Choice Direct Logistics - The Custom Companies, Inc.


Choice Direct Logistics - The Custom Companies, Inc.
VOL . VI No. 3 Aug. 2012 / Sept. 2012
Hello Readers,
We hope everyone is
enjoying their Summer!
With the record heat, it
is important to stay
hydrated so drink plenty
of water!
(Chicagoan’s should
remember this heatwave when it’s 10
degrees below zero!)
Can you find Perry’s
moustache hidden
within this issue?
Submit your answer to
no later than Friday,
August 17th for your
chance to win a gift
card. Thank you,
Choice Direct
ITA Truck Driver Comp
Laser Tag Showdown
Consume Less Gas
Foil the Terrorists
Sports Shorts
Medication Mistakes
Pool Poisoning
Disappearing Honeybees
New Hires
BBQ Recipes
BBQ Recipes
ITA Award Winners
The Custom Companies, Inc.
Announces a New Division:
Choice Direct Logistics
Submitted by Bob Heinz
The Custom Companies, Inc. announces that a new division,
Choice Direct Logistics will give new and existing customers a
new choice in the transportation of Direct Mail. “When you look
at our client base and our portfolio of services; LTL, Truckload and Partial Truckload, Local
Cartage, Air Freight, Trade Show and Expedited Services, it just made sense for us to open a
new division that would give our existing and new customers a choice in Direct Mail
Solutions,” said Perry Mandera, owner. “Our vision is to provide a broad base of shipping
solutions to our customers and we felt that there was a need in the industry for another
provider of Direct Mail transportation services.” The new division will operate under The
Custom Companies, Inc. umbrella which now includes CDN Logistics, Inc., Custom Global
Logistics, LLC and Circle W Transportation, Inc.
Choice Direct Logistics represents a highly
accretive venture for The Custom Companies, Inc.
It enhances the company’s scale, service
capabilities, and market position. The investment
in the new division improves The Custom
Companies lane density (especially out of the
Chicago and Los Angeles markets) and presents
low integration risk—Custom’s network of direct
line haul and distribution are a perfect fit to
service all ASF, SCF and NDC locations of the
United States Postal Service. Choice Direct
First row from left: Marcia Ove, Maggie Sagan, Genebee Flores
Logistics is positioned to make an immediate
Back row from left: Scott Suhey, Joe Paladino, Cathy Bonomo,
impact in the marketplace through the leadership
Mike Plzak
and experience of John Plzak, Dahn Johnson and
Joe Paladino. These three gentlemen have years of marketing and operations experience in the
direct mail distribution business. In addition, Choice Direct Logistics will provide a new
platform designed especially for clients with web-based “World Class Client Services”
through the addition of Cathy Bonomo, Marcia Ove, Maggie Sagan and Genebee Flores along
with the warehouse and operations experience of Mike Plzak. This diverse and experienced
group is committed to changing the scope of client services and support in the industry. The
company has made major investments in web-based, user-friendly technologies that change
the way printers and mailers currently manage their business.
Continued on page 2
The Custom Companies, Inc. - 317 W Lake Street Northlake, IL 60164 -
VOL . VI No. 3 Aug 2012 / Sept 2012
Los Angeles is the only
city in North America to
Page 2
have hosted the Summer
Olympics twice.
The Bird of Paradise is
Los Angeles’ city flower.
A one ounce milk
chocolate bar has 6 mg.
of caffeine.
On August 12, 1833, the
town of Chicago was
incorporated with a
population of 350. The
current population is
almost 2.7 million!
Choice Direct Logistics
The development of Choice Direct Logistics also provides the opportunity for The
Custom Companies, Inc. sales force to cross-sell Choice’s premium “Direct Mail
Services” as well as CDN Logistics, Inc. and Custom Global Logistics, LLC premium
services to an expanded and diverse customer base. While The Custom Companies, Inc.
will capitalize on operational synergies, the company’s primary objective is to continue
to provide World Class Transportation Solutions to ensure customer satisfaction and
retention. “The new division will expand the current scope of services and give our
customers another choice in the solutions that they have available to them,” said Dahn
Johnson. The Custom Companies, Inc. management team is very excited about the new
division’s opportunity for immediate success and substantial growth in the marketplace.
Choice Direct Logistics provides new employment opportunities for the community as
well as the prospect of growth and profitability which will further solidify The Custom
Companies, Inc. footprint in the marketplace.
28% of Africa is
wilderness; in North
America, 38% is
The average number of
people airborne over the
United States in any
given hour is 61,000.
Resting on a foundation
of over 20,000 wood
pilings, Navy Pier in
Chicago opened in the
summer of 1916 at a cost
of $4.5 million.
Joe Valentino
Isaac Villaba
Airports that are at higher
altitudes require a longer
airstrip due to lower air
All major league baseball
umpires must wear black
underwear while on the
All of Earth’s continents
are wider at the north
than in the south – and
nobody knows why.
