965-6274 Crosby Self Serve - Crosby Journal
965-6274 Crosby Self Serve - Crosby Journal
Divide County irectory 28th Edition -- 2014-2015 -- Journal Publishing Inc., Crosby, N.D. Crosby Self Serve First Avenue & North Main Street ND Lottery ticket sales - Cold Beer Pizza - Subs -- Full Menu Video Rental - Gas - Snacks 965-6274 ✓ Online Banking ✓ 24 Hour ATM ✓ Full Service Bank Whether for a day, or an extended stay www.fnbt.us & Bypass Restaurant and Lounge 1 ST Room reservations 965-6400 965-6091 First National Bank & Trust ★ “We have a banker for you!” ★ Restaurant 965-6600 Crosby - Williston - Ray - Lignite Discover the possibilities! Home Decor Serta Mattresses Home Furnishings GARBEL’S FURNITURE & FLOORING Window Treatments Floorcovering Sales Floorcovering Installation 965-6367 www.garbelsfurniture.com e’s Hos k u al pit St. L Caring for you in so many ways! Sunrise Care Center Crosby Clinic St. Luke’s Hospital 965-6384 Crosby Clinic Family Outreach Services Crosby........................ 965-6349 Lignite........................ 933-2220 Sunrise Care Center 965-6086 3 QUICK REFERENCE DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS American Family Insurance................965-6319 BNC National Bank.............................965-6076 Basin Brokers.......................... 1-800-572-5560 Bert’s Woodworks...............................965-6194 Binde Trucking............... 982-3593 or 641-3166 Bootlegger’s Bar.................................925-5700 Brad Johnson Insurance.....................965-4200 Burke Abstract....................................965-6352 Burke-Divide Electric Co-op.... 1-800-472-2983 Casteel’s Refrigeration & Auto ...........965-6434 Circle Sanitation ................................925-1375 CJs Drive Inn......................................965-4371 Crashpad Bunkhouse.........................925-3333 Crafts 4-U...........................................965-6106 Crosby Auto & Truck Parts..................965-6700 Crosby Building Supply......................965-6002 Crosby Chiropractic Clinic..................965-3222 Crosby Clinic......................................965-6349 Emergency After Hours...................965-6384 Lignite Clinic....................................933-2220 Crosby Housing Authority...................965-5570 Crosby Self Serve/Hot Stuff Pizza......965-6274 Crosby Tire & Body.............................965-6512 DK’s Plumbing & Heating...................965-6448 Dakota Theatre...................................965-6797 Dar’s Cut & Curl..................................965-6460 Divide/Burke Abstract Co., Inc............965-6352 Ekness Super Valu.............................965-6412 Famous on Fifth..................................925-3584 Farm Credit Services..........................965-2265 Farmers Union Insurance...................965-6335 First National Bank & Trust.................965-6091 Garbel’s Furniture & Flooring.............965-6367 Golden Hub Motel...............................965-6368 Guardian Inn Motel.............................965-6400 Bypass Restaurant & Lounge..........965-6600 Hardware Hank...................................965-6561 Haugland’s Action Auction..................965-6234 Hedahl’s Automotive Parts Plus..........965-6891 Homestead Saloon.............................965-4327 Home Town Limo Service...................965-6680 J. Co. Drug..........................................965-6671 J.D. Electric ........................................965-6436 Joey’s..................................................965-4333 Journal, The........................................965-6088 Kessler Computer Service..................965-4727 Kocher Financial, Inc..........................965-6321 Launder & Tailor House......................965-6403 Lighten Up Wellness Center...............965-5483 Lindsey Insurance & Financial............965-3300 Lund Construction..............................965-6169 Maisey Dental Clinic...........................965-4362 Melby Farm & Ranch Supply..............965-4284 Mr. K’s Lounge, Steakhouse...............965-6686 Murphy Motors......................... 1-800-888-2927 NAPA/Crosby Auto & Truck Parts.......965-6700 NCC, Ray............................................568-3331 New Century Ag, Ambrose Elevator............................982-3391 Crosby Agronomy Center...............965-6875 Crosby Oil Station...........................965-3401 Crosby Truck Stop Center...............965-3400 Crosby Elevator No. 1.....................965-6371 Crosby Elevator No. 2.....................965-6341 Fortuna Elevator.............................834-2311 Fortuna Fertilizer Plant....................834-2315 Noonan Convenience Store............925-5055 Noonan Elevator No. 1....................925-5783 Noonan Anydrous Plant..................925-5800 Noonan Chemical Building.............925-5624 Westby Elevator...................... 406-385-2472 Westby Terminal...................... 406-385-2630 NW Health & Wellness.......................965-2650 Northwest Veterinary Service.............464-5121 Pendlay, Elizabeth, Attorney...............965-6036 Penney Place......................................965-6352 Pete’s Gravel, Inc................................965-6826 Pleasant Pheasant Fabrics.................965-5000 Power Creamery.................................965-6382 Raymond James® Financial Service.. 774-4165 Red Rooster.......................................965-6516 Rindel Trucking................ 965-2500 / 570-2500 St. Luke’s Community Foundation......965-6384 St. Luke’s Hospital..............................965-6384 Sunrise Care Center........................965-6086 Shear Style.........................................965-2888 Sorum’s Westland Service..................965-6812 Southside Tavern, LLC.......................925-5788 Stakston-Martin Funeral Home..........965-6932 Stems + Salvage...................................... 965-6071 Tanberg, Rosemary Taxes/Accounting... 965-6662 T & R Transport..................................965-6031 Tracy Brady Photography...................965-6112 Travel World of Crosby........................965-6232 Uno Mas Restaurant...........................925-3333 Wayne’s Welding & Repair, Inc...........965-6038 4 y t n u o C e d Divi ucks and tr ice d ser v ts r a p motor y r o t c ire ing Inc., : HOURS 8 p.m. 8 a.m. . Mondays 8 a.m. - 6 p.m i. Fr 5 p.m. Tues. to 9 a.m. ys da ur Sat 5 014-201 ition -- 2 28th Ed Publish -- Journal .D. N Crosby, s.com f Serve Sel Crosby n Street orth Mai ld Beer nue & N Co First Ave y ticket sales er ll Menu ND Lott bs -- Fu Pizza - Su l - Gas - Snacks enta R eo id V 274 ople ower The P 965-6 7 p D 5872 bus, N ww.bdec.coo Colum ~~ w 3 8 9 -472-2 About this directory This is the 28th edition of the Divide County Directory. The cover photograph, taken by Crosby photographer, Don Anderson, is a view of the Bummer Barn on the grounds of Pioneer Village. The Journal has published this telephone directory every other year for 55 years. We have made every effort to verify the listings, and have twice published the full list in The Journal to give readers an opportunity to make changes and corrections. We assume no liability or responsibility for errors in the listings, though we will publish corrections in a subsequent edition of the newspaper so that subscribers may make changes in their copies. The free information in this directory is limited to residents of Divide County. Copies are distributed to all Journal subscribers who live in Divide County. Additional copies are available for $2.00 each, $4.00 by mail. We hope you will find this book useful and that you will patronize the businesses that support this project with their advertising. Journal Publishing, PO BOX E, Crosby, ND 58730 -- 701-965-6088 -- journal@crosbynd.com 5 -A- AABERG Aaberg Farm, 100090 137th Ave........................ 834-2372 Deloris, 10845 108th St. NW, Noonan................. 965-6189 Les/Lynn, 103 8th Ave. SW, Box 182, Crosby... 965-2371 Lois, Northern Lights Manor, #114, Crosby....... 965-2481 Warren, 305 3rd Av SE, Cros. (Zahl B-180)....... 965-6330 Farm, 9250 137th Ave. NW, Box 180, Zahl.... 834-2481 AALUND, Louise, 121 S Main, Crosby................. 339-8053 Rick, 306 2nd Ave. NW, Box 554, Crosby......................... AARESTAD, Kevin, 8605 117th Ave. NW, Wild. .539-2322 ADAMS, Gail, 13625 109th St. NW, Fortuna........ 982-3562 J. Larry, 13605 109th St. NW............................. 982-3565 Jay/Dawn, 13615 109th St. NW, Fortuna........... 982-3572 Melissa, 13620 109th St. NW, Fortuna............... 982-3232 Shawn/Cynthia...................................................... 982-3333 AKERS, Ashley Wallin Manor D-8........................ 339-8614 ALVAREZ, Victoria................................................ 641-1209 ALLMUTH, David..........................................916-803-5944 Ambrose Gas Processing........................................ 982-3347 American Family Insurance 109 S Main, Box 47, Crosby......................... 965-6319 AMES, Travis/Morgan, Box 344............................ 965-6237 ANDERSEN, Daryl, 9165 Co. 3 NW, Westby...... 985-2663 ANDERSON, April, 607 1st St. SE, Box 852........ 965-6422 Ardis, 502 Main St. N, Box 589.......................... 965-6816 Arlene, 107B NW 1st, Box173.......................... 965-6271 Bert/Diane, 303 Main St. S, Box 604, Crosby... 965-6973 Beverly, Ambrose................................................ 982-3209 Danny/Mary Jo, 11075 98th St. NW, Noonan... 925-5728 Darwin, 407 1st Ave. NW, Box 271, Crosby..... 965-5784 Don/Vonni, 312 4th St. NE, Box 228, Crosby... 965-6898 Karin, PO. Box 244, Crosby............................... 965-5712 Kaylynn, 407 1st Av NW, Box 271, Crosby....... 339-8130 Keith/Marj, 311 6th St. NE, Box 92, Crosby ..... 965-6655 Leonard, Northern Lights Manor, #103,Crosby .965-6457 Lester, 12270 101st St. NW, Crosby .................. 965-6215 Roger, 13160 90th St. NW, Alamo .................... 528-4502 ANDRE, Dr. Mark E., O.D., 221 N. Main St. ....... 965-6590 ANDRICK, Marilyn, 203 6th Ave. SE, Crosby ..... 965-6497 ANDRIST, John, 606 2nd St. SE, Crosby ............. 965-6798 Assembly of God, 401 Main St. S, Crosby............. 965-6535 Parsonage, 602 Main St. S, Crosby ................... 965-6602 AXTMAN, Mark/Deb, 601 SE 1st, Box 448.......... 965-4359 -BBNC National Bank, 107 N Main............ 965-6076 B & B Hardware, 213 S Main, Box 68, Noonan.... 925-5686 BABINEAUX, Sheila, Crosby............................... 965-3931 BAILEY, Becky, 309 5th Av SE, Box 735 Crosby.965-4375 BAKER, Betty, Box 653, Crosby........................... 965-5455 Bonnie, 409 Main St. S, Box 284, Noonan......... 925-5801 Glory, Wallin Manor D-2, Box 232, Crosby ...... 965-6502 Keith, 304 5th St. NE, Crosby............................ 965-6656 Nicholas, Box 419, Noonan................................ 925-2036 Perry, 510 S Haugerud St., Box 284. Noonan.... 925-5667 Ralph, 110 Adams, Box 284, Noonan................. 925-5613 BAKEWELL, Jason, 13411 108th St. NW, Fort.... 982-3502 L., 13395 107th St. NW, Fortuna........................ 982-3513 BAKKE, Ed, 302 SW 3rd Ave., Box 492, Crosby.. 965-6281 Glen, 9990 Co 5 NW, Alkabo............................. 834-2444 Mike/Lyla, 514 2nd St. NE, Box 358, Crosby.... 965-6496 Ryanne/Brent, 14525 92nd SW, Grenora............ 694-6641 Tim/Lori, 507 Main St. N, Box 535, Crosby...... 965-6316 BAKKEN, Leslie, 595 4th St. SE, Box 135........... 965-6231 Lloyd, 302 2nd Ave. NE, Box 106, Crosby........ 965-4349 Steve/Sandra, 206 4th Av NW, Box 550, Cros... 965-6337 Steven/Sandra, 10675 91st. St. NW, Wild.......... 539-2211 BALLEW, Tony/Val, 103 4th Ave. #10, Crosby..... 965-5527 BARDAL, Arlin/Donna, 210 NE 4th, Box 445..... 965-6057 Basin Brokers, Williston... Toll Free 800-570-5560 All your protection underone oneroof. roof. All your protection under Gary L Lokken, Agent (701) 965-6319 Kristi Haugenoe Agency Gary L Lokken, Agent glokken@amfam.com (701) 965-6319 glokken@amfam.com P.O. Box 47 109 South Main Crosby, ND 58730 Office: 701-965-6319 ©1997 American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries Home Office – Madison, WI 53783 www.amfam.com ©1997 American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries NA-07497WIRev. 1/03 Home Office – Madison, 53783 www.amfam.com NA-07497 Rev. 1/03 Access Anytime: 1-800-MYAMFAM (800-692-6326) CASTEEL’S Furniture Refinishing Custom Cabinetry Shingling - Remodeling - Siding 965-6194 - Crosby, ND ✔ Residential ✔ Commerical ✔ Automotive AUTOMOTIVE, REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING ✔ Computerized engine analysis ✔ Auto Repairing ✔ Farm Equipment 965-6434 - Crosby, ND 6 BECKER, Mike...................................................... 925-5848 BENDIXSON Greg/Carmen, 8905 140th Ave. NW, Zahl......... 694-4252 Herbert/Sharon, 8820 140th Ave. NW, Zahl...... 694-3851 Robert, 8720 140th Ave. NW, Zahl.................... 694-4311 BENSON, Richard Jr., 10205 121st Ave. NW........ 965-6426 Richard (Swede) Sunrise Care 207A, Crosby..... 965-4204 BENTER, Jane, 204 4th Ave. SW, Crosby............. 965-6940 John/Marian, 409 2nd Ave. NW.......................... 965-6775 Neil, 505 1st St. NW, Box 87, Crosby................ 965-4279 Wayne/Chris, 612 S Main, Box 394, Crosby...... 965-6038 BERG, Ellis/Carol, 8675 Co 7 NW, Zahl.............. 694-6712 E. Michael/Nicole, 14245 - 87th St. NW........... 694-6560 Heidi, 103 4th Ave. NW, Box 497, Crosby......................... BENJAMIN, Misti, Wallin Manor A-3, Crosby..... 580-9027 BERGSTROM Brian, 404 F to M Rd., Box 164, Noonan........... 925-5808 BEROSIK, Chris, 308 2nd St. NE, Crosby............ 965-6594 BERRY, Brad/Nicole, Westby................................. 985-2646 Bert’s Woodworks 108 1st Ave NW........ 965-6194 BERVIK, Glenny, 14999 105th St. NW, Westby.... 985-2641 Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Box 8, Noonan......... 925-5804 Crosby Threshing-bee • 06-2013 BIGLEY, Beverly, Wallin Manor C-3, Crosby....... 965-5530 BILSTAD, Cory, 606 1st St. SE, Crosby................ 965-6080 Erin, Box 585, Crosby........................................ 641-0221 Randy/Teresa, 101 3rd St. NE, Box 475............. 965-6851 Binde Trucking 9460 132nd Ave. NW....... 641-3166 or 982-3593 BINDE, Arley, 9460 132nd Ave. NW, Fortuna....... 