Winter Reality - Daughters of the Holy Spirit


Winter Reality - Daughters of the Holy Spirit
~ Together in the Spirit we transform today’s vision
into tomorrow’s reality ~
to Vision • You • DHS
Winter 2015
• Spirit
M Jeannette Bérubé
Patricia Blais
Carmen Carbonneau
Clémence Croteau
Diane Gillis
M Pauline Guillemette
Priscilla Paradis
Catherine Sottak
Our Provincial House <<Transporters>> who deliver their precious cargo, our DHS Sisters in retirement, 24/7/365 with love,
reliability and flexibility. These Sister drivers, ranging in age from 70-87, chauffeur up to 1,000 trips annually to transport their
Sisters to medical appointments, shopping trips, ministry, family visits, cultural events and every now and then, to an ice cream
treat. KUDOS, Sisters, and a million and one long overdue thank you’s.
Office of Development/Advancement Daughters of the Holy Spirit
72 Church Street • Putnam, Connecticut 06260 • 860-928-0891 x 148 •
Special thanks to YOU for transforming our vision into reality.
Major Donors
Jeannette M. Auger
Raymond & Frances Giunta
Phylis Jezyk
Leclerc Charity Fund
Ray & Pauline Sullivan Foundation
Gloria & Fidel Acoba
Dr. Irene Allen
Annhurst Alumni Association
Richard E. Belair
Shirley Becker
Rev. Albert E. Breton
Delaney Memorial Foundation
William & Rosemary Denton
Gerald & Marilyn Fels
Friedrich Enterprises
Thomas Jochum
Robert Kowalski
Charles McGrail
John Myers
Cecile B. Powers
Anne & Bob Prensner
Margaret Surette
Norman R. Trudeau
George J. Auger
Rev. Guy Blair
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Boucher
Robert & Pauline Carbonneau
Janice E. Couture
Dery Funeral Home
Kathleen J. Foley
Maureen Frey
L. Paul & Rachel Gariepy
Rev. Robert E. Gariepy
Gilman – Valade Funeral Home
Shirley Lamothe
Leo & Maxine Laplume
Mary A. Lord Clifford
Dr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Lowney
Marie B. Marcoux
Ruth Masse
Frances A. McKinnon
Celeste Michalski
Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Miller
David & Audrey Mordavsky
Jeanne & David Murphy
George J. Pelletier
Paul Poisson
Diane Ponsiglione
Martha Poulin
Adolfina Ruiz
Robert P. Wildes, Jr
Peter & Marie Winner
Ancient Order/Hibernians
Mary & Arturo Araya
Dr. & Mrs. J. P. Archambault
Dennis & Barbara Asselin
Bernard & Anne Auger
Paul A. Babineau
David & Evelyn Battle
Eleanor D. Bays
Rene Bertrand
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Berube
Robert & Helen Berube
Roland Bessette
Marilyn Boisvert
Georgianna Booth
Karen Borawski
George & Gertrude Bordua
Louise Bouchard
Cecile M. Bourgeois
Armand Boutin
Robert & Colette Bouvier
John & Joyce Brouillard
Guy & Diane Brouillard
Aurise Brouillard
Diane M. Bushey
Thomas & Kathleen Byrne
Betty Cadieux
Gloria Caldarone
Arthur, Margaret & W. Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. J. Anthony Capon, Jr.
Linda Carlson
James Casey
Catholic Daughters Of America
Maurice & Pauline Charbonneau
Rose Ann Chicoine
Patricia Clark
Diane Clifton
Ronald Coderre
Julianne Sharratt
William Corriveau
Joseph Cournoyer
Custom Manufacturing Inc.