Luis Ventura
Guilermo Herrara
The Custom Companies, Inc. - 317 W Lake Street Northlake, IL 60164 -
VOL . VI No. 3 Aug 2012 / Sept 2012
Page 3
2012 Illinois Professional Truck Drivers Competition
by Matt Foley
The Illinois Professional Truck
Driving Championship was
held this year on June 15th
and 16th in Morris, Illinois, with
six of our finest drivers
competing. John Skiba, a four
year veteran of the event and
Pictured from left: Nelson Mendez, Mike Shipinski, John
Nelson Mendez, first time
Skiba, Neil Spector and Robert Reynolds
competitor competed in the 5Axle class. For those of you unfamiliar with the format, the
competition consists of a written test, pre-trip inspection and road
course. In addition to John and Nelson, four more drivers competed
for the first time as well: Neil Spector competed in the flatbed class,
Mike Shipinski and Robert Reynolds competed in the 4-Axle class
and Dan Craig competed in Straight Truck.
“Happy are those who
dream dreams and are
ready to pay the price to
make them come true.”
“Better to remain silent
and be thought a fool
than to speak out and
remove all doubt.”
- Abraham Lincoln
never having to take all
the blame yourself.”
All six drivers finished at the top of their respective classes, with Dan
“A smile is the lighting
Craig and Robert Reynolds each garnering awards for The Custom
system of the face, the
Companies. Dan finished second overall in Straight Truck
competition, the first top three finish ever for one of our competitors. cooling system of the head
Dan’s trophy is proudly displayed in dispatch for all to admire. In
and the heating system of
addition to Dan’s success, Robert won the Pin and Patch Design
the heart.”
Contest with a rendition of Abraham Lincoln as a truck driver. All 142
competitors from companies all over Illinois proudly wore the patch
“Sports do not build
and pin, a testament to Robert’s creative design.
character. They reveal it.”
Mark Dannhauser and the drivers worked for many weekends before
the competition to practice, and it is clear that everyone’s hard work
paid off.
Congratulations to Dan, Robert
and all our competitors, we look
forward to an equally successful
2013 with our World Class Drivers
representing the finest fleet in the
- John Wooden
“Everybody makes
mistakes, that’s why they
put erasers at the end of
The Custom Companies, Inc. - 317 W Lake Street Northlake, IL 60164 -
VOL . VI No. 3 Aug 2012 / Sept 2012
Page 4
Showdown In Sin City
by Daniel Leach
Laser Quest’s 17th Annual North
American Challenge (NAC) laser
tag tournament is rapidly
approaching. The challenge set
before the Downers Grove
Dragons, Chicago area’s sole
participant, is going to be their
greatest yet. Starting July 20th,
Jose Corona
20 teams that were chosen from
Marc Inman
around the US and Canada will
Consuelo Muschio 8-3
be competing in the heart of Las
Martin Ramirez
Vegas, NV for the privilege of
Elias Sandoval
being named the best laser tag
Chris Sharp
team in North America, along
Ryan Camarena
David Lorge
8-4 Downers Grove Dragons (Dan Leach on the left)
Downers Grove Dragons are the
Yolanda Wilczewski 8-4
to enter the NAC tournament in
Juan Luna
Eberardo Farias
8-8 all 17 years of its existence, they’ve yet to win a playoff game. Furthermore, the Dragons hold
Juan Reyes
8-8 the longest playoff drought having missed opportunities to advance in the past 9 years.
Greg Robinson
8-10 However, upon seeking inspiration from another popular Chicago based sports team ready to
Erik Diaz
8-11 shake away its stigma; the Dragons are prepared to put an end to the failures of its past. But
George Tsoutsos
8-11 with 19 other teams setting their eyes on the prize, this task will be far from easy.
Robert Eldridge
Curtis Walker
Dennis Jones
Sandy Warren
Robert Barbosa
Andy McDonald
Tim Ryan
Scott Ten Broeck
Frank Osborne
Bruce Powell
Raul Suarez
Jose Pazos
John Tarwater
Eric Wiencek
Michael Cruz
Michael Gillhouse
Danielle Pitsenbarger 8-23
Dale Burt
Horacio Contreras 8-25
Lech Mruk
Jason Vasquez
Mary Reich
Luis Ventura
Francisco Ramos
Manuel Contreras 8-31
To the surprise of no one, Canada looks to be well represented. Toronto is returning with a
vengeance having placed 3rd after being the favorites to win last year’s tournament. Montreal,
who defeated Downers Grove by overall points to advance last year, look to solidify another
run in the playoffs. After their inaugural invitation to play in the NAC Tournament, Ottawa look
to use their experience from last year to move up further in the standings and avoid relegation.
Finally, Calgary returns after a 5 year tournament absence, to make their presence known for
In the previous tournament, the United States introduced a record setting 8
new teams to last year’s NAC tournament. But to the surprise of everyone,
6 teams avoided relegation to return this year. Oklahoma City’s work ethic
and love of the game paid immediate dividends and, now, they’re rewarded
with another opportunity to play. Florida’s sole representative this year,
Sunrise, FL, shocked projections when they defeated playoff regulars
Fresno, CA by a convincing margin last year. They’re hoping that the momentum of that victory
will earn the respect of being a potential dark horse candidate. Lastly, after falling
substantially in the NAC standings due to last year’s slump; Mountain View, CA have revamped
their offseason program and are now claiming to be the fittest team in the tournament having
collectively lost 250 lbs amongst their 9-man team.
