- Tallangatta Secondary College


- Tallangatta Secondary College
Tallangatta Secondary College
Big Enough To Deliver, Small Enough To Care.
At Tallangatta Secondary College our main purpose is for all students to establish their place in the global community and to
demonstrate personal and educational growth within a challenging, stimulating and innovative learning environment.
We Value: Effort, Integrity, Responsibility, Teamwork, Empathy and Respect with Learning at the centre.
Student Achievement:
Student Engagement:
Student Wellbeing:
Optimise AusVELS and VCE/VCAL outcomes for all students.
Further develop the safe, attractive, cooperative, innovative and stimulating school learning environment for all students.
Continue to develop a whole-school approach to student wellbeing (social, emotional, physical & mental) based on collective
Targeted use of school resources (human, physical and financial) in order to achieve the desired goals and targets.
Principal’s Report
Issue 14, Wednesday 20th May 2015
young people. The clinic has been operating since June
2014 thanks to the work of Sue Reid, Nurse practitioner,
Women’s Health/Sexual Health – Tallangatta Health
Service. It is a timely reminder to students and parents
that students can book a time by emailing OutreachClinic@tallangatta-sc.vic.edu.au which can be found in the
students’ email global address list. Only Sue Reid has
Staffing Update
As you would have read in my newsletter article a cou- access to these email appointments. The clinic is availple of weeks ago, we are in the process of appointing an able for students to attend for any issues regarding sexActing Assistant Principal and Acting Leading Teach- ual health, for example; contraception information and
ers due to a number of staff members taking approved appropriate prescribing; sexually transmitted infection
Long Service Leave. I am pleased to announce that Mr information and screening; sexuality concerns or any isDuncan Livingstone will be taking on the Acting As- sues the young person may have. If Sue is unable to help
sistant Principal role for semester 2 this year. We are with the particular concern an appropriate referral can
currently undertaking the selection process for an Act- be organised through Kate (School Nurse) or agency.
ing Leading Teacher – Later Years Team and an Acting The sessions would be completely confidential unless
Leading Teacher – Middle Years Team. These are both the young person was at any risk of harm. The clinic
significant leadership positions within the college and I is free. If any parents, or students, have any questions
look forward to announcing the successful school-based regarding the clinic, please do not hesitate to contact me
applicants in next week’s newsletter. As a result of these at the College via phone or email.
appointments, there will be some changes to classroom
teachers beginning next semester – we will provide students and parents with these changes once they have
Coming Events
been confirmed.
Wed 20th May Parent Teacher Interviews
- 4:00pm -6.30pm
Sexual Health Outreach Clinic
About a year ago, a regional health survey for young
Wed 20th May School Council Meeting 6pm
people was conducted within the Towong Shire and, as
Tue 26th May Yr 8 Howmans Gap Camp
a result, the Tallangatta Health Service and Tallangatta
Tue 26th May Yr 9 Arts Connect Melbourne
Secondary College extended our partnership to include
the provision of a Sexual Health Outreach Clinic for
Wed 2th May OM Cross Country Beechworth
As I mentioned last week, there are a number of student
activities that have been, or will be, undertaken across a
range of year levels – Year 10 Work Experience, Year 8
Howman’s Gap, Year 9 Program, House Cross Country
and much more.
PO Box 81 Tallangatta (02) 60715 000
Fax (02) 6071 2445
Email: tallangatta.sc@edumail.vic.gov.au
Parent Teacher Interviews
A reminder that our Term 2 Parent Teacher Interviews
are being held tonight, Wednesday 20th May from
4:00pm to 6:30pm. Interim reports were sent home with
students last Friday 15th May and I trust that you have
already taken the time to discuss your child’s interim
report and their goals. Please contact the general office
if you have any questions regarding the interim reports
or the parent teacher interview process.
Alby Freijah
Firmly tell him/her to stop
Don’t make a joke of it, it’s not
Leave the situation at once and tell a trusted
“I’ve got two reasons for success; I’m standing on both
of them.” Anon
Assistant Principal
YEAR 11 & 12
Interim reports were provided to students last Friday.