Kathleen M. Dalbec
Margaret De Cicco
Shirley & Donald Dechene
Mary Dempsey
Rev. E. M. Dempsey
Marion Denegre
Andrea Descoteaux
Dennis Desilets
Fernande Desilets
Wilfred & Cece’ Despathy
Mr. & Mrs. John Dignam
Thomas C. Dodge
Beverly B. Doyon
Rachelle Doyon
Scott & Mary Beth Eldridge
Jeanette C. Ellis
James & Elaine Ellis
Irene Farrell
Robert & Theresa Fedorchek
Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Fortier
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Fortier
Susan Fortin
Cletus & Donna Gagne
Paulette Gagne
Louise D. Gagnon
David & Rachel Galipeau
Anna Galli
Sylvia Gebo
Sobhy Ghabrial, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Gileau
Robert & Josephine Gillis
Arthur & Loretta Girard
John & Janet Giuliano
Monique Greilich
Pauline Guilfoyle
Marcel & Pauline Guillemette
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Guillot
Cheryl Hurley
Rosemarie Ives
Marguerite Janelle
Jaypro Sports LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Johnson
Patrick & Sandra Kelly
Lucille Kelly
Patricia Krodel
Ladies of St. Anne - Swanton, VT
Theresa Laduke
Gerald Antonio Lagace
Imelda Lagace, DHS
Leo & Murielle Langlois
Eileen Lanier
Norman Lapointe
Dorothy A. Lewis
Albert & Jill Longchamp
Paul & Jeanne Lynskey
H. Paul & Dace Madore
Diane L. Manning
Joseph & Jeannette Marcoux
Edward & Kathleen McCarthy
Francis McGarry
Mr. & Mrs. John M. McGeowan
Robert C. Morin
Jennie, Norah, & Luc Myers
Kathryn M. Nichols
Gerard A. Noel
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Norman
Linda Norman
Our Lady of Fatima Rosary Guild
Theresa Pelletier
Special thanks to YOU for transforming our vision into reality.
Patrons Cont.
Robert Pepin
Helen Marie Phelan
Gloria R. Piccicuto
MariAnn Pronovost
Provincial House Community
Rocco Pugliese
Mona Radei
Edna Raine
Rev. Charles H. Ranges, SSE
Rosemarie Ravenelle
Vivian Reddy
Irene Remillard
Jeanne Rheault
Dr. William J. Rieger, DDS
Lorrette Rillo
Priscilla Rivard
Victor & Margaret Rogusky
Elizabeth Root
Carol & John Rota
Michael & Anne Rothberg
Tammy A. Rovero
Suzanne Y. Rufiange
Nancy Ryan
Virginia Sanborn
Marcelle Sarrasin
Venetia & Ralph Scalo
Elizabeth Schafer
Lorraine A. Scheetz
Jane Scherban
Carole A. Schermann
M/M Robert Shaffer
Stephen L. Sikora
Mr. & Mrs. William H. St. Onge
Ellen Standtke
Elizabeth Subkowsky
Maureen Sullivan Kennelly
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Sykes
Peggy Tenczar
Annette Thoubboron
Doris Threadgill
Jeannette Tierney
Diane & Louis Toth
Aurelia A. Treiber
Julia Turzo
Edward & Kathleen Vowles
Maurice & Claire Walsh
Janet Watson
Barbara Wojcik
Francine Zottoli
Lucille Abondolo
Janet Alexander
Diane Allen
Antonio F. Almeida
Joseph Alves
Theresa C. Arias
M. Shirley Arndt
Heather A. Arrigoni
Thomas & Patricia Atkins
Ann Marie & Wayne Ayotte
Francis Bachand
Denise Barewicz
Joan Barrett
Ms. Diane Bates
Annette Beauregard, DHS
Theresa Begnoche
Lillian Belcher, DHS
Sue Benoit
Gail T. Benson
Anne Marie Berthiaume, DHS
Donna Bertholf
Marie Jeannette Berube, DHS
Denise Bezzini
Rita Bisaillon
Patricia Blais, DHS
Theresa Blanchard
Denise Bluick
Elaine Bolduc, DHS
Jeanne Bordner
Arthur & Joie Bourassa
Norma Bourdon, DHS
Claire Bradley
Marie Brassard
Lois G. Brelsford
Patricia Brennan
Dorothy Brindamour
James Bronson
Gisele Brouillard, DHS
Judith Buchert
Toni Burkdall
Lorraine Butler
Stanley & Maxine Bystrowski
Juliette Campbell
Phyllis Cappella
Louise Carbone
Carmen Carbonneau, DHS
Jeanne Carpenter
Mary Lou Caruso
Lucile Cashin
Noreen A. Chapman
Thomas A. Charpentier
Cecile Charpentier
Norman Charpentier
Christian Charron
Laura Chartier