982-3593 Jerald, 13355 92nd St. NW, Fortuna................... 982-3533 Marilyn, 102 7th Ave. SE, Box 343, Crosby...... 965-6801 BJORGEN, Anita, 10415 151st Ave. NW, West..... 985-2492 Wade, 10410 151st. Ave. NW, Westby................ 985-2434 BLOOM, Bryan, 14580 93rd St. NW, Grenora...... 694-8710 L.O., 410 Stromstad, Alkabo................................ 834-2250 Roger, 9545 Co 5 NW, Grenora.......................... 834-2404 Thora, Northern Lights Villa #108, Crosby........ 965-4276 BOALS, David, Crosby.......................................... 965-4574 Bob’s Service Center,110 5th Av, Box 638, Cros... 965-6275 Bootleggers Bar, 105 Main, Box 71, Noonan..925-5700 Border Tavern, 265 Main St., Fortuna.................... 834-7260 BORRESON Ken/Bonnie, 105 2nd St. SE, Box 587............... 965-6043 Ken, 10885 110th Ave. NW, Noonan.................. 965-6293 BOSSINGHAM, Kathy, 609 2nd St. SE, Crosby BRAATEN, Elman, 304 1st St. SE, Crosby........... 965-6663 B B C C Inc.S S Inc. Crosby SupplyInc. Inc. Crosby Building Business Supply Jason Smith, President 900 4th St. SE PO Box 190 Crosby, ND 58730 Member FDIC Phone 701-965-6002 Fax 701-965-6425 Phone: (701) 965-6076 • 107 Main St S, Crosby, ND 58730 BASIN BROKERS INC. Crosby -- Williston -- Watford City - Plentywood Roger Cymbaluk Broker and Appraiser North Dakota and Montana roger@basinbrokers.com Call 1-800-572-5560 7 Brad Johnson Insurance Farm - Home - Auto - Commercial - Life - Long Term Care Annuities - Multi Peril Crop - Crop Hail 223 N. Main St. - Box 249 Crosby, ND - 965-4200 BRADY, Esther, 107 3rd St. SW, Crosby............... 965-6485 Gerald, 11160 106th St. NW, Crosby................. 965-6112 Paul, 902 Crest Drive, Crosby............................ 965-6373 BRATLEY, James/Joan, Crosby............................. 965-2990 BRATLIEN, Greg, 10465 92nd St. NW, Noonan... 925-5786 Theo., 10275 92nd St. NW, Noonan................... 925-5724 BRENSDAL Ozzie, 10365 152nd Ave. NW, Westby............... 985-2491 BROOKE, John/Peggy, 9611 ND 42, Crosby ...... 965-4388 BRORBY, Jason, Box 68, Noonan......................... 925-4234 Jerome, 310 Wash., Box 68, Noonan.................. 925-5773 Katie, Box 68, Noonan........................................ 925-5749 BROWN Bob/Tanja, 906 Crest Drive, Box 527,Crosby.... 965-6048 Keith/Betty, 400 1st St. SE, Box 382, Crosby.... 965-6938 BUBLITZ, Harold, 11825 108th St. NW, Crosby.. 965-6145 Buddy, 10425 128th Ave. NW, Ambrose............ 982-3205 CJ’s Drive In Summer hours: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Winter hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Soft Serve Ice Cream - Pizza Burgers - Chicken BUCK, Darren/Amy, 502 5th Avenue SE, Crosby..965-4289 Lynn/Dorothy, 203 4th St. NW, Crosby................ 965-6835 Wayne/Connie, 109A 1st St. NW, Crosby.......... 965-6980 BUMMER, Beverly 206 2nd St. NE, Crosby......... 965-6443 Cynthia, 609 S Main, Box 465, Crosby.............. 965-6901 Ellie, Box 488, Crosby........................................ 965-6547 Jennifer, Box 521, Crosby................................... 965-6011 Josh, 11472 99th St. NW, Crosby....................... 965-5422 Landy, 11470 99th St. NW, Crosby.................... 965-6211 Murray/Susan, 9525 116th Ave. NW, Box 70..... 965-6220 Steve, 9730 Co 17 NW, Crosby.......................... 965-4224 Wallace/Beverly, 311 5th Ave. SE, Box 278....... 965-6736 Burke Abstract, 101 S Main, Box 229, Crosby (Fax Line 965-6252)............................. 965-6352 Burke-Divide Electric............................ 939-6671 Burnell’s Bits & Bites, Box 338, Noonan............... 925-8324 BURTMAN Don/Glenda, 8875 119th Ave. NW, Wildrose..... 539-2327 James/Jill, 914 Parkway Dr, Cros.....641-1082 / 965-4452 Mark/Kim, 12410 Co 14 NW, Cros..641-3237 / 965-6708 Paul, 8805 118th Ave. NW, Wildrose.................. 539-2325 Bypass Restaurant & Lounge, Hwy 5.. 965-6600 Crosby Housing Authority Connecting Landlords & Tenants Buyers & Sellers Also providing management of Daily Specials and Soup Wallin Manor Apartments 5th Avenue Townhomes 965-4371 -- 501 S. Main 965-5570 965-6700 Crosby 965-6710 Fax 8 -C- CJ’s Drive Inn, 501 South Main, Crosby..... 965-4371 CAIN, Elaine, Ambrose.......................................... 982-3228 CAMPBELL, Janelle, 709 S Main, Box 91............ 965-5688 Rhonda, 101 1st St. SE, Box 526, Crosby.......... 965-6210 CARTER, Byron/Shelly, 10715 US 85 NW, Fort... 834-2226 Casteel’s Refrigeration & Automotive 501 1st Ave. NW, Box 312, Crosby............ 965-6434 CASTEEL, Mark, 501 1st Ave. NW, Crosby......... 965-6434 Wilbur, 308 7th Ave. SE, Box 581, Crosby........ 965-6024 CHAFFEE, Don, 211 1st St. NE, Box 246............. 965-6670 Dorothy, 320 3rd Ave. SE, Crosby...................................... Richard, Wallin Manor D-5, Crosby.................. 965-6947 Champion Oil Co, 108 SE 3rd, Box 1131, Cros..... 965-4381 CHACON, Johnnie & Bethany............................... 965-8489 CHATTERSON, Bill, 506 5th Ave. SE, Cros...231-838-6191 CHRISTENSEN, Don 14830 94th St. NW, West... 985-2603 CHRISTENSON, Irene, 508 1st St. SE, Box 28.... 965-6533 CHRISTIANSON, Art, Northern Lights, #102...... 965-6515 Lester, 504 5th Ave. SE, Box 623, Crosby.......... 965-3242 Wayne, 13845 106th St. NW, Fortuna................ 834-2391 Circle Sanitation, Inc, Noonan Landfill LLC.925-1375 CLEMENS, Doug, 403 F to M, Noonan................ 925-5608 CLEMANS, Tom, Crosby....................................... 965-2560 COATS, Alicia, Crosby........................................... 965-2628 COLE, Jerry, Noonan.............................................. 925-2298 Concordia Lutheran Church, 301 Main NE............ 965-6074 Parsonage, 310 1st St. NE, Crosby..................... 965-6682 COSTON, Omar/Steph, 106 8th Ave SE, Box 319..965-3545 COUCH, Donna, 506 4th Ave. SE, Crosby Crafts 4-U, 113 N. Main, Box 547, Crosby... 965-6106 Crash Pad Bunkhouse, 302 Main, Noonan.925-3333 CRISOSTOMO, Alvin, Wallin Manor C-2......562-537-0334 Crosby Airport, 11825 104th St. NW..................... 965-6722 Crosby Auto & Truck Parts/NAPA.......... 965-6700 Crosby Building Supply 900 4th St. SE, Crosby............................. 965-6002 Crosby Chiropractic 206 N. Main, Box 7, Crosby...................... 965-3222 CROSBY CITY: Auditor’s Office, City Hall.................................. 965-6029 Municipal Highway Shop .................................. 965-6192 Water Plant, 705 5th Ave. SE.............................. 965-6061 Parks/NW Health & Wellness Center office....... 965-2650 Parks/NW Health & Wellness maintenance........ 965-2651 Crosby Clinic, St. Luke’s Hospital.............. 965-6349 Emergency After Hours...................................... 965-6384 Lignite Clinic...................................................... 933-2220 Crosby Country Club, 10765 Co 15 NW................ 965-6157 Crosby Housing Authority, ................... 965-5570 Crosby Kids Daycare Center.................................. 965-5437 Crosby Self Serve 104 1st Ave, Box 510............................ 965-6274 Crosby Swimming Pool, 2nd St. SW...................... 965-6990 Crosby Tire & Body, 110 2nd Ave SW ..... 965-6512 CURRIE, Michael, Crosby..................................... 965-5210 -DDK’s Plumbing & Heating, 10100 117th Av NW............... 570-1732 / 965-6448 DAHL, Carl/OrLynne, 10190 US 85, Fortuna........ 982-3512 Clare, 10315 119th Ave. NW, Crosby................. 965-4255 Peter, 10145 134th Ave. NW, Fortuna................ 982-3591 Shirley, Wallin Manor D-6, Crosby.................... 340-7817 Tanya, Crosby..................................................... 965-3245 DAHLE, Ron/Esther, 14630 ND 5 NW, Alkabo.... 834-2426 DAHLKE, Helen, 12485 89th St. NW, Alamo....... 539-2158 DMVW Railroad, 210 4th St. NW.......................... 965-6546 Dakota Free Products, 11310 89th St. NW, Wild... 539-2256 Dakota Theatre, 219 Main St. N................ 965-6797 DALEY, Andrea, Wallin Manor D-4, ...965-2050 / 339-3959 Dar’s Cut & Curl, 208 Central Ave. E, Crosby.965-6460 Data Technology Solutions, Noonan...................... 925-6901 DAVIS, Travis, Box 587, Noonan.......................... 925-7856 DEERING, Leslie, Box 634, Wildrose................... 539-3458 DeJARDINE, Beverly, 255 Main St., Fortuna........ 834-2213 Brian/Shari, 210 Tenney, Box 132, Fortuna........ 834-2275 Larry, 102 7th Ave. SE, Box 343, Crosby........... 965-6801 Dhuyvetter Water Systems, 10035 110th Av. NW.. 339-8136 DHUYVETTER Albert/Mary Lou, Northern Lights Villa #112,... 965-5609 9 DHUYVETTER Charles, 9951 107th Ave. NW, Noonan.............. 925-5768 Chuck/Angie 10035 110th Av NW, Noonan....... 925-5245 John, 10520 99th St. NW, Noonan...................... 925-5609 Steve/Michelle, 104 9th Av SW ......................... 965-6017 Tom, 9949 107th Ave. NW, Noonan................... 925-5735 DIHLE, Alice, Northern Lights Villa #111............. 965-5862 DIMMICK, Austin/Kara, Box 652, Crosby............ 965-2052 Divide-Burke Abstract Company, Inc. 101 South Main, Box 229, Crosby............. 965-6352 Fax Line.................................................. 965-6252 Divide County Ambulance Service......................... 965-6384 Divide County Fair, 300 2nd Ave. N, Crosby......... 965-6558 Divide County Library, 204 1st St. NE, Crosby..... 965-6305 Divide County Museum & Historical Society........ 965-6705 Divide County Offices: Auditor, 300 Main St. N...................................... 965-6351 Clerk of Court, 300 Main St. N........................... 965-6831 County Agent, 300 Main St. N........................... 965-6501 Director of Tax Equalization............................... 965-6530 District Health, 300 Main St. N, Crosby............. 965-6813 Economic Development, 300 Main, Box 297..... 965-6006 Emergency Management.................................... 965-6361 Planning and Zoning........................................... 965-6362 Register of Deeds, 300 Main St. N..................... 965-6661 Sheriff’s Office, 312 Main St. NE...................... 965-6461 Shop, 707 6th St. NW......................................... 965-6522 Social Services, 300 Main St. N......................... 965-6521 Treasurer, 300 Main St. N................................... 965-6312 Veterans Service Office, 211 N Main, Box 49.... 965-6641 Divide County School District, 206 1st St. NE...... 965-6313 Elementary School, 206 1st St. NE..................... 965-6324 High School, 605 4th St. SE, Crosby.................. 965-6392 High School Library, 605 4th St. SE, Crosby..... 965-6735 Divide County Senior Citizens, 205 1st St. NE...... 965-6964 DOHMSTRIECH, Shane/Lisa, Box 421, Crosby... 965-3796 Shannon, 402 SE 4th, Box 287 .......................... 641-0516 Terry, 404 4th St. SE, Box 287, Crosby.............. 965-4214 DOKKEN Bernard/Bev, 309 1st Ave. NW, Box 374............ 965-4231 DOLAN, Erling/Marlys, 309 W Central, Box 797..965-6184 DOVICHIN, Mike/Colleen, Box 556..................... 339-7978 Crosby Tire & Body Shop Neil Benter “You wreck’em -- We fix’em” 24 Hour Wrecker Service Glass Installation & Repair Radiator & Heater Core Sales & Repair Custom pipe bending & exhaust Computerized 4-wheel alignment Car & truck wheel balancing Brake drum & rotor grinding Goodyear tire dealer 965-6512 Donna’s Cafe, Box 251, Noonan............................ 925-5833 DRAWBOND, Andrew/Dorcas, Westby................ 985-2688 Emmett/Matilda, Westby.................................... 985-2682 DUBOIS, Kathy, 508 N Main, Crosby................... 965-2123 -E- EBERLE, Joe/Jan, 13870 89th St. NW, Zahl.......... 694-3179 Steve, 13960 89th St. NW, Zahl.......................... 694-5678 EBRECK, John, 203 4th St. NE, Box 133.............. 965-4245 EIDE, Barry/Michelle, 503 Wash., Bx 267, Noon..925-5772 Ben, Box 510, Noonan........................................ 925-5225 Ekness Super Valu, 211 S Main, Box 708................................ 965-6412 EKNESS, Joyce, 301 NE 4th, Box 290, Crosby..... 965-6640 Marissa, 303 2nd St. NE, Crosby........................ 965-3506 Randy/Brenda, 201 9th Ave. SE, Box 708.......... 965-6777 ELLINGSON Monte/Edna, 606 N Main, Box 223, Crosby...... 965-6967 ELLISON, Janette, 112 2nd Ave. NW, Crosby....... 965-0035 Mark, 403 6th Ave. SE, Box 605, Crosby........... 965-4877 Robert, 9270 104th Ave. NW, Noonan............... 925-5638 ELSBERND, Brandon, Box 602, Crosby............... 965-6507 Dana, 10105 126th Ave. NW.............................. 965-6240 Don, Ambrose..................................................... 982-3346 Jim/Patty, 10320 117th Ave. NW, Crosby........... 965-6190 Harriet, 10105 126th Ave. NW, Crosby.............. 965-6240 Marcia, Crosby.................................................... 965-6133 Mike/LaVonne, 9715 Co 7 NW, Fortuna............ 834-2235 ENERSON, Robert, 12811 Co 2 NW, Ambrose..... 982-3210 ENGBERG, Gerald/Marion, 408 5th Ave. SE, Box 533 Ken/Edith, 504 1st St. SW, Box 170, Crosby..... 965-6871 ENGER, Bill, Fortuna............................................. 834-2335 ERICKSON, Dale, 9315 45th Av. NW, Grenora.... 694-4641 Esther, 512 5th Av SE, Box 564.......................... 965-4641 Jeanne, 10730 117th Ave. NW, Crosby............... 965-6168 ERIKSMOEN, David, 106 Meadow, Ambrose...... 982-3200 Ross (Chico), 12225 ND 5, Crosby.................... 965-6031 Ross Sr., 12325 107th St. NW, Crosby............................... ESPESETH, Billy, Box 565, Noonan..................... 925-2014 Gladys, Sunrise Care Center, Crosby.................. 965-6805 Jay, 9455 110th Ave. NW, Noonan..................... 925-5758 Neil, 9510 110th Ave. NW, Noonan.................... 925-5864 EVENSON, Elton, 8550 112th Ave. NW, Wild...... 539-2301 Sally, 404 Haugerud, Box 234, Noonan............. 925-5723 Divide/Burke Abstract Co., Inc. P.O. Box 229 -- 101 S. Main St. -- Crosby, ND 58730 Sandra Simonson PO Box 229 Crosby, ND 58730-0229 E-mail: dcab@nccray.com 965-6352 Fax: 965-6353 10 -F- FAGERBAKKE Bruce, 9675 107th Ave. NW, Noonan................. 925-5866 Derek/Sarah, 307 Haugerud, Box 125, Noonan. 925-5714 Dwight/Cyndie, 509 Wash., Box 125, Noonan... 925-5672 Edith/Norman, 302 1st Ave. NE, Crosby............ 965-5782 Nolan/Erin, Box 703, Crosby.............................. 965-5701 Norman, 10365 96th St. NW, Noonan................ 