Next week is a huge week in the College. Year 8 and 9 These provide a snap shot of how teachers currently
students have an exciting week of extra curricula activi- view the efforts and performance of students in class. At
ties. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our the Year 11 & 12 level it is an expectation that students
staff in advance for their support of the Schools Camps would be receiving scores above 5 for all criteria. GivProgram. During next week we have the Year 8 students en that students are attending school in order to achieve
at Howman’s Gap, year 9 students heading to Melbourne their best to access future pathways with employment or
for the Arts Connect Tour, PB preparation, a Visit to the further education. Parents are encouraged to discuss the
interim report with their student and attend interviews
Migrant camp and a Health program.
with teachers.
We have a large number of staff accompanying the students in all these programs. To run these school camps Along with the report, students will also have received a
and activities there is a need for goodwill and I know copy of their goals for their current subjects. These spethat all parents appreciate the efforts made by our staff cific goals are set by the student in discussion with their
to act as parents to these students whilst on these over- class teacher. The aim of the goal setting is to provide a
night camps. Alby and I will visit the students at How- focus on a specific part of the course, plan a course of acman’s Gap during next week.
tion and then seek evidence to support the achieving of
Assistant Principal’s Report
School X Country
The School X Country was conducted on Monday afternoon. Our X Country runners who won their age groups
will now and go on and compete in the advanced levels
of interschool sport. It was a great afternoon with beautiful weather and many students completed the course
and were involved in healthy activities.
Organiser Usage
Middle Years
Bullying – No Way
Bullying is straight out harassment and must be met
head on.
If you are a victim speak up and keep speaking
up until you parents and teachers listen and act
Bullies must have their feeling of power taken
away forever.
Bullying can be when you, your parents and teachers
work together
TSC has a very clear policy on Bullying
Don’t blame yourself, refuse to accept it, the
bully has the problem
If you are bullied
Use confident body language and look the bully
in the eye
this goal. Please discuss these goals with you student.
Attached to the interim report is a brochure outlining
the General Achievement Test for Year 12 Students and
Year 11 students who are completing a Unit 3/4 subject as part of their year 11 program. This is an external
exam that is completed at the Memorial Hall Tallangatta
on Wednesday 10th June between 10am – 1.15pm.
All students are required to sit this exam.
Welcome back from work experience! From all accounts the experiences have provided some valuable insights into the world of work. Students will be required
to complete a work experience diary and research work
during the next two weeks based on their work experience as part of their future directions class.
Students will also write a thank you letter which will be
sent to all participating employers.
Thanks to parents for their support in getting their student organised for this worthwhile experience. Remember there is another work experience placement in week
5 of next term (10-14th August). This will come round
quickly so students should be thinking about where
they are going to do this placement. As students get
this placement organised, they should let Mrs Campbell
know the details so that the appropriate paper work can
be generated.
Students who did not attend the meeting last week can
get an updated itinerary from the Later Years Office.
Just a reminder that travel insurance forms will be given
to students as soon as they arrive at school.
The next instalment which will include the options cost
of the travel insurance ($41) and the flight over Uluru
($110) are due on Friday 12th June.
Mr Duncan Livingstone
Year 8 students & snowboarders/skiers for
Term 3
All Middle Years students have had their goals distribut- ALDI- has ski wear & thermals at cheap prices.
ed with the Interim Reports last week. Parents are asked
Get your gear organised now!!
to discuss these with their child and explore the strategies that will be required to achieve success with these.
If goals are missing from the print out, students should
access the Google Doc. via the email link that was sent
to them and complete these goals as soon as possible.
Parent –Teacher Interviews
Interviews will be conducted Wednesday 20th May –
Howman’s Gap Camp
Year 8 students will depart next Tuesday- May 26th at
approximately 9.30am. Students are required to bring all
of their gear in a single bag. Pillows are not required.
All students will need to bring a cut lunch for Tuesday.
There is no access to a shop to purchase any food. Any
medications should be packed in a container or plastic
bag and clearly labelled with the student name, doses
and times. The group will return to TSC at 3.00pm on
Friday 29th May.
The camp phone number is 03 57583228.
Year 9 Program
Year 9 students will participate in a specially designed
program next Tuesday- Friday. This program will introduce the structure of the Personal Best Programme
and provide some guidelines for researching appropriate
resources for projects. The Arts Connect trip to Melbourne will depart at 5.00am (TSC) 5.45am (Bunnings
Wodonga) next Tuesday 26th May. Returns from Melbourne- Bunnings Wodonga at approximately 10.30pm
and TSC 11.00pm.