Rose Marie Chicoine
Phyllis Chlastawa
Raymonde Choiniere
Margaret Chominski
Pauline Chouinard, SFCC
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard B. Clark
Margot Cleary
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Clement
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Clouart
Marion Colella
Carol and Peter Collette
Carol Corbeil
Diane and Gary Correia
Mr. & Mrs. Rene Cote
Paul & Christine Cournoyer
David & Carol Cournoyer
Claude Couture
Irene Crabtree
DHS Associates, CA
DHS Associates, CT
Janice & Richard De Pietro
Cecile Debettencourt
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Decker
Lillian Dedominici
Alice M. Deloge
Clairette Desabrais
Yvon & Lorraine Desaulniers
Julia Desilets
Lorrie D. Devine
Emma Dupuis
Lorena D. Dutelle
Georgette M. Duval
Joanne N. Eisenhard
Jeannine Farineau
Madeline Ferrucci
Richard & June Foisy
Leona Fontaine
Diane Fontaine
Norman Forest
Pauline M. Forgue
Janice Frank
Blanche Fraser
Rita P. Frigon
Clodomiro & Beatrice Gabriele
Laura Gagnon Woodford
Germaine Gaudreau
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gervasi
Patricia Gianatasio
Diane Gillis, DHS
Maureen Girard
Rev Ronald Glaude
Anita & Paul Goguen
Margaret F. Gorra-Porter
Roger Gosselin
Blanche Gosselin
Mr. & Mrs. David Gravel
Madeline Gregoire
Eugene Guterch
Marie & Joseph Hachey
Mary Lorraine Hart
Agnes A. Hawkins
Allan & Janet Hertzmark
Linda Houghton
Colette Hunt
Donna Huska
Special thanks to YOU for transforming our vision into reality.
Assistants Cont.
Don & Fran Huston
Dede Ingle
Shirley Jewell
Carol Jones
Alta Jones
Jeanette Kenefick
Dolores B. Kingsbury
Sheila Kittell
Constance Knowles
Robert Krajewski
Pauline T. Lachance
Lenora LaFrancois
Marie Gertrude Laliberté, DHS
Fernande Laliberté, DHS
Wilbur Lamica, Jr.
Linda Lamoureux
Lisa J. Landone
Gertrude Lanouette, DHS
Ann La Roche
Judith Larson
Peter & Vicki Latorre
Ann Laurion
T. Lavallee
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Lawlor
Cecile Lebeau, DHS
Louise B. Labrecque
Denise LaFreniere
John Leonard
Julien & Janine Lessard
Reno & Lillian Levesque
Annette Liljegren
Roger & Marilyn Livingston
Jeanne Lucier
Sandra Macaione
Mary MacDonald
Eugene Malek
Celeste Malozzi
Art & Donna Manseau
Lucy Matarese
Jeannine Mathieu
Shirley M. Maynard
Marie Mayotte
Mary Mazur
Rachel J. McGourthy
Marsha A. Miller
Ann Milner
Amalia Minutillo
Philomena & Armando Minutillo
Karen Mitchell
William & Mary Molina
Frances Monick
Thomasina Mooney
David & Carol Moquin
Monique Morimoto
Maurice H. Morin
Louis & Dolores Morin
Pauline Morneau
Bonnie Morrow, DHS
Catherine Nackid
John & Lucille Naughton
Frederick & Lucille Nelson
Carol Nido
Linette Ohanian
William Opperman
Robert F. Orintas
Lynette Ouelette
Anamae Packo
Mary Ruth Page, DHS
Barbara Paradis
Florence Parker
Lucille Parsons
Eleanor Pawelczyk
Cecile Y. Pedone
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Perreault
Caroline Perron
Richard & Anita Perry
Lisa Perry
Lynda Petrides
Barth Phelan
Anne Marie Pierro
Mr. & Mrs. Pizzo
Louise Pockoski
Barbara Polanski
Theresa Poole
Catherine Pritchard
Philip & Martha Racine
Rev Marcel Rainville
Estelle Raye
Charles & Dorothy Rex
Jacqueline Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rizzo
Jacqueline Robillard, DHS
Carol Rodriguez
Marsha Rollinson
Patti Roma Brooks
Lorraine Ross
Robert & Carol Ross
Daneen Roth
Gloria Roy
Diane Sacerdote
Jeanne Santiago
Donald Sawicki
Fran & Sandra Scopelliti
John Shontell
Carol K. Silva
Eleanor Skomro
Enata Skrupskelis
Eileen Smith, DHS
Mary Lou Smith, DHS
Claudia Smith
Marilyn Sohoel
Mildred Sokolowski
John & Ellen Soracchi