925-5782 FAGERLAND David/Kathy, 10925 105th St. NW, Noonan....... 925-5614 Donna, 213 Main St. S., Noonan........................ 925-5833 Les, 512 2nd St, NE, Crosby.............................. 965-5115 Shane/Tamrin, 10533 108th St. NW, Noon........ 925-5777 Rachael, 508 3rd St. SE, Box 94, Crosby........... 570-6832 Faith Lutheran Church, 205 3rd Ave. E., Fortuna... 834-2361 FALDALEN, Sidney, 414 F to M, Noonan............ 925-5816 Famous on Fifth 601 5th Ave, Box 365, Noonan.................... 925-3584 Farm Credit Services 101 S Main, Crosby ............................. 965-2265 Farmers State Bank, 111 Central E.........................965-6333 Farmers Union Insurance 206 N Main, Crosby................................. 965-6335 FEENEY, Sylvia, 501 NE 2nd, Box 557, Crosby... 965-6440 FEIL, June, 607 3rd St. SE, Box 127, Crosby........ 965-3219 Steven/Tammy, 13975 104th St. NW, Fortuna... 834-2256 FENNELL, Joy, 307 S Main, Crosby..................... 965-6810 Shane/Andrea, 12105 104th NW, ...................... 965-6273 Sheena................................................................... 965-8961 FETTIG, Roman, 513 NE 2nd Box 143, Crosby.... 965-6948 FINNESGARD, Lincoln/Dana, 9525 128th Ave. NW, Ambr........ 982-3566 Orvin, 12855 92nd St. NW, Alamo..................... 528-4792 FIRE.................................................................. 911 First National Bank & Trust 222 N Main, Crosby................................ 965-6091 FISCHER, Paul, Westby......................................... 985-2454 FISH, Dale, 211 Washington, Box 231, Noonan ... 925-5657 FLECK, Shirley, 516 2nd St. NE, Box 507............ 965-6469 Floral shop, 102 N Main, Box A............................. 965-6071 FOCKE, Marsha, Wallin Manor B-7...................... 570-1577 FORTIER Jay/Angela, 11233 87th St. NW, Wildrose......... 539-4488 John/Roxanne, 9011 111th Ave NW, Wildrose... 539-2275 Marlene, Box 547, Wildrose............................... 539-2102 William/Kay, 9025 111th Ave. NW, Wildrose.... 539-2282 Fortuna City Office................................................. 834-2458 Fortuna Recreation Center...................................... 834-2279 Fortuna Senior Citizens Center............................... 834-2255 FOSLAND, John/Sherill, 11233 98th St. NW........ 965-6153 FOSS, Rick/Cindy, 13685 86th St. NW, Zahl ........ 694-2362 FOURNIER, Dustin, Crosby.................................. 965-5859 FRANK, Travis, 208 8th Ave. SE #4, Crosby........ 965-8911 FREDRICKSON Dave, 9770 103rd Ave. NW, Noonan.................. 925-5720 Floyd, 9445 106th Ave. NW, Noonan................. 925-5791 Gerrard/Lisa, 519 F to M Rd., Noonan............... 925-5743 Frontier Fiscal Services, Box 707, Crosby............. 965-2047 FUHRMAN, Bradley, 511 1st St. SW, Crosby....... 965-6992 Eugene, 9651 125th Ave. NW, Crosby............... 965-6230 -GGarbel’s Furniture & Flooring 112 Main St. N, Box 270.......................... 965-6367 GARBEL, Don/Kay, 106 1st St. NE, Box 588....... 965-6068 Wallace, 516 5th Ave. SE, Box 444, Crosby....... 965-6647 GARNETT, Don, 610 SW 1st, Box 615, Crosby... 965-5620 Generators of Gillette, Noonan............................... 925-2141 Gene’s Body Shop, Fortuna.................................... 834-2415 GERBER, Beulah, Sunrise Care Center, Crosby.... 965-5771 GERHART, Jeff, Crosby ........................................ 965-6300 GILBERTSON, Garrett, 111 S 2nd, St., Box 536................... Gary, 13360 98th St. NW, Fortuna...................... 982-3220 Gracia, 702 1st St. SE, Box 536, Crosby............ 570-2727 Laramie, Box 93, Crosby.................................... 965-2308 Larry, 9935 131st Ave. NW, Ambrose................................ Lori, 202 2nd St. NE, Box 337, Crosby.............. 965-4610 GILLUND, Dave/Rita, 11190 91st St. NW, Wild... 539-2333 Gerald/Christine, 11310 89th St. NW, Wildrose.539-2256 Rodney/Sharon, 108 1st St. NE, Box 254........... 965-4324 Ruth, 110 2nd St. NE, Box 721, Crosby............. 965-2333 GJESDAL, Richard, Westby................................... 985-2451 GJOVIG, David/Jennifer, 107 9th Av SE, Bx 509.. 965-4329 Katherine, Wallin Manor B-5, Crosby............... 965-3505 EKNESS SUPERVALU Mon. Wed. Thurs. - 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tues. Fri. - 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. & Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sun. - CLOSED Your locally owned and full service grocery! Crosby, ND 965-6412 Huwe Schumacher Agency 206 N Main - Crosby, ND Theron Huwe & Lucas Schumacher, Agents 965-6335 www.FarmersUnionInsurance.com/HuweSchumacher 11 GJOVIG, Mavis, 111 2nd St. NW, Crosby............. 965-6205 Rory/Michele, 306 NE 2nd, Box 559 Crosby..... 965-6206 Shanon, 13205 104th St. NW, Fortuna............... 982-3505 Tim, 10395 120th Ave. NW, Box 319, Crosby... 965-4288 Glady’s Grooming, 109 Main St. S, Crosby............570-1112 GLASOE, Arthur, 8533 114th Ave. NW, Wildrose.539-2338 Cindy, 208 2nd Ave. E, Box 203, Noonan.......... 925-5809 Debora/Monte, 204 Wash., Box 71, Noonan...... 925-5754 Helen, 9110 109th Ave. NW, Wildrose............... 539-2243 Lance, 11370 91st. St. NW, Wildrose................. 539-2238 GNOINSKY, Clarence, 102 SE 3rd, Box 12.......... 965-6311 GOCHANOUR Darrel/Joann, 602 1st St. SW, Box 642, Crosby. 965-6720 GOLDAL, David, 909 Crest Drive, Box 265......... 965-6016 Golden Hub Motel 810 4th St. SE, Crosby............................. 965-6368 Gosser Co. LLC, Crosby......................................... 965-2075 GRAHAM, Jarett, Box 96, McGregor.................... 925-2195 Justin/Juel, 204 4th Ave. NE, Crosby................. 965-5476 GRANRUD, Ken/Ruth, 310 3rd Ave. SE, Box 82. 965-6889 Delano, Box 607, Noonan................................... 925-7660 GRAUPE Doug/Carolyn, 104 8th Ave. SE, Box 237.......... 965-6489 Doug, 9150 Co 5 NW, Grenora........................... 694-3941 Great Northern Energy, Crosby.............................. 965-3176 GREAVES, Daniel/Krystal..................................... 925-4538 Jeff, 11955 ND 5 NW, Box 510............................ 965-6543 Mitch, 206 3rd St. NW, Box 111, Crosby........... 965-2038 GRIFFITH, John, 201 3rd Ave. SE, Crosby........... 965-4401 GROTE Brian/Rita, 405 7th Av. SE, Box 392, Crosby..... 965-5571 Jim/Wendy, 403 W Central, Box 578, Crosby.... 965-4300 Scott/Gayleen, 10730 88th St. NW, McGregor.. 539-4513 GRUNDSTAD, Bertha, North. Lights Villa #109.. 965-3363 Peter/Sue, 307 1st St. SW, Box 214, Crosby...... 965-4253 Farm, 10255 County 11 NW, Ambrose................. 982-3363 Guardian Inn, Highway 5, Crosby.............. 965-6400 GUDERJOHN Claire, 401 3rd Ave. SW, Box 145, Noonan......... 925-5750 GUIDROZ, Kerry, Box 731, Crosby...................... 965-3559 GUNDERSON, Brent/Amber, 407 3rd Av SE, Cr..965-4006 Les, 12205 87th St. NW, Alamo......................... 539-2363 DK’s Plumbing & Heating GUNLOCK, Merle, 514 5th Ave. SE..................... 965-0005 GUSAAS, Howard/Frances, Ambrose.................... 982-3235 GUSTAFSON Brian, 8890 Co. 21 NW, McGregor.................... 546-4671 -H- HAAGENSON, Arnette, 13940 ND 5 NW............ 834-2219 Randy/Tammy, 305 Bennett St., Fortuna............ 834-2258 HAAKENSON Annette, 8690 105th Av NW, McGregor............. 546-4701 HAGA, Laverne, 405 F to M, Noonan................... 925-5684 HAGEN, Evelyn, Sunrise Care Center................... 965-4256 Harold, 12195 107th St. NW, Crosby................. 965-6185 Ken, 275 3rd Ave. E, Fortuna............................. 834-2368 Mavis, Sunrise Care Center................................. 965-3238 Myrtle, Box 423, Ambrose.................................. 965-3323 Norman, 10865 120th Ave NW, Crosby............. 965-6208 Paul, 12230 107th St. NW, Crosby..................... 965-6130 HAGGE, Gordon, 8835 Co 5 NW, Grenora .......... 694-2741 HAGGIN, Barry/Vicki, 512 2nd St. SE, Box 379.. 965-6674 HAIBERG, Steve, Box 722, Crosby....................... 965-2288 HALL, Les/Kathy, 9895 US 85, Fort....641-6413 / 982-3561 Paulette, 302 1st St. SE, Box 162....................... 965-6743 HALLMARK, Cathy, 406 1st St. SE, Crosby........ 965-6402 Hanisch Insurance Agency, 111 Central Ave E...... 965-6314 HANISCH, Andrea, 607 1st St. SW, Crosby.......... 965-3142 Jon, 913 Hillside Drive, Box 250........................ 965-4223 Paul/Jena, 910 Hillside Drive, Box B, Crosby.... 965-4320 Ryan, 203 5th St. NE, Crosby............................. 965-4477 HANSEN, Charles, 10755 ND 5 NW, Noonan...... 925-5869 Danny, 601 4th Ave. SE, Box 341, Crosby......... 965-6355 Jeanette, 502 1st St. NW, Crosby........................ 965-6975 Scott/Darla, 508 Summit E, Noonan................... 925-5767 HANSON, Arden (Babe), 209 W Central, Box 22 .965-6824 Bernice, Northern Lights Villa #107................... 965-3361 Dan/Debi, 10620 122nd Av NW, Box 22, Cros..965-6868 Dennis/Cathy, 9745 US 85 NW, Fortuna............ 982-3582 Dorothy, 603 Main St. N, Box 599, Crosby........ 965-6774 Justin, 9190 County 5, Grenora.......................... 694-4042 Hardware Hank, 120 S Main, Crosby......... 965-6561 HARPER, Shawn/Cheryl, Noonan......................... 925-5511 HARSTAD, Keith/Gladys, 609 W Cent., Crosby... 965-8302 Farm: 10470 US 85 NW, Fortuna...................... 834-2236 Golden Hub Motel ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Weil McLain Boilers - Rheem Furnaces Commercial - Residential - Remodeling Plumbing Fixtures - Water Heaters Farm Water Systems Duane Johnson, Master Plumber #78360 Crosby, ND 965-6448 40 Modern Units Air Conditioned Fax - Copier Color Cable TV Car Plug-ins website: www.crosbynd.com/ Crosby, ND 965-6368 12 HARTSOCH, Dorothy, Crosby............................... 965-4772 HASSELSTROM Greg/Liz, 509 4th Ave. SE, Box 282, Crosby..... 965-6597 HATTEL, Fred, 310 4th St. NW, Crosby................ 965-6401 Robert/Veronica, 9690 137th Ave. NW, Fort...... 834-2274 HAUG, Dick/Jeanette, 412 F - M Road, Noonan... 925-5637 HAUGEN, Mervin & Ron, 8650 132nd Ave. NW, Alamo.... 528-4222 HAUGENOE Amber.................................................................. 965-5362 Bryan/Kristi, 504 4th Av SE, Box 348................ 965-6723 Don/Vicki, 601 N. Main St., Box 303, Crosby... 965-4264 Don/Vicki cell..................................................... 570-2309 Joann, 106 4th Ave. SW, Box 579, Crosby......... 965-6727 Levi/Shana, 312 1st Ave. SW, Box 715, Cros..... 965-6564 Roger, 312 3rd Ave. SE, Box 324, Crosby.......... 965-4207 Haugland’s Action Auction 12520 104th St. NW, Ambrose.................. 965-6234 HAUGLAND, Cleo, 302 3rd St. SW, Box 51........ 965-5827 Delany/Juli, 408 1st St. SW, Crosby............480-296-3149 Donovan, 12985 84th St. NW, Alamo................ 528-4493 Drew, 507 1st St. NW, Crosby............................ 641-9846 Gerald, (Butch), 12520 104th St. NW, Crosby .. 965-6234 Goodwin, 507 2nd St. SE, Crosby...................... 965-6212 Grant/Sheila, 601 3rd St SE, Box 174, Crosby... 965-8499 Guy/Mary, 12555 ND 5 NW, Ambrose............... 965-6125 Kent, 12311 105th St. NW, Crosby..................... 965-6166 Norm/Pat, 606 1st St. SW, Crosby...................... 965-6209 Wayne, 10411 123rd St. NW, Crosby................. 965-6307 J.D. Electric and Gun & Wildlife Museum HAY, Heather, 11860 93rd St. NW, Box 347.......... 965-5820 Robert, 11820 93rd St. NW, Crosby................... 965-6298 Robert (Shop)...................................................... 965-6142 HAYES, Lydia, Wallin Manor B-6, ....................... 580-1751 Anna, Box 205, Noonan...................................... 925-5125 HAZEL, Vicky, 205 2nd St. NW, Crosby Heavenly Touch Massage, 109 S Main, Crosby..... 570-4707 HECKMAN, James, 14395 100th St. NW, Fort..... 834-2482 Hedahl’s Parts Plus, 117 N. Main, Crosby.965-6891 HEIDE, Charles/Elaine, 507 1st Ave. NW.............. 965-6435 Dwight, 9445 Co 5 NW, Grenora....................... 694-4755 Mark, 10310 111th Ave. NW, Noonan................ 965-6217 HELLEN Robert/Shari, 10335 119 Ave. NW, Box 470...... 965-6872 HERLAND, Levern, Box 34, Alamo...................... 528-3635 HERMAN, Gene, 10065 151 Ave. NW, Westby.... 985-2471 Gerald, 15190 ND 5 NW, Westby....................... 985-2413 Wayne/Arletta, 14750 ND 5 NW, Westby.......... 985-2653 HESSELBART, Sandy, Wallin Manor B-3............. 965-3388 HEUER, Arlan/Kathy, 918 Parkway Dr., Crosby... 965-4820 Bob, 410 Main St. S, Box 206, Noonan............. 925-5731 Brad, 301 Haugerud St., Box 369, Noonan........ 925-5740 Tim, 9330 Co 21 NW, Noonan........................... 925-5662 Highway Dept. Shop, Hwy 5 & 42 W, Crosby....... 965-6972 Highway Patrol Emergency Assistance........1-800-472-2121 HILL, James, 308 Adams St., Box 62, Noonan...... 925-5640 Hilland Partners, Noonan........................................ 925-4100 HOFF, Victor/Luella, Wallin Manor A-1, Crosby... 965-5822 HOLM, Arthur, 109 5th St. NW, Crosby................ 965-6138 Mark, 12265 101st St. NW, Crosby.................... 965-6551 Ole, 13310 85th St. NW, Alamo......................... 528-3505 Homestead Saloon, 103 N Main, Box 178, Crosby................... 965-4327 Home Town Limo Service, Crosby........... 965-6680 HOSETH, Robert, Sunrise Care Center.................. 965-5738 Hot Stuff Pizza 104 1st Ave.NW................. 965-6274 HOWARD Dale/Ilene, 605 Central Ave. W, Box 353............. 965-6965 Harold, 9125 115th St. NW, Wildrose............... 965-4275 Robert/Rose, 8755 Co 17 NW, Wildrose............ 539-2277 HUCKABEE, Larry, 12390 NW 105th NW, Cr..... 965-8799 HURLEY, Steve/Cari, 204 4th Av NE, Crosby....... 965-4404 (701) 965-6436 Emergency 701-641-1911 123 N, Main Street - PO Box 8 - Crosby, ND Joey’s Bar & Lounge Dart s NEW Draft Beer and Appetizers! Open Mon. - Sat. from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. Sunday from 12 p.m. to 1 a.m. Happy Hours Mon. - Fri. from 4 to 6 p.m. 965-4333 106 North Main Street - Crosby, ND l o Po “You got a lot more going for you with Hank, Hardware Hank!” Tim & Lori Gjovig - 120 S. Main - Crosby, ND 965-6561 Crosby Business Directory Abstract Services Divide/Burke Abstract Co . 965-6352 Accountants Kocher Financial, Inc. . . . . . 965-6321 Rosemary Tanberg, CPA. . . 965-6662 Ag Products/Fertilizer Derik Pulvermacher Seed . 