 04/16/84 08/17/84 08/18/84 08/21/84 10/30/84 11/28/84 12/06/84 12/09/84 12/12/84 12/18/84 12/19/84 A03 BOl BOl AOl AOl A08 A06 AOl Al.8 HOl Al.0 BOl A04 1 5 6 6 5 6 4 2 1 1 1 6 3 05/10/84 06/16/84 07/18/84 09/20/84 BOS A09 A08 B02 4 2 6 4 ARKANSAS GAZEI'I'E INDEX 1984 IM'E Presl:¥terian Thrift Shop cbnates $10 ,000 to college College matches $2 million grant fran sam Walton CDLLEGE PUBLICATIONS see also - Athletics-COllege CDLLEGE S<lIOLARSHIPS AND LOANS see also - University of Arkansas at Fayetteville Governor ' s Scholars program aims to keep best in Arkansas Merit Scholarships won by twenty Ark high school students Rockefeller scholarships for UALR Law School produce grads Arkansas Rural Ehcbwrnent Fund helps rural students Merit Scholars listed Arkansas Service Memorial Scholarship Fund organiz ed <llildren of Arkansans who die in line of duty to benefit Arkansas has 21 National Merit Scholarship sernif inalists Eric Wear named a Rhodes Scholar Student Loan Guarantee Fdn shows record mmiber of defaults COLLEGE SEGREGATION SUbstantial progress cited in Ark desegregation plan COLLEGE STANI:lMUlS see also - University of Central Arkansas see also - University of Arkansas at Little Rock see also - University of Arkansas Quality Higher F.duca.tion Study Committee meets Panel divides study into three areas Higher standards for adnission recommended by Higher F.duc Bd Panel hears testimony fran college presidents Schedule of hearings by Quality Standards pmel Panel on quality revieNs survey responses Partial list of standards to be recommended by Study Comm Competency test for students gets tentative approval of pmel QHEX:: to recommend pay based on merit as well as longevity Prel iminary r eport by study comm issued Summary of prel iminary recommendations of QHESC University leaders fear weakening of local authority Ray Thornton wants coll heads to revieN QHEX:: proposals Quality Higher F.ducation Study Comm makes final report Higher F.ducation Bd adopts final report of QHESC COLLEGE STATION see also - R:>verty CDLLEGE S'IUD EN!' CONilJcr Eighty-one pct of students surveyed at UAF admit cheating CDLLEGE TFAQIERS see also - Arkansas Tech University see also - University of Arkansas at Little Rock Dr Don Rye suggests educ instructors teach in public schools CDLLEGES see also - Arkansas Baptist College see also - Arkansas College see also - Arkansas State University see also - Arkansas Tech University see also - Central Baptist College see also - College of the Ozarks see also - Harding University see also - Meadowcreek Proj ect 67 PAG C 09/28/84 Al.8 3 11/03/84 C09 4 03/21/84 04/19/84 04/19/84 05/09/84 05/13/84 08/08/84 08/08/84 09/27/84 12/16/84 12/20/84 BOl BOl BOl BOl A27 BOl BOl B02 A25 A06 6 2 2 5 5 2 2 6 1 2 04/16/84 A07 2 01/07/84 01/23/84 02/18/84 02/19/84 03/23/84 04/29/84 06/03/84 06/09/84 06/ll/84 07/06/84 07/06/84 09/09/84 09/16/84 10/06/84 10/20/84 A09 A06 A03 Al.3 B02 Al. O A2 4 Al. 5 A0 4 A03 A03 A28 Al.2 All BOl 6 2 1 5 3 6 1 6 6 5 5 1 4 1 2 12/09/84 A23 1 08/12/84 Al.9 1 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI.'E INDEX 1984 DATE see also - North Arkansas Conununity College see also - Ouachita Baptist University see also - Philander Smith College see also - Phillips County Conununity College see also - Shorter College see also - Southern Arkansas University Tech see also - Southern Arkansas University see also - Trade Schools see also - University of Arkansas at Little Rock see also - University of Arkansas Graduate Institute see also - University of Central Arkansas see also - University of Arkansas see also - University of Arkansas at Fayetteville see also - University of Arkansas at Monticello see also - University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff see also - University of Arkansas Sheffield Nelson favors merger of some schools Ray Thornton urges oooperation among all oolls in Ark Four state-supi;x>rted universities marking 75th anniversary COLLlNS THEDFORD see also - Congr ess-House District 2 see also - Little Rock-Police and Law Ehforcement CDMEm) see - Sp:ice CDMEX INC Trial of suit accusing canex of oonunercial fraud begins Merrill Lynch testifies it was unable to disoover scheme Comex was formed by Fi rst Conunercial Bank Merrill Lynch awarded $1 .3 million in suit Judge awards $1 .2 million to Worthen Bank Comex wins $201 ,719 fran Worthen Bank and Trust Co COMIDNICATION SATELLITES see also - Advanced Cooununi cation Corp CDMmNITY DEVELOPMENI' see - Area Planning COMMUNITY SERVICE Youth of Fi rst United Meth Ch of NLR pr ep:tre union mission CDMPANIFS AND FACTORIES see also - AFCO Metals Inc see also - APl' Construction Co see also - Agrioo Chemical Co see also - Aluminum Comi:any of America see also - American Fuel Cell and Coated Fabrics Co see also - American Telephone and Telegraph Co see also - American Transportation Corp see also - Andys of America see also - Apollo Lakewood Inc see also - Arbor Products Inc see also - Arkansas Best Corp see also - Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co see also - Arkansas-F.conanic Developnent see also - Arkla Equipnent Co see also - Arkla Inc 68 PAG C 04/22/84 Al.5 1 08/10/84 Al.0 2 09/16/84 A09 1 02/28/84 02/29/84 03/01/84 03/01/84 03/07/84 12/13/84 C07 A03 AOl AOl DOB DOS 1 1 2 2 1 1 07/09/84 AOl 5 ARKANSAS GAZEI'l'E INDEX 1984 DA.TE see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also see also - Arkla Industries Inc Aranatique Baldwin United Corp Best Foods Co Bioplex International Burroughs Corp Burroughs Corp CCX Network Inc Cooper Communities Cranford Johnson Associates Cranpton Co Inc Crossett Lumber Co Cyro Industries Daisy Manufacturing Co Del Monte Frozen Foods Inc Dermott Clothing Corp Dow Olanical Co Exchange Parts of Arkansas Fi rst Pyramid Life Insurance Company of America General Motors Corp Gold Kist Inc Government Bonds and Investments Gravette Shelling Co Grumman Boats Hogan Ben M Co Inc Hudson Foods Inc Hussman Corp Innovation Industries Inc International Paper Co IaCroix Optical Co Iadish Co Levi Strauss and Co Malvern Cable Co Mass Merchandisers Inc Menifee Mills Middle South Utilities Inc Midland Products Co Molex Inc Monark Boat Co Monark Boat Co lt>or e E R Co Mountain Valley Spring Co Murµiy Oil Co National Investors Life Insurance Co National Tube Co Orbit Valve Co Paris Shoe Co Pel Freeze Rabbit Meat Inc Pepsi Cola Bottling Co Pilgrim Pride Poultry Co Pine Bluff Spike Works Pollution RSC Mining Co Retail Stor es 69 PJ\.G C ARKANSAS GAZ EP!'E lNDEX 1984 Dl\TE see also - Reynolds Metals Co see also - Rhynecliffe see also - Ril e'f Lyon Inc see also - Robertson H H Co see also - School App;lr el Inc see also - Sianans Allis Small Motors Division see also - southwestern Bell Telephone C.O see also - southwestern Bell Telephone Co see also - southwestern Electric Power Co see also - Speed Queen Co see also - Stephens Inc see also - Storall Manufacturing Co see also - Tel.America see also - 'Ibis Cant Be Yogurt see also - Tosco Corp see also - Tracor MBA see also - Tubular C.oqx:>ration of America see also - 'fyson Foods Inc see also - Vertac Ol.anical Corp see also - Vought Corp see also - Western Tube and C.Onduit Corp see also - We'jerhaeuser Corp see also - Whirlpool Corp see also - Wren Skyships Ltd see also - Yarnell Ice Cream Co Colleges cb not provide adequate technical training David Harrington leads trip to Calif in search of nEW plants Team visit to California turns up five prospects Shoe plant closing cost Ark 2 , 000 jobs since 1976 Newport and Jackson County plans agency to pranote industry Newport-Jackson County area raises $13 4 , 000 to fund agency Bill Clinton confers wih high tech consortium in Calif Gov Bill Clinton pursues high tech plants in California Baxter and Marion Counties use self-help to attract indus Consultant firm to develop plan for attracting high tech j obs Bill Becker advocates law ra;1uiring notice of plant closings Group pushes Arkansas as site for biotech, medical finns Bill Clinton leads group wooing biotech firms to Arkansas Johnson County raising funds for indus developnent Johnson County group gets pledges of $312, 750 for indus Arkansas indus policy criticized by Winthrop Rockefeller Fdn Gov Bill Cl inton reacts negatively to Rockefeller report Thanas C McRae oomments on Rockefeller Fdn report on indus Thanas C McRae says state policy like a blind hog Trade policies of Reagan blamed for loss of 1 , 900 jobs in Ark Gov Bill Clinton seeks aid for workers at Morrilton Arkansas ranks 30th for attractiveness for small business Corporate tax increase should be used for educ, report says Rockefeller Fdn report says firms not p:tying tax share Shutdown of five factories made nEWs in Ark in 1984 Gov Bill Cl inton offers aid to laid-off workers at Osceola COMRJLSORY EOOCATION see - Eklucation-Compulsory CDMRJTERS 70 03/04/84 03/26/84 0 4/09/84 06/03/84 06/03/84 07/12/84 07/18/84 07/19/84 07/26/84 08/11/84 09/03/84 09/08/84 09/11/84 09/11/84 09/15/84 09/26/84 09/26/84 09/27/84 09/27/84 10/21/84 10/23/84 10/27/84 ll/21/84 11/21/84 12/30/84 19/23/84 Pl!G C A03 A07 A0 4 A08 A21 D06 A03 A07 D06 BOl Al6 BOl BOl COS C09 AOl AOl AOl AOl A20 AOl C09 AOl AOl BOl A03 5 5 4 1 4 5 4 1 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 3 3 5 5 4 3 ARKANSAS GAZ ETI'E lNDEX 1984 Dl\TE see - Data Processing CDN<DRD SOIOCL DISTRICI' Panel named to check content of textbooks , libraries List of guidelines used by pmel to check book contents Panel finds nothing obj ectionable in library Panel pleased after search of library materials Panel finds nothing wrong in high school textbooks Panel finds no problen with high school textbooks Complaints about sex education texts led to probe of books Panelist finds offensive books in high school library Dr Sol Gorron prefers that school ban his book Panel completes its r eport on findings Group of parents organize to oppose book-examining panel Ruth Bowman is on panel checking books in district School Bd minutes show Ruth Bowman complained about sex educ Concord panel wants two books marked for parents only School Bd receives r eport of book examination panel Text of report of book-examining committee Sdlool officials oonfirm thE:¥ met privately prior to bd meet Restricted access to books is censorship, Betty Kerns says CDNOOMINIUM.S see - Housing CDR;RESS see also - Alexander Bill see also - Anthony Beryl see also - Bethune F.d see also - Bumpers Dale see also - Harmnerschmidt John Paul see also - Pryor Da.vid CDR;RESS - ARKANSAS DELEGATION see also - southwestern El ectric Power Co Attendance at recent �roll call votes have suffered Congressmen sailing on sea of PAC money Article on absenteeism of menbers CDR;RESS - HOOS E DISTRICI' 1 Bill Alexander lists oontrib.ltors to r eelection bid steve Abernathy to oppose Bill Alexander for Dem nomination Bill Al exander enoo rsed by Arkansas F.ducation Association Dr Steve Abernathy files for Democratic nomination Steve Abernathy hits Alexander renarks on Central America Bill Al exander enoorsed by AFL-CIO Bill Al exander lists campaign oontrib.ltors steve Abernathy says party politics will not dictate to him steve Abernathy says Bill Alexander can be defeated Bill Alexander j mnps to large lead in vote returns Bill Al exander received 77 pct of vote in Dem primary Official totals in Democratic primary election Pete M Cochran believes Reagan popularity will aid his race Pete Cochran expects popularity of Reagan to aid him in race Bill Al exander easily defeats Pete Cochran CDR;RESS - HOOSE DISTRICI' 2 see also - Robinson Toimey Ekl Bethune will not seek reelection William F Sherman seeks Democratic nomination 71 08/18/84 09/01/84 09/01/84 09/05/84 09/11/84 09/15/84 09/16/84 09/18/84 09/20/84 09/29/84 09/30/84 10/01/84 10/01/84 10/12/84 10/14/84 10/14/84 10/14/84 11/09/84 PAG C AOl BOl BO! Al. 2 B02 BOl AOl A03 BOB BOl AOl AOl AOl A05 AO! A26 A26 A05 3 1 1 3 2 5 4 5 1 1 3 6 6 5 2 1 6 1 09/30/84 A05 1 10/28/84 A22 1 10/30/84 A0 4 5 02/03/84 02/16/84 03/30/84 03/30/84 04/11/84 04/15/84 04/22/84 04/25/84 04/29/84 05/30/84 05/31/84 06/08/84 09/16/84 11/05/84 11/07/84 A03 All A03 A03 A0 4 AOl Al.6 Al.4 Al.8 A07 AlO A20 A07 001 Al.4 2 5 1 3 6 3 5 3 1 1 4 3 3 5 1 01/01/84 AOl 6 01/03/84 A0 4 5 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 Dl\TE Several names mentioned as possible candidates Judy Petty studies possible race for seat Dr Il:lle Alford to seek seat Dale Alford says he was not a racist during 1957 crisis Judy Petty closer to candidacy for GOP nomination Paul Riviere formally enters race for Dem nomination James R Taylor is independent candidate William F Sherman discusses possible candidacy Taylor has difficult task ahead Judy Petty talks to Pr es Reagan about race Olarles George to seek Danocratic nanination Candidates speak to wanen ' s group Judy Petty announces candidacy for GOP nomination stanley Russ announces candidacy for Dan nomination 'Ibedford Collins j oins quest for Democratic nomination Paul Riviere outlines econanic plan at fund raiser Paul Riviere would vote for nuclear aans freeze Olarles L George will not make race for nomination Stanley Russ advocates govt spending cap, abortion ban 'Ibedford Collins would preserve industrial bond issues Judy Petty files as Republican candidate Paul Riviere says better education is his top priority Six candidates discuss issue of prayer in public schools Pulaski County Sheriff � Robinson seeks Dem nanination Candidates discuss abortion issues Candidates discuss nuclear arms issues Five candidates back defense cuts Judy Petty says Ronald Reagan encouraged her to enter race Paul Riviere endorsed by AFL-CIO Being Congr essnan not j ob for statesman, T Robinson says Tamey Robinson reveals loo:r;hole in FERC order on Grand Gulf Paul Riviere sold soul for AFL backing, � Robinson says Tamey Robinson says he was praying AFL would not enoorse him stanley Russ criticizes tough talk of 'l'amey' Robinson Thedford Collins urges opponents to stick to issues Dale Alford wants j udges made ana-lerable for decisions Tamey Robinson wisecracked anQ\?ers, AFL spokesman says Ernest Dumas discusses Robinson, Petty pledge to be fighters Candidates list contrirutions to cami;aign stanley Russ says Tanrey Robinson style will not work in Cong Paul Riviere n quest for TV funds irks publisher Cone Magie Stanley Russ unhaPP.f with Pulaski school dist merger order Gerald Ford to appear at Searcy in behalf of Fd Bethune Tamey Robinson comi;ares himself to Abraham Lincoln Contributions list of Stanley Russ Riviere, Russ and Robinson address Civitan Club in LR Arkansas Poll figures questioned by Riviere cainEaign stanley Russ would urge law to curb busing for social reasons Dale Alford strongly critical of school merger order Robinson says he is pro-business, Russ releases NFA questions Paul Riviere backs appeal of LR school merger order Lack of oonation by Collins may have cost him Coal ition help SChools again issue as Dale Alford seeks return to House Candidates speak at Jacksonville 72 01/08/84 01/11/84 01/14/84 01/16/84 01/17/84 01/20/84 01/27/84 01/28/84 01/29/84 02/02/84 02/05/84 02/19/84 02/19/84 02/19/84 02/26/84 03/01/84 03/07/84 03/23/84 03/25/84 03/26/84 03/30/84 04/01/84 04/02/84 04/04/84 04/04/84 04/06/84 04/07/84 04/09/84 04/15/84 04/15/84 04/15/84 04/16/84 0 4/16/84 04/16/84 04/18/84 04/19/84 04/19/84 04/20/84 04/22/84 04/23/84 0 4/26/84 04/28/84 04/28/84 04/28/84 05/02/84 05/04/84 05/05/84 05/06/84 05/08/84 05/10/84 05/11/84 05/12/84 05/12/84 05/13/84 PP.G C Al8 A03 A07 A03 A03 A03 A05 A06 Al5 A0 4 Al3 A07 Al2 Al2 Al3 AlO A04 A03 A0 4 A07 Al 7 A05 A0 4 AOl Al2 Al2 ADS A03 AOl A07 All A0 4 A04 A04 AlO A06 A07 Al7 Al6 A0 9 BOl A08 AlO Al2 B02 A08 All All A08 AOl A03 A04 A06 A03 1 6 3 6 2 1 1 6 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 5 1 4 6 6 1 4 1 2 5 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 6 4 6 1 1 1 1 2 5 5 1 3 6 1 4 6 3 1 5 1 1 ARKANSAS GAZEPI'E lNDEX 1984 mTE Paul Riviere, Ton1rc¥ Robinson trade criticisms Spending by T Robinson is topic of interest Paul Riviere making vigorous cantEaign for nomination Thedford Collins wants tax looi;.holes eliminated Stanley Russ calls Robinson weenie danagogue Ton1rc¥ Robinson r eoor d explored in Gazette editorial Report shows T Robinson has borr<Med $20 8 , 500 Russ position is milder version of Tararw Robinson 'l'omrr!Y Robinson responds to critics of his borrowing Issues cross racial , economic lines, 'lhedford Collins says Tamey Robinson reports additional $20 , 000 in cxmtributions Riviere questions Robinson loans, attacks funds handling Russ says j udge wrong to use power for social b:l.lance in sch Article discusses borrowing, spending by T Robinson Stanley Russ reports on funding, expenditures in race Candidates speak at Mount Nebo Olicken Fry Finances of T Robinson raise maey questions Robinson aide says $50 ,0000 loan repaid Reagan policy becomes issue along with local concerns 'lhedford Collins encbrsed by Jim Guy Tucker Rainbow leader decided to give backing to T Collins Five Democrats seeking seat hold deb:l.te Robinson accused of vow to halt income, SS tax payments Former Judge Lowber Hendricks discusses Robinson' s reoor d Five candidates hold another deb:l.te Robinson meets with political power structur e of Yell County Stanley Russ says Robinson leading in race for nomination Deb:l.te brings forth no manorable lines Danocratic candidates discuss arms, for eign policy TCJnnw Robinson, Paul Riviere in runoff for Dan nan:lllation Restraint marks foes as runoff loans Robinson gets 40 pct of votes, leads in 7 of 8 counties Article discusses Robinson appeal for voters in district wans for camµlign are subj ect of controversy Robinson loans total $287 , 5 49, while Riviere spends $229,157 Stanley Russ , 'lhedford Collins make no endorsement Dr Dale Al ford endorses Paul Riviere in runoff Rainbow Coal ition leaders endorse Robinson in runoff Names of contributors to Robinson fund prior to announcement Paul Riviere encbrsed by A<DRN in news conference Riviere files complaint against Robinson with FEC Riviere makes public copies of his loans, Robinson refuses Robinson contributors include energy companies Tarey Robinson raised $300 , 000 by stacking loans Paul Riviere endorsed by Arkansas F.ducation Association T Robinson defends his reoo r d on Grand Gul f power plant costs Joe Purcell stays relaxed while di recting Riviere cantEaign Paul Riviere stresses util ity issues Tamey Robinson favors funds for veterans education Paul Riviere accused of abuse of finance rules in b:l.nk loan 'l'oJm¥ Robinson fields hard questions before civic clul:E Paul Rivier e visits Boys State, reeks nuclear fret:2e Fourth of Robinson gifts above $200 are utility-linked labor has been main contributor to Paul Riviere 73 05/13/84 05/13/84 05/14/84 05/14/84 05/15/84 05/15/84 05/16/84 05/16/84 05/17/84 05/17/84 0 5/18/84 05/18/84 0 5/18/84 05/18/84 05/19/84 05/20/84 0 5/20/84 05/22/84 05/22/84 05/23/84 05/24/84 05/25/84 05/25/84 05/25/84 05/26/84 05/26/84 05/26/84 05/27/84 05/28/84 05/30/84 05/30/84 05/31/84 05/31/84 06/01/84 06/01/84 06/01/84 06/02/84 06/02/84 06/02/84 06/03/84 06/03/84 06/03/84 06/03/84 06/03/84 06/04/84 06/04/84 06/04/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 06/05/84 06/06/84 06/06/84 06/07 /84 06/07/84 PAG C A03 Al7 A05 A05 A0 4 A06 AOl A12 AOl A13 A0 4 A05 A05 A21 A12 AOl A04 A04 BOl AOl A12 A03 A07 A21 A12 A19 BOB IOI AOl AOl BOl AOl A15 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl A06 AOl AOl A20 Bll Bll AOl AOl BOl AOl AOl A07 AOl AOl AOl AOl 4 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 5 4 1 1 2 3 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 6 1 4 1 2 2 3 5 5 6 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 3 3 4 2 5 ARKANSAS GAZE:rl'E INDEX 1984 DATE Paul Riviere pleased with reception in Faulkner County Iowber Hendricks levels blast against Tonmry Robinson Luke Quinn lists reasons for his suppor t of Tcxmey Robinson Ernest Dl.llnas discusses util ity connection of T Robinson Official totals in Democratic primary Paul Riviere encbrsed by two black groups Robinson camp:iign mgr alleges cbuble standard in Gazette Riviere and Robinson debate issues on 'N programs candidates complete weekend of joint apppearances 'Ihree black groups encbrse Paul Riviere for Congress Toney Robinson encbrsed by Robert Mcintosh Toney Robinson comments on victory over Paul Riviere Paul Riviere comments on his loss to Tonmry Robinson Toney Robinson defeats Paul Riviere for Dem nanination Vote by county in Democratic runoff � Robinson leaves for vacation in Texas day after victory Ernest Dumas says a legend won Democratic nomination Many liberal and moderate Dens may avitch to Taylor Bob Lesl ie says real race can now begin 'l'ann¥ Robinson lists additional ca.nl};aign contributions Robinson nomination puzzles national , international press Jim Taylor is critical factor in Robinson, Petty race Riviere workers ask FOC to cancel probe of Robinson funding Bank loans to Tamey Robinson called an innovation David Pryor , Wilbur Mills pl edge to help Robinson � Robinson visits Washington, sees acceptance Banks felt secure about loan re:r;ayment, 'l.'annW Robinson says Judy Petty favors balanced budget amendnent Judy Petty asks cut in Cong j unkets, travel by Pres Reagan � Robinson visits National Democratic Convention Bank loans were used by lx>th Robinson and Riviere 'l'omiey Robinson stoi:ped for speeding in LR, no ticket given 'l'orrey Robinson angered by publ ication of speeding incident Robinson camp:iign :r;aid for work activists did Robinson cam:r;aign p:iid funds to Robert Mcintosh, Odus Wilson Payments to Mcintosh, Wilson defended by Robinson camp Payments, backing of Robinson called unr elated Judy Petty supports curbing power of j udges in utility rates Judy Petty, Tamey Robinson compete in attack on courts Toney Robinson calm, cool as radio host for call-in show Judy Petty arranges for Washington calls on her radio show Fil Bethune votes on l egis on aged attacked by Harold Jinks 'l'orrey Robinson says loans to be re:r;aid soon 'l'orrey Robinson makes attack on national Republican policies � Robinson says he may be liberal on F.qual Rights Arndt Reports show gifts to Robinson for 1982 race exceeded limits � Robinson blames secretary for reporting incorrectly Judy Petty amazed at funds spent by US Fducation Dept Moral Majority ' s Roy McLaughlin critical of Robinson on ERA 'l'omiey Robinson re-assigns funds received for Sheriff ' s race T Robinson responds to McLaughl in ranark on ERA stand Inqui ry sought on six unsecured loans to T Robinson Robinson pl edges to work for educ funds Judy Petty critical of social programs, wants workfare 74 06/07/84 06/08/84 06/08/84 06/08/84 06/08/84 06/09/84 06/09/84 06/10/84 06/11/84 06/11/84 06/11/84 06/12/84 06/13/84 06/13/84 06/13/84 06/14/84 06/14/84 06/14/84 06/15/84 06/16/84 06/24/84 06/24/84 06/26/84 06/29/84 06/30/84 06/30/84 07/04/84 07/08/84 07/11/84 07/17/84 07/17/84 07/20/84 07/21/84 07/22/84 07/22/84 07/23/84 07/23/84 07/25/84 07/27/84 07/31/84 08/02/84 08/02/84 08/04/84 08/06/84 08/06/84 08/07/84 08/07/84 08/07/84 0 8/07/84 08/08/84 08/08/84 08/10/84 08/10/84 08/10/84 PAG C A0 4 AOl Al.9 Al.9 A20 A03 A03 AOl AOl A08 A08 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl A21 A21 A21 BOB A09 Bl3 AOl Al.7 AOl AOl A21 A27 A06 A03 A05 A03 A03 A07 A07 AOl AOl BOl Al.7 AOl AOl All A0 4 B02 B02 AOl AOl C07 C07 AOl A08 AOl A05 A08 1 2 1 4 3 3 4 2 3 5 5 2 3 6 6 3 4 4 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 6 4 6 2 2 5 1 1 6 6 2 1 2 2 5 5 2 2 6 6 1 1 2 6 5 1 1 ARKANSAS GAZET.l'E INDEX 1984 DATE Bethune and Pryor square off in spirited debate Bethune solicits funds fran pol itical action coonnittees Darrell Glascock refuses offer for Robinson to debate on TV T Robinson says he has lead, sees no need for debate Petty says voters aware of Robinson refusal to debate Fd Bethune talks alx>ut imperial judiciary at GOP meeting 'I'amW Robinson says he would be foe of school consolidation T Robinson would suppor t restriction of US cts in school case Judy Petty praninent at Republican National Convention Judy Petty tells GOP Conv sane things are worse than war Jim Taylor waiting for Dens to review Robinson funds Jim Taylor assails coone n nt by Petty on war T Robinson pledges to r aise taxes only as last resort Steve Clark takes Bethune to task over move of Hane Loan Bank Cache River work opposed by 'I'amW Robinson and Jim Taylor Judy Petty ranark on war shocked Lottie Shackelford Arkansas Fdlcation Assn to make no enoorsement Judy Petty says poll shoos she is ahead Judy Petty says she might suwart ERA in different form Maur een Reagan, Guy Vander Jagt to camµtign for Petty Maureen Reagan comes to Little Rock to back Judy Petty Judy Petty comment on NCW may be sour grapes, N Carter says T Robinson coone n nts on budget def icit, F.RA Pryor official says Bethune poll had loaded questions Congressman Guy Vander Jagt camp;i.igns for Judy Petty National GOP pmel to give maximmn finances to Judy Petty Judy Petty clarifies, stands by ranark on war Judy Petty, 'l'oncy Robinson speak at Summerset Festival Judy Petty opposes settlement of Grand Gul f cost by AP&L Jim Taylor asks Dan Party to probe T Robinson finances Judy Petty favors deferral of tuition credit plan Robinson hosts Den i;arty with free liquor and a band Jim Taylor asks for refund after hearing alx>ut i;arty Judy Petty sees hypocricy when Reagan blamed for deficits T Robinson coonen n ts on nuclear freeze, other intnl. problans Candidates speak at Pulaski County Bar assn meeting Jim Taylor protests omission fran debate Robinson releases list of $1 , 000 contributors Record of Judy Petty in Legis is not inq:>r essive, Dmnas says Jack Kemp cami;aigns in Ark for Judy Petty T Robinson tells veterans there is nothing worse than war All 3 candidates stress suppor t for Social Security Tannw Robinson would offer bills to limit US j udges, FERC Jim Taylor says T Robinson distorts his own positions Jim Taylor invited to debate after all Article traces private and public life of Judy Petty Article traces private and publ ic life of 'l'omrey' Robinson Article traces private and public life of Jim Taylor Both Petty and Robinson speak at Peace Through Strength rally Judy Petty finds Mondal e call for tax rise incredible Judy Petty hopes to benef it f ran Reagan popularity in Ark Judy Petty gets enoorsement f ran President Reagan Democrats say polls shoo Pryor leading Bethune 3 to 1 Fd Bethune denies Dan claim that he has fund-raising problan 75 08/11/84 08/11/84 08/12/84 08/13/84 08/14/84 08/14/84 08/15/84 08/21/84 08/22/84 08/22/84 08/22/84 08/23/84 08/23/84 08/25/84 08/26/84 08/27/84 08/28/84 08/28/84 08/28/84 08/28/84 08/30/84 08/30/84 08/30/84 08/31/84 09/01/84 09/01/84 09/01/84 09/02/84 09/05/84 09/06/84 09/06/84 09/07/84 09/10/84 09/11/84 09/12/84 09/15/84 09/17/84 09/19/84 09/19/84 09/22/84 09/2W'84 09/25/84 09/27/84 09/28/84 09/29/84 09/30/84 09/30/84 09/30/84 09/30/84 10/01/84 10/01/84 10/02/84 10/04/84 10/04/84 PK; C AOl All Al2 AOl A0 4 A07 Al3 Al O AOl AOl A05 A0 4 Al4 A05 A20 A06 A0 4 A0 5 A08 Al O A0 4 AlO Al4 A03 Al2 Al2 00 2 A25 A03 A0 4 00 2 A03 AOl A03 A05 BOl A0 4 A03 Al3 A0 4 A06 A06 BOB Al2 A20 AOl AOl AOl A25 A03 A03 A06 A03 A03 2 2 5 3 1 1 1 2 5 5 1 5 5 1 1 5 6 5 4 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 5 1 5 5 4 1 1 1 5 1 3 5 5 1 4 1 2 4 5 1 2 2 4 1 1 ARKANSAS GAZEPI'E INDEX 1984 DATE Robinson would make water supply a top priority if elected Three candidates make j oint appearance at meeting candidates disoover diversity of voters in district Tamey' Robinson has been model of restraint during campaign Tamey' Robinson and Judy Petty exchange barbs in campaign David M Hargis rE.'17iE:.Ws history of Sheriff Tornn¥ Robinson 'I'omnW Robinson grapples with abortion issue President Reagan featured in TV ads for Fd Bethune Judy Petty greeted warmly at fund-raiser in Yell County Petty suppor ts govt aid for day care centers at businesses 'I'omnW Robinson still owes $226 ,471 on loans Jim Taylor sees other candidates as serving oil , gas interest Tann¥ Robinson enCbrsed by Arkansas Education Association Democrats say Tamey Robinson running even with Judy Petty D Glasoock says Petty once ran around braless, barefoot Tamey' Robinson pours mor e money into advertising Tamey' Robinson says opponents distort his viE:.W on abortion Bunker Hunt is Petty ' s no 1 supporter , Glasoock charges Tamey Robinson, Judy Petty show wide differences on educ Judy Petty labels as ludicrous charge of Bunker Hunt ties List of gifts to Petty shows 40 pct f ran PAC groups Robinson thinks UA-Texas game would be on TV if in Congress TormI¥ Robinson says criticism of his finances should end Judy Petty and Jim Taylor engage in question, answer session Tann¥ Robinson answers questions on radio call-in show Shift in campaigns of Petty and Robinson seen during debate Three candidates debate on live 'IV in Sherwood Wanen activist groups have not rallied to Judy Petty Spokesmen for Petty and Robinson deny Brooks claim on debate Tom Brooks says other candidates wanted Taylor out of debate Jim Taylor asks if Petty and Robinson less than truthful Judy Petty takes foreign policy questions at Uc.A Tamey' Robinson campaigns in Yell County Charles D MatthE:.Ws, former chmn of Ark Dems, backs Petty Bob Bland says vote for Taylor is in effect , vote for Petty Robinson backer , Bob Bland, asks Jim Taylor to leave race Tamey' Robinson seeks aid for workers who lost j obs Jim Taylor wants cap on mortgage interest tax deductions Judy Petty sees nothing wrong with PAC campaign funds Robinson would steal el ection if he oould, Inn Sun<i;{uist says Jim Taylor sees advantages to being underdog in race Robinson backers say Petty win would cause Ice Age in Ark T Robinson r efers to 2 opponents as worms running thei r mouth T Robinson, J Taylor address Bricklayers Union picnic Rosi e Grier campaigns for Judy Petty Article points out false notes in Petty campaign trumpet J Petty and T Robinson take campaigns to black churches in LR Robert Mcintosh oondemns Grier support of Judy Petty Rosi e Greer pr eaches at black church with J Petty present Judy Petty denies her race co-ordinated by national GOP Linda Jordan is campaign co-ordinator for Judy Petty Fd Bethune j ubilant over impending Reagan visit to Ark Jerry Falwell endorses Judy Petty for US Congress Judy Petty offered to help Shorter Coll avoid paying debt 76 10/04/84 10/05/84 10/07/84 10/07/84 10/09/84 10/09/84 10/10/84 10/11/84 10/11/84 10/12/84 10/12/84 10/12/84 1 0/14/84 10/14/84 10/15/84 10/15/84 1 0/15/84 10/15/84 10/15/84 10/16/84 10/16/84 10/17/84 10/17/84 10/19/84 10/19/84 10/21/84 10/21/84 10/21/84 10/22/84 1 0/22/84 10/23/84 10/24/84 10/24/84 10/25/84 1 0/26/84 10/26/84 10/26/84 10/26/84 10/26/84 10/27/84 10/28/84 10/28/84 1 0/28/84 10/28/84 10/28/84 10/28/84 1 0/29/84 10/29/84 10/29/84 10/29/84 10/29/84 10/30/84 10/30/84 10/31/84 PAG C D07 AOl A03 AO? A04 A09 All A0 4 Al.7 A03 A0 8 Al.6 A03 Al.5 AOl AOl AOl A04 BOl A03 A03 A06 A06 A07 Al. O AOl AOl I03 AOl AOl A05 Al.3 Al.3 B02 A0 4 A0 4 A0 4 Al.3 Al.3 Al.4 Al. 4 Al.9 Al. 9 Al.9 A2 4 A26 AOl AOl AOl AO? A07 AOl BOl A03 4 2 1 1 5 1 1 6 1 5 2 4 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 5 2 2 1 5 2 2 1 4 4 1 2 5 3 1 1 5 1 1 1 3 1 1 5 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 6 4 1 ARKANSAS GAZEPI'E lNDEX 1984 mTE List of contributors to Judy Petty and Tamw Robinson Judy Petty to be aboard Air Force One with Pres Reagan Tornfi¥ Robinson takes his cam:i;:a.ign to the streets Don Sunci;Iuist and Mickey F.dwards cam:i;:a.ign for T Robinson TOOJI¥ Robinson ad welcomes Pres Reagan to Arkansas Jim Taylor hits Judy Petty stand on education Judy Petty meets with Pres Reagan aboard Air Force One 'l'amey' Robinson explains ad welcoming Pres Reagan to Ark CamEBign has been expensive Visit by Pres Reagan expected to boost Judy Petty canq;aign Petty endorsed by AME bishop after pranise to help Shorter Arkansas Gazette declines to make endorsement in race Tornfi¥ Robinson defeats Judy Petty for Congr essional seat Judy Petty had not conceded def eat at late hour '1'omiey Robinson says antics in Congr ess not likely Race by Judy Petty was repeat of 1 97 4 bid for seat Bill Alexander to introduce Robinson in Washington Judy Petty image as a Reagan robot may have cost her votes 'l'amey' Robinson expects PACs, Ark businesses to EBY off debt Ernest Dumas discusses cam:i;:a.ign debt of Tamey Robinson Physicians plan ft.md-raiser for Tamey Robinson Business and political leaders set ft.md-raiser for Robinson Pollster says Tatm¥ Robinson was seen as incumbent Tann¥ Robinson predicts cam:i;:a.ign debt to take year to EBY CDKiRESS - HOOSE DISTR.Icr 3 John Paul Harranersdunidt lists cam:i;:a.ign ft.mds John Paul Hammerschmidt has no opposition for re-election John Paul Harranerschmidt lists cam:i;:a.ign contributors '1'omiey Robinson pledges vote on four issues in Congress CO�RESS - HOO S E DISTR.Icr 4 Beryl Anthony lists contributions to his r eelection camEBign Beryl Anthony to seek reelection Beryl Anthony draws no opponent in re-election bid Beryl Anthony lists cam:i;:a.ign contributors Roy E Rood is write-in candidate for seat Roy Rood rt.ms as write-in to send message to Beryl Anthony Roy Rood seeks to t.mseat Beryl Anthony Beryl Anthony easily def eats Roy Rood CDKiRESS - SENATE F.d Betht.me may seek seat held by David Pryor Ekl Bethune says control of Sen by GOP vital Betht.me strategy discussed National leaders of GOP encourage Betht.me Sen David Pryor annot.mces for reelection to second term Betht.me sees stalemate if Democrats captur e Senate Ekl Betht.me acts like a candidate Betht.me for Senate Committee formed David Pryor and Ed Betht.me list contributions Ekl Betht.me holds private session with Pres Reagan Signs point to race by F.d Bethune Ekl Bethune to seek Senate seat Ekl Betht.me attacks super bureaucrats in Washington Areas of support for Bethune, Pryor discussed David Pryor says Ed Bethune to get $1 million fran GOP 77 PIG C 10/31/84 11/01/84 11/01/84 11/01/84 11/02/84 11/02/84 11/03/84 11/03/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/07/84 11/07/84 11/08/84 11/08/84 11/08/84 11/09/84 11/14/84 11/21/84 11/28/84 11/30/84 12/01/84 12/18/84 Al.3 AOl Al.2 BOl Al.2 A21 AOl Al.8 A0 9 A22 A24 Bl6 AOl A20 AOl AOl Al.0 Al.5 AOl All B02 Al.0 BOl A03 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 4 5 1 3 1 2 6 4 1 5 1 1 1 1 4 02/07/84 0 4/04/84 0 4/22/84 11/06/84 C06 A03 Al.6 Al.2 6 3 5 1 02/03/84 02/22/84 04/04/84 04/22/84 09/06/84 09/16/84 11/05/84 11/07/84 A03 A03 A03 Al.6 Al.2 A07 BOl Al.4 5 1 3 5 4 4 5 1 01/01/84 01/04/84 01/04/84 01/07/84 01/10/84 01/13/84 01/22/84 01/25/84 01/31/84 02/03/84 02/11/84 02/12/84 02/14/84 02/19/84 02/26/84 AOl AOl Al.5 BOl AOl Al.2 Al.7 A03 Cll A03 Al.3 AOl A03 Bll A0 4 6 6 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 5 ARKANSAS GAZ ETI'E INDEX 1984 DATE Democratic poll shows Pryor leads 2 to 1 over Bethune David Pryor plans to run scared in race with Bethune F.d Bethune makes his entry into race official Lamar Keels of Camden to f ile as independent Rev Lamar Keels fails to get on rellot for Senate contest Arkansas to be battleground for oontrol , George Bush says George Bush in Ark to camEBign for F.d Bethune Gerald Ford speaks at rally at Searcy Searcy rally has fervor , intensity of camp:i.ign end F.d Bethune files list of contributors to camEBign fund Rev Lamar Keels to seek seat as writ&-- in candidate Jack Kanp visits Ark to raise funds for F.d Bethune race F.d Bethtme defends his votes on RFA, other programs F.d Bethune says j obless rise should not be overani;hasiz ed Report released by Pryor says Bethune proposal would harm RFA F.d Bethune gets questions on his cainEBign trek F.d Bethune attacks liberal federal j udges, vows scrutiny David Pryor r esponds to Bethune criticism F.d Bethune blames l iberal j udges for evils of society David Pryor and Ed Bethune smile, SEBr in 'IV debate Bethune accuses Pryor of caving in to oo-op:; F.d Bethune urges r estraining loan programs Bethune, Pryor exchange c:ormnents on Pryor vote on taxes David Pryor explains stand on Grenada Bethune camEBign dead in the water , Pryor says F.d Bethune camEBigns across North Arkansas Pryor and Bethune trade attacks over RFA F.d Bethune says convention showed liberal side of Democrats Contest between Ed Bethune and navid Pryor creates early sti r Bethune unveils new ad attacking Pryor as high tax proponent F.d Bethune says David Pryor hiding David Pryor says Bethune distorts his stand Bethune and Pryor SEBr over Pryor remark on Grenada action Pryor explains remark about Bethune buying Arkansas Democrat Ernest Dumas analyzes Pryor ' s r ecord for liberal voting Beryl Anthony says Ed Bethune deceived branine workers David Pryor r eleases poll showing his lead over Bethune Summary of cxmtest between Bethune and Pryor David Pryor says Repuhs launder funds sent to aid Ed Bethune David Pryor speaks on Ark committment to education Bethune tells GOP Natl Conv that Democrats too liberal F.d Bethune engages in impranptu debate with peace group Resentment against federal j udges blossans as Ark issue Pryor stresses his independence fran presidential control David Pryor , F.d Bethune discuss issues with farmers David Pryor officially opens his camEBign in Camden Ernest Dumas c:omEBres Pryor with Bethune on camEBign David Pryor takes bid for off ice to oounty officials Senate race shapes up as organization versus media blitz David Pryor asserts GOP subverts intent of fair election law Harold Jinks letter takes Republicans to task David Pryor discusses coming battle with Texas over water Rev Lamar Keels gives up bid to run for Senate seat Charl es Manatt says GOP funnels illegal aid to Ed Bethune 78 03/23/84 03/24/84 03/31/84 04/03/84 04/04/84 05/04/84 05/04/84 05/13/84 05/13/84 05/25/84 05/30/84 06/09/84 07/09/84 07/10/84 07/10/84 07/11/84 07/12/84 07/12/84 07/15/84 07/19/84 07/19/84 07/20/84 07/20/84 07/21/84 07/21/84 07/22/84 07/22/84 07/23/84 07/29/84 08/01/84 08/04/84 08/10/84 08/12/84 08/12/84 08/16/84 08/18/84 08/19/84 08/19/84 08/21/84 08/21/84 08/22/84 08/26/84 08/26/84 08/28/84 08/28/84 08/29/84 08/30/84 08/30/84 09/02/84 09/09/84 09/09/84 09/10/84 09/12/84 09/13/84 PN.; C A15 A05 A03 A03 A03 Al4 Al4 AOl AOl COS A0 8 A09 A07 A03 A03 A06 A08 A08 All A16 A16 A0 5 AO S A03 A03 A08 A14 A04 AOl Al.2 BOl Al.2 AOl AOl Al.3 002 A19 Al.9 A0 4 BOl A03 A0 9 A16 AOl A03 AOl Al.3 BO S Al7 AOl !02 AOl A12 AOl 1 1 1 5 5 4 4 2 2 2 3 1 6 1 5 7 1 4 1 4 5 4 5 l 2 4 1 4 6 1 3 1 4 5 4 3 l 2 2 2 5 3 1 3 l 3 l 6 2 2 3 2 6 6 ARKAN� GAZ E.Tl'E lNDEX 1984 IY\TE Fii Bethune charges William R Wilson Jr aiding Pryor in race Wilson has called for state bar protest of j udge interviews Etl Bethune cites his ties to Reagan in plea for votes Both Pryor and Bethune take credit for helping branine indus F.d Bethune not being honest on judge appnt, David Pryor says David Pryor has oollected $1 .3 million for re-election race Jim Johnson defends Ed Bethune on j udge interview process David Pryor ani;tiasiz es his independence on issues Etl Bethune says David Pryor tied to Deno national ticket Senator Jaoob Garn to appear in Ark in suppor t of F.d Bethune Stran 'Ihurmond supports intervia-1 method used by Fii Bethune No secret pranises made to Bethune on branine, w Brock says Bethune and Pryor trade charges over debates David Pryor has support of AMA, but Ark group favors Bethune David Pryor proposes freez e on federal l::udget Agricultur e Secy John R Block to camtaign for Fii Bethune Offensive stance of David Pryor surprises some observers Republicans pour into Ark to help Ed Bethune camtaign House votes missed by Bethune since Labor Day pointed out Farmers for Pryor group formed Newsletter for bankers lists Garn appearance for Bethune Pryor backers upset by notice in bankers newsletter F.d Bethune criticizes David Pryor on Grand Gulf problans Pryor says Grand Gul f problan is r esult of law judge ruling Jake Garn cancel s visit for Bethune because of work in C.ong Ratetayers Fight Back say Bethune wrong to blame Pryor F.d Bethune danands maj or probe of Grand Gul f oontract David Pryor says he was el ected to r epr esent Arkansas Reoord of David Pryor on tax issues discussed by Ernest Dumas F.d Bethune expects pr essur e to force David Pryor to debate Etl Bethune continues camtaign as Pryor returns to capital F.d Bethune says nothing happening in C.ongress American Security C.ouncil targets David Pryor for defeat John R Block comes to Ark to camtaign for F.d Bethune American Security Council abandons plans to fight Pryor Bethune charges David Pryor baffled by energy issues David Pryor predicts voters will r ej ect GOP strategy SUmmary of week ' s activities in camtaign for Senate seat Grand Gulf power plant has become issue in Senate race Ek1 Bethune pins his hopes on popularity of Ronald Reagan Republ icans r eport Ed Bethune not gaining on David Pryor David Pryor camtaigns in Helena and eastern Arkansas F.d Bethune debates John W Walker on federal j udge selection Fish fry, rally held for David Pryor at West Memi;his Bethune and Pryor have brief exchange of words List of oontributors to David Pryor and Fii Bethune Bethune urges social program cuts, including Social Security Donald Regan camtaigns in Ark for Fii Bethune David Pryor opposes cuts in Social Security benef its F.d Bethtme discusses foreign affairs in Harrison speech Ek1 Bethune wants probe to see if state misled on Grand Gulf William E Brock camtaigns for Etl Bethune in race for Senate Three facets of personality displayed by Fii Bethune Pryo r not a l l ow i ng con f i dence to ove rtake ca u t i on 79 09/16/84 09/16/84 09/17/84 09/20/84 09/22/84 0 9/23/84 09/24/84 09/25/84 09/25/84 09/26/84 09/27/84 09/27/84 09/28/84 09/28/84 09/28/84 09/29/84 09/30/84 09/30/84 10/01/84 10/02/84 10/05/84 10/05/84 10/05/84 10/05/84 10/06/84 10/06/84 10/07/84 10/07/84 10/07/84 10/09/84 10/10/84 10/10/84 10/ll/84 10/ll/84 10/12/84 10/13/84 10/13/84 10/14/84 10/14/84 10/14/84 10/14/84 10/14/84 10/14/84 10/15/84 10/17/84 10/17/84 1 0/18/84 10/19/84 10/19/84 10/19/84 10/20/84 10/20/84 10/21/84 10/21/84 P.Fi.G C A06 A06 AOl BOl 001 Bll A0 5 Al.0 Al. 0 A03 A03 A03 AOl A07 Al.4 A07 Al.2 Bll A03 A06 A03 A03 Al.4 Al.4 A03 A0 9 A20 A21 Bl3 A03 A03 A03 A06 001 Al. 4 A06 Al.3 A0 4 A0 8 A08 Al.5 Al.6 A21 A07 AOl A0 4 AOl AOl A06 Al.7 All All Al.6 Al.6 5 5 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 2 1 4 1 2 1 1 5 5 5 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 4 5 5 1 5 4 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 2 5 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 !avid Pryor end:>rsed for re-election by ACDRN David Pryor draws cheers in farm belt for attack on Reagan al Bethune asks daily question of Pryor in absence of debate Moral Majority leader Roy McLaughlin suppor ts Ed Bethune Howard Baker Jr speaks at Jonesboro for al Bethune W Bethune marks anniversary of Grenada invasion by US Hotel Employees Union oontribution to Pryor questioned al Bethune asks FERC probe of AP&L deal ings with Grand Gulf !avid Pryor warns about barrage of deceptive ads by Bethune al Bethune buoyed by ooming visit by President Reagan to Ark David Pryor stresses need for farm bill al Bethune ads question Pryor committment to agricultur e Old backers of John L McClellan suppor t David Pryor David Pryor tells his backers to weloome Pr es Reagan to Ark Senator Iale Bumpers lauds !avid Pryor Wendell Wilkie Gunn comes to Ark to camJ;aign for Ed Bethune Survey shows Bethune, Pryor not far aJ;Brt on support of Pres David Pryor takes Bethune tack, poses question of the day al Bethune r aninds blacks he worked with Win Rockefeller Jerry Falwell end:>rses Ed Bethune for US Senate David Pryor defends his voting reoor d al Bethune says !avid Pryor changed rhetoric for votes Navt Gingri ch says GOP Senator would help Arkansas Article discusses Reagan effort to help Ed Bethune David Pryor aligned with Pres Reagan on balanced budget Fd Bethune gets support of National Right to Life group Pryor says he has never voted for federal funds for abortion Right to Life group says Pryor votes for funds for abortions al Bethune accuses Iavid Pryor of rouble talk on issues al Bethune to be aboard Air Force One with Pres Reagan David Pryor did not disassociate himself fran Walter Mondale Right to Life pr esident and D Pryor exhange COimnents on votes David Pryor r efuses request to return 1 97 8 d:>nation to NCPAC Fd Bethune meets with Pr es Reagan aboard Air Force One David Pryor speaks on radio between ads critical of him Race between Bethune and Pryor has been manorable Visit by Pres Reagan expected to boost Ed Bethune al Bethune says his daily poll shows he is ahead in race Bethune suggests strategy PSC should use in Grand Gulf case al Bethune puts J;arty ahead of friendships . writer says Ed Bethune cites ties to Reagan adm in speech in south Ark al Bethune pr edicts he will win mandate in election David Pryor re-elected, voices praise for Ed Bethune David Pryor celebrates win with post reception at Excelsior al Bethne refuses to ooncede defeat al Bethune carried only eight oounties in loss to Pryor Iavid Pryor explains his successful formula for election a:>:r�REBS OF INSURANCE LR7ISLA'l'ORS rave Roberts elected pr es of national group CONLEE <XXLDIGE see also st Francis County <DNLEY MIKE see also - Olympic Games CONN CARCL A MURDER CASE - 80 DATE PAG C 10/22/84 1 0/24/84 10/24/84 10/24/84 10/25/84 10/26/84 10/26/84 10/26/84 10/27/84 10/28/84 10/28/84 10/28/84 10/28/84 10/29/84 10/29/84 10/29/84 10/30/84 10/3 0/84 10/30/84 10/30/84 10/31/84 10/31/84 10/31/84 10/31/84 ll/Ol/84 ll/01/84 11/01/84 ll/01/84 ll/01/84 11/02/84 11/02/84 ll/02/84 ll/02/84 11/03/84 11/03/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 ll/04/84 ll/05/84 11/05/84 11/07/84 11/07/84 11/07/84 11/08/84 12/12/84 A09 4 Al.0 1 Al.0 5 BOB 4 BOl 5 A07 1 Al.4 5 Al.7 5 A07 1 A23 5 A26 1 A26 1 A26 6 A08 4 A08 4 A08 4 AOl 5 Al.0 1 Al.0 4 BOl 4 A07 1 A07 1 A09 1 Al.5 1 A03 5 All 1 All 1 All 1 All 2 AOl 2 A0 4 1 A0 4 5 AO S 5 AOl 3 A06 1 A07 1 A22 4 A22 5 A34 6 Bl5 1 A03 1 A03 1 AOl 2 Al.7 1 Al.7 1 Al.4 1 A0 4 1 12/23/84 BOl 1 ARKANSAS GAZ ETI'E INDEX 1984 DA.TE Ernest Maxwell Jr gets life term at second trial CDNSULTANTS see also - Mills Hugh A CDNSUMER CREDIT see - Credit CDNrAMINATED FOOD see - Food Contammation and Poisoning CDNTESTS AND PRIZ ES Court rules Pepsi C.ola must award $5 , 000 in bottle cap game Joe Keim of Russell ville wins $50 , 000 Coca Cola contest Hot Springs wanan wins $25 , 000 in Ragu essay contest CDW/ENI'ION CENTERS see also - statehouse Convention Center CDNWAY see also - Faulkner County Jail CDNWAY CORP Introduction of MIV on cable Tll draws complaints Viewers to get sample of MIV and Nashville Olannel C!JNNAY COUNrY see also - Alcohol ic Beverages see also - Petit Jean Mountain see also - Poverty Judge T J Mahan, Clerk Jerry Scroggins engage in fight state Police to investigate event that led to fight Prosecutor undecided on fil ing charges involving officials Jerry Scroggins, another witness p:iss polygra:th tests CONilAY LOO CABIN DE)[)rnAT see also - Freedom of Information CONllAY SOIOCL DISTRICI1 Student stabbed at sdlool during fight OJOLEY AMY Anf:1 and Timothy Cooley missing in Perry County Cllildren found after 500 join search CDOLThG AND HFATOO see also - SOlar Energy COOPER CDMl4.JNITIES Sale or merger of firm sought COOPER JCHN A SR Family oonates $1 million estate to University of Ark COORS BRH'l!m CD see also - Alcohol ic Beverages CDRNn.t; BANK Capital depletion brings closur e order fran Banking Comm Business routine as bank r eopens Suit may be filed against bank directors Manatts made valiant effort to pr event failur e of bank CORCl\fm5 Jefferson County Coroner Havis Hester discusses his work CDRFORAL RJNISHMENT see - Publ ic School student Conduct CDST OF LIVIll; see - F.conomic Conditions COST ROY see also - MayflCMer School Di strict 81 Pl'G C 01/27/84 Al.5 5 03/29/84 Al.3 4 09/01/84 BOl 1 12/21/84 A0 4 4 04/20/84 Al.3 1 04/25/84 AO? 1 05/29/84 05/30/84 06/06/84 06/13/84 A0 4 All AO? A03 6 1 1 4 02/24/84 A09 1 11/06/84 A08 5 11/06/84 A08 5 08/25/84 cos 2 12/24/84 BOl 1 06/16/84 06/19/84 08/01/84 08/19/84 AOl A03 BOl AOl 6 4 2 2 12/10/84 BOl 5 ARKANSAc; GAZ ETI'E INDEX 1984 mTE see - Agricultur e CDTIDN PLANT see also - Cross Leonard Murder Case CDUNI'Y GCN'ERNMENI' see - WCal Government CDUNI'Y GCN'ERNMENI' TRAJNIKG 1NSl'ITUTE Institute organized � Assn of Arkansas Counties and UALR Organized to train newly-elected county officials CDURI.' REEORTERS see - Arkansas-Courts OOURIS see - Arkansas-Ci rcuit Court see - Arkansas-Courts see - Arkansas-Supr ane Court see - Municip:tl Courts see - us-courts see - US-Federal District Court of Eastern Arkansas see also - Juries and Jury nity COVENANT ARM AND &WORD OF THE LORD see - : covenan t Sword and A_rm o f the Lo rd COVENANT &WORD AND ARM OF THE LORD see - Vigilantes and Radicalism mx MICBAEL see also - Klein Robert Whittington Murder Case CRAIG JAMFS LEON see also - Menifee Mills OlANE LARRY see also - Arkansas-Land Corranissioner OlANOORD JOONSON AND MSOCIATES Ron Robinson comments on appnt as head of ad f iDn in LR FiDn names Ronald A Robinson president CRAVENS WILL IAM L see also - Fi rst Arkansas Bankstock Corp CRAYFISH CIJL'IURE see - Fquacultur e CREATION see also - American Civil Liberties Union see also - Publ ic School Curriculum CRFATION SCIENCE see - Publ ic School Curriculum CREDIT see also - Ford Motor Credit Co see also - Holthoff HCMard A Family see also - Mortgages State bankers seek federal override of Arndt 6 0 on usury limit Bankers fear usury law if override fails to p:iss Problan with Arndt 6 0 analyzed Suprane Ct rules usurious contract cannot be r&1ritten Ban of credit surcharges sp:irks disagreement Federal discount rate rise means Ark ceil ing rise Federal legislation may override Ark law on usury Setting of rates r anains source of confusion in Arkansas CRIME AND CRIMINALS 82 PPG C 11/09/84 Al 8 3 11/09/84 Al8 3 07/29/84 001 3 07/29/84 001 5 01/26/84 01/27/84 01/29/84 02/07/84 03/31/84 04/07/84 09/23/84 11/15/84 AOl AOl HOl Al 2 BOl AOl A08 001 5 2 3 4 2 5 1 4 ARKANSAS GAZ EI'TE INDEX 1984 Dl\TE see also - Bank Robberies see also - Capital Punishment see also - Childr en and Youth see also - Kidnapping see also - Murders see also - Prisons and Prisoners see also - Publ ic School Crime and Vandal ism see also - Sex Crimes Statistics for Pulaski Co show drop in maj or crimes Crime Watch reduces burglaries at Little Italy and Wye Legal use of force on intruders defined cy- Steve Clark Serious crimes declined in Arkansas last year Arkansas Times readers favor tough :penalties Prisons only treat symptans of crime, Richard Griffin says Plea bargaining error in Sisoo case heard cy- US Supreme Ct US Supr ane Ct says Johnson rights not violated in Sisooe case Governor ' s Task Force on Crime appointed cy- Gov Clinton Crime Task Force addressed cy- Gov Bill Clinton Major crimes in LR decl ine cy- 6 pct Major crimes r eported in Little Rock drop cy- 11 pct Crimewatch spr eads to affluent areas of Little Rock Governor ' s Task Force on Crime reports findings to Clinton Summary of findings of Governor ' s Task Force on Crime Effort made to protect shoppers in LR, NLR during holidays Summary of maj or news stories of 1984 CRIME vicrIM:> Survey results to be used in fight for law on victim rights Justice for Crime Victims holds manorial for homicide victims CRcmwN CD INC see also - Comi;:anies and Factories Textile mills at Osceola and Morrilton close Gov Clinton offers to make funds available to workers Firm files Chapter 11 petition after closing plants Closed plant at Morrilton damaged cy- fire CROSLEY CLYDE see also - Books and Writing CROSS <DUN.rY Two officers sued cy- Man:Ehis wanen over arrest CROSS LEONARD MURDER CASE Cotton Plant police chief and officer killed cy- gunman Victims were J?olice Chief Cross and officer Roy Leon Ben Ray Hatley, 16 , charged in slayings Ben Ray Hatley has been in j uvenile facility three times Funeral attended cy- 200 law enforcement officers Gov Bill Clinton among 500 roourners at Roy Leon Jr funeral CROSSEl'T LUVBER CD Early mill in Crossett pioneered lumber business in SE Ark CROSSEl'T SClIOCL DISTRICI' Wall at school called unsa.f e, students moved Defects cause closing of school built in 1 97 9 CROSSLEY WAYNE MURDER CASE Waitrees witnessed shooting of 5 persons in Hot Springs motel Five persons die in shooting at Hot Springs lounge Police Sgt Wayne Warwick shot d:>wn on Hot Springs street 83 01/24/84 02/09/84 03/07/84 03/11/84 03/18/84 04/01/84 04/17/84 06/12/84 06/14/84 06/19/84 09/17/84 10/15/84 12/16/84 12/21/84 12/21/84 12/21/84 12/30/84 PAG C A04 BOl Al O A24 Al9 Bl 5 A08 Cl6 D07 AlO BOl A07 A28 A08 A08 A20 Al2 5 3 6 5 3 4 6 2 1 1 6 1 1 5 5 1 1 08/02/84 A03 5 11/04/84 AlO 2 10/20/84 10/23/84 10/24/84 10/25/84 AOl 4 A03 3 A06 1 BOB 6 11/21/84 BO B 4 07/14/84 07/14/84 07/15/84 07/15/84 07/17/84 07/23/84 AOl AOl AOl AlO A04 A0 5 6 6 2 4 1 1 04/08/84 BOl 2 04/06/84 A07 4 04/07/84 Al 2 1 07/25/84 AOl 5 07/25/84 AOl 6 07/25/84 AOl 6 ARKANSAS GAZ ETl'E INDEX 1984 DATE Crossley shot Warwick, then killed 4 persons at motel Crossley wounded by policeman, but killed himself at motel Helen Frazee, Juanita Allen, J F SteJ;ilens, T Altringer killed Wayne Lee Crossley was gunman in shooting spr ee, police say Wayne Crossley known for violence and a pol ice record Fhotographs of Crossl ey and Sgt Warwick Bartender John llavid Crue was wounded in shooting at lounge Jerry and Raymond Wooten, earl Langley were in Crossley auto earl Langley relates his fleeing when shooting occurred Crossley had been b:irred fran lounge by Helen Fraz ee Jerry Wooten r ecounts incident when shooting br-0ke out Ruby Swaint says she bought guns for Crossley Three held as witnesses are released CRUCE LINm KJRDER CASE Jim Duke Roderick gets life without i:arole for slaying CRUE JOIN mvrD see also - Crossley Wayne Murder case CRUMP LOO IS A KJRDER CAS E Body of Crump found wried in yard at his bane near England CRUSOE ERIC EUGENE see also - Lawson James D Murder case CRYTS WAYNE see also - James Brothers Co ClJL'lURE see also - Arkansas EnOOwment for the Humanities CIJNN]N;HAM PERCY S Former chancellor of 8th District dies CURIA CREEK see also - I:Ollution aJRREN AR'mUR RAY Aviation leader dies at age 80 in Pine Bluff <lJRRENT RIVER see also - Rivers Sand and gravel permit sought at site of rare mussels Natural Resources Connnittee votes against gravel permit Technical Rev iew i:anel , PC&E urge denial of gravel permit Natural Resources Connn approves mining of gravel b:ir in river <lJZ ICK mMILY MURDER CASE Melvin Lee Cuzick kills wife, Debbie, and himsel f Melvin Lee Cuz ick shot Jerry Vance Thanpson CYRO INIUSI'RIES Acrylics firm to build plant in Osceola DAISY MANUFAC!'UROO CD Article on Rogers-based producer of air rifles mLLAS CDUNI'Y F.conaey heavily dependent upon timber resources DAME GEO:OO E see also - FhilanthroP.f Dl\lof> AND DIKES see also - Strawberry River mNCThG see also - :EOrnograJ;ily and Obscenity see also - Vilonia School District Break dancing is popular in Little Rock 84 07/26/84 07/26/84 07/26/84 07/26/84 07/26/84 07/26/84 07/26/84 07/26/84 07/27/84 07/27/84 07/27/84 07/28/84 08/14/84 Pl(; C AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl A03 A03 AOl AOl AOl A03 A06 3 3 3 3 4 6 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 10/06/84 A0 9 2 06/06/84 A07 1 07/10/84 A08 6 08/21/84 A05 5 02/01/84 03/29/84 04/14/84 05/10/84 Al.4 A03 All Al.6 3 1 2 1 11/25/84 All 1 ll/25/84 All 1 09/26/84 AOl 2 07/29/84 ED6 1 02/26/84 AOl 3 02/26/84 Al5 1 ARKAN Sl\S GAZ ETl'E INDEX 1984 D.l\.TE mNIELS ClIARLES see also - Arkansas-land Cormnissioner mNIELS ERIC MURDER CAS E Plan to release slayer of Ianiels fails Release of youth who killed Daniels is ordered by judge Judge ignor es advice of board on r el ease of youth Youth released to i;:arents Release brings tension between state, local authorities Probe of rel ease of youth asked by NAACP mNIELS LOREl'l'A MURDER CASE Robert Orr hel d in slaying of Mrs Ianiels MRBY W E Ruling clears Iarby of fraud, misr epresentation charge D.l\.TA PROCE:SSlID see also - l'k>rth Arkansas Comnumity College see also - University of Arkansas at Little Rock Attanpt made to break into Pulaski Co School Dist comp.iter student expelled for breaking into Pulaski Co School computer Olancellor rules software subj ect to sales tax Article on unauthorized use of Pulaski Co School Dist file Fort Smith man charged with unauthorized use of computer D.l\.VIOOCN PEGGY see also - Vaughan Jerrell Murder Case mvr.s BOYCE see also - Books and Writing DAVIS OON Em'IN .Fbrmer president of College of Ozarks dies mvrs EH'1IN see also - Arkansas-Governor DAVIS INr.USl'RIES see also - Dermott Clothing Corp Dl-\VIS LYNN see also - Arkansas-<llancery Court District 06 see also - Gambling Dl-\VJ.S MELT.SSA ftl.JRDER CASE Body found i n Pine Bluff DAVIS HIILIP AN'IHONY see also - Kidnapping mvr.s SAMMY JR Given Arkansas Traveler certificate at Little Rock mvIS SKILLED NURSIM; CENTER Fi re forces evacuation of p:itients D.l\.VJ.SS WILLIAM CLARK Obituary DAY CARE CENTERS FOR ClIILDREN see