Mrs Chris Madden
Young Peoples Clinic
With Sue Reid
Thursdays 9:30am-11:30am
May 21st
June 4th
June 18th
Conveyance Allowance
Term 2 2015
To be eligible for a conveyance allowance, individual
students will be assessed under the following criteria:
Attend a school/campus located outside the metropolitan conveyance allowance boundary
Attend the closest appropriate school/campus at
which admission is permissible for students attending
government schools, this will be the closest school/campus appropriate the age and gender of the student (e.g.
primary, secondary, single sex)
Reside 4.8km or more from the school/campus (shortest practicable route calculated by the school attended
at the time of application from the student’s home to the
Be of school age (between five and 18-years-old
at the time of application), and a resident of Victoria
Be enrolled and travelling to school three or
more days per week.
Application forms are available from the school office and need to be returned by Friday 29th May
Cross Country/Bike Ride:
It was great to see the runners pushing themselves to the
On Monday afternoon we had 195 runners and 28 bike
riders take part in this event. Many staff also participat- In the bike ride there was a competition to see who got
ed and there was a big crew of student helpers working to the bridge the quickest. In the boys event Henry Butas recorders, check point officials, caterers etc. Special
ler came first, Mitch
thanks to Sports Leaders Nat Hick, Tiana Stuart and asMckeown second
sistant Steph Baker who were the chief recorders and
and Ben Isaac was
also were great help when setting up.
third. Nicole Peters
Most of the runners did as well as they could have and
we have a strong team to take to Beechworth next week
for the O/M event. The first three in each age group were
as follows:
13 girls: 1. Lydia Hasler –Betts 2. Alana McMillan 3.
Siarna Dixon
13 boys: 1. Elijah Amery 2. Ryan Bartel 3. Mackenzie
14 girls: 1. Summer Sutherland 2. Chloe Romans 3.
Jackie O’Reilly
14 boys: 1. Nic Carney 2.Jake Maddock 3. Will Horstead
15 girls: 1. Emily Crispin 2. Molly Breewell 3. Chantal
15 boys: 1. Jackson Ellis 2. Riley Cardwell 3. Tom
16 girls: 1. Alina Saunders 2. Bree Taylor 3. Darcy Aumont
16 boys: 1. Rick Read 2. Patrick Wernert 3. Nic McCormack
17 girls: 1. Eli Hurley 2. Abbie Duncan 3. Sarah Moyle
17 boys: 1. Brady Harrison 2. BJ Maddock 3. Billy
20 girls: 1. Olivia Wallace 2. Jade P Mann 3. Amanda
20 boys: 1. Mitch Bowran 2. James Heiner 3. Nic Harding
won the girls event
and Catherine Vardy
was runner up.
The House totals for
both events are as
1.Murray 543.5
Well done to all staff and students for their efforts, including the staff who supervised the non-participants
back at school.
Malcolm Hale
Student Leadership Team
Positive Body Image
Over the last couple of months the SLT have started to
put into place a few ideas that
the student body have asked
for. Ideas such as paper towels in toilets, replaced locks
on toilet doors, new downball areas and chairs have all
been addressed and organised
in some way.
In the next few weeks our
new half-court basketball
court will be built in between the science building and
room 23.
Due to the recent Carrie Bickmore’s speech at
the Logies about raising
awareness for brain cancer, we have decided to
hold a ‘Beanies for brain
cancer day’ on Friday
the 22nd of May with a
gold coin donation and
a $2 sausage sizzle at
lunch to raise funds for
the Brain Cancer Foundation. We encourage students to get involved and help
support a great cause.
Our VCAL students are already planning our Social
which will be held in week 3 of term 3. It’s a great night
that every student will enjoy and all students are welcome to attend.
Plans for activities during our NAIDOC week celebrations are already underway which will be held in week 2
of term 3. Our SLT members have collaborated with our
Indigenous students of our school to create a fantastic
week that’s both meaningful and educational for every
Plans for warmer winter clothing have also been addressed with a survey being handed out to everyone
during extended home-group within the next few weeks
with the options of jackets, long-sleeve undershirts and
long sleeve shirts all on topic. The most popular options
will then be considered at our next School Representative Council meeting.
We have considered the maintenance of our bubblers
and more sporting competitions to increase student involvement. We urge anyone with any ideas for improving our school to approach any of our SLT members and
we will most definitely consider your ideas.