641-0385 New Century Ag Agronomy Center . . . . . . 965-6875 Ag Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6326 Legume Logic . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6058 Melby Farm & Ranch Supply965-4284 Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Casteel’s Refrigeration . . . . 965-6434 Airport Crosby Airport . . . . . . . . . . 965-6722 Apartments Ask Apartments . . . . . . . . . 965-3334 Crosby Flats. . . . . . . . . . 612-669-1702 Crosby Homes . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6835 Crosby Housing Authority . 965-5570 Crosby Investments . . . 320-266-0823 Divide Vista . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339-2140 Penney Place . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6352 Northern Lights Villa Assisted Living Center . . . . 965-6384 Wallin Manor . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-5570 Attorney Elizabeth Pendlay, Attorney 965-6036 Mr. K’s Lounge & Bottleshop Homestead Saloon . . . . . . . Bootleggers, Noonan . . . . . Southside Tavern, Noonan Beauty Shops Dar’s Cut ‘n’ Curl . . . . . . . . . 965-6460 Shear Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-2888 Famous on Fifth, Noonan . . 925-3584 Building Service & Supplies Bert’s Woodworks. . . . . . . . 965-6194 Crosby Building Supply . . . 965-6002 Jim Holmes Construction406-581-9427 Krebsbach Construction . . 965-6039 Lund Construction . . . . . . . 965-6169 Clothing Crafts 4-U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosby Hardware Hank . . . J. Co. Drug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Century Ag . . . . . . . . . KCSR - Jeremy Kessler . . . . 965-4727 Crop Spraying Melby Spraying Service, Inc (Home) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-4284 (Airport ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6279 Sparks Ag Service . 965-6239 or 6154 Day Care Services Crosby Kids Daycare . . . . . 965-5437 Cindy Johnson. . . . . . . . . . . 965-6678 Dry Cleaner Automotive Parts Electric Utilities Hedahl’s Parts Plus. . . . . . . 965-6891 Crosby Auto & Truck Parts 965-6700 Automotive Services Bob’s Service Center . . . . . Casteel, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosby Tire and Body . . . . New Century Ag Shop . . . . M & M Diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . Sorum Oil Company . . . . . . 965-6275 965-6434 965-6512 965-3400 965-6128 965-6812 Banks BNC National Bank . . . . . . . 965-6076 Farmers State Bank Crosby 965-6333 First National Bank & Trust 965-6091 Bars/Off Sale Crosby Moose Lodge #1209 965-6701 Crosby Self Serve/Hot Stuff 965-6274 Joey’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-4333 965-6106 965-6561 965-6671 965-3401 Computer Repair/Service Auction & Appraisal Services Haugland’s Action Auction 965-6234 965-6686 965-4327 925-5700 925-5788 Launder & Tailor House . . . 965-6403 Burke-Divide Electric Co-op 939-6671 MDU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-638-3278 Sheridan Electric . . . . . 406-789-2231 Entertainment Crosby Country Club . . . . . 965-6157 Dakota Theatre . . . . . . . . . . 965-6797 Fabric Pleasant Pheasant Fabrics. 965-5000 Flowers Crosby Floral & Gifts . . . . . 965-6071 Food Stores & Suppliers Ekness Super Valu. . . . . . . . 965-6412 Power Creamery . . . . . . . . . 965-6382 Funeral Home Stakston-Martin Funeral Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6932 This section sponsored by: Furniture/Floorcovering Guardian Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6400 Garbel’s Furniture & Flooring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6367 Gifts, Books & More Book Barn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crafts 4-U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosby Floral & Gifts . . . . . Crosby Hardware Hank . . . J. Co. Drug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variety Marketplace . . . . . . 965-5001 965-6106 965-6071 965-6561 965-6671 965-3000 Grain Dealers/Cleaning New Century Ag Ambrose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 982-3391 Crosby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6371 Fortuna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834-2311 Noonan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-5783 Westby . . . . . . . . . . (406) 385-2472 Northern Grain Cleaners . . 965-6298 Hardware/Appliances/TV B & B Hardware, Noonan . . Crosby Hardware Hank . . . J.D. Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variety Marketplace . . . . . . 925-5686 965-6561 965-6436 965-3000 Health & Fitness Lighten Up Wellness Center 965-5483 Prairie Tumbleweeds Gym 965-6354 NW Health & Wellness . . . . 740-5649 Health & Medical Crosby Chiropractic Clinic Crosby Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . Crosby Optometric Clinic . Maisey Dental Clinic . . . . . . Heavenly Touch Massage . St. Luke’s -- Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . -- Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- Sunrise Care Center . . . . Upper Missouri District Health Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-3222 965-6349 965-6590 965-4362 965-5483 Shear Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-2888 Famous on Fifth, Noonan . . 925-3584 Newspaper/printing/copying The Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6088 Pharmacy J. Co. Drug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6671 Photography Krystal Peterson . . . . . . . . . 965-4463 Tracy Brady Photography . 965-6112 Plumbing, Heating, Electric DK’s Plumbing and Heating 965-6448 J.D. Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6436 Restaurants Bootleggers (Noonan) . . . . 925-5700 Crosby Self Serve/Hot Stuff 965-6274 CJ’s Drive in . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-4371 Ma FagerlandDiner, Noonan 925-5833 Mr. K’s Steakhouse . . . . . . . 965-6686 New Century Ag . . . . . . . . . 965-3401 Red Rooster . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-6516 Uno Mas, Noonan . . . . . . . . 925-3334 Sanitation/Septic Circle Sanitation . . . . . . . . . 925-1375 NW Septic & Oilfied Service 965-6543 Tanning Shear Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965-2888 Telephone/Cable/Internet Service Nemont Telephone . . . . 888-338-0252 NCC-Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568-3331 Z Wireless, Verizon . . . . . . . 965-5398 965-6384 965-6384 965-6086 Travel Services 965-6813 Trucking Insurance American Family Insurance 965-6319 Brad Johnson Insurance . . 965-4200 Farmers Union Insurance . 965-6335 Lindsey Insurance . . . . . . . 965-3300 Insurance Services . . . . . . . 965-6660 Laundry Launder & Tailor Shop . . . . 965-6403 Motels & Lodging Nails, Pedicures/Manicures Crash Pad & Noonan Hotel 925-3333 Golden Hub Motel . . . . . . . . 965-6368 Travel World of Crosby . . . 965-6232 Binde Trucking . . . . . . . . . . Rindel Trucking . . . . . . . . . . Ryco Services . . . . . . . . . . . Simonson-Oien Trucking . . T & R Transport . . . . . . . . . 982-3593 965-2500 965-5565 965-6158 965-6031 Veterinarian Northwest Vet-Powers Lake 464-5121 Welding Iron Horse Fab. & Weld . . . 965-6666 Wayne’s Welding . . . . . . . . . 965-6038 Fertile Valley Daneville 5 Westby Elkhorn Sioux Trail Troy 42 17 17 Border COUNTY HIGHWAYS 21 Hayland Stoneview Upland 21 Noonan ✪ Mentor 17 Blooming Coalfield Valley 5 42 Palmer Frazier 42 Hawkeye ✪ Crosby 11 11 Fillmore Long Creek Frederick Plumer Garnet Burg 11 Twin Butte 7 Smokey Butte 85 Alexandria 7 Writing 85 5 Lincoln Valley ✪ 7 Gooseneck Ambrose Blooming ✪ Prairie Ambrose Clinton 5 Fortuna DeWitt 5 Divide County STATE HIGHWAYS 21 17 HUWE, James/Amalia, 602 Central #D1, Box 416..965-5268 Lois, 602 W Central #3, Crosby......................... 965-2238 Theron, 11967 ND 5 NW, Box 191, Crosby....... 965-4890 -I- IMHOFF, Kristi, Wallin Manor B-4,Crosby........... 720-1153 INGWALSON, Paul, 610 3rd St. SE, Box I........... 965-6609 INMAN, Brian........................................................ 965-3202 Insurance Services, Inc., 213 Main, Box 169, ....... 965-6660 Iron Horse Fab and Weld, 110 E Central, Crosby... 965-6666 IVEY, Lonni, Crosby.............................................. 965-4574 -J- J. Co. Drug, 120 N. Main, Box 50, Crosby... 965-6671 Toll Free.......................................1-800-201-6671 Fax......................................................... 965-6849 J. D. Electric 123 North Main, Box 8, Crosby................. 965-6436 JACOBS, Greg/London, 10855 ND 40, Noonan.... 925-5630 Jim/Theresa, 608 2nd St. SE, Crosby................. 965-8121 JACOBSON, Aaron, 11327 ND 5 NW, Noonan.... 965-6894 Abner/Josephine, 512 1st St. SW, Box 121......... 965-4344 Eldo/Michelle, 11877 78th St. NW, Wildrose..... 539-2136 I.J./Bev, 201 2nd St. NW, Box 50, Crosby......... 965-4222 John/Marilyn, 10257 113 Ave. NW, Box 104 .... 965-6282 Lynn/Jan, 8652 125th Ave. NW, Alamo.............. 539-2310 Ronald, 11325 ND 5 NW, Box 267, Crosby....... 965-6165 JASTRZEBSKI, Mark, 402 1st St. SW.................. 965-6015 Stefan/Lillian, 411 5th Ave. SE, Crosby............................. JEGLUM, Jeff/Lynae, 11975 County 14, Crosby... 965-3576 Lyle, 13620 US 85 NW, Fortuna......................... 834-2302 JENSEN, Steve/Kristen, 8433 125 Av NW, Alamo..539-2316 Jim Holmes Construction, Noonan......................... 925-2023 Crosby office, Box 566, Crosby........................ 965-4371 Gerald/Doris, 403 7th Ave. SE, Crosby.............. 965-6030 Harlan, 9005 ND 42, Crosby.............................. 965-4218 Jerome, 10375 Co. 15 NW, Crosby.................... 965-4234 Jerry/Cindy, 213 6th St. NE, Crosby................... 965-6678 Kelly (Biwer), Box 238, Crosby......................... 965-4948 Kyle/Bridget, 302 4th Av NE, Box 493.............. 965-5833 Landon/Jen, 503 NE 2nd, Box 318, Crosby....... 965-4466 Lavern, 8765 146th Ave. NW, Grenora............... 694-4672 Loring, 13145 86th St. NW, Alamo.................... 528-4612 Melford, 13045 84th St. NW, Alamo.................. 528-4492 Neil/Jo, 9345 132nd Ave. NW, Fortuna.............. 982-3515 Norm/Geralyn, 9410 131 Ave. NW, Ambrose.... 982-3573 Patti, 802 1st Ave. NE, Box 487, Crosby............ 965-4322 Richard D., 9325 Co 3 NW, Westby................... 985-2673 Rodney/Nicole,101 8th Av SW, Box 73, Cros.... 965-3738 Roger/Mary, 10415 96th St. NW, Noonan.......... 925-5781 Scott/Tara, 9588 103rd Ave. NW, Noonan.......... 925-5665 Violet, 12085 97th St. NW, Crosby..................... 965-6278 JONES, Candice, 108 4th Ave. SW, Box 332......... 965-4663 JORAANSTAD, Stephen/Ardis, 505 3rd SE, Bx 124, Crosby...... 965-4247 Journal, JOURNAL,The The 217 Main N, Box E, Crosby...................... 965-6088 Fax................................................................965-6089 www.journaltrib.com E-mail..journal@crosbynd.com JOYCE, William, 10855 101st St. NW, Noonan.... 925-5711 JOZWIAK, Julie, Ambrose..................................... 982-3260 Joey’s Bar & Lounge, 106 N Main, ......... 965-4333 JOHNSON, Brad/Denise, 208 1st St. NW, Crosby.965-4219 Doris, Northern Lights Villa............................... 965-6762 Doug/Leah, Noonan............................................ 925-5855 Duane/Kris, 10100 117th Ave. NW, Crosby....... 965-6448 Earl H./Ottie, 501 4th Ave. SE, Box 168............ 965-4294 Erin, Wallin Manor B-8, Crosby......................... 570-1209 Eugene, 9260 139th Ave. NW, Fortuna............... 834-2373 Eugene/Diane, 9590 103rd Ave. NW, Noonan... 925-5726 Montana-Dakota UTILITIES CO. “In the community to serve” Call Toll Free for Service 1-800-MDU-FAST (1-800-638-3278) Phone: 611 or 568-3331 Bringing modern communications to NW N.D.!! www.nccray.com Penney Place •8 Modern Apartments •Downtown Location •All Utilites Furnished 965-6352 Crosby, ND 18 -K- KELLER, Jerry A., 406 6th Ave. SE, Crosby......... 641-6171 KEMP, Vic/Lisa, Box 729, Crosby......................... 965-5689 Kessler Computer Service Box 197, Crosby.965-4727 KESSLER, Jeremy, Box 197, Crosby..............240-485-0925 Tim/Janelle, 508 McAnders, Crosby.................. 965-6832 KILGORE, Scott, 304 Adams, Box 123, Noonan. 925-5814 KIMBALL, James, 9980 Co 21 NW, Noonan........ 925-5821 KINNISON, Don E., 605 5th Ave. SE, Crosby...... 965-6291 KIPPEN, Heather, 903 Parkway Drive, Box 583... 965-5583 KNUDSON, Arla, 405 4th St. NE, Crosby............. 965-6914 Jerome, 103 7th Ave. SE, Box 232, Crosby........ 965-6555 Les/Becky, Box 572, Crosby.............................. 965-6009 Mark/Tammy, 11223 108th St. NW, Crosby....... 965-6347 KNUDSVIG Bernice, 8855 134th Ave. NW, Alamo................ 694-4191 Gary, 13505 89th St. NW, Alamo....................... 694-2150 Joyce, 8710 134th Ave. NW, Alamo................... 528-4562 Gene/Roxi, 8855 134th Ave NW, Alamo............ 694-4523 KNUTSON, Randi, 307 Linda St., Ambrose.......... 982-3372 Kocher Financial, Inc. 211 N Main, Box 130.................................. 965-6321 KOCHER, Anjelika, Box 495, Crosby................... 965-2073 Barb, 402 SE 4th, Box 637, Crosby.................... 965-6951 Kurt/Sandra, 11965 ND 5 NW, Box 130............ 965-6714 Meghan, Wallin Manor C-8, Crosby................... 580-1241 KOPPANG Marvin/Ruth, 401 SE 1st, Box 504, Crosby........ 965-6675 KOSTEK, Larry/Gail, 10810 125th Ave. NW....... 982-3385 Larry/Gail, 111B 1st St. NW, Crosby................. 570-2146 Robert, 10850 125th Ave. NW, Crosby............... 982-3252 Krebsbach Construction, Box 153, Crosby............. 965-6039 KREBSBACH, Ken, 607 4th Ave. SE, Box 153.... 965-6039 Kasey/Rachele, 707 2nd St. SE, Crosby............. 965-5684 Jesse, 605 2nd St. SE.......................................... 570-0656 KRECKLAU, Jamison, 10945 101st St. SW.......... 925-5690 Lynn, 10545 103rd St. NW, Noonan................... 925-5712 KRIMM, Rob/Cecile, Box 281, Crosby................. 641-8692 KRISE, James/Jennifer, 11455 89th St. NW, Wldr.539-2250 KROKE, Otis/Kathy, 602 2nd St. SE, Crosby........ 965-4373 KROSHUS, Alan, 605 1st St. SE, Box 415............ 965-4335 Kelly, 206 2nd Ave. W, Box 434, Crosby........... 641-0019 Wholesale - Retail - Complete Line of Rebuilt Parts Anti Freeze and Engine Heaters Welding and Air Conditioning Supplies www.hedahls.com Fax: 701-965-6811 965-6891 - Crosby, ND Robert, 209 5th St. NE, Box 434, Crosby........... 