Catherine Sottak, DHS
Bruce & Cheryl Spaulding
Gary Spieker
Beverly Spink
Gerard St. Amand
Marian St. Marie, DHS
Norman & Jeanne St. Pierre
Russell St. Jean
Carolyn Stabile
Rosa Stehli
Diane Summa
Eileen Tessier
Ellen C. Thompson
Anne A. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Torsiello
Pauline Towle
Patricia J. Tozzi
Rudolph & Jacqueline Trahan
John & Louisa Trakas
Alicia Trakas
Robert Tremblay
Sylvia Tutty
Mary Vandi
Cheryl Veilleux
John & Kathlee Walker
Madeleine Warner
Mary Welch
Pauline Williams
Chester R. Williams
Ann Dargis Wyatt
Rita G. Zoppa
Lynn Zuercher
We remember and we sing God’s Praises ❤
Sr. Gilberte Désilets, DHS (Sr. Cecilia)
February 22, 1912 – September 28, 2014
Sr. Gilberte was born in St. Grégoire, Canada and immigrated
with her family to Fitchburg, MA when she was a young child.
She met the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, was fascinated with
their simplicity of life and their hospitality and decided to
pursue a life time commitment with them. Thus she entered
the Congregation in 1928 and professed her first vows on
August 25, 1931 at the Motherhouse in St. Brieuc, France.
Upon returning to the USA, Sister was missioned to work with the little children
in grade school where she could put her natural teaching skills to good use. She
carried out her teaching career in elementary schools administered by the DHS in
Jewett City, CT (her home away from home throughout her life), in Fairfield, CT, as
well as in Chicopee and Fitchburg, MA.
After 50 years in the classroom, Sister temporarily stepped away from teaching
to lend a hand as Dietician and Domestic Helper at the Order’s Guest House in
New Haven, CT. Gilberte returned to the field of education as a classroom tutor
and helped out in Plainfield and Jewett City, CT schools until her retirement to the
Provincial House in 2001 at which time she kept herself busy with sewing, mending
and her favorite past time of all, polishing the Holy Spirit emblem for the Provincial
Sister Gilberte suffered a brief illness before responding with the words she had
prayed every night for years before going to sleep: “…it is getting late…it is time to
rest…place your hand on my heart that it may always be vigilant and repeatedly
express its eternal love to its God” to her Lord’s final call to follow Him into life
eternal where those who have taught in his name “will shine like stars forever.”
Sr. Judith Kenhart, DHS (Stephen of the Passion)
Sr. Doris Bérubé, DHS (Thérèse Thomas)
January 3, 1920 – November 7, 2014
Marie Doris Bérubé greeted this world in
Hartford, CT. As a high schooler she moved to
Putnam to attend and to graduate from Putnam
Catholic Academy in the class of 1938. Following in
the footsteps of her older sibling Claire, Doris entered
the Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy
Spirit in 1942 and made first profession in July of the
following year.
Sr. Doris was a born and gifted teacher and dedicated the bulk of her
professional career in the classroom as educator at all levels through college,
principal of elementary schools, director of English as a Second Language program
at Annhurst College, coordinator of parish religious education programs, clerical
worker in a teen shelter and finally assistant in the secretariat at the Provincial
Sister Doris was admitted to the Health Care Center in 2012 due to failing health
and remained there until her final call from her Lord.
A newspaper article by one of her former students sums up very nicely the
purpose of Doris’ life. Ron Coderre writes: “There will never be another Sr.