Positive body image is the way you actually feel, see
and think about the way you look, not actually what you
look like. It is important that we- both boys and girlscelebrate how diverse we are, and that we aren’t all the
same. Did you know that in a 2012 study by Young and
Well CRC, body dissatisfaction results in 26.3% of issues for young men?
Some tips to help you have a more positive body image:
Don’t compare yourself to other people- We often compare ourselves to people in the media, often they
have been digitally enhanced in some way to look or appear ‘perfect’ and not how they actually look in real life!
You are beautiful and don’t need to be like anybody else
that’s why you are you!
Keep a healthy lifestyle- this includes eating
healthy and nutritious foods (but treating yourself occasionally!), healthy exercise, sleeping right, drinking
water and keeping your mental health relaxed and positive
Focus on what you like about your body rather
than what you don’t like
Be nice to yourself and your friends- STOP putting yourself down and being negative, it only creates
and feeds into negativity. Stop talking about diets. Appreciate and tell your friends how much you appreciate
You should not be judged on the way you look,
you are so much more. Our bodies are designed to rear
children (if you’re a woman!), to run, jump, lift, work-so
many things. Life isn’t just about the way you look it’s
about who you are and what you make of it.
If you would like any more information or advice on
healthy body image please see me. Alternatively you
can visit http://thebutterflyfoundation.org.au/ or call
their support line on: 1800 33 4673 Monday–Fr
VCE Music Night and Cultural Trip
Over the course of this semester,
VCE unit 1 and 3 musicians have
been busy practicing their songs
in preparation for their end of
unit performance SAC evening.
The students will be showcasing
their music in the school PAC on
Tuesday 16th June at 6pm- 8pm
and everyone is welcome to attend. In addition to the fantastic musical performances,
there will also be supper provided as well as an opportunity to talk with the performers and look around the
brilliant music facilities.
Brand New School Jumper
Size M
Excellent Condition
Phone: 0402 535 067
On a different note, the music program is seeking expressions of interest from students (years 7-12) who
would like to take part in the annual music cultural trip
to Melbourne. Interested students need to register their
name on the music noticeboard and pick up an information form from Mr McKee at the staffroom.
Come and experience life as
a CSU student for a day at
MyDay Community Health Albury-Wodonga
When: Thursday 28 May, 2015
9:30am – 2pm
“Where words leave off, music speaks”
Kind regards,
Rhys McKee
Music program coordinator
Australian Stock Horse
National Championships
Last Wednesday and Thursday Annabelle Sim went
to Tamworth for the Australian Stock Horse National
Championships. Despite being hampered by a thigh
injury Annabelle and her horse Blackie achieved some
excellent results. They came first in the Station Horse
event and second overall in the ASHLA competition.
This is for lady riders and Annabelle was the highest
placed female junior rider. Annabelle has had Blackie
for three years and has spent many hours training him
for this event. Riding is a massive part of Annabelles’s
life and she has to juggle her school, work and other
horse duties. This is a great effort from a busy and
highly motivated year 11 student. Congratulations Annabelle!
Bonegilla Migrant Experience
Where: Charles Sturt University,
Albury-Wodonga Campus
Elizabeth Mitchell Drive, Thurgoona
Dress: Casual clothing. Please note that closed in footwear must be worn as a requirement of the day.
Food: BYO or food and beverages can be purchased
from the on campus food outlets
Did you know?
- A degree in podiatry can lead to employment in many
specialist areas such as: foot surgery; paediatrics;
sports medicine; shoe design; biomechanics; specialist
high-risk foot management and research
- Students will learn in state-of-the-art facilities as well
as getting hands-on experience with real patients in the
CSU’s Allied Health Clinics
Find out more about our courses:
Bachelor of Speech and Language Pathology
Picnic Day
Bachelor of Health & Rehabilitation Science
Pizza and Picnic Day on Sunday, May 24, at the Bonegilla Migrant Experience, from 11am to 1.30pm.
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Children can take part making their own pizza to eat
from 10am-11am, while the carers take a tour of the
site, and
then join up for lunch.
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine
Cost: Guided tour $5 and children's workshop $10.
Food and drink at own expense. To book ring (02)
6020 6912.
See your Careers Advisor for a Registration Form or
register your interest at: www.csu.edu.au/go/myday