965-4280 Russell, 205 2nd Ave. NE, Crosby....641-8923 / 965-5830 KUEFFLER, Scott, 8625 County 5 NW, Gren....... 694-3620 KUHN, Carey, 306 4th St. NW, Crosby................. 965-2045 KULSTAD, Dennis, Box 419, Crosby.................... 965-4565 KVALE, Ken/Marian, 501 McAnders, Box 233..... 965-6788 -L- LACEY, Gary/Christian, Box 458, Crosby............. 965-2337 LACY, Terry, Divide Vista Apt. 3, Crosby.............. 965-3501 LAGEIN, Arthur, 10560 99th St. NW, Noonan..... 925-5689 D., Box 157, Noonan.......................................... 925-5803 LALLUM, Dale/Marcia, 302 1st St. NE, Crosby... 965-4305 LAMONTAGNE, Suzanne, 603 2nd St. SE........... 965-5857 LAMPERT, Dennis/Carol, 305 5th St. NE............. 965-6993 Lee/Carrie, 13255 104th St. NW, Fortuna.......... 982-3324 Laid Back Massage, 206 N. Main St. .............612-220-5318 LANDSTROM, Allan, 10850 118th Ave. NW ...... 965-6155 LANDSVERK Randy/Heather, 110 1st Av NW, Box 256............. 965-3250 LANGBERG, Chad/Jackie, Box 768, Crosby........ 965-8750 LANGLEY, Kate, Box 326, Crosby....................... 302-0314 LANTZ, Joey.......................................................... 965-2029 LARSEN, Brad/Robbi, 904 Crest Drive, Crosby... 965-8883 Daniel, 10250 134th Ave. NW, Fortuna.............................. Richard, 225 Tenny St., Fortuna......................... 834-2222 LARSON, Arthur, 312 5th St. NE, Crosby ............ 965-2345 Conrad, 10910 97th St. NW, Noonan................. 925-5812 Kevin/Heather, 12790 91st NW, Alamo............. 528-4652 Kevin Cell........................................................... 641-9755 Paul, Fortuna....................................................... 982-3511 Robert G., 514 1st St. NE, Crosby...................... 965-6544 Selmer/Georgia, Box 726, Crosby...................... 965-4652 Launder & Tailor House, 106 W Cen...... 965-6403 LAUTENSCHLAGER, Cheryl, 501 NW 2nd St.... 339-8360 LEDAHL, Arlyn/Laurie, 8780 Co. 7 NW, Zahl...... 694-6251 Brian, 9005 137th Ave. NW, Zahl....................... 694-3511 Matthew/Amber, 8860 138th Ave. NW, Zahl..... 694-4232 LEE, Clayton, Fortuna, .......................................... 834-2401 Duane, 9715 Co. 5 NW, Fortuna......................... 834-2425 Glen, 10310 125th Ave. NW, Crosby.................. 965-6296 City Residence, 104 2nd St. NE, Crosby............ 965-5296 Jamie, 211 NW 2nd, Box 387, Crosby................ 965-4007 Good Fun Good Friends Goo tim d es d Goo e c pla 19 LEE, Joseph/Diana, Box 905, Crosby.................... 965-5446 Larry/Miriam, 202 9th Av SE, Box 169, Cros... 965-6925 Larry, farm, Fortuna............................................ 834-2314 LEGAARD Spencer/Judy, 14160 ND 5 NW, Box 127, Fort..834-2232 Wanda, 13820 104th St NW, Box 87, Fortuna.... 834-2231 LEHOLM, Erling, 208 8th Av SE Apt. 1, Crosby . 965-6582 LEININGER, Elaine, Alkabo................................. 834-2423 Lexi, Fortuna....................................................... 834-2289 LERVIK, Bryan/Lisa, 106 NE 2nd, Crosby........... 629-2108 Wayne/Nancy, 9240 Co. 17 NW, Crosby............ 965-6110 LEWIS, Dolores, 306 1st St. NE, Box 296............. 965-4248 LIEN, Peggy K., 10650 106th St. NW, Noonan..... 925-5715 Lighten Up Wellness Center, 109 1st Av NE, Box 75, Crosby.................. 965-5483 LINDEMANN, Greg/Pam, 318 3rd Ave. SE.......... 965-6174 Lindsey Insurance, 206 N Main, Box 117.............. 965-6878 LINDSEY, Dan/Helen, 409 W Central, Crosby..... 965-4341 Darnell/Jackie, 510 3rd St. SE, Box 117, ........... 965-4859 Daryl, 210 Central Ave E, Box 272, Crosby....... 965-6844 Devin/KayCee, 401 E Central, Box 561, Crosby.965-2063 Dustin, 12320 106th St. NW, Ambrose............... 965-5697 Keith, 111A 1st St. NW, Crosby......................... 965-6191 Leland, 404 E Central, Box 224, Crosby............ 965-6878 Neil/Paula, 10445 119th Av. NW, Box 243, Cr... 965-6573 LOKKEN, Brenda, 307 1st St. NW, Crosby........... 965-6725 Gary/Cheryl, 405 5th Ave. SE, Crosby............... 965-4265 Gary’s Cell: 339-8319 Cheryl’s Cell: 339-8132 Glen/Betty, 10575 Cty Rd 19 NW, McGregor.... 539-2210 Jon/Jaclyn, 208 2nd St. NW, Crosby................. 965-5540 LOUCKS, Barry/Nicki, 305 NE 2nd, Box 433...... 965-4273 LOWNSBERRY, Tracy / Brenda, Crosby, fax....... 965-2315 Brenda’s Cell: 231-349-5983 Tracy: 231-420-2210 LOVDAHL, Ellen, Noonan.................................... 925-4701 LOVELL, Joy, 502 F-to-M Road, Noonan............. 925-4737 LUING, Kelly......................................................... 965-5128 Lund Construction, 310 3rd Ave. SW....... 965-6169 LUND, Alton, 400 Washington, Box 95, Noonan . 925-5770 Brian/Connie, 511 Main St. S, Crosby................ 965-6936 Curtis/Patty, 611 1st St. SE, Box 323, Crosby.... 965-4211 Dallas, 406 Washington, Box 394, Noonan........ 925-5663 Delores, 306 Adams St., Box 124, Noonan........ 925-5658 Home Town Limo Service Durant/Traci, 511 NE 2nd, Box 592, Crosby...... 965-0444 Gary, 605 Main St. S, Crosby............................. 965-6438 John, Box 9, Noonan, ......................................... 925-5725 Lois, 102 8th Ave. SE, Box 264, Crosby........... 965-6877 Nicholas, Box 141, Crosby................................. 965-4919 LUNDSTAD, Linda, 506 NE 1st, Box 537............ 965-3456 LYSTAD, Gene, 12710 101st St. NW, Ambrose... 982-3545 -M- M Diesel & Repair, 206 S Main ............................ 965-6128 MACKLIN, Elda, Sunrise Care Center.................. 965-6527 Maisey Dental Clinic, 112 1st Ave NW....... 965-4362 Toll Free......................................... 877-774-1879 MANGEL, Alan, Westby........................................ 985-2465 Darrell, 9415 Co. 3 NW, Westby........................ 985-2691 MARSCHNER Marlyn (Wigginton), 611 3rd St. SE, Crosby..... 965-6539 Michelle, Box 86, Crosby................................... 965-4315 MATHSON, D. D., Ambrose.................................. 982-3335 McCARTY, Dave, 307 NE 2nd, Box 310, Crosby. 965-6982 McCOMBS, Crissy, 309 5th Ave. SE, Box 381...... 965-4799 Lonnie, Box 45, Crosby...................................... 965-5580 McELWAIN, Bonnie, Westby................................. 985-2622 McGHAN, Ilene, 103 3rd St. SE, Box 396............. 965-6694 McIVor, Craig, 11455 99th St. NW, Crosby....... 965-6120 McKIBBEN, Stan, 602 N Main, Box 520.............. 965-6917 McPHAIL, R. Paul, 506 Main St., Ambrose.......... 982-3312 Melby Farm & Ranch Supply ................. 965-4284 MELBY, Ardyce, 607 1st Ave. NW, #1... 570-6251/965-6800 Kent, 301 W Central, Box 255,.303-905-7561 / 965-3075 Kenneth, Westby................................................. 985-2686 Michael D., 102 5th St. SW, Box 154................. 965-4284 Michael, 12160 Co. 14 NW, Crosby................... 965-6971 Robert, 306 7th Ave SE, Box 253, Crosby......... 965-4151 MELGAARD Gene/Susan, 9375 103rd Ave NW, Noonan ....... 925-5829 Murril, 403 2nd Ave. N, Crosby......................... 965-6787 MEYER, Judy, 308 3rd St. NW, Box 707, Crosby.965-6707 MICHELSON, Lynn/Jody, 909 Hillside Dr............ 965-6356 MILLER, Barry/Carla, 10365 ND 5 NW, Noon..... 925-5855 Blaine/Candyce, 911 Hillside Dr., Box 490........ 965-6423 Lonnie, 10675 97th St. NW, Noonan.................. 925-5685 MOE, Colin/Cindy, 603 4th Ave. SE, Crosby......... 965-6477 Maisey Dental Clinic 1-877-774-1879 - Crosby, ND - 965-4362 COMPLETE FAMILY DENTAL CARE! SERVICE IS OUR SPECIALTY For Prices or Reservations on individually designed packages, please call: Williston - 774-0100 Crosby - 965-6680 *GENERAL DENTISTRY *COSMETIC DENTISTRY *ORTHODONTICS William H. Maisey, DDS Edward D. Maisey, DDS “We Cater To Kids And To The Sensitive Patient” COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE OPEN: T-W-Th We Welcome New Patients 20 MOE, Donald/Joyce, 9050 120th Ave. NW, Crosby.965-6140 Perry, 12050 County 12, Crosby......................... 965-6499 MOERICKE, Ron/Ruth, 9950 Co. 3 NW, Westby.985-2468 MOLANDER Gary/Donna, 507 Central Ave. W, Box 595 ....... 965-6892 MONSON, Chad/Joann, Westby............................ 985-2404 Montana-Dakota Utilities................ 800-638-3278 Before excavating call.................... 800-795-0555 MONTEYNE, Keith/Tammy, 304 F to M, Noon... 925-5806 Moose Lodge, 111 Central Ave W, Crosby............. 965-6701 MOSSER, Nancy, 13645 104th St. NW, Fortuna... 834-2221 MOUM, Geraldine, 106 3rd St. NE, Crosby.......... 965-6864 Dale, 11150 97th St. NW, Box 64,Crosby.......... 965-6101 Dale’s cell.............................................................. 570-6101 Mr. K’s Lounge, Steakhouse & Bottleshop 820 4th St. SE......................................... 965-6686 MULLER Rodney, 8640 147th Ave. NW, Grenora............. 694-3461 Murphy Motors, Williston.................1-800-888-2927 MYERS, Arlene, 12885 Co. 2 NW, Ambrose......... 982-3225 David, 12883 Cty. Road 2 NW, Ambrose........... 982-3216 Jonathan, 55 Lovers Lane W, Ambrose.............. 982-3300 Ron, 10325 119th Ave. NW, Crosby................... 965-2099 -NNAPA/Crosby Auto & Truck Parts.......... 965-6700 NELSON, Doug, 507 Main St. S, Box 518, Crosby............... Ethyl Mae, Box 8, Noonan................................. 925-5804 Jeremy, Box 125, Crosby.................................... 965-6035 Marilee, 9790 107th Ave. NW ........................... 925-5795 Marvin D., 15120 94th St. NW, Westby............. 985-2671 Michael, 9345 125th Ave. NW, Box 125............ 965-5265 Nathan/Jody, 607 S Main, Box 484, Crosby....... 965-4488 Verna, Box 701, Crosby...................................... 570-4707 NESS, Elizabeth, Ambrose..................................... 982-3253 Ellen, Ambrose.................................................... 982-3202 Jon A., 12633 104th St. NW, Ambrose............... 982-3213 Will, 10495 ND 42 NW, Ambrose...................... 982-3229 New Century Ag Ambrose Elevator.................................. 982-3391 Crosby Agronomy Center..................... 965-6875 Crosby Oil Station................................. 965-3401 Crosby Truck Stop Center..................... 965-3400 Crosby Elevator No. 1........................... 965-6371 Crosby Elevator No. 2........................... 965-6341 Fortuna Elevator................................... 834-2311 Fortuna Fertilizer Plant.......................... 834-2315 Noonan Convenience Store.................. 925-5055 Noonan Elevator No. 1.......................... 925-5783 Noonan Anydrous Plant........................ 925-5800 Noonan Chemical Building..................... 925-5624 Westby Elevator............................. 406-385-2472 Westby Terminal............................. 406-385-2630 NICHOLS, Jeanette, Wallin Manor B-1................. 641-0195 Jenna, Wallin Manor D-7, Crosby...................... 648-9329 Mark, 508 2nd St. SE, Crosby............................ 965-2000 NIELSEN, Don, 109 2nd St. SW, Crosby.............. 965-6623 Eric/Cindy, 15240 94th St. NW, Westby............. 985-2616 NIHART, Sandy, Wallin Manor A-2, Crosby......... 965-4913 NIXON, Dallas....................................................... 965-2802 Noonan City Hall, 605 S Main, Box 97................. 925-5687 Noonan Community Center, 605 S Main ............... 925-5687 Noonan Fire Hall, Noonan...................................... 925-5678 Noonan Insurance Agency...................................... 925-5635 NORBY, Van/Ken, Northern Lights Villa #105...... 965-7121 N.D. Highway Dept. Shop, Hiway 5-42................. 965-6972 NORDMAN, Larry 10395 98th St. NW, Noonan... 925-5621 NORDSTOG, Eric, Crosby..................................... 965-4246 Ryan, 208 4th St. NE, Box 523, Crosby............. 965-2745 Derek/Tanaya, Box 779...................................................... NORTHERN LIGHTS VILLA, 608 McAnders..... 965-6384 Northwest Communications Cooperative Ray ...........................................611 or 568-3331 Northwest Health & Wellness Center/Parks office.965-2650 Wellness Center Kitchen.................................... 965-2652 Wellness/Parks Maintenance Office................... 965-2651 Northwest Human Service Center, 602 Main N..... 965-6025 Emergency Counseling After 5 p.m.............800-231-7724 Northwest Job Development Authority, Crosby..... 965-6006 Northwest Septic Service, Box 510........................ 641-8614 ed ooster Omar & Stephanie Coston afe Open daily at 6:00 a.m. Darnell Lindsey 206 N Main St Crosby, ND 58730 Phone: 701-965-3300 Web site: www.lindseyifg.com Daily Soups and Specials 8 flavors of Blue Bunny Ice Cream Soft Serve Chocolate, Vanilla, & Twist 965-6516 Crosby, ND 21 Northwest Veterinary Service Box F, Powers Lake................................. 464-5121 NYGAARD, Ben, 409 5th Ave. NW, Crosby......... 965-5434 Corrie, 204 4th Ave. NW, Box 5, Crosby............ 965-5760 Curtis, Box 46, Crosby....................................... 965-3563 Gene/Sue, 506 2nd St. NE, Box 591................... 965-6358 John Jr., 501 1/2 Central Ave. W, Box 8............ 965-6603 Julian/Elaine, 11310 97th St. NW, Crosby......... 965-6198 Kayla, 305 3rd Ave. W, Noonan......................... 925-5023 Kent/Bev, 704 Main St. S, Box 142, Crosby...... 965-4230 Kyle, 325 3rd Ave W, Box 84, Noonan............... 925-5722 Lee, Box 142, Crosby......................................... 965-3454 Lloyd, 9790 118th Ave. NW............................... 965-4470 Lynn, 802 1st Ave. NW, Crosby.......................................... Myrtle, 702 Wash., Box 128 Noonan.................. 925-5618 Norma, 111 2nd St. SW, Box 285, Crosby......... 965-2176 Raymond/Jean, 8533 Co. 19 NW, Wildrose....... 539-2137 Seth/Stephanie, 8555 Co. 19, Wildrose................ 539-2763 Vern/Glenda, 206 8th Ave. SE, Crosby............... 965-3563 NYSTUEN, Eric, 8940 124th Ave. NW, Alamo..... 539-2353 John/Susan, 8950 124th Av NW, Alamo............. 539-2350 -O- OBERG, Chad/Britanya, Fortuna........................... 834-2259 OIEN, Doug/Cheryl, 924 Parkway Dr., Crosby...... 965-3338 Elwood, Northern Lights Villa #101, Crosby..... 965-6158 Greg/Kari, 202 2nd Ave. NW, Box 728.............. 965-4394 OLESEN, Grace, 506 3rd St. SE, Crosby............... 965-6568 OLIN, Alice, 402 4th St. NE, Box 257, Crosby...... 965-4378 Rod, 607 1st Ave. NW #4, Crosby...................................... Roy, 102 2nd St. NW, Box 212, Crosby............. 