bakken - NUTECH
bakken - NUTECH
BAKKEN Regional Field Study Bakken Study Summary The Bakken Formation (Late Devonian to Early Mississippian) covers approximately 200,000 square miles across western North Dakota, eastern Montana, and southern Saskatchewan, Canada within the Williston Basin. The Bakken lies between the overlying Lodgepole Formation, which is conformable in most areas, and the underlying Three Forks Formation, which is unconformable. The formation was initially described by geologist J.W. Nordquist in 1953. The formation is entirely in the subsurface, and has no surface outcrop. It is named after Henry Bakken, a farmer in Tioga, North Dakota who owned the land where the formation was initially discovered, during drilling for oil. The Bakken Formation consists of three distinct members. The upper and lower members are black, organic-rich shales and are widely recognized as world-class source rocks. These members also serve as very effective seals owing to their very low permeability. Permeability ranges from 0.01 mD to 20 mD. The middle member is the primary oil-producing member and predominantly composed of siltstones and sandstones, but also has low porosity (1% - 15%) and permeability (0 - 20 millidarcies), particularly for a reservoir rock. The shales were deposited in relatively deep anoxic marine conditions, and the dolomite was deposited as a coastal carbonate bank during a time of shallower. Because of the strong contrast in lithology, the Bakken Formation is readily recognizable in wireline logs. The upper and lower shales have unusually high gamma ray readings and high resistivity, while the middle member has a signature similar to clastic and carbonate rocks. The application of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling technologies has created a boom in Bakken production since 2000. The presence of vertical to sub-vertical natural fractures makes the Bakken an excellent candidate for horizontal drilling in which a well drills horizontally along bedding planes, rather than vertically through them. In this way, a borehole can contact many thousands of feet of oil reservoir rock in a unit with a maximum thickness of only about 140 feet. By the end of 2010, oil production rates had reached 458,000 barrels per day. Pricing Guide Bakken 80 wells $160,000 Bakken Study Deliverables PDF TIF .XLS LAS NULOOK Analysis. Poisson’s Ratio, Young’s Modulus, Biot’s Constant, pore pressure, overburden pressure, in-situ NUSTIM Ratio Ratio NUSTIM Ratio Ratio Field Study Deliverables NUVIEW 2D Mapping Daniels County Divide County Burke County Sheridan County Renville County nty Roosevelt County Williams County Ward County Mountrail County Richland County McKenzie County McCone County McLean County Dunn County Dawson County Mercer County Oliver County Billings County Wibaux County Prairie County Golden Valley County Stark County 0 156,308 Morton County FEET Bakken Regional Study Well List Wellname State County API LOUCKS 44-30 NORTH DAKOTA DIVIDE 33023004710000 BOND #1 MONTANA RICHLAND 25083211850000 ZABOLOTNY 8-4 NORTH DAKOTA BILLINGS 33007014310000 P. E. ROSENQUIST "A" #1-35 NORTH DAKOTA DIVIDE 33023003630000 HAGEN #1-13 NORTH DAKOTA MC KENZIE 33053020760000 GOLDAL 16-10 NORTH DAKOTA DIVIDE 33023005040000 CLEVELAND ESTATE 15-35 MONTANA ROOSEVELT 25085214560000 SOLBERG #32-2 NORTH DAKOTA WILLIAMS 33105016290000 PARSHALL 2-36H NORTH DAKOTA MOUNTRAIL 33061005030000 ROGNE 44-34H NORTH DAKOTA DUNN 33025006640000 ALVSTAD 31-29 NORTH DAKOTA MOUNTRAIL 33061003360000 BARTLESON 44-1H NORTH DAKOTA MOUNTRAIL 33061004950000 BIA HALE NO.1-7 NORTH DAKOTA DUNN 33025003480000 ORTLOFF NO. 13-28 NORTH DAKOTA MOUNTRAIL 33061002460000 RICE #14-3 NORTH DAKOTA MOUNTRAIL 33061002660000 ROSS #36-33A NORTH DAKOTA MOUNTRAIL 33061002860000 STATE #4-24 NORTH DAKOTA MC KENZIE 33053024880000 WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. NO. 24-12 NORTH DAKOTA BURKE 33013008060000 FLADELAND 11-21H NORTH DAKOTA MOUNTRAIL 33061005910000 BERG NO. 15-24 NORTH DAKOTA WARD 33101002350000 DOBRINSKI #18-44 NORTH DAKOTA WARD 33101002600000 OLSON STATE NO. 1 NORTH DAKOTA Mountrail 33061002200000 OAS # 31-161-92H NORTH DAKOTA BURKE 33013013830000 ANDERSON #11-17 NORTH DAKOTA DIVIDE 33023003940000 T. L. MONTGOMERY #1 NORTH DAKOTA DIVIDE 33023002790000 M. KOSTEK #1-32 NORTH DAKOTA DIVIDE 33023002320000 POINTS KOSTEK #1 NORTH DAKOTA DIVIDE 33023002400000 HUTCHINSON UNIT A #1-30 NORTH DAKOTA DUNN 33025002730000 STATE B #1-30 NORTH DAKOTA DUNN 33025003840000 SAKAKAWEA FEDERAL 13X-35 NORTH DAKOTA MC KENZIE 33053028580000 LEININGER 44-9 #2-9 NORTH DAKOTA DIVIDE 33023002770000 ARNEGARD 22A-2-1 NORTH DAKOTA MC KENZIE 33053028970000 JORDAN RINDEL #15-9 NORTH DAKOTA DIVIDE 33023004450000 AL-AQUITAINE ET AL USA #4-11 NORTH DAKOTA BILLINGS 33007006500000 BOE 42-17 #1-17 NORTH DAKOTA DIVIDE 33023003150000 FEDERAL D.K #1-18 NORTH DAKOTA BILLINGS 33007010220000 WINDFALDET #2-26 NORTH DAKOTA DIVIDE 33023001990000 FROELICH #1-9 NORTH DAKOTA STARK 33089002430000 OLSON 10-15-1H NORTH DAKOTA WILLIAMS 33105016930000 HARRY DEMING NO.13-42 MONTANA RICHLAND 25083216660000 YELLOWSTONE #1 NORTH DAKOTA MCKENZIE 33053022780000 MISSOURI #1 NORTH DAKOTA MCKENZIE 33053024100000 ANDERSON #11-20 NORTH DAKOTA DIVIDE 33023003830000 GRUNDSTAD #22-9X NORTH DAKOTA DIVIDE 33023003550000 LANDY 1-13 NORTH DAKOTA DIVIDE 33023006300000 JOHNSTON #1-26 MONTANA SHERIDAN 25091217820000 RUEGSEGGER 24-1H MONTANA SHERIDAN 25091218190000 COI VESTERBY STATE #1-16 MONTANA SHERIDAN 25091217510000 ANDERSON 2-18 NORTH DAKOTA MC KENZIE 33053031490000 TANGE #3 MONTANA SHERIDAN 25091217060000 ALLEN #2-1 MONTANA ROOSEVELT 25085215780000 ASSINIBOINE SIOUX TRIBE "B" #1 MONTANA ROOSEVELT 25085215430000 Bakken Regional Study Well List Continued Wellname State County API HIGGINS NO 12-16 MONTANA DANIELS 25019210350000 CONRAD GRANVOLD #1-6 MONTANA SHERIDAN 25091216600000 BRISKE NO. 44-35 MONTANA ROOSEVELT 25085211440000 PAULINE B. FIZER #1-7 MONTANA ROOSEVELT 25085210600000 ALVIN LE VANG #31-1 MONTANA DANIELS 25019210670000 ADA G. NASH #1-5 MONTANA SHERIDAN 25091213390000 HENSLER #2-21 MONTANA SHERIDAN 25091215710000 EMERALD STATE 13-23 MONTANA DANIELS 25019210730000 NO.1 GOOD BROTHERS 4-16 MONTANA DANIELS 25019210820000 BLAZER 2-11-163-98H NORTH DAKOTA DIVIDE 33023006590000 FINK #1-35 MONTANA SHERIDAN 25091217210000 FRENCH FEE NO. 6-4 MONTANA SHERIDAN 25091214700000 HSR-Hersel #14-5 MONTANA DANIELS 25019211270000 Benson #1 MONTANA DANIELS 25019210310000 Shipstead 43X-1 MONTANA DANIELS 25019210290000 Clark Farms 29-10 MONTANA ROOSEVELT 25085217990000 COLLINS #1-14 MONTANA SHERIDAN SUNDANCE OCHAPOWACE 6-5-18-3 SASKATCHEWAN SUNDANCE LESTOR 05-03-27-15W2 SASKATCHEWAN REISTAD 1-1R NORTH DAKOTA DIVIDE 33023002120000 MCCABE 1X MONTANA ROOSEVELT 25085216170000 JACOBSEN FARMS 1-14-23H MONTANA ROOSEVELT 25085218560000 MEADOW LARK # 2 MONTANA DANIELS 25019210500000 LONGCREEK #1-33 MONTANA ROOSEVELT 25085214160000 BEALE 1-22 MONTANA ROOSEVELT 25085214840000 HELSTAD 157-99-2A-11-1H NORTH DAKOTA WILLIAMS 33105026040000 GOBBS NO. 1-16-4B MONTANA ROOSEVELT 25085212360000 SWANSON NO. 8-16 MONTANA ROOSEVELT 25085214090000 GRAVOS 42-13 13-14H NORTH DAKOTA MCKENZIE 33053044930000 NO. 14-6 FEDERAL NORTH DAKOTA MCKENZIE 33053016960000 25091218570000 131/06-05-018-03-W-2/00 101/05-03-027-15-W-2/00 Available Regional Field Studies: Contact NUTECH: Eagle Ford Wolfcamp Haynesville 7702 FM 1960 E Ste 300 Houston, TX 77346 Bakken Montney Duvernay Marcellus Niobrara - DJ Basin Niobrara - Powder River Delaware Basin 281.812.4030
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