also - Bentonville Olristian ray Care Center see also - Little Rascals r:av Care Familv Hane License for facility in Cor &J. l bane revoked by Board Baptist Medical 5'ystan center in LR serves anployees Centers provided by anployers are helpful to mothers Parents face maze of choi ces in day care Not all day care centers are licensed by state Facilities range fran national chains to private hanes DEAF 85 01/12/84 01/14/84 02/09/84 02/11/84 02/12/84 02/19/84 PJ\.G C A03 A03 BOl A03 Al.8 A29 6 5 6 6 1 2 05/17/84 Al.5 6 03/14/84 A07 1 02/15/84 02/16/84 02/24/84 03/07/84 03/28/84 A0 9 AOl Cll BOl 1 2 1 2 BOB 1 02/11/84 All 5 06/16/84 A07 3 11/03/84 B08 4 01/27/84 A09 4 01/06/84 A08 6 05/24/84 06/03/84 06/03/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 All BOl BOl COl COl C04 3 4 4 2 5 1 ARKANSAS GAZ E'ITE INDEX 1984 see - Handicapped DFAN SUSAN CARCLINE see also - Miss Arkansas USA DEANE :ERNIE Oppo ses four-year term for Ark state officials DF.ATH PENALTY see - Capital Punishment DEBT OF OONSUMERS see - Credit DEER see - Wildlife DEER HORN B�n-t; CDNI'EST see - Festivals DEHAVEN JAY see also - Lasater Ian R DEL MJNI'E FRO'l EN roooo lNC Russellville plant is eggroll capital of the world DELINJUENCY ON DEBT see - Credit DELL SQICXL DISTRicr see - Gosnell School District DEMERRl'I'l' MATIHEW Speaks for handicapped in Little Rock appearance DEM>rnATIC BLACK C'AU<lJS Orval Faubus , Marlin Hawkins and Guy Jones Sr attend dinner DEMXnATIC PARTY see also - Pr esidential Election F\Ind raiser at Little Rock attracts 900 to dinner Arkansas p:i.rty plan oontrols black votes, Repub says Young Danocrats hold convention, p:i.ss resolutions State oonvention held in Hot Springs Executive Di rector Ik>ug Wallace resigns after Party meeting Officials refuse to talk al:out IOug Wallace resignation Proposals for Ark party platform are wide-ranging Co-signers sought for loan to p:i.y off overdue bills Lilburn W Carlisle loans $3 , 000 to p:i.rty to meet p:i.yroll Ik>ug Wallace accused of taking out unauthorized bank loans W W Bentley probing finances of state p:i.rty Gary Hart expected to attend state meeting of plrty Platform itans oonsidered by oommittee Gary Hart speaks at state oonvention in Little Rock Candidates garner enthusiastic support at oonvention State p:i.rty platform critical of Reagan adm policies Lilburn w Carl isl e has co-signers for loan for pirty John Gamroon holds fish fry, political rally at Marion DEmNSTRATIONS AND RIOTS see also - Arkansas State Prison see also - Birth Control see also - International Relations see also - Little Rock School District see also - Pr esidential Election DENTISTRY AND DENTAL HFJ\L'IH State Dental Bd can rE:qui re dental work order for dentur es state Dental Bd cannot be sued by non-dentist, oourt rules 86 10/29/84 All 5 04/22/84 COl 2 07/29/84 A0 4 1 04/14/84 Al. 0 2 02/25/84 03/26/84 04/16/84 05/06/84 08/25/84 08/26/84 08/26/84 08/28/84 08/28/84 08/28/84 09/01/84 09/07/84 09/07/84 09/08/84 09/08/84 09/10/84 09/12/84 10/15/84 A03 A07 AOB AOl A03 A06 All AOl AOl A07 Al. 0 A03 A03 AOl A06 A06 BOl A07 3 5 2 6 6 3 4 6 6 1 2 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 04/10/84 A07 3 04/10/84 A07 3 ARKAN � GAZErl'E INDEX 1984 �TE DENTISTS see - Dentistry and Dental Health DENJI.ER Re.BERT A see also - Little Rock School District DEQUEEN Four city policemen die in wreck on way to flllleral Residents :EaUSe to rananber dead police officers Funeral services arranged for four police officers Manslaughter charges filed against truck driver Wicbws of two policemen get $10 ,000 fran Claims Conun Report on wreck that killed policemen fil ed by N1'SB Report on accident released by NI'SB Tailgating, bad brakes blamed in crash that killed officers DEQUEEN GENERAL HOOPITAL us Circuit Ct orders hospital to bargain with llllion DERK>T!' <ImHIOO CDRP New plant will reopen to make clothing for Defense Dept DESB:;RIGATION OF PUBLIC SClIOCLS see - Public School Segregation DESHA CDUNI'Y Optimism for econ developnent prevails in ex>llllty Voters turn cbwn oonsolida.tion of oounty off ices DESHA SOIOCL DISTRicr Straw poll shows :Eatrons favor cxmsolidation DESMARAIS RALHI see also - Books and Writing DE.VINEY OIRIS'IDPHER HUSIDN MURDER CASE Head inj uries cited in death of child Parents dlarged in death of child Michael and Nancy Deviney guilty of nurder of her dlild DEWITT SClIOCL DISTRIC!' Budget slashed by $68 , 500 after tax turned down by voters DICKEY BERT G III see also - Arkansas-Land Conunissioner DICKEY JAMES Honorary degree awarded by University of Arkansas DICKSCN FAMILY MURDER O\SE Lee F Dickson and his wife Karen found slain at .Fayetteville Dennis Ray Flowers sought in murder case Body of Dennis Ray Flowers follll.d in pond near Goshen DIERKES WILLIAM HENRY see also - Books and Writing DILLAHUNI'Y W H Cannot be :Eaid for work as special prosecutor Court says munic cts have no power to appt prosecutors Was named special prosecutor in McArthur murder case DILLARD DEPARTMENT S'IDRES INC Ik>nates $250 , 000 to UAF for encbwed chair William T Dillard led growth of chain to praninence in us Olart of total sales and net income, 1 97 3-1983 Com:E;ailY looks for site for maj or distritution center Demand for Dillard stock soars on stock exchange Firm buying 18 stores in three states Map shows locations of Dillard stores across ex>llll.try 87 07/06/84 07/07/84 07/07/84 07/10/84 08/11/84 0 9/08/84 10/31/84 10/31/84 PJ\.G C AOl AOl All M4 A07 BOl Al.2 Al.2 6 5 6 4 4 3 1 1 09/22/84 C09 2 08/14/84 BOl 5 01/08/84 AOl 2 11/08/84 All 1 12/08/84 Al7 1 01/27/84 M3 2 01/28/84 A0 5 2 06/08/84 All 1 04/26/84 A03 3 04/27/84 M7 1 03/23/84 M8 5 03/24/84 Al.6 4 04/02/ 84 A03 1 02/14/84 Ml 2 0 2/14/84 Ml 2 02/14/84 AOl 2 01/24/84 03/25/84 03/25/84 04/05/84 08/03/84 08/10/84 08/12/84 C06 AOl M8 D07 COB C09 B02 6 2 3 6 3 2 4 ARRANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 19B4 mTE DILLARD Wn.LIAM T see also - Dillard Department Stor es Inc DIN GILBERT C Imperial Osages is name of book on Osage Indians DINOSAURS see also - Paleontology DI:ffiOMA MILLS '!Wo Currmins inmates offering PhD degrees by mail DIRECl'ORIES see also - Business DIRIGIBLES see also - Wren Skyships Ltd DISABLED AMERICAN VEI'ERANS Qiad Colley, of Fort Smith , elected national conunander of mv DISASTEIIB AND EMEK;ENCIES see also - Fires see also - Floods see also - storms and Torna<bes DISCIPLINE IN SOIOOLS see - Publ ic School Student Conduct DISCRIMINATION see - Civil Rights DISF.ASE AND ILLNESS School absenteeism blamed on influenza Influenza causes high absenteeism in Pulaski County area Three cases of Reye' s Syndrane reported in Ark Influenza disrupting schools Patients at Bridgeway taught to handle chronic pain Meningitis cases in North Little Rock Wanan discusses problans of acceptance of bulimia Cancer counseling training center to open in Little Rock Emotional enviromnent crucial to heal ing, s Si.roonton says ste:Eiianie Sim:>nton will head cancer counseling center Statistics on cancer incidence in Arkansas Silo Unloaders Syndrane is lung illness of farmers Cancer of cervix increasing, statistics at LR show DISHMAN ERIC MURDER CAS E Mr and Mrs Samuel Dishman face charges in death of their son DIVORCE see - Marriage and Divorce DIXON DE'J\N MURDER CAS E J M Carr arrested in shooting of Center Ridge farmer Murder charges filed against J M Carr IX>Cl'ORS HOSPITAL Fewer patients bring layoff of 6 0 anployees at Little Rock New sections opened for patient use OODRil.L LOO IS A see also - Arkansas Danocrat rxx; RACn:G see - southland Greyhound Park DOOPATOI PROPERTIES INC state Real EBtate panel refuses to en<brse time share plan Sale of properties may continue with warning to buyers Plan to sell units is approved 88 Pl'-lG C 03/ll/B4 cos 3 07/20/84 AOB 1 OB/3l/B4 Al.4 6 01/27/B4 Ol/3l/B4 02/04/84 02/08/B4 02/20/B4 03/0B/B4 03/23/B4 07/0B/B4 07/OB/84 07/0B/84 07/12/B4 07/25/84 07/26/B4 A0 5 BOl AOB All BOB Al.5 Al7 COl COl COl BOB B02 B02 3 1 6 1 1 4 1 4 4 4 1 6 6 07/26/B4 All 1 OB/12/84 A09 1 OB/15/B4 Al.0 2 04/10/B4 A06 3 09/13/B4 BOl 2 0 2/15/84 BOB 5 02/1B/B4 All 1 03/14/B4 Al.2 4 ARKANSAS GAZ E.Tl'E INDEX 1984 D\TE IXX2PATQI USA Amusement i;a.rk offers something for areryone PAG C 07/29/84 COB 1 rxx;s see also - Wildlife Article on d:>g obedience course in Little Rock Jubilee dies in Pulaski County Deputy Sheriff ' s car Jubilee gets funeral ceranony, burial Offspring of Jubilee is subj ect of discussion Death of Jubilee investigated Federal govt sues owner of d:>g that allegedly bit mailman OONCNAN 'IDM see also - Legal Profession OONREY OUTJXJOR ADVERTISlNJ CO see also - Advertising OORNENB'Uro PETER R Killed when gun disdlarged in purse dropped by wanan Campbell says she carried gun because of death threat Charges filed in death of surgeon Ihyllis Campbell gets probation for one year 0000!.AS RCBERT R see also - Books and Writing oomIASS RCBERT 'llICM\S Obituary OOU'IHIT l\NCIL M Obituary OOU'llI IT GEOIG E Robert McCord article on :i;:hotoj ournalist IXlV QIEMICAL CD Two men lose apeal to pursue suit on alleged sterlity Gives valuable computer to Univ of Ark at Fayettarille IXJVELL CARRCLL D see also - Arkansas River tru'Gc:Dl/:GCN CREECFNr see also - Books and Writing DRAINAGE DISTRIC!'S see - Floods DROO'lll see also - Agriculture DRUG ABUSE AND TRAFFIC see - Alcohol and Drug Abuse IROOS AND DRUG TRADE see also - Medicaid Action on l icense for ne.w :i;:harmacy in Huntsville delayed DRUMIDND WINSIDl Critical of method F.d Bethune used to recommend US judge DRUNKEN AND RECKLESS DRIVlNJ see - Traffic Accidents and Safety llJBE MARSHALL MURDER CAS E Eklward Oliver Sunwall found guilty of manslaughter Jury recorranends 10-yr term, fine for Sunwall 05/13/84 07/18/84 07/19/84 07/24/84 07/29/84 09/16/84 COl AOl All Al.0 A08 Al.3 2 4 5 3 6 1 12/07/84 12/08/84 12/11/84 12/20/84 AOl A05 Al.0 002 2 4 2 1 01/05/84 Al.0 3 01/05/84 Al.0 6 11/09/84 A21 1 03/06/84 BOS 1 12/16/84 007 1 02/16/84 A03 3 09/22/84 A03 4 01/26/84 A08 4 01/29/84 Al.0 6 OOCKS see - IOultry and F.ggs llJMAS Police Qlief Jim Peterson, asst chief resign 89 08/23/84 BOl 1 ARKANSAS GAZ ElITE INDEX 1984 Dl\.TE PAG C OOMAS IRMA Featur e article on owner of Irma Dlllnas store chain SUSAN see also - Opera IlJNNAHOO PATRICK Authors book called A Tolable Plenty mnER CYNTHIA Arkansas native works to free teenagers in Iranian prisons DYNAVEST CORP Batesville firm sued for $10 .5 million by Coloraoo firm FIGLES see - Wildlife EAKIN CLIVER KAY JR see also - Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame EARL JOON C see also - Arkansas-Olancery Court District 06 FARS AND HFARn.:G see - Human Body FAR'IH;lUAKE FEST see - Festivals FAR'IH;lUAKFS State j oins consortium on study of Ne.w Madrid Fault Conflicting advice given on. surviving eartlquakes Funds approved for study of Ne.w Madrid Fault Mississippi River could shift west of Crowley ' s Ridge Map shows eartlquake epicenters on Ne.w Madrid fault, 1 974-81 PASLEY CURrIS .Ebrmer educator dies FAST JACK see also - Handicapped ECDNGllC CONDITIONS see also - Little Rock-F.conomic Conditions .ECDNGU:C DEVELOPMENT see also - Com:E;anies and Factories ECDNGllC OPIOR'IUNITY AGENCY OF PULASKI COUNI'Y Hopes to develop antitheft device for autanobiles Audit spurs irx;i:ui ries on funds handling Told to r ep:i.y expenditures deaned improper , make changes Director asserts funds used properly, disputes state finding Agency agrees to r ep:i.y $2 ,500 , offers plan on $22 ,359 Doug Branoon wants probe of grant fund use Gets $86 ,000 100r e fran state to continue theft device work Probe of possibl e fraud, conflict of interest to be made Black l awmakers f ran Pulaski say agency harassed Gov Bill Clinton has not been blamed for problans Antitheft device works as pranised after brief delay Report released on alleged i rregularities at EDA Black, white legislators battle over EDA operations ECDNGU:C OPIOR'IUNITY AGENCY OF WASHn.:G'ION <DUNI'Y Scholarships help improve j ob skills of single };a.rents ECDNGUCS Supply Side economics to be explored in series of L DuVall Unfilled promises of Supply Side economics Supply Side econanics and the size of the national debt 06/10/84 DOl 1 DUNN 90 04/08/84 cos 2 09/04/84 BOl 5 11/3 0/84 A24 l 01/28/84 04/18/84 04/18/84 12/06/84 12/06/84 BOl A03 A03 BO! BO! 3 l 1 5 6 10/13/84 Al7 5 02/06/84 02/06/84 02/29/84 03/01/84 03/16/84 05/12/84 06/06/84 07/14/84 08/02/84 08/05/84 09/05/84 11/10/84 12/15/84 BOl BO! A06 Al2 AO 9 A08 BO! AO! B02 A20 A06 A08 AlO l 6 1 1 1 4 2 4 1 1 4 1 1 02/15/84 BO! 2 09/09/84 AO! 5 09/09/84 IO! 1 09/10/84 All 1 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 mTE Supply Side ecxmomics and the interest on the publ ic debt Supply Side eoonomics and the rolling tax cuts SUpply Side eoonomics series to be reprinted in Cong Reoor d Supply Side eoonanics and Economic Reoovery Tax Act of 1981 Selling the ooncept of supply Side eoonanics Supply Side eoonanics and control of inflation SUpply Side eoonanics and the 1984 Presidential Election BX;EM)NT see also - Storms and Tornadoes EIXJCATION see also - College see also - Private Schools see also - Public School Comment on oourt decision in Burrow case Winslow students use time warp for 1900 period study EroCATION - CX>MRJLSORY Compulsory attendance law upheld by Ark Suprane Court Wayne Burrow challenged oompulsory attendance law Christian Hane F.ducation Assn oondems ct for Burrow decision Prosecutor will not charge i;a.rents educating children at bane Piazza to await possibl e r evision of school law EDlARIS JAMES J Former state Legislator dies EGGS see - Poultry and F.ggs EILERS WALTER see also - Arkansas Education Association see also - Public School Standards EL SALVAOOR salvadorans stop in LR to publicize problan of refugees ELEC!' IONS see also - Arkansas-Politics and El ections see also - local Elections ELECI'IONS - CX>NTESTED AND DISRJTED see also - Arkansas-Politics and Elections see also - Mississippi County ELECI'RIC EOVER see also - Arkansas El ectric Cooperative Corp see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co see also - Southwestern El ectric Power Co see also - Southwestern Power Adninistration Plan for water reservoi r atop Petit Jean Mtn draws opposition Rates in Ark still among lowest, UALR study shows Hope gets license for :E;OWer proj ect at Millwood ram Plan revived for pumped storage on 2 mtns on Arkansas River North Little Rock plant on Murray ram must have oost l imit Firm unveils plan for generator above Murray ram Petit Jean storage plan infuriates i;a.rks officials Pumped storage plan at Petit Jean draws heavy opposition Residents of Petit Jean obj ect to punped storage plan Halt to Arkansas River pumped storage plan sought by Bumpers ELIZABE'IH MIT<llELL ClIILIEENS CENTER Article describes work of center in Little Rock History of hane for children briefly revie.wed 91 09/11/84 09/12/84 09/14/84 09/14/84 09/15/84 09/15/84 09/16/84 PPG C All Al5 Al8 A23 Al7 A21 HOl 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 05/23/84 BOl 2 08/13/84 B02 1 05/22/84 05/22/84 09/13/84 11/30/84 12/01/84 B02 B0 2 BOl A05 A09 6 6 3 1 1 12/05/84 Al3 3 10/08/84 AOl 2 01/26/84 03/24/84 06/09/84 08/21/84 08/30/84 09/01/84 09/09/84 09/12/84 09/12/84 12/14/84 BOB C07 A0 8 A03 BOl Al.8 Al5 A0 9 A09 A03 3 1 1 5 4 1 1 6 6 3 10/28/84 DOl 1 10/28/84 DOI 1 ARKANSAS GAZ E.Tl'E lNDEX 1984 DA.TE ELLISON JIM see also - Vigilantes and Radicalism EmE2ZL.EMENI' AND MISAPFROPR.IATION see also - Arkansas Tech University see also - Arkansas-contractors Licensing Board see also - Central Arkansas Savings and Loan Association see also - Citizens Bank of Jonesboro see also - First National Bank of Harrison see also - Stei;ilens Inc EMR..OYEE LF.ASDG see - Labor and Employee Leasing EMPLOYMENT see - Labor and Employment E1'lD TIME HANIJliAIDENS Feature article on religious group based at Jasper Group sometimes classified as a cult ENDl\t\GERED AND mcr'INcr SPECIES see - Plants see - Wildlife ENEKiY AND IU\l"ER see also - Solar Energy Ehergy Off ice offers to i;:ay loan interest for cxmservation ENEKiY CONSERVATION see - Energy and Power OOINEERS AND a.t; INEERill2 see also - U&-An1¥ Corps of Engineers ENVIRrnMEmAL IDLLUI'ION see - :Ebllution EPISCOPAL ClillRCH - Lrr.r.LE ROCK see also - Private Schools-Little Rock Centennial of service in Trinity Cathedral to be celebrated BJUAL IDJCATIONAL OPIOR'IUNITY see - College Segregation see - Publ ic School Segregation BJUAL RIGHTS � see also - Congress-House District 2 see also - Moral Majority EREMF.A KEITH see also - Arkansas State :Eblice ERICKSCN KAI see also - Arkansas F.ducation Association ERNSI1 LYNN RAY see also - Kidnapping EIJREl{A SPR.DGS see also - Fi res-Eilreka Springs see also - Hotels-Eilreka Springs see also - :Ebllution City Council votes tax rise after closed session Mayor n>n Thurman says closed session was legal under FOI Mayor n>n Thurman asserts repts on tax rise ' garbage ' Fi re Olief John Perkins declares news blackout Probe of possible FOI violations begins Journalists assail closed session of City Council Suit cy- journalists seeks ruling that Council violated FOI 92 PAG C 02/26/84 C04 1 02/26/84 C04 1 03/28/84 BOl 2 10/15/84 BOl 2 11/22/84 11/22/84 11/28/84 11/30/84 12/01/84 12/02/84 12/05/84 AOl AOl BOl A08 A05 Al9 A05 5 5 5 1 1 3 1 ARKANSAS GAZ E'l'l'E INDEX 1984 D!-\.TE Retx>rter ra:auests, gets r ecords about hotel fire Fire Cll i ef John Perkins resigns Tax rise approved by JPs before city took any action Reporter , five journal ism groups sue in FOI case Council rej ects guilty plea on POI charge, hires counsel Mayor , five aldermen face FOI charges Prosecutor alleges criminal violation of FOI law EXCIWX2E PARTS OF ARKANSAS Arkadelp:da firm' s success attributed to cooperative efforts EXEOJTIONS see - Capital Punishment EXECl.JTIVE MANSION see - Arkansas-Executive Mansion EXEClJTIVE SERVICE CDRPS Reti red executives cbnate services to nonprofit, govt groups EXPLQSIVES AND EXPLOOIONS see also - Bars and Night Clubs see also - IaCroix Optical Co see also - RSC Mining Co see also - US-Defense and Armed Forces Explosives r ecovered fran bottan of Spring Lake in Yell Co Legislatur e to consider ban on booby traps EXPORTS AND IMroRTS see also - Monark Boat Co Arkansas Export Program organized EXPOSITIONS AND FAIRS see also - Iouisiana World Exposition �EMISM see - Vigilantes and Radicalism FACI'ORIES see - Comi;:anies and Factories FAHRENKOPF FRANK Addresses state Republican convention Ties to gambling in Nevada noted in Gazette editorial. FAIRCHILD BARRY LEE see also - Mason Marjorie L Murder case E2\.IRFIELD BAY see also - storms and Tornacbes E2\.IRFIELD OOMMUNITIES Firm to build heacquarters bldg in Little Rock FArIH HFJ\Ln:G see - Baptist Cllurch-North Little Rock FALLS see - Accidents and Safety mLWELL JERRY Visits Arkansas, endorses 3 state Republican candidates Arkansas Gazette says voters wiped out Falwell slate in Ark FAMILIES AND FAMILY LIFE see also - Genealogy Article discusses problan of IOOV ing back in with i;arents mMILY LIFE AMERICA GOD see also - Concord School District FAMILY PLANNING see - Birth Control 93 12/07/84 12/07/84 12/08/84 12/11/84 12/12/84 12/22/84 12/29/84 PAG C Al.4 Al.4 Al.5 A07 BOl AOl AOl 1 5 1 4 5 4 6 07/08/84 B04 4 01/04/84 BOl 2 08/03/84 Al.6 5 11/22/84 Al.2 3 01/13/84 A03 1 09/09/84 AOl 2 09/27/84 Al.4 1 09/20/84 All 1 10/30/84 BOl 4 11/15/84 Al.8 1 06/24/84 COl 2 ARKANSAS GAZEI"l'E lNDEX 1984 mTE FARM BUREro see - Arkansas Farm Bureau FMM FAMILY OF 'HIE YEAR see - Agriculture FARMER BILLY D MURDER CASE Farmer found dead in neighbor ' s apartment FARMERS see - Agriculture FARMERS COOPERATIVE OF LEE CDUNI'Y Creditors seek liquidation of grain firm PllG C 01/24/84 A0 5 4 01/20/84 A0 5 3 .F2\RMS see also - Holthoff Howard A Family Land holdings by foreigners cbuble in Arkansas FARRELL MIKE see also - Vaughan Jerrell Murder Case FARRIS JEFFERSOO' D Pres of UCA urges fight against weakening of school standards FAUBUS ORVAL E Will seek no ix>litical off ice this year Price on mansion slashed Letter to Jesse Jackson is not an encbrsement Jesse Jackson calls Faulx.ls l etter a redemptive gesture Praises Rev Jess Jackson' s pr esidential ambitions Participates in program of Arkansas Historical Assn Attends Democratic Black Caucus dinner F.AUCE'l'l' ERNEST see also - Bioplex International FAI.JLl<NER CDUNI'Y Sheriff Olarles Castleberry and Det Bill McNa-;r scuffle FAI.JLl<NER CDUNI'Y JAIL Probe being made of 196 0 death of Marvin Williams at j ail FBI will not reopen probe of death of Marvin Williams Skull fractur e recalled in case of Williams Federal probe in death of Williams not planned Manorial service for Marvin Williams attracts 400 in LR Survivors of Marvin Williams file $4 million suit in us oourt Gov Bill Clinton orders thorough probe by State Pol ice Investigation of 196 0 death of Williams oompleted Marvin Iberg says he and O H Mullenax did not beat Williams Marvin Williams caused than no trouble, Marvin Iberg says In:Juest transcript shows j urors told to probe foul play angle Prisoner ' s l etter , findings by .EBI in 196 0 conflict Wicbw says Sheriff was bane night of alleged beating Article explores questions that persist in 1 96 0 death City of CorMay asks dismissal of suit by Williams relatives City of Corway asks to alter filing in Williams case Prosecutor William Brazil to step aside in probe of death Prosecutor William Brazil says case closed in Williams death Williams family supported by rally at State Capitol Members of ACORN and NAACP mardl to suppor t Williams family Gov Bill Cl inton calls for Grand Jury probe of death Prosecuting Atty says no decision reached on Grand Jury call Williams death is subj ect of N3C..JJV program "20/20" Judge George F Hartj e Jr would step aside for investigation 94 04/16/84 B02 6 08/11/84 C07 2 01/23/84 02/01/84 03/10/84 03/13/84 03/13/84 03/30/84 04/14/84 A03 A03 Al8 AOl AOl Al7 Al O 2 3 4 3 3 4 2 11/29/84 BOl 5 07/24/84 08/07/84 08/19/84 08/28/84 09/03/84 09/08/84 09/12/84 09/26/84 09/27/84 09/27/84 09/28/84 09/28/84 09/29/84 09/30/84 10/10/84 10/13/84 10/23/84 10/25/84 10/25/84 10/25/84 10/26/84 10/27/84 10/27/84 10/30/84 A03 A03 Al4 A03 BOl BOl A07 AlO AOl AOl AOl AlO AOl A0 4 A06 All BOl AOl AOl A0 4 Al2 AOl AOl AOl 1 3 1 5 6 2 1 6 2 2 3 3 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 5 5 2 2 2 ARKANSAS GAZ El'l'E INDEX 1984 DATE Parties resi:ond to suit filed by 12 Williams survivors Ronnie Williams says Brazil was prej udiced in case fran first William Brazil calls for Grand Jury probe in Williams case Judge George Hartj e Jr to step aside for probe in case Brazil asks Gov Clinton what questions he wants before j ury Gov Clinton says only question is who killed Marvin Williams Juanita 'Ihanas says C O Bensley adnitted beating Williams Mrs J 'Ihanas lived in Texas when Williams died, relatives say State to p:iy for Grand Jury probe in death of Williams Judge John Lineberger to preside over Williams Grand Jury William Braz il disqualifies himself for death probe Judge Lineberger willing to delay hearing Ne1 autop:>y to be made on oody of Marvin Williams Marij uana and vodka found in j ail Body of Marvin Williams exhumed Security tightened after marijuana. and vodka found Gary Isbell named prosecutor in Williams case Ne1 sources developed in Williams case, prosecutor says FAULRNER LAKE see also - Lakes and Reservoi rs Plan to cl ean swamp channel s is under fire FAULRNER RCBERT see also - Congress-Bouse District 2 FAUSE VIRGINIA see also - Arkansas-Sesquicentennial FAUSEI'l' CD Little Rock firm changes name to Financial Centre Corp FAYE.'PI'E.VILLE see also - Advertising see also - Government Bonds and Invesbnents see also - Sewage and Liquid Wastes Ne1 p:irking deck found to be sul::standard, needing rep:iirs Firms asked to discuss p:trking deck problems Parking deck found to be structurally sound Police officers file suit for back p:iy FAYE.'PI'E.VILLE CITY JAIL Rade1 Comm sues over conditions at j ail FAYFPl'E.VILLE SCBOCL DISTRICI' District was second in old Confederate South to desegr egate FEDERAL AID see - Grants In Aid FERNJ:l\LE see also - Civil Rights FERRIES see also - Arkansas River see also - Lakes and Reservoi rs FERSTL '!OM see also - Cl inton Bill see also - Little Rock School District Leads opp:>sition to tax rise for Little Rock School Dist FESTIVALS Riverfest at Little Rock attracts thousands Riverfest crowd tops 50 , 000 during events Farthquake Fest to be held at Paragould 95 11/01/84 11/02/84 11/08/84 11/09/84 11/10/84 11/10/84 11/12/84 11/14/84 11/15/84 11/17/84 11/22/84 11/25/84 11/27/84 12/01/84 12/02/84 12/04/84 12/05/84 12/05/84 Pl\G C B02 A03 AlO Al3 Al3 Al3 AOS A03 AlS Al9 AlO A04 A06 BOl A22 B02 A03 A03 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 5 1 6 1 6 6 3 1 1 05/12/84 BOl 3 07/29/84 BOS 1 08/19/84 08/23/84 09/20/84 11/08/84 Al3 B02 C07 A08 1 3 3 6 12/14/84 A26 1 05/17/84 BOl 3 03/10/84 A07 1 05/27/84 A06 5 05/28/84 BOl 1 07/08/84 Al8 3 ARKANSAS GAZ El'TE INDEX 1984 I»\TE Heart of Arkansas Catf ish Jamtoree to benefit NYr Riverboat Days Festival celebrated at NeJpe>rt Summerset Festival at Burns Park to include full weekend Tontitown Grape Festival offers variety of activities Hope watermelon growers gear up for contest , festival Summerset Festival at NLR features baloon races Fall is festival time in Arkansas Healthfest in Hot Springs celebrates health First National Deer Horn Blowing Contest held at Hamburg FEYEN MAORIS RAY see also - Warren James J Murder Case FIELDS BILL Ik>na.tes 283-acre tract to University of Ark at Fayetteville FIFTY SIX SOIOCL DISTRicr District allows 26 students to transfer to Calico Rock FILES JACK D see also - Gambl ing FINANCIAL CENTRE CDRP New name adopted for former Fausett Co f iIIllS FIRFARMS see also - Radicalism see also - Vigilantes and Radicalism Gun control might have pr evented random violence, Glover says FIRES - AUGUSI'A Five children die in house fire Gas leak blamed for fire that killed five children FIRES - CLARKSVILLE see also - Tastybird Foods FIRES - :EUREKA SPRDGS Landaker Hotel , a historic structur e, destroyed by fire FIRES - FORDYCE Cllild dies in house fire FIRES - HOPE 'IWo businesses destroyed FffiES - HO!' SPRDGS SUit seeks $21 million fran SW Bell for 1980 apartment fire SUit against SW Bell involves 4 deaths in apartment fire Jury finds &W Bell not liable in fire at apartment FIRES - LITTLE ROCK see also - Beaumont Nursing Hane see also - Boykins Murder Case see also - First Commercial Bank of Little Rock see also - Restaurants see also - St Vincent Infirmary 'IWo children die in two house fires in Pulaski County '!Wo house fires in Pulaski County began in kitchen Ik>nald Henry rescued child f ran burning house in rural area Daniel Herrin helped r escue one child f ran burning house Wanan dies in apartment fire '!Wo children die in apartment fire Warehouse fire brings $400 , QOO damage Edgehill bane of Mrs Booker Worthen destroyed loss in Worthen bane fire set at $6SO , 000 Worthen r esidence fire caused by short ci rcuit 96 07/27/84 07/27/84 08/01/84 08/21/84 08/21/84 08/31/84 10/28/84 11/09/84 ll/2S/84 PAG C BOl BOl BOl BOl BOl BOl COl BOl ED6 3 6 2 2 3 4 2 S 1 07/03/84 COS 1 07/24/84 A07 3 07/29/84 BOS 1 07/30/84 A09 2 03/03/84 AOl 2 03/06/84 A0 4 1 11/30/84 A08 6 04/12/84 A08 1 01/06/84 AOl 6 08/3 0/84 BOl 2 08/30/84 B02 2 09/01/84 BOB 1 01/17/84 01/18/84 01/18/84 01/19/84 01/23/84 03/26/84 1 0/17/84 11/24/84 11/24/84 ll/2S/84 AOl AOl AOl A03 AO S A06 BOl AO S AOS A23 3 2 6 1 s 1 2 1 1 1 ARKANSA.C) GAZErl'E INDEX 1984 :mTE Lighthouse Baptist Tanple damaged Barbara Graves Intimate Fashions hit by arsonist, loss heavy Marguerite ' s Corset Shop damaged in suspicious fire FIRES - MN;NCLIA House fire kills seven children Mother charged with endangering welfare of minors FIRES - MARIANNA 'IWo buildings destroyed in d:>wntown area FIRES - NEIDIAM Youth dies in house fire FIRES - PINE BLUFF see also - Davis Skilled Nursing Center Child inj ured in house fire FIREWORKS see also - Accidents and Safety FIRST ARKANSA.C) BANRSTOCK CORP see also - stephens Inc Agr ees to buy four banks controlled by C Josei;h Giroi r Jr Net income shows increase over last year Mochtar Riady explains his interest in Arkansas firm William L Cravens named pr esident, placed on board Assets expected to total $2 .4 billion by 1 985 Fabco is now largest financial institution in Arkansas Name may change to Worthen Banking Corp Name changed to Worthen Banking Corp Reason for name change explained FIRST BANK AND TRUSI' OF JONESBORO see also - Simnons First National Corp FIRST CDMMERCIAL BANK OF LITILE ROCK see also - Comex Inc see also - Fi rst Commercial Corp President William L Cravens r esigns Building damaged by fire, smoke Building tenants trying to operate without power FIRST CDMMERCIAL CDRP see also - Fi rst Commercial Bank of Little Rock see also - Morrilton Security Bank Big purchase of Fi rst Commercial stock brings speculation Stock sold was f ran shares of Charles J Cella Murchisons of Dallas tuy shares in Fi rst Commercial Negotiations with Murchisons cxmtinuing, sources say Murchison family purchase of stock is on schedule stockholder l ists are highly private, William H Bowen says Fi rst United Bankshares of El Ibrad> is Muri;hy ' s firm Group headed by Charles Muri;hy Jr buys large block of stock Group led by Charles Murphy i;aid $10 . 8 million for shares FIRST FEDERAL SAVOOS AND LOAN A5SOCIATION OF L ITTL E ROCK Firm sues Cl int MOrchison for $25 million FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF EL OORAOO see - Fi rst United Bank of El Ibrad:> FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF FAYETI'WILLE see also - WOrthen Banking Corp FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HARRISGI Steve McEntire gets prison term for anbezzlanent 97 PJ\,G C 11/27/84 ClO 2 12/06/84 A04 2 12/06/84 A0 4 3 02/12/84 AOl 5 02/22/84 A03 4 09/03/84 AOl 2 05/07/84 A0 9 4 01/17/84 A03 1 01/28/84 02/04/84 03/11/84 03/28/84 05/10/84 08/02/84 08/10/84 10/24/84 10/24/84 AOl AlO BOl D07 DOS DOB C09 A09 D07 4 4 5 2 2 2 2 1 4 01/27/84 C06 1 04/09/84 AOl 3 04/10/84 AO S 1 02/29/84 02/29/84 03/01/84 03/02/84 03/10/84 04/18/84 OS/04/84 OS/04/84 06/14/84 AOl AOl AOl AOS AOl BOl AOl AOl A07 5 S 2 1 2 6 S S 1 OS/31/84 DOS 1 04/11/84 All s ARKANSAS GAZ ETI'E INDEX 1984 Dl\TE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Ml\.GNCLIA see - Fi rst United Bank of El. n>rado FIRST PYRAMID L IFE INSURANCE CD William B Fisher is new president Firm charts new financial oourse for financial str ength Firm bought � Security Benefit Life Insurance C.O Douglas L Gockel named pres and Vern Herbel chief officer FIRST STATE BANK OF LAKE VILI.JIGE see also - Simmons Fi rst National C.Orp FIRST UNITID BANK OF EL OORAOO Formed � merger of Fi rst Natl at Magnol ia and El n>rado FIRST UNITED BANKSHARES OF EL OORAIX> see al so - First Commercial C.Orp FIRST VARIABLE L IFE INSURANCE CD Frank N Gordon and &'Mard c Hamill named exec vice presidents FIRSTSCXJ'IH Assets now exceed $1 billion Gives $50 , 00 0 to University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Regional heaaauarters bldg in Fayetteville to be 5 stories Restructuring of managment oompleted Suit alleges two banks oonspi red to destroy firm' s business Suit centers on loan made to Texas Western Devel.opnent Texas Western used loan to buy Sundance C.Ondominium in Cal. if Seven banking institutions sue Firstsouth over loan FISH see - Wildlife FISH ClJL'IURE see - lquaculture FISH FARMJN; see - lquacultur e FISH HATOIERIES see - Wildlife FISHER see al so - Storms and Tornadoes FISHER GEOR;E Best cartoons of 1983 reviewed Best cartoons � Fisher for 1984 FISHER JIMMIE LOO see also - Arkansas-Treasur er Commends selection of Mrs Ferraro for Dem VP candidate FISHER WILLIAM B Named president of Fi rst Pyramid Life Insurance C.O FISHJN; see - Bass Masters Classic FLANPGAN H E Father of Betty Bumpers dies at Olarl eston FLANPGAN CLA Dr\LE f<k>ther of Mrs re.le Bumpers dies at Olarl eston F.L:EMJM; PATRICK WAYNE see al so - Mallet Effie Jean Murder Case FLENIKEN D:ENNIS see also - Public School Standards FLOODS Greenlea Lake not effective in pr eventing flooding in NLR 98 01/01/84 09/09/84 10/11/84 12/09/84 PP.Ci C BOl BOl AOl BOl 2 1 6 1 01/01/84 Al. 2 6 12/09/84 BOl 1 02/04/84 02/18/84 10/03/84 11/04/84 12/18/84 12/18/84 12/18/84 12/19/84 cos B02 006 BOl A0 4 A04 A0 4 AO S 6 1 2 3 6 6 6 1 01/02/84 BOl 1 12/31/84 BOl 1 07/15/84 Bl 5 1 01/01/84 BOl 2 09/16/84 Al. 2 6 02/17/84 Al. 2 6 11/04/84 A08 1 ARKANSAS GAZ EI".l'E INDEX 1984 DATE FLOOOO see also - Cache River Flood r ecords set on 34 streams last year Control plan for city of Clinton altered by easement problems Central Arkansas hit by flooding Borrowed money for Village Creek dist has not been repaid Jackson Col.mty drainage dist has debt of $1 .6 million Several residents personally liable for Village Creek loans Village Creek, White River and Mayberry is name of district Village Creek Dist gets right to annex land to help µiy debt Control over levee and drainage districts urged Bridge used by farmers in dispute over drainage dist rurns Planned control proj ect at Clinton may end walleye fishing '!Wo guarantees of Village Creek Dist may have legal problems 'lhree pumps vandal ized in Village Creek Drainage Dist area. Baucum Drainage Dist may be revived to rel ieve Rose City area Residents along Rock Creek in Little Rock fear another flood Fourche Creek flood control plans moving sla'lly Pine BlUff sUff ers heavy damage in flooding Pine BlUff flood damages hanes, arts center Mayor of Pine BlUff says city could not pr event flooding Congress deletes funds for ten proj ects planned for Ark Flash floods plague state areas Little Rock r esidents forced fran banes by floodwaters Parts of CorMay, Garland, Saline and Miller Counties flooded Flash flooding continues across state flk>re floods hit Little Rock as heavy rains continue Rivers have flooded farm land across state Nimrod Lake waters p:>uring over spillway Patterns in southwest Little Rock studied Village Creek Drainage Dist ple,adings f iled in court Landowners f ight prop:>sal to reassess by Villiage Creek Dist Legal status of Village Creek Drainage Dist questioned Village Creek actions legal ized over obj ections of landowners Little Rock flooding occurs after 3 inches of rainfall State Repr Paul Ibramus shown flooding in city Ibr amus to contact Congr essnen for help with .Fourche proj ect &lgineers to begin work to ease flooding on .Fourche Creek Little cbne since 1978 flood to tame .Fourche Creek Schools and roads closed in Northwest Ark by heavy rains FLOVERS Descendant of Iavid O Ibdd rose sought for Sesquicentennial FOLK ARTS see - Arts .FOOD Olef s at Little Rock hold dinner for thansel ves Milk Unfai r Practices Act of 1955 declared void Market b:lsket survey includes Little Rock prices FOOD CONTAMINATION AND rorsamx; Tainted beef consumed at 2 VA hospitals in central Ark .FOOD STAMPS see - Welfare FOOIBALL COLLEGE see also - Hatfield Ken - 99 01/14/84 03/10/84 05/03/84 06/24/84 06/24/84 06/24/84 06/24/84 06/26/84 06/28/84 07/06/84 07/22/84 07/26/84 08/02/84 08/26/84 09/23/84 09/23/84 09/24/84 09/25/84 09/26/84 10/12/84 10/19/84 10/20/84 10/20/84 10/21/84 10/21/84 10/24/84 10/27/84 10/28/84 10/28/84 11/01/84 11/09/84 11/17/84 11/27/84 11/28/84 11/29/84 12/01/84 12/02/84 12/22/84 PJ\G C BOl Al3 AO! AO! AO! AO! AO! AO! AO! B02 ED6 A0 9 AlO AlO Al9 A3 0 A03 A06 BO! Al6 Al2 A03 A07 AOl AOl A0 4 BO! A08 A23 A04 AlB A03 C06 AOB BO! A03 A23 BO! 1 2 6 2 2 2 2 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 2 1 2 l 2 6 4 2 2 l 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 l 5 10/29/84 BO! 5 01/26/84 BO! 2 04/14/84 A03 4 06/27/84 COl 2 12/05/84 BO! 5 ARKANSAS GAZ E'Pl'E INDEX 1984 Dl\TE UO\. Ccach Harold Horton named NAIA Coach of the Year Frank Broyles says UA a-1es no funds to Lou Holtz Table shows funds UA received fran TV broadcasts last 2 yrs salary of UA ooach oompared with others in Southwest Conf Pr E.111 iew of 1984 season UA Razortacks are first choice of Liberty Ba-11 for game Arkansas State Univ chosen for NCAA Div I-AA playoff AIC champions UO\. to be in NAIA national playoff Arkansas State Univ defeats Tenn-Olattanooga in playoff All-AIC team named Arkansas State Univ defeated in playoffs by Montana State UA Razortacks to face Auburn Univ in Liberty Ba-11 UO\. Bea.rs overpower Moorhead State in national playoff Three UA Razortacks named to AP Al.1-&TC team UCA meets Central Washington next in national playoff NA.IA championship game may be played at UO\. in Comay Razortacks James Shibest and Mark Elliott named to UPI team UO\. Bea.rs pummel Central Washington to move to NAIA final Arkansas State Univ places 5 players on Al.1-SLC first team UCA shares national title with Carson Newman with tie game Arkansas ' s NAIA All-Americans for 1 984 listed University of Central Ark had great year in 1984 University of Ark tx:>wl history University of Ark falls to Auburn in Liberty Ba-11 Hogtrain carries 180 passengers to Liberty Ba-11 game FOO'lBALL - HIGH SQiOCL Pr E.'ITiew of 1984 season Cross County def ea.ts Rison for Class A state championship Crossett defeats Searcy for Cl.ass AAA state championship Little Rock Cath defeats West Men?iis for Class AAAA title McGehee defeats F.arl e for Class AA state championship Arkansas Gazette Super Team named Catholic High Coach Roy Iavis named Coach of the Year Helena ' s Fr eddie Olildress named top defensive player of year James Rouse of Parkview named player of the year Wheatley drops football as eex>nOfi\Y measure FORD GmALD Speaks at Searcy for F.d Bethune campaign for US Senate FORD GERALD R Fee for speech at UO\. brings criticism Former President speaks at University of Central Arkansas Searcy speech to benefit F.d Bethune in race for US Senate FORD r-D'IDR ffiEDIT CD Suit on interest can be tried as class action, ct rules Opposing attorneys accused of unethical oonduct in case FOREIGN DF.SCEm' GRaJPS see also - Chinese in Arkansas FOREIGNERS IN ARKANSAS Mr and Mrs Kurt F Perwolf ask j udge to stop deportation Federal ct orders INS study of case of Perwolfs FOREIGNERS IN 'lll E UNITED STATES Arkansans j oin illegal effort o bring Central Americans to US FOREMAN L D Baptist minister dies while on mission trip to South Pacific 100 PAG C 01/05/84 01/15/84 07/10/84 07/26/84 08/12/84 11/18/84 11/19/84 11/19/84 11/25/84 11/25/84 12/02/84 12/02/84 12/02/84 12/02/84 12/03/84 12/05/84 12/05/84 12/09/84 12/09/84 12/16/84 12/21/84 12/25/84 12/26/84 12/28/84 12/28/84 COl EDl COl DOl HOl El. O DOl DOl EDl ED7 EDl EDl EDl ED3 COl DOl DOl EDl ED2 EDl COl COl Dll AOl A08 2 6 1 5 1 1 2 6 5 1 2 2 5 4 4 2 4 1 1 5 5 1 1 3 4 08/12/84 12/01/84 12/01/84 12/02/84 12/02/84 12/16/84 12/16/84 12/16/84 12/16/84 12/20/84 HOl COl COl EDl 1 1 5 4 6 1 3 1 4 4 an ED6 ED6 ED7 ED7 DOS 05/13/84 AOl 2 02/12/84 BlS 2 03/30/84 AOl 3 0 4/28/84 AlO 5 10/28/84 A07 1 11/18/84 Al.2 1 11/20/84 A05 4 11/21/84 AOS 1 05/19/84 BOl 1 08/25/84 Al.3 4 ARRANSA.5 GAZ ETI'E INDEX 1984 DATE FOREST AND BIDSH FIRES '!Wo foresters killed in fire near Mena Probe oontinues into death of two foresters Earl BroaQ.lell reti ring after 10 yrs as fire SI:X>tter on taNer FORESTS AND FORESTRY see also - For est and Brush Fires Poison Spr State Forest is in dispute by G&FC, Forestry canm Federal govt spends more than it earns in timber sales State Cong Delegation differ on ooncern about prof it Road ruilt by Job Corps in Franklin Co is oontroversial Dr Phyllis Garnett warns foresters to use best practices FORREST CITY FBI probing charge that I:X>lice used excessive force FORT OW'FEE MINERAL LFASES see - Oil and Gas FOSSILS see - Paleontology FOSTER C'ARE OF CHILmEN see - Brown Center see - Elizabeth Mitchell Olildren' s Center FOSTER NORMA see also - Hendrickson Orin Murder Case FOSTER WILLIAM F SR see also - Aloohol ic Beverages FOUNTAINBLF.NJ NURSJN; HCME State ooard suggests fine, probation for Little Rock bane FOXWOOD caJN.rRY CLUB Gr eens damaged by three men may total $100 ,000 Club seeks $150 , 000 in damages to grounds FRANCIS FAMILY MURDER O\SE Mark Oiristian Henderson gets life without FSrole FRANKLIN C OUNTY see a l so - F ranklin Coun ty Ja i l FRANKLIN <DUNrY JAIL N dinner for prisoners approved by JPs to save money FRATERNAL ORDER OF OOLICE see - Little Rock-Etnployees and Officials PP.G C 04/27/84 A0 5 1 04/28/84 A0 5 1 06/10/84 BOl 5 06/27/84 07/22/84 07/22/84 07/22/84 10/27/84 A07 Al.9 Al. 9 Al. 9 A0 5 l 1 1 4 5 09/07/84 Al. O 1 10/24/84 A06 4 01/25/84 A09 2 02/09/84 A0 5 3 02/03/84 A07 3 08/22/84 BOl 6 FRATERNAL ORDERS see also - Knights of fythias FRATmNrrIES J\lID SORORrr I ES see also - University of Arkansas at Fayetteville FRAIJIE AND SVINDL]N; see also - Autanobiles see also - Comex Inc see also - Diplana Mills see also - Food Contamination and Poisoning see also - Road Contracts see also - Tele?iones see also - Union National Bank of Little Rock see also - Welfare Wanan loses #$3000 in oon sdlane at North Little Rock Beebe wanan loses $80 0 in swindle Swindlers take rings fran elderly wanan at North Little Rock Four charged wih theft in alleged schane to deceive motorists 101 03/03/84 03/25/84 07/14/84 11/28/84 A06 A06 Al. 0 A0 4 6 4 6 2 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 DATE FRAZEE HELEN see - Crossley Wayne Murder case FRIDERICKS JACK see also - Vigilantes and Radicalism FREE AND ACCEP!'ED ORDER OF MASONS Shriners gather in LR to have fun , raise moeny for hospitals FREE ME'IHODIST O!URO:I see - Methodist Cllurch FREE WILLIAM EARNEST Obituary FREEOOM AND HUMAN RIGHrS see - Civil Rights FREEOOM OF THE PRESS see - Civil Rights see - Freedom of Information FREEMAN ELWOCD see also - Arkansas-Governor FRESHOOR JACK see also - Road Contracts FREYER TONY see also - Books and Writing FRIENIBHIP Lori Baxter Everitt meets pen i:a,l after 13 yrs of letters FROOS see - Wildlife FRUGE JAMFS R see also - Tanyard Springs Village FRUrl' AND VEGETABLES Blueberries bea>ming profitable export fran Arkansas Joe Roberson grows nectarines on farm at Omaha FULBRIGifl' INBrI'l'UTE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS see - University of Arkansas at Fayetteville rutBRIGifl' J WILLIAM Fulbright has back surgery in Washington hospital Returns hane after surgery Book by Lee Riley Powell traces E\llbright dissent on Vietnam Urges joint proj ects with Soviets rather than hopeless talks FULFILL A DRFJ\M Helps fulfill dreams of seriously ill children FULLER MAE FOSTER Former dean of women at Ouachita dies FUN M:>UNI'AIN Grant sought for water i:a,rk near Hardy FUND DRIVES see - Philanthropy FURNI'IURE see - Household furnishings and Equipnent FU'IURE PRCBLEM SCLV� PROORAM see - Problan Solving GADDY LILLY Celebrates 106th birthday GAMBLIK2 see also Oaklawn Park casino night benefit called off on word of LR Pol ice PAG C 06/09/84 BOl 1 01/17/84 A07 6 08/05/84 A04 2 07/29/84 Bl2 1 08/14/84 BOl 2 07/10/84 08/04/84 09/30/84 12/21/84 A03 BOl A23 A03 5 5 4 3 01/14/84 BOl 1 12/04/84 A06 2 05/13/84 BOl 2 07/24/84 B02 5 - 1 02 01/07/84 AOl 5 ARKANSAS GAZ ETI'E INDEX 19B4 !ATE Churches sponsoring bingo gambling are not molested Moral Majority leader Roy McLaughlin predicts lottery defeat State lottery supporters meeting Survey shows voters favor state lottery to benefit educ Inaction f ran educ forces disoourages Doug Wood Hot Springs interest seek vote on casino gambling Businessmen open drive for casino gambling amendment Church groups, Gov Bill Clinton quick to oppose casinos Arkansas Gazette opposes casino gambling Casino gambling proposal opposed by political candidates Ernest Dlnnas discusses casino proposal Citizens United Against Gambling organiz es to fight casinos Casino proponents point to econ gains, sport aspects Methodists vote to opp:>se casinos, state lottery Petitioners told to leave :i;x>lling places in Hot Springs Casino proponents :i;x>int to Las Vegas as site for Baptist conv Casino pranoters will not seek signatures at primary runoff Casino plan opposed by W J Md:uen North Ark Conf of Methodist Church opposes casinos Arkansas District of Assembl ies of God oppose prop:>sals Article explores experience of Atlantic City, NJ with casinos Atlantic City experienced 67 pct crime rise with gambl ing Petitions have mor e names than needed for ballot slot Atlantic City has not experienced expected business boan Petitions filed for vote on Hot Springs casinos Foes of casinos try to organiz e to oombat proposal Casino petitions certified for ballot for Novenber Hot Springs r esidents see casinos as help, p:>ll shows Hot Springs Mayor Jim Randall opposes casino gambling Proponents of casinos <bubt Randall stand will have effect Jim Randall says resp:>nse 9B pct p:>sitive to his stand Casinos need 9 million bettors to meet $600 million gross Bill Clinton vows to fight casino bill amendment Spokesman for ClJA<X; unaware of help f ran Las Vegas gamblers Three charged with oomputeriz ed gambling operation, fraud Limit proposed for casinos during racing season Sheffield Nelson heads Citiz ens United Against Gambling Dr Erwin L McDonald to head Religious Council of Cl.JIG Religious Council of ClJM3 formed to help fight casino plan Text of proposed amdt to allow casino gambl ing in Hot Springs Arkansans for a Better Arkansas pranotes casino prop:>sal Jack Files heads Arkansans for a Better Arkansas Jack Files says there is gambling in every county Arkansas Municip:tl League comm opposes casino proposal Bishop Richard B Wilke urges Methodists to fight casinos Sheffield Nelson sees casino gambling as new jobs deterrent Casinos hurt poor , are regressive, Sheffield Nelson says Doug Wood opposes proposed Arndt to allow casinos in-Arkansas Three Hot Springs churches, YMCA, not available for p:>lls Casino pranoters list funds each local govt can �xpect Sheffield Nelson pr edicts tax increase if casinos approved Casinos seen as threat to tourism industry by opponents F.conomic boost for state eni;hasized by Jack Files Names of oontributors to casino drive will be kept secret 103 Ol/07/B4 0 2/07/B4 02/07/B4 04/23/84 04/24/B4 05/21/B4 05/22/B4 05/23/B4 05/23/B4 05/24/84 05/25/B4 0 5/26/B4 05/2B/B4 05/30/B4 06/05/B4 06/05/B4 06/06/B4 06/09/B4 06/09/B4 06/16/B4 06/24/B4 06/25/B4 06/25/B4 06/26/B4 07/04/B4 07/21/B4 07/28/84 08/0l/B4 OB/02/84 08/02/84 OB/03/B4 OB/OB/B4 OB/1J/B4 OB/14/B4 OB/24/B4 09/0l/B4 09/0B/B4 09/ll/B4 09/1J/B4 0 9/ll/B4 09/14/B4 09/14/B4 09/14/84 09/15/B4 09/16/B4 09/17/B4 0 9/1B/B4 09/19/84 09/21/B4 09/23/B4 09/24/84 09/24/B4 09/24/B4 09/24/B4 PAG C AfJ7 BOB BOB AfJ6 BOl AfJl AfJl AfJ3 Al6 BOl A21 BOl Al2 AfJ9 A03 AfJ3 BOl AfJ6 Al2 BOB AfJl AOl A05 AfJl AOl A03 AOl A03 BOl BOl A05 D07 A06 BOl AfJB B02 A0 4 Al2 Al2 Cl3 A03 A03 AfJ3 BOB AlO AfJ4 BOl BOl AOB A27 A05 BOl BOl BOl 3 1 1 4 5 4 2 5 1 4 1 2 6 3 1 2 5 5 1 3 2 2 2 2 6 5 2 5 4 5 2 2 1 4 2 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 ARRANSAS GAZEI'l'E INDEX 1984 �TE Sheffield Nelson an?iasiz es adverse effects of casinos Jack Files disputes claim that casinos drive out industry Jack Files sees large construction gains f ran casino approval Cllurches mobiliz e to fight casino approval Law enforcement officers estab anticasino group Lynn 03.vis disputes claim that casinos bring econ windfall Ernest Dlllnas column analyzes claims of casino supporters t«> Casino Sllnday will help piss amdt , Jack Files predicts .Efiltor Jul ia Jones finds good effects of Ne1 Jersey casinos Jack Files says list of casino supporters will be released Black activist Robert Mcintosh has petitions under scrutiny sane petitions for vote appear to have same handwriting Casino opponents may call for probe over forgery issue Backers and foes trade charges and countercharges Backers say Robert Mcintosh offered suppor t for piy Mcintosh says he asked for $140 ,000 to help feed hungry Robert Mcintosh threatens suit to force recount of petitions Arkansans who defy law on lottery tickets face little danger Names of manbers of advisory p:mel for casinos released Elijah Colanan says he did not agree to co-chair casino group Four on casino suppor t pinel say thE¥ were not asked Four arrested on gaming charge at NLR Amvets Club Sheffield Nelson and Jack Files to debate Arndt in churches Explanation of overlooking of bingo , raffles, etc by police Four arrested at Amvets Post enter innocent plea Cone Magie sees Amendment pissage as detriment to tourism Four more say thE¥ never asked to j oin pro-casino pinel Sheffield Nelson re11 eal s list of businessmen opposing amdt Sheffield Nelson, Jack Files debate issue of casinos Jack D Files and Sheffield Nelson hold second debate Hot Springs resort owner says guests oppose casinos in town Physician fears casinos would be detriment to medical service Little Rock police give warning to church on bingo games Task force of blacks formed to oppose casino amendment Libraries could benefit f ran casino re11 enues, Jack Files says Casinos would be threat to compulsive gamblers, expert says Anticasino rally scheduled at Hot Springs About 2 , 000 foes of casinos march at Hot Springs Casino question cbes not affect plan for maj or Hilton Hotel Casinos would harm industrial develop, advisory p:mel says Qiarges, countercharges alx>und in heated campiign on casinos Hot Springs gambling has long history Cllarles Cella, Oaklawn Jockey Club owner , opposes casinos Sheffield Nelson and Jack Files trade words on advertising Planned Hilton Hotel will help p:iSS casino amdt , Files says Casinos called econanic help for Arkansas Jack Files cites industry gains in casino states Arkansas Gazette formally opposes proposed amdt for casinos Maylon Rice describes raid on illegal gambling in Hot Springs Hot Springs Mayor Jim Randall urges defeat of casino amdt Casino proposal defeated by large margin Antigambling forces celebrate in Hot Spr ings election watch Cllarges reduced in arrests at Amvets Club in NLR Little Rock police serve notice that bingo games must stop 104 09/24/84 09/26/84 09/26/84 09/26/84 09/28/84 09/28/84 09/28/84 10/01/84 10/02/84 10/03/84 10/04/84 10/04/84 10/05/84 10/06/84 10/06/84 10/06/84 10/06/84 10/07/84 10/07/84 10/08/84 10/09/84 10/10/84 10/10/84 10/ll/84 10/ll/84 10/ll/84 10/11/84 10/12/84 10/13/84 10/15/84 10/16/84 10/16/84 10/16/84 10/20/84 10/20/84 10/21/84 10/24/84 10/26/84 10/27/84 10/27/84 10/28/84 10/28/84 10/28/84 10/29/84 10/30/84 10/31/84 ll/04/84 11/04/84 11/05/84 ll/06/84 11/07/84 ll/07/84 11/08/84 ll/29/84 PM; C BOl A06 A06 A06 A09 A09 Al7 A05 A09 AOB AOl AOl A05 AOl AOl AOl AOl Al7 A31 A08 AOl A04 Al2 AlO AlO Al8 BOl AOl Al O A09 A06 A06 BOl BOl B02 Io2 AlO Al4 BOl BO! Al7 Al7 Bl7 A05 A03 BOB AOB Bl6 Al7 BO! AO! Al6 A08 Al6 6 1 1 5 2 2 1 5 1 4 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 1 5 5 4 5 3 1 1 4 2 4 2 2 1 1 5 1 5 4 4 5 1 5 1 2 1 5 4 4 4 1 1 5 2 2 1 4 ARKANSAS GAZEPI'E INDEX 1984 DATE Official vote on proposed Arndt on casino gambl ing PJ\G C 11/29/84 D07 1 GAMES Arkansans j oin thousands for bingo in Oklahana Headmaster is new trivia game invented by two teachers Trivial Pursuit tournament held at Little Rock for charity GAMf.DN JCEN Holds fish fry, rally for Democrats GANDI INDIRA see - India GANNAWAY SUSIE MANN Obituary 04/09/84 BOl 2 06/24/84 COl 2 11/19/84 BOl 2 10/15/84 A07 1 08/28/84 AlO 1 GARLAND CDUNI'Y Access to absentee ballots sought in dispute Suspect ballots examined by investigators Absentee votes again seized for probe Over 200 Garland County businessnen oppose casino gambling GARNER CLAUD see also - Books and Writing GARNER KELLY see also - Models of Fashion GARNER LINJ:ll.\ see also - Arkansas-Insurance Dept see also - Baldwin United Corp GARNEPI' HIYLLIS see also - Forests and Forestry GASOOOL see - Alcohol Fuels GASOLINE see - Oil and Gas GATEWOOD WILLARD B JR see also - University of Arkansas at Fayetteville GAYLORD ELllIUE see also - National Association for the Advancement GENFALOOY Cmnulative abstracts of marriage records not extensive Religion may have pranpted move by ancestors Lure of land caused much migration between states Value of statewide census indexes Family reunion i;atterns Family reunion can raise funds for proj ects Leading genealogist to conduct seminar at Little Rock Biographical sketches may appear in regional publications Goodspeed histories are important biographical sources Goodspeed biographies generally accurate Goodspeed histories discussed Goodspeed history series discussed Goodspeed histories not oompletely indexed National Archives changes forms needed for records Ehcyclopedia of the New West oontains Ark materials Province and the States, Vol 7 contains Arkansas material Pictorial History of Arkansas provides valuable information Pictorial History of Arkansas helpful on praninent persons Historical Review of Arkansas oontains valuable information Centennial History of Arkansas oontains many biographies 105 06/05/84 06/07/84 06/15/84 10/16/84 B02 B02 AO? A06 01/01/84 01/08/84 01/15/84 01/22/84 01/29/84 02/05/84 02/12/84 02/19/84 02/26/84 03/04/84 03/ll/84 03/25/84 04/01/84 04/08/84 04/15/84 04/22/84 04/29/84 05/06/84 05/13/84 05/20/84 C06 C04 C08 C06 C06 C06 C04 C04 C09 C06 C08 C08 ClO C08 C09 C09 C09 C06 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 cos 1 C06 1 ARKANSAS GAZ E'I'I'E INDEX 1984 DATE Arkansas and Its People oontains useful biographies Arkansas Lives, John L Ferguson ed, is valued source Local publications may oontain biographies Checking oounty boundary changes produces little information Best how-to genealogy manual is The Source The Source lists 94 hereditary organizations Mormon Library is world ' s largest genealogical center Kinship terminology often inoonsistent in old records Good map oollection is valuable tool for genealogists Photooopies of maps and atlases may be useful Cklnership maps may be photooopied by Library of Congress Topographical maps offer invaluable details for researchers General highway map offers details of all Arkansas Counties Arkansas highway maps of early days are for sale Popular genealogy oolumn , Grass Roots, is disoontinued GENERAL MJTORS CDRP Kentucky i;aper says Ark being considered for GM plant GEOORAHI IC'AL NAMES see - Names of Places GEOLOOY Lake Ouachita Geo-Float Trail described GIDffiE OIARLEE L see also - Congr ess-House District 2 GIDffiE LIDYD see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co see also - Meditation Advises Congress on balanced budget GHOSTS see - �ritions GIFTED S'IUDENTS see - Problan Solving see - Publ ic School Gifted Students GILOIRIST ELLEN see also - Books and Writing GJN;ERIQI JAMES D Professor at UCA authors award-winning paper on Appeals Court GINTER LIDNARD see also - Vigilantes and Radicalism GINTER NORMA see also - Vigilantes and Radicalism GIROIR C JOSEEH JR see also - First Arkansas Bankstock Corp see also - Worthen Banking Corp GLENN JClIN see also - Presidential Election GUNER JUDY see also - Firearms GOACEER HARCLD see also - Noble Wesley Murder Case GOCKEL oomIA5 L see also - First Pyramid Life Insurance Co GCLD KIST INC Fanners drop plan to buy facilities GOLnsBY THOMAS G JR 106 05/27/84 06/03/84 06/10/84 06/24/84 07/01/84 07/08/84 07/15/84 07/22/84 07/29/84 08/05/84 08/12/84 08/19/84 08/26/84 09/02/84 09/02/84 P.P.G C C09 C06 C06 C06 ClO C06 C03 C06 C06 C06 C07 C04 C08 C06 C06 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11/29/84 AOl 2 07/22/84 COl 2 02/08/84 AlO 2 03/05/84 BOl 5 02/01/84 DOS 4 ARKANSAS GAZ ET!'E INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Malll'll. el le GCXXlI JAMFS T Bank official , attorney, dies at Arkadeli;ilia GOOCH JAMFS T �y Gooch did not mislead wife in pr�nuptial agreanent GOODL El'I' CDTroN GIN see - Parks and Recreation GOO!li? IN JOE see also - Arkansas Tech University GOOIW IN KEN E MURDER CAS E Blind musician found stabbed t o death at Little Rock Charles F Stoner charged with murder of Gooc:Min GOOIW IN 'IOMMY see also - Arkansas State Police GO.ROON CLARENCE see also - Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame GOROON SOL see also - Conoord School District GOR3EOJS GEDR3E GRl\NT see - Grant G eorge GOSNELL SClICXL DISTRICI' Dell and Gosnell voted last June to merge districts GOOLD Petition seeks renoval of Police Chief Harold Pearson Town faces bankruptcy over fees for attorney City Council votes to keep Police Chief Harold Pearson Firing of Dorothea Pearson brings $20 ,000 award in oourt GOOLD CITY JAIL Parents of prisoner who died in j ail win suit Gould p:iys $100, 000 to family of prisoner who died GOOLD SCHCXL DISTRICI' Patrons turn down.oonsolidation in straw poll GOTmNMENT Ba.nE AND INVESTMENTS see also - Arkansas Rehabilitation Institute see also - Mid America Muselll'll. Bond issuance without voter approval decried by D Hickman Val idity of certificates of indebtedness doubted by D Hickman Bonds issued by Little Rock for motel ruled invalid Decision on bonds oould affect tourism and indus bonds Financial circles asti r over oourt ruling on tourism bonds Parkway Village proj ect asks def erral of bonds action Decision on tourism bonds casts shadow on all state bonds Only tourism bonds appear affected by oourt decision Ernest Dlll'O.a s discusses rul ing on tourism bonds Rehearing sought on tourism bonds decision of Suprene ct P A Hollingsworth accused of interest oonflict in bond case Tourism bond purchaser asks r ehearing of case Rehearing r efused on tourism bond rul ing by Ark Suprene ct Houston f irrn says La Quinta Moter Inn bonds fully protected Little Rock has made no p:iyrnents on invalidated bonds SUit challenges tax-free bonds used for Holiday Inn at LR SUit challenges use of tourism bonds by Markham Inn at LR Suit challenges use of bonds for Lagniappe Inn oonstruction Suit challenges bonds issued for Riverfront Hilton at NLR � 1 07 PAG C 10/24/84 Al2 5 03/0l/84 B02 3 12/04/84 A05 1 1 2/12/84 AOl 2 08/24/84 Al6 4 02/09/84 02/18/84 03/15/84 09/28/84 B08 BO B A05 Al3 3 3 1 3 01/ll/84 Al2 1 04/04/84 A08 5 12/08/84 Al7 1 03/18/84 03/18/84 03/27/84 03/27/84 03/28/84 03/29/84 03/30/84 03/31/84 04/ll/84 04/13/84 0 4/20/84 04/24/84 06/05/84 06/06/84 06/16/84 06/29/84 07/10/84 07/14/84 07/18/84 A20 A20 AOl AOl AOl A05 AOl AOl A13 A09 A0 4 BOl BOl A03 All A06 A0 4 AlO A06 1 1 4 4 2 5 2 2 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 5 2 1 4 ARKANSAS GAZBITE INDEX 1984 MTE Suit questions validity of bonds to build NLR Hilton Inn Amendnent 62 would raise interest limits on lx>nds Public officials favor proposed Amendnent 62 Proposed Arndt 62 would make local lx>nds mor e salable Housing Devel.opnent Agency bonds ruled constitutional Thad Kelly discusses need for Amendment 62 Act 535 of 1983 to be on ballot for voter decision Act 535 of 1983 would authorize oonds for sewer proj ects Act 535 of 1983 would be administered by Soil and Water Comm Voters approve higher interest for local l:x>nds Voters defeat Act 535 which authorized sewer lx>nds issue Official vote on proposed Amenanent 62 Public Employees Reti ranent Systan may invest in jumbo � Fayetteville oond issue for sewage plant voided by Supr ane Ct Fayetteville case involved use of sales tax to reti re lx>nds Rules for city, county oond issues listed in court ruling Amendnent 62 resolves most problans with improvanent lx>nds Fayette11 ille oond case involved law prior to Arndt 62 aooption 00/ERNMENT RJRQIASJN; see - Buying and Buyers OOlmNORS MANSION see - Arkansas-Executive Mansion GOl/ERNORS sama.. Gov Bill Clinton addresses 1984 session opening US Senator David Pryor addresses school Program gives gifted chance to encounter new ideas GRADY SClICXL DISTRICl' Coach Harold Sanders accused of sexual al:xlse of students Coach Harold Sanders freed on lx>nd SUperintendent Abel White charged with hindering prosecution GRAHAM BILL see also - University of Arkansas at Little Rock GRAHAM THCJ.mS GOROON Former Mayor of Newport dies at age 76 GRAIN see also - Bumpers Dale see also - Pryor David Rice becomes more popular in school lunchroans Effort under way to encourage rice constunpt.ion GRAND GULF Fa\'ER PLANT see - Arkansas Power and Light Co GRANT GEOH3E Gorgeous George the wrestler is now an evangelist GRANTS IN AID see also - Arkansas Enc:bwment for the Humanities see also - F.oonanic Opportunity Agency of Pulaski County see also - National Tube Co see also - Parks and Recreation see also - Poverty Distribution of econ devel.opnent grants cause complaints Spokesman at AIDC explains how grants are distributed Map shows grant distribution State to get less federal aid than in 1980 Federal aid to Ark slashed by $389 . 