965-6646 OLSEN, Arlen/Wanda, 706 S Main, Box 116........ 965-4334 Ian, Wallin Manor A-8 Crosby............................ 580-5636 Mervin, 509 2nd St. SE, Box 72, Crosby........... 965-6584 Ted/Dianne, 9845 136th Ave NW, Fortuna......... 834-2209 OLSON, Arlene, 208 8th Ave. SE, #2, Crosby, ..... 965-6702 Burton, 9845 121st Ave. NW, Crosby................. 965-6246 Christopher............................................................ 965-3825 David, 506 5th Ave SE, Box 407, Crosby........... 965-5687 Dennis, Fortuna................................................... 834-2240 Dirk, 11555 Hiway 5, Box 641, Crosby............................. Eldon, 8955 108th Av. NW, McGregor.............. 539-2115 Gene, 107 5th St. SW, Crosby............................ 965-6911 Gene, Farm, 107 5th St. SW, Crosby.................. 965-6117 Iown, 611 1st St. SW, Box 702, Crosby.............. 965-6930 Jacqueline, 75 3rd Ave. E, Ambrose..................... 982-3268 Jay, 15240 Co. 3 NW, Grenora........................... 694-3541 Jon/Janice, Ambrose .......................................... 982-3288 Keith/Michelle, 205 NW 4th, Box 273, Cros. ... 965-2580 Kellie, Fortuna.................................................... 834-2230 Kyanne, Box 441, Crosby................................... 965-6680 Larry, Box 36, Ambrose...................................... 982-3306 Leland, 13949 102ND St. NW, Fortuna.............. 834-2344 Milton, Ambrose................................................. 982-3231 Randy/Kim, 12372 Co. 12 NW, Crosby............... 965-6357 Ron/Vicki, 13945 101st St. NW, Fortuna........... 834-2324 Roy, Box 419, Crosby........................................... 965-5312 Sue, 8545 ND 42 NW, Alamo............................. 539-2387 Terry/Mavis, 800 8th Ave. SW, Box 357............ 965-6649 Tim, 301 4th St. SE, Crosby............................... 965-6680 OPPEGAARD, Mark/Heather, 11690 100th St. NW, Box 30...... 965-6531 OSVOLD, Dan, 709 SW 2nd, Box 577, Crosby..... 965-5306 Fred, 505 2nd St. NE, Crosby............................. 965-6815 Joseph (Skeeter), 305 4th Ave. NE, Crosby........ 965-4259 OVERBO, Don, 612 2nd St. SE, Crosby................ 965-6929 Doug/Maria, 515 2nd St. NE, Box 164, Cros..... 965-6455 OVERLAND, Kyle, 9540 137th Av NW, Fort....... 834-2287 Mark/Cheryl, 9680 125th Ave. NW, Crosby....... 965-6181 OWENS, Loren/Jane, 512 1st St. NW, Box 582..... 965-6069 -P- PARTRIDGE, Leroy, Wallin Manor A-5, Crosby... 648-8056 PAULSON, Jordin/Sheri, Box 107, Crosby............ 965-2042 PEDERSON Beverly, 10310 149th Ave. N., Westby............... 985-2672 Gary, 10880 93rd St. NW, Wildrose..................... 570-3190 Edith, Crosby...................................................... 965-5201 Ernest/Joyce, 11745 87th St. NW, Wildrose...... 539-2321 Fred, 107 2nd Ave. E, Ambrose.......................... 982-3237 Harriet, 108 2nd St. NE, Box 644, Crosby......... 965-8174 PEEK, Justin/Jennifer, 510 5th Ave. SE, Box 128.. 965-4124 Cell phone........................................................... 641-8197 PENDLAY, Elizabeth Attorney-at-Law, Box 289, Crosby............. 965-6036 Elizabeth/Heath, 212 NW 3rd, Box 289............. 965-2468 Rosemary Tanberg, CPA Certified Public Accountant Phone: 701-965-6662 Fax: 701-965-6750 Cell: 701-339-0121 rtanberg@nccray.net 213 N. Main Street - Crosby, ND of Crosby “Helping you see the world for over 21 years.” Steve & Ardis Joraanstad 965-6232 or 1-800-965-6232 e-mail: travlwld@nccray.com web site: travelworldofcrosby.com Motorcoach Tours - Cruises - Motel Reservations Amtrak - Auto Rental - Air Lines Taxes and Accounting Motel/Hotel Reservations - Auto Rental - Air Line - Cruises - Motel/Hotel Reservations 22 Penney Place, Box 229, Crosby.............. 965-6352 PERKLE, Jeff/Rocheta, Wallin Manor D-2............ 965-2048 PETERMAN, Harvey, 302 6th Av SE, Box 293..... 965-6780 Peterman Trucking, 10133 118th Ave. NW............ 965-6131 PETERSEN, Blaine, 910 Crest Drive, Box 48....... 965-6067 PETERSON Archie Jr., 11975 ND 5 NW, Box 543, Cros. ..... 965-6404 Brandon/Krystal, 11985 ND 5 NW, Crosby...... 965-4463 Gordon Jr., 103 3rd St. NW, Crosby................... 965-6826 Jerry, 303 3rd Ave. SE, Box 632, Crosby.......... 965-6867 Paul/Betty, 302 W Central, Box 284, Crosby..... 965-5844 Robin, 306 7th Ave. SE, Box 306....................... 965-3880 Sigard/Kermit, 10195 118th Ave. NW, Crosby................... Pete’s Gravel Products, Inc.................... 965-6826 11570 100th St. NW, Crosby, cell... 630-212-6429 PETTIT, Shirley, SE3 161-97, Crosby................... 965-6220 James, 510 1st Ave. NW, Box 571, Crosby........ 965-6781 PLACEK, Toby/Bonnie, 901 Crest Dr.................... 965-6505 Pleasant Pheasant Fabrics,111 N Main.. 965-5000 POLICE: Divide County Sheriff......................................... 965-6461 Highway Patrol.........................................1-800-472-2121 Portal Service.......................................................... 965-2314 Power Creamery 204 Main St S, Box 209........................... 965-6382 POWER, Charles, 508 5th Ave. SE, Box 204......... 965-6648 Chuck/Shelley, 524 Summit Ave., Noonan......... 925-4546 Kevin, 113A 1st St. NW, Box 209....339-0324 / 965-0324 POWERS, Belinda, 206 NE 5th, Box 461,Crosby.965-2059 Prairie Tumbleweeds Gym, 111 1st St NE.............. 965-6354 Precision Drilling, Crosby...................................... 965-2022 PRICE, Ray/Darlene, Box 358, Noonan................. 925-5036 Charles/Irene, 520 NE 4th, Box 730, Crosby..... 965-3334 PROBASCO, Zachary, 608 S Main, Crosby.......... 965-6802 PROBERTS, Jeff/Melissa, Box 778, Crosby.......... 965-5325 PULVERMACHER, Gene/Michelle, 12300 Co 12 NW, Box 449, Cr..965-4233 Lloyd, 14545 ND 5 NW, Alkabo........................ 834-2483 Loren/Jennifer, 14547 ND Hiway 5, Alkabo...... 834-2262 Perry/Sharon, 8905 ND 42, Crosby.................... 539-2002 T: 701.965.4727 C: 701.339.2726 E:jeremy@kcsrnd.com P.O. Box 197 301 Fourth St. NW Crosby, ND 58730 KCSR Kessler Computer Service & Repair Jeremy Kessler, Owner www.kcsrnd.com Richard, 13025 96th St. NW, Ambrose............... 982-3544 Wayne, 13027 96th St. NW, Ambrose................ 982-3555 Push-N-Pull Dozer Service, Crosby....................... 965-6414 -R- RAAUM, Dale, 10075 142nd Ave. NW, Fortuna... 834-2387 Radenic Upholstery, Ambrose ............................... 982-3376 RADENIC Joe/Kathy, 12875 105th St. NW, Ambrose......... 982-3355 RASMUSSEN Gerald, 14960 Co. 5 NW, Grenora...................... 694-2891 RAYMO Jerome, 513 F to M Road, Box 35, Noonan....... 925-5645 Raymond James® Financial Services 223 Main Street, Williston.................. 701-774-4165 REBERG, Megan, 211 1st St. NW, Crosby............ 965-6833 Red Rooster, 702 4th St. SE, Crosby.......... 965-6516 REDLIN, Lois, 500 4th St. NE, Crosby................. 965-6486 Tim/Jennifer, 12445 88th St. NW, Alamo........... 539-2194 REISTAD, David/Gloria, 14640 ND 5 NW, Alk.... 834-2434 Donald and Jim, 14620 ND 5 NW, Alkabo......... 834-2473 Harold, 14626 ND 5, Alkabo.............................. 834-2239 RENKEN, Gordon, Box 363, Crosby..................... 965-5387 RENNER, Craig, 8520 Co. 11 NW, Alamo............ 528-3782 Maxine, 12814 Cottonwood Lake Dr., Alamo........ 570-0889 RETZER, Ed/Doris, 107A 1st St. NW, Box 146.... 965-2266 RIES, Kate, 306 6th Ave. SE #B, Crosby............... 965-5481 Rindel Trucking 11305 100th St. NW............ 965-2500 or 570-2500 RINDEL, Darlene, 9980 111th Ave. NW................ 925-5729 Justin, 11305 100th St. NW, Crosby................... 965-2500 Mike, 9990 111th Ave. NW, Noonan.................. 925-5761 RIVELAND, Milo, 601 1st St. SW, Crosby........... 965-6427 RIVERS, Rolland (Tony), Sunrise Care Center...... 965-6459 ROACHE, L.P., 707 1st St. SW, Crosby................. 965-5564 ROBERTS, Lavon, 112 3rd St. W, Crosby............. 965-6903 ROBISON, Kathryn, Wallin Manor D-1.........660-525-2905 RODHAM, Tamara, 202 1st Ave. NE, Crosby....... 965-5450 ROLAND, Richard, 301 3rd St. NW, Crosby......... 965-6318 RONESS, Jim, 508 Wash., Box 419, Noonan........ 925-5628 Kevin/Laurie, 307 F to M Road, Noonan........... 925-3800 Rod/Trish, 601 Washington, Box 273, Noonan.. 925-5602 KOCHER FINANCIAL, INC. Kurt A. Kocher, EA President PO Box 130 Phone 701-965-6321 211 N. Main Fax 701-965-4444 Crosby, ND 58730 Cell 701-641-9901 kocheracctg@yahoo.com 23 ROSENQUIST Galen, 8775 108th Ave. NW, McGregor............. 539-2359 Perry, 10350 110th Ave NW, Noon... 570-2839 / 965-6297 William, 501 2nd St. NW, Crosby..................... 965-6018 ROSENSTIEL, Rick........................................916-247-4183 ROWSE Randy/Julieta, 10775 96th St. NW, Noonan....... 925-5811 Tom/Jan, 10775 96th St. NW, Noonan............... 925-5811 RUDE, Delaine, 9110 135th Ave. NW, Grenora..... 694-4221 RUNNING, Harmon, 208 4th Ave. NW, Crosby.... 965-4227 RUPPERT, Zach, 502 4th St. SE, Crosby............... 965-2003 RUST, Gary, 225 Main St., Fortuna........................ 834-2365 Rob/Kim, 203 Stromstad St., Alkabo................. 834-2227 Ryco Services, Box 214, Crosby............................ 965-5566 RYNEARSON, Tara/Justin, Ambrose.................... 982-3563 RYSGAARD, Alfred, 9630 Co. 21 NW................. 925-5817 Alfred/Judy, 208 4th Ave NE, Box 713,Crosby.. 965-6167 -S- St. Luke’s Catholic Church, Noonan...................... 925-5659 St. Luke’s Community Foundation 702 1st St. SW, Box 10, Crosby.................. 965-6384 St. Luke’s Hospital, 702 1st SW, Box 10, . 965-6384 Sunrise Care Center, 705 4th St. SE, Crosby.......... 965-6086 Sunrise Craft Room............................................. 965-6086 St. Patrick’s Church, 201 1st St. NW, Crosby......... 965-4239 Rectory, 205 1st St. NW, Crosby........................ 965-6537 SAKRISMO, Tammy, Box 391, Noonan................ 925-5010 Samson Resources, Crosby..................................... 965-5050 Samson land lease questions................................... 965-3176 Samson Emergencies.......................................855-206-0838 SANDBERG, Aaron, Wallin Manor C-5, .............. 965-2963 Brenda, 508 NE 1st, Box 307............................. 965-6802 Darrel/Betty, 501 SE 3rd, Box 25, Crosby.......... 965-6576 Donna, Sunrise Care Center................................ 965-2545 SANDVOLD, Reidar/Avis, 8590 Co. 7 NW, Zahl.694-4582 SAVAGE, Robert, 9715 150th Ave. NW, Westby... 985-2440 SCHERER, Gerald, 9195 109th Ave. NW, Wild.... 539-2279 SCHIELE, Delores, Wallin Manor C-6, Crosby..... 965-6589 Robert, 308 1st St. SE, Crosby........................... 965-6907 SCHILKE, Art/Doreen, 10050 ND 42, Crosby...... 965-4228 Clint, 312 3rd Ave. SE, Box 426, Crosby........... 965-2745 Donald/Sharon, 8180 ND 42 NW, Alamo........... 539-2241 Sorum’s Oil Company “Your independent dealer since 1962” Wallace, 8780 ND 42, Wildrose.......................... 539-2266 SCHNEIDER, Alice, 316 3rd Ave. SE................... 965-6430 SCHROEDER, Gary, 8415 Co. 21 NW, McGreg. .546-5121 Zach/Shonna, 10011 Co 21 NW, Noonan........... 925-5820 SCHULTZ, Jeff/Donna, 309 Haugerud, Noonan.... 925-5764 Ray, 305 Adam, Box 402, Noonan..................... 925-5631 SCHUMACHER, Becki/Lucas, Guardian Inn........ 965-6400 SCHWANZ, Jody, 9870 117th Ave. NW................ 965-6107 Natalie, 602 W Central, Crosby.......................................... Robert/Karla, 12180 101st St. NW, Crosby............ 965-6146 SELLE, Clara, Northern Lights Villa #106, , Cros..965-3450 Larry, 12995 101st St. NW, Ambrose................. 982-3283 Leon, 212 1st Ave. NW, Crosby.......................... 339-5806 Mike/Debbie, 9875 136th Ave. NW, Fortuna..... 834-2441 Tim/Marilyn, 9875 137th Ave. NW, Fortuna...... 834-2451 SEM, Scott, 505 Verda St., Ambrose...................... 982-3266 SEMINGSON Kyle/Colt, 308 S Main, Crosby.......................... 339-8864 Lynn, 303 4th St. NE, Box 482, Crosby............. 965-6886 SENEY, Diana, 406 5th Ave. SE, Crosby............... 965-6570 SEYFERT Cheryl, 304 3rd Av SE, Crosby .......................... 965-6624 Shear Style, 109 Main St. N, Crosby........... 965-2888 SHAW, Neil/Amy, 8650 125th Av NW, Alamo...... 539-2312 SHEFSTAD, Darwin, 401 5th Ave. SE, Crosby..................... SHROYER Don/Louella, 314 3rd Av SE, Box 203............... 965-6631 SIGVALDSEN, Isabel, Sunrise Care Center.......... 965-2360 SIMMONS Frank/Kathy, 209 NW 3rd, Box 283, Crosby .... 965-4383 Simonson Insurance, 101 S Main, Crosby.............. 965-5555 SIMONSON, Jim/Sandra, 12175 ND 5 NW.......... 965-4355 SKABO, Marvin, 9305 Co. 5 NW, Grenora........... 694-3575 SKALICKY, Lloyd, Noonan................................... 925-5809 SKARPHOL, Bob, 8850 103rd Ave. NW, McG..... 546-4621 Bob/Diana, Tioga................................................ 664-3510 SKOR, Barbara, 8895 112th Ave. NW, Wildrose... 539-2242 Sky Blue Enterprises, Crosby................................. 965-2755 SLETTEN, Maurice, 13810 90th St. NW, Zahl...... 694-3191 SLOAN, Constance, Wallin Manor C-1..........404-403-0548 SMITH, Carissa, Box 516, Crosby......................... 965-4770 Helga, Northern Lights Villa #104,..................... 965-4112 Full Service Water Transportation & Trucking Services One stop petroleum products dealer Gasoline - Diesel - Propane - Heating Tires - Batteries - Accessories FREE DELIVERY FRIENDLY SERVICE! 701-965-6812 AFTER HOURS SERVICE 965-6636! Office: 701-965-6031 Fax 701-965-6033 E-mail: trtransport@nccray.net www.tnrtransport.com 24 SMITH, Jason/Windy, 314 4th St. NE, Crosby...... 965-4950 SMITHBERG, Kim, 808 2nd St. SE, Crosby......... 965-4303 Smithberg Bros.,10050 107th Ave. NW, Noon... 925-5834 Gary, 10720 101st St. NW, Noonan.................... 925-5798 Maxine, 10050 107th Ave. NW, Noonan............ 925-5769 SNAVELY, Del/Audrey, 305 5th Av SE, Crosby.... 965-4354 SNEVA, Craig, 15255 85th St. NW, Grenora......... 694-4563 Duane/Lois, 14810 85th St. NW, Grenora.......... 694-3353 Ron, 8915 154th Ave. NW, Grenora................... 694-2151 SNYDER, Wanda, 301 5th Ave. SE, Crosby.......... 965-6519 SORENSON, Butch, 14040 93rd St. NW, Fort...... 834-2320 Loren/Lorilee, 14490 92nd St. NW.................... 694-2627 Loren’s cell............................................................ 641-1140 Ryan/Lindsey, 9156 Co. Rd. 7 NW, Fortuna........ 