Thérèse Thomas…she’d be amazed that she and others like her had such an impact
on, not only me but on the hundreds maybe even thousands of young boys and
girls who came under her tutelage…Her effect on the world may have appeared
minimal in her eyes, but in the eyes of those who knew her and were students of
hers, her influence was exponential.”
August 27, 1937 – November 20, 2014
Judith Leslie Kenhart was born in Bridgeport, CT and moved to Putnam where she graduated high school from Putnam Catholic Academy,
administered by the Daughters of the Holy Spirit. She entered the Congregation and made first profession in April of 1957. Soon after, she obtained
her Bachelor’s degree from Annhurst College in Woodstock and began a prolific and colorful career as high school teacher, coordinator of religious
education programs, social ministry lecturer, program developer for Catholic Charities of Boston, Chaplain at Massachusetts General Hospital in
Boston, Assistant to the President of Annhurst College and shelter director in Lewisburg, Virginia.
Judith was an only child, and upon the death of her parents, one of her life-long wishes was granted as they had bequeathed to her a trip around
the world. For a history buff, and teacher this was a perfect match that gave Judith the opportunity to share her international experiences with
everyone she met from that point forward.
Changing circumstances brought Sister to the Provincial House in 2005 where she welcomed every occasion possible to meet visitors, to participate in ongoing
activities, to become acquainted with the owners and dealers of the many antique shops in downtown Putnam including her favorite hang-out The Arc, a shop benefiting the
underprivileged. An unexpected rapid decline in health occurred and within a few days, Judith found her eternal freedom in her Lord shortly before Thanksgiving 2014.
Sr. Marie Michaud, DHS (Georges du Sacré Coeur)
September 9, 1916 – December 4, 2014
A native of the Province of Québec, Canada, Marie entered the Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in 1930 and
traveled to Brittany, France for her initial formation, making profession on August 8, 1935 at the Motherhouse in St. Brieuc. Her
assignments as Mistress of Boarders in secondary schools in France and in Belgium offered her the opportunity to hone her French
language skills that served her and the Congregation well throughout her life.
Sr. Michaud’s gentle and cordial manner endeared her to all with whom she labored be it as teacher, US delegate to the General Council
of the DHS, supervisor of schools, Catholic School principal, clerk for a senior center or French tutor. Before retiring to the Provincial
House, Sister was in community in Manchester, CT and enjoyed connecting with parishioners, creating bonds and friendships that endured
and followed her throughout her residency at the Holy Spirit Health Care Center. Qu’elle repose dans la paix et la joie de son Seigneur.
Sr. Alice Chicoine, DHS (Joseph de St. André)
July 3, 1921 – December 17, 2014
Alice Simone Chicoine was born in Evansville, Vermont. At 17 she traveled to Putnam, CT to enter the Congregation of the
Daughters of the Holy Spirit and pronounced her first vows on July 1, 1943 at the Provincial House.
Sister’s eclectic interests led her to study and to pursue ministries in education, health care, pastoral work and social advocacy work
in Vermont, Connecticut, West Virginia and Alabama. In spite of chronic health issues, Alice always retained her energy and her love
for meeting new people and looking for ways in which to serve the community at large. Sister Chicoine joined the Provincial House
Retirement Community in 2000 where she continued to be involved in a variety of services and activities until ill health occasioned her
transfer to the Health Care Center a few weeks before the Lord called her to her eternal rest.
The DHS Charism in
‘the City that Reads’
“Be still, and know that I am
God…” (Ps 46) are the words that pop
into Jennifer Davis-Carey’s mind at
important moments in her life. This
is her way of centering herself and
assuring that the Holy Spirit guides
her next steps or be appropriately
acknowledged for whatever good may
have been accomplished in her life
and in her work with the Worcester
Educational Collaborative.
Jennifer, a life-long educator whose cv includes positions at
Harvard, with the State Government, Massachusetts Public School
System and U Mass Medical, has been a DHS Associate for three
years, as a result of a chat with Sister Connie Charette following a
seminar Jennifer had presented on the goals of the Collaborative to
assure a sound education for all in order to produce a sound middle
Ms. Carey, married for 33 years with 3 children, decided to follow
through with the Associate program essentially because the DHS
charism (concern for those in need) was a perfect fit for her chosen
life-style and career. She states “the DHS charism is in line with my
personal views and
goals. I feel my ideas
are heard, respected
and that the it allows
for growth”.