4 million 108 09/01/84 10/19/84 10/19/84 10/29/84 10/30/84 10/3]/84 11/02/84 lJ/02/84 11/02/84 11/07 /84 11/07/84 11/29/84 12/20/84 12/22/84 12/22/84 12/22/84 12/27/84 12/27/84 PAG C CO? A08 A08 A06 AOS AJ.5 AJ.3 AJ.3 AJ.3 AOl AJ.4 DO? AJ.3 AOl AOl All AOl AOl 2 3 3 5 1 3 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 4 4 5 5 5 06/18/84 AO? 5 07/04/84 BOl 2 07/16/84 BOl 4 10/26/84 A03 5 10/27/84 A0 4 4 10/27/84 A04 4 07/03/84 AO? 3 01/03/84 BOl 4 01/03/84 BOl 6 03/26/84 BOl 4 01/08/84 01/08/84 01/08/84 01/10/84 01/25/84 AOl 2 AOl 2 AOl 4 cos 1 A08 6 ARKANSA5 GAZEPl'E INDEX 1984 DA.TE HUD adds 55 cities, ranoves 55 others fran m:w; eligible list south Ark officials complain about share of econ develop fund GRAVEL see - Sand and Gravel GRAVES MARK MURDER CASE Paraplegic found slain at Mamn.elle Victim knew assailant, officer says GRAVEPI' CARRCLL see also - Pulaski Cbunty-Eblice and Law Ehforcanent GRAVEPl'E SHELLD>X; (l) Firm processes black walnuts GRAY HENRY C see also - Arkansas-Highway and Transi:ortation Dep:i.rtment see also - Trucks and Trucking Industry Listed among most influential Arkansans GRAYSON BAR'IH see also - Music GRFAT RIVERS SPIKE WORKS Firm to locate plant at Pine Bluff GREEN FOREST see also - Ebllution GREEN RICKY see also - Bass Masters Classic GREENE BEPl'E see also - Books and Writing GREENHaJSE mYLLIS Dep:i.rtment head at UAIB dies GREENLFA LAKE see also - Flooding GREER F.AMILY MURDER Bodies of Keith Greer and his two children found hanged Note found on body indicates murder, suicide planned Ebssibility of losing childen led to hangings , officers think GREER WILLIAM EZRA Civil rights activist dies at age 59 GREERS FERRY see also - storms and Tornaooes GREERS FERRY LAKE Destruction of bridge means long detour for area residents Photograi:h of ranains of bridge blown Cbwn by tornaoo Tornaoo blows Highway 16 bridge into lake Ebntoon bridge or ferry being considered for tani:orary use Highway Dept gets us approval to plan bridge rebuilding Free ferry to take place of bridge until new sp:i.n opens Funds approved for new bridge to replace one blown Cbwn Ferry goes into operation near destroyed bridge New bridge at F.dganont among bids opened by AHC GRENADA see also - Congress-Senate GRIER RCSIE see also - Congress-House District 2 GRIFFIN LID H Former Little Rock City Director dies GRIFFIN NATHANIEL 109 PAG C 02/16/84 BOl 2 12/06/84 BOl 1 12/01/84 A06 6 12/02/84 A36 6 01/08/84 COl 3 09/03/84 BOl 5 10/10/84 C06 6 07/05/84 Al.3 5 11/15/84 A03 5 11/15/84 A03 5 11/16/84 Al.8 1 05/26/84 Al.7 1 03/17/84 03/17/84 03/20/84 03/20/84 03/22/84 03 /24/84 04/05/84 05/15/84 08/24/84 A03 BOl AOl A04 BOl Al.6 BO! BOl A07 4 1 2 1 4 1 5 3 1 09/05/84 A08 2 ARKANSAS GAZErl'E INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Little Rock-Area Planning GRIFFIN RIOIARD Says prisons treat only synptans of crime GROTE IVAN H Obituary GROVOJCK JO see also - Pulaski County-Pol ice and Law Enforcement GRUMMAN BOATS Arkadel:Ehia to be site of boat factory GUARANTY SAVJN;S AND LO.AN ASSOCI ATION OF HARRIS CN Brokered deposits may have produced phenanenal deposit growth GUrrARS see - Musical Instruments GULLEY JANE Feinstone Envirormental Award goes to Gulley GUNN WENDELL WILKIE see also - Congress-Senate GUNS see - Fi rearms GUROON LIGifl' see - Appar itions GUROON MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Few pitients left as cbctors resign fran staff Facility may be closed Facility closed for inpitient services Hospital closed because pitients left Closing may be extended Hospital board denies staff privileges to Dr Gary Md3rew '!Wo :Ehysicians r ej oin hospital staff Hospital reopens after seven weeks of shutdown GUY PERKINS SCHOCL DISTRICI' MaeHue Young alleges bias in her firing as teacher '!Wo teachers lose federal suit over dismissal GWALTNEY FRANCIS IRBY see also - Books and Writing GWIN JACK Former legislator dies GYMNASTICS - CDLLEGE SAU Tech captur es wanen ' s natl title in j unior colleges SAU Tech wins national wanen' s title for j unior colleges HACKLEY LIDYD V see also - Publ ic School Standards PAG C 04/01/84 A15 4 01/04/84 DOI 2 07/19/84 Afl7 1 03/04/84 BOl 2 10/21/84 ED6 3 02/08/84 02/09/84 02/17/84 02/18/84 03/02/84 03/17/84 03/28/84 04/06/84 Afl8 BOB Cll BOl Afl4 Afl7 D09 All 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 5 01/12/84 D06 6 07/18/84 A08 4 05/19/84 Al5 6 03/12/84 COl 5 04/08/84 ED2 1 HAIR see also - Arkansas-Parks and Tourism Depirtment Article discusses hair-trinming dates by Pove ' s method HALB ERSTAM DA.VID Discusses crises in industry in talk at Fayetteville Tel.ls LR group US must improve educ to compete with Japin HALL B C see also - Books and Writing HALL CHARLES W see also - Sharp Curtis Murder Case 110 06/10/84 DOI 1 03/31/84 Afl4 3 11/06/84 BOl 2 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 DATE EUGENE JAMES see also - McArthur Alice Murder Case HALL JCEN SR Biograi;nical sketch of taxi f inn �ner HALLimY see also - storms and Tornadoes HALLS OF FAME see also - Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame HALSELL ROYCE WARREN see also - Sharp Curtis Murder Case HAL'IOM Wll..LIAM C Little Rock man is former roamnate of Senator Gary Hart IWBUIG SCHOCL DISTRicr Petitions seek annexation of Portland dist to Hamburg Annexation of Portland Dist seen as benefit to both dists HAMER CLYDE see also - southern Arkansas University BAMIL'ION BARREIT Receives National Art F.ducation Assn award HAMIL'ION JOE T Former legislator dies at Harrison HAMM EIWARD BAR'ION see also - Olynpic Games HAMMERSQIMIDI' JCEN PAUL see also - Congress-House District 3 Honored by Veterans of Foreign Wars Receives assurance Arkansas River study funds to be rel.eased Seeks to block FERC ruling on AP&L share of Grand Gulf cost Cormnents on withdrawal of Marines from Lebanon Defends his study trip to the Far East Mother of Congressman dies at Harrison Voted against tax bill because he feared Demos would spend it Listed as wealthiest in Arkansas Congressional Delegation Reverses support for Vietnam Veterans of America organization Oppo ses AP&L proposed settlanent of Grand Gulf plant costs Opposes penal ties for violating Ethics in Goverrnnent Act Favors use of mass transit funds for roads also Diesputes claim of B Alexander on Cuban pr isoner exhange plan Congressman to visit Cambodia and Vietnam Cormnents on r ecent trip to Southeast Asia Says it is unlikely RJV's r anain alive in Southeast Asia HAMMERSClIMIDI' JUNIE MILDRED Mother of Repr John Paul Halmnerschmidt dies at Harrison Pl!G C HALL 01/30/84 BOl 1 03/10/84 BOl 4 05/20/84 A25 5 08/20/84 BOl 2 1 2/20/84 A25 4 03/03/84 Al6 4 11/08/84 Al9 5 01/19/84 02/03/84 0 2/08/84 02/09/84 02/11/84 0 4/07/84 0 4/13/84 05/18/84 06/13/84 09/08/84 09/26/84 10/17/84 11/17/84 12/05/84 12/20/84 12/20/84 A03 C07 AOl Al4 Al2 Al3 Al4 Al3 All C07 A08 A08 A03 AlO A0 9 A09 6 5 4 1 l 6 l 1 1 5 5 4 4 3 l 1 04/07/84 Al3 6 HAMP.OON Dl\N Felony charge over traffic accident dropped HAMPl'ON WAYNE Will not seek reelection to Ark Legislature HANDICAPPED see also - Housing-Little Rock see also - Sex Crimes see also - St Francis County Sheltered Workshop Complaint f iled over pedestrian bridge at Little Rock park Students at School for the Blind enj oy snow skiing George Hart hunts turkeys despite being blind 111 02/09/84 A08 4 01/03/84 A03 5 03/15/84 BOl 2 03/18/84 C03 1 03/27/84 COl 2 ARKANSAS GAZ Brl'E INDEX 1984 DATE Arkansas services for deaf among best in country Handicapped wanan teaches others to swim Job Accommodation Network to assist in finding j obs Accessible housing called top need of handicapped MatthEM DeMerritt speaks for disabled in LR appearance Martin Clark continues farming despite loss of his hands Transp:>rtation service faces obstacles to survival Transp:>rtation system may be developed in Pulaski County Dwayne and Charles Pope lead productive lives Jack East comments on film on amputees Iwt;II ELENA see also - Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now HANSEN RCN see also - Books and Writing HARASSMENT see - Brutality and Harassment Al.legations HARDIN LurHER S Receives outstanding service award for vocational educ work HARDI1'12 UNIVERSITY Library developing National Leadership Video Library Feature articl e on National Leadership Video Library Operation of National Leadership Video Library explained Speakers for American Studies Lectures named Celebrates 50 yea.rs of service in Searcy Five graduates to be honored at Hanecoming Coons Olair of Bianedical Science established Lorene Pagcaliwagan received 2 degrees in 16 ronths HARGIS mvID M ReviEMs history of Sheriff Tam¥ Robinson IJARK)N JCHN T see also - Legal Profession Home in Sherwood is subj ect of foreclosure suit Nancy Harmon f iles bankruptcy petition for mor e time to :E;SY HARPER TESS Mammoth Spring native is successful actress IIARRI1'l2'ION mvio see also - Bioplex International HARR IS GERALDINE M MURDER C'ASE Ellerett P Neeley faces capital nurder charge at LRAFB Neeley order ed held at LRAFB Military trial of Neeley begins at Little Rock AFB Innocent plea entered by ai rman in slaying Slaying was racially rotivated, prosecutor contends Defense plans to use insanity plea Ai rman Neeley described as bully, bigot, confused Trial of Ai rman Neeley continues Jury re11 iEMs notel::ooks of Ai rman Neeley Fellow airmen testify they reported threats of Neeley Neeley likely had disorder , expert says Heated words mark court-martial session Ai rman Neeley was psychotic, delusional , i;:sychologist says Experts testify Neeley legally sane during killing Psychiatrist f inds no evidence Neeley insane Jury recesses after four hours of del iberations 112 05/20/84 06/18/84 07/07/84 07/09/84 07/29/84 07/29/84 10/08/84 10/08/84 10/14/84 12/05/84 PAG C COl BOl BOl 001 A0 4 Bl2 001 BOl COl 002 2 4 4 5 1 1 2 5 4 1 12/08/84 BO B 1 08/21/84 09/03/84 09/03/84 09/14/84 10/17/84 11/01/84 12/21/84 12/24/84 A03 BOl BOl A04 B02 A08 A26 001 6 1 1 3 4 6 3 2 10/09/84 A0 9 1 03/25/84 A09 1 05/09/84 A03 1 02/12/84 COl 3 02/09/84 02/10/84 06/26/84 06/27/84 06/28/84 06/29/84 06/30/84 07/01/84 07/03/84 07/04/84 07/06/84 07/07/84 07/10/84 07/11/84 07/12/84 07/13/84 BOl A08 Al.0 A03 A09 All Al.5 Al8 A03 Al5 A09 A05 A06 A06 A09 A03 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ARRANSAS GAZ ETl'E INDEX 1984 DATE Everett P Neeley found guilty of capital nurder Everett P Neeley gets life term in slaying of Harris HARR IS MUSKIE see also - Little Rock-City Boa.rd HARRIS ON SCHOCL DISTRICI' Drug and alcohol abuse called serious in schools High school bank to be in Reagan inauguration µirade HART GARY William C Haltan of Little Rock was former Hart roamnate HARTJE GEOffiE F JR see also - Faulkner County Jail HAR'IWICK TRAVIS C see also - North Little Rock HATCH ORRIN G Addresses state Republican convention Says he and F.cl Bethune are in accord HATFIELD KEN see also - Football-College Series explores career of Hatf ield as player and coach Hatfield recalls playing days at University of Arkansas Comments on enj oyable period as student at U of A Days as youth in Helena r ananbered fondly Discusses his entry into coaching field success against Notre Dame was highlight at Air Force Acaderey Recalls switch in offensive plans at Air Force Acaderey Philoso:Ehy of Coach Hatfield outlined HATFIELD SANDY Feature article on wife of Ken Hatfield, UA football coach HATLEY BEN RAY see also - Cross Leonard Murder Case HAWKINS MARLIN Raninisces about state politics of 1950s era Building replica of Old Guard Rest Hane for fund-raiser HAYES T J see also - Carter Catharine Murder Case HAYS OONALD see also - Books and Writing HFALTH INSURANCE see - Insurance HFALTH MAINTENANCE OffiANIZATIONS see also - HealthAmerica HFALTHAMERIC'A J Roland Anderson named director of state' s first HID HFALTHFEST see - Festivals HJD{LER MAffiAREI' see also - Social Security HELENA Suit alleges Albert Cooper falsely arrested, beaten by police HELENA SQIOCL DISTRICI' Suit alleges widespread bias against blacks in hiring HELENA SLACRWATER HARBOR New developer may be chosen for proj ect Arley" Engineers ask that proj ect be ranoved fran US funding 113 PAG C 07/14/84 AOl 6 07/17/84 A06 1 02/18/84 BOB 4 12/20/84 A0 4 4 03/10/84 BOl 4 09/09/84 AOl 2 09/09/84 AOS 1 08/12/84 08/13/84 08/14/84 08/15/84 08/16/84 08/17/84 08/18/84 08/19/84 H02 COl COl DOI DOI COS COl EDI 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 04/15/84 COl 2 03/30/84 'Al.7 4 04/25/84 A07 3 09/30/84 BOl 1 08/21/84 AO S 6 06/20/84 'Al.4 1 05/13/84 AOl 2 08/07/84 C07 2 ARKANSAS GAZErl'E INDEX 1984 DATE D:ivid Pryor urges federal fmds despite Aney' Engineers Congress deletes fmds for proj ect HELL CREEI< C'AVE see also - Wilderness and Natural Areas see also - Wildlife HENDERSCN STATE UNIVERSITY Honors Jane Ross with alumni award Receives donations for scholarship fmd Three former faculty and staff honored by Alumni Assn HENDERSCN WILLIAM ANTHONY see also - Oneal Willa Dean Murder Case HENDRICKS LCWBER see also - Congress-House District 2 Says he will file libel suit against TCIIIIT\Y Robinson Threatened suit involves r anark over McArthur murder case HENDRICKSON ORIN MURDER CAS E Howard Vagi has already pleaded guilty to first degree murder Pat Hendrickson faces charge in murder of her husband Trial mder way for Norma Foster in death of Hendrickson Patricia Hendrickson gets death penalty in slaying of husband Patricia Hendrickson sentenced to death by Judge Lookadoo HENDRICKSON PATRICIA see also - Hendrickson Orin Murder Case HENDRIX COLLEG E Completes $20 . 5 million fund drive befor e target date Holl and Harper scholarship funds establ ished Television documentary to be produced by AmN Harold H Cabe estate Cbnates $1 million to Hendrix Rupert family donates $100 ,000 for scholarships Honors two graduates as distinguished alumni Invited to seek funds for enrollment studies proj ect College raised $2 .6 million during 1982-83 fund drive Ehdowed scholarship of $10 , 000 given by Rev Marion Miller Fausett Hall wins design award for architechural firm James E Lester Jr writes centennial history of Hendrix HENSLEY C 0 see also - Faulkner County Jail HERBEL vmN see also - Fi rst Pyramid Life Insurance Co HERBICIDES see - Chanicals HEffiEI' DICK see also - Little Rock-City Board HEROISM Jerry W Ashcraft honored for saving boys fran train HESS BCE see also - Little Rock-Police and Law Enforcement HESTER HAVIS see also - Coroners HEUmoN JOHN see also - Arkansas-Game and Fish Connnission HIGH samor. see - Publ ic School HIGH TECH INOOSI'R IES 114 P.AG C 08/07/84 C07 2 10/12/84 Al6 2 05/08/84 B02 5 09/28/84 B02 4 11/10/84 BOS 5 11/03/84 A0 4 2 11/03/84 Al.4 2 04/11/84 04/11/84 04/11/84 04/12/84 04/14/84 A06 A06 A06 A20 AOl 4 4 4 5 2 04/09/84 04/09/84 04/12/84 04/18/84 04/27/84 05/03/84 06/30/84 08/23/84 10/15/84 11/04/84 11/11/84 B02 B02 A08 BOl Al.5 BOl BOB B02 B02 B06 C07 3 5 4 2 1 2 2 3 6 1 1 06/26/84 AOl 2 ARKANSAS GAZEPl'E INDEX 1984 DATE see - Bioplex International HIGH TEOI INTERNATIONAL lNC see - Bioplex International HIGH TElllllY lm see - Comp;mies and Factories HIGin'GlER RON see also - College Tenni s HIGllVAYS see - Roads and Traffic HilBURN HARRY Former state legislator dies at Walnut Ridge HILL NATHANIEL Proud of improvanents he has directed at Little Rock HILL SI'E.VEN see also - Klein Robert Whittington Murder Case HILL 'IHGmS see also - Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame see also - Olympic Games HlNSON CATHERINE MURDER C'ASE Grand Jury probing fatal shooting of Jonesboro woman Henry Geschwend testifies in murder probe John Hinson questioned in death of his wife, Catherine John Hinson indicted on manslaughter charge in death of wife HISTORIC BUILDI:OO S AND SITES see also - calioo Rock see also - Little Rock Historic Preservation Alliance of Ark makes awards HISTORIC PRESERVATION ALLIANCE OF ARKANSAS see also - Historic Buildings and Sites HO RAYM:>ND see also - Arkansas Educational Television Network HOOOES KANFASTER JR see also - Arkansas-Surpr ane Court Position 1 see also - carter Jitm¥ Named to board of Middle South Utilities HOOAN BEN M AND COMPANY see also - Road Contracts HffiAN RC.BERT E see also - North Little Rock HCLDER TRUSI'EN Plants turnip greens for use of public IKLIDAYS AND SPECIAL OCCAS IONS Govermnents va'rY approach on honoring King and Lee birthdays State anployee rules for time off for King and Lee birthdays HCLLAND BarroM.S NA'IURAL AR.FA see - Wilderness and Natural Areas HOLLClVAY CHARLES W see also - Vaughan Jerrell Murder case HCLOC'AUSI' see - World War II HCLT JACK JR see also - Arkansas-SUpr ane Court Position 1 HCL'1HOFF HOVARD L FAMILY Family sues Metropolitan Life for $13 . 5 million 115 PJ\G C 09/28/84 Al4 2 02/11/84 BOl 1 0 2/29/84 03/01/84 03/01/84 03/02/84 A03 Al8 Al8 AOl 3 5 5 2 11/29/84 C04 4 05/19/84 A06 3 01/08/84 COl 2 01/17/84 BOl 2 01/17/84 BOl 2 04/11/84 AOl 6 ARKANSAS GAZErl'E INDEX 1984 Suit accuses Metropolitan of schane to take thei r holdings land purchases in Conway County included in suit Holthoff brothers file bankruptcy to stop court suit 04/11/84 AOl 6 04/11/84 A06 6 08/21/84 BOl 5 HOL� I.00 see also - Riverside cable Television Inc No funds due Holtz fran University of Arkansas Got $259 , 000 fran two funds upon leaving University of Ark lDUCIDE see - Murders HCM>SEXl.JALITY Fire destroys Palladium Restaurant at Little Rock Palladium catering to gays had increased business before fire HONEYCU'I'I' MILDRED RAY MURDER CAS E Murder charge against Ronald Q carden expires HCN; KO:t\G CHINESE BANK LTD see - stei;hens Inc HOOCLL VIRGINIA see also - Basketba.11-COllege Wanen H0011 EN ORLEY MURDER CASE Rick Paige and Stei;hen Wilson charged with slaying HOPE see also - Fi res-Hope HOPE BCE Appears at Little Rock fund-raiser About 1 , 185 attend function at Little Rock featuring Hope E.Vent was not planned as a fund-raiser HOPE STAR Sold to Phillips family Sale to Phillips family challenged stock sale ban challenged as illegal Court refuses to halt sale HORN FAMILY MURDER CASE State Suprane ct orders new trial for James T Metcalf HORNE WILLIAM C see also - Michel ravid Murder case HORSE RACI:t\G see also - Oaklawn Park Thoroughbred dealers in Ark differ in outlook on business Legislative p:mel discusses problan of free i;asses to Oaklawn HORSES see - Livestock HORION HAROLD see also - Football-COllege HORIDN WANm M MURDER CAS E Miguel Vasequez charged i n stabbing death of Horton at NLR HCSPITALS see - Medical Facilities Har SPRIN3 CDUNI'Y ECX>nomic conditions improving 001' SP.RIIDS see also - Crossley Wayne Murder case see also - Gambling see also - Hotels-Hot Springs see also - land Sub:lidence and Landslides 116 01/15/84 EDl 6 02/25/84 AOl 2 09/12/84 BOl 3 10/06/84 BOl 3 01/08/84 Al9 1 11/21/84 A06 4 07/0l/84 COB 2 07/06/84 AlO 4 07/06/84 AlO 4 Ol/27/84 02/03/84 02/08/84 02/11/84 C06 Cll Al2 A06 5 3 5 5 12/18/84 C07 4 11/11/84 BOl 1 11/22/84 Al2 5 07/31/84 A09 1 02/05/84 AOl 3 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Magic Springs Canow over Central Ave is subject of disagreanent HO!' SPRiliGS SENTINEL REroRD Libel suit by Pittman Associates dismissed HOI'ELS see also - Jewell Jerry D HOI'ELS - El.JREI{A SPRimS Landaker Hotel destroyed by fire HOI'ELS - Im SPRiliGS Two hotels near completion on Lake Hamilton Sheraton Lakeshore Resort opens on Lake Hamilton Sheraton Lakeshor e Resort opens on Lake Hamilton Hilton to build major hotel near Convention Center ImELS - LITTLE ROCK capital Hotel celebrates 107th birthday Sam Peck renovation begins City unhappy that Camelot Inn has not been renovated Furnitur e and contents of Sam Peck Hotel to be sold Sam Peck Hotel to be renamed The Legacy Colonial. Motel on Roosevelt strives for family 100t el image Camelot Inn is obj ect of for eclosur e suit Camelot owners say they are behind on p:iyments Camelot owners say they are behind on p:iyments Fi rm releases ownership of Camelot to Kinark Corp Fi rm releases ownership of Camelot to Kinark Corp Capital Hotel wins design award for architectural firm Camelot Hotel ordered auctioned to satisfy debt Auditors say EDA granted capital Hotel loan prior to study Managanent firm named to handle Camelot Hotel Excelsior Hotel has excellent fire safety systan Kinark Corp acqui res Camelot Hotel at auction Ha.JSEHCLD FURNISHilGS AND EQUIFMENT Rick Parker of Gentry , top-notch at restoration work Abraham Lincoln may have built bed now in Russellville Bed allegedly built by A Lincoln sold for $2 ,500 Ha.JSiliG see al.so - Handicapped see also - Mortgages Calamity-resistant houses being built in Arkansas same hanebuilders offer new 1 0-yr warranty called H� Fort Smith hane builder probed by HUD over federal loans Central Mortgage Bankshares denies wrongdoing in HUD probe HOOSilG - CAMMACK V:a.I.XiE Crackerboxes become castles HCXJSilG - FAYEPI'EVILLE Condo purchase provides housing for students, tax shelter Hane of Ik>nald Roller Wilson featured HOOSiliG - FORT SMITH City ranks 3rd lowest in cost in us IDJSilG - Im SPRiliGS see also - Sewage and Liquid Wastes Condominiums to be built on old bridge across Lake Hamilton Bridge planned for condominiums taken back by Highway Conun HOOSiliG - LIT'l'LE ROCK 117 PP.G C 12/17/84 BOl 4 01/17/84 BO B 3 11/30/84 A08 6 05/06/84 08/26/84 08/26/84 10/27/84 BO S B03 B03 BOl 1 1 1 1 01/20/84 01/24/84 01/26/84 02/22/84 05/06/84 07/'Zl/84 08/07/84 09/07/84 09/07/84 09/08/84 09/08/84 11/04/84 12/01/84 12/01/84 12/06/84 12/21/84 12/22/84 C06 BOl AOl BOl A2 8 AlO AOl A0 4 A0 4 B0 2 B02 B06 AOl C07 D09 Al6 Al6 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 5 5 4 4 1 3 2 4 1 2 09/20/84 COl 1 11/11/84 COl 4 11/30/84 AlO 5 02/11/84 07/15/84 08/12/84 08/14/84 BOl GOl All A07 1 1 1 5 06/07/84 COl 1 04/29/84 BOl 2 06/14/84 COl 1 04/27/84 cos 4 08/05/84 BOl 4 09/29/84 C09 2 ARKANSAS GAZE.TI'E INDEX 1984 DATE Waterford Apts on Green Mtn Dr are impressive Eastview Terrace is successful despite industrial park site Parkway Village retiranent center construction to begin CXIr Way apt units built especially for handicapped persons Parkway Village pranoters ask delay on tax-free oonds Housing Authority advertises for tenants Summerhill Apts pr esents condo living at apt prices Houses in prestigious areas carry high price tag Marshall Square Historic Dist offers residences for sale HClJSill'.2 - RDSSFLLVILL E Article on underground bane of the Paul Jackson family HClJSill'.2 - TEXARKANA Tenant transfer plan r ecormnended by HUD for desegregation HClJS'ION NA'IURAL GM CDRP see also - Arkla Inc HOVARD JAMES ROY JR Cl>ituary HOVARD PAUL JACK Member of Country Music Hall of Fame dies at Arkansas hane HCJVFLL MARSHA see also - Fhysicians and Surgeons HOXIE SCliOCL DISTRICI' Jim Johnson relates his involvanent in desegregation case HUBBELL WEB8rER see also - Arkansas Suprane Court Position 1 see also - Little Rock-Public Buildings and Off ices see also - Statehouse Convention Center HtJnC30N ClIRIS see also - Vance Eric Murder Case HtJUC)CN roons INC Murfreesooro plant retooled, workers recalled to j obs Retooled plant at Murfreesboro closes again AIOC withholds grant funds after plant closes HlnHES LARRY GENE MURDER CASE Police charge David Ellis Wolfe and Anthony Lynn Walters HlnHES mn.IP ABRAHAM MURDER CAS E Terry Wayne Porter gets life without parole for murder HUIE C R Reti red lawyer and state official dies at Arkadeli:hia HULL CLIFTON E Sells collection of railroad materials to NLR Public Library HUMAN BODY Telei:tione r ecording screens for hearing problans Female oodybuilders enter competition at Little Rock Francis Vinson of Drasco , to get heart and lung transplant Use of deprivation tank to ease daily stress described HUMAN RIGHTS see - Civil Rights HUMANA INC see also - North Central Camnunity Hospital HUMANITIES see also - Arkansas Endowment for the Humanitiies Ilill\GER see - Poverty 118 01/01/84 01/21/84 03/23/84 03/26/84 03/29/84 06/13/84 07/29/84 08/15/84 09/16/84 PJ\.G C GOl BOl Al 4 BOl A05 BOl GOl BOl GOl 1 4 5 4 1 5 1 5 1 02/23/84 COl 1 04/02/84 A07 1 01/06/84 AlO 3 06/20/84 All 2 05/27/84 I02 3 05/11/84 A21 1 06/21/84 AOl 2 06/22/84 A20 1 08/08/84 A03 5 01/06/84 A08 4 02/28/84 A07 6 08/03/84 A0 4 4 02/15/84 07/28/84 11/15/84 12/16/84 BOl BOl A09 DOl 3 2 1 3 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 MTE HUN!' BUNKER see also - Congress-House District 2 HUNl' JFANN IE BEARD MURDER CASE Connie Louise Lascano seeks reversal of her 1981 conviction Lascano alleges she was beaten and threatened Evidentiary hearing granted Lascano by Ark Suprane Court HUN!' JIM AND ASSOCIATES INC New ad agency formed at Little Rock HUNl'ER CARL G see also - Books and Writing HUNI'ER CLARENCE see also - Legislature-House District 62 HUN!']};(; see - Wildlife HURLEY WALLACE D Founder of Hurley- Comµmy, Inc dies at Camden HUSSMAN CDRP Plant to open in old Sunbeam plant in Dumas HCJITO ADRIAN Found dead after standoff with 50 police officers HYMAN C F FAMn.Y see also - Multiple Births IBEffi MARVIN see also - Faulkner County Jail ICE S'IORMS see - Weather ILLINOIS BAYOU see also - Rivers ILLINOIS RIVER see also - Rivers see also - Sewage and Liquid Wastes ILLITERACY Dennis Boshers featured in TV documentary ILLNESS see - Disease and Illness IMPROJEMENT DISTRICTS see - 'Ar ea Planning see - Sewer Irnprovanent District No 42 INCEST see - Sex Crimes INCDME TAX see - Taxation INDECENT EXPOSURE see - Pornography and Ohscenity INDEPENDENCE CDRIORATION OF BATESVILLE Insurance f irrn formed by bank INDEPENDENCE CDUNrY F.conornic developnent has set a steady pace INDIA Gandhi slaying condemned by Sikh leaders in Arkansas INDIANS Cherokees enter Ark r etracing Trail of Tears Cherokee youths r etracing route through hills of North Ark Youths commanorate forced march along Trail of Tears 119 PAG C 03/28/84 Al4 1 03/28/84 Al4 1 05/22/84 B02 6 08/05/84 BOl 2 05/31/84 Al2 2 10/13/84 C09 2 03/27/84 A09 5 01/10/84 BOl 2 01/22/84 BOl 5 01/15/84 AOl 2 11/12/84 A04 5 06/28/84 B02 1 06/29/84 Al8 1 07/01/84 A06 2 ARKANSAS GAZ EI"I'E INDEX 1984 �TE · INLUSTRIAL DE.VELOPMENI' see - Comp:inies and Factories INLUSTRIAL PLANTS see - Comp:inies and Factories rnroSTRIAL SCLID WPSTES see - Waste Materials INFANI'S see - Olildr en and Youth INFLUENTIAL PERSONS Arkansas persons of influence chosen in Associated Press poll List of oost influential Arkansans includes 50 names INFLUENZA see - Disease and Illness Ul;RAM FRANK F Former College of �arks coach dies INNCNATION INWSTRIES INC Sues Ray Primm Industries Inc over i;atent for <X>or control Fi rm wins $80 , 000 award in i;atent infringanent suit INSECT'S Brown recluse spider studied by UA professor INSTALLMENT BUYU.:G see - Credit INSURANCE see also - Atkins Insurance Corp see also - Baldwin United Corp see also - Congress of Insurance Legislators see also - Fi rst Pyramid Life Insurance Company of America see also - Independence Corporation of Batesville see also - National Investors Life Insurance Co see also - unemployment Insurance and canpensation see also - Union National Life Insurance Co Coverage sought for wanan who needs liver transplant Liver transplant covered by insurance policy wanan has E!..ain Connell nust choose insurance plan for liver transplant Gov Bill Clinton asks UCA to re11 i6rl case of E Connell PrimeCare plan growing in Arkansas Arkansas i;:hysicians enj oy low malpractice rates Agent ' s license re11oked after hearing Blue Cross and Blue Shield settles suit by Clester W White INI'EGRATION OF RACES see - College Segregation INl'EGRATION OF SCl:ICXLS see - Publ ic School Segr egation INTEREST see - Credit INTERNATIONAL BROIHERHOOD OF TFNJ.STERS Alfred H Pickering r esigns as president of Local 878 INTERNATIONAL PAPER CD Nerlsprint line closing idles 400 at Pine Bluff Suit seeks $16 million in death, inj uries of anployees Unions to vote on plan to get line restarted at Pine Bluff Donates $10 , 0 00 to University of Arkansas library fund Camden Mill to close after 56 years of operation Foreign competition blamed for closing of Camden plant 120 P.AG C 09/03/84 BOl 1 09/03/84 BOl 1 08/02/84 A09 3 03/07/84 DOB 2 12/04/84 C06 4 06/21/84 BOl 2 01/25/84 01/26/84 03/11/84 03/20/84 05/06/84 08/05/84 11/11/84 11/14/84 All A08 AlO B02 BOl Al3 A23 A06 1 2 5 1 5 1 3 1 02/01/84 A03 4 01/11/84 01/12/84 03/06/84 06/21/84 11/06/84 11/07/84 AOl D06 C07 B02 AOl D06 2 1 2 6 2 4 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 DATE Conditions for restarting machine at Pine Bluff discussed State working to keep plant open two mor e years Union workers approve plan to keep Camden plant open Union workers ratify proposal to keep Camden mill open Camden may change city limits to assist mill to stay open INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Peace march held in Little Rock Peace Through Strength orgn holds rally at Little Rock Veterans of Foreign Wars in Ark leaves Peace Through Strength Veterans of Foreign Wars cite right wing politics in Pl'S orgn Article discusses several peace groups in Arkansas Two camps battle over how to maintain peace lNVENTIONS AND INVENTORS see also - Innovation Industries Inc George and Mildred Kraft market furniture coasters IRAN see also - !Myer Cynthia IRANIANS IN ARKANSAS Five wear masks to protest Moslem gathering in Little Rock IRRIGATION see also - Selage and Liquid Wastes see also - Water see also - White River IRVIID RCBERT see also - Books and Writing ISBELL GARY see also - Faulkner County Jail NY RALPH see also - Books and Writing J SAM SMTIH AND ASSOCIATES see - Advertising JACK WINTER INC Warren clothing factory closing Plant in warren may be taken over by another firm, kept open Plant to be purchased, reopened by Laibnna Sportavear JACKSON CDUNI'Y Article on econanic developnent plans JACKSON CDUNI'Y NATIONAL BANK Unusual loan losses bring order for closing of bank JACKSON JESSE see also - Presidential Election JACKSON KAREN see also - Robinson Brenda Murder Case JACKSCl\l MARLIN D see also - Banks JACKSON SHIRLEY see also - Robinson Brenda Murder Case JACKSON ULYS Harrison J;hysician, communi ty leader dies JACKSONIDRT STATE PARK see - Parks and Recr eation JACKSONVILLE Daily accused of holding gun to head of alderman Randy Daily fired f ran Police Dept after alleged incident PAG C 11/11/84 11/30/84 12/06/84 12/08/84 12/20/84 A2 4 AOl BOl A07 A07 6 2 1 1 2 01/07/84 09/30/84 1 0/11/84 10/11/84 12/09/84 12/09/84 BOl A25 A06 A06 COl COl 1 1 4 4 1 1 11/18/84 B07 1 12/29/84 A03 5 08/08/84 D07 4 08/09/84 AOl 5 08/10/84 AOl 4 01/29/84 AOl 2 08/10/84 AOl 2 · 121 10/3]/84 All 4 07/20/84 AlO 1 07/20/84 AlO 1 .ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E INDEX 1984 DATE JACDB PAUL LNVRENCE see also - US-Defenses and Armed Forces JAILS see - Prisons and Prisoners JAMFS BROIHERS CD Wayne Cryts case sent back to ct at Little Rock US Suprane Ct refuses to free Wayne Cryts fran contanpt JAMES mvrD RANIX>Lm El Dorado businessnan dies JAYCEES see - united States Jaycees JEFFERS GRIG see also - Mountain Pine School District JEFFERSCN CDUNI'Y see also - Coroners JEFFERSCN RIGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Pine Bluff facility lays off 120 anployees JHIOVAHS WITNESSES Arkansas leaders fear outsiders misunderstand than JEWELL JmRY D Judge told to find worth of Red Carpet Inn JINKS HARCLD see also - Congress-House District 2 JCB TRAINn:G PAR'INERSHIP AC!' see - Lal::or and Employment JOOGn:G AND RUNNn:G Diet Pepsi run at Little Rock atttracts 2 ,6 00 entrants Diet Pepsi race at LR won by Simeon Kigen and Anne Audain JOHNSCN CDUNI'Y see also - Comp:i.nies and Factories JCHNSON CDUNI'Y JAIL Escapee James Keith Sampson wounded during r ecapture JCJINSCN mRLEEN see also - Kidnapping JCHNSCN JIM see also - Arkansas-Suprane Court Position 1 see also - Little Rock School District Raninisces about politics of 1950s era Changes political allegiance to Republican Party Explains his switch to Republican Party Wins acceptance in appearance before GOP leaders Calls Judge Henry Woods a megalananiac Urges boycott of Arkansas Gazette and its advertisers Says Judge Henry Woods attanpts to take over legal system Relates his involvanent in Hoxie School Dist desegregation Defends Ed Bethune interviews of prospective federal judge JOHNSOO KENNEIH L SR Former chai illl.an of dept at UAm dies JCHNSCN L W Obituary JCHNSON MARK see also - Robberies and Thefts JOHNSON MESCAL Leader in education of food consumers 122 PAG C 04/14/84 A22 1 10/11/84 l\0 4 6 02/24/84 l\07 3 04/12/84 l\01 2 06/23/84 l\07 1 01/26/84 Al O 1 04/22/84 l\05 1 04/22/84 E()l 1 11/23/84 A25 2 03/30/84 04/04/84 04/12/84 04/15/84 04/27/84 04/27/84 04/29/84 05/27/84 09/24/84 Al 7 l\01 Al6 Al 4 l\03 l\03 l\07 !02 AO 5 4 2 5 6 1 1 1 3 1 09/04/84 l\07 6 01/15/84 A22 1 08/28/84 COl 5 ARKANSAS GAZETI'E INDEX 1984 Dl\TE JCJINSOO RCNNI E DREW see also - Boyd J e1ell Murder Case JCNES D'.){x;JAS C Season of Yellow Leaf is latest took JCNES E E2\.Y Receives honorary degree fran Kansas State University JONES GRANDPA see also - Restaurants JCNES GUY H Raninisces alx>ut state politics of 1950s era JCNES HARCLD F JR see also - Traffic Accidents and Safety JCNES I.VY MURDER C'AS E Arthur Taylor and Randy and Michael Hallman face charges JCNES JAMES H JR State editor of Arkansas Gazette dies at age 43 Eflitorial tribute to Mr Jones JCNES JIMMIE see also - Arkansas-Secretary of State Resigns as Adj Gen of Arkansas National Guard JONES JULIA see also - Gambling JCNES JULIA HOOHES see also - Arkansas-Auditor Will talk to Walter Mondale alx>ut fanale running mate Meets with Walter Mondale in Minnesota Record high numbers of voters registered, state Auditor says Organizes group to encourage voter registration Leads wanen ' s groups supporting Geraldine Ferraro Predicts big increase in voter turnout Predicts 1 million voters in general el ection JCNES MAXINE TEMPLE Marty Sherrill Devasher alleges Jones stole her work JORmN CASTLE W see also - Arkla Equipnent Co JORmN LINDA Serves as co-ordinator of Judy Petty camp:lign for Congress JOOLIN KENNEm RAY MURDER C'AS E Timothy Glenn HCMell charged in stabbing death of Joslin JCXJRNALISM see also - North Little Rock School District JOYNER AL see also - Olympic Games JUOOONIA SCHOCL DISTRIC!' Rulings on discipline favor school officials JUKEBOXES Old j ukeboxes becane collector itans �ION CITY SCHCXL DISTRIC!' see also - Traffic Accidents and Safety P/i.G C 01/01/84 C04 4 05/17/84 B02 4 03/30/84 Al.7 4 02/09/84 D09 l 02/09/84 AOl 2 02/10/84 Al.6 1 02/02/84 AOl 2 07/04/84 07/05/84 07/25/84 09/27/84 10/ll/84 10/18/84 11/0l/84 A0 4 A05 Al.0 BOl BOl BOl A20 2 1 6 2 3 2 5 01/17/84 BOS 3 10/29/84 A07 1 03/20/84 A08 4 04/19/84 Al.4 5 12/02/84 COl 1 JUNK see - Waste Materials JURIES AND JURY ruTY Prospective j uror must go through trial of his own Samuel M Rye gets fine, probation on tampering charge 123 03/18/84 COl 2 08/04/84 Al.3 5 ARKANSAS GAZ EPrE INDEX 1984 DA.TE PIG C JURY TAMPERn.t; see - Juries and Jury D.lty JUSI'ICE FOR QUME VIC!'If.15 see - Crime Victims JUV:ENil.E DELINJU:ENCY see - Children and Youth KAHL GORION see also - Vigilantes and Radicalisn .KAMINSKY HANK see also - Art JAMFS T see also - Vaughan Jerrell Murder Case Article reviews the old Karan and the new Ehdorses Jesse Jackson for President KARAM THOMAS A Clothier told to surrender on Tennessee tax count KA�T GAYLE see also - Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame KEELS LAMAR see also - Congress-Senate KELLOOG MAURICE D Noted professional artist dies KELLY CHARLES see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co KELLY ED see also - Little Rock School District KELLY W T see also - Republican Party KARAM 01/14/84 BOl 1 03/06/84 A09 1 08/28/84 A06 6 02/15/84 Al4 4 KEMP JACK see also - Congr ess-Senate Camµiigns in Arkansas for Judy Petty for Congress KENNEDY WILL IAM H JR Banker retiring after long years of service to banking KERNS BEI'I'Y EOVLER see also - Conoord School District KERSH NANCY Wife of ATU president is outstanding cook and hostess KESTn.JBAUM RCN see also - College Basketball-University of Arkansas at LR KimAPPn:G Darleen Johnson reported abducted by Philip Anthony Davis Darleen Johnson set free in ManP'lis Philip Anthony Davis arrested in Tennessee Two Van Buren women abducted f rom farm home Two Arkansas women freed unharmed in Tulsa Lynn Ray Ernst charged with abduction of prostitute at LR State troopers resrue wanan near St Joe Two charged in abduction of wanan at St Joe Two plead innocent in St Joe case KILBY Hai.ARD Hot Springs man reunited with son after 17-year absence KILBY RON see also - Bass Masters Classic K!LL(lx;H LARRY R 124 09/22/84 A0 4 3 12/23/84 B06 1 01/11/84 COl 1 04/11/84 04/12/84 04/13/84 06/02/84 06/03/84 10/27/84 12/01/84 12/04/84 12/06/84 AOB Al7 A09 A08 Al9 A0 4 AlO BO B A07 5 1 5 1 3 5 6 5 1 08/19/84 COl 2 ARKANSAS GAZE.T!'E INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Alcohol and Drug Abuse KIMBALL RAY DeQueen publisher honored for 50 years of service KIMBRCU;H WARREN OAKLEY Name on list of 3 finalists for federal court judge in Ark KIID JACK see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co Kim MARTIN LUIHER JR see also - Holidays and Special Occasions Manorial. tree planted on Arkansas State Capitol grounds Robert Mcintosh attenpts to cut manorial. tree Manorial. tree on state Capitol grounds cut d:>wn Bill Clinton wants to plant another manorial. oak KIID RANDY IU;AN Convicted in incident at club KIRKPATRICK OON Developer helps pr eserve, restore old houses in LR KISSnGER HENRY Speaks at fund-raiser for Woody .Freanan KLEIN RCBERT WHITI'JM;'IDN MURDER O\SE Prison escapees Steven Hill and Michael Cox surrounded State Trooper Klein killed while searching for escapees State Trooper was searching for Michael Cox and Steven Hill State troopers were searching for Wrightsville escapees Manorial. service scheduled at Little Rock Murle Rice family describes being captives of escapees About 700 attend manorial service in Little Rock Capital murder charges filed against Michael Cox, Steven Hill Funeral. attended by 500 police off icers and Gov Bill Clinton SUspects plead innocent, cite mental reasons KLEINE JOE see also - Olympic Games I<MART DISCDUNI' S'IORES see also - Tresi;ass KNIGlfrs OF PYl'HIAS I�mates $400 , 000 to Arkansas Oiildren' s Hospital KNCLL I::IA.VID Obituary KNOOP �ITH YIIDLOO see also - Books and Writing-Knoop Faith Yingl ing KRAFT GEOK;E see also - Inventions and Inventors RU KLUX KLAN North Little Rock residents find 'White Patriot ' on lawns sane blacks l ive in area wher e fapers distributed in NLR KUMPE RUSSELL F see also - Vaughan Jerrell Murder Case I<IJRJIAKA SANDRA see also - American Civil Liberties Union see also - Arkansas State Prison I<IJR0m PAUL K Discusses danger of radioactive debris from satellites LABOR AND AGRIClJLWRE Suit by migrants in Drew, Bradley Co settled 125 PAG C 11/17/84 B02 4 08/18/84 AOl 6 01/15/84 01/17/84 03/09/84 03/10/84 A0 5 A03 Al.5 Al.8 5 1 1 2 03/01/84 A03 4 08/20/84 BOl 2 09/09/84 A20 6 10/17/84 10/17/84 10/17/84 10/17/84 10/17/84 10/18/84 10/18/84 1 0/19/84 10/19/84 10/23/84 AOl AOl AOl AOl A03 AOl A08 AOl A03 BOl 2 2 2 2 5 2 1 2 3 3 10/27/84 C09 6 01/21/84 All 3 ll/04/84 Al. 4 5 11/04/84 Al. 4 5 04/14/84 BOl 1 05/20/84 A21 1 ARKANSA5 GAZErl'E lNDEX 1984 DATE LABOR AND EMR.OYEE LFASM; Nsv anployee leasing comi;:anies open in Arkansas LABOR AND EMPLOYMENI' see also - Comi;:anies and Factories see also - Doctors Hospital see also - Jefferson Regional Medical Center see also - Trade Schools see also - themployment Insurance and Compensation see also - Whirlpool Corp Unanployment in Arkansas rises to 9 .4 pct Unanployment rate climbs to 1 0 .5 pct Arkansas not ready for 1994 workplace, MIT professor says Jobless rate declines in Arkansas and the nation Jobless rate in Ark drops to 9 percent Unanployment in Ark decl ines to 8 .7 pct Job Coordination in Springdale helps find j obs Shoe plant closings oost Ark 2 ,000 jobs since 1976 Unemployment in Ark rises to 9 pct 'lWo shoe plants to lay off workers because of foreign imports Jobless rate in Ark holds at 9 pct CCX Network Inc of Comay lays off 60 anployees Job Training Partnership program betters CETA placement rate Warren losing hundreds of j obs by Jack Winter plant closing Reynolds Metals Co lays off 225 workers at Jones Mills Unanployment rate in Ark drops to B .3 percent Rise in number of j ob seekers reported by ESD Jobless rate in Ark drops to 7 . 8 pct 'lhree textile mills in Ark cite foreign imports in closing utilities say no to i;:ayment moratorium for jobless Task force plans meetings to help j obless fran plant closings state seeks grant to train textile workers for other j obs Dislocated worke�s Task Force aided 1 , 000 in j ob placement Employment in manUfacturing rises in Arkansas LABOR AND OLDER WORKERS Senior Communi ty Service Employment Program helps find j obs LABOR AND STRIKES see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co see also - Reynolds Metals Co see also - Sianens Allis Small Motors Division LABOR AND TRADE UNIONS see also - American Federation of Lator see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co see also - DeQueen General Hospital see also - International Brotherhood of Teamsters see also - International Paper Co see also - Little Rock School District see also - Little Rock-Etnployees and Officials see also - 'fyson Foods Inc Union workers in Ark take lower i;a.y to keep j obs Arkansas Right to Work law may be in j eoi;:ardy, club told LACROIX OPI'IC'AL CD Explosion rips out wall, starts fire, inj ures 3 at Batesville LADISH CD Russellville plant expansion to add 175 nel jobs 126 PAG C 09/02/84 BOl 3 01/07/84 02/04/84 02/12/84 03/10/B4 04/07/B4 05/05/84 05/14/84 06/03/84 07/07/B4 07/27/84 08/04/B4 OB/05/B4 08/08/B4 OB/OB/84 OB/2B/B4 09/0B/84 09/2B/84 10/06/84 10/20/B4 10/27/B4 10/2B/84 11/09/84 11/24/84 12/31/84 C07 AOB BOl C07 C07 COS BOl A09 COS COB A03 A06 BOl D07 AOl Al5 COB C07 AOl AOB Al2 C07 BOl AlO 5 4 2 2 1 6 5 1 6 4 6 6 4 4 5 1 2 4 4 2 1 6 5 1 12/19/84 BOl 2 04/03/84 BOl 4 09/14/B4 cos 2 ll/17/B4 A0 4 2 09/21/84 A0 4 2 ARKANSAS GAZ E.Tl'E lNDEX 1984 DA.TE LAOONNA SOORT5WFAR lNC Warren firm buys Jack Winter clothing plant IAFE SOICXL DIS'l'RICl' see - Marmaduke School District LAKES AND RESERVOIRS see also - Beaver Lake see also - Faulkner Lake see also - Greers Ferry Lake see also - Millwood Lake see also - Parks and Recr eation Beaver Lake property owners obj ect to new rules on ci>cks Plan to clean Faulkner Lake channel s mder fire US Senate votes to halt land sale at Bull Shoals Lake Norfork ferry boat used for tours around lake Norfork is pleasant alternative to crowded areas LAfJB J:EANINNE see also - Books and Writing LAMB TED Principil figure in LR Central desegration case dies IJ\NCASTER BCB see also - Books and Writing LAND see also - Arkansas River see also - Farms G&FC pays triple value of land in White County for proj ect Large tract in western Little Rock bought for $2 .7 million LAND SUBSIDENCE AND LANrSLIDFS Sinkhole in yard at Little Rock caused by old well Tons of rock , dirt crush 11 vehicles at Hot Springs Crater on NLR str eet grows to 3 0 feet wide IANDFILL see also - Waste Materials LANDLORD AND TENANT see - Housing LANDRUM GWENOOLYN mvIS Obituary IANI:SLIDFS see - land Subsidence and Landslides LANE CI.I.FT Interest in two banks in Pike County to be sold IJ\NE OLLI E KJRDER CASE Farmer shot , killed near Iardanelle I.l\OOFORD CLIFF Langford leaves Hollywood to seek happiness in Arkansas LAN3LEY CARL see also - Crossley Wayne Murder Case LASATER AND 00 INVEETMENI' BANKERS Richard L Knox pranoted to pr esident of firm IA'lATER mN R I\lrchases Angel Fi re resort in New Mexioo SUit alleges Jay DeHaven misused Lasater oomp:my fmds John W DeHaven sues four firms owned by Lasater IA'lC'ANO CDNNIE LOO IS E see also - Hmt Jeanni e Beard Murder Case 127 PKi C 08/10/84 AOl 4 02/10/84 05/12/84 06/22/84 08/06/84 08/24/84 COB BOl Al.5 BOl BOl 3 3 1 2 3 09/07/84 A0 8 3 03/20/84 A08 5 0 5/20/84 BOl 5 03/07/84 A06 5 03/23/84 AOl 2 04/16/84 BOl 2 01/06/84 Al.0 6 07/04/84 Al.8 6 03/23/84 Al.2 6 11/18/84 COl 4 07/15/84 003 1 1 0/08/84 A07 3 10/09/84 A06 6 12/01/84 All 1 ARRAN SAS GAZEITE INDEX 1984 Dl-\TE U\ST MAN a.tB OF WORLD WAR I Eleven manbers meet at Pine Bluff LATTA .EMMS see - R:ml try and F.ggs UW ENFORCF.MENr see - Police and Law Enforcement LAW ENFORC� ASSISTPNCE FOOND1\.TION Organization not receiving as many requests as expected IltlRENCE BILL see also - Books and Writing IJWSCN JAMES D MURDER C'ASE Eric Eugene Crusoe, 14, dlarged in death of Lawson LAWSCN WILL IA A Has had long career in several fields LmCllVILLE SClIOCL DISTRICI' see - Buffalo Island School District see also - Monette School District LFADERSHIP RaJNDl'ABLE ASSOCIATION Ehcbrses Denocratic candidates LFAKY MARY see also - Books and Writing-Leaky Mary LFATHEH-lOOO CREEK see also - Pollution LEBANCN Funeral held for Marine son of Arkansas family LEmEI'l'ER SANDY Works as aide to daughter of Walter Mondal e LEE OOUNI'Y see also - Arkansas-Boundaries LEE CREEK see also - Archeology and Anthroix:>logy see also - Rivers LEE MICHAEL WRDER C'ASE Lee died after Virsie L 'Ihanas used gasoline to burn him LEE RAY Russellville l::usinessman r ep:tys $1 .2 million to creditors LEE RCBERT E see also - Holidays and Special Occasions LEFLAR HELEN FIM;ER see also - Books and Writing LEFLAR RCBERT A Professor has taught law at UAF last 57 years Toast and roast honors Dr Leflar Dr Leflar teaches at UA Law School without :i;ay LH;AL AID FOR '!HE :EOOR Lawyer group called VOCALS provides aid to indigent LEGAL EIUCATION see - university of Arkansas LffiAL PROFESSION Bernard Whetstone is successful personal inj ury lawyer List of students who :i;assed state bar exam Report shCMs 78 pct of students p:tssed bar exam Arkansas Bar Assn sought closed hearings on discipline Press cannot be kept f ran disciplinary hearings on lawyers 128 P.AG C 11/13/84 B02 6 04/08/84 A21 1 09/29/84 BO B 3 08/05/84 DOl 1 10/14/84 A03 5 01/01/84 A03 6 07/20/84 Al.2 6 11/21/84 A06 1 01/08/84 BOl 2 01/20/84 AOl 3 01/20/84 All 2 12/01/84 BOl 2 08/06/84 BOl 2 03/05/84 03/25/84 03/25/84 04/17/84 04/17/84 BOl A07 A07 AOB AOB 2 5 5 4 4 ARKANSAS GAZ El'rE lNDEX 1984 DATE Law Examiners Bd r ej ects plea of Sam Weans for license Bar exam :fBSSed by 131 of 162 appl icants John T Harmon, W L Wharton reprimanded over resort pranotions Reprimand against Robert F Mor ehead withdrawn Tan JX>novan r eprimanded after oomplaint by Mary Orsini Erni e Witt gets caution fran state Suprane Court Ek:'lgar Thanpson reprimanded by Supr ane Court {Bnel LEGISLATURE AEA overlooked deserving manbers in listing friends of educ Peggy Nalx>rs comments on AEA ranking of legislators LEGISLATURE - BILLS AND RESCLUI'IONS see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co see also - Arkansas State Prison see also - Arkansas-Human Services De{Brtment see also - Birth Control see also - Explosives and Explosions see also - Legislatur e-Sessions see also - Pr esidential Election see also - Public School Standards see also - Taxation see also - Traffic Accidents and Safety see also - Tres{Bss see also - Water Lawmakers begin filing bills for session LEG ISLA'IURE - OOMMITrEES ALC advisory i:anel on contracts criticized by John Lisle Oversight function may need to be restricted, M Henry says Panel makes progress on plan to ease friction between houses LEGISLATURE - DEATHS see also - Nicholson W R see also - Teague James R LEGISLATURE - EIHICS Larry Wallace fl ies l egislators to tourn in his private j et Wal.lace is manber of board of directors of Arkla Inc John Fitch listed incorrectly as {Brt of tourn i:arty LEGISLATURE - HOOSE Several races develop when incumbents decide not to run Results of election contests listed Results in r aces around state LEGISLATURE - HOOS E DISTRICI' 01 Clayton Little opposed by Republican Tim Hutchinson Republ ican Tim Hutchinson def eats Clayton Little LEGISLATURE - HOOSE DISTRICI' 03 J Lex Moore seeks Democratic nomination James Fred Hudson and Bob Watts seek seat Republ ican Bob Watts defeats James Fred Hudson for seat LEGISLATURE - HOO S E DISTRICI' 15 Bob Fairchild and Bob Treat seek election LEGISLATURE - HOOSE DISTRICI' 17 Republ ican Kevin Hatf ield defeats David Fox for seat LEGISLATURE - HOOSE DISTRICI' 25 Ek:'l Thicksten opposed by Republican Ray Parks LEGISLATURE - HOOSE DISTRICI' 28 Buddy Blair opposed by Republican Ray Stewart 129 05/01/84 08/19/84 08/21/84 11/04/84 12/08/84 12/16/84 12/17/84 Pl\G C B02 Al3 A0 4 Al4 Al6 ADS Al4 5 2 1 2 1 2 3 02/26/84 IOI 1 03/06/84 Al O 4 11/22/84 Al2 1 02/10/84 A06 1 03/04/84 A23 1 10/04/84 All 1 03/14/84 Al 4 1 03/14/84 Al4 1 03/15/84 A08 6 05/27/84 A2 9 1 05/30/84 A06 4 05/3 )/ 84 A07 5 11/04/84 A31 1 1 1/08/84 Al3 1 01/20/84 A0 4 6 11/04/84 A3 1 2 11/08/84 Al3 1 11/04/84 A31 2 11/08/84 Al3 1 11/04/84 A31 3 11/04/84 A31 3 ARKANSAS GAZErl'E INDEX 1984 DATE LEGISLA'IURE - HOOSE DISTRICI' 3 2 L L Bryan challenged by Republ ican Walter Hartsfield LEGISLATURE - HOOS E DISTRICI' 3 9 w R Rice challenged by Republ ican Robert Donbrow LEGISLATURE - HOOSE DISTRICI' 42 w H Sanson defeats Larry Mahan for Dem nomination LEGISLATURE - HOOS E DISTRICI' 44 John Paul capps seeks reelection LEGISLATURE - HOOSE DISTRICI' 51 Ted Mullenix challenged by Democrat Doug Harp LIDISLATURE - HOOSE DISTRICI' 56 state a:iuipnent used to write letters for Stafford race Stafford says he Cbes not emEilasiz e race of his opponent candidates stress experience in camµiign for seat Glenn Mahone, w A Stafford to be in runoff for Dem nomination Glenn Mahone defeats w A Stafford Ron Fuller and Glenn Mahone seek seat Republ ican Ron Fuller defeats Glenn Mahone, Democrat LEGISLATURE - HOOSE DISTRICI' 58 Four newcomers seek seat vacated by Judy Petty Paul Doramus , Ray Turnage in runoff for Dem nomination Paul G Doramus def eats Ray Turnage for Dem nomination Paul G Doramus and Dorothy :English seek seat Democrat Paul G Doramus defeats Dorothy :Engl ish , Repub LIDISLATURE - HOOS E DISTRICI' 6 0 Myra Jones seeks Democratic nomination Myra Jones, Frank Whitbeck seek seat Myra Jones leads Frank Whitbeck for Dem nomination Clarence Hunter def eats Grover Richardson for Dem nomination LEGISLATURE - HOOSE DISTRICI' 62 Clarence Hunter files for seat held by Grover Richardson Grover Richardson to seek reelection Rev William Harry Bass to seek seat held by G Richardson Grover Richardson challenged by 2 opponents Clarence Hunter , Grover Richardson headed for runoff Clarence Hunter and B J Harris seek seat Clarence Hunter defeats B J Harris LEGISLATURE - HOOSE DISTRICI' 68 IX>ug Wood challenged for seat by Mark Lowery Doug Wood defeats Mark Lowery LIDISLATURE - HOOS E DISTRICI' 69 Art Givens challenged by Olarl es Lovell , a student Art Givens surges to big lead in election r eturns LEGISLATURE - HOOSE DISTRICI' 73 Shirley Meach.am C'al.houn challenged by Betty Medford LEGISLATURE - MEMB ERS see also - Bryant Clovis see also - Capps John Paul see also - George Lloyd see also - Hampton Wayne see also - Jewell Jerry D see also - McKissick Jimmie Don see also - Miller John E see also - Nelson Knox 13 0 PM; C 11/ 04/84 A31 4 11/04/84 A31 5 06/13/84 M7 5 02/05/84 Al3 1 11/04/84 A31 5 01/19/84 01/20/84 05/23/84 0 5/30/84 06/13/84 11/01/84 1 1/ 07/84 AlO AlO AlO M7 M7 A20 Al2 5 1 1 1 4 1 4 0 5/24/84 05/30/84 06/13/84 11/01/84 11/07/84 B02 M7 M7 Af)9 Al2 1 5 6 2 6 01/20/84 05/24/84 05/30/84 06/13/84 M4 BOB Af)6 M7 5 1 5 6 02/01/84 0 2/03/84 02/21/84 05/23/84 05/30/84 11/01/84 11/07/84 Af)3 Cll BOS Af) 9 M7 AlO Al2 1 2 3 1 5 2 5 11/01/84 Af)6 1 11/07/84 Al7 1 05/23/84 M8 l 05/30/84 M7 4 11/04/84 A31 6 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 01\.TE see also - Richardson Grover see also - Sherman William F see also - Wood Bobby G LEGISLATURE - RFAPIDRrIONMENT Cbunties with no resident reps plan to challenge districting Stage set for challenge of reapportiorrnent plan Lawsuit challenges legality of reapportionment of 1981 House menbers divided on reapportiorment State Supr ane ct deni es repeal of reapportioment plan LEGISLATURE - SENATE DISTRICT 16 Five candidates seek seat in special election <harl ie Cole Chaffin wins Denocratic nanination LEGISLATURE - SENATE DISTRICT 3 4 Vada Shei.d defeated by Republican Steve Luef LEGISLATURE - SESSIONS Benef its seen for annual meetings of Legislature Legislators seen unenthusiastic al::x>ut special session Special session on truck tax called unlikely Frank White urges special session to aid police Key issues facing 1985 session outlined. John M Lipton to propose annual session of Legis Ernest Dumas discusses need for annual sessions LEHMAN OON MURDER CASE Death sentence of Hoyt Clines left intact by US Suprane Cburt Execution of Clines, Holmes, Richley and Ornoorff stayed Appeal of death sentences by four denied by Ark Suprane ct Gov Bill Clinton sets execution date for four oonvicted. men Three select means of execution, rut delay is likely Four inmates receive stay of execution LM.EY J MERLE see also - Arkanss-Land Commissioner LENDMJ.. JIM Joins danonstrators at Reagan rally in Little Rock LEON ROY MURDER CASE see - Cross Leonard Murder Case LESBIANISM see - Homosexual ity LESLIE BCB see also - Republican Party LESTER BCBBY G see also - Pulaski County School District LESTER JAMES E JR see also - Books and Writing-Lester James E Jr LEUCADIA INC see also - Bal.Cliin United Corp LE.vI STRAUSS AND CD Plants at ArkadelJ;ilia and Star City to close LEWIS CECILIA ANN MURDER CAS E Ebur men charged in murder of wanan in 1983 LEWIS MARY see also - Opera LIBEL AND SLANDER see also - Arkansas Denocrat see also - Hendricks Lowber 131 03/10/84 03/3]/84 04/26/84 10/28/84 12/04/84 PAG C A03 A03 A03 A20 A07 1 5 2 4 1 09/16/84 A20 1 10/03/84 A03 3 11/08/84 Al.3 1 02/18/84 05/20/84 06/05/84 07/23/84 11/18/84 11/25/84 12/02/84 BOl A25 BOl A07 A28 A20 HOl 6 1 1 4 1 2 2 02/22/84 04/03/84 0 5/3 0/84 06/08/84 06/27/84 06/28/84 002 A04 Al.2 Al.4 A0 4 BOl 6 6 1 5 6 2 11/04/84 A22 2 06/20/84 AOl 6 10/19/84 Al.0 5 ARRANSAS GAZ EPI'E INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Hot Springs Sentinel Reex>r d LIBRARIES AND LIBRARIANS see also - College Libraries and Librarians see also - Public Libraries Lims see - Credit LIGffi'JN; Sanford R Brooks Jr develops business with floodlights LIGI11NDX; see also - Accidents and Safety LIGNITE see - Coal LIGON ED Dl\VIS SR Cllai nnan of Orbit Valve dies LINOOLN ABRAHAM see also - Household Furnishings and Equip:nent LINOOLN ClIARLES II see also - Alienation of Affections LINOOLN CDUNI'Y Article discusses eoonanic and social life of county LINDLOFF MARIUS JOON Former UA chaplain dies at age 82 LINOO EY BFJJ Working for Walter F Mondale caJniaign LINOO EY RCBERT RGH Obiturary LINEBEroER JaIN see also - Faulkner County Jail LINKOUS OVIGHI' Involvanent in James Dean Walker case reviewed in series LIPl'ON JaIN M see also - Legislature-Sessions LISLE JOON see also - Legislature-Committees LITERACY see - Illiteracy LITHERLAND IDRIS MURDER C'AS Henry Lee Lucas to be charged in 197 8 slaying in Saline Co LITHERLAND OORIS MURDER C'AS E Lucas l ed officials to slaying site, filled in details Capital nurder charge filed against Henry Lee Lucas LrrI'ER see - Waste Materials LI'Pl'LE RASCALS Dl\Y CARE mMILY H<Jom Cllild Care Facility RE.View Bd wants to lift license LI'Pl'LE ROCK see also - Central Arkansas Transit see also - Housing see also - Parks and Recreation Southwest area gains sense of pride in develop:nent LI'Pl'LE ROCK - ARFA PLANNDX; see also - Retail Stores and Trade Annexed areas to r eceive city services this week Circuit Ct approves annexation of 1 2 .6 sq miles 132 PAG C 11/17/84 BOl 1 02/10/84 Al.4 6 03/11/84 AOl 2 10/13/84 Al.7 3 07/20/84 Al.2 6 01/06/84 Al.O 5 09/23/84 AOl 2 08/02/84 Al.4 3 08/02/84 Al.4 3 08/03/84 A05 3 01/26/84 A06 1 12/27/84 BOl 5 03/04/84 Al.7 1 05/01/84 AOl 6 ARKANSAS GAZE.TI'E INDEX 1984 01\TE Nathaniel Griffin leads fight to transform planning process sandpiper residents op:Po se plan for off ice bldg in are:i. otter Creek developnent growing at rapid pace southwest area making effort to create p:>sitive developnent Grant for Main Street market proj ect rej ected by HUD House GOP blocks effort to revive Main Street fmds Main Street Market grant to get another revi&1 Developers seek zoning of 6 00-acre tract on Highway 10 Pro{X>sal to annex Glenn Johnson Randi on Highway 1 0 studied LITI'LE ROCK - BUILDIN3S AND OFFICES see also - Fires see also - Littl e Rock-Ar ea Planning see also - Little Rock-Publ ic Buildings and Off ices Train Station l:x>nds to be bought Topping-out held for Rogers Building Renovation of Alsopl,>-Chapple Bldg proves expensive Lafayette Hotel oonversion to off ice bldg nears completion Lafayette Hotel lobby being r estored Capitol Tower to be 40 stories tall Capitol Tower groundbreaking ceranony held Rogers Building will have sculptur ed look Night clubs to open in Continental Trailways Building Lafayette Hotel sold to Cal ifornia firm Three blds win design awards for architectural firms Trailways Bus Lines may choose building site soon N&1 record set for building permits in one year PrO{X>Sed bus station at 3 rd, Qu�ter draws o:wosition Mayor J W Benafield opposes bus terminal on Olester St Effort made to keep oos terminal fran 3rd, Chester site Arnold Bldg being r enovated for exhibition gallery, offices LITI'LE ROCK - CITY BOARD Candidates ar e F Villines, M Harris, P Sherrill, T Robinson Olarl es Bussey balks at plan for replacement of W Hubbell SOOtt Sudduth, 'lhanas A Prince to seek board seat Board cannot agr ee on successor to Webster Hubbell Dick Herget to fill term of Webster Hubbell on City Board Dick Herget gained seat alm::>st by default Bob Hess says FOP pro{X>sals should be on ballot Position 7 on City Board sought by four candidates Five candidates seek Position 3 Gale F Weeks defeated in r e-election bid Voters choose Tan Milton, Tom Prince and Floyd G Villines Returns in election for board manbers Board undergoes shakeup as two thinkers leave p:mel Mayoral race up for grahs as serious electioneering begins Surmnary of news of week Dick Herget comment s on his brief stint on board LITI'LE ROCK - CIVIL SERVICE CDMMISSION see also - Little Rock-R>lice and Law Enforcement LITI'LE ROCK - &DNCMIC CDNDITIONS see also - Urban Areas Cost of living compared with other cities LITI'LE ROCK - EMPLOYEES AND OFFICALS 'IWo FOP proposals ordered to be placed on ballot 133 PAG C 06/21/84 08/28/84 09/02/84 09/3 0/84 10/02/84 10/13/84 10/23/84 11/14/84 12/09/84 BOl A03 GOl Al.9 A0 4 Al.5 A0 5 A08 A20 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01/25/84 04/21/84 06/03/84 06/22/84 06/22/84 06/24/84 08/10/84 09/09/84 10/05/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/17/84 11/18/84 11/21/84 11/28/84 12/13/84 12/23/84 D06 NJ7 BOl C07 C07 BOl C09 B06 A09 BOl B06 AOl BOl BOl D06 A0 9 BOl 1 2 4 3 3 1 3 4 1 4 1 2 1 2 5 1 4 07/15/84 08/30/84 08/30/84 09/01/84 09/06/84 09/16/84 10/21/84 10/30/84 11/01/84 11/07/84 11/07/84 11/08/84 11/11/84 12/16/84 12/23/84 12/30/84 Al.5 A03 A03 BOl AOl All Al.3 BOl BOl Al.2 Al.2 A07 A3 2 Al. 9 A22 A21 1 1 3 4 6 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 08/03/84 COB 6 10/09/84 AOl 5 ARKANSAS GAZ EP.l'E lNDEX 1984 Paula Ann Glover accuses Pol ice Dept of sex bias on j obs Ll'rl'LE ROCK - EMR.OYEES AND OFFICIALS Job action protest planned by EDP over EBY Testimony on bias against blacks called waste of time Wastewater Utility subj ect of oomplaints to EEDC on firings Petition drive of EDP falls short on signatur es FOP disputes decision not to oount signatures on petitions Federal fact-finder r ecommends 7.5 pct EBY rise for police Facts lacking for police EBY raise finding, Tim Kohl says Police r ej ect city offer on EBY Constitutional issue raised on vote on police EBY raise Pol ice, city reach no r esolution on EBY dispute Request of city to deny vote on EDP refused by Suprane Court FOP suspects probe of shooting is effort to decrease trust Mayor Benaf ield organizes group to fight EDP proposals Binding arbitration measure ruled off ballot by oourt Vote on EBY raise for police left on ballot by Suprane Ct Initiated ordinance leaves amt of police raise up to voters Issue of federal oontrol inj ected into FOP EBY raise dispute Voters turn cbwn FOP r equest for mandated pay raise City gives policemen salary raise day after election Pay proposal defeat depr esses police Court hearing suit by FOP for retroactive holiday EBY Holiday EBY is owed police officers, jury decided Lawyers cannot explain boo jury reached figur e on tack pay Jury foranan explains finding in case on police holiday EBY Fire Dept to choose one black for every white hired Fire Dept is family affai r for several workers Ll'Pl'LE ROCK - FIRE DEPARTMENI' see also - Little Rock - Enployees and Officials Ll'rl'LE ROCK - HIS'IDRIC BUILDIJ.