834-2215 Marie, 503 1st Ave. NW, Box 376, Crosby......... 965-4377 Trent...................................................................... 925-3849 SORTLAND, Bruce, 109 9th Ave. SE, Crosby...... 965-4249 Myron, 101 3rd St. SW, Crosby.......................................... Norman/Bonnie, 509 1st St. NE, ....................... 965-4268 Richard, Ambrose............................................... 982-3535 SORUM, Jon, 306 1/2 3rd Ave. SE, Crosby........... 965-6666 Kendall/Erin, 204 8th Ave. SE, Box 529............ 965-4367 Kenneth, 208 2nd St. NW, Box 188, Crosby...... 965-6636 Sorum’s Oil Company 123 Main St. S, Crosby............................... 965-6812 South Side Tavern 200 1st Ave. W, Box 175, Noonan.............. 925-5788 SPARKS, Brad,703 2nd St SE, Box 412., Crosby .965-6552 Dale/Karen, 12460 101st St. NW, Crosby.......... 965-6239 Gary/ Donnie, 10045 124th Ave. NW, Crosby.... 965-6154 Lynn, 211 E Central, Box 383, Crosby............... 339-8553 SPIVEY, Stephen, Box 361, Crosby....................... 965-5515 SPOONER, Carol, 604 S. Main, Noonan............... 925-5850 Mark/Lori, 9525 103rd Ave. NW, Noonan......... 925-5792 Stakston-Martin Funeral Home............. 965-6932 STAUFFER, Ken, 13945 90th St. NW, Zahl.......... 834-2343 Robert, 9005 Co. 7 NW, Zahl............................. 834-2333 STEFFINS, David, 210 Haugerud, Noonan........... 925-5655 Stems + Salvage, 102 N Main, Box A........ 965-6071 STENSON, Lee/Tammy, 9575 125th Ave. NW...... 965-6845 STEWART Alex/Rita, 211 2nd St. NW, Box 600, Crosby.... 965-4711 Clara, 13655 84th St. NW, Zahl.......................... 694-6681 Mike, 13795 84th St. NW, Zahl.......................... 694-6891 STOLZENBURG, Gene, Noonan........................... 925-5797 STOMPRO, Jackie, 310 3rd St. NW, Box 404....... 965-6740 STORHAUG, Neil, 14250 85th St. NW................. 694-6031 STRAND Art/Dora, 10111 131st. Ave. NW, Ambrose........ 982-3504 Sigrid, 306 4th Ave. NE, Box 216, Crosby......... 965-6626 STROM, Paul G., 602 W Central, #4 .................... 965-6885 STROMSTAD, Alice, 9795 142nd Av NW............ 834-2284 Jerry, 9680 142nd Ave. NW, Fortuna.................. 834-2283 SUNDBERG, Shawn, 10035 124th Ave. NW........ 965-5275 SUNDHEIM, Dennis V., 907 Crest Dr., Crosby..... 965-6044 STUBBS BUILDERS, Box 243, Crosby................ 339-2320 SVANGSTU Brent/Lee, 10230 112th Ave. NW, Noonan......... 965-6733 Lynn, 1175 106th St NW, Crosby ...................... 240-8502 Mitch/Heather, 11055 106th St. NW, Noonan.... 965-5818 Kris, 11075 106th St. NW, Noonan .................. 965-6254 Robert/Diane, 10220 112th Av NW, Noonan ..... 965-6226 SWANSON Brian/Robin, 502 McAnders, Box 185, Cros...... 965-6498 SWENSON, Arlene, Fortuna.................................. 834-2257 Junietta, 400 F to M Road, Noon........................ 925-5666 SZCZEPANIK, Marek, Noonan............................. 925-2544 -T- T & R Transport, 12225 ND 5, Crosby.......... 965-5034 T & R Shop......................................................... 965-6228 TANBERG, Rosemary, CPA, 213 N Main... 965-6662 TANBERG, Kirby, 108 2nd St. SW, Box 575........ 965-6854 Rosemary, 502 Washington, Box 295, Noon...... 925-5853 Sadie, 401 3rd Ave. SE, Box 575, Crosby.......... 965-6789 TANGEDAL, Elton/Yvonne, 405 1st Ave. E, Westby............... 985-2462 Marshall, Westby................................................ 985-2692 TANGSRUD John/Renee, 10852 89th St. NW, McGregor..... 539-2557 Robert, 10725 88th St. NW................................. 539-2128 TAYLOR, Kenneth................................................. 965-4348 THOMAS, Kenny, 601 S Main, Crosby................................. THOMPSON, Bob/Joan, 9990 Co. Rd. 17............. 965-6526 Glynn, Fortuna.................................................... 834-2216 Doreen Schilke Owner CROSBY, N.D. 24/7 Fitness Center 109 1 Ave. NE PO Box 75 Crosby, ND 58730 st Cell 701.371.2755 Telephone 701.965.5483 doreenschilke@hotmail.com Curt Lund Cell: 701-641-3445 P.O. Box 206 310 3rd Ave. SW Crosby, ND 58730 General Contractor Redi-Mix Concrete Gravel Hauling Excavation Brian Lund Cell: 701-641-3447 Phone: 701-965-6169 Fax: 701-965-6170 E-mail: Lundco@nccray.net 25 Thomte Farms,10870 132nd Ave. NW, Ambrose .. 982-3215 THOMTE, Keith, 110 2nd St. SE, Crosby.............. 965-6950 Kevin, 202 4th Ave. NW, Crosby........................ 965-6105 THON, Terry, 107 2nd St. SE, Box 158, Crosby.... 965-6677 THRONTVEIT Adelaide, 408 6th Ave. SE, Box 377, Crosby..... 965-6261 Curtis, 504 N Main, , Box 377, Crosby.............. 965-6853 Kent, 11995 104th St. NW, Crosby..................... 965-6229 Lauren, 108 5th St. NW, Box 622, Crosby......... 965-6716 Mabel, 206 1st St. NW, Box 505, Crosby........... 965-6995 THVEDT, Joel, 12050 87th St. NW, Alamo........... 539-2380 THURSTON, Clyde/Pat, Crosby.....................651-402-8893 TIBBS, Andrea, 203 9th Ave. SE, Crosby.............. 965-0798 TOMMERUP, John, 15145 98th St. NW, Westby.. 985-2441 TORGERSON Charles, 110 3rd St. SW, Box 53........................ 965-6731 Charles, 9310 117th Ave. NW, (farm)................. 965-6119 TORGESON, D., 13233 106th St. NW, Fortuna.... 982-3217 Keith/Anne, 309 Main NW, Box 292, Crosby.... 965-3313 Keith/Anne, 10645 ND 42 NW, Ambrose............ 982-3313 Randal, 10575 Co. 2 NW, Fortuna..................... 982-3218 TRACEY Dave/Monica, 8550 117th Ave. NW, Wildrose... 539-4266 Tracy Brady Photography Senior - Children - Family Crosby, ND By Appointment only 965-6112 Travel World of Crosby 206 N Main, Box 124 ................................. 965-6232 Toll Free ......................................... 1-800-965-6232 TWETE, Ric, 8470 148th Ave. NW, Grenora......... 694-2071 TYSSE, Chris, 207 W Central, Box 460, Crosby... 965-4350 John O. Jr., 608 1st St. SW, Crosby.................... 965-6741 -U- UNHJEM, Ken/Kay, 10411 122nd Ave. NW......... 965-6289 Kent/LuAnn, 9895 118th Ave. NW, Crosby....... 965-6163 Lane/Julie, 9425 Co. 17 NW, Crosby................. 965-6961 REAL-TUFF CATTLE EQUIPMENT MELBY FARM & RANCH SUPPLY In Stock: Bale Feeders - Confinement pen Also Available: Gates - Flat Bed Trailers Livestock Trailers - Bale Forks - Livestock Systems - Squeeze Chute & Head Gates Mike Melby - Crosby, ND 701-965-4284 or 701- 570-0944 Lorelei, 411 1st Ave. NW, Box 476, Crosby....... 965-6144 Uno Mas, 302 S Main, Noonan.................... 925-3333 Upper Missouri District Health Unit, Crosby......... 965-6813 URVAND, Les/Pam, 12075 NW 100th, Box 122.. 965-4391 U.S. Government Customs & Border Protection, Ambrose............ 982-3211 Customs & Border Protection, Fortuna.............. 834-2493 Customs & Border Protection, Noonan.............. 925-5615 USDA County Offices, 106 S Main, Box 289 Farm Service Agency and Conservation Service.965-6001 USDA Soil Conservation Service....................... 965-6491 Fish & Wildlife Service, Crosby......................... 965-6488 Fish & Wildlife Shop......................................... 965-6462 U.S. Post Offices: Ambrose.................................... 982-3381 Crosby, 202 Main St. N................................... 965-6365 Fortuna............................................................ 834-2266 Noonan............................................................ 925-5647 -V- Variety Marketplace, 105 N Main, Crosby............. 965-3000 VASSEN, Brad/Gwen, 306 4th St. NE, Box 549.... 965-4298 Doug, 12825 ND 5 NW, Ambrose...................... 982-3317 Orville/Audrey, 310 E Central, Box 725............ 965-3285 Troy, 905 Crest Drive, Box 184, Crosby............ 965-5488 VATNE FARMS, 10875 86th St. NW, Wildrose.... 539-2370 Ken/Shirley, 20 Hamlet Ave., Hamlet................. 539-2366 VERLINDE Bruce, 9995 108th Ave. NW, Noonan................ 925-5785 David, 9955 108th Ave. NW, Noonan................. 925-5736 Tess........................................................................ 925-3297 Zach/Krista, Box 126, Noonan........................... 925-5742 Verlinde Repair, 9955 108th Ave. NW, Noonan .... 925-5784 VIGNESS Wayne/Tiffany, 511 NE 2nd, Box 328, Crosby... 965-5643 -W- WAGENKNECHT, Caitlan, 206 NW 3rd, Box 192............... WALEN, Dorrie,12450 88th St. NW, Alamo.......... 539-2252 WALKER, Ella, 607 1st Ave. NW, Crosby............................. WALKER, Gale, Ambrose...................................... 982-3312 WALLEN, Karla, 707 S Main, Box 175, Crosby... 965-4938 WALLER, Daryn, Box 97, Noonan........................ 925-5813 Dwaine, 401 F to M Road, Noonan.................... 925-5793 Fabric Sewing Accessories Embroidery Floss Candles Craft Books Patterns Used Books DVDs 111 N. Main St. Crosby, ND Phone 965-5000 26 Wallin Manor Apts, 110 Main St. S, Box H............ 965-5570 WALLIN Dervin, 709 S Main, Box 91, Crosby................. 965-5688 Gordon, 606 Washington St., Box 34, Noon...... 925-5682 WALSTAD, Bob, Ambrose..................................... 982-3310 WALTER Jerry/Meredith, 401 Main, Box 103, Noonan......... 925-5643 WATERS, Bill, Crosby........................................... 965-8799 Wayne’s Welding & Repair, Inc. Farm and Oil Field Welding Lathe and Machine Work Wayne and Chris Benter Box 394 - 111 1st Ave. NW Crosby, ND - 965-6038 WEHRMAN Allan, 10675 126th Av. NW, Ambrose................ 982-3345 B. J./Kami, 12370 107th St. NW, Crosby.......... 982-3222 Jamie, 14475 104th St. NW, Fortuna.................. 834-2374 Wanda, 14295 ND 5 NW, Box 5, Fortuna.......... 834-2217 WELLS, Teresa, 101 3rd St. NW, Crosby ............. 965-3737 WELO, Larry, 9695, Co Rd 17, Crosby................. 965-3284 WENSTAD, Duane/Dorene, 11575 99th St. NW, Crosby....... 965-4326 Marlin/Irene, 11985 Co. 12 NW, Crosby............ 965-6203 WERNER, Tim/Diane, 712 S Main, Box 151........ 965-5600 WESTIN, Harold, 13705 89th St. NW, Alamo....... 694-4681 WHALEN Dennis/Jada, 412 NE 4th, Box 634, Crosby....... 965-5743 WIGGINTON, Joel, Ambrose................................ 982-3264 WIGNESS R.M., 195 2nd Ave. E., Box 151, Fortuna............ 834-2332 Charlotte, 13910 ND 5 NW, Fortuna.................. 834-2225 Scott, 602 1st St. SE, Crosby.............................. 965-6922 WILLARD, Jordan, 325 3rd Ave. W, Noonan........ 925-5023 WILLIAMS, Carol, Box 522, Crosby.................... 965-2037 Hallie, 9630 County 21 NW, Noonan..................... 925-5817 Sally, Box 416, Noonan...................................... 925-2205 WILSON, Lynn, Box 118, Crosby.......................... 965-2346 WINDFALDET Lyle, 10345 ND 42 NW, Ambrose...................... 982-3373 Robert/Patti, 9575 129th Ave. NW, Ambrose..... 982-3516 WISHART, Greg, BOX 496, Crosby...................... 965-4387 Nick, Box 176, Crosby....................................... 965-5477 WISSBROD, Adelle 10311 108th St. NW, Noon... 925-5763 Jeff/Lisa, 11200 ND 5 NW, Noonan................... 965-6874 Ryan/Megan, 211 1st St. NW, Crosby................ 641-0336 WITTMAYER, Irving, 15280 99th St. NW, West.. 985-2452 WOLF, Derek/Autumn........................................... 925-3830 Donald, 309 2nd St. NE, Crosby.......................... 965-6032 Patrick................................................................... 965-4795 WOLTER, Chris/Ilah, Fortuna................................ 982-3563 David/Kathy, 13315 105 St. NW, Fort................ 982-3296 Dwight, 312 4th St. NW, Box 86 ....................... 965-4315 Nathan/Brenna, Box 405, Crosby....................... 965-3666 Rollin/Joyce, 10525 Co. 2 NW, Fortuna............. 982-3314 Steve/Cindy, 10455 134th Av NW, Fortuna........ 982-3303 WOODWARD, Brian/Joyce, 303 3rd Av NE......... 965-5744 Writing Rock Church, 14340 97th St. NW............. 834-2269 -Z- Z Wireless, 102 Central West, Crosby.................... 965-5398 ZIMMERMAN, Aaron, Crosby.............................. 965-2025 Roland, 10220 95th St. NW, Noonan.................. 925-5828 Mygreat Cell Phone Numbers "A place for family." Join us for your special celebarations, find us on __________________________________________ Facebook to hear daily specials and promotions. ___________________________________________ DAIRY PRODUCTS “Your Local Dairy Distributor” Sodium Free Purified Water POWER CREAMERY Phone 965-6382 - Crosby, ND Stakston Martin Funeral Home Monuments Available Complete Funeral Services Box 151 Crosby, ND 701-965-6932 Tim & Diane Werner, Owners Cell: 701-641-0409 27 My Contacts ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 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___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 28 North Dakota Zip Codes Abercrombie...............58001 Absaraka.......................58002 Adams...........................58210 Agate.............................58310 Alamo............................58830 Alexander.....................58831 Almont..........................58520 Alsen..............................58311 Ambrose.......................58833 Amenia..........................58004 Amidon.........................58620 Anamoose...................58710 Aneta.............................58212 Antler.............................58711 Argusville.....................58005 Arnegard......................58835 Arthur............................58006 Arvilla.............................58214 Ashley............................58413 Ayr...................................58007 Baldwin.........................58521 Balfour...........................58712 Balta...............................58313 Bantry............................58713 Barney...........................58008 Bathgate.......................58216 Beach.............................58621 Belcourt........................58316 Belfield..........................58622 Benedict.......................58716 Berlin..............................58415 Berthold........................58718 Beulah...........................58523 Binford..........................58416 Bisbee............................58317 Bismarck.......................58501 Blanchard.....................58009 Bottineau.....................58318 Bowbells.......................58721 Bowdon........................58418 Bowman.......................58623 Braddock......................58524 Bremen.........................58319 Brocket..........................58321 Buchanan.....................58420 Buffalo...........................58011 