Dedicated fans and newcomers are definitely in for a treat this season. The mixture of
established clubs and new faces will only add a level of unprecedented excitement to this fun
game. And, in the midst of it all, I’ll be standing as a member of the Downers Grove Dragons, a
representative of the great city of Chicago, eager to help end a 9-year curse and haul home a
NAC championship. Wish us luck and Go Dragons!
The Custom Companies, Inc. - 317 W Lake Street Northlake, IL 60164 -
VOL . VI No. 3 Aug 2012 / Sept 2012
Page 5
Consume Less Gas on a Road Trip
Before you leave, map the most fuel-efficient route with AAA’s Fuel
Cost Calculator ( Have the vehicle
tuned up, and check that the tires are inflated properly. A tuned
engine can save you about 4% in gas, and properly inflated tires can
save you more than 3%. On the road: SLOW DOWN! For every five
miles per hour (mph) over 60 mph that you drive, you add about 24
cents a gallon to the
price of gas. And don’t
make sudden stops and
starts. Look for the best
gas prices on your
Smartphone with the
apps GasBuddy and
AAA’s TripTik Mobile.
Avoid traffic jams by driving during off-peak hours.
USA Today
Check Your Phone Bill…You May Have Been
“Crammed” as reported by John Breyault, National Consumers League
You could end up being charged for a service on your monthly mobile phone bill
even though you never asked for it. This practice, called “cramming,” occurs when a
provider other than your phone company supplies you with ringtones, sports scores,
weather updates, horoscopes, and/or other unwanted services, and your phone
company adds a charge to your bill, typically several dollars. (With landlines,
cramming usually shows up as a line item for “miscellaneous” or “enhanced”
services.) The phone company keeps a portion of the revenue. Although three major
telephone companies-AT&T, CenturyLink and Verizon-have agreed to end most
third-party billing for landlines by the end of this year (and some have already done
so), they will continue for wireless and smaller landline providers unless you opt out.
Self-defense: Call your phone company now, and request
that all third-party providers be blocked. Review you phone
bills every month for surprise charges, often listed as “service
charge,” “other fees,” “calling plan” or “membership.”
Also, avoid calling “900” numbers, accepting anonymous
collect calls and signing up for contests online via your cell
phone, all common methods that vendors use to cram you.
If you do get crammed, call your service provider and demand a refund.
Durwin Ponton
Steve Laue
Matt Foley
Miguel Rodriguez
Reyna Avila
Jovanni Olvera
Armando Ramirez
Shirley Bandaly
Alonso Blanco
Marcelo Domingo
Taulafoga Faalave
Seferino Arias
Tony Beltrano
Marie Huff
Pete Grau
Raul Gallardo
Bruce Lenau
Geraldo Solis
Jeff Dayton
Mike Kelso
James Grisby
Eric Inman
Martin Bolanos
Lucas Hills
William Ashby
William Ehrl
Paxter Higueros
Roger Peralta
Billy Hudson
Fausto Rodriguez
Jose Rodriguez
Walter Gustafson
Lynn Koclanis
Clete Janik
William Umana
Dave Stiplosek
Joe Giaquinta
Al Lopez
Jay Cohen
Wojciech Glowacki
The Custom Companies, Inc. - 317 W Lake Street Northlake, IL 60164 -
VOL . VI No. 3 Aug 2012 / Sept 2012
Page 6
Ordinary People Can Foil Terrorists
As written by Mary Abrams
Dorland Henderson
Pete Grau
Bob Zdych
Brad Woodbury
Earl Hahn
Orlando Roldan
Adam Baltz
Luis Macias
Ramon Ramos
Elias Sandoval
Michele Marek
Ronnie Jenkins
Pat Gomez
Arturo Ortega
Ignacio Molina
Pedro Valles
Dennis Jones
Rocky Caylor
Ramon Badea
Jose Espinosa
Tony Crespo
Jim Schnur
George Smith
Pedro Escanio
Jeff Guthman
Edith Ron
Adalberto Franco
Sheila Pajarillo
Daniel Craig
Jayne Pakosta
Taulafoga Faalave
Alejandro Garcia
Juan Salazar
Michael Cruz
Jason Montgomery
Lynn Koclanis
Daniel Leach
Lisl Kinsella
Jeff Paolello
John Tarwater
Refugio Banda
Steve Bartolone
Victor Moreno
Janine Preciado
Anthony Roldan
Don Scheer
Tom Motter
Reyna Avila
Ed Ciganek
Dan Lanzito
It is simply too difficult to stop all of the crazies, whether they are homegrown
or “imported.” Awareness remains our best defense. Ordinary people following
their instincts foiled would-be terrorists.
The key to awareness: Knowing what “normal” looks
like-which cars are regularly in your neighborhood, who
makes deliveries at work, etc.-and then paying
attention to what is eccentric or out of place. Most
people know to report peculiar packages that arrive in
the mail and unattended bags. Other red flags…
People who are overdressed for the weather.
People who move off quickly when seen or
People in restricted areas or other places they don’t belong.
Vehicles that appear to be carrying heavy weight…are abandoned…illegally
parked…leaking fluid other than from engines or fuel tanks.
Unusual requests for information about physical access to a home, hospital,
sports arena, workplace, etc.
