Conrad US Media Pack
Conrad US Media Pack
M A G A Z I N E M E D I A PA C K DISCOVER CONRAD HOTELS CO N R A D H O T E LS & RESORTS IS ON E OF HI LTON W ORL D W I D E ’ S G L OB AL L UX U RY B R A NDS AND THE CHOICE FOR TOD AY’ S M OD E RN, SOP HI STI CATE D TRAV E L E R WITH OVER 23 PROPERTIES TO DISCOVER, Conrad Hotels & Resorts provide guests with access to global gateway cities and exclusive destinations throughout Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas. Conrad Hotels & Resorts combine sophistication, global ideas and local influences to deliver authentic discoveries curated for each guest’s stay. Each destination is a dynamic reflection of its local culture, inspiring connections to authentic experiences, perfectly suited to the modern world traveler. CONRAD MAGAZINE CONRAD HOTELS AND RESORTS MAGAZINE serves an audience of world travelers who journey with purpose. The magazine is published biannually with a worldwide distribution of 42,000 copies reaching some of the world’s most discerning travellers. The magazine contributes to the truly bespoke experience that is essential to the Conrad brand remaining a leader in the luxury hospitality space. READERSHIP GUESTS AT CONRAD HOTELS AND RESORTS consider themselves creative, opinion leaders and risk takers. They are willing to pay extra for comfort and service while traveling and seek out products or experiences that are truly exclusive. They also prefer to buy designer or luxury brands. C Portugal 3.png C Singapore 1.png T HE B A SIC S MED IA N A GE 3 6 - 44 Education 70% degree / post graduate Average salary $150k - $175k Status 59% married, 41% single Stay reason 66% business, 17% leisure, 17% mixed C Singapore 2.png C Singapore 3.png DISTRIBUTION AND S T R AT E G I C P L A C E M E N T CO N R A D MAG AZINE IS D ISTRIBUTE D G L OB AL LY V I A A 4 - TI E R STRATE G Y W H I C H P R OVIDES A TACTICAL WAY OF REACHI NG THE W ORL D ’ S M OST D I SCE RN I N G A N D A F F L U ENT T R AV ELERS. 42,000 copies published bi-annually 1 . H OTE L PL ACEMENT 2. DO O R-T O -DO O R M AILING Over 20,000 copies of Conrad Conrad magazine is mailed to over 16,500 loyal guests of the Hilton Worldwide ‘Luxury Loyalist’ database. magazine are distributed to the Hilton global portfolio of Conrad hotels and is available in every single room and public area of every Conrad hotel worldwide. HOTEL LOCATIONS CONRAD ALGARVE, Portugal CONRAD BANGKOK, Thailand Americas 5,000 APAC 5,000 CONRAD BEIJING, China CONRAD CAIRO, Egypt CONRAD CENTENNIAL SINAGAPORE, Singapore CONRAD CHICAGO, USA CONRAD DALIAN, China CONRAD DUBAI, UAE EMEA 6,767 CONRAD DUBLIN, Ireland CONRAD HONG KONG, China CONRAD INDIANAPOLIS, USA CONRAD ISTANBUL, Turkey CONRAD KOH SAMUI, Thailand CONRAD LONDON ST JAMES, UK CONRAD MACAO, COTAI CENTRAL, Macao CONRAD MALDIVES RANGALI ISLAND, Maldives CONRAD MIAMI, USA CONRAD NEW YORK, USA 3. S T RAT EGIC PLACEM ENT 5,000 Conrad magazines are strategically placed in the first and business class lounges of major international airlines at key cities and gateway locations across the globe. CONRAD PEZULA, South Africa CONRAD PUNTA DEL ESTE RESORT & CASINO, Uruguay CONRAD SANYA HAITANG BAY, China CONRAD SEOUL, South Korea CONRAD TOKYO, Japan 4. DIGITAL M AGAZIN E Printed magazine content is re-imagined to support reader flow and navigation online. Content is responsive and SEO friendly with clickable advertisements and interactive, moving graphics. ONLINE REACH H O ST ED ON THE HILTON GL OB AL W E B SI TE , THE I NTE RACTI V E C O NRAD D IGITAL MAGAZINE P L AYS A KE Y ROL E I N THE B RAND ’ S DIGITAL V OICE STRATEGY, MAKI NG I NFI NI TE CON N E CTI ONS W I TH TH E G LOB AL B RAND MARKE T. D IG ITA L PL A CEMENT S O CIAL M EDIA PLAC EM EN T Conrad digital magazine is featured on the Conrad Hotels and Resorts homepage rotation spot receiving up to 2-4 organic posts per month on Conrad Hotels social channels spotlight featured properties and link back to the Conrad digital