Jennifer works with
a 23 member board of
educators and other
persons with a proven
interest in education,
to obtain funding through colleges and private corporations in an
effort to see to it that each child in the local public schools is ready to
read. They also work at reducing suspensions and building resilience
through varied activities such as the Science Club and the expansion
of the Family Academy that will help students to achieve and to stay
interested. Her Collaborative engages with a population that is 70%
low income, in the “gateway city” of Worcester that is a first stop city
for immigrants and refugees who bring with them the richness of 80
spoken languages. Believing that the Spirit is truly at the center of
everything she does, Jennifer says she feels “comfortable with the
DHS attitude of ‘freedom in the Spirit’ that encourages those who
live in that Spirit to be and do their best for others while working with
Jennifer would very much enjoy communicating about the work of
the Collaborative and/or the DHS Associate program and invites you
to contact her at 508 615-5998 or
Donors’ Messages to The Sisters
Kathleen Dalbe es:
from Pres
to be a
“Thank you for
part of my life an to my only
I can impart
Joanne E
Preston, enhard also of
CT state
s: “I work
with Siste
r Ir
Plainfield ene Charpentier
found he
r to be on School and
e of the m
joyful pe
What a w le I have ever me st
itness to
the Lord!”
Leo and Maxine
LaPlume of Flowood, MS
state: “Thank you, Sisters,
for your service, ongoing
dedication and prayers.”
James Casey
ntiments from
shares these se remember
Bridgeport, CT:
ho took such go
friend Bob who
care of my dear many years. She was
r so
quadraplegic fo all of you wonderful
a tr
l you
ess you all for al
Sisters. God
of our Lord.”
do in the name
Mack and Jeanette Ellis share their
thoughts from Jonesborough, TN :”We
recall Sisters Thérèse LaPlante and Rose
Hébert and we thank you, Sisters, for all
the wonderful and blessed things you do
for this world. We always will appreciate
your love.”
rt Bérubé
Helen and Robe s we honor our
Z say: “A
from Phoenix, A ulin and her sister Claire
dear Aunt Marth e offer our special prayers
Roland Poulin,
S for your
unity of the DH
as you
for the
devotion to od
are ‘sent forth by
Spirit of
Cletus Gagné
pens these wor
from Fond du
Lac, WI:
“The Daughte
rs of
Holy Spirit pro the
me with 12 year ed
s of
education; I no
realize how it
my life and ho
dedicated they
David and Audrey Mordavsky send these
words from Manchester, CT: “Thank you,
Sisters, for the opportunity and the works
of the Daughterrs of the Holy Spirit, past
and present.”
Richard a
communic d Anita Perry
from Spr ate these thoughts
remembe gfield, MA: “As we
r Sr.
wonderfu Gilberte Désilets
remarkab l teacher and a
le woman
DHS for
all your g we thank the
ood work
Fall and early Winter activities in the Province
In addition to their ongoing ministerial projects/assignments, the Sisters in the Province took part in a wide variety of outreach and community
building activities including to mention a few:
states: “We, the Daughters of the
Holy Spirit and DHS Associates,
join the US Conference of Catholic
Bishops and the Leadership
Conference of Women Religious
in their call for comprehensive
immigration Policy Reform in the U.S.
With them, we call for legislation
that includes family reunification, a
path to earned legalization, worker
protections and an effective border
policy that is humane rather than
goal is to be a voice of compassion
and a healing presence in the Arizona desert, HUMANITARIAN AID
IS NEVER A CRIME PROJECT which gave Sr. Yvette Rainville and
Associate Connie Knowles a first-hand experience of the abusive and
unjust treatment of undocumented people entering the United States.
long time cultural traditions of the U.S. and Germany.
ASSEMBLY welcoming co-director Mary Lynn Catsam on the
East Coast and Irma Navarro on the West Coast and featuring the
recognition of years of membership in the program in California and a
focused presentation on Martha and Mary by Sr. Connie Charette in
REUNIONS celebrating the strong perennial bonds between teachers and
students (hats off to Annhurst alums for their $1000.00 donation).