Surveillance activity at government buildings, other key facilities and crowded,
high-profile places. Is someone scanning with binoculars? Taking photos?
On trains, watch for people who place items in a luggage compartment and
then move to a different car.
People using watercraft should be alert to missing fencing or lighting near
dams…boats anchored in areas not typically used for anchoring…unusual
diving or night operations…signals flashing between boats.
Many people fail to report suspicious activities because they are afraid of being
criticized if it is not a real threat. But if you sense something suspicious, report
it right away. You never know when a threat will be real. We all have a role in
keeping ourselves and our nation safe, so continue to be very vigilant.
The Custom Companies, Inc. - 317 W Lake Street Northlake, IL 60164 -
VOL . VI No. 3 Aug 2012 / Sept 2012
Sports Shorts by Jeff Guthman
Page 7
Is Derrick Rose on schedule for the rehab of his injured leg?
I have heard it on the sports channels both ways. However, even if he is where they expect him to be, he would not be set
to return until the end of the year. You combine that with Luol Deng’s wrist injury and there does not seem to be much
hope for next year’s team.
Where will the Angels finish the year in the standings?
It does not look like the Angels can overtake the Texas Rangers. The Rangers have a great young team and they look like
they will be on top of the division. The Rangers are very hungry after losing the last two World Series’. The Angels can
look to the wild card slots, however. If they playoffs started today they would be in the first wild card spot. Once a team
gets into the playoffs anything can happen and if a team gets hot at the right time, look out. The Angels are a very good
baseball team and have the talent to make a deep playoff run.
How much do the Bears need Matt Forte?
The simple answer is, “a lot.” Matt Forte played a huge role in the Bears’ offense last year. Although they have added a
couple new weapons in star receiver Brandon Marshall and backup running back Michael Bush, it will not replace Forte’s
productivity. How great can a wide receiver be if the defense has to concentrate on the other team’s running game as
well as receptions out of the backfield? The Bears and Forte finally settled on a contract agreement for $32 million over
the next 4 years. The Bears locked up their main man on offense and are very excited to start their 2012-2013 Super Bowl
As other teams get better, the Lakers seem to be going the other direction...
It is hard to have a lack of faith in any team that has Kobe Bryant, but no one man can carry a team and it does not look as
if they are improving much this year. They did add former 2-time MVP point guard Steve Nash via 4 first round picks but
even that move can be questioned to the man being 38 years old with back problems. The Clippers, on the other hand,
seem to be the up and coming team of the NBA. I would look for them to be a force in the NBA’s Western Conference this
year. Of course Miami is in the East, but the East looks to have a few other capable teams as well.
Do the White Sox have enough to play with the loaded Tigers?
Yes this is the same question I had to answer in the last newsletter. The question has yet to be answered. The White Sox
have controlled first place for most of the year but have recently given it up to the Tigers after getting swept by them on
the road. The Sox have been reeling as of late and Detroit looks as good as they have all year. I would look for Cleveland
to have their yearly fade leaving the Sox and Tigers to fight for the division crown. The wild card is not coming out of the
American League Central so if they want to be in the playoffs the Sox will need to stay ahead of the Tigers and the Tribe in
the division race. Those of you who read this column know my heart is with the White Sox but my head says Detroit.
Chicago Cubs fans, “Wait until next year?”
No sane person thinks that the Cubs can pull themselves out of the hole they have dug themselves into thus far. However
you have to like some of the young players that are coming up from the minor leagues and you would think that Theo
Epstein knows how to build a winner. I would think that Cubs’ fans will be patient this year but in a day of instant
gratification, I would suggest that they start to show serious signs of improvement or there will be a fan revolt.
It’s Olympics time!
Grazyna Ujas
Mary Reich
George Wiszowaty
Marie Podolak
Dale Majcina
Carol Guarino
Cesar Serrano
Bart Jasiewicz
Sharon Klomfar
Jose Pinto
Martin Ramirez
Raul Gallardo
Ivan Velez
Dave Stiplosek
Fausto Rodriguez
Chris Moran
Christina Paramo
Tina Petrovic
Manuel Vega
Igor Pavlovic
Chris Nicholson
Charles Branscomb
James Garroutte
Alberto Munoz
Chris Guerrero
Joe Giaquinta
Ray Hecker
Richard Stein
Malcolm Watson
Nathan Becker
Ryan Camarena
Danny McDaniel
Paxter Higueros
I love the Olympics; there is nothing better than to see proud Americans beat the rest of the world in athletic
competition. This country has always been stronger in the Summer Olympics than in the Winter Games. I look to see our
fair share of medals in the pool, track, stadium, pitch, and gym. Look for a recap in the next newsletter.
Will the Blackhawks rebuild?
Will the Blackhawks fill the holes that they have in their roster? They have a strong core and it would not take a lot to
create another championship caliber team in Chicago. How fun would it be to see the Kings and Blackhawks duke it out
for Lord Stanley’s Cup?
Will there be an NFL franchise in Los Angeles anytime soon?
There is still no news on this. I believe that it will happen at some time so I will keep this topic here until there is some
movement from the city, the NFL, and the fans/voters.