\'.GS AND SITES Outside work finished on Pike-Fl etcher-Terry Mansion Article on houses in Quapaw Quarter tour for 1984 Columns uncovered were EBrt of Solanon Gans house Vinsonhaler House was r estored by Ibn Ki rkpatrick Ll'rl'LE ROCK - HIS'IDRY Columns fran Solanon Gans r esidence recall earl ier days Ll'rl'LE ROCK - ImELS see - Hotels-Littl e Rock Ll'rl'LE ROCK - HClJSIJ.\'.G Jungle houses are art to sane, eyesor es to others Ll'Pl'LE ROCK - :tJIJNICI:mL CDUR'I' Races for two seats bring charges and countercharges Allan Di shongh and Jack Magruder win positions Ll'rl'LE ROCK - K>LICE AND LJlW ENEDRCEMENI' see also - Little Rock-Enployees and Officials Susan Fl aning wants no action against Oiief Simpson David Fletcher shot while fleeing f ran police Rules follooed in shooting of Fletcher , <lli ef Simpson says Commission says Simpson deserves no disciplinary action Robert Mcintosh, Grover Richardson to probe Fletcher case Wilrur C Bentley says shooting of Fletcher j ustified Mrs Fl etcher says police not j ustified in shooting her son Bob Hess and Officer Mark Treece exchange harassnent charges 13 4 12/07/84 Al7 6 01/05/84 02/11/B4 O B/04/B4 09/19/84 09/20/84 09/21/B4 09/22/B4 09/25/B4 10/03/B4 1 0/06/84 10/11/84 1 0/15/B4 10/17/B4 1 0/25/84 1 0/25/84 10/31/84 10/3l/B4 11/07/84 11/08/84 11/08/84 11/15/84 ll/16/B4 11/17/84 11/18/84 11/24/84 ll/27/84 A03 A06 BOB BOl Al4 Al3 A07 C04 AOB AOl AOl AOS BOl AOl AOl AOl BOl Al2 Al 4 Al4 AOS A03 BO B A24 BOl BOl 4 1 1 6 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 4 5 5 2 2 4 5 5 1 6 1 5 1 2 01/08/84 04/26/84 08/05/84 08/20/B4 AlB COl Al2 BOl 4 1 2 2 OB/05/84 Al2 2 04/10/84 BOl 2 10/30/84 cos 1 ll/07/B4 Al2 5 01/13/84 0 2/08/84 02/09/84 02/10/84 02/10/B4 02/16/84 0 2/17/84 0 2/26/84 AOl A03 A03 A0 4 AOS A03 A06 A24 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 mTE Court orders criticism of Chief Simpson stricken f ran record Officer Jay Hagl er kills himself in apt at liquor stor e Wanen questioned alx>ut shooting of Hagler Witnesses say Hess complained often alx>ut Officer Mark Treece Witness says she, Hess, kept watch on Officer Mark R Treece Treece wins $75 ,000 judgment against Bob Hess Judge William M Butler bars use of cadets to issue tickets Sheriff T Robinson sto� for speeding, no ticket issued T Robinson angered by publ ication of speeding incident Resignation of City Director Bob Hess asked by FOP Thedford Coll ins ticketed in same area Robinson was sto:wed T Collins not allowed to raise issue of Robinson speeding Thedford Collins found guilty of speeding Merryman arrest did not entail excessive force, reIX>rt says Handl ing of Maryman case called brutal by NAACP Police mistakenly order owner to leave his own rent house Petitions backing police J;BY turned in by FOP n:tnny Ray Lads suit alleges excessive force used by p:>lice Pol ice shoot, kill burglary suspect James Bruce Robinson shot , killed by p:>lice James Bruce Robinson was a J;Brolee f ran Tucker Prison Black community critical of p:>lice shooting of Reeves John Willie Reeves was mental J;Btient killed by p:>lice Police Chief Sonny Simpson oomments on recent shootings Reeves family claim he was harmless, scared of p:>lice City Board to name J;Bnel to r evieN two shootings Jahn William Reeves was shot f ive times by officers Chris Piazza says race not issue in shootings of suspects FOP suspects probe by city bd may be effort to lessen trust Activists call shooting of Reares a murder by p:>lice Mother of John Reeves files civil rights complaint with mr Robert Mcintosh, Parnell Riley, Sandy Kurj iaka speak at rally Little Rock Civil Service Comm to probe 2 fatal shootings Photo of p:>cket knife John Willie Reeves was holding Choice of Civil Service Bd for probe concerns FOP Civil Service J;Bnel agrees to investigate 2 shootings Autopsy reIX>rt gives location of wound on John Willie Reares Version of security guard at variance with p:>lice on shooting Civil Service Comm may lack j urisdiction to probe shooting Civil Service J;Bnel has power to probe shootings , atty says Justice Dept clears p:>liceman who shot Harry R Polk in 1983 False rurglar alarms are maj or problan for p:>lice Civil Service Comm to hold meetings on shootings by p:>l ice Police Qlief Walter E Simpson suspends himself for one day Simpson suspended himsel f over handling of shooting cases Simpson will appeal his suspension to Civil Service Comm Chief Simpson' s decision on shooting upheld Chief Simpson meets with Fast End blacks to discuss problans Bob Hess seeks nEW trial in award to Mark Treece Family of James Bruce Robinson wants investigation r eopened Mark Treece f ired for allegedly lying alx>ut Chief Simpson Downtown merchants want mounted p:itrol Personal disputes in Hess-Treece case become more complicated Civil Service J;Bnel votes against r eopening probe of shooting 135 02/28/84 05/02/84 05/03/84 0 5/03/84 0 5/04/84 05/05/84 06/20/84 07/20/84 07/21/84 07/25/84 07/26/84 08/21/84 08/21/84 0 9/20/84 09/22/84 09/27/84 09/29/84 10/06/84 1 0/09/84 1 0/10/84 10/10/84 10/11/84 10/11/84 10/11/84 10/11/84 10/12/84 10/12/84 10/13/84 1 0/15/84 10/16/84 10/16/84 1 0/16/84 10/17/84 10/17/84 10/17/84 10/20/84 10/23/84 10/24/84 10/25/84 10/27/84 10/30/84 11/09/84 11/09/84 11/13/84 11/13/84 11/13/84 11/16/84 11/16/84 11/22/84 11/24/84 11/27/84 11/28/84 12/02/84 12/06/84 PAG C BOl AOl AOl A0 9 A09 Al.2 BOl A03 A03 Al. 0 A06 A03 A03 A03 A08 AOl A0 4 A07 A07 AOl A06 A03 A03 A03 A03 AOl A0 5 AOl A0 5 A06 A06 A06 A0 5 A05 BOl BOl BOl BOl Al.2 A03 A03 A06 A09 A0 5 A05 A05 AOl A0 9 P37 A06 AOl BOl P3 1 A06 3 2 2 1 1 2 6 2 5 5 6 1 1 2 6 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 4 4 1 4 5 1 6 3 2 1 6 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 Dl\.TE City studies methods other cities use to re.view shootings Policemen say John Willie Ree.ves was threat to officer Civil Service rules shooting of John Willie Ree.ves j ustified Sam Ferroni and Bob Hess to testify in hearing for M Treece Sam Ferroni , Bob Hess to charge fee for waiting to testify Mark Treece deposition concerned Simpson statement on Hess Mark Treece r einstated after hearing before Civil Service Com Pol ice had probed b.Irning of stolen car belonging to Hess Bob Hess asks pol ice to release complete file on auto case Raymelle Greening alleges beating by officers Evans, Tullos Mark Treece sues Olief Sonny Simpson for $100 ,000 Police made news throughout 1 984 Dept says it abolished light duty assignments in 1983 LlTI'LE ROCK - IDLITICB AND EL:ECI'IONS see also - Little Rock-City Board Voting results for LR race and police �y Ll'l'l'LE ROCK - RJBLIC BUILDTIX2S AND OFFICE'S see also - Robinson Center see also - Statehouse Convention Center Webster Hubbell suggests ways to fund sports arena City Hall, old fire station worth saving, report shows Most city directors favor r enovation of City Hall Hearing to be held on r enovation or building of city hall Don Hess favors construction of new city hall Martin Borchert discusses pro and con of new City Hall 'IWo groups pr esent plans for renovation of City Hall Architectural contract for City Hall work awarded Ll'l'l'LE ROCK - RJBLIC LlBRARY see - Central Arkansas Library System LlTI'LE ROCK - VIS ITORS see also - Pr esidential Election Article on visits by US pr esidents LlTI'LE ROCK - WASTtWATER tJrILITY see - Sewage and Liquid wastes Ll'l'l'LE ROCK - WATER SUP:ELY see - Water Supply-Little Rock LlTI'LE ROCK AIR EORCE BA<> E see also - Aviation and Aircraft see also - Harris Geraldine M Murder Case Replacement of wing that maintains Titans not known Base displays its r eadiness for action LlTI'LE ROCK ARSENAL No graves or trash pits on grounds , archeologist says Ll'l'l'LE ROCK METROIDLICAN ARFA see - Urban Areas LlTI'LE ROCK RKiIONAL AIRIDRT Airport adds much to econCJr!Y of area LlTI'LE ROCK SClIOCL DISTRicr see also - Athletics-High School Basis for ct suit seeking merger with NLR, Pulaski Co dists District seeks to end segregation by merger of county dists Court hears details of segregation policies of the �st Court orders not followed in two dists, witness tells court Blacks more likely to be labeled retarded in NLR, Pulaski Co 136 12/12/84 12/14/84 12/15/84 12/15/84 12/15/84 12/18/84 12/18/84 12/18/84 12/19/84 12/21/84 12/22/84 12/25/84 12/27/84 PAG C Al. 2 AOl AOl B02 00 2 AOl AOl AOl Al.5 All A03 AOl BOB 2 5 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 6 11/08/84 A21 2 01/26/84 02/23/84 03/25/84 03/29/84 04/03/84 04/17/84 11/15/84 11/30/84 A0 5 A05 Al.5 Al.3 A0 5 All A07 A0 9 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 10/31/84 BOl 5 02/02/84 A03 1 11/22/84 BOl 4 02/29/84 BOl 2 02/05/84 BOl 4 01/02/84 01/02/84 01/04/84 01/05/84 01/06/84 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl 2 2 2 2 2 ARKANSAS GAZ El'TE INDEX 1984 Dl'.\TE Court gets plan for merger of districts Court orders not familiar to three oounty board manbers Part of oourt order not met, oounty dist supt testifies Williams School :Eatrons feel Kelly will ruin magnet school Witness oontends race is factor in special classes Witness sees no white drain fran Little Rock District 'lWo districts well-desegregated, experts say Testimony ends in merger suit Ironies seen in merger suit Sensational testimony marked merger tri al Supt Kelly seeks higher acadenic standards Plans detailed for improved standards Positive enviromnent reptd at four black schools Planning r ept shows em:Eilasis on academics Attorneys for LR failed in merger suit, w H Dillahunty says supt Kelly r ecommends program expansion Many believe desegregation lowered qual ity of education Magnet school proposal draws most opposition Williams School teachers argue against racial change May get no new funds under formula, district learns Parkview student oonducts poll on cheating on examinations Most el.an students at or above grade level Gerry Smith seeks to stay in school pending trial for murder Supt Ed Kelly appl ies for position in Illinois NE317 state funds much smaller than at first r eported Court refuses to allow Gerry Smith back in school Tan Ferstl , Pulaski Taxpayers Assn oppose tax rise Tom Ferstl ads blame Gov Bill Clinton for funding problan Tan Ferstl leads opposition to millage increase Ruth D She:Eilerd elected to school board Voters def eat 5-mill incr ease Millage vote :Earallels other iatterns in Little Rock Qual ity will suffer fran tax defeat, Supt Ed Kelly says Court hears claim of Dr L T Rogers that race led to dismissal sued by D:tntzler family alleging harassrnent of childr en Consolidation pr inciIBis state positions in suit Talks opened by Cl'A on teacher IBY r benefits Skeletal budget offer ed wih significant cuts in programs Atininistrators share ideas about impending budget cuts Consolidation ordered for three dists in Pulaski County Merger of dists was ordered by US Judge Henry Woods Little Rock school officials pleased, others angry or sad Jim Johnson accuses Arkansas Gazette of sti rring trouble Budget proposes cut of 157 positions, reduced curriculum Teachers discuss possible strike if oontract not satisfactory Heavy negotiation ahead for Cl'A in oontract talks Prei:e,rations under way for next step in merger plan Text of opinion of Judge Henry Woods ordering merger of dists Arkansas Gazette praises decision of Judge Henry Woods Pulaski Co Dist iarents organiz ing to r esist merger Pulaski County Dist to appeal merger order Bus accident inj ures eight children Merger suit seen by NLR as :EXMer grab by Little Rock Parents threaten to move out of oounty or use private school 137 01/06/84 01/07/84 01/10/84 01/10/84 01/11/84 01/12/84 01/13/84 01/14/84 01/14/84 01/15/84 01/17/84 01/18/84 01/27/84 01/29/84 01/30/84 0 2/02/84 02/10/84 0 2/12/84 02/15/84 02/16/84 02/16/84 02/24/84 03/02/84 03/07/84 03/09/84 03/09/84 03/10/84 03/13/84 03/13/84 03/14/84 03/14/84 03/15/84 03/23/84 03/23/84 03/27/84 04/03/84 04/04/84 04/06/84 04/11/84 04/14/84 04/14/84 04/14/84 04/14/84 04/15/84 0 4/15/84 04/15/84 04/15/84 04/15/84 04/15/84 04/17/84 04/17/84 04/17/84 04/17/84 0 4/17/84 PAG C A06 AOl AOl A03 AOl AOl AOl AOl BOl Al. 8 A03 AOl Al.O Al.6 A0 4 Al.4 Al.5 Al.8 A08 A0 5 BOl A0 4 All AOl AOl A03 AO? AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl A0 4 A05 A09 002 Al.4 Al.6 BO B AOl AOl AOl Al.5 AOl A09 Al.7 Al.8 A26 !02 AOl AOl A03 A08 A08 1 5 2 1 2 2 2 2 4 5 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 5 3 5 1 6 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 5 2 5 1 5 1 1 3 3 4 1 1 ARI<ANSAS GAZ El'I'E INDEX 1984 Dl\TE NLR Mayor Reed Thanpson wants outrage statenent on merger Arkansas F.ducation Assn seeks to intervene in merger case Patrons cheer as NLR bd votes to appeal merger ruling Consolidation order stayed until decision is reviewed Judge Henry Woods expects his ruling to stand Meeting opposing merger ruling draws crowd of 700 Consolidation of schools not new idea County schools, NLR plan no alternatives to appeal Map shows Dentler Plan for zones after consolidation Robert McCord urges effort to make consolidation work Judge Henry Woods comments on his decision Parents in NLR urged not to pmic over consolidation order NLR i:arents urged not to transfer students to private schools North Little Rock City Council voices outrage at merger order John Walker appeals denial of intervention rS'Iuest in merger Three teacher organiz ations seek to intervene in merger case Pulaski Quorum Ct approves r esolution against consolidation Judge Woods refuses to allow teacher orgns to intervene North Little Rock Dist asks for new trial of merger case Rfquest � NLR for new trial in merger case is rej ecred Jim Johnson calls Judge Henry Woods a megalananiac Overflow crowd asks lx>ard not to reduce programs Consolidation would hurt schools, J Harrod Berry says County district asks Judge Henry Woods to leave case Stanley Russ unhappy with ruling by Judge Henry Woods Parents in NLR, Pulaski dists turn efforts to fighting order Article explores background of Judge Henry Woods Tenpers not as hot as in 1957 , Judge Henry Woods says Jim Johnson calls Judge Woods power-hungry Consolidation fears can be calmed, Robert McCord says Not all publ ic officials rush to oomnent on consol idation Merger could be cbne � Sept 1 984 , Dr Dentler testifies Protestors blame Arkansas Gazette for consolidation order Judge Henry Woods refuses to dia:iual ify himself fran case Consolidation work must go forward, Judge Henry Woods says Dr Dentler questioned alx>ut his plans for merged districts Little Rock unveils attendance plan for merged districts Map shows zones in plan proposed � Little Rock Foes of merger fear travel distances for students under plan Parents Against Consol idation continue organization drive Little Rock will not gain financially fran consolidation Milwaukee official says consolidation plan fatally flawed Busing plan would spur white flight, witness says Hearing ends on proposed consolidation plan Chart shows enrollenent in county and in private schools Private schools r eceiving mor e inqui res on admissions Map of Dentler plan for elenentary attendance areas Summary of countywide assignment plan under proposed merger About 500 parents attend rally to pledge f ight against merger Mildred Tatum, a black, heads Pulaski C.o Dist Dr and Mrs Richard Lewis urge moderation in merger debate Dale Alford cami:aign talk strongly critical of merger order Pulaski Dist asks Pres Reagan for help to avoid consolidation Several classes r estored in tudget plans 138 04/18/84 0 4/19/84 04/20/84 04/21/84 04/21/84 04/21/84 04/22/84 04/22/84 04/22/84 04/22/84 04/23/84 04/24/84 04/24/84 0 4/24/84 0 4/25/84 04/25/84 04/25/84 04/26/84 04/26/84 04/27/84 04/27/84 04/27/84 04/27/84 04/28/84 04/28/84 04/29/84 04/29/84 04/29/84 04/29/84 04/29/84 04/30/84 05/01/84 05/01/84 05/01/84 05/02/84 05/02/84 05/03/84 05/03/84 0 5/04/84 05/04/84 05/04/84 05/05/84 0 5/06/84 05/06/84 05/06/84 05/06/84 05/06/84 0 5/06/84 0 5/06/84 05/07/84 05/07/84 0 5/08/84 0 5/10/84 0 5/10/84 P.AG C All AlO Al4 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl Bll A08 AOl AOl Al2 All All Al4 AOl AOl AOl A03 A03 Al9 AOl A08 AOl AOl AOl A07 Bl3 AOl AOl AOl A0 4 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl All A25 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl A08 A09 Al4 BOl BOl A08 A07 Al2 2 6 1 2 2 6 3 3 3 1 6 2 6 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 4 1 2 5 2 5 5 1 1 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 3 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 5 6 1 5 ARKANSAS GAZ E.TI'E INDEX 1984 DATE Russell Matson gives his viet1s on oonsolidation Paul Riviere backs appeal of oonsolidation order John W Walker wants to i;:.articii;:.ate in oonsolidation case Consolidation is a net1 Ifiase of running legal battle Ellgene Reville calls merger plan starting point Intervention by John W Walker suppor ted by NLR District Eighth Circuit Ct of Appeal s leads in enacting consolidation Stanley Russ says j udge wrong to order social balancing Way appears clear for John W Walker to intervene Talks by 3 dists never came close to i;:.act , Ei:1 Kelly says Catholic Bishop McDonald issues statement on merger crisis Figur es on r etarded, learning disabled updated by NLR School officials near Pulaski Co fear influx of students Pulaski County Dist, Judge Woods disagree on oompliance Hearing on Walker petition to intervene is interesting Gov Cl inton will appeal merger order if oost to state rises White students form tiny or lone minority in some schools Teachers offered flat $350 per year raise Sandra Heister calls for cutting of fat, not curricula Pulaski County , NLR Dists elated that Walker is in case John W Walker allowed to intervene in oonsolidation case Churches and Synagogues Council urges calm debate on merger Date set for hearing on alternatives to oonsolidation Consolidation would balance mor e than racial mix Weloome for John W Walker in case may not last Ehtrance of John Walker may change di rection of merger case Classroan teachers may strike if agreanent not r eached Phil ip K Lyon says merger plan would send schools to cbgs Dogs remark draws obj ections fran Dr Kelly, school lawyers Wil ey A Branton may enter oonsolidation suit with J Walker Group opposing consol idation will ranain active during stmmer Congressional Delegation r eceiving letters, calls on merger Delay in next ct hearing r s;i:uested by some i;:.arties in case Judge Henry Woods r efuses to delay hearing Phil ip K Lyon seeks way to get rariet1 of Woods delay refusal Teacher oontract talks break down David Pryor disagr ees with rul ing by Judge Henry Woods Net1 Cl'A officials take off ice amid intense negotiations John w Walker seeks delay of hearing on merger plans Reading test soor es fall below national median Merger case will not be delayed or retried, lawyers told Parents Against Consolidation acbpts net1 tactics Large number of pupils fran magnet school in stmmer classes Tougher standards lead to mor e el.an pupils in stmmer school Attorneys for NLR ask Appeal s Ct to order delay in hearing crA SJ:X)kesman says Supt Fil Kelly seeks antiunion r eputation NLR wants Judge Woods order on testimony by experts l ifted Delay in hearing refused by US Appeal s Court us Appeal s Court allows teacher groups to intervene in case Supt Kelly says union critici an of him is unfounded Consolidation success depends on oooperation, Kelly says PULCD plan calls for voluntary transfer between districts About 1 00 attend talk on schools, federal power Negotiations with Cl'A oontinues 139 05/10/84 05/11/84 0 5/13/84 05/13/84 05/16/84 05/17/84 05/18/84 05/18/84 05/18/84 05/19/84 05/19/84 05/20/84 05/20/84 05/20/84 05/20/84 05/21/84 05/21/84 05/23/84 05/23/84 05/24/84 05/24/84 05/24/84 05/25/84 05/27/84 05/27/84 05/27/84 05/31/84 06/01/84 06/02/84 06/02/84 06/02/84 06/10/84 06/19/84 06/20/84 06/21/84 06/22/84 06/23/84 06/24/84 06/28/84 06/29/84 06/30/84 07/01/84 07/02/84 07/02/84 07/03/84 07/06/84 07/06/84 07/07/84 07/07/84 07/07/84 07/13/84 07/13/84 07/15/84 07/15/84 PAG C Al.7 A03 AOl AOl AOl Al.2 AOl A0 5 A07 BOl BOl AOl AOl AOl A26 A06 BOl Al. 2 Al.7 AOl AOl A07 AOl AOl AOl Al.9 AOl A08 Al.2 Al. 2 BOl AOl AOl AOl A0 5 A03 A0 4 Al.8 A03 Al.4 A08 Al.9 BOl BOl A04 A03 Al.O AOl AOl A03 A0 4 Al.5 A0 8 Al.7 3 1 2 5 3 5 5 1 1 5 6 2 2 5 1 1 5 1 3 3 6 1 6 2 6 1 2 2 1 5 3 5 6 2 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 4 1 ARKANSAS GAZ FI.rrE INDEX 1984 m.TE Group that missed being Central class of 1959 holds reunion Survey re11 eals opinions about strengths, weaknesses of system Sane NLR residents discuss having two districts in county Racial progr ess j eoµtrdized by merger order , PAC says Pulaski County Dist hopes to pr esent irresistibl e proposal North Little Rock complains of surprise attacks fran LR White fl ight hinders desegr egation effort, Fd Kelly says Little Rock discounts latest merger delay rE:quest of NLR John Walker wants LR Dist to be a defendant in merger case Frl Kelly gets new contract as supt NLR to offer framework for alternative to merger Little Rock says NLR is appeal ing to publ ic, not the court Pulaski County Dist Bd endorses alternative to merger Added parties to merger case may make ct hearing difficult Third hearing on merger order oould be oombative NLR will not pr esent some slick alternative, I.¥ons says Pulaski County Dist says its plan is workable NLR board hastily adopts plan to be presented to Judge Woods Paul Masem testifies countywide dist would be best North Little Rock plan shifts burden to LR and Pulaski County Dentler plan reasonable, Dr Cbarles V Willie testifies Dr Herbert J Walberg testifies desegregation does not work Pulaski County, NLR do not feel responsible, but offer plan Parent groups split on alternative plans to merger of dists Sidelights on hearing disrussed Soor es of blacks on SRA show improvanent over 1983 Consolidation case has oost 3 dists over $1 .3 million Angry CI'A manbers to meet, decide action on contract talks Budget of $50 ,059,57 1 approved by sdlool bd District r eaches accord with CI'A on oontracts Merger order of Judge Woods beoomes issue in state el ections CI'A, District r anain at odds over salary contract plan Guidelines acbpted include 5 .25 pct raise for teachers Little Rock r ej ects plan for voluntary transfer of students Dr H Benjamin Williams clarifies bills sent for black paper New proposal for teacher oontract rej ected by CI'A No progr ess made in teacher oontract dispute CI'A to spend day seeking solutions to im�sse on contracts Resignation of Supt Fd Kelly called for by CI'A Teachers agr ee to work despite lack of oontract Members of CI'A picket sdlool district off ice Picket lines again formed by CI'A in oontract dispute Enrollment pictur e still not clear on 2nd day of classes Position r esigned by H Benj amin Williams to be filled soon Proposals for contract settlanent rej ected Testim:my heard in case over failur e to pranote Dr Patterson CI'A addresses ads to �rents to discuss cxmtract dispute Teacher oontract talks still at im�sse Classroan teachers seen attracting public suppor t Sane progress r e{X>rted in talks on teacher contracts No settlanent reached on oontracts after 1 0 hrs of talks Teacher oontract settled after 17-hr negotiation session Bias suit of Ruth Patterson dismissed by federal court Classroan Teachers Association ratify oontract 140 07/16/84 07/19/84 07/20/84 07/22/84 07/22/84 07/24/84 07/25/84 07/26/84 07/27/84 07/27/84 07/27/84 07/27/84 07/27/84 07/29/84 07/29/84 07/30/84 07/3]/84 08/01/84 08/01/84 08/02/84 08/03/84 08/03/84 08/05/84 08/05/84 08/05/84 08/05/84 08/06/84 08/21/84 08/21/84 08/23/84 08/26/84 08/28/84 08/29/84 08/3]/84 08/3]/84 09/01/84 09/02/84 09/03/84 09/04/84 09/04/84 09/05/84 09/06/84 09/06/84 09/06/84 09/07/84 09/07/84 09/07/84 09/08/84 09/10/84 09/12/84 09/13/84 09/14/84 09/14/84 0 9/15/84 PAG C BOl BOl A03 A0 5 AlO A0 4 BOl BOl AOl All A12 A1 2 A13 AOl A22 A0 5 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl AlO A16 A20 A0 5 A07 A14 AOl Al7 A0 4 AOl A16 A20 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl A03 A03 A03 AOl Al O A14 All A06 A03 Al O AOl AlO BOl 2 4 4 1 1 1 5 6 2 4 2 6 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 1 1 5 4 1 1 2 2 1 2 5 1 2 3 5 3 3 3 1 3 6 6 2 1 1 6 3 5 3 1 4 ARKANSAS GAZEI"l'E INDEX 1984 DATE Students sror e well above avg on Scholastic Aptitude Test Pay increase of 8 pct approved for aaninistrators No discrimination found in firing of Dr Leslie T Rogers Wide range of advice given in briefs filed in merger suit Breakdown of enrollment by schools If merger stands , school board will seek to set tax rate Coordinator hired to oversee talented and gifted programs Attorneys for 3 districts file final arguments in merger case Central High auditorium r enamed for Roosevelt Thanpson Merger of school is only answer to desegr egation, judge says Merger of three districts ordered, rut effect delayed US Di st Cburt Judge Henry Woods to name interim school l:x>ard Rul ing in merger suit held no surprises, appeal planned Gazette editorial on ruling of Judge Henry Woods School officials of two dists subdued on latest ruling Final ruling by Judge Woods i s no surprise to offici als Desegration case has been in rourts thirty yea.rs History of desegr egation efforts r ariewed NLR sdiool bd votes to f ight ruling by Judge Henry Woods John W Walker asks Judge Henry Woods to step <Dwn f ran case Philip E Kaplan says motion would extend appeals time NLR bd votes $100 ,000 to appeal merger order Superintendents of 3 dists meet to start merger plans Board may seek millage increase Judge Henry Woods deni es motions f iled in merger case Legal bill in ronsol idation lawsuit nears $2 million Robert McCord sees r esignation, loss of interest in schools State appeals order that it share rost of ronsolidation Lawyers for LR Dist seek $593 ,5 93 in fees fran other dists Teachers told assignments to be affected by merged dists Superintendents of 3 dists hold cordial meeting on merger District seeks 5-mill increase to meet state standards Supt Ed Kelly addresses Jacksonville Sertana Club on merger LITI'LE ROCK UNLIMITED PRmRESs Votes to become p:irt of Ik>wnt<Mn Partnership LITI'LE ROCK ZOO Zoo Day observance set Giraffe gives bi rth in zoo Family Activities Day scheduled at zoo LIVES'IOCK Richardson Livestock Conun is maj or auction firm Effort begins in 5 counties to stem brucellosis outbreak Brucellosis control becomes issue in Governor ' s race Brucellosis easily spread, hard to eradicate Lippizans raised on Ci rcle 7 Ranch at Jasper Prop:>sed laws on brucellosis disrussed Brucellosis found in 800 herds of l ivestock in Ark IDANS see - Credit IOCAL ELECl'IONS Election returns in citi es outside Pulaski Cbunty Vote r eturns in rounty races outside Pulaski Vote results in runoff Vote r esults in runoff 141 09/22/84 09/28/84 10/05/84 10/10/84 10/14/84 10/14/84 10/26/84 1 0/27/84 11/14/84 11/20/84 11/20/84 11/20/84 11/20/84 11/21/84 11/21/84 11/25/84 11/26/84 11/26/84 11/27/84 11/29/84 11/30/84 11/30/84 12/01/84 1 2/07/84 12/07/84 1 2/09/84 12/09/84 1 2/10/84 12/15/84 12/18/84 12/19/84 12/21/84 12/22/84 PAG C Al3 Al4 A07 AOl AlO Al8 A0 9 A0 5 BOl AOl AOl AOl A06 Al.0 BOl 'A27 BOl BOl A08 Al7 A07 A07 Al.4 Al.5 Al.5 AOl H03 All A06 A08 BOl AOl BOl 1 5 5 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 1 1 6 1 1 2 2 1 4 2 4 1 2 6 3 6 2 04/13/84 Al.9 1 08/31/84 BOl 3 09/22/84 AOl 2 1 0/05/84 BOl 3 07/30/84 10/03/84 1 0/05/84 1 0/08/84 10/09/84 10/10/84 12/24/84 BOl BO B A07 AOl C03 Al.2 Al.0 2 2 2 2 1 6 3 11/08/84 11/08/84 11/21/84 11/22/84 A03 'A20 A06 A07 1 1 5 1 ARKANSAS GAZ EI"I'E :INDEX 1984 mTE GO/ERNMENT see also - County Govermnent Training Institute see also - Govermnent Bonds and Investments Chancellor upholds 1977 state turnback fund law Consolidation of offices studied for savings , efficiency Consolidation not favor ed � many elected officials Voters in 4 counties to decide on prop:>sals to merge off ices Associations of county officials fight office merger prop:>sal Citi es may take plea to Legis for funds for cities I..DFl'ON FLOYD see also - Arkansas-Circuit Court District 06 see also - Pulaski County-Pol ice and Law Enforcement LOOAN CDUNI'Y Sheriff Bill Kimbriel subdued man who came to kill him Richie Charles Will iams charged in incident with Sheriff I..DMAX FAMILY MURDER CASE Attorney for Daniel Lee Maggard seeks case transfer Statanent of boy, 1 2 , is admissible in trial , judge says Statanent � teenager not admissible in murder trial Daniel Lee Maggard gets prison term in deaths, arson P.AG C LOCAL 0 2/24/84 02/26/84 03/25/84 10/14/84 1 0/14/84 12/15/84 A03 A22 A23 A22 A22 BOl 5 1 1 1 6 1 10/31/84 A0 4 1 11/01/84 All 1 02/22/84 0 4/04/84 04/18/84 06/13/84 A07 A0 4 A04 Al.3 1 6 5 6 LCM; IXJl\O\N see also - Vigilantes and Radicalism LOTI'ERIES see - Gambling LOOISIANA - RJBLIC SERVICE CDMMISSION see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co LaJISIANA WORLilS moos rrION Arkansas Day held at fair Arkansas Day is special to Arkansas visitors Harrison High School band featured on Arkansas Day IDVE Cl:IRIS'!OmER HaJSION MJRDER CASE see - Deviney Christo:Eber Huston Muder Case LOVERY MARK see also - Legislature-House District 68 IOVMAN LARRY see also - Arkansas-Parks and Tourism Deputment LUCAS HENRY LEE see also - Alexander Goroon Murder Case see also - Litherland D:>ris Murder Case see also - Taylor Elizabeth Murder Case see also - 'Ihornton Betty Murder Case LUM AND ABNER see - Radio LUM OORIS Named National Chinese Mother of the Year LUNClI IRCGRME IN SCl:IOCLS see - Publ ic School Food Services LYNCl:I BILL FAMILY Shootout leaves Bill and D:>nna Sue Lynch dead LIDNS GENE see also - Books and Writing MABRY R�IE see also - Mashburn John Murder Case MADOOX MAK;ARET 142 06/ll/84 AOl 2 06/14/84 BOl 2 06/14/84 BOl 2 07/22/84 DOl 1 01/13/84 Al.3 6 ARRANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 Publishes book called Secr et of the Silver Candlestick MADISCN GUARANTY SAVJR;S AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Ranodel ing laundry in Little Rock for branch office MADISCN JAMES FRANCIS see also - Picknell Alna Murder case MAGGARD DANIEL LEE see also - Lanax Family Murder Case MAGIC . SPR I NG S Hot Springs agency i;ays bond issue interest Amusement rark offers family entertairnnent Financial future of rark may be shaky Bond holders demand payment guarantor of bonds Hot Springs Advertising and Tourism Pranotion Comm guarantor Hot Springs :ranel seeks to operate thane rark Court inj unction pr wents use of tax funds to aid park MAGIE CDNE see also - Gambling MAGNET CDVE see also - Names of Places MAHAFFY EDTARD P JR see also - Et>llution MAHFOUZ HAPPY see also - Athletics-COllege MAIN STREET ARKANSAS see - Area. Planning MALLET EFFIE JFM MURDER C'AS E Murder oonviction of Patrick Wayne Flaning u?ield MAL:ERACI'ICE see also - Rlysicians and Surgeons MAL:ERACI'ICE INSURANCE see - Insurance MALVERN C'ABLE CD Reynolds Metals to r eopen its cable firm at Malvern Plant officially reopens with cerenoiw Reopening brings j oy to Hot Springs County ar ea. MANN DEAN MJUZCN Former :rastor di es MANSLAOOHI'ER see - r-tirders MARIANNA see also - Fi res MARIANNA SOIOCL DISTRICI' Pickup rams school bus injuring five students MARIJUANA see - Aloohol and Drug Abuse MARION CDUNI'Y see also - C.om:ranies and Factories MARKHAM J H see also - Books and Writing-Markham J H .MARMAilJKE SOIOCL DISTRICI' Lafe ratrons vote to merge with Marmaduke MARRIAG E AND DIVORCE see also - Ar kansas-Et>pulation and Vital Statistics 143 04/08/84 cos 4 02/26/84 BOl 2 12/05/84 A0 4 2 07/29/84 10/07/84 ll/30/84 11/30/84 12/08/84 12/22/84 cos BOl A21 A21 BOl A03 4 1 1 1 5 1 12/22/84 A0 4 4 01/07/84 AOl 3 Ol/31/84 AOl 2 02/05/84 AOl 3 12/06/84 Al.2 4 04/06/84 AOS 5 05/17/84 Al.2 4 ARKANSAS GAZ El'I'E INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Gooch James T Family Mediation service aims to ease IE.ins of divorce Children in LR school assisted in adj ustment to divorce Reversal of divorce decr ee highlights complicated law Civil service benef its held to be property in divorce suit MARRIAG ES Marriage of two wanen to each other revealed in divorce case Wedding of two wanen was not legal , Judge Munson says Marriage of two wanen annulled sally Jo Elliott says notice on hearing arrived late R:>lish wedding at NLR carries out traditional events MARTIN FARL R Former Corps of Ehgineers officer dies at Little Rock MARTIN JAMES E see also - University of Arkansas .MARTlN RCB ERT W MURDER CASE Execution da.te set for Ricky Ray Rector Execution of Ricky Ray Rector delayed by Judge Henry Woods MARTlN WILLIAM C Senior Methodist bishop in US dies at Little Rock MAS(l)'IS see - Athl etics-High School MASEM PAUL see also - Little Rock School District MASHBURN J D see also - University of Central Arkansas MASHBURN JOHN IDRDER CASE Former son-in-law, Ronni e Mabry, sought in killings John and Edith Mashburn murdered near Hensley Neighbors watched in horror as Washt:urn was shot to death Ronni e Mabry surrenders at Saline County oourthouse Trial of Ronnie Mabry begins at Benton Mabry gets term of twenty years in prison for shootings MASCN MARJORIE L MURDER C'AS E Conviction, death sentence of Barry Lee Fai rchild upheld MASS MEROIANDISERS lNC Harrison fimt nation' s largest distrit:utor of nonfood items MASTER LFARNER PROORAM see - Publ ic School Achievement MASTERSCN MIKE see also - Vaughan Jerrell Murder Case MATIHEWS CHARLES D Backs GOP candida.te Judy Petty for US Congr ess against Dem MA'r!HEWS GENE see - Vigilantes MAULDEN JERRY see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co MAUMELLE Developnent prospers under Goldsby ownership Ar ea has interesting history MAYFL<lVER Fund shortage in Police Dept is subj ect of probe MAYFL<lVER SClICXL DISTRIC!' Roy Cost says firing violated his freec:.bn of speech 144 PAG C 02/18/84 0 4/08/84 04/28/84 05/15/84 BO! Al.8 BO! B0 2 3 1 5 4 07/08/84 07/08/84 07/10/84 07/ll/84 07/15/84 A0 4 A04 A03 A07 DOl 2 2 4 5 1 10/22/84 A08 3 05/30/84 Al.0 4 06/21/84 Al.4 6 09/01/84 Al.3 1 07/29/84 07/29/84 07/30/84 08/01/84 12/12/84 12/13/84 AOl AOl AOl BOl A05 Al.8 4 4 3 5 4 2 12/22/84 A0 4 2 0 5/27/84 BOl 2 10/25/84 B02 3 01/08/84 BOl 2 02/04/84 BOl 1 07/04/84 A08 2 1 0/11/84 AOS 2 ARRANSA.S GAZ EITE INDEX 1984 DATE MAYNARD ROOER see also - Books and Writing see also - Books and Writing MCALK)NT see also - Seiage and Liquid Wastes MCANALLY BCB see also - Wildl ife MCAR'IHUR ALICE J.l.IJRDER C'ASE see also - Dillahunty w H see also - Hendricks Lowber Mary Lee Orsini did not get fair trial , attorney says Eugene Hall wants his plea vacated Hall claims pranises of leniency were not kept Conviction of Larry IBrnell McClendon upheld by Supr ane Court Trial of Mary Lee Orsini free of errors, Supr ane ct rules Arkansas Supr ane Ct refuses to reconsider Orsini oonviction William C McArthur oomments on Tamey Robinson actions William C McArthur discusses case on radio talk show McArthur says flawed media ooverage lacked malice Eb.gene James Hall, Larry IBrnell McClendon deny murder role Orsini alleges Tan r.xmovan sought to sell taped ranarks James Hall says he did not know oonsequences of guilty plea Taruey Robinson denies deal was made with James Yankee Hall W C Bently testifies Robinson oonf irmed deal with Hall Motion denied for voiding of Hall ' s plea and sentence TCJtey Robinson, W C Bentley read each other rights over probe MCAR'IHUR PARK see - Parks and Recreation MCAR'IHUR WILL IA M C see also - McArthur Al.ice Murder Case MCCARTY JOE K see also - Traffic Accidents and Safety MCCL ELLAN MEM>RIAL VEl'ERANS HOSPITAL see also - Food Contamination and Poisoning Little Rock facility dedicated by Vice Pr es George Bush May be best-equipped hospital in the world Patients moved to nei hospital MCQJEN W J see also - Arkansas-Secretary of State �IEL JAY see also - Books and Writing M�IEL STAN see also - Trees and Shrua; MCOONALD ANDREW J see also - Catholic Church-Little Rock MCOONALD EaVIN L see also - Gambling MCOONALD PAUL see also -. Vaughan Jerrell Murder Case MCXiEE BEN see also - Aloohol ic Beverages Black businessman dreams of winning stateiide off ice in Ark MOO EE JOE B Obituary 145 01/24/84 02/01/84 02/01/84 0 2/09/84 02/14/84 03/20/84 04/11/84 0 4/11/84 0 4/26/84 0 5/23/84 06/01/84 06/16/84 06/22/84 06/22/84 07/04/84 08/31/84 P.AG C A03 A06 A06 A07 AOl BOB A08 A08 Al.2 A03 A0 4 All AOl AOl Al.4 Al.2 5 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 05/05/84 BOl 1 05/05/84 BOl 1 08/02/84 BOl 2 02/26/84 A24 5 01/15/84 A04 4 ARKANSAS GAZ EITE lNDEX 1984 DATE Trioote from Joe Mosby MCGEHEE SClIOCL DISTRICI' Panel proposes policy to select school queen Suit filed last year over queen election still pending Policy voted on selecting hanec::orn ing queen, oourt MmOVERN GEOOOE S Discusses future of Democratic Party in interview at LR MCIN'IOSH RCBERT CMners ranove r estaurant equipnent Takes axe to tree Gov Clinton planted to honor Dr King Mcintosh has had only $1 fine in seven arrests Mcintosh letter to Judge Dishongh brings case transfer Rel.eases letter to Judge Dishongh Fined for violating code on r estaurant Charge of open trash 00.rning dismissed Probes shooting of black by Little Rock police Gets fine, j ail term in damage to King manorial tree Friends take credit for cutting down King manorial tr ee Claims arrest at Mondal e rally violated his oonst rights Arrest at 1982 fundraiser did not violate rights , ct rules Ordered to IaY $6 ,90 4 in back r ent Mcintosh on trial for shooting Frank Webb last year Aa;Juitted in shooting of Frank Webb Mcintosh found guilty of 3 city oode violations Moving out of Ark because of outoorst by Gov Bill Clinton Decides to ranain in Arkansas after hearing sermon Ehcbrses TOOII'I¥ Robinson for US Congress Paid by Tanil¥ Robinson camp:iign to held get out literature Denied quotes in Gazette, rut tapes sh<M report oorrect Accused of offering casino suppor t for i:ay Calls police shooting of black nothing but murder Charges police killing of Reeves was murder Mcintosh fined for cutting tree at State Capitol Condemns Rosie Grier suppor t for Judy Petty for Congr ess Heckles Bill Clinton at political rally Opens new restaurant on Asher Ave in Little Rock Warrant issued for arrest in tree cutting incident Warrant cancel ed as Mcintosh i:ays $250 fine in tree incident MCKISSICK JIMMI E ION state legislator will not seek reelection MCLARTY THOMAS F see also - Arkla Inc MCLAUGHLIN ROY see also - capital Punishment see also - Gambl ing see also - f.t>ral Maj ority Moral Majority leader supports Ed Bethune for US Senate MCMATH IHILLIP H see also - Books and Writing-McMath Phillip H MCMATH SIINEY see also - Pr esidential Election MGiILLAN FAY H Cbituary MrnAE 'IHOMAS C 146 PAG C 01/17/84 COl 1 08/21/84 001 6 08/21/84 BOl 6 09/13/84 Al O 4 11/14/84 BOl 4 01/08/84 01/17/84 01/18/84 01/18/84 01/19/84 01/24/84 01/25/84 02/10/84 03/08/84 03/09/84 03/14/84 03/20/84 04/03/84 04/20/84 04/21/84 05/18/84 05/29/84 06/03/84 06/11/84 07/22/84 07/24/84 10/06/84 10/11/84 10/16/84 10/25/84 10/29/84 11/05/84 11/15/84 11/21/84 11/22/84 A22 A03 Al 4 Al 4 A03 008 A08 A05 Al5 Al5 A06 A03 Al O Al 2 A03 A07 Al 2 A23 A08 A07 A05 AOl A03 A06 Al4 AOl AOl 009 A06 Al9 5 1 1 1 4 5 3 1 6 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 5 1 1 3 1 4 4 3 2 1 5 1 02/08/84 Al3 3 10/24/84 BOS 4 01/08/84 A20 4 ARKANSAS GAZ E'ITE lNDEX 1984 DATE see also - Rockefeller Winthrop Fbundation PRQJ EC!' College students find unusual program at Meacbwcreek near Fbx Proj ect is di rected by David and Wilson Orr MEDIC VAC Af.'BULANCE CD see - hnb.llances and Emergency Medical Services MEDICAID see also - Arkansas Rehabil itation Institute see also - Artex Lats Inc Pharmacists Assn denies overcharge for drugs Cut of at least $6 .6 million needed Arkansas Hospital Assn blames Gov Clinton for funds problan Hospital i:ayments, length of stay reduced to cut oosts Ray Soott chided � legislators over problans Medicaid rates r educed � twenty pct Court rules on use of funds for salaries in nursing banes Formula that leads to overi:aymeent to druggists still in use Knox Nelson warns tax rise necessary unless oosts oontained MEDICAL FACILITIES see also - Arkansas Olildrens Hospital see also - Arkansas Rehabilitation Institute see also - Baxter County Regional Hospital see also - BridgS'lay Hospital see also - DeQueen General Hospital see also - Doctors Hospital see also - Gurd:m Municii:al Hospital see also - Jefferson Regional Medical Center see also - McClellan Memorial Veterans Hospital see also - Medicare see also - North Central Community Hospital see also - Parkhill Clinic for Wanen see also - Retsamen Memorial Hospital see also - Rivervi0t1 Hospital see also - Saline County Memorial Hospital see also - st Vincent Infirmary see also - Surgica.re Corp see also - University Hospital Moratorium sought on beds for mentally ill Delta Hills BSA Bd denies r Equest for nS'l Jonesboro hospitals St Vincent may cut services, staffing, to save money 'l.Wo hospitals j oin three others in staff cutbacks St Vincent r equests straff cutback of 6 0 positions St Vincent Inf irmary terminates 41 anployees Medicare rules cited as cause of i:atient decl ine in LR Hospitals made nS'ls in Ark during 1984 MEDICARE Health Council denies request for nai category of hosp beds Effort to r emedy financial ills being felt in Arkansas MEDICINE AND HFAL'IH see also - Ambulances and Emergency Medical Services see also - Arkansas State Hospital see also - Dentistry and Dental Heal th see also - Disease and Illness see also - Drugs and Drug Trade PAG C MEAJXl\TffiEEK 147 08/05/84 COl 2 08/05/84 COl 2 01/11/84 01/20/84 02/03/84 02/03/84 02/10/84 02/15/84 03/22/84 04/03/84 09/21/84 Al.0 'AOl 'AOl 'AOl Al. 8 B0 2 BOl 'AO B 3 6 6 6 1 3 4 2 6 01/13/84 03/03/84 05/03/84 05/22/84 05/24/84 06/12/84 12/16/84 12/26/84 'A07 BOl 'AOl 'AOl DOB BOl 'AOl 'AOl 1 4 4 2 1 2 5 2 'A03 02/22/84 AlO 1 09/29/84 BOl 1 ARKANSAS GAZ E'ITE INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Medicaid see also - Medical Faciliti es see also - Nurses and Nursing see also - Physicians and Surgeons see also - Wel fare Costs rise rapidly in Arkansas Health Care Cost Effectiveness pmel reports Arkansas Medical Society enoorses freezing physician fees Survey re11 ea ls avoidable health risks in Arkansas Orbit Valve Co seeks to reduce health care costs for workers Dr Harry Hayes says Arkansas in good light in hospital costs MEDITATION Proposal for TM program at state prison spurred controversy Arkansans mor e receptive to idea of TM UAIB contract to train youth in TM upsets Lloyd George Legislative pmel rej ects contract for UAPB because of TM Judges skepti cal about use of TM as sentence alternative MEL'ION Al\BER MURDER C'AS E Rodney Van Mel ton faces manslaughter charge in death of child Rodney Melton found guilty, gets $1 , 000 fine MELtlHN CLARENCE IDRDER C'ASE Sus:pect taken into custody in death of Melugin MENIFEE MILLS Garment plant in Menifee closes despite state grant Lawsuits filed against James Leon Craig and Menifee Mills Equipnent at mill repossessed Closing surprised AIWAC Industries officials MENTAL DISORDERS AND DEFICIENCY Mental Heal th Players provides thera?.1 through play lets Deinstitutional ization put mor e disturbed :persons on streets Police dealing more with mentally ill MERRILL LYNCH PIERCE FENNER AND SMITH INC see also - Comex Inc Mlfi'O\LF JAME'S T see also - Horn Family Murder Case Mm'EDRCLOOY see - Weather ME.TEDRS AND METEORITES see - Space MEIHODIST CHURQl Arkansas churches j oin celebration of denom bicentennial Manbership of various branches in state l isted Bicentennial celebration included church at Old Washington National l eaders say church can teach and learn Membership decreases in Littie Rock Conference Delegates vote to opp:>se casinos, state lottery Pastoral assignments in Littie Rock Conf announced Bishop Kenneth Hicks addresses North Arkansas Conf North Ark Conf stand on gambl ing, arms race, c.entral America Pastoral changes in North Ark Conf announced New bishop for Arkansas is Richard B Wilke Bishop Wilke is author , popular preacher Davidson Campground in Clark County celebrates 100 years Rev H Hartford Brookins named AME Bishop for 5th District 148 PAG C 01/07/84 01/07/84 03/22/84 07/23/84 09/16/84 12/28/84 BOl BOl D07 BOl BOl Al7 4 4 3 3 4 1 03/03/84 03/03/84 03/09/84 03/15/84 03/29/84 BOl 001 A03 AlO Al8 1 6 4 1 4 05/15/84 B02 3 1 0/14/84 A06 6 03/19/84 A06 3 01/05/84 01/05/84 01/07/84 01/14/84 AOl AOl A0 4 A03 5 5 4 4 10/07/84 COl 3 10/13/84 001 1 1 0/13/84 BOl 4 01/07/84 01/07/84 03/11/84 0 4/04/84 0 5/29/84 05/30/84 05/31/84 06/06/84 06/09/84 06/09/84 07/19/84 07/20/84 07/28/84 08/04/84 A08 A08 A06 BOB 002 A09 B0 2 008 Al2 Al2 A05 A07 AlO Al2 3 6 1 1 5 3 1 2 1 1 3 2 5 5 ARKANSAS GAZ E'ITE lNDEX 1984 DATE Bishop Richard B Wilke urges fight against casino amendnent Religious groups welcome Bishop Richard B Wilke to Arkansas Officials state oi:position to Unborn Child Arnendnent ME'IHODIST CHUR<ll - LITILE ROCK Free Methodist Church forms cxmgr egation in city First Church raising funds for new pipe organ Winfield Methodist added to Natl Register of Historic Places Play on church history draws full house at auditorium ME'IHODIST CHURCll WYE Rev Al ice Sell:¥ gives her all for congregations ME'IHODIST HOSPITAL AT JCNESBORO 'lWenty employees to be laid off ME.T.ROIDL !TAN AREAS see - Urban Areas ME'IROIDLITAN LIFE lNSURANCE CD see al so - Holthoff Ha-;rard A Family MIClIEL DAVID see also - :Ebysicians and Surgeons MIClIEL DAVID MURDER C'ASE William C Horne seeks to overturn his murder conviction New trial ordered for William C Horne MID AMERICA MUSEUM Wildl ife display is permanent addition Legislators discover state shortchanged in µlying for txmds MIDDLE SaJ'IH ENEroY see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co MIDDLE SClJ'm UTILITIES INC see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co MIDLAND PROWCl1S CD see also - It>llution MIIWIVES see - Births MIGRA'IDRY LABOR see - Labor and Agricultur e MILAM PAUL W SR Reti red dean at University of Ark at Fayetteville dies MILCliEM INC see also - It>llution MILITARY DRAFT AND RErn.UITMEm' see - US-Defenses and Armed Forces MILITARY IDRCES see - US-Defenses and Armed Forces MILK see - Foods MILLER CDUNI'Y Spending practices of county to be probed !::¥ Grand Jury MILLER GEDOOE E see also - North Little Rock School District MILL ER JCEN E see also - Arkansas-Elnployees and Officials Advises Congr ess on balanced budget MILLER MARION Rev Miller sets up scholarship at Hendrix College MILLIONAIRES AND BILLIONAIRES PAG C 0 9/16/84 Al.0 1 10/08/84 A0 5 1 10/18/84 Al. 4 1 07/28/84 09/22/84 11/24/84 12/28/84 Al.0 Al.0 Al.4 001 3 4 5 3 - 149 09/16/84 COl 5 08/15/84 All 3 08/24/84 A05 1 1 0/04/84 A0 4 3 03/02/84 001 12/16/84 Kl.7 1 03/29/84 Al.2 6 12/27/84 Al.0 6 02/08/84 Al.0 2 10/15/84 002 6 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 Dl\TE see also - Walton Sam MILLS HmH A Consulting work by UAP professor investigated Steve Clark to name investigator to probe work of Mills Steve Clark explains delay in reviEW John Stroud to probe Mills activity Steve Clark says littie basis for action found in probe MILLS Cl.LIE f.IJRDER C'AS E lliward Walker charged in shooting MILLS Wll.BUR D Pledges to help Tanrcw Robinson win election to Congress MILLWOOD LAKE see also - Lakes and Reservoi rs see also - Water MINERAL RIGHl'S see also - Mines and Minerals see also - Oil and Gas MINmALS see - Mines and Minerals MINES .AND MINEru\LS state may trade rights in national for ests Nonfuel mineral production decl ines in Arkansas MINORITY BUSINESS ENl'ERPRIS ES State short of goal in purchases f ran minority business Arkansas Power and Light Co increases rosiness with f irrns MISS ARKANSAS see also - Stevens Lisa see also - StEWart Mary Contestants arrive for pigeant in Hot Springs Veterans of other rontests see sane advantage Many rontestants back for 2nd try at crown Sane rontestants hold athletic titles Regina Hopper oomment s on her year as Miss Arkansas Winners named in prel iminary rompetition Lisa Stevens crowned Miss Arkansas of 1984 Lisa Stevens gives first interviEW as Miss Arkansas of 1984 MISS ARKANSAS USA Susan caroline Dean named Arkansas winner MISSILES see - US-Defenses and Armed Forces MISS:nl; PERSClilS see also - Cooley key see also - Kilby Howard see also - Shinn Mary MISSISSIPPI COUNI'Y see also - Alroholic Beverages Rerount shows E E cartwright won election as sheriff Court suit challenges r erount in race for sheriff Court declares Howard carney winner of Sheriff ' s race MISSISSIPPI CDUNI'Y CDMMJNITY CDLLEGE see also - Solar Energy MISSISSIPPI IaiER AND LIGHI' CD see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co MISSISSIPPI RIVER 150 01/13/84 01/17/84 01/18/84 01/24/84 08/11/84 PAG C AOl AOl AOl B0 2 A0 4 3 3 2 4 1 02/14/84 A07 5 06/30/84 AOl 4 01/19/84 A0 9 3 02/05/84 B03 1 07/31/84 A0 5 1 08/16/84 BOl 6 07/09/84 07/10/84 07/11/84 07/12/84 07/13/84 07/14/84 07/15/84 07/16/84 BOl BOl BOl BOl BOl BOl AOl BOl 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 08/13/84 BOl 6 11/12/84 All 5 11/14/84 A0 4 4 12/29/84 B0 2 1 ARKANSAS GAZ ErrE INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Arkansas - Boundaries Bridge may be tuilt between Desha County and Bolivar Co Miss Legislature to get oomp:i.ct proposal for bridge MISSOORI PACIFIC L lNES see - Union Pacific Systan MITClIELL MARY MAroAREI' see also - Publ ic School Teachers MIT.FORD JESSIO\. see also - Vaughan Jerrell Murder Case MIXON JAMES G see also - US-Federal Bankruptcy Court K>DELS AND Rm.. ICAS Miniatures show at LR exhibits thousands of itans K>DELS lN AINERTISnt; see - Advertising K>DELS OF FASHION Kelly Garner models in Ne.w York and Europe K>IXJS lNC Arkansas firm developing way to cxmtrol machines cy- thought IDL:EX INC Electronics firm to tuild at Maumelle K>NARK BOAT CD Receives $5 million oontract for military boats for Venezuela K>NASTERIES see - Cathol ic Church f.DNJJ\L E WALTER F see also - Presidential Election f.DNETl'E SCTICXL DISTRICl' see - Buffalo Island School District Voters approve consolidation of Leachville and Monette dists K>NOOE CDUNI'Y Article explores economic conditions in oounty IDNT1GU ASHLEY see also - Books and Writing r.DNTICELLO SCTICXL DISTRICl' Sex education program spurs ooncern of p:i.rents K>Nl'PELIER KATHLEEN f.DNCTIEDR DE see - Clayton Powell ftONUMENl'S AND MEM>RIALS Proposals received for Vietnam Veterans manorial at Capitol Stei;:hen Gartman design selected for Vietnam manorial MX>DY W F Fi rst mayor of White Hall di es MX>RE BESSIE Article r e11 ie.ws many proj ects led and prc:moted cy- Moor