LIFE as requested by Pope Francis in recognition of the
dedication and life of consecrated women and men religious
throughout the world.
among the Sisters in residence at the Provincial House, their
colleagues, friends and acquaintances to offer gifts to children of
disadvantaged families at Christmas time by collaborating with
Project Northeast.
LITTLE CHRISTMAS AT PH to meld the true
spirit of Christmas giving with the epiphany
event of the Magi underlining the JOY that
characteristically flows from these feasts as
well as a celebration of the return to good
health of the many Sisters who were confined
at Christmas time by brutal colds.
S o Our
Sp nors
In a recent ‘person on the street’ type of interview several Daughters of the Holy Sprit from
the Putnam Province were asked to share their initial reaction to the fact that our faithful
donors gave us over $80,000 in 2014 to assist our Sisters in retirement and those who
continue to minister in non-remunerated works. We are happy to share their spontaneous
responses with you at this time.
Sister Claire Roland Poulin (former missionary to Chile and
outreach worker with the Hispanic population in Hartford,
CT) states: “Thanks for keeping us alive in the mission through
your generosity. God is good!”
Sister Imelda Lagacé (former
teacher and instructor) says with
a look of awe: “I am very grateful
that so many are interested in the
Sisters and in their well-being.
We definitely keep them in our
Sister Gertrude Lanouette (present
Provincial Team Leader) notes: “I am
truly impressed that people still rise
to the occasion to recognize the many
contributions of our Sisters in this country.
It is clear that these individuals are a part of
our DHS history and that they want to say
thank you, as we say to them in return.”
Sister Blanche
Cadotte (involved in
parish/family ministry
in Moosup, CT) shares
with excitement in her
voice: “Phenomenal! It is just wonderful that
so many are willing to give to us for our past
services. As a recuperating patient at the
PH, I particularly appreciate the lift chairs
our donors provided for us. Thanks to all.”
Sister Constance Perron
(former educator and US
representative on General
Council) comments: “I am
happy to hear that; I find it
is really great that so many
choose to serve God and
help us out in this way.”
From our Director’s Desk
Dear and faithful friends,
“Thank you very much, thank you very much, that’s the nicest thing that anyone’s ever done for me.”
These words, from the delightful musical Scrooge, popped into my head and would not let go as I searched for a
creative and meaningful way of telling you how grateful the Daughters of the Holy Spirit of the USA are for your
support and generosity with our 2014 initiative to financially assist our retired Sisters and those who actively
serve in various capacities without any or adequate remuneration. YOUR love and kindness yielded a bottom
line of $80,034, surpassing our goal by $5,034. WOW!!! We are touched to the core and can only repeat thank
you very much and add God bless you, each and every one!
As you gleaned our newsletter you certainly noticed that the Sisters remain quite involved, interested and active to the extent allowed by
their age-imposed frailties. Those who can physically displace themselves readily do so to be present to others in need and to act and
speak out for justice at all levels of our society. The Sisters who are homebound continue to serve and participate either via the internet,
handwritten letters, meetings and prayer as they live out their common mission to share the spirit of the risen Christ with others.
We are confident that 2015 will provide more opportunities for our Sisters’ to continue their mission with and to others, but we also know
that our Sisters will continue to advance in age and that related expenses will multiply while ordinary income remains static or decreases as
Sisters enter life eternal. Thus, we count on YOU once again to assist us in whatever way possible to provide a safe and sound environment
for our sisters in full retirement and for those who continue to offer outreach services to those in need. The $75,000 we are budgeting will
clearly help us assure those needs are met.
Françoise G. Gauthier, PhD
Director Development/Advancement DHS USA
In the Spirit that transforms vision into reality through our combined effort,
It is with full confidence in your loyalty and concern for the Sisters who gave over the years without counting personal or financial costs, that
I express our gratitude for your anticipated positive response to our 2015 fund-raising initiative. What a super tribute to the Sisters your gift
will be during this year dedicated by Pope Francis to Consecrated Life.
~ Together in the Spirit we transform today’s vision
into tomorrow’s reality ~
Vision • You • DHS • Spirit