The Custom Companies, Inc. - 317 W Lake Street Northlake, IL 60164 -
VOL . VI No. 3 Aug 2012 / Sept 2012
Special Days,
Weeks & Month
Admit You're Happy Month
Family Fun Month
National Catfish Month
National Eye Exam Month
National Golf Month
Peach Month
Romance Awareness Month
Water Quality Month
National Picnic Month
Week 1 National Simplify your Life
Week 2 National Smile Week
Week 3 Friendship Week
Week 4 Be Kind to Humankind Week
2 National Ice Cream Sandwich
3 National Watermelon Day
4 U.S. Coast Guard Day
5 Friendship Day
5 International Forgiveness Day
5 Sisters Day
6 Wiggle Your Toes Day
7 National Lighthouse Day
9 Book Lover's Day
10 National S'mores Day
12 Middle Child's Day
13 Left Hander's Day
14 National Creamsicle Day
15 Relaxation Day
16 National Tell a Joke Day
17 National Thrift shop Day
18 Bad Poetry Day
19 Aviation Day
20 National Radio Day
21 Senior Citizen's Day
22 Be an Angel Day
22 National Tooth Fairy Day
23 Daughter's Day
25 Kiss and Make Up Day
26 National Dog Day
26 Women's Equality Day
27 Global Forgiveness Day
30 Frankenstein Day
30 Toasted Marshmallow Day
31 National Trail Mix Day
Page 8
Medication Mistakes We All Make Some Can Be Deadly
Matthew Grissinger, RPh – Institute for Safe Medication Practices
Nearly two million Americans are hurt every year by the medication
mistakes of others, such as being given the wrong drug or the wrong dose.
But this total only includes the errors that are caused by doctors or in
hospitals. It doesn’t include the mistakes that many of us make on our
own, such as forgetting to take a pill or accidentally double dosing.
Thankfully, most of the errors are not fatal, but they can be.
Common mistakes-and how to avoid them…
Mistake: Taking two different products with the same ingredient.
Suppose that you normally take acetaminophen several times a day to reduce pain from
arthritis. Each dose contains 325 milligrams (mg). Then you get a cold. So you take an overthe-counter cold remedy such as NyQuil. Many cold medications contain about 650 mg of
acetaminophen per dose.
You could wind up getting 2,500 mg of acetaminophen from several doses of the
cold remedy…in addition to the acetaminophen that you’re taking for arthritis. You could
exceed maximum safe dose of 4,000 mg a day without even knowing it.
Self-protection: Always read labels. Don’t take any medication without knowing what
it contains. Many have more than one active ingredient. If a new medication contains an
ingredient that you’re already taking, ask your doctor or pharmacist if the combined dose is
Also, drugs can have similar actions even if the active ingredients
are different. So many antidepressants, for example, lower blood pressure
as a side effect. Your pressure could drop too low if you’re also taking
medication for hypertension. Again, never take any combination of drugs
without consulting your doctor first.
Mistake: Assuming two doses are better than one. Many people think that more is
better. For example, if one dose of a painkiller gives some relief, they tell themselves that a
double dose will be even more effective.
Not true. For example, you’ll get the same relief from 400 mg of ibuprofen (the usual
adult dose for mild-to-moderate pain), taken every four to six hours, as you would from one
dose of 800 mg-with less risk for side effects.
Most of the common painkillers, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, take time to work.
You might not notice two much improvement in the first hour or two. After that, the
medication gets more effective as it changes your body’s chemistry. Be patient.
Self-protection: Take the recommended dose for at least a few days. If your problem
still isn’t under control, ask your doctor if you should take a higher dose-or if another
painkiller might be more effective.
Mistake: Missing a dose. Everyone forgets to take medication sometimes. It rarely
matters, particularly if a drug is used for treating a long-term condition such as hypertension
or high cholesterol. Just take your next scheduled dose.
Exception: Medication that you need for an acute problem, such as an infection. If
you’re taking an antibiotic four times daily and you miss the morning dose, you usually can
take a double dose at lunchtime, then return to the normal schedule.
But check with your doctor or pharmacist because doubling up is dangerous with
some medications. Examples: Patients taking Coumadin, a blood thinner, could experience
excessive bleeding if they take a double dose. With blood pressure drugs, you could suffer
from hypertension, pressure that falls too low.
Self-protection: When you get a new prescription, ask your doctor or pharmacist what
to do if you miss a dose. The rules are different depending on the medication.
Mistake: Using a regular spoon to measure medications. People routinely use kitchen
spoons to measure their liquid medications. Don’t do it. A study in Annals of Internal
Medicine found that participants who sued kitchen spoons to measure medications wound
up taking either too much or too little.
Self-protection: Some liquid or powder medications are packaged with a measuring
device, such as a graduated cap. These devices are far more accurate than a kitchen spoon.
Or you can buy dosing syringes or other appropriate measuring devices at pharmacies.
The Custom Companies, Inc. - 317 W. Lake Street Northlake, IL 60164 -
VOL . VI No. 3 Aug 2012 / Sept 2012
Page 9
Mistake: Unsafe splitting. In an effort to save money, many patients ask their
doctors to prescribe a higher-strength pill, which they split in two to get the correct dose.