e MX>RE ClIARLES E Former mayor of Pine Bluff dies MX>RE E R CD see also - Comp:i.nies and Factories Textile plant at Osceola closes Gov Clinton offers to help laid-off workers MX>RE EDlARD JR see also - US-Defenses and Armed Forces KX)RE RCBERT 151 PllG C 08/07/84 C06 5 11/21/84 AJ. 2 4 03/11/84 DOl 1 09/02/84 001 4 11/11/84 BOl 1 02/02/84 D06 6 01/24/84 COS 4 04/18/84 A06 5 02/19/84 AOl 2 05/12/84 AOS 2 04/02/84 BOl 2 04/Z7/84 AJ.4 4 08/30/84 Al O 4 05/06/84 COl 2 09/20/84 A0 9 3 10/20/84 AOl 4 10/23/84 A03 3 ARKANSAS GAZEI'l'E INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Vaughan Jerrell Murder case IDRAL MAJORITY see also - Birth Control see also - Gambling Rev Roy McLaughlin says group ooming to life on issues Roy McLaughlin critical of T Robinson stand on ERA Tooey Robinson resi;xmds to McLaughl in criticism on ERA stand Roy McLaughl in suppor ts Ed Bethune for US Senate Jerry Falwell entbrses 3 Republ ican candidates in Arkansas Dr Cllarl es ca.steel. writes on Moral Maj ority and freeCk:>m Roy McLaughl in says Iale Bumpers should give up Sen seat ftDRAN PAT Article by Moran on non-traditional voters in Arkansas IDOOAN JERRY MURDER O\S E Body found near Waldron ftDRRlL'IDN State Police end p:itrol in oounty after dispute wer j ail use State Police r esume Corway County p:itrols ftORRlL'IDN SEIIJRITY BANK Acqui red by Fi rst Corranercial Corp ftORRIS Gll.BERT see also - Books and Writing ftDRRIS HENRY Discusses needed reform in Legislature workings IDRSE mN F see also - Books and Writing M:>RSE aIYLLIS A see also - Books and Writing l-DRIGlGES DeliIGuency rate in Ark rises sharply on hane l oans ftOSS A J Former state welfare commissioner dies at age 76 l-DSS KERMIT C see also - Arkansas-Governor IDrELS see - Hotels 07/09/84 08/07/84 08/08/84 10/24/84 10/30/84 11/18/84 11/26/84 PAG C B0 2 C07 A08 B08 BOl 102 Al2 2 1 6 4 4 4 1 10/30/84 A09 2 01/29/84 AlO 3 03/02/84 All 1 03/03/84 A03 2 02/01/84 DOS 3 03/04/84 A23 1 06/13/84 BOl 2 04/03/84 A07 6 IDIHmB see - Births ftOTION PICI'URES Arkansas girls seek role in n&1 JI()Vie Beth Brickell chooses Ark to shoot A Rainy lay Clarendon offers full rooperation in making of film Prenieres show off success of state motion picture off ice Brinkley theater filled for preniere of A Soldier ' s Story Review of SOldier ' s Story Group fran NV Ark pranotes state for film sites ftOTIVATION see - Psychology ID'.IOR V:ElIICT. ES see - Trucks and Trucking Industry see - Vehicl es IDUN!' VERNrn srnoa:.. DISTRICI' Two indictments returned in school ooard election oontest IDUNI'AIN HC>IE 152 03/27/84 05/12/84 08/05/84 09/23/84 09/25/84 09/3 0/84 11/05/84 BOl BOl A22 B03 B0 4 COl Al5 3 1 1 3 4 5 3 09/25/84 AOS 4 ARKANSAS GAZ El'l'E lNDEX 1984 DATE see also - Airlines IDUNI'AlN PINE SCHOL DISTRICl1 Board pres says Roberts will be reimb.lrsed Supt Paul Roberts told to repay funds Greg Jeffers honored for sp:ice shuttle study plan MJUNI'AlN VALLEY SPRThG CDMPANY Frank Leonarro named president of Hot Springs firm MOLLEN JCSEEH Encourages link between business and higher education MULLENAX 0 H see also - Faulkner County Jail IDLTIPLE BIR'IHS Article on Hyman and Simpson quadruplets MlJNOO CLAUDE ClJNNThGHAM Obituary KJNICIPAL CDURI'S see also - Cabot see also - Little Rock-Municip:il Court see also - Pulaski County-Municip:il Court Arrests in county can be heard � cts, Ark Supr ane Ct rules IDNICIPAL GOJEimMENT see - I.ocal Government IDROIISCN CLINT see also - Fi rst Federal Savings and Loan Assn of Little Rock MURQIISCN mMILY see also - Fi rst Commercial Corp MURDERS see also - Al exander Gorron Murder Case see also - Barnes Qiarl es Murder Case see also - Barnes Lor etta Faye Murder Case see also - Basnet Randy Murder Case see also - Bennett Ricky Murder Case see also - Boyd Je.wel Murder Case see also - Boykins Murder Case see also - Bryant Louis Murder Case see also - Burnett Larry Iale Jr Murder Case see also - Burnett William Murder Case see also - Carter Catharine Murder Case see al so - Conn Carol A Murder Case see also - Crime Victims see also - Cross Leonard Murder Case see also - Crossley Wayne Murder Case see also - Cruce Linda Murder Case see also - Crump Louis A Murder Case see also - Cuzick Family Murder Case see also - Daniel s Eric Murder Case see also - Daniels Lor etta Murder Case see also - Davis Mel issa Murder Case see also - Dickson Family Murder Case see also - Dishman Eric Murder Case see also - Dixon Dean Murder Case see also - Dube Marshall Murder Case see also - Farmer Billy D Murder Case see also - Francis Family Murder Case 153 PAG C 01/14/84 A03 l 01/14/84 A03 l 07/22/84 A0 4 4 07/15/84 BOl 5 08/26/84 BOl l 03/04/84 COl 2 11/06/84 Al3 2 03/20/84 BOl 2 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E lNDEX 1984 DATE see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also also - Goodwin Ken E Murder Case Greer Family Murder Harris Geralding M Murder Case Hinson Catharine Murder Case Honeyrutt Mildred Kay Murder Case Hooten Orley Murder Case Horn Family Murder Case Horton Wanda M Murder Case Hughes Larry Gene Murder Case Hughes Philip Abraham Murder Case Hunt Jeannie B eard Murder Case Klein Robert Whittington Murder Case Lane Ollie Murder Case Lawson James D Murder Case Lee Midlael Murder Case Lehman Don Murder Case Lelis Cecilia Ann Murder Case Litherland Doris Murder Case Ianax Family Murder Case IDve Christor.her Houston Murder Case Mallet Effie Jean Murder Case Martin Robert W Murder Case Ma.shb..lrn John Murder Case Ma.son Marj orie L Murder Case McArthur Alice Murder Case Melton Amber Murder Case Melugin Clarence Murder Case Midlel David Murder Case Mills Ollie Murder Case r.t>rgan Jerry Murder Case Murray Mary Anne Murder Case Noble Wesley Murder Case Nutt Doyle �ard Murder Case Oneal! Willa Dean Murder Case Orourke Francis Murder Case Orsini Ron Murder Case <Mens Jimrey Family Murder Case Park Rhuey Ann Peoples Willie Jr Murder Case Philli:i;:s Ranelle Murder Case Pi cknell Alma Murder Case Robinson Brenda Murder Case Schamp Donald E Murder Case Scott Benj amin Franklin Murder Case Sharp Curtis Murder Case Silvey Rana F Jr Murder Case Simpson Family Murder Case Sisex>e Vicki Murder Case Smith Murder Case Snelgrove Ehlma Murder Case Stevens Family Murder Case Stumpp William Midlael Taublee Iris Murder Case Taylor Elizabeth Murder Case 154 PAG C ARKANSAS GAZEPI'E INDEX 1984 DATE see also - 'lbornpson Shelby Murder Case see also - 'lbornton Betty Murder Case see also - Tuggle Murder Case see also - Vance Eric Murder Case see also - Vaughan Jerrell Murder Case see also - Waite James E Murder Case see also - Walker Montrea Murder Case see also - Warren James J Murder Case see also - West Paul Murder Case see also - Whitson Bobby Joe Jr Murder Case see also - Wyrick LaTaurus Murder Case Body of unidentified infant with stab wounds found at Benton Body of newborn gi rl found in yard in North Little Rock Police continue search for clues in death of baby in NLR MURHIY CARL see also - Sex Crimes MURPHY CHARLES JR see also - Fi rst Commercial Corp Listed among most influential Arkansans MURPHY On. CD Charles H Mur:Ehy Jr stepping down KJRRAY MARY ANN MURDER C'AS E Michael A Reichert charged with shooting his mother Reichert pleads innocent in death of his mother Michael A Reichert on trial for slaying of his mother Michael A Reichert found guilty, gets 15-yr prison term MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND HISTORY Robert McCord sees North Little Rock as best site Dr Alison Sanchez named museum director Director outlines plans for improvanents Board still unhapP.f with site study report Board delays decision on branch, but prefers LR site Proposal to build new facility too ambitious , Dr Sanchez says Trustees unhappy with fee of consulting firm Director seeks $310 , 000 for exhibits and ranodeling MUSEUMS see also - Mid America Museum see also - Parks and Recr eation see also - Science and History Museum MUSHROOM.5 see also - Arkansas Mycology society Article discusses mushroaning in Arkansas IVIJSIC see also - Arkansas Chor al Society see also - Arkansas Youth Syrrpiony Orchestra see also - Opera Otha Ebust of Heber Springs composes gospel songs Louisiana Hayride was once rival of Grand Ole Opry Dr Robert Boury compositions often performed Robert Palmer offers views on music industry Robert Palmer finds fame as pop music critic Jo Ann Castle of Hot Springs , was former Welk pianist Feature on Russ Taff, former manber of Imperials group Jim Miller brings country stars to Corway 155 PAG C 11/27/84 AJ.. 2 5 12/27/84 A03 4 12/30/84 AJ.. 4 6 09/03/84 BOl 5 02/02/84 D06 3 01/29/84 01/31/84 09/27/84 09/28/84 All A03 AJ.. 2 A03 3 1 5 4 02/26/84 03/22/84 04/19/84 05/17/84 06/28/84 07/17/84 09/27/84 12/06/84 I03 A07 Al4 BOl A07 BOl BO S A0 5 3 1 1 2 6 5 3 1 04/04/84 BOl 2 02/05/84 04/14/84 04/15/84 06/10/84 06/10/84 07/08/84 08/03/84 08/03/84 COl BOl COl COl COl COl BOl BOl 5 1 2 2 5 2 1 5 ARKANSAS GAZEITE INDEX 1984 DATE Music Festival of Arkansas featured Yang Xi viol in this yr Michael Rice works in Ne.w York musical theater Group called Arkansas Star has creativity , imagination CoB¥ay pol ice make 36 arrests at rock concert Conway police r eneged on alcohol p;tct r Barth Grayson says SUit by K Dr ummond alleges arrest violated her civil rights Ne.w gospel sounds beooming popular in Arkansas Jed Clampit breathes ne.w life into standards Roy Dale Clampit tells how he got namer Jed Clampit Letter on backmasking and the occult in rock music Singing groupr "The Spiritual Harmoniz ers" to break up Blues concert held at Tucker Unit of Arkansas State Prison SUmmary of activities in Ark during 1984 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Steinway piano in Robinson Center at LR being overhauled Fazioli piano dealership goes to Little Rock firm Zane Beck produces pedal steel guitars at his factory J.l.IJSSELS see - Wildlife MUZmmR HARimS T see also - Books and Writing F.clits work on Ghandi NABORS PEGGY see also - Arkansas Education Association see also - Legislature see also - Public School Standards see also - Publ ic School Teachers NAMES OF PERSGIS People find many reasons for changing names Legal procedure for changing name in Arkansas NAMES OF PLACES Paris naming explained Snake names often used for geograi;ilical featur es Flippin named for early settler in area Jasper said to have been named by Cherokees Boxley named for early settler Computer l ist to contain every place name in the US Magnet Cove gets its full name back Walnut Fork, Ne.wton County NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR '!BE ADVANCEMFNT OF CX>LORFD PEO:E'LE Wants probe of rel ease of slayer of black youth Calls Little Rock police brutal in handling of Maryman case Rev EJ.l ihue Gaylord elected pr es of Arkansas Chapter Ray Charles concert at LR raises $52 rl50 for NAACP NATIONAL CENTER FOR 'IOXIOOLCX;IC'AL RESFARClI Harvey P Wiley joins staff as special adviser Dale Bmnpers seeks $14 .9 mil for lab improvanents Dr Ronald W Hart di rected writing of cancer report May assist India in deal ing with gas l eak aftermath NATIONAL CD'l'I'ON CDUNCIL Meeting in Little Rock John R Block addresses convention in Little Rock Senator David Pryor addresses convention NATIONAL EIXJCATION ASSOCIATION 156 08/05/84 08/12/84 08/24/84 0 9/13/84 09/13/84 09/20/84 10/21/84 10/26/84 10/26/84 11/19/84 11/19/84 11/25/84 12/30/84 PAG C COl COl 006 Al.5 Al.5 BO S COl B06 006 Al.O BOl COl COl 5 4 1 1 1 4 2 3 3 4 5 5 1 04/07/84 BOl 1 10/28/84 BOl 3 12/16/84 COl 2 01/01/84 C04 5 10/07/84 COl 1 10/07/84 COl 4 04/22/84 07/16/84 07/22/84 09/09/84 11/11/84 11/12/84 11/12/84 11/18/84 co8 C04 Cll C09 C09 BOl BOl C04 1 5 3 3 1 2 5 4 0 2/19/84 0 9/22/84 10/15/84 11/24/84 .A29 A08 Al.2 A06 2 6 1 3 03/13/84 0 4/27/84 08/11/84 12/21/84 BOl A03 001 Al.4 6 2 1 1 02/04/84 A0 5 1 02/07/84 C06 1 02/07/84 C06 1 ARRANSAS GAZ EITE INDEX 1984 D\TE see also - Public School standards NATIONAL GUARD see also - Camp Robinson Fred M Carter named Adj utant General Jimmi e Jones r esigns Adj utant General post NATIONAL INVES'IDRS LIFE lNSURANCE CD see also - BalQ.Tin United Corp Jake Butcher accused of def rauding firm in sale of tank stock NATIONAL MERIT SOICLARSHIPS see - College Scholarships and Loans NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION see also - Vigilantes and Radical ism NATIONAL TAXPAYERS UNION see also - Bumpers Dal e NATIONAL '!UBE CD Fi rm was formerly York Hanover Seamless Tube Co Little Rock may not get UDAG grant to help build plant Changing r equest could improve odds for UDAG grant AIIX:: unaware that UI:riG grant critical for plant location Wrightsville may not qual ify as distressed for UDAG purposes Aha.noons effort for Little Rock plantr looks at Pine Bluff Firm to study sites near Pine Bluff Fi rm chooses Pine Bluff site for plant Fi rm seeking to finance Pine Bluff plant with private flmds NATIONAL WATER CENTER see also - Pollution NA'IURAL AR.FAS see - Wilderness and Natural Areas NATURAL GAS see - Oil and Gas NATURE CONSERVANCY Group buys 163 acr esr including Hell Creek Cave Protects big-eared Ozark tats in Blue Heaven Cave NEIGHBORS Magaz ine devoted exclusively to life in South Arkansas NELSON JClIN Little Rock native drifted into acting career in television NELSON KNOX see also - Presidential Election Resigns f ran post with Associated General Contractors NELSON SHEFFIELD Favors consolidation at all levels of education Ranks 8th in nation in total compensation as executive Heads Arkansas Service Memorial Scholarship Fund Listed among most influential Arkansans Heads Citiz ens United Against Gambl ing Sees casino gambl ing as deterrent to nai industry Casinos hurt poor r are regr essiver Nelson says Joins Hot Springs crowd to celebrate casino def eat NEMJ VISTA SOICXL DISTRICI' Chronic water shortage becoming problem for school Small tank on truck used to haul water to school NERVE GAS see - U&-Defenses and Armed Forces 157 PAG C 02/02/84 AOl 2 02/02/84 AO! 2 11/10/84 A05 5 01/25/84 01/25/84 01/26/84 01/27/84 0 2/22/84 03/17/84 03/28/84 06/14/84 0 9/20/84 AO! AO! A03 AO! AO! AO! D09 D06 D06 2 2 1 4 2 2 3 2 2 1 0/20/84 Al.3 5 10/27/84 A06 4 08/16/84 BO! 2 1 0/14/84 CO! 2 12/06/84 Al.8 2 04/22/84 06/21/84 08/08/84 09/03/84 09/08/84 09/17/84 09/18/84 11/07/84 Al.5 D07 BO! BO! A04 A0 4 BO! Al.6 1 6 2 4 5 4 3 2 09/11/84 BO! 1 09/12/84 AO! 2 ARKANSAS GAZ El'l'E INDEX 1984 DATE NE.VADA CDUNl'Y Sher iff Jul ius N DeLaughter cleared of wrongdoing DeLaughter says he gave confiscated l iquor to ill old folks County officials seek report on Sheriff DeLaughter Voters refuse consolidation of county off ices NEWARK Town seeks to plan for orderly growth and developnent NEWARK SOICXL DISTRICI' see also - Athletics-High School NFWBERN O\RCLYN LEWIS see also - Books and Writing NEWELL MIKE see also - Athletics-College see also - Basketball-College Men NEWIDRT '!Wo former police officers sue city for $600 , 000 NEWS Review of maj or e11 ents of 1983 Highlights of political news in Ark in 1984 Caucuses. runoffs in Novanber were new in 1 984 SUmmary of 1984 constitutional issues on ballot in state Arkansans fare well in 1984 Olympic Summer Garnes Federal Fnergy Regulatory Cormn dominant in Ark news in 1984 News fran Washington held interest of Ark during 1984 F.a>nomic struggle over Grand Gulf marked 1984 utility news Little Rock police much in news during 1984 Hospitals made news in Ark during 1984 Pictures of newsmakers in 1984 in Ark SUmmary of disasters in Ark during 1984 SUmmary of environmental developnents in Ark during 1984 Consol idation order for Pulaski Co schools made headlines Legal fight by James Dean Walker made news in 1984 Violence against police was praninent in news in 1 984 Shutdown of five textile factories made news in 19B4 Weather created lean year for farmers in Ark in 1984 SUmmary of activities in art and music in Ark in 1 984 Ten top sports stories in Ark in 1 9B4 New school standards made headl ines during much of 1 9B4 Best of George Fisher cartoons for 1984 Rel igious conununity strong and vocal during 19B4 NEWS AND NBVS MEDIA see also - Arctic Anthropology see also - Arkansas Denocrat see also - Arkansas Gazette see also - Arkansas State Pr ess see also - Byrd Herbie see also - Civil Rights see also - Col"May Log Cabin Democrat see also - Hope Star see also - Hot Springs Sentinel Record see also - Neighbors Mountain Hane benefits fran media rival ry in town NEWSPAPERS see - News and News Media 15B Ol/1B/B4 Ol/19/B4 Ol/24/B4 ll/OB/B4 PAG C A03 A09 B0 2 All 6 1 2 1 02/21/84 BOl 4 ll/22/B4 A20 1 Ol/Ol/B4 12/23/84 12/23/84 12/23/84 12/23/84 12/24/B4 12/24/84 12/24/84 12/25/B4 12/26/84 12/29/B4 12/29/B4 12/29/84 12/30/B4 12/30/B4 12/30/84 12/30/84 12/30/B4 12/30/B4 12/30/84 12/31/B4 12/31/84 12/31/84 AOl AOl Al7 A2 4 EDI AOl AOl BOl AOl AOl BOl BOB BO B AOl AOl Al.2 BOl Bl2 COl EDI AOl BOl BO B 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 5 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 07/30/B4 BOl 5 ARKANSAc; GAZEITE INDEX 1984 DATE NEW'ION CDUNI'Y see also - Names of Places Johnny Moore OP{X>Sed by estranged wife for Dem nanina.tion Johnny Moore defeated by Mrs Moor e NEW'ION CDUNI'Y JAIL Sheriff Watkins closes j ail , cites safety Jail reopened after work was done NEW'ION CDUNI'Y NURSING H<>IE Board f ires aclninistrator amid controversy NICARPGUA Civil ian Refugee Military Assistance group includes Arkansans NIClICLS JIM Southwestern Bell head in Ark dies at age 6 1 NIClICLSCN W R State Representative fran Osceola dies at age 67 NIEMEYER HENRY H Feed mill owner in SW Little Rock recalls changes in area NIGifl' CLUBS see - Bars and Night Clul:E Nl3LE KERRY see also - Vigilantes and Radicalism Nl3LE WESLEY MURDER C'AS E Charl es Pickens grants interview fran Death Row cell Court refuses to order state to :EBY for 16 witnesses Rehearing on penalty phase of 1975 trial set to begin Witness Harold Goacher admits lying in earl ier statanent State Suprane ct to be asked to sourt out case NOISE Loud noises heard in state are a ieystery NORBURY NATALIE BAR'IDN Member of pioneer Ark family dies at Lonoke NORFORK LAKE see - lakes and Reservoi rs see - Parks and Recreation IDR'IH ARKANSAS CDMl'UNITY CDLLEGE Free lessons in use of computers offered NOR'lH CEm'RAL CDMmNITY HOSPITAL Humana to ask change in rule on hospitals Amended plan backed by CAHSA may allow construction to resume Plan for Sherwood facility hits another ol:Etacle Humana files antitrust suit, alleges conspi racy Several defendants named in antitrust suit state :EBnel. rej ects effort to allow Humana hospital NOR'lH LrrTLE ROCK see also - Central Arkansas Transit see also - Electric Power see also - Flooding see also - Govermnent Bonds and Investments see also - Ku IG.ux Klan see also - Philanthrow see also - Wild River Country Jerry D Rider plans to run for mayor ' s off ice Jerry D Rider seeks Democratic nomination for mayor Terry C Hartwick seeks mayor ' s seat 159 PAG C 0 4/18/84 BOl 3 05/31/84 A07 6 08/22/84 A06 1 08/30/84 DOB 2 07/27/84 AlO 4 09/07/84 AOl 2 07/'Zl/84 All 6 04/24/84 A06 5 10/14/84 A23 1 04/29/84 05/25/84 11/25/84 11/27/84 11/29/84 AOl Al 4 AD S AOl A0 4 2 6 1 2 2 01/04/84 BOl 2 12/04/84 A06 4 03/16/84 C07 6 01/13/84 0 4/20/84 04/'Zl/84 05/15/84 05/15/84 05/16/84 AOS C07 Al5 AOl AOl A08 1 3 5 3 3 4 01/13/84 AOS 1 01/15/84 A0 4 4 02/06/84 A0 5 3 ARKANSAS GAZE!'l'E INDEX 1984 DM'E Voters narrowly support puity i;a.y for police, f iranen Voters settle five issues in special el ection John B Evans seeks Council seat Water i;a.rk opponents criticiz e city officials Bill Younts to seek office of Mayor Joe Leon Huggins to seek off ice of Mayor Jerry D Rider pulls out of race for mayor Mayor Reed Thanpson seeks reelection Electric util ity sends refund checks instead of credits Reed Thanpson. Terry C Hartwick in runoff for Mayor Alderman race won by Olen Thanas over Del.ores Bennett Dr Delores Bennett gets reoount in loss to Olen Thanas Reed Thanpson, Terry Hartwick in runoff for mayor Recount again declares Thanas winner in Ward 2 alderman race Mildred Delores Bennett will not challenge vote Gifts by AP&L are issue in mayoral race City funds used to defend Mayor 'lhanpson rulled illegal Travis Hartwick def eats Reed Thanpson in race for mayor Riverbank plan enitiasiz es recreation. entertairment City Hall being redecorated Setting up 5th . mostly black voting ward proposed by O 'lbanas Olen B 'lbanas files plan to estab black ward in city 'lhree former police officers allege bias against th an Plan for new voting ward called effort to create harmony US Justice Dept resumes probe of personnel reoo rds Aldermen vote to raise their CMn salaries Voters to decide on annexation of 1 ,6 01 acres to city Justice Dept finishes study of compl iance with non-bias order Paymond Burnett protests treabnent by Justic Dept official Annexation of two i;a.rcels apprOV'ed Policemen lose suit over asssignment to foot i;a.trol Election returns on annexation proposal Widows of pol icemen to receive pension benef it increase Mayor Thanµ;on tells Council he will testify for R E Hogan Job contract for Robert E Hogan as Electric Dept mgr disputed suspension of Etta Weams, a black, upheld by Civil Service us Justice Dept reportedly checking Weams case Civil rights attorney ends inquiry into personnel practices SUrrmary of political news of 1984 City Council rej ects appnts of Mayor Thanpson Mayor Thanpson, two aldermen say they may be tack in future Alderman upset OV'er Hartwick plan to b.Iy new car NORIH LITTL E ROCK PUBLIC LIBRARY Laman Library buys railroad collection of Clifton E Hull IDRTH LITTL E ROCK SOICXL DISTRIC!' see also - Little Rock Sdlool District Dr Joe Austin named superintendent of systen Voters approve millage increase, elect board manber SUpt George E Miller reti res after 36 yrs with district Board meetings to open with prayer , pledge of allegiance Teachers accept: offer of 11 pct salary raises Adninistrators to teach classes to get idea of teacher job Students soor e well above avg on Scholastic Aptitude Test Proposal regulating literature distrib.ltion draws criticism 160 02/08/84 02/08/84 02/09/84 02/12/84 02/19/84 02/23/84 02/29/84 03/08/84 05/19/84 05/30/84 05/31/84 05/31/84 05/31/84 06/01/84 06/06/84 06/10/84 06/12/84 06/13/84 07/26/84 08/26/84 09/19/84 09/20/84 10/13/84 10/14/84 10/21/84 10/23/84 11/03/84 11/06/84 11/06/84 11/07/84 11/07/84 11/08/84 11/09/84 11/14/84 11/17/84 12/14/84 12/14/84 12/21/84 12/25/84 12/27/84 12/30/84 12/31/84 PAG C AOl AOl B0 2 Al.2 A03 A08 All Al. O A03 AOl All All All Al.O B02 Al.0 AOl AOl BOl Al. 2 001 C07 Al.7 A09 A22 A06 BOB A0 8 A0 8 Al.0 D20 All AD S A06 Al.2 A2 9 A29 Al.2 A24 Al.0 Al.4 Al.0 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 4 1 2 2 2 2 5 5 3 2 3 3 1 2 1 6 5 1 5 1 6 6 2 6 3 5 5 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 4 08/03/84 A04 4 02/17/84 03/14/84 07/01/84 07/26/84 08/07/84 09/09/84 09/22/84 09/22/84 A08 AOB Al.3 BOl BOl All Al.3 BOl 1 4 1 2 5 1 1 3 ARKANSAS GAZ EITE INDEX 1984 DATE Enrollment of minorities rises Revised policy acbpted to govern school publ ications Board to meet next month to decide on issue of tax rise IDR'ION RICKY see also - Civil Rights NUCLEAR ENEH2Y see - Arkansas Power and Light Co NUCLEAR WASTES Dr Paul K Kuroda discusses threat f ran nuclear satellites NUCLEAR WFAroNS see - US-Defenses and Armed Forces NUGENT B A Former Univ of Ark official accepts i;x>sition in Nebraska WRSEE AND NURSill; see also - Arkansas-Nursing Board see also - Births 'Ihree nurses reinstated by state Nursing Board Joint program of UAM. UAB3 wins approval State Bd takes action in six cases State Bd acts on several itens of business Licenses of th ree nurses suspended Nursing Bd calls for written report fran UAPB on program Medical Bd restriction on nurse practitioners voided by court Medical Bd rule r estricted practitioners per i;ilysician state tx:>ard acts on several l icense cases Baccalaureate program at UAPB approved by state Nursing Bd State Nursing Bd acts on license suspensions state Board takes action on violations PAG C 10/05/84 A07 1 10/26/84 A09 3 1 2/21/84 A03 1 0 4/14/84 BOl 1 02/03/84 A07 1 01/19/84 0 2/18/84 0 5/18/84 07/14/84 08/15/84 09/17/84 10/16/84 1 0/16/84 10/24/84 11/15/84 11/16/84 12/12/84 A08 B02 Al.2 A03 All A05 B02 B02 Al.3 D09 Al.0 A0 9 3 3 1 5 1 3 5 6 1 6 6 1 WRSJN; HOMES see also - Arkansas-Social Services Division see also - Beat.nnont Nursing Hane see also - Davis Skilled Nursing Center see also - Fountainbleau Nursing Hane see also - Medicaid see also - Narton County Nursing Hane State issues new regulations Fi re protection in 70 banes to be checked Moratorit.nn on nursing bane beds l ifted by Council NUTI' IX>YLE EDVARD MURDER CASE Wanda Nutt charged in slaying of her husband OARI.J\WN JOCKEY CLIB see - Oa.klawn Park OAKLAWN PARK Pr eview of 1 984 season Racing season opens Records fall on opening day Arkansas Derby won by Althea Ne.w attendance and wagering records set CBERSTE LOO IS J Former IRS official dies CBSCENITY see - Ibrnograi;ily and Obscenity CBSITNIK LARRY Robert Md::or d article on work of i;ilotoj ournal ist 161 01/14/84 A06 6 02/01/84 A09 1 08/22/84 A05 5 11/27/84 Al.2 4 02/05/84 02/10/84 02/11/84 0 4/22/84 0 4/22/84 HOl COl COl EDI ED3 1 6 1 1 1 05/29/84 Al.3 2 11/09/84 A21 1 ARRANSM> GAZ E.Tl'E INDEX 1984 DATE Gazette i;hotograi;her dies Samples of outstanding J;hotograJ;hs � otsitnik OOONNELL WILL IAM W see also - Books and Writing OIL .AND GA5 see also - :Ebllution Giant oilfield lies beneath Ouachitas, expert says Reserves under Ouachita Mtns talked alx>ut since 1 93 0s Sen Dale Bumpers wants govt to end leasing without bids Weyerhaeuser sells Sollio rights to Ouachita Mtns oil and gas Dal e Bumpers says leasing policy pillages treasuries Geologists discuss p:>ssibilities in Lake Ouachita area Retail narketing practices bring some oomplaints Legislative p:mel attacks G&FC for refusal to lease land Oil exploration damage on G&FC land described � anployee State G&FC in no hurry to l ease land for exploration Lloyd George urges G&FC to ease drilling rights Prop:>sed rule on proj ecting gas prices draws opposition Steve CI.ark pr esents his case on leases at Fort Cllaffee Senate refuses support of Bumpers on Chaffee mineral leases Texas Oil and Gas appeals voiding of Fort Chaffee leases Gas producers accused of refusal to sell landowner ' s gas Royalty noney for landowners expected to be issue in Legis cancellation of Texas Oil and Gas lease at Chaffee before ct Federal govt urges Supr ane Ct to deny re11 ie.w of TXD case Gasoline prices dropping in Littl e Rock area OLD STATE HOOSE Picket fence r eplaces hedge on west side of grounds Beautification planned for area back of building <LIVER FLOYD RCBERT Fbrmer state Highway Dept di rector dies CLIVER HENRY see also - Ar kansas-Crime Lalx>ratory OLYMPIC GAME'S Torch caravan may byp:iss Arkansas Razorbacks Joe Kleine, Alvin Robertson on basketball team Randy ste.wart is on marksmanship team for sl111e 1l\ r Olympics James A Rector p:lrticip:lted in 1908 games as runner James A Rector was first Ark native to enter Olympic event Farl Bell training at Joneslx>ro for his 2nd Olympic games Bel.nut and Jane Wolf, of Fayetteville, to be archery soor ers :a:Mard Barton Haimn was j umper in 1 928 games William Arthur Carr was Ark entry in 193 2 games as runner Clyde Sex>tt won 2nd place medal at 1948 games in Lond:>n Gord:>n Carpenter , R C Pitts were on 1 948 basketball team 'lhanas Hill was high hurdler in 1 970 games John Tate was lx>xer in 1 97 8 games Farl Bell ready to soar in Los Angeles List of Arkansas athletes who have won medals Arkansas athletes in 1984 Surmner Games, odds of winning Al Joyner outj umi;:s Mike Conley for gold medal Al Joyner wins gold medal , Mike Conley the silver in j ump Al Joyner intervie.wed after winning gold medal Mike Conley intervie.wed after winning silver medal 162 P.AG C 11/10/84 AOl 2 11/10/84 BOl 1 02/11/84 02/28/84 03/02/84 03/02/84 03/16/84 0 4/08/84 05/02/84 05/27/84 0 5/27/84 07/01/84 07/20/84 08/04/84 09/07/84 10/04/84 I0/04/84 Il/Il/84 Il/11/84 1 2/I2/84 I2/I2/84 I2/3l/84 COB C06 AOl AOl Al8 Al 4 BOl Al2 Al 2 All A0 4 A09 A03 AlO AlO A31 A31 Al5 Al5 AOl 5 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 I I I 2 0 4/06/84 Al3 3 05/I2/84 BOl 3 01/28/84 Al.3 3 OI/I0/84 06/28/84 06/30/84 07/08/84 07/08/84 07/08/84 07/08/84 07/09/84 07/I0/84 07/Il/84 07/I2/84 07/13/84 07/I4/84 07/I5/84 07/I5/84 07/22/84 08/05/84 08/06/84 08/07/84 08/07/84 BOl DOI COl EDl EDI ED3 ED6 COl COI DOl DOI COl COl EDI ED7 EDI EDl COI COI COI 2 2 2 I I I 4 2 2 5 I 2 I I 2 2 1 2 2 3 ARKANSAS GAZ E'ITE INDEX 19S4 DATE US men win gold medal in basketball CNFAL IUW..D D see also - Fi res CNFAL WILLA DEAN MURDER CAS E Stay granted on execution of Wilburn AnthonY Henderson State Supr ane Court deni es rE!ITiE.W for Henderson Gov Bill Clinton sets execution date for Henderson Stay of execution of Henderson granted by Judge Eisele OPERA see also - Arkansas Opera '!beater Susan Dunn , a Bauxite native, finds success as singer .Mary Le.wis of Hot Springs won fame as opera singer OPINION IDLLS see - Publ ic Opinion and Surveys ORBIT VN..NE CD Fi rm seeks to cut oost of health care for anployees OROIESTRAS see also - Arkansas Youth SynplonY Orchestra OOOAN 'IRANSPLANTS see - Hlm\ail Body OOOANIZATIONS AND CLlBS see also - Alooholic BE!llerages see also - Family Life America God see also - last Man Club of World War I ORClJRKE FRANCIS MJRDER CAS E Michael R O' Rourke declared fit for trial in 1 9 83 slaying O' Rourke charged with killing his p:irents at Dardanelle �ES see - Texarkana Baptist Oqhanage ORR !:AVID see also - Meadowcreek Proj ect ORR WILSCN see also - Meadowcr eek Proj ect ORSINI MARY LEE see also - McArthur Al. ice Murder Case see also - Orsini Ron Murder Case Dr C H Wulz has power of attorney for Mrs Orsini Orsini misl ed court on funds , Wilbur C Bentley says Transfer of Orsini house, mortgage spurs inter est Couple files suit over deed to Orsini bane ORSINI RON MURDER O\S E Tan Ik:movan seeks t o withdraw as atty for .Mary Lee Orsini Defense attorneys lose attanpt to leave case Mary Lee Orsini says 2nd Wl.let found, seeks new trial Firearms expert says only one bullet found after slaying W C Bentley wants to test bullet that killed Ron Orsini Bullet to be turned over to Bentley for testing Ol"l'ENHEIMER LEONARD J Obituary Ol"l'ER CREEK MALL see - Retail Stor es-Little Rock OUAOIITA BAPl'IST UNIVERSITY see also - Basketball-College Wanen Mary Shambarger developed Ouachi-Tones singing group 163 PAG C OS/ll/S4 COl 2 Ol/23/S4 02/14/84 02/25/S4 03/20/S4 AOl BO S A09 BO S l 4 3 4 02/26/S4 COl 2 OS/12/S4 cos 1 09/16/S4 BOl 4 OS/03/S4 A06 3 OS/03/84 A06 3 03/27/S4 03/29/S4 04/01/84 06/16/S4 AO 4 A06 Al. 8 Al. 5 6 1 5 6 03/23/S4 03/27/S4 0 4/21/84 04/24/84 10/07/S4 10/23/S4 AOS A0 4 Al. 4 A03 A3 2 BOl 1 6 l l 2 4 01/18/84 All 6 04/01/84 COl 2 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 mTE Advancement Camy;aign has raised $6 .4 million Rev D Miller and Mrs R Fl ing receive honorary doctorates Burch estate gives $700 ,000 for endowed chai r ClJAO:llTA CDUNl'Y Probe centers on C.ounty Judge Martha Russell . and her husband ClJAQIITA LAKE see - Geology see - Lakes and Reservoi rs see - Parks and Recreation OOAOIITA RIVER Crossett and Camden officials see benefits fran navigation Navigation proj ect alrcost completed as Cal ion lock opens Dam at Cal ion named in honor of H K Thacher CUR WAY APARTMENrS see - Housing-Little Rock OOTIX>OR ADVERTJ.SIOO see - Advertising OVER'ION Wll.LIAM R Made creation science decision early. Judge Overton says Says oourts :r;ass laws because Congress :r;asses 00.ck GlEN L D see also - Arkansas-Bnployees and Officials GlENS JIMMY �y MURDER CASE Melvin Hall gets life term for murder of <Mens oouple OXFORD SCliOCL DISTRICT Calioo Rock voters def eat school merger plans OZARK HIGHLAND TRA il. see - Parks and Recreation OZARK WRITERS LFIGUE see also - Boo ks and Writing PAGE TATE CROf.WELL Reti red dean, scholar dies in Russellville PAIGE R!Cli see also - Hooten Orl ey Murder Case PAIN see - Disease and Illness PALFDNIDLOOY Casts to be made of rare dinosaur tracks near Nashville Dinosaur track.way probably cannot be pr eserved Drive begins to raise funds for dinosaur walk at Nashville PARroClJLD SCHOCL DISTRICT see also - Al. oohol and Drug Al:use PARAMILITARY GROJPS see - Vigilantes and Radicalism PAROON see - Prisons and Prisoners PARENT CENTER see - Births PARllil'IHOOD PLANNIOO see - Birth Control PARIS SHOE CD Pl.ant closing permanently PARK RHUEY ANN MURDER CASE Linda Sue Martin dlarged in death of her adopt.ive mother 164 PAG C 04/22/84 Al5 2 05/05/84 BO B 1 05/31/84 DOS 1 09/21/84 A09 1 08/26/84 BOl 2 08/26/B4 BOl 2 10/ll/B4 Al4 1 02/04/84 BOB 2 07/28/84 BOl 4 04/25/84 A03 4 11/01/84 A06 6 05/20/84 A31 3 01/07/84 BO B 5 03/23/84 A07 3 0 4/03/84 BOB 5 09/27/84 D06 5 06/16/B4 A07 1 ARI<ANSAS GAZE.TrE INDEX 1984 DATE Charges may be dropped because of ranarks by investigator PARK RYAN INC Financial firm in Little Rock closes, officials resign PARKER FRANKIE see also - Warren James J Murder case PARKER RICK see also - Household Furnishings and F.q:uipnent PARKHILL O.. INIC FOR WCJIIEN Lax attitude on drugs alleged at Nursing Board hearing PARKHURST TED see also - August House PARRMAN FORREST HAMIL'ION Reti red police officer at Little Rock dies PARKS AND RErnFATION see also - Boats and Boating see also - Electric Power see also - Tr esi:ass see also - Wild River Country Riverlx>at musetm1. at Jacksonport sinks Attanpt to raise riverlx>at begins Park workers start cleanup of musetm1. lx>at at Jacksonport state may trade mineral rights for Mount Magazine land Several capital proj ects planned at state i:arks for this year Three new state p:i.rks in planning stage Interior Dept lists grants for municii:al i:arks in Arkansas Power plant at Mammoth Spring may be r ep:1.i red, put in use Burns Park called variety show in outdoor recreation Battle develops between j oggers , golfers at Rebsamen Park Ol:ark Highlands Trail described Ol:ark Highlands Trail map canoe trail to open in wilderness area of Pinnacle State Park Hot Springs l::a thhouses may be rented for corranercial use Vandalism becomes serious problan at Burns Park in NLR Bona Dea Trail at Russellville added to Natl Trails Systan Carnival in Funland at Burns Park questioned Features of Bona Dea Trail at Russellville described Brown diamond found at Crater of Diamonds State Park Visitors swamp Greers Ferry O:lm area Outooor activities studied in survey for Parks and Tourism Summary of survey findings on outooor recr eation Survey shows suppor t for better funding for i:arks Man killed in fall fran bluff at Cedar Falls in Petit Jean Highl ights of survey results on outooor r ec discussed Lake OUachita Geo-Float Trail described Basel::al ls in yards near Vestal Park at NLR bring complaints Historic columns to be used in gazelx> in MacArthur Park Norfork Lake area offers pleasant alternative to crowding History of McArthur Park at Little Rock outlined MacArthur Park at Little Rock getting major changes Old Washington gets 101-yr-old cotton gin in working order Transients in Riverfront Park at Little Rock draw complaint State Parks Di rector seeks more state funds for i:arks Arn'!Y auditor accuses Corps of Ehgineers of lavish waste Bona Dea Jogging Trail mentioned in critical audit of funds 16S P.AG C 06/21/84 All 4 0 4/28/84 COS 4 07/14/84 A03 S 06/07/84 A09 6 01/0S/84 01/06/84 01/ll/84 01/19/84 02/19/84 02/19/84 02/22/84 02/26/84 02/26/84 03/04/84 03/23/84 03/23/84 03/24/84 03/29/84 OS/09/84 OS/27/84 OS/28/84 06/03/84 06/10/84 06/29/84 07/01/84 07/01/84 07/02/84 07/0S/84 07/12/84 07/22/84 08/04/84 08/0S/84 08/24/84 08/26/84 08/26/84 0 9/13/84 09/15/84 09/16/84 09/24/84 0 9/24/84 A0 9 All B02 A09 ED6 ED6 All BOl ED6 AlS BOl BOl BOl BOl DOS ED6 A14 ED6 All BOl ED6 ED6 B0 2 AlO DOS COl AOl A12 BOl COl COl A08 BOl A17 AOl AOl 2 2 S 3 1 1 3 4 l 1 3 3 1 4 3 3 1 2 3 S 6 6 3 2 1 2 4 2 3 1 5 1 2 1 2 2 ARKANSAS GAZEl'l'E INDEX 1984 MTE Greers Ferry p:i.rk facilities scored in auditor report Lake Iardanelle facilities singled out in critical report � auditors want 26 sites closed or stripped Bona Dea Trail called an asset to Ark and to tourists US Senate backs full outlays of funds for Felsenthal Denver keeps Blue Hole for r ecr eation after appeals ct rules state p:i.rks become Arkansas hideaways in winter months PARCLE see - Prisons and Prisoners PATTERSOO O\RRICK HEISKELL see also - Arkansas Gazette PATTERSClil HtxiH B JR Honored by NAACP for work in suppor t of civil rights PATTERSOO RALlll B Joins Cranford Johnson and Associates firm PATTERSClil lUIH IDLK see also - Little Rock School District PATION HARRY DICKSOO Gets honorary cbctorate fran University of Arkansas PF.ACE see - International Relations PF.ACE 'IHRCU;H STREN:;'IH see also - International Relations PF.ACOCK CHARLES Fblice search farm owned by Parcbns and Paroles Bd manber Fblice search farm. recover itan listed in search warrant PEL FREEZ E RABBIT MF.AT INC Rogers firm engages in biological products and research PEN PALS see - Friendship PENITENI'IARIES see - Prisons and Prisoners PENN CENTRAL CDRP see also - Arkla Inc PENSIONS see also - Arkansas Public Employees Reti ranent Systan POOPLES BANK OF WALOO Brandl at Emerson robbed, suspect arrested POOPLES WILLIE JR KJRDER CAS E Peopl es shot by Jizriey Perry , who i s ronfined to wheeldlair Hearing set for Perry in shooting case PEPPER a.AUDE D Camp:i.igns in Ark for Mondale for Pr esident PEPSI CDLA BOPlLIOO CD see also - Contests and Awards PERIODIOO.S see - News and News Media PERRY COUNI'Y Article discusses bounty of natural resources in county PERRY JIMMY LEE see also - Peoples Willie Jr Murder case PERSCNAL LOANS see - Credit PERSClil'AL NAMES 166 09/24/84 09/24/84 09/24/84 10/03/84 10/05/84 10/14/84 12/09/84 Pl!G C AOl AOl A07 Al.0 A0 8 ED6 ED6 2 2 1 4 4 1 4 11/19/84 A03 1 08/26/84 BOl 4 04/27/84 A07 1 08/10/84 ClO 2 08/24/84 AOS 1 09/30/84 BOl 1 12/11/84 A0 4 6 08/07/84 All 2 08/08/84 A03 1 10/23/84 AOl 2 03/18/84 AOl 4 ARKANSAS GAZ ETI'E lNDEX 1984 Dl\TE see - Names of Persons PEHVOLF KUR!' F see also - Foreigners in Arkansas PETER Lll.Y see also - Books and Writing Donates $100,000 to Univ of Ark creative writing program PETERSEN KEI'IH L see also - Art PETrl' JEAN IvDUNl'AlN see also - Electric Power Area is rich in history Year-round r esidents describe life on the mountain PEI'RCLEUM see - Oil and Gas PE'l'l'rl' MAXINE CENTER Harrison civic leader dies PE'l'TY JUDY see also - Congress - House District 2 Named to i;anel overseeing 1984 natl Republican platform Serves as co-chai rman of i;anel of natl GOP platform committee Will address national GOP convention Seldom absent when GOP platform i;anel was in session Platform pmel backs Petty on tax-free plans for coll educ Addr esses Republican National Convention in Iallas PHANTOMS see - Api;aritions mARMACY AND PHARMACISTS see - Drugs and Drug Trade PHll.ANDER SMITH CDLLEGE Pr esident Hazo W Carter Jr is sign of change at college Dr Hazo William Carter Jr installed as president Methodist <llurch grants $200 ,000 to college Four to receive honorary Cbctorates at commencement President Hazo Williams seeks alliance with business state Education Bd approves teacher training programs PHILAN'IHROPY Soliciting f ran drivers in streets banned in NLR Arkansans contribute to famine rel ief in Africa Ba;Iuest of George O:mle assures haPP.f <ll r istmas for needy Flin.LIPS CDUNI'Y Renovation of courthouse cost over $1 million Flin.LIPS CDUNI'Y CDMMJNITY CDLLEGE Student charges rights violation in dismissal fran program Flin.LIPS CDUNI'Y MINISTERIAL ALLIANCE see also - Arkansas-Pol itics and Elections Flin.LIPS OONALD C see also - st Francis County Flin.LIPS RCml.LE MURDER C'AS E Tina Marie Ibillips found guilty of murder of her mother PHn.LIPS TlNA MARIE see also - lbillips Ranelle Murder Case PHYSICIANS AND SUIDEDNS see also - Arkansas Medical Soci ety see also - Insurance 167 PPiG C 06/09/84 A03 4 04/08/84 COl 2 04/08/84 COl 5 11/01/84 Al6 3 06/12/84 08/09/84 08/15/84 08/19/84 08/21/84 08/22/84 AOl Al6 Al 2 Al O A05 AOl 6 5 4 1 1 5 01/21/84 0 4/09/84 04/10/84 05/07/84 07/29/84 09/11/84 BOl A0 9 A07 A0 4 BOl M7 5 6 4 1 1 5 11/27/84 ClO 6 12/02/84 A03 1 12/23/84 COl 4 11/19/84 BOl 4 02/04/84 A08 4 10/26/84 Al7 6 ARRANSAS GAZEITE INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Medicine and Health see also - University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Small ta-ms get d:>ctors Ratio of I,hysicians in Ar k increases state Medical Bd discipl ines five I,hysicians Dr Marsha Howell sues former plaintiff in malpractice suit Medical Board acts on license suspensions in several cases D Michel estate files suit against 3 physicians, Bapt Med Cen Fund-raiser planned for ne1 Congresanan Tamr!Y Robinson Medical Board reinstates two licenses PHYSICIANS EOR SOCIAL RESIONSIBil.lTY Meeting at Little Rock hears Congressional candidates PIANOO see - Musical Instruments PIAZZA QIRIS see also - Arkansas-Circuit Court District 06 see also - Little Rock-Police and Law Enforcement PICKENS ClIARLEE see also - Noble Wesley Murder Case PICKERIOO ALF.RED H Resigns as pres of Teamsters Locan 87 8 PICRNELL ALMA KJRDER CAS E James Francis Madison gets life term in slaying of Picknell PIERCE RCBERT see also - Pine Bluff PILGRIM PRIDE IOULTRY CX> Boneless whole chickens processed in DEQueen PINE BLUFF see also - Floods Rated sixth in listing of worst places to live in US Carolyn Robinson to face Sallie Miller Purdue for mayor p:>st Phillip Fenters is independent candidate for Mayor Rev Jesse Turner enters race for Mayor Mayor contest has variety of candidates City hosts Dr Robert Pi erce, who listed PB 6th worst city Carolyn Robinson and Rev Jesse Turner in runoff for Mayor Blacks win long battle for election of aldermen by wards Election of wanan or black as mayor will make history Carolyn Robinson el ected mayor Dr Pierce thinks city got bum rap in ratings Leatha McMahon files bias lawsuit against officials PINE BLUFF ARSENAL see also - National Center for Toxicological Research see also - US-Defenses and Armed Forces PINE BLUFF CX>MMERCIAL ronates stock valued at $22 , 000 to UAIB PIPE TRADES TRAINIOO CENTER see - Trade Schools PIS'IDLS see - Fi rearms PITI'S R C see also - Olympic Games P.LACE NAMES see - Names of Places 168 01/11/84 03/25/84 06/16/84 08/19/84 09/22/84 11/09/84 11/28/84 12/08/84 PAG C BOl A26 Al.8 Al.0 B02 Al. 8 00 2 BO B 3 1 4 6 6 4 1 1 04/06/84 Al. 2 1 02/01/84 A03 4 11/01/84 A0 4 4 08/27/84 BOl 1 04/25/84 07/15/84 09/02/84 10/01/84 10/21/84 10/26/84 11/07/84 11/12/84 11/18/84 11/21/84 11/28/84 12/25/84 D06 A20 A24 BOl A21 AOl Al.6 A05 A3 2 A06 BOl A23 4 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 1 3 11/27/84 002 2 .ARKANSAS GAZ E'l'l'E lNDEX 1984 Dl\TE PLANNED PARENIHOOD see - Birth Control H.J\NNIID see - Ar ea Planning PLANTS Dr Gary Tucker says scientific decision should determine list Ehdangered l ist prepared by Natural Heritage Comm List made of endangered and threatened plants in Arkansas PLEA BARGAINIID see - Crime and Criminals IDINSE'l'I' CDUNrY see also - Alcohol ic Beverages IDISOOIID .AND IDISOOS see also - Adams Pest Control of Little Rock IDLICE AND IJWl ENFORCEMENT see also - Bryant Louis Murder Case see also - Cross County see also - Cross Leonard Murder Case see also - Crossley Wayne Murder Case see also - DeQueen see also - Faulkner County Jail see also - Fayetteville see also - Forrest City see also - Gambling see also - Gould see also - Helena see also - Little Rock see also - I.Dgan County see also - Mayflower see also - Nagport see also - North Little Rock see also - Pope County see also - Pulaski County see also - Saline County see also - Sherwood see also - st Francis County see also - Traffic Accidents and Safety see also - Vigilantes and Radicalism see also - Warren James J Murder Case � Goodwin works on plan to help identify troublemakers steps taken to protect state troopers f ran extranist groups Gov Clinton comments on plans for better protection David Pryor seeks surplus arms fran US govt for police use Fd Bethune attacks plan for govt arms for pol ice ToII1n¥ Goodwin dubious atout police possession of govt rifles Since kill ing officer became capital offense, 2 5 have died Gov Cl inton wants to increase death benefit to $100 ,000 IDLK HARRY RCBERTSCN US Justice Dept clears LR policanan in 1983 shooting of Polk IDLLARD HOOH A see also - Advertising IDLLS see - Publ ic Opinion and Surveys IOLLtJrION 169 PAG C 1 2/08/84 All 4 12/08/84 All 4 12/08/84 All 4 07/04/84 07/08/84 07/14/84 07/17/84 07/19/84 07/19/84 07/19/84 11/22/84 A03 Al.3 A0 4 BOl Al.6 Al.6 BOl A21 5 1 5 2 5 7 2 1 10/30/84 A03 6 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E INDEX 1984 MTE Eureka Springs accused of polluting Leatherwood Creek Herbicide spilled near Watson Chapel Bayou Meto fish affected by Vertac Chanical Corp discharge Tougher rules set by PC&E on Vertac Chanical Corp discharge Water pumped fran str a:im at site of Watson Chapel spill Research on acid rain under way at Arkansas State Univ Officials at PC&E worry about Vertac dioxin in barrels Jacksonville sewage plan for Bayou Meto not fought by G&FC Contractor says he put r8!1 sewage in ?-M Ark stra:ims Controversy over pollution of air by piper mills Weyerhaeuser gets special treatment in anissions regulations Ruptured barge tank leaks fuel oil into Arkansas River Road r ep;i.ir cr6'1 finds pesticide dump near Blythe11 ille Vertac Chanical Corp case back in federal ct at Little Rock Vertac official cited need for work to stop leaks Vertac waste disposal plan of EPA would cost $20 million Judge Henry Woods cxmiplains about stored wastes at Vertac Midland Products Co of Ola l isted as polluter Midland Products Co has not contaminated groundwater Hearing continues on rival plans for Vertac cl ean-up landf ill for Vertac best plan, EPA official testifies Vertac dump l ikely worst , engineer tells court Geologists for EPA testify Ark plan for Vertac would fail Oklahana tanpers flare Oller Fayetteville plans for Illinois R Family r eports health problans at site in Mena Vertac ordered to begin control plan apprOll ed by Arkansas Decline noted in l e11el s of toxic pesticides in stra:ims Rise in dissolved solids in str eams puzzles PC&E National Water Center at Eur eka Springs wants toxic waste ban Residents along Curia Creek accuse Cave City of polluting Group forming for protection of Curia Creek Fundamental changes for water standards proposed by PC&E Water qual ity of Ark str a:ims deteriorating, report shows Dr Joe Nix discusses Arkansas problan with acid rain 'lbree oil firms charged with pollution by state PC&E Lawsuit names Cave City as pollutor of Curia Creek Na:r;ilthalene spilled on I-40 near Brinkley Industries , utilities criticize water quality proposals Green Forest groundwater pollution is worst health threat Green Forest problan may be result of geological structure Hurlon Ray uses his expertise to help Ark solve problans National Guard hauls water to Green Forest area residents Fourche Creek Treatment Plant µ>llutes Arkansas River Sulfates f ran closed Milch an plant µ>llutes Cadcb River Apollo Lakewood Inc plant at Swan Lake called polluted Area around Mehaffy gin at Swan Lake saturated, reports say Activity continues at Apollo Lakewood gin at Swan Lake Report of contaminated water well at Swan Lake spurs EPA Testing begun of samples fran wells at Swan Lake Gin at Swan Lake checked by QSHA investigators Apollo Lakewood has cbne limited cleanup at Swan Lake gin No imminent threat at Swan Lake, EPA says Arkansas Wildl ife Federation calls for cl eanup of Cadcb River Acid rain in NW Ark not harmful , experts say 170 01/08/84 02/01/84 02/02/84 02/02/84 02/02/84 02/12/84 02/26/84 03/02/84 03/03/84 03/18/84 03/18/84 04/21/84 05/08/84 06/03/84 06/05/84 06/07/84 06/12/84 06/12/84 06/13/84 06/13/84 06/14/84 06/15/84 06/16/84 06/24/84 06/25/84 07/19/84 07/22/84 07/22/84 07/22/84 07/24/84 07/25/84 07/29/84 07/29/84 08/05/84 08/07/84 08/lJ/84 08/27/84 08/28/84 08/28/84 08/3]/84 09/02/84 09/07/84 09/09/84 10/15/84 10/21/84 1 0/21/84 10/23/84 10/23/84 10/24/84 10/25/84 10/26/84 lJ/14/84 11/20/84 11/22/84 P.Ni C Al6 A06 A05 A0 5 A0 9 Al6 A23 Al2 A03 A21 A22 A03 A03 All BOl BOl AOl BOl Al.0 AlO Al.6 All A05 Al.3 AOl A03 AOl AOl All B02 A08 Al.7 Al.8 Bl5 BOl C07 A07 A06 All A05 Al.5 A0 9 Al7 AOl AOl AOl A03 A03 A0 4 AOB C07 A0 4 A08 A32 5 6 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 3 6 4 4 1 5 5 1 2 1 4 1 2 2 1 4 4 2 1 3 5 5 6 5 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 5 l 5 5 5 1 ARKANSAS GAZ EITE INDEX 1984 D1\.TE EPA hearing enlivened by Evi Seidnan, an environnental ist PC&E fines Beebe Oil C.O, orders well shut down Ckmers of coal mines face hearings before PC&E EPA allocates $820 ,000 to study cleanup at Ola site IJ.oyd George says study funds would clean up Ola site Weryerhaeuser C.O fined $52 ,500 by PC&E for alleged pollution Oil firms obj ect to fines for arose by previous well a-1ners Part of Water and Ai r Pollution C.Ontrol Act struck down Search for potassium cyanide leads to discovery of looitiole Dumping of sludge on farm near Green Forest is investigated Article on Midland Products C.O site at Ola RJOLE WILLIAM RAYftDND Camden civic leader dies at age 79 POPE CXXJNI'Y Suits allege beatings by Pope C.Ounty Sheriff ' s Dept officers Quorum ct approves plan to file countersuits to charges Beau Duvall sues Sheriff , two deputies for $550 ,000 SUit by Lance Caudill alleges police brutality Assessor Stanford Lee fined for failure to keep office hours PORJLATION AND VITAL srATISTICS see also - Arkansas-Population and Vital Statistics PORJLIST PARTY Group schedules meeting to organize in Arkansas Meeting organized by John N Warnock draws 20 persons Ernest Dumas discusses new forms of Populism John Norman Warnock r esponds to statement on blacks National spokesman says �rty is not anitblack John Norman Harkey quits �rty in dispute over racial policy PORNCGRAmY AND OOSCENITY Sale of Hustler Magaz ine in Bradlery C.Ounty protested Four wanen charged with indecent exposure at LR cluoo Debate renewed in Little Rock over nude dancing Hearing held for dancers arrested at clilOO in Little Rock Dancers found guilty of indecent exposure at LR cluoo Ban on nude dancing in bars proposed by ABC Man has right to watch nude dancing, drink beer . ABC told Beer permit action upheld after hearing on nude dancing Motions denied on evidence in raids on adult theaters in LR Miller C.Ounty JPs ban nude dancing Group plans to fight oonditions along Asher at Little Rock Nude dancers , club operators sue officials at Little Rock Rules aimed at otscenity aooped by Alcoholic Beverage C.Ontrol Cl>scene Itiotos included young girls fran Carroll C.Ounty Seized photos of young girls sent to Ark for identification Ten stor e and theater a-1ners in LR charged in raids Video arcade at LR fined, agrees to close PORTER TERRY WAYNE see also - Hughes Ehil ip Abram Murder Case PORTIS CllARL ES see also - Books and Writing PORTIS JCNATHAN W see also - Arkansas Gazette PORTIS SAKJEL PALMER Noted educator , pranoter of literatur e and music, dies 171 11/25/84 11/28/84 ll/28/84 12/04/84 12/04/84 12/06/84 12/09/84 12/ll/84 12/16/84 12/18/84 12/30/84 PAG C A07 B0 2 B0 2 BOl BOl D09 Al7 B0 2 A22 BOl Al7 2 4 6 3 3 1 l l 6 3 2 05/22/84 A0 5 1 03/10/84 03/28/84 04/07/84 04/30/84 10/24/84 Al 2 BO S Al O A03 B0 2 5 5 6 6 6 06/28/84 06/30/84 07/08/84 07/29/84 07/29/84 08/02/84 A06 A03 Bll Al 2 Al 2 A0 4 5 2 1 6 6 5 01/12/84 02/27/84 03/05/84 03/22/84 03/29/84 04/25/84 05/17/84 05/18/84 06/05/84 06/16/84 07/01/84 07/ll/84 07/20/84 08/02/84 0 8/04/84 09/08/84 10/18/84 A07 A06 BOl Al O A08 BOl A08 Al 8 A03 Al5 A20 A0 9 A06 A05 A0 4 AOl D06 3 5 2 4 l 2 1 1 6 6 l 4 4 1 5 2 6 ll/17/84 Al7 6 ARKANSAS GAZ E.'l'l'E JNDEX 1984 DATE POR'ILAND SCBOCL DISTRIC!' see also - Haml:urg School District IOSSE CDMITATOS see - Vigilantes and Radicalism EOSTAL SERVICE see also - Dogs Love letters sent to Ranance postoff ice for special mark Tiny offices help provide oommlll'li ty identiti es IOSTCARilS Collectors group meets in Little Rock IDULTRY AND EGGS Spread of av ian flu to state feared Task force works on r arised plan on avian flu Rule adopted to keep avian flu out of Arkansas Latta Farms at Linooln is maj or producer of eggs in Arkansas Jerry carmichael breeds vari ety of chickens POVERTY see also - Anthony Beryl see also - Eoonomic Oppo r tunity Agency of Pulaski County see also - Eoonomic Opportunity Agency of Washington County see also - Legal Aid to the Poor see also - Southwestern Bell Telei;ilone Co see also - Telei;ilones Hunger hard to identify in Arkansas Federal funds assist needy with energy bills Problans appear in food distribution in South Arkansas H\mger increasing in Little Rock, group oontends Poor in Ark spent 3 0 to 40 pct of income for heating bills Rev Hezekiah Stewart leads anti-poverty fight in College Sta Antipoverty agencies spend $40 ,000 to disoover poor need j obs Study re11eals 31 pct of Conway Co families at risk of hunger surplus military clothing given to poor in Arkansas Reoor d of 250 take Chrisbnas meal at Union Rescue Mission IGlELL LARRY D see also - Books and Writing IGlELL LEE RILEY see also - Books and Writing IGlER M SUSAN see also - Books and Writing PRAIRIE CDUNI'Y Article explores eoonomic oondition of oounty PREGNANCY AND MATERNAL WELFM.E see also - Birth Control PRESBYTERIAN CBUROI Presbytery of Arkansas opposes Unborn Child Amendment PRES I D ENT I AL ELECT I ON r.t>ndale gets 26 votes fran Arkansas delegation PAG C 02/14/84 BOl 2 04/29/84 COl 2 06/11/84 A0 4 5 01/27/84 01/28/84 02/03/84 04/13/84 11/17/84 AOl AOl AOl COB BOl 6 3 2 2 l 01/11/84 01/19/84 01/21/84 01/25/84 04/23/84 04/25/84 06/ll/84 10/16/84 10/22/84 12/26/84 BOl 001 001 BOl 001 BOl BOl ClO BOl BOl 2 6 4 2 6 2 2 1 2 1 04/01/84 AOl 2 10/17/84 A0 4 l 07/19/84 AOl 5 01/04/84 AOl 3 Walter Mondal e visits Ark in quest for Dem nomination 01/05/84 AOl 2 Mondale pranises Ark farmers to help with exports Sid McMath . Knox Nelson and John Paul capps head Glenn effort 01/05/84 BOl 6 01/ll/84 A06 4 Jackson for Pr esident pmel formed 01/18/84 BOl 2 Joan Mondale to visit state 01/29/84 All 4 Daughter of John Glenn visits Arkansas 172 ARKANSA5 GAZ ETI'E INDEX 1984 DATE GOP names 12 delegates to Nationl Convention Jacx;iueline Jackson visits Ark in behalf of Jesse Jackson Mrs Jackson speaks at Little Rock Mrs Jackson neglected by state Dem officials, supporters say Six candidates file for consideration by Democratic caucuses Dr David Glenn visits Ark in search of support for father Arkansas Danocrats to meet for first caucus ever in state Four contenders for Dem nanination expected in Arkansas John Glenn brings his quest for Dem nanination to Arkansas Bill Al exander says Gary Hart attracts antiestabl ishment wing Missouri farmers organiz ing for Jesse Jackson in Arkansas Poll finds Arkansans unfamiliar with caucus process Jesse Jackson cami;aigning in Arkansas Jesse Jackson receives warm welcome fran Gov Bill Clinton Ted Mondale cami;aigns in Ark for his father r Walter Mondale J:i.nmw Faram. and ACDRn leader enchrse Jesse Jackson Marion HumJ;hrey leaves ix>st as Jackson chai rman in Ark Fund-raiser for Gary Hart in Ark draws Yuppies Orval Faub.ls sends letter to Jackson staff , no end:>rsanent Arkansas Democrats unaccustaned to caucus procedur es Two Jackson sons cami;aign in Arkansas Jesse Jackson calls Faub.ls l etter a redanptive gesture Orval Faub.ls praises Jackson as Ernest F Green listens candidates rush to Arkansas prior to Democratic caucus Applauding crowds greet Gary Hart at two Arkansas cities Jesse Jackson tells East Ark crCMds Ark caucus is unfai r Gary Hart and Jesse Jackson exchange humor at Little Rock Gary Hart ends Arkansas cami;aign with breakfast at LR William Mondale cami;aigns for his father in Arkansas Jesse Jackson makes final swing through Arkansas Arkansas caucus systan draws criticism Media created Gary Hart fantasy, Bill Al exander says Attention focused on Democratic caucus in Arkansas W R SteJ;hens switches suppor t to Walter Mondale First Dem caucus in Ark went as smoothly as hoped Jesse Jackson leaders may challenge caucus r esults in Ark Map shows Ark counties carried by each candidate Jackson was secxmd in voter third in delegates Walter Mondale wins Ark Danocratic caucus Pulaski caucus has mor e Jackson b:ickers , mor e Mondale delegs Cile Pulaski Co caucus had trouble keeping order Blacks turn out in force at Pine Bluff to suppor t Jackson Political deal ing gives Jackson delegates in Little Rock Arkansas caucuses successful , Democratic Party official says Doug Wallace tells hCM caucus results translate to delegates Gary Hart workers pleased with second place in Ark caucus Different supporters mingle befor e caucus at Morrilton Complaints by Jackson supporters to be kept in i;arty Mondal e carries maj ority of county conventions in Ark Pulaski Co Dem Conv sees floor fights, lobbying Robert McCord analyzes lack of interest in Ark caucuses Democrats in Ark have 658 candidates for 35 delegate slots Walter Mondal e has 19 pledged delegates fran Arkansas Arkansas Dans arrive in San Francisco for convention 173 0 2/05/84 0 2/11/84 02/12/84 