Burlington....................58722 Butte..............................58723 Buxton...........................58218 Caledonia.....................58219 Calvin.............................58323 Cando............................58324 Cannon Ball.................58528 Carpio............................58725 Carrington...................58421 Carson...........................58529 Cartwright....................58838 Casselton......................58012 Cathay...........................58422 Cavalier.........................58220 Cayuga..........................58013 Center............................58530 Chaseley.......................58423 Christine.......................58015 Churchs Ferry.............58325 Cleveland.....................58424 Clifford..........................58016 Cogswell.......................58017 Coleharbor...................58531 Colfax.............................58018 Columbus....................58727 Cooperstown..............58425 Courtenay....................58426 Crary...............................58327 Crosby...........................58730 Crystal............................58222 Cummings...................58223 Dahlen...........................58224 Davenport....................58021 Dawson.........................58428 Dazey.............................58429 Deering.........................58731 Denhoff.........................58430 Des Lacs........................58733 Devils Lake...................58301 Dickey............................58431 Dickinson.....................58601 Dodge............................58625 Donnybrook................58734 Douglas.........................58735 Drake..............................58736 Drayton.........................58225 Driscoll..........................58532 Dunn Center...............58626 Dunseith.......................58329 Edgeley.........................58433 Edinburg.......................58227 Edmore.........................58330 Egeland.........................58331 Elgin...............................58533 Ellendale.......................58436 Emerado.......................58228 Enderlin.........................58027 Epping...........................58843 Erie..................................58029 Esmond.........................58332 Fairdale.........................58229 Fairfield.........................58627 Fairmount....................58030 Fargo..............................58102 Fessenden....................58438 Fingal.............................58031 Finley.............................58230 Flasher...........................58535 Flaxton..........................58737 Forbes............................58439 Fordville........................58231 Forest River..................58233 Forman..........................58032 Fort Ransom................58033 Fort Totten...................58335 Fort Yates.....................58538 Fortuna.........................58844 Fredonia.......................58440 Fullerton.......................58441 Gackle............................58442 Galesburg...................58035 Gardner.........................58036 Garrison........................58540 Gilby...............................58235 Gladstone.....................58630 Glasston........................58236 Glen Ullin......................58631 Glenburn......................58740 Glenfield.......................58443 Golden Valley.............58541 Golva..............................58632 Goodrich......................58444 Grace City.....................58445 Grafton..........................58237 Grand Forks.................58201 Grand Forks Afb.........58204 Grandin.........................58038 Granville.......................58741 Grassy Butte................58634 Grenora.........................58845 Gwinner........................58040 Hague............................58542 Halliday.........................58636 Hamberg......................58337 Hamilton......................58238 Hampden.....................58338 Hankinson....................58041 Hannaford....................58448 Hannah.........................58239 Hansboro.....................58339 Harvey...........................58341 Harwood......................58042 Hatton...........................58240 Havana..........................58043 Hazelton.......................58544 Hazen.............................58545 Hebron..........................58638 Hensel............................58241 Hettinger......................58639 Hillsboro.......................58045 Hoople..........................58243 Hope..............................58046 Horace...........................58047 Hunter...........................58048 Hurdsfield....................58451 Inkster............................58244 Jamestown..................58401 Jessie..............................58452 Jud..................................58454 Karlsruhe......................58744 Kathryn.........................58049 Keene.............................58847 Kenmare.......................58746 Kensal............................58455 Kief..................................58747 Killdeer..........................58640 Kindred.........................58051 Kintyre...........................58549 Knox...............................58343 Kramer...........................58748 Kulm...............................58456 Lakota............................58344 Lamoure.......................58458 Langdon.......................58249 Lankin............................58250 Lansford ......................58750 Larimore.......................58251 Lawton..........................58345 Leeds..............................58346 Lefor...............................58641 Lehr................................58460 Leonard.........................58052 Lidgerwood.................58053 Lignite...........................58752 Linton............................58552 Lisbon............................58054 Litchville.......................58461 Luverne.........................58056 Maddock......................58348 Maida.............................58255 Makoti...........................58756 Mandan.........................58554 Mandaree.....................58757 Manning.......................58642 Mantador.....................58058 Manvel..........................58256 Mapleton......................58059 Marion...........................58466 Marmarth.....................58643 Marshall........................58644 Martin............................58758 Max.................................58759 Maxbass........................58760 Mayville.........................58257 Mcclusky.......................58463 Mcgregor.....................58755 Mchenry.......................58464 Mcleod..........................58057 Mcville...........................58254 Medina..........................58467 Medora..........................58645 Mekinock......................58258 29 North Dakota Zip Codes Menoken......................58558 Mercer...........................58559 Michigan......................58259 Milnor............................58060 Milton............................58260 Minnewaukan............58351 Minot.............................58701 Minot Afb.....................58704 Minto.............................58261 Moffit.............................58560 Mohall...........................58761 Montpelier...................58472 Mooreton.....................58061 Mott................................58646 Mountain.....................58262 Munich..........................58352 Mylo...............................58353 Napoleon.....................58561 Neche............................58265 Nekoma........................58355 New England..............58647 New Leipzig................58562 New Rockford.............58356 New Salem...................58563 New Town..................58763 Newburg......................58762 Niagara..........................58266 Nome.............................58062 Noonan.........................58765 Northwood..................58267 Norwich........................58768 Oakes.............................58474 Oberon..........................58357 Oriska.............................58063 Orrin...............................58359 Osnabrock...................58269 Page...............................58064 Palermo........................58769 Park River.....................58270 Parshall..........................58770 Pekin..............................58361 Pembina.......................58271 Penn...............................58362 Perth..............................58363 Petersburg...................58272 Pettibone.....................58475 Pillsbury........................58065 Pingree..........................58476 Pisek...............................58273 Plaza...............................58771 Portal.............................58772 Portland........................58274 Powers Lake................58773 Raleigh..........................58564 Ray..................................58849 Reeder...........................58649 Regan.............................58477 Regent...........................58650 Reynolds.......................58275 Rhame...........................58651 Richardton...................58652 Riverdale.......................58565 Robinson......................58478 Rocklake.......................58365 Rogers...........................58479 Rolette...........................58366 Rolla................................58367 Roseglen.......................58775 Ross................................58776 Rugby............................58368 Ruso...............................58778 Rutland..........................58067 Ryder..............................58779 Saint Anthony............58566 Saint John....................58369 Saint Michael..............58370 Saint Thomas..............58276 Sanborn........................58480 Sarles..............................58372 Sawyer...........................58781 Scranton.......................58653 Selfridge.......................58568 Sentinel Butte.............58654 Sharon...........................58277 Sheldon.........................58068 Sherwood....................58782 Sheyenne.....................58374 Shields...........................58569 Solen..............................58570 Souris.............................58783 South Heart.................58655 Spiritwood...................58481 Stanley..........................58784 Stanton.........................58571 Starkweather..............58377 Steele.............................58482 Sterling..........................58572 Stirum............................58069 Strasburg......................58573 Streeter.........................58483 Surrey............................58785 Sutton............................58484 Sykeston.......................58486 Tappen..........................58487 Taylor.............................58656 Thompson...................58278 Tioga..............................58852 Tokio..............................58379 Tolley.............................58787 Tolna..............................58380 Tower City....................58071 Towner..........................58788 Trenton.........................58853 Turtle Lake...................58575 Tuttle..............................58488 Underwood.................58576 Upham..........................58789 Valley City....................58072 Velva..............................58790 Verona...........................58490 Voltaire..........................58792 Wahpeton....................58074 Walcott..........................58077 Wales.............................58281 Walhalla........................58282 Warwick........................58381 Washburn....................58577 Watford City................58854 Webster........................58382 West Fargo..................58078 Westhope.....................58793 Wheatland...................58079 White Earth..................58794 Wildrose........................58795 Williston........................58801 Willow City...................58384 Wilton............................58579 Wimbledon.................58492 Wing...............................58494 Wishek...........................58495 Wolford.........................58385 Woodworth.................58496 Wyndmere...................58081 York................................58386 Ypsilanti........................58497 Zahl.................................58856 Zap..................................58580 Zeeland.........................58581 -- Online or in print -The Journal is your source for local news, sports and commentary 965-6088 Mention this ad for your free 30 day trial of The Journal’s online edition 30 You too can leave a legacy of caring! Your gift to St. Luke’s Community Foundation is a way to make your life in our community live on, in a caring way, to future generations. St. Luke’s Community Foundation We would love to visit with you about creative ways you can be a part of our mission through estate planning and tax advantaged giving. Never an obligation! 701-965-6384 Signature Events Business Networking Community Promotion Dependable Family Pharmacy J. Co. Drug 1-800-201-6671 or 701-965-6671 120 N. Main St. -- P.O. Box 50 -- Crosby, ND 58730 Butch Haugland -- Auctioneer #211 Diane Haugland -- Clerk #236 965-6234 Upcoming sales are online at www.hauglandauctions.com ed: DC Pictur Look for our FREE Visitor’s Guide online at www.crosbynd.com and at local businesses to see all Crosby has to offer. ade Fair Par Fortuna 834-2311 Fertilizer plant - 834-2315 Crosby 965-6371 Elevator #1 - 965-6371 Elevator #2 - 965-6341 Fertilizer plant - 965-6875 Chemical Building 965-3401 Truck Stop 965-3400 Oil Station 965-3401 Ambrose 982-3391 Noonan 925-5783 Chemical plant - 925-5624 C-Store - 925-5055 NH3 - 925-5800 Westby (406) Terminal - 385-2630 Elevator - 385-2472 New and used cars and trucks Complete sales and service Leasing and parts HOURS: Mondays 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Tues. to Fri. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturdays 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 1801 Second Ave. W. Williston, ND 1-800-888-2927 701-577-2927 www.murphymotors.com People The Power Have P.O. Box 6, Columbus, ND 58727 939-6671 ~~ 1-800-472-2983 ~~ www.bdec.coop
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