This isn’t necessarily a bad idea. The cost of a 5-mg dose usually is about the
same as you would pay for 10 mg. You’ll probably get the right dose if the pill is scored
for easy cutting. But if it is not scored for cutting and you cut it anyway, you could get
uneven doses.
Self-protection: To split tablets that are hard, very small or have an unusual
shape, use a pill splitter, available at pharmacies. They have sharp blades and are
designed to hold pills in the correct position when cut.
Never split or separate capsules-and don’t split medications
that have a time-release mechanism. Breaking the coating could cause
the medication to be absorbed too quickly-or even, in some cases, not
absorbed at all.
Mistake: Buying or taking the wrong drug. This happens more
often than you might think. Name confusion is among the most
common types of drug errors. The US Pharmacopeia, an organization that sets drug
standards, estimates that more than 1,400 commonly used medications have names
that are so similar that people often confuse them.
Examples: It would be easy to confuse the osteoporosis medication Fosamax with
Flomax (used to treat an enlarged prostate gland). Are you supposed to take Lamictal to
prevent seizures or Lamisil to treat fungal infection? Even names that don’t sound alike,
such as Avandia and Coumadin, may look similar on handwritten prescriptions.
Self-protection: Know the correct name of every drug that you’re taking and why
you’re taking it. Never take pills in a dark room.
Helpful: When your doctor is writing a prescription, ask him/her to jot a note on
the prescription saying what the drug is for. If the prescription if for Coumadin, for
example, the note might read “to thin the blood.” The pharmacist will be less likely to
make a mistake. Also, confirm with the pharmacist what the drug is for when you pick up
your prescription.
Special Days, &
Classical Music Month
Hispanic Heritage Month
International Square Dancing Month
National Courtesy Month
National Piano Month
Chicken Month
Baby Safety Month
Little League Month
Honey Month
Self Improvement Month
Better Breakfast Month
3 Labor Day
3 Skyscraper Day
4 Newspaper Carrier Day
5 Cheese Pizza Day
6 Fight Procrastination Day
6 Read a Book Day
8 International Literacy Day
8 Pardon Day
9 Grandparents Day
9 National Pet Memorial Day
9 Teddy Bear Day
10 Sewing Machine Day
11 911 Remembrance
11 Make Your Bed Day
12 Chocolate Milkshake Day
12 National Video Games Day
It’s an indelible part of summer: You’re outside sitting in a lawn chair, sipping a cold drink
13 Defy Superstition Day
listening to the kids bark and the dogs play and all of this around the
13 Fortune Cookie Day
13 National Peanut Day
potential menace of the swimming pool.
13 Uncle Sam Day (1813)
14 National Cream-Filled Donut Day
So how can a pool be dangerous? It’s very simple: Chlorine. Chlorine is the
15 Make a Hat Day
chemical we use to inhibit microorganisms in swimming pools. However it
16 Collect Rocks Day
also stings swimmers eyes, dries out hair and skin and has been linked to
16 Step Family Day
asthma problems.
16 Mayflower Day
16 National Play-Doh Day
So what can you do? One solution is saltwater pools. It may sound strange but this is a proven
16 National Women’s Day
technology that has been around for thirty years. How it works is water is pumped through a
16 Working Parents Day
chlorine generator cell where an electrical current reacts with the salt (Sodium Chloride) in the 17 Citizenship Day
17 Constitution Day
water to produce chlorine.
18 National Cheeseburger Day
19 Talk Like a Pirate Day
The difference is that the chlorine in the water quickly recombines with the sodium so it does
20 National Punch Day
not hang around in the water creating noxious effects. However, saltwater pools are a higher
21 International Peace Day
upfront cost and the chlorine generator cells need to be replaced. And saltwater can cause soft 21 Miniature Golf Day
stone such as sand stone to deteriorate. A concrete pool is a better choice for a saltwater pool. 21 World Gratitude Day
22 Elephant Appreciation Day
22 International Rabbit Day
But if you don’t want a salt water pool there are other options. There are ultraviolet filters that
are used to kill microorganisms as they pass through the filter system. Their cost is around $400 23 Checkers Day
25 National Comic Book Day
to $600. Also, you can purchase corona discharge ozone generators which create small
27 Crush a Can Day
electrical charges in the filter system to kill microorganisms. They typically run $600 to $1,000. 28 Ask a Stupid Question Day
28 Good Neighbor Day
The bottom line is that is if you want an alternative to the curse of the chlorine they do exist.
28 Native American Day
Your pool could be poisoning you by Marcelo Domingo
The Custom Companies, Inc. - 317 W Lake Street Northlake, IL 60164 -
VOL . VI No. 3 Aug 2012 / Sept 2012
Page 10
Jim Garoutte
The mystery of the massive die-off of honeybees may have been solved. Three new
studies point to a widely used class of pesticides called neonicotinoids as the main
reason for “colony collapse disorder,” in which millions of honeybees and bumblebees
have died off in the U.S. and Europe in the past decade. Developed in the 1990’s,
neonicotinoids disrupt the nervous systems of insects that destroy crops. The
pesticides are commonly used in agriculture and backyard gardening products, and
have made their way into the corn syrup that many beekeepers feed their hives after
harvesting honey. Around the time colonies started collapsing, farmers began heavily
treating corn crops, used to make the syrup, with neonicotinoids. Studies indicate
that the pesticide can be found in many honeybees, which pollinate more than a third
of the U.S. crops. “It apparently doesn’t take much of the pesticide to affect the
bees,” Harvard University biologist Chensheng Lu tells Scientific American. He found
that even trace amounts killed off hives within six months. In other studies,
honeybees fed neonicotinoids got lost while foraging, and bumblebees produced
radically fewer queens. Says Pennsylvania beekeeper Dave Hackenberg, “We’ve got a
toxic mess.”