02/16/84 0 2/17/84 0 2/25/84 02/26/84 03/03/84 03/04/84 03/04/84 03/04/84 03/05/84 03/05/84 03/06/84 03/06/84 03/06/84 03/07/84 03/08/84 03/10/84 03/11/84 03/12/84 03/13/84 03/13/84 03/14/84 03/15/84 03/15/84 03/16/84 03/16/84 03/16/84 03/16/84 03/16/84 03/16/84 03/17/84 03/17/84 03/18/84 03/18/84 03/18/84 03/18/84 03/18/84 03/18/84 03/18/84 03/18/84 03/18/84 03/19/84 03/19/84 03/20/84 03/20/84 03/24/84 04/01/84 04/01/84 04/08/84 0 4/aa/84 05/06/84 07/15/84 PAG C Al3 B02 Al4 A03 A03 AlO AOl AOl AOl AOl A05 A03 A03 AOl A03 A09 A03 A03 Al8 A0 4 A05 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl Al4 Al4 AOl A09 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl A05 Al3 A26 A26 AOl AOl Al2 A26 Al5 AOl A06 Bl3 BOl AOl A0 4 1 4 1 5 1 5 3 4 3 4 6 1 3 2 5 1 4 1 4 1 1 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 4 1 3 2 2 3 3 4 6 6 1 1 1 4 5 5 1 1 1 2 5 1 5 6 6 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E lNDEX 1984 DATE Gov Bill Clinton addresses National Democratic Convention Arkansas Dem del egates treated to whi rl of receptions Arkansas Dems vote against minority planks in platform Leader of Reagan cami;aign in Ark has filed for bankruptcy Delegates say Mondale speech will help him in Arkansas Arkansas delegates to GOP natl conv surveyed Walter Mondale to hold citiz ens forum in Little Rock Walter Mondale focuses on defense in Little Rock visit Walter Mondal e relaxed during visit to Little Rock Arkansas delegates to GOP cxmv are in buoyant mood About 80 Arkansans go to Iallas to protest against Reagan Arkansas del egates to GOP conv say gender gap no problan Arkansas del egates to GOP Natl C.Onv cast all votes for Reagan Reagan has large lead in Ark, GOP pollster says Arkansas htllot may list nine candidates Walter Mondale to address RFA meeting in Little Rock Joan Mondale to visit Little Rock Jackson T Stei;:hens on pmel of Democrats for Reagan Joan Mondal e canq:aigns in Littl e Rock for her husband John Zaccaro Jr visits Ark in behal f of Mondal�Ferraro John Zaccaro Jr talks with students at Little Rock Texarkana speech by Walter Mondal e attracts crCMd of 1 , 000 Former Hart supporters in Ark form group to suppor t Mondale Republicans say Mondal e visit to Arkansas will help than Walter Mondale addresses RFA meeting in Little Rock George Bush has receptive audience at Little Rock George Bush releases his income tax data at Little Rock Poll shCMs Reagan lead grCMing in Arkansas Bill Alexander sees evidence Reagan not competent List of Democrats for Reagan Corranittee in Ark released Jesse Jackson visits Arkansas, urges follCMers to vote Demo warten ' s groups in Ark back Ferraro and Mondale Jinnni e Ik>n McKissick among Reagan backers in Arkansas Bill Al exander says Democratic ticket is gaining Geraldine Ferraro and Joan Mondale to camµlign in Ark Joan Mondal e camp:i.igns in Ark for Walter Mondale Volunteers play vital role in race in Arkansas Senator Claude Pepper camp:i.igns in Ark for Mondale Eleanor Modale camp:i.igns for her father in Arkansas Geraldine Ferraro draws crCMd of 100r e than 1 ,200 in LR Judge Jam I Purtle clashes with antiabortion group at rally Geraldine Ferraro rally attracted people fran across state Jesse Jackson camp:i.igns in Pine Bluff for Mondale ticket Pr esident Reagan to visit Arkansas as camp:i.ign closes Callers threatening Ferraro in Little Rock traced to 2 men State Republicans say President Reagan coming to Ark Walter Mondale enoorsed by Ar kansas Gazette Pres Ronald Reagan to stay at Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock White House confirms Pres Reagan coming to Little Rock Planning proceeds for visit by Presidnet to Little Rock Pr esident Reagan to stay at Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock Presidential p:i.rty needs 400 roans in hotel Security to keep Reagan out of Excel sior pr esidential suite Reagan visit to Little Rock to be marked by protest 174 07/17/84 07/18/84 07/18/84 07/20/84 07/20/84 08/11/84 08/14/84 08/15/84 08/15/84 08/20/84 08/21/84 08/21/84 08/23/84 08/24/84 09/05/84 09/18/84 09/18/84 09/18/84 09/19/84 09/20/84 09/21/84 09/25/84 1 0/01/84 10/02/84 10/03/84 10/04/84 10/04/84 10/04/84 10/09/84 10/09/84 1 0/11/84 10/11/84 10/14/84 10/16/84 10/18/84 1 0/20/84 10/22/84 10/23/84 10/23/84 10/24/84 10/24/84 10/24/84 10/25/84 10/27/84 1 0/27/84 10/28/84 10/28/84 10/30/84 10/30/84 10/31/84 10/31/84 10/31/84 1 0/31/84 11/01/84 PAG C AOl A07 A07 A06 Al.2 BOl AOl AOl A0 9 AOl AOl A06 A03 AOl A0 4 AO! A06 A06 AOl A0 5 Al.0 AO! A03 A06 AO! AO! AOl Al.2 AOl A03 Al.3 BOl A03 A03 AO! AO S BOl AOl A03 AO! AO! BO! BOl A08 A08 A06 Bl6 AO! AO! BO! BO! BO! BOl Al. 4 4 1 5 5 1 4 2 2 1 6 5 4 6 5 1 3 5 6 2 1 4 2 4 1 2 3 5 1 5 5 1 3 5 4 5 1 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 l 5 1 1 6 6 4 4 4 5 5 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E lNDEX 1984 Dl\TE Schedule of Reagan visit to Little Rock not romplete Air Force One to land at Adams Field, not LRAFB Judy Petty and Ed Bethune will arrive with Pr es Reagan Talley Robinson takes full-:E5ge ad to welmme Reagan to Ark Atlanta Mayor Andr ew Young cam:E5igns in Ark for Denocrats Donna Zaccaro cam:E5igns in Ark for Denocratic ticket Bill Alexander tells how Ar k fares under Reagan adm General public will not see Pres Reagan in Little Rock President Reagan meets with Judy Petty and Ed Bethune Pres Reagan arrives in Little Rock for rally Steve Clark asks Pres to make statanent on Grand Gulf plant 'lhousands seek tickets to Reagan rally in Littl e Rock President Reagan cheered by 1 0 ,000 in Little Rock rally Pr esident Reagan asks for Republican Congress in LR speech Nine tickets to be on Arkansas ballot Arkansas Education Assn makes effort for Mondal e election Tanpers flare between Reagan supporters, protesters at LR Protesters at Little Rock include labor leaders Visit by Reagan expected to boo st GOP cam:E5igns in Ark Blacks urged by Rainlx>w Coalition to vote for Mondale Pr�rations detailed for Pr esident ' s meals in Little Rock Details of instructions for Reagan stay in Excelsior Hotel Hotel bill for Reagan visit to Excelsior is $25 ,000 Secret Service kept rosy as Pr esident visited Little Rock Security included ruses in front of Excelsior during visit Sane bomb th reats r eceived during Reagan visit to Little Rock Reporter Carol Matlack describes trip on Ai r Force One Keith L Petersen pr esents drawing to Pr es Reagan in LR Ronald Reagan wins by large margin in Arkansas Len Blaylock analyzes meaning of vote in Arkansas Reagan victory in Arkansas was overwhelming Map shows oounti es carried by Reagan and Mondale in Ark Senator Oile Btml.pers comments on Reagan win Legislature to oonsider rS;{uiring primary in Arkansas Offical results of voting in Ark on ten tickets on ballot PRESS see - NEWS and NEWS Media PRICES see - Agriculture see also - Food PRIEST JCBN W see also - Raney T J and Sons PRISCN ESO\.PES see also - Arkansas State Prison see also - Johnson County Jail see also - Klein Robert Whittington Murder Case PRISCNERS see - Prisons and Prisoners PRISCNS .AND PRISCNEBS see also - Arkansas State Prison see also - Dani els Eric Murder Case see also - Faulkner County Jail see also - Fayetteville City Jail see also - Franklin County Jail 175 11/01/84 11/02/84 11/02/84 11/02/84 11/02/84 11/02/84 11/02/84 11/03/84 11/03/84 11/03/84 11/03/84 11/03/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/04/84 11/05/84 11/07/84 11/09/84 11/11/84 11/11/84 11/11/84 11/22/84 12/09/84 PAG C Al. 4 AOl AOl Al.2 Al. 4 Al. 4 A20 AOl AOl AOl Al.3 BOl AOl AOl A0 9 Al.2 A22 A22 A22 A2 4 A25 A26 A26 A3 0 A3 0 A3 0 A3 2 BOl AOl A21 Al. 8 Al.8 I03 Al.2 Al.5 5 3 3 1 1 4 5 2 3 6 2 1 2 6 1 2 1 2 4 5 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 6 1 1 4 3 l 1 ARKANSAS GAZE.Tl'E INDEX 1984 Dl\TE see also - Gould City Jail see also - Newton County Jail see also - Pulaski County Jail see also - union County Jail see also - Washington County Jail Fee charged pa rolees is legal ,. Steve Cl.ark rules Probationers in Pulaski Co may be billed a monthly fee PRIVATE S<l!OCLS see also - &iuca.tion-C.ompulsory Achievanent level no higher than publ ic schools, study shCMs PRIVATE SClIOCLS - LITI'LE ROCK Cathedral School at Trinity F.pisco:EBl Ch to add sections Enrollment up only sl ightly despite publ ic sdlool problans List of schools and enrollment PRIVATE SClIOCLS - MAUMELLE First Baptist <llur ch to open school PRIZ ES see - Contests and Prizes PRCBLEM SCLVOO future Problan Solving Program oorning to Ar k sdlools Giften students to be in Futur e Problan Solving Program PRCSEOJTOO ATI'ORNEYS see - Arkansas-Ci rcuit Court PRCSTl'IUTION see also - Kidnapping Little Rock pol ice arrest 3 4 in 3-day period PROl'ESTANT EPISCDPAL ClitJRClI see - Episcopal O>.urch PRUlTT HCLIS E see also - Books and Writing PRYOR IJ\VID see also - Congress-Senate Di rect talks between world leaders urged Discusses curr ent issues Will battl e Reagan on tuition tax credit Foes of abortion hope to defeat Pryor Not targeting Pryor for def eat, Right to Life group says GOP pmel calls Pryor top foe of President Reagan outraged � FERC j udge order on Grand Gul f pCMer plant Speaks at National Cotton Council convention in Little Rock Cl>j ects to inclusion of branine in trade i;act COrranents on pullout of Marines fran Bei rut Votes for death penalty for certain federal crimes Receives award fran Arkansas Society of Sons of Am Revolution Undecided on vote on prayer in publ ic schools Prayer in publ ic school amdt suppor ted � Senator Votes for Reagan proposal on prayer in schools Says RFA aid plan would avert rural crisis Prayer amdt def eat called disappointing Study for Pryor shCMs flaws in defense program Joins Dale Bumpers in f il ib.lster for rice farmer suh3idy Backs plan to f reeze federal spending Defends tax-free l:onds in speedl on Senate floor Sponsors plan to reduce risk of nuclear war 176 PAG C 03/07/84 A07 4 08/26/84 All l 03/04/84 Al.6 1 ll/24/84 All 1 ll/26/84 001 5 11/26/84 001 6 06/07/84 00 2 6 10/01/84 001 3 1 0/01/84 001 3 06/24/84 A0 4 6 01/12/84 01/20/84 01/22/84 01/24/84 01/28/84 01/31/84 02/05/84 02/07/84 02/07/84 02/09/84 02/23/84 02/27/84 03/06/84 03/17/84 03/21/84 03/21/84 03/22/84 03/22/84 03/23/84 03/26/84 04/04/84 04/08/84 A07 A08 AOS AOl AOl A03 AOl C06 COB Al.4 A03 AO S AOl AOl AOl 002 A0 4 001 AOl A03 A0 4 All 1 5 3 2 4 3 2 l 3 1 1 l 6 4 4 5 1 5 2 5 5 2 ARKANSAS GAZ El'l'E INDEX 1984 DATE Calls 2 bills hidden agenda for Texas to take Ark water Pryor predicts 21 pct interest rates if deficit not curbed Wants nanination process changed for Dan primaries Senate ad:>pts Pryor plan on bids by Pentagon Frustrated by lack of reform of law on former pr esidents Sponsors bill for war risk reduction centers in US, Russia Proposes to make Social Security program independent says oourt order on school merger l ikely to be overturned Pledges to help TanJIW Robinson win election to Congress Says Pentagon OPIX>Ses plan for tudget reform Addresses students at Governors School Seeks surplus govt arms for use by local , state police Fights to pr e11ent loss of Ark water to other states Urges federal funds for Helena Slackwater Haroor Speaks at service honoring civil rights leader , L C Bates Assails proposed settlanent of Grand Gulf plant oosts Listed among most influential persons in Arkansas Threatens fil ib.lster if branine indus not protected Sponsor ed bill to ban FERC requiranent on i;:ay for plants Senate rej ects Pryor plan to cut funds for foreign mil itary Blamed by Ed Bethune for i;:art of Grand Gulf problan Ratei;:ayers Fight Back defend Pryor reoor d on Grand Gulf Senator says he did not sign petition for casino gambl ing Rea)rd on tax issues discussed by Ernest Dumas a>lumn Urges Reagan to sign bill for National Health Service Corps Sees curbs on federal spending to reduce deficit PRYOR SUSIE Mother of Senator David Pryor dies PSYCHCLOOY Ropes oourse by Pat Cross and Peggy Cook aids motivation Little Rock firm markets method for matching personal iti es RJBLIC BUILDilGS AND OFFICF.S see - Arkansas - Publ ic Buildings and Offices POBLIC LIBRARIES see also - Central Arkansas Library Systan see also - Clinton Publ ic Library see also - l'k>rth Little Rock Public Library POBLIC OPINION AND SURVEYS see also - Arkansas - Game and Fish Conmission see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co see also - Arkansas-Employees and Officials see also - Arkansas-R>l itics and Elections see also - Congress - House District 2 see also - Crime Victims see also - Gambling see also - Influential Persons see also - Little Rock School District see also - Medicine and Health see also - Parks and Recreation see also - Public School Standards see also - Traffic Accidents and Safety see also - Wildl ife Pine Bluff rated sixth worst place to l ive in US Public opinion misread on creation-science, studies show 177 05/20/84 05/31/84 06/07/84 06/09/84 06/14/84 06/16/84 06/21/84 06/23/84 06/30/84 07/01/84 07/04/84 07/17/84 07/28/84 08/07/84 08/20/84 08/31/84 09/03/84 09/19/84 10/03/84 1 0/04/84 10/05/84 10/06/84 10/07/84 10/07/84 10/24/84 12/26/84 PAC; C A2 4 AO 4 A06 A0 4 Al7 Al.8 007 A0 4 AOl Al.5 BOl BOl A03 C07 A0 4 AOl BOl Al.O BOl B0 2 Al.4 A09 A25 Bl3 Al.0 BOl 1 1 5 5 2 2 2 1 4 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 2 3 5 2 3 1 1 1 3 4 02/15/84 Al. 4 1 05/08/84 BOl 2 08/05/84 C06 4 04/25/84 D06 4 11/19/84 BOB l ARRANSM> GAZ E.'Pl'E INDEX 1984 DATE PUBLIC PROPERTY see - Arkansas-Public Property RJBLIC SCliOCL ACCIDENTS AND SAFETY see also - Little Rock School District see also - Mari anna School District RJBLIC SCl.IOCL AQUE.VFNENT Master learner program recogniz es achiE!ll anent at any lE!ll el RJBLIC SCEOCL AI'MINISTRATORS see also - Mountain Pine School District see also - North Little Rock School District see also - PU.laski County School District Importance in advancing Ark stressed by Gov Bill Clinton RJBLIC SCHOO:. ATHLErICS see - Athletics-High School RJBLIC SCliOOL A'r.l'ENll\NCE DISTRICl'S see also - Calioo Rock School District see also - Fifty Six School District Federal ct disnisses Delta School challenge of transfer law PUBLIC SCliOOL liVARil3 AND HONCES see also - White Hall School District RJBLIC SCliOCL BOARrS School election returns from around state PUBLIC SCHOOL (LAC)S REUNIONS see also - Little Rock School District PUBLIC SOIOCL CDMRJLSCRY ATTENll\NCE see - Education-Compulsory RJBLIC SCliOCL CDNSa.. IDATION see also - Amor el. School District see also - Buffalo Isa.Ind School District see also - Calioo Rock School District see also - Desha School District see also - Gosnell School Di strict see also - Gould School District see also - Hamburg School District see also - Little Rock School District see also - Marmaduke School District see also - Monette School District see also - Oxford School District see also - south Co.rway County School District see also - south Mississippi County School District see also - Violet Hill School District see also - Westside School District School Reorganization Study Ccmn named by Clinton, others Many districts face mergers if millage proposals fail Sheffield Nelson says oonsolidation of schools necessary Panel discusses ending off ice of oounty supervisors Consolidation of snall dists hit as oostly Reorganization Study Ccmn weighs plans on organiz ing dists Reorganization Study Ccmn makes r ecommendations study pmel agrees upon several proposals study i;anel finishing its work Mor e r ecommendations approved by Reorganization Study Ccmn Panel votes not to include minority reports Reorganiz ation pmel files r eport with Gov Clinton 178 PPG C 08/28/84 BOl 2 04/12/84 A0 9 2 04/16/84 A0 8 6 03/15/84 00 4 1 02/29/84 03/ll/84 04/22/84 07/21/84 09/25/84 10/26/84 ll/13/84 ll/14/84 ll/18/84 11/19/84 ll/27/84 12/04/84 A03 AOl Al.5 BOl A03 A0 9 BOl Al.0 A20 A07 A0 8 BOl 5 6 1 4 6 1 4 1 6 1 1 2 ARKANSAS GAZ EPl'E INDEX 19B4 mTE School Dist Reorganization CDmrn reports to Legis panel School Dist Reorganization CDmrn report praised � Legis J D Barnett says oonsolida.tion means chaos in rural areas PUBLIC SClIOCL COOPERATIVE PRQJECI'S Seven groups of dists seek to form oooperatives 'Ihree groups of districts selected for oooperatives Pilot C.ooperatives Study CDmrn meets to review ooop centers Panel finds educ ooop centers would save money PUBLIC SClIOCL CRIME AND VANDALISM see also - CorMay Sdlool District see also - Grady School District Districts in Pulaski C.ounty say crime not severe problan PUBLIC SClIOCL ClJRRIClJLUM see also - Monticello School District State expected to end appeal of fees to ACLU for creation sci Steve Cl.ark will not appeal ACLU fee Steve Cl.ark decision to end appeal of fees for ACLU Fees i;:aid to ACLU for work in OPIX>sing creation sci law Judge Overton made decision early in creation science case Task Force urges aloohol , drug abuse program in all grades Publ ic opinion misread on creation science , studies sh<M Roving artist-in-residence turns students into poets study printed of mail to Judge Overton on creation sci ruling PUBLIC SClIOCL ELECrIONS see also - Mount Vernon School District see also - Publ ic School Boards PUBLIC SCHOCL EMPLOYEFS see also - Puhl ic School Teachers PUBLIC SClICXL FACILrrIES see also - Cedarville School District see also - Crossett School District see also - Nano Vista School District Study comm on f inancing hears testimony U>cal funding for facilities urged � Bonding Authority PUBLIC SCHOCL FINANCE AND BUOO ETS see also - DeWitt School District see also - Littl e Rock School District List shows amt each dist to get under new formula �uests for millage incr ease made � 115 districts School boards l earn new tax fund not to be for athletics R:>ll shows Republ icans did not support tax increase Many schools face merger if millage proposals fail Voters approve millage raises in 84 districts statistics on per pupil expenditur es in Ark Less aid to go to 25 districts under proposal for 19B4-85 General educ l:udget of $811 million n :quested for 19B5-87 AEA critical of school outlay, but figures called inaccurate Reappraisal means less revenue for 3 dists in Pulaski C.o Bill Clinton pl edges every penny of sales tax to schools Legislative Council gives quick approval to l:udget As many as 200 districts may seek millage increase PUBLIC SClICXL EOOD S ERVICFS Rice grows in popularity on schol menus PUBLIC SCHCXL G IFl'ED S'IUDENI'S 179 PAG C 12/21/84 Al.0 6 12/21/B4 Al. 0 6 12/23/84 Bl. 5 1 03/0l/B4 03/13/B4 OB/03/B4 OB/04/84 A03 B0 2 A0 5 A04 5 6 1 6 01/lB/84 BOl 6 Ol/05/B4 Ol/06/B4 Ol/OB/B4 Ol/17/B4 02/04/84 09/01/84 11/19/84 12/10/84 12/23/84 A0 4 A03 Al.6 A03 BO B A03 BO S BOl Al.3 2 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 07/25/B4 BOB 1 08/28/84 A06 3 02/05/84 02/16/84 02/26/84 02/29/B4 03/11/84 03/15/84 03/20/B4 06/16/84 07/24/84 11/02/84 ll/21/B4 12/05/84 12/07/84 12/16/84 Al.6 BOl A2 B BOl AOl BO S C07 Al. 2 A07 Al. 9 A07 BOl AOl AOl 1 6 2 5 6 6 1 1 1 2 1 5 5 2 01/03/84 BOl 4 ARKANSAS GAZ ErrTE INDEX 1984 DM'E see also - Governors School see also - Problem SOlving PUBLIC SClICXL GRADI?-:G OF S'IUDENTS see also - Little Rock School District see also - North Little Rock School District see also - Pulaski County School District Tests given to 3 5 , 000 had error Scores show skills of students in Ark have risen since 1980 Report by SREB on achiwement l wels in South ern states Results of SRA tests of 4th grades in central Ark counti es Arkansas graduates show improvement in SAT scor es Average scor e on Acr in Ark rises slightly Test scor es show slight drop in Ark, federal report shows POBLIC SClICXL LmRARIES see also - Concord School District POBLIC SClIOOL PROFESSIONAL OR3ANIZATIONS see also - Arkansas Education Association PUBLIC SClICXL IULIGIOOS :mAcrICFS see also - Arkansas-Governor see also - Bethune F.d see also - Bumpers Dile see also - Congress-House District 2 see also - Pryor revid see also - Publ ic School Curriculum Prayer in school opposed by 1 9 Arkansas religious leaders Reaction in Ark to defeat of prayer amendnent PUBLIC srnoa.. SIGRIGATION see also - Charl eston School District see also - Fayetteville School District see also - Helena School District see also - Hoxi e School District see also - Little Rock School District AEA rept shows api;:arent i;:attern of racial bias in 118 dists Restriction on power of federal cts discussed by Legis i;:anel POBLIC SClICXL STANDl-\Rr.S see also - Little Rock School District see also - Pulaski County School District Private funds i;:aid for drive for better schools, Clinton says Hillary Cl inton defends proposals SUperintendents, AF.A chip away at standards District heads obj ect to costs of standards Ironies abound in positions taken on standards Fducation Bd to act on standards next month Gov Clinton, Peggy Nabors det:ate testing on natl 'N NFA begins probe of teacher testing law Member of NFA team comments Bill Clinton, NFA team discuss testing law Peggy Nabors calls testing law a oop-out Most speakers praise standards at publ ic hearing Russell Gress assesses harm of testing teachers AEA critical of sdiedule for testing teachers state Education Bd accepts standards with one maj or change Arkansas standards still not as tough as other states Peggy Nabors sees racist slant in teacher testing law 180 0 4/07/84 06/30/84 07/12/84 08/03/84 09/20/84 09/25/84 12/19/84 PAG C BOl BOl A0 5 All AOl A05 BOl 6 1 2 1 4 1 2 03/17/84 B02 1 03/21/84 A06 5 01/31/84 BOl 4 0 8/17/84 Al.0 2 01/05/84 01/19/84 01/19/84 01/22/84 01/22/84 01/23/84 01/25/84 01/26/84 01/27/84 01/28/84 01/28/84 02/10/84 02/15/84 02/17/84 02/23/84 02/24/84 02/25/84 A07 A0 4 A04 Al.2 Al.3 A0 5 BOl Al.O A03 A07 A07 A03 Al.3 AOS AOl Al.3 BOl 1 4 4 6 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 4 4 l 2 1 3 ARRANSAS GAZ E.Tl'E lNDEX 19B4 DA.TE Peggy Nalx>rs tells natl group atx>ut Ark redneck legislators Cl inton appointees to bd do not suppor t standards strongly E Freanan says Gov Clinton said teachers cannot read, write Bill Cl inton not accused of saying teachers cannot read Gayle Windsor Jr responds to Nal:ors redneck ranark Teacher tests will help public estean, Anne Crofoot says UALR offers to help teachers pr epare for mandated tests Early opening dates refused Fayetteville and Waldron Legislators show mor e interest in state aid than standards Developing teacher test difficult, state p:mel told Testing law for teachers called zany by NFA Today Team fran NFA wants teacher tests halted or delayed Gov Bill Clinton vc:Ms to def end teacher tests Repeal of teacher testing law best for all , NFA r eport says Writing test for teachers takes a full year , expert says Spokesman for NFA says his orgn , AEA will win testing fight Don Roberts may req:uest later test date for teachers Teacher test law does not apply to oolleges or private sdlool Presidential candidate John Anderson for teacher testing Black admrs in LR public sdlools j oin Hackley in criticism Dr Hackley sees AEA r anarks as irnptmging black colleges Dr Lloyd Hackley chastiz es AEA over statanent on blacks stance of AEA on blacks defended by Errnal ee Boise Bill Cl inton raninds school admrs of valuable role they play Bill Cl inton defends his r eform program in letter to editor Teacher tests scheduled for spring of 19B5 Teacher testing law may be r epealed, Lacy Landers says Teacher oompetency test to be developed by Cal ifornia firm Districts surveyed on abil ity to meet new standards Standards enoorsed by Quality Higher F.ducation Study Comm Guidelines set for oourses to satisfy testing on subj ects Public favors teacher testing, public opinion survey shows Legis I:Bnel authoriz es waiver of rules for some schools Ray S Smith Jr says most schools cannot meet standards Cl inton says j obs , income gains r esult of educ reforms Dr Jefferson Farris urges f ight against weakening standards Seoond survey on hope of meeting standards to be made Tentative areas for testing of teachers listed by AEA Documentary on ABC-'IV to oover teacher testing controversy Granting of waiver power to Educ Dept not approved by bd Impl anenting new standards is top priority of Tamey Venters Teacher alert radio messages on testing law to be used by AEA 'lbree areas of tmcertainty on teacher testing law listed Gov Cl inton says M:i opinion on testing protects Gov ' s office Woody Fr eanan attacks teacher testing law Dr Walter Eilers urges teachers to oppose testing of teachers Call for waivers not bid to water Cbwn efforts, George says Nl'E is test to be used for subj ect area certification Pressur e builds to ignore standards , Bill Clinton says Descri:Etions of teacher skills test obtained by AEA New standards debated in race for Governor of Arkansas Field test to provide atx>ut 6 00 teachers sample of exams Teachers who took sampl e exam say it will not help Panel adopts proposals for teacher training and evaluation 181 0 2/25/84 02/26/B4 02/27/B4 02/29/84 02/29/B4 03/0B/84 03/10/B4 03/13/84 03/16/84 03/22/84 03/26/84 03/30/84 03/3]/84 0 4/01/84 04/06/84 0 4/0B/84 04/09/B4 04/10/B4 04/10/84 04/12/84 04/12/84 04/12/B4 04/12/84 0 4/12/B4 04/15/84 04/16/B4 04/2B/84 0 5/3l/B4 06/02/B4 06/03/84 06/ll/B4 07/09/84 07/20/84 07/22/B4 08/01/84 08/10/B4 08/ll/84 08/21/84 08/30/84 09/ll/84 09/17/84 09/27/84 09/27/84 1 0/02/B4 10/03/B4 10/13/84 10/16/84 10/16/84 10/22/84 10/2B/84 10/29/84 10/3]/84 ll/05/84 ll/ll/B4 PKi C BOl Al.B A07 A03 Al. 2 Al 7 BO B B0 2 A08 BOl A07 Al.5 A08 Al.4 Al.0 AOB A0 4 A04 AOB A09 A09 A09 A0 9 A09 I0 2 A07 All AOl BOB A2 4 All A06 All A20 A07 C07 Al.8 A07 BOl A07 BOl A0 4 A0 4 B02 A0 9 Al.3 BOl BOl A09 Al6 AOB BO B A06 A23 3 4 1 4 3 1 1 6 1 2 6 2 1 1 2 2 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 6 1 1 6 4 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 5 2 1 1 1 3 4 2 2 1 4 1 1 5 1 ARKANSAS GAZ E11'I'E lNDEX 1984 Dl\TE Hillary Clinton and Walter Eilers debate teacher tests List of plaintiffs and defendants in teacher test suit Teachers file suit challenging teadler testing law Legislature to consider proposal to Change teacher test law Dr Gene C'ami;:.bell says Ark leads nation in educ reforms Competency tests for teachers set for March 23 , 1 985 Teacher misspells word while complaining about tests state Board of Fduc asks Steve Cl.ark to step aside in suit Steve Clark opinion on teacher tests l ed to r equest Watering down of standards tml ikely, Tomn¥ Mitchum says Steve Clark tells state Educ Bd he will not step aside Tea.Cher skills test to be tried out on 500 volunteers Drs Dennis Fl eniken and Bobby Coker comment on tests Teachers have nothing to fear fran tests. reviewers say Bill Clinton undaunted by court Challenge of testing law New standards were mudl-discussed during 1984 PUBLIC SCHOCL STATISTICS Arkansas rankings in national statistics Highlights of annual statistical rept on Ark publ ic schools Summary of statistics fran federal Fducation Dept report Taraey Venters says federal report shCMs Ark making progr ess PUBLIC SCHOCL 5"IUDENr CDNIUCI' see also - Arkadel:i;ilia School District see also - Conway School District see also - Judsonia Sdlool District see also - Little Rock School District see also - Pulaski County Sdlool District PUBLIC SCHCXL TFACHERS see also - Al. read School District see also - Arkansas Education Association see also - Grady School District see also - Guy Perkins Sdlool District see also - Little Rock Sdlool District see also - Publ ic Sdlool standards see also - Pulaski County Sdlool District see also - Trumann Sdlool District see also - Western Grove School District see also - Witt Springs Sdlool District No new money for 72 districts Salary raises to average $1200 AFA accuses Education Dept of attanpt to cut salary raises Not all teachers underpaid, Ral.I;h Blair says Sales tax funds cannot be used to supplanent coach salaries ffiucation. Certification and Evaluation panel appointed Average salary in 1 984 estimated at $16 , 131 Panel on certification discusses needs of teachers Training, certification. evaluation proposals befor e comm Education profs often out of toudl with schools. panel told study panel discusses Changes in certification r equi ranents Educators disagr ee on proposed certification changes Alternative certification bad idea. Peggy Nabors says Arkansas rises notch in teacher pay rankings Certification oversight may shift to college adninistrators Suggestion made that educ teachers r eturn to publ ic schools 182 PAG C 11/11/84 11/21/84 11/21/84 11/22/84 12/02/84 12/04/84 12/09/84 12/11/84 12/11/84 12/11/84 12/18/84 12/19/84 12/20/84 12/20/84 12/23/84 12/31/84 A23 AOl AOl Al. 2 A33 AOl A2 9 A03 A03 A06 A08 BOl A0 5 A0 5 A03 AOl 4 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 5 1 1 6 2 01/06/84 03/20/84 12/19/84 12/19/84 AOl C07 BOl BOl 2 1 2 2 01/24/84 01/24/84 02/01/84 02/03/84 0 2/08/84 03/10/84 03/20/84 06/29/84 07/11/84 07/25/84 07/25/84 07/29/84 07/30/84 08/09/84 0 8/09/84 08/12/84 A0 4 A0 4 A06 A06 Al.8 A09 C07 A0 9 A0 4 BOl BOl A22 A06 AOl A06 Al.9 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 5 6 1 1 ARRANSAg GAZ Erl'E lNDEX 1984 DATE College deans discuss certification plans of T:OCEC panel Fducation deans make suggestions to certification study panel Panel reaches accord on evaluations, training Panel enCbrses merit pay concept , but defers proposal Fducation Dept , Atty Gen opinion on testing law differs Career Ladder plan r ecommended by µmel Panel makes r ecormnenda.tions on evaluation, certification Salary average in Ark was $18 ,933 in 1 984 Three Teacher of Year awards given by AAHPERD EXcellence in Teaching Sci and Math award goes to 2 teachers AEA has grave Cbubts aoout proposed certification standards Hearing held on Teacher Education and Certification report Teacher evaluation panel begins final del iberations Prof Ik>n Rye r eturns to school classroan for refresher state Bd of Fduc suspends certificate of Mary M Mitchell State Board suspended Mitchell certificate over j ob change Suspension of Mitchell was made under Fai r Dismissal Act Ernest Dl.mlas critical of suspension of Mary M Mitchell Gazette critical of punishment of Mary Margaret Mitchell Mary Margaret Mitchell to be kept by Little Rock Dist Tamey Venters calls certificate suspension r esponsible act Gov Bill Clinton has misgivings aoout suspension of Mitchell Teacher-training needs changing, Ernest Dumas says Legis panel tells Educ Bd of concern aoout Mitchell action Gazette editorial discusses treatment of Mitchell case PUBLIC soma:. TEAClIThG MEIHCDS Innovative science teaching award goes to NLR teacher PUBLIC SCHOL VOCATIONAL EIUCATION state Bd seeks $69 million for vocational educ courses PUBLIC SClIOCLS see al so - Southside School District see also - Timbo School District Ntm1erous cormnittees and cormnissions studying educ in Arkansas Harvey Young discusses forces at work in education Uniform starting date for sessions is f irst for Ark PUBLIC UTILITIES see also Arkansas Louisiana Gas Co see al so - Arkansas Power and Light Co see al so - Arkla Inc see al so Southwestern Bell Tele:Eilone Co see al so - Southwestern Electric Power Co see al so - Weather Legislatur e studies operations halt if costs excessive Fi rms criticiz e PSC proJ;X>sal on subnission of federal filings PUBLIC WORKS Congress deletes funds for 10 Ark water proj ects RJI.A<;KI mtJNl'Y see al so - Central Arkansas Transit N:>rth Pulaski County area continues growth RJI.A<;KI <DUNI'Y - ASSESSOR see al so - Pulaski County-Employees and Officials RJI.A<;KI CDUNI'Y - CLERK Carolyn Staley elected without runoff Complete r eturns in primary election 08/22/84 09/07/84 09/13/84 09/14/84 09/22/84 09/30/84 09/3 0/84 10/10/84 10/24/84 10/25/84 10/30/84 10/3 0/84 11/10/84 11/25/84 12/11/84 12/11/84 1 2/11/84 12/12/84 12/13/84 12/13/84 12/16/84 12/18/84 12/20/84 12/21/84 12/23/84 PJ\G C A07 All A0 4 A07 A03 A23 A23 A05 A06 BO 8 A03 A03 Al7 COl A03 A03 A03 A21 A20 BOl A21 A03 A29 A21 Bl4 2 1 5 1 3 1 1 5 4 5 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 1 1 3 4 3 1 1 1 04/17/84 B02 3 07/24/84 A07 5 03/25/84 Al.4 1 06/24/84 Al.4 1 09/02/84 AOl 2 - - 183 02/11/84 A05 4 08/03/84 Al.2 5 10/12/84 Al.6 2 12/27/84 BOl 1 05/30/84 A06 4 0 5/31/84 Al.0 1 ARKANSAS GAZEITE lNDEX 1984 DA.TE RJLASKI CDUNI'Y - EMFLOYEES AND OFFICIALS see also - Pulaski Cbunty-Police and Law Ehforcanent R E Brians suspended after oomplaints about work Assessor goes directly to Quorum Ct to seek additional staff Judge I.bn Venhaus obj ects to Mcintosh approach on staff needs Judge Venhaus vetoes creation of 2 posts in Assessor office Quorum Ct overrides veto of new posts for assessor Tamt¥ Robinson loses federal appeal of bias findings Evaluation of posts by oonsultant draws mixed reaction Sheriff-el ect Gravett given authority to hi re deputies PUI.MiKI CDUNI'Y FINANCE AND Bur.GE.TS Quorum Cburt approves $24 mill ion budget Estates of 2 may have to !8Y expense funds drawn illegally Judge I.bn Venhaus warns of lean year for oounty Fees increase eyed as source of additional revenue Cbunty sal es tax helped oounty get on road to recovery RJLASKI CDUNI'Y - GRAND JURY �rrell Brown r educes fee for work as special prosecutor IUIA5KI CPUNl'Y - Jur.G E nm Venhaus seeks second term as Cbunty Judge PUI.MiKI CDUNI'Y KJNICIPAL CDURT see also - Dillahunty W H PULASKI CDUNI'Y - IOLICE AND LPW ENFORCEMENT see also - Crime and Criminals see also - Pulaski Cbunty-Ehlployees and Officials Smranary of news made by Sheriff Tarmy Robinson last year Bobl:!/ Woodward suspended over f irearm Deputy Woodward passes polygrai;h test on sting operation Judge Lofton angered by early release of W L Turner Prosecutor W C Bentley will not drop dlarge against Woodward Sheriff Robinson explains early release of prisoner Sheriff TaTlrl¥ Robinson seeks r eelection to off ice Article on early release of prisoner Sheriff Robinson obj ects to plea by sting operation witness Deputi es to keep j obs even when Sheriff Robinson leaves Retrial of civil rights suit against Robinson, Bowman ordered Suit grEW out of arrest of Beaumont and Growoock last year Suit was f iled by William E Beaumont and Jo Growoock Four candidates seek election as Sheriff carroll Gravett, Larry Dill in runoff for Den nanination Complete election returns in Sheriff ' s race Robinson accused of shift in overtime, µlying resigned staff Records impounded for suit by 80 deputies seeking overtime Sheriff urged deputies to sue for overime !8Y , evidence says wanan adnits giving police false information on WooQ.lard Cynthia Robertson suit against deputy who shot her is in ct Jury deliberating case of Robertson against D Porterfield Bobby G Lester says he did not intend to enoorse Larry Dill Carroll Gravett wins Danocratic nanination for Sheriff Trial begins for Bohl:¥ Woodward, Cbnrad Coroova in sting case Issa R Zacharia III says Woodward kept itans in sting setup Bobl:!/ Woodward convicted in sting case, gets term, fine Bobl:!/ Woodward disnissed by TCJDI¥ Robinson after verdict Judge refuses leniency for Woodward despite j ury notation P.AG C 03/10/84 04/17/84 0 4/17/84 0 4/27/84 05/23/84 06/06/84 07/22/84 11/07/84 AlO A09 A09 A06 All A05 A09 BOl 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 01/25/84 06/24/84 11/17/84 11/25/84 12/30/84 AOl Al.5 BOl Al.5 A22 6 1 2 1 5 - 01/18/84 Al.4 4 03/02/84 Al.O 3 - 184 01/01/84 01/06/84 01/06/84 01/06/84 01/07/84 01/09/84 01/11/84 01/15/84 0 2/17/84 03/25/84 04/10/84 04/10/84 04/10/84 05/25/84 05/30/84 05/31/84 06/01/84 06/02/84 06/05/84 06/06/84 06/08/84 06/09/84 06/12/84 06/13/84 0 9/06/84 09/07/84 09/08/84 09/09/84 09/11/84 Al.7 AOl AOl AOl NJ7 A08 A08 Al.8 A03 Al.6 AOl AOl AOl Al.2 AOl Al.0 Al.4 A09 A05 A03 All Al.8 A08 AOl A0 8 A05 AlO AOl BOl 1 3 3 4 1 1 4 1 4 1 3 3 3 2 5 1 5 1 2 3 2 1 5 4 4 1 1 4 3 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E lNDEX 1984 DATE Judge John Langston balks on l ight sentence for I R Zacharia Zacharia had been witness against Bohl:¥ Woodward in sting Tonnw Robinson denies r esponsibil ity for witness oosts Dispute over expense acoount nothing new Prostitution charge against Cynthia Robertson dropped Sheriff pranised pay or comp time for overtime for deputies Testimony oontinues in suit 1::¥ 80 deputies over :EBY Issa R Zacharia III pleads guilty, gets probation Sheriff Carroll Gravett names chief deputies PULASKI CDUNI'Y - IDLITICE AND ELECI'IONS see also - Pulaski County-Judge see also - Pulaski County-Pol ice and Law F.n:forcement List of candidates in Democratic and Republican primaries Summary of cami:aign for off ices of clerk and ooroner Robert L Nolan elected Coroner Carolyn Staley wins County Clerk position Vote totals in statewide issues and races Compl ete results in Pulaski County voting on races, issues Summary of political news of 1 984 PULASKI CDUNI'Y - RJBLIC BUILDI?-'GS AND OFFICES ton Venhaus orders study of rove of cts outside oourthouse PULASKI COUNI'Y - QUORUM COURI' see also - Pulaski County-Finances and Budgets Violation of FOI law may have occurred RJI.ASKI CDUNI'Y JAIL Plan to settle lawsuit against j ail approved Farly release is at center of Robinson-wfton dispute Sheriff ' s Off ice, Judge Lofton at odds over work release SUit seeks $1 million over suicide of Thaddeus Williams Jailer was alone when Thaddeus Williams hanged himself Testimony ends in suit over suicide of Thaddeus Williams 'l'ornn¥ Robinson, others cl eared in death of T Williams PULASKI COUNI'Y PROPERTY CJVNERS ASSOCIATION see also - Sewer Improvanent District No 42 PULASKI COUNI'Y SClIOCL DISTRIC!' see also - Little Rock School District Teacher gets probation after alleged sex talk to girls Names of final ists for superintendent released Raises set for teachers average 9 .5 pct Fee ordered paid for Jacksonville ooaches who fought transfer Coach James Mackey repts ti res slashed, threat made on l ife Parents of p:iddled student seek charges against Gary Jones New graduation requiranents aoopted Two teachers face battery charge in :taddling of student Bohl:¥ G Lester named Superintendent House tuilt 1::¥ vocational proj ect may cause trouble Voters def eat millage increase, elect school board manbers Mildred Tatum may be first black l:x>ard pr esident Two Cloverdale Jr High teachers acx;i:uitted in p:iddl ing boy Soott students travel 50 mi each way to Sylvan Hills Mildred Tatum, a black, leads bd during merger debate Civil Rights Office probing gifted, talented program Parents enoorse teacher call to avoid supervisory duties Teacher oontract talks br eak down 185 PJ\G C 10/26/84 10/26/84 ll/03/84 ll/05/84 ll/15/84 ll/27/84 ll/28/84 12/09/84 12/28/84 A03 A03 A03 B0 2 A0 5 A03 A03 A22 All 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 04/04/84 10/29/84 11/07/84 11/07/84 ll/08/84 ll/08/84 12/25/84 A07 A06 Al2 Al6 Al6 Al7 A25 1 1 5 4 1 3 1 07/29/84 Al6 1 02/15/84 A03 5 08/28/84 09/09/84 09/09/84 12/ll/84 12/12/84 12/19/84 12/20/84 BOl Al.2 Al 2 AlO Al6 A21 A27 6 1 1 1 2 1 3 Ol/04/84 01/20/84 01/30/84 Ol/3l/84 02/01/84 02/05/84 02/15/84 02/15/84 02/23/84 03/06/84 03/13/84 04/ll/84 04/12/84 04/30/84 05/07/84 05/12/84 06/0l/84 06/02/84 A06 A09 AOl Cll DlO A06 A09 B0 2 AOl BOl AOl A07 A0 4 BOl BOl AlO AOl BOl 6 5 2 2 6 4 1 4 2 6 2 4 5 2 2 1 2 1 ARKANSAS GAZ El'l'E INDEX 1984 DATE Tentative accord reached on teacher salary increase Gifted, talented program complies with civil rights law Summary of civil rights r ept on gifted, talented program Students show yearly improvanent on SRA and MP!' Breakdown of enrollment cy- school and race Gloria Bluef er files racial bias suit against dist Quality of teaching good, 100st seniors surveyed say School Bd f iel ds variety of questions at meeting Board may seek tax increase School Board meets in retreat at Red Apple Inn Increase in tax rate to be sought IULA5KI CDUNI'Y TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION see also - Little Rock School District Leads fight against mor e funds for Little Rock School Dist PUNISHMENT OF CRIMINALS see also - capital Punishment see also - Crime and Criminals see also - Meditation see also - Prisons and Prisoners PUNISHMENT OF S'IUDENI'S see - Publ ic School Student Conduct PURCELL SARAH Television star visits Little Rock for Southwestern Bell PUR<llAS Th"G BY GO\TERNMENT see - Buying and Buyers PURILE JCHN I see also - Birth Control see also - Pr esidential Election PURVIS GEDR;E see also - Arkansas-Game and Fish Cormnission PUTMAN WILLIAM MURDER CASE see - Schamp IX>nald E Murder Case IUINAM W B III Noted lawyer r lectur er at Univ of Arkansas dies QUADRUH.. E.TS see - Multipl e Births QUALITY HIGHER EOOCATION COMMITTEE see - College Standards QUALITY WRITIK; PRQJEC!' see also - Utlversity of Arkansas QUALLS PATRICIA S Calls Grand Gulf power plant ruling unfai r to Arkansans QUILTS AND QUILTThG Van Buren County wanen plan to make world' s largest quilt QUINN LUKE see also - Se.wer Improvanent District No 42 RACTh"G OF DCGS see - southland Greyhound Park RACTh"G OF HORSES see - Qaklawn Park RADICALISM see - Vigilantes and Radicalism RADIO see also - Byrd Herbie 186 06/13/84 07/04/84 07/07/84 07/25/84 10/07/84 10/20/84 10/25/84 10/28/84 12/02/84 12/09/84 12/12/84 PAG C Al. 2 BOl BOl 008 A29 Al.8 A06 Al.6 A3 2 A2 9 Al.4 5 5 2 6 1 4 1 1 2 1 5 03/13/84 AOl 2 07/26/84 BOl 2 12/13/84 A03 4 08/28/84 AOl 1 04/16/84 BOl 2 ARKANSAS GAZ EITE INDEX 1984 DATE Cllurches plan stations at 4 sites in Arkansas Lum and Al:ner Archives at UALR displays interesting articles Comment a.rout Arkansas Gazette on KARN prompts protest to FCC Comment about Gazette made in j est, KARN manager says Announcer says r anark about Gazette was form of satire Arkansas Gazette drops issue on KARN ranark Station KABF in Little Rock is pride of AffiRN RAILROAOO see also - Union Pacific Systan Hogtrain operator to restor e glamor of dome car Old steam locomotive being restor ed at Pine Bluff History of North Little Rock as railroad shop center ArkadelJ;iii a gets Amtrack service RAIN AND RAlNm\LL see - Floods see - Weather RAMSAY LaJIS see also - Arkansas-Science and Technology Authority RANDALL JIM see also - Gambling RANOOLPH BRJCE Daddy Bruce invites thousands to p:irty at Pine Bluff RANEY T J AND SONS John W Priest helps with international clients RAPE see - Sex Crimes RATEPAYERS FIGHT BACK see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co RAY HURLON Ray uses envirormental expertise to help Ark solve problans RAZORBACK STADIUM Study of expansion authorized by Board of Trustees of UA Expansion by 1 0 , 000 seats approved by UA trustees Financing plan for expansion approved by Trustees Higher F.ducation Bd approves plans for bond issue RFACI'ORS see - Arkansas Power and Light Co RFl.GAN MAUREEN Cbmes to Little Rock to back Judy Petty for Congress RFl.GAN RCNALD see also - Presidential Election RF.AL ESTATE BUSINESS see also - Dogpatch Properties Inc see also - Housing see also - Resort Realty of Hot Springs Consultants can be hired to check homes befor e purchase Resort Realty of Hot Springs has $27 ,000 msg, Comm says Commission acts on rules violations in Resort Realty case Broker loses l icense to sell real estate Broker license of Robert Eckels suspended by state comm RF.AL LIFE RANOI Couple win $1 .8 million j udgment against rel igious ranch RFAProRTIONMENT OF LEGISLA'RJRE see - Legislature-Reapportionment 187 PAG C 01/03/84 0 5/11/84 06/27/84 06/28/84 06/29/84 08/11/84 09/26/84 BOl BOl A06 A06 A06 Al.3 BOl 2 4 1 1 1 1 3 06/02/84 07/08/84 07/15/84 1 0/30/84 BOl A24 BOl Al.O 2 1 3 3 02/13/84 BOl 2 08/05/84 BOl 1 09/02/84 Al.5 1 04/21/84 05/26/84 09/14/84 10/20/84 BOl COl Al.8 BOl 3 1 1 2 08/28/84 A0 4 1 03/22/84 06/29/84 07/25/84 08/15/84 10/18/84 COl A05 002 A08 Al.0 1 1 3 6 6 10/05/84 A09 2 ARKANSAS GAZ ETI'E INDEX 1984 Dl\.TE RmSAMEN MEM>RIAL HOSPITAL Staff reduced by 29 in rutback ROCALL ELECI'IONS see - Arkansas-Politics and El ections R&::RFATION see - Parks and Recreation RECT'OR JAMES A see also - Olympic Games RECT'OR RICKY RAY see also - Martin Robert W Murder Case REED ROY see also - Books and Writing REE.VES JCEN WILL IE see also - Little Rock-Pol ice and Law Enforcement REroRMATORIES see - Prisons and Prisoners REFUG Effi AND EXPATRIATES see - Foreigners in the United States REEUSE see - Waste Materials REGAN OONALD Treasury Secy cam�igns in Ark for F.d Bethune for Senate REIClIERT MICHAEL A see also - Murray Mary Ann Murder Case RElNMILLER RUSSELL Former aide to Governor Francis Cherry dies RELIGION AND CHUROIES see also - Alamo Christian Foundation see also - Angl ican Church see al so - Arkansas Conference of Churches and Synagogues see also - Baptist Church see also - Birth Control see also - Capital Punishment see also - Catholic Church see also - Church of Christ see also - :Episoo�l Church see also - For eigners in th e United States see also - Gambling see also - Jehovahs Witnesses see also - Methodist Church see also - Pr esbyterian Church see also - Publ ic School Currirulum see also - Real Life Ranch Radio stations to be operated by churches in four areas Leaders res:EX>nd to diplanatic ties of US with Vatican see also - Fnd Time Handmaidens Former wrestler Gorgeous George Grant preaches at Harrison West Pulaski Rel igious Alliance seeks to provide community Rel igious oommunity strong and vocal during 1984 R™MEL PRATI' JR Works to refor est areas of Nicaragua RENTS AND RENI'Il\G see - Housing REroRTERS AND REroRTJN; 188 PAG C 05/10/84 DOS 6 10/19/84 AOl 2 03/lJ/84 P:2.7 4 01/03/84 01/lJ/84 02/26/84 03/26/84 06/16/84 12/3]/84 BOl ADS C04 BOl BOl BOB 2 3 1 4 3 1 11/13/84 BOl 2 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E INDEX 1984 DATE see - Neis and Neis Media REPUBLICAN PARTY see also - Arkansas-R:>litics and Elections see also - Pr esidential El ection State Committee gathers, hears talks by top leaders Winthrop P Rockefeller named finance head for Ark party Expanding party in Ark prepares for Novanber elections 00 Bethune, Judy Petty to lead Ark delegation to natl conv Actors Chad Everett and Don DeFore attend LR rally for Reagan Reagan rally hears candidates, actors suppor t for Pr esident Tl! ads says liberals have taken over Democratic Party GOP can draw minority vote, Arnell Willis says Delegates to Natl Conv wooed by leaders of natl party Arkansas delegates laud mastery of President Reagan Arkansas GOP delegates are diverse, but have same goals State convention hears Rick Shelby Large number of del egates to state conv cheer candidates State conv hears Orrin G Hatch and Frank Fahrenkopf state convention aoopts platform Ties of Fahrenkopf to Nevada gambling noted in editorial Donald P Hodel speaks at fund-raisers in Arkansas Elij ah Colanan tells why he is a Republican Republicans pick up seats in state Legislature Bob Leslie will seek r e-election as head of state GOP Both W T Kelly and Bob Lesl ie seek chairman post in Ark More blacks sought for µtrty manbership in Ark Black GOP leaders v<:M to weaken loyalty to Democratic Party Keith Rutledge of Batesville seeks Chairman post Executive di rector June Grayson fired day after el ection Lynn L<:Me suppor ts W T Kelly for chairman Campaign for state chai rman has been fierce, bitter W T Kelly chosen state GOP chairman RESORT REALTY OF HO!' SPRThnS Real F.state Comm says $27 , 000 msg fran trust account at bank Real F.state Comm acts on licenses of two brokers RESTAURANTS see also - Civil Rights Fires at Bennigan ' s, White Water at LR are work of arsonist RESTAURANTS - EUREKA SPRil\GS Dinner on tourist train is del ight RESTAURANTS - FORT SMI'IH Tomfool e ry _· trying to curb drunken driving RESTAURANTS L f TTLE ROCK Palladium was planning expansion before fire 02/19/84 05/22/84 06/03/84 06/03/84 06/24/84 06/24/84 07/20/84 08/05/84 08/24/84 08/24/84 08/24/84 09/08/84 09/09/84 09/09/84 09/09/84 09/27/84 09/27/84 11/02/84 11/08/84 11/15/84 11/18/84 ll/29/84 12/02/84 12/03/84 12/04/84 12/05/84 12/08/84 12/09/84 PJ\G C Al.3 A03 A23 A2 4 A03 A03 All Al.5 A03 A03 B0 2 BOl AOl AOl A07 Al.4 Al.6 A23 Al.3 Al.2 A03 Al.3 A22 A06 C06 A03 BOl AOl 1 6 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 6 5 1 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 4 1 1 1 5 4 1 2 06/29/84 A05 1 07/25/84 B02 3 05/01/84 A03 1 09/14/84 BOl 2 06/06/84 BOl 3 - Business is brisk in Little Rock r estaurants Arson blamed for fires at two restaurants Original Shakey ' s Pizza Parlor closes Fi res at Bennigan ' s and White Water are work of arsonist Restaurant Assn offers reward for arrest of arsonists '!he Shack to r eopen suspicious f ire destroys Palladium Restaurant Palladium Restaurant was frequented by gay community Ronald D O 'Neal charged in fire at Bennigan ' s 189 10/06/84 BOl 3 02/05/84 02/08/84 04/15/84 05/01/84 05/11/84 09/02/84 09/12/84 09/12/84 10/06/84 BOl A03 BOl A03 A03 B03 BOl BOl A06 2 1 2 1 5 2 2 3 6 ARI<ANSAS GAZ EP.l'E INDEX 1984 mTE Palladium catering to gays had increased rosiness before fire Restaurant and entertainment guide Black-E¥ed Pea gets inj unction to halt Spring House opening Inj unction issued against opening of Spring House Restaurant RFSTAURANTS - IDUNI'AIN VIB-1 Grandp:l Jones Family Dinner Theater is popular RETAIL SIDRES see also - Walmart Stores Inc REl'AIL SIDRFS - Ll'rl'LE ROCK see al so - Crime and Criminals see also - Fi res-Little Rock Chart lists f irrns lost . gained and r etained in Metrocenter Use of big malls as gathering place for youths is problan Youth attracted to malls by video games, letter says Exclusive µivill ion planned for 'lhan site on Cantrell otter Cr eek Mall to be larger than McCain Mall Shuster furnitur e tones d:>wn hard-sell . widens market Dillard Deµirtment Store to be in Otter Creek Mall Christmas shopping season sees long lines of buyers Work on John Barrow Rd keeps custaners away, owners oomplain Christmas shoppers pour into stores for b.lying REl'AIL SIDRES - IDR'IH LrrrL E ROCK McCain Mall to get $1 million renovation REl'AIL SIDRES - PINE BLUFF Shopping mall to cover 75 acres east of city REl'AIL SIDRES - ROO ERS Stroud' s Dept Stor e plans lOOth bi rthday celebration REI'IREMENI' Harrison, Mtn Hane, Bull Shoals, Hot Springs rank high Many retired military personnel. choose Ark for reti ranent REYFS SYNDRCME see - Disease and Illness REYNCLOO METALS CD see also - Malvern Cable Co �st workers walk off j o!E at rolling mill at Jones Mill Jones Mill plant lays off 225 , cites AP&L power costs AP&L offered µict after lines had been shut cbwn Plant at Bauxite closing permanently Firm laying off 150 at Jones Mills plant 1 0/06/84 11/11/84 11/14/84 1 2/20/84 PJl.G C BOl HOl B0 2 BOB 3 1 1 4 09/14/84 BOl 2 01/08/84 03/19/84 03/26/84 07/28/84 09/02/84 09/09/84 09/15/84 11/24/84 12/10/84 12/23/84 BOl BOl A08 C07 GOl BOl AOl BOl BOl Al4 4 4 6 2 1 4 2 5 1 1 06/14/84 A22 3 07/17/84 C04 2 06/24/84 BOl 2 02/29/84 BOl 4 11/20/84 BOl 2 06/12/84 08/30/84 09/01/84 09/20/84 10/30/84 BOl AOl BOl AOl BOl 3 5 3 2 2 RH� see - Wildl.if e RHYNEO.IFFE Tie maker at LR says business increases 30 pct annually RICE see - Grain RICE MIClIAEL see also - Music RIClIARISCl'J GIDTER see also - Legislature-House District 62 Arrested at dlurch where Walter Mondale was to speak Hearing set on incident at Mondale rally Convicted of blocking church cbor at ftt>ndale rally Probes shooting of black by Little Rock police No longer anployed at Worthen Bank and Trust Co 190 12/16/84 B09 1 01/04/84 01/05/84 01/27/84 02/10/84 04/07/84 A07 B0 2 Al5 A0 5 C07 1 6 1 1 4 ARKANSAS GAZ EI'I'E INDEX 1984 DATE State Repr says he was fired by Worthen Bank and Trust C.o RIDDICK WALTER G Ehds 2Pr-year tenure in US Attorney ' s office RIDER JERRY D see also - North Little Rock RIFLES see - Fi rearms RIGHI' 'IO WORK see - La.tor and Trade Unions RILEY LYON INC Little Rock f irm braris beer RILEY PARNFLL see also - Little Rock-Police and Law Ehforcement RIOTS see - Danonstrations and Riots RIVmBOAT ll\YS FESTIVAL see - Festivals RIVERFEST see - Festivals RIVERS see also - Arkansas River see also - Arkansas-Natural and Scenic Rivers Commission see also - Cache River see also - current River see also - Floods see also - Leatherwood Creek see also - Pollution see also - White River C.ont1ay group wants old ferry once used at Toad Suck Gravel operation in White River in Izard opposed by govt Program to clean out channel of Cache River moving along White River would be used for irrigation of Grand Prairi e Gravel permit sought at site of rare mussels in Current River Funds for Arkansas River study released in full Natural river user fee may be charged to canoeists, others Natural Resources Comm votes against Current River permit current River permit denial urged by Pollution Control agency Arnw F.ngineers seek to buy Winaniller land along Arkansas Plan to clean out Cache, improve flow wins court approval Game and Fish Comm has not oommitted itself on Cache plan White River water withdrawal request spurs questions Natural Resources Comm approves permit for Current River Arkansas River i:atrolled, rooni tored by US Coast Guard Tanpers flare in Okla over plans for Lee Cr eek, Illinois R Agency may ask Legis to pr eserve sections of ten streams Limit set on length of river to be covered in mining leases Legislature to be asked to designate 10 streams as scenic Natural and Scenic Rivers Comm to modify pro:EX>sed bill scenic Rivers 1;anel asked to delete Illinois Bayou frcm plan RIVERSIDE O\BLE TELE.VISION INC Estimates vary on value of stock of Lou Holtz , F.ddie Sutton About 1 ,500 take advantage of amnesty offer Timing was right for good systan Plans for Playboy Cllannel draw protests in Little Rock 191 PAG C 04/08/84 Al7 1 01/01/84 Al.6 5 02/02/84 BOl 1 01/08/84 01/13/84 01/29/84 01/31/84 02/01/84 02/03/84 03/25/84 03/29/84 0 4/14/84 04/19/84 04/25/84 04/29/84 05/06/84 05/10/84 06/19/84 06/24/84 07/16/84 08/16/84 10/14/84 11/29/84 12/13/84 Al7 A04 Al.8 A03 Al.4 C07 All A03 All A06 A03 A23 Al.5 Al.6 BOl Al.3 A06 BOl Al.2 D07 BOl 1 6 1 1 3 5 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 5 6 1 6 01/16/84 01/28/84 01/28/84 04/17/84 BOl BOl BOl BOl 4 1 1 2 ARRAN SAS GAZE'ITE INDEX 1984 mTE City Bd has no power to restrict cable offerings , atty says Playboy Channel protested by 200 residents at Bd meeting Firm offers to rig converters to eliminate Playboy Channel RIVERVIEW HOSPITAL Highway interchange may get site wanted for new hospital RIVIERE FRANK Father of Paul Riviere dies RIVIERE PAUL see also - CongresirHouse District 2 Court finds firing of Oglesby not msed on age ROAD a:>NTRAcrs Ben Hogan and API' Construction accused of rigging bids Grand Jury probed road contracts by other firms Steve Clark probes p>ssible road bid rigging Hogan, AP!' plead innocent to contract rigging charges Hogan, AP!' seek dismissal of contract rigging charges AHC awards contracts on 37 proj ects Federal funds holdup threatens Ark highway construction Highway Commission lets 14 work contracts Contracts worth $12 million awarded Guilty plea entered by AP!' Construction, fined $150 ,000 Bid-rigging trial set for this week Federal prosecutor says bid-rigging case is a simple one Bidding was discussed in 197 9 , attorneys agree Head of AP!' says he arranged contracts split with others Hogan official says there was no intent to defraud state Jack Freshour denies he discussed bids with AP!' president Credibility of Leonard L 'lhanpson challenged as trial ends Hogan firm convicted of bid rigging, mail fraud Ben M Hogan firm fined $803 , 000 in bid rigging, mail fraud Ben Hogan says tarring his f irm fran bids oould cost state Ben Hogan firm barred for 3 yrs fran bidding on AHTD jots Ben Hogan says ban on bidding will cost state Conviction in bid rigging case cancels letting of other bids Barring of Ben M Hogan Co f ran bids UJ;held by AH:C Contracts awarded by AHC total $39 million Ben Hogan subsidiary to be allowed to bid Contracts for j ots awarded total $27 million Highway Conun opens bids on several proj ects Ben Hogan firm asks delay in µiying fine installment St Francis Materials Co r estored to full rights by AHC Highway Conun opens 16 highway proj ect bids , rej ects 6 others AHC opens bids on proj ects totaling $15 . 