magazine on global web. 300 homepage clicks per week and approximately 891,000 overall website visits per month. A link to the digital magazine is emailed to 109,812 Hilton Honors and nonHilton Honors subscribers at the magazine’s launch. Conrad Hotels & Resorts Facebook: 98,000 followers Twitter: 7,300 followers Instagram: 5,200 followers FURT HER S UPPO RT Once per quarter, boosted posts will spotlight the magazine as an entity, encouraging fans to learn more about Conrad Hotels by linking back to Conrad digital magazine EDITORIAL CONTENT Inspired, intelligent features that demonstrate a sharp understanding of the highly individualised, sophisticated tastes of Conrad world travelers, combined with carefully curated suggestions for how they should spend their hard-earned down time. Future-thinking editorial with exceptionally high standards of design, it brings to life the experiences in our hotels; through location, design, art, culinary, textures and colors. R EG U L A R C O NTRI BU TORS I NCL UDE: Lucia van der Post, Financial Times’ How To Spend It Jonathan Bell, Wallpaper* Mark C. O’Flaherty, Sunday Times Style Josh Sims, Wallpaper*, Esquire Q U A L IT Y D E S I GN The design and print team create a magazine experience that embodies the Conrad Hotels and Resorts values. C Hong Kong 3.png C Indianaopils 1.png C Dalian 2.png M E D I A I N F O R M AT I O N Conrad magazine reaches the world’s most discerning and affluent traveller via a highly targeted, strategic global distribution strategy. Twice a year over 42,000 copies of Conrad magazine are either placed in the rooms of, mailed directly to, or strategically placed to attract today’s in the know, well-heeled and media savvy traveler. The destination of choice for those in search of refined contemporary elegance combined with a compelling mix of art and design, Conrad is both an established brand in the luxury travel market and continues to grow its presence in exciting new locations across the globe. R AT E C A R D STANDARD RATES AND POSITIONS Standard page ROM $11,600 Double page spread $16,650 Inside front cover spread $21,700 Inside back cover $11,800 Outside back cover $25,200 Guaranteed position +10% TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION MATERIALS Cover - 200gsm Woodfree Uncoated; Text - 115gsm Woodfree Uncoated MECHANICAL DATA Single Page Page trim: 279 x 210mm Page bleed: 289 x 220mm (5mm bleed on each edge) Double Page Spread Pages trim: 279 x 420mm Page bleed: 289 x 430mm (5mm bleed on each edge) High resolution PDF must be to the PDFX1A industry standard pdfs for print. Please refer to pass4press/for settings that are downloadable. Always create a Postscript file and distill as opposed to the ‘export to pdf’ option. The PDF must be supplied as single pages even though the advert could be a double-page spread. Please ensure you supply a colouraccurate high resolution proof. Please check the file is the correct trim size, has crop marks, bleed on all edges and fonts appear accordingly. Files that are not prepared to these guidelines will be rejected. (Artwork should be created in digital format compatible with Mac applications: InDesign / Quark / Illustrator / Photoshop or a combination. Ensure all images are 300dpi and CMYK). NOTE: Conrad magazine has a global audience. has a global audience so please ensure that all contact numbers use the international dialing code, and that you provide global contact information where relevant. ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES US SALES ENQUIRIES RMS Media Group, Inc. Hugh Malone, Executive Vice President: T: +001 978 824 2804 E: UK SALES ENQUIRIES Yasin Dabhelia, Advertising Manager T: +44 (0)20 3772 4852 E: ENQUIRIES For all other enquiries including copy deadlines and publishing dates for 2015, please contact: Andrea Booth Project Manager E: FMS 9 Beaufort Court Admirals Way, Canary Wharf London E14 9XL
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