When dealing with issues of trust, “disappointment” is a powerful word that exudes vulnerability
German Melendez and puts the burden on the other person to accept some blame and make amends. Use it instead
of more aggressive, hostile words such as “violated” or “betrayed”, which often push the other
person to lash out with complaints about you.
Example: You confide in a colleague at work about your husband’s medical condition. Though
you’ve asked her not to tell anyone else, the colleague tells the receptionist. Instead of saying,
“how could you violate my trust?” say, “I was so disappointed to hear that you mentioned Michael’s
diagnosis to the receptionist.” Your friend’s likely reaction is to say, “I’m sorry.” But if your
Mike Shipinski, Nelson Mendez, friend responds with a counter complaint of her own (“you’ve talked about my family”), resist
Mark Dannhauser, Dan Craig, getting defensive yourself. Give your colleague an incentive to keep listening to you. Say, “That’s
Neil Spector, Robert Reynolds
& John Skiba
worth discussing. Let’s go back to what I initially brought up, and then I promise we will talk about
what you said.”
As noted in Bottom Line Publications Volume 33, Number 5 March 1, 2012
The Custom Companies, Inc. - 317 W Lake Street Northlake, IL 60164 -
VOL . VI No. 3 Aug 2012 / Sept 2012
Page 11
Welcome New Hires!
Juan Gomez
Mary Balda
Don Kalkman
Juan Gomez CDN CSR
Steve Yacko CDN Manager
Catherine Bonomo CDL CSR
Michael Plzak CDL Manager
William Milarski TCC CSR
Hugo Quezada CDN Parts Coordinator
Jose Santiago CDN Dock
Joseph Valentino CDN Dock
Joseph Paladino CDL Manager
John R Sarlo TCC Sales
Guillermo Herrera CDL Dock
Bruce Powell CDN PM Spotter
Issac Villalba CDL Dock
Matthew Arch CDN Driver
Jocelyn Cervantes TCC CSR
Genebee Flores CDL CSR
Don Kalkman TCC CSR
Marcia Ove CDL CSR
Paul Garza CDN Spotter
Stephen Flores CGL Manager
Mary Balda TCC Billing Clerk
Magdalena Sagan CDL CSR
Jeannette Sweet TCC Billing Clerk
Rufus Lanier CDN Dedicated Driver
Brian Villardito ATS Dispatcher
Grant Douglass CDN Driver
Thomas Wresinski ATS Manager
Ewa Glowacka TCC CSR
Luis Adame CDN Dock
Israel Gonzalez CDN Dock
Francisco Martinez CDN Dock
Ricardo Rodriguez CDN Dock
Thomas Wresinski
Bruce Laracuente, John
Tarwater & Frankie Conte
Ewa Glowacka
Matt Foley & Rocky Caylor
(Notice our new backdrop!)
Stephen Flores
The Custom Companies, Inc. - 317 W Lake Street Northlake, IL 60164 -
VOL . VI No. 3 Aug 2012 / Sept 2012
Page 12
Wedding Bells Are Ringing
Congratulations to
Kevin & Heather Conte
as they entered marital
bliss on July 14th.
Kevin is a part of ORD
OTR Dispatch. We
wish them the very best!
Best wishes to Matt & Diane Estes!
Matt (LAX Outside Sales) & Diane
tied the knot on June 3rd in a beautiful ceremony by the ocean.
Congratulations to
Reyna Avila (CDN
Driver Payroll) and
her fiancé Ricardo
Cordova on the
birth of their baby
girl, Elizabeth
Baby Elizabeth
arrived on June 4th,
at 8:06am, weighing
in at 5 lbs, 14 oz
and 19” long.
Austin Kizzee (ORD Sales
Everyone is doing
Trainee) & Elizabeth were
married on June 16th . We
hope they will be blessed
with many, many happy years
of marriage!
The Custom Companies, Inc. - 317 W Lake Street Northlake, IL 60164 -
VOL . VI No. 3 Aug 2012 / Sept 2012
Cooking Corner with David Lorge
Page 13
Dave’s famous BBQ sauce
2 cups ketchup
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon Worcestershire
1 tablespoon Soy Sauce
½ teaspoon Hot pepper sauce
(Preferred Franks Red Hot Sauce)
1 Lemon, juiced
1 small onion, finely chopped
½ teaspoon garlic powder
Salt and Pepper to taste
1. In a small bowl combine the ketchup, brown sugar,
Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, hot sauce, and lemon juice. Add
the finely chopped onion, season with garlic powder, salt and
pepper. Mix well.
Mustard-Rubbed Beef Tenderloin
1 beef tenderloin roast, 2 to 2-½ pounds,
trimmed of excess fat and silver skin
2 tbs. extra-virgin olive oil
¼ cup Dijon mustard
2 tbs. Weber® Chicago Steak Seasoning
1. Lightly coat the roast all over with oil. Allow the roast to stand at
room temperature for 15 to 30 minutes before grilling.
2. Prepare the grill for direct cooking over medium heat (350° to
3. In a small bowl mix the mustard and steak seasoning.
4. Brush the cooking grates clean. Sear the roast over direct
medium heat, with the lid closed as much as possible, until well
marked, about 15 minutes, turning a quarter turn every 3 to 4
minutes. Remove the roast from the grill and coat it evenly with the
mustard mixture. Return the roast to the grill and continue cooking
over indirect medium heat, with the lid closed, until cooked to your
desired doneness, 15 to 20 minutes for medium rare, turning once.
Remove from the grill and let rest for 5 to 10 minutes.
Congratulations to
Felix Torres (ORD
Inbound) and
Amanda Hartjes
on the birth of their
son, Ezra
Salvatore. Ezra
entered this world
on July 6th ,
weighing in at 5
lbs., 11oz .and
measuring 19” long.
Everyone is doing
5. Cut the roast crosswise into slices. Serve warm with grilled
asparagus, if desired.
The Custom Companies, Inc. - 317 W Lake Street Northlake, IL 60164 -
Equinox 2012
VOL . VI No. 3 Aug 2012 / Sept 2012
Page 14
Cooking Corner with David Lorge
The 2012 September Cola Barbecued Burgers
equinox comes on
September 22, at 9:49 Sauce
a.m. CDT (14:49
½ cup cola
Universal Time).
⅓ cup ketchup
In the Northern
Hemisphere, the sun is
rising later now, and
nightfall comes
sooner. The time of the
autumn equinox is
here, when the days
are getting shorter,
and day and night are
approximately equal in
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
2 teaspoons cider vinegar
1 teaspoon prepared chili powder
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
1-½ pounds ground chuck (80% lean)
1 teaspoon kosher salt
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
4 hamburger buns
8 slices ripe tomato
4 lettuce leaves
Bread and butter pickles (optional)
1. In a small saucepan combine the sauce
ingredients. Cook over medium-high heat until the liquid has
For us in the Northern reduced to about ½ cup, about 5 minutes, whisking frequently.
Hemisphere, people
Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the sauce cool to
are enjoying the cooler room temperature.
days of autumn even
as preparations for
winter are underway.
South of the equator,
spring begins.
2. Prepare the grill for direct cooking over medium heat (350° to
3. In a medium bowl using your hands, gently combine the
ground chuck with the salt, pepper, and half of the cooled sauce.
Shape into four patties of equal size and thickness, each about ¾
inch thick. With your thumb or the back of a spoon, make a
shallow indentation about 1 inch wide in the center of each patty
so the centers are about ½ inch thick. This will help the patties
cook evenly and prevent them from puffing on the grill.
4. Brush the cooking grates clean. Grill the patties over direct
medium heat, with the lid closed as much as possible, until
cooked to medium doneness, 8 to 10 minutes, turning once when
the patties release easily from the cooking grate without
sticking. Toast the buns over direct heat during the last minute
of grilling time. Remove from the grill and brush each patty with
an equal amount of the remaining sauce. Serve warm on buns
with tomato, lettuce, and pickles, if desired.
The Custom Companies, Inc. - 317 W Lake Street Northlake, IL 60164 -
VOL . VI No. 3 Aug 2012 / Sept 2012
Page 15
The Illinois Trucking
Association held a Pin and
Patch Design Contest and
Robert Reynolds (ORD
DRIVER) won!!
His design is used by the ITA!
John Tarwater
Dan Craig (ORD
Straight Truck
Competition taking
Second Place!
Way to Go
The Custom Companies, Inc. - 317 W Lake Street Northlake, IL 60164 -
Bruce Laracuente
Jim Welsh
Page 16
The Custom Companies, Inc.
317 W. Lake Street
Northlake, IL
Phone: 708-338-8888
Fax: 708-338-9550
At The Custom Companies, our main objective is to deliver your goods
on time and in perfect condition. We understand the importance of a
great customer/vendor relationship. Our customer service center is just a
phone call away to provide a rate quote, track a shipment, schedule a
pickup or access accurate documentation. In today’s fast paced
environment, we work to provide transportation solutions that fit every
economic situation.
The Full Service Transportation Company
Our “Customer First” program ensures that your shipments will be
delivered on time, and with the highest degree of care. In order to
maintain these standards, we measure performance levels on every
shipment. As a result, our internal operational systems are constantly
improving to provide better, more accurate service, allowing our
transportation specialists to meet your growing needs.
Newsletter Committee Members
Marcelo Domingo
Daniel Leach
Matt Foley
Michele Marek
Carol Guarino
Tom Mroz
Petra Gumieniak
Eric Pocius
Jeff Guthman
Fridays @ Orland Park
Old Village Hall
14413 Beacon Ave., Orland Park, IL
September 28
Additional Contributors:
Rocky Caylor
Willy Palivos
8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Robert Heinz
(Must be 18 yrs. or older)
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