9 million ROAilS AND TRAFFIC Efforts oontinue to make US 71 safer north of Alma Funding for us 71 approved by House µmel Pedestrians ruled to have equal right to road Tougher DU law clogs Pulaski oourt systen with cases Signs at Coffelt Crossing violate court orders, lawyer says SUit filed by AHC to cx:mdenn Coffelt Crossing in Pulaski Co Court rules AHTC has power to close Coffelt Crossing state Supr ane Ct refuses to halt Coffelt Crossing closing Kenneth Coffelt files suit to force overµiss at crossing Contenpt citation sought against Arkansas Highway Conun 192 PAG C 0 4/18/84 AOl 4 04/18/84 AOl 4 04/20/84 A03 1 12/18/84 A03 1 09/17/84 A07 6 03/08/84 All 1 01/04/84 01/05/84 01/06/84 01/11/84 02/01/84 02/09/84 02/27/84 03/02/84 04/06/84 04/20/84 04/29/84 05/02/84 OS/03/84 OS/04/84 OS/OS/84 05/08/84 O S/09/84 05/10/84 06/02/84 06/06/84 06/09/84 06/09/84 06/11/84 06/13/84 06/18/84 07/24/84 07/26/84 08/24/84 08/Z7/84 09/26/84 09/26/84 11/30/84 AOl D06 A03 D06 DlO D09 AOl A07 C06 AO S Al6 A03 A08 Al9 A09 A03 A0 4 AOl AOl A03 AOl AOl AOl A03 002 AD S D07 A07 A06 Al O Al3 Al6 03/06/84 OS/03/84 OS/lS/84 OS/20/84 06/05/84 06/lS/84 07/03/84 07/10/84 07/13/84 07/2S/84 BOl A06 BOl A22 BOl All cos ClO A03 A09 4 2 s 4 4 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 6 s 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 6 5 ARKANSAS GAZ El'l'E lNDEX 1984 DATE Idea of toll road in NW Ark revived by Gov Bill Cl inton Chancellor Judith Rogers f ines AHC commrs over Coffelt order Coffelt Crossing beoomes property of state by oourt order Kenneth Coffelt upset by closing of Coffelt Crossing Coffelt Crossing plCMed up to pr event use Plan for 4-lane road fran LR to Ne.w Orleans backed Bessie Coffelt awarded $40 , 000 for land taken by AHTD Roads cannot be r ep:ii red without funds, Patsy Thanasson says Residents of CMensville demand rep:iirs of Highway 5 in area Route selected for interstate f ran Al.ma to Fayetteville Better east-west route studied for southern Pulaski County Map of planned interstate route f ran Alma to Fayetteville Gov Clinton asks hCM funds to be used if fuel taxes charged RCBBERIES .AND THEFTS Vowell family sues 2 they say robbed th an at bane Bob Younts of NLR repts $72 , 000 stolen fran him at motel Pol ice report breakup of maj or theft ring in Conway area Mark Johnson sentenced for role in Jonesboro auto chop shop RCBBINS BCB see - Spears Robert RCBERTS Il\.VE see also - Congr ess of Insurance Legislators RCBERTS OON see also - Publ ic School standards RCEERTSCN ALVIN see also - Olympic Games Arrested upon arrival in Fayetteville fran Olympic Games RCBERTSCN B G Reti red TV executive dies at Little Rock RCBERTSCN H H <D Firm to open plant in Sheridan as r esult of Governor ' s call RCBINSCN BRENm. MURDER CASE Three wanen found shot to death, ex-convict arrested Brenda Robinson. Shirley and Karen Jackson slain in LR 'I'omrc¥ Ray SUllivan pleads innocent in slaying of three RCBINSCN CENTER see also - Musical Instruments RCBINSCN JAY see also - United States Jaycees RCBINSCN LEWIS MACDN Former legislator , lawyer , PSC staff manber dies RCBINSCN RCN see also - Cranford Johnson Associates RCBINSCN '!OM see also - Little Rock-City Board RCBINSCN 'IOMMY see also - Congress-House District 2 see also - Hendricks Lowber see also - McArthur Al.ice Murder Case see also - Pulaski County-Police and Law Enforcement see also - Pulaski County-Employees and Officials Narrowly escapes drowning while duck hunting Appearance befor e Audit p:inel is calm Different versions surface on near-drCMning while hunting 193 P.AG C 07/25/84 07/27/84 07/28/84 07/28/84 07/3]/84 08/24/84 09/27/84 10/01/84 1 0/01/84 10/06/84 10/09/84 12/18/84 12/27/84 All AOl AOl A08 A03 Al.6 A0 5 BOl BOl D09 BOl Al.3 AOl 2 4 2 1 1 1 3 2 3 3 4 2 6 04/13/84 07/24/84 08/05/84 08/30/84 A0 4 002 A06 BOl 2 2 6 2 08/16/84 DO! 3 04/15/84 A24 6 08/26/84 Al. 4 3 07/18/84 BOl 3 07/19/84 Al.0 4 07/19/84 Al.0 4 03/21/84 All 5 01/06/84 A09 5 01/13/84 AOl 3 01/22/84 Al.4 5 ARKANSAS GAZ EI'l'E lNDEX 1984 DATE Soorns legal systan, news media Calls some reporters pimps for judges Visits Washington .. has friendly meeting with Tip O ' Neal Robinson faces dil amna in caucus for House leadership Aligns with James C Wright of Texas Invited to address Washington Press Club dinner Elected whip of Democratic freshmen class Working hard to prep;i.re for role as freshamn Congr essman staff manbers for Little Rock off ice named Tells i;:hysicans he will be thei r spokesman on House floor Pledges to suppor t cut in defense rudget to aid Medicare staff appointments announced ROCK AND S'l'ONE Rock sales for wilding purposes increases in Searcy County ROCKEFELLER WINTHROP Involvanent with l isting subversives in 1 96 9 explained ROCKEFELLER WIN'llIROP ClIARITABLE '!'RUSI' Grants $1 million matching grant for Arkanas Arts Center ROCKEFELLER WIN'llIROP :rotJ�TION Issues report critical of Ark policy for industrial develop Thanas C McRay oomments on report on idustrial developnent Thanas C McRae and Bill Clinton exchange retorts on indus Report says big business not 1:a.ying share of taxes in Ark ROCKEFELLER WIN'llIROP PAUL see also - Arkansas-Governor see also - Republican Party Pranotes use of Law Enforcement Assistance Foundation roses suit , $2 million in back taxes Obj ects to electric power pumped storage plan at Petit Jean RODERICK JIM OOKE see also - Cruce Linda Murder Case ROOOERS RABOO see also - Books and Writing ROOERS see also - Warren James J Murder Case ROO ERS LESLIE T see also - Little Rock School District RCM\NCE see also - Postal Service ROMINE MARY CDX see al so - Books and Writing ROOD ROY E see also - Congress-House District 4 ROSE URIAH M see also - University of Arkansas at Little Rock Descendants to be honor ed at UALR reception RCSEN MARTY Businessman, music leader dies RCS ES see - Flowers ROVLAND T RAY see also - Books and Writing ROY ELSIJANE T see also - social Security 194 01/23/84 01/29/84 11/18/84 11/28/84 11/30/84 11/30/84 12/01/84 12/04/84 12/05/84 12/16/84 12/16/84 12/21/84 PAG C BOl A22 Al.9 001 Al.0 Al.5 AOl AOl A09 A24 A25 A03 4 1 1 1 4 2 2 4 4 3 3 6 11/18/84 Bl2 2 08/01/84 All 1 10/04/84 Al.3 3 09/26/84 0 9/26/84 0 9/27/84 11/21/84 AOl AOl AOl AOl 2 2 4 5 04/08/84 A21 1 05/02/84 A07 4 0 9/12/84 A0 9 6 12/19/84 BOB 5 11/28/84 All 2 ARKANSAS GAZ E.TI'E INDEX 1984 ROY F HAMP!'ON see al so - Books and Writing RSC MINnt; CD Homanade bomb found at ooa1 mine near Fort Smith RINNIN; see - Jogging and Running RUSS SI'ANLEY see also - Congr ess-House District 2 IUSSELL AR'IHUR see al so - Vigilantes and Radicalism RISSELL HERBERT E Bankruptcy petition shows debt of $27 .6 million Russell is Ark leader of Reagan-Bush camp:iign Russell shows debts of $33 million RISSELL RAY FREDERICK Former dlai rman at UAm dies RISSELLVILL E Suit by Pauline Hendricks against city dismissed RISSELLVILLE SCBCXL DISTRICI' US appeals ct upholds sdlool in Honor Society case RISSIA see - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics RUTLEroE KEI'IH see also - Republican Party RYE OON see also - University of Arkansas at Fayetteville RYE SAKJEL M Former Senator gets fine. probation on j ury tamper charge SAFETY TClVN see - Accidents and Safety SALES TAX see al so - Arkansas-Finance and Budgets see also - Arkansas-Game and Fish Connnission SAL INE CDUNrY Shotgun blast hits pitrol car of deputy sheriff Jerry Easan SALINE CDUNrY MEM>RIAL HOSPITAL Melvin King, a theft suspect . to meet with prosecutors Board called to testify in probe of finances Grand Jury asks board of directors to r esign Grand Jury indicts seven in probe of operations Ne1 evidence cited in probe at hospital Grand Jury hits spending at hospital E F Black Jr pl eads guilty to 38 felony counts SALOCl\JS see - Bars and Night Clubs SALVATION ARMY Aney in Arkansas praised by retired leader Gen Arnold Brown SANaIE2 ALISCN see also - Museum of Science and History SANCI'UARY IDVEMENT see - Foreigners in the United States SAND AND GRAVEL see al so - Current River see also - White River 195 08/16/84 NJ7 1 07/19/84 D06 2 07/20/84 NJ6 5 08/22/84 BOl 2 11/15/84 A14 2 05/23/84 NJ3 2 02/04/84 A13 6 08/04/84 Al.3 5 07/25/84 All 1 09/05/84 09/11/84 09/12/84 09/15/84 09/22/84 09/26/84 10/26/84 NJ3 NJ9 NJ6 NJl NJ7 Al.2 AlO 2 2 6 2 1 1 1 11/13/84 BOl 4 ARKANSAS GAZ E'J.TI'E INDEX 1984 DATE Firms say rise in royalty damaging then SANDERS BCBBY W see also - Arkansas-Supr ene Court Position 5 SANDERS HARCLD see also - Grady School District SANID MANU.E11crtJRilG CDRP Union threatens to strike Forrest City plant SATELLITES see - Camnunication Satellites SAVlGE RICliARD E Killed in airplane accident near Fayetteville SAVERS FEDERAL SAVIOOS AND LOAN OF ARKANSAS '!Wo charged with robbery of brandl in North Little Rock Robber gets $2,780 at West Markham branch in Little Rock SAVIOOS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS see - Banks SAWYER JERG1E see also - Sex Crimes SAXON KUR!' see also - Vigilantes and Radi calism srurrQN JClIN P see also - Water SO\.IFE SCL(M)N see also - Arkansas-Lieutenant Governor SCENIC RIVERS see - Rivers SOJAMP OONALD E MURDER CASE Kelvin Ray I.Dve gets new trial in shooting of Sdlamp, Putnam SOIFLL JClIN see also - Books and Writing SOILESIOO ER JAMES R Former Defense Secr etary to speak at Southern Arkansas Univ Power of US sl ipping, Schlesinger tells Magnolia audience SOIOLARSHIPS AND LOMS see also - College Scholarships and Loans SOIOOL APPAREL INC Fi rm to enploy 1 50 workers in Levi Strauss plant at Sar City SOIOCL BOARI6 see - Public School Boards SOIOCLS see - Public School SOIWARZia>E K>NROE A see also - Arkansas-Governor SCIENCE State high school science fair heavy on oomputer applications SCIENCE AND HISTORY MUSEUM Odd itans in oollection go on display Trustees get r eport on proposed locations of new facil ity SCOTT BENJAMIN FRANKLIN IDRDER CASE Body of Soott found by road near Booneville SCOTT CLYDE see al so - Olyrrpic Games SCDTI' MELIAc;SA see al so - Books and Writing-Soott Mel issa 196 PJ\G C 08/30/84 DOB 3 05/10/84 A05 4 04/05/84 AOl 2 12/05/84 A06 4 12/11/84 AOl 3 02/14/84 00 8 1 04/10/84 Al2 3 04/25/84 A03 1 11/02/84 A03 5 04/15/84 A08 1 01/20/84 BOl 6 02/10/84 Al3 2 03/03/84 All 3 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E JNDEX 1984 DATE RAY see also - Arkansas-Human Services Dept SCDT'I' SCOTTY see also - Thornton Betty Murder Case SrnAP MATERIALS see - Waste Materials SFARCli AND S EIZURE see - Aloohol and Drug Arose SFARCY CDUNI'Y Consolidation of oounty off ices turned down by voters SF.AT BEL'IS see - Traffic Accidents and Safety SEBASTIAN CDUNI'Y Judge William Harper charged at Russellville with D7I Judge William Harper fined on IWI charge County Judge W R Harper re-elected in Republican primary SECT'ARIAN SClIOCLS see - Private Schools SEOJRITIES see - Stocks and Bonds SEOJRITY BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE CD Agrees to buy Fi rst Eyramid Life Insurance Co of Little Rock SIDJCI'ION see - Sex Crimes SEII:MAN WI see also - Pollution SELBY, ALICE see also - Methodist Olurch-wye SENSORY DEVICES see also - Modus Inc SEPI'IC TANKS see - SE!N'age and Liquid Wastes SE.VIER CDUNI'Y see also - Alcohol and Drug Arose Judge Bill Pogue loses claim that he was libeled by th ree SBVl\GE AND LJQUID W�TES see also - Government Bonds and Investments see also - Government Bonds and Investments see also - Pollution Fayetteville will not be allowed to lower water standards Fayetteville sewage plan gets state approval SE!N'age systan planned for McAlront Legal fight expected over septic tank use at LR bane Dispute over septic tank at LR bane oontinues Septic tank is installed at LR bane of Rev Gene Mullenax Hane bldg ban on two areas near Hot Springs kept by PC&E Beaver Irrigation Dist uses wasteN"ater to i rrigate orchards Oklahanans to meet with EPA chief on Illinois River plan Action on grant for Fayetteville sewage plant delayed by EPA Fourche Creek SE!N'age Treatment Plant at LR is ineffective Grant cl ear ed for Fayetteville treatment plant Oklahana may sue Fayetteville if Illinois River used Fayetteville gets grant fran EPA for sewage treatment plant Oklahana Atty Gen opposes Fayetteville plan for wastes PAG C SCDTr 197 11/08/84 All 1 01/15/84 A0 4 1 01/19/84 A09 4 06/03/84 A23 4 10/11/84 AOl 6 12/11/84 001 2 03/07/84 03/24/84 07/03/84 07/09/84 07/11/84 07/25/84 07/28/84 08/26/84 09/06/84 09/07/84 09/09/84 09/21/84 09/21/84 09/26/84 09/28/84 Dll A09 BOl A0 4 A09 A07 A06 A22 B0 8 All Al.7 A09 A09 A09 All 1 2 3 1 5 3 1 1 5 2 1 2 2 1 4 ARKANSAS GAZ :msrE INDEX 1984 DATE Haneowner resists :µtying bill for pre.vious owner Fayetteville lxmd issue for plant invalidated by SEWALL MARCUS see also - Yell ville SEWER IMPROiTEMFNT DISTRIC!' NO 1 42 Pulaski Co Property CMners Assn accuse oomrnrs of About 100 attending meeting to discuss directors Hearing officer to take complaints on officials Oiai rman Luke Quinn says he received no money at of LR hane Supr ane ct 12/09/84 Al.5 2 12/22/84 AOl 4 miscxmduct 11/09/84 11/13/84 11/15/84 12/11/84 firm LitUe Rock City Bd refuses to ranove district comnrs SEX CRIMES see also - Grady School District Lenient laws blamed by m>ther of alleged rape victim at UAF Raising age of consent discussed Task force calls for rise in age of consent Misconceptions al::out rape and age of consent explained John Wesley Scott gets 50-yr term for sex with child Motorists f ind rape victim, 5 , along road Arthur James Budd charged with rape of 2 children at LR suspect in child rape case comnits suicide Henry Cll ester Timmons gets 90-yr term in rape case Jerane Sawyer charged with sexual abuse of young gi rls Jerane Sawyer was aide at kindergarten class on UAIB campus Sex abuse alleged against fanale worker at day care center Rev James Knight charged with incest and sexual abuse Rape trial of Carl Muri;tly barred because he is deaf Carl Muri;tly rul ed incompetent for trial on rape charge Carl Muri;tiy, a deaf-mute, has been charged 3 times with rape Michael A Mahfouz enters guilty plea in abuse of children James Anderson gets 8-yr term for rape of child Princeton Calvin Felton gets 3 yrs for abuse of child SEX EWCATION see also - Concord School District see also - Monticello School District SEXUAL PERVERSION see - Hanosexuality SHACKELFORD LCY!'TIE Friends roast Shackelford at fund-raiser event Helps draft platform of Democratic Party for 1984 Elected to NLC l::oard Seeks seat on J::oard of National League of Cities SHAFER RCBERT S see also - Birth Control SIWBARGER MARY see also - D.Jachita Baptist University SlW'BLlN O\RCLYN JO Shot seven times, left in woods all night Larry Weedle gets 30 years in shooting of Shamblin SHARP CDUNI'Y Four JPs face j ail ing second time if consultants not :µtid Quonnn Court votes to :EBY bill of consultants SHARP ClJRI'IS KJRDER � E 198 PAG C A09 A0 4 A05 A05 1 2 1 1 12/29/84 Al.3 1 01/05/84 01/05/84 01/07/84 03/27/84 03/28/84 07/14/84 08/01/84 08/02/84 08/24/84 09/22/84 0 9/22/84 09/27/84 10/30/84 11/11/84 12/08/84 12/08/84 12/14/84 12/16/84 12/16/84 Al.3 Al.3 A03 All A06 A09 BOS Al.4 A08 A05 A05 A0 4 A03 A27 A03 A03 A0 4 A26 A26 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 6 1 5 5 4 6 6 04/14/84 Al.O 3 07/17/84 A09 2 11/29/84 Al.4 1 11/26/84 AOl 2 06/20/84 A03 4 11/21/84 A06 1 02/04/84 Al.6 1 02/14/84 A0 4 4 ARKANSAS GAZ EI"l'E mDEX 19B4 DATE Sharp found dead in ransacked house near Morrilton Charges filed gainst Charles W Hall and Royce Warren Hallsell SHERILL JFAN see also - Books and Writing SHERMAN WILLIAM F see also - Congress-House District 2 SHERRILL PETER T see also - Little Rock-City Board SHEH-lOOD Mayor to seek help in probe of Police Dep:irtment Fraternal Order of Police backs review of Dep:irtment 'Ihird police officer resigns as result of probe SHINN MARY Disappearance in 197 B may be linked to James M Debardelben SHIPS AND SHIPP1N2 see also - Ar cheology and Anthropology see also - C>uachita River SHIRAS VIRGThlIA Goes to China to study health care of the aged SHOOI'IroS see also - Arkansas State Police see also - Crossley Wayne Murder Case see also - Dornenberg Peter R see also - Hutto Adrian see also - Little Rock-R>lice and Law Ehforcernent see also - Murders see also - Polk Harry Robertson see also - saline County see also - Shamblin Carolyn Jo see also - union County Jail Jo Ann Ward allegedly fired at Little Rock police at motel Jo An Ward says shot was fired accidentally SHOPPIN.7 CENTERS see also - Retail Stor es and Trade SHORTER CDLLEGE May lose right to rent former high school wilding Officials acknowledge problans, discuss solutions Bishop Brookins calls for reviving of Shorter as first goal Judy Petty offers to help get debt to US dropped SHOIGUNS see - Firearms SHRINERS see - Free and Accepted Order of Masons SHRJBS see - Trees and Shrubs SICRNESS see - Disease and Illness SIEMENS ALLIS S:MALL K>'IDRS DIVISION About 200 workers walk off j ob at Little Rock plant Firm has no plans for talks with strikers Tentative agreanent reached on strike issues Pact approved by union SIGAFOOS RCBERT see also - Books and Writing 199 PAG C OB/23/B4 A0 4 4 OB/2S/B4 A0 9 4 10/26/B4 A03 6 10/2B/B4 A22 6 11/04/84 A20 1 OS/26/B4 A03 6 12/13/B4 B04 1 ll/10/B4 Al. O 2 11/13/84 BO B 1 03/30/B4 04/07/B4 OB/18/B4 10/31/84 COB Al.O BOl A03 1 1 1 1 06/02/B4 06/0S/84 06/07/84 06/09/84 cos s cos 4 B0 2 4 C06 2 ARKANSAS GAZ El'TE INDEX 1984 DATE SIKHS see - India sn.o UNLOADERS SYNDRGIB see - Disease and Illness Sn.VEY RG'IA F JR KJRDER CASE capitol Cab disi;atcher slain in office of firm at LR Charl es F Stoner charged in murder of Silvey Dawn Hall Baker arrested with Stoner in Tennessee motel Gag order issued in case SIMIDNS FIRST NATIONAL CDRP Bank holding co will buy First Bank and Trust of Jonesboro Purchases Fi rst State Bank of Lake Village Purchase of Fi rst Bank and Trust of Jonesboro oompleted SIMIDNS PAUL L see also - Bioplex International SUVDN'IDN SI'EPHANIE see also - Disease and Illness SIMPSOO mMILY MURDER CAS E Closed pretrial hearing for Robert Simpson ruled proper SIMPSOO HARRELL A SR Former circuit j udge dies SIMPSOO JOE EMILY see - Multipl e Births SIMPSOO WALTER E see also - Little Rock-Fblice and Law Enforcement SIM> ErGIE see also - Autanobile Dealers SINKHOLES see - Land Subsidence and Landslides SISCDE VICKI MURDER CAS E see also - Crime and Criminals SKYWAYS AIRLINE see - Airl ines SLANDER see - Libel and Slander SLAVENS EVERfil'I' see also - Books and Writing SMALL BUSINESS see also - Minority Business Enterprises SMEE WILLARD IDVARD Obituary SMITH DENISE RENEE see - Smith Murder Case SMITH DIANN SU'IHERLIN see also - Books and Writing SMITH EUGENE see also - Arkansas State University SMITH GRIFFIN JR see also - Books and Writing Former Ark lawyer makes mark as Texas writer SMrm M ALDRIIX-;E see also - Books and Writing SMITH MURDER CAS E Denise Renee Smith, 17 , charged in death of her baby 200 11/27/84 12/12/84 12/12/84 12/14/84 PAG C AOl AOl AOl A0 4 2 2 2 5 03/01/84 D06 2 07/25/84 D05 5 07/28/84 C07 4 01/17/84 AOl 2 07/10/84 A08 5 01/07/84 A0 9 4 03/18/84 COl 2 03/03/84 Al O 2 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E INDEX 1984 DATE Judge had fewer options in 1982 case against Renee Smith Ethel Smith testifies she thought daughter had miscarriage Denise Renee Smith found guilty in death of newborn SMITH SHIRLEY see also - Arkansas-Secretary of state SM)KI:OO see - Tobacoo SNEED CHERE Works with orgn opp:>sing casino gambl ing in Arkansas SNELGR0\7E EMMA MURDER CASE Body of Emma Snelgrove and Lc(lueta Joy Snelgrove found Haskell Wayne Snelgrove charged in death of wife, IOOther SNELGROVE HASKELL WAYNE see also - Snelgrove E:mna Murder Case SNELGR0\7E IJQUErA see - Snelgrove Emma Murder Case SNELL RICHARD see also - Bryant Louis Murder Case see also - Stumpp William Michael see also - Vigilantes and Radicalism SNO\t' AND SNCWSTORMS see - Weather SOCIAL SEOJRITY Disability cuts will restllle with new rules in effect Court rul ings on standards for rutoff of disabled listed Judge Elsij ane T Roy threatens contanpt order for M Heckler Judges suit against Social Security Mn rej ected SOOOMY see - Sex Crimes SCI.AR FNER:;Y Grant given Mi.ssisssippi Co Comm Coll to alter solar heat SCLID WASTES see - Waste Materials SORRELS GARY Protected US pr esidents as manber of Secret Service saJ'lH AFRICA Leopold Conradie speaks at Little Rock on South Africa saJ'lH CIDTAY CCXJNI'Y SClIOCL DISTRICI' State ordered to i:ay over $1 million in oonsolidation costs saJ'lH MISSISSIPPI Q)UNI'Y samc.c. DISTRICI' Merger of 4 dists 14 years ago produced desi red results SOO'IH ERI.J\ND CDR!Nm see also - 'Ihanpson Shelby Murder Case SCl.J'IBERN ARKANSAS UNIVERSITY see also - Athletics-College see also - Track and Field--O>llege Men Cel ebration of 75th anniversary planned Ebur alumni to be honor ed at hanecoming Dr Clyde Hamer files suit alleging denial of free speech Suit against SAU alleges firing of Hamer was wrong Gets $59 , 000 gift fran American Fuel Cell and Coated Fabrics SOO'IH ERN ARKANSAS UNIVERSITY TEXll see also - Basketball-College Men 201 PP.G C 03/04/84 A07 1 0 4/19/84 AlO 6 11/02/84 Al7 1 09/26/84 A06 5 09/27/84 A0 9 4 09/29/84 A09 1 02/28/84 03/06/84 05/1]/84 09/1]/84 BOl BOS All A09 2 1 1 1 06/16/84 BOl 1 09/02/84 BOl 1 09/12/84 BOl 3 12/29/84 AOl 2 01/23/84 BOl 5 08/21/84 10/06/84 12/20/84 12/20/84 12/26/84 BOl BO B A25 A25 B02 4 1 4 4 3 ARKANSAS GAZ E1'1'E INDEX 19B4 MTE see also - Gymnastics-College Wanen Fi re Training Academy not Cbing j ob, Association head says Fire Training Acadany program and activities explained Paul Benton directs Fi re Training Academy at Camden SOO'IH ERN MEDIATOR Cbmpetes successfully with Arkansas State Press in LR market SOO'IH ERN TOCHNICAL CDLLEGE Private school in Southwest Little Rock has grCMn rapidly SClJ'IHLAND GREnIOOND PARK Park seeks to lure mor e fans to p:irk SCUIHSIDE SOIOCL DISTRICI' Five educators claim civil rights violated by school adn SCUIHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CD see also - Fi res Articles discuss results of divestiture on custaner services Lifeline rates offered to low income custaners Steve Clark, ACDRN take credit for Lifeline rates Lifel ine rates depend on pending PSC order Firm gets rate increase of $47 .3 million Bill Cl inton, ACDRN praise PSC order on rates Decision on l ifeline rates delayed '!Wel ve maj or users have been tmderbilled Firm gets better rates in states other than Arkansas Bell seeks rate rehearing before Public Service Commission Jim Nichols named president of Arkansas division Sues for $12 .7 million rate increase denied by PSC Bell argues against suit seeking recovery of $12 .7 million Federal court Uliiolds PSC authority on rates dispute Withdraws request for rehearing on rate case Broader eligibility urged by ACDRN for lifeline rates Bell wins f ederal appeal of rate rul ing Firm says oosts higher than income, seeks $51 . 7 million hike Rate hike request criticized by ACDRN Judge orders rate increase of $11 million Ordered to use PSC staff plan to oollect $11.2 million rise Cburt-ordered rate increase of $11 .2 million may not stand High tech industry calls for high tech facilities, firm says Ruling allowins rate incr ease appealed by Ark PSC Charge to be made for out-of-state P"ione directories &lJ'IHWESTERN EL&!I'RIC PCMFR CD Rate increase of $4 ,654,2B5 granted Brownsv ille Tx asks FERC order that 4 states share plant oo st Four in Ark Congressional del egation seek to enter FERC case Four Ark l awmakers ask to intervene before FERC Arkansas attorneys question oonsulatant on nuclear plant C.Onsoltant wants Ark custaners to share oost of Texas plant SCl.J'JHWESTERN RWER AmINISTRATION Arkansas drops suit over power reallocation SPACE Map sh<Ms where meteorites have been fotmd in Arkansas Meteorites fotmd in Arkansas interest scientist at UA SPFAKER ED Fbrmer state political leader dies SPF.ARB RCBERT 202 PllG C OB/31/84 A03 5 09/09/84 A06 2 09/09/84 A06 2 10/10/84 BOl 2 1 0/07/B4 A3 0 4 04/0B/84 ED B 1 10/23/84 AOS 3 01/09/84 Ol/17/B4 Ol/18/B4 01/lB/84 01/24/84 01/25/84 01/25/84 01/30/84 02/01/84 0 2/0B/84 0 2/2S/B4 03/10/84 03/22/84 03/31/84 04/18/84 04/2S/84 06/08/84 07/04/84 07/ll/B4 07/14/B4 07/31/84 OB/01/84 OB/2B/84 10/03/B4 12/12/84 BOl 2 4 AOl 2 BOl 3 AOl 3 AOl 2 AOl 6 BOl 6 D06 4 AOl 4 C07 3 C07 3 D07 6 AOl 3 D06 1 BOl 3 COB 6 AOl 2 DOS 2 cos 2 AOl 4 DOB 2 All 1 BOl 1 A07 1 01/19/84 10/02/84 10/03/B4 10/06/B4 12/19/84 12/19/84 DlO ClO AOB AOB A09 A99 cos 1 5 5 6 1 1 06/0B/84 A06 4 06/10/84 B02 s 06/11/84 BOl 2 02/02/84 Al.0 4 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Troutt Robert SPECl'ERS see - Api:aritions SPEED LIMITS AND SPEEDI1'13 see - Traffic Accidents and Safety SPEED QUEEN CD Searcy plant produces f irst of new line of washer-dryer SPELL OO Gayla Bassham wins state spell ing bee SPIDERS see - Insects SrocK BENJAMIN Intervia-1 with Dr Sp:>ck at his Rogers hane Mrs Sp:>ck conunents on life with Dr Sp:>ck Dr Sp:>ck and his wife, Mary Morgan, arrested at capital SPRil\l2DM.. E Annexation of 6 , 000 acres upheld by cx:>urt Sl' Fru\NCIS CDUNl'Y Prisoner allegedly struck by Sheriff was n>nald C Phillips '!Wo state troopers say Sheriff C Conlee struck prisoner Sl' F.RANCIS CDUNI'Y SHELTERED WORKSHOP Closes with $500 ,000 debt ST VlNCENI' lNFIRMARY Fire forces r anoval of 40 patients Land purchased at I-43 0 site for future use Purchases oxygen chamber for i:a,tient treatment Money woes may force cutback in services , staffing Na-t building named for Sister Margaret Vincent Blanford Intensive care nursery opens STADIUMS see also - Razorback Stadimn Domed stadimn in Little Rock i s in talking stages Frank Broyles , UA Athletic Di rector , involved in talks Domed stadimn at Little Rock would cx:>st $70 million Colmnn discusses domed stadimn for Little Rock Fort Smith wants to be cx:>nsidered for domed stadimn site Sl'.ANIWID Mm'ROIOLrrAN STATISTICAL AREAS see - Urban Areas STARR JClIN RCBERT Ibliticians, others roast editor at fund-raiser STATEHaJSE CDNVENI'ION CENTER Webster Hubbell suggests center be sold to private investors Deficit of $748 ,732 seen for 1985 STEBB lNS HILDA CliICHEETER Little Rock civic leader dies STEFL rorrA BURRaJGHS Wife of Dr Marshall T Steel dies at Pine Bluff Sl'mIENS CAPITAL MANP.G EMENT Na-t firm helps investors who have $500 ,000 to invest STmIENS lNC see also - Balcwin United Corp Has largest capital structure of any regional securities firm Most stockbroker off ices are in banks owned by FABCD Stockbroker offices to open in eleven banks in Arkansas 203 PM; C 10/28/84 B03 4 04/08/84 A04 1 06/03/84 COl 2 10/12/84 A09 1 10/16/84 A06 5 11/13/84 A05 1 10/16/84 A04 6 10/16/84 A0 4 6 01/25/84 A1 4 4 01/03/84 02/23/84 04/13/84 05/03/84 06/03/84 12/21/84 AOl A0 4 Al.6 AOl AOl Al.3 08/08/84 08/08/84 08/10/84 08/11/84 08/28/84 BOl BOl AOl COl 3 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 4 2 cos 2 03/31/84 A06 5 01/26/84 A05 1 11/29/84 A16 5 02/11/84 All 3 05/28/84 A22 4 12/16/84 BOl 1 04/05/84 Dl2 2 08/16/84 AOl 2 08/16/84 AOl 2 ARKANSAS GAZ E.Tl'E INDEX 1984 DATE Fi rm purchases Hong Kong Oiinese Bank Ltd Fi rm charges Bill E Mc:George with anbezzlanent of $111,372 SI'mIENS JACKSCN T Stei;i:lens serves on i:a.nel of Democrats for Ronald Reagan SI'mIENS JAMES J see also - CrosslEY Wayne Murder Case STmIENS W R see also - stei;i:lens Capi ta1 Managanent &'witches support to Walter Mondale for pr esident Sues to recover $3 million in US taxes he claims overi:a.id Listed among most influential persons in Arkansas SI'EPPThG STONE Kindness in Ibing Service (KIIS) is proj ect for troubled kids SI'mN SI'EVE see also - Books and Writing-stern Stare SI'EVENS mMILY MURDER CASE Helen Starens and her brother Glenn Rush found shot to death Ray starens beliared to have fired shot that wounded him SI'EVENS LISA Miss Arkansas is student at Ouachita Baptist University Wins Miss Arkansas title for 1984 Miss Arkansas of 1984 interviewed Team effort helps Lisa Starens prepire for Miss America show SI'EWARD !:»\NA see also - Books and Writing STEWART HEZ EKIAH see al so - :Ebverty SI'EWART MARY .Fbrmer Miss Arkansas now has role in musical SI'EWART RANDY see also - Olynpic Games S'IOCKS AND BONDS Flamboyant salesmen give industry bond daddy image lack of regulation allows problen dealers to operate Zero roupon bonds rould help IaY rollege educ rosts Penny stocks give investors chance to make killing SIOCm.'ON JOE see also - Wildl ife S'IOOOLA MARK see also - Arkansas-Circuit Court District 06 SIONE MARK see also - Young Lisa Janine Murder Case S'IONE 'IHOMAS WASHThG'ION Noted banker at Hot Springs di es SIONE WAYNE A Noted banker at Pine Bluff dies SIONFR Cl!ARLES F see also - Goodwin Ken E Murder Case see also - SilVEY Rana F Jr Murder Case S'IORALL MANUFAcruR:rm CD NLRB finds labor practices unfair SIORl-15 AND TORNAOOES see also - Cedarville School District Three inj ur ed by tornaoo near Clinton 204 PAG C 11/06/84 cos 3 12/06/84 Al.5 2 09/18/84 NJ 9 6 03/17/84 NJ 9 2 05/17/84 NJ 4 2 09/03/84 BOl 2 07/22/84 COl 2 1 2/10/84 NJ7 6 12/10/84 NJ7 6 07/15/84 07/15/84 07/16/84 09/09/84 NJl NJl BOl DOl 2 2 2 1 07/17/84 B03 3 01/15/84 01/22/84 08/19/84 09/02/84 BOl BOl BOl BOl 5 2 1 1 06/13/84 Al.3 3 05/24/84 NJ3 1 10/24/84 D07 2 02/13/84 NJ3 2 ARKANSAS GAZ E.Tl'E INDEX 1984 DATE Arkansas l eads nation in number of killer tornaCbes Golfba.11-sized hail reported near Texarkana Bridge across Greers Ferry Lake blCMn cbwn Fairfield Bay , :ffigemont and Greers Ferry hit � tornaCb TornaCbes hit in Greers Ferry Lake area and at Fisher Description and photos of Greers Ferry area damage Search halted for fisherman lost in tornaCb at Greers Ferry Destruction of Greers Ferry bridge means long detours Fisher residents begin cleaning up fran storm Photo · Of remains of bridge destroyed at Greers Ferry EStimate of damage in Greers Ferry area Gov Bill Clinton visits damaged areas TornaCb hits Halliday in Greene County Gov Bill Cl inton seeks disaster designation for area TornaCbes hit in Northeast Ark counties, Bowman damaged loss in Craighead and Mississippi Counties about $3 .5 million TornaCb rip; th rough Nashville car deal ership Nashville r esidents assess tornaCb damage El. lbraoo warning si ren damaged � high winds High winds damage planes at Fort Smith Twisters seen in two Arkansas oounties TornaCbes hit in Arkansas TornaCb damage light in several touchcbwns Storms move across Arkansas TornaCbes damage NE Ark areas rut cause no inj uries storm causes flooding and fires in central Arkansas Two funnel clouds spotted in state Unusual type of funnel clouds sighted in Arkansas Crawford and Washington Counties hardest hit Tornaooes strike across northwest Arkansas Crawford and Washington Counties to receive state aid Severe storms sweep across Pulaski County and other areas Storms damage several areas in state Torna.ooes and rainstorms sweep across state Polk and Logan Counties suffer damages f ran twisters strong winds damage southwest Little Rock area Nine tornaooes sighted, one toudles cbwn at Osceola m'RATIDN JaIN see also - · Books and Writing S'l'RllWB mRY RIVER Ehgineers begin review on deauthorizing Bell Foley Om\ STRESS JN HUMANS see - Human Body STRIKES see - Labor and Strikes S'IUCKEY ALMA GID\TER Obituary S'IUMPP WILLIAM MIOIAEL MURDER CAS E Richard Wayne Snell charged i n slaying in Texarkana SUICIDE Wanan ooaxed out of leap f ran bridge at Little Rock SULLIVAN 'IOMMY RAY see also - Robinson Brenda Murder Case SUMMERFI EL D MARC . 20S 02/27/84 03/04/84 03/16/84 03/16/84 03/16/84 03/17/84 03/17/84 03/17/84 03/17/84 03/17/84 03/18/84 03/18/84 03/20/84 03/24/84 04/04/84 0 4/05/84 04/09/84 04/10/84 0 4/20/84 04/21/84 0 4/28/84 05/03/84 OS/04/84 OS/07/84 OS/08/84 07/12/84 08/03/84 08/04/84 10/17/84 10/17/84 10/18/84 10/19/84 1 0/19/84 10/21/84 11/02/84 11/02/84 11/10/84 PAG C BOl AD7 ADl ADl ADl ADl ADl AD3 BOl BOl A04 AD 4 AD 4 Al.6 ADl ADl AD 4 AD 4 Al.8 A04 AD 4 ADl A20 AD9 ADl ADl AD3 ADl ADl ADl BOl ADl Al.2 ADl ADS ADS Al.2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 4 3 2 2 6 4 1 3 4 6 3 6 2 2 1 2 4 4 S 6 1 2 1 3 2 12/09/84 A24 2 01/06/84 AD8 6 11/04/84 Al.4 4 08/31/84 AD6 1 ARKANSAS GAZ El'TE INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Books and Writing SUMMERS E.T FFSTIVAL see - Festivals smBELT AIRLINES see - Airl ines SUN!l\NCE CDNOOMINIUM PROJECI' see - Fi rstSouth SUNI:QUIST OON see also - Congr ess-House District 2 SUPREME CDURI' OF ARKANSAS see - Arkansas-Suprane Court SUffiICARE CORP outpati ent surgery cl inic for NLR rej ected by C'AHSA SURVEYS see - Public Opinion and Surveys SURVIVALISTS see - Vigilantes and Radicalism SU'IH ERLAND MAR'IHA see also - Books and Writing sur.roN EDDIE see also - Athletics-College see also - Basketl::all-College Men see also - Riverside Cabl e Television Inc Will not prof it fran Razorback games on Riverside Cable Idaho cx:>ll official accuses Sutton of pressur e for his son Sutton, pr esident of Idaho cx:>ll deny allegation of pressure Trustees of C.oll of Southern Idaho defend grade change SVAIM GUY W Architect dead at age 77 SVAINT RUBY see also - Crossley Wayne Murder Case SVAMPS AND WEIL.ANm see also - Cache River see also - Faulkner Lake PAG C 01/20/84 C07 3 09/01/84 09/11/84 09/11/84 09/14/84 COl A03 A03 A21 2 1 1 4 08/06/84 A07 1 SWMI LAKE see al so - Pollution &WEEZY EDITH WOOD Reti red editor , cx:>rresi;x>ndent dies SVINDLER JClIN see also - Basnet Randy Murder Case &WlNDLThG see - Frauds and Swindl ing SYSTEMATICS INC Working on program to help f irms survive cx:>mputer disasters TAFF RUSS see also - Music TAIBI KAHLER MSOCIATES Little Rock f irm markets method for matching personaliti es TAI.BO!' JOHN see also - Catholic Church TAMROCK DEVELOPMENT CDRP see also - Bioplex International TANYARD SPRThGS VILIJIGE James R Fruge developing tourist proj ect on Petit Jean Mtn 206 02/09/84 AlO 3 12/09/84 BOl 3 08/05/84 C06 4 08/12/84 Bl2 1 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 1984 DATE TASTYBIRD FOOOO Clarksville poultry processing unit suffers heavy fire loss O:unage in Clarksville fire may reach $1 million Controllling interest purchased by 'fyson Foods Inc TATE JCHN see also - Olynp.i.c Games TATUM TOM see also - Aloohol and Drug Abuse TAUBLEE BRENII\ LEE see also - Taublee Iris Murder Case TAIJBLEE IRIS J.lllJRDER C'AS E Michael Ellgene Ashely and Brenda Lee Taublee charged TAX E.VASION AND DISPUTED CLAIMS see also - Rockefeller Winthrop Paul see also - Ste!;hens w R TAXATION see also - Sales Tax see also - Trucks and Trucking Industry UU.tary formula advocated for rosiness taxation Tax tables for Arkansas have errors state will not switch to unitary plan for rosiness Ibn Nash devised plan to deduct ooll oosts fran tax r eturn '!Wo checkoff oontrirotion funds shortchanged by oomputer Proi;x>sed Arndt 63 changes personal property tax laws Counties Assn lambastes proposal on property taxes Article discusses motives of opponents of Arndt 63 Opponents of Arndt 63 fear loss of control Gazette describes Arndt 63 as a little tax reform Arndt 63 debated by Ibn Venhaus and Audie Wigger in article Gov Bill Cl inton opposed to proi;x>sed Arnenanent 63 Voters turn d:>wn change in property tax changes Legislatur e to oonsider r epeal of exempt.ion on gasohol Gasohol exemption oosts Highway Dept millions in revenue Cori;x>rate taxes may go up or cbwn when Legis meets Farm equipnent assessnent guidel ines bring complaints Official vote on Property Tax Anrlt certified Little Rock privilege tax challenged by John W Hall Jr capital gains deduction bill aoopted by Legislative Emlel Capital gains deduction bill opposed by Bill Becker Legislative pmel takes no action on oounty assessnent ratios Proi;x>sal made to end exemption on motor fuel sales in Ark TAXICABS License renewal for Black and White refused by Little Rock Dispute at L ittle Rock accelerates John W Hall Sr charged in l icense dispute John W Hall Sr surr enders to police in taxicab dispute Court finds Black and White in oompliance with ordinance case against John Hall Sr of Black and White disnissed Metered rates estabd by oourt for Little Rock cats TAYLOR BAY see - Water TAYLCR ELIZABEIH KJRDER C'AS E Henry Lee Lucas may be linked to 1978 slaying Henry Lee Lucas charged with slaying of Taylor at Little Rock 207 P.AG C 09/18/84 A05 6 09/19/84 A09 4 10/03/84 D06 2 08/24/84 Al.3 5 03/07/84 03/20/84 03/24/84 07/08/84 08/28/84 09/19/84 10/10/84 10/14/84 10/31/84 11/01/84 11/01/84 11/03/84 11/07/84 11/22/84 11/25/84 11/25/84 11/27/84 11/29/84 12/14/84 12/21/84 12/21/84 12/21/84 12/27/84 Al.3 AOl A08 BOl BOl A03 BOl Bl5 D06 Al.8 Al.9 A21 AOl Al. 2 A0 4 Bl5 ClO D07 C07 A03 A03 Al.0 AOl 1 5 1 1 2 6 5 3 2 1 1 1 3 2 5 1 1 l 3 5 5 4 6 01/18/84 01/21/84 01/24/84 01/25/84 01/28/84 04/04/84 12/07/84 A0 9 AOl A03 A09 BOl Al.3 A07 4 4 2 2 6 1 l 01/26/84 A03 2 03/31/84 A09 l ARKANSAS GAZ ErrE INDEX 1984 DATE Lucas has adnitted killing hundreds of wanen TAYLOR JAMFS R see also - Congress-House District 2 TCBANKSHARES INC Plans to purchase, merge two Cleb.Irne County banks TFAClIERS see - College Teachers see - Publ ic School Teachers T�UE JAMES R State senator di es at age 41 TEAMSTERS UNION see - Interntional Brotherhood of Teamsters TEClINIOO. SCllOCL S see - Trade Schools TED.FORD LESLIE E Fbrmer Pulaski County Tax Assessor dies TEE'lH AND DENTISTRY see - Dentistry and Dental Health TELAMERICA Credit card protection service formed in Little Rock TELEPHCNES see also - American Tel.e?ione and Telegra:r;il Co see also - Southwestern Bell Tele:r;ilone Co Blone bill of W Man:r;ilis r esident hits $1 mill ion in fraud Lifeline rates for th e poor approved l:!r7 PSC Families in rural unallocated areas cannot get :E;hone service Custaners in Ark soon will have choice of long distance f irms Reduced rates for the poor IDl used l:!r7 1100 Si Bell users TELE.VISION see also - Arkansas Educational Television Network see also - Athletics-COllege see also - CoIMay Corp see also - Riverside Cabl e Television Inc Station fil'HV receives OOI award fran j ournalists Cable Ti! firms growing in Arkansas TENANT AND LANDLORD see - Housing TENNIS - OOLLEGE MEN UA Razorbacks win Southwest Conference title Coach Tan Pucci resigns UA post to take j ob in California Nev coach at UA is Ron Hightower TENNIS - CDLLEGE WOMEN University of Ark at Little Rock wins NAIA tournament TERRY BILL see also - Books and Writing TESTS AND TESTIOO see also - Publ ic School Grading and Testing of Students see also - U&-Defenses and Armed Fbrces TEXACD OIL CD see also - Wilderness and Natural Areas TEXARKANA BAPl'IST O�E Will not appeal 1983 law on licensing TEXAS OIL AND GAS CDRP see also - Oil and Gas 208 PAG C 03/31/84 A09 1 07/04/84 Al8 1 06/18/84 A07 4 06/10/84 1\27 3 09/30/84 BOl 3 05/19/84 06/26/84 07/29/84 10/07/84 11/25/84 A03 C06 AOl BOl BO? 1 1 2 1 1 03/18/84 1\21 1 03/19/84 BOl 2 04/30/84 COl 5 07/29/84 Ell 1 09/05/84 DOI 1 06/02/84 COl 4 01/26/84 A06 5 ARKANSAS GAZ EI'rE lNDEX 1984 DA.TE TEXAS WESTERN DEVELOPMENT see - FirstSouth 'IHFA'l'ER AND DRAMA. see also - Arkansas Opera Theater 'IHFATERS Old theaters at Jonesboro, Blythe11 ille, Texarkana renovated 'IHIBAULT MYRA 'IHOMPSCN Mrs car roll Thiba.ul t dies at Little Rock 'IBIS C1\NT BE YOOURI' Firm sued by I can ' t Bel ieve It ' s Yogurt over name, product Sued on day it first offered its stock publ icly Clain drops stock offering in wake of suit Suit by ntllas firm counter ed by This can ' t Be Yogurt Investors snap up f irst stock offering Fi rm can cxmtinue to use name, court rules Fi rm to modify name as :EBrt of settlenent of suit 'IHG1AS JUANITA see also - Faulkner County Jail 'lHOMPSCN JAMFS R see also - Congress-House District 2 'IHOMPSCN l<ORLEY P see also - Bal&in United Corp 'IHOMPSCN REED see also - Little Rock School District 'IHOMPSCN RCX:s &ELT L Rhodes scholar fran Ark killed in Net' Jersey auto accident Memorial fund set up at Little Rock Central High School Gov Bill Cl inton attends funeral Mourners fill Central High Auditorium for funeral Cerenorw honors student killed in auto accident last year Auditorium at Central High School named for Thanpson Senator ntle Bumpers praises Thanpson 'lHOMPSCN SHELBY MURDER CASE Corinda. Southerland charged in slaying of stepfather 'lHORN'IDN BErrY JO Wife of UA President Ray Thornton leads J::usy life 'lHORN'ION BE!rl'Y MURDER CASE Henry Lee Lucas claims he killed Betty Thornton in LR stor e Scotty Scott was oonvicted of murder of Thornton John W Hall Jr says Lee Lucas cxmfessed to Thornton killing Appeals Court denies r e-hearing for Scotty Scott Revia\', retrial , disnissal sought for Sootty Soott Prosecutor ' s office deni es allegations j ustice otstructed Account by Lucas oontradicts some evidence in case Henry Lee Lucas arrives in Little Rock for hearing Henry Lee Lucas testifies he helped kill Betty Thornton Henry Lucas identified stor e where Thornton was killed Car Lucas says he drove was sold befor e slaying, Piazza says Scott attorney says r eport on car is hearsay Attorneys SJ:'Br on move to get retrial for Scotty Scott Magazine r eports cbubts exist over some Lucas confessions Sootty Soott to get net' trial on charge of slaying Thornton Sootty Soott r e-trial to be in Decanber Retrial order in Soott case to be appealed 209 PAG C 08/19/84 COl 2 08/20/84 A05 3 03/29/84 03/29/84 03/30/84 0 4/12/84 05/11/84 08/10/84 1 0/30/84 BOl 5 BOl 6 ccn I A06 6 C06 3 C09 6 C04 6 03/23/84 03/24/84 03/30/84 03/30/84 11/13/84 11/14/84 11/14/84 A03 A04 A03 A03 AlO BOl BOl 1 1 1 1 5 2 2 12/07/84 A20 6 10/14/84 DOI 1 0 5/12/84 0 5/12/84 05/19/84 0 5/24/84 06/01/84 06/08/84 07/28/84 Cfl/30/84 07/3]/84 08/01/84 08/18/84 08/22/84 08/23/84 08/26/84 0 9/01/84 09/08/84 09/26/84 A03 A03 AOl A09 Al2 Al6 A07 A06 AOl AOl A0 9 A04 All A06 AOl A03 Al6 1 1 6 1 5 4 1 6 2 4 1 1 3 4 3 6 3 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E INDEX 1984 DATE THORN'IDN RAY see also - Arkansas State University see also - university of Arkansas see also - university of Arkansas at Little Rock see also - University of Arkansas at Fayetteville Revie.w of Thornton took on Stei:tiens family Urges oooperation among all oolleges in Arkansas Speaks at Arkansas Peace Center function Listed among most influential Arkansans 'IBOOGH!' TRANSFERENCE see also - Modus Inc TIM30 SClICXL DISTRICl' see also - Civil Rights Seniors use trip funds to piy for funeral of classmate Students oorranended by Pres Reagan for unselfish act TITAN MISSILES see - US-Defenses and Armed Forces TOAD SUCK FERRY see - Arkansas River 'IOBACCD Niootine che.wing gum helps smokers give up habit <lie.wing toba.coo and snuff popular among youth groups 'IDNTITCWN GRAPE FESTIVAL see - Festivals TORNAOO ES see - Storms and Tornad:>es 'IDSCD CORP Employees seek to tuy ref inery at El torad:> 'IOURISM INOOSI'RY see also - Arkansas Tourism Developnent Foundation see also - Boats and Boating see also - Gambling see also - Government Bonds and Investments see also - Tanyard Springs Village Partners in Tourism program has been effective in Arkansas Hotel oonstruction benefits widely spread in eoonorey Survey of travel pitterns in Pulaski C.Ounty Tours keep ferry afloat on Lake Norfork World Fair at Ne.w Orleans was toon for Arkansas TOXICDLOOIO\L RESFAROI see - National Center for Toxioological Research TRACK AND FIELD - COLLEGE MEN UA Razorba.cks r etain SWC ind:>or title UA Razorba.cks leap to national indoor title southern Arkansas Univ wins AIC championship UA Razorba.cks win Southwest C.Onference championship UA relay team nearly disqual ified at NC'AA by Texas protest Texas j ea.lousy was factor in protest of UA, writer says UA Razorba.cks win Southwest C.Onf title in Cross C.Ountry university of Ark ranked best in nation in oollege teams UA Razorba.cks win NC'AA Cross C.Ountry championship TRACDR MBA Firm made 9 safety violationsr OSHA says in proposing fines TRADE SClIOCLS 21 0 01/22/84 08/10/84 08/28/84 09/03/84 PAG C COB Al.O A08 BOl 1 2 2 3 04/12/84 BOl 2 04/26/84 All 2 03/10/84 BOl 1 03/21/84 BOl 2 12/16/84 Al.7 1 03/18/84 03/18/84 08/04/84 08/06/84 12/02/84 BOl B0 4 BOl BOl A34 2 6 6 2 2 0 2/18/84 03/lJ/84 05/06/84 05/13/84 0 5/3]/84 06/01/84 10/30/84 lJ/07/84 lJ/20/84 COl EDl ED2 EDl DOl COl COl DOl COl 1 2 1 2 4 1 2 5 1 05/23/84 BOl 5 ARKANSAS GAZ El'l'E INDEX 1984 DATE Reducing sex bias involves promoting women in career fields Board approves oonstruction at eight trade schools Pipe Trades Training Center at LR provides skilled labor C.Onsolidation with cx:>mmUili ty oolls study offered to ALC Sen Ben Allen tells Dr Ballard to end r eport on merger TRADE UNIONS see - Lalx>r and Trade Unions TRAFFIC see - Roads and Traffic TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS AND SAFETY see also - DEOueen see also - Little Rock-R>lice and Law Enforcement see also - Marianna School District Grant to Fbrt Smith police r6:luires quota of IWI arrests C.Ontract with Fbrt Smith police questioned by AO..U Fleeing car driven by youth kills 1 , inj ures 7 others Rodney Darrell Bennett, 16 , charged in traffic death Teachers in Jonesboro school bus wreck not oovered by ins C.Ourt rules IWI law became effective on date approved Fayetteville students driven bane if drinking Fbrt Smith restaurant tries to curb drunken driving Latest weapon against drunken driving is device called IBAD Radar detectors popular and legal in Arkansas Wucation is intent of law r6:luiring safety seat for child Survey rE.'1.7eals 71 pct in Arkansas Cb not use seat belts C.Ontinental Trailways bJ.s wreck at Protho inj ur es 20 case that may be threat to IWI law is befor e Supr ane Court IWI law dealt blew, lent support by Ark Suprane C.Ourt Many questions being raised on l)l! law Joe K Mc.<:arty charged with IWI at Maumelle Trail er rig hits Junction City school bJ.s , inj uring 32 R D Bennett, 17 , sentenced to prison in fatal auto crash case Rodney D Bennett, 16 , to begin prison term for deaths Arkansas IWI law again upheld by state Suprane C.Ourt R6:lui red use of seat belts to be oonsidered by Legislatur e Bob Teague calls mandatory seat belt bill educational Harold F Jones Jr gets 2-yr term in IWI case f ran 1983 Reduction asked in term of Harold F Jones Jr Five Conway Cbunty men drowned when truck overturned in creek Prison term for Harold F Jones Jr reduced to one year Field sobriety tests tougher with IWI law, police say Many groups j oin police in praise of 55-nq;:h l.ilnit Chart of Ark motor vehicl e accidents and fatal ities, 1 973-82 Legis to oonsider r6:lui ring use of safety belts in autos TRAll. RIClIARD Fbrmer Arkansas Razorback football player di es at age 39 TRAll.S see - Parks and Recr eation TRAIN srATION see - Little Rock-Buildings TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION see - Meditation TRANSPLANTS OF HUMAN BODY PARTS see - Human Body 211 PAG C 01/17/84 07/24/84 11/04/84 12/19/84 12/19/84 001 A07 A3 4 A06 A06 4 5 1 5 5 01/05/84 01/06/84 01/23/84 01/24/84 02/28/84 04/03/84 05/06/84 06/06/84 06/13/84 06/23/84 07/04/84 07/23/84 09/10/84 09/3 0/84 10/02/84 10/08/84 10/19/84 10/20/84 11/04/84 11/06/84 11/06/84 11/17/84 11/19/84 11/21/84 11/22/84 11/24/84 11/27/84 11/29/84 12/11/84 12/11/84 12/20/84 A03 A07 AOl 001 00 8 008 Al.3 001 001 001 001 001 AOl A06 001 001 Al2 Al8 A21 Al.3 C06 002 AO S A06 A45 A08 A03 001 001 001 Al3 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 3 1 4 1 6 3 1 6 5 6 4 3 1 1 4 1 4 5 2 02/24/84 cos 4 ARFJ\NSAS GAZ E.'l"l'E INDEX 1984 DATE TRANSIDRTATION see also - Ai rl ines see also - Central Arkansas Transit see also - Trucks and Trucking Industry TREECE MARK see also - Little Rock-Iblice and Law Fnforcement TREES AND SHRUBS Largest chiJ:XIuapin tree in state is near Hot Springs stan McDaniel. creates topiary animals f ran shrubs on lawn TRESPASS Rul ing by Ark Supr ane Ct upholds 1959 trespiss law TreSp:iSS involved Kmart enployees checking Wal Mart prices Legislative pinel. amends proposed bill on tresp:iss Tougher tresp:iss laws could curtail htmting, recr eational use Legislative conun acbpts bill to tighten Ark law on tresp:iss Joe Mosby says slobs cause tresi:ass law headaches TRIVIAL RJRSUIT see - Games TR(JIYl'ER SCDTr see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co scor es Clinton action on AP&L and Middle South Util ities TROOTT RCBERT Bid to reduce b:md r efused � judge Robert Spears tel.ls court he has permanent facilal inj uries Testifies he had no ties to beating of Robert Spears Robert Spears wins $2 . 57 million j udgnent against Troutt Seeks retrial or rut in amomt of j ud<}llent against him Judge will deny ne.w trial if Spears takes l esser j udgnent amt Robert Spears agr ees to accept hal f of award against Troutt Asks disnissal of his suit against Tonm¥ Robinson Troutt sent to j ail as lx>ndsman released fran duties Ranains in comty jail in lieu of $150 , 000 appeal lx>nd Released fran j ail after lx>nd is reinstated Donna ' s Bail Bonds seeks ma.cellation of Troutt lx>nd Assigns policy rights to Robert Spears to settle award Settlanent gives Spears right to sue insurance firms Battery conviction UI=held, lx>ndsman arrests Troutt Troutt enters prison to start serving term Arkansas Suprane ct r efuses rEquest for re11 i e.w of case Sues two lx>ndsmen who surrendered him to court officials TROXELL A J Career in agri capped � charter manbership in society TRUCKS AND TRUCI<IJ:;G lNIXJSI'RY see also - Vehicles Repr David Matthe.ws wants Legis session on truck taxes Clinton gives no suppor t to tax credit for r etal iatory fees Registration switching to Illinois to avoid tax law Ton-mile tax has brought in $19 million in taxes Challenge of retaliatory tax refused � US Supr ane Court Gov Clinton to offer plan for Ark and Okla to void truck tax Three f irms moving licensing bases to Illinois to avoid tax Highway Comm wants Ark to comter-retaliate against Oklahana Gov Clinton fears r etal iatory tax could get out of hand Tax does not drive business fran Ark, AHC contends 212 PAG C 03/10/84 Al. 0 6 07/26/84 C02 1 05/01/84 05/01/84 06/14/84 12/18/84 12/19/84 12/23/84 BOl BOl Al.7 C03 A20 E06 5 5 1 3 4 1 01/20/84 A0 4 4 02/23/84 0 2/28/84 02/29/84 03/01/84 03/15/84 06/06/84 06/07/84 06/16/84 08/14/84 08/15/84 08/22/84 08/23/84 08/28/84 08/28/84 09/06/84 10/05/84 1 0/17/84 12/19/84 A03 A03 A07 AOl DOB A08 A03 Al.5 BOl Al.2 A04 Al.4 A03 A03 A0 4 Al.5 BOl A09 3 1 1 6 3 3 2 6 2 2 2 6 3 3 1 6 6 1 08/11/84 BOl 1 01/04/84 01/07/84 01/27/84 0 2/08/84 02/22/84 02/25/84 03/01/84 03/02/84 03/08/84 04/06/84 BOl 6 cos 1 A08 6 D06 5 A08 1 A03 1 DlO 1 A07 1 Al.5 1 Al.4 1 ARKANSAS GAZE.Tl'E lNDEX 19B4 DATE Fbr estry group a:>mplains about weight limit reduction by AIIC Articl e discusses issues in challenge of wt tax law Suit C'hallenges Oklahana tax against Arkansas trucks Many motorists see trucks as menace to l ife and property Gary L Brewer dissented on disoount order by commission Order issued to l et carriers give disoounts to shippers Henry C Gray suggests r eplacement of weight-distance tax Private Truck council suit seeks end to r etal iatory taxes '1RUMANN SOIOCL DISTRICI' Dispute arises over teacher salary schedule SUpt Jim COle comments on dispute over :EBY Teacher salary plan within law, 'l'omr!Y Venters says TSAI HENRY see also - Books and Writing TUBULAR CDRIDRATION OF AMERICA West Helena seeks #30 million urw:; grant to aid plant Withdraws grant request for steel plant 'IUCKER GARY see also - Plants 'IUCKER JIM GUY see also - congress-House District 2 Reportedly under oonsideration for Dem National Corran Climn Tucker may have chance at natl :EBrty chai rmanship 'lUOOR W A see also - Vaughan Jerrell Murder Case 'IUGGLE MURDER CAS E State Health Dept program led to suspicion about deaths :Ebysician had sought oorranibnent of Tuggle to State Hospital Publ ic def ender appointed for Mrs Tuggle Debra Sue Tuggle on trial in murder of Tanekia Paxton Debra Sue Tuggle gets 10-yr term in slaying of child Term for Tuggle too l ight, father of victim says Rules of evidence played i:art in trial of Tuggle Court rules 1974 Tuggle statements may not be used in trial Charges against Tuggle in death of her sons dismissed George Paxton dismayed by dismissal of charges 'IURKEYS see - :Ebultry and Eggs see also - Wildlife 'IURNBULL PENNY ANN Suspect held in shooting of Miss Turntull in White County 'IURNER LONNIE see also - Arkansas-Governor Gov Cl inton r eplaces Turner on Student Loan Authority 'IWlN CITY BANK State Bd refuses permit for branch in Sherwood area TYSCN roooo lNC Officer of NLRB wants vote against union overturned Acqui res oontrol of Valnac Industries and Tastybi rd Foods UDEY ED see also - Vigilantes and Radical ism UN30RN OIILD AMEND1ENT see - Birth control UNDm:DYMENT 213 04/10/B4 07/0B/84 07/19/B4 07/24/B4 09/05/84 09/05/84 ll/Ol/B4 12/18/84 PAG C AOB All BOB BOl BOl BOl Al7 BO B 1 1 3 2 6 6 2 1 0 2/04/84 AlO 1 02/07/B4 A03 1 02/17/B4 Al2 1 02/26/84 Al7 4 05/02/84 A07 3 1 2/04/B4 BOl 1 12/ll/B4 BOl 5 03/22/84 03/22/84 03/23/84 09/18/84 09/19/84 09/20/B4 09/23/84 10/31/84 12/0B/84 12/ll/B4 AOl ADS All A04 A04 A06 A25 Al3 AOl A07 2 4 1 5 1 2 2 4 5 1 1 2/04/84 AlO 4 09/09/84 A21 3 07/1B/B4 BOB 1 01/04/84 D06 4 10/03/84 D06 2 ARKANSl-\S GAZ El'I'E INDEX 1984 DATE see - labor and Employment UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE AND COMPENSATION Repr Iavid Matthews wants more tolerance for recipi ents wsing money at p:i.rt-time work rul ed no reason to quit UNION <DUNl'Y JAIL Samicy Bateman shot while holding another inmate hostage Samicy Bateman was shot by Union C.Ounty deputy UNION NATIONAL BANK OF LITl'LE ROCK Suit alleges discrimination against black employees Appeals ct told Diane Dockery not coerced to adnit fraud UNION NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE 00 Fi nn sells bldg in Little Rock, tut will stay in city UNION OF SCNIET SOCIALIST RERJBLICS Parade Magazine publishes l etter of Terry O' Neal to Andropov UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Thousands attend dedication of new shop at North Little Rock New shop in NLR will streamline rep:i.i rs MoPac train derails near C.Otter UNIONS OF LABOR see - labor and Trade Unions UNITED ME'IHODIST aruRC1I see - Methodist Cllurch UNITED STATES see - US UNITED STATES JAYCEES Jay Robinson says Ark Jaycees to accept wanen menbers Arkansas Jaycees meet, discuss ct rul ing on wanen manbers Jaycettes reorganiz e as Jaycees at Bald Knob UNIVERSITY HOOPITAL Racial bias alleged in f iring of nurse Joy E Salnon UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSl-\S see also - University of Arkansas at Fayetteville see also - University of Arkansas at Little Rock see also - University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff see also - University of Ar kansas at Monticello Pr esident James E Martin resigns Ray 'Ihornton ranks high as candidate for most positions Ray Thornton chosen pr esident of UA system Top priority for 'Ihornton is choosing OAF chancellor Faculty at OAF praise choice of 'Ihornton Bill Cl inton calls Ray Thornton terrific choice Spectacular campiign made Ray Thornton pr esident James E Hall igan named president of New Mexico State Univ Ray Thornton slashes $197 mill ion fran capital proj ect s Trustees approve $57 . 2 million request for improvements No tuition increase schedul ed for five campuses for 1984-85 Average salary raises for different campuses Faculty raises highlight operating budgets for system Salary raises place campuses near SREB average Ray 'Ihornton accuses state Building Services of intrusion Trustees hear state architect obj ections to UALR Ehgr Bldg Board approves plan for UALR engineering bldg despite protest Jerry Sanders calls UALR engineering bldg design ridiculous Grant given for Qual ity Writing Proj ect at four campuses 214 PAG C 01/31/84 BOl 2 04/10/84 A07 1 09/11/84 A03 2 09/11/84 A03 2 02/22/84 A08 4 03/18/84 Al.8 1 08/24/84 C07 1 09/27/84 BOl 3 07/15/84 A07 1 07/15/84 BOl 1 12/31/84 Al.0 1 07/25/84 AOl 2 07/30/84 AOl 4 08/26/84 BOl 6 09/27/84 A03 2 01/10/84 01/11/84 01/11/84 01/12/84 01/12/84 01/12/84 01/13/84 02/05/84 02/10/84 02/11/84 03/10/84 0 4/22/84 04/22/84 04/22/84 0 5/31/84 06/15/84 06/23/84 06/23/84 07/22/84 AOl AOl AOl AOl A04 A04 Al.5 All AO l A03 Al.2 A0 4 A04 A04 AOl Al.4 A06 A06 Al.4 6 4 6 2 5 6 5 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 5 5 1 ARKANSAS GAZ El'I'E lNDEX 1984 DATE Study of law schools by out-of-state group sought by QHEC Trustees ask for study of two law schools in system Trustees call for law school study by state b:lr group Pay Thornton says study may show 2 law schools needed Arkansas Bar Assn Law School Comm to study legal educ in Ark Ray Thornton asks funds for salary raises, libraries, r�i rs Ray Thornton says b.ldgets for campuses p:ired to minimum Summary of actions taken by Board of Trustees at meeting Trustees have until 1997 to develop Cammack property in LR State Employees Assn charges threat made to force TIM. plan UA official says he knows of no threat of j ob over TI.AA UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT FAYE'I'I.'E.Vll.L E see also - Arctic Anthrop:>logy see also - Athl etics-COll ege see also - Basketb:lll-COllege Men see also - Basketb:lll-COllege Wanen see also - Mills Hugh A see also - Pazorta.ck Stadium see also - Stadiums see also - TenniS-COllege see also - Tennis-COllege Men see also - Track and Fiel.d--O>llege Men see also - University of Arkansas see also - Waste Materials Dr Ronald E Carrier decl ines chancellor p:>st Faculty dismayed by Carri er decision Rolx>tics and Autanation Center brings high tech to campus Camp:lign for Books taken to N� York firms May buy steam for heating Insurance Com.p:iny of America to be pr essured to oomplete bldg Dillard Stor es cbnates $2SO ,OOO for end:>wed chair Carl S Whillock not candidate for chancellor at UAF Poor grades by Etiysics students decried by teachers as waste President Ray Thornton plans r en�ed search for chancellor Panel named to search for chancellor Ray Thornton to rel.Ti� plan for athletic & honors cbrm Survey rel.Teals student ignorance of US geograEtiy Health and Phys Educ Bldg called substantially complete Library camp:i.ign brings in gifts of $1 .8S million Pranise of Fulbright Cbllege discussed in editorial Cbntract let for engineering building Bristol-�ers cbnates $10 ,000 to l ibrary improvement proj ect Library fund gets $2S ,OOO fran Mobile Ebundation Daisy Bates, James Dickey, Harry Patton get honorary degrees Distinguished alumni to be honor ed Hoyt R Purvis di rects Fulbright Institute of Intnl Relations Groundbr eaking held for new engineering center Papers of Francis I Gwaltney opened for study Lily Peter <bnates $100 ,000 for creative writing program Senate p:lnel approves funds for radiation lab Brown recluse spider is subj ect of study by Cbllis Geren International Paper cbnates $10,000 for l ibrary fund Board pays $2 million for $4 million worth of Walton stock Renovation of Old Main exempted in US tax prop:>sal 21S PAG C 09/lS/84 09/lS/84 09/lS/84 09/20/84 09/28/84 11/01/84 11/01/84 11/17/84 12/04/84 12/16/84 12/18/84 A04 A0 4 A0 4 BOl A07 A08 A08 AO S BOl A2 4 A08 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 S 6 4 01/10/84 01/11/84 01/lS/84 01/17/84 01/20/84 01/21/84 01/24/84 02/0S/84 02/07/84 02/11/84 02/16/84 02/22/84 03/10/84 03/22/84 03/29/84 03/31/84 04/21/84 04/22/84 04/22/84 04/27/84 OS/OS/84 OS/06/84 OS/18/84 OS/18/84 06/09/84 06/09/84 06/21/84 06/21/84 06/23/84 06/30/84 AOl AOl COl COS COS A03 C06 All A09 A03 All A07 BOl D07 BOB Al6 BOl A0 8 A08 A07 B0 2 A06 A0 4 All A03 Al2 BOl B0 2 A06 All 6 3 2 S S 1 6 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 S 1 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 1 4 6 2 6 1 1 ARKANSAS GAZ El"l'E lNDEX 1984 mTE Bill Fields d:>nates 283-acr e tract of land to UAF laser r eseardi is important i;art of sci and tedl program Dr Willard Gatewood named provost and chief operating officer Darralyn Th rCMer chrged with vandalism at Broyles c.omplex Library fund to benef it fran i;ay 'IV for athletic games Florence B Will iams Trust d:>nates $10 ,000 for AV materials cami;aign for l ibrary books nears $2 .S million goal Financing plan for Razormck Stadium work, d:>rmr approved Mr and Mrs w J iwan d:>nate $10 ,000 to encbwment Ray 'lhornton says r estrictive p:>licies hurt enrollment College of Fngineering gets md marks fran former student Athl etic Dept d:>nates $30 , 000 word processor to UA Press Hallirurton Fdn d:>nates $16 , 000 to University 'lhree r esearchers get $2S7 , 000 defense grant Authority on pr eppi es attacks UA in book on colleges 'lhree professors i;art of shuttle proj ect to map earth Papers of Arthur M Harding donated to ardiives Geology coll ection of S , 000 volll!les d:>nated to l ibrary College of Fngineering praised by Mark A Thaney Sacks estate gives $SO , OOO to benef it Qianistry Dept student dies after 7-story fall fran wilding Ehgineering Coll receives funds for Weyerhauser fellowship Trustees urge merger of financing plans for Old Main William B Gatewood Jr named chancellor Dr nm Rye r eturns to public schools for fresh insights cami;aign for Books suri;asses $2 .S mill ion goal Suit alleges bias by fraternities and sororiti es J W BellaII¥ chai r estabd in College of Business Clleating acinitted by 81 pct in survey of students Planned sal e, leasemck of Old Main hits snag Computer valued at $200 , 000 given to engineering dept by � Suit challenging minority sdiolarship program disnissed Prospects bleak for arrangement for Old Main r enovation Family of John A Cooper Sr Cbnates $1 mill ion estate to UAF John A Cooper Conference Center is name chosen for property Property d:>nated by Coopers is at Cll erokee Village UNIVERSITY OF .ARI<ANSAS AT Ll'I'l1LE ROCK see also - Athletics-College see also - Basketb:tl.1-College Men see also - County Government Training Institute see also - Tenni s-College Wanen see also - university of Arkansas Law Library damaged by broken water pipe Chancellor Young makes unaccustaned demands of faculty Faculty pranotions to be based on research and publishing Improvements costing $4S mill ion to be requested Program will produce dual degree in rosiness Ray Thornton pr esents ideas on excellence search to faculty Offers to help teadiers pr ep:ire for competency tests Long hunt for main computer appears to be over Names of six f inal ists for provost released Grade assigned by Ms Smith changed by oommittee action Instructor Ruth Ann Smith asks court to r einstate grade Plans unveiled for redesigned Engineering Technology Bldg 216 PJ\,G C 07/03/84 07/08/84 08/08/84 08/19/84 08/31/84 09/08/84 09/09/84 09/14/84 09/18/84 09/20/84 09/2S/84 09/28/84 09/28/84 09/3 0/84 09/30/84 10/06/84 10/08/84 10/13/84 1 0/16/84 10/17/84 10/26/84 10/31/84 11/17/84 11/17/84 ll/2S/84 11/27/84 12/01/84 12/08/84 12/09/84 12/09/84 1 2/16/84 12/20/84 12/23/S4 12/24/84 12/24/S4 12/24/84 COS BOl A06 ED3 AOl B0 2 Al.6 Al.8 B0 2 BOl A0 9 B0 2 B02 A23 C06 A08 A08 B0 2 A08 B0 2 Al.4 B0 2 AOS AOS COl AOl BO B A08 A23 A28 B07 A06 A04 BOl BOl BOl 1 1 3 S 2 2 1 1 6 2 1 2 S 2 1 1 S 2 4 3 2 4 1 1 1 4 2 S 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 01/03/84 Ol/03/S4 01/03/S4 Ol/07/S4 01/18/84 0 2/24/84 03/10/84 03/lS/84 04/0S/84 04/17/S4 04/17/S4 OS/03/84 A04 BOS BO S A0 4 DOS A03 BO S Al.3 A0 9 A09 A09 A06 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 ARKANSAS GAZ E:rl'E INDEX 1984 DATE Faculty p:mel tables action on new admission standards Design plan in wilding criticized by state architect Offers advisory services to businesses Dr Peter Sherrill questions heavy research role for UALR Dr Joel E Anderson Jr is new Provost, Vice-Chancellor Teaching vs r esearch article brings several responses Grant awarded to train teachers in Human Devel.opnent Centers Federal ct suit seeks to lower grade assigned Derryberry Baldwin and Shell is lcw bidder on engineering building Woodson Walker named to Board of Visitors Loan to be secur ed to purchase additional land for camp.JS Bill Graham editorial cartoon collection given to UALR Frank Whitbeck gift of $125 ,000 will erut>w insurance chai r Walter E 'lbanas named dean of Engineering Technology School Papers of Uriah M Rose now in archives on campus Library materials damaged when water pipe broke in ceil ing Water damage to materials estimated at $500 ,000 stroud Serv ice Co attanpting to salvage soggy rooks Estimate of water damage in l ibrary rises James Allen says estimated number of rooks damaged is rising UNIVERSITY OF .ARKANSAS AT fvDNTICELLO see also - Basketba.11-COllege Wanen see also - University of Arkansas .For estry Club tests skills for Conclave For estry program accredited by American Soc of For esters Library oollecting Charlie May Simon writings Celebrating 75th anniversary UNIVERSITY OF .ARKANSAS AT PINE BLUFF see also - Athletics-College see also - Basketba.11-COllege Men see also - Basketba.11-COllege Wanen see also - Hackley IJ.oyd V see also - Meditation see also - NUrses and Nursing see also - University of Arkansas Gift of $50 , 000 received fran Fi rstSouth Increased teacher salaries, improved f iscal oontrol reported University loses appeal of sex bias case in US Supr ane ct Dr Hackley says loss of students to white schools hurts UAIB Grant to fund courses in sciences Warranty for education graduates to be offered students get permission to r egister and vote in Pine Bluff Pine Bluff Commercial Cbnates stock valued at $22 ,000 to UAIB Professor Hanners J;a,id l ess because she is white, judge rul es UNIVERSITY OF .ARKANSAS CDOPERATIVE �ENSION SFRVICE Judge rules against two who claimed race bias in pranotions UNIVERSITY OF .ARKANSAS FOR MEDICAL SCIENCES see also - University Hospital see also - University of Arkansas Rorot used in teaching heart ailments to medical students outstanding seniors honored prior to oommencanent Dr Henle r eceives grant for cancer research proj ect at UAMS Graduates scor e highest in federal l icensing exams Grant of $1 . 8 million given for infant heal th , grcwth study 217 PAG C 0 5/0B/B4 05/ll/B4 05/20/84 06/03/B4 06/07/84 06/26/84 07/22/84 OB/08/84 09/12/84 09/26/B4 11/08/84 11/15/84 11/16/84 11/20/84 12/19/84 12/21/84 12/21/84 12/22/84 12/23/B4 12/27/84 A05 Al.2 BOB Bl3 BOl A09 B02 B02 A05 A05 A06 A07 AOB B0 2 BOB AOl AOl BOl Al.0 BOB 1 5 1 3 3 4 1 3 5 4 4 1 1 4 5 2 2 1 1 1 03/12/84 0 5/0l/B4 05/20/B4 10/22/B4 BOl A04 ClO B0 2 5 4 6 2 02/1B/B4 03/10/84 05/01/84 0 5/12/B4 07/20/B4 10/12/B4 1 0/1B/B4 ll/27/B4 12/0B/84 B02 Al.2 A05 Al.7 B0 2 A09 AOB B0 2 BOB 1 3 5 2 1 4 5 2 3 ll/04/B4 A33 1 0 4/2B/84 06/13/B4 06/22/B4 06/23/84 07/ll/B4 BOl A20 Al.2 BOB A03 2 4 4 2 5 ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX 19B4 DATE List of best specialists l ist 6 with UAMS l ink Dr Kenneth G Goss first to hold Garnett dlair Arkansas cancer Research Center fund set up for wilding Grants given for nine medical research proj ects Challenge grant of $250 ,000 made to College of Medicine Mor e admissions order ed by ALC, but no nEM funds provided Board formed to set p:>licy for Cancer Research Center at UAMS UNIVERSITY OF ARRANSAS GRADUATE INSl'rrtJTE OF TEXlINCLCGY Begins nEM graduate degree in engineering management UNIVERSITY OF ARRANSAS ERESS Katharine Villard Seckinger named senior editor Athletic Dept of UA Cbnates $30,000 word processor to Pr ess UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL .ARKANSAS see also - Basketball-COllege Wanen see also - Football-COll ege see also - Insurance Fee for Gerald Ford lecture criticized by Robert McCord Pr esident Jeff Ferris l ists 30 goals for decade NEM admissions ix>licy will be devised College of Business Adn receives accr editation Panel selected to devise admissions ex>ntrol systan Enrollment of 6 , 2 46 students sets nEM reex>rd Courses offered at Tucker Unit of Arkansas State Prison Dr and Mrs J D Mashturn Cbnate $550 ,000 to endowment URBAN AREAS Little Rock ranking in SMSAs causes room in eex>n growth Little Rock SMSA property valuation triples, other changes URBAN LFIGUE OF ARKANSAS Samiey' Iavis Jr headlines fund-raiser show for League umAN RENEWAL see - Ar ea Planning US - AIR FORCE see - Little Rock Air Force Base US - ARMY CDRPS OF EN2INEERS Lt Col Iarry S Bonine di rects work in Little Rock District Little Rock Dist accused of lavish waste of funds at i;arks List of 26 park sites Arrey auditors want closed or stripped US - BUIX;EI' see - US-Finances and Budgets US - CHILD SUPIORT CDMMISSION see - Child Suppor t Commission US - CO?\GRESS see - Congress US - COURrS see also - US-Bankruptcy Court see also - US-Federal Di strict Court of Eastern Arkansas see also - US-Federal District Court of Western Arkansas Courts write law because Cong passes buck, Judge Overton says Financial statanents offer look at wealth of j udges Resentment against j udges blossoms in Ark as election i ssue School merger order of Judge Woods trigger ed election i ssue US - DEFENSES AND ARMED FORCES see also - Blytherille Air Force Base 21B 07/16/84 08/03/84 10/15/84 10/27/84 ll/03/B4 12/lB/84 1 2/19/B4 PAG C B0 2 A07 A08 A06 Al.5 All BOB 3 1 5 4 2 1 1 Ol/03/B4 A04 4 09/19/84 B0 2 4 09/2B/84 B02 2 02/12/B4 0 2/25/B4 04/27/B4 06/02/84 06/2B/84 09/09/B4 09/lJ/84 1 0/27/B4 Bl5 A03 Al.0 B02 B0 2 A26 AOB B0 2 2 3 1 2 3 4 4 6 08/19/84 BOl 3 OB/2B/B4 D07 5 ll/03/B4 BO B 4 0 4/22/84 AlB 1 09/24/84 AOl 2 09/24/B4 A07 1 07/2B/84 08/26/84 08/26/84 0 8/26/B4 BOl Al.5 Al.6 Al.7 4 1 1 2 ARRANSAS GAZ ETl'E INDEX 1984 Dl\TE US US US US see also - Little Rock Air Force Base see al so - National Guard Titans in Ark to be last dismantled Nerve gas funds would be used at Pine Bluff Arsenal Nerve gas production ta.ck in l::udget Construction of nerve gas facil ity at Pine Bluff urged Nerve gas facil ity at Pine Bluff urged by Beryl Anthony Competition develops to get silo as historic site Beryl Anthony seeks $10 million for Bigeye facility at m Nerve gas production at Pine Bluff would use toxic materials Pr es Regan vc:Med aid on chanical arms , Beryl Anthony says Beryl Anthony, &:1 Bethune fume over chanical we.pons debate House turns down chanical we.pons proj ect at Pine Bluff Senate FSnel cuts funds for dlanical arms proj ect Fd Bethune asks GAO for formal report on Bigeye Banb study FC:Mard Moore Jr named cormnander of guided missile frigate Armed civil ians near Titan silo at Blackwell is cxmcern OUtsider sighted near Blackwell silo second day Armed Forces Qualification Test scor es ranked by state Two plaintiffs in suit on Titan silo blast dispute terms SAC agrees to transfer Titan site to eligible orgn Missile silo blast suits settled out of court Many military personnel reti re in Arkansas Aging chanical we.pons at Pine Bluff Arsenal cause concern Paul Jacob arrested in NLR as draft resister by FBI agents - FARMERS HCNE AI:MINISTRATION <llicot and Madison County off ices criticiz ed - FEDERAL BANI<RUPI'CY CDURT Judge Oiarles W Baker r esigns James G Mixon named j udge - FEDERAL DISTRICl' CDURT OF PASTERN ARRANSAS Case load growing in district Judge Henry Woods has r ecord to ta.ck his brusqueness - FEDERAL DISTRICl' CDURT OF WESTERN ARKANSAS New j udgeship ere.tea for Western District Court &:1 Bethune says over 20 have applied for newly ere.tea post &:1 Bethune tells appl icants to discuss issues with him List of ct cases B ethune wants to discuss with appl icants Bethune selection process outrages some lawyers Judge selection process defended by &:1 Bethune &:1 Bethune defends his process for selecting j udge Final ists for j udge are O L Adams, W O Kimbrough, E F Coffman Controversy over Bethune method ref erred to state bar panel &:1 Bethune accuses Ark Bar of criticism for political gain &:1 Bethune says Bar Assn criticism is political in natur e Confirmation of j udge unlikely this yer White House has not subnitted nominee choice to Senate &:1 Bethune says he l erned intervie1 system fran MO::l ellan &:1 Bethune sees politics behind protest of intervie1s Ol iver L Adams sel ect ed for nomination for new judgeship State tar resolution against interviEW process may pass Bar panel condemns method Bethune used to pick nominees David Pryor says Bethune not honest aoout j udge appnt delay David Pryor says he will not block j udge appointment 219 02/01/84 02/01/84 0 2/01/84 02/15/84 02/15/84 03/20/84 0 4/13/84 0 4/30/84 0 5/ll/84 0 5/18/84 05/18/84 05/24/84 06/07/84 07/22/84 07/27/84 07/28/84 08/09/84 09/05/84 09/06/84 09/ll/84 ll/20/84 11/22/84 12/07/84 PP.Ci C A03 A06 A06 001 001 001 A06 AOl A0 5 AOl AOl 001 001 A04 A08 A03 001 Al.2 A08 A08 001 AOl A0 4 2 4 4 6 6 4 1 2 1 3 6 5 2 1 6 5 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 01/21/84 AOl 2 01/21/84 Al.3 1 02/09/84 Al.4 3 03/18/84 Al.7 1 08/26/84 Al.6 1 06/30/84 08/09/84 08/10/84 08/10/84 08/15/84 08/15/84 08/16/84 08/18/84 08/19/84 08/19/84 08/19/84 09/08/84 09/15/84 09/16/84 09/16/84 09/18/84 09/21/84 09/22/84 09/22/84 09/22/84 AOl Al.3 AOl AOl AOl A03 A03 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl 001 A06 A06 AOl All A03 001 001 6 1 4 4 4 1 1 6 3 5 5 6 1 5 5 6 1 4 6 6 ARKANSAS GAZ ET1'E INDEX 1984 DATE Jim Jdmson defends Ed Bethune on intervi6'1 process Fil Bethtme says r esolution ramcbdded through Arkansas Bar stran 'Ihurmond supports interview method of Fil Bethtme Too late to name j udge this session, Fil Bethtme says Fil Bethtme, John W Walker debate selection process US - FEDERAL ENERiY RH;ULATORY CDMMISSION see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co see also - southwestern Electric Power Co US - FINANCE AND BUOO EIS Aar\Y Engineers propose to spend over $7 mill ion in Arkansas Defense proj ect s in Ark slated for $700 million in rudget Cong staff told al:out Ark systan for keeping balanced rudget state 29th in share of federal rudget expenditur es List of proj ect ftmds voted for Arkansas US - JUSl'ICE DEPAR'IMENT see al so - Arkansas-R:>litics and Elections see also - North Little Rock US - NATIONAL AERCNAUTICS AND SPACE AD1INISTRATION Idea of Mtn Pine student chosen for S:EElce study US - 'NAVY see - U�Defenses and Armed Forces US - WCLFAR REGULATORY NJ ENCY see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co US - RJRAL ELEC!'RIFICATION AmINISTRATION see also - Bethune Ed Regional meeting in LR to hear Walter �ndale Walter Mondale addresses group in Little Rock US - SECREr SERVICE Gary sorrels is former agent who protected pr esidents USURY see - Credit VACATIONS Annual vacation guide publ ished VACCINATION AND VACCINES Judge r efuses to exempt. Cook child fran shots Cook child placed in custody of social Services Dept Court orders stay of order on Cook child Heard family files $500 , 000 suit against off icials over shots Justin n>uglas Cook now enrolled in Louisiana school Chiropractors barred f ran exempting school children Cook parents held innocent, rut shots must be given to son Heard childr en get exanpt.ion fran taking shots Justin n>uglas Cook wins exemption on shots vror HCWARD see also - Hendrickson Orin Murder Case V.AGRANCY AND V.AGRANTS see also - Parks and Recreation VALMAC INOOSl'RIES see also - fyson Foods Inc VANCE ERIC MURDER CASE Chris Hudson charged with ca.pital nurder at Ash Flat VAN!l\LISM see also - Floods see also - Foxwood Cotmtry Club 220 PNJ C 09/24/84 09/26/84 09/27/84 10/05/84 10/14/84 AO S A03 A03 AOl A21 1 1 4 2 1 02/02/84 02/02/84 0 2/08/84 03/30/84 06/22/84 AOl AOl AlO AJ. 2 AJ.4 3 3 2 5 6 07/22/84 A04 4 09/18/84 AOl 3 10/03/84 AOl 2 09/02/84 BOl 1 02/26/84 HOl 1 01/13/84 01/18/84 02/01/84 02/17/84 02/25/84 03/06/84 04/27/84 09/06/84 10/30/84 AJ.6 A03 A07 A06 AJ.2 BO B All B02 A05 1 4 2 6 3 5 1 3 5 08/01/84 A03 5 ARKANSAS GAZ E.'l1TE INDEX 1984 DATE see also - Parks and Recreation see also - Public School Crime and Vandal ism see also - University of Arkansas at .Fayetteville Littie Rock Water Works sues students who swam in tank Testimony ends in suit over swimming in LR water tank VANDER JPGT GUY Camp:ii gn s in Ark for Judy Petty in race for Congress VPSJ.UE2 MIGUEL see also - Horton Wanda. M Murder Case VAUGHAN JERRELL J.l.URDER CASE James Dean Walker loses appeal for new trial Latest decision followed court rule change Interesting aspects of Walker ruling discussed El\i'idence was furnished by Peggy Davidson Ne1 evidence involves diary of Russell Kumpe Ne1 trial to be sought for Walker W C BentlE:Y says he has r ecording of Walker oonfession BentlE:Y intervie1s several persons in Walker case State Trooper Ray Carnahan says Walker admitted kill ing James Dean Walker says he was used as a scapegoat Serial number of pi stol found at slaying site not on l ist State argues against r etrial for James Dean Walker US Supr ane ct allows Walker to ranain in federal custody Olarles W Holloway says Gene Barrentine admitted fatal shot Appeals ct orders hearing on Walker claim of new evidence Date set for hearing new evidence in case Court rul es affida.vit denying Walker fired shot can be used James Dean Walker to be subj ect of CBS-'IV IIDVie Some of Walker ' s evidence called inadmissibl e Russell F Kumpe sought intervie1 with Arkansas Gazette Russell F Kumpe tells r eporter he saw Walker shoot Vaughan Bullet holes in vehicles were not mentioned in other trials Walker attorneys f ile :µipers for hearing Article reviews effort of James Dean Walker to be released Jailhouse letters of James Dean Walker to !Might Linkous Justice Fund estabd to aid effort for new trial for Walker .Favorable sentiment for Walker hit peak, but clanency denied State r�uests that some testimorw be barred f ran hearing Disoouragement , 2 transfers pr eceded Walker ' s 1975 escape Walker l etters to Linkous shed no new light on slaying James Dean Walker moved to Russellville j ail to await hearing Secret tape allgedly made of Russell F Kumpe talk alx>ut case Judge Henry Woods orders i ssues limited in Walker hearing Musician B J stone cbnates to James Dean Walker Fund Kumpe may have been r ecorded by secret systan at prison W A Tudor says he sent no CX>P.f of transcript to McDonald Russell Kumpe testifies he does not rananber talk alx>ut gun Gene Barentine was officer who stopped car in 1963 Hearing for Walker attracts Mike .Farrell, Jessica Mitford Kumpe says he sort of put Mike Masterson on in intervie1 Russell Kumpe denies making several statanents as publ ished Russell Kumpe tells j udge he saw Walker shoot Vaughan Peggy Davidson testifies alx>ut statanents by Russell Kumpe Paul McDonald and W A Tucbr called to testify in hearing 221 PAG C 03/16/84 A0 4 4 11/17/84 Al.5 1 09/01/84 Al.2 1 01/19/84 01/21/84 01/22/84 03/03/84 03/03/84 03/03/84 03/06/84 03/07/84 03/10/84 03/24/84 03/27/84 0 4/10/84 05/01/84 06/13/84 06/14/84 06/15/84 06/29/84 07/09/84 09/09/84 09/16/84 0 9/16/84 09/16/84 09/22/84 09/23/84 0 9/23/84 09/23/84 09/24/84 09/25/84 09/25/84 09/25/84 09/27/84 09/29/84 09/29/84 09/29/84 09/30/84 10/01/84 1 0/02/84 10/02/84 10/02/84 10/02/84 10/02/84 10/02/84 1 0/02/84 10/03/84 AOl BO B Al.6 AOl AOl AOl AOl A03 A06 A0 9 A06 A05 Al.0 AOl AOl AOl A03 B02 A0 7 AOl AOl Al.4 A03 AOl AOl Al. 2 AOl A03 BOl B02 BOl AOl A03 A03 A22 A0 5 AOl AOl A03 A03 A03 A03 A03 AOl 5 3 1 6 6 6 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 6 5 2 1 5 2 4 4 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 4 2 2 5 6 1 6 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 ARKANSAS GAZ ETTE lNDEX 1984 mTE Transcript: of alleged 1963 conversation by Kt.nnpe is discussed Vaughan' s wiCk:>w and son attend hearing Robert Moor e testifies at hearing that he saw shooting May have shot Vaughan as r eflex to gunfire. Walker testifies Tape of Cll ristian testimony by James Walker played in oourt Jimrr¥ Karam testifies at hearing for James Dean Walker James Dean Walker continues testimony at hearing Walker says discovery gun was loaded changed his viav Reoor ds show Robert Moor e served time in Cmmnins Prison Walker suppor ters turn out for hearing wearing white ribbons Mood during hearing is a far cry fran trials in 1960s Robert Lynn Moor e was charged in 1976 with theatening pol ice Robert L Moor e testifies he did not know Walker in prison Robert Moore insists testimony wrong on his arrest Ex-convict B R Woodyard says he taped Kt.llnpe talk at prison Reoords show Robert Moore had 20 contacts with NLR police State says evidence by Walker atty strengthens state ' s case Judge Henry Woods denies nS>T trial for James Dean Walker VAUGHr W 0 Planning 20th visit to Holy land VEHICLES Most common motor vehicles in Ark l isted VENHAUS OON see also - Pulaski County-Judge see also - Taxation VENTERS 'IDMMY see also - Publ ic School Statistics VENTERS 'IDMMY see also - Ar kansas-Eilucation Dep:irbnent VERTAC ClIEMICAL CDRP see al so - Pollution VEl'ERANS see also - Ch anicals see also - Last Man Club of World War I see also - .Monuments and Manor ials VE.TERANS AIJ.iINISTRATION MEDICAL CENTER 'AT LITTL E ROCK Arkansas probably will not acquire bldg for state use VEl'ERANS OF FOREIGN WARS see also - International Relations VE.TERINARY MEDICINE House calls by veterinarians increasing VIE.TNAMESE CDNFLICI' see also - Monuments and Manorial s VIGILANTES A N D RAD ICALISM Leonard Ginter to go on trial in slaying of Gene Matthe:ws Posse Comitatus holds meet at Batesville Murder trial of Leonard and Norma Ginter delayed Fd Udey case grav out of Goroon Kahl incident Fd Udey sues Judge Waters, other federal court officials Leonard Ginter asks Supr ane Ct to dismiss murder charge Chester Houston convicted of terroristic threatening El\i'idence on fire rul ed usabl e in Ginter trial A5P Di rector Goodwin works on plan to identify troublanakers 222 10/03/84 10/03/84 10/03/84 10/04/84 1 0/04/84 10/04/84 10/05/84 10/05/84 10/05/84 10/05/84 10/07/84 1 0/07/84 1 0/13/84 10/13/84 1 0/14/84 1 0/21/84 11/03/84 12/07/84 PAG C AOl AOl A03 AOl AOl A06 AOl AOl Al.4 Al.4 A26 A26 AOl AOl A07 Al.9 002 AOl 2 3 1 4 5 1 3 3 1 1 1 5 3 3 1 1 1 2 09/23/84 COl 2 01/05/84 BOl 3 07/17/84 BOl 2 01/16/84 BOl 3 08/26/84 AOl 3 0 2/13/84 03/06/84 03/13/84 03/13/84 05/10/84 05/13/84 06/12/84 07/04/84 A03 BO B Al.0 Al.O A03 A23 Cl6 A03 3 3 1 1 4 2 5 5 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E INDEX 1984 DATE Kurt Saxon, Duncan Long comment on Snell shooting of trooper Leaders suggest Richard Snell not repr of true survival ists Steps taken to protect State Police fran extranist groups Gov Bill Cl inton wants law to control extranists Law would forbid :paramil itary training for civil disorders Plan to list extranists draws concern of ACLU, NRA State Supr ane Ct refuses to allCM rel ease of Leonard Ginter Missouri law on survivalists is effective, lawmaker says CSA elder seeks meeting with Gov Bill Clinton on church aims CSA l eader says group not :part of puamilitary organization CSA spokesman says Richard Snell did visit group Zarep:ith Horeb (CSA) elder says church not puamilitary Kerry Noble says CSA group spl it over mil itary :matters Kurt Saxon agr ees CSA not a survivalist group steve Cl.ark comments on proposed law on piramil itarism Reprs of Bill Cl inton, State Police meet with CSA l eaders Law enforcement officers meet at Russellville, trade data CSA seeks to dispel piramilitary image Talk of listing subversives surfaced in Ark in 1 969 survivalists, gun violence should not be l inked, M:>sby says CSA plans to stay on Marion County property despite notice covenant, Arm and Sword of the Lord is name used by CSA Request of Leonard Ginter for release fran j ail denied CSA group gets ten days to leave Marion County land Kerry Noble sues for right to visit Richard W Snell Leonard Ginter to go on trial in slaying of Gene Matthavs Matthavs slain last year during Kahl arrest attanpt Tight security planned for trial of Leonard Ginter Leonard Ginter gets 8-yr term on reduced charge Trial had started when Leonard Ginter entered plea Leonard Ginter moved to j ail at Benton Leonard Ginter sent to Texarkana federal j ail C.Ourt order to leave land will be ignor ed by CSA Businessman may buy land, turn it over to CSA use CSA l eader Jim Ellison flees fran officers at Yellville Jack Fr edericks , of Branson, loans CSA funds for land Jim Ell ison allegedly purchased guns used by Snell in slaying Jim Ell ison fail ed to appear before federal Grand Jury Leonard Ginter moved to federal prison in Oklahana CSA spokesman says Jim Ellison is safe CSA leader Jim Ellison r el eased on signature bond Land purchased by Jack Fr edericks, turned over to CSA CSA mentioned in talk by di rector of US Marshal Service Extranists pose serious problan, di rector of US Marshals says Norma Ginter gets sepirate trial on capital nurder charge CSA discussed by national columnist , Lars-Erik Nelson CSA l eaders K Noble and J Ellison attend trial of R W Snell Conviction of Arkansans for hartoring Kahl upheld F.d Udey and Arthur Russell were convicted of harboring Kahl Leonard and Norma Ginter wer e convicted of harboring Kahl Capital nurder charges against Norma Ginter dismissed VILLHi E ffiEEK, WHITE RIVER AND MAYBERRY DRAINPGE DISTRicr see - Floods VILL IN ES FLOYD G 223 07/07/84 07/07/84 07/08/84 07/12/84 07/12/84 07/16/84 07/17/84 07/18/84 07/20/84 07/20/84 07/20/84 07/20/84 07/20/84 07/21/84 07/25/84 07/27/84 07/28/84 07/29/84 08/01/84 08/05/84 08/ll/84 08/ll/84 08/ll/84 08/25/84 08/25/84 08/26/84 08/26/84 08/26/84 08/28/84 08/28/84 08/28/84 08/31/84 09/01/84 09/05/84 09/06/84 09/06/84 09/06/84 09/06/84 09/07/84 09/07/84 09/08/84 09/21/84 09/28/84 09/28/84 1 0/09/84 10/21/84 11/02/84 ll/08/84 11/08/84 11/08/84 12/01/84 PAG C A09 A09 Al3 AOl AOl AOl B02 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl BOl All A0 5 B02 Al5 All ED6 A03 A03 A0 5 A06 A06 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl BOl A20 BOl AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl A09 AlO A0 9 All A06 A06 A0 4 !03 AOl A08 A08 A0 8 Al.3 1 1 1 2 2 4 6 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 5 3 3 6 2 2 2 5 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 5 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 5 5 5 1 ARKANSAS GAZ E1'TE lNDEX 1984 DATE see also - Little Rock-City Board VILONIA SOICXL DISTRICI' Suit against toard over dances is dianissed VINSCN B FINLEY see also - Arkansas Gazette Co VIN'IDN FREFM\N E Ebener bank officer dies VIOLE!' HILL SOIOCL DISTRICI' calico Rock voters def eat merger plan VITAL srATISTICS see - Arkansas-R>pulation and Vital Statistics VOCATIONAL SOIOCLS see - Trade Schools VOCATIONAL TRAINThG see - Public School Vocational Frluca.tion see - Trade Schools VCXiLER C'ARCLYN see also - Births VOI'ER RB3ISTRATION see - Arkansas-R>litics and Elections varm; RIQUJREMENTS see - Arkansas-R>l itics and Elections VOOGHI' <DRP Auditors say Arny overp:lid firm $1 . 9 million Anr!Y contract for $407 million goes to Camden plant WArl'E JAMFS E MURDER CAS E Enplcy-ee shot to death at Pleasure Bai7ling Lanes i n LR WAI.BEK;, HERBERT J see also - Little Rock School District WALKER JAMFS DEAN see also - Vaughan Jerrell Murder case WALKER IDNTRFA MURDER CASE Iarrel.l Woods and Prescilla Walker arrested in death of baby WALKER PRESCILLA see also - Walker Montrea Murder case WALKER WOODSCN D see also - Arkansas-Corrections Board see also - University of Arkansas at Little Rock WALLACE IOUG see also - Danocratic Party WALLACE LARRY see also - Legislature-Ethics WALIWOR'IH MARGAREI' see also - Books and Writing WALMART S'IDRES INC see also - Tres}:Klss Fi rm ai7ned by Waltons is profitable Nike Inc suit call ed mal icious Report shai7s sales up Convention brings 6 ,000 managers to Little Rock Reports sales of $4 .6 billion last year Lawsuit alleges videotaping of wanen in dressing roans Sales up 40 pct during first half of current year Court dismisses suit alleging videotaping of wanen in stor e 224 PAG C 02/18/84 A0 4 5 08/28/84 Al.0 3 11/01/84 A06 6 01/18/84 BOl 2 11/30/84 Al.5 4 11/29/84 A03 3 12/21/84 A21 2 01/01/84 01/12/84 02/07/84 02/13/84 03/06/84 05/18/84 08/11/84 10/03/84 B0 4 DOS COB A03 C06 Al.3 C07 A03 5 1 4 4 1 6 6 4 ARKANSAS GAZE.Tl'E INDEX 1984 DA.TE WALTERS AN'IHONY LYNN see also - Hughes Larry Gene Murder Case WAL'ION ENTERPRISES Sells UA $4 million worth of stock for $2 mill ion WAL'ION SAM see also - Walmart Stores Inc Listed among most influential. Arkansans Wealth of 2nd richest American estimated at $2 .3 bill ion Walton says publ icity on wealth bothers him WARD JCHN L Author , former editor j oins faculty at University of Ark WARNOCK JCIIN NORMAN see also - �pulist Party WARREN CINDY see also - Warren James J Murder Case WARREN JAMES J KJRDER C'J\S E Frankie Parker says Cindy Warren shot him in back last fall Frankie Parker shot Rogers µ>liceman Ma.uris Ray Feyen James and Sandra Warren slain at Rogers by Frankie Parker Pam Warren and Frankie Parker shot in µ>lice station Pam Warren was former wife of Franki e Parker Warrens were former in-laws of Frankie Parker Frankie Parker l isted in fai r oondition in hospital WARREN PAM see also - Warren James J Murder Case WARREN SANDRA see - Warren James J Murder Case W�ClJRNE :EDVARD PAYSCN see also - Art WASHnl;'ION CDUNI'Y JAIL Facil ity fails standards inspection Former irnnate testifies that oonditions are terrible Suit settled over l iving conditions in j ail Panel asks order to improve or close j ail Facility to r anain open until hearing held Voters approve new j ail Jail may stay open if oonditions are met WASSFLL HEmERT LYNN JR Killed in ai rplane accident near Fayetteville WASTE MATERIALS see also - Nuclear Wastes see also - �llution Revision of solid waste law proµ>sed Jonesboro r esidents anger PC&E over landfill PC&E grants permit for Jonesboro landfill Construction of landf ill in Saline Co blocked by Suprene Ct Fayetteville plan to sell steam to UA meets obstacles Contract for steam generated by incinerator approved by UA Jonesboro permit approved by PC&E over obj ections Giant oomi;:actor r eplaces trash dump in Carlisle WATER see also - Floods see also - White River Steve Clark starts drive for water oode for Arkansas 225 P.AG C 06/23/84 A06 1 09/03/84 001 3 09/18/84 AOl 5 09/19/84 D06 2 08/14/84 A04 4 11/06/84 11/06/84 11/06/84 11/06/84 11/06/84 11/06/84 11/07/84 AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl AOl A06 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 0 2/24/84 05/04/84 05/18/84 0 8/23/84 10/24/84 11/08/84 11/21/84 A05 A08 Al2 BOl BOl Al5 001 1 1 1 5 2 5 6 0 4/05/84 AOl 2 01/09/84 01/22/84 01/28/84 03/27/84 05/03/84 0 5/26/84 07/07/84 12/01/84 BOB Al2 002 AO 4 A0 4 A08 001 A08 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 01/06/84 A03 3 ARKANSAS GAZ ET.l'E lNDEX 19B4 mTE Agriculture groups want surface water plan before code John P Saxton wants Grand Prai rie water for Cbmestic use study of East Ark water to be made Ehgineers to study water problans in east Arkansas Court rul ing on reasonable use during drought discussed Defeated code had instream flow provision for wildl ife Farmers and l:x>nd dealers helped def eat proposed water code r-k>st water law in Ark is based on murky court decisions State water code bill sent to legislative a:mmittee Inadequate funds , delays stalling proj ects in Arkansas Texas may still be eyeing Arkansas water for i rrigation Importing water for Texas i rrigation called a pipe dream Pipel ine to carry Millwood Lake water to Texarkana, Texas Water dists in SW Ark becoming more active in water matters 'I.Wo bills in Cong could help Texas take Ark water Group wants Grand Prai rie Irrigation Di.st l ines redrawn Suit alleges Taylor Bay silt caused by Arrr!Y F.ngineers proj ect SOil and Water Cons Comm urges dist for Grand Prairie Bill presented on creating districts in areas of shortage Ten publ ic hearings to be held on proposal to regulate use David Pryor f ights to bar transfer of water out of Arkansas Public hearings planned on proposed state water code Steve Clark says proposed water code will not work Irrigation district for Grand Prai ri e officially approved Irrigation dist for Grand Prairie will use White River Publ ic hearing on proposed water code held at McGehee Change in law needed, Jake Hartz Jr says Inter ests cl.ash at water code hearing at Batesville Large crowd attends public hearing at Jonesl:x>ro on water law David Pryor di scusses coming batUe with Texas over water Legal def initions l:x>g down hearing on proposed water code US House J;SSSes bill barring transfer of Ark water to Texas Hearings on proposed water code have drawn crowds Bill protecting Ark water fran export signed into law Panel told r egulations should include groundwater Proposed water quality standa.rcs r eleased by PC&E Denands made for aCbption of a state water code Northwest Ark group OPEX>ses draft of water code Ne1 law would not tan exportation of water to Texas Oppo sition lessens to inclusion of grouncwater in code Legislative p:inel named to revise state water bill Tougher code makes concessions to industrial interests Tougher standards approved by PC&E Comm State Repr Lloyd George active in drive for water code law Version of code bill defeated in 1983 to be offered again Minor changes made in water code plan Water code bill contains provisions on grouncwater Water code bill to face competition fran another version Water code bill voted by Joint Legis i;anel for Legis vote WATER AND AIR FOLLTJI'ION CDNTRCL ACT! see - R:>llution WATER CDDF.S see - Water WATER DISTRI<JrS 226 01/20/84 02/01/84 02/0l/B4 02/29/B4 03/04/B4 03/04/84 03/04/84 03/04/B4 03/2B/84 0 4/04/84 04/09/84 05/06/B4 0 5/07/B4 05/07/B4 05/20/84 06/06/B4 06/10/B4 06/12/84 06/15/84 07/12/84 07/2B/84 OB/10/B4 OB/1B/B4 OB/24/B4 OB/25/84 OB/30/B4 08/31/84 09/05/84 09/06/84 09/10/84 09/11/84 09/15/84 09/16/B4 09/29/84 09/29/B4 09/29/B4 10/03/B4 10/05/84 10/07/84 10/16/84 1 0/19/84 ll/17/B4 ll/17/B4 11/19/84 11/19/84 11/21/84 12/18/B4 12/1B/B4 12/1B/B4 P.AG C A09 Al4 Al4 DOB Al6 Al6 Al6 Al6 A06 D07 A07 AOl AOl AOl A24 BOB Al3 Al2 AOB BOl A03 A09 B02 A03 A03 D07 Al5 Al2 D06 AOl C06 Al7 A06 A09 BOB BO B A07 A0 4 A27 ClO A0 4 A03 A03 AOS AOS BOB BOl BOl BOl 1 1 4 4 5 5 5 5 1 5 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 4 6 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 6 5 2 4 3 5 5 1 1 1 3 3 3 ARKAN SAS GAZ E.Tl'E INDEX 1984 mTE see - Water WATER IDLLUI'ION see - Pollution WATER QUALITY see - :Ebllution WATER SUPPLY see also - Little Rock-Water Works see also - Nano Vista School District Suggested use of Arkansas River for drinking debated Two districts clash on getting service to Gurcbn WATER SUPPLY - LrrrL E ROCK see also - Vandal ism WATERS H FRANKLIN see also - Vigilantes WATl'ENSNV WILILIFE MANM;EMEN!' ARFA see - Wildlife WFAL'IHY PERSCNS see - Millionaires and Billionaires WFAR ERIC Named a Rhodes Scholar WEATHER see also - Agriculture see also - storms and Tornacbes Warmer weather ends r ecord lCMs Little Rock had coldest Decanber ever recorded in city Severe oold caused 31 deaths in Arkansas I.aw Library of UALR damaged by broken pipe Weather has claimed 32 lives in state Hard freeze will incr ease util ity bills Heating bills to cbuble or triple Another victim of weather found Travel ers advisory issued State gets another snow Snow falling across state Snow, ice r eturn to Arkansas Frigid wind gusts knock out power for 1 5 , 000 custaners Snow begins falling in north Arkansas North Ark gets up to 1 0 inches of slushy snow Snow forces power failur es across North Arkansas Thunderstorms, heavy rain and wind moves across state Central Arkansas gets f ive inches of snow Light snow falls across North Arkansas Tanperatur es reach mid-80s in Arkansas Heat pran:Et;s warning on weather-related illnesses Extrane heat blamed for death of Izard County youth state gets hottest weather of year Tanperatur e drops to freezing mark at Fayetteville Flash flood watch issued as heavy rain soaks state Ra.infall totals for October unusually high Rainfall records broken at 71 locations during October state gets sleet and snow Travel made hazarcbus by snow and sleet Tanperature cl i.mi:s to 75 in some areas of Ark Records set around state in unseasonable warm weather 227 PAG C 10/ll/84 BOl 2 11/15/84 A08 1 12/16/84 A25 1 01/01/84 01/02/84 01/03/84 01/03/84 01/04/84 01/07/84 01/08/84 01/08/84 01/13/84 01/16/84 01/18/84 01/19/84 02/06/84 0 2/27/84 02/28/84 02/28/84 03/05/84 03/ll/84 04/01/84 04/22/84 07/10/84 07/12/84 08/30/84 10/01/84 10/07/84 10/16/84 11/10/84 12/05/84 12/06/84 12/16/84 12/30/84 A03 00 2 AOl A04 A03 BOl AOl Al.6 A03 A03 AOl AOl AOl NJ7 AOl AOl NJ3 NJ3 A0 2 NJ7 AOl Al.2 All A08 NJl BOl A06 BOl NJl Al.2 Al.3 1 1 2 1 4 2 2 4 2 1 6 4 2 5 2 6 4 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 4 1 1 2 6 5 ARKANSAS GAZ EI"I'E INDEX 1984 DATE WEAVER NELL see al so - Books and Writing WEBB B67ERLY see al so - Basketball-COllege Wanen WEBsrER ROY see also - Books and Writing WEOO SAM see also - Legal Profession WELF2\RE see also - Medicaid see also - Ibverty Ibor children hurt by state, US changes in AFDC rules Food stamp r ecipients urged to report suspected fraud Gov Clinton wants trust fund to IBY for indigent health care WELLS JCHN F see al so - Ar kansas-contracts and Purchasing WELLS TRAVIS Little Rock physician dies PAG C 04/10/84 001 6 09/04/84 001 2 12/05/84 001 2 11/02/84 Al.8 6 WENTZ MERRI'rl' see al so - Arkansas Tech University WEET mN Cbnunents on new federal report on decline in college quality WEET MEMmIS Resignation of Mayor Leo Cllibnan requested by blacks Mayor Leo Cll ibnan says he will not be pr essur ed WEST PAUL MURDER C'AS E Body of Fayetteville man found at his place of business WESTERN GROVE SCHOL DISTRIC!' State Supr ane Ct orders Mrs Strain reinstated, tack pay WESTERN '!UBE .AND OONWrl' <DRP Fi rm plans to ruild plant at Little Rock WESTSIDE SCECXL DISTRIC!' Officials point to need for careful planning in mergers 11/13/84 00 2 1 02/18/84 00 8 1 03/04/84 Al.6 1 08/04/84 A0 4 6 03/29/84 Al.3 4 06/20/84 A03 1 08/21/84 A06 1 WE.'lLANOO see - Silamps and Wetlands WEYERHAEDSER <DRP see also - Ibllution WHAR'lm WILLIAM L see al so - Legal Profession WHEIS'IDNE BERNARD see al so - Legal Profession WHILLOCK CARL see al so - Arkansas Electric Cooperative Cbrp see also - university of Arkansas at Fayetteville WHIPPIN; see - Public School student Cbnduct <DRP Fort Smith plant to lay off 400 anployees Fi rm to spend $44 million improving Fort Smith plant WHISKEY see - Alcohol ic Beverages WHISNER BDNS B ERT.RAM Reti red Brig Gen Whisner dies at Hot Springs WHrrBECK FRANK WHIRL:EOOL 228 0 4/19/84 AOl 4 06/08/84 COB 2 09/30/84 p;;.7 6 ARKANSAS GAZ EPI'E lNDEX 1984 DATE Sponsors bi rthday i;arty for Leap Year babies Establishes $100 , 000 scholarship fund at Missouri college Gift of $125 , 000 will endow insurance chai r at UALR WHITE FRANK see also - Bal&in United Corp Oppo ses state takeover of AP&L Says he may again seek political off ice Sees need for special session of Arkansas Legislature Urges special session of Legis to aid police cal.ls on Geraldine Ferraro to release husband ' s tax returns May make bid for US Senate or Governor in 1986 . White says WHITE GAY Letter suppor ts i;ay raises for state employees WHITE HALL SOIOOL DISTRICI1 School named among 202 outstanding schools in US WHITE JClIN PAUL .Ebrmer AP&L official dies at age 77 WHITE RIVER see also - Rivers Government agencies oppose gravel operation in Izard County Creation of irrigation district on Grand Prai rie upheld Water withdrawal request spurs questions. obj ections Irrigation district for Grand Prai rie approved by court Fi nn gets permit to mine gravel bar in Izard County WHITSCN BCBBY JOE JR MURDER O\S E Tracy Kent Novak and Darren James Landis face murder charge Novak gets l ife without i;arole, Landis found innocent WIOOER JClIN see also - Basketba.11-COllege Men WIGGER AUDIE see also - Taxation Wll.D RIVER CDUNl'RY Developers will i;ay taxes Opponents of i;ark question use of tax funds for pranotion No petition f il ed for vote on i;ark NLR Adverti sing and Pranotion C.orran pranotes i;ark Opponents get free TV time to state position Map shCMs proposed location in Burns Park Gazette urges defeat of Burns Park site North Little Rock voters turn d:>wn Burns Park site Developers study site in Little Rock Developers select new site outside Burns Park Plans for water i;ark are on schedule WILDERNESS AND NATURAL ARE115 see also - Rivers Feel ings run high over bill to add 11 sites in Arkansas Beryl Anthony calls for concessions on designation of sites Senate i;anel hears 9 hrs of debate at Little Rock hearing Editorial on wilderness hearings in Little Rock Sen John TCMer of Texas will co-sponsor bill in Congress Letter of suppor t for 11 roor e areas in Arkansas Atlantic Richfield plans to drill near proposed areas in Ark Holland Bottans in Pulaski and Lonoke may be bought by state Two more oil finns obj ect to mor e Ouachita Mtns wilderness 229 PAG C 0 2/27/84 AO? 2 0 4/03/84 AlO 6 1 1/16/84 A08 1 02/13/84 0 4/13/84 07/12/84 07/23/84 0 8/15/84 09/26/84 A03 A05 A04 AO? AO? A09 4 2 1 4 5 1 06/28/84 AlO 4 06/15/84 A05 2 09/11/84 A06 3 01/13/84 01/31/84 05/06/84 08/25/84 10/05/84 A0 4 A03 Al5 A03 A06 6 1 1 1 3 0 4/18/84 A06 5 12/12/84 BO S 4 01/17/84 01/22/84 01/28/84 01/29/84 02/01/84 02/05/84 02/07/84 02/08/84 02/09/84 03/15/84 11/01/84 A0 5 Al? BOS A20 AlO AOl AlO AOl A03 AO? D06 2 5 4 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 4 02/05/84 0 2/11/84 02/16/84 02/18/84 02/24/84 03/29/84 04/07/84 0 4/26/84 04/26/84 Al8 A04 A06 Al4 CO? Al4 AOl BOl D06 4 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 ARKANSAS GAZEl'I'E lNDEX 1984 mTE Senate pmel approves 10 areas of OLark, Ouachita For ests Amendment may j eo:tardize House :tassage of bill Wilderness bill stalled in Senate is in deep troubl e Dal e Bumpers hits Texaco stand on Ouachita Mtns wilderness Senate votes to declar e 117 , 000 acr es in Ark wilderness land Provision wanted by timber firms stripped fran bill in Sen US House :tanel rushing to consider wilderness bill Compranise sought on wilderness bill in Congress Beryl Anthony sees im:tasse on wilderness bill Consideration of wilderness bill delayed Dale Bumpers, Beryl Anthony fail to reach accord on bill Flatside area is at heart of disagreanent over bill Proposed compranises on wilderness bill outlined Wilderness bill could be killed, Anthony aide says Areas included in compranise bill listed Compromise agreanent made to protect 91 ,1 00 acr es Compromise approved by :tanel , may win final approval soon Green Bay Packaging Inc critical of wilderness measures Bill for 9 areas in Arkansas clears House on voice vote Map shows location of proposed new wilderness areas Wilderness bill for Arkansas clears Congress Harold E Alexander discusses values of wilderness President Reagan signs wilderness designation for Ark lands Area containing Hell Creek Cave purchased for pr eservation Cave Springs and Hell Creek Cave bought by state Heritage Comm pre:tares ' Critical Areas List ' For estry Comm may get large role in mgmt of Holland Bottans G&FC di rector surprised by plans for Holland Bottans Holland Bottans mgmt bill pref iled in Legis Wil.DLIFE see also - Arkansas-Game and Fish Commission see also - Cache River see also - Tres:tass One bald eagle killed, another hurt Fi sh hatchery at Corning named for Bill Ibnham Gravel lease sought at site of rare mussel in Current River About 1 million blackbirds roost in Searcy residential area Ranains of eagle found near Batesville Bat colony noves into Albert Pike Residential Hotel OLark cavef ish will be placed on endangered l ist Experts see deer-dog controversy as a people confl ict Arkansas to stock 1. 75 mill ion trout this year Joe Mosby says it is the deer hunters who need management Angry deerhlll'lters want action against G&FC Deer in mol.ll'ltains need special management , Steve Wilson says G&FC P9-YS th ree times appraised value of Finch land Jap:inese crew films f ishing in Arkansas Ibg ban on deer in mtns UJ:ii el d except for Piney Cr eek Mgmt Ibg owners threaten to oppose sales tax for G&FC use Ibgs allowed in Piney Creek area to satisfy Repr L L Bryan Deer hunters begin offensive against cbg ban in mountains Policy for cbgs in deer hunting in mountains explained Curr ent River gravel permit denied because of mussels Ban on cbgs in some areas spurs outcry fran deer hunters 23 0 PAG C 05/03/84 05/09/84 07/08/84 07/08/84 08/10/84 08/1]/84 09/06/84 09/14/84 09/18/84 09/20/84 09/21/84 09/21/84 09/22/84 09/22/84 09/25/84 09/26/84 09/27/84 09/28/84 10/03/84 10/03/84 10/05/84 10/08/84 10/20/84 10/20/84 11/10/84 11/18/84 12/23/84 12/23/84 12/23/84 A03 A06 Al.6 Al.8 A03 All BOl A06 BOl A07 A03 A03 A09 A09 A06 AOl A07 Al.8 BOl BOl A08 All Al.0 Al.3 BO B Al.5 Al9 Al.9 Al.9 1 1 1 1 3 1 6 5 2 4 1 1 1 1 6 3 1 5 2 5 1 1 4 5 4 1 1 1 1 01/13/84 01/24/84 0 2/01/84 02/09/84 02/09/84 02/14/84 02/27/84 02/28/84 03/04/84 03/04/84 03/1]/84 03/18/84 03/20/84 03/20/84 03/20/84 03/20/84 03/20/84 03/22/84 03/25/84 03/29/84 04/01/84 A03 COl Al.4 B02 B0 8 BOl BOl C04 ED6 ED6 EDS ED6 A08 BOl C02 C02 C02 D02 ED6 A03 A09 5 1 3 5 1 4 4 3 1 1 1 4 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 ARKANSAS GAZE.Tl'E lNDEX 19B4 DATE Deer hunters sue G&FC over ban on use of Cbgs SUit by hunters angers some Game and Fish commissioners Angry hunters pr esent Cbg to Game and Fish Comm Bass Masters Classic to be held at Pine Bluff Bill Clinton asks G&FC to lift cbg ban for deer hunting Article discusses political handling of Cbg ban issue Spearfishing plan studied by G&FC for four N Ark lakes Ban on use of Cbgs reaff inned by G&FC after Clinton request Partial 15-inch limit set by G&FC on Maumelle black bass Several changes in regulations made by G&FC Bob McAnally wins award for work with wild turkeys Article on work of Arkansas wildlife officers Flood control plan at Cl inton may end walleye f ishing Wattensaw Refuge land at Hazen may be traded for AP&L land Migratory bi rd hunting seasons set by G&FC Survey shows many deer hunters neglect to buy licenses Canada geese population increases in Ar k under G&FC mgmt land oought at cave Springs to protect three rare species AP&L denies r eport it has agreed on land swap with G&FC Arkansas Wildlife Federation opp:>ses AP&L land swap Linda Abramson sets up r ehab center for wildlife Hunters take on G&FC, AP&L, and Hazen on land swap proposal Cheers, charges mark hearing on proposed land trade at Hazen Taxpayers slow to contribute to Nongame Preservation Program Survey of hunters brings startl ing information to G&FC G&FC agrees to swap of 3 0 acres at Hazen interchange G&FC will delay final decision on swap for Robinwood land Duck hunting dates for 19B4 have been set by G&FC Leslie Ashby fined for killing bald eagle steven N Wilson seeks US funds for Cache refuge habitat Steel shot for duck hunters coming to Arkansas striped bass Cb not feed on gamefish , research in Ark shows Frog with f ive l egs found at Little Rock Rare rufous hummingbird seen in North Little Rock Lawsuit over Lake Maumelle fish limit reopended Blue Heaven cave proj ect to protect big-eared Ozark bats Rheas grown at bi rd farm near Rudy Survey shows third of Arkansans oppose use of deer Cbgs Deer hunt ban on Cbgs turns into full fracas in court steven N Wilson testif ies in case on ban on Cbgs in deer hunt Joe and Vivian Stockton provide haven for inj ur ed wildlife Court decision ui:holds G&FC ban on use of Cbgs for deer hunts Grey bats in cave Springs protested by land purchase by state Natural Heritage Comm buys Hell Creek cave and cave Springs White Blind crayfish in Hell Creek cave protected by state Dog-using deer hunters feel they have been mistreated Bear hunting brightening in Arkansas Prize breeding bucks usually taken by hunters Ken Carlson to �int 1985-86 state duck stamp Brian Faller articl e on moral issues of hunting Hunters bag 31 bears this season Ken Carlson discusses plans for 1985-86 duck stamp art G&FC hearings allow hunters to vent feelings New program for wildl ife educ pr eµired by G&FC 231 0 4/17/B4 04/17/B4 04/17/84 05/10/B4 05/12/B4 05/17/B4 05/22/B4 05/22/B4 06/27/B4 06/27/B4 07/OB/B4 07/15/B4 07/22/84 07/2B/84 07/2B/B4 07/2B/84 07/29/B4 07/3l/B4 OB/Ol/B4 OB/07/B4 OB/12/B4 OB/12/B4 OB/14/B4 OB/14/B4 OB/19/B4 OB/21/B4 08/21/84 08/21/84 08/28/84 OB/30/B4 09/16/B4 0 9/16/B4 10/06/84 10/13/84 10/13/84 10/27/B4 1 0/28/84 10/28/84 ll/03/B4 11/03/84 11/04/84 11/07/84 11/10/84 11/10/84 11/10/84 ll/ll/B4 ll/ll/B4 11/18/B4 11/26/B4 11/28/84 12/04/84 12/09/84 12/11/B4 12/15/84 PAG C COl C02 C02 DOI COl D02 COl COl D03 D03 ED6 ED6 ED6 Al3 C03 C03 ED6 B0 2 A03 A0 5 Al2 A2 5 A03 BOl ED6 AOl AOl COl A07 DOB ED6 ED6 BOl BOl C07 A06 ED6 ED6 COl COl ED6 DOI BO B BO B BO B ED6 ED6 ED6 C03 Al5 C02 ED6 COl BOl 6 4 5 1 2 1 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 5 1 3 4 5 1 1 2 5 1 3 3 2 1 5 1 1 2 1 4 4 3 3 6 6 3 6 4 4 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ARKANSA5 GAZ EPI'E INDEX 19B4 DATE Usefulness of grass carp raised in Ark is demted stocking of mss is expensive, ineffective, experts say WILEY HARVEY P see also - National Center for Toxicological Research WILKE RIClIARD B see al so - Methodist Church WILL IAM> FAY .ADMEi Former teacher , writer dies WILL IAM> H BENJAMIN Resigns fran Little Rock Publ ic School admr staff Supt Ed Kelly says r esignation was a mutual agreanent Charged with forgery uncontested divorce obtained fran Velma Onntei ro-Will iams WILL IAM> HAZO see also - Ihilander Smith College WILL IAM> JACK L Hurt in auto wreck at Texarkana WILL IAM> MILLER PAG C 12/27/B4 BOB 2 12/30/B4 ED6 1 Ol/29/B4 A23 3 09/05/84 09/06/B4 09/22/B4 10/30/84 AOl A03 AOB A04 2 6 6 6 12/10/B4 Al4 4 see a l so • Books and Wr i t i ng-Wi l l i ams M t l l e r WILL IAM> NORMAN F see also - Ar kansas-Natural Resources Committee WILL IAM> PAUL X JR Logan County deputy prosecutor fined for DU WILL IAM> SUE CThTAN see also - Civil Rights WILL IAM> CN REED Killed in auto accident at Russellville Obituary WILL IE ClIARLES V see also - Little Rock School District WILL IS ARNELL see also - Republican Party WILLS Ml\T!Lm see also - Basketmll-COllege Wanen WILSCN OOOS see also - Congr ess-House District 2 WILSCN SI'EPHEN see also - Hooten Orle.y Murder Case WILSCN SI'E.VE N see also - Arkansas-Game and Fish Commission see also - Wildl ife WINDSOR FJ\RLINE see also - Birth Control WINE see - Al coholic Beverages WINEMILLER JIMMI E see also - Arkansas River WINROCK FARM'3 Wintrock International head;[uarters bldg expands WINROCK INTERNATIONAL INSI'IWTE FOR KiRIOJL'IURE DE.VELOPMENT N£W organization formed by merger of 3 Rockefeller orgns WITSELL ClIARL ES JR see also - Books and Writing WITI' SPR.IliGS SOICXL DISTRICI' 23 2 12/07/B4 A26 3 1 0/31/B4 A06 5 10/31/B4 All 2 09/30/B4 BOl 6 10/11/B4 DOB 2 ARI<ANSAS GAZ ETI'E INDEX 1984 Dl\TE Teacher who lost j ob wins r etrial l'D..F HELMJT see also - Olympic Games WCLF JANE see also - Olympic Games WCLFE m.vro ELLIS see also - Hughes Larry Gene Murder Case WOMEN see also - Arkansas Wanen ' s Political Caucus see also - Business see also - Trade Schools WOMENS ClIRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION National group holding convention in Little Rock WCJJJENS CITY CLIB OF LIT11L E ROCK Some manbers try to rwerse sale of head;Iuarters bldg Forty-eight manbers sue to halt sale of building Purchasers of building file countersuit WOOD AND WOOD PROIXJC!'S see also - Trucks and Trucking Industry WOOD BCBBY G Pranoted to general in Aney National Guard WOOD 0000 see also - Legislatur�House District 68 Sponsors resolution to r estrict US cts in school matters Wood has sponsored unusual solutions to social problans mc:>DRUFF CDUNI'Y Article explor es economic and social fabric of oounty P.AG C 03/15/84 BlO 1 08/26/84 A04 1 08/01/84 A03 6 10/04/84 A06 6 10/28/84 Al.4 2 01/25/84 A03 3 08/21/84 Al.0 2 08/26/84 Bl3 4 0 4/08/84 AOl 2 WCOOO mRRELL see also - Walker MontrEB Murder Case WOOOO HENRY see also - Arkansas Power and Light Co see also - Little Rock School District see also - US-Federal District Court of Eastern Arkansas WOOOO TED Fbund dead of gunshot wound in Hel. ena motel WOOIWARD BOOBY see also - Pulaski County-Police and Law Enforcement WOODYARD B R see also - Vaughan Jerrell Murder Case WOOLARD HARCLD L Reti red dean at UALR dies 'WOOTEN JmRY see also - Crossley Wayne Murder Case WOOI'EN RAYfJDND see also - Crossley Wayne Murder Case WORRMAN GEOR3E BELL Missionary to Olina, India dies at age 80 WORRMAN JAMFS WAR'IHEN Reti red Methodist minister . former ooll president dies WORRMAN JCIIN S Honored by Hendrix College WORLD WAR II Billy Angel was with US Arley that captured concentration camp mR'llI EN BANK AND TRUSI1 CD 233 03/13/84 A03 1 08/09/84 A0 9 5 11/30/84 Al.9 4 12/14/84 A07 1 05/03/84 BOl 2 10/21/84 C04 3 ARKANSAS GAZ E'I'l'E lNDEX 1984 DATE see also - Cornex Inc Tamnie Lou caveness suit says Ronnie caveness took her funds WOR'IHl!N BANKThG OJRP New name for First Arkansas Bankstock Corp (FABOJ) Reason for new name explained FABOJ was controversial as state ' s first bank holding f irm Block of stock ac:x;iui red by Andree Halim, an Indonesian C Jose:Eh Giroi r Jr sells large block of stock to Andree Halim Appr oval granted to ac:x;iui re Fi rst Nati Bank at Fayetteville IDR'IHl!N BOOKER see also - Fi res-Little Rock WREN HmBERT B Obituary WREN SKYSHHS LTD British firm may build dirigible plant at Little Rock Pledge of local funds called crucial for LR location Meeting with local officials produces no local funds Talks with investors continuing Talks continue on f inancing for firm WRIGHTSVILLE May not be distressed enough to quality for UIWi Alderman Rupert Han:Ehill arrested Police chief investigating three aldermen Court says Thomas Wanack Jr not apptd legally as Pol ice Chief City problans seen to have been smoothed out Alderman arrested by Police Chief Council hires :police chief City Council to sue mayor over refusal to move City Hall WRITlNi AND WRITERS see - Books and Writing WULZ C H see also - Orsini Mary Lee WYRICK LATAURUS KJRDER CAS E Glenda Ann Wyrick charged i n death of her infant son YARNELL ICE ffiFAM OJ Article on devel.opnent of Searcy firm by Yarnell family YELL OJUNI'Y Natural resources captivates tourists, sportenen YELLVILL E Opponent seeks ouster of Mayor Ibshier over 193 2 record Mayor Doshier p:i.rdoned by Gov Bill Clinton Marcus Sewall to pursue ouster of nayor State Attorney General to examine status of nayor Mayor Altus Doshier seeks to have his conviction set aside YORK HANOTER SEN<[,FSS '!UBE OJ see - National Tube Co YOOID ANDRBV Atlanta mayor speaks at Littie Rock dinner . endorses D Pryor Atlanta Mayor camp;i.igns in Ark for Walter Mondale YOUID DEIDrnATS see - Democratic Party YOUN; HARVEY see also - Public Schools YOUN; JAMES H 234 PAG C ll/2B/B4 D07 2 10/24/B4 10/24/B4 1 0/2B/B4 11/24/84 ll/24/B4 12/21/B4 A09 D07 BOB A03 A03 COB 1 4 4 5 5 2 Ol/Ol/B4 Al. 2 6 03/09/B4 03/23/B4 03/24/B4 03/27/B4 04/ll/B4 AO B C07 C07 A0 9 A03 1 1 6 4 4 0 2/22/84 03/0l/B4 03/06/B4 04/ll/B4 06/16/B4 07/17/B4 1 0/24/84 12/05/84 AOl A09 BO B A06 BOl A06 A05 A07 2 1 2 1 1 5 1 2 ll/22/B4 A3 0 2 1 0/07/B4 B02 1 04/15/B4 AOB 1 04/07/B4 0 4/0B/B4 04/09/84 04/10/B4 0 5/04/84 A03 Al 2 A09 AD S AOl 3 5 6 4 2 0 5/04/B4 A03 2 ll/02/B4 Al. 4 1 ARKANSAS GAZ lFI'E INDEX 1984 DATE see also - University of Arkansas at Little Rock YOml; LISA JANINE MURDER CAS E Conway IOOth er seeks help in finding h er missing daughter Body found south of Vilonia Mark Stone charged with slaying of Miss Young Slaying confession of Mark Stone ruled acinissibl e Mark Allen Stone gets prison term of 4 0 yea.rs YOUN; ER CDLE see also - Arkansas-History YOUNl'S BCB see also - Robberies and Thefts YOUTH see - Children and Youth YOU'lH HOME INC carol Smedley resigns f ran executive director post ZACCARO OONNA Cam:µligns in Ark for Danocratic Pr esidential ticket ZACHARIA ISSA R see also - Pulaski County-Pol ice and Law F.nforcement ZAREPATH HOREB CHURQI see - Vigilantes and Radicalism zoo:; see also - Little Rock Zoo 235 08/05/84 08/07/84 08/08/84 09/18/84 11/03/84 PAG C Al2 A03 Al.0 A0 5 Al5 5 1 5 1 1 03/22/84 Al.6 3 11/02/84 Al. 4 4 C ORRECT I ONS AND ADD I T I ON S 1 982 Pa ge 1 29 NELSON , SHEFF I ELD en t ry shou l